KTF Newsletter - April 2011

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APRIL 2011!




Quick turn around for KTF’s most recent fundraiser

David sets camera for “Health” PSA Last month, KTF Productions produced it’s first commissioned project of the year, raising money for upcoming Christian video projects. The weekend of March 12th & 13th, David and Jeannene Evans, of KTF, shot video, snapped photos and recorded voice over for the Kalamazoo Literary Council. Three public service announcements focusing on the state of adult illiteracy in Kalamazoo County were created with the intent of highlighting the Literary Council services and how they can help adults learn how to read. Each of the three PSAs were made with two separate cuts - a 1 minute PSA and a 30 second PSA. The spots are planned to air on local television, DVD presentations


and posts on the Literacy Council’s website.


The first PSA shines a light on the challenges that adults who can’t read face when dealing with every day health issues. They can’t fill out forms, read prescription labels or manage their health. The spot highlights that 13 percent of adults can’t read in Kalamazoo County. That translates into 31,000 people.

April 2011 “Christian Music Videos” Page “The Wartleys” Page “Rezin Dramatic Audio” Page “Hardcore Christianity” Page

3 5 6 7

There were about ten actors who volunteered to participate in this spot. One of which was Matthew McCormick who has helped us out with voice over work in the past. It was nice to catch up with him again and to meet new actors as well. Many of the actors perform at the Civic Theatre in Kalamazoo and other local productions. Kim Elliot who played the main character in this commercial also voiced it along with certain cuts of the other two PSAs. Production went smoothly, and everyone did a wonderful job. We even picked up a couple of names to contact for future KTF project should the need arise. Although this project has not been released for public consumption, at the writing of this article, you can watch it right now on vimeo by clicking the links below. • 1 Minute “Health” PSA • 30 Second “Health” PSA


APRIL 2011!


HAITI 2011


The second PSA we shot focused on how adult illiteracy affects how parents are unable to help their children with school work. It points out that “according to the National Institute of Health, the most important factor in a child’s academic success is the reading level of her caregivers.” This spot shows the struggle of a mother trying to help her daughter who is having trouble with her homework. One added benefit to creating this one is that my sister, Sherri Evans, played the mother. Sherri has been in several of our productions appearing in our movies, animation and dramatic audio series. She actually spent time in Los Angeles working as an extra on well known television shows and performing in various other plays and public venues. We were also afforded the pleasure of working with Jayla, the young girl playing the child. She did a wonderful job impressing everyone on set. Each of the PSAs were shot on location at the Goodwill office


in Kalamazoo, Michigan. This helped keep us on schedule as the set up and tear down process went quickly and efficiently. For shooting 3 separate spots, things couldn’t have gone better. To view the “Education” PSAs on Vimeo, simply click the following links. • 1 Minute “Education” PSA • 30 Second “Education” PSA


The final PSA of the day focused on how important the ability to read is when trying to get a job. Without knowing how to read, adults can’t search the want ads for a job, or submit their resume’s online. This PSA was shot in three different locations in the building, so it took a little longer to produce than the rest. But all PSAs were

Last month, from March 18 March 26, my wife and I went on a mission trip to Haiti (my 6th, her 1st). While there, I shot loads of video of the experience as well as 8 episodes of “Christian Music Videos” on location in Haiti. In next month’s newsletter, I will share all of the details of the trip along with photos, and I also hope to have completed the actual video documenting the experience. If you’ve watched videos from my last 5 mission trips to Haiti, you’ll notice that this one is a little different. We’re with a different ministry and in a different part of Haiti.

shot and edited in the course of less than one week. Why so fast? Well, because I had to get ready to head out to Haiti for my mission trip. To view the “Work” PSAs, just click the links below. • 1 Minute “Work” PSA • 30 Second “Work” PSA


APRIL 2011!


Christian Music Videos

Sample episode of CMV online posting this month


“Go Before” Airs Week of April 4th

Have you ever wondered why we don’t post every episode of Christian Music Videos online as well as airing it on television? Because I’d really love to, believe me. We make a brand new half-hour episode each week and I would love to broaden our audience by taking advantage of the internet. The short answer is that we don’t have permission from the artists and labels to put them online. We only have permission to air them. So as long as we give our episodes to television stations we’re okay. I’ve tried thinking of different ways I could at least show an episode or two of CMV online for those who can’t access the show through TV, and the only way I can think to do that is to include only independent artists in the episode. Last month, we created an episode of CMV called, “Team


Effort”, where the entire episode featured independent Christian artists. At the time, I wasn’t really thinking about posting it online. But afterwards, I realized that this would be my opportunity to show an episode of Christian Music Videos on our website. To be honest, if I had to do it over again, I would’ve chosen a better location to shoot the episode and would’ve worn something that was a bit more flattering, but alas, I didn’t. So if you are new to CMV, this is truly a random episode plucked from the series and put online. The only difference is that with this episode, you’ll only see videos of which I have permission to share anywhere, as long as it is in the “wrapper” of our show.

