Whole Living Journal MarApr14

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FREE Mar/Apr 2014


Vanzant Why We

Should Forgive


Unleash Your Warrior Goddess


Know Your Options

Fight Cancer with the Rhythms of Nature

Infusion Cincinnati

Step off the Curb into the Adventure of Your Life

Mar. 11th & Apr. 8th

March-April 2014

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A Life-changing Initiatory Process for Women

The new book by

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March-April 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


March April

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7 8 10 13 14 15 18 21

Why Forgive?

Founding Publisher & Editor (2003-2008) Kathryn Martin Ossege

BY Iyanla Vanzant

Fight Cancer with the Rhythms of Nature Awaken to Life Through Connection Yoga Styles: Know Your Options Would You Recognize Jesus? Happy YOU, Happy World

BY Jennifer Annenberg

BY Meagan McCrary

BY Larry Gross

Stepping Off the Curb Into Life

BY Vicki Richter

Editor Tara L. Robinson

Advertising & Promotions Tara L. Robinson Design & Layout Jon Robinson

BY Lea Smith

Events Calendar Darlene Robinson by C. Pic Michel.

by pama mitchell & mary ann barnes, MD

by mimi tagher, L.ac. by francine haydon & patricia garry

Our Community 24 Community Spotlight 26 Resource Directory 29 Event Calendar

Publisher Life Dynamics, llc

Editorial Consultant & Contributor Heidi Bright

BY Betsy Whitfill

Healthcare Technology Captures Auras

Columns 6 EnlightenMeant Cartoon 16 Nutrition and Recipes 20 Herbs ‘n Such 23 Intuitive Insights

BY Christine Horner, M.D.

Departments 6 Infusion Cincinnati 6 Reader Feedback 22 Book Review



Distribution Teri Dettone Kendra Koch Dana Boll Mimi Tagher Francine Haydon Contact Us 10663 Loveland-Madeira Rd, Ste 162 Loveland, Ohio 45140 513.752.9288 info@wholelivingjournal.com Advertising Rates and Submission Guidlines Available Online at www.wholelivingjournal.com Find us on:

Next Deadline: APR 1 for May/June issue Email ads to: ads@wholelivingjournal.com Email events to: events@wholelivingjournal.com


Whole Living Journal is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.

Š 2014 Life Dynamics, LLC. All rights reserved. The information in WLJ is not intended as medical advice and should not replace the advice of your physician. WLJ is not responsible for misinformation, typographical errors, omissions, or inaccuracies contained herein. The views expressed by our writers may not be shared by WLJ.


Living W h o l e Journal


Letter from the Editor

Tara L. Robinson, editor@wholelivingjournal.com

Choosing Miracles


lbert Einstein said “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Now I can’t say for sure exactly how the universe operates and there are certainly mysteries we may never understand, not to mention it’s very tricky to figure out the dynamics between free will and divine providence. However, what I do know for sure is that life is a lot more fun when I choose to live as though everything is a miracle. When I choose to live life as an adventure my level of enjoyment significantly increases. And since our thoughts and beliefs create our realities, it’s no surprise that miracles and adventurous happenings are regular occurrences in my life, or at least I interpret them as such. One of my favorite quotes is by Joseph Campbell. He said ‟Anyone standing on a street corner waiting for the light to turn green is waiting to step into the world of heroic deeds and mythic action.” And in one of my favorite books ever, The Way of the Wizard, Deepak Chopra writes, “You cross the street not noticing the sword in the stone standing by the curb. A bus station can turn into the Crystal Cave if you are open to it.” So the question is, are you open to it? Are you ready to begin living life as an adventure and as if everything is a miracle? In my last Letter from the Editor (JanFeb ῾14) I chronicled the amazing synchronicities that lined up and resulted in a fated phone call with someone who found hope when he needed it most. In short, I interviewed Dr. Wayne Dyer and then spoke about the question I asked him regarding the Serenity Prayer and his answer to me on Waves of a New Age radio show later that same day. A listener who “just happened” to be “passing through” Cincinnati at that exact time called to say he had been planning his suicide for the past 12 days and had just decided he didn’t want to die after being reminded of the deep message of the Serenity Prayer which says, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” What has happened since then continues to be a journey of living the miraculous. Before I had written and published my Letter from the Editor telling the story of my experience with divine intervention, I wrote a personal email to Dr. Dyer letting him know what had happened after we had talked. I didn’t receive a response from him, which wasn’t surprising given his very demanding schedule. But then, we were suddenly flooded with emails from people in all corners of the world asking for copies of Whole Living Journal to be mailed to them and commenting on the amazing story of my conversation with Dr. Dyer. This sudden interest in WLJ and my editor᾿s letter was somewhat perplexing since it seemed to come from out of nowhere when a piece of information dropped into place that explained everything. I was tagged in a Facebook post that read, “Cincinnati’s

very own Tara L. Robinson is featured in Dr. Wayne Dyer’s latest newsletter.” As it turned out, Dr. Dyer hadn’t responded to me personally, but he had re-printed my email to him in his newsletter that was sent to his subscribers around the world! That’s why we were receiving requests and comments from places like Norway, Japan, Australia, South Africa and Germany. Although I never imagined events would unfold like this, I do imagine my life can feel like a miracle, that it can be an adventure…that anything is possible. I encourage you to begin looking for the sword in the stone standing by the curb in your own life, and consider stepping off that curb into the world of heroic deeds and mythic action. We’d love to hear from you about your own adventures. Please write to us, comment on our Facebook page, or come in person to Infusion Cincinnati where stories like this are shared every month. I’m going to close with some of the comments we’ve received since there’s not enough space in our Reader Feedback section to feature them there. Much love to all. “Thank you, Tara. We can see clearly now that before merging into form, we were a part of God, with all the inherent qualities of a Creator who sends forth abundance, creativity, love, peace, joy, and well-being. Each and every one of us represent God or Spirit revealing Itself here on our planet. Remember that your life is bigger than you are, and dedicate your life to something that reflects an awareness of your Divinity. Namaste.” Wayne W. Dyer, Hawaii “You are blessed with your awareness. So many people see the dots, but fail to connect them!” Robert Voges, Indiana “Thank you for this magazine that I just discovered. My books that I cherish and I’ve learned so much from are by authors such as, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Don Miguel Ruiz, and many others. And I’m so thankful that you have articles from some of the authors I’ve mentioned.” Teresa Milaras, South Australia “Dear Tara and Whole Living Journal, Today I read Dr. Wayne Dyer’s e-mail and your touching words about the radio program that saved one man’s life. Amazing! You have touched people in icy cold Norway too.” Therese Ulvan, Norway “When reading your editorial and the article on Dr. Dyer's latest book, I recalled the song entitled ‘I Can See Clearly Now’ written by Johnny Nash and performed in the movie Cool Runnings…‘I can see clearly now the rain is gone.’ My vision (outer and inner) is no longer obstructed. ‘I can see all obstacles in my way.’ - I notice what’s preventing me from living the life I desire. ‘Gone are the dark clouds...’ - of discouragement, dejection, and despair. ‘Here is the rainbow I’ve been praying for.’ - Reflections of hopes and inspirations. ‘It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.’ - DeLightful!” Adele Bell, Cincinnati

March-April 2014

Living W h o l e Journal



Reader Feedback

Infusion Cincinnati was recently described as ‟a living Whole Living Journal” - a place where people can come together to connect and be infused with inspiration. Infusion is exactly that - every month WLJ jumps off the pages and comes alive as we gather to share the most cutting edge and revolutionary ideas about how we can make the world a better place...the world at large, in our precious city, and in our own individual worlds. In January, transformation coach Larry Watson led our largest meeting yet. Larry facilitated discussion about The Power of Visioning and impromptu music was provided by Randy Weeks. Randy captivated everyone with his rendition of ‟Hallelujah.” Laughter yoga teacher Patrick Murphy Welage shattered labels and encouraged us to look with fresh eyes at everyone in our lives at the February meeting. And Zach Freidhof traveled all the way from Akron to thrill us with his lively tunes. Sage Woman will facilitate a conversation about practicing unconditional love and forgiveness for self and others at the March meeting. Please come share what᾿s on your heart. Every Infusion meeting is donation basis and includes music, talk and community discussion about living with passion and purpose. 2nd Tuesdays 6:30-8pm at Rohs Street Cafe, 245 W. McMillan St, 45219. Leave extra time for parking, and plan to stay after for coffee and conversation. Be a part of the movement and let YOUR light shine! Join the conversation on Facebook: “Infusion Cincinnati” Twitter: @InfusionCincy Web: www.infusioncincinnati.com

‟Truth and self empowerment are bursting at the seams of every heart. Now is the time. You bless us all with your steadfast, committed expressions, inspiring us all to deeper knowing and awakened awareness. Time is surely, now. Thank you. Carry on.” Susan Grace, Received via email “How awesome are you?! Whole Living Journal, Infusion Cincinnati. I was just thinking about needing a place that is filled with people with great ideas and inspiration along with positive intentions and purpose. A place where one can come together with other like minded people who all desire to live in a more humble, loving, nurturing, and adventurous world. I enjoy looking at and reading though the Whole Living Journal and often think, ῾What could happen if all the people that are mentioned in this journal were to come together under the same roof?᾿ I start dreaming of the infinite positive cosmic possibilities and outcome that would begin to take shape within this world.” Kenneth J. Brinkman, Received via email


