Whole Living Journal JanFeb16

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FREE Jan/Feb 2016

Happy 2016

The ABCs

Make Your New Year’s

of Healing

Resolutions Count

Jill Renee Feeler’s New Book

Stepping Into the Platinum Age


Voices of Women Award

Hollywood’s Animal Communicator

Winner Announced


The Jedi Knight Secret January - February 2016

Living W h o l e Journal


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KRI Level ! Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training "#!$

With Lead Trainer% Darshan Kaur

Cincinnati% OH

"The one thing in life you have to do. Spread the light. Be the lighthouse." -YB Darshan Kaur is a Certi1ed Level ! &" KRI Senior Teacher with over !.%### hrs of teaching experience( She was requested by Yogi Bhajan to train teachers in !..*; this is her "+rd cycle of Teacher Training(

Course Teachings: *Yogi Techniques (yoga postures, pranayama, mantra, mudra and meditation)

The Training Schedule: 220 hour KRI Certified Course. 180 hours of

*Yogic & Western Anatomy

classroom time. Nine weekends.

*Yogi History & Philosophy *Developing a Daily Yoga Practice (Sadhana)

Friday 6pm-9pm, Saturday 7am - 6pm, and

*Humanology & 3HO Yogi Lifestyle

Sunday 7am -3pm.

*Teaching Practicum Classes & Methodology

Start Date: March 4th-6th April 1st-3rd May 20th-22nd July 8th-10th August 12th-14th September 16th-18th October 14th-16th November 18th-20th

*Reduction & Relaxation Techniques! *For completion of this course you are also required to complete a one day “White Tantric Yoga," which requires travel. Fees not included in training price.

Cost: $3,495 (one time payment)! This includes all nine weekends, text books and certification with KRI (Kundalini Research Institute). Lunches are potluck style.!

Hosted by Holistic Connections, Inc.

Payment plans are available:

Location: &&!" Carver Woods Dr% Suite "#& Blue Ash% Ohio

5 Installments: $650 deposit by Jan. 15th (5 payments of $590 = 3,650) 10 Installments: $650 deposit by Jan 15th (10 payments of $320 = 3,850) Cash and Check are accepted - no credit cards at this time.!

January - February 2016


Coordinator!Contact: Sadh Baksheesh Kaur 'Andrea M( Ciafardini) *!+,"*-,$+.! /FB0Email

Living W h o l e Journal


January February

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7 9 10 12 17 18 19 22 25

The ABCs of Healing

Founding Publisher & Editor (2003-2008) Kathryn Martin Ossege

BY Heidi Bright M.Div

Qigong: The Secret of Jedi Knights My Yoga Mat

Living Living Happy Living Healthy

Publisher Life Dynamics, llc

BY vince Lasorso

BY Dori Lyon

Be Prepared: Pets in an Emergency

BY Jordan Walker

My Passion: Animal Communication

Columns 6 EnlightenMeant Cartoon 20 Herbs ‘n Such 23 Intuitive Insights

BY Brian Eastman

BY Larry Watson

The Danger of Smart Meters Living the Light You Are

Editorial Consultant & Contributor Heidi Bright

BY Maiccu

Holistically Healing from Abuse & Trauma The Ultimate Experience

Editor Tara L. Robinson

Design & Layout Jon Robinson

BY Anonymous

by Jill Renee Feeler

Events Calendar Darlene Robinson Distribution Teri Dettone Kendra Koch Bev Fisher Mimi Tagher Francine Haydon

by C. Pic Michel.

by mimi tagher, L.ac. by francine haydon & patricia garry

Our Community 24 Community Spotlight 26 Resource Directory 29 Event Calendar


Advertising & Promotions April Lunsford

Departments 6 Reader Feedback 15 Poetry 24 Breaking News


Contact Us 10663 Loveland-Madeira Rd, Ste 162 Loveland, Ohio 45140 513.752.9288 info@wholelivingjournal.com Advertising Rates and Submission Guidlines Available Online at www.wholelivingjournal.com Find us on:

Next Deadline: Feb 1 for Mar/Apr issue Email ads to: ads@wholelivingjournal.com Email events to: events@wholelivingjournal.com Whole Living Journal is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.


Š 2016 Life Dynamics, LLC. All rights reserved. The information in WLJ is not intended as medical advice and should not replace the advice of your physician. WLJ is not responsible for misinformation, typographical errors, omissions, or inaccuracies contained herein. The views expressed by our writers may not be shared by WLJ.


Living W h o l e Journal


Letter from the Editor

Tara L. Robinson, editor@wholelivingjournal.com

Voices of Women


ne of the highlights of the past two months since I last wrote my Letter from the Editor was presenting this year’s Voices of Women Award. This award is near and dear to my heart. It was created to honor the achievements of women not usually acknowledged in our society. Our world values a lot of “doing.” It seems the more we do, the more we are appreciated and celebrated. There are many awards for all kinds of achievements, including works of service, which, by all means, are noble acts to honor, however, the incredibly impactful investment of time and energy into one’s own personal development and self-transformation, with the goal of honing one’s “being,” is rarely spoken about, much less acknowledged and celebrated. For many years I watched in awe as I witnessed amazing women around me sweating profusely under the heat of alchemical transformation as they overhauled their lives from the inside out. Facing the darkest of demons, these women courageously drew the sharp swords of their determined minds and commanded their personal demons to stand down because they no longer possessed the power to affect the women’s sense of well-being anymore. Taking full responsibility for their health and happiness, I looked upon with the greatest respect as I saw women healing themselves of cancer, leaving abusive relationships, claiming time for themselves, pursuing their passions, and speaking their truth, all by summoning every inner-personal skill they had ever acquired in order to overcome the fear required to move all mountains in their way. I watched as the diamond core essence of these women became stronger under each pound of pressure…and I watched as the very foundation of who they are began to shift, positively affecting and inspiring all those around them. It is said, “As we change ourselves, we change the world.” I know from personal experience the inner-fortitude required to seek and keep seeking, never settling for less than self-actualization. I reflected on my own journey, and those of the brave women around me, knowing there are countless others in the world, and I thought, “These women deserve an award…damnit!” I wondered why the intense journey of “being” is never celebrated or acknowledged, and I decided to change that. Thus the Voices of Women Award was created. This award is designed specifically to honor outstanding achievement in personal growth and transformation. All self-help readers, personal development workshop goers, those who meditate, and everyone whose inner-transformation is a priority, can now feel vindicated knowing an official award exists to affirm that the work they are doing on their being matters. Yes, I understand men do this work too. However, living in a very patriarchal world, there are thousands of rewards for traditionally male-related strengths. Masculine qualities are highly valued in our society. This inner-work of cultivating

one’s self is generally a feminine principle and we are still evolving to a place where the work of women’s circles is respected as much as what happens in the corporate boardroom. These statements are certainly not intended to divide as much as to unite. To unite all of us in reintegrating all aspects of ourselves, celebrating and honoring the divine feminine as much as the divine masculine. Last year’s award was presented during a women’s event. This year’s award was presented during Infusion and I realized there really should be a Voices of Men Award too. So stay tuned for more on that. The point is, as Deepak Chopra says in his book The Way of the Wizard, “The most good you can do for the world is to become a wizard. If you want to do good for the world, be completely unselfish and become a wizard. If you want to do good for yourself, be completely selfish and still become a wizard.” This work of self-mastery is the best work we can do for the world. And it deserves an award. Speaking of becoming a wizard of your life, the next Art of Alchemy: Discover Your Wizard Within class begins in February. It is my favorite space in which to be. There’s an air of excitement as each new class enters the make-shift Crystal Cave, unaware of what exactly awaits, but trusting the intention that brought them there. If you are interested in this session, please email info@wholelivingjournal.com. There is more information on page 15 of this issue, and a beautiful poem written by one of our most recent graduates of the cave. You can also find more information on the Facebook page ‟Crystaria.” This year’s Voices of Women Award winner, Sage Woman, graciously stated that her story is everyone’s story. She’s right. You can assess for yourself if you recognize the principles this award represents, and if you can relate to the sentiment of outstanding achievement in personal growth and transformation, by goodness, give yourself an award. And maybe even celebrate with a friend at dinner. The time has come for us all to honor these milestones of personal development. Surround yourself with soul companions and begin sharing your deepest heart transformations. It’s real magick. My latest achievement in personal development came after presenting a class during the Spirituality Symposium in December. My class was right before don Miguel Ruiz’s, author of The Four Agreements, and I gotta tell you, I felt like I bombed it. I had spent the day in the hospital with my son after he broke his arm so I was not as nearly as centered in my presence as I desired. As I was lamenting what felt like a missed opportunity, I recalled a lesson I had learned about self-compassion. It turns out the real opportunity in front of me was to embody this lesson. Phew, not easy, but I did it. Go me! Go YOU for all you’ve achieved in your inner-world. May 2016 be your best year yet!