“One In Spirit” Airs Week of April 11th

“Veggies Good” Airs Week of April 18th

“Friend of Sinners” Airs Week of April 25th

Look for the episode posting Wednesday, April 6th.


APRIL 2011!


Free Christian CD Giveaway Drawing four winners this month for “House of Heroes”

This month, we’re doing it again! That’s right, not just 3, but 4 CDs will be given away. That means that your chances of winning just improved. Enter to win the Christian CD by House of Heroes - Suburba. By giving away free CDs, God provides us with another win, win, win situation. Artist get publicity for their work, I have the joy of giving away Christian material for free to those who want to hear, and you get a chance to win free Christian

music! So don’t forget to enter. Its totally free. And when I say free, I mean FREE! Just visit ktfproductions.com to find out how to enter. And remember... If you've entered before and haven't won, enter again. Even if you have won, you can enter too. There is no limit as to how many times you can win. But you can't win if you don't enter! (Please note: All entries must be from within the United States.)

Congratulations to last months winners: Susan A - New Mexico Kathy H. - Virginia Jean B. - South Carolina Earl Bolson - Texas


Prayer Requests? If you have a prayer request and would like Surgeon to pray for you, just email writecmv@hotmail.com and he will be happy to pray for you. No request is too big or too small. If it is important to you, then it is important to God. Be sure to put “Prayer Request” in the subject line so that I don’t miss it. I know that we try to put the call out to you in every episode of CMV, but I want you to know that we’re always willing to pray for you - any time. It never hurts to have another person agreeing with you in prayer.

Facebook Become a fan of the series on Facebook (also known as “liking” the series). By becoming a fan of “Christian Music Videos”, you’ll get frequent updates on what’s new with the series. You can also send messages to Surgeon and Katie if you wish. And now you can watch exclusive video clips from episodes of CMV only revealed to Facebook fans. Not into Facebook? You can also email the show any of your comments, questions, or prayer requests at writecmv@hotmail.com. We’d love to hear what you think about the show!


APRIL 2011!

The Wartleys Cartoons for Christ

New ideas seem to pop up all the time for Christian cartoon projects here at KTF Productions. I wish I could do them all and all at the same time. But unfortunately, I have to pick and choose where I spend my time and right now, the cartoon of choice is “The Wartleys”. Why a cartoon, you might ask? I’d like to try to use everything at my disposal to glorify Christ and lead others to Him. Cartoons are one of those ways. I believe that there is a kind of mystifying aspect about cartoons. It is still quite mysterious how a drawing can come to life on the screen. We’ve all seen actual people on screen. We actually see it so often that we take it for granted. And yes, there are several cartoons out there, but not a whole lot of Christian cartoons. So I think it is a killer combination. The internet allows me to create short cartoons. If I were to try and do a half-hour



television series, it would take months. But if I make 3-5 minute cartoons for the internet, I could potentially create a new one every month. The Wartleys is created using a program called Anime Studio. It does all of the hard work for me so that I can

concentrate on making the story. It is a powerful software package opening the door to 2D animation where it was once closed - or at least time prohibitive. I create 3D cartoons with a program called

Poser. Just today, I purchased a few 3D elements to use in a future 3D project, so I really hope to get back to that as well. Right now, I have a future 2D cartoon project, two 3D cartoon projects and a drawing project on the slate. I’m excited to do it all, but patience is truly a virtue. If you keep up with

this newsletter you’ll be the first to know when I begin working on them. Until then, check out this months Wartleys comic strip above, and play the puzzle, “Human Nature”, Wednesday, April 13th!


APRIL 2011!


Rezin Dramatic Audio Series The origins of the animated series

If you’ve ever wondered where the idea for “Rezin” came from, keep reading and you’ll find out... First, why 3D? I work for a university creating all types of multimedia projects. One day, a colleague showed me a really cool software called, Poser. It is a 3D animation software that allows the user to modify a variety of 3D characters and move them using key frames. I use key frames quite often in my graphic animation work, so I figured I’d be able to pick up this software pretty quickly. The thing that really sold me on it though, was how easily I could make the characters talk! All I needed was an audio file and a third party software program called Mimic, and I had talking characters! I did a little more research and found out where to purchase props and building elements. That’s all it took to get my mind working on an idea for a story. I used to play

the “board” game, Dungeons and Dragons. Before you throw stones at me, I assure you, it didn’t turn me into a crazy satanic lunatic. On the contrary, I believe that it helped me think outside of the box when it came to storytelling. Some of the ideas in the story, came from ideas that I had of a world where when someone gets injured, someone close to that character senses their injuries. I thought it’d make a good subplot in one of the games and later thought that it would work in the series. As I began writing the story, ideas kept coming of how this ordinary person, this brand new Christian, could be used by God in one of his master plans. I wrote that story 10 years ago. The entire 7-episode script took me about 3 months to complete and when I read it today, I still like it. I wish my animating skills were better, and that my workflow was faster. If I knew

