MFG Utah | Manufacturing Safety ISSUE

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2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORS UMA CHAIRMAN Clint Morris Lifetime Products, Inc.

1ST VICE CHAIR Johnny Ferry Honeyville, Inc.

2ND VICE CHAIR Matt Wardle JD Machine


Karen Griffin JAS. D. EASTON, INC.

IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR Doug Dahl The Boeing Company

UMA PRESIDENT/CEO Todd Bingham Utah Manufacturers Association


Alex Dobsky Mity Inc. Todd Groll Orbit Michael Henry Northrop Grumman Mark Walker EnergySolutions Brian E. Anderson Rocky Mountain Power Jeff Lowe Petersen Inc. Richard Stonely BD Medical Bill Johnson Barnes Bullets Brett Barton Fresenius Medical Care Chris Locke Nucor Steel Ryan Carlile L3 Harris

Steve Allred Liberty Safe

Frank Peczuh Jr. Peczuh Printing

Blair Blackwell Chevron

Eric Pope US Synthetic

Brett Burningham Hydro Extrusions Doug Dilley Parker Aerospace Jim Divver Zions Bank Erin Barry Merit Medical Michael Gleason Hexcel Corporation

Travis Aardema Swire Coca-Cola, USA Kirk Holden Autoliv America

Table of Contents 5

Why Aren’t Graduates Ready for Work?


Safety in the Workplace

Steve Young Holland & Hart Mariacarmen Ventura Edwards Lifesciences Lucy Andre Stadler Rail Rob Crossman Rio Tinto

Brad Shafer Marathon Petroleum Company

Scott Chandler Dominion Energy

Jace Johnson Key Bank

Mark Paul Stryker

Brandon Busteed, Forbes Magazine Contributor

by Win Jeanfreau, Executive Director of iMpact Utah

9 UMA Staff June 2022


4 Key Steps to Creating Lockout/Tagout Programs EMC Insurance and CUI Agency

15 Cyber Safety- Less Blood, More Carnage Steve Black, Utah-MEP

19 Safety Begins with Operations Utah Safety Council


Creating a Strong Safety and Health Management System Utah Labor Commission

22 UMA Annual Safety Recognition Luncheon Utah Manufacturers Association

Why Aren’t Graduates Ready For Work? They’re The Least Working Generation In U.S. History By Brandon Busteed, Forbes Magazine Contributor

In recent years, Americans have grown quite wary about the work readiness of both high school and college graduates. Just 5% of U.S. adults say high school grads are very prepared for success in the workplace and 13% say the same about college graduates. There are several areas for improvement to point to within schools and colleges, but here’s one real simple explanation for why today’s students aren’t ready for work: they are the least working generation in U.S. history. As recent studies by Pew Research have pointed out, today’s young adults (between the ages of 15-21) are much less likely to have had a paid summer job or to have been employed in the last year compared to every previous generation for which data exists. In 1948 and 1978, 57% and 58% of 16-19 year-olds had a paid summer job. By 2017, only 35% reported having a summer job. The percentage of 15-17 year-olds who reported working in any fashion in the prior year has dropped from 48% in 1968 to a mere 19% in 2018. And the percentage of 18-21 year-olds reporting working in the prior year has dropped from 80% in 1968 to 58% in 2018. These data represent a stunning collapse in the work experience of young adults in America. It’s really no surprise that one of the outcomes of this collapse might be a sense that high school and college 5

graduates aren’t well prepared for the workplace. In fact, it would be more surprising if we felt they were prepared – as opposed to being surprised they’re not. On top of the fact that work experience among young adults has declined dramatically, very little of their typical high school or college studies prepares students well for the workplace. The factors of college that are linked to success in the workplace unfortunately happen for too few graduates. And although there are promising increases in practices such as project-based learning (which gets closer to mimicking real work experiences) in high schools, there’s still a very long way to go. Only a third of college graduates had an internship during college where they were able to apply what they were learning in the classroom. But those who did were twice as likely as those who didn’t to have a good job waiting for them upon graduation. With such a profound relationship, it’s fair to wonder why an internship or co-op isn’t a required component for graduation. It might be easy to point much of the blame on colleges for not making internships a bigger part of students’ experiences, but employers share equal burden and blame here. After all, with the small exception of work study opportunities, colleges and universities don’t have jobs and internships....


