2013-2014 Issue 8

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Attention Seniors! Our next issue is the SENIOR ISSUE! Submit your SENIOR WILL today! Information on Page 5

Ukiah High School Home of the Wildcats

Volume XXXVII Issue 8 April 25, 2014

“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” April 25, 2014

Contents 3 Ukiahi Seniors Embark on Senior Projects 4 Ukiah High Students Travel to Europe 4 Antention Seniors: Scholarship Reminder 5 Faculty Member of the Month: April 5 Student Council Reports Out on Past and Current Events

c s

- Aristotle

The Ukiahilite


6 Flix Pix: Captain America 2 6 Student Poetry: “To You” By: Oscar Montelongo 7 Spotlight: Contemporary Music Ensemble 7 Game of Thrones Continues

10 The American Debate 10 Who Should Ask Who to Prom? 11 Beware of the Rise of Ridiculous Reality Shows 11 Graduation Notice!

8-9 Girls go to Prom 2014

14 From East to West 14 Senior Athletes Continue Their Careers 15 Sportslite - Hugh Pegan 15 Sportslite - Aravind Mahadevan

12 Cats Rule the World: Part II 12 4/20 Easter: Would You Blaze it or Praise It?

Did you ‘hear?’ April 11 was 13 ADS & 16 PAGES

Letters to the Editor The Ukiahilite accepts letters to the editors. The Ukiahilite reserves the right to edit letters for length. Letters must be signed in order to be printed. The Ukiahilite may be contacted at ukiahilite@uusd.net or by mail to 1000 Low Gap Road, Ukiah, CA, 95482. EDITORS IN CHIEF Tyler Biscocho and Ben Cayler


HUMOR Taylor Cameron NEWS Sydney Summers-Knight OPINIONS Tyler Biscocho

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Lorena Saucedo Sarah Niderost CENTERSPREAD Jenna Hester SPORTS Benjamin Cayler ADVERTISEMENT Tess Clausen

PHOTO Elijah Williams ADVISOR Valerie Warda STAFF Ashlyn Bazzani, Harris Bedford, Rafael Ceja, Melissa Duenas, Alex Epstein, Milo Hooper, Samantha Ingerman, Zoltan Jakab, Delaney Kindopp,

Mariah Larwood, Lizzy McKeon, Sarah Niderost, T. Abraham Rawles, Jose Recendiz, Luke Robinson, Gabi Rodriguez, Hattie Sher, Nick Vargas, Elijah Williams COVER PAGE GRAPHIC CREDIT

Tyler Biscocho and markcohanlaw.com

“You’re miserable, edgy, and tired. You’re in the perfect mood for journalism.” -Warren Ellis

April 25, 2014 The Ukiahilite




Also in this section... Student Council Update French Students Return From Trip Scholarship Reminder Faculty Member of the Month

OPERATION: GIVEBACK Barra of Mendocino 5pm-9pm !

Join us as we celebrate the service and sacrifices our local veterans have given for our freedom and country. All proceeds go to the Honor Flight System of America which flies WWII veterans to their memorial in Washington D.C. Tickets for the event will go on sale on Monday, 14 April 2014.

$25 General Admissions $20 Senior Admissions Free Children 5 & under

Photo Credit: Tyler Biscocho

ly new to me.” Andy Gonzalez chose explore Italian cuisine. He is working to create various dishes and tasting them in order to write about the different types of cooking. “I’m making scaloppini with shrimp and tomato sauce,” Gonzalez said. “It tastes amazing.” Gonzalez has a fascination

Ukiahi Seniors Embark on Senior Projects Melissa Duenas

Staff Writer

Senior projects have been a tradition at Ukiah High within the English department for about eight years. This project is designed for research and self-exploration as seniors dive into topics that are new to them. The style of the project depends on the English teachers. Most teachers give free rein to the topic as long as it is school appropriate. There is a division between senior projects: regular English classes and AP English classes. The goal in regular English classes can be anything. The AP English projects have to decide on a topic that benefits the community in some way and includes a visual art element. Students doing an AP project are allowed to work together in groups consisting of around 3 and 6 people. Melissa Ortega and her group are putting together a documentary about veterans and their experiences in both war and at home. This project is not an AP English class. “My group members and I have been working closely to arrange our event venue, to get donations from local businesses and artists. We have just been working with as many people as possible to help us make this a reality,” Ortega said.