what I know now, the series would’ve likely remained a 3D animated series instead of morphing into a dramatic audio series. But my scope for the story was much to large and the canvas for way too broad. If you’ve been following the series, I’m sure you’ll agree that it might have taken me a lifetime to finish it. I do plan on finishing it though - even as a dramatic audio series - and right now, my sights are set on wrapping up the entire series by the end of the year. Once finished, I have a new idea for two more 3D animated projects. I might even work on them at the same time. One is more for kids and the other, like Rezin, is geared more towards adults. I really can’t wait... but I know I have to because if I started now, I’d never finish Rezin. The future animation projects will be in widescreen format and will be episodic whereas an episode of the story will be stand-alone in nature (so that you can watch one 10-minute episode without the need to see the others to finish the story. Each story will be self contained.) Wow, I really didn’t mean to tell you that much. Guess I’m just too excited. But at least this month, you can listen to two new Rezin episodes. I hope you like them! • Tuesday, April 5th, download webisode 61, “New Home”. • Tuesday, April 19th, listen to webisode 62, “The One”.


APRIL 2011!


Hardcore Christianity “Hardcore” is more than just a word

Have you ever wondered why I came up with the title, “Hardcore Christianity” for this audio podcast series? I know the open of the show explains the purpose of the series, but the title “Hardcore” is more than just a word. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the word “hardcore”? Some may think of the adult movie industry, others may think of heavy metal music, and still others may think of violence. The connotation that the word hardcore brings to my mind is, “extreme”. However, the words “Extreme Christianity” doesn’t catch the eye and draw the same attention as the word “hardcore”. Hard-core = hard to the core. It is my strong belief that if we as believers want to make a difference in this world we can’t be lukewarm, we can’t be run-of-the-mill, we can’t be “status quo”, we have to be

extreme - hardcore. So, what does it look like to be hardcore in our world today? Do we have to be so extreme that we are noticed by the media and our hardcore deeds are broadcast to the world? Do we have to give up everything and become missionaries or become pastors or volunteer in the inner city? Do we have to shut ourselves away from the world and spend countless hours in prayer, solitude and dedication to our God? Well, I would argue yes, and no. I believe that God has called us all to be Hardcore for Him. The bible says that we are to be hot for Him - not cold and certainly not lukewarm. As the opening of the show proclaims, being any temperature above lukewarm for Christ is considered being “Hardcore”, but there have been examples of people, believers, being hot for Christ even in the great country of

America. So I believe that it can be done by anyone who really wants to drive hard after Christ. I believe that being Hardcore for Christ is first being uncompromising. We can’t be tolerant of what our God is intolerant of. I’m not saying being intolerant of people, but intolerant of sin. We have to take a stand for what God stands for. That may mean some sort of action and not to passively sit by and watch evil take over. I believe that being hardcore means dedication to our God and to our fellow man. We have to make the things of God become a priority, not just a small part of our lives that we do only when convenient. We need to be ready to give up anything for Him. Hands open, with the words “yes I will” on our lips just in case God will ask something of us. To me, being hardcore is a lifestyle. I often compare living for Christ to exercising the body. We need to have a healthy spiritual walk just like we should try to have a healthy body. That means feeding it the right things, and taking action to strengthen our spiritual muscles. Being Hardcore is much more than just a word. This months episode of “Hardcore Christianity” tackles the topic of al-Qaeda - what they believe and why they hate us. I really think every believer should listen to this episode. Look for it, Wednesday, April 27th.


APRIL 2011!


Contact Information and Relevant Links Christian Music Videos

Website | Facebook

Calendar Week of April 1st, 2011 Wartleys - “Mentor” (Apr. 1) Literacy PSAs (Apr. 1) Week of April 4th, 2011 CMV - “Go Before” (All Week) Rezin - “New Home” (Apr. 8)

The Wartleys

Website | Facebook | iTunes Webcomics Nation

Week of April 11th, 2011 CMV - “One in Spirit” (All Week) Wartleys -“Nature” (Apr. 13) Week of April 18th, 2011 CMV -“Veggies Good” (All Week) Rezin - “The One” (Apr. 19)

Rezin Dramatic Audio Series

Website | Facebook | iTunes | YouTube

Hardcore Christianity

Website | iTunes

Search With Me


Week of April 25th, 2011 CMV-“Sinners Friend” (All Week) Hardcore - “al-Qaeda” (Apr. 27)

EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS David M. Evans Jeannene Evans

CONTACT INFORMATION ADDRESS KTF Productions P.O. Box 1583 Portage, MI 49081 EMAIL writecmv@hotmail.com

KTF Productions

WEBSITE www.ktfproductions.com

Website | Youtube 1 | Youtube 2 | Tangle | TruGodTV | DoersTV | Vimeo

KTF Productions, copyright 2011

NEWSLETTER Subscribe to the KTF Newsletter to be updated when every newsletter is posted. Don’t miss a single issue!


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