Falmouth and Penryn Wave magazine

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Wave Falmouth & Penryn


















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12,000 copies door to door!

Issue 88 December 2019

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4 Rosemullion Pet Page

6 Lifestyle 10 Election Special

14 Wellbeing & Beauty

Your Local Pitched & Flat Roofing Specialist

17 Food & Drink 21 Beryl's Bites

23 Leisure & Entertainment 24 26 28 30 31

Falmouth's Festive Weekend A Cornish Christmas Quiz Tide Times Woodlane Social Club

36 Garden

J ENGLAND ROOFING CONTRACTOR LTD are one of the most recognised and trusted roofing contractors in Cornwall offering high quality roofing solutions to domestic, commercial and construction customers. Our customer service, skill and experience is hard to beat and you can call on us to carry out the work to a high standard and great finish.

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36 In the Garden - December Diary

37 Home A big thank you to all the wonderful distributors at Teamwork for the amazing job you do in all weathers, ensuring the 12,000 coopies of the Wave magazine get deliverd on time, every month!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Ashley & the Wave Team x

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Falmouth Calander 2020 All images by local residents Available from the

Tel: 01326 373007 Falmouth, Penryn & surrounding areas


If you wish to be featured in our magazine please contact Ashley ashley@falmouthwave.co.uk

Tel: 07800 986216 ■ For more information visit: www. falmouthwave.co.uk


to advertise call Ashley on 07800 986216


Rosemullion Pet Page December is National Cat Lovers Month! So let’s talk about our feline friends and how to keep them happy and healthy… By Rachael Parkin


Just like people, cats are all individuals. Some cats love going outside, some barely put a paw through the cat flap and others can’t go out at all, so wherever your cat spends their time, make sure they’re safe and happy. Cats are very intelligent animals - a bored cat is an unhappy cat. Make sure there are plenty of things to do with enough space to exercise and play. Being so active, they need opportunities to run, jump and climb. Keep your cat amused with toys, climbing towers or activity centres. These can be bought or made – a cardboard box with holes cut into it or a ball of tin foil can be perfectly adequate. Play is more fun if you get involved too – you can use fishing rod toys with feathers or a string to mimic their prey! Opportunities to exhibit hunting behaviour are often triggered by toys which move and attract the cat’s attention. Older cats will love playing three or four times a day, but the type of play may need to be adapted to suit their needs and level of mobility. Younger cats will be happy to play 10 times a day or more. Very short games of one to two minutes are fine – cats use their energy in short bursts when hunting, so try to mimic this. Create interest at meal times by hiding biscuits around the house for your cat to find. Make a pyramid out of cardboard toilet roll tubes and hide food in

the tubes, or use a puzzle ball. Swap toys around regularly to keep them interesting. Multiple cats need enough toys, cat beds and hiding places to allow them to get away from one another when they feel the need to be alone.

comes increasingly difficult to reunite cats with their rightful owners without a microchip. We would always recommend microchipping your cat for your own peace of mind.

Cats are inquisitive so hazards at home and outside could injure them. Care for your cat by making sure your cat is in a safe, secure and hazard-free environment at all times. They often feel safest when high so provide a suitable high place to climb and rest, e.g. shelves. Cats like to eat and drink away from their litter tray, as understandably, it’s more hygienic. However, many people don’t realise that cats also like to have each of their food and water bowls in separate places too. Avoid putting food and water bowls next to each other. Eating and drinking can be vulnerable activities for a cat – so try placing bowls slightly away from the wall, so that a cat can sit with their back to the wall and view their surroundings.

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) describes any issue that causes problems while passing urine. It can be obstructive or non-obstructive and in many cases the cause is unclear; however stress is thought to be a contributing factor.

On average, cats spend about 16 hours a day sleeping. Cats generally rest or sleep intermittently throughout the day and will prefer a warm, comfortable and safe place.



FLUTD affects both male and female cats, but male cats tend to be more commonly affected by obstructive disease due to the narrow size of the urethra – this condition is sometimes known as a blocked bladder. When a urethral blockage occurs it causes the cat to become unable to urinate; this can halt renal filtration and urine production. If this happens, wastes and toxins will build up in the body which can be fatal. If your pet has been shown to have urinary crystals it will be important that they will need a special diet to help prevent any stones being produced in the bladder. Hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine (hormonal) disorder of cats. It is due to an ‘over-active’ thyroid gland in the neck that causes an increase in production and secretion of the thyroid hormone. The vet may be able to feel enlarged glands on the front of your cat’s neck. In a normal cat, these are not usually palpable. They will then take a blood sample which will be tested for elevated thyroid hormone levels (T4). Further tests may also be performed to monitor the function of your cats liver or kidneys. There are three options to treat hyperthyroidism, tablets, food and surgical intervention.

A microchip is a small electronic device with a unique number, which can be read by any microchip scanner. This number is registered on a national database with all your pets’ details including their name, address and contact number. It is important to keep all your contact details up to date. This will ensure that you are able to be reunited with your pet if they are lost and found. As a veterinary practice, we often see ‘stray’ cats brought in by members of the public and it be-



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Wave design

High quality flyer, leaflet and business card design with printing options. From design through to print we can arrange all your promotional needs.