Their goal is to display their work at a fundraising banquet where food and entertainment will be provided, as well as an auction that will be held. Most importantly, they seek to raise funds for the HonorFlight. For his project, Thomas Kenney decided to play drums. He meets together after school with his friends in the band room, where they play different instrument and practice one hour a day in order to perform in front of an English class in May. “Music has always been an interest of mine. I wanted to explore the drums because it was something I didn’t usually do,” said Kenney. Michela Wester decided to try aerial silks, which is a type of aerobics. She is taking classes in order to learn and experience over this topic and is practicing different stunts in order to present them to her class. She is also putting together a slideshow consisting of videos of her performances. Wester hopes to continue aerial silks after high school. “I decided to do this because I watched the singer P!nk do her aerial silk performance on the Grammy’s and I thought it looked really fun!” said Wester. “When I was younger I did cheerleading, gymnastics, and ballet, but now that I’m older it feels complete-

Photo Credit: Lizzy McKeon

with cooking and wanted to try something different and exotic. And tasty. Senior projects are unique not only because they differ from one another’s, but also because they encourage graduating students to take on a new experience whether they are doing something to support the community or doing something to enjoy themselves and learn foreign things.

“Journalism is literature in a hurry.”


April 25, 2014

- Matthew Arnold The Ukiahilite 4

Ukiah High Students Travel to Europe

Luke Robinson Staff Writer

This spring break, students of Ukiah High took trips to Europe. The French class went to France and Italy with Mr. Porter, and Mrs. McClure and Mrs. Perry took students around Italy. All the students had an amazing trip and got a chance to take their education out of the classroom. Twenty students toured Italy with Mrs. McClure and Mrs. Perry, visiting Rome, Florence, Venice, Assisi and a surprise trip to Bologna. “The highlight of the trip was going to Bologna and seeing the Anatomy Academy where we went into the autopsy room. The room at the top had a priest who would be preaching against defacing the human body: that was required to allow them to do it when it was allowed, and at other times autopsy wasn’t allowed at all,” said McClure. The trip to Italy was a unique cultural experience. An Italian woman

made homemade pasta for the group and they experienced true Italian culture. “I really liked visiting Assisi. It was a pretty town and you could see the whole valley,” said Ashley Cable, a sophomore who went on the trip. Cable also liked the depth of the painting at the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican, and the pasta and pizza were more highlights for her. Mr. Porter arranges a trip to France for the French class once every two years. This was Mr. Porter’s last trip before he retires. They flew into Paris and traveled to Brussels, Rome and Olivetti before returning to Paris and flying home. “I love the excitement of the kids and the anticipation for the trip during the year,” said Porter. Maggie Selzer, a sophomore at Ukiah High, enjoyed interacting with the French. “The highlight for me was meeting foreigners and speaking different

languages, and overcoming those language barriers to be able to communicate with them,” said Selzer. Devon Smith and Emma Barash both enjoyed the new types of food in France. “There was a rose petal macaroon that tasted like roses. It was so good!” said Smith. “I really liked the gelato and the chocolates. They were specialties, and it was nice to experience it within the country,” said Barash. Gabriel Baca, a junior at Ukiah High, enjoyed the experience of simply being on the continent of Europe. “It opens your mind so much as to how people can think and to how they can come up with different solutions about how to run a society,” said Baca. “Europe has a fairly welcoming and inviting atmosphere.” One of the major cultural differences that everyone noticed on both trips was the excessive smoking in Europe,

and in Paris, even more so. “The French are probably the most prolifically smoking country in the world. I could not walk one hundred feet without seeing someone smoke or smelling smoke,” said Baca. Another contrast between Europe and the United States was the public transportation system which the students had to figure out to get around the cities. Smith also noticed the distinctive way in which locals carry themselves. “The people of Paris were really graceful and welcoming, but also reserved,” said Smith. Everyone on the trip seemed to enjoy the short vacation and liked learning about the French and Italian culture. “Anybody who gets the chance to go on an international trip should go because you learn a lot about their culture and your own culture, too,” said Selzer.

Attention Seniors! Mariah Larwood Staff Writer

Attention Seniors! Wherever a student is headed next year, whether it be to a vocational school, junior college, or a 4 year university, all of these institutions have something in common: they cost money. So now that applying to college is behind us, it is time to get those future expenses covered. A great way to do this is by applying for scholarships. We are lucky at Ukiah High to have such great access to scholarship funding. In addition, there is no need to fret if a student does not have the perfect grades or ten-page list of extra-curricular activities. “There is a scholarship for everyone” said Ukiah High School counselor and scholarship coordinator David Hulse-Stephens. Whether you are interested in the lumber industry, horticulture, nursing, banking, agriculture or anything in between, check the scholarship board today in the B building. Do not procras-

tinate; the deadlines always seem to creep up on applicants! Yes, it may take a bit of time to fill out the application but it is a small investment for a large return. Say one spends two hours completing an application for a $500 scholarship. If that person were to receive the scholarship that would total a whooping $250 per hour pay out. Beyond the money value of these scholarships, it is quite amazing to know that we live in a community that supports the dreams and aspirations of the young minds from Ukiah High School. So start filling out the applications today for a better future tomorrow!

