Whole Living Journal SeptOct 13

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Living Living Happy Living Healthy

W h o l e Journal

FREE Sept/Oct 2013

Do you believe it’s wrong to be happy?

7 Proven

10 Signs to Watch

Hidden Messages The Wizard of Oz

Practices of Peace

Calling All World-Changers Infusion Ignites - Sept 10th 6:30-7:30pm September-October 2013

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Living W h o l e Journal


September-October 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


September October

Living Living Happy Living Healthy

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7 8 10 12 14 17 18 21

Thyroid Dysfunction

Publisher Life Dynamics, llc

BY Dr. Sachin Patel

10 Signs You Believe It’s Wrong to Be Happy

BY Mike Bundrant

Activate Your Dream Now BY Star Staubach Trust Your Vibes

BY Sonia Choquette

Mind Over Matter

BY Jennifer Annenberg

Seven Practices of Peace

Advertising & Promotions Tara L. Robinson Design & Layout Jon Robinson

BY Pam Grout

Your Community: Be the Change

Columns 6 EnlightenMeant Cartoon 16 Nutrition and Recipes 20 Herbs ‘n Such 23 Intuitive Insights

Editorial Consultant & Contributor Heidi Bright Parales

BY Clark Echols

8 God Myths: The Dude Abides

Events Calendar Darlene Robinson

BY Mark Keillor

by C. Pic Michel.

by pama mitchell & mary ann barnes, MD

by mimi tagher, L.ac. by francine haydon & patricia garry

Our Community 24 Community Spotlight 26 Resource Directory 29 Event Calendar

Departments 6 Reader Feedback 19 Book Review 25 CD Review


Editor Tara L. Robinson

21 14

Distribution Teri Dettone Kendra Koch Dana Boll Mimi Tagher Francine Haydon Carl & Bev Fisher Contact Us 10663 Loveland-Madeira Rd, Ste 162 Loveland, Ohio 45140 513.752.9288 info@wholelivingjournal.com Advertising Rates and Submission Guidlines Available Online at www.wholelivingjournal.com Find us on:

Next Deadline: OCT 1 for Nov/Dec issue Email ads to: ads@wholelivingjournal.com Email events to: events@wholelivingjournal.com Email articles to: info@wholelivingjournal.com Whole Living Journal is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.

© 2013 Life Dynamics, LLC. All rights reserved. The information in WLJ is not intended as medical advice and should not replace the advice of your physician. WLJ is not responsible for misinformation, typographical errors, omissions, or inaccuracies contained herein. The views expressed by our writers may not be shared by WLJ.


Living W h o l e Journal


Letter from the Editor

Tara L. Robinson, editor@wholelivingjournal.com

Wings to Fly “The problem with my life was that it was someone else᾿s idea.” ~ Benjamin Alire Sáenz, author Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe s I write this, I wonder how many of you reading this letter can relate to the feeling of living someone else’s idea of your life. I wonder how many Whole Living Journal readers have dreams they’ve yet to realize. Whether it’s fear of failure or fear of success holding you back, the truth is that there is a world-wide epidemic of insanely talented people out there who have one excuse or another for not stepping into their greatness.


others who can help make their dream a reality. We know all sorts of people in many different professions and industries. We provide a super-duper platform for making dreams visible through advertisements and articles in WLJ. We help dreams go viral with Facebook mentions and Twitter tweets. We give a voice to dreams and send them over the air waves on the radio (talk about flying!) We even host events so our readers can share their dreams with others in a group setting.

Give Your Dream Wings

We Bet...You Want to Help Others

That’s why I’m so excited about our new “Give Your Dream Wings” campaign. When the idea hit, it felt like, “Of course, that’s exactly what we do! We are in the business of giving dreams wings.” What does that mean exactly? It means that in everything we do and produce…Whole Living Journal magazine, weekly radio interviews with local and national leading authors and thinkers, Infusion’s monthly community gatherings…the common mission of each activity is to provide information, experiences, and support to help all those we reach live healthy, happy lives so they can actively live the life of their dreams, and stop living a life that is someone else’s idea. We help give dreams wings so they can fly.

Why do we do all this? Well, here’s a secret. Dr. Norm Shealy said during a recent interview on our show that the number one need in humans is to help other people. There’s a very good chance that your dream has something to do with helping others. And that’s something we definitely want to support. Have you thought about advertising your dream business but weren᾿t sure where to start? Well, now᾿s the time. We᾿re offering 20% off all rates and we have a full service design team who can help create an ad you᾿ll love. Plus, you᾿ll have access to all our other connections and your dream will be flying in no time.

Infused with Passion - Be a World-Changer Introduce Your Dream to the World Many dreams are snuggled up tight inside a cocoon where they are nice and warm…and safe. Maybe your dream feels like an intimate best friend because you know it so well, but have you considered introducing your friend to the world? Dreams aren᾿t meant to stay hidden in a cocoon, they have a life of their own. And when it᾿s time for them to spread their wings and fly, keeping them safe inside the cocoon is like trying to keep a race horse at a starting gate. Do you have an emerging dream just waiting to take flight? Don’t hold back any longer. Your dream is a good dream. It deserves to be taken seriously and handled seriously. Your dream is worth it. YOU are worth it.

Give Your Dream the Royal Treatment We always get out of life results in proportion to what we invest into it. So, if you have a dream but just kinda tell people in your inner circle about it, those are exactly the kind of half-hearted results you are going to get. However, if you commit to really stepping into your dream in a big way and giving it the exposure it deserves, then the results will align with your actions. How can you give your dream the treatment it deserves? Easy peasy. We support people every day in getting their dreams off the ground. We connect people all the time with

Our newest project is the facilitation of Infusion, which I’m totally jazzed about. Infusion is for world-changers. The goal of Infusion is: shining powerfully together so we can light up this city. It᾿s where the brightest game-changers in town, the adventurers and revolutionaries, gather to share ideas about living with passion and purpose, in the space where dreams fly. If you had five minutes to talk about your passion, what would you say? Infusion Ignites on Sept. 10th will be an open discussion about how to be a mover and a shaker in our city and in our world. Aren᾿t sure what your passion is yet? That᾿s okay, Infusion is for seekers. It᾿s the perfect opportunity to be inspired to learn, do and be more. We each are equipped with great power to change our world...our immediate world within our circle of family, friends, school, and work...but also our world at large. Are you ready to step into your power? I hope you᾿ll join us as we bring our lights together. It begins with a spark, but together we can ignite it into a full blown bonfire. Guaranteed to shake things up and rattle the walls of perceived limitations, Infusion meets every 2nd Tuesday at Rohs Street Cafe in Clifton, 6:30-7:30pm. Find us on Facebook for more information: Infusion Cincinnati. Looking forward to soaring with you,

September-October 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


INFUSION IGNITES SEPTEMBER 10 Whole Living Journal is proud to partner with Infusion: Cincinnati’s “Hottest New Group in Town.” Infusion begins meeting again after a summer break on September 10th, 6:307:30pm at Rohs Street Cafe, 245 W. McMillan St, 45219 now under the leadership of WLJ Editor Tara L. Robinson. If you had 3 minutes to talk about your passion what would you say? Infusion kicks off with Infusion Ignites which is a special evening of open mic discussion on how to discover and live with passion and purpose in order to be a mover and shaker in our city and our world. Infusion is for seekers and for do-ers. Infusion is new, it’s hot, it’s fresh, it’s fun, it’s swaggy... and it’s deep. Infusion will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Featuring the brightest game-changers in town, Infusion’s very cool motto is “shining powerfully together so we can light up this city.” Be inspired to let YOUR light shine! Donation basis. Facebook: “Infusion Cincinnati” Twitter: @InfusionCincy www.infusioncincinnati.com

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“Whole Living Journal”

Reader Feedback “Just read the most recent Whole Living Journal...totally inspired! Pretty sure you put together one of the greatest publications on the planet!” Brad Buechner Hyde Park, OH “I have been reading Whole Living Journal since its inception 10 years ago. I have happily observed how you have grown WLJ into the best publication of its kind! There are glossier publications, some filled cover to cover with articles written by internationally renowned spiritual leaders and healers, but WLJ connects OUR community of spiritual leaders and healers. In fact, it helps CREATE community here in the Cincinnati area. We have wonderful healers and spiritual teachers and counselors right here to help us on our journeys. WLJ connects seekers to them, and connects them to each other. WLJ, and all you do around this publication, has nurtured and grown our spiritual/healing community, and educated many new seekers, with eyes to see and ears to hear.” Stacey Leigh Mohr Received via email


Living W h o l e Journal


Thyroid Dysfunction

The Sneaky Culprit of Many Health by Dr. Sachin Patel



he thyroid gland is a but-

terfly shaped gland located on the front of the neck just below the Adam’s apple. It is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones, T4 and T3. These hormones regulate virtually every metabolic process in the body. In fact, almost every cell in the body has receptor sites for thyroid hormones. This is why thyroid hormone function and metabolism is extremely important in one’s health and why when a patient has a thyroid problem there can be seemingly vague symptoms that affect everything from brain health to weight gain. Below is a list of symptoms that can result from thyroid related problems: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Fatigue Increased sensitivity to cold Constipation Dry skin Unexplained weight gain Puffy face Hoarseness Muscle weakness Elevated blood cholesterol level Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness Pain, stiffness or swelling in joints Heavy or irregular menstrual periods Thinning hair Slowed heart rate Depression Impaired memory Brain fog Thinning outer eyebrow and many more

Undiagnosed Thyroid Problems It is estimated that over 30 million Americans suffer from thyroid dysfunction, many undiagnosed or mis-diagnosed. Those suffering from thyroid dysfunction may actually have an auto-immune condition known as

