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Smar t City Planning Guidelines Asia's New Bay Area, Kaohsiung

What is Smart City ?

“Smart City” "Smar t City" is the new vision and think ing of urbanization development. It could be seen as an opportunity to solve many challenges which city has encountered and a feasible new path for urban governance. Through collecting, tracking, integrating, sharing and analyzing all kinds of information of the city. Smart City could effectively plan and manage urban resources, public services, various activities. By thus, Smart City could enhance urban competition to attract talent and investments, promote economic transformation, and realize the sustainable development of the city.

In Order to Make Kaohsiung a Unique City, Kaohsiung Will Feature:

Smart Economy

Smart Governance

Smart Living

Smart Mobility

Smart Building

Smart Ecology



International Trend of Smart Cities


Strategy of Smart Asia New Bay Area



History of Koahsiung Port We can see....





Takao‧Japanese Colonial Period

Kaohsiung port ‧Republic of China period

1984 Kaohsiung port ‧Republic of China period Kaohsiung Port Expansion Plan

2018 Kaohsiung port ‧Republic of China period


International Trend of Smart Cities

Why Smart City ? New vision of smart city in ten years, 5G+IoT application trends and challenges....

Stockholm, Sweden Oslo, Norway London, United Kingdom Seattle, USA

Toronto, Canada

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Baltimore, USA

Seoul, South Korea Tokyo ,Japan

Barcelona, Spain

Kaohsiung, Taiwan


Melbourne, Australia

We Need“Smart City” The world is facing the crisis of overpopulation, which causes shortage of resources. Social and economic imbalance among citizens causes problems in a community. With the development of technology, the concepts of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) could be used to plan smart city and gradually solve problems in a coexisting society. Smart city aims to optimize the use of space and resources, and achieve optimal distribution of benefits. Integrating by AI and AIot "Artificial Intelligence of Things" (AIoT), will become the buzz word and everyday techcology in the 5G area, will become a more popular technology term that is implemented in people's lives in the 5G era. AIoT operate the city more efficiently, through realtime analysis, data could be transformed into practical information and solid decisions. Through AIoT everyone in Smart City share the same opinion to grow and succeed.

Attractive Public Space Case Studies : Smart Waterfront City in Oslo, Norway ■

GOOGLE ICT's new office location, drive the surrounding waterfront industry.

With smart waterfront sightseeing vehicles, guide the charm of the waterfront.

The combination of smart technology and art at Munch Museum introduces VR/AR smart exhibition.

Planning recreational sightseeing zone at the waterfront, water barge, opera house, etc. to create waterfront richness.

With landscape vision and remodeling of the harbor landscape to connect important buildings around Oslo. Sourses:

Advanced Smart Living Service Case Studies : Kashiwanoha Smart City, Japan ■

An “environmental future city” planned with the concept of symbiotic environment, healthy longevity, and creation of new industry.

Introduce smart infrastructure planning including green energy, smart grid, smart transportation, real-time environmental monitoring, etc..

HEMS and BEMS energy management system, smart grid, solar power generation and household fuel cell.

ICT Smart Management Center, CEMs real-time air monitoring facilities, electric vehicles and green vehicles.


Localization Start-Up Industry Case Study : Magok Smart Industrial Park, South Korea ■

The largest research and development (R&D) Park in South Korea is the world’s first park to provide 5G commercial services, using information advantages to create an important industrial park.

Industrial research and development in the fields of electronics and chemistry, emerging industries such as automotive components,


energy, and composite research on autonomous driving, artificial intelligence, 5G, and new materials. ■

Integrate small and medium-sized enterprises, multinational companies, and external universities and research institutes to carry out "open innovation" to promote the integration and composite research of multiple industries.

Build a self-sufficient innovative demonstration cluster for research, housing, industry, leisure, entertainment and cultural functions.




Convenient Information and Communication Services Case Study : Smart Community in Stockholm, Sweden ■

European Green Capital: Long-term vision for urban development-Vision

E-Government: Information disclosure, more than 50 e-services have been provided

Stokab Fibre Network: Provide broadband infrastructure covering the whole city

Transport Efficiency: Use interconnected facilities and big data to optimize traffic

Open Data: Open data applications and establish a complete backstage system Sourses:

What Have We Learned from World Class Planning?