Photo Credit: Google Images

“Better a good journalist than a poor assassin.” -Jean-Paul Sartre April 25, 2014 The Ukiahilite 5 News

Student Council Reports Out on Past and Faculty Future Events Member of Milo Hooper donate,” said Ortega. about at the meeting, as by then there the Month: Staff Writer Next on the agenda was a report were few tickets sold for the event. the recent Talent Show at Ukiah There is also news regarding the Kitty Britton Ukiah High’s student council held on High, about which many council mem- location of graduation: as its usual locaRafa Ceja

Staff Writer

Kitty Britton

a meeting on Tuesday, April 15, discussing various recent events as well as activities up and coming in the near future. First there was a recount of the success of the recent Ukiah High blood drive, organized by Melissa Ortega and Maya Mauer. “It went very, very well. It went better than our previous one, and a lot of the people that signed up were able to

bers had positive comments, from Sophomore Class Vice President Asia Gordon. “We had a really good turnout,” said Gordon. The student council then spent time discussing the next staff member of the month awards. Ticket sales for the Mr. Wildcat competition, which was held on April 17 with six contestants, were also talked

SENIOR WILLS Photo Credit: Lizzy McKeon

Ukiah High School is honoring Kitty Britton as Faculty Member of the Month for the month of April. Kitty has been part of Ukiah High for more than thirty years as a bookkeeper, one of the biggest responsibilities being to keep track of all the money used by Ukiah High School’s student body. She spends a lot of time getting prepared for fundraisers and many other events. ASB leaders feel Kitty Britton is an extraordinary woman for whose service everyone is appreciative. “She is an outstanding woman with an outstanding smile,” said Yazmin Muniz. She has a beautiful smile and is always trying to spread her optimism to other people. Most of the students describe her as organized, happy, curious, and enlightened. On top of all of these things, Kitty has to deal daily with a large volume of students requesting information or making payments for various school functions. The Ukiahilite congratulates Kitty as Faculty Member of the Month for her outstanding work.


$2 = 200 WORDS $5 = 600 WORDS

Hey there Ukiah High Seniors! It’s that time of year again: SENIOR WILLS! The last issue of the Ukiahilite publishes Senior Wills as a tradition in the last issue of the school paper. If you would like to write one and have it published, pick up a form in Student Activities or from Ms. Warda in room E-11.!


tion at the field will be under construction at the time of graduation, it has been moved to Mendocino College’s soccer field. Almost all supplies needed for Prom are ready, according to Breann Dunken, and it will be held in the cafeteria on May 3. The council also discussed the possibility of students being able to make playlists of songs for a DJ to play at the event.

“I don’t want life to imitate art. I want life to be art.” -Carrie Fisher April 25, 2014 The Ukiahilite


Flix Pix

Lizzy Mckeon

Much of the attention in the cinema world is being turned to the new Captain America release, and Noah is a masterpiece that was apparently released at an unfortunate time one week earlier. It’s opening weekend was worth $44 million though, taking number one at the box office until Captain America took in $300 million worldwide its opening weekend. Noah depicts what is left of mankind, the descendants of Cain, as a selfish and desperate race that will do anything or kill anyone to survive. Noah, who is the last of the line of Seth, will also do anything to survive, but only in the attempt to save the pure and innocent creatures, Staff Writer and eliminate the wicked human race, including his own family, in the name of God. Director Darren Aranofsky (of Black Swan) has forever changed the story of Noah the prophet, by exaggerating the biblical story line with incredible graphics, and theme and plot twists to build most of the movie’s


Also in this section...