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis that is often overlooked. Hashimoto’s Disease Markers for Hashimoto’s disease are rarely tested because there is no drug to fix the problem. Instead, the root cause is commonly ignored or missed and prescription hormones are prescribed. Over time the dosage tends to increase as symptoms continue to worsen. Many doctors will not run the appropriate tests to fully evaluate the thyroid because it does not change the treatment plan. This leaves the patient and the doctor in the dark with respect to the causative factors or metabolic road blocks. New Approach is Needed This archaic approach to managing thyroid health is inadequate and can result in years of suffering. It should be noted that the thyroid never breaks down in isolation. It is usually a victim of other forces that are interfering with its function. These forces may include poor diet, high stress, inflammation, immune imbalances liver dysfunction and digestive disorders to name a few. There are actually 10 steps involved in proper thyroid hormone metabolism. Many of these steps can be directly evaluated through laboratory testing and others can be assessed through indirect markers and lifestyle evaluation (diet, stress, exercise, sleep, etc.). Other Systems Important to Proper Thyroid Function Proper thyroid hormone metabolism and activation requires that several other systems are working properly, these include the pituitary gland, the liver, the digestive system and the adrenals to name a few. The thyroid gland also

September-October 2013

relies on other key players for thyroid hormone to be utilized properly. This is why a comprehensive strategy that looks at the bigger picture produces superior outcomes for those that have thyroid hormone related issues. Right Doctor Makes the Difference Find a doctor that will work very closely with you and evaluate the required markers for better assessment of thyroid hormone metabolism. After this assessment your doctor is capable of developing a comprehensive lifestyle strategy that addresses the root cause of the dysfunction. This strategy will not only help improve the functioning and metabolism of thyroid hormones but will fundamentally improve the health of all the cells in your body, thus restoring your health and vitality. About the author: Dr. Patel is a Functional and Lifestyle Medicine practitioner, author and speaker. He takes a highly personalized approach to prevent the development of chronic disease and improve the health of his patients using customized laboratory testing combined with personalized lifestyle interventions. 513.785.0686, email at drpatel@becomeproof.com or visit www.IsItMyThyroid.com. (See ad on page 3.)

Living W h o l e Journal


10 Signs You Believe It᾿s Wrong by Mike Bundrant


f you are missing out on your share of happiness, you may have unconscious beliefs that make it impossible to experience happiness. In fact, at some level you may simply believe that being happy is wrong. Here are 10 signs this may be true.

1. When you do feel happy, you feel anxious that

it won’t last. Happiness is so unfamiliar to some that they don’t trust it. If, when you begin to feel happy, you also feel anxious that something bad is just around the corner, at some level you believe happiness makes you vulnerable.

2. When you feel good, you feel guilty. Most people

feel guilty when they do something wrong. Some people feel guilty when they enjoy themselves, as if they were doing something wrong.

3. You don’t express your needs. Millions of people

allow others to ignore, take advantage of, or take them for granted because they do not speak up. If you speak up and let others know it’s not ok to treat you these ways, their bad behaviors will probably stop.

4. You are overly focused on the needs of others. Focusing on the needs of others is noble. However, focusing solely on their needs and not your own is a disservice to yourself. This behavior typically leads to resentment and emotional martyrdom.

Happy (

to be

5. You don’t enjoy the moment. Letting go and having fun in the here and now is an important way to experience fulfillment and reduce stress. It is a huge need!

6. You are attracted to emotionally unavailable

people. A sure way to NOT get your needs met is to choose emotionally unavailable or narcissistic people to be in relationships with.

7. You expect disappointment. Expecting disappoint-

ment keeps happiness at a distance. It actually keeps you from either doing what would make you happy or not enjoying it while you’re doing it.

8. You don’t know what you want. Not knowing what

want or refusing to take time figure it out is a way to avoid your purpose in life. Living with a sense of purpose is an important need that brings meaning and fulfillment.

9. You avoid intimacy. The need for intimacy is funda-

mental to relationships and happiness. When you avoid close relationships or shy away from deeper connections with people, you miss out on this aspect of life.

10. You relive the bad times. Happy people tend to

relive happy memories and view upsetting memories as if from a distance, like a neutral observer. Unhappy, pessimistic people tend to relive unpleasant memories and view the good memories from the observer perspective. It’s been said, “Pain and suffering exist in the past. Fear and worry exist in the future. Peace exists in the present.” It is time for you to move beyond these patterns and give yourself permission to satisfy your needs. (Note: Tara L. Robinson will interview Mike on September 3rd, 3:30-4:30pm on WAIF 88.3FM or www.waif883.org ) About the author: Mike Bundrant is the co-developer of the AHA Solution, a tool for increasing happiness. It helps others identify specifically how they are sabotaging themselves and shows them how to make new choices that are more fulfilling. Learn more at inlpcenter.com


Living W h o l e Journal


September-October 2013

Living W h o l e Journal



Your Dream Now by Star Staubach


his autumn, as students return to school, notice the collective sense of optimism and hope that is shared. This is a time when we send our future back to the classrooms, telling them that they can make their wildest dreams come true. Our words may say one thing, yet our actions might be saying another. They are watching you, watching us, the adults around LJ AD them to see if what we’re saying is true. They’re watching to see if you are living out your2013 wildest dreams. No matter ptember/October where you are on your journey toward your dream, these tips can support you in taking your vision to the next level:

Honor4.75 and x celebrate H page full color: 2.25 where


you are now. Take a moment to celebrate all that you’ve accomy Problems with file please callchildren, plished -- raising beautiful Design,career Diana Puppinpromotions, owning successes, your own home, car, business, etc. It 3.389.1335 can be all too easy for us to get caught up by the bigger picture and forget the path that has led us to where we are today and the accomplishments we’ve made along the way. Feel the hope and optimism of allowing the dream. As you watch your student (child, grandchild, niece, nephew, or friend of a


child) return to school, remember what it was like to be filled with optimism and an unwavering belief that you could do anything. See it in the students of today. What would it feel like to hold that belief for yourself again? Give yourself permission to dream! If you’re honest with yourself, has there been a part of your dream that has been dormant for months, years, maybe even decades? Have you been waiting for your turn, telling yourself you’ll tend to it, after the kids are in school, after your husband finishes his PhD, after you get married, buy your own home, etc.? The list of reasons why you’re waiting can go on and on. I encourage you to stop waiting and start activating your dream. Our students are looking to you, to me, to us, to see how we’re fulfilling our dreams. To see if it really is possible to live a life they love. It is never too late. Every day we can find stories of people overcoming disabilities or life challenges who, against all odds, graduate from University, take up sky diving, or complete a marathon. There are inspirational


~Half-Day Mini Retreat ~

Ignite Your Dreams




Star Staubach

Aliveness Coach Radio Show Host





Living W h o l e Journal

I g n it e


seniors all around us, who have decided that it is never too late to make a dream a reality. This same truth applies to you. If it is never too late, what would your dream be if you had no limitations? Take the First Step. Your dream is patient. It will wait for you to be ready. Believe in yourself and take the first step toward your future. Surround yourself with inspiration. Identify fellow dreamers and those who believe in you. We send our students to schools where others share the belief that they can achieve what they set out to do. Do the same thing for yourself. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will support you, champion you, celebrate the successes with you, and believe in you.

4 5

This fall, as you see students working to making their dreams a reality, recognize the important role you have in following your own passions. Imagine a world where each of us are practicing what we preach, following our dreams, making them a reality, and inspiring others to do the same. I believe in you. I believe in your dream.

About the author: Star Staubach is an Aliveness Coach, radio show host, speaker and founder of Ignite Radiance. Star is passionate about supporting others in awakening to their dormant dreams and living their best lives. 859.803.1032. Stellarevolution@live.com

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September-October 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


Trust Your


by Sonia Choquette


ore and more People, are being drawn to living spiritually empowered, authentically grounded, intuitively guided, positive, and peaceful lives. We’re generally becoming much more willing to accept the idea that we create our own realities and aren’t simply victims of circumstance, as evidenced by a huge surge of interest in things such as quantum physics and mind-body connections in health. We’re becoming willing to explore and even speak with others about our rich inner lives and our ever-expanding intuitive experiences. And yet, in spite of these encouraging signs, we’re still suffering from personal and worldwide violence and destruction. An Idea is Not Enough So even though the idea of spiritual awakening and personal empowerment sounds appealing and even possible, the actual shift in consciousness most of us need to make in order to go from victim of circumstance to divine co-creator has yet to be made. We all must take a big step forward—if not an actual leap— to jump-start the transformation that everyone speaks of, desires, and that the world so desperately needs. Step one: Understanding that your inner peace contributes to world peace. Listening to your intuition, your spirit, instead of the voice of your fears and other peoples’ opinions is a big step.


Living W h o l e Journal

Tuning in to and following your intuition relaxes the mind, puts the body at ease, and opens the heart, because inner-conflict is eliminated as you become more at one with your spirit by being your Self. With such a big load off your shoulders, you can begin to fine tune your awareness and expand your creativity, gaining a more graceful, fulfilling, and productive rhythm in your life. With your spirit firmly at the helm, you flow with the deepest, most authentic truth and experience each day as God de-

Start tuning into your intuition by following these four steps:

1. Be open to your intuition. Being open helps you turn your attention to your heart, where your intuition is centered. It shifts your awareness to be able to receive intuitive guidance.

2. Expect your intuition to guide you. The more you expect intuition to guide you, the more it will. 3. Trust your intuition when you

“Step one: Understanding that your inner peace contributes to world peace.” signed and intended you to experience it: beautiful, connected, and filled with joy. Because you are aligned with your true self, you feel less and less compelled to seek approval from others or allow the way they see you to determine your selfworth. You stop feeling out of sync, and that’s a huge relief. Honor Your Inner Voice Honoring our inner voices and allowing our spirits to lead is a choice we must all eventually make in this great transformational time. Those who refuse, for whatever reason, to surrender to their hearts will continue to suffer, struggle, and miss the joys of life. Like a battery running out of power, unless we stop fighting and start trusting our spirits for guidance, our limited ego energy will dwindle and eventually die. Battling our own fears and battling others' hurts us, each other, and our planet.


are aware of its guidance. Don’t let your ego (i.e. fear) argue with or struggle against your higher wisdom.

