Thorsby 4-H Beef Show & Sale 2022

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MAY 2, 2022


Thorsby Haymaker Center

, SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: 4-H Show starts 10AM Beef on a Bun 4PM Parade of Champions 5PM Sale Starts at 5:30PM

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Proceeds of the Auction Steer to go to support STARS Air Ambulance

Registration required for live bidding

The 4-H program guides our members to select quality livestock and maintain consistent nutri on, health and daily care. There is a need to start with a good animal and maximize its poten al so then you are le with quality Canadian beef for the consumer. The 4-H Beef project and its many supporters have helped send thousands of our youth away to universi es, colleges and trade schools. They have returned to become our business leaders, teachers, caregivers, farmers, mechanics, welders and the list goes on. One thing for sure, when you purchase a 4-H steer, you are not just inves ng in a child’s future, but also in the future of this community.

Round Roast Sirloin Tip Roast Sirloin Steak Round Steak T-Bone Steak Ribeye Steak Stew Meat Ground Beef

$12.01/lb $12.00/lb $13.51/lb $10.00/lb $21.14/lb $27.04/lb $10.50/lb $5.99/lb

A market steer on average weighs 1200 lbs. Ideally an overall average yield of 40% of more of take home meat is desired. This results in approximately 480 lbs of take home beef. If you were to buy this beef from a grocery store at these prices, it would cost $6177.60. 288 lbs of roasts & steaks 192 lbs of ground beef & stew Average Price of a 4-H Steers: $3.00/lb x 1200 lbs = Average Cut & Wrap = TOTAL

Average Price $15.95/lb Average Price $8.25/lb TOTAL $3,600.00 $750.00 $4,350.00

= =

$4,593.60 $1,584.00 $6,177.60 $6,177.60 -$4,350.00 $1,827.60

PLEASE NOTE: These prices, weights and averages may vary due to market fluctua ons, weather condi ons and even the breed of an animal can largely influence the frame size and cutability.

Julian Borys 780-940-0420 Aaron Lunde 780-719-4814

I am very pleased that the COVID restric ons have been li ed and our Thorsby 4-H Club is able to have a live show and sale this year! I would like to invite all of you to come out and join us in person for our Live Thorsby 4H Beef Show and Sale, on Monday, May 2 at the Thorsby Haymaker Center. Our Beef Members will be eager to show and discuss with you, in person, all the hard work and effort that goes into raising and preparing their Beef Projects for a live show and sale. The members have developed a lot of new skills by “Learning to Do by Doing” since our last live show and sale 3 years ago. They will be happy to answer any of your ques ons when they see you in person. This catalogue presents a glimpse of what you will see at the live show and sale. It gives you a chance to learn about each member and their Projects this year. I want to thank the 4-H families and surrounding community for all their support. A special thank you to the team at Thorsby Stockyards Inc. and Corey Lawrence with Lawrence Auc oneering for Helping our Club have a successful Live show and sale. I am extremely proud of all the work the 4-H

members have done this year! I can not wait to see you all in person!

I am Colby Borys, President of the Thorsby 4-H Mul Club. It’s the me of year that myself and fellow 4-H members are working hard to complete our projects for this year. Whether it’s a steer, a heifer or a horse, each and every member can feel a sense of pride knowing that they followed through and dedicated me to a successful outcome. For me, this will be my last year in 4-H, a er 9 years in it and the last two years not being able to have a live show and sale I see no be er way to end than to have a live show and sale once again. To me having a live show is that final step in a 4-H year that makes it complete and I am happy to say all members this year will get to do so. With that I invite you to our clubs Show and Sale on May 2nd, 2022 at the Thorsby Haymaker Center. Come out to see all the members hard work and dedica on pay off as they show off their projects with pride, thank you for suppor ng our club, 4-H, and Alberta Beef. - President

Name: Jayden Korteweg Age: 10 Years in 4-H: 1

Steer Project Name: Russet Breed: Simmental Tag #: 15

Hi, my name is Jayden Korteweg. I’m almost 10. I go to New Humble school. I like driving my dirtbike, and I like helping my dad on the farm,my favourite tractor is the 7810. This is my first year as a junior in 4-H. I look forward to the summer and be lots outside.

