Upgraded Living - February 2021 Issue

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FROM THE EDITOR February arrives with a promising wind ready to transport us to destinations we’ve been waiting to go. It only takes the second day to give us reason for a much needed pause as we have been living this day, Groundhog Day, over and over since March 13th. Soon after, we will celebrate what is now Presidents’ Day Weekend with a welcoming new lens. My nemesis of bad timing in February, reminding me to express my love to the person I have been in love with for 50 years, actually arrives this year with a renewed spirit. Perhaps, candy, card, and a bottle of magic for my beloved Valentine. On the 20th plus three, I will turn three-scores-plus-five-plus-three. It isn’t I don’t wish to see the number, it’s really about having to say it aloud. For all of you dear friends who happen to be older, just wait a bit before bombarding me with your, “If I even knew…” speeches. I’m just asking for a moment. Our February issue features a clever take on Valentine's Day by highlighting sweet streets of our treasured town. It is personal to me, as I’ve been known to leave my home off East First Avenue, and find myself on the Midway on my way to Lowe’s. I do take coffee drives on Sunday and leisurely peruse novel routes to new corners of our city. I found a list of the city streets online, an array of nearly 2,000 names from numbers to labels, presidents to the alphabet, and streets not included, like Broadway. Broadway and Main are front and center. We managed to select four different “sweet streets” and, instead of letting you in on their whereabouts, we described them in a somewhat riddle fashion. It will surprise me if any of our readers go four-for-four in correctly naming these celebrated passages. We are also pleased to feature another true treat in this city, Lenn Goldmann, a remarkable artist and, as you will discover, an even more remarkable person. I have a pair of readers as I cannot edit or see things that should be fixed or questioned. One of those informed me it took her two reads to get through the backpage. I started to respond and was informed, “and that is a good thing, do not change any part or apologize for the message you are trying to get across.” The backpage is such an intriguing endeavor, steered partly by writing something some ten days before it gets delivered. I hope this piece speaks to you, entertains you, and very well may add a song to your playlist.




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Let's Get to the Nine-One-One


On to March and, perhaps, new marching orders.

For editorial or general magazine inquiries, please contact: Kevin Dolan kevin@upgradedliving.com

Kevin Dolan Editor-in-Chief


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For sales inquiries, please contact: Jason Coronoa, 530.591.2634 Sales@UpgradedLiving.com

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10 Meet Inspire’s Cool Kid, Isabel Caldwell Aranza, and marvel at her ‘behind the curtain’ work.

23 Local REALTOR, Effie Khaki, provides tips on how to sweeten your home's curb appeal.

15 We feature Daniel Turner, a frontline nurse at Enloe Hospital. Take the time to get to know this essential worker.

28 Doug Love, a veteran of the local real estate industry, reminisces about his first encounters with the sweet streets of Butte County.

16 Meet Dr. Joseph Laya, a Wyoming transplant and optometrist at Cascade Eye Care in Redding. 20 We celebrate Local Legend Craig Rigsbee’s 37 years at Butte College.


30 Acquaint yourself with the best kept secret no more: Butte County's helpful nonprofit, 3Core.

ART & MUSIC 41 We feature a magnificent local artist, Lenn Goldmann, and his unrivaled watercolors of Upper Park.


44 Meet street musicians, Webster Moore, Jaik Hakkarinen, and Aron Linker, making magic with a stand-up bass, drums, and guitar. We found them at the Saturday Market!



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28 Our cover story, the City of Sweet Streets, unveils both the well-known and popular, as well as focusing on a few of the best hidden streets in a riddle-like presentation of four wildly cool roadways.

POTPOURRI 12 Our ingredient of the month is the dandelion and you will come away wondering why you ever doubted its worth. 47 Our Editor-in-Chief once again let’s you in on what is on his mind, in his mind, and how music can help clear things up.



backstage dreams Isabel Caldwell Aranza enrolled at Inspire School of Arts & Sciences four years ago, with her heart set on performing. However, her time at the school set her on a different path—one focused on the planning and production occurring behind the stage, the place her backstage dreams began. Fairly quickly, she discovered she wanted to move into the technical realm of theatre rather than performing on stage, so she signed up for costume crews and stage managing clubs. Stagecraft is now where her interest lies. In fact, it’s been her favorite class at Inspire. The hands-on learning opportunities, which would be applicable to a career in theatre, are what she enjoys most. She’s learned about the intricacies of applying makeup, sewing costumes, constructing scenery, producing lighting schemes, and working with sound systems. So many of the classes at Inspire are elementally hands-on, making the transfer into an online format very difficult. Isabel says, “We’re figuring it out, but it’s hard. The classes that I’m taking online are still very valuable, but I would enjoy it so much more if I were able to be there in person.” Isabel is enrolled in typical core classes including economics, government, and English, along with her production team classes. These are specialized periods where students are able to work on producing shows, like Alice in Wonderland and Phantom of the 10

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Opera, while also working on their virtual performances. The Virtual Gala is a showcase of everything Inspire has to offer and includes musical theatre numbers, dances, and presentations from environmental, robotics, and other clubs demonstrating what the school can offer to incoming freshmen. Isabel says that new students should, “find as many things as you think you might be interested in and join the club. If you join a club and decide you don’t like it, there’s no penalty for not going to the next meeting. Getting involved in as much as you can is going to make your high school experience really good.” Isabel is president of the Inspire Production Team and is also involved in the Ulu Polynesian Dance Team. Last summer, she had the opportunity to travel to Edinburgh, Scotland, through the American High School Theatre Festival program and put on a show with Inspire students at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Isabel feels that it’s community opportunities like this that have been the highlight of her time at Inspire. Isabel plans on attending college in Southern California next year. She hopes to continue and expand on the technical aspect of theatre, film, and concert production. Isabel faces her college level studies with the plan to incorporate the extended knowledge into a professional career.





Meadow Brook R A N C H

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Dent De Lion The first time I learned a dandelion wasn’t just a weed was in the ninth grade when my English teacher, Mrs. Scott, had the class read Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury. The thought you could make wine from a weed— my dad referred to them as “damndelions”— sparked some research. As you will read, the dent de lion (French) is a versatile and beneficial plant with many uses. Dandelions are edible from root to flower, although you probably don’t want to eat the seed head, whose primary function is for children to make a wish and blow all the seeds off to make it come true. (Author’s note: I didn't get the Schwinn StingRay for Christmas in 1965 after I blew the seeds off twenty seed heads, so I’m not sure your wish will come true.) Dandelion greens have been gathered for food since prehistory, and they are cultivated mainly in North America and Eurasia. They are primarily prepared much like spinach, although they are slightly bitter if eaten raw. The dandelion has been a part of many cultures’ cuisine, including Albanian, Chinese, Italian, Greek, and British. At one time the Victorian English gentry considered them delicacies and used them in salads and sandwiches. Dandelions were also an ingredient in the traditional 12

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British soft drink that eventually became root beer once combined with burdock and other herbs. If you’re curious about dandelion wine, it’s a pretty simple recipe. It’s made from the petals of the flower combined with sugar and citrus, usually lemon juice. While most commonly made as a homemade recipe, there are wineries that produce dandelion wine. The Maple River Winery of North Dakota and the Hidden Legend Winery in Montana are two examples. As far as nutrition, dandelions are loaded with positives. They contain high amounts of vitamins A, C, and K, and have moderate amounts of calcium, iron, potassium, and manganese. They also contain many phytochemicals, including polyphenols and flavonoids. The roots contain a high amount of the prebiotic fiber inulin, and the greens also contain lutein. Another noteworthy aspect of dandelions is they provide an important source of nectar and pollen for bees early in the season. You may not want to head out to the yard, yank out the entire plant, and scarf it down, but it won’t hurt you. Just be sure to rinse the dirt off the roots!