4. Act on your intuition. When you act on your intuition you begin to shift away from fear and into flow. Acting on your intuition allows your true nature to lead. It puts you back into contact with your most creative self. This is good for you and good for the planet. Simply put, always trust your vibes. (Note: Tara L. Robinson will interview Sonia on Tuesday, October 22nd, 3:304:30pm, on Waves of a New Age at WAIF 88.3FM or www.waif883.org ) About the author: Sonia Choquette is a globally celebrated spiritual teacher, sixsensory consultant and enchanting storyteller, known for her humor and skill in quickly shifting people out of difficulty and into flow. She is the author of 19 bestselling books including the New York Times bestseller The Answer is Simple. Her work has been published in over 40 countries and in 37 languages. She is the host of a show on Hay House Radio.

September-October 2013


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Mind Over Matter Part 1

by Jennifer Annenberg


f you are reading this, chances are you have spent at least some time developing and evolving your mind. This phenomenal feat is what helps one achieve conscious awareness. However, there has been so much emphasis on the mind recently that the physical body and its significance has been largely excluded from the conversation. It’s the missing link of an extraordinary life of wholeness, which can allow our lives to truly flow, rendering us in complete harmony with ourselves. When we harmonize our inner reality with our outer being, we function from the highest level of awareness. We completely tune into ourselves and exude our Presence to the world around us. Bestselling author, licensed psychotherapist and transformative educator of the Feminine Power teachings Katherine Woodward Thomas says, “Our bodies are the hosts of our great spirits and the home of our grand souls. They house the vastness of the life force that moves in and through us and grants us the gift of life itself. To relate to them as anything less than a miracle is a distortion of who we are.”

What are we advertising? Our physical bodies are creative, expanding, evolving canvases of enlightenment. Many of us have relegated them to being less important than the mind, but why? The physical body has been viewed as a separate entity devoid of sacredness, a thoroughly superficial matter to transcend. Yet, if we are unhappy with our physical being and neglect it completely, how can we achieve true happiness? We say we want a happy, fulfilling, abundant life, while our appearance, our presence, advertises the opposite. How can we be truly spiritually evolved or enlightened if we are deeming half of us unworthy? Do we subconsciously demonize people who are beautiful; or label those who spend time on their physical appearance as superficial? You came


Living W h o l e Journal

here to have a simply marvelous, delicious, experience. Embrace your body, which can help lead you to this place. Celebrate and honor it. Revolutionary artist of modern dance and choreography Martha Graham said, “Your body is a sacred garment. It is your first and last garment. It is what you enter life with and what you depart with and it should be treated with honor.”

It’s all about balance It’s time to balance the disparity between our inner and outer selves. After all, our essence includes both. It’s time to go back home to our beautiful amazing bodies that have served us so well and start aligning them with our minds. This is a necessary journey all its own. When we align ourselves with our true essence, we are in harmony with who we are and we radiate this truth out to the world. When we change our relationship with ourselves, our external world changes too. Our physical presence has the potential to transform, inspire, and delight. Each of us is a unique flower in the garden of life. When we blossom into the fullest expression of who we are physically and mentally, that’s when the real magic happens. In our wholeness, we ooze an essence that magnetizes everything and everyone around us. Much like the flower, the butterfly and each blade of grass, in its unapologetic splendor, we are not here to merely survive, we are here to thrive. Your radiance is needed like never before, to light up the world. Are You Ready? Part 2: The next step… “I will remind you of your magnificence, until you are utterly, completely, unapologetically, able to see it in Yourself.” xoxo Jennifer About the author: Jennifer Annenberg is Creative Director for Jennifer Annenberg Productions, a company dedicated to the mission of reminding others of the magnificence they already possess through materials produced. She hosts, “Revolutionizing the Art of Happiness,” a show which highlights the formulas of extraordinary Cincinnatians to empower others in creating happier, more fulfilling lives. She is a writes inspirational messages and contributes to numerous publications. Email: Jennifer.Annenberg@icloud.com Twitter: @ jenannenberg. Facebook: Jennifer Annenberg


We’re off to see by Rev. Kathy Engelhardt


wenty years ago my son Robert and I created something life changing one evening as we watched the movie The Wizard of Oz. I started sharing some thoughts about how certain scenes had possible metaphysical interpretations. Then Robert told me what he saw as his interpretations. We discussed how the characters represent people in our lives, and most importantly, how they represent aspects of ourselves. Before I knew it, the two of us were taking notes, and from that personal journal we formed a workshop.

Toto Symbolizes Spirit Let’s take Toto for example, Dorothy’s little dog. Toto can easily represent Spirit; the spirit that dwells within us. What is the one thing in the movie that no one could capture? Toto. At the beginning of the movie, Mrs. Gulch tries to take him to the pound, but Toto jumps out of the basket. The monkeys capture Toto and take him to the witch’s castle, only for Toto to get away and get help. In the final scene, Toto jumps out of the balloon basket to chase a cat. Dorothy goes after him and that’s when the balloon takes off. No one can ever capture your spirit, no matter how hard they try.

! d r a iz



Dorothy Always Had the Power Your spirit is always there to guide you. Spirit knew the balloon was not the way home. Dorothy had to follow her guidance (i.e. her spirit) in order for her to find her way home. Dorothy always had the power to go back home, she always had the power to return to the Truth of who she is, but she had to learn it for herself. As the spiritual leader of Garden Park Unity and as a life/ spiritual coach, I’m ready to offer the workshop to those who want to expand their minds and dig a little deeper into what keeps them in the “Land of Oz.” I’ll show just how easy it can be to return home. The two hour workshop will be spent showing clips of the movie with interaction following each clip. I guarantee you will never watch the movie through the same eyes again! Rev. Kathy Engelhardt will be presenting her Wizard of Oz workshop at Garden Park Unity Church on Sunday October 13, 2013 from 12:45 - 2:45pm. Love offerings accepted. For more information please call 513.385.8889 or email gardenparkunitychurch@fuse.net. Garden Park Unity Church, 3581 W. Galbraith Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45239.

September-October 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


nutrition and recipes from the kitchen of

The Healthy Foodies by Pama Mitchell and Mary Ann Barnes, MD

Fructose — Good and Not


ructose is one of the three simple sugars found in fruits and vegetables, which are loaded with vitamins and nutrients. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS), however, was developed in the 1960s as a way to use the crops produced by American farmers. As an inexpensive and very sweet supplement, it has been incorporated into many if not most of the prepared food products sold today. Unfortunately, it has also been linked with many of the chronic diseases that afflict our society, including obesity and diabetes. Fructose is metabolized more like a fat than a sugar, increasing bad cholesterol fractions like triglycerides and low density lipoproteins (LDL), and lowering good cholesterol (high density lipoprotein, or HDL). Like artificial sweeteners, HFCS

seems to promote overeating and obesity. Recent studies have also implicated HFCS in liver disease. Including fruits and vegetables in the diet, however, does not confer these risks. Consuming more fruits and vegetables actually seems to lower the risk of chronic diseases. So don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Minimize the high fructose corn syrup, but go ahead and consume natural fructose found in your fruits and veggies.

Fruit and Greens Smoothie (Serves 4) Ingredients: 1 cup collard greens or kale, packed

½ Greek yogurt

1 cup fresh or frozen mango

1 cup almond milk or fat-free milk

1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

1 teaspoon local honey

1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries

Mint sprigs for garnish


Place first 7 ingredients in a large blender and pulse until smooth. Garnish as desired. Refrigerate if not served immediately.

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About the Healthy Foodies: Pama Mitchell (right) is a journalist and associate professor of communication and journalism at the University of Cincinnati. Mary Ann Barnes, M.D., practices family and complementary medicine, and teaches nutrition, at St. Elizabeth Family Practice Center in Edgewood, KY. Please visit www.healthyfoodie.com and Pama’s blog at www.healthyfoodies.blogspot.com.


Apple Season One of the very best nutritional powerhouse foods is the good old apple. And the best ones are available right now. August marks the beginning of apple season, but September and October mark the peak time to harvest a wide variety of this delicious fruit. The old saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” contains more than a seed of wisdom. Loaded with antioxidants and an important fiber called pectin, apples have a range of health benefits – from whitening teeth to protecting against dementia, Parkinson’s, diabetes, heart disease and many forms of cancer. They are filling while also being low in calories and thus help with weight control. And their high fiber content goes a long way toward keeping us “regular.” What’s not to love about these yummy little spheres?

by Clark Echols


he cessation of war between states is only the first step to establishing peace. The goal is a mutual respect, honor and welcome of the other’s sovereignty. The same is true on a personal level. Serene external circumstances is only the first step towards essential peace. Real peace is an inner state of being. What are the steps, the stages, between the beginning condition and the realization of true peace? What steps are you willing to take in seeking peace? There is abundant wisdom about the peace process. We know it to be wise, in part because it has been proven effective since the most ancient times that were recorded. We need not invent our own, new, process of achieving peace. We do, however, need to bring those universal truths and practices into our current culture and stage of evolution. As a student of the Bible – both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures – I have been helped tremendously by the steps towards the peaceful life described in the seven days of creation in Genesis. Each day is a state of being marked by ideas and practices. And their order describes the natural, logical progression from a state of darkness and confusion to a state of awareness and rest from war. This order is as follows: Awakening – Light shines for the first time: We begin to acknowledge God’s presence. Distinguishing – Waters above from waters below: We distinguish between what’s real and important from what’s

superficial and less important. Cultivating – Tender plants grow: We recognize things in us that need to change, and we start taking the first steps toward making those changes. Navigating - Sun, moon and stars placed in the sky for light: We feel a new fire; we are enlightened by our beliefs and motivated by love. Speaking - Fish swim and birds fly: Our thinking comes alive in a new way. We speak confidently from what we know is true, and we affirm ourselves in what we know is good. Loving - Humans are created in the image of God: We take action to better the lives of others, not out of obligation, but out of love and a wise understanding. Peace - Resting. No more work; there is peace: This is the result of taking wise and loving action. It is an inner peace that helps bring about peace in external circumstances.