employers do! We’re going to need the equivalent of a moon shot plan for stimulating a new ecosystem of employer-to-university partnerships around internships and co-op experiences. This is a place where government intervention (in the form of new incentives for employers to dramatically boost internships) would be welcome. Internships aside for a moment, we’d be wise to carefully examine why today’s young adults are so much less likely to be working than previous generations. This is something that the research has largely missed – other than to offer wide-ranging hypotheses including fewer low-skill, entry level jobs available, teens doing more unpaid community service for graduation requirements and college applications, and more young adults enrolled in high school and college compared to previous generations. These could all be factors, for sure. But I’d add some additional “signaling” elements that could be of serious concern: parents have devalued real work in favor of school homework and higher education admissions offices have devalued paid work over extracurricular activities. These sentiments have been captured by the common refrain among parents that their child’s “job” is to “get good grades,” and we’ve grown familiar with the expression of “padding one’s resume” with lots of extra-curricular activities to impress college admissions.

The good news is there are signs of hope that the pendulum may be swinging back to favor the value of work. Whereas our current generation of young adults and parents may have been distracted by seemingly shinier objects for achieving success, the coming generation of parents with school- age children place strong emphasis on the value of good old-fashioned work. In a soon-to-be-released study I led, 9-out-of-10 of these parents agree “you can learn a lot from a job” and that “work is important for personal growth.” Clearly, they believe we have work to do and so should the rest of us. - Appeared in Forbes Magazine, March 29, 2019

More broadly, perhaps we have devalued the learning value of work. And that could be the biggest disaster of all. In a world that has increasingly emphasized the importance of education, it would be a catastrophic failure to not celebrate the educational value of work and the ways in which school-based learning can and should enhance work opportunity and performance. These are not mutually exclusive values or functions; they reinforce each other.



Safety in the Workplace by Win Jeanfreau, Executive Director of iMpact Utah When the topic of “safety in the workplace” comes up, most of us reflexively think of strategies, policies, and procedures to reduce bodily injury. But there is an important aspect of workplace safety that is often overlooked; emotional safety. Emotional safety has a meaningful impact on the health of the company and the health of its employees. Emotional safety, in more actionable terms, is all about workplace culture. There are two major upsides to a healthy company culture where emotional safety is cultivated and maintained. It’s good for business. A healthy workplace culture produces virtuous and measurable financial outcomes. These include, but are not limited to, lower employee turnover, higher levels of employee engagement (more time spent doing what they get paid to do), higher employee morale, and higher quality output. Research tells us that as much as 72% of employees that quit their jobs are actually quitting their immediate supervisor. According to author Steven Covey, with corroborating work from Jim Collins, Don Rheem, and Pat Lencioni, how employees “feel” at 7

work is the greatest predictor of their longevity, has the strongest correlation to outcomes, and is the best measure of workplace culture that exists at a company. One of the pioneers in the field of workforce safety is Dr. Amy Edmondson of Harvard Business. Dr. Edmondson has shown that creating emotional safety for employees is critical for encouraging employee voice, teamwork, and organizational learning. According to Edmondson’s research, emotionally safe employees can speak up and communicate openly. An open exchange of ideas and observations is vital for thriving businesses, particularly those that have safety-critical operations (like healthcare) where feeling unable to speak up could have devastating consequences. Emotional safety also contributes to innovation and creativity. Employees who feel emotionally safe around leaders are more likely to speak up with insightful suggestions and fresh ideas. When employees don’t feel judged they can take a degree of measured risk because, even if their idea doesn’t fly, valuable learning happens during the iterative ideation process itself. And when they feel that their


voice is heard, they are more motivated to perform at their absolute best. The solutions are easier than you think. The second upside to emotional safety is that because culture is created, it can be modified and improved. And according to author Don Rheem, the strategies for creating a healthy culture are remarkably simple.