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Let's Get to the

Nine-One-One with Daniel Turner

If I wasn’t a frontline worker, I’d be a professor. I love watching that lightbulb turn on when someone learns something for the first time. Three critical qualities that got me where I am today are perseverance, humility, and teamwork. It took awhile to find out what I truly wanted to do, but I found my calling. Explaining my schedule to folks that don't already know the concept is like trying to explain the weather. Always changing; sometimes confusing. The Incredibles left a lasting impression on me. I wanted to work in animation when I was younger, but after getting a tour of Pixar, I realized it wasn't for me. I wish I were better at Spanish. It would be nice to have a conversation with patients outside of asking if they are in pain. My “go to” Northern California spot is split between Fort Bragg/Mendocino or Carnelian Bay. I grew up in the Santa Cruz mountains, so the beach and mountains call to me. My inspiration behind where I am today would be my parents. They made raising three kids look effortless. It gives me a goal for when I have kids. My single biggest indulgence would be coffee. I will go out of my way to make sure I have tasty coffee. Working the night shift has given me an appreciation for it. When I see signs or hear voices referring to me as a ‘hero’, my reaction and feelings are motivating. My favorite thing is seeing the chalk art on the sidewalk; it helps when I have had a few tough shifts. One thing I wish to share is while last year was tough, it was a great year for my personal life. I got married, bought a house, started teaching for Butte College, and found out I am having a son. It makes me hopeful for the future. Daniel Turner Enloe Hospital Nurse in the Cardiovascular Unit 14

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approximately thirty patients a day. It was incredibly busy. Though it became more efficient as time went on, I still yearned for the days when I could just be a doctor.”

Dr. Joseph Laya As any parent will likely tell you, the need for space grows exponentially with each child. Luckily for Dr. Joseph Laya’s parents, they started their six-child family in Sheridan, Wyoming, where there’s space as far as the eye can see. As the third largest city in Wyoming, Sheridan was home to a whopping 12,000 people, with plenty of space for each to call their own. A rambunctious child, Dr. Laya was patiently raised by parents who were both in the medical field themselves. He grew up in a time where you didn’t have to worry about leaving your doors locked, and taking off to go exploring some far off fishing hole without notice was as expected as being home for supper. When it came to college, Dr. Laya approached the opportunity with the same level of curiosity that he embodied throughout his childhood. After graduating Southern California’s College of Optometry in 1984, he began working for Dr. Ira Latto, a corneal specialist in ophthalmology. He spent six years at the practice in Panorama City, learning everything he possibly could before looking north. He found the perfect fit with Dr. Tom Flynn, an optometrist in Red Bluff. Over the years that followed, he learned the ins and outs of the optometry 16

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business model, eventually taking over an optical practice at the Sears department store in nearby Redding. “I gained so much while I worked at Sears.” Dr. Laya said, “I had employees working for me which required learning management skills. I also learned about managing cash flow, proper organization, and, of course, customer service. During my time there I saw just about everything you could imagine in eye care. It really was an incredible experience and opened the door to open my own business elsewhere.” In 2001, Dr. Laya opened his own optometry business in Redding, and it wasn’t long before he found himself needing to expand. He built a 3,100 square foot commercial building to house his budding optometry practice at 1771 Hartnell Avenue in 2006 to do just that. The location provided comprehensive optometry services along with an optical department and finishing lab which allowed for patients to have their glasses made while they waited. “It was a lot more management.” Dr. Laya noted, “I liked the freedom of coming and going as I pleased, but I didn’t care for the management at all. We had six employees working at any one time and saw

An opportunity to return to doing what he was passionate about came in the form of an offer from Drs. Isaac Barthelow and Anthony Rudick of North Valley Eye Care and Ridge Eye Care. As they were looking to open an eyecare clinic of their own in the Redding area, they offered to purchase Dr. Laya’s practice and have him continue on as the lead optometrist. “We went to dinner and just hit it off.” Dr. Laya remembered, “It felt like the right fit then, and it’s continued to feel that way ever since. I sold the building and the practice in January 2020, we renamed it Cascade Eye Care, and I couldn’t be more happy about the experience. It allowed me to be a doctor again without having to be an IT specialist, bookkeeper, accountant, manager, and so many other things. Drs. Barthelow and Rudick are both incredibly passionate about patient care and making sure everyone is treated with respect and dignity. I knew it from the moment I met them, and it’s how I’ve always ensured to treat my own patients. It really was the perfect partnership.” The partnership opened new services to the practice as well, with Dr. Gajda of Anderson Eye Care rotating through Cascade Eye Care each week, the clinic is now able to provide ophthalmologic care alongside optometric. “My level of satisfaction in the practice has increased considerably.” Dr. Laya enthused, “I’ve increased the number of patients I’m able to care for, and I can focus more thoroughly on each of their needs, which leads to better diagnoses and outcomes for their issues. North Valley Eye Care is the most compassionate group of professionals I’ve ever been blessed to be associated with. I’ve seen them treat many people who have no money, while expecting no money; they’ve provided eyecare and eyewear, even cataract surgery for free because it’s the right thing to do.” Dr. Laya has been an optometrist for 37 years and currently leads the team at Cascade Eye Care in Redding. If you’re experiencing issues with your vision, call (530) 891-1900 to speak to the concierge at North Valley Eye Care and set up an appointment with a doctor near you.

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5 Levels of Financial Freedom


When it comes to getting personal finances in order, feeling overwhelmed can be an understatement. There’s a lot to know and endless opportunities competing for your interest and dollars. Meanwhile, life keeps happening, and money comes and goes like the tide. There’s good news: financial freedom is attainable—but you must be willing to put in a little time and effort. We’re doing a five-part series to discuss the roadmap to financial freedom. It can be helpful to visualize finances like a pyramid, with a foundation to build from, like Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs: The 5 Levels of Financial Freedom: Level One: Cash Flow and Budgeting | Level Two: Financial Security | Level Three: Accumulating Wealth | Level Four: Financial Freedom | Level Five: Legacy Level One—the most important level in the hierarchy of financial needs is cash flow and budgeting. This is the foundation you are building to support your financial future. If you are always juggling credit card balances, or robbing Peter to pay Paul, your foundation is not going to be strong. Indeed, you can’t direct excess cash flow to level 2 needs until you have excess cash flow. It’s important to write down (yes, not type) your income and expenses as you evaluate them. Countless studies prove taking pen to paper improves learning, goal formation, and progress. Step One: Know What You Make – Write down your take-home pay after taxes and deductions. Can you improve your income through a raise, more commissions, or tips? Oh, and make sure you’re getting all of your benefits. A 401(k) match is free money that shouldn’t be left on the table. Step Two: Track Your Spending – Most credit card companies, banks, and budgeting apps have free and easy-to-use reports/templates that summarize your spending. Use your spending summaries to categorize your expenses. You can download our fillable expense sheet at sweeneymichel.com or go old school and use pen and paper. Step Three: Income vs Expenses – Here’s the most important step – subtract your monthly expenses from your monthly income. If your expenses are greater than your income, it’s time to edit your expenses. Evaluate spending which can be cut.