Business Cards




Loyalty Cards


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07800 986216 or email ashley@falmouthwave.co.uk

Associated Photography Falmouth

10% off all Binoculars this December 30 Arwenack Street - Falmouth TR11 3JB Tel: 01326 319591


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Penryn Primary

Ages 2 - 4 years

If your child is aged between 2-4 years, we have places available in our Nursery Class. We provide half-day, whole day and wrap around care provision between the hours of 7:45am – 6pm during term time.

You could be entitled to 15 or 30 hours free provision per week! Our Nursery is run in a modern, purpose – built classroom, with separate entrance and cloakroom facilities. It has its own toilets and kitchen. All furnishings and equipment reflect our vision to create independent learners and areas are carefully planned to encompass the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Patio doors lead out to a large outdoor area, which includes, sand, water, climbing and building facilities. We encourage children to get outside as much as possible, come rain or shine!

Come in, have a look around, and meet our friendly EYFS staff. Call for more information


Find us on

01326 373290 Penryn Primary Academy, Treverbyn Rise, Penryn TR10 8RA


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Experts in balloon displays Personalised photo balloons & banners Fancy Dress (online only) Parties for any occasion Art & Crafts A huge range of discount gifts Online shop FREE Parking - Delivery Service

Personalised cards & Gifts created in-store. Disney & Marvel FREE Gift Packaging 67 Boslowick Road Falmouth TR11 4QD Tel 01326 617081 www.villagepartyshop.co.uk Malletts Ope Truro TR1 2RG Tel: 01872 857286

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Vote Wis

There’s more to this tha As campaigning begins in earnest YouGov’s recent figures unveils what the British public consider the most important issues facing the country.

It has dominated the headlines for years and neatly divided the entire country. So it’s no surprise that with just a few days until December’s election, Brexit remains the top issue for the British public. Some 68% of Britons rank

it within their top three. During the same period ahead of the 2017 general election we saw a very similar picture, with 64% of the British public considering Brexit to be a top-three issue. Healthcare currently sits in second place behind Brexit, with 40% of the public placing it in their top three. In 2017 this figure was a very similar 45% but the biggest shifts come in the importance of crime and the environment, with the economy being pushed down for the first time in many years. Cornwall with its wild terrain and entrancing coastline has long been an area that has fully embraced the need to protect the local environment and it is no surprise that the South West has a strong following for those candidates who place environmental issues at the top of their

improved social and working lives. With improved public transport and cycle paths, we as a county can reduce our emissions to a far more sustainable level.

Cherilyn Mackrory Conservative As a wife of a hook and line commercial fisherman, I understand that uncertainty can place a massive strain on a family. That’s why it is imperative that we get Brexit done and move on, allowing us to focus on the other issues that people care about. In Cornwall specifically, it is important that Cornwall receives its fair share of funding and is kept connected. Building on my predecessor’s incredible work, I will ensure that Cornwall is fully connected with improved highspeed broadband and mobile phone coverage. I want to see increased development of rail, road and cycle paths, and I’ll keep campaigning for further A30 dualling. With better transport links comes

Being a passionate environmentalist, I firmly believe that we must preserve and improve the environment for future generations. As a Cornwall councillor I regularly attend beach cleans in association with Surfers Against Sewage. Seeing the sheer volume of plastic in our seas concerns me deeply, which is why I believe it is important that the Government continues with its positive attitude towards tackling single use plastic, as well as other green initiatives such as renewable energy and nature recovery. We must ensure that the environment is left in a better state than we found it. For me, it really is simple – get Brexit done and focus on the people’s priorities.

Jennifer Forbes Labour

For too long Westminster has completely ignored the struggles of ordinary people living here. Cornwall isn’t just beautiful beaches, countryside and people. It’s a place of great inequality. We haven’t had representation in Parliament from anyone brave enough to stand up to power and say what needs to be done. I will. I believe that vast inequality harms us all. We should value people and our planet first and foremost. The economy should serve us. Corporations should not rule the world. Fair taxes should be paid, to provide decent public services for everyone. This is what I call common sense socialism and it works in much of Western Europe already. It can work for us here. In Cornwall, we need an economy that works for everyone, with high-quality jobs,


PC Andy Hocking turned up, but rather than arresting us he helped us stop the cars that were illegally using these crowded shopping streets as a rat run. I was one of thousands who turned out to mourn Andy’s passing – he was a brilliant community policeman and a great loss.”

an just Brexit!

agendas. Yes of course Brexit is important as whatever the outcome, it will map out the future economic performance of the UK. It is so pleasing to witness environmental issues climbing up the list of importance board but some may argue it should be at the very top, especially as it will still be of high importance long after the Brexit issued is resolved. Truro and Falmouth is a constituency that has been represented in the House of Commons of the UK Parliament since its creation in 2010 by Sarah Newton, a Conservative MP. On 28 October 2019 she announced that she would not stand at the next election. We have listed the 4 candidates declared at the time of going to print (14th November) and the parties they represent in order to facilitate your decision on the 12th December. Happy voting!