I am convinced that we can acquire practices that will create peace in our hearts, in our minds, in our lives, and so in the world. Clark Echols is facilitating a series of seven small group experiences, based on the Genesis account of creation, as described by the mystic Emanuel Swedenborg, and by other contributors to human wisdom. The first gathering will be a free introduction to the series on September 22nd, 5-7pm. 513.772.1478. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale, OH 45246. www.glendalenewchurch.org

September-October 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


8 God Myths

The Dude Abides by Pam Grout

“Everyone else is waiting for eternity and the shamans are saying, ‘How about tonight?’” ~ Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., author and teacher


he Dude Abides Principle: There is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities (FP). There is a loving, abundant, totally hip force in the universe. Some people call it God. You can call it prana, “the all there is,” or “Cosmo Kramer,” for all I care. The problem, up until now, is that we’ve had to take this force on faith. And, because we bought this idea that the force is vague and mysterious, we haven’t been trained to notice, this inspiring, energizing, life-altering force is zooming in, around, and through us. We have to retrain ourselves to think of this energy force the same way we think of electricity. We don’t wonder, Am I good enough to plug my toaster into the outlet? We don’t feel guilty for wanting to turn on the radio and listen to NPR. The FP is just as nonprejudiced and available as electricity once we make the decision to really look for it. And it’s not that hard to find. This is the section where we talk about the elephant in the room. Yes, I’m talking about God. Some version of “the dude” (to borrow a moniker from the cult-classic film The Big Lebowski) exists in every culture that has ever existed. Even physicists whose sole line of work is studying the properties and interactions of matter and energy know about the invisible force. Most of them do not call it God. Albert Einstein, for example, claimed no belief in the traditional God, but he sure as heck knew there was something a whole lot juicier out there in the cosmos. In fact, that juice, he said, was all he really cared about. The rest, he claimed, was just details. The God most of us believe in is an invention of man. We accept this human-made God as an indisputable fact. Trying to define God, of course, is impossible. God isn’t static, any more than electricity or light is static. God lies beyond the material world of matter, shape, and form. It fills the cosmos, saturates reality, and supersedes time and space. But that doesn’t stop us from trying to construct definitions. Here are the top eight whoppers we’ve made up about God: Whopper #1: God is a him. The FP doesn’t really have a gender. We certainly don’t talk about Mrs. Electricity or Mr. Gravity. The more appropriate pronoun would be it. The FP is a force field that runs the universe, the same energy source that grows flowers, forms scabs over skinned knees, and constantly pushes for wholeness. God is more like the force in Star Wars, a presence that dwells within us, a principle by which we live.

Whopper #2: God looks like ZZ Top, makes black check marks after your name, and is basically too busy working on world hunger to care about you. God, if you believe the accepted box, is a little like Boo Radley


Living W h o l e Journal

in To Kill a Mockingbird: this mysterious neighbor constantly peering out the window of his penthouse suite, waiting to catch us doing something “naughty, naughty.” If you don’t follow this commandment or if you break that rule, God just might send his angel Secret Service after you. Whopper #3: God plays favorites. The FP is a force field that’s equally available to everyone. It’s a natural capacity in all of us, not an exclusive gift bestowed upon a few. In fact, that is the primary lesson Jesus taught. God is within. You are part of God. You can perform miracles.

Whopper #4: God rewards our suffering and gives brownie points for our sacrifice (better known as “Life sucks and then you die”). Many of us think this short life span is “only a test” for the paradise we’re eventually going to earn. If we hang on and bear it, we’ll someday walk through those pearly gates and be happy. What I’d like to suggest is that this heaven you’re waiting for is available now. Whopper #5: God is just so demanding. The FP doesn’t need anything. It requires nothing of us. It makes no demands. Only misinformed humans, scrambling desperately to make sense of their world, came up with a God who plays eeniemeenie-minie-mo with our lives, a God who likes and dislikes the same people we do.

Whopper #6: You don’t want to ask too much from God; you certainly wouldn’t want to bug him. As I’ve already pointed out, the FP is not a person; therefore you cannot bug him. The FP is a power, an unseen energetic force. It isn’t finite or limited, so you certainly couldn’t ask too much of it. If anything, we don’t use the FP power nearly enough. Whopper #7: God is just so vague. Au contraire. Once you get rid of the black cloud of rumors and half truths that hide your awareness, you’ll find the unseen force communicates just as clearly as Dr. Phil. Once you rid yourself of the blocks, you’ll be shown exactly what to do and how to do it.

Whopper #8: God only answers when he’s good and ready. There is never a time when God or “the force” isn’t guiding you. The big guy is available 24/7 once you’re ready to focus your full attention on it. The trick is to pay attention, trust, and as I will continue to repeat, focus your full attention on it.

And while we’re on the topic of God’s will, let’s get this out on the table. The will of God, for those who insist on using that term, is the ceaseless longing of the spirit in you to become all you’re capable of being. Amen. *Excerpted from E-Squared: Nine Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout (Hay House, 2013).


Book Reviews

Merlyn’s Raven by Rose Vanden Eynden (Soul Mate Publishing, 2013)

The New Kitchen Mystic by Mary Hayes Grieco (Beyond Words, 2013) There is no such thing as an ordinary moment. Whether washing dishes, driving to work, or raking leaves, the potential for personal growth is everpresent. You can cultivate love, find peace, enhance creativity, and make a profound connection with your spiritual self simply by engaging fully in everyday life. In The New Kitchen Mystic, respected author and therapist Mary Hayes Grieco offers a poignant, playful, and insightful collection of essays that teach readers how to bring magic to the most mundane. As a former faculty member of Hazelden and current director of The Midwest Institute for Forgiveness Training, Hayes Grieco incorporates her personal experiences to offer a writing style that is part philosophy, part how-to, and part storytelling. A respected spiritual teacher and engaging speaker, she created and hosted her own local radio show, The Blue Couch, featuring interviews with local and national leaders in spiritual thought and holistic health. Tara L. Robinson will interview Mary on Tuesday Sept. 10th, 3:30-4:30pm on WAIF 88.3FM or www.waif883.org

For a young woman, falling in love is the ultimate magic. But what if the object of her affection is Merlyn, destined to be King Arthur’s legendary advisor? Can Gwendydd work her own magic to capture the heart of the world’s most powerful enchanter, or will her desire destroy her and the people she loves most? In her new book Merlyn’s Raven, winner of Best Fantasy Romance at the EPIC awards, local author Rose Vanden Enyden weaves a magical tale of intrigue and suspense. The first of its kind to rival the classic Mists of Avalon, from the very first page Merlyn’s Raven leaves the reader burning for more. Vanden Enyden’s masterful command of the language, English and spiritual, is clear and compelling throughout this must-read and shines light on and through the story. Gwendydd’s journey with discovering and claiming her own power, learning to master the control and use of energy, and using love as the vessel for her healing gifts is as relevant today as ever. Readers will delight in her triumph and will believe the same magick is as accessible to them in the “real” world as it is to her in the novel. Both as fiction work and a manual for those seeking love as the highest expression of being, Merlyn’s Raven delivers. Tara L. Robinson will interview Rose on Tuesday Oct. 15th, 3:30-4:30pm on WAIF 88.3FM or www.waif883.org

September-October 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


Healthy Gut Healthy Body Herbs ‘n Such, by Mimi Tagher


n a recent New York Times article, Justin Sonnenburg, a microbiologist at Stanford, suggests that we would do well to begin regarding the human body as “an elaborate vessel optimized for the growth and spread of our microbial inhabitants.” In fact, there are hundreds of bacterial species that call “us” home. For every human cell that is intrinsic to our body, there are about ten resident microbes. Microbes are single-cell organisms so tiny that millions can fit into the eye of a needle. They exert an influence on our health as great as the genes we inherit from our patents. Without them, the human body would not survive.

now know that these probiotics do much more than help with diarrhea and regularity. Our gut bacteria play a role in the manufacturing of substances like neurotransmitters (including serotonin); enzymes and vitamins (notably vitamins B and K); and other important nutrients such as amino and fatty acids. The newest research suggests that some of these compounds play a role in regulating stress and even temperament. Believe it or not, when gut microbes from easygoing, adventurous mice are transplanted into the guts of anxious and timid mice, they become more adventurous.

Probiotics vs. Prebiotics Microbes and the Immune System Disorders in our internal ecosystem - a loss of diversity, or a proliferation of the “wrong” kind of microbes, may predispose us to obesity, inflammation, allergies, infections, autoimmune problems, and chronic disease. Our resident microbes appear to play a critical role in training and modulating our immune system, helping it to accurately distinguish between friend and foe. Some researchers believe that the alarming increase in autoimmune diseases in Western societies is due to the disruption of the right type of microbes. Scientists have long known that an adequate amount of “good” microbes, or “friendly” bacteria (probiotics) in the gut contribute to the wellness of one’s digestive tract. We

To augment the good bacteria in your gut you can consume probiotics in foods such as certain yogurts, cultured dairy products, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, various juices and soy beverages. You can also ingest them in supplement form. Please note that probiotics alone are NOT enough to benefit the gut flora. You also need prebiotics which are food for the microbes. Prebiotics are non-digestible foods formed mostly from carbohydrate fibers call oligosaccharides. These fibers are not digested so they stay in the digestive tract and stimulate growth of the beneficial bacteria in the colon. Oligosaccharides are found in various foods including whole grains, fruits, garlic, and legumes. They can also be found in supplement form.