In his book Thrive By Design: The Neuroscience That Drives High-Performance, Rheem identifies three specific behaviors that, when consistently practiced, provide the foundation for a healthy, thriving culture. The three actions leaders can take are: 1. Daily acknowledgement. Say hello to your employees by name while making eye contact. 2. Weekly recognition. Celebrate their achievements in front of their peers and supervisors. 3. Monthly feedback. This is a 10-minute two-way dialogue on how they are doing, and what the company can do to improve.

provides a great script for the recognition and feedback elements of these activities, and much more PHONE 801-363-3885 428 Rheem E WINCHESTER STREET, #135 detail about creating space for employee’s voices can be found in his book. I strongly suggest you purchase, UMA@UMAWEB.ORG MURRAY, UT 84107 read, and apply the techniques he teaches. WWW.UMAWEB.ORG The emotional element of safety in the workplace simply can’t be overstated—it is critical to any company’s success. Those able to create and maintain emotional safety have a significant competitive advantage over those unable or unwilling to attend to workplace culture. iMpact Utah helps Utah manufactures implement high-performance cultures through client transformation events supported by training. Contact us today at to collaborate and develop your competitive advantage.



JUNE 2022

Todd Bingham

Lloyd Jensen

Megan Ware

President/CEO Cell: 801-891-6887

Director of Business Development

Director of Workforce Development Cell: 801-230-0655

Cell: 310-980-0030

Austin Emery

Justin Hawkes

Jenny Snow

Mikenley McQuiston

Business Development Cell: 385-216-4137

Manager of Business Development Cell: 385-831-4667

Executive Office Administrator

Marketing Manager Cell: 801-656-8208

Office: 801-363-3885

Office Information Phone: 801-363-3885 428 E. Winchester St. #210 Murray, UT 84107 9

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4 Key Steps to Creating Lockout/Tagout Programs EMC Insurance and CUI Agency

A maintenance employee turns off the power to a piece of equipment and sticks their arm into the machine to clear out a jam. A co-worker, unaware the power is off for a reason, turns on the equipment, seriously injuring the maintenance employee. We’ve all heard horror stories like this, but with thorough lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedures in place, you can reduce the chance of accidents like this happening in your workplace. Controlling Hazardous Energy When machines or equipment are being prepared for service or maintenance, they often contain some form of hazardous energy that can harm workers in the area. Energy sources can include electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical or thermal sources in machines and equipment. LOTO programs are all about the control of hazardous energy. What Is Lockout/Tagout? The system for protecting workers (maintenance technicians, machine operators and those in the general area) from unexpected energization, startup or release of hazardous energy during equipment servicing or maintenance is called lockout/tagout. • Lockout: The placement of a device that blocks the flow of energy from a power source to a piece of equipment. 11

Tagout: The placement of a tag on or near the lockout device to warn others not to restore energy to the equipment. LOTO programs and protocols are used to keep employees safe from equipment or machinery that could injure or kill them if not managed correctly. Why Your Company Needs LOTO Procedures Maintenance workers support your company’s machinery, so equipment runs properly and safely. And it’s crucial that your maintenance employees also remain safe and able to perform in top condition. Implementing a LOTO program can prevent deadly scenarios from occurring in your workplace. A well-developed LOTO program saves lives by: • Protecting employees from an accidental release of energy • Preventing employees from operating equipment when it’s unsafe to do so • Warning employees that equipment is being serviced Keeping employees safe seems like a good enough reason for a LOTO program, but if you need more convincing, there are also large fines associated with failing to follow OSHA’s standard for The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) (29 CFR 1910.147).


Developing Machine-Specific LOTO Procedures A good LOTO program includes several coordinated steps (outlined below) to achieve employee safety. One of the crucial steps involves creating machine-specific LOTO procedures. That means that each machine or piece of equipment in your facility must have a printed list of procedures. 1. Identify equipment and gather information: Spend some time determining which pieces of equipment need procedures. Consider which employees should be involved in developing the program and which will be responsible for following the procedures for each piece of equipment. Then compile information about each individual machine, including: • • • • •

The energy sources and magnitude that may be connected to each machine How to shut down the machine and release or restrain stored energy How to isolate the energy sources How to verify a successful lockout How to restart the equipment

2. Write LOTO Procedures for Each Piece of Equipment: These procedures will be used by employees who provide maintenance or service to that machine. They must cover each step in the process. Copies of the written procedures must be posted by the equipment. A master record should also be a part of your company’s LOTO written policies and procedures manual. Be sure to include photos that show switches, knobs or other details to remind employees of the components that are part of the process. Below we outline the six common steps of LOTO procedures. Step 1: Prepare for Shutdown The authorized employee must refer to the company procedure to identify the type and magnitude of the energy that the machine or equipment utilizes, understand the hazards of the energy and know the methods to control the energy. Step 2: Notify Affected Employees Notify all affected employees that servicing or maintenance is required on a machine or equipment, and that the machine or equipment must be shut down and locked/tagged out to do so.