Tom Scott Green Party

Green Party candidate Tom Scott is a writer and lecturer who has lived with his family in Falmouth for nearly 20 years. He’s been involved in various community groups over the years, and with Falmouth Friends of the Earth he organised the first big climate change protest in Cornwall, in 2009. Tom has also campaigned to protect local green spaces and for the full pedestrianisation of Church Street, Market Street and Arwenack Street in Falmouth’s town centre. On one occasion he made a giant papier-maché tortoise with local schoolchildren to slow the cars using these streets. He says:

For Tom, the two big issues in this election are Brexit and the climate emergency. “I believe Brexit will do great damage to this country – to jobs, to workers’ rights and to the environment. It was sold on false promises, and no version of Brexit offers anything like the benefits of the deal we currently have as an EU member. But runaway climate change is an even bigger threat to us all. “I joined the Green Party because it was the only party that really understood this threat and what we need to do to address it. The good news is that taking real action on climate can also mean real benefits for people’s quality of life – cheaper, better public transport, for instance, cleaner air and warmer, better insulated homes.”

“One time when we were protesting in Church Street, someone called the police.

by Ashley Dutton - Wave Publications Ltd

and security, not just dependent on tourism. We need to support small business and the self-employed. We need decent public transport that is cheap enough and reliable enough to be a viable alternative to cars. We need genuinely affordable homes that provide for people living here first, not second and third homes for the super-wealthy. We need our precious environment to be protected. Not with warm words. With serious action, as fast as we can. I went to a state school and then started my working life in Truro as a BT engineer. I like fixing things and getting things done. I have always been the sort of person that has to speak up. Whether in the workplace, or people getting hassled in the street, I have to help. It’s just part of who I am. Join us on the Moor in Falmouth 12-2pm Saturday 7th December. If you’d like to follow my campaign, or get involved, follow me on social media. Twitter: @Jen4TruroAndFal Instagram: @Jen4TruroandFal Facebook: @jen4themany Email: jen4truroandfal@gmail.com

Ruth Gripper Liberal Democrats I am standing for the Liberal Democrats, who have a record of success delivered by David Penhaligon, Matthew Taylor, Julia Goldsworthy and many hard-working local councillors over many years. Truro and Falmouth is one of a handful of seats that could determine the result of the election. I was born and raised in Cornwall, growing up in Perranwell Station in the heart of the constituency. My dad was a GP in Devoran and Chacewater for 30 years and my mum, also a GP, worked at St Julia’s Hospice. I know how to get things done. I worked in Westminster for a Liberal Democrat MP and have also worked supporting charities and the NHS to develop policy and get their message across to national and local politicians. I now work for the university,

bringing local businesses together with researchers. While working in the charity sector I saw the impact of politics. MPs make big decisions that affect all our lives and Cornwall has been let down over the years by Conservative MPs who haven’t really made an impact. Rather than just complain about the state of politics, I want to do something about it. I want to: • Get a fair deal for Cornwall by fighting for a fair share of Government funding for the county. • Tackle the climate emergency as a matter of urgency making Cornwall a truly green peninsula. • Stop Brexit. Cornwall benefitted enormously from EU funding grants supporting a great variety of infrastructure improvements. Cornwall’s beaches are the cleanest they have ever been thanks to EU directives. In the little spare time I have, I enjoy park run and learning to lindy hop with Swing Out. If elected I will put all my efforts into working for this beautiful part of Cornwall.

Promoted by Iain MacDonald on behalf of Ruth Gripper and the Liberal Democrats 3 Charles St Truro TR12PQ.


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Wellbeing & Beauty


A huge thank you to everyone for supporting the classes in 2019, and being such an amazing bunch!.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Love Linzi x


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MONDAYS Pam 07503 945600

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TUESDAYS Bev 07817 606938

Open 52 weeks a year! Check out the website for xmas opening times 14 FALMOUTH Wave

Pauline 07767 834193

MABE Mabe Community Hall, Primelin Place, Cunningham Park, Mabe, Penryn TR10 9HB 4.30pm + 6.30pm Tel: Pam 07503 945600

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r is

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FALMOUTH Athenaeun Club Kimberley Place, TR11 3QL 9.30am + 11.30am + 6pm Tel: Pauline 07767 834193


PENRYN Penryn Rugby Club, Kernick Rd, TR11 8NT 7.30pm Tel: Bev 07817 606938

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PENRYN Penryn Rugby Club, Kernick Rd, TR10 8NT 9.30am Tel: Bev 07817 606938


FALMOUTH Dracaena Centre Dracaena Avenue Falmouth TR11 2ES 8.30am Tel: Bev 07817 606938


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15/08/2016 11:09


Wellbeing & Beauty


Contemporary Hair Design Every Day is a Good Hair Day!