Living W h o l e Journal


Why Forgive? by Iyanla Vanzant


ou might be asking yourself, “Why would I want to practice forgiveness?” The answer is simple. Practice develops skill. Skill leads to mastery. When you master the practice of forgiveness, it becomes as natural as breathing. And when you know how to forgive, you eliminate excess mental and emotional weight that keeps you stuck in repetitive situations, circumstances, and experiences that are not healthy or productive. The only true way to create a more loving, productive, and fulfilling life is by forgiving the past. Releasing the past restores us to the full energy of the present moment. Everything we do and experience in life is born from the energy we carry. People and experiences show up in response to the conscious and unconscious energetic invitations we issue. Many of us believe that what happens to us gives rise to the feelings we experience. The truth is, it’s the other way around. Forgiveness addresses how we think and feel about others and ourselves, and how those thoughts manifest within our lives as energy. Every feeling has its origin in a thought, because each thought that we have creates energy. If you can remove the thought, the underlying feeling will bubble to the surface. That’s why we are forgiving our thoughts throughout this process. As Michael Grant, author of The Twelve Laws of Life reminds us, “Your mind controls your mood. In fact, it is safe to say that you always have some thought (mind) before you feel something emotionally (mood). The thought might be so fast and seemingly ‘automatic’ that you don’t even see it or think you are thinking it but you are. The truth is that what you think determines what you feel—it’s a basic law of life.” If you can tap into and identify the feeling, you will discover that there’s a thought linked to it. Once you remove the feeling, the thought will also dissipate. Whether you explore the source thought or the feeling doesn’t matter. What matters is, if a situation, circumstance, or relationship doesn’t feel good, that’s a sign that there’s someone or something you have to forgive. It’s all about energy. Forgiveness helps to transform and eliminate the energy blockages that we hold in our minds about who we are and who others are, and the subsequent issues or upsets that grow from the thoughts, beliefs, and judgments we hold. Creating a loving, healthy, and fulfilling life plus loving, healthy, and fulfilling relationships begins in the mind. Forgiveness is a practice that helps us to realign our thoughts and feelings under new conscious management. Think of it this way: the mind is like a little puppy. A puppy will run around all over the place until we train him to do otherwise. If we don’t train the puppy, he’ll grow into a full-grown dog that will pee on the carpet, chew on our shoes, and hump our guests. When we train our own “puppy mind” to sit, stay, and roll

Photo credit: George Burns / Harpo Studios

over on command, our thoughts become clearer and our negative feelings become easier to identify, navigate, and release. About the author: Iyanla Vanzant is the author of 15 titles, including five New York Times bestsellers, and the Inner Visions CD series. A Yoruba priestess and an ordained minister in Christian New Thought, she is the founder and executive director of Inner Visions International and the Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development. She is the legendary life coach of Iyanla: Fix My Life on the Oprah Winfrey Network.

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March-April 2014

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with the




by Christine Horner, MD

hether you honor them or not, your mind/ body is ruled by the natural cycles and rhythms of Nature. In other words, your Warrior Goddess has a schedule that she likes to keep to stay strong and balanced. She is very particular about the number of hours she sleeps, what time she goes to bed, and many other details. When you live in harmony with her cycles and rhythms, you enhance her strength. When she is strong and empowered, she expresses that power by increasing your body’s natural healing capabilities—its inner healing intelligence. This principle is beautifully demonstrated by the profound effects that respecting or disrespecting these rhythms has on how melatonin expresses itself.


The Medicinal Power of Following the Cycle of the Sun If you followed the natural rhythms of the sun, you would go to bed shortly after it sets. Research indicates that there is tremendous health value in following the cycles of the sun. Research shows that if you go to bed early, before 10:00 P.M., your melatonin levels rise to their highest possible and most medicinal levels during sleep. If you go to bed late, around midnight for instance, you are working against the natural rhythms of Nature and obstructing the flow of healing intelligence. Melatonin levels don’t rise as high in this case, and you lose its full medicinal power. If you severely disrespect Nature’s rhythms, you seriously impede the healing intelligence of your mind/body, and your Warrior Goddess loses her balance, becoming dull and weak. She can no longer protect you with brilliance, discriminating intelligence, and strength.

finding. Interestingly, the researchers found that the women working the night shift, who described their natural nature as “a morning person,” had the highest risk of all. The risk of breast cancer in those individuals was almost four times higher! Other researchers found that breast cancer tumors grew seven times faster in animals exposed to constant light.

Cancer Fighters Love Complete Darkness

When you sleep, your melatonin level rises, but melatonin responds to more than just your change in consciousness. Melatonin is a nocturnal nectar. It loves the darkness. The darker the environment is, the better it flows. Even though you don’t consciously see when you sleep, your eyes perceive the light. Melatonin is as repelled by light as Count Dracula is. It shies away from even the faintest glimmers of light. Any light at night—even a soft nightlight or the glow of a full moon—will prevent your melatonin from rising to its full potential. Bright city lights burning continuously through the night may be one reason for the more common incidence of breast cancer in industrialized regions.

Blind Women Have Half the Incidence of Breast Cancer The darker it is, the more your melatonin responds and the more freely it flows. Melatonin loves the darkness so much that it seems to prefer blindness. In women who are blind, this natural medicinal hormone expresses its protective might in full glory. Blind women have half the incidence of breast cancer that women with normal eyesight have. If you can’t make your bedroom totally dark, I highly recommend that you wear an eye mask when you sleep.

The Danger of Working All Night and Sleeping All Day

Note: Radio interview with Dr. Christine Horner on Waves of a New Age, March 18th 3:30-4:30pm, WAIF 88.3FM or www.waif883.org

If you keep an extreme schedule that assaults the natural laws and rhythms of Nature (for example, if you work all night and sleep all day), the deterious health consequences are spectacular. Your inner healing intelligence is dramatically weakened. For instance, researchers found that nurses who worked the night shift had a 50 percent higher risk of breast cancer. The longer they worked the night shift—that is, the longer they worked against the laws of Nature—the higher their risk of breast cancer became. In 2012, a Danish study confirmed this

About the author: Christine Horner, MD, board certified and nationally recognized surgeon, author, professional speaker and natural health expert, is the author of Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr. Christine Horner’s Program to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer winner of the IPPY award for the “Best Book in Medicine, Nutrition and Health.” For more information go to www.drchristinehorner.com


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Public Library Receives Award

from Duke Energy for Upgrades The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County received a 2013 Power Partner award Feb. 11 from Duke Energy during the Library’s board meeting. The Library earned the award by making energy-efficient upgrades to the Main Library in downtown Cincinnati. “We are so pleased with the results of the improvements made to our Main Library as a result of this program. We’re saving money and energy while still providing a comfortable environment for our customers and staff,” said Eva Jane Romaine Coombe Director of the Library Kimber L. Fender. Duke Energy established the Power Partner awards in 1992 to recognize large businesses that achieve exemplary results in energy efficiency, sustainability and business growth. Given the scope and complexity of overhauling the Library’s systems, implementation of the energy-efficiency projects is being spread over multiple years and phases. The Library’s energy conservation efforts are expected to save the Library $430,000 per

year and reduce energy usage by 37 percent. In December 2012, Duke Energy presented a Smart $aver Incentive check for $111,000 to the Library for the reduction of 1,684,889 kilowatt-hours (kWh) in Phase One. During Phase Two, Duke Energy presented another Smart $aver incentive check in January of this year for $210,000 for the reduction of 2,792,785 kWh. For more about the construction projects, visit www.cincinnatilibrary.org/info/construction/

March-April 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


Awaken to Life Through

Connection by Jennifer Annenberg


ecall for a moment the experiment in grade school where many of us were instructed on how to grow new life utilizing the very humble method of placing a dry bean into a Styrofoam cup filled with dirt. We were told the three basic criteria to ensure the most success:

1. Push the dry seed into the soil about an inch. Too

deep would not be good, too little would not be sufficient.

2. Give it water. Again, taking great care not to give it too much or it would drown. Too little and it would not sprout.

3. Place it where it would receive sun. Then, all we could do was wait. Do you remember when your seed first showed signs of life? What a wondrous and proud moment! When we first saw the fresh green bud poking its head out, we felt like new parents. Our seeds had made it! Little did we know that this seed had embarked on a great and tumultuous journey, one that not all the seeds were willing to take. This was notable by the few disappointed faces in the classroom who ended up with just a cup of dirt. We are all seeds. Each one of us contains exactly what we need to grow into the magnificent beings we are, extensions of our Source. Regardless of the physical size or appearance of our seeds, the grey matter inside each shell is the same. It is basically an inert, goopy mass lying dormant, protected by the walls of its shell. The only way towards growth and change is when the seed is exposed to enough water that the walls of its shell sufficiently break down and dissolve, allowing it to reach out into the dark, unknown, unchartered territory of the soil. Here is where its leap of faith pays off. This dark, seemingly cold world offers nutrients and nurturing. Through complete faith and trust and knowing, two worlds connect together to push the seed towards its greatest expression. The result? The metamorphosis of grey mass into life. For us the journey is no different. Our grey matter is only awakened to life when we make the connection to the outside world. Realizing we cannot be here without others. This crucial step in our evolution is now more evident than ever. We must go into the dark unknown soil, allowing the process to take over time and time again. Opening up and connecting to something greater. Not fearing when the clouds


Living W h o l e Journal

bring rain, tears or pain. Learning to receive the water that flows to work its magic on us, then through us, then for us. So that everything gets washed away. Only in this wall-less, vulnerable state are the most nutrients able to get in. Our degree of softening will determine the degree to which we can connect to the outside world. The greater our ability is to connect what is inside ourselves to the outside world will determine our ability to thrive. Just like the seed that allows its grey matter to come into contact with the outside world, only then will the outside world give it what it needs to thrive. And so it is with us. It can be a scary though to let go and trust. There are a million reasons why we should stay put and settle, frozen in the grey matter that seems so safe and secure. The world seems unpredictable, unsafe. What if we don’t make it? There might be nothing left of us when it’s all over. Know that you have everything you need inside of you. But it means nothing if the outside world doesn’t see it. Allow yourself to stop believing that your strength comes from keeping it all to yourself behind a wall. Know that to be the highest, most abundant expression of yourself requires you to be soft. In fact, the softer and more pliable you are, the easier it will be to grow, evolve and allow the world’s nutrients to permeate your being. We are not here to be alone. We are here to facilitate each other’s growth potential thru exchanging the gifts we have come to offer. Water will be a crucial element for us this year. It will allow us to reach inward to ourselves, then outward to others, then upward together towards the sun. Don’t allow walls to stunt your growth. Your life and the life of others depend on it. Are You Ready? “I will remind you of your magnificence, until you are utterly, completely, unapologetically, able to see it in Yourself.” xoxo Jennifer About the author: Jennifer Annenberg is Creative Director for Jennifer Annenberg Productions. For more inspiration please visit www.jenniferannenberg.com. Facebook: Jennifer Annenberg Productions. Twitter: @ jenannenberg. Email: Jennifer.annenberg@ icloud.com.


