7 Secrets to Living with No Regrets by Tara L. Robinson

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7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

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www.TaraLRobinson.com 7 Secrets to Living a Life of No Regrets Author: Tara L. Robinson Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson Published by Tara L. Robinson All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying or recording, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotes in a review. The download and/or purchase of this product, individually or as part of a strategic retreat or workshop, entitles the purchaser the right to print and use the information for personal use only. It is not to be shared.



7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

The Ultimate Guide to Living Happy, Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise Every day we gamble with our lives. Everything is at stake. Will we choose to live from the fire of truth in our bellies, or will we sell the precious moments of our lives to fear? Will we live with passion and purpose, or die with regrets? THAT is the Ultimate Risk. In this guide to living happy, healthy, wealthy and wise, so you don’t risk dying with regrets, you will learn: Four Cardinal Truths A Formula for Inner Peace Seven Secrets to Unlock the Mysteries that keep most people from living the life of their dreams. So what constitutes a life of dreams exactly? Well, the answer is different for each one of us. Some of you might value freedom and adventure above all else, while others long for routine and a quiet home. Some of you may desire a fulfilling career with long hours and a position of great responsibility, and others might cherish the vision of a rich life with a large family. However, in most interpretations of living a life of no regrets there are some key elements. Yes, to varying degrees maybe, but in general a life of no regrets includes feeling happy, healthy, wealthy and wise. These of course are the big triggers for most people. In all of my work with people, the topics that are always trending are relationships, health, money, and education. 3

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright Š 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

I’ve discovered a simple secret that drops all these pieces in place. The application of the secret is far from easy however.

The Secret is this… Peace within manifests peace without. When we intimately know ourselves and honor who we truly are, magically these four areas of life all align in perfect order.

Four Cardinal Truths Relationships: When we love ourselves, we attract loving relationships.

Health: When we love our bodies as expressions of our soul, we attract

healthy cellular functioning and naturally crave food and activities that are good for us.

Money: When we love what we do and value our intrinsic worth, we

attract financial abundance, which allows us to give back more to others.

Wisdom: When we awaken to our divine nature, we activate our inner genius and allow the wisdom of our soul to guide us.



7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson



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There’s a formula for achieving peace within so that you can enjoy peace without. It all comes down to this.

The Formula is… Know Thyself and to Thine Own Self Be True. Again, this is easier said than done. Truly. We all inherit fears and unhealthy habits of thinking from the world around us that create veils of illusion about who we really are and keep us imprisoned in a self-imposed jail cell where we cower in fear of speaking and living our truth. These fears develop into memes, more commonly known as mind viruses. These subconscious, deeply programmed memes influence and drive our choices, usually unbeknownst to us.

Some common traits of fearful mind viruses include… Fear about What Others Think: “I don’t want them to think I’m weird, selfish, incompetent, ugly, etc.”

Fear of The Unknown: “What if the unknown is worse than my

current situation?”

Fear of Lack: “If only I had more (education, beauty, money, etc.) then I could live my passion.”

Luckily, there are anecdotes to these mind viruses…but they require determination and action. (See next page for the anecdotes)


7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

The Anecdotes are… VALUE What YOU Think: Make your opinion the only one that


TRUST Your Intuition: Relax and know that life has your back

and is in partnership with your inner-guide.

LOVE Your Life As-Is: You are living and breathing in this moment. That means you have a life to gamble. Don’t wait “until” to act on your passion, live it today.

All of this information is the foundation for living a life of no regrets, marked by feeling happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise. However, there are still seven secrets to dive into which will help you on your journey and help you become clear about who you are and what you are here to do.