Symbiosis - A Match Made in Heaven When probiotics and prebiotics mix together it is called a symbiotic. Together they can restore balance in the digestive tract and your immune system. They can also play a role in helping you feel more satisfied and energetic. It is true that you are what you eat...so watch what you put in there! About the author: Mimi Tagher, LAc, LMT is nationally board certified in acupuncture, Chinese herbology and Oriental Medicine. She practices at Synergy Holistic Health Center in Florence, Ky., and in Blue Ash. 859.525.5000, www.synergyholistichealth.com


Living W h o l e Journal



Community Be the Change

by Mark Keillor


hat do you think about this? Let’s change our culture so that every business is successful, every person is prosperous, and every child has a future. Restore might be a better verb than change because these are the values on which our great nation was founded … and has since floundered. The USA was founded by small business owners and farmers. These early Americans understood their community economic systems. Today we are far removed from those early politics and way too far removed from an understanding of the very economic systems on which we rely. That’s a problem. Independent studies demonstrate that most people, including public officials, do not adequately understand civics and economics. As a result, we suffer individually and collectively. Publications like Whole Living Journal inform us about alternatives and choices. These allow us to reach beyond main stream American commercialism and find meaning and wellness in our lives. Yet, every day we must return to our community economic systems where we make our livings, pay our bills, and try to creProof Date: 08/17/10 ate stability for the future. Ref: GPU_081710 Designer: ads@wholeliving... Size Size: 1/8 pg (3.5x2.25)"

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Are you one of thousands of readers trying to get a better slice of the American pie? Would you agree that it is time to take some action? My mission is to turn this negative leaning trend around and empower every member of the community to be an active, informed cog in the wheel of economic prosperity. I’ve found the best way to achieve this mission is in a community setting. We can share the learning experience, contribute to the discussion, and go away ready, willing, and able to make a difference. Whether you are in the 8th grade or your 8th decade, you can “become part of the change you wish to see” (thanks, Mr. Ghandi). Together, we can change the culture of our community from one of misunderstanding, indifference, and apathy to one that truly understands how to build community prosperity, enrich our personal lives, and rebuild the American Dream. The American Pie Seminar will be held on September 26th at 6pm at Garden Park Unity Church where we will begin the rebirth of Cincinnati in 2013. About the author: Mark Keillor is a social scientist who takes a unique approach to rebuilding communities. 513.385.8889.

10663 Loveland-Madeira Rd., Suite 162 • Loveland, OH 45140 513.752.9288 • Fax: 513.722.0752 ads@wholelivingjournal.com

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Living W h o l e Journal


Ancient Traditions Autumnal Equinox

Intuitive Insights, by Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry

n equinox occurs twice a year – about March 21st and again about September 22nd. It is the time of year when the tilt of the Earth’s axis is pointed neither towards the Sun nor away from it. It’s at 0 degrees. These are the only two days when the Sun crosses the celestial equator and we have “equal days and equal nights.” [Equinox is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night).] The exact hours may vary, but in general, we have 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness. On this day, the Sun rises everywhere on Earth around 06:00 and sets about 18:00 (local time), except at the North and South Poles.


our leaves – and even assist the neighbors. Raking is great exercise and can also be a powerful meditation – the rhythm of the strokes, the beauty and the autumn smells, can carry us far from our difficulties. If we have gardens, we can love the harvest – pulling out the potatoes, letting them rest on the soil for a few days. Bagging tomatoes and greens into special plastic bags that will keep them fresh a long time. And planting some green crops – lettuces, kale, collard greens – that just might keep growing through the winter. All this with tremendous gratitude in our hearts and in our hands as we breathe that wonderful crisp air.

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

The Spiritual Gift of Gratitude

In the Northern Hemisphere, we refer to the September Equinox as the Autumnal Equinox, as it signifies the changing of the seasons from the hot summer to the cooler fall months ahead. In 2013, the Autumnal Equinox is at 4:44 PM EDT on Sunday, September 22nd. This signpost of nature tells us that the leaves will soon change color and drop, and that temperatures will become cooler, putting a chill in the air. Winter will soon follow. In ancient times, the Autumnal Equinox signaled it was time to gather stores for the harsh winter to come. Folks harvested their crops, hunted for meat and prepared everything by salting, canning and placing it in cool storage so that there would be enough food throughout the winter for their families. It was a time to prepare and celebrate Nature’s bounty.

And then, of course, we can celebrate and be thankful. Gathering with friends or family in the back yard, on the deck or in the neighborhood park, we can share nature’s gifts, and take turns telling each other what we most love about this season, and why we are grateful. We can pass on to our children and grandchildren the spiritual gift of gratitude, mixed in with stories of our lives as children. With each of these actions, we bring peace to our lives – and, one day, peace to the world.

Preparing for Winter And what should we do, who choose to live in harmony with nature and the passing of the seasons? We can enjoy the work of putting away the summer clothes and bringing out the colder weather gear. We can relish the opportunity to rake

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About the authors: Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry are the authors of Right Brain/Left Brain: Use Everything You’ve Got to Create a Great Life! They facilitate workshops based on their popular book. Francine is an intuitive tarot and palm reader, energy worker, teacher, and owner of Sea Angels Cruise and Inner Wellness Conference. francine.haydon@ fuse.net, 513.248.8772, www.foresthouseofhealing.com Patricia is a spiritual reader, teacher, healer, and writer. patricia@patriciagarry.com , 513.281.6864, www.patriciagarry.com

Rev. Francine Haydon

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September-October 2013

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Sp tlight Judi Winall and Pam Hall are teaming up to offer a Certified Laughter Yoga Training October 19 & 20 for those who want to experience the transformational power of laughter and facilitate laughter yoga for others. Laughter has a profound effect on health and well being; mind, body and spirit. Judi and Pam were both personally trained by Dr. Kataria, founder of Laughter Yoga and Judi has been facilitating trainings since 2008. October 19 & 20 ~ 9am-5pm ~ Kings Island Conference Center, Mason, OH ~ $275 received by October 1, $295 afterward. For more information contact: 513.899.3115 or www.JoyfulHealingLaughter.com Two local psychotherapists, Cathy Thomas LPCC and Leslie S. Evelo PhD, have written a new book. Spiritual Prescriptions for Turbulent Times offers the most effective tools available to renew energy and restore emotional balance. This guidebook leads its readers through today’s turbulent times. Authors will be holding a book signing on Sept. 19 at Enchanted Moments, 127 Main St. in Milford. www.spiritualprescriptions.com

Sage Woman is now welcoming in the Divine Feminine every Tuesday at Elemental Om in Lebanon. From 11am-5pm Sage offers intuitive readings, spiritual counseling and goddess coaching, along with a weekly Goddess Manifestation Circle noon to 1pm. She also presents Goddess Chakra intensive spiritual energy work, a seven part series that is done on an individual basis. Combining each chakra and ruling goddess with the seven essential elements of life (security, creativity, personal power, unconditional love, truth, trust and bliss) the sessions include drumming, shamanic journeying, meditation, goddess messages and a reading. “This will open and balance your chakra energies and equip you with the tools to tap into your own power and intuitive energy, bringing abundance, self love, creativity and bliss into your daily life,” says Sage. 513.490.4693 or email at sagewomen61@gmail.com Metamorphosis: Holistic Wellness Center, located in the historic Columbia Tusculum area of Cincinnati, will be offering Guided Meditation & Guided Imagery classes beginning this fall. Classes will be open to the public at a cost of only $5.00 for a 45 minute session followed by a brief group discussion. “Guided meditation is designed to connect the body and mind to increase self-awareness and open one to new levels of personal enlightenment. It’s proven to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, decrease blood sugar levels and reduce chronic pain,” says owner Kristy Brandabur. Please call or visit the website for info 513.235.7567 www.metamorphosisholisticwellnessstudio.com Purposeful Painting presents its next fundraising event to support the struggling working woman. “It's All About the Art” will be held Oct. 19-20th at the Betty Bar 301 W. 5th St. Cincinnati. “Join us for food, drinks, music and observe live Co-Creation Artworks. Attendees will enjoy dinner, drinks, music, and a live auction on Saturday 7-11:00pm and brunch, a Bloody Mary bar, Meet the Artists and can pick up their signed artworks on Sunday 11am-3pm,” says founder Mari Knight. Free admission. www.PurposefulPainting.org 513.967.3131 The opening of another yoga studio might not be a groundbreaking event nowadays, however, the concept of Samara Yoga, a new studio in Finneytown, and its mission certainly are. The studio offers a welcoming environment, a place to relax; outstanding teachers who bring their solid practice and a variety of yoga styles, advanced training in teaching in military communities and to people with PTSD and TBI; a community of inclusion where you can learn about different cultures, practice yoga in four languages, and the opportunity for everyone to practice (sliding fee scale, special discounts and packages). 513.305.5463. info@samara-yoga.com www.samara-yoga.com


Living W h o l e Journal


CD Review Soul Burst by Ron Esposito (Spiral Music, 2013) Tibetan and crystal singing bowls artist Ron Esposito released his third album Soul Burst in June. During the two years since his last CD was released, Esposito’s music has found an audience on television. His recordings have been placed in the network and cable television shows “Hawaii 5-0” (CBS), “Nashville” (ABC), “Touch” (Fox), “Common Law” (USA) and “Ray Donovan” (Showtime). Soul Burst is the convergence of two separate trios with the addition of vocals. “I had been going through this mental list of instruments and sounds I wanted to use on my next recording,” comments Esposito. “I knew I wanted strings, but decided the yearning feel and a vocal quality could be achieved with a bowed bass. This was a new experience for jazz bassist Steve Flora, but he brought it and the results are transcendent.” Esposito resides in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he also serves clients as a certified Life Coach and Enneagram teacher at the Conscious Living Center. He performs frequently in concert, at yoga and meditation centers, and for private events throughout the region. www.ronesposito.com


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September-October 2013

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ENERGY HEALERS & HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS ALL TRUTH IS KNOWABLE. For help in knowing yours, visit www.louisadyer. com and www.thewowprocess.com or call Rev. Louisa Dyer, MA, Metaphysical Minister/Coach, 513.248.0069. (See ad page 11)

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JoanneMiller Miller- -513-687-7465 513-899-4616. Joanne www.pranichealing.com www.pranichealing.com

PEGGE BURKLEY-SCHNEIDER. Matrix Energetics Practitioner. Reach out to new possibilities. 513.604.8909. backststudio@cinci.rr.com BRADEN TRAUTH. Offering Physical, Emotional and Soul healings through India’s hidden Dattatreya tradition and practices. Donation basis. 513.569.2579. ROBERT & LINDA VOGES. (Ro-Lin Pathways,LLC) Reiki Master/Teachers; ThetaHealing; Quantum Light Energy. 812.594.2705. rbtvoges@yahoo.com www.risingsunwellnessspa.com

FENG SHUI CONSULTANT A CHANGE OF CHI. Feng Shui Seminars, Parties or Consultations. 513.625.8888.