Student Poetry Spotlight: UHS Contemporary Music Ensemble New Season: Game of Thrones

emotional bulk. Russell Crowe, who plays Noah, debunks the picture of the gentle, God-fearing man in the Bible, and brings out his inner gladiator, strong-willed and determined to complete his divine mission. Noah and his family dodge death from the ruthless king, played by Ray Winstone (from Beowulf). His sons Ham and Shem are played by Logan Lerman (in the upcoming Fury) and Douglas Booth (from Carlo Carlei’s Romeo and Juliet); Ham is a sexually frustrated older teenager, while his older brother Shem is happy with Ila, played by Emma Watson. Noah’s kind and virile wife, Naameh, is played by Jennifer Connelly (from The Day the Earth Stood Still). Russell Crowe’s divine obedience makes for a frightening, suspenseful, and convincing performance, while his younger peer Logan Lerman makes a curious go between as antagonist and protagonist, beckoning confusion and intrigue from the audience. Jennifer

Connelly and Douglas Booth have supporting roles; and while Emma Watson may also be just a supporting role, she is an essential and captivating character in Noah. When Noah is chased out of the mountains and into the unforgiving, burned landscape of the giants, he is befriended by one of the giant rock angels that had been sent to earth to help humankind, but who had eventually been taken advantage of and then sent into exile. Then Noah has the famous vision from God, he is given the wood to build an ark, and the giants are there to help. These giant rock angels are some of the best graphics in the movie, giving off a warm divine glow from deep within the rocky, disfigured shells that limp across the landscape. The special effects required for the surging waters and blasting fires must have been intensive, because the movie is rather realistic and very much present around the viewer.

Bad Okay Good Great To the girl sitting a few seats away, I’d like to take the time to tell you; I come to school to see you To admire you again The one big flaw about you You melt the hearts of men

To You by Oscar Montelongo Please ask the teacher a question I’d like to hear your voice And I think I forgot to mention You are my first choice

Your brains I do adore Smart and lovely all the same I’d like to know you more And I really love your name

I’m always absorbed by your smile Beautiful bright eyes distract me too Your entire laugh entices me I know for a fact it’s true

“Media changes our world, shapes our dreams, tells our stories.” -Mallika Chopra April 25, 2014


The Ukiahilite


Spotlight on Contemporary Music Ensemble

Lorena Saucedo

Staff Writer

Ukiah High’s current contemporary music ensemble class is a melting pot of musicians. From ukuleles to electric guitars to drums, the class has almost every kind of music imaginable. In other music classes, students are assigned certain music and certain people they must work with. In Ukiah High’s music class, however, students have some freedom. They are free to choose what music they would like to learn, and with whom. They get to choose their own partners, which allows for different students to get to know one another. “My favorite thing about the class is that we get to choose all our music and work together. We choose our people and our songs,” said senior Blake Evans. In the class, students are encouraged to work with each other

and add their own personal spin to their music. By working with different people, students are able to meet new people and learn to collaborate with their peers. Every year, the music class has a few chances to perform for the entire school. N o r m a l l y, the class has two recitals -- one in the fall, and one in the spring. T h i s y e a r , however, the class has had two other chances to perform. The first performance was in the winter for an assembly. The second time was with the choir in the spring recital. “My most memorable moment

from the class was getting to perform in front of the entire school with my friends,” said Evans. With the coming changes to the music program, there were worries that the class would be affected. “I don’t think it’s going to largely impact it, h o n e s t l y, because there are a lot of students at Ukiah High that like to play the guitar, and that want to learn. They want to try music, and this is a nice format for them to do that. They learn from each other,” said Ms. Doering, teacher of the contemporary music ensemble class. One important thing to know

before signing up for the class is that some experience is required. “You should be able to play something to some degree. It doesn’t have to be super advanced…. but it helps to have some knowledge,” said Ms. Doering. Due to the size of the class, Ms. Doering is unable to sit students down and teach individual lessons, which is why it is important for students to work together to learn new things. In the class, the students are taught basic music theory, but really rely on their peers to learn different songs. The class is a great way for students to learn about music in a fun way, while working with their peers. It is also a great way for students to learn how to express themselves with a creative outlet.

and internally, of the nine families and their multi-layered issues. Martin enjoys the show adaptation so much that he has even revealed the ending of the story line to the show’s producers in case anything might happen to him and he cannot finish the books. Martin has been in poor health and this ensures the show’s completion just the way author Martin envisions it. The book and show have attracted a very active and borderline obsessive online community that has plenty of events and discussions, similar to the following of Lord

of the Rings. There are also hundreds of blogs and articles speculating the stories’ plot and characters. The show tries to appeal to all audiences with every sort of interest. There is love, war, magic, midgets and some classic betrayal. But be warned, some material is not appropriate for all audiences. It has a 9.5 out of 10 rating on IMDB.com with over five hundred thousand individual reviews. The show is also highly reviewed by individual reports like IGN and The New Yorker. What makes Game of Thrones so great is the interest that

it creates for its viewers with countless plot twists and turns that hook the viewers to come back and watch every week. The show started its fourth season at the beginning of April and had a record 6.6 million viewers for its premiere. With this that many people watching it has to be good. This shattered HBO’s previous record for the season finale of the show Sopranos back in 2007. The Game of Thrones series is just beginning; with seven books planned and a season for every novel, there is plenty of time to start watching and enjoying the show.

