My first document

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Some people may think that the Church slows down during the summer – our Sunday School programs and Bible studies take a break, many members and families travel, and our Nursery School is quiet. But God never takes a break, and the needs of the world never quiet. Our pastors, staff, elders, and many volunteers have been busy throughout the summer, making sure we continue to provide beautiful weekly worship (in person and online), meet the needs of our members and community (in joy and sorrow), make progress on organizational priorities, and are ready to welcome everyone back for our Fall Program Kick-Off! This issue of the Wayne Press contains stories about the important happenings over the summer, a preview of fall programs, and other news. Please enjoy this issue and think about ways in which you’d like to become involved, and as always, visit for the latest information. There’s much more coming!

Join us after worship on September 10 to celebrate the end of summer and look ahead to our fall programs! We will gather at 11:00 a.m. (right after our last 10:00 a.m. worship service) for lunch, fellowship, moon bounces, ice cream, face painting, music, crafts, and more!

Please plan to come back to WPC on September 17 for the start of our many fall programs! We will return to our worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m., and we will kick off our fall education programs, including children’s and youth Sunday School and more. Visit for updates and registration information.

We hope you enjoy this issue of the Wayne Press, which highlights many recent events and upcoming programs, but it can’t cover everything we do! Please visit regularly for more information and updates. Also visit the online Member Portal or contact the Church office to keep your membership records updated to make sure you receive our publications.




SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY with Dr. Joseph B. Modica, Chaplain, Eastern University

All are welcome at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room to join Dr. Modica for his 10th year teaching Sunday Bible Study at WPC. The Fall semester starting September 17th features a 12-week series on the Book of Genesis. We’ll be using the Genesis commentary by Joan E. Cook. Scan the QR code for a link to the book. The classes are designed to stand alone. So come to one, a few, or the entire series!

For more information, please email Sal Ambrosio at


October 8, 10:45 a. m. –

Fireside Room

The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World By His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu with Douglas Abrams

Please join us for a discussion of this fascinating book! Both the Dalai Lama and Archbishop

FELLOWSHIP OF THE BEAN (as in Good Coffee!)

All are welcome at 9:30 a.m. in the Church Library starting September 17. This is a relaxed discussion group that meets for good coffee and conversation. Each week there will be a new topic of conversation with a mix of ages and points of view.

For more information, please email Rick Davis at

THURSDAY MORNING MEN’S MINISTRY (TM3) 7:00 a. m. Fireside Room

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105

All are welcome to our informal group that meets at 7:00 a.m. each Thursday in person and on Zoom. It is a wonderful opportunity for relationship, prayer, and learning. The program year runs from September through June.

The morning begins with about 20 minutes of prayer and fellowship followed by learning time: a 30-minute presentation typically from a professor from Eastern University on a range of topics including history, astronomy, philosophy, theology, and a host of Bible-related topics. We try to wrap up at 8 a.m., although the speakers often stay for a while to answer questions and chat.

For more information and to get on the email Zoom invite list, please contact Tim Pretz at or

Tutu have been tested by great personal and national adversity, and here they share their personal stories of struggle and renewal. From the beginning, the narrative was envisioned as a three-layer birthday cake: sharing their stories and teachings about joy, the most recent findings in the science of deep happiness, and the daily practices that anchor their emotional and spiritual lives. Now that they are both in their 80s, these great spiritual leaders want to spread the core message that to have joy yourself, you must bring joy to others.

For more information contact Janice Mack at


All are welcome to the Monday Morning Bible Fellowship. This is a member-led group that meets hybrid weekly in the Fireside Room from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Mary Nicol and Scott Laird facilitate each weekly scripture selection, and the group shares their personal insights and reflections on the week’s selection.

For more information, please email Scott Laird at

Wayne Presbyterian Church


WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES Fall 2023 Class Selections

Fireside Room with hybrid option




Sacred Rhythms with

the Book of Micah

Led by the Rev. Katy Shevel

7:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room with a hybrid option. This is a bi-weekly class.