Name: Kayle Harakal Age: 20 Years in 4-H: 5

Steer Project Name: Goldie Locks Breed: Charolais X Tag #: 12

My name is Kayle Harakal, I am a senior member of Thorsby 4-H Mul Club and this is my 5th year in 4-H. 4-H was my start in ca le showing, I have now been showing home raised ca le at breed shows and open shows across Canada at a Na onal level for 8 years which is where my true passion is. I also run my own herd of Purebred and Commercial ca le raising breeding bulls and show steers. My passions outside of ca le include training driving horses which I have been doing for 10 years now. My future plans are to con nue raising and showing ca le and get involved more so within the Agriculture Auc on Industry and hopefully star ng a career within the Ag Auc on Industry whether that be ca le,machinery or mixed auc ons which has been an interest and goal of mine since a young age. I would like to take the me to thank my 2021 buyer BS Ranch for purchasing my steer ‘Howard’, as well as everyone who supported 4-H last year and this year whether you bid on a steer,donated to our fundraisers or showed your support in other ways.

Name: Ashton Dobko Age: 16 Years in 4-H: 5

Steer Project Name: Toad Breed: Black Angus Tag #: 7

Hi. My name is Ashton Dobko and this is my 5th year in 4-H. I am 16 years old and like to do lots of outdoor ac vi es. My two favorite ac vi es I love most are riding dirt bikes in spring, summer and fall. When riding my dirt bike my favorite things to do are hi ng jumps and doing wheelies down the road. In winter my family’s snowmobiles. We go to the mountains to ride but also ride around our house. I also like to jump my sled and ride in deeper snow. I also really like animals. My family has two dogs named Yogi and Milo, my brother and I both have leopard geckos. My gecko’s name is Apollo and my brother’s gecko’s name is Ecko. My brother also has a ger salamander named Sully. Recently I bought my first truck and I am super excited about it. When I get older I would like to go to NAIT to become a mechanic or a welder. I would like to thank Roman Lopushinsky for buying my calf last year.

Name: Alissa Korteweg Age: 11 Years in 4-H: 2

Steer Project Name: Jalepeno Breed: Simmental X Tag #: 14

My name is Alissa Korteweg, this is my 2nd year in 4-H. I go to New Humble school and I am in grade 6. I love horses, cows and dogs, I love to draw and I love to play sports.

Name: Jayce Orlick Age: 9 Years in 4-H: 3

Steer Project Name: Whip Cream Breed: Charolais X Tag #: 3

I enjoy working with my 4-H steer and training him. In my spare me I like to play video games, go sledding, and dirt biking. I also enjoy curling, playing hockey and cooking. My dislikes are going to bed. When I grow up I want to farm and sell sports cars.

Name: Ryan Lunde Age: 11 Years in 4-H: 3

Steer Project Name: Buster Breed: Black Angus Tag #: 57

Hi, my name is Ryan. I like curling. I’ve been curling for 4 years. Other interests I have are snowmobiling, camping, boa ng and being with friends. This winter I bought a 500 formula. One of my dislikes is hockey. I would like to thank my last couple of buyer for purchasing my calves, Leduc Co-op and Tracy Cox’s. I would also like to thank my dad and mom for all the help and support they gave me.

Name: Hannah Lunde Age: 13 Years in 4-H: 5

Steer Project Name: Remington Breed: Red Angus Tag #: 55

My name is Hannah Lunde and I am in grade 8. I have been in 4-H for 5 years now and I have my first heifer project this year . I am the club treasurer. One of my interests is curling that I have been in for 8 years. Another one of my interests is snowmobiling. We went on our first snowmobiling trip last year in March and I loved it. This year I bought my own snowmobile. A couple of my other interests are camping and boa ng. I also help out alot on the farm during calving season in April and May. Calving out the cows is my favorite thing to do in the spring. When cows are out at pasture I love when we go and check them anything on a quad is so much fun. I would like to thank Dylan and Amanda Clark for buying my 4-H steer Garfield last year.