January - February 2016

Living W h o l e Journal



Reader Feedback “Tara Robinson, in the last issue you discussed embodiment in your Letter from the Editor (NovDec ’15). I recently had the honor of experiencing the embodiment of my own inner wizard thanks to you, Christine Miller, and all the women in the Cave who attended the last Art of Alchemy class. It is rare that I get to attend a workshop setting where the facilitators so masterfully lead while also allowing the wisdom of their pupils to become the true teacher. This course went beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. It was filled with mystery, yet felt like returning home. It was challenging, yet comforting. I will forever treasure my time in the Crystal Cave with my fellow Wizard Women. Thank you for your presence, wisdom and ability to see the wizard within each of us. The next class of wizards is one lucky group! I cannot wait to return as a guest, to witness the magic all over again.” Star Staubach, NKY

We love our new home! In December, Infusion moved to the Columbia Center in the Junior League of Cincinnati building across the street from the Precinct restaurant in the historic Columbia-Tusculum district. The space proved to be perfect for this group. Warm and inviting, with an awesome sound system and plenty of parking, Infusion is now better than ever. The Columbia Center is already reserved for another event the second Tuesday in January, so there will not be an Infusion gathering that month. Infusion will meet as usual in February. Come Join the Brightest Game Changers in Town! Infusion Cincinnati is a free monthly gathering open to the public with discussions every month town-hall-style about living with passion and purpose. Join us as we explore how to live with passion and purpose, in the flow. Infusion goers are adventurers and (r)evolutionaries who get together to share aha moments and soul nourishment. The goal: shining powerfully together so we can light up this city! Each meeting includes music and a speaker to kick off the discussion. Then it’s open-mic and everyone has an opportunity to share what they think about the topic, or what makes them light up inside. What’s your ʽthang’? We want to know! Prefer not to talk? That᾿s okay, we invite you to listen and be inspired. Infusion meets every 2nd Tuesday, 6:30-8pm upstairs in the Auditorium at the Columbia Center, 3500 Columbia Pkwy, Cincinnati, OH 45226. Be a part of the movement! Join the conversation on Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati

“I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed the editorial (Letter from the Editor) this month (NovDec ’15)! I asked myself many of the same questions and answered them. Fascinating...like you said. I can’t explain how I know many of the things I know or feel. In February I am going to try to come to an Infusion meeting. When your book comes out I’m going to suggest my book club reads it. Maybe you could meet us at our luncheon when we discuss!” Amy O’Neil, Milford OH


Living W h o l e Journal


The ABCs of Healing

Subduing the Dis-ease Dragon by Heidi Bright, MDiv t began in the oncologist’s office in 2009. I got the paralyzing message: There was no cure for the uterine cancer. I sat terrified and in shock. I didn’t even know what to ask. I had end-stage cancer with the most aggressive cells. I remember thinking it felt like a death sentence. Then it hit me—I’m a mother. What happens to my kids? I knew I needed to do everything to survive. After two years of chemotherapy and surgeries, I underwent an enormous makeover through a process I now call the ABCs of healing. I changed my Attitudes, Behaviors, and Choices. This healed my heart and mind, and my body followed. I’ve been in radical remission since 2011. I wanted to share all I learned so others could find strength and genuine hope...and that’s how the book Thriver Soup was born, with more than 250 practical tips for any healing journey. After its publication, Thriver Soup readers began connecting with me. I kept hearing the same comments...“As I was reading Thriver Soup, I saw myself in your words.” From fear to hope the comments keep coming in, because Thriver Soup is not my story. Thriver Soup is about each reader finding his or her own ingredients for healing. I want to share stories of readers who transformed themselves from victims to victors over dis-ease. Your healing conversion also can occur through an inner journey during which you change Attitudes, Behaviors, and Choices.


A - We start with changing our Attitudes. Bonnie, a reader from Ft. Worth with two young teenagers and a husband who travels all the time, felt terrified and helpless when she developed breast cancer. The Problem: Bonnie was resentful about not getting enough help from others. The Solution: Bonnie read the Thriver Soup entry “Resentment: Raging Bull” and realized one important healing strategy was dropping her lifelong victim-oriented attitude of resentment. She read through the Thriver Soup section “Mending the Mind” and changed her attitudes. Now she has more energy, and she’s thriving.

B - We can reconstruct our Behaviors. A reader named Jean in Oklahoma City, married and in her late 40s, was diagnosed with sarcoma. The Problem: Jean was afraid of standing up for herself so she could get the treatment she needed. The Solution: Jean saw herself in the Thriver Soup entry “Fear of Living.” She learned a new behavior toward her fears

in Thriver Soup’s “Mapping the Emotions” section. She shifted from being depressed to being far happier and confident. Now she thrives.

C - We can make better Choices. Helen is a Thriver Soup reader from Chicago with two grown children. The Problem: Helen was told the cure rate for her type and stage of cancer was 7 percent. She felt petrified. How was she going to be there for her grandchildren? The Solution: She read the introduction to Thriver Soup and learned her best chance of surviving was to approach the cancer 100 percent from every angle. Suddenly her terror turned to hope. She selected dozens of new options from Thriver Soup, and with her doctor developed a plan that brought her direction. She didn’t suffer as many side-effects as others, and now she thrives. Through changing our attitudes, behaviors, and choices, energy is freed up for the body to rebalance itself. Discover what is holding you back. You, too, can soar into a healthier life. About the author: Heidi Bright, MDiv, is a traditionally published author and speaker, editor, and wellness coach. She received the first Voices of Women Award in 2014 for outstanding achievement in personal growth and transformation from Whole Living Journal. Thriver Soup is Heidi’s third traditionally published book. www.heidibright.com/thriver-soup

January - February 2016

Living W h o l e Journal



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Jedi Knights by Vince Lasorso


hen I began practicing Qigong 40 years ago good health was never a consideration. I practiced qigong so I could knock a person down by pointing my hand at them like my Grandmaster. I wanted to travel through space and time and integrate the love from my near death experience into everyday live. I was in it for magic, mysticism, and ego and I had the right teachers to get me there. However, the path was far more transformative than I could have ever imagined. Yes, all the mystical promises were true, and I went on to study with Grandmasters who truly were Jedi Knights. But when I was near the pinnacle of my most intense training I learned, “It’s all about the heart.” I mean that literally, it is all about the heart. In one transformative moment, my heart opened and I walked away from fame, wealth and power to learn about love. It took another two decades before I could define the science and codify the training to unlock the secrets of breath, movement, brain and heart that were hiding in plain sight, and then to put this into a healing technology everyone can use. Much of Tai Chi and Qigong literature and writings are about balancing, channeling and accumulating the life force energy Qi (“chee”) to heal and be healed. What I learned from the most pedigreed powerful Chinese masters was: “Don’t worry about that. It’s all wrong, now do this.” And “this” would always work. Just about everything out there about Qigong is a myth. But fortu-

nately clinical research has demonstrated one indisputable fact: even the most poorly performed qigong, taught by the worst of instructors, yields positive healing results in those who practice. In myth, the energy Qi, resides in the air. The word “gong” means to work or effort. Thus, Qigong means “breathwork.” But it is not just any breathwork, it is a process called prenatal breathing, or reverse breathing. In prenatal breathing the abdomen moves inward on inspiration and outward on expiration at the belly button. The action rocks the pelvis and moves the spinal cord and brain stem up and down within the brain itself. The moving brainstem drives the hormone system and causes neural regeneration in the brain by circulating stem cells and dissolving the plagues and adhesions, which cause nearly all brain disease. With nuanced movements of the tracheal rings, specific organ systems can be stimulated or relaxed at will and any state of consciousness can be dialed into the brain’s reticulum by a simple breath. Just above the reticulum is the region of the brain, which is responsible

January - February 2016

for near death experiences and the peak experiences, and mystical communications of religion. At the center of this is the heart, the lower brain of the body, which truly runs the show and can shut off the voice in our head to know and commune with all sentience in the infinite continuum above and below this material plane. As difficult as it is for some to believe, one breathing action can heal nearly everything in the body, supercharge the brain, and open gateways into new dimensions. And, in this article, we haven’t even touched on the magic of the movements yet! About the author: Vince Lasorso is a Master Teacher of Tai Chi and Qigong owner of the White Willow School in Whatever Works Wellness Center. A regular contributor to T’ai Chi magazine, he published “The Immortal’s Gift: A Parable for the Soul” in 2000. Vince received a Patent on his Acoustopathic healing technology. 513.791.9428 www.whitewillowtaichi.com (See ad p.2)

Living W h o l e Journal


My Yoga Mat

by Dori Lyon

fter hearing yogis talk about the benefits of yoga for the past 16 years, I decided to shut up and roll out my yoga mat. I’m a counselor by trade so I listen for a living. Yes, counseling has its benefits, but to be honest, yoga has really shown me that I have not been truly listening. The cliche is that in order to be a good counselor, you need to be on the couch yourself once in awhile, so my new motto is to be a good counselor you need to be on your yoga mat once in a while. First, I challenge my inner-dialogue. Sitting in a pose for more than 20 seconds really brings to light how I talk to myself, what my inner critic says, how I treat myself and how this translates to how I treat others. As I try and breathe while upside down, I realize just how challenging yoga is. I look around and see people walking on their hands and still breathing. Then the instructor reminds us to breathe, to focus on our breath. Then I become distracted by the sound of the city bus driving past. It lets out a rumbling roar like a dragon choking on her own smoke. The instructor says, “Just notice and allow it to pass.” He speaks softly but with authority, “It’s time to let it go, time to no longer keep pushing.” I ask myself, where in my life do I control, do I push? My sweat drips from my face and it kind of tickles. I have a focus I did not have before. At the end of the class, our instructor plays the song Into the Mystic by Van Morrison. Morrison’s voice has a deep ache and longing that sings to me, “Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic, let that fog horn blow, I will be coming home.” After yoga I feel like I have come home, a place I can go and not worry about anything. As I drive home after class, there are pedestrians with some cute dogs. I slow down when I see them to let them cross. I smile and make eye contact with one of them. He smiles back and his dog eagerly walks with him across the street. Another pedestrian takes this invitation to cross with his to-go container of Chinese food. He seems relieved and eager to get home to eat. I feel lighter, my smile less intense. I notice so much on just the drive home after yoga. I plan to ride my bike to yoga next week. It’s time to start living, it’s time to become more fully present. I feel fortunate to be alive. I feel



Living W h o l e Journal

fortunate to have my breath. So in just two months, my yoga mat has taught me so much! I can’t wait for downward dog next week. About the author: Dori Lyon is a Licensed Professional Counselor. 971.344.5714

New Year’s Resolution Idea: TRY YOGA (or commit to practicing more often) Here’s a list of some local studios: Elemental OM Yoga and Meditation Studio 2 Locations Montgomery and Symmes Twp. www.elementalom.com World Peace Yoga - Ludlow Ave. ww.worldpeaceyoga.com Sangha Yoga Studio - Loveland www.sanghayoga.org Grace Tree Yoga Studio - West Chester www.gracetreestudio.com Simply Power Yoga - Loveland and Beechmont www.simplypoweryoga.com Blyss Yoga - Milford www.blyssyogastudio.com Shine Yoga Center - Hyde Park www.shineyoga.com







Join us for these inspiring events! Astrology: The Year Ahead w/Deborah Williams. Fri 1/8, 7-9 pm.