The Book of Micah is challenging material. Its central themes of judgment and restoration can evoke both fear and hope. Judgment comes as a result of injustice, especially toward the less fortunate, the other. Restoration occurs through the salvation and mercy of the Lord.

This semester we will approach our Bible study more contemplatively. To do this, we will incorporate a few chapters from Ruth Haley Barton’s Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation. We will consider how to weave spiritual disciplines during our daily lives as we read God’s Word together in community.

Contact Nancy Dever at for information and Zoom invitation.


The Book of James

Led by Dory Hoxie

10:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room with a hybrid option. This is a weekly class.

The Book of James focuses primarily on faith, the test of faith, the characteristics of faith, and the maintenance of a steady faith in the midst of life’s trials and challenges. James emphasizes the lifestyle that we, the faithful, should lead and the good works, the fruit, that we should practice to demonstrate that our faith is genuine. Because of this, James can proclaim the famous line, “faith without works is dead.”

This study will delve into how, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can learn to be obedient followers of God, and faithful “fruit” producers for His Kingdom.

Contact Dory at for information and Zoom invitation.


Study of Ephesians –Living “In Christ”

Led by Lee Pretz

12:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room with a hybrid option. This is a weekly class.

Whether you’ve been a lifelong Christian, or recently decided to inquire about the Lord, or you’re anywhere in between, it’s good to go back to the basics and make sure that you’re actually living like you spend time with Jesus.

The basics of how we think and how we speak dramatically changes not only how we live but also affects and helps the lives of others.

Our study of Ephesians will examine those basics and remind us that it is all about loving a life so filled with Jesus that it spills over into all we think, do, and say.

Contact Lee at for information and Zoom invitation.




I Guess I Haven’t Learned That Yet by Shauna Niequist

Led by Pam Clark

9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room with a hybrid option.

This class meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month.

Throughout the five lessons of this video series, author Shauna Niequist talks about unlearning what is no longer helpful, to embrace curiosity, and to make peace with the unexpected twists and turns of life. She invites participants to explore what happens when we release our expectations for how we thought life would look like and open ourselves up to the freedom and peace that comes from choosing to begin again.

Whatever you are trying to navigate, Shauna’s honest and candid reflections offer hope for healing and encouragement to begin again.

Discover that life is more about questions than answers, more about forgiveness than force, more about tenderness than trying to be too hard.

Contact Pam at for information and Zoom invitation.

August/September 2023 | 3


Family, friends, neighbors, and Southwest community members gathered at The Common Place on the Wednesday evening following the ghastly mass shooting in Kingsessing, July 3. With prayer, singing and witness, they mourned their five fellow residents killed by gunfire or wounded by a single, deranged gunman on a street four blocks from the Church.

After the memorial service at the Salt & Light Sanctuary, many worshippers walked the nearby streets as a tribute to their fallen friends.

The vigil gathering was organized by Salt & Light’s pastor, Rev. Cean James. The music was led by Salt & Light’s Praise and Worship team and featured new singer Gina Epperson, whose powerful soprano voice soared over the solemn congregation. Five local pastors joined Rev. James in praying for the stricken families and calling for God’s peace in the community.

Eight members of Wayne Presbyterian traveled to Southwest for the ceremony and a number of other members worshipped online.

Rev. James is also the director of Wayne’s CityLights Ministry that had conducted its own annual vigils marking deaths of local persons killed by gun violence. A measure of the rise in such tragic acts is that for the past several decades, there were about 30 murders a year in SW; in 2022, there were 51 slayings, according to police records. The CityLights litany included prayers for victims and family, neighbors, community, first responders, and the perpetrators and their families, as well.