7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

A Journey of Epic Proportions We’ve already established that losing the ultimate risk is dying with regrets. And we’ve identified that the formula for winning this life-roulette is knowing yourself and being true to who you are. We also clarified that activating this ultimate life formula is anything but easy. This journey is not for the weak or the faint of heart. But YOU are ready. You are being called. The fact that you are reading this now is evidence enough. If you sit quietly, you’ll feel even more evidence stirring within. I don’t have to tell you that you are being called. You know you are. The most magnificent journey awaits you. The journey of a lifetime. The journey of your lifetime. These seven secrets will lead you on a journey of epic proportions, the journey into yourself. On this journey you will encounter magical portals, each one leading into a deeper understanding of who you are and what you are here to do. As these answers are discovered and integrated into the fiber of your being, the “code” of who you are will automatically update and you will eventually find yourself living the truth of “peace within manifests peace without.” As you approach each secret with a true seeker’s heart the portal will begin to open and you’ll receive downloads of understanding beyond the words written on these pages. Be ready to receive. Keep your ears open and your eyes peeled so you don’t miss any clues. This journey is multi-layered. These secrets will reveal themselves to you in proportion to your level of desire of knowing all they have to offer. I invite you to revisit this book and these secrets many times as you are likely to discover new information and a deeper level of understanding each time. Although no one but you can take this journey and initiate the opening of the portals, you are not alone. Listen to the whispers in the wind, there’s a message for you. Pay attention to the plants and animals you see, they have messages for you too. Focus on the tug you feel in your gut, what is it saying? Many intentions and prayers have gone into the creation of this manual. Trust and know you have the stamina necessary to lift the veils that are ready to be lifted. Welcome to your glorious life...just waiting to be lived. Welcome to the journey. 7

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

7 Secrets to Living a Life of NO Regrets YOU ARE PROGRAMMABLE: Set-up your environment

to cultivate supportive programming. Reminders are imperative on this journey. As we wind our way deeper into the core of who we are, we will be dismantling unhealthy beliefs and everything we are “not.” This sacred dismantling occurs when new and healthier beliefs have begun to take root. But what’s the science behind new beliefs taking root instead of remaining just surface thoughts which aren’t powerful enough to activate the dismantling? The secret lies in the ingenius way our minds are made to receive programming. By consciously utilizing the same simple concept that explains why a string on a finger can remind us of an entire list of items, we can purposely saturate our environment with “triggers” that will infiltrate our minds and constantly remind of us the beliefs we want to adopt and become drivers of our reality. The first step is to decide what positive beliefs will benefit you most. Then assign meaning to objects throughout your environment, at home, at work, in your car, etc. that will serve as reminders of the belief you wish to take root. Before you know it, your subconscious programming will begin to shift to align with the new belief. That will be a sign that it has begun to take root and without you having to do anything else, your new thoughts will begin to challenge your old, unhealthy thoughts as soon as they arise. You will now be in a position to begin choosing upon which thoughts you will focus, thereby designing your life like a master architect.


Our intentions affect our vibration which affects everything else. We are primarily vibrational beings. Everything at the smallest level is just energy. Objects that appear to be solid are really vibrating strands of energy, including our bodies. There are many factors that affect our vibration, including our thoughts and emotions. Our vibration never lies. Often we might find ourselves experiencing a lower vibration than what is optimal for living a life of no regrets. We basically feel handicapped by our own energy fields. The way to move beyond this space into a more vibrant way of being is to set an intention of doing



7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

so. As soon as a conscious thought of an intention is acknowledged and embraced, our vibration changes because it now holds the DNA of that intention and the result is the GPS is changed for the course of our lives. The intention we have for how we wish for our lives to look and feel is invisibly radiated throughout our entire being as a vibration and changes how we show up in the world. This shift in how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us begins to open doors that previously didn’t even exist.


We cannot change what we do not acknowledge. In order to set intentions that truly contain the ingredients for our optimal life experience, it’s imperative that we know who we are and what we desire to create. We can become more aware of who we are by excavating ourselves as if we are our own greatest fascination. In every moment there are a million aspects of ourselves to witness, from the slightest vibration fluctuation in response to a stimulus to obvious thought and emotional changes when we are triggered. As we begin to pay closer attention to ourselves under this sacred microscope we can begin to identify what makes us the happiest, when we feel the most gifted, what we fear the most, etc. Allow each moment to be your greatest teacher. However, in addition to momentary observation of self, we can also draw on the multitude of self-discovery tools and resources available such as personality tests, emotional intelligence tests, love language tests, etc. The idea behind these tests are not to confine you to a box of labels, but to better help you understand what you resonate with and what you don’t; what feels true for you and what doesn’t. Remember there are always clues in the places where you feel resistance arise so don’t forget to look there. As you identify more specifically what you wish to experience more and less of in your life, you can begin to craft a potent intention.