Following the latest trends, we can create a style for you. Late appointments till 8 on a Thursday and Friday

Goldwell Christmas Gift sets now available in the Salon Book now for Christmas to avoid disappointment

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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Food & Drink



STARTERS butternut squash & rosemary soup V parsnip crisp • Da Bara Bakery bread 
 duck rilette piccalilli • Da Bara Bakery sourdough 
 smoked haddock & cheddar fishcake lemon mayonnaise • winter leaf salad MAIN COURSE turkey & pigs in blanket 
 cranberry • gravy luxury nut roast 
 carrot puree • vegetable jus VGN roasts served with roast potatoes 
 & seasonal vegetables

pan fried hake roast new potatoes • seasonal greens • beurre blanc DESSERTS christmas pudding brandy butter • cream helford blue & crackers pear • walnuts • house chutney


Larg NEM0S eF S o illet o PEC curr r Plaice, d Cod, H IAL y sau larg a e c ddoc c bakee, peas, hips, k g db rav £ eans y or

dark chocolate mousse seasonal berry compote • praline shard
 • • •
 two courses for 19 pounds three courses for 24 pounds



11.30AM - 1.30PM 4.00 PM - 8.30PM TUESDAY - SATURDAY

Telehone Orders Welcome - call 01326 372527


To book call 01326 313481



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Food & Drink


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Christmas Eve 6am-8pm, Christmas Day Closed, Boxing Day 8am-6pm Friday 27th, Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th & Monday 30th - Usual Opening Hours New Year’s Eve 6am-8pm - New Year’s Day 8am-6pm


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£9.99 £10.99 35cl

MABE SRORES 2 Anton Hill, Mabe, Penryn 01326 373509 Open Mon - Sat 6am-10pm Sun 7am-8pm www.falmouthwave.co.uk

Christmas Menu

The New Inn Mabe

2 course


3 course



Homemade spicy parsnip soup with truffle oil & crusty bread Homemade wild mushroom pate, melba toast & leaves Smoked salmon, prawn and cream cheese terrine & leaves


Succulent local roast turkey, rosemary roast potatoes, chestnut stuffing, pigs in blankets, seasonal vegetables & red wine jus Lamb shank in red wine tomato and rosemary with a hint of mint, rosemary roast potatoes & seasonal vegetables Brie, mushroom, cranberry and chestnut stuffing wellington, seasonal vegetables and onion gravy Hake fillet in a herb crust, white wine cream, parmentier potatoes & seasonal vegetables


Homemade Christmas pudding & brandy cream/clotted cream/custard Homemade lemon cheesecake with a fruit coulis & sorbet Homemade rich chocolate log with hot chocolate sauce & salted caramel ice cream

Mints & coffee

Church Road, Mabe, Penryn TR10 9HN Tel: 01326 374466 www.falmouthwave.co.uk

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Food & Drink


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CHESTNUT AND CASHEW NUT ROAST A moist, deliciously savoury Vegan Christmas Roast made with cashews, chestnuts, butternut squash and carrots it is a perfect centrepiece for a very merry vegan Christmas!

Beryl's Bites



1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4 2. Fry the onion in the oil until soft and just beginning to colour 3. Add the garlic and fry gently for a further two minutes 4. Steam or boil the carrots and squash until soft, mash thoroughly 5. Grind the cashews and chestnuts in a food processor – not too much, you want ground nuts rather than nut flour 6. Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl 7. Press into a greased 900g/2lb loaf tin or ring mould 8. Cover with foil and bake in the preheated oven for 1 hour 9. Remove the foil and bake for a further ten minutes 10. Leave to stand in the tin for 10 minutes 11. Turn out onto a board (or glass cake stand ) 12. Decorate with rosemary sprigs, fresh thyme and cranberries

1 medium onion , finely chopped 2 cloves of garlic , finely chopped 1 tbsp olive oil 300 g /10oz butternut squash , peeled and roughly chopped 200 g /8oz carrots , roughly chopped 150 g /5oz cashew nuts 150 g /5oz cooked and peeled chestnuts 120 g /4oz breadcrumbs 1 tbsp light tahini 1/2 tsp each of dried rosemary , sage and thyme 1 tsp yeast extract 1 tsp tomato puree 2 tsps paprika salt and freshly ground black pepper Fresh herbs and cranberries to decorate

Roly’s Fudge Award Winning fudge homemade on site every day Cooked in full view of shoppers, in traditional copper pans, before being poured over a marble slab, sliced and then chopped. We use an old family recipe, giving it the crumbly texture that makes it probably the finest fudge you will ever taste.

