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Let’s learn not to win the argument at the expense of the relationship

It is widespread in marriages to have all kinds of conflicts, from the simplest to the most difficult to solve; these can begin from the beginning of married life and continue until many years of marriage.


Before going into this topic, we must define a conflict; we can start by explaining that it happens when two people have a difference of opinion, a fight, dispute or discrepancy without reaching an agreement, resolution or negotiation.

In the case of marriages, everyday conflicts can be settled immediately. Still, when they become difficult, it will require the intervention of a professional or counselor to help learn appropriate ways to reconcile and reach wise agreements.

As couples, we can learn how to solve conflicts, for which the following essential points could help us:

1. When conflict arises, deal with it as soon as possible

Talk about the conflict from both points of view maturely, do not let it pass, nor take it for granted that it will be solved with time; otherwise, the problem will get bigger.

2. Define clearly what the problem is

If you speak vaguely or ambiguously, your husband will have to try to guess the problem, so be clear in saying what the conflict is.

3. Express how you feel

The phrase should be “I feel this way”; avoid the “you” because that will be blaming yourself, and otherwise, it will increase the conflict.

4. Talk in private

Do not expose each other in public because it will be embarrassing, and the only thing you will achieve is that there will be more anger and less solution to the conflict.

5. Try to understand each other

Listen to each other and see each other’s point of view. When listening to what your partner says, put yourself in their place, and understand why they are saying what they are saying.

6. Watch your words and gestures

Do not make destructive comments or disrespect your spouse; take care of non-verbal communication because a motion will say more than a thousand words.

7. Avoid sarcasm in the dialogue

If you use sarcasm, you will only increase your partner’s anger, and if you don’t communicate correctly, you will be on the defensive.

When you see that you cannot reach an agreement or solve the conflict, do not overlook it; seek help to resolve the specific dispute because it will accumulate, which will be a big problem.

Although it may seem unpleasant to face conflicts, you have to try to solve them now because if you leave it, it will be a disease that will destroy the relationship. Learn together to solve the conflicts in your marriage, and seek divine help; God will give wisdom and direction in times of conflict.