In the silence the answers will appear. One of the most powerful places we can visit for retrieving information about who we are and what we are here to do is the place of quiet. When we become still, we flip a switch from the unconscious thoughts that repeatedly stream through our minds to a point a pure presence that allows new 9

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

information to catch our attention. This secret is about the power of listening. Be still and know. Be still and listen. Pay attention to what your inner voice is saying to you. Listen to every detail. Remain unattached to all thoughts and feelings as you allow them to move through so that more can come in, but be aware of all of them. In later stages, once these secrets have rooted firmly in your conscious and subconscious minds, you will be able to hold space for yourself to listen and hear while simultaneously actively engaging with life. However, in the beginning stages, it’s necessary to practice listening in the silence until you become familiar with the patterns of your inner voice.


Allow your present to be created from the future. Once we have downloaded our instructions from our inner voice AND have crafted a magical intention about how we want our lives to look and feel, then it is time to begin acting as-if. This advanced skill is called living backward in time. That means you allow your vision of the future to pull you forward in the present like a magnet. Keep your eyes so focused on the details of what you desire, that you act in present time as if they already are in place. Meaning, if you desire to be an artist but currently have an office job, begin creating art. Don’t wait until you can quit your job to start acting like an artist. Do art now. Do what artists do, go where artists go. In all of your free time, act the part of an artist. BE an artist. Allow your vision of a realized future to drive your present choices and actions.


By becoming a channel for grace, the potency of our presence increases and so does our gravitational pull. At the core of who we are there is a longing for a connection with something more. We have an instinct that tells us there is more to our existence than just our physical experience. When we begin to feel into this extended aspect of who we are, our desires begin to take on more meaning. We are no longer focused on just the physical pleasures of life, but rather find ourselves drawn to those experience that feed our soul. As we begin to tune our consciousness to this timeless love, our vibration once again shifts. We begin to build a soul with stamina so that we can withstand even greater amounts of alchemical heat that burns out everything that stands between us and the experience of our relationship with our soul. As we increase our ability to remain 2


7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

in the presence of pure love, the walls of our soul expand so that we become ever wider channels for this energy of grace to move through us. With expanded walls of a soul with stamina, we are eventually able to channel grace that is hot enough to heal. This results in a potency of presence that draws others to us like magnets. The mass of who we are increases to the degree that our gravitational pull is greater than ever before. Suddenly, our definition of happiness changes and we find ourselves less attached than ever to specific relationships, amounts of money, etc., and yet, those things are effortlessly drawn into our irresistible field. We are officially living a life of meaning and purpose…and boy are we passionate about it!


Surrender. Real magic can only occur when we get out of our own way. Life always has something even better planned for us than our wildest dreams suggest. However, we can only access this “something better” by staying open to the void and allowing pure creation to happen. If we project a specific desire with our thoughts, we are limiting the options to that projection. But if we practice the advance art of surrender, then life circumstances can rise to meet the greatest good for all. We don’t always understand the semantics of this secret as sometimes the means don’t appear to justify the end in the heat of the moment. Sacred trust in the goodness of life is the power that can withstand the alchemical heat long enough for the heavily weighted lead to be melted into gold.


7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson



change in your life? List everything you can think of that you would like to change. See if you can identify the limiting beliefs your carry that are keeping these things in place. Flip those beliefs into an opposite and positive statement and begin filling your life with reminders of these new truths you wish to embody. Saturate your senses with reminders of your desire for your life to change. Listen to affirming television and radio shows, assign meaning to objects and set them in places you will often encounter them throughout the day so you will be constantly triggered to remember the new programming you wish to become second nature. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

JOURNAL PROMPT: SET YOUR INTENTION – Writing down your intention is one of the most important actions you can take. Spend five minutes writing in stream of consciousness style and let all your ideas flow onto the paper. When you feel complete, set your writing down and take a short walk to clear your head. Drink some water and take some deep breaths. Read what you wrote and underline the most important words and phrases. Craft these key pieces into one 2


7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

cohesive and powerful intention statement. Rewrite it two more times for a total of three times to really anchor it into your subconscious and conscious mind. Write a final version onto a special piece of paper which you can either carry with you or post somewhere in your home or office where you will see it often. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


some time to reflect on your most recent interactions and conversations. Replay each instance in your mind. What do you learn about yourself as you watch these “mini-movies” as a neutral observer? Which situations bring you joy? Which situations make you feel anxious or tense? Which comments from others trigger your insecurities? Which actions and choices increase your sense of empowerment? Write down your reflections so you can return to them at a later time and dissect them even further to extract even more information about yourself. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 13