Kaohsiung Multi-functional Commerce Park

Smart City


Stragey of Smart Asia New Bay Area

Infrastructure of 5G

Large Number of Micro Cells to Create Vertical Field Applications of 5G Smart City 5G technology is driven by demand. The intensive construction of small cells will play a more important role in 5G networks. Infrastructure

Vertical Transmission

Application Industries

In the 5G era, a large number of

In terms of vertical integration

The carrier-class network provides

small cells must be deployed.

applications, 5G has also stepped into

communication services, supplemented

I n o rd e r t o m e e t t h e i n c re a s i n g

IoT integration application services

by a connection management platform,

demand for data traffic, the dense

such as smart car linkage, smart street

to help companies effectively control

deployment of small bases will

lights, smart parking, smart buildings,

the flow and status of SIM cards; at the

play a more important role in the

smart detection, asset tracking, smart

same time, the IoT application platform

construction of 5G networks.

medical and energy management.

services are developed to help industries quickly respond to market needs.

Convenient ICT Service

GIS+BIM Spatial Big Data, Fully Grasp The City Dynamics

Territorial Planning Technology

GIS Big Data Analysis

BIM City Modeling Information

Land planning is the supreme

GIS technology combines information

Ve r t i c a l l y i n t e g r a t e G e o g r a p h i c

guide for urban space planning.

with maps, horizontally integrating

Information System(GIS) and

Th ro u g h t h e f i r s t- h a n d gra s p o f

all-round land information. Not only

Building Information Modeling(BIM).

the latest planning technology and

can the field work time be greatly

Accelerate and strengthen the target

information, it is sufficient to face

shortened, but it can also assist real-

audience's understanding of major

the new challenges of spatial system

time query, sorting, statistical analysis

plans and investment information,


and other needs in real time.

use visualized results to improve communication effects.

Smart IOC

Database of Smart Retail and Big Data Enhance The Demonstration and Verification Capabilities of Startups Artificial intelligence (AI) and Biometrics are applied to smart retail in Kaohsiung’s smart public transportation fields. Set Up Smart Retail Demonstrations Prior to Public Transportation Stations QR code payment or face recognition vending machines are installed in public transportation stations, combined with artificial intelligence to identify the gender and age of customers, and promote suitable items to establish a virtual and real integration scene.

Big Data Database Construction Artificial intelligence technology provides big data analysis such as customer identification, consumption records, and payment transactions, a n d p e r fo r m s s m a r t c u s to m e r re l a t i o n s h i p m a n a g e m e nt (C R M ) , w h i c h c a n o b j e c t i ve l y provide suitable business types for retail at public transportation stations.

Application System, Background Unified Identity Authentication Platform In response to the new world trend of "recognizing people by objects" to "recognizing people by people", this project establishes a unified identity a u t h e nt i c at i o n p l at fo r m fo r va r i o u s application systems.

Smart City Practice

Smart Kaohsiung

Attractive Public Space

■ ■

Smart Living Service

Import low-impact development system to create a smart ecological environment. Stitch the texture of the surrounding cities to create a practice field with equal emphasis on production, life and ecology.

■ ■

Smart buildings and green buildings combining 5G and AIoT. Three smart meters that integrate energy consumption. V2X Internet of Vehicles Technology Smart Parking Service. AIoT Smart Street Light System.

SMART KAOHSIUNG International Startup Park ■

Enhance the demonstration and verification capabilities of startups through smart retail and big data databases, and assist in the digital transformation of traditional industries. 5G combines IoT, AI, AR/VR to enhance the competitiveness of startups in the international market.

Convenient ICT Service ■ ■

GIS+BIM spatial big data, fully grasp the city dynamics. Smart logistics management center to improve the city's ability to face social, economic and natural disasters.

Sourses: Photo by Urbanet Group

Diverse and unique waterfront

Introduce Multiple Waterfront Corridors Through Smart Technology, Enjoy an Open Space Where Can Stroll Around

Hamasen Museum of Taiwan Railway

The Pier-2 Art Center Highly concentrated warehouse cafes, restaurants and cultural and creative shops

Combined smart show with, providing comfortable and social activities.