Renée Michel, MBA and Joe Sweeney, CFP® | 196 Cohasset Road, Suite 100, Chico CA 95926 (530) 487-1777 | renee@sweeneymichel.com | joe@sweeneymichel.com | www.sweeneymichel.com Sources: www.irs.gov; www.ssa.gov; www.medicare.gov | Sweeney & Michel, LLC is a Registered Investment Adviser. This brochure is solely for informational purposes. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Sweeney & Michel, LLC and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. No advice may be rendered by Sweeney & Michel, LLC unless a client service agreement is in place. 18

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instrumental in turning the program around.” As Rigsbee states, “You can’t just hire a coach. You have to hire someone who loves the job and cares about the players. You need to create a family atmosphere.” Rigsbee is always quick to tell people, “I haven’t worked a day in 37 years. What I did wasn’t work because I loved what I did. The day you don’t like your job is the day you leave.”

BC Pride: Big Man, Bigger Heart Craig Rigsbee’s laundry list of quotes never fails to sum up a situation or make an important point. “In the end, when you’re done coaching, it’s not the success of the team, it’s the legacy—how your players view you as a coach,” said Rigsbee. And, as every player and coach interviewed said, Craig Rigsbee has left behind a tremendous legacy. The legacy began in Tracy, California, where Rigsbee was born. From there, it was a journey with short stays in a variety of towns throughout the Bay Area. “We didn’t have much money,” said Rigsbee. “We moved from town to town, up and down the Bay Area. One year, I went to five elementary schools,” he added. “My brother and I were going to Benicia High School. My mom came in one morning and told us, ‘We’re going to move again.’ My brother and I replied, ‘No we’re not.’ My mom moved and we kept the apartment.” Fending for themselves, the brothers graduated from Benicia High; Craig enrolled in Hartnell College and played football. His skills earned him a scholarship to Utah State. Afterwards, he was invited to check out a coaching position at Chico State. “The offensive line coach took me to The Bear. I took a look around and thought it was a pretty nice town.” One of Rigsbee’s quotes came to him from Dick Trimmer, head coach for the Wildcats. Noting that Rigsbee had arrived from a large Division-I college, and was now a coach at the Division-II level, Trimmer gave him some 20

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important advice: “The Big Time is where you’re at.” As Rigsbee explained, “It doesn’t matter if it’s Pop Warner, high school, or college. The Big Time for the players is where they’re at.” Craig Rigsbee has spent 37 years making people appreciate The Big Time, and he has the credentials to prove it. As the Butte College football head coach for 16 years, his teams went 136-33-2, won 10 conference titles, and went to 15 bowl games. His success started way back in 1986 and ‘87. In ‘86, he was an assistant line coach at Butte. The team earned a miserable 1-10 that difficult season. Morale was low, the team didn’t seem to care, and the head coach had an adversarial relationship with the players. Cue the 1987 season when Mike Liddel became the head coach, and Rigsbee took over the offensive coach slot. Former Butte player Brad Reager played each of those years. “All you really need to see is the record,” said Reager. “We went 1-10 my first year there. The team and the head coach had no rapport. Players quit. It was miserable.” Then the school made a big change with Liddel and Rigsby. “They brought each player into Coach Liddell’s office and went over our strengths and weaknesses. You could tell right away they actually cared for the players,” said Reager. “Team atmosphere changed. You could feel it in the locker room. We trusted Coach Liddell and Coach Rigsbee. We went to our first bowl game that year and went 111.” Reager credits his coaches. “They knew how to talk to the players, and Craig was

He added, “Every Thursday night, we’d take the offensive line out to eat pizza. The rule was no football talk. Players learned about each other. That led to closer friendships. We were family.” The philosophy of positive camaraderie and a family atmosphere led to success on and off the field. No one said it better than former standout Jesse Hejny at his induction to the Butte College Hall of Fame in 2018: “I wouldn’t be who I am if 20 years ago Coach Rigsbee hadn’t taken a chance on an incoming freshman who didn’t have a 2.0 grade point average and needed direction. I’ve been lucky in my career. I could have stayed in Trump Tower if I’d wanted to, but last night I slept on Craig’s couch.” The sentiment of thanks and praise goes up and down the line—from former players to football staff and right down to the current coaches. Said current men’s soccer coach Ross Sandberg, “Rigsbee made Butte College Athletics what they are today—one of the most successful programs in the state. From a coaching standpoint, there will never be another athletic director who supported his coaching staff and student athletes more than him.” Volleyball coach Dave Davis said this, “Rigsbee had a unique way of making every coach and athlete feel heard, supported, and important.” Butte Women’s Coach Mike O’Malley commented, “Rigsbee is a people person—well respected by all the athletes, coaches, and staff! It’s been an absolute pleasure to work for him. He exemplifies Butte Pride.” Craig Rigsby isn’t sure what he will do postButte College, It could be more coaching or just taking it easy and spending more time with his wife, Karla. We celebrate his contribution to the entire Butte College campus. We wish him well in whatever comes next and we will most assuredly be watching.


Mirror Mirror When you look in a mirror, is it the face you expect to see looking back at you? Are fine lines, dark spots, uneven texture, and blemishes making you look older than your years? The first thing to do is prioritize what bothers you most, whether it’s the lines between the brows, the dark spot on your cheek, or that old acne scar. Consultations are always free at the DermBar Med-Spa, and we can help you identify the problem areas and correct what's bothering you. A little Botox, some dermal filler, or a laser treatment can do wonders in repairing these perceived flaws. There are so many proven skin treatments now that don't involve surgery or weeks of downtime. We can plump up and rebuild collagen for smoother looking skin, or tighten and firm lax, saggy skin with laser or radio-frequency treatments. But don't forget maintenance! The products you use on your skin can make a huge difference in how you look and feel. Clean, hydrated, protected skin looks healthy, glowing, and even-toned. Eating right, drinking lots of water, not smoking, and getting plenty of sleep all help to keep skin healthy inside and out. There is no way to stop the aging process. However, with the help of great products, customized procedures, and good habits, we can slow it down. Give your skin some love, and it will love you back. Call us at the DermBar and we will advise you on your personalized skincare plan. DERM BAR MED-SPA 85 Declaration Dr. Suite 100 Chico, CA 95973 530.342.2672


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Sweeten Your Curb Appeal Location, location, location! Whether you've bought or sold a home, or haven't done either, you've undoubtedly heard the mantra thousands of times. You've heard it for good reason too, after all, the location of a home truly does make a significant difference in its perceived value, as can easily be seen with a quick map view of Butte County on Zillow. Though location does play an important role in the value of a home, it certainly isn't everything. The range of emotions evoked by a home's interior color and design, the choices between various building and finishing materials used inside, and the home's floorplan all play a part in its value determination. Making changes to most of these items can turn into costly upgrades which will make all the difference to you, personally, if living in the home for an extended period of time, but may not make much difference at all to a potential buyer. One item that has made a universal difference though, throughout my 31 years in real estate, has been upgrading a home's curb appeal. The slightly lesser known cousin of "location, location, location," curb appeal is the fancy way of noting how attractive a home appears to those viewing it from the outside. As the saying goes, you only have one chance to make a good first impression, and this is as true for a home as it is for each of us in our day-to-day lives. Luckily, when it comes to curb appeal, a lot can be done on a relatively modest budget. Sure, you could spend considerable money to give your home a full exterior facelift, but subtle changes can go a long way. Here are some of my favorites:

1. Add Color—I can't stress this enough, as it's one of the most affordable options. Start with your door as it's the easiest and requires the least paint. Choose a color that complements the exterior color of your home, but POPS. A quick peek at a color wheel should help with this. If you have the budget, a fresh coat of paint on the exterior, even just the front, can go a long way to pull a potential buyer's eye to your home. 2. Green it Up—Greenery like shrubs, bushes, and trees add life to the frontage of any home. Choose evergreen flowering shrubs to ensure the greenery remains when the color pop of flowers dissipate in the winter months. Consult a local nursery to ensure your choices match our climate. 3. Update Your Hardware—Old, worn hardware may seem shabby chic, but often times it simply comes off shabby, especially when trying to sell a home for the maximum value. Update your hardware with new, high-contrast options. It may not seem like much, but it makes a big difference. 4. Make it Livable—Everyone wants bonus living space. Show a potential buyer the usability of a porch or yard by adding some furniture. Be careful not to clutter the space; you only want to show what could be. 5. Clean it Up—This one is the easiest of all, and it'll only cost you time. Make sure your frontage is spotless and free of clutter. Effie Khaki has been a REALTOR for 31 years at Century 21 in Chico and would love to help you buy/ sell your home or provide home advice. Call or text her at 530-514-3334 or email effiekhaki@gmail.com. 23


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— Doug anD CoLEttE RobERtS

(530) 514-4855 landis4sale25@gmail.com | landis4sale@aol.com | www.SherryLandis.com

Single Family Detached - Wow!!! This 1920's charming estate will impress you from the gate! This Beauty some call Sunrise Farms This was the model home and only one owner! There have been many A terrific Michael Galli floor plan updated and remodeled from head to as you see the sunrise from upstairs bedroom wall of windows and sunset out the walls of windows in this gorgeous home. You'll upgrades including travertine tiles, upgraded carpets, granite, oversized toe about a year ago. Stainless steel appliances, granite counters, plush feellot, likebuilt you've stepped yester years when you walk up and see this country nearly 2 interior acres!painting, There are in desk in mediaback room,to special color paint throughout, draperies, carpets, decoratorestate lighting,on exterior and lushgarage(s) park like yard, andlandscaped places to beautifully park yourwith cars/trucks/toys!!! In casegalore you need extendingsparkling living - in there is a separate living area of 1 bedroom/1 bath slate water fall, flowers and redwood ground gunite pool, newer 10x10 outdoor shed, wood stove, trees. RV Access on both sides of the house and two master suites make shows truly like a model home. Open floor plan with so many upgrades! & kitchen approx. 1300 sq.ft. with a peace and tranquility in this setting. The stair case reminds me of something on Gone with the thiswith home a must see! wood hand rails that invite you upstairs to other bedrooms. The Master Suite is just that and has it's own Wind the sweeping Bed: 4.0 Bath: 4.0 SqFt: 3,166 Price: $429,000 Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 3,675 Price: $665,000 His & Hers Bathrooms, but meet in the middle with a Huge shower, a sight to see and well designed to add architectural interest. The bedroom is oversized and has a very pretty fireplace & Mantel, walls of windows to watch the birds fly by and gaze at the beautiful fruit trees and lot! The kitchen truly is a Chef's delight and has top of the line appliance. The 6 burner stove came from Italy and there are 2 sinks so while entertaining, one is for veggies perhaps and the other for the dishes!!!! Large granite eating bar and a cozy stone fireplace with insert that gives out that radiant heat - ahhhhh, it just feels right here with all the places to sit, read, do crafts in the sun room(s) both in the front of the house and back! Bed: 5.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 3,367 Price: $1,100,000


My homes are selling fast! Call if I can helpProducer, by listing2019! your home today! #1 Top Contact me today to tour any of the properties above!

(530) 514-4855



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CA-DRE lic# 01084946

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"We're still in shock! Listen and do.... Effie will only suggest what is best for you. We highly recommend her to anyone looking for the best realtor out there—she is it, and after all is said and done we feel we've made a great friend also. Effie is amazing! Thank you Century 21 for having such a quality agent on your team! Thank you Effie for being the best at what you do—she deserved more than her commission—she's a 10 out of 5!! I've never had anyone work as hard as Effie did—you can tell she truly loves what she does. She was in constant contact with us, and if she didn't know the answer, she either got it or directed ya to the right source! She is truly one-of-a-kind! Top notch and extremely professional, courteous and empathetic. Couldn't have had a better experience from start to finish!" -Dennis & Loretta Pence

The lake, park and Canyon Oaks Golf Course are a stone's throw from this stunning home!! Here, you will be greeted by walls of windows, generously proportioned rooms, plus an open-concept floor-plan filled with light and airy rooms that convey an aura of happiness. Right after adding numerous upgrades, the sellers have decided to jet to a far off place and leave this gorgeous home to be enjoyed by a new owner. Recent upgrades include: a brand new kitchen, fresh interior paint, new fixtures, water softener, custom draperies and so much more. The living room, with its glowing fireplace and newer 65 Sony T.V. with Sonos sound bar, is spacious and makes entertaining a breeze. The kitchen, built for gourmet chef, is home to plenty of new appliances and follows the rest of the home's attention to detail. The new custom easy-close cabinets adorn the walls with endless storage, while the new granite counters provide plenty of room for prep. Wake up and fall asleep while enjoying the private master-suite with walk-in closet, dual vanity, walk-in shower, and soaking tub. The yard is beautiful with its darling dining patio, mature landscaping, and plenty of space for a pool or gardening. With an indoor laundry room, 2-car garage, doublegated huge side-yard and every creature comfort you can imagine, this home was built for the type of convenience and carefree enjoyment you deserve. This is a rare gem in California Park. Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,713 Price: $499,900

Tucked away in a great established neighborhood awaits you this beautiful home. In this special place you will fall in love with its glimmering wood floors, its high ceilings and its numerous walls of glass windows that provide ample natural lighting. The living room is spacious and offers a toe-warming fireplace/wood insert for those cold winter nights. The darling kitchen with its eating bar, its large pantry, the refrigerator, the numerous cabinets and its under the sink Reverse Osmosis makes you want to eat at home. The light and airy dining room has a built in china cabinet and provides a plenty of space for entertaining.The other features include open floor plan, dual pane windows, a large bonus room that can be used as a forth bedroom, office or workout room, washer, dryer, storage shed and R.V. area. Of course the yard is stunning with its sparkling in-ground Gunite pool, its mature landscaping and its private covered dinning patio. This home is perfect place for entertaining your families and friends! Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,730 Price: $499,000

46 27


The theme of this issue certainly fits my career in real estate through the years, driving thousands of trips, and zipping through the streets, all around this town. In fact, right now, in my mind I’m driving down memory lane picturing the beautiful streets of Chico. The thoroughfares, the lanes, the alleyways, the cul-de-sacs, the downtown with the classic old buildings, and the neighborhoods, old and new. Sweet street after sweet street. Above them all, the trees. To drive the Chico streets is to drive through the City of Trees. So, which street is the sweetest? Impossible to say, but for sentimental reasons mine is the Midway, the beautiful tree-lined street out of south Chico that becomes the road to Durham through the orchards between. I’m calling out the Midway, because I drove down that road my first day in real estate, in February, 1980-something, and it was one of those late-winter, pre-spring days that was warm enough to make you think “Spring is in the air!” and late enough to push out the blossoms on the orchard trees. When you roll down the Midway, the orchards spread out on both sides of the road. When you reach the rising overpass near Blossom Lane, you are now above tree-top level, and on this day, you see a few thousand acres of orchards all bloomed out, so you are riding above a sea of flowers floating out in all directions. You slow down and roll down all the windows, and the cool fresh air pushes in the mildly sweet perfume of orchard blossoms. The Midway drops again to ground level, and a light breeze sends blossom petals swirling through the air like snow. The car rolls along through a soft fragrant storm of flower blossoms. I rolled down the Midway and rolled down the window. Warm air with the scent of


