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In addition to her successful professional career, the director of Tourism Promotion in Ciudad Juárez is an exceptional mother

Although one might think that being a good mother is incompatible with having a prosperous professional career, some examples show us the opposite; such is the case of Jacqueline Armendariz, proud mother of Renato and current head of the municipal Tourism Promotion Department.


Originally from Meoqui, Chihuahua, Armendariz Martinez came to this border to study and make her way in the business world. Before becoming a public official, she held important positions in the private sector, she was president of Cehlíder, director of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) and municipal councilwoman, but without a doubt, the job that has given her the most satisfaction is that of mother, which she has held for the past 18 years.

“I feel complete in this part of being a mother; it has given me many very nice satisfactions,” says Visionarias, a graduate in Accounting and master’s in Public Administration with a specialty in Finance, who also likes to participate in various social causes.

That desire to work in favor of others and to excel in any task she performs is what Jacqueline tries to transmit to her son, who is already an adult in search of his path.

“She has tried to give him the best example and instill values in him... raising my son alone is difficult, but also very rewarding, and so far I think I have done well,” she says from her office, where she is attentive to her work.

However, she always makes time to be present at every stage of her son’s life and boasts that she has never missed a school festival because she knows how to organize herself to enjoy this and other moments.

“Being just him and me, I always try to give him a lot of quality of life,” says Armendariz, who has fulfilled his personal and professional responsibilities.

“The example is always important... there are things in my work in which I always involve my son, that he accompanies me, that he sees what I do, that he realizes that it is not easy, that life is not simple, that there are many challenges and that you have to face them every day,” she says.

For this reason, as a mother -and role model- she tries to delegate responsibilities to the UTEP student to train him for life because she is sure that he must be prepared and conduct himself as “a person of value.”

This visionary woman knows that her son admires her, so she works daily to be an excellent example for him, to show him that discipline and responsibility are the tools to achieve success.

For her, it is essential to anticipate what may happen and always take the opportunities that arise, “the worst thing you can do is to be afraid or block yourself; you always have to overcome that,” she advises our readers, whom she says is “very valuable” and urges them always to be prepared to face challenges and move forward.

“Only single moms know what we are facing,” says Jacqueline.



Perder a un ser querido es triste y doloroso, pero perder a una madre puede llegar a ser muy difícil, más cuando la vida te da la oportunidad de tener a una que te hizo sentir amada y te ayudó a crecer con seguridad.

En el caso de un duelo, este es diferente para cada individuo, por lo que no se puede hablar de un tiempo fijo para que el dolor pase, dicen que el primer año es el más difícil.

Cada fecha en el calendario viene cargada de un significado importante, bonitos recuerdos, regalos, risas y convivencia familiar, sin embargo, hoy me quiero enfocar en el Día de la Madre, que más allá de un festejo, es un día cargado de mucho amor y unidad familiar.

¿Qué pasa en tu mente si mamá no está?

1. Sentimiento de soledad. Puede ser que tengas mucha familia con la cual pasar este día, pero será el primero sin tu mamá así que ese espacio en tu corazón estará vulnerable.

2 Sentido de desprotección. Aunque seas un adulto independiente en todas las áreas de tu vida, este sentimiento de desprotección puede aparecer porque ya no tienes a tu madre para que te escuche, te de un consejo u ore por ti.

3. Sentimiento de culpa. Cuando tu mente hace saldos negativos de lo que hubieras podido hacer por pasar más tiempo juntas o demostrarle tu cariño y no lo hiciste.

¿Qué podemos hacer para pasar este día en paz?

1. Llenarnos de recuerdos lindos y compartirlos con la familia, nos sanamos hablando y también estando juntos, podemos tomar un tiempo para sacar un álbum de fotos, esto será sanador y te dará paz.

2. Transitando un duelo limpio y con dignidad como lo merece la persona que partió. ¿Y cómo hacemos un duelo limpio? Cuando no lo ensuciamos con pensamientos de culpa ni falta de perdón.

3. Permitirnos transitar el duelo con todos sus matices, pero siempre con la esperanza de que un día nos volveremos a ver, y mientras tanto, esos recuerdos vivirán siempre en nuestro corazón día a día.

4. Abraza a tus seres queridos, la piel es el órgano mas grande del cuerpo y tiene mas de 5 mil terminales nerviosas, la caricia física como un abrazo te ayudará y te dará una sensación de paz.

El dolor no es una enfermedad, no le tengas miedo, el dolor te transforma, ya no vuelves hacer la misma persona de antes, por que tu mamá se llevó una parte de ti que no se recupera jamás, pero también te deja una parte de ella que te ayudará a transitar por esta vida, a seguir avanzando y a disfrutarla de la mejor manera posible.