Name: Colby Besler Age: 14 Years in 4-H: 2

Steer Project Name: Supper Breed: Charolais Tag #: 21

I have been in 4-H for 2 years, I have had a steer both years. I like to spend my me on my dirtbike, snowmobile, and snowboard, and I am star ng steer riding this spring. I am really looking forward to that. I hope to find a job this summer to start saving money for a vehicle, so if you are hiring look me up. Thank you to my grandma and grandpa for sponsoring me. I also want to thank Peter Heary with Heary and Company Chartered Professional Accountants for buying my steer last year.

Name: Kaleb De Boer Age: 14 Years in 4-H: 5

Steer Project Name: Roasty Breed: Simmental Tag #: 13

My name is Kaleb De Boer, my likes include raising goats, chickens, and a 4-H steer. I also like playing video games. My dislikes include school, homework and all assorted paperwork type things.I don’t know my plans for the future yet as I have not yet really thought of it even though I probably should have. I would like to thank my past buyers, Trigon Dairy for purchasing Burley, Leduc Co-op for purchasing T-bone, Clayton and Kealey Rumohr for purchasing Bob, and Tracy Cox for purchasing Timbit.

Name: Amanda Harakal Age: 18 Years in 4-H: 10

Steer Project Name: Yankee Boy Breed: Simmental Tag #: 8

When I’m not working at my day job I like to relax and read a book. Not sure what my future plans hold just taking one day at a me I would like to thank Clayton and Kealey Rumohr for purchasing my steer last year.

Name: Noah Savage Age: 14 Years in 4-H: 3

Steer Project Name: Jet Breed: Hereford/Angus Tag #: 23

Hi, my name is Noah Savage. My interests are: dirt biking, sledding, quadding and playing video games. I like working with ca le at my grandparents and at my aunt and uncle’s. My 4-H calf is very calm and friendly and easy to work with. For future plans, I want to get my learners for driving and I also want to get my Hunter’s Educa on Cer ficate. I’d like to start to fix up our old ‘71 GM truck and restore it for when I turn 16. I’d like to thank Wayne Kuzio for buying my steer Flash last year. I’d also like to thank my aunt and uncle, Gloria and Bruce Peterson for all the help with my steer project. Plus, my mom and dad for their help.

Name: Reid Olson Age: 11 Years in 4-H: 6

Steer Project Name: John Wick Breed: Angus Tag #: 24

What I Iike to do is play video games in my free me, and I like riding my quad some mes. Also I feed my steer. And I want to be a house builder and make lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I would like to thank Wayne Woodhouse for buying my steer last year, your support is appreciated.

Name: Rhyenn Brewster Age: 10 Years in 4-H: 2

Steer Project Name: Vegetable Breed: Shorthorn X Tag #: 17

My name is Rhyenn Brewster and I am 10 years old. I like Ukrainian dancing, I love cheese its, and ska ng at Willow Creek Hall, and my favorite thing is family. The vaca on we always go to is called Panorama its my favorite vaca on spot, you can do so much there. I don’t really like hotdogs or cleaning my room! I’m in 4-H to get money not to spent but save up un l I go to university. Then I will buy like a Jeep because it’s my favorite car, and then rent an apartment. Then in the years I will probably become a teacher, because my family members teach and I want to be like them and help kids out. I would like to thank Darcy Powlik for buying my steer last year.

Name: Khloe Thomson Age: 10 Years in 4-H: 1

Steer Project Name: Rex Breed: Simmental Tag #: 11

Hi, my name is Khloe Thomson. This is my first year in 4-H and what a lot I am learning so far. I had a bit of a shaky start when my steer wanted to be mean and not like us. But with lots of working and help from mom we got him leading well! I live on a farm with lots of animals and I spend most my free me helping mom and dad! I am currently in grade 5 at the Breton Elementary School. I have not decided what I want to be when I grow up yet, but I know I will have cows and horses. I look forward to my first achievement day where I can show off my steer and heifer.