Spirit Speaks II w/Joanne Franchina, rose Vanden Eynden. sat-sun, 1/9 & 1/10.

Message Circle Event w/guest Mediums. Fri 1/22, 7-9 pm. Monthly Circles w/Various Instructors:  Life Coaching Circle 1st tue, 7-9 pm.  Book Circle for Soul Searchers 2nd tue, 7-9 pm.  Higher Beings Wisdom Circle 2nd Wed, 7-9 pm.  Healing Energy Circle 3rd tue, 7-9 pm.  Tarot Clinic (starts Feb 17) 3rd Wed, 7-9 pm.  Meditation Sampler Circle 4th tue, 7-9 pm.  Mediumship Development Circle (starts Feb 24) 4th Wed, 7-9 pm. .




You will never enjoy the fruits of good health by focusing on avoiding disease. You must turn your attention fully toward the incredible joy of health to actually experience it. - Jack E. Armstrong, D.C.

www.wholecarechiropractic.com January - February 2016

Living W h o l e Journal


Be Prepared


in an

Emergency by Jordan Walker (Lead content curator for Coops and Cages - Twitter @JordanWalker82)


isasters can happen anytime so having a plan will help keep your family safe. However, if you have a furry friend living with you, they should be included in your plan as well. You should prepare your pets for emergency just like you do for your family. To ensure that everyone, including your pets, are safe when a hurricane, tornado, or flood destroys your house, here are some essential things to keep in mind regarding pet disaster preparedness:

Identify a Safe Place to Stay Not all emergency shelters accept pets so be sure to ask your local disaster management office whether or not pets are allowed and if there are other shelters that accept people and their furry friends. If your local emergency shelters do not allow pets inside, you may do the following:

Prepare an Emergency Kit Similar to your own emergency kit, you must also have all your pet’s essentials prepared. Keep these in a sturdy easy-carry bag that is, if possible, waterproof. Some of the essentials to include in the kit are: • One week supply of food and water, including bowls and litter pans • Medical supplies and records, plus first-aid kit • Leashes and collapsible transport bags • Identification cards, a list of special health concerns, and your contact details, including your veterinarian’s • Your pet’s favorite toy

Prepare a Plan in Case You are Away

Ask people who live far from the affected areas if they could make room at least for your pet. You may need to make several arrangements if you have more than one pet because you might need to find separate shelters for each of them.

In case a disaster strikes while you are away, make arrangements with neighbors or friends who are comfortable with your pet and with whom your pet enjoys being. They must know where your pets are likely to be and where you keep your emergency kit. If you’re fortunate enough to have a petsitter, then discuss all emergency preparedness instructions well in advance.

• Check animal shelters in your area. Because a lot

A Rule about Evacuation to Keep in Mind

• Make arrangements with relatives and friends.

of local animal shelters do not receive enough funding, they may have limited resources, especially during emergencies, but it never hurts to ask. They might make room for a few more for the time being.

• Call your veterinarian. Some veterinary clinics provide animal boarding for pet owners who need someone to look after their pets while they are away. They may have more rooms for emergency situations.

• Contact hotels or motels. It is always good to keep a list of places that have rooms for pets. Make sure to take note of certain restrictions such as the size, number, and kind of pet.


Living W h o l e Journal

• Do not leave your pets behind. Pets are to be treated as an extension of your family. If it is not safe for you, it is also not safe for them, so take them with you when you leave. Once you move out, you might not be allowed to go back to your home in days, so if you leave your pet behind, you may not have any way of knowing their situation. These are some of the essential things you need to keep in mind regarding pet emergency preparedness. While we cannot prevent most disasters from happening, we can avoid more trouble from happening and keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. We can also save ourselves from the pain and struggle of coping with the loss of our pets, if we are well-prepared for any adversity that may come our way.


Sage Woman Receives 2015 Voices of Women Award On December 8th the winner of the 2015 Voices of Women Award was announced during the meeting of Infusion Cincinnati. This year’s recipient of the prestigious award that honors outstanding achievement in personal growth and transformation is Sage Woman. Sage Woman is an ordained shamanic high priestess, intuitive and spiritual life coach. She is a certified Shamanic Priestess ProcessTM facilitator. Her passion is combining creativity and spirituality to assist others in finding their own personal power, through readings, workshops, and individual life coaching. She is the author of Connecting With The Goddess Within, Live A Magical, Mystical Life Filled With Miracles. www.ConnectingwiththeGoddessWithin.com She said, ‟It is an honor to receive this award. What a gift to receive acknowledgement for simply living my life the best way I know how. My soul’s journey is all about personal development and empowerment. I have done what so many woman have to do in this world, turn victimhood into being victorious. One step at a time. It is a conscious choice to choose love over fear. I will humbly continue to walk my path; unconditional love and forgiveness for self and others. I am filled with deep heartfelt gratitude.”

January - February 2016

Living W h o l e Journal


French Kissing

God by Lyric Benson Fergusson


yric Benson Fergusson’s new book French Kissing God: A Journey to Enlightenment is another example of the modern resurgence of mystics. “In my humble experience, the path towards God-realization is at times extremely challenging, because you are swimming in such a different current than the rest of the world,” says Lyric. “But life is often challenging anyway. So you might as well hold God’s hand through the process! Once your grip is tight around God’s palm - and you feel the heat of His fingertips as your own - creation becomes so strikingly beautiful.” Described as a Rumi-esque revelation for today’s spiritual seeker and lover, Lyric’s book of poetry celebrates the divine spark within and without. In French Kissing God, she successfully brings the concept of piety back down to Earth in the complex playground of modern-day spiritual awakening all whilst reminding us of our own powerful sacred nature. This beautiful collection offers inspiration and insights, gives guidance, and provides encouragement for spiritual seekers. No matter their religious or spiritual tradition, anyone who picks up this book will find it eye-opening, heartening, humorous, and boundary breaking. She brings a message of peace, love and Divine-realization to awaken the heart of anyone seeking to experience a truly mystical existence. Lyric deeply experiences God as a manifestation in evCSLGC_ad_3.pdf 1 8/22/14 10:20 AM eryday experiences, in everything we touch, in every human




being. But as unknowable as the Divinity may ultimately be, she still finds God completely intimately accessible - hence French Kissing God. There is no place Lyric refuses to take God - and that is vivaciously refreshing. While Lyric may only be 32, her timeless wisdom speaks for itself. To read her sultry poetry is to be magically transported through the thrill of a young woman’s awakening in her body, mind and soul to the unspeakable immensity of Divine Love. Her lyrical sensuality “drags you across star fields” (her words) as she masterfully unites the spiritual with the sexual. The daughter of actor/director/songwriter Robby Benson Proof Date: Beauty 08/17/10 (Ice Castles, and the Beast and director of sitcoms Ref: and Ellen)GPU_081710 Friends and actress/rock star Karla DeVito (who Designer: ads@wholeliving... toured with Meatloaf, starred on Broadway in Pirates ofSize PenSize: and sang with 1/8 Blue pg (3.5x2.25)" zance Oyster Cult) - Lyric Benson Fergusson came from a non-religious, Hollywood-influenced home. But at the age of 19, suddenly faced with a major family health crisis, her own unimaginable physical pain, and the loss of a dear friend in the Twin Towers collapse onPage 9/11, she was in such extreme emotional and physical agony, she began to pray. And that moment changed her life. Finding her way to Transcendental Meditation and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, she ultimately joined his coherence-creating group for world peace and subsequently spent the next eight years in eyes-closed meditation for up to 10 hours a day. French Kissing God is available on Amazon. www.frenchkissinggod.com

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Greater Cincinnati


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• www.unityofgardenpark.org


Crystaria I came once to a Crystal Cave. Entering its calm darkness, I sensed a wave… Of dreamy wonder and curious intrigue. What waits for me here? In this hushed, magical scene? I saw a tiny tree in its center. It sparkled and glowed, And spoke to me in greeting, “Let me carry your load. For just a time, feel free to give and receive. I’ll cradle your truth with each sparkling leaf.”

I came once to a Crystal Cave With others who were called to step up and be brave. To open their hearts to a cosmic leap, To realize their beauty and find a voice To speak Of things long hidden, silent and feared, Whose time had arrived to finally share With powerful sisters who would allow Their shields to melt and dissolve all doubt 663 Loveland-Madeira Rd., Suite 162 • Loveland, OH 45140 That we are strength and compassion, 513.752.9288 • Fax: 513.722.0752 Thatads@wholelivingjournal.com we dance and embrace. And with fearless joy, shout! “This is our sacred place!”