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March-April 2014

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Living W h o l e Journal



yoga Styles Know Your


by Meagan McCrary t first glance it appears that yoga is yoga, but take a closer look and you’ll discover a vast world of yoga systems and lineages, teaching methodologies and techniques, different practices and beliefs, and so on. And while yoga is for everyone, not every style of yoga is: How do you know what style, or styles, of yoga is best for you? The first step is to know your choices and understand the difference between yoga styles. The second is to know what you are looking for a yoga practice. Consider your reasons for practicing; what would you like to gain from your time on the mat? Are you searching for a sweaty, dynamic workout? Or are you more attracted to yoga’s restorative practices? Do you have any special needs or limitations? And, most importantly, what’s going to keep you coming back? Below are a few key styles of yoga, but remember there’s a whole vast world of yoga styles and systems. Once you’re in the know you can confidently attend a yoga class of your choosing.


Ashtanga (Breath-Centered): Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic, physically demanding practice that synchronizes breath and movement, producing a strong internal heat as you move through a set sequence of postures (six in total). Originating with this style of yoga, vinyasa, which means “breathingmovement system,” forms the foundation of practice. Each movement is accompanied by one breath to create one system of breathing and moving, or one vinyasa. The method is a process of purification, heating the body and eliminating toxins and impurities through sweat. And sweat you will as you flow from one pose to the next to the rhythm of your own breath. Iyengar (Alignment-Based): Iyengar yoga is the practice of precision, paying close attention to the anatomical details and alignment of each posture. Rather than moving quickly from one pose to the next, postures are built methodically with acute concentration and held for longer periods of time while students receive individualized attention from the teacher. Iyengar teachers are very skilled at offering modifications for injuries and limitations, using props as necessary, making this style of yoga appropriate for just about everyone.

pay close attention to any internal sensations you’re experiencing. Beginner friendly, Kundalini yoga promotes a strong inward focus rather than outwardly perfecting the poses, promising that all you need to be able to do is breathe and move and you will have an energetic experience in your very first class.

Bikram: Bikram Yoga is a set sequence of 26 yoga postures

done in 105-degree heat with 40 percent humidity for 90 minutes. The sequence is designed to systematically work every part of the body from the inside out. You will twist, churn, bend, bow and fold your way through postures, bringing fresh, oxygenated blood to every internal organ your body. The heat and humidity serve to speed up the body’s natural detoxifying process, sweating out toxins while boosting your heart rate. There is no flow between positions in Bikram yoga, each pose is performed twice and held from anywhere from 10-60 seconds. In the end, the practice is just as much an exercise in willpower as it is physical exertion. About the author: Meagan McCrary is a Los Angeles based yoga teacher and the author of Pick Your Yoga Practice. She teaches for Equinox Sports Clubs, works one-on-one with some of the entertainment industries leading professionals, and holds workshops and retreats nationally and internationally. Visit her online at http://www.meaganmccrary.com Based on the book Pick Your Yoga Practice © 2013 by Meagan McCrary. Printed with permission of New World Library www.newworldlibrary.com

Kundalini (Energy-Focused): Kundalini yoga is a highly spiritual and dynamic practice aimed at expanding consciousness and increasing physical vitality by accessing and integrating prana (life-force energy) throughout the body. The method is multidimensional, using rhythm, movement, breath, and sound to effectively stimulate and shift your energy. The practice alternates between active exercises (known as kriyas) and periods of relaxation, during which you’ll be guided to

March-April 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


Would You

Recognize Jesus? by Betsy Whitfill


f the Christ, or Buddha returned today...would you recognize Him? A story has been developing, largely under the radar of mainstream news, that promises the world, to the world. A spiritual teacher has returned to the world to inspire us, awaken us to who we really are, and stimulate that divine potential within each of us into a glorious flame of love and light. From that light, humanity will create as never before, radiating the Love of God to all kingdoms, and eventually banish the suffering that defines so many lives today. His personal name is Maitreya, “the happy one.” He embodies the love energy of God and daily sends that love throughout the world, stimulating and uplifting the hearts of all who are open. He appears physically to many people throughout the world, whether they know who he is or not. He heals, he comforts, he inspires joy. For 30 years, the readers of Share International magazine have read letters from hundreds of people who describe surprising, unforgettable encounters with an extraordinary man, or woman, or even a child. They express wonder and joy that someone would know and speak to their innermost cares. Maitreya does not come alone on his mission of rescue, salvage and rehabilitation. He comes as the Head of His Group of Masters, those spiritual giants who make up Earth’s spiritual hierarchy and have guided humanity since our very beginning on this planet. Every major historic figure who has contributed to humanity’s progress and delight has been a disciple of one or another of these Masters. They are experts in every field of human endeavor. Their presence provides humanity with a historic opportunity to advance in all areas of life if we choose to allow them to teach us what they have learned through their thousands of years of living as men and women in the world. They know

the road, the pitfalls, and are willing to share their wisdom with us, if we choose. But we must invite them to do so, for they may not infringe human free will. Every tradition, religious and non religious, expects its Teacher to return with new revelation: Christians expect the return of the Christ, Jews the Messiah; Muslims await the Proof Date: 08/17/10 Imam Mahdi, Hindus Sri Krishna; Buddhists await the Fifth Ref: GPU_081710 Buddha, Maitreya. Historically, at the beginning of each age, a Designer: ads@wholeliving... teacher has come to show the way, point the path for theSize new Size: 1/8 pg (3.5x2.25)" time, usually working through a Senior Disciple. At this start of the Age of Aquarius, for the first time in human history, the Teacher has come Himself. Our recognition of this opportunity will determine humanity’s future, for we must act and make Page resourcthe choice to rebuild the world based on love, sharing es and creating the justice needed for a world at peace.

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About the author: Betsy Whitfill has a BA in Philosophy from Wilson College, Chambersburg, PA. She is a correspondent for Share International magazine. www.Share-International.org info@ Share-International.us 818.785.6300. Radio interview with Betsy on WAIF 88.3FM April 15th, 3:30-4:30pm, www.waif883.org

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Happy YOU, Happy World

by Larry Gross

My goal is to help create a world that is more peaceful and loving. I believe one way to create this type of world is for people like you and me to start consciously bringing more happiness into our own lives. If we are going to create a more peaceful world, we are going to have to become more peaceful within ourselves. We can work on a daily and moment to moment basis to become happier. From how we mentally tackle chores and projects to treating ourselves better, opportunities abound to create more peace and happiness in our lives. One of the techniques I use to lessen my daily stress level is to develop a to-do list. My theory is this: When I make a todo list I am doing my best to organize my day in the most efficient manner possible. When I organize my day, not only will I accomplish more, but I will also save time

and money. With the extra time I have created by being better organized, I have more time to relax and do something fun I enjoy! Another practice I use to increase my level of happiness and inner-peace is taking some time to soak my feet. Soaking ones’ feet is one of the best ways to slow down, relax and reduce stress. The water stays hot for about 15 minutes. During this time I close my eyes, shut out the rest of the world and totally relax. Note: The Leisure Consultant’s Guide to Happiness is available locally at the Dandy Haberdashery on Ridge Rd. or online at www.Booklocker.com and www.Amazon.com About the author: Larry Gross is the author of The Leisure Consultant’s Guide to Happiness. With short chapters, illustrations and large text, it’s a quick and easy

read. In his book, Larry shares behaviors, ideas, and techniques he has learned to ease the stress of everyday living and manifest more happiness in his life. Contact Larry at Lgross7798@yahoo.com or www.Leisureconsultant.net

You will never enjoy the fruits of good health by focusing on avoiding disease. You must turn your attention fully toward the incredible joy of health to actually experience it. - Jack E. Armstrong, D.C.

www.wholecarechiropractic.com March-April 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


nutrition and recipes from the kitchen of

The Healthy Foodies by Pama Mitchell and Mary Ann Barnes, MD

Probiotics and Prebiotics: Natural is Better Probiotics are food and supplemental sources of the healthful bacteria that live in and nourish our intestinal tract. Though they have been with us for millennia, it has been only recently that we’ve recognized the ability of probiotics to prevent and treat disorders, from colitis and diarrhea to skin diseases and a range of other conditions, which has led opportunists to put them in pills. Manufacturing, processing and storing probiotics can have a dramatic effect on the quality of the supplements. Consumer Lab conducted testing on various supplements of probiotics and found wide variation in their contents, including markedly reduced potency compared to what the product was claiming. Fortunately, however, these bacteria can be replenished not by ingesting these unreliable pills but by including foods with live

cultures in our diets. Examples of natural sources of probiotics include miso, tempeh, and soft cheeses. Processing and heating can destroy the bacteria. Fermented foods, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and pickles, are great sources, also, as long as they are not later pasteurized by the manufacturer or heated after purchase. A related substance, prebiotics are foods that nourish the bacteria that already reside in the gut. Grains, oats, honey, and vegetables are great sources of prebiotics. Include prebiotics in your diet if you have had recent gastrointestinal illness or have taken antibiotics which may have altered the bacteria in the gut. Prebiotics should be consumed regularly to stay healthy. Here is a recipe that includes both probiotics and prebiotics into one yummy dessert.

Oatmeal Crisps with Cultured Yogurt and Berries (Serves 4-6) Ingredients: 2/3 cup uncooked oats

Dash of cardamom

(quick-cooking okay)

½ cup walnut oil (or canola oil)

2/3 cup all-purpose flour or

2 T butter (or buttery spread

brown rice flour

with plant oils)

½ cup brown sugar

1 cup mixed berries

¼ cup chopped walnuts

1 cup cultured yogurt

½ teaspoon cinnamon

1 T honey, preferably local

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Instructions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line cupcake tins with parchment paper, or lightly coat with oil and dust with flour. Combine oats, flour, brown sugar, walnuts, cinnamon, cardamom, oil and butter in a bowl and blend together until crumbly. Press crumbles firmly into cupcake tins making a well in center of dough. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until lightly browned. Allow to cool before


removing from pan. These may be stored in air-tight container for 1 week. When ready to serve, place 2 to 3 oat cups on a serving dish. Top each cup with a tablespoon of yogurt and a few berries. Drizzle a small amount of honey over top. Serve immediately.

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Relieving Anxiety through Diet Meditation, exercise, deep breathing: these are all good ways to reduce stress and anxiety levels. But diet plays a role in how calm we feel, as well. Yes, too much caffeine will make us jittery. However, a large helping of refined carbohydrates can have a similar effect. Refined carbs includes most anything made with white flour – such as bread, pasta or everyday baked goods – as well as any food that is high in added sugar. “A big dose of refined carbs causes your blood sugar level to soar and an excessive amount of insulin to be secreted by the pancreas,” writes nutritionist Alyse Levine, R.D. To avoid these effects, well, avoid those foods whenever possible. Stick to unrefined, minimally processed grain products as well as whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, fish, beans and low-fat or nonfat dairy items. You’ll appreciate the better sense of calm and balance in daily life.