Name: Ryley Myrglod Age: 13 Years in 4-H: 4

Steer Project Name: Rambo Breed: Simmental Tag #: 10

Hi, my name Is Ryley Myrglod. I’m thirteen going on fourteen July 6th. I really like to have fun with friends such as gaming or just go outside with them. I dislike ea ng my fruits and vegetable which I really need but really dislike.I plan on going into a future of mechanics which seems like a really fun career choice. In the end I chose to have a calf named Rambo who is my project for this year. Thank You to all who have supported me all the way such as my family but also my past buyer Gmack Oilfield

Name: Kehven Brewster Age: 12 Years in 4-H: 4

Steer Project Name: Bambi Breed: Black Angus Tag #: 16

My name is Kehven Brewster and I‘m 12 years old. I am in 7th grade and I live with my family on a farm outside of Thorsby Alberta. My hobbies are ca le, ringe e, hockey, horses, shoo ng, and friends of course. My dislikes are a li le weird. I don’t like chocolate, mushroom soup, or cleaning out the barn. In the future I want to be a teacher because my aun es, my mom and other family members are teachers or used to be. I want to be a teacher because it just seems fun but to the teachers it probably isn’t. I like babysi ng so that I can save up money to buy my own car and house. Some other informa on about me is I have 2 cows, 5 heifers that are going to calve, and one li le heifer. I would like to thank Derek Waters of Twist Inc. for buying my steer last year, and all of the people who supported me and who bought my steers the past few years, so thank you.

Name: Nate Orlick Age: 9 Years in 4-H: 4

Steer Project Name: Peanut Butter Breed: Charolais X Tag #: 5

I enjoy being outside on the farm, working with my 4-H steer and driving tractors. In my spare me I like to dirt bike and play on my ipad. I also like to curl. My dislikes are raisins and rude people. When I grow up I want to farm, drive a truck, become a mechanic and a car dealer.

Name: Joseph Saarela Age: 14 Years in 4-H: 5

Steer Project Name: Spur Breed: Charolais X Tag #: 2

Hello my name is Joseph Saarela. This is my fi h year in 4-H. I like riding my dirt bike, fixing small engines, taking care of my steer, skiing, hockey, baseball, basketball and red eyed frogs . I don’t like my sister, homework, aye aye’s, and chickpeas. In the future I want to buy a truck and go to college to be a heavy duty mechanic. I would like to thank Doug Saarela for buying my steer last year.

Name: Shelby Horn Age: 12 Years in 4-H: 4

Steer Project Name: Nacho Breed: Charolais/Shorthorn Tag #: 18

Hi I’m Shelby. I love cows and basically every other animal on this planet. My hobbies include showing cows, riding horses, and quading. I love 4-H because I get to work with my favorite animals. I do a lot of showing outside of 4-H as well though. With horses, I am riding almost every week now and working towards star ng roping. My last thing is quading, I ride a lot in the summer and I love it. My future plan is to become a vet. I have been in 4-H for 6 years if you count Cleavers. I work really hard with my animals and hope my steer sells for a good price this year. Thank you to all my past buyers that supported me, Darcy Powlik and Liquids Transloading.

Name: Brett Besler Age: 12 Years in 4-H: 2

Steer Project Name: Butt Face Breed: Simmental Tag #: 20

This is my second year in 4-H. I have done the Beef project both years and am looking forward to many more good years to come. My favorite winter ac vi es are snowboarding and snowmobiling. My favorite summer ac vi es are going to the mountains, quading, and camping. I enjoy keeping busy by working in the yard, helping my dad and my Grandpa whenever I can. I go to Calmar Secondary School. I am really enjoying junior high. I would like to thank my Grandma and Grandpa for sponsoring me. I also want to thank my past buyer Ma and Lacey Sargent.