The Next Crystaria Circle begins in February The Art of Alchemy: Discover Your Wizard Within Facilitated by Tara L. Robinson & Christine Miller Wednesdays 10am-4pm in the Crystal Cave at WholeCare in Blue Ash

I came once to a Crystal Cave. Within its hallowed walls I listened, and I became Higher and brighter and more in tune With an essence of goodness And a Shining Spirit in the room! We entered as mortal women, All broken and bent. As Master Wizards we left Lifted up and mended. A time well spent.

The Hand of the Mysteries is being extended... Are YOU being called?

Affectionately referred to as ‟Wizard School,” this experiential workshop for women is designed to ignite and inspire personal transformation. The sacred space of the ʽcave’ is the perfect container for this work and is a unique and beloved signature of this process. Advancement in important life skills will help you realize your ability to co-create your life is far more powerful than you ever imagined.

~ by Joani Lacy, a recent graduate of Crystaria

Info & to register: info@wholelivingjournal.com

January - February 2016

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My Passion


Communication by Maiccu


he message from animals is so grand I feel it is my responsibility to do as much as I can to share what they are communicating. I have worked as an Animal Communicator, teacher, author and speaker for over 15 years. Before that I worked for Finnair as an Airline mechanic and supervisor for 21 years. Then, in 2000, I lost my first dog Jonas and afterward everything changed, he guided me from the other side to this path. In 2008 I lost my horse named Leyla and that event took my work again to another level. Leyla gave me messages to write a book which was published in 2011. These animals and many others have given me knowledge about how they see this earth and living here. If we are open, animals can teach us about self-actualization and consciousness. Animals teach us how not to judge anyone or anything, they remind us everything is in perfect order. They have told me over and over again, how they already have self-love in their DNA when they are born to this planet. They never feel jealousy, bitterness, hatred or envy. Their messages are that we humans need to learn to love ourselves as they love themselves and how they love us, unconditionally. They never measure us by the money we have, the clothes we wear, our nationalities, or whether we are fat or skinny. They just love us as we are. They see themselves as perfect all the time. A dog never looks into the mirror and criticizes himself; they never criticize other dogs either. One of my biggest lesson from animals is about how they live in the now. My horse was laughing at me when she said, “We don’t have to read any books or meditate to learn to be in the now. Just look at the bird or your cat, they are completely in the now all the time, they don’t have a concept for worry in the future.” My horse also told me, the only way to change the world is to love the abuser as much as the abused. A baby cow (actually this baby cow was adopted by Ellen DeGeneres and is now an adult living in California at The Gentle Barn) told me the same with different words, nothing ever changes before we love the butcher as much as we love the cow. A dolphin said the same about the fisherman, love the fisherman as you love the dolphin. By far the biggest lesson I’ve learned from my horse has been about trust and believing. Before she died, she was very

sick so I prayed and asked God, angels, source (you name it) for her healing. I called all my friends and asked them also to pray. She ended up dying anyway despite all our healing thoughts and prayers. After a while I was told one day I would understand why she had to die. I was so confused, angry and sad, but decided to let time pass and see if I would ever learn why she had to leave. A year went by and Leyla told me she had been waiting for me to be ready and that we would write a book together and spread the word to the whole world. Of course I did not believe it then, but now when I look back, everything happened exactly as she told me. I now understand what I really needed to understand. There is no bargain, there is no promise that if I pray or do certain rituals, etc. then everything I need or want will be exactly as I want. Trusting means believing that every second of every day is exactly as it is supposed to be. I will always have what I need; I am always in the right place at the right time. Everything is perfect all the time, understanding this has been my biggest lesson. About the author: Maiccu is a worldwide respected animal communicator and author. She’s worked with Lisa Williams, International Psychic Medium and Victoria Stilwell, Dog Trainer of Animal Planet’s hit TV series “It’s me or the dog.” Maiccu’s clientele also includes many animals from The Gentle Barn in LA. www.animalstalk.fi

January - February 2016

Living W h o l e Journal




from Abuse and Trauma by Brian Eastman

Artwork by Mary Mischenko


n ideal circumstances we come into this world feeling loved and safe. It is hoped that our childhood experiences confirm these feelings and teach us that the world will treat us well also. Unfortunately, sometimes even just one abusive episode can permanently derail a person’s travel toward a lifetime of happiness and a feeling of wellbeing. Dr. Michael Landwehr, a Cincinnati-Based Clinical Psychologist and author, notes that “Abuse damages all five parts of one’s life: emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritual and, in many cases, financial. Abuse is also multi-dimensional. Until

healing is accomplished, an incident of abuse continues causing harm in the victim’s life, and it often inflicts harm among family and friends.” Just as medical care has changed as physicians have discovered how holistic approaches can aide healing, and in many cases even speed the healing process, so too have many psychotherapists begun adopting holistic thinking. Sometimes they add alternative modalities to their own toolkits. However, some therapists encourage their clients to directly connect with practitioners of supportive modalities. Thus a client might work with a traditional psychotherapist and a practitioner of an alternate modality such as NEAT, LIIFT, Emotion Code, Psych-K, EFT, Structural Integration, Neuro-Modulation Technique or HomeoVitality. But, how can someone determine which modalities are appropriate for them? Beginning in January, two new resources will help people explore their options. The Cincinnati Healers’ Gathering will host free monthly meetings, with presentations and demonstration healings by practitioners of various healing modalities for physical and emotional issues. And also in January, the Health Network Center will open. It will help a person identify which combination of psychotherapists and healing practitioners can most support the healing of his/her emotional distress. If you would like to receive information about the Speakers’ Schedule for the Healers’ Gathering, or about the Health Network Center when it formally opens, please send an email with “Please sign me up” in the subject line to Brian Eastman at brian.eastman@LIIFT.info. He will ensure each organization receives your information. About the author: Brian Eastman invested 30 years’ research to create the LIIFT process for healing emotional damage. He sees people privately in person, via Skype, and in group sessions in Cincinnati and Dayton, OH and Indianapolis, IN. He is available to lead LIIFT training seminars and LIIFT Prosperity Workshops. 513.541.1257 or brian.eastman@LIIFT.info


Living W h o l e Journal


The Ultimate

Exxperience by Larry Watson


riving along the expressway listening to one of my favorite songs, I was moved by the musical beauty and message. Until, sure enough, an Upper Limit Problem raised its ugly head and asked, “Why didn’t you write that song, Larry?” Gay Hendricks, author of The Big Leap, explains how an Upper Limit Problem works, “Each of us has an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love, success, and creativity we allow ourselves to enjoy. When we exceed our inner thermostat setting, we will often do something to sabotage ourselves, causing us to drop back into the old, familiar zone where we feel secure.” In my car, I could feel the sense that the message of the song was a part of my knowing, a message that resonated in perfect harmony with my soul, and yet, it wasn’t me who put pen to paper. As I am re-reading Neal Donald Walsh’s Conversations With God, some of the concepts in the book are easy to recognize as a part of me, ingrained over the years since I first drank them in. And some passages are striking me like completely new ideas. The new one to which I am apparently receptive (finally) is the trinity of hearing, knowing, and being. The book itself was an example of hearing it when I first took it up 14 years ago, some of it eventually becoming integrated into knowing, and then, on those rare, exquisite moments, actually experienced as being the truth. As much as I have learned about connectedness, as much as I have come to know it in my bones, connectedness is

a fleeting and rare experience. The concept of oneness is engraved in my mind, and even in my heart. I know this is true. But, to be honest, my soul rarely has the ultimate experience of this Truth. As I thought about the song on the radio with which I felt intimately familiar, and I noticed how separate I felt from the songwriter, it suddenly occurred to me that the truth of oneness is evident in my connection to this song. What I experienced through my connection was being one with the one who wrote that song. I was able to see that the separation of time and space did not negate the fact that the One in me, the Divine in me, was the same One who wrote and sang that song. That song is mine. In resonating with that expression of the Divine “over there,” I am experiencing oneness, allowing me to experience being whole and complete “over here.” It would be nice to have these “being” episodes on a regular basis, but I’m not complaining. Mother Teresa had an ultimate experience when she was a young nun, and often longed to have that experience again during the years of her life. These treasured moments echo in my heart and soul, they are talismans for gratitude. Not just hearing, or understanding, or even knowing; it is in being the divine Truth that I receive the ultimate experience. About the author: Larry Watson is an author, speaker, and The Extraordinary Results Coach. Visit www.PathwayConsult.com for a free breakthrough coaching session, or call Larry at 859.635.5599.

January - February 2016

Living W h o l e Journal


Cold Weather Herbs

Herbs ‘n Such, by Mimi Tagher


he arrival of cold winter weather often brings an increase in aches, pains and depression. For those with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud's, lupus, migraines, or seasonal affective disorder, winter can be a debilitating time of year. In the greater Cincinnati area, the combination of the damp cold that “chills to the bone,” and the dreary, cloudy skies is often enough to make many people dread going outside. No wonder so many often leave the area and migrate south with the birds. This winter season try warming up from the inside out with some medicinal herbs and spices. They can easily be added to tea, coffee or food.

Cinnamon: a warming herb that stimulates circulation, it is also good for digestion and has anti-viral properties.

Ginger: a warming herb that stimulates circulation, it also boosts the immune system, cleanses the lymph system and aids digestion.

