Weekly Bulletin May 12, 2024

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Sharing the Ministry of Jesus Christ through worship, growing, serving and caring.


Sundays | 9:30AM & 11:00AM


Monday - Friday | 8:30AM - 4:30PM

May 12, 2024

Seventh Sunday of Easter


Childcare for Infants and Toddlers

Room 101/102 | 9:30AM & 11:00AM

Sunday School: 9:30AM

Pre-K (2, 3, 4-year-olds) | Room 103

Kindergarten & 1st Grade | Room 304

2nd & 3rd Grades | Room 301

4th & 5th Grades | Room 306

6th & 7th Grades | Rooms 208/209

High School | Not meeting today.

Confirmation Class

Stay tuned for fall start dates!


Please remember the following people in prayer:

Adam, Carl, Craig, Curtis, Debby, Dylan, the Hoffmann Family, Jess and family, Jill, Jim, Jim, Ken, Lauren, Lori, Marjorie, Mayada Sarsam, Miranda, Nancy, the congregation of Overbrook Presbyterian Church, Pamela, the Pastoral Nominating Committee, Paula, Richard, High School & College Seniors, and the Wynott family.

If you have a prayer concern and would like to share with The Prayer and Praise Team, please call the church office at: (610) 688-8700 to leave a confidential voicemail, go to the homepage of the WPC website and click on the prayer request link, or use the WPC app on your phone.

Fellowship of the Bean Library | 9:30AM

Coffee Hour Fellowship Connector | 10:30AM

Bible Study with Dr. Joe Modica Fireside | 9:30AM

Westminster Choir

Stay tuned for fall start dates!

Youth Group Not meeting today.



Members are asked to bring homemade goodies or storebought packaged treats for Coffee Hour Fellowship held in the Connector on Sundays in-between Worship services.

Date of Donation by Surname

May 19 | G - L

May 26 | M - R

June 2 | S - Z

June 9 | A - F

Please contact Marian Hollingsworth with any questions. mhholling@gmail.com (484) 557 - 5733

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Seventh Sunday of Easter

+ Please rise in body or in spirit.

Prelude | John Grecia, organ Cantilena

Words of Welcome

Introit | Chancel Choir

Josef Rheinberger (1839-1901)

Praise the Lord in His Holy Temple Charles Yannerella (b. 1949)

Call to Worship

Let us lift up our voices....

Praise be to God!

Who dared to take on human flesh and dwell among us. Praise be to God!

Who did not turn back in the face of evil and death. Praise be to God!

Who continues to dance through our lives even now. Let all that have breath sing praise to God.

+ Hymn 263

All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

Presentation of First Grade Bibles | 9:30AM

Musical Offering | Joyful Noise Kids | Ross Fry, Director


Go Make a Difference Steve Angrisano (b. 1965), Tom Tomaszek (b. 1950)

+ Call to Confession

+ Prayer of Confession

Holy God, we come before you today confessing our lack of trust. While we sing praises of your lordship and majesty over all creation, we often act as though you are powerless in the face of today’s burdens. Forgive us, Lord! Help us to have trust in your power and presence today, boldness of faith to walk with you and one another in love, and to live with hope in your promised future for your coming Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Through Christ our Lord, we pray. Amen.


+ Declaration of Forgiveness

Friends, hear the Good News of the Gospel. In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.

+ Response of Praise



The peace of Christ be with you.

And also with you.

Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Reading | Psalm 1

+ Hymn 739

O for a Closer Walk with God

Scripture Reading | Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

Quartet Anthem


Ascendit Deus Ferdinand Schaller (1835-1884)

God is gone up with a merry noise, and the Lord with the sound of the trumpet. Alleluia.

Sermon | Rev. Katy Shevel

Time for Reflection

+ Affirmation of Faith | The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

Invitation to Gratitude

Text the word GIVE (not case sensitive) to our church's Giving Number (610 819 4483), or scan the QR code on your smart phone. Please feel free to give in-person as well.

Offertory Anthem | Chancel Choir

Lift Up Your Heads Williams Mathais (1934-1992)

Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors, And the king of glory shall come in. Who is this king of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.

Orison | Chancel Choir

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer + Doxology (Hymn 606) and Prayer of Dedication

Hear Us as We Pray, O Lord Boyd Bacon (b. 1948)

+ Hymn 268

Crown Him with Many Crowns

Benediction | Chancel Choir


A Grateful Heart Katherine Danforth Fisher (b.

Postlude | John Grecia, organ

Fantasy on “Nun Danket All” Aaron David Miller (b.

1961) 1972)


Congratulations to our 2024 Confirmation Class for passing their exams! We will be welcoming our Confirmands as new members of our congregation on Sunday, May 19th at the 11:00AM worship service.

Maya D'Ascanio

Perri Bruhns

Robbie Clark

Liam Coetzee

Genvieve Ferroni

Mary Hagin

Larissa Kane

Chloe Konz

Nate Monte

Gill O'Nell

Ethan Shin

Matthew Shin


We thank you for the gift of your voice and all you have shared with our congregation today!