Lingyaliao Bridge

Light Rail Transit, connecting the essence of the two districts on the waterfront

Glory Pier

Open space of the city and the port area, overlooking the beautiful harbor

Leisure promenade

Penglai Promenade

The promenade from the Glory Pier to the Kaohsiung Port Terminal

Enjoying the waterfront and vibrant playground.

Kaohsiung Port Terminal

Smart transportation facilities with entertainment nature, are also an excellent venue for cultural activities

Kaohsiung Music Center

Including smart installation art and music exhibitions, open space along the waterfront

Shin Kong Pier Park

Take a leisurely stroll, listen to the tide, and smell the sea breeze. Ring-shaped high sky corridor, panoramic view of the harbor

Kaohsiung Exhibition Center

Kaohsiung's uniquely attractive waterfront open space creates an international high-quality continuous waterfront space.

Through automated services and mobile phone App applications, it provides real-time travel information, audio guides and big data analysis to drive smart tourism.

Kaohsiung Software Technology Park A smart science and technology park, the only science and technology park near the sea in the country, creating a key area of wisdom in Kaohsiung

Horizon City Marina

Taiwan's first internationalclass private yacht marina, surround Kaohsiung Port to experience port customs

Smart exhibition, combining smart technology, business, design, music, sightseeing and technological interaction

Waterfront Restaurant

The unique outdoor waterfront dining venue in the Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall

Humanistic green promenade

Enjoy comfortable and lowdevelopment waterfront corridors, adding space to Kaohsiung's corridors


Application of waterfront lighting at night

The Waterfront Environment Introduces a Light Adaptive Adjustment System to Shape a New Image of The Waterfront ■

Smart City Demonstration Zone

Through the intelligent lighting adjustment system, the central control room could monitor software for lighting control and adjustment. For example, Kaohsiung Music Center creates charming waterfront; meanwhile, achieves energy-saving

lighting. In order to create the waterfront image of Asia New Bay Area, night lighting on the waterfront should be provided to create day and night views and activities along the waterfront.

The night lighting unit of the waterfront buildings in this project area shall not be less than 10 lux.



Application of smart building 哈瑪星鐵道 文化園區

Encourage The Construction of Smart Buildings, Implement Livable Life in Smart City

苓雅寮鐵橋 大義倉庫群 光榮碼頭 高雄流行音樂中心

新光碼頭公園 高雄展覽館

Strengthen the disaster prevention of buildings, advanced green energy introduction, advanced generalized environmental design, air pollution response processing, introduction of smart life technology, human body and

emotional health ICT combined with sensors will become the mainstream trend of home life security application technology in the next

generation. Three smart meters: smart electricity meter, smart water meter, smart gas meter.




Application of smart grid 哈瑪星鐵道 文化園區

Technical Cooperation Between Smart Grid and Power Management to Develop Innovative Industries and Build Convenient Smart City ■

consumption. Smart grid combined with community: From community power management down to building power management, also extend to the power management of every household, achieving the efficiency of generating electricity and storing electricity.

光榮碼頭 高雄流行音樂中心


Smart grid combined with smart buildings: Through power management, try to integrate distributed power resources, use smart meters and cloud computing to achieve power regulation, and aim to generate power equal to power

苓雅寮鐵橋 大義倉庫群

Smart city uses IoT technology, AI big data analysis and composite green power management to reach the cloud platform of virtual power plants.





Application of smart street lights

Smart Street Lights Create a Safe, Smooth, and Seamless Travel Smart Traffic Environment

哈瑪星鐵道 文化園區

苓雅寮鐵橋 大義倉庫群 光榮碼頭 高雄流行音樂中心

新光碼頭公園 高雄展覽館

Innovative application of smart street lights: ◆ Recording the safety and movement data of smart vehicles can help optimize driving safety. In the future, information that affects driving safety such as vehicle conditions and weather will be provided to riders in real time, using technology ◆ CMS, CVP analysis, people flow analysis, and traffic flow analysis.