Name: Kohl Palmer Age: 14 Years in 4-H: 6

Steer Project Name: Buddy Breed: Simmental Tag #: 53

My name is Kohl Palmer. I’m in grade 8 at Thorsby Junior Senior High school. I like to dirt bike and quad in the summer. I also like to work on the farm. In the winter, I like to skidoo and ski. Skiing is my favourite thing to do in the winter. I would like to give a thank you to all my previous buyers. TKO Rentals, Northstar Fluid Power, Armyn Petersen with Unitech Waste Water Solu ons. I appreciate your support.

Name: Brantley Horn Age: 9 Years in 4-H: 4

Steer Project Name: Joker Breed: Simmental/Hereford Tag #: 19

My name is Brantley Horn. I am 9 years old. This is my first year with a steer, and in Junior. I also completed all three years in Cleavers. I also play hockey and play for the Warburg Sharks. In the summer I like to quad and in the winter I like to snowmobile. I take care of my steer every day. My steer is halter trained but is pre y lazy.

Name: Tanner Palmer Age: 10 Years in 4-H: 2

Steer Project Name: Tank Breed: Simmental Tag #: 52

My name is Tanner Palmer and I am in grade 4 at Thorsby Elementary School. I like how 4-H teaches me how to work with ca le. I would like to be a farmer when I grow up! I like to play hockey, baseball and ski in the winter. I am looking forward to the summer to quad and dirt bike. A very special Thank-You to my last year buyer Northstar Fluid Power & Rus Tec Engineering for purchasing my steer Snow!

Name: Nick Orlick Age: 16 Years in 4-H: 7

Steer Project Name: Jebb Breed: Charolais Tag #: 4

My name is Nick Orlick. Some of the things I like are working on the farm whether it’s summer with haying season, fall me with harvest, winter with calving season, or spring me with field work. I also like working with my 4-H calf, one of my favorite things to do with my calf is walking him around the farm and washing him in the spring. Some sports I enjoy playing are curling in the winter and golf in the summer. The sports I like watching are hockey and curling. My favorite hockey team is the Philadelphia Flyers and my favorite curling team to watch is team Koe. Some of my dislikes are watching basketball because it’s a whole lot of running back and forth and I find it boring a er a while. Another one of my dislikes are goats, they are fun to be around but oh boy are they sure dumb. My future plans are to keep on working on the farm. I would like to take the opportunity to thank my last year’s buyers. Thank you David Harrish, Cur s Harrish, and Doyle Fedor.

Name: Ethan Dobko Age: 13 Years in 4-H: 5

Steer Project Name: Toby Breed: Black Angus Tag #: 6

I am Ethan Dobko and I have been in 4-H for 5 years now and this is what I enjoy doing. I like to snowmobile a lot and this year I went snowmobiling to Valemount two mes and Whitecourt once. I also enjoy going snowboarding with friends and family. This year my family went skiing and snowboarding to Marmot. On my own me I enjoy woodworking and woodturning. I have made pens, bowls, cu ng boards and wall art. In the summer I quad and dirtbike with my brother and friends quite a bit. Going camping with my family is also one thing I look forward to doing in the summer. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is help out on the farm either cu ng hay, square baling, picking bales, or whatever needs help being done. That is everything I enjoy doing. Thank you Dyck Insurance (Wet.) for buying my 4-H calf last year.

Name: Kendra Lunde Age: 9 Years in 4-H: 1

Steer Project Name: Eddy Breed: Black Angus Tag #: 56

Hi my name is Kendra Lunde and this is my first year as a beef member. I am in grade 3 in Thorsby. My calf’s name is Eddy. Eddy is very good for me. When I am leading him he listens to me, when I tell him to walk he walks and when I tell him to stop he stops. Some of my likes are curling, boa ng, camping, si ng around the fire and hanging out with my friends. I have been curling for 2 years now. Thank you to my mom and dad for their support.

Name: Bruce Lunde Age: 15 Years in 4-H: 5

Steer Project Name: Walter Breed: Black Angus Tag #: 54

My name is Bruce Lunde and this is my 5th year in 4-H. Some of my favorite things to do are feed cows, ride my quad and my snowmobile, work with 4-H projects, work on engines, and curling.I plan to become a farmer and go to Olds College to become a heavy duty mechanic. Thank you to TKO rentals for buying my steer last year.