Step 3: Shut Down Equipment Power down the machine or equipment in a safe and orderly manner, in accordance with the equipment-specific procedure or operating manual (depress the stop button, flip switch, close valve, etc.) Step 4: Isolate Energy Sources Make sure all sources of energy have been isolated. Turn off power, close valves, block moving parts, disengage and block lines, etc. Step 5. Apply LOTO Devices Lock out the energy-isolating devices (switches, levers, etc.) with assigned individual locks (padlocks, safety hasps, etc.). Each device should feature a tag that displays the name of the employee who applied the device and why. Step 6: Release All Secondary Energy Sources Even after the energy source has been disconnected and the machine or equipment has been locked out, there could be sources of residual energy, such as trapped heat in a thermal system or hydraulic pressure, that need to be safely relieved, disconnected or restrained. Step 7: Verify Isolation Now that all primary and secondary sources of energy have been disconnected, it’s time to double-check. Once confident that all hazardous energy has been isolated and verifying that nobody is in a position where they could be hurt, employees can perform a safe check to ensure that the machine or equipment cannot be started without removing the LOTO device. Step 8: Restart Equipment When the maintenance work is complete and all tools, parts and debris have been removed from the area, the machine can be brought back into operation. Be sure to replace any safety features and machine guards, close all access panels, remove all locks and tags, and inform all affected employees the work is complete and the machinery is about to be re-energized. (continued online...) READ THE FULL ARTICLE: Scan or Click on the QR Code Visit EMC’s website to finish reading about how to set up an effective lockout/tagout program. You’ll also find links to free loss control resources you can use to level up your safety program, including a customizable LOTO program template.



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Cyber Safety – Less Blood, More Carnage Steve Black, Utah-MEP Safety in manufacturing takes on many aspects. Like injuries and near misses with personal, our business systems are at risk from Cyber Attacks. Because Cyber pain may not immediately be felt or blood spilled, damage can continue over years, and the impact can be deep and lasting. In the linked video, Cincinnati Crane & Hoist, a premier crane builder in the Midwest and Veteran Owned Small Business, suffered a cyber-attack through a spearfishing campaign. While it had significant impacts on the company, they worked with their local MEP to find solutions and get back to business. - https://www.nist. gov/mep/cybersecurity-resources-manufacturers In our increasingly digitized, connected world, manufacturers need to protect their data and their company against potential cybersecurity attacks. A NIST cybersecurity framework is a set of recommendations and standards that enable organizations to be better prepared in identifying and detecting cyber-attacks, and provides guidelines on how to respond, prevent, and recover from cyber incidents. It is widely considered to be the gold-standard for building a cybersecurity program. 15

Whether you’re just getting started in establishing a cybersecurity program or you’re already running a mature program, the framework can provide value — by acting as a top-level security management tool that helps assess cybersecurity risk across the organization. The Utah-MEP experts can work with you to identify, assess, and manage your cybersecurity risks. Our experts will guide you through a self-assessment using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework for a fraction of the cost of other consultants. The Utah-MEP and the UMA with our partners are also equipped to help you meet the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement cybersecurity requirements for manufacturers in the Department of Defense supply chain.


Cybersecurity protects the conÿdentiality, integrity and availability of your information. A cybersecurity program provides advantages for small and mid-sized manufacturers:

Improve Recovery Times After Disruptions

Avoid Potential Losses

Protect Valuable Data

Reality of Cyber Attacks and Breaches

61% 58% 34% $60K

Ensure Employee and Customer Privacy

Mitigate Risks

Common Types of Attacks and Breaches

of small businesses have experienced a cyber attack in the past 12 months. of cybercrime victims are identiÿed as small businesses.

Spear Phishing

of all documented attacks targeted manufacturers.