The monitoring of smart vehicles can detect and report potholes on the road and detect PM2.5 in the air through GPS. IoT device point combined with smart street light system




Application of smart grid 哈瑪星鐵道 文化園區

Technical Cooperation Between Smart Grid and Power Management to Develop Innovative Industries and Build Convenient Smart City

光榮碼頭 高雄流行音樂中心



■ ■

Smart city and smart transportation embody green vehicles and environmentally friendly low-carbon buses. Applicable driverless vehicle modes in Asia New Bay Area:

C7 Software Park StationC8 Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, trial operation section of self-driving electric bus system

◆ The business model of the park provides various services, such as dispatching vehicles. Regular departures do not require additional labor costs. ◆ Urban operation model and dispatched bus service can expand city and newly developed area

Extend the line of smart sports equipment to the waterfront space

苓雅寮鐵橋 大義倉庫群

Extend the line of smart sports equipment to 205 Smart New City to create a smart model community

新光碼頭公園 高雄展覽館




Application of smart Parking Meter 哈瑪星鐵道 文化園區

Smart Parking Services Help Reduce Traffic Congestion and Improve The Livability of Cities

苓雅寮鐵橋 大義倉庫群 光榮碼頭 高雄流行音樂中心

新光碼頭公園 高雄展覽館

Smart Parking Meter: detection to provide drivers with real-time information on remaining parking spaces in each parking area.



Use smart parking meter to integrate vehicle detection & identification systems and the equipment of parking spot Parking guidance and car finding system: Through the App, help drivers quickly find the location of the parking lot, and provide services such as remaining parking spaces, parking rates, and satellite navigation. This can speed up the circulation of vehicles in the parking lot and reduce the risk of pedestrians walking in the parking lot.

Sourses: Goshare Taiwan

Application of smart vehicle sharing 哈瑪星鐵道 文化園區

Shared Smart Electric Scooters, "Rent Instead of Buy" to Promote The Green Transportation Revolution

苓雅寮鐵橋 大義倉庫群 光榮碼頭 高雄流行音樂中心

新光碼頭公園 高雄展覽館

Smart shared locomotives and smart city public transportation new services, GoShare, iRent, WeMo create a low-carbon in smart new city

IKEA 高雄軟體園區



Application of smart health 哈瑪星鐵道 文化園區

Smartly Integrate Health Industry Resources into Community and Environmental Life

苓雅寮鐵橋 大義倉庫群 光榮碼頭 高雄流行音樂中心


Smart integration of health resources, smart health and welfare services, smart sports technology, smart multiple passports for dementia:

新光碼頭公園 高雄展覽館


◆ The new model will build a one-stop service platform to provide the elderly with a convenient and high-quality life. ◆ Professional individual remote guidance, augmented reality activities to promote the health of the senior citizens. ◆ From subjective cognitive deterioration, mild cognitive impairment to suffering from dementia, we will provide comprehensive care for all stages of dementia.



Sourses: LID

Application of LID 哈瑪星鐵道 文化園區

Import Low-Impact Development System to Create A Smart Ecological Environment

苓雅寮鐵橋 大義倉庫群 光榮碼頭 高雄流行音樂中心

新光碼頭公園 高雄展覽館

Sustainable environment ecological indicators: according to the characteristics of land use, determine the LID water retention depth.

Encourage the installation of LID facilities: clearly define the specifications for the installation of LID facilities. ◆ Follow the rain management principles of resilient cities, combined with terrain elevation. ◆ Introduce LID facilities to facilitate the subsequent structure of the ecosystem.

IKEA 高雄軟體園區


Sourses: Kaohsiung City Government

Application of smart health

大立百貨 哈瑪星鐵道 文化園區

Smartly Integrate Health Industry Resources into Community and Environmental Life


大義倉庫群 光榮碼頭 臺灣港務股份有限公司



新光三越 大遠百

5G+AIoT國際大聯盟 新光碼頭公園

Asia New Bay Area has become the largest new industry field in Taiwan, recruiting telecom companies such as Chunghwa Telecom, Far Eas Tone, Asia Pacific Telecom, cloud providers such as Microsoft, Amazon, Cisco, and system



中鋼 台電


IKEA 家樂福



integrators such as Compal, Brogent Technologies, Coretronic, and hundreds of companies such as China Steel, Taiwan Power, CPC Corporation, and Taiwan International Ports.

Will build a new creation base for 5G and AIoT, and integrate platform operators, system integrators, innovative developers, and innovative application providers to jointly promote platform-based industry.