About the Healthy Foodies: Pama Mitchell (right) is a journalist and associate professor of communication and journalism at the University of Cincinnati. Mary Ann Barnes, M.D., practices family and complementary medicine, and teaches nutrition, at St. Elizabeth Family Practice Center in Edgewood, KY. Please visit www.healthyfoodie.com and Pama’s blog at www.healthyfoodies.blogspot.com.

March-April 2014

Living W h o l e Journal



Breaking care Health

Technology Captures Auras by Vicki Richter


ccording to Dr. Mehmet Oz, professor at the Department of Surgery at Columbia University and Emmy Award-winning host of The Dr. Oz Show, “It’s these energy fields—your life force, your chi, your intangible aura— that we believe will be the next great frontier of medicine.” Now, thanks to Martina Gruber, the developer of a system created in Germany called the Biopulsar-Reflexograph, it’s possible to actually measure one’s energy field, not only in total body area, but also individual organ auras and chakra activity. The Biopulsar-Reflexograph is based on the latest computer technology combined with the scientific basis of the reflexzone and meridian teachings. This development is a result of over 15 years experience with thousands of biofeedback measurements together with aura photos and aura consultations. For several years, Gruber worked with an international research team consisting of biofield researchers, therapists and life energy investigators - many of whom conducted biofeedback measurements and aura photos on thousands of people.

The Next Great Frontier of Medicine

Biofeedback can be divided into two processes. One is the identification of physiological functions, such as brainwaves, muscle tone, skin conductance, heart rate and pain perception. The other is the actual therapy used with the goal of being able to manipulate the functions of these systems and improve the quality of one’s health. Traditionally a person’s “feelings” were not considered part of the physiological response. However, now it is possible to actually see the connection between one’s emotional state of being and his or her physical state of being. This latest technology uses a hand sensor as a receiver for biomedical signals which are taken from the reflex-zones of the right hand. The


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system works with low frequency currents for the measurement of skin resistance compared to Kirilian photography which works on high frequencies. The Biopulsar’s method of measuring is fast, precise, uncomplicated, cost effective and non-invasive. A “reading” takes only 2 minutes for the measuring sensors to simultaneously receive exact “real time” vitality data that includes energetic disturbances and sickness in more than 49 organ zones. The data is presented in total body auras, individual organ auras, and chakra activity. Using this sophisticated information, the analyst can be specific about which areas need to be targeted in order to correct the body’s energy imbalances. It can take years for symptoms to end up manifesting as a full blown disease. Correcting body energy imbalances (too low or too high) can help prevent symptoms from developing in the first place, thereby curbing the instance of disease. The next great frontier of medicine is here now. About the author: Vicki Richter, creator and owner of Natural Healing, is an Advanced Biopulsar Biofeedback Analyst and a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. She offers services at her office at 4030 Mt. CarmelTobasco Road, Suite 125 in the Anderson Township/Withamsville area. She can be reached 513.218.1493 or at vrichter@cinci.rr.com www.naturalhealing4you.net


If the Christ or Buddha

returned today, would you recognize Him? In the midst of the chaos, fear and separatism gripping the world, a Teacher comes, once again, to show men and women a new way to live together in peace... the way of Love. The way of LOVE will engage your heart. It will fire your imagination. It will restore your purpose for living. Listen to a live radio interview Share International USA Tuesday, April 15th – 3:30-4:30 pm EST Waves of the New Age Radio Show Host: Tara L. Robinson, Editor WLJ www.waif883.org


www.share-international.us/mw March-April 2014

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Ah-Choo! Is that you? Herbs ‘n Such, by Mimi Tagher


f you suffer from seasonal allergies you know that few things can take the wind out of your sails like the misery of red, itchy eyes, constant sneezing, and post-nasal drip. Airborne pollen is the most common cause of seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis. Pollen from trees, weeds and grasses are the primary culprits behind seasonal allergies. Spring allergies are typically from tree pollen; summer allergies usually come from grasses; and late summer and fall allergies come from weed pollen. Without allergy testing it is almost impossible to determine which offenders are causing your symptoms, but the time and season may give you some clues.

Springtime Seasonal Allergies If you have noticed a spike in your allergy symptoms lately, you are not alone. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) estimates that 36 million people in the United States suffer from seasonal allergies. Springtime is when trees and plants spread their seeds. It is this pollen that wreaks havoc on your immune system whenever you take a breath from outside. Your symptoms are the result of your immune system overreacting and/or mistaking this pollen for a damaging invader. This triggers the release of histamine, which causes inflammation and irritation of soft tissue, which leads to your itchy eyes, runny nose and scratchy throat. Traditional medicine and big pharmaceutical companies have produced countless “cures” for seasonal allergies. Most work by counteracting histamines, i.e. the name anti-histamines. Though these drugs might do the trick, they often come with side effects such as nasal and throat dryness, drowsiness, dizziness, nervousness, and more. If you are looking for a more natural way to combat your allergy symptoms, see some of the suggestions below.

Probiotics: An estimated 80% of your immune system is located in your gut, so give it a boost. Research has discovered that people who take probiotics throughout allergy season have lower levels of an antibody that triggers allergy symptoms, and higher levels of the antibody IgG, which is thought to play a preventive role in allergic reactions.


Living W h o l e Journal

Vitamin C: Vitamin C can be helpful in both balancing histamine levels and decreasing the sensitivity and reactivity of our airways to histamines.

Vitamin D: Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to more severe allergies and asthma in children.

Stinging nettle: A natural antihistamine which has long been used for seasonal allergies. Butterbur: A natural antihistamine. A British study found butterbur as effective as the drug Zyrtec. (Note: Butterbur is a member of the ragweed family so if you are allergic to ragweed, marigold, daisy, or chrysanthemum you should not use butterbur). Hot Peppers: Hot chili peppers, horseradish, and hot mustards work as natural decongestants.

Locally produced honey: Though controversial, many people swear that locally produced honey acts as a natural “allergy vaccine”. The honey contains pollen spores picked up by bees and introducing these spores into the body in the small amounts in honey can make the body accustomed to their presence and decrease the chance of an inappropriate immune response.

Neti pot: Use daily to flush out your nasal passages - it

works wonders. You might also consider an air purifier to lower the levels of allergens circulating around your home and office. If you still have problems after implementing the above, acupuncture and EFT have also been shown to reduce and even alleviate allergy symptoms.

About the author: Mimi Tagher, LAc, LMT is nationally board certified in acupuncture, Chinese herbology and Oriental Medicine. She practices at Synergy Holistic Health Center in Florence, Ky., and in Blue Ash. 859.525.5000, www.synergyholistichealth.com


Stepping off the Curb and Into Life by Lea Smith


enjoy watching the reality show “Amazing Race” because it is so much like real life. The contestants don’t know what is going to happen next, but once they step off that curb and just go for it, they are living large. But first, you have to step off that curb into life. Just like the contestants. They pick a taxi and hope for the best. Sometimes they know where they’re going, and sometimes they have to stop for gas. And sometimes they are so lost they drive the wrong way or in circles. That is life.

about the journey; it’s the fun we have along the way. It’s about being open to anything that will help us get clear and closer to where we really want to be and it᾿s about the sharing with others too so they can share and be a part of our joy. It’s not an ending when you arrive where you decided you really wanted to go, because when that is over, and you savor the memories, it will be time enough for another curb to be stepped over and another journey begins.

Take a Step Into the Unknown Do you know where you are going? Are you being guided? Are you willing to take a chance and step off that curb and let yourself begin a wonderful journey into the unknown? Maybe you have an idea where you would like to go but no idea at the same time. Just trust that inner knowing, and you will arrive exactly where you need and want to be.

Leave the Past Behind You

Stepping off the curb is like stepping into faith. Knowing you are surrounded by God’s love and his angels, there to hold your hand when the human part of you wants to run back to that “known” curb of safety, but also knowing there is no returning to what once was. Because once you step off that curb, it will never be the same curb. It is now part of the past, part of what is now behind you, and you can’t live in the past knowing you are meant for better things ahead of you. It is never the same once you go forward even for one step, even for a small step.

The End is Just the Beginning Sometimes we are not sure which way or where we want to go. But it’s

About the author: Lea Smith is a speaker who entertains and encourages her audiences. She is a professional organizer and helps her clients clear out closets or other cluttered spaces so they can find their own inner peace. She is also a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. She writes in her spare time and is often referred to as the “Erma Bombeck of Cincinnati.” leasugarsmith@hotmail.com

Diana L. Hooker

‟Anyone standing on a street corner waiting for the light to turn green is waiting to step into the world of heroic deeds and mythic action.” ~ Joseph Campbell

Life Mastery Guidance Judi A. Winall, M.Div., CIH, CLYT The Center for Soul Empowerment 513-899-3115 www.SoulEmpowerment.com

You have the power & ability to create the life, health and experiences you desire. Learn how by understanding and applying universal law. E-mail: judi@soulempowerment.com


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March-April 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


Book Reviews The Last Laugh by Arjuna Ardagh (Hay House, 2013)

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Ignite Radiance Come alive with inner and outer radiance!

