3 minute read


How to transform the pain of the absence of the person who gave you life

Losing a loved one is sad and painful, but losing a mother can be very difficult, especially when life allows you to have one who made you feel loved and helped you grow up with security.


In the case of grief, this is different for each individual, so you can not talk about a fixed time for the pain to pass; they say that the first year is the hardest.

Each date in the calendar is loaded with a significant meaning, beautiful memories, gifts, laughter and family togetherness; however, today, I want to focus on Mother’s Day, which beyond a celebration, is a day full of love and family unity.

What happens in your mind if mom is not around?

1. A feeling of loneliness. You may have a lot of family to spend this day with, but it will be the first one without your mom, so that space in your heart will be vulnerable.

2. Feeling unprotected. Even though you are an independent adult in all areas of your life, this feeling of helplessness may arise because you no longer have your mother to listen, advise, or pray for you.

3. Feeling of guilt. When your mind makes negative balances of what you could have done to spend more time together or show her your affection, and you didn’t do it.

What can we do to spend this day in peace?

1. Fill ourselves with beautiful memories and share them with the family; we heal by talking and being together; we can take some time to take out a photo album; this will be healing and give you peace.

2. Going through clean mourning with dignity as the person who left deserves it. And how do we make clean mourning? When we do not dirty it with thoughts of guilt or unforgiveness.

3. Allowing ourselves to go through the mourning with all its nuances, but always with the hope that one day we will see each other again, and in the meantime, those memories will always live in our hearts day by day.

4. Hug your loved ones; the skin is the body’s largest organ and has more than 5 thousand nerve endings; the physical caress as a hug will help you and give you peace.

Pain is not a disease, do not be afraid of it; pain transforms you, you do not become the same person you were before because your mother took a part of you that will never recover, but she also leaves you a part of her that will help you to go through this life, to keep moving forward and to enjoy it in the best possible way.

Lupita Navarro

Por más de dos décadas junto con su esposo se ha dedicado a llevar comida a quienes no la tienen y dirigen “El Banco de Misericordia”

The Value Of Work

In addition to reflecting God’s activity, it will have as its reward the honor and satisfaction that come from a job well done

The work’s origin is described in the book of Genesis, where God is the first worker, busy with the world’s creation (Genesis 1:1-15). The Bible says that the Lord worked for six days and rested on the seventh; he was the first to work on earth, and therefore, legitimate work reflects God’s activity.

God examined and evaluated the quality of his work, and when he determined that he had done an excellent job, he was pleased with the result. From this example, it is evident that work must be productive.

What does psychology say?

On the other hand, disciplines such as psychology have pointed out the unique benefits of including work in a person’s value system. In tune with this, an individual who practices this value in the first place will begin to be known by his environment as an honest, dedicated, hardworking and efficient person, which will open academic and labor doors since this characteristic is essential to advance in the professional world, where dedicated people are sought, who strive every day to do much better.

Likewise, an individual recognized in his environment as a hard-working person will generate social esteem, which will eventually manifest itself in the establishment of social ties based on respect, admiration, cooperation and trust, which will translate into mutual welfare, and feelings of pride, satisfaction and high self-esteem, essential factors in turn for good physical and emotional health.