Identity Theft

Web Attacks

is the median cost of a data breach.


5 Steps to Reduce Cyber Risks Protecting the information of your company, employees, and customers is an ongoing process. Manufacturers will beneÿt from a program that:


Defense Suppliers: Compliance Manufacturers in the DoD supply chain had until December 31, 2017 to be in compliance with new DFAR cybersecurity requirements.

Learn more at

Enhance Your Cybersecurity Whether you’re a manufacturer implementing a cybersecurity program, or a DoD supplier looking to achieve compliance, the MEP National Network can help you with your cybersecurity needs.

Contact your local MEP Center or learn more at mep-national-network



Sources: Ponemon Institute’s 2017 State of Cybersecurity in Small & Medium-Sized Businesses, 2018 Verizon Data Breach Report Global Threat Intelligence Center 2017 Q2 Threat Intelligence Report, NTT Security, 2016 NetDiligence Cyber Claims Study


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Safety Begins with Operations Utah Safety Council June is National Safety month; safety managers and EH&S professionals from all industries work hard this month to bring attention and advocate for safe work environments. Here at the Utah Safety Council, we’ve been celebrating National Safety Month for over 80 years and supporting a diversified group of organizations from across the state ranging from government, transportation and health care to construction, manufacturing, mining and oil & gas. Any year on average, the Utah Safety Council will directly train about 13,000 Utahn’s in any one of our training programs. Everyday we look forward to serving Utah and doing our part in creating safer environments where we all live and work. Like all organizations with “safety” in their mission statements, we want safety for all, but are we there yet and how do we get there? How about we start with the bold, confident and decisive men and women who lead the day-to-day operations in all the organizations from the industries just noted. Specifically, lets talk about the characteristics and behaviors we need from operations managers in a manufacturing setting. Here’s my hypothesis; safety begins with operations. Operations managers in any manufacturing setting will juggle a broad range of responsibilities. A good operations manager will be well organized with a system of regular routines to manage activities and projects. Have you ever seen an operations manager’s desk that isn’t organized where every paperclip, rubber band and pen have a specific place it needs to be? This is the person you want doing the heavy lifting when it comes to direct responsibility for the safety and welfare of workers on a production line. Safety mangers are a valuable resource for any manufacturing company, but occupational safety begins with operations. Production or progress never comes before safety and welfare, but a producer needs to produce, right? Therefore, the first task of any operations manager is to identify any immediate safety issues that may affect the welfare of the team, and potentially risk stopping production. Before the safety manger and his (her) team performs a hazard assessment, or job safety analysis, of an already producing manufacturing operation, it’s vital the operations team preempt the safety team with standardized tasks and work functions that balances worker safety with production. We know safety 19

professionals live and work by the moto ‘safety first,’ but when that philosophy originates from the operations team, it demonstrates a real commitment to safety that carries a lot of weight with workers on the front line of production. Relationships matter when the operations manager is tasked with managing the performance of a team. With these relationships, coupled with mutual trust and respect, the operations manager can effectively challenge complacency and entrenched views with existing processes, procedures or team culture. With this ability to affect real change and deviate a team from the “way we’ve always done it” mentality, the operations manager can be the most valuable resource for keeping people safe. When things go wrong, good operations managers will ask “why” instead of “who.” Their first instinct isn’t going to be to lay blame on somebody else. They’re going to focus on the process, not the individual. To mitigate things going wrong, like an accident that causes injury, operations mangers will develop well thought out standards and processes and will continually work to improve these processes. When key tasks and work functions in a manufacturing setting are standardized and expectations are established to maintain the standard, it creates a system and culture where everybody is contributing to operational excellence. The goals and plan, for a safe production unit for example, will be systematically communicated throughout the team by the operations team. Operations managers need to understand the business strategy from the organization’s leadership and the role of operations in delivering that strategy. Good manufacturing companies will have buy-in from its leadership regarding safety, but I would challenge leaders of these organizations to recognize the power their operations team has on the company culture. You won’t find operations managers in their offices very often. They have the most staff reporting to them and the greatest number of interactions with peers. They spend most of their time out and about interacting with the team. When they are at their desks, they’re rarely alone. It’s smart business strategy to plant the safety seed with the operations team and watch it grow. It’s what they do; they lead the team and drive improvement.