Note: Radio interview with Arjuna on Waves of a New Age April 29, 3:30-4:30pm, WAIF 88.3FM or www.waif883.org



Living W h o l e Journal

Touted as the next Celestine Prophecy or The Alchemist, The Last Laugh by bestselling author Arjuna Ardagh offers an exciting, spiritual adventure not to be missed. In this inspiring novel, main character Matt Thomson was contemplating suicide until a chance encounter at a diner changed everything. After calling the phone number slipped to him by a kind waitress, Matt is drawn into a mysterious meeting with an unlikely Guru— Joey Murphy an ex-Merchant Marine, entrepreneur, teacher, and wild man—has lived a life of adventure, celebrity, and deep reflection. His electric personality and humble demeanor make him the perfect teacher, and soon Joey is leading Matt on the roller-coaster ride of his life: a ten day adventure filled with dodging cop cars, playing Blind Manážżs baseball on the edge of a cliff, trading intimate secrets with total strangers, and discovering what Joey calls “the True Teacher.â€? In the process, Matt reluctantly sheds old ideas and learns to love and trust in the power of himself and the universe. “My novel is entirely fiction, but of course the general principles along which the story runs are very much drawn from my own experience. As Joey guides Matt into a number of different experiences, they are very much in line with how my own process of maturation has developed,â€? shares Ardagh, who also authored the Amazon #1 bestselling book The Translucent Revolution which was featured in “Oâ€? Oprah magazine. He adds, “The characters are based on an amalgam of people I have met on my own personal spiritual journey and the Guru was influenced by Ramana Maharshi--a true Indian Guru.â€? The Last Laugh is a modern tale of awakening will take you through the ups and down, the laughter and tears, and the frustration and inspiration of a profound journey to personal freedom. Readers will find sublime wisdom and insights to apply to their own lives encapsulated in this entertaining page-turner. The book is available from Amazon.com, bn.com and with select booksellers nationwide. www.arjunaardagh.com

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Rev. Francine Haydon

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Clairvoyance or

‟Clear Seeing” Intuitive Insights, by Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry


he great visionaries, entrepreneurs and inventors had ideas which they ultimately made real. It took a lot of hard work, passion and tenacity…but it started with a vision. They saw the world differently and were not afraid to dream. They paid attention to their dreams – their clairvoyant messages - and eventually found a way to make them real. The mind is a very powerful instrument. Over the years, many people have written about the power of positive thinking. People can use their minds to move energy, read thoughts, and turn dreams into reality.

Whatever You Can Imagine You Can Create

In your subconscious, whatever you can imagine – you can create! Your subconscious knows no boundaries, no limits, so you are free to create your own picture or video, of sorts, in your mind. Have you ever awakened from an especially vivid dream only to have those same events occur in real life? Or sometimes “see pictures in your mind” when you’re thinking deeply about something? This is your sense of clairvoyance or “clear seeing” at work. Your subconscious mind is receiving informaProoftion Date:from a higher 10/17/10 realm. Everyone is equipped with this sixth Ref: sense, not just Mil101710 professional psychics. Designer:This canads@wholeliving... be an amazing or rather terrifying experience, Size: because you1/16 (3.5”x1)" maypage not know whether the pictures andSize events you are seeing should be translated literally or figuratively. Often you must figure out the symbolic code. The human mind can only relate to what it knows. It has to have some frame of reference to quantify and qualify information soPage that it can be explained. That is why we sometimes misinterpret information. Dig deeper and ask to understand the intended meaning of your vision or dream. Another clairvoyant gift is seeing auras - while consciously, wide awake, seeing colors on or around someone’s body. This is likely to happen when you’re letting your mind

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wander, your eyes go soft. You might see a thick cream colored ribbon outlining another person in the room – that’s the etheric layer. More commonly, you will see a layer of color on the person, or perhaps on their arm or head. Make note of the color, and look it up its meaning. Purple, for instance, is the energy of spirituality, while orange is often about creativity.

Déjà vu - A Common Clairvoyant Experience Déjà vu, meaning “already seen,” is another clairvoyant sense. You walk into a place you’ve never been before, and recognize the furniture in the room, know what is going to happen next, and have heard perhaps an entire conversation before. This experience is another powerful example of how much we do not know about our minds. Another common clairvoyant occurance is seeing someone who is close to dying or has just recently died. They may show up in a dream, or you may see them at the foot of your bed, standing there to say goodbye. We are spiritual beings. There are so many experiences that are perfectly normal, but we have been taught to think of them as scary. Just stay calm when you see something unusual and clairvoyant. It’s a sign of your spiritual growth, and a natural part of who you are. About the authors: Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry are the authors of Right Brain/Left Brain: Use Everything You’ve Got to Create a Great Life! They facilitate workshops based on their popular book. Francine is an intuitive tarot and palm 10663 Loveland-Madeira Rd., worker, Suite 162 • Loveland, OH 45140 reader, energy teacher, 513.752.9288 • Fax: 513.722.0752 and owner of Sea Angels Cruise ads@wholelivingjournal.com and Inner Wellness Conference. francine.haydon@ fuse.net, 513.248.8772, www.foresthouseofhealing.com Patricia is a spiritual reader, teacher, healer, and writer. patricia@patriciagarry.com , 513.281.6864, www.patriciagarry.com

A Major Breakthrough in Energy Healing

A Major Breakthrough in Energy Healing



March-April 2014

Living W h o l e Journal



Sp tlight Blyss Studio welcomed Carrie Clark, CYT, in August 2013. She recently completed her 200 hour Earth Based Yoga Certification through Blyss, February 2014. Carrie is embracing the teachings of Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga to beginners with a focus on helping them create a practice that is easeful and mindful, while incorporating strengthening in poses and in breathwork. She is passionate about her community and giving back through the service of Karma Yoga! Carrie is educating students about the importance of the combination of nurture and nature, in coming to a better understanding of a healthy and harmonious body, mind, and spirit. www.blyssyogastudio.com Living with Motion Chiropractic has moved and is now located in Loveland at 6415 Branch Hill-Guinea Pike #103, near the Kroger. Dr. Luke Reineck says, “I use several techniques, as some people prefer a more ‘hands-on’ approach, where others prefer a more gentle technique. It’s our goal to understand each individual patient and how we can best suit their needs. If you are simply looking to maintain your health, chiropractic is a vital part of keeping your body functioning properly and reaching its fullest potential.” Along with chiropractic, Living with Motion offers massage therapy, nutritional therapy, and numerous stress reduction therapies. Call to receive a free consultation 513.831.4433. www.livingwithmotion.com Pam Lord, ThetaHealing® Master Instructor from St. Petersburg, Florida, returns to The Rising Sun Wellness Spa, 103 High Street, Rising Sun, Indiana to teach a 3-day Basic ThetaHealing® class on April 25-27th. The cost is $400. Upon course completion students will become Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioners. For more information and to register for this class contact Pam Lord pflynnlord@live.com or 508.264.2220 www.risingsunwellnessspa.com


MADEIRA farmers market

Thursdays 4:00-6:00 | November through April Madeira Silverwood Presbyterian Church 8000 Miami Avenue (Near corner of Miami and Galbraith) 24

Living W h o l e Journal

The new Craft Village, at 4119 Hamilton Ave. in Northside, offers eco-friendly toys and workshops in natural crafts. Owners Susan Gilbert and Young Sook Kim, both have backgrounds in Waldorf education and strive to serve and support young families, as well as the greater community, through the healing arts of natural dyeing and felting, storytelling, and Waldorf-style puppetry (such as silk marionette work). There are workshops for every age and interest. Located directly next door to Hoffner Park, this little shop inspires and encourages children and adults to explore their relationship to the natural world. 513.271.0395 info@craftvillageshop.com or www.Facebook.com/Craft Village Northside The Joyful Healing Laughter Yoga Club which began in 2007 has a new beginning! After seven years at the Sharonville Library, the laughter has now moved to the Symmes Twp Library, 11850 Enyart Rd., Loveland, OH and takes place on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Everyone is welcome and it’s free. The next Certified Laughter Yoga Training is on March 29 & 30 (Sat. & Sun.), 9am-5pm at the Kings Island Conference Center. Early registration is $280 before March 15, $295 afterward. Contact Judi A. Winall at 513.899.3115 or www.JoyfulHealingLaughter.com Deborah Lloyd, resident of Asheville, NC, Reiki Master, certified holistic therapy practitioner, and author of Believe and It is True: A Story of Healing and Life Lessons, is doing a local book signing event at Amethyst Books & Gifts on Friday, April 4, 2014 from 3-7pm. Lloyd says, “Although there was a dramatic change during that first (reiki) session, my healing process has been a continual journey. The alleviation of fatigue was simply the first step. Even more important though was the emotional and spiritual healing that came into my life. Reiki introduced me to a new world of possibilities.” 828.242.7580 www.deblloydhealing Pam Hall, professional artist and teacher celebrates the opening of Blue Owl Studios and is offering creative expression art classes for all ages. Her unique approach to teaching focuses on art as a path to self discovery. Pam sees the innate creativity within each individual and through joy-filled classroom experiences or personal sessions, each student’s sense of self and personal potential is enhanced and expanded. Pam is a graduate of the Columbus College of Art & Design and has over 28 years teaching experience. Classes and private sessions are available. Loveland Art Studios on Main, 513.515.4157, creatinginjoy@gmail.com Two local women, Renee Groenemann and Cathy Barney, have lived with chronic pain and are also healing-arts practitioners. They᾿re collaborating on a series of workshops aimed at helping others befriend their pain in order to learn its lessons. “Pain as Spiritual Teacher,” the first in the series, is scheduled for Sat. March 15 at Grace Tree Yoga in West Chester and Wed. April 16 at Turtlebox Stories in Milford, both 1-4:30pm. Cost is $95. For more information and to register, call 513.638.2738 or visit www.tinyurl.com/painworkshop.com


Patricia Garry • Spiritual Coaching • Reiki Energy Healing • Intuitive Tarot Reading • Dream Interpretation • Teaching Personal Growth Classes

(513) • patricia@patriciagarry.com (513)281-6864 281-6864 ~ patriciagarry.com

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March-April 2014

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BERNITA WILSON - A TIME Healing Sessions 06/21/13 FOR STILLNESS. Bowen Therapy, Proof Date: Rainbow Children Classes Mil062113_ďŹ nal Acupressure, Flower Essence Therapy,Ref: 513.240.1602 Designer: ads@wholeliving... Reiki. TUE/WED/THUR. 859.750.6790. www.PattiKessler.com Size: 1/32 page (2.25â€?x1)" www.ATimeforStillness.com



CHRIS MCLAREN. Qigong classes for groups, individuals and sports teams. Personalized, individual Page energy healing sessions. Half-day and directory – “energy healing�. Please full-day workshops. 513.200.9667. place a box around it. DivineEnergyWorks@gmail.com

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GAY PURPURA. Certified Transformational BreathÂŽ Coach, 513.259.7284. www.breathe2000.com

ART C. PIC MICHEL. Creative Intuitive, Art Commissions, Murals, Illustration, Classes. 513.549.4607. www.enlightenmeant.com

Vibrational Healing

CHIROPRACTORS DR. JACK ARMSTRONG. Beyond the back for 30 years. Blue Ash. 513.489.9515. www.wholecarechiropractic.com

TESS OLSON. EFT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

SPACE AVAILABLE BEAUTIFUL, ENERGIZED SPACE FOR RENT. $15/hour for lovely consult room, classroom and therapy rooms at WholeCare. www.wholecarechiropractic.com 513.489.9515. lisahjames@yahoo.com ROOM(S) FOR RENT. Florence, KY. Appropriate for private sessions, meetings, classes, & gatherings. Spacious with wonderful energy. Please call 859.525.5000. Synergy Holistic Health Center.