The Common Place’s summer camp, SWAT (Southwest Arts and Technology), is one program where the vision of TCP is being realized. When Wayne Pres began TCP 10 years ago, the hope and vision was to create a safe and nurturing place for children and families of the community of southwest Philadelphia. SWAT provides a fun, educational, and community-building opportunity for these children during the summer months.

This has been another great summer for SWAT. The staff has been terrific, and the campers have enjoyed gardening experiences as well as daily art projects with the wonderfully creative art instructor, Ms. Alesha. They have engaged in social emotional learning experiences each day as well as planning performances and rehearsing for the Talent Show at the end of camp. The older campers have had hands-on experiences with financial literacy. The campers have been on special field trips every Friday to Tree Top Philly, The Nile Swim Club, Arnold’s, Funplex, LaserDome, Clementon Park, and other exciting places!

Please contact Buff Barnes at to learn more about TCP and its programs that benefit kids in SW Philadelphia.

Wayne Presbyterian Church
Family and friends gather in the Salt & Light chancel July 5 to express their deep sympathy for those suffering from the Kingsessing mass murders that week.


Thank you to those who supported the summer fan program for CityLights. We were able to provide several fans and money for 43 fans. These were purchased via gift cards or actual fans by Southwest Community Development Corporation for residents of SW Philly.


Our Church has supported Water is Life Kenya (WILK) for the past seven years, contributing more than $30,000 to WILK projects that help bring clean drinking water and a better life to communities in Kenya. WILK representatives visited our Church in May to display and sell beautiful beaded handicrafts that bring livelihoods to women, hope to families, and joy to those who buy them, especially in time for Mother’s Day! They also accepted donations of funds for cows and goats for needy families through their “Restock and Restore” Campaign.

For more information about WILK and their programs, visit or contact David Webster, our Global Ministry liaison to the organization, at



The mission of the Bible in a Book Bag group of the Deacons is to provide a Bible, a book bag, and essential school supplies for each of the 191 K-8 students at Cornerstone Christian Academy (CCA) in southwest Philadelphia. Wayne Presbyterian Church has been supporting these students since 1998. This year, the program was led by Deacons Ian Robertson, Hans Coetzee, and James Rush. The team worked closely with teachers and Staff at CCA to provide supplies specifically requested to meet classroom and student needs. An innovative approach to fundraising, coupled with the generosity of the congregation, supported another year’s purchase of new high-quality book bags and a solid foundation for next year’s initiative.

James Rush and Roger Bollinger delivered the boxes to Cornerstone Christian Academy on August 9. Gayle Gaskin, Community Engagement Manager, Cornerstone Christian Academy, and two students gratefully accepted the supplies and thanked Wayne Presbyterian Deacons for their generosity.

Our deacons conduct many such outreach projects throughout the year. If you would like to help serve as the hands and feet of Christ in our community, please contact Carolyn Lolli, Deacon Moderator,

August/September 2023 | 5
Lorraine Thomas of SWCDC donates a fan gift card to a local resident.



We are pleased to welcome John Grecia to the position of Director of Music Ministries. This past year, John has been leading the Wayne Oratorio Society (WOS) as its Interim Director. He will continue in that capacity through this fall, and then transition to the full-time director role in early January 2024. Kirsten Santos Rutschman will continue her leadership as Interim Director of Music until John’s arrival, after which she will stay on as Associate Director of Music.

The Church and many individuals within it have known John since he became the accompanist for the WOS, where he demonstrated his collaborative nature, his love of people, his winsome and humble spirit, his accomplished keyboarding, and overall musical ability. In all of his work, John has demonstrated his ability to inspire people of all musical levels to become involved in music within the Church setting. John has shown he can manage people, fundraise, market, and produce top-notch worship and concert music. John is specifically interested in the challenge of continuing the great tradition of music at WPC and rejuvenating the WPC music program at all levels and with all generations.

We look forward to extending a hearty welcome when John takes the helm of our music programs in January! In the meantime, you might see him around the Church this fall leading extensive rehearsals for major WOS concerts in November and December.