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Creating a Strong Safety and Health Management System by Utah Occupational Safety and Health, a Division of the Utah Labor Commission Here at Utah Occupational Safety and Health (UOSH), we know that nothing is more important than the health and safety of your employees and co-workers. Workplace injuries can occur from a wide range of hazards so having a strong Safety and Health Management System (SHMS) in place makes your workplace safer and can even strengthen your bottom line. An effective SHMS consists of: Management Leadership and Employee involvement, Worksite Analysis, Hazard Prevention and Control, Safety and Health Training. Management Leadership and Employee involvement Successful companies have a supportive management team providing resources for improvement of their SHSM. Management sets and relays goals to employees and involves them in all areas of the SHSM. Companies that have strong employee involvement have more pride in their work, are more productive, produce a higher quality of work, and have better retention rates. Employees can be involved in safety inspections, setting goals, reviewing incidents, suggesting safety and health improvements, and being actively involved in a safety committee. Worksite Analysis Each worksite should be inspected to identify common safety and health hazards. The documented results should then be shared with employees. Identify known hazards in each area, looking for slip, trip, fall hazards as well as possible electrical, and equipment guarding issues and ensure all cleaning chemicals in bottles are properly labelled. This will give you information to build a checklist to assist you on future inspections. You can’t do it all, so when doing the initial hazard assessment, ask the employees who work in that area what hazards 21

they see. Use them to conduct regular inspections with management or others visiting and conducting your inspections. Set-up a schedule for continuing assessment of the workplace. Hazard Prevention and Control When a hazard is identified the employees must be protected from exposure to it. The hierarchy of controls should be used with the first option being eliminating the hazard. This can be done using engineering controls (including replacing equipment, installing guarding), administrative controls (workplace rules, etc.), work practice controls (lockout/tagout, bloodborne pathogens, etc.), and as a last resort PPE. Regularly review these controls and practice preventative maintenance to ensure continued protection for employees. Safety and Health Training Regular safety and health training that educates about known hazards and their controls is required for managers, supervisors, employees, and contractors. Develop a training calendar to ensure each required area of training is covered annually and set up a tracking system to ensure all employees receive the training. Testing should be a part of the training to ensure the understanding of the material and remember to use interpreters for better understanding. UOSH Consultation and Education Services provides confidential on-site safety and health services, at no charge, to Utah businesses with 250 employees or less throughout the state or 500 employees or less corporate-wide. The primary emphasis of UOSH Consultation and Education Services is small/high-hazard businesses, but we are willing to assist employers of all sizes. For further information, and to request a consultation, visit us at:


Annual Safety Recognition Luncheon On June 14th, 2022, the Utah Manufacturers Association hosted our Annual Safety Recognition Luncheon and celebrated the top safety-performing manufacturers in the state that belong to the association. These 25 companies were identified and selected based on their Emod scores. We extend our congratulations to the following companies for their commitment to and their performance in the Safety arena: Advanced Composites Inc. A-J Sheet Metal, Inc. All Metals Fabrication ATS Welding Barlow’s Wood Classics Barnes Bullets Blanchard Metals Processing Company Boswell Wasatch Architectural Woodwork Campbell Scientific, Inc. Complex Fabricators Fassio Egg Farms Firefly Automatix The Grace Company Great Salt Lake Brine Shrimp Cooperative Longvine Growing Co Maxim’s Nutricare Moxtek Nature’s Sunshine Products Pipe Fabricating & Supply Co. Rowley’s South Ridge Farms, Inc. S&S Worldwide Sugarhouse Industries Sunset Rail Inc. Sweet Candy Company Wasatch Container The UMA is grateful for all our manufacturers who prioritize safety and provide a safe work environment for their employees and those they do business with daily. In an effort to help you manage your Emod score, the Utah Manufacturers Association will continue to do our part by providing three free safety trainings each month. You can find our safety training schedule on our website. UMA is proud to work with such outstanding companies as members, who provide Utah’s makers a safe place to work and, more importantly, return home. We firmly believe that our Utah manufacturing family deserves that commitment from all of us because Utah needs manufacturing, and we believe that “What Utah Makes, Makes Utah.” UMAWEB.ORG



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