INNER COMPASS. Meditation, mediumship, manifestation, metaphysics. Joanne Franchina, guest instructors. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com (See ad page 11.)



COLONICS of NKY. Colon Hydrotherapy - like Spring Cleaning For Your Body! 859.344.9997 www.colonicsofnky.com



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practiced with compassionate understanding 513-324-0955 s POKYU MAC COM MIMI TAGHER, LAc. Also Craniosacral, TCM. Cincy & N-Ky. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com CAROL WENTZ RANDACI, L.Ac. Advanced Medical Acupuncture, Past Lives Regression & Energy Therapies. Doctor of Oriental Medicine & Acupuncture Physician (FL). WholeCare in Blue Ash. 513.286.8660.

ASTROLOGY SARAH ANN KOKENGE. Awakening Astrology. Chart readings and consultations. 513.503.3300. kokenge@fuse.net


CLASSES & WORKSHOPS C. PIC MICHEL. Art and Creative Practice. 513.549.4607. www. enlightenmeant.com

Living W h o l e Journal

Transformational Bodywork Acupuncture Craniosacral Therapy


859.466.4900 859.525.5000 www.synergyholistichealth.com www.innerbridges.com

Mary Ellen Moore, VCSW, BCT Craniosacral practitioner & teacher

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ENERGY HEALERS & HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS CONSCIOUS HOLISTIC HEALING, LLC. Regina Viars, Advanced Emotional Polarity Technique Practitioner (EPT). Gently eliminate that which no longer serves you. 513.520.6300. www.consciousholistichealing.com REV. FRANCINE HAYDON. Reiki, Kolaimni, Crystal Energy Work. 513.248.8772, francine.haydon@fuse.net www.foresthouseofhealing.com


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JoanneMiller Miller- -513-687-7465 513-899-4616. Joanne www.pranichealing.com www.pranichealing.com

BRADEN TRAUTH. Offering Physical, Emotional and Soul healings through India’s hidden Dattatreya tradition and practices. Donation basis. 513.569.2579. ROBERT & LINDA VOGES. (Ro-Lin Pathways,LLC) Reiki Master/Teachers; ThetaHealing; Quantum Light Energy. 812.594.2705. rbtvoges@yahoo.com www.risingsunwellnessspa.com

FENG SHUI CONSULTANT A CHANGE OF CHI. Feng Shui Seminars, Parties or Consultations. 513.625.8888.

HEALING CENTERS STILLPOINT CENTER FOR HEALING ARTS. Massage Therapy, Yoga, Shamanism, Counseling. 11223 Cornell Park Drive, Suite 302. 513.489.5302. www.stillpointtherapy.com WHOLECARE. Dr. Jack Armstrong, Holistic Chiropractor. Babies to grandparents. Blue Ash. 513.489.9515. www.wholecarechiropractic.com

HYPNOTHERAPY PEGGY GORSUCH BARKER, MSW, CCHt. 513.895.0384. peggybarker256@yahoo.com TESS OLSON, CCHT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

Mary Ellen Moore, CCHt. Clinical Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing®

859-525-5000 www.synergyholistichealth.com

CHARMIAN REDWOOD CHT. Soul Purpose, Trauma, Regression, Inner Child, Sound Healing. 808.344.9932 www.cominghometolemuria.com

INTEGRATIVE LIFE HEALING JUDI A. WINALL, M.Div., CIH, CLYT. Awaken to the divine presence within you. 513.899.3115. www.SoulEmpowerment.com

LIFE COACH RON ESPOSITO. Certified life coach. Enneagram teacher/trainer. Addiction recovery facilitator. 513.621.3600. www.GoConscious.com MICHELLE GRIFFITH. Certified Equine Gestalt Coach. Ignite Your Inner Light. 937.725.5703. www.ManeRiseCoaching.com INNER COMPASS. Intuitive life coaching, spiritual entrepreneurship. Joanne Franchina. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

ANDREW LANVERMAN, Licensed Massage Therapist, 513.325.1772. Jane Lanverman, Certified Reflexologist, 513.708.6104. Peaceful Gardens Massage & Reflexology Cincinnati, OH. www.peaceful-gardens.com KENDRA NIESE, LMT. Rejuvenating, deep, yet gentle. Blue Ash. 513.646.3689.

RADIO PROGRAMs ROBERT REPASKY, LMT. Oncology Massage. www.DancingHeartMassage.com 513.505.5737.

Nutrition JEN MOLITOR. Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, GAPS, holistic nutrition consultations, speaker. 513.226.5895. jen@livingwithmotion.com

JUDY PEACE-PALMISTRY, ASTROLOGY & TAROT. Tools for transformation and self understanding. In service for 22 years. Available for personal sessions or entertainment. 859.491.7885. silvorwing@aol.com


JACCOLIN FRANCHINA. Certified regressionist; alsopast-life readings. 513.528.5185. www,jaccolin.com

ANGELA SERNA. Heal Your Life Licensed & Certified Workshop Leader and Life Coach. 513.218.1177 www.AngelaSerna.com

PATTI KESSLER. TRUEHEART ESSENCES. 513.240.1602. www.PattiKessler.com


PSYCHICS & CLAIRVOYANTS INNER COMPASS. Evidential, insightful readings. Joanne Franchina. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

GLORIA ESENWEIN, LMT. ReviveRestore. 513.481.7400. www.ahealingplacemassage.com THE HOLISTIC WELLNESS CENTER. Crescent Springs. Offering many massage modalities. $10 off initial visit. 859.578.8971. www.theholisticwellnesscenter.us

REIKI Classes

CARING TO HEAL. Carol Keeney, RN, Reiki Master/Teacher. Reiki sessions, classes. 513.888.7622. TESS OLSON. RMT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

SALON MONA LISA’S PERMANENT MAKEUP AND TRAINING CENTER. Beautiful. 24 Hours A Day. Everyday. 513.892.1116 Save 50% with this ad.

SHAMANISM GARY MATTHEWS. Counseling, journey, soul retrieval, empowerment, bodywork. Call 513.722.1917 for appt. www.ShamanicCounselor.com

SPEAKER Victor Paruta


WAVES OF A NEW AGE, WAIF88.3FM. Hosts Tara L. Robinson and Judy Peace. Tuesdays, 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM or listen live at www.waif883.org. Soulfilled sounds and conscious conversation. “Like” us on FB! www.WavesofaNewAge.org

PALMISTRY PATTI LIGHTFLOWER. Palmistry. Tarot. www.iReadHands.com 513.228.2332.

C. PIC MICHEL. Creative Intuitive, Toltec Master Teacher. 513.549.4607. www.enlightenmeant.com

KENDRA WILBURN. Certified Mind Body Bridging Practitioner; Life & Career Coach. Stress Management Specialist. 513.314.9659 kendra@careerbydesignllc.com

PSYCHOTHERAPY CLARK ECHOLS, Licensed Therapist. Specializes in trauma, depression, anger, grief, anxiety using cognitive behavioral, mindfulness and spiritual techniques. 513.284.1236. www.clarkechols.com TERESA OLSON, PSY.D. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

Psychic Medium “Accurate & compelling readings” -Cincinnati Magazine 513-929-0406 VictoryofLight.com

ANNE STEFFEN-RUSSO. Readings, Intuitive energy practitioner, 513.473.7447, by appointment. www.EnergeticAnswers.com

March-April 2014

TARA L. ROBINSON. Keynote Speaker. Corporate, Groups & Schools. Inspirational/Discover Your Passion and Purpose www.TaraLRobinson.com

SPIRITUAL CENTERS GARDEN PARK UNITY CHURCH. Rev. Kathy Engelhardt. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd. 45239. ALL ARE WELCOME. Sundays at 11am. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org

Living W h o l e Journal


REV. FRIEDA HUGHES. Prayer support, weddings, baby blessings, life celebrations. 513.621.2060. www.greatweddingofficiant.com www.marriagechaplain.com

TAROT CARD READINGS CELTIC TAROT CARD & PALM READINGS/PARTIES. Francine Haydon. 513.248.8772, francine.haydon@fuse.net www.foresthouseofhealing.com

Yoga ELEMENTAL OM STUDIOS. Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, and so much more. Mention this ad to receive your first class FREE. Located in Montgomery and Lebanon. www.elementalom.com

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT DR. MARYANN BARNES. Offering a holistic approach to weight management and nutrition. www.maryannbarnes.com

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Writing • Editing

WEDDINGS REV. TERI DODD. Any size wedding. Available also at my home. Ceremonies personalized to the couple. 513.625.8888.