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Wishing all our customers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 28 Church Street, Falmouth Tel: 07809 143301 or 01326 319111 www.falmouthwave.co.uk

to advertise call Ashley on 07800 986216


Food & Drink



Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

To Start

Celeriac Soup

Served with Warm Rosemary Roll and Parsnip Crisps

Farmhouse Terrine

Apple and Sage Chutney, Warm Sourdough with Parsley and Pea Butter

Cornish Smoked Mackerel Cake

Apple Cider Jelly, Sweet and Sour Beetroot, Coriander Creme Fraiche

Portobello Mushroom (V)

Stuffed with Mozzarella, Balsamic Glaze and Pesto


Ballotine of Beef Shin

Served with Duck Fat Roasted Potatoes, Celeriac Mash, Chanteney Carrots, Tenderstem Broccoli, Honey Roast Parsnips, Yorkshire pudding and Veal Jus

Stuffed and Rolled Turkey Breast

Turkey Breast Stuffed with Cranberry and Chestnut Sausage Meat, Duck Fat Roast Potatoes, Chanteney Carrots, Tenderstem Broccoli, honey Roast Parsnips and Veal Jus

Red Pepper, Spinach and Feta Filo Pie

Served with Roasted New Potatoes, Tenderstem Broccoli, Chanteney Carrots, Honey Roast Parsnips and Buerre Blanc Sauce

Fillet of Lemon Sole

En Papillote with Garlic and Parsley Butter, Winter Greens, Tapenade and Spring Onion Mash


Warm Chocolate Brownie

Glazed Cherries, Ginger and Pumpkin Ice Cream, Pistachio Elements

Creme Caramel

LIVE MUSIC EVERY WEEK Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Wild Fruits, Rosemary Scented Shortbread

Traditional Christmas Pudding

Served with Brandy Sauce and Glazed Cherries

Cornish Cheese Board

Selection of Local Cheese, Apple and Cider Chutney, Crackers, Flavoured Butters, Grapes, Pickles £2 Supplement

Fresh ground coffee and mints

Two course £19.95pp Three course £22.95pp Booking Essential





To Book Call

01326 314296


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Leisure & Entertainment

What's on this December Friday 6th Bandicoots Saturday 7th Zetanspore Friday 13th Maximum Gain Saturday 14th Overdrawn Sunday 15th Will Keating

Friday 20th Black Out Saturday 21st Hunting Beyond Tuesday Friday 27th Bache Saturday 28th Tres Hombre

What' s on this December LIVE MUSIC EVERY WEEK

Tuesday 3rd Open Mic Friday 20th Black Velet Trio Thursday 5th Paukl Armer Saturday 21st DJ Friday 6th The Strays Xmas Eve DJ Friday 27th Worlds Apart Saturday 7th DJ Saturday 28th DJ Tuesday 10th Open Mic SERVING A WIDE SELECTION OF DRAUGHT New Years Eve DJ Friday 13th The Archons BEERS, REAL Saturday 14th DJ ALES, HOUSE WINES, SPRITS,





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A new weekend of festivities is coming to Falmouth!

Hop on the snow train for a ride around town, head for an ice skate down at Church Street Car Park, experience a winter wonderland in Church Street, enjoy some mulled wine at Events Square, sample a Christmas Gathering on High Street or take a ride on the large carousel on The Moor. The town will be filled with festive music from local choirs and bands, stilt walkers, fire acts and dancing! For more information: www.falmouth.co.uk


MIDDAY - 6pm


A very 6th - 8th December

er ket emb c e Mar D s t ay 1s Christma try


el ree en h Hot nual Fnot to be lmout n a a F r e u Th to o it’s a day along t Cometmas Marke stalls of s and 0 4 is r ot r tion h e C Why n ecora d. Ov missetmas gifts, diful setting. afternoon Chris in a beaut nch or an ood is treats or coffee, lu oking for f usy day. stay f am tea. Boalways a b eing you or cre able as it’s rward to sefun. advis ally look fo shopping We re me Festive for so

The Lost Gardens of Heligan Christmas Fair This festive event is a must in your Christmas calendar and gives you the opportunity to enjoy entry to the gardens together with the perfect chance to find some unique gifts and enjoy some live music. Entry to the Fair and Gardens is free to Heligan Members, £1 for Local Pass holders and £2 for everyone else.

Saturday 7th Decem

The Alternative Christmas M Heartlands, Pool Please join us at our carol se thedral this December to lau Appeal. The fantastic Falmo ty Gospel Choir will be joinin Kernow Pipes and Drums wi procession into the Cathedra

7th, 14th

Sunday 1st De


Trelissick Chris tmas craft fair Pick up that p from the Treliserfect Christmas gift variety of gift sick craft fair, with a tional Trust sts handmade by Naaff and volun teers.

, 21st De Meet th cember e reinde er at Tre The rein li s sick our stab deer fly in for Admiss le yard this Cha festive visit in Nationaion charge app ristmas. l Trust m li emberses, free to

Saturday 7th December Thursday 5th December

Upperdeck Falmouth Christmas Market Join us for our First Annual Christmas Market at the UpperDeck bar & restaurant.

Cornwall Mind Christmas Disco Falmouth Rugby Club. Join us for a good old festive knees up! Pay a fiver on the door and enjoy a boogie, complete with Christmas party songs. What’s not to love? There will also be a super duper top drawer raffle! All profit raised goes to Cornwall Mind.