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

JOURNAL PROMPT: SIT STILL – Think about a situation in your life about

which you would like some guidance. Write down the problem or question. Spend some quiet time in nature, or simply on the floor of your living room or bedroom. Set the intention to listen for the answers. If your mind begins to wander to your to-do list, remind yourself you are committed to this time and your list will be waiting for you when you get up. Sit still for a minimum of seven minutes. This amount of time allows your mind to relax. Pay attention to fluctuations in your body and assign meaning to the sensations you experience. Note any intuitive hits or downloads you receive. Write down your insights when the time is up. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


be when you grow up? Imagine your ideal life in detail. Dream without limitations and write down descriptive phrases in answer to these questions: Where would you live if you could live anywhere? Describe your lifestyle and home there. What activities would you like to do everyday? What kind of people would you like to spend time with? Now write your answers as a story about your life in present tense, as if it is already true. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________



7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson


attitude that life is sacred. What are your fears and judgments about religion and/or God? Get all your feelings out in front of you, love and accept everything you write, and then switch gears. What do you feel in your gut and heart is true about the source of all life? What does your heart tell you about your eternal nature? Answer the questions, “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” Visit this exercise often until you notice your capacity for contemplating these questions is gradually increasing. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

JOURNAL PROMPT: LET IT GO – List all the areas of your life in which

you exhaust yourself trying to control. Acknowledge what you can control and what you can’t. Recognize that worrying about what you can’t control doesn’t change reality. Breathe into what is. Feel your body relax. Allow a higher wisdom to come alongside you and feel the peace of knowing you are not alone. Write down your experience. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 15

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

A Final Note I deeply honor your courage to embark on this journey. Excavating what it means for you to live with no regrets is no small feat. To look inside and admit your fears requires a soul with great stamina. However, even more stamina is required to admit your deepest desires. Marianne Williamson said, “Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be so brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God: Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Claiming your light, claiming your passion, claiming your purpose is the best thing you can do as a global citizen of this world. As you embrace living with passion and purpose, living with no regrets, others will be inspired to do the same. As you change yourself, you change the world. You are more powerful than you can ever imagine. Use this power wisely. Use the 7 Secrets to Living a Life of No Regrets wisely. Revisit this material often until it becomes a part of your cellular memory. The statements and questions will magically continue to morph and evolve in order to meet you where you are on your journey. May you be blessed in all you say, all you do, and all you experience.

Here’s to Living with No Regrets! 2


7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

About Tara L. Robinson Tara L. Robinson is an author, radio host, magazine publisher, life coach, speaker and event producer. She is a leading expert in the field of self-development. As founder of Life Dynamics, LLC she is passionate about helping others access the inner-voice of spirit and develop the strength and courage necessary to follow its guidance. She is the publisher of Whole Living Journal, a magazine that supports others in Living Happy and Living Healthy. As host of Waves of a New Age on WAIF 88.3FM she engages in on-air conscious conversation every week as she interviews leading teachers and thinkers, including many New York Times bestselling authors such as Gretchen Rubin, Marianne Williamson, Neale Donald Walsch, don Miguel Ruiz, Gregg Braden, Caroline Myss, Panache Desai and more. Tara is a sought after speaker and has spoken at TEDx Cincinnati, Victory of Light, and Conscious-Con with many other contemporary innovators and thought leaders such as NFL Hall of Fame’s Anthony Munoz, Matt Kahn and Panache Desai. Every month she produces Infusion, a live event where others can share their latest passions. She has also produced the Southwest Ohio Wellness Expo and the Live Your Best Life Conference in Cincinnati. She was featured as an expert in two recent online summits, Business to Lifestyle and Awaken Your Core Fire. As a life coach she works closely with her clients to achieve a life of their dreams including experiencing peace and happiness in body, mind, and spirit. She co-facilitates The Art of Alchemy – Discover Your Wizard Within, a revolutionary workshop for women, and she is an instructor on Learn It Live where she offers online courses internationally. (www.LearnItLive.com) Her first book The Ultimate Risk: Seven Mysteries to Unlock Your Passion and Purpose is being published by Hay House (August 2016).


7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright © 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

Stay Connected and Inspired Follow Tara on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Periscope


7 SECRETS TO LIVING A LIFE OF NO REGRETS | Copyright Š 2015 by Tara L. Robinson

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