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Thank you to our partner Conscious Living Center! 28

Living W h o l e Journal


calendar of Events MarCH SAT • MARCH 1

Hiking Through the Appalachian Trail, w/Jeff Smith, 1pm, free. Madeira Branch Library, 7200 Miami Ave. 513.369.6028. www.CincinnatiLibrary.org Introduction to Soul Collage, w/Julie Henderson, 10-1:30pm, $48. Hope Springs Institute, Peebles, OH. www.hopespringsinstitute.org/soulcollage.html 1st Saturday Soul Crafting, w/Sage & Patti, 1-3pm, $25. Spring Collage, light refreshments. Elemental Om, Lebanon. RSVP www.soulcraftings.com

SAT & SUN • MAR 1 & 2

Feel the Love Spirit Mind Body Expo, w/Lisa Smitley, Sat/10-7pm, Sun/10-6pm, $7/day/$10/weekend. The Brown Gym, 100 S Broadway St. Madison, IN. 812.599.4440. feeltheloveexpo@gmail.com www.feelingthelove.net Gem & Mineral Show/GemStreetUSA, also open Fri Feb 28, 10-6pm, $7. Sharonville Convention Center. www.gemstreetusa com www.mearthstar.net


Reversing Aging with Bones for Life, w/Cynthia Allen, 6:30-8pm, free. Hamilton Ave. 4138. 513.541.5720. FutureLifeNow.com

TUE • MAR 4, 18 & APR 1, 15

Pet Loss Support Group/Adults, w/Tammy Wynn, 6-7:30pm, free. Angel's Paws, 11341 Grooms Rd. Blue Ash. RSVP 513.489.7297 X 4 www.angelspaws.com


Starting from Spawn/Growing Mushrooms from Square One, 2-4pm, $30. Civic Garden Center, 2715 Reading Rd. 513.221.0981. www.civicgardencenter.org Wild Design Your Life/Utilizing the Law of Attraction, w/Trish Breedlove & Lara Radkey, 9-4:30pm, $75. Hope Springs Institute, Peebles, OH. http://www.hopespringsinstitute.org/wilddesign.html

SAT & SUN • MARCH 8 & 9

Spiritual Gift of Light Expo, 10-6pm. Veteran’s Memorial Hall, Columbus, OH. www.mearthstar.net

SAT • MARCH 8 & 22

Share Yoga Practice, w/instructor Rosalie Sovilla,10:30am, free. Anderson Branch Library, 7450 State Rd. 513.369.6030. www.CincinnatiLibrary.org


Bones for Life, w/Cynthia Allen, 7:30-8:45pm, 7/wk $105. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com Spring Your Rib Cage/Feldenkrais ATM, w/Cynthia Alle, 6-7:15pm, 7/wk $105. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com


Infusion Cincinnati, 6:30-7:30pm, free, donations accepted. Talk + Music + Connection. Bring your voice and join the discussion to light up the city! Rohs Street Café, 245 W. McMillan St. 45219. Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati www.infusioncincinnati.com (See ad page 25)

TUE • MARCH 11, 18 & 25

Simply/Public/Speaking Workshop Series, w/ Joanne Franchina, 7-9pm, $95/3 classes. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


Pet Loss/Mid-month Social Gathering, w/ Tammy Wynn, 6-7:30pm, activity cost. Doing life/ dinner/movie, etc. RSVP. 513.489.7297 X 4 www.angelspaws.com


Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement, w/ Cynthia Allen, 9-10:15am, 7/wk $105. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com Refining Balance & Standing Tall for Seniors, w/ Cynthia Allen, 10:30-11:45am, 7/wk $105. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com

SAT • MARCH 15 & 29

Goddess/Chakra Playshop, w/Sage Woman, 1-3pm, $25 per class. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.soulcraftings.com sagewomen61@gmail.com


Depth Over Speed, w/Randy Weeks, 10-11:30am, love offering. New Thought Spiritual Co-op, 7829 Cooper Rd. 45242. 513.891.4434. LaurieA@cinci.rr.com


New Thought Spiritual Co-op, 10:25-11:30am, love offering. Wright Brothers, Inc, 7829 Cooper Rd. 513.891.4434. LaurieA@cinci.rr.com


3rd Friday Wyld Womyn Drumming Circle, w/Patti Lightflower & Sage Woman, 7:30-9pm, free. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.soulcraftings.com Mystic Message Event, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, guest mediums, 7-9pm, $15. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


Usui Reiki Master IIIa, w/JoAnn Utley, 10-6pm, $225. 8 Nursing contact hours. Louisville. 502.777.3865. www.joannutley.byregion.net


Monday Night Delving into Divination, Oracles, w/Patti Lightflower, 7:30-9pm, $15. Elemental Om, Lebanon. 513.317.1535. www.soulcraftings.com



Reiki Share & Introduction to Reiki, w/JoAnn Utley, 6:30–8:30pm, free. Louisville. 502.777.3865. jutley5122@bellsouth.net


Organic Lawn Care, 10-Noon, $10. Civic Garden Center, 2715 Reading Rd. 513.221.0981. www.civicgardencenter.org

Vegetable Gardening for Rookies, w/Chris Geraci, 7pm, free. Sharonville Branch Library, 10980 Thornview Dr, 513.369.6049. www.CincinnatiLibrary.org

Alexander Technique to Better Health, w/Claire Rechnitzer, 11am, free. Workshop/improving posture. Bernard Branch Library, 4803 Tower Ave. Reg reqd. 513.369.4462. www.CincinnatiLibrary.org How to Build and Use a Rain Barrel, 1:30-3pm, $10. Civic Garden Center, 2715 Reading Rd. 513.221.0981. www.civicgardencenter.org Your Psychic Soul w/Judith Pennington, 9:30-4pm, $69/$79/$89. Hilton Greater Cincinnati Airport, 7373 Turfway Rd, Florence, KY. 800.333.4499. www.EdgarCayce.org/fieldconferences

SAT & SUN • MARCH 15 & 16

Holistic Spirits of Light Expo, 10-5pm, $8 both days. Wyndham Garden Hotel, Miamisburg, OH. www.spiritsoflight.com mearthstar@yahoo.com

March-April 2014


SAT & SUN • MARCH 29 & 30

Laughter Yoga/Certified Training, w/Judi A. Winall & Pam Hall, 9-5pm, $280 by March 15/$295 after. Kings Island Conference Cntr, Mason, OH. 513.899.3115. www.JoyfulHealingLaughter.com


Last Sunday Guided Meditation, w/Sage Woman, 10:45-11:15am, free. Lebanon Elemental Om. www.soulcraftings.com sagewomen61@gmail.com Spiritual Healing/Introduction, 2pm, free. Center for Spiritual Living, 5701 Murray Rd, Cincinnati. Joy 859.816.8918. www.bruno-groening.org/english

Living W h o l e Journal



Palmistry for Self-Awareness, w/Patti Lightflower, 7-9pm, $125/5 classes. Elemental Om, Lebanon. 513.317.1535. www.ireadhands.com


Author Book Signing, w/Deborah Lloyd, 3-7pm. Amethyst Books & Gifts, 8312 Plainfield Rd. 513.677.0220.


Law of Attraction / Mastery Tools, w/Larry Watson. Victory of Light Expo, Sharonville Convention Cntr. 859.635.5599. 1st Saturday Soul Crafting, w/Sage & Patti, 1-3pm, $20. Creativity & light refreshments. Elemental Om, Lebanon. RSVP. www.soulcraftings.com

SAT & SUN • APRIL 5 & 6

Usui Reiki I & II, w/JoAnn Utley, 10-6pm, I-$135/ II-$185. Louisville. 8 Nursing contact hours daily. 502.777.3865.


Understanding Fibromyalgia, w/Foundation for Wellness Professionals, 6:30pm, free. Holistic Approach/Chronic Pain/Fatigue. Monfort Heights Branch Library, 3825 West Fork Rd. Reg reqd. 513.369.4472. www.CincinnatiLibrary.org

MON • APRIL 7, 14, 21 & 28

Welcome to Spring Meditation, w/Mary Ellen Moore, 6-7:30pm, $120/$80 if pd by 3/24. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. RSVP. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com


Edible Yard, 6-8pm, $10. Civic Garden Center, 2715 Reading Rd. 513.221.0981. www.civicgardencenter.org Infusion Cincinnati, 6:30-7:30pm, free, donations accepted. Talk + Music + Connection. Bring your voice and join the discussion to light up the city! Rohs Street Café, 245 W. McMillan St. 45219. Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati www.infusioncincinnati.com (See ad page 25)

WED • APRIL 9, 16, 23 & 30

Spirit Speaks I/Learning Language of Mediumship Workshop, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, 7-9:30pm, $195. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

FRI – SUN • APRIL 11, 12 & 13 Feminine Wisdom/Explore the Goddess Within, w/Quanita Munday, 5pm Fri–2pm Sun, $325. Hope


Living W h o l e Journal

Springs Institute, Peebles, OH. www.hopespringsinstitute.org/femininewisdom.html Words & Wonder in Spirit Communication, w/ Sharon Anne Klingler, $70/class/$240/weekend. Advanced Workshops, 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


3rd Friday Wyld Womyn Drumming Circle, w/ Patti Lightflower & Sage Woman, 7:30-9pm, free. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.soulcraftings.com

FRI – SUN • APRIL 18, 19 & 20

Biodynamic Cranial Touch Initiatory Course, w/ Mary Ellen Moore & Mimi Tagher, 9-6pm, $600. Commit by 3/31. LMT’s / 24 CEUs. Synergy Holistic Health Cntr. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com


Finding Holiness in Unexpected Places, w/ Nancy Simpson, 10-11:30am, love offering, New Thought Spiritual Co-op, 7829 Cooper Rd. 45242. 513.891.4434. LaurieA@cinci.rr.com


Gardening with Deer, 6-8pm, $10. Civic Garden Center, 2715 Reading Rd. 513.221.0981. www.civicgardencenter.org Reiki Share & Introduction to Reiki, w/ JoAnn Utley, 6:30–8:30pm, free. Louisville. 502.777.3865. www.joannutley.byregion.net

FRI – SUN • APRIL 25, 26 &27

Basic ThetaHealing Training, w/Pam Lord, 10-5pm, $400. Rising Sun Wellness Spa, Rising Sun, IN. 508.264.2220. pflynn-lord@live.com


Gratitude/A Path To Peace, w/Larry Watson, 11am, free to those touched by cancer. Cancer Support Community. 513.791.4060.

SAT & SUN • APRIL 26 & 27

Karuna Reiki® I & II, w/JoAnn Utley, 10-6pm, I-$175/II-$215. Louisville. 8 Nursing contact hours daily. 502.777.3865.