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orchard blossoms wafted throughout the car. I was heading out for some doorknocking, country-style, as suggested this morning by my great mentor, KDV. “You’re official, now, Babe,” said KDV, “so now you need to go out and meet your people!” “What people?” I said, “All the people who live and work inside your inventory known as real estate. Get out and greet them! Find a seller and list their property. You can’t wait for them to show up, Bro. You’ll grow old and listless if you sit around and wait.” KDV fired up his hand-rolled cigarette as he walked me out the door. “Choose your favorite ‘hood, knock on some doors, and let ‘em know you have arrived!” Then KDV said the words that fit so well with the theme-athand for this publication. “The people are friendly, Babe, and you can’t go wrong in the sweet streets of Chico!” I reached a country driveway and pulled up to a ranch house. The house fronted hundreds of rows of orchard trees, flowered in pink and white. I knocked on my first door. Bob Randall, soon to become a careerlong friend, called out from behind me, inside a giant metal shop building. “Can I help you?” yelled Bob. We walked toward each other and shook hands. “I’m in real estate,” I said. “Is that right,” said Bob. “Do you sell orchards?” “I sure hope so.” I said, “This is my favorite neighborhood.” “Mine, too,” said Bob. “Especially on a day like today. You’re looking at eighty acres of this neighborhood.” We stood, looking down his orchard rows, blossoms on the ground and blossoms on the trees. “Pretty sweet, huh?” said Bob. “Real sweet,” I said. Doug Love is sales manager at Century 21 in Chico and would love to hear from you. Call or text 530-680-0817. Email dougwlove@gmail.com. See more columns at lovesrealstories.com.


Another aspect of the organization’s support for small businesses can be found in its designation as a Community Development Financial Institution. When local businesses are struggling to find financing and traditional financing ‘doesn’t fit,’ 3Core is there. Chelsea stresses, “Why go online to secure financing when you have people here who can sit down with you face-to-face, understand your issues, and provide you compassionate financial support? Being a smaller financial institution allows us to be more nimble. We are able to rewrite our administrative plan and adjust as opposed to larger banks.” For instance, at the onset of Covid-19, 3Core went to their representative at the Economic Development Administration to discuss the issues our community was facing. They recognized the need to address those issues in order to help support small businesses. Large banks are very conservative with their lending, especially in light of Covid-19 and PPP loans, but 3Core can be a lifeline for small businesses during this time until they are able to qualify for more traditional loans.

best kept secret no more: 3Core 3Core is a private, non-profit company that coordinates and guides the Northstate tricounty region of Butte, Glenn, and Tehama counties in their economic development and planning. The organization oversees the tri-county area and supports small businesses by creating and implementing programs that address their ever-changing needs with the help of a network of stakeholder partners. These stakeholders come from different sectors of the community and work to bring their unique backgrounds and resources together in order to support a shared vision of progress. 3Core’s extensive work and role in the community is largely behind the scenes, and as a result, is often unknown. Chelsea Irvine, 3Core’s Community Resource Manager, says, “I feel like 3Core is the best kept secret around, which is what you do not want. You want people to know that you’re there [for them]. We are really 30

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trying to work on that.” 3Core’s focus is on making our community a better place for businesses through financing, mentoring, and perspective. Their role in the Northstate is multifaceted and exists on many levels. In its largest umbrella role, it helps with infrastructure projects such as the Cohasset roadwidening plan that required a thirteenmillion-dollar grant application. This plan will provide a staging area for natural disasters and opportunities for new businesses which, in-turn, will create more jobs for the area. Under that umbrella are other levels of assistance, such as aiding cities in securing grants for necessary employment positions like Paradise’s Disaster Recovery Manager or distributing grant funds directly to small businesses. This past year, a 4.7 million dollar grant fund was distributed to 285 small local companies. They are also the local partner in the California Small Business

3Core is essentially a hub, a focused center of resources available for the businesses of the Northstate. Their network is always growing and expanding in response to the needs of the community. They can help with grant applications, network with the Chamber of Commerce, or direct you to the Small Business Development Center for assistance in writing a business plan. This interconnected web of support, in addition to their financial assistance, are helping to grow and strengthen our community. Chelsea emphasizes, “We don’t do this alone. We could not do what we do without our stakeholders and partners in the community.” These include, but aren’t limited to: The North State Planning and Development Collective (NSPDC) at Chico State (including the Center for Economic Development), NoRTEC and the Alliance for Workforce Development, the Small Business Development Center at Butte College, the Women's Business Center at JEDI, The Chambers of Commerce, and the Downtown Chico Business Association.


Covid-19 Relief Grant program and have been instrumental in helping locals apply and qualify for grants.


and allows them to almost double the likelihood of 20/20 vision without glasses according to the FDA. According to ophthalmologist Dr. Pablo Arregui, a cataract surgery instructor who has taught at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, “Eye surgeons currently rely on taking several measurements of your eye and then picking the lens that comes closest to those measurements. It’s kind of like taking your measurements for a suit and picking the best option off the rack.” The new Light Adjustable Lens is “like working with the tailor to ensure the suit is adjusted to fit perfectly while wearing it,” Dr. Arregui stated. The Light Adjustable Lens is made of special photosensitive material that changes the shape and power of the implanted lens in response to ultraviolet light. Prior to his career in medicine, Dr. Liston worked as an optical engineer and he immediately recognized the benefit these lenses would have for his patients. According to Dr. Liston, “We were very excited when the lens was first approved by the FDA over 1 year ago and after looking at the data, we couldn’t wait to be the first and only practice to bring this exciting technology to northern California.”

light adjustable lens comes to the northstate Chico Eye Center, a local leader in refractive and cataract surgery, is the first practice in the Northstate to offer the revolutionary new lens implant, the Light Adjustable Lens by RxSight, according to Dr. Sean Liston, a corneal specialist at CEC. The Light Adjustable Lens is the first and only Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved intraocular lens implant that allows a physician to customize a patient's vision after the lens has been implanted in the eye during cataract surgery.

Modern cataract surgery is already considered one of the most successful surgeries in modern medicine, but that hasn’t stopped the surgeons at the Chico Eye Center from striving for even better results for their patients. From performing cataract surgery with almost no need for eye drops, to using computer-guided lasers to assist in surgery, they are now able to custom fit and adjust the power of the lens used to replace the cataract. This is done as a one to two minute in-office procedure

The lens can be adjusted to fit a patient’s lifestyle. Patients are no longer required to choose between distance, near or a multifocal intraocular lens that cannot be adjusted. Jeff Cobb, one of the first patients in our area to receive the lightadjustable lens, said when asked about his experience, “It is an absolute miracle that we have the technology to adjust vision after surgery.” The Light Adjustable Lens means that cataract patients can have the clear vision they have always desired. Mary Hester, another patient who has already received the lens, loves her vision and has recommended the lens to all of her family! It’s time to SEE what you’ve been missing. Call the Chico Eye Center at (530) 895-1727 to schedule your consultation today!


