University Girl - Spring 2021

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What Side of TikTok Are You On? And why is it so accurate? by JANE SHEVLIN

graphics by JULIA THACK

Last week, I was grabbing Starbucks with a friend of mine to have our monthly catch-up on life. As we got talking, she asked a question that got me thinking; “So, what sides of TikTok are you on these days?” This question sounded so socially normal and acceptable. Before downloading this infamous app, I was a skeptic. I was that person who said TikTok was never going to be as funny as Vine or that it was only for cringy dances. Well, I am here today to debunk that statement. TikTok has grown into my full-time addiction. I cherish the time in the day where I get to scroll through my perfectly curated FYP (For You Page) and laugh one moment, cry another, and send the next video to my best friend about how we should try this ourselves. I find myself yearning for my end of day relaxation period which consists of TikTok scrolling and late night snacks. TikTok has built the newest and smartest way of capturing an audience through their extremely specific algorithm that is curated to personal interest. According to StayHipp, TikTok bases the “For You Page” on videos that you have interacted with in the past. “As the app feeds people content based on how they interact with videos, it often groups them with others who have similar tastes, backgrounds, and experiences.” The application has built communities within its grand network, all based on interests; very, very specific interest groups. My TikTok feed these days usually consists of home design, dessert, and photography, all hobbies of mine that play a role in my daily life. After talking with a few peers, I found there is a lot more to TikTok than what I was just seeing. Friends responded with various sides of TikTok including cat, sports car, satisfying slime, manifestation and sylvanian drama, all content I have never been exposed to myself. You name it, and TikTok has a side for it. TikTok has grown to be a platform that has expanded to all niches through specific algorithms. The application has the ability to connect people all over the world with similar interest through their For You Page feature. Despite the beauty in connection, is the power of TikTok too strong? A common conception of the For You Page is its accuracy to real-life conversations and instances. “After ordering from Zara this week, I saw so many videos on my feed about people ordering new clothes from Zara.” For You Page’s have turned a social scroll pastime into a personalized and meaningful connection. The question is: Is the accuracy of this platform simply a harmless way to get connected or a breach of our personal privacy? UGirl Feel Good 19UGirl 21

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