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Clove: a popular winter spice good for digestion, it is often used to treat respiratory problems. Cumin: a warming herb good for digestion, it also has pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Tumeric: very popular in Ayurvedic medicine because it has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Cayenne: warms everything - a pinch will do. Vitamin D: a precursor to seratonin used to treat depression and seasonal affective disorder. About the author: Mimi Tagher, LAc, LMT is nationally board certified in acupuncture, Chinese herbology and Oriental Medicine. She practices at Synergy Holistic Health Center in Florence, Ky., and in Blue Ash. 859.525.5000, www.synergyholistichealth.com

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January - February 2016

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Living W h o l e Journal



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Danger of Smart Meters

Author wishes to remain Anonymous


had been receiving emails for about three years regarding the RF radiation dangers of smart meters, smart phones, and Wi-Fi from a naturopath I had used in the past. My husband and I didn’t have smart phones and I used a landline for my computer. He only occasionally used Wi-Fi for his laptop computer. We think it was late spring 2013 when the smart meters were installed. We didn’t give it much thought because we had other concerns at the time. Flash forward to July 2015: I didn’t know how much longer my body would be able to function and I didn’t know why. My doctor didn’t know either. In early and in late 2014, I had been given incorrect hormone replacement therapy by two different specialists. But I had recovered from that and nettle tea had been curing my hot flashes since early January 2015. However, since late January, I had been sick with respiratory illness. By May the respiratory illness was finally gone and by late June, I had rid myself of the candida yeast infection caused by the antibiotics. So why was I now sicker than ever? I had some pre-existing conditions but they were completely unrelated to these new issues. I was now suffering from frequent heart palpitations, troubled breathing, intestinal issues, and more. My physical pain, neuropathy, and insomnia had all increased significantly and could not be managed. By late July, I was only able to sleep 1-2 hours at night and not at all during the day. I was also heating up at least every 2 hours and sweating profusely. I decided to call the naturopath who’d been sending the emails. She told me I was being “cooked from the inside out” by smart meters. This was not “electromagnetic field (EMF) sensitivity.” This was radiation exposure. I called to request the meter removal that afternoon. The next morning a Duke Energy representative called me. He could only confirm that the smart meters were installed over 2 years ago. He said they would replace them with original analog meters so there would be no confusion but the smart meters may not be the cause of my health issues. They were replaced the next morning. I felt the difference in two days.


Living W h o l e Journal

Within a couple weeks, I realized that I may have been affected by the smart meters all along and I probably wasn’t alone. My pre-existing arthritis started increasing in June 2013. I figured it was middle-age and stress. We had been caring for an elderly relative in our home for many years. In June 2013 he started to decline rapidly both physically and neurologically. It was so significant that we had to put him in a nursing home by October. We had had four pets when the smart meters went on and only one had a pre-existing issue. They all started to decline rapidly with a variety of worsening symptoms. The symptoms they all had in common were increasing confusion and excessive thirst. By February 2015, we had released them all of their suffering. They weren’t young pets but they certainly weren’t that old. I started talking to neighbors. There is a four-unit apartment building across the street with a total of 10 smart meters. There are four different women from three different apartments that have had new and/or increased health issues. Only one still lives there. The only resident in the house next door to her died in the fall of 2014 after being diagnosed a couple weeks earlier with widespread cancer. Other neighbors have said they’ve had issues but they aren’t convinced it’s the meters. And it might not be just the meters. According to http://www.antennasearch.com, my home is within a four mile radius of over 100 towers and 800 antennas. Like the meters, they are emitting non-ionizing or microwave radiation and there seem to be no state or federal regulations regarding this. Nearby neighborhoods have more towers and antennas than we do. Like here, they’ve also experienced an increase in drug use, crime, and violence. There have already been lawsuits elsewhere regarding smart meters and other sources of microwave radiation. There are many websites that provide information on this and more. One is http://thepeoplesinitiative.org. There is another out of Cuyohoga Falls, Ohio http://www.speakupandstayalive.com/ It wasn’t that long ago we were told that lead paint, asbestos, and cigarettes were safe too.


Review & Renew

Intuitive Insights, by Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry


ew Year’s Eve and Day are celebrated as times to rejoice and welcome in the coming year. It is nature’s way of giving us a fresh start and inspiring hope for better things to come. We are in the midst of winter (here in the Northern Hemisphere) when most of nature is hibernating and preparing for the coming spring. This is an excellent time to review the events and outcomes of our past – year and life – to determine where we are now, what we want to bring into our lives, and consider what we want to remove or change in order to create space for the new to manifest. Many people make New Year’s resolutions, setting their resolve to change the experienced reality of their lives in the coming year. Often these resolutions are intended to instigate a change in diet, start an exercise regime or pursue a new interest. But sometimes these are not our strongest desires, or at least they are not well planned in order to instill true commitment and follow through. For 2016, and future years, perhaps we should take the time to meditate about where we are on our life path and where we want to be before choosing the focus of our resolutions. Be honest with yourself, your goals and what it will take to accomplish them. Use all of your senses, physical and intuitive, to actually experience how it will feel when you achieve these goals. Act as if they have already occurred and that you are living your dream life now. Changing our routines can usher in the sense of renewal needed to allow our goals to manifest in our lives. Meditating first thing in the morning instead of waiting until after work, or perhaps changing locations and meditating on the deck rather than the living room, or lying on the couch instead of sitting in a straight backed chair are some examples. Maybe try a guided meditation podcast rather than quiet music.

Patricia Garry • Spiritual Coaching • Reiki Energy Healing • Intuitive Tarot Reading • Dream Interpretation • Teaching Personal Growth Classes

(513) • patricia@patriciagarry.com (513)281-6864 281-6864 ~ patriciagarry.com

Walking meditations provide the added benefit of exercise. Try the approach of consciously focusing your attention on each footstep as you walk, take a walk in nature, like around Twin Lakes in Eden Park, or simply focus on your breathing as you walk around your block. You can also expand your comfort zone and create space for renewal by eating at a new restaurant with a different cuisine, picking a book out of a section of the library you seldom venture into, or seeing an off-beat movie in an unfamiliar part of town. All of these activities will lead you to seeing your current life with fresh eyes and provide new insights about the many possibilities for experiencing joy in the coming year. By jumpstarting your perspective and expanding your horizons, you will likely discover you have more zest for your new diet choices and your decision to finally exercise. By focusing on the fresh and new, on what you are going toward rather than on what you are giving up, you will achieve your goals faster. Being physically in new spaces and focusing on new ideas will also heighten your intuitive gifts. What a great year 2016 is going to be! About the authors: Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry are the authors of Right Brain/Left Brain: Use Everything You’ve Got to Create a Great Life! They facilitate workshops based on their popular book. Francine is an intuitive tarot and palm reader, energy worker, teacher, and owner of Sea Angels Cruise and Inner Wellness Conference. francine.haydon@ fuse.net, 513.248.8772, www.foresthouseofhealing.com Patricia is a spiritual reader, teacher, healer, and writer. patricia@patriciagarry.com , 513.281.6864, www.patriciagarry.com

Rev. Francine Haydon

Reiki ~ Kolaimni ~ Crystal Energy Healing Medicine Wheel ~ Tarot Reader ~ Palmist foresthouseofhealing.com • 513.248.8772

January - February 2016

Living W h o l e Journal



Sp tlight The New Addiction Recovery Movement Anne Steffen-Russo and Eric Russo are excited to announce they have formed a new support group. It is a nontraditional and experiential approach toward working with our addictions. They will be utilizing energy medicine as well. Addictions are everywhere, including alcohol, drugs, work, eating, co-dependency, thought patterns, etc. This group is free, but donations are accepted. They meet every Thursday evening (except holidays) from 7-8:30pm at 1350 Michigan Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208. For more information, please contact Anne at Amsteffen1@yahoo.com or call her at 513.473.7447. www.energeticanswers.com Diet Center Cincinnati in West Chester is pleased to welcome Brecka Burton to their team. They offer programs designed to meet the nutritional needs of men and women. Their success is built on over 40 years of clients’ positive achievements. Their exclusive chewable supplements are at the heart of every program. With one-on-one counseling with their new life coach Brecka, their clients will have all the tools they need to help them lose the weight they desire and keep it off for life. LipoGenics is a revolutionary new pain-free method for eliminating unwanted fat stores from the body. Each treatment takes 30 minutes with no pain, zero scarring and no recovery time needed. For a free consultation or to schedule an appointment, please call 513.779.6500 or visit Diet Center Cincinnati online at www.dietcentercincinnati.com.

Coming to Cincinnati

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

New Healing Methods and Networking with Other Healers. For four years Brian Eastman has been convening a monthly healers’ gathering in Indianapolis. Each month a healer presents information about the healing modality s/he works with. Healers have spoken about nano-technology-based healing, the Crosses of Light healing phenomenon, Rife’s Blue Lights, hemi-synch messaging, and much more. After Eastman had several Cincinnati-based healers ask him to start something similar here, he decided to create the Cincinnati Healers’ Gathering. Cincinnati Healers’ Gathering offers free opportunities to create a community of healers while learning about the latest developments in healing modalities. Occurring monthly, these gatherings enable healers to discover and experience new healing processes. Healers will network, too, and give healings to one another. The exciting lineup begins January 12: Introducing Health Network Center – a Healers’ hub connecting healers to new clients and clients to healers. On February 2: Angel Healing Technique. March 1: Discover the Swiss Nano-Technology now available to all healers. Gatherings occur Tuesdays from 7-9pm. To receive updates and location information, please email brian.eastman@ LIIFT.info Next deadline FEB 1: Submit 100 words, press-release style, with .jpg photo to info@wholelivingjournal.com

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is a rare opportunity to dive deep within one’s self, using an ancient technology of healing awareness. Kundalini is the seed and the basis of all Life. Coming into contact, awakening and developing a relationship with that which is already within you, is vital to fully living. This training: • Brings Self-exploration and Self-mastery – breaking habits and unhealthy patterns • Opens clarity to your purpose and passion • Strengthens discipline and yogic lifestyle • Creates community and supportive environments in which to grow Incredible teachers will be coming from all over the world to train those who are ready to embrace this technology. Register today and watch as your life takes on new form. Be the Lighthouse! For more information and to register, please call Andrea M. Ciafardini at 513.257.6391. (See ad page 3)