WPC Partner | Rev. Howard Childs and Chuck Marshall

Rev. Howard Childs and Chuck Marshall of the Radnor Township Civic Association (RTCA). Rev. Childs serves as President and Chuck as Treasurer. RTCA is a nonprofit organization providing the community with educational, cultural and social programs. It is the only remaining African-American owned community center on the Main Line. Center's use is open and available to anyone in the community.

Address: P.O. Box 8141, Wayne, PA 19087

PCUSA Co-worker of the Week

José Manuel Capella-Pratts and Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri

Jose and Vilmarie are Regional Liaisons for the Carribean. listen and accompany church partners in ministry in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and other island nations in the region. They also work with the Caribbean and North American Council for Mission (CANACOM), an organization that enables mutual mission, accompaniment, and empowerment among churches.

Emails: José Manuel Capella-Pratts (JM.Capella-Pratts@pcusa.org)

Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri (Vilmarie.Cintron-Olivieri@pcusa.org)



Please consider signing up to donate blood with us on Wednesday, May 15 from 1:30PM - 6:30PM. Sign-up at redcrossblood.org using Sponsor Code: waynepres, or text your preferred time to Lynne Samson at (610) 812-5927, or by email to Wendy Norman at wnormanpa@yahoo.com.


PROMISE HOST WEEK: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED WPC will be hosting families in partnership with Family Promise of the Main Line (www.fpmainline.org), formerly known as Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN). This ongoing mission work is vital to the life of our church. If you feel called to contribute, volunteers are needed during our upcoming host week, May 19-May 26. Please reach out to Nancy Monahan at: nkmonahan@gmail.com. Thank you!


Pentecost is fast approaching! We will observe the holiday on Sunday, May 19. Please remember to break out your red attire for this day of celebration in the life of the Church.


Join us for our last concert of the season! Presenting, The Cornerstone Christian Academy Orchestra and The Cornerstone Choir! Sunday, May 19 at 4PM in the Sanctuary for a FREE benefit concert supporting students at the Cornerstone Christian Academy Orchestra in Southwest Philadelphia. Questions? Contact John Grecia at musicdirector@waynepres.org.


On Sunday, May 26, 2024, Wayne Presbyterian Church will be moving to our Summer Schedule which is comprised of one worship service at 10AM. This schedule will run until Sunday, September 15, when we move back to a two-service worship schedule. If you have any questions, please contact the church office. Thank you!




2024! This summer, Children’s Ministry is ‘diving into friendship with God!’ Join us June 24 - 28 from 9AM - 12PM. Register at waynepres.org by June 15. This program is for children aged 4 (by June 1, 2024) - 4th grade. Questions? Contact Kelli Masters at: kelli@waynepres.org.

WPC BOOK CLUB Join us for a discussion of NYT’s best-selling author David Brooks's new book, “How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen” . Pastor Katy Shevel will facilitate the discussion on Sunday, June 23 at 11AM in the Fireside Room. A Zoom discussion will take place on Tuesday, June 25 at 7PM. Please register at waynepres.org.


Bridge Pastor

Rev. Liz Wagner | Lwagner@waynepres.org | ext. 226

Associate Pastor of Congregational Life

Rev. Katy Shevel | katy@waynepres.org | ext. 219

Director of Music Ministries

John Grecia | JGrecia@waynepres.org | ext. 224


Director of Finance and Operations

John Pitocchelli | john@waynepres.org | ext. 216

Church Accountant

Joy Collas | joy@waynepres.org | ext.

Accounting Assistant

Sara Goldberg | sara@waynepres.org | ext. 241

Children’s & Youth Ministry Director

Kelli Masters | kelli@waynepres.org | ext. 222

Digital Marketing & Technology Coordinator

Nicole Veith | nicole@waynepres.org | ext. 220

Events and Publications Coordinator

Christina Sacco | christina@waynepres.org | ext. 225

Executive Assistant to the Pastors

Kate Ligouri | kate@waynepres.org | ext. 212

Facilities Manager

Alberto Urbina | alberto@waynepres.org | ext. 236


Cathy Chandler | cathy@waynepres.org | ext. 245

Nursery School Director

Dana Arranz | DArranz@waynepres.org | 610-688-9696 | www.waynepreskids.org

Children’s Ministry Asst. | Youth Ministry Asst.

Julia Thompson | Evelyn Widham | ext. 237

Phone: 610.688.8700 | Website: waynepres.org | Address: 125 E. Lancaster Avenue, Wayne, PA 19087

First Grade Bible Presentation

SUNDAY, MAY 12, 2024 | 9:30AM

Reese Cappelli

Hannah Herbert

Lillian Larkin

Kaden Lee

Magnolia Mabe

Max Rothkopf

Bennett Wolstenholme

Molly Zaro

This is my Bible. It is the Word of God. Open my eyes that I may see beautiful things in Your Word!

Following 9:30AM worship, please join us for cake in the Connector to celebrate our First Graders!

Biblein a Bookbag

Supporting Cornerstone Christian Academy for 25 years!

Another year, another opportunity to provide for our youth in Philadelphia! Planning and fundraising for the 2024-2025 school year are officially underway, and so is our mission to meet the needs of Cornerstone Christian Academy students. Help WPC Deacons provide a Bible and a bookbag filled with essential school supplies, for each of the 190+ K-8th students at CCA. Donations in any amount are appreciated.

Please scan the QR code to access the online donation form & supply list.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.