7th D y a d r Satu ree Christ

stic F n Th A Pla uee o FRE q r a The mwith their t! C back tmas even e a Chris a gift, hav cti make e cheer. A festiv

11th - 19

th D The Win Lemon ter Gift Fay Quay Tr uro Lose yo u Christm rself in the over 80 as on Lemon South Wstallholders ing a va est produce perfect riety of produ for pres ents



Plenty of fun and laughter across the county this Christmas

19th Decembe



Market -

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l Se cs Caro at Truro St Petroral l servicech our ro a c r Cathed u n o in us at ecember to lautic FalD Please jo is th l a e fantas r l be Cathed as Appeal. Th spel Choir wil nd o a tm G Chris Community ernow Pipes n into mouth us this year. K the processio joining will be leading Drums edral. the Cath

The Working Boat’s Christm as Festival Get your festiv second annu e fix at the Working Boat On the 19th Dal Mini Christmas Festival.’s tive craft stallsecember, join us for creaand Christmas, toasty tipples, live music hot chocolate carollers. Heart-warmin will be served s and merry mulled cider g and a mouth-wall afternoon and evenin inspired food atering menu of yuletideg, talented chef will be rustled up by our hot from our os, including festive pizzas vens!

14th December Lighthouse Cinema Christmas Craft Fair Our very popular, annual Christmas Craft Fair. Local artisan stalls selling the best quality gifts, Christmas decorations and tasty treats all indoors. A discounted film which this year is Miracle On 34th Street and live music in the foyer to encourage the Christmas Spirit! An event not to be missed!

r embe


tmas oor is he M stic free a EE pl along ande e Com t and somes a cha for all ag ivities

Christmas Eve with The Cornish Harmony Choir – The Seven Stars Christmas Eve traditions are wonderful and this tradition is no exception!! The Cornish Christmas Harmony Choir (Docks Choir) has been finishing up outside the pub year after year.

31st D


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24th December

The P rin



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14th December

The Seven Stars Falmouth

It’s Falmouth’s Christmas weekend so what better way to round up your day drinking a wonderful drop of port and a rather lovely bit of cheese to accompany it... As always the port selection will be available by glass or by the bottle

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Take a break

Santa Who Can you guess the political Santa's and Helpers 1












Solutions page 45


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to advertise call Ashley on 07800 986216


Leisure & Entertainment

Falmouth Tide Times December 2019

Date Sunrise Sunset 1st Tide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

07.59 08.00 08.02 08.03 08.04 08.05 08.06 08.08 08.09 08.10 08.11 08.12 08.13 08.13 08.14 08.15 08.16 08.16 08.17 08.18 08.18 08.19 08.19 08.19 08.20 08.20 08.20 08.21 08.21 08.21 08.21

16.20 16.19 16.19 16.18 16.18 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.18 16.18 16.18 16.19 16.19 16.20 16.21 16.21 16.22 16.23 16.23 16.23 16.24 16.25

02.04 low 02.42 low 03.24 low 04.15 low 05.24 low 00.19 high 01.27 high 02.20 high 03.03 high 03.41 high 04.17 high 04.53 high 05.30 high 00.23 low 01.05 low 01.48 low 02.33 low 03.24 low 04.23 low 05.33 low 00.19 high 01.29 high 02.31 high 03.25 high 04.11 high 04.54 high 05.34 high 00.30 low 01.08 low 01.43 low 0218 low

2nd Tide

3rd Tide

4th Tide

07.49 high 08.32 high 09.21 high 10.22 high 11.34 high 06.41 low 07.47 low 08.40 low 09.26 low 10.07 low 10.46 low 11.26 low 12.07 low 06.09 high 06.51 high 07.35 high 08.25 high 09.20 high 10.24 high 11.36 high 06.48 low 07.57 low 08.59 low 09.53 low 10.46 low 11.32 low 12.14 low 06.13 high 06.51 high 07.30 high 08.08 high

14.28 low 15.09 low 15.56 low 16.56 low 18.10 low 12.47 high 13.48 high 14.37 high 15.19 high 15.57 high 16.33 high 17.11 high 17.50 high 12.49 low 13.32 low 14.17 low 15.06 low 16.03 low 17.08 low 18.20 low 12.50 high 13.58 high 14.57 high 15.48 high 16.33 high 17.15 high 17.54 high 12.53 low 13.30 low 14.06 low 14.42 low

20.10 high 20.56 high 21.51 high 23.01 high 19.20 low 20.16 low 21.02 low 21.45 low 22.24 low 23.03 low 23.43 low 18.31 high 19.15 high 20.02 high 20.55 high 21.56 high 23.04 high 19.30 low 20.33 low 21.30 low 22.21 low 23.08 low 23.51 low 18.32 high 19.10 high 19.49 high 20.28 high




TEL: 01326 618099 Marine Unit 1, Ponsharden, Penryn, TR10 8AB


to advertise call Ashley on 07800 986216


Christmas at Woodlane Social Club 9 Woodlane Falmouth TR11 4RG - Call 01326 311173