Living W h o l e Journal


Living the Light

YOU ARE by Jill Renee Feeler


ill Renee Feeler invites us into not just another dimension of ourselves, but into another spectrum of our humanity. Her new book Stepping into the Platinum Age: A Firm Foundation for Your Light sets the stage for 21st century spirituality and consciousness. It embraces the entire human race, serving to unite, not divide. It surprises its readers in all the good ways a mind bending book can offer. It’s smart, humorous, deep and sure to stretch the consciousness of even the most advanced spiritual experiencers. The following is an excerpt from this enlightened guide: Some of you are saying, “Yes, that is what I want. I want to be beyond this reality, beyond this game, so I can again be one with Source.” But you are...You are One with Source. And you as Source, somewhere along the way, chose to experience humanity, knowing it would be individual and knowing it could include intense feelings of separation and disconnection from the Source energy you are. You chose this experience knowing you might feel stuck, even trapped, here. Knowing others, in a state of separation from their God essence, could and would hurt you and others, offering unpleasant and even tragic experiences. Knowing there may be multiple incarnations, in a series, in which you felt like you kept getting put back into the separation game, without a break, without a clear chance to feel as one or at home with your Source energy within. The game of separation was designed so well, some would say too well, in that it offered the dis-connection even into layers of the afterlife. And yet none of this experience truly separated you from the God energy you Are. But it was designed so well it felt like complete isolation. What do you do now, knowing this separation is simply an experience, not your identity? Knowing this is not a test. Not a school. Knowing you are not in need of graduation. What if you chose, right now, to declare yourself as One with the Light of God You Are? What if you became open to any and all insights that would further support and honor and strengthen this connection to your innate Light of God within? What if you became hyper-clear on anything and everything that perpetuated separation between you and the Light of God you Are and you discerned accordingly? What if you lived your

life now, allowing everything to be an experience, no longer confusing your experience with your identity? What if you honored your personal values and passions as a statement of you, your Soul Signature, and what you desire to restore here on Earth, within humanity? What if you took personal responsibility for your well-being, which is simply responding to your abilities? What if you actually upgraded this world by being your values, your Soul Signature, without needing anything or anyone to do or be anything other than exactly what they are doing and being right now? Being your Light, freely and fully without apology or explanation, amidst exactly what is. Can you imagine how empowered, strong, and honorable you may feel by recognizing your innate ability to be your Light amidst everything that is, as it is, right now? That’s star-worthy. Beyond complaining, beyond hypothetical plans that never get implemented, beyond opining about what can be. What are you doing on Earth? You are living the Light you Are. And now you have enhanced personal authority to do this, by your standards of success. About the author: Jill Renee Feeler’s work is appreciated by leaders within the global spiritual and consciousness arenas. She bypasses the limitations of this Age, linking humanity directly to its eternal energy field, its inherent Sovereignty. www.JillReneeFeeler.com

January - February 2016

Living W h o l e Journal


resource Directory

Transformational Bodywork



Mary Ellen Moore, CCHt.

Acupuncture Craniosacral Therapy

859.466.4900 859.525.5000 www.synergyholistichealth.com www.innerbridges.com

Clinical Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthingÂŽ

859-525-5000 www.synergyholistichealth.com

CLASSIFIEDS ART C. PIC MICHEL. Creative Intuitive, Art Commissions, Murals, Illustration, Classes. 513.549.4607. www.enlightenmeant.com

ENERGY HEALERS & HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS REV. FRANCINE HAYDON. Reiki, Kolaimni, Crystal Energy Work. 513.248.8772, francine.haydon@fuse.net www.foresthouseofhealing.com

PATTI KESSLER Vibrational Healing

Healing Sessions Angel Academy Classes Children Classes Rainbow



JUDI A. WINALL, M.Div., CIH, CLYT. Re-claim the power and authority of your own life. 513.899.3115. www.SoulEmpowerment.com

INTUITIVE READINGS BY PHONE. SAGE WOMAN. Intuitive, Spiritual Life Coach, Psychic. Be Empowered. 513.490.4693. sagewomen61@gmail.com. www.connectingwiththegoddesswithin.com

BEAUTIFUL, ENERGIZED SPACE 513.240.1602 FOR RENT. $15/hour for lovely consult www.PattiKessler.com room, classroom and therapy rooms at WholeCare. www.wholecarechiropractic.com ď€ ď€‚ď€ƒď€„ď€…ď€†ď€‡ď€ˆď€‰ď€ƒď€Šď€…ď€„ď€‹ď€Œď€? CAROLYN LANGENBRUNNER. 513.489.9515. lisahjames@yahoo.comProof Date: 04/18/15 ď€ ď€‚ď€ƒď€„ď€…ď€†ď€‡ď€‚ď€ˆď€‡ď€‰ď€„ď€Šď€‹ď€Œď€‡ď€†ď€?ď€Žď€Œď€‚ WestsideMil041815_ďŹ nal Holistic Practitioner. Advanced LIFE COACH Ref: ď€?ď€?ď€?ď€?ď€? Healing Touch, INNER COMPASS. Intuitive life Designer:Reiki, Certified ads@wholeliving... ď€?ď€‡ď€‚ď€ˆď€†ď€—ď€’ď€‚ď€‹ď€†ď€‚ď€Œď€‰ď€„ď€”ď€‚ď€?ď€‹ď€˜ď€‰ď€”ď€™ď€šď€‚ Acupressure. Care for disease journeys, coaching, Size spiritual leadership. Joanne Size: 1/32 page (2.25â€?x1)" ď€ ď€‚ď€ƒď€ƒď€„ď€…ď€†ď€‚ď€‡ď€‡ď€ˆď€„ď€‰ď€Šď€ƒď€ƒď€ˆď€‹ď€„ď€Œď€„ď€?ď€?ď€Œď€?ď€‘ď€’ď€Œď€’ď€“ď€?ď€? Liberation from old patterns. 513.251.5515. Franchina. 513.587.9855. ď€?ď€?ď€›ď€Œď€‰ď€„ď€”ď€?ď€?ď€?ď€?ď€‰ď€ƒď€?ď€”ď€”ď€‰ď€‡ď€œď€›ď€†ď€ƒď€‚ Crlboundlessenergyworks.abmp.com www.YourInnerCompass.com 10663 Loveland-Madeira Rd., Su C. PIC MICHEL. Creative Intuitive, Page 513.752.9288 • Fax Toltec Master Teacher. 513.549.4607. ACUPUNCTURE ROBERT & LINDA VOGES. Energy ads@wholelivin www.enlightenmeant.com MIMI TAGHER, LAc. Also Craniosacral, Healing Systems. Certified ThetaHealing Certified Reiki Practitioners/Teachers; TCM. Cincy & N-Ky. 859.525.5000. TARA L. ROBINSON. Specializing Master Teachers 812.594.2705. rbtvoges@ www.synergyholistichealth.com in spiritual evolution coaching and yahoo.com www.risingsunwellnessspa.com working with women who want to CHIROPRACTORS develop a coaching/writing/speaking DR. JACK ARMSTRONG. Beyond the career. Supporting women in the quest back for 30 years. Blue Ash. 513.489.9515. ď€ ď€‚ď€ƒď€„ď€…ď€†ď€‡ď€ˆď€‰ď€ƒď€Šď€…ď€„ď€‹ď€Œď€? ď€Œď€? ď€ ď€‚ď€ƒď€„ď€…ď€†ď€‡ď€ˆď€‰ď€ƒď€Šď€…ď€„ď€‹  for something more. 513.752.9288. www.wholecarechiropractic.com ď€ ď€‚ď€ƒď€„ď€…ď€†ď€‡ď€‚ď€ˆď€‡ď€‰ď€„ď€Šď€‹ď€Œď€‡ď€†ď€?ď€Žď€Œď€‚ editor@wholelivingjournal.com ď€ ď€‚ď€ƒď€„ď€…ď€†ď€‡ď€‚ď€ˆď€‡ď€‰ď€„ď€Šď€‹ď€Œď€‡ď€†ď€?ď€Žď€Œď€‚ ď€?ď€?ď€?ď€?ď€?


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CLASSES & WORKSHOPS C. PIC MICHEL. Art and Creative Practice. 513.549.4607. www.enlightenmeant.com INNER COMPASS. Meditation, mediumship, manifestation, metaphysics. Joanne Franchina, guest instructors. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com See ad on page 11.