Sourses: Start-up

Cultivation of new industries

Cultivate Kinetic Energy For New and Innovative Industries and Implement 5G+Aiot Smart Industry Development

Amazon AWS Joint Innovation Center Porsche New Energy Innovation Demonstration Park

Based on the development of 5G+AIoT, combined with the kinetic energy of Amazon AWS, a new creation and incubation center that provides guidance and support is established. Provide a practice field for new ventures and

implement smart industries deeply rooted in Kaohsiung Introduce international automobile manufacturers Porsche and AUDI to strengthen the development of smart transportation in the region through the research and development of electric vehicles and self-driving technologies.

Play the role of green energy technology demonstration, educational experience, self-driving demonstration field, and promote the development of smart transportation in the region.

International corporate headquarters

5G combines IoT, AI, AR/VR to enhance the competitiveness of startups in the international market

AUDI Incubation Center

Introduce Research & Development, design, repair, trade and display of new innovation and technology industries for future planning purposes

Enhance the demonstration and verification capabilities of startups and assist in the digital transformation of traditional industries

Kaohsiung 5G+AIoT Park

High-quality optical fiber network construction, low-cost and high-speed optical fiber services for citizens, creation of a fair telecommunications environment, and improvement of the city’s competitiveness

Application of smart retail

捷運中央公園站 711智FUN機 哈瑪星鐵道 文化園區

Smart Retail Combined With Ai, Actively Connecting Mobile Payment and Innovative Applications

苓雅寮鐵橋 大義倉庫群 光榮碼頭 高雄流行音樂中心


Smart retail + AI development trend AI can be used in the retail industry for marketing side (AI voice shopping, AI image recognition marketing), retail side (AI image recognition checkout), service side (AI voice customer service), decision-making side (AI product recommendation,

AI location selection), etc. With diversified operations, smart retail can be extended to the fields of advertising, smart IoT, health field, and is widely installed in public spaces.

新光碼頭公園 高雄展覽館

IKEA 高雄軟體園區



Intelligent Operation Center

Build an Intelligent Operation Center to Improve Operational Management Efficiency ■ ■ ■ ■

Municipal government traffic control center, police center, disaster prevention center, municipal service center, park management center, visitor center, etc...

Real-time and historical information across the region: a data center that visualizes cross-system information Emergency handling: standardized process development and incident handling decision-making KPI: KPI indicator formulation and monitoring Collect and analyze city, municipal, and system information, then present it in an intelligent, systematic and visual way. Solve the problems of independent difficult management and information analysis of each system. Combine with big data analysis to provide forecasting and decision-making management functions to improve operational management efficiency.

205 IOC



Smart City World Trend

Oslo, Norway

Tokyo, Japan

Seoul, Korea

Stockholm, Sweden

Smart Asia New Bay Area Strategy New Smart City

Smart IOC Smart transportation

5G+AIoT Start-up Park International promenade Showcase

Smart Finance

Self-driving International Exhibition

Smart Building


Smart Scientific Research Zone

Smart Tourism

Pier-2 base

Kaohsiung Music Center

Smart Trade International cruise

VR Film Lab

Hipster Shop

Creative Waterfront Gateway

Strategic framework of Smart Asia New Bay Area

5+2 industry

Smart manufacturing

5 7 2 1 5G+AIoT Start-up Park 1. Taipower Special Trade Three City Renewal Business Plan 1. 台電特貿三都市更新事業計畫 2. Expansion plan of the third processing export zone of China

2.Petroleum 中油特倉三加工出口區擴編計畫 Special Warehouse

New Smart City 3. 3. Taiwanese Banks and Merchants' Four 台銀商四都市更新事業計畫 4. 205 Smart Operations Research Center

4. 205 智慧運籌中心建置計畫

Urban Renewal Projects Construction Plan

Creative Waterfront Gateway 5.

group activation and reuse plan 5.Warehouse 棧庫群活化再利用計畫


Manufacturing Industry Upgrade Plan in Export Processing 6.Smart 加工出口區智慧智造產業升級計畫

Smart Scientific Research Zone Zone

International promenade Showcase 7.