Sunday 1st Louise Sumner Photography Studio at club from 9am to 4.30pm see her web page louisesumnerphotograghy.co.uk Euchre Night at club £3 to play also a raffle, club opens at 7pm ready to start at 8pm. All Welcome. Monday 2nd Tea Dance at the club,come and dance the afternoon away,sequence dance 2pm till 4pm. £2 entrance, all welcome. Men are singing choir for more info see (menaresinging.com) Seamas Carey 7pm £5 fee. Tuesday 3rd Cash bingo - Doors open from 7pm starts at 8pm (50p entrance fee) Also theres a raffle. Wednesday 4th - Quiz Night starts at 8pm. All are welcome to get your brain cells going,and also Play your cards right game. (£1 Fee) Thursday 5th - Swing Out West Cornwall’s Lindy Hop & Swing Club, more info at swing-outwest.com Friday 6th -Shaky Golden Roadshow Club opens at 7pm music from 8pmto 11pm( Free Entry) Saturday 7th Cash bingo from 7.30pm till 8.30pm. 9pm Derrick is at the club

to entertain us with his selection of sequence music. We are also holding a Senior Citizins Xmas Party come with a plate of food/nibbles to share. Raffle on this evening (Free Entry) All welcome. Sunday 8th Euchre Night at club £3 to play also a raffle, club opens at 7pm ready to start at 8pm. All Welcome. Monday 9th - Monday Tea Dance at the club, come and dance the afternoon away, sequence dance 2pm till 4pm. £2 entrance. All welcome. Monday 9th -Men are singing choir for more info see (menaresinging.com) Seamas Carey 7pm £5 fee. Tuesday 10th - Cash bingo - Doors open from 7pm starts at 8pm (50p entrance fee)Also theres a raffle. All Welcome Wednesday 11th - Quiz Night starts at 8pm.All are welcome to get your brain cells going,and also Play your cards right game.(£1 Fee) Thursday 12th - Swing Out West Cornwall’s Lindy Hop & Swing Club more info at swing-outwest.com Friday 13th - Woodlane’s Christmas Draw /Social evening. Saturday 14th - Cash bingo from 7.30pm till 8.30pm. 9pm Les Graham is at the club to entertain us with his selection of sequence music. Raffle also. (Free Entry) Sunday 15th - Euchre Night at club £3 to play also a raffle, club opens at 7pm ready to start at 8pm. All Welcome. Monday 16th - Monday Tea Dance at the club, come and dance the afternoon

away, sequence dance 2pm till 4pm. £2 entrance. All welcome. Monday Men are singing choir Christmas Concert with Family/Friends (menaresinging.com) Seamas Carey 7pm All Welcome Tuesday 17th - Cash bingo - Doors open from 7pm starts at 8pm (50p entrance fee) Also theres a raffle. All Welcome. Wednesday 18th - Quiz Night starts at 8pm. All are welcome to get your brain cells going, and also Play your cards right game. (£1 Fee) Thursday 19th - Thursday Social Evening from 8pm Friday 20th - The Suspects First time at the club Club opens from 7pm to 11.30pm more info see the suspectsband.wix.com/thesuspects (Free Entry) Saturday 21st - Cash bingo from 7.30pm till 8.30pm. 9pm Derrick is at the club to entertain us with his selection of sequence music. Raffle also.(Free Entry) Sunday 22nd - Woodlane are holding a Childrens Xmas Party 2pm to 4pm please bring a plate of food /nibbles to share and gift for your child to recieve from Santa, also we have Entertainment Disco and Magician for your children to enjoy. (Free Entry)

Tuesday 24th - Christmas Eve Shaky Golden Roadshow Club opens at 7pm music from 8pm to 12.30 ( Free Entry) Friday 27th - Friday Jam Night, bring your musical instruments and sing together. ( free entry) Saturday 28th - Cash bingo from 7.30pm till 8.30pm. 9pm Les Graham is at the club to entertain us with his selection of sequence music. Raffle also. (Free Entry) Tuesday 31st - New Years Eve Shaky Golden Roadshow Club opens at 7pm music from 8pm to 1.00am (Free Entry) Buffet and nibbles . All Welcome.

A little winter care now will save lots of embarrassment next spring!

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Commercial Road, Penryn TR10 8AG Call: 01326 373438 www.robincurnow.co.uk

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wetherspoon T H E PA C K E T S TAT I O N Saturday 18th January 2020


Acapella Moonshine Brhyers Boys Rum and Shrub

Tickets £10

Available from Wetherspoons and the Cornish Store Food available from Wetherspoons on the night.

In support of the Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival 32 FALMOUTH Wave

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Merry Christmas from

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In the Garden Winter Opening Hours Monday to Saturday: 9.00am to 4.30 pm Sundays : Ope n 1s t, 8t h and 15t h De cembe r

Bare root fruit trees and bushes

British Grown Grade 1 Christmas Trees Just off the A39 on the Truro to Falmouth Road, follow the signs for Cornish Garden Nursery Barras Moor Farm, Perranarworthal, Truro TR3 7PE