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Mary Ellen Moore, VCSW, BCT Craniosacral practitioner & teacher

859-525-5000 www.synergyholistichealth.com www.dynamicstillness.com


Living W h o l e Journal

ď€?ď€‡ď€‚ď€ˆď€†ď€—ď€’ď€‚ď€‹ď€†ď€‚ď€Œď€‰ď€„ď€”ď€‚ď€?ď€‹ď€˜ď€‰ď€”ď€™ď€šď€‚ ď€ ď€‚ď€ƒď€ƒď€„ď€…ď€†ď€‚ď€‡ď€‡ď€ˆď€„ď€‰ď€Šď€ƒď€ƒď€ˆď€‹ď€„ď€Œď€„ď€?ď€?ď€Œď€?ď€‘ď€’ď€Œď€’ď€“ď€?ď€? ď€?ď€?ď€›ď€Œď€‰ď€„ď€”ď€?ď€?ď€?ď€?ď€‰ď€ƒď€?ď€”ď€”ď€‰ď€‡ď€œď€›ď€†ď€ƒď€‚

HEALING CENTERS STILLPOINT CENTER FOR HEALING ARTS. Massage Therapy, Yoga, Shamanism, Counseling. 11223 Cornell Park Drive, Suite 302. 513.489.5302. www.stillpointtherapy.com WHOLECARE. Dr. Jack Armstrong,

Holistic Chiropractor. Babies to grandparents. Blue Ash. 513.489.9515. www.wholecarechiropractic.com


ď€?ď€‡ď€‚ď€ˆď€†ď€—ď€’ď€‚ď€‹ď€†ď€‚ď€Œď€‰ď€„ď€”ď€‚ď€?ď€‹ď€˜ď€‰ď€”ď€™ď€šď€‚ KENDRA WILBURN. Certified ď€ ď€‚ď€ƒď€ƒď€„ď€…ď€†ď€‚ď€‡ď€‡ď€ˆď€„ď€‰ď€Šď€ƒď€ƒď€ˆď€‹ď€„ď€Œď€„ď€?ď€?ď€Œď€?ď€‘ď€’ď€Œď€’ď€“ď€?ď€? Mind Body Bridging Practitioner; Life ď€?ď€?ď€›ď€Œď€‰ď€„ď€”ď€?ď€?ď€?ď€?ď€‰ď€ƒď€?ď€”ď€”ď€‰ď€‡ď€œď€›ď€†ď€ƒď€‚ & Career Coach. Stress Management Specialist. 513.314.9659 kendra@careerbydesignllc.com

MASSAGE GLORIA ESENWEIN, LMT.ReviveRestore. 513.481.7400. www.ahealingplacemassage.com KENDRA NIESE, LMT. 513.646.3689. ROBERT REPASKY, Oncology PranicLMT. Healing™ Massage. DancingHeartMassage.com. A major breakthrough in energy healing 513.505.5737.help your body heal itself!

Call Joanne Miller (513) 687-7465



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MINDFUL WELLNESS MEDICAL THERMOGRAPHY. www.MindfulWellnessMedicalThermography.com See ad on page 19.

ORGANIZING SPACES The Mess Mender Polly Giblin Hands-on, non-judgmental help with de-cluttering 513-305-0401 www.pollygiblin.com

Declutter your Life the Easy Way    

10663 Loveland-Madeira Rd., Suite 162 • Loveland, OH 45140 COLLEEN DOHERTY. Evidential 513.752.9288 • Fax: 513.722.0752 Medium, Intuitive Psychic. 513.515.1751.ads@wholelivingjournal.com Classes


ANNE STEFFEN-RUSSO. Readings, Intuitive energy practitioner, 513.473.7447, by appointment. www.EnergeticAnswers.com

Victor Paruta


Psychic Medium

GARY MATTHEWS. Energy work, Breathwork and Shamanic techniques. Call 513.722.1917 for appt. www.ShamanicCounselor.com

“Accurate & compelling readings” -Cincinnati Magazine 513-929-0406 VictoryofLight.com

SPIRITUAL CENTERS PSYCHOTHERAPY CLARK ECHOLS. Licensed Therapist. Specializes in depression, anger, anxiety using cognitive behavioral, mindfulness, and spiritual, techniques. Certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples. 513.791.5990. www.clarkechols.com


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                      LIIFT healings by Brian Eastman Call today: 513.541.1257

JUDY PEACE-PALMISTRY, ASTROLOGY & TAROT. Tools for transformation and self understanding. In service for 22 years. Available for personal sessions or entertainment. 859.491.7885. silvorwing@aol.com


JACCOLIN FRANCHINA. Certified regressionist; alsopast-life readings. 513.528.5185. www,jaccolin.com

RADIO PROGRAMs WAVES OF A NEW AGE, WAIF88.3FM. Hosts Tara L. Robinson and Judy Peace. Tuesdays, 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM or listen live at www.waif883.org. Soul-filled sounds and conscious conversation. Archived show recordings on Facebook. www.WavesofaNewAge.org

PILATES HAPPY SPINE, KRISTEN FRYER. Pilates, Alexander Technique, Theta Healing. Northside. 513.401.0668. www.happyspine.us


GARDEN PARK UNITY CHURCH. Rev. Kathy Engelhardt. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd. 45239. ALL ARE WELCOME. Sundays at 11am. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org

SPIRITUAL DIRECTION DRAWING DEEPER TOWARD GOD? Want support? Christian spirituality, discernment, transitions, deepening prayer. tlong@seekingdirection.org

TANTRA KRIYA YOGA CYNTHIA AMRITA ROTHCHILD. Private Tutoring, Cobra Breath Initiations. www.Divineuniontantra.com. amritarothchild@earthlink.net. Namaste

TAROT CARD READINGS CELTIC TAROT CARD & PALM READINGS/PARTIES. Francine Haydon. 513.248.8772, francine.haydon@fuse.net www.foresthouseofhealing.com INSIGHT AND CLARITY. via Lenormand Cartomacy. Fact not Feeling. Private Reading/Parties. Karen Butscha. 859.307.3106. ggspassion@gmail.com

Reflexology MARY WHALEN. Certified Reflexologist 513.561.8246


PATTI KESSLER. LIQUID LIGHT ELIXIRS. 513.240.1602. www.PattiKessler.com

Writing & Editing

Writing Editing BR GHT concepts

Heidi Bright, M.Div. 513-444-0190 heidi@heidibright.com www.heidibright.com

PSYCHICS & CLAIRVOYANTS INNER COMPASS. Evidential, insightful readings. Joanne Franchina. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

next deadline: FEB 1 for Mar/Apr issue

January - February 2016

Living W h o l e Journal


Weekly Radio Show - Waves of a New Age Tuesdays, 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM

Conscious Conversations with Today᾿s Leaders LISTEN LIVE ONLINE www.waif883.org Links to recorded shows on FB

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Find us at: Waves of a New Age

Tuesdays 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM and www.WAIF883.org.

Hosted by: Tara L. Robinson & Judy Peace Listeners all over the world are tuning into Waves! ‟My name is Sabine and I live in Germany. Just listened to your interview with Brad (Warner) and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed it. Not only your questioning and finding the best topics to talk about but also your obvious joy in doing so...In his books Brad calls it ῾Zen Porn᾿ and I wanted to tell you that is exactly what your conversation with Brad was for me this morning. Thank you so much!”

Thank you to our partner Conscious Living Center!

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calendar of Events

New Haven Rd. Pre-reg reqd. 513.369.4442. www.programs.cincinnatilibrary.org

TUE • JAN 19

Shamanic Journeying, w/Larry Crockett, Shamanic Practitioner, 7-9pm, $15. Bring light snack. 216 Furbee Dr, E Mason, OH 45040. RSVP reqd. www.whitedovecircle.com

WED • JAN 20 & FEB 17


WED • FEB 17

Tarot Clinic, w/Rose Vanden Eynden, 7-9pm, $20. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.405.1626. www.vandeneynden.biz

TUE • FEB 23

World Service Meditation, w/Jim Wachter, Minister/ Meditation Leader, 7-9pm, love donation. Bring light snack. 216 Furbee Dr, E Mason, OH 45040. RSVP Reqd. www.whitedovecircle.com


Joyful Laughter Healing Yoga, 7pm, free. Symmes Twp. Branch Library, 11850 East Enyart Rd. 513.369.6001. www.programs.cincinnatilibrary.org

MON • JAN 4 - MAR 21

FRI • JAN 22

Mediumship Development Circle, w/Rose Vanden Eynden, 7-9pm, $20. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.405.1626. www.vandeneynden.biz

Message Circle Event, w/Joanne Franchina, Guest Mediums, 7-9pm, $30. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


PTSD/Trauma Population, w/Lois Thompson, 200 YTR, 7pm, $100. All Saints Episcopal Church, 6301 Parkman Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45212. Pre-reg reqd. Lois 513.602.9116.

TUE • JAN 5 – FEB 2

Qigong/TaiChi, w/Jacquelyn Millay, 1-2:30pm, $50/ pre-reg discount. Centennial Barn, 110 Compton Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45215. 513.405.1514. www.harmonicpulsewellness.com

THUR • JAN 7 – FEB 4

Pure Potential Qigong/TaiChi, w/Jacquelyn Millay, 9:30-11am, $50/pre-reg discount. Grace Episcopal, College Hill, 5501 Hamilton Ave, 45224. 513.405.1514. www.harmonicpulsewellness.com


Astrology/The Year Ahead, w/Deborah Williams, 7-9pm, $35. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

FRI • JAN 8 – FEB 5

Engage Your Inner Healer Qigong, w/Jacquelyn Millay, 6:30-8pm, $50/pre-reg discount. Grace Episcopal, College Hill, 5501 Hamilton Ave, 45224. 513.405.1514. www.harmonicpulsewellness.com

SAT • JAN 9, 23, 30 & FEB 13 & 27

Yoga, w/Gina Belew, 10:30am, free. Anderson Branch Library, 7450 State Rd. 513.369.6030. www.programs.cincinnatilibrary.org

Astrology/NCGR Meeting, 7pm, 1st meeting free. Discuss Solar Returns. Maderia Municipal Bldg. ncgr.ohiovalley@gmail.com

SAT • JAN 23

Full Moon Celebration/Ceremony/Wolf Moon, w/ Jim Wachter, Minister/Teacher, 7-9:30, love donation. Bring light snack. 216 Furbee Dr, E Mason, OH 45040. RSVP Reqd. www.whitedovecircle.com Women & Abundance, w/Anne Steffen-Russo, 2-5pm, $50. 1350 Michigan Ave, Cincinnati OH, 45208. 513.473.7447. www.energeticanswers.com

SUN • JAN 24

Open House The New School Montessori, 2-4pm. 3 Burton Wood Lane, North Avondale. 513.281.7999. www.newschoolmontessori.com

TUE • JAN 26

World Service Meditation, w/Jim Wachter, Minister/ Meditation Leader, 7-9pm, love donation. Bring light snack. 216 Furbee Dr E, Mason, OH 45040. RSVP Reqd. www.whitedovecircle.com

WED • JAN 27

Teen Time Yoga, 3pm, free. College Hill Branch Library, 1400 W. North Bend Rd. 513.369.6036. www.programs.cincinnatilibrary.org

THUR • JAN 14 & TUE • FEB 9

Yoga for Kids, 4pm, free. Hyde Park Branch Library, 2747 Erie Ave. 513.369.4456. www.programs.cincinnatilibrary.org

MON • JAN 18

Alzheimer’s/Know the 10 Signs, 7pm, free. Early detection matters. Harrison Branch Library, 10398


Shamanic Journeying, w/Larry Crockett, Shamanic Practitioner, 7-9pm, $15. Bring light snack. 216 Furbee Dr, E Mason, OH 45040. RSVP Reqd.