We also thank Kirsten Santos Rutschman for performing the vital role of Interim Director of Music and Matt Lista for directing the Chancel Choir during the extended search process. We are blessed with the musical skills, energy, and dedication they bring to their many roles in our music programs!


Make music to the glory of God and in fellowship with friends at Wayne Presbyterian this fall.

Wayne Oratorio Society: Tuesdays 7:30-9:30 p.m. (Sept. 5)

Contact for more information about participating in this exciting 75th-anniversary season.

WPC Chamber Orchestra: Wednesdays 7:30-8:45 p.m. (Sept. 6

Have you played an orchestral instrument in the past, especially strings? Join us!

Chancel Choir: Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 p.m. (Sept. 7), with a kick-off potluck @ 6:30 p.m..


Each year, Summer Choir provides an opportunity for singers – seasoned Chancel Choir members and new voices alike –to share the gift of music during worship. Thank you to all who have raised your voices in song this summer! Summer Choir continues through September 3. To participate, meet in the Sanctuary at 9:10 a.m.


Are you curious about handbells? Learn to ring! Come to a one-session beginner’s Learn-to-Ring class on Monday, September 11 from 7:30 to 8:30 in the Music Room. There’s NO obligation to commit to ringing long-term, so come give it a try for one hour. Please RSVP to

Westminster Choir, grades 6-12: Sundays, 5:00-6:00 p.m. (Sept. 17)

Te Deum Handbells: Mondays, 7:30-8:45 p.m. (Sept. 18).

Selah Handbells: Tuesdays, 9:00-10:15 a.m. (Sept. 19).

Children’s Choir: resumes early 2024. In the meantime, continue making a “Joyful Noise” in Sunday School.

Newmemberswelcome! for more information about our ensembles.

Wayne Presbyterian Church


Session met in June, July, and August and made significant progress on many important priorities.

• Session approved all organizational and financial details related to the departure of Transitional Pastor Heather Shortlidge and established a Collaborative Leadership Model to lead the Church during the remainder of this interim period. Under this model, Rev. Liz Wagner, Rev. Katy Shevel, Director of Operations and Finance John Pitocchelli, and the ruling elders will provide the spiritual, pastoral, operational, and organizational leadership of the Church.

• The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) slate was approved, and the following members were elected at a congregational meeting on July 9: Martin Akram, Sal Ambrosio, Pamela Clark, Clyde Diehl, Weezie Duff, Mike Dziedziak, Jennie Hagin, Wendy Norman, Kevin O’Nell, and Sarah Ziegler have graciously agreed to serve. Please join us in thanking these dedicated volunteers for their willingness to serve on this important committee. PNC information and updates will be posted on the website under Resources.

• Session submitted a Mission Study Refresh document to our liaison to the Presbytery Commission on Ministry (COM) on August 21. Approval of this document is a prerequisite to PNC training. We will seek to receive approval of the Refresh at the next COM meeting on September 7, after which we will schedule the PNC training and begin posting regular updates regarding the search process.

• The Personnel Committee, search committees, and Session have successfully filled all staff positions. We are pleased with the alignment of responsibilities in our new organizational structure and the talented individuals who are bringing outstanding skills and energy to our team.

John Grecia will become the Director of Music Ministries on January 2, 2024, with Kirsten Santos Rutschman ably continuing to serve in the interim role until then. Matt Lista will also return as the interim director for the Chancel Choir for the fall season.

Kelli Masters will become our Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries, supported by Evelyn Widham, Youth Ministry Associate, and Julia Thompson, Children’s Ministry Assistant.

Kryssa Brasch is now the Executive Assistant to the Pastors.

Nicole Veith started August 21 as our new Digital Marketing & Technology Coordinator.

Christina Sacco has transitioned to a new role as Events and Publications Coordinator.