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e walk, bike, and drive on them in an altogether mindless manner. We tend to navigate in comfortable and ritualistic ways. Just maybe, on a given Sunday, we actually head out with the intent, not only to appreciate their individual existence, but also acquire a heretofore unknown recognition of their undeniable coolness, grandeur, and allure. The sweet streets of Chico present a plethora of aspects, details, and style to charm any and all willing onlookers. The laundry list of names alone is mind boggling. From Aaa Lane to Zuni Avenue, the entire gallery of some 2,000 entries opens possibilities from disbelief to outand-out bewilderment. The mere fact the 36

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list includes dandies such as Leftout Lane, Dead End Court, and Blue Shirt Drive is a worthy beginning. The list is not without irony, as the shortest street, known as Long Drive, leads its way to a driving range. It seems apparent the self-proclaimed Redeemer’s Loop must get its fair share of drive throughs. The list shows an East Avenue but not a west version, a North Avenue but not south. However, it does include a West East Avenue. There exists both east and west numbered avenues and streets. Certainly, that hasn’t caused problems for successful deliveries. The dotted one-way streets, such as 3rd and 4th and Pine and Cypress, flow well enough, thus avoiding such embarrassing moments as that hard left turn from 3rd onto Broadway, leaving the unsuspected college

student faced with three lanes of oncoming traffic. Broadway, and its counterpart Park Avenue, in and of themselves, have lasted as perfect examples of just how coexistence can so easily be both sweet and sour. In 1860, John Bidwell celebrated the founding of the City of Chico by laying out its initial streets in two distinct and different manners. The first was brilliantly clever, and the other simply sheer genius. As the story goes, forming the first five streets also came with paying homage to the city’s name. Chestnut, Hazel, Ivy, Cherry, Orange—clearly revealing the brilliance of Bidwell’s clever mind. The sheer genius stems from his establishment of the downtown anchors. Broadway and Main Streets remain, to this day, as those venerable anchors of Chico’s


downtown. So, where’s the genius? John Bidwell’s clear awareness and foresight that well-travelled thoroughfares must be wide, real wide. Each street has room for spacious sidewalks, three lanes of traffic, as well as ample parking spaces on both sides. Interestingly, Bidwell advised the City of Oroville of the importance of widened main roads as they were putting together their own charming downtown. Certainly not difficult to appreciate the absolute genius and timeless importance of this awareness when comparing Lincoln and Myers of Oroville when set side-by-side to the spacious benefits of Chico’s beloved Broadway and Main. However, upon measuring the long haul, it also remains evident one of these streets unknowingly picked the short straw.

Broadway and Main begin at West 1st Street and form a straight shot to West 9th, which serves as a natural turnaround to complete the loop these one-way streets offer. The downtown’s businesses, bars, and majority of banks are laid out in the first four blocks, leading both streets to the equally shared city plaza. In that short distance, Broadway very well may have bragging rights on design, attractiveness, and overall charm. The next four blocks could very well give the nudge to Main Street with its nostalgic tower, the three-story wonder, and the allure of antiques and organic shopping. At West 9th, Main’s short straw brings the street itself to an end, handing off to the industrial Park Avenue which opens itself up to a four-lane thoroughfare complete with a median. Broadway leaves the quaintness


of downtown living and transforms into 11 whimsical and picturesque blocks. These beautiful blocks offer a potpourri of single-family dwellings with their mixture of architecture, well-known to Chicoans as cottage, bungalow, tudor, and the magnificent mansions. All of this together provides a glimpse of a Chico not found in the neighborhoods currently reaching out to the foothills and farm land. By no means do the sweet streets of Chico end with this historic pair. The much celebrated and revered Esplanade, Vallombrosa, and the Midway are prime examples. The iconic Esplanade traveling from the mansion to the channel, with its four lanes and well manicured median, reveals a breathless montage, stamping the city with charisma, refinement, and a little bit of magic. Vallombrosa, with its amazing pitch to each residence of an extended front yard that just so happens to be our beloved lower park may very well be enough. However, the appeal goes far beyond the twists and turns, exposing the vast array of architectural design while not unveiling the constant enticement into just who and what is the story behind each residence. Surely, these puzzles will forever leave us to our wondering questions. The Midway,


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with its ever-changing canopy, ushers us away from the hustle and bustle of city life with a grand introduction to the artistry and peaceful nature of agriculture. These three well-known sweet streets exist in a world of similar boulevards considered just as sweet; just as intriguing. Collectively, they are just lacking in the same notoriety. We offer a scattering of our favorites. In a concerted effort to leave the obscurity of each intact, each of these “sweet streets” will be described, painting into your mind as a picture with words. If you recognize where they are, you will likely acknowledge and muse with one of those knowing smiles on your face. If not, you very well may need to step your game up on those long and meandering Sunday drives. We revere the following “sweet streets” and, quite frankly, revel in keeping them to themselves. It sits at the epicenter of our local academia. This short and narrow one-way street dwells amid the hustle and bustle of everyday academic life. Each house carries its own cues as the whole fits each in this sacred place. From Greek pillars to tall, arched windows, to the undeniable Ivy League brick facade, the differing residences urge speculation as to the habitants inside. For

instance, inside the two-story Victorian, it is as if you could see the crowded bookcase filled with Faulkner novels, Shakespeare’s works, and tomes from the unvaulted past. The well-manicured exterior of another triggers images of the inside, curated by the science and mathematical mind where spice racks are organized like the periodic tables. The matching Subarus and smooth stucco exterior gives way to the neatly-lined row of hiking boots inside by the front door and Jake Early framed prints abounding about. The disheveled patio, with its very own bungalow glow, ensures there are dishes in the sink, lots of them, and empty wine bottles next to full ones waiting their turn. In the end, it is difficult not to believe that merely driving through this eclectic collection of timeless abodes makes you just that much more intelligent. You simply must pause your vehicle at the entrance so as to take in the entire picture. The majestic sycamore trees, with their canopies trimmed high, reveal a longlasting look at the gray bark peeling away to further reveal the bone-white insides. The entire street is framed by these orderly and unusually tall trees, standing like staunch and worthy guardians of the gate. Once you are clearly within the confines, you could

just as well be in a Stratford Connecticut neighborhood. There is a friendliness emanating from the row of homes with similar architecture and inviting front doors. It appears that, whichever neighbor arrives home first, simply puts his folding chair out in the drive, grabs a beer, and waits for everyone else to arrive home and join in. It remains difficult to relay the feeling the entire block emanates, leaving you with an appreciation like you are no longer in Chico but have rented a car to check out your vacation digs. On the flip side, the small, island-like section of a much longer and straighter road that reaches from neighborhoods to the beckoning farm land to the west, resides in its own utter anonymity. This isolated section nestled against the channel’s gnarly and thick foliage makes the street itself appear like the well-worn face of a very long hockey stick. Unlike its close neighbor, the diversified architecture of this narrow dead-end lane stems from early Flinstones to Cape Cod, ensuring the way to a no-twoare-the-same reality. But then, there exists

the mailboxes. The staunch identical black posts with black boxes seemingly standing at attention perched across the street from each correct address. It appears plausible there are no friendly barbeques on the weekends. As aberrations go, this street’s anomaly is eccentrically entertaining. For a narrow street with beautiful homes, densely hidden by an overgrown creek bed, it seems a bit odd to have a lumber yard. If Payless Lumber can call their premise ‘the yard,’ then among the vast and well landscaped yards is an outdoor firewood shopping experience. This anomaly is also the accessible charm and somehow works for the entire street as the proverbial cherry on the top of an irresistible ice cream sundae. Yet another street nestled against the primitive creek and its wild growth will surely trigger the Beatles’ “Long and Winding Road” playing in your head. Unlike other avenues, you may feel more like an intruder than a traveling vacationer. The feeling stems from the amount of joggers and runners seemingly coming around each and every sharp turn left or right. 39

The obvious difference arrives with smiles and waves easing the intrusion down to the understanding the necessary slow and careful maneuvering the foot traffic requires. The turtle pace will be welcomed as there is so much to see including the stunning beauty of the homes and their lovely landscaping. As yet another answer to the rubber-stamped tract subdivision, the slower the better it becomes as you absorb the unique architectural twists, varying styles, and mind-boggling sizes of these single-family dwellings. The long and windy road will leave you ready and willing to take another lap, another day, fully aware and alert of the foot traffic around every bend.