BOWEN THERAPY BERNITA WILSON. Certified Bowen Therapist. 859.750.6790. TUE/WED/THUR. ATimeforStillness.com bernita.wilson.stillness@gmail.com


Living W h o l e Journal

HEALING CENTERS CONSCIOUS HOLISTIC HEALING, LLC. Regina Viars, Advanced Emotional Polarity Technique Practitioner (EPT).



Vibrational Healing

Ad Proof

INNER COMPASS. Meditation, mediumship, manifestation, metaphysics. Joanne Franchina, guest instructors. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com (See ad page 11.)

Craniosacral practitioner & teacher


1/32 page (2.25�x1)"


FUTURE LIFE NOW. Dedicated to your well-being, your growth. Feldenkrais Method, Neuro-Linguistic Programming,

Coaching, Massage, Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Cranial Touch. Private sessions and classes. Northside. 4138 Hamilton Ave., Ste B, Cincinnati, OH 45223. www.futurelifenow.com 513.541.5720. STILLPOINT CENTER FOR HEALING ARTS. Massage Therapy, Yoga, Shamanism, Counseling. 11223 Cornell Park Drive, Suite 302. 513.489.5302. www.stillpointtherapy.com WHOLECARE. Dr. Jack Armstrong, Holistic Chiropractor. Babies to grandparents. Blue Ash. 513.489.9515. www.wholecarechiropractic.com

C. PIC MICHEL. Creative Intuitive, Toltec Master Teacher. 513.549.4607. www.enlightenmeant.com

MASSAGE GLORIA ESENWEIN, LMT. ReviveRestore. 513.481.7400. www.ahealingplacemassage.com ANDREW LANVERMAN, Licensed Massage Therapist, 513.325.1772. Jane Lanverman, Certified Reflexologist, 513.708.6104. Peaceful Gardens Massage & Reflexology Cincinnati, OH. www.peaceful-gardens.com

Hiking Club

KENDRA NIESE, LMT. Rejuvenating, deep, yet gentle. Blue Ash. 513.646.3689.

CINCINNATI PARKS HIKING CLUB. Free Fitness Program. 513.604.8909. cincyhikingclub@gmail.com www.hikecincyparks.com

ROBERT REPASKY, LMT. Oncology Massage. www.DancingHeartMassage.com 513.505.5737.



Mary Ellen Moore, CCHt.

LARRY R. WELLS, MDiv, MSW, CADC. Tomorrow’s dreams today. Future Life Now, 4138 Hamilton Ave., Ste B, Cincinnati, OH 45223. www.futurelifenow.com 513.541.5720.

Clinical Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing®

859-525-5000 www.synergyholistichealth.com

PEGGY GORSUCH BARKER, MSW, CCHt. 513.895.0384. peggybarker256@yahoo.com TESS OLSON, CCHT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

INTEGRATIVE LIFE HEALING JUDI A. WINALL, M.Div., CIH, CLYT. Awaken to the divine presence within you. 513.899.3115. www.SoulEmpowerment.com


PALMISTRY PATTI LIGHTFLOWER. Palmistry. Tarot. www.iReadHands.com 513.228.2332. JUDY PEACE-PALMISTRY, ASTROLOGY & TAROT. Tools for transformation and self understanding. In service for 22 years. Available for personal sessions or entertainment. 859.491.7885. silvorwing@aol.com


RON ESPOSITO. Certified life coach. Enneagram teacher/trainer. Addiction recovery facilitator. 513.621.3600. www.GoConscious.com

JACCOLIN FRANCHINA. Certified regressionist; alsopast-life readings. 513.528.5185. www,jaccolin.com

HEATHER GRAY. Martha Beck Certified Life Coach. 513.748.3365. Heather@Vibrant-LifeDesign.com

PATTI KESSLER. TRUEHEART ESSENCES. 513.240.1602. www.PattiKessler.com

INNER COMPASS. Intuitive life coaching, spiritual entrepreneurship. Joanne Franchina. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com



Victor Paruta Psychic Medium “Accurate & compelling readings” -Cincinnati Magazine 513-929-0406 VictoryofLight.com

SIGNIFICANT HEALING Holisitc Well Care Practice. Karen Jean Berling. Intuitive psychic medium. Private readings, small groups, events, parties. 157 Lloyd Ave, Florence 41042. 859.282.0022. Karenjean@SignificantHealing.com ANNE STEFFEN-RUSSO. Readings, Intuitive energy practitioner, 513.473.7447, by appointment. www.EnergeticAnswers.com

PSYCHOTHERAPY J. CLARK ECHOLS, JR., licensed therapist. Mindfulness and archetypes workshops, anxiety, PTSD, anger, grief, mindfulness training, couples/premarital counseling, cognitive therapies, and support for one’s spiritual journey. 513.284.1236. www.clarkechols.com KAREN A. LEWIS, MAAT, ATRBC. Registered, Certified Art Therapist. 513.721.1454. References. www.TheArtMission.Org TERESA OLSON, PSY.D. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

RADIO PROGRAMs WAVES OF A NEW AGE, WAIF88.3FM. Hosts Tara L. Robinson and Judy Peace. Tuesdays, 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM or listen live at www.waif883.org. Soulfilled sounds and conscious conversation. “Like” us on FB! www.WavesofaNewAge.org

REIKI CARING TO HEAL. Carol Keeney, RN, Reiki Master/Teacher. Reiki sessions, classes. 513.888.7622.


INNER COMPASS. Evidential, insightful readings. Joanne Franchina. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

September-October 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


TESS OLSON. RMT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

SALON BACKSTREET STUDIO SALON & PERMANENT COSMETICS LLC. 3720 Woodbine Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45211. 513.662.6559. backststudio@cinci.rr.com www.backststudio.com

SHAMANISM GARY MATTHEWS. Counseling, journey, soul retrieval, empowerment, bodywork. Call 513.722.1917 for appointment. www.ShamanicCounselor.com

SPEAKER MARY KRAEMER, RN. Holistic Health & Wellness/Work-Life Balance/ Stress Management. CE’s available. 513.271.3525. TARA L. ROBINSON. Keynote Speaker. Corporate, Groups & Schools. Inspirational/ Discover Your Passion and Purpose/ Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners www.TaraLRobinson.com (New website)


n a ma a h t e r o m

SPIRITUAL CENTERS GARDEN PARK UNITY CHURCH. Rev. Kathy Engelhardt. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd. 45239. ALL ARE WELCOME. Sundays at 11am. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org

TAROT CARD READINGS CELTIC TAROT CARD & PALM READINGS/PARTIES. Francine Haydon. 513.248.8772, francine.haydon@fuse.net www.foresthouseofhealing.com

www.greatweddingofficiant.com www.marriagechaplain.com

Yoga ELEMENTAL OM STUDIOS. Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, and so much more. Mention this ad to receive your first class FREE. Located in Montgomery and Lebanon. www.elementalom.com

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT DR. MARYANN BARNES. Offering a holistic approach to weight management and nutrition. www.maryannbarnes.com

WEDDINGS REV. TERI DODD. Any size wedding. Available also at my home. Ceremonies personalized to the couple. 513.625.8888. REV. FRIEDA HUGHES. Prayer support, weddings, baby blessings, life celebrations. 513.621.2060.

next deadline: OCT 1 for Nov/Dec issue. Email listings to

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Tuesdays 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM and www.WAIF883.org.

Hosted by: Tara L. Robinson & Judy Peace Scheduled Interviews:

Sept 10 - Mary Hayes Grieco (author The New Kitchen Mystic) Oct 8 - Elif Shafak (author The Forty Rules of Love) Oct 15 - Rose Vanden Eynden (author Merlyn’s Raven) Oct 22 - Sonia Choquette (Hay House radio host, author Tune In) Thank you to our partner Conscious Living Center!

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Tuesdays with Judy and Ron E

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calendar of Events SEPTEMBER SUN • SEPT 1

Spiritual Healing/Introduction, 2pm, free. Center for Spiritual Living, 5701 Murray Rd, Cinti. Joy 859.816.8918. www.bruno-groening.org/english

TUE – SAT • SEPT 3 - 7

Ballet Theatre Midwest, free to new students. Spencer Township Hall, 3833 Eastern Ave. Cinti, OH 45226. info@ballettheatremidwest.com www.ballettheatremidwest.com/classinfo

TUE • SEPT 3 - 24

Yoga, w/Fran Keogh, teacher & health coach, 7-8:45pm, $88/4 wk series; $25/ea. Meditation/ food choices/improve health & wellness. Blyss Studio. 513.706.6303. www.InBalance-Fran.com

WED • SEPT 4 - 24

WED • SEPT 11 – OCT 23

meaning in one’s life & enjoying one’s existence. Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County, 4033 Gilmore Ave, Oakley. 513.981.0111.