• Significant work has been done and continues to be underway to update and manage our Shelby membership database to accomplish two important goals: Accurately report our active membership to the Presbytery and prospective senior pastor candidates. Track member engagement and visitor activity, enabling effective communications and responsive care.

• The task forces assigned to achieve the Church’s six strategic objectives defined through its visioning process reported on their progress. In summary, the task forces, comprised of elders, pastors, and congregants, are putting significant energy into priorities including the PNC process, growing the Church, engaging younger demographics, aligning the staff, managing the budget, and optimizing Church governance.

• For information regarding our strategic framework, including the vision, mission, guiding principles, and strategic objectives, view the Visioning Session presentation on the website under Resources. For a review of task force reports and other Session business, review the Session Reports also posted on the website.

• Frone Crawford “retired” as Clerk of Session after six years of dedicated service. He recommended that Jim Galasso be his successor, and Session voted unanimously to approve the motion. We are all tremendously grateful for Frone’s excellent work, professionalism, leadership, faith, and friendship over the years.

As always, if you have any questions, concerns or recommendations for Session, please contact Clerk of Session Jim Galasso at

August/September 2023 | 7




Yes, we are SHOUTING! If you were anywhere near the Chapel or the education building during the mornings of June 24-28 you probably heard our VBS kids proclaiming this promise with great gusto. Through Bible stories and a host of enriching opportunities, we learned that we can ‘shine Jesus’ light’ in everything we do. Nearly 90 children gathered to hear the Good News each day. Over 60 adults and teens provided joyfilled, creative experiences including Bible study, music, art, recreation, and enrichment. VBS is such a beautiful way to reach the children of our Church and community with the love of God and the stories of scripture. May the seeds that were planted through story and song continue to grow in each of our VBS kids.

If you have an interest in joining the joyful Children’s Ministry team that is shining Jesus’ light for the next generation, please contact Kelli Masters at


We’re ready for an exciting year of playing, learning, and connecting in our children’s and youth programs! Lots of details are shaping up now, so please check the website and watch for email updates regarding kick-off events and Sunday School registration.


S Sununddaays,9:30a.m ys,9:30a.m.

PreK (2, 3, 4-year-olds) | Room 103

K & 1st Grade | Room 304

2nd & 3rd Grades | Room 301

4th & 5th Grades | Room 306


S Sununddaaysdysdururiningwgwoorrsshihip p

Infants & Toddlers | Rooms 101/102


S Sununddaays,9:30a.m. ys,9:30a.m.

6/7th Grade | Rooms 208/209

High School | Room 204 or Offsite


F FoorEigrEighhtthGhGraderraders s

Sunday | 9:30 a.m. | Knox Room


F FoorMrMiddiddlealeanndHdHigighShScchhoooolerlers s

Sunday | 6-8 p.m. | Room 208/209


F FoorGrGrades6trades6to12 o12

Sunday | 5:00 p.m. | Music Room


Kelli Masters

(610) 688-8700 ext: 222

Y Yoouutth M h Miniinissttrry A y Asssisissttaannt t

Evelyn Widham

(610) 688-8700 ext: 237

C Chihildrldren en ’ ’s M s Miniinissttrry A y Asssisissttaannt t

Julia Thompson

(610) 688-8700 ext: 237

Wayne Presbyterian Church



Kelli Masters has been at WPC for over 15 years as the Director of Children’s Ministry. Abigail Slate and Sarah Ziegler were both baptized at WPC, and Kelli has been a constant through their time in the church. They worked together to interview Kelli to learn more about her background, beliefs, and approaches to her work, and to celebrate all the lives she has touched over her 15 years at WPC.

A & S : Tell us a little bit about your educational and professional background.

Kelli : I went to undergrad at IUP for elementary education. It was always my dream to be a classroom teacher. I taught sixth grade in a small Christian school in Newark, NJ, and worked a second job as the youth and children’s director at a Presbyterian Church. I earned my masters in Christian Education from Princeton Theological Seminary and worked full time in the church as their children’s director for six years.