Last Sunday Guided Meditation, w/Sage Woman, 10:45-11:15am, free. Lebanon Elemental Om. www.soulcraftings.com sagewomen61@gmail.com Open House/The New School Montessori, 2-4pm, free. 3 Burton Woods Lane, North Avondale. 513.281.7999. www.newschoolmontessori.com


1st Saturday Soul Crafting, w/Sage & Patti, 1-3pm, $20. Creativity & light refreshments. Elemental Om. Lebanon. RSVP. www.soulcraftings.com



Beginner Yoga, 7:30-8:45pm, $13. Kula Cntr, 8th & Monmouth Street, Newport KY 41071 Phoenix Wilson 859.652.4174. Creative Expression Art Class for Elementary Children, w/Pam Hall, BFA,MA, 7-8pm, $15. Loveland Art Studios on Main. 513.515.4157. creatinginjoy@gmail.com Kundalini Yoga, w/Pat Schultz, 6:30-8pm, $54/6wks or $12/drop in. Alexandria, KY. Patwildlife@fuse.net Monday Night Delving into Divination, w/Patti Lightflower, 7:30-9pm, $15. Elemental Om, Lebanon. 513.317.1535. www.soulcraftings.com Yoga, w/Julie Lusk, M.Ed, R/CYT, 7-8:30pm. Anderson Sr. Center. 513.248.9642. WholesomeResources.com


Creative Expression Art Class for Adults, w/Pam Hall, BFA,MA, 7-8:30pm, $20. Loveland Art Studios on Main. 513.515.4157. creatinginjoy@gmail.com Creative Expression Art Class for Teens, w/Pam Hall, BFA,MA, 4-5pm, $15. Loveland Art Studios on Main. 513.515.4157. creatinginjoy@gmail.com Goddess Manifestation Circle, w/Sage Woman, 12-1pm, $10. Elemental Om, Lebanon. sagewomen61@gmail.com Hatha Yoga with Jayne, 9am, $12, $66-6 class pass. Blyss Studio, 102 Wooster Pike, Milford. Gentle poses. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com Pilates, w/Heather Sommer, 5pm, $20. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale OH 45246. 858.752.2578. Religious Recovery, 7-8pm, free. 13-Step program for those hurt by Religion. 4800 Holiday Drive, Fairfield, Ohio. Wayne@ReligiousRecovery.org Restorative Yoga with Linda, 1pm, $12, $66-6 class pass. Blyss Studio, 102 Wooster Pike, Milford. Utilizing props. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com Tai Chi for Health, w/Betty Lubrecht, 1pm beginner, 2:30pm intermediate, $66/6 wks. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. RSVP 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com Waves of a New Age, WAIF/88.3FM, w/Tara L. Robinson & Judy Peace, 3-5pm. Listen online: www.WAIF883.org “Like” us on Facebook! www.WavesofaNewAge.org Yoga for Everyone, w/Melisa, 9:30am, $60/10 sessions. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale 45246. 513.307.3132. Yoga, w/Julie Lusk, M.Ed, R/CYT, 10-11:30am. Miami Township. 513.248.9642. WholesomeResources.com Yoga, w/Julie Lusk, M.Ed., RYT, 7-8:30pm. Milford. 513.248.9642. WholesomeResources.com


Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 11:45-12:45pm, $5. Sycamore Senior Cntr, 4455 Carver Woods Dr. 45242. 513.205.6353.

Hatha Yoga with Fran, 11am, $12, $66-6 class pass. Blyss Studio, 102 Wooster Pike, Milford. Gentle poses. Pre-reg. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com Inner Divinity/ Knowing the Source Within Radio Show, w/Rev. Louisa Dyer, MA; & co-host Sage Women, 2-3pm, 88.3 FM & live on www.waif883.org Archived shows at www.louisadyer.com Yoga, Anusara, w/Gloria Siry, 7pm, $60/6 wks. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. RSVP 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com Yoga for Everyone, w/Cezarina Trone, 6pm, $12/ session/$60/10. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale 45246. 513.432.4887. Yoga for Everyone, w/Melisa, 9:30am, $12/ session/$60/10. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale 45246. 513.307.3132. Yoga, w/Julie Lusk, M.Ed, R/CYT, 10-11:30am. Milford. 513.248.9642. WholesomeResources.com Yoga, w/Julie Lusk, M.Ed, R/CYT, 5:30–7pm & 7-8:30pm. Miami Township. 513.248.9642. WholesomeResources.com


Group, 9:30-10:40am. Garden Park Unity Church, 3581 West Galbraith Rd. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org Center for Spiritual Living Greater Cinti, 10:30am. See ad. 5701 Murray Ave. 45227. 513.218.2128. www.cslgc.org Divinity Spiritual Church Service, 11:30am. 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014. 513.892.0623. Garden Park Unity Church, w/Rev. Kathy Engelhardt, 11am. All are welcome. See ad. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd, 45239. 513.385.8889. www.GardenParkUnity.org New Thought Unity, 10:30am service. All welcome. 1401 E. McMillan, E. Walnut Hills. 513.961.2527. www.ntunity.org Sunday Service, 9:50-10:20am/healing,10:30am/service. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church (USCL). 9772 Princeton-Glendale Rd, Cinti, OH 45246. www.uscl.org


Guided Meditation, w/Sage Woman, 10:30-11am, free. Lebanon Elemental Om. www.soulcraftings.com sagewomen61@gmail.com

next deadline: APR 1 for May/June issue.Email listings to events@wholelivingjournal. com. Format: day of week, month date, title, presenter, time, cost, location, contact info. We will list 5 events, up to 20 words ea., for FREE as part of our commitment to support our community.


Soul Crafting, w/Sage & Patti, 1-3pm, $25. Elemental Om, Lebanon. RSVP www.soulcraftings.com


A Morning Cup of Yoga, 9:30-10:45am, $13. Kula Cntr, 8th and Monmouth Street, Newport KY 41071. Phoenix Wilson 859.652.4174. Mediumship Development Circle, w/Joanne Franchina, 7-9pm, $15. Inner Compass, 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. Pre-reg reqd. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com New Moon Yoga, w/Pam Bronner, 11am. Erlanger/ Edgewood area. 859.391.0522. pamann49@gmail.com Vinyasa Yoga with Jayne, 9:15am, $12, $66-6 class pass. Blyss Studio, 102 Wooster Pike, Milford. Flow class. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com

Infusion Cincinnati, 6:30-7:30pm, free, donations accepted. Talk + Music + Connection. Join the brightest game-changers in town to light up the city! Rohs Street Café, 245 W. McMillan St. 45219. Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati www.infusioncincinnati.com (See ad page 25)


Shamanic Journey class, w/Gary Matthews, 6:30-8:30pm, $20/class, $30/incl. 2nd Thurs. Meditation class. Stillpoint, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Ste 302. Blue Ash. 513.489.5302. www.StillpointTherapy.com


Meditation class, w/Gary Matthews, 7-8:30pm, $20/ class, $30/incl. 2nd Fri. Shamanic Journey class. Stillpoint, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Ste 302, Blue Ash. 513.489.5302. www.StillpointTherapy.com

Restoring Confidence Help me resist the urge to dispute whether things are true or false which is like arguing whether it is day or night.


Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 11-12pm, $5. Springfield Twp, Senior Cntr, 9158 Winton Rd. 45231. 513.205.6353. Chair Yoga for Parkinsons & Special Populations, w/April Aloisio, 1-2pm, $5. The Centennial Barn, 110 Compton Rd. 45215. 513.205.6353. Restorative Yoga with Linda, 9am, $12, $66-6 class pass. Blyss Studio, 102 Wooster Pike, Milford. Subtle movement. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com


Fitness Bootcamp, w/Betsy Carter, 8:30am, $10. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale 45246. 513.253.7625. Yoga For Life, w/Stephanie Herrin, 10am, $12/ session/$60/10. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave Glendale 45246. 513.759.0025.


Adult Learning & Sharing Mastermind Prayer


A Course in Miracles Study Group, w/Jeanne Uhl & Mary Claybon, 6-7:30pm. Montgomery area. Info. 513.309.8377.


Laughter Yoga/Joyful Healing LY Club, w/Judi A. Winall & Pam Hall, 7pm, free. Symmes Township Library, 11850 Enyart Rd. 513.899.3115. www.JoyfulHealingLaughter.com

It is always one or the other somewhere in the world. Together, we can penetrate a higher truth which like the sun is always being conveyed. ~ Mark Nepo, Reduced to Joy


Wyld Womyn Drumming Circle, w/Patti Lightflower & Sage Woman, 7:30-9pm, free. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.soulcraftings.com

March-April 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


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               


        COMPLETE FAMILY DENTAL CARE ontgomery Dental Medicine is like no dental office you’ve visited. Dedicated to your total wellbeing, our staff forms long-term relationships with you and your family built on open, honest dialogue and a thorough knowledge of all the factors that impact everyone’s health. Our approach is successful because it’s a more sensitive process of listening to your thoughts, questions and concerns.


AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO BETTER HEALTH o you wake up exhausted? Are you fatigued during the day even though you get a “good night’s sleep”? Do you suffer Insomnia and CFS? Do you wake up with a headache? Do you have head, neck or jaw pain? For 27 years, Dr. Bosma has enjoyed marked success relieving headaches and migraine symptoms, TMJ pain and dysfunction, stiff and painful neck and shoulder muscles, and an extremely successful natural sinus regimen to ease nasal breathing effort. Our integrated approach combines multiple preventative medicine disciplines. Since our healthcare professionals have over 60 years of combined experience, we’re able to exceed your expectations and achieve our goal of improving your quality of life.



Living W h o l e Journal

BREATHE MORE LIFE INTO YOUR BODY noring and sleep apnea lead to low oxygen levels in the body. In turn, this leads to physical problems people don’t usually associate with sleep issues. They affect your life at home, on the job, and your relationships. Dr. Bosma helps patients who snore through a unique system of evaluation and treatment called Oral Systemic Balance. Breathe more life into your body! Call us for information or to schedule your sleep evaluation.




oes your smile make you feel confident and attractive? Or, do you cringe when you have your photo taken? Have you lived with discolored teeth, chips or cracks, or mottled coloring for long enough? Transform your smile in as few as one or two visits to Montgomery Dental Medicine. Find new confidence and take years off your looks!

New Patient Offer

We’ll repair your older bridgework (cracks, chips and discoloration), and we can close up gaps between teeth. We are committed to making you feel and look your best. WHY CHOOSE MONTGOMERY DENTAL MEDICINE? ur practice is different. Yes, you’ll see us for routine checkups, cleanings, x-rays, whitening, fillings and, yes, sometimes for serious work. But we also are laying the groundwork for a long-term relationship with you and your family—one that will help you all enjoy better health for life. We’re treating you, not just your teeth!


Go south out of Old Montgomery. Cross over Ronald Reagan Hwy. Turn left at 1st light into Montgomery Station Office Condos. Right at 1st stop sign into our lot. Still not sure? Please feel free to call us for directions. 513-891-5860.

New Patient Offer

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Headache, Jaw & Neck Pain, Snoring, Sleep Apnea and

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C-PAP Intolerance Some restrictions may apply.

Free Home Care Kit Some restrictions may apply.


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