January - February 2016

WED • FEB 24


Mystic Message Event, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, Guest Presenters, 7-9pm, $20. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


Harnessing Mindfulness, Fitting the Practice to the Person, w/Dr. Ronald D. Siegel. Earn 6 CEs. Learn more at www. jfscinti.org


Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 12:30-1:30pm, $6. Sycamore Senior Cntr, 4455 Carver Woods Dr. 45242. 513.205.6353.


Tai Chi for Health, w/Betty Lubrecht, 1pm, beginner/2:30pm, intermediate, $66/6 wks. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com Waves of a New Age, WAIF/88.3FM, w/Tara L. Robinson & Judy Peace, 3-5pm. Conscious Conversations with leading authors and teachers. Listen online: www.WAIF883.org Call show to join the conversation. 513.961.8900. www.WavesofaNewAge.org “Like” us on Facebook!


Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 12-1pm, $6. Sycamore Senior Cntr, 4455 Carver Woods Dr. 45242.

Living W h o l e Journal


LIVING Living Happy

Living Healthy


Ads start at $59

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Advertise with Us! 513.205.6353. Yoga, w/Glo Siry, 5:30 & 6:30pm, $10 cash. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com

Yoga, Anusara, w/Glo Siry, 9am, $10 cash. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com



New Addiction Recovery Movement, w/Anne Steffen-Russo & Eric Russo, 7-8:30pm, free, donations accepted. 1350 Michigan Ave, Cinci, OH 45208. 513.473.7447. www.energeticanswers.com


Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 11-12pm, $6. Springfield Twp. Senior Center, 9158 Winton Rd. 45231. 513.205.6353. Chair Yoga for Parkinsons & Special Populations, w/April Aloisio, 1- 2pm, $5. The Centennial Barn, 110 Compton Rd. 45215. 513.205.6353.


West African Dance Classes, w/Fire Unleashed, 10am, $7 adults, $4 children. McKie Recreation Center, 1655 Chase Avenue, Northside. 513.384.7311.


Center for Spiritual Living Greater Cinti, 10:30am. See ad. 5701 Murray Ave. 45227. 513.218.2128. www.cslgc.org Divinity Spiritual Church, w/Rev. Mary Margaret, 11am. 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield OH. 45014. 513.892.0623. Divinity Spiritual Church Online Service, w/Rev. Mary Margaret Denholm, 7pm, donation. Find your location. 513.289.2914. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church/ USCL, 9:50-10:20am/healing, 10:30am/service. 11006 Reading Rd. Ste 202, Cinci. OH. 25241. www.uscl.org Unity of Garden Park Church, 9:30-10:40am, adult learning & sharing mastermind prayer group, service w/Rev. Kathy Engelhardt, 11am. All are welcome. See ad. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd, 45239. 513.385.8889. www.UnityofGardenPark.org


Living W h o l e Journal

New Thought Unity, w/Reverend Michael Brooks leading the services, Sun service 10:30am, Wed 6:30pm. All are honored and welcome. Spiritual & Not Religious. This may feel like coming home. 1401 E McMillan. www.ntunity.org

“Whole Living Journal”

Blue Ash. 513.489.5302. www.StillpointTherapy.com


Healing Energy Circle, w/Joanne Franchina, Guest Presenters, 7-9pm, $10/session. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com



Laughter Yoga/Joyful Healing LY Club, w/Judi A. Winall & Pam Hall, 7pm, free. Symmes Township Library, 11850 Enyart Rd. 513.899.3115. www.JoyfulHealingLaughter.com


Read-N-Feed, 12:30-2:30pm, $10 lunch & reading, $10 additional reading. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church, USCL, 11006 Reading Rd. Ste. 202, Cincinnati, OH 45241 www.uscl.org

Best Year Ever/Life Coaching Circle, w/Joanne Franchina, 7-9pm, $35/session, $325/full year. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

Religious Recovery, w/ Lisa, 10-11:30am, free. College Hill Coffee Company. Check with Lisa for current dates. Lisa, www.ReligiousRecovery.org


Book Circle for Soul Searchers, w/Diane Sears, 7-9pm, $10/session. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com Infusion Cincinnati, 6:30-8pm, free, donations accepted. Talk + Music + Connection. Join the brightest game-changers in town to light up the city! Columbia Center, 3500 Columbia Pkwy, Cincinnati, OH 45226 Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati


Higher Beings Wisdom Circle, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, 7-9pm, $20/session. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


Meditation class, w/Gary Matthews, 7-8:30pm, $20/ class, $30/incl. 2nd Fri. Shamanic Journey class. Stillpoint, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Ste 302, Blue Ash. 513.489.5302. www.StillpointTherapy.com


Shamanic Journey class, w/Gary Matthews, 6:308:30pm, $20/class, $30/incl. 2nd Thurs. Meditation class. Stillpoint, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Ste 302.




Meditation Sampler Circle, w/Joanne Franchina, 7-9pm, $10/session. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

next deadline: FEB 1 for Mar/Apr issue. We will print 5 events up to 20 words each for FREE as part of our service to the community. Email listings to events@wholelivingjournal.com. All Ongoing events MUST be renewed each issue by the deadline. Please follow our format to ensure accuracy: Day of Week, Month Date, Title, Presenter, Time, Cost, Location, Contact info.

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Spiritual Mastery Meditation Mixer Discover Your Angel Awakenings How to Read Series w/ Dr. Heidi Hanna Passion & Purpose w/ Brian Anderson Your Own Akashic Records w/ Tara L. Robinson w/ Shakti Durga w/ Linda Howe

Letting Go Series New Moon Ceremony w/ Mother Mary w/ Kari Samuels as channeled by Danielle Gibbons

Learning Signs & Symbols from Spirit w/ Mary-Anne Kennedy

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Living W h o l e Journal


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               


        COMPLETE FAMILY DENTAL CARE ontgomery Dental Sleep Medicine is like no dental office you’ve visited. Dedicated to your total well-being, our staff forms long-term relationships with you and your family built on open, honest dialogue and a thorough knowledge of all the factors that impact everyone’s health. Our approach is successful because it’s a more sensitive process of listening to your thoughts, questions and concerns.


AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO BETTER HEALTH o you wake up exhausted? Are you fatigued during the day even though you get a “good night’s sleep”? Do you suffer Insomnia and CFS? Do you wake up with a headache? Do you have head, neck or jaw pain? For 32 years, Dr. Bosma has enjoyed marked success relieving headaches and migraine symptoms, TMJ pain and dysfunction, stiff and painful neck and shoulder muscles, and an extremely successful natural sinus regimen to ease nasal breathing effort. Our integrated approach combines multiple preventative medicine disciplines. Since our healthcare professionals have over 65 years of combined experience, we’re able to exceed your expectations and achieve our goal of improving your quality of life.



Living W h o l e Journal

BREATHE MORE LIFE INTO YOUR BODY noring and sleep apnea lead to low oxygen levels in the body. In turn, this leads to physical problems people don’t usually associate with sleep issues. They affect your life at home, on the job, and your relationships. Dr. Bosma helps patients who snore through a unique system of evaluation and treatment called Oral Systemic Balance. Breathe more life into your body! Call us for information or to schedule your sleep evaluation.




oes your smile make you feel confident and attractive? Or, do you cringe when you have your photo taken? Have you lived with discolored teeth, chips or cracks, or mottled coloring for long enough? Transform your smile in as few as one or two visits to Montgomery Dental Sleep Medicine. Find new confidence and take years off your looks!

New Patient Offer

We’ll repair your older bridgework (cracks, chips and discoloration), and we can close up gaps between teeth. We are committed to making you feel and look your best. WHY CHOOSE MONTGOMERY DENTAL SLEEP MEDICINE? ur practice is different. Yes, you’ll see us for routine checkups, cleanings, x-rays, whitening, fillings and, yes, sometimes for serious work. But we also are laying the groundwork for a long-term relationship with you and your family—one that will help you all enjoy better health for life. We’re treating you, not just your teeth!


Go south out of Old Montgomery. Cross over Ronald Reagan Hwy. Turn left at 1st light into Montgomery Station Office Condos. Right at 1st stop sign into our lot. Still not sure? Please feel free to call us for directions. 513-984-8282.

New Patient Offer

Free Consult

$167.00 VALUE

$133.00 for Exam

Headache, Jaw & Neck Pain, Snoring, Sleep Apnea and

Cleaning and 4 Bitewing X-Rays

C-PAP Intolerance Some restrictions may apply.

Free Home Care Kit Some restrictions may apply.


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