My husband and I moved to Pittsburgh in 1986. Our daughter Abigail had been born, and I became the children’s director at a church in Pittsburgh. We had our second child there. I worked at that church for 22 years, and somewhere along the way I also became the director of contemporary worship. The Lord moved me here in 2008.

A & S : Did you always want to work in children's ministry?

Kelli : I always wanted to work with kids. I could have very easily been a classroom teacher. But in Christian education, you get to address the why questions. Why do we behave the way we do? Why do we treat others the way we do? And it’s not just about how you behave, it’s about who we are as children of God. So that piece of being able to walk alongside children and families became really key for me.

A & S : What drew you to Wayne specifically, or

why did you feel called to come here?

Kelli : I've always said that you move in ministry not because you're called to the next thing, but because you've been released from the thing that you're doing. I knew it was time for me to move away from the church in Pittsburgh. My daughter, who was at Eastern University at the time, had come to church here one Sunday morning and came home with the bulletin. It contained a blurb that Wayne was looking for a new director of children's ministry. She jokingly called me and said, “Hey, Mom, I found your new job!”

I am a person who believes that when you begin to pray for guidance, you need to pay attention to what the Lord provides you. Interestingly enough, Bob Gordon – the pastor of the church I grew up in, in Johnstown – was a former pastor at Wayne, so I already knew of Wayne Presbyterian Church. I prepared my resume and boldly called John Galloway. It turns out that my mentor from the first church where I worked in New Jersey, Bernie Johnson, was a covenant brother with

August/September 2023 | 9
Abigail and Sarah in Kindergarten Sunday school in 2005. Abigail and Sarah today, holding the Children’s Ministry brochure that featured their photo!)

John Galloway. God seemed to be hinting at my next step, but I was hesitant to leave Pittsburgh. I thought, Lord this cannot be what you are thinking for me. The rest is history.

A & S : Now we’ll shift gears to ask about the wonderful work you do at Wayne. The Joyful Noise program is your creation, something that you brought to Wayne. Can you explain what Joyful Noise is for those who may not know?

Kelli : Creating a worship-like experience for kids was important to me. That’s what Joyful Noise is. It takes place at the beginning of the Sunday School hour and it includes music, worship, prayer, and allows students to reflect their faith with their peers. It's like our little mini worship service, and it’s very interactive. And it's a time for me to be in a room of kindergarten through fifth grade students, which I love.

A & S : How do you plan or prepare the children's messages that you deliver during worship? You're like Mr. Rogers up there – it seems so easy and natural for you.

Kelli : Generally, I’ll ask the preaching pastor during the week, “What's your punchline?” Adults and youth in the worship service have often told me that the children’s message is what stuck with them the most, so I work very hard for the messages to be accessible to all ages and give a concrete illustration of the preaching point of the day.

A & S : We want to ask a little bit about VBS, which you describe as your Super Bowl. Can you walk us through the steps of how you get ready for VBS every year?

Kelli : The beautiful thing is, it's never my first rodeo. Thing number one is always making sure you've got the right curriculum. Then secure a week on the church calendar. Then comes recruiting, which is one of my favorite things. Because it's really just matching up people with opportunities to serve.

The administrative part is pretty well oiled. I put every child's name on a little card, with their name,

their grade, and if they have a friend request, or a special need, allergies, etc. And then I collect this stack of cards and start clipping kids’ names together into groups. People ask why I don't do more of it online, and I say that by the time those kids arrive on the first morning of Bible School, I have physically written or handled their name half a dozen times. When a family comes in, and they say, “This is Harper,” I can immediately say the last name and group. It’s kind of a prayerful exercise, as I get to know those kids before they even show up.

A & S : A lot has changed at Wayne and in ministry in recent years. What are your hopes for our church and for the children’s ministry more specifically?