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This quadruple glimpse into little known or out of the way “sweet treats” of Chico is nothing more than unveiling the tip of an iceberg. The iconic trio of the Esplanade, Vallombrosa, and the Midway are all but on the tip itself. By now, you probably have thought of the captivating streets you have cherished on one of your meandering drives. Certainly, above the airport offers multiple ways to steer your vehicle in the direction of yet another delightful drive. As West Sacramento leaves suburbia behind, and straightens itself out, leaving nothing but a nonstop acceleration to the Sacramento river, is a whole different experience in-and-of itself. On any given Saturday morning, you could leave the market and travel down East 4th Street. Treat this stretch as you have had to on the aforementioned ‘long and windy road.’ Slowing down will provide you a realistic peek at what our fortunate town and gown looks like as former single-family dwellings are now cut up into multiple student housing. You will also see a sorority and perhaps nod your head in the tidy manner it is kept. The drive then heads for the entrance of Lower Park and changes the surrounding to the all-too-taken-for-granted world of wonderfully remodeled homes and the actual soul of this wonderful city. Chico may be known as the City of Trees, but you can also understand the “City of Sweet Streets” stands as a very close second.


Live in Your Own World


Towards the end of a lengthy and intriguing interview, Lenn Goldmann lifted his index finger and explained, “All I am is a frickin’ artist.” The entire visit belied that single statement. Yes, Lenn Goldmann is a gifted and talented artist. He is also a husband, father, grandfather, mathematician, inventor, and one true Renaissance man. A rapid fire exchange of one-word questions further revealed his grit. Schedule? “Everyday, two-to-three hours, usually in the morning.” Motivation? “Because I have to.” Inspiration? “Nature and the outdoor world.” Lenn, indeed grew up in the “outdoor world,” raised in both Los Altos and Saratoga with access to the Santa Cruz mountains and Carmel. At 12, Lenn’s dad purchased a ranch in the Santa Cruz mountains and hired an architect. The then 12-year-old Lenn became inspired and started “drawing” houses. He certainly did not know the inspiration was but a harbinger of things to come. Two years

later, Lenn attended the Sausalito Art Show and was awestruck at the paintings the Beatniks were producing and selling. This influenced him in a new direction as he was affected by how cool and stirring the entire experience proved. The seeds were sown, and upon his high school graduation, Lenn was set on a degree in art. By attending Foothill Junior College, he stayed close to the mountains and water before transferring to Chico State. Lenn’s intent was to complete the degree as he wanted to be an art teacher. His final semester at Chico State included a studio class allowing students to do anything they wished. 12-year-old Lenn reemerged and found him utilizing the semester to produce watercolor architectural renderings. With the degree behind him, Lenn spent the fall semester in art history graduate work, abroad in Florence, Italy. Of course, this

would include the study of Renaissance in both Italian art and architecture. The graduate studies course requirements included a painting studio class of choice. Lenn chose watercolor and produced a different piece each day of the surrounding area outside of Florence. The harbinger of the 12-year-old and the awestruck affection of the Beatniks' artwork collided, leaving Lenn with a powerful pair of portfolios. It would not be an understatement referring to Lenn as an outlier. The collision centered him right where he wanted to be—in a place “all about landscapes and living in the outside world.” A side trip to visit his uncle in Switzerland provided much needed clarification to just where that place actually existed. Lenn stayed long enough to tell him he wanted to be a surrealist painter and convert old barns into homes. Without hesitation, his uncle related, “No, you are not Swiss nor a realist... you must go 41

home... and become a California painter and designer.” And Lenn, following the sound advice, did return home, to Chico. His first job came from a local attorney to design Ramada Place, a new entry in the hotel market. Lenn submitted his watercolor rendering and was asked if he knew how to design it. The answer was, “No,” and so he was introduced to the company’s architect who he soon worked alongside as an intern. At the same time, an engineer took the rendering and added the necessary math needed for construction. Lenn marveled at the newfound notion that when art and engineering mesh, “You have architecture!” The internship brought a clarity to math he never understood. At the end, he was able to look at the rendering of a Tahoe home on a steep incline and figure out what it would take to carry the load of fresh snowfall. Lenn was involved in five office buildings in ten years while designing vacation homes on the side. Lenn learned to scoff at the notion that, upon graduation, you better have your own style. He likens this notion to the expectation of static movement from a fish. He had already reached clarity in his combination of artistry and architecture stating, “It became an apex to me because it was so easy. I could use a paint brush.” Instead of putting a style in front of his clients, he asked them, “What do you want? Where did you grow up? What was your favorite street?” In return, he developed their personalities in the design, and Lenn also became known as the “House Psychiatrist.” As for Lenn’s own style? Currently, it is rustic, hunter lodge, northern cattle barn, and some eight more styles. The Lenn Goldmann of today has left design and its architecture and engineering behind, concentrating on watercolor works. Leave it to Lenn to manage to bring a fresh approach to an age-old art form. He noticed that watercolor on canvas meant heavy frames


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with glass fronts, causing a cumbersome and rather expensive way of showcasing art. This led him to rethink the medium. The result is a thin piece of plywood, cut to the exact size of the planned piece, covered with French Arches paper. This paper is a century-old canvas shipped in rolls from Paris. The canvas is cut-to-fit and glued to the plywood with the use of a heavy roller. The resulting frame is much lighter, and due to multiple layers of sprayed Varathane, the painting itself is not behind glass, giving a magical way of it seeming to float inside. So wild to realize this creative move has kept Lenn out of the National Watercolor Association. It has also kept him outside everyday producing piece after piece. After painting outside in places such as Tahoe, Carmel, Yosemite, and further up Northern California, Lenn confesses it took him a while to adjust to taking on the Upper Park canyon in which he resides. The mud walls and stark foliage appeared as a mystery at first. Then, from the frame of his mountain bike, Lenn noticed that 20 minutes each day, the walls lit up with shadows and colors, bringing the ever-changing sky into play. He memorized what he saw, for as long as it would take, then peddle home and paint the memory. These works come out in carefully controlled explosions of color. Just as poetry is meant to be read aloud, art must be viewed, taken in, and given time to absorb. When this is accomplished, the onlooker sees the darker colors of shade and shifting light appearing, as if the 20-minute timer is ending. And, so it is for that 20-minute span, the canyon unveils its true beauty. Just as at the end of each-andevery 24-hour day, Lenn Goldmann “is a frickin’ artist” and so much more. You can see more of Lenn Goldmann's work at www.LennGoldmann.com






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Hakkarinen, Linker, and Moore receive

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You never know what new find you’re going to discover at the Saturday Farmers Market each weekend, but acting on a tip from a local vendor, we found what we were looking for: a tightlyknit three-piece group that included, among other instruments, a stand-up bass and a melodica. We also found a band with no name. Due to the craziness of COVID-19, and its effect on music acts and live performances, the group has not spent time choosing a name. I suggested “The Webster Moore Group,” but Webster is a humble guy who didn’t want the focus on himself. “We’re all in this together,” Webster said, “but maybe we’ll get motivated soon.”