Name: Colby Borys Age: 17 Years in 4-H: 9

Steer Project Name: Wally Breed: Speckle Park Tag #: 25

My name is Colby Borys, this is my 9th and final year in 4H. I am president of the Thorsby 4H Mul Club. I go to Thorsby Junior Senior High School and I am finishing up my gradua on year. I like anything to do with being outside, whether it is working with ca le, building something, cleaning or working on my truck, or teaching myself a new hobby such as my most recent endeavor into the world of powder coa ng. I dislike -40 degree weather and when things don’t start or work right. My future plans are not as concrete as they should be but in September I plan to either venture into a trade or to pursue schooling in engineering. Whatever it may be, I want to have a job good enough to fund my many spontaneous hobbies, allow for me to own plenty of cows, and most importantly, keep me busy. Special thanks to Doug Hiller for purchasing my Project “Mon ” last year! Thank-you to everyone who supports 4-H and Alberta Beef.

Name: Lauren Saarela Age: 12 Years in 4-H: 4

Steer Project Name: Thumper Breed: Shorthorn Tag #: 1

Hello, my name is Lauren, this is my 4th year in 4-H and I am the club secretary. Some of the things I like are; cats, the colour green, calves, succulents, friends, volleyball, basketball, raising my steer, baby animals and sushi. I also have many dislikes such as; fish, the colour orange, annoying people, homework, being yelled at, crickets or grasshoppers, soggy bread and repea ng myself. When I graduate high school I want to go to college to get a job but I don’t know what I want to be yet but I have a lot of me before I have to figure that out. Thank you TKO for buying my steer last year, all your support is highly appreciated!!

Name: Karter Palmer Age: 12 Years in 4-H: 4

Steer Project Name: Frank Breed: Simmental Tag #: 51

My name is Karter Palmer and I’m in grade 6 at Thorsby Elementary School. I joined 4-H to start my ca le business. I really enjoy playing hockey and baseball. I have a family of 5: two brothers and a Mom and Dad. This summer I am planning to hang out with family and friends and help out on our farm. A very special Thank you to my past buyers Divine Oasis-Leduc Massage & Wellness Clinic, TKO Rentals and Northstar Fluid Power.

We would like to thank the Olson Family for allowing us to purchase the Club Calf from them to be our Charity Steer as well as thank the Borys Family for feeding and raising him this year.

The Proceeds from the Sale of Ole will be donated to STARS Air Ambulance Service. STARS Air Ambulance Service provides essen al specialized emergency care, with quick response and transport for people in need of medical care. We know several people that have used and required their services. Being from a rural farming area, this is an important service we all can count on.

Heifer Project Name: Jolene Cow/Calf Project: Darby & Delilah

Breed: Simmental Breed: Simmental

Tag #: 60J Tag #: 67

Heifer Project Name: Pepper Breed: Speckle Park Cow/Calf Project: Freckles & Dimples Breed: Speckle Park

Tag #: 41 Tag #: 48

Heifer Project Name: Rosie

Breed: Speckle Park

Tag #: 44

Heifer Project Name: Jasmine

Breed: Simmental

Tag #: 52J

Heifer Project Name: Sweet Annie Breed: Simmental

Heifer Project Name: Donna

Breed: Black Angus

Tag #:116J

Tag #: 46

Heifer Project Name: Rita

Breed: Black Angus

Tag #: 45

Heifer Project Name: Sugar

Breed: Simmental

Tag #: 40

780-542-7323 www. mberlindauc

Announcer: Reg Schmidt Auctioneer: Corey Lawrence Bid Spotter: Shane Buksa Bid Spotter: Dylan Miller Barn Boss: David Hayduk Honorary Barn Boss: Harvey Bentley Ringman: Cameron Borys Weigh Master: Keith Miller Trucking: Jason Scheetz Caterer: Margaret deBoer Beef Donated By: Ranchlands Meats


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