Diary for December

We now have our British Grown Christmas Trees for sale and we have held the prices for the 6th year running. As this is the last “In the Garden” for 2019 we would like to take the opportunity to wish all of our customers past, present and future a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year! • Climbing roses can now diseases be pruned. Cut out dis• Apple and Pear trees eased or damaged growth, need pruning in the winter tie in any new shoots and so this job can be done. cut back old flowering side Don’t prune Plum’s Chershoots to about one third ries, Apricots, and Peaches of their length. until the summer • Leave old flower heads • Plant Raspberry canes on Hydrangeas. They will • Prune grape vines help to protect the new • The bare root fruit seabuds from frost damage son is now in full swing so • Collect up any remainnow is the time for buying ing fallen leaves and planting your new • Check climber supports fruit trees and bushes are sound and that the • Lift and divide Rhubarb plants are tied in propercrowns. Sections taken ly to help prevent wind from around the outside damage of the old crown will do • Remove yellow leaves better than from the centre from winter brassicas. • Apply well rooted They are no help to the manure to empty beds and plant but may harbour boarders

Order your British Grown Christmas Tree

fg h gf

Tel: 01872 864380



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West Cornwall Decs

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Allotment plots near Treluswell for community groups, education/schools or disability.

Three plots available to community groups, schools or individuals. Prepared with rabbit fencing and raised beds for easy access. These plots can be accessed by those with moderate mobility difficulties .

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•Interior and exterior painting and decorating •Tiling •Pressure washing •Fascia and gutter cleaning •General garden maintenance including: lawn mowing, hedge cutting, shrub pruning •Fencing, decking and shed repairs •Carpet and upholstery cleaning •Furniture / leather repairs.

Contact: 07736 459806


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Cladding is the external layer (the skin of the house) that, as well as enhancing its looks, can also help to insulate and protect it from the elements

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Carrara The Mark of Carpentry Excellence

Bringing Life back into your Windows and Doors !


ash windows and wooden doors are something that home owners love, as they allow the property to maintain the charm and innate quality of the home in which they are located. For those who currently have them, correct maintenance and professional restoration can also ensure that they will give many years of service, however, there are so many examples of poor restoration work, creating long term functionality problems and in many cases costly renewal. Carrara Carpentry specialise in the restoration and servicing of sash windows and wooden doors- they believe that the beauty of these features should be persevered and have many years of experience in doing so. They take over the labour-intensive task of restoration and ensure that the doors and windows, look great, work freely without jamming, fit perfectly and, by providing

you with an after-care service, last a lifetime. Carrara Carpentry’s secret recipe and business mantra is focused on excellent communication skills with all their clients, ensuring that they are provided with the highest level of customer service and complete transparency in the restoration plan.

clean and safe and carried out with the highest levels of expertise.

They treat other people’s homes as their own, by working in a manner that is

They truly are experts in this field and their restoration program for sash windows is both extensive and tried and trusted. In renewing your sash they: route out any rotten wood and replace with quality resins and hardwoods; remove parting beads and replace with brushed draft excluding beads; service the weights and change ropes to ensure smooth functionality; plane down the window; and fully restore any other elements that need attention. Carrara are a truly high-end carpentry company whose pride shines out in the quality of work they produce. So, if it’s restoration of current woodwork or hand cutting for roofs then give them a call and experience the level of service for yourselves.

5 Lanner Moor Lanner Cornwall Tel: 07786903684 Info@carraracarpentry.co.uk www.carraracarpentry.co.uk www.falmouthwave.co.uk

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ith 15 th % is of ad f ve rt



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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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efore starting any work, Cornwall Roofing LTD always prepares for the construction ahead. Putting our heads together and taking useful advice from you we are able to provide you with a free quotation before working. Our team works hard to produce high quality roofing applications throughout the south-west. Cornwall Roofing LTD aim to maintain this quality of workmanship so that we can provide you with the best possible service. We know that roofing in Cornwall needs a proper job, and Cornwall Roofing LTD works towards that high standard with every roof we build. Your goal is our goal, and we will always respect your opinion when it comes to the work we do on your property.


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Atlantic Blinds Cornwall Velux, Venetians, Verticals, Roman, Rollers, Shutters, Curtains, Pleated, Eyelet Curtains, Tracks & Poles, Bespoke made curtains & blinds

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We are fully insured Gas Safe, OFTEC, and Water Safe engineers

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We are experts in appliance repairs and offer a call out service throughout West Cornwall - WASHERS AND DRYERS - FRIDGES AND FREEZERS - OVENS AND HOBS (ELECTRIC AND GAS) - MICROWAVES - COOKERS (ELECTRIC AND GAS) - VACUUM CLEANERS - DISHWASHERS


A1 Appliances

70 Kimberley Park Road Falmouth TR11 2DF Call us on: 01326 210739 or 01326 314600 email: enquiries@a1appliancecare.co.uk 46 FALMOUTH Wave

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December Special

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Unit B2, Church View Business Park, Bickland Water Road, Falmouth TR11 4FZ Call: 01326 218734 www.tridentcornwall.co.uk www.falmouthwave.co.uk

to advertise call Ashley on 07800 986216


Wishing all our customers a Happy Christmas and a Joyful New Year

Tregoniggie Industrial Estate, Bickland Water Road, Falmouth TR11 4SN 01326 379434

Premier Tiles


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