Kelli : My hopes and dreams for children's ministry haven't changed. My hope is that people would find a home here. My prayer is that people would find a home and the support and love and encouragement to raise their families in a faithful way and to introduce their kids to God.

A & S : Is there a specific Bible verse or story that you have turned to for support or inspiration during this whole period of COVID and transitions?

Kelli : It's more of a theme. At a time of tumult in a previous church, a seminary intern stood up during a town hall meeting and said, “I just feel the need to remind everybody that even though we are all blindsided by this, none of this is a surprise to God.” It's a way of saying that God is sovereign. God has got this.

I like this one metaphor: when you're reading a novel, and you get to the middle, and all the characters are behaving badly, and the plot has gotten so complicated and twisted. You think there’s no way this is going to work out, and you want to give up on the book. And then you realize that you've read other things by this author, and that encourages you to ask, how will this author untangle this knot? I’ve got to read just one page per day. You know God, you know this author. God has got you, one step at a time.

Wayne Presbyterian Church



Volunteers don’t just help others, they also build new relationships and a sense of purpose that comes from taking part in the community. Even small contributions make a big difference, and many opportunities require very little time! Please contact the individuals below to find out more about these opportunities:

• Children’s and Youth Sunday School and/or Committees

Kelli Masters,

• Coffee Hour Helpers

Marian Hollingsworth,

• Greeters

Rick Davis,

• Ushers

Craig Stock,

• Lectors (Reading scripture in worship) Jim Rush,

• Andrew Ministers (Welcome visitors and new members)

Susan Aggarwal,

• Office Volunteers

Mary Ellen Smith, or Pamela Jensen,

• Chancel Choir, Bell Choirs

Kirsten Santos Rutschman,

• Family Promise/IHN

Nancy Monahan,, or scan the QR code for information.

(Next hosting dates: September 17-24 and November 12-19)


If someone asked you to come to the Church on a hot August afternoon to clean the basement, how would you respond? Well, 25 hearty WPC volunteers of all ages answered YES! (Well, maybe they didn’t know how hot it would be.) But it turned out to be an afternoon of good fellowship and great accomplishment after the crew filled a dumpster to the brim with old furniture, carpets, and countless miscellaneous items that were damaged, obsolete, and/or collecting dust for decades in the basement. We also shampooed 100 chairs in the chapel in preparation for fall programs! A special thanks to Dave Leidy, who wielded his circular saw and Tetris skills to help pack every inch of the dumpster, and John Pitocchelli, WPC Director of Operations and Finance, who also put in long hours to organize and oversee this much-needed project. WPC now has a clean and well-organized basement!

August/September 2023 | 11

125 East Lancaster Avenue

Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087

If you are receiving the Wayne Presbyterian newsletter by surface mail and would prefer to receive it by email instead, please email or contact us at: (t) 610.688.8700 • (f) 610.688.8743 • office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm

@WaynePresbyterianChurch /waynepresbyterian @waynepres


• Rev. Katy Shevel, Associate Pastor for Congregational Life, x219

• Rev. Liz Wagner, Bridge Associate Pastor, x226

• Dr. Kirsten Santos Rutschman, Interim Director of Music, x227

• John Pitocchelli, Director of Operations and Finance, x216

• Kr yssa Brasch, Executive Assistant to the Pastors Kr, x212

• Christina Sacco, Events and Publications Coordinator, x225

• Nicole Veith, Digital Marketing & Technology Coordinator, x220

• Kelli Masters, Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries, x222

• Sara Goldberg, Finance Assistant, x241

• John Grecia, Interim Director, Wayne Oratorio Society

• Matt Lista, Interim Director Chancel Choir

• Mike Burnham, Broadcast Specialist,

• Cathy Chandler, Head Housekeeper & Sunday Morning Facility Coordinator,, x245

• Dana Arranz, Director of Nursery School

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