Port Sightseeing System Construction Project 7.Smart 港埠智慧觀光系統建置計畫

Five Themes, Seven Leading Projects


3 4

Public-private collaboration, 5G+AIoTStart-up Park

Kaohsiung City Government

Tutoring courses, lectures


Co-working space

5G+AIoT Start-up Park

Taipower City Renewal Plan ■ ■

Kaohsiung Exhibition Center's exhibition needs and Kaohsiung Software Park's technological development. Public urban renewal and cooperative development of special trade 3 bases to create international-level conventions and exhibitions, 5G+AIoT innovation parks and smart industry cluster demonstration areas.

International Headquarters

Electric Car and Self-driving car Incubation Park

International Exhibition

5G+AIoT Start-up Park

Expansion Plan for The Third Processing Export Zone of Cnpc Special Warehouse ■

Introduce exhibition and software technology application services to create a smart technology cluster

Financial Innovation Park

獅甲國小 R7 獅甲國中 Smart Housing and Office Building


New Smart City

Bank of Taiwan Urban Renewal Projects ■ ■

Docking smart innovation, economic and trade technology industry, shaping the financial innovation park Using smart architectural design, combining commercial offices, residential buildings and public welfare facilities to create smart residential and office buildings


Intelligent Operation Center

Smart Transportation


Smart Building

5G+AIoT Start-up Park ■ ■ ■

Intelligent Operation Center in 205 Site

Use smart technology to introduce smart transportation, smart buildings, and road pipelines Set up sewage treatment facilities, vacuum waste recycling systems, green roofs, rainwater recycling, etc. Build smart transportation and shared transportation




Creative Waterfront Gateway

Pier-2 Base Activation and Reuse Plan ■ ■

Regarding the activation of warehouse clusters as the development goal, combined with smart cities to be applied to retail and cultural and creative industries Attract cultural, creative and design talents to enter in the form of individual studios, provide activated warehouse groups, and promote cultural and creative industries

Smart Trade

Smart manufacturing

5+2 industry

Smart Scientific Research Zone

Smart Manufacturing Industry Upgrade Plan in Export Processing Zone ■ ■

Cooperate with the central government's 5+2 industrial policy to promote industrial upgrading in the zone, towards smart manufacturing, research and industrial innovation development Promote the integration of industries in the region through e-administrative services, and enhance the economic and trade cooperation between local manufacturers and the world

International cruise

Smart sightseeing APP application

Smart Tourism

Sourses: Reiser+Umemoto RUR Architecture PC

International Promenade Showcase

Smart Tourism System Construction Project in Kaohsiung Port

Smart Scientific Research Zone

Kaohsiung Music Center


Smart City Experts

Smart City Experts

Hung Yu

5G, AI, Data Analytics, and IoT Convergence

The combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential

to dramatically accelerate the benefits of digital

transformation for consumer, enterprise, industrial, and government market segments.

The author sees the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) as transformational for both technologies as AI adds value to IoT through

machine learning and decision making and IoT adds value to AI through connectivity and data exchange.

Not to confuse AIoT with a related term, the

Analytics of Things (AoT) has been coined to refer to the analysis of the data from IoT networks, systems, devices, and software for

purposes of decision making. One of the key

tenants of AoT is the combination of operative information with data from IT systems to deliver intelligent analytics to stakeholders.

I wen Hsu

Dehui Chou

Edgar Lee

Institute of Public Affairs Management, NSYSU

Department of Urban Planning, FCU

Master of Architecture, Syracuse University

Senior Manager

Master of Urban Planning, NCKU

Senior Project Manager


Department of Applied Chemisty,


Smart City Experts

Smart City Experts

Jill An Chen

Ricky Li

Department of Real Estate and Built Environment,

Master Program in Architecture and Urban



Department of Public Administration and Policy,

Department and Graduate Institute of Landscape


and Urban Design,CYUT

Senior Project Manager

Senior Project Manager

Peppy Cheng

Project Manager Master of Urban Design, University for the Creative Arts Department of Landscape, PCCU

Wang Tzu Jung

Ming Jen Tsai

Master of Urban Planning, NCKU

Master of Urban Planning, NCKU

Department of Real Estate and Built Environment,

Department and Graduate Institute of Landscape


and Urban Design,CYUT

Urban Planner

Senior Project Manager

Smart City Experts

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