III Meeting of the CE of the Americas and the Caribbean

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III Meeting of the CE of the Americas and the Caribbean Cuzco, PerĂş | April 28 to May 1, 2017

III Meeting of the CE of the Americas and the Caribbean Cuzco, Perú April 28 to May 1, 2017 With the same purpose and spirit of fellowship and integration of Mexico 2014 and Guatemala 2015, the World’s Christian Endeavor Union convokes to the III Meeting of the CE of the Americas and the Caribbean, to take place in Cuzco –the old Imperial City of the Incas–, from April 28 to May 1, 2017. The meeting will study three topics: “The CE: spirituality and church”, “The CE: movement and institution”, and “The CE: contextual models of youth ministry”. Also, in memorial of the 500 years of the Protestant Reformation, it will be a space to think about its relation with the CE. The convocation is directed mainly to the representatives of national and regional unions of the CE in the Americas and the Caribbean, and it is also open to endeavorers committed to the youth ministry. CHARACTER & OBJECTIVES The character of this event is fraternal. Understanding the different theological and ecclesiological backgrounds of the unions and their denominations, the different confessional frameworks will be respected. Therefore, the event will not establish any agreement, but will provide a space for the integration and relationship, and dialogue and reflection about the movement. The objectives we are looking for are three: 1. Strengthen the integration of the endeavorers who are leading the movement in the region, as well as the integration of the national unions. 2. Strengthen the mutual knowledge and relationships between the different unions. 3. Encourage the reflection and analysis over common themes of the movement. WORKSHOPS We will have three workshops about the character and mission of the movement. The topics are general but seek to highlight specific needs and problems. 1. The CE: spirituality and church (biblical workshop). Speaker: Ma. Deníz Ramírez Vargas, Professor of the Seminario Andino San Pablo. Objective: Reflect about the spirituality of the endeavorer and over its militancy in the faith community and testimony (church). Reflect about the following of Jesus (spirituality) in this generation, considering the dimension and relevance of the four principles of the CE.


2. The CE: movement and institution (pastoral workshop). Speaker: Eliseo Vílchez-Blancas, Vice-President WCEU for the Americas and the Caribbean. Objective: Reflect about the character of the CE as a youth movement that centers his or her life and mission in the gospel and movement’s principles. Moreover, reflect about the processes of institutionalization of the movement, the needs, advantages to be part of it, as well as the problems that weaken the movement. 3. The CE: contextual models of youth ministry” (pastoral workshop) Panelists: Dave Coryell, Secretary General of the WCEU A representative from each national union of Guatemala, Mexico and Peru. Objective: Reflect on the pastoral mission of the CE. How does and how should the CE minister the youth? To critically look into the traditional models that we have been working with, and highlight some contextual models of youth ministry that are rising in this time. Look into the Latin-American context and make guidelines for the youth ministry of the CE. The workshops will have two moments: 1) a lecture of the topic by the speaker (30 to 40 minutes), and 2) the reflection of the participants through work groups (80 to 90 minutes). The groups will tell everyone else a summary of their ideas while and after each session. The purpose of the workshops and the panel are to produce practical ideas and suggestions for the CE movement. REPRESENTATIONS AND DELEGATIONS We are convoking a maximum of three (03) delegates or representatives of the denominational or national unions. The Meeting seeks to bring together up to 65 endeavorers from the region. The proportion, considering the cost and distance conditions, is: twenty-five (25) CE leaders from the visiting countries, and forty (40) from the host country. DENOMINATIONAL AND NATIONAL UNIONS: UNSEC

Unión Nacional de Sociedades de Esfuerzo Cristiano of the Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana de México (INPM)

UNSIEC Unión Nacional de Sociedades Intermedias de Esfuerzo Cristiano of the Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana de México (INPM) USECCC Unión de Sociedades de Esfuerzo Cristiano del Campo Congregacional of the Iglesia Cristiana Congregacional de México (ICCM) USSEC

Unión Sinódica de Sociedades de Esfuerzo Cristiano of the Iglesia Presbiteriana Asociada Reformada de México (IPAR)


Unión Sinódica de Sociedades de Esfuerzo Cristiano of the Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana Conservadora de México (INPCM)


Departamento Nacional de Esfuerzos Cristianos of the Iglesia Evangélica Peruana (IEP)


Unión Nacional de Esfuerzo Cristiano of the Iglesia Evangélica Nacional Presbiteriana de Guatemala (IENPG) 2

UNIONES REGIONALES: CE MID-ATLANTIC Christian Endeavor Mid-Atlantic (Pennsylvania and close states in the USA) TEXAS CE

Texas Christian Endeavor

We will be contacting the CE unions or referents in the Caiman Islands, Jamaica, Guyana and other countries in the region that have contacted the central office of the World Christian Endeavor Union. COST The register fee for foreign and national endeavorers is $30. This cost is a percentage of the real cost. This will include: a) Food from April 28-30. b) Housing accommodations from Friday 28th to Monday 1st. c) Materials The sightseeing activities will be covered separately by the participants. As organizers we are looking for an economical cost, and if possible a discounted cost. FINANCIAMIENTO McQuilkin Fund. This fund is to support the airfare costs of endeavorers with less than 25 years old. The amount of support will depend in the number of solicitations, and it will cover up to 50% of the plane ticket. National Funds. We encourage the CE societies, presbyterial and national unions to support the delegates of their countries. This event requires the union and support of all CE bases. PROGRAM FRIDAY 28


06.30-07.30 07.30-08.30 09.00-11.00 11.00-11.30


Arrival of the CE endeavorers

Biblical Workshop: The CE: spirituality and church

Pastoral Panel: The CE: youth ministry and contextual models


Almuerzo Opening of the III Meeting

18.00-19.00 19.00-21.30

Pastoral Workshop: The CE: movement and institution

Coffee break




Quiet Hours Breakfast

Presentation of the denominational and national unions

Sunday Service

Plenary Session

Cena Conference: 500 Years of the Protestant Reformation

Pastoral Panel: The CE: youth ministry and contextual models


Intercultural Meeting

Tourist Day: Macchu Picchu

RESPONSABILITIES AND RISKS It is our responsibility the program and logistical arrangements as mentioned above. The participants are responsible of the risk that could happen while travelling and during the event. GRATITUDE We thank the DENEC, the Union of CE in Peru, for their economical support to subsidy the percentage of the cost of the event, without which the cost for the participants would be higher. CONTACT For more information please contact: Coordinator : Rev. Eliseo Vilchez-Blancas, Vice-president WCEU for the Americas and the Caribbean E-mail

: americas@worldsceunion.org | eliseovilchez@gmail.com


Originally Posted: 08-01-2017 Last revision: 16-03-2017


World’s Christian Endeavour Union | Unión Mundial de Esfuerzo Cristiano 403 E. Fulton, Str. Ephrata PA 17522, USA centraloffice@worldsCEunion.org americas@worldsCEunion.org www.worldsCEunion.org


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