Manipulation report 2

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Manipulation Report Valeria mendivil

Appear authoritative Brother Leon never called the students by their name just by their last name. He always try to show to the students there's a difference between student and teacher and they must have a distance in between. For example on chapter 16 when he said to David “There is an invisible line between teachers and students and it must not be crossed� (Cormier ,1974. pg 103). Also, in his class he intimidate his students and said the same thing as he said with David, just show he is the leader and they must show respect to him. The manipulator on this situation is Brother Leon and the victims are the students.

Get small commitments Emile Janza is worried and kind of scared when Archie told him there was a funny and embarrassed picture he took of Emile, even though the picture didn't exist Archie’s plan was to take Emile manipulated so he could do whatever Archie asked. Emile was thinking of doing anything to take it back, so Archie told him there will be a catch he needs to do for him to be able to get it back. On chapter 15 Emile agree with the assignment when he says “You let me know when the time comes. Okey Archie?” (Cormier, 1974, 98). On this chapter the manipulator is Archie and the victim is Emile

Emotions not thoughts Archie was planning on doing one of his assignments by manipulating Goober, telling him he need to screw all the tables and chairs at Eugen´s classroom. Archie´s plan was intimidating Goober so he never turn back on the assignment. On chapter 5 Goober was terrified of Archie, Archie realize it when “he looked at the kid Goober who stood there in bewilder man , looking as if he were going to cry” (Cormier, 1974 pg 37). The Manipulator on this case is Archie and the victim will be Goober.

A reason why On the movie, the “invisible guest” by Oriol Paulo, the main character Adrian Doria crash into another car by the cause of an animal, he check the car with his lover “Laura” just to make sure everything it's okey. He found out the person in the other car has passed away and immediately his lover called the cops. Adrian stopped her and showed her it was a bad idea to call the police cause they could be ending in the jail. Laura if she just called cops she would had saved many problem but she was manipulated by Adrian because he give her many selfish reasons to end the call. The manipulator on this situation will be Adrian and the victim will be Laura.

Emotions not thoughts On the movie, “Mean girls” by Mark Matters, the main character Cady Heron is a new student in the school. Trying to get social with other people she met Regina a “plastic girl”which is the most popular in the school with her friends “the plastics”. Regina manipulate Cady so she join to her friends group by telling her many compliments. Regina wants Cady in the “plastics group”just to attract more boys for her. The manipulator on this situation will be Regina and the victim will be Cady

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