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As for now, Webster, Jaik Hakkarinen, and Aron Linker feel lucky just to be playing. “It’s been tough this year,” said Moore. “I’m the only member who makes a living solely through music. You need to do many jobs to keep your life going.” Drummer, Jaik Hakkarinen, teaches at the Apollo School of Music and has been playing drums and percussion for over ten years. He has music videos on YouTube, including one from when he was around 12 years old. Bassist, Aron Linker, graduated from Chico State with a degree in mechatronics and a minor in music. He works at Beetstech, a MacBook repair store. He’s been playing bass for ten

years. His musical influences include Motown, the Beatles, Jack Bruce, Twrp, and jazz. Keyboardist, Webster Moore, also plays guitar and melodica, while providing the vocals. He began piano lessons when he was five, but it wasn’t until he attended Inspire School of Arts & Sciences in Chico that he became serious about music. His local influences throughout his teen years were Jim White, Josh Hagge, and piano teacher Carolyn Cavanaugh. He also credits his dad, Dean, for motivating him to play guitar. “My dad was a positive influence. He had always played guitar, and I picked it up from him.” Webster’s musical influences include Robert Glasper, Anderson Paak, Chick Corea, and the Clark Sisters, among others. Recently, he has taken an indepth interest in gospel music. He, Jaik, and Aron play backup music for the choir and congregation at Bethel A.M.E. Church in Chico. “The people in the church bring a passion and spirituality to the music that’s incredible,” he said. “The pastor, Reverend Robert Morton, has this deeply resonant voice. It’s incredible.” Webster Moore’s journey began in Yuba City, then wound through Oroville and Magalia, before ending up in Chico. He has performed with local groups, Swamp Zen and Lo and Behold. “I’m lucky. I’ve been playing right along. I haven’t had music withdrawal.”

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By Kevin Dolan Clique—the French word for “latching on,” is defined as a small, exclusive group of people. The verb form is simply to form, or associate in a clique. I discovered the reality of cliques when I stepped foot on the Pleasant Valley campus my junior year. At the time, there existed four distinct and different groups: The 400’s, The Jocks, The Stoners, and The Totes. I found it relatively easy to go in and out of all four, but could only identify with two. When you are on the roster of a varsity team, you’re a jock. The term ‘tote’ was aimed at students who actually carried their books and binders to class. I never gave a second thought as to the apparently horrible message toting textbooks sent. I also do not recall getting any jeering or funny looks due to toting. The 400’s were nothing more than senior snobs insisting only seniors could be in the 400 wing. I had classes in that wing both junior and senior years and felt no sense of belonging or feelings of disconnectedness. I marvel at the allure, the pull, the hopeful advantage, perhaps the elevated pleasure, to the seeming exclusivity of each group. However, it was not altogether lost on me either. What was solely lost stemmed from how each “group of people” conjured senseless ways to turn on each other. The true irony sprung from the two places on campus free of the “latching on”—student government and drama. Each class was filled with authentically shared empathy at every turn, erasing all the allure, pull, or edge. On one end, student government spent 52 minutes a day concentrating on just what was best for the entire student body. On the other, drama proved a daily stretching of our shared self-imposed confinement. Unlike getting the wrong answer on the mathematical equation, or finding out the hard way how slow a runner we really are, each drama exercise left all of us wishing each other to succeed. The drama class formed a small group where digging deep inside to challenge your weakest vulnerability came at the advantage of someone else. It was also super fun. Student government was also fun, and genuine, as we mostly searched for answers to questions we did not know how to pose. I was a junior when we shifted from the 60’s to the ever-changing decade in my life. Hang with me as it is now necessary to perform an about-face to further pursue the wanton need for the human race to just keep right on “latching on.” In 1969, a popular rock group, Three Dog Night, debuted an album, Suitable for Framing, and released a new single. When it comes to music, I am a word guy. Lyrics often make the song. This somewhat cultured group often stretched my thinking. Their name alone is fascinating. “A bandmate suggested the name after reading a magazine article about indigenous Australians, in which it was explained that on cold nights they would customarily sleep in a hole in the ground while embracing a dingo (wild dog). On colder nights they would sleep with two dogs and, if the night was freezing, it was a "three dog night". Their music succeeded in moving us with the music while

celebrating the brilliance of the words. They wrote and recorded numerous adolescent anthems to our hapless selves: about the state of our parties, “Mama Told Me (Not to Come,)” our dance and sing along just because, “Joy to the World,” and our repetitive lost and found love, “One.” The song I am referring to is titled “Easy to Be Hard,” a cover Three Dog Night borrowed from the 60’s musical Hair. In the musical, the song is sung by a girlfriend frustrated with her boyfriend. “The band loved it as a soundtrack to the summer of 1969, with its dreamlike quality and deeply introspective lyrics questioning humanity’s tendency to turn a blind eye to those in need. Indicative of a man desperate to understand why the haves are so content to abuse the have-nots.” I love it for its timelessness, as a soundtrack to these past four years. The haunting solo from the band’s leading man, coupled with the memorable harmony and background drums, draws listeners in with the realization of the even more haunting lyrics. The words appear to put on display the overwrought and hugely populated clique emerging from our four corners. The series of questions are both straightforward and the answers are nothing short of eerie. “How can people be so heartless?/How can people be so cruel?/Easy to be hard./Easy to be cold.” It does, however, strike one as super easy. The next set includes a shocking twist and head shaking wonder how these were written more than 50 years ago. “How can people have no feelings?/How can they ignore their friends?/Easy to be proud./Easy to say no.” These puffed up boys and their contemptuous disdain do manage to make it look rather easy. The lyrics have a flip side. “Especially people who care about strangers./Who care about evil and social injustice./Do you only care about the bleeding crowd?/How about a needed friend?” Its level of degrees is comforting, bouncing from huge and much needed change as well as ‘strangers in need’ (the “bleeding crowd”) right under your own noses. The last line includes the phrase “Much too easy…,” which understandably speaks to both sides of this same coin. From the 440s to the Proud Boys to the Jocks and Black Lives Matter, we have spent a lifetime of looking forward and looking over our shoulders in disdain and despair, often without any answers. Each time I listen to the song, without exception, it seems to offer more hope then gloom, comfort above anguish. Sometimes it just works on repeat. I will leave you with this—my kindergarten took place in public education at John McManus Elementary. The teacher, Mrs. Speagle, fostered a coterie, the French word for a group of people who associate closely. From 1st grade to that first quarter of my junior year, I went to private Catholic schools. On November 11th, 1969, I walked back onto another public school’s grounds. I chose to wear yellow cuffed slacks, penny loafers, and a dark blue shirt with thin white lines going vertically. Looking back, it is difficult not to think I must have appeared as a one man arrogant clique traipsing down my new hallways. It didn’t feel that way at all through my eyes, not at all like I feel today through teary and disbelieving eyes. 47

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