THUR • SEPT 12 - OCT 10

Awakening the Divine Feminine: Embrace the Goddess Within, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, Sat/10-4pm, Sun/10-1pm, $155. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

Advanced Tai Chi, w/Alan Hundley, 7:15-8:30pm, $84. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com

Palmistry for Self-Awareness, w/Patti Lightflower,79pm, $125/$100 before Aug 12. Elemental Om Studio, 46 E. Mulberry St. Lebanon. www.ireadhands.com

THUR • SEPT 12 - OCT 17

Six Week Mindfulness Meditation Session, w/ Sophia Paparodis, LPCC, 6:30-8pm, $150 Reg, by Sept.10. Class size limited to 10. Oakley. 513.936.8444. www.AwareWithin.com

SAT • SEPT 14 Energy Medicine/Practical Applications & Scientific Proof, w/Dr. C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, 9:30-4pm, $84. Hilton Greater Cincinnati Airport, 7373 Turfway Rd. Florence, KY 41042. 800.333.4499, EdgarCayce.org/field conference SUN • SEPT 15 & OCT 20

Energy Healing, Garden Park Unity, 3581 West Galbraith Road. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org

SAT & SUN • SEPT 21 & 22


Fall Equinox Celebration w/Church Service, 11:30am. 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014. Info. 513.892.0623. Introduction to Seven Practices of Peace, w/Clark Echols, 5-7pm, free. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale, OH 45246. 513.284.1236. jcechols@gmail.com

MON • SEPT 23 - DEC 2

Hebrew Lot Casting, w/Eli Sheva, 7-8:30pm, $275/$250 before Sept 1. Elemental Om Studio, 46 E. Mulberry St. Lebanon. Class size limited register early, www.ireadhands.com


21 Day Challenge to Receive, Ignite Radiance, w/Star Staubach, free. Daily E-mail exercises and tips. 859.803.1032. star@igniteradiance.com


Introduction to Meditation, w/Mary Ellen Moore, 2-3pm, free. Future Life Now, 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com

Becoming an NLP Practitioner/Coach, w/ Larry Wells, 7pm, free. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com

THUR • SEPT 5 - 26


American Pie Seminar, w/Mark Keillor, 6-9pm, $25. 513.385.8889. www.alternateeducation.net

Mindful Awareness & Meditation, w/Sophia Paparodis, 6:30-7:45pm, $100. Oakley. 513.936.8444. AwareWithin@mac.com

THUR • SEPT 5, 19 & OCT • 3, 17

A Course In Miracles, 7pm. Garden Park Unity Church. 3581 West Galbraith Road. 513.385.8889.

SAT & SUN • SEPT 7 & 8

Spirit Speaks I, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, Sat/10-5pm, Sun/1-5pm, $165. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


Child Abuse Awareness Workshop, 7pm. Garden Park Unity Church, 3581 West Galbraith Road. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org Infusion Ignites, w/Tara L. Robinson 6:30-7:30pm, free, donations accepted. Rohs Street Café, 245 W. McMillan St. 45219. Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati www.infusioncincinnati.com (Ad pg 2) Use Your Mind to Improve Medical Treatments, w/Larry Wells, 7-8pm., free. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com

Spiritual Prescriptions for Turbulent Time, w/Cathy Thomas & Leslie Evelo, 6-8pm, book signing. Enchanted Moments, 127 Main St. Milford. 513.831.5508.


Goddess Gala Message Event, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, 7-8:30pm, $15. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

FRI • SEPT 20 or SAT • OCT 12

Becoming a Bones for Life® Teacher, w/ Cynthia Allen, 9:30-11:30am, free. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com

FRI • SEPT 20 & SUN • OCT 20

Drum Journey Sessions, w/Jayne Cardell, 7:30-9:30pm, $25ea/$40/both. Blyss Studio, Old Milford. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com


Bluegrass for Babies Benefit Concert, 3-9pm, $15 advance, $20 gate. Kids 12 & under free. Sawyer Point. www.bluegrassforbabies.com Peace is Possible, 4-5pm, free. Video/finding

September-October 2013


TUE • SEPT 24 – OCT 15

Mindfulness Meditation Class, w/Mary Ellen Moore, 6-7:30pm, $80 by 9/18 or 2/$50ea. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. RSVP 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com


Drum Circle, 8-11:30pm, $10 suggested love donation. Covington, Ky Benefits. 513.967.3131. www.PurposefulPainting.org or mariknight@live.com Elemental Chakra Yoga Workshop, 10-5pm, $75/ lunch included. Covington, Ky. 513.314.2230, indrakaursnet@ gmail.com or 513.967.3131. mariknight@live.com Ethics, A New Perspective, w/Mary Ellen Moore, 2-6pm, $99/$49 if paid by 9/14. 4 CEUs/ LMT. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com Fall Rummage Sale, 9-2pm. Garden Park Unity Church, 3581 West Galbraith Road. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org Fashion 4 Girls Workshop 9-12 yrs old, w/Anne Janae Jacobs, 9-3pm, early reg $29. Marriott Hotel, Mason, OH. 513.800.0B4B. www.Battle4Beauty.com

Living W h o l e Journal


Mill Creek ReCreation Celebration, 1:30pm Canoe Trip, 3pm Bike Ride, 4pm Picnic. Twin Creek Preserve, Sharonville.

SAT & SUN • SEPT 28 & 29

Rising of the Phoenix Workshop, Sat. 9:30amdusk, Sun. 9:30am-3pm, $225. Jesuit Spiritual Center, Milford. Reg. 513.432.1629. Usui Reiki I & II, w/JoAnn Utley, 10-6pm, I-135, II-$185. Louisville. 8 Nursing contact hours daily. 502.777.3865.


Reiki Level 1 Training & Certification, w/Rev. Dawn Earthsong, 1-5pm, $75. Pre-reg reqd. Columbus Insight Center. info@columbusinsightcenter.org

OCTOBER TUES • OCT 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm, Weekly Sparks Teleseminar, w/Antoinette Webster, 10-10:30am, 2-2:30pm, love offering. Reg. 513.887.0600. Info@ASystemthatWorks.com


Infusion Cincinnati, 6:30-7:30pm, free, donations accepted. Rohs Street Café, 245 W. McMillan St. 45219. www.infusioncincinnati.com

FRI & SAT • OCT 11 & 12

Beauty:A Wholistic Attitude, w/Anne Janae Jacobs, 9-4pm, early reg $55. A women's retreat. Marriott Hotel, Mason OH. 513.800.0B4B. www.Battle4Beauty.com

FRI – SUN • OCT 11, 12 & 13

Biodynamic Craniosacral Intro Class, w/ Mary Ellen Moore / Mimi Tagher, 9-6pm, $600. 24 CEUs/LMT. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com

SAT • OCT 12

Natural Living Conference, 8:30-4:30pm. Conscious parenting, green living, exhibit hall. Sheraton Mahwah, NJ Non-GMOs. conference@holisticmoms.org http://annualconference.holisticmoms.org

SUN • OCT 13

Wizard of Oz Workshop, w/Rev. Kathy Engelhardt, 12:45-2:45pm, love offering. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd. 513.385.8889. gardenparkunitychurch@fuse.net

Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County, 4033 Gilmore Ave, Oakley. 513.981.0111. Usui Reiki Master IIIa, w/JoAnn Utley, 10-6pm, $225. Louisville. 8 Nursing contact hours. 502.777.3865. www.joannutley.byregion.net

SAT & SUN • OCT 19 & 20

Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training, w/ Judi A. Winall & Pam Hall, 9-5pm, $275/by Oct 1, after $295. Kings Island Conference Cntr, Mason, OH. 513.899.3115. www.joyfulhealinglaughter.com It's All About the Art, 7 -11:30pm Sat, 11-3pm Sun. free. Fundraiser benefitting struggling working women. Betty Bar, 301 W. 5th St. Cinci. 513.967.3131. www.PurposefulPainting.org or mariknight@live.com

SUN • OCT 20

Climbing Mt.Overwhelm/on Your Terms workshop, w/Antoinette Webster & Kaye Schallick, 1-3:30pm, love offering. Garden ParkUnityChurch, 3581 W. Galbraith Rd. 45239. 513.887.0600. www.ClimbingMtOverwhelm.com Reiki Share, Women Writing for a Change, 1-4pm, $25. Music by Nancy Bick Clark, Celtic Harper. 513.860.3156. Reg. www.womenwriting.org Questions drtess@teresaolson.com

MON • OCT 21

Hamilton Writers Guild’s 2013 Harvest Gold Writing Contest, entry fee $10. Submission Guidelines, www.hamiltonwritersguild.org

THURS • OCT 24 - NOV 21

Palmistry for Self-Awareness, w/Patti Lightflower, 12-2pm, $125/$100 before Oct 1. Elemental Om Studio, 46 E. Mulberry St. Lebanon. www.ireadhands.com

FRI • OCT 25

Intuitive Investigation Informational Evening, w/ Linda Kay de Jesus, 7-8:30pm, $20. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.405.1626. www.vandeneynden.biz

SAT & SUN • OCT 26 & 27

Psychic Investigation Weekend, w/Linda Kay de Jesus, $275. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.405.1626. www.vandeneynden.biz


Ignite Your Dream, w/Star Staubach, 1-5pm, special 2/$499. Maketewah Country Club, 5401 Reading Rd Cincinnati, OH 45237. 859.803.1032. star@igniteradiance.com Peace is Possible, 4-5pm, free. Video/finding meaning in one’s life & enjoying one’s existence.

Fitness Bootcamp, w/Betsy Carter, 5:306:30am & 6-7pm, $10/packages. 513.253.7625. Gentle Yoga for Cancer Patients, Survivors, Support Persons, 1:30pm, (6:30pm Tues) free. Ft. Wright KY, Cancer Support Community. 513.791.4060. Kundalini Yoga, w/Catherine Skyrm, 10am. Florence/Union. 859.384.4476.



SAT • OCT 19


W h o l e Journal

Yoga, w/BevySue, 10-11:15am. Fitton Cntr. for Creative Arts, 101 Monument, Hamilton, Oh. 513.863.8873. Yoga, w/Julie Lusk, 7-8:30pm. Anderson Sr. Center. 513.248.9642, www.WholesomeResources.com


Chair Yoga, w/Claudia López, 10-11am. Samara Yoga, 907 West North Bend Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45224. 513.305.5463. www.samara-yoga.com Goddess Manifestation Circle, w/Sage Woman 121pm. Elemental Om, Lebanon Studio. 513. 490.4693. Kundalini Yoga, w/Catherine Skyrm, 7pm. Baker Hunt, Covington. 859.384.4476. Tai Chi for Health, w/Betty Lubrecht, 1pm beginner, 2:30pm intermediate, $60/6 wks. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. RSVP 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com Tai Chi for Health, w/Dr. Larry C. Bobbert, 7-8pm,$35. Glendale New Church, Glendale, Oh. Yoga, w/BevySue, 6-7:15pm, 1st class free, 1/$9-3/25-6/50 to be used anytime. Mother Earth, 5158 Pleasant Ave, Fairfield, Oh. 513.894.1131. Yoga, w/Julie Lusk, 10-11:30am. Miami Twp. & 7-8:30pm Milford. 513.248.YOGA. www.WholesomeResources.com Yoga, Vinyasa & Mama 'n Me, w/Jayne Cardell, 9 & 10:30am, $66/6 wks. Blyss Studio, Old Milford. 513.516.7366. www.Blyssyogastudio.com


At Ease With You, Yoga Spa for you, w/Anelè Woo, 7-8pm. Samara Yoga, 907 West North Bend Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio, 45224. 513.305.5463. www.samara-yoga.com Gentle Yoga for Cancer Patients, Survivors, Support Persons, 11:30am, free. Dunham Recreation Cntr, by Cancer Support Community. 513.791.4060. Kundalini Yoga, w/Catherine Skyrm, 7pm. Florence/Union. 859.384.4476. Inner Divinity/ Knowing the Source Within Radio Show, w/Rev. Louisa Dyer, MA; & co-host Sage Women, 2-3pm, 88.3 FM & live on www.waif883.org. Archived shows @ www.louisadyer.com Tai Chi for Health, w/Dr. Larry C. Bobbert, 3-4pm, $35. Mount Pleasant Retirement Village, Monroe. 513.539.7391. Tai Chi for Health, w/Dr. Larry C. Bobbert, 7-8pm, $25 Y members/$35/non. Countryside YMCA, Lebanon, Ohio. 513.932.1424. Yoga, Anusara, w/Gloria Siry, 7pm, $60/6 wks. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. RSVP 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com Yoga, w/BevySue, 6:30-7:30pm. Elisha Morgan Mansion in Gilbert Farms Park, Ross Rd. Fairfield, Oh. 513.867.5348. Yoga, w/Julie Lusk, 10-11:30am, Milford, 5:30–7pm, & 7-8:30pm Miami Twp. 513.248.9642. www.WholesomeResources.com


Fitness Bootcamp, w/Betsy Carter, 6-7pm, $10/ packages. 513.253.7625. (Every Friday also) Kundalini Yoga, w/Catherine Skyrm, 9:30am. Baker Hunt, Covington. 859.384.4476. Mediumship Development Circle, w/Joanne Franchina, 7-9pm, $15. Inner Compass, 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. Pre-reg reqd. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com Tai Chi for Health, w/Dr. Larry C. Bobbert, 7-8pm, $25 Y members/$35/non. Landon YMCA, Landon, Ohio. 513.932.1424. Yoga, w/BevySue Hammons, 6-7:15pm. Mother Earth, 5158 Pleasant Ave, Fairfield, Oh. 513.894.1131. Yoga Lunch Date With a Runner, w/Scott Williams, 12:15-1:15pm. Samara Yoga, 907 West North Bend Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio, 45224. 513.305.5463. www.samara-yoga.com Yoga, Vinyasa Flow & Meditation, w/Jayne Cardell, 9:15 & 10:30am, $66/6wks. Blyss Studio, Old Milford. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com

Support Persons, 11:30am, free. Mercy Healthplex Western Hills, by Cancer Support Cntr. 513.791.4060. Yoga, w/BevySue, 10-11am. Fitton Cntr. Creative Arts, 101 S. Monument Ave, Hamilton, Oh. 513.863.8873.



Adult Learning & Sharing Mastermind Prayer Group, 9:30-10:40am. Garden Park Unity Church, 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org Center for Spiritual Living Greater Cinti, 10:30am. 513.218.2128. www.cslgc.org Divinity Spiritual Church Service, 11:30am. 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014. 513.892.0623. Garden Park Unity Church, w/Rev. Kathy Engelhardt, 11am. 513.385.8889. www.GardenParkUnity.org New Thought Spiritual Co-op, 10:25-11:30am, love offering. Wright Brothers, Inc. 7829 Cooper Rd. LaurieA@cinci.rr.com New Thought Unity, 10:30am service. 513.961.2527. www.ntunity.org Worship, w/Clark Echols, Glendale New Church, 845 Congress. 513.772.1478.


Yoga in Portuguese, w/Claudia L贸pez, 5-6pm. Samara Yoga, 907 West North Bend Rd. Cinti, Oh 45224. 513.305.5463. www.samara-yoga.com

Gentle Yoga for Cancer Patients, Survivors, Support Persons, 11am, free. Christ Hospital Cancer Cntr, by Cancer Support Community. 513.791.4060.

Fitness Bootcamp, w/Betsy Carter, 8-9am, $10/ packages are less. 513.253.7625. Gentle Yoga for Cancer Patients, Survivors,



Infusion Cincinnati, 6:30-7:30pm, free, dona-

September-October 2013

tions accepted. Join the brightest game-changers in town to light up the city! (See ad page 2) www.infusioncincinnati.com Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati


Laughter Yoga/Joyful Healing LY Club, w/Judi A. Winall & Pam Hall, 7pm, free. Sharonville Library 513.899.3115. www.joyfulhealinglaughter.com


Meditation class, (Thurs) w/Gary Matthews, 7-8:30pm, $20/class, $30/incl. Shamanic Journey class (Fri 6:30-8:30pm). Stillpoint, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Ste 302, Blue Ash. 513.489.5302. www. StillpointTherapy.com


A Course in Miracles Study Group, w/Jeanne Uhl & Mary Claybon, 6-7:30pm. Montgomery area. Info. 309.8377. Yoga in Italian, w/Claudia L贸pez, 5-6pm. Samara Yoga, 907 West North Bend Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio, 45224. 513.305.5463. www.samara-yoga.com


Meditation Sampler Circle, w/Joanne Franchina, 7-9pm, free/donation. Inner Compass, 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. Pre-reg reqd. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

Living W h o l e Journal


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               


        COMPLETE FAMILY DENTAL CARE ontgomery Dental Medicine is like no dental office you’ve visited. Dedicated to your total wellbeing, our staff forms long-term relationships with you and your family built on open, honest dialogue and a thorough knowledge of all the factors that impact everyone’s health. Our approach is successful because it’s a more sensitive process of listening to your thoughts, questions and concerns.


AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO BETTER HEALTH o you wake up exhausted? Are you fatigued during the day even though you get a “good night’s sleep”? Do you suffer Insomnia and CFS? Do you wake up with a headache? Do you have head, neck or jaw pain? For 27 years, Dr. Bosma has enjoyed marked success relieving headaches and migraine symptoms, TMJ pain and dysfunction, stiff and painful neck and shoulder muscles, and an extremely successful natural sinus regimen to ease nasal breathing effort. Our integrated approach combines multiple preventative medicine disciplines. Since our healthcare professionals have over 60 years of combined experience, we’re able to exceed your expectations and achieve our goal of improving your quality of life.



Living W h o l e Journal

BREATHE MORE LIFE INTO YOUR BODY noring and sleep apnea lead to low oxygen levels in the body. In turn, this leads to physical problems people don’t usually associate with sleep issues. They affect your life at home, on the job, and your relationships. Dr. Bosma helps patients who snore through a unique system of evaluation and treatment called Oral Systemic Balance. Breathe more life into your body! Call us for information or to schedule your sleep evaluation.




oes your smile make you feel confident and attractive? Or, do you cringe when you have your photo taken? Have you lived with discolored teeth, chips or cracks, or mottled coloring for long enough? Transform your smile in as few as one or two visits to Montgomery Dental Medicine. Find new confidence and take years off your looks!

New Patient Offer

We’ll repair your older bridgework (cracks, chips and discoloration), and we can close up gaps between teeth. We are committed to making you feel and look your best. WHY CHOOSE MONTGOMERY DENTAL MEDICINE? ur practice is different. Yes, you’ll see us for routine checkups, cleanings, x-rays, whitening, fillings and, yes, sometimes for serious work. But we also are laying the groundwork for a long-term relationship with you and your family—one that will help you all enjoy better health for life. We’re treating you, not just your teeth!


Go south out of Old Montgomery. Cross over Ronald Reagan Hwy. Turn left at 1st light into Montgomery Station Office Condos. Right at 1st stop sign into our lot. Still not sure? Please feel free to call us for directions. 513-891-5860.

New Patient Offer

Free Consult

$159.00 VALUE

$125.00 for Exam

Headache, Jaw & Neck Pain, Snoring, Sleep Apnea and

Cleaning and 4 Bitewing X-Rays

C-PAP Intolerance Some restrictions may apply.

Free Home Care Kit Some restrictions may apply.


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