Photos courtesy of:  http://nupemagazine.org/?=404;http://nupemagazine. org:80/electric-guitar-black-and-whitehd-wallpaper/&reqp=1&reqr= and https://www.flickr.com/photos/emiliokuffer/5844760418/

Game of Thrones Continues

Harris Bedford

Staff Writer

Everyone knows that all film or show adaptations of fantastic books are complete trash. Game of Thrones, a new show recently produced by HBO is one of the first highly-rated book to television adaptations. Game of Thrones is a show adaptation of the book series The Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. The book and story follow the nine noble families of Westeros as they fight for control of the Iron Throne, hence the name of the show, Game of Thrones. A simple summary does not cover the countless conflicts, externally

Photo coutesy of:http://favim. com/image/713137/

“I didn’t even go to my prom. I didn’t even have one date in high school.” April 25, 2014


- Skeet Ulrich

The Ukiahilite


Girls Go To Prom

This year’s Junior-Senior Prom is Barefoot Blue Jean Night, a country theme. Prom is a dance put on by the Juniors for the Senior. Only Juniors and Seniors can attend unless an underclassmen is invited by an upperclassmen. Also a Junior and/or Senior can bring anyone that doesn’t go to the high school as long as they are 19 years old or younger. But enough with the logistics. Some people would like to look nice on prom night. There are different hair styles and dresses a girl could wear. Sorry guys, there’s nothing really to say to help you get ready. Girls can wear short dresses, long dresses, corset dresses, dresses with a sweetheart neckline, the list goes on and on. As far as hair goes, you can wear it up, down, half up half down, curly, straight, there are many different things you could do.

This is a Flipped-Fishtail Braid.

This is a sweetheart neckline

This is a Rope-Twisted Pinwheel Bun.

This is a Waterfall Braid.

This is a ball gown with an A-line silhoutte.

This is a whale tail corseted dress with sweetheart neckline.

“One out of forty American men wears women’s clothing. We’ve had more than forty presidents. One of these guys has been dancing around the Oval Office in a prom dress.” - Allison Janney


April 25, 2014

The Ukiahilite



Contributors: Jenna Hester

Photo Credit: girlfriend.stornvy.com, 8wd.co, www.cutegirlshairstyles.com, www.pinterest.com, www.besthairstyles2013.net, casperever.blogspot.com, imgfave.com, www.igre123.com, www.polyvore.com, overthetopeventsblog. blogspot.com, aicclub.com, followpics.net, beingpretty-anindiangirlsblog. blogspot.com, www.thestyleideas.com, www.yopeey.com, www.luxpromdresses.com, www.laspinasalonandspa.net, hairstylenyc.com, www.weddingdeas.com

“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” - FDR April 25, 2014 The Ukiahilite 10 OPINIONS

Also in this section...

THE AMERICAN DEBATE Tyler Biscocho Opinions Page Editor

College, University, Junior College: all of these are places of higher learning where one can master any subject and develop a high level of skills for future careers. Over the years, these institutions have evolved and developed to include many other things than simple curriculum. Almost all universities now have sports teams, extra curricular activities and clubs/sororities/fraternities which add to the culture and society of the college overall. Now, that is something that is important to pay attention to: universities have added extracurriculars to their campuses. This all seems to be a bit pointless, but the problem that will be focused on here is the recent push by college athletes to unionize and gain some kind of payment for their work as college athletes. In all reality, this is ridiculous. College athletes are people who have CHOSEN to take part in an extracurricular activity outside the studies of their school. Now, many arguments can be made that collegiate athletes work extremely hard for many hours per week, made their college decision on the basis of playing sports, or even are not interested in the schooling as much as they are the sports. The fact of the matter is that college sports are not a paid career. A person attends a university to gain an education, that is what a university is: a place of higher learning, and sports are

a sideline activity. The idea that college athletes should be paid is ridiculous. Playing sports for college is a privilege not a job for which one is paid. If one is not interested in higher learning then the University is not the place for them. This country needs to keep education at the forefront if the United States is to reestablish its position as a world leader in higher learning. Just half a century ago the UC system alone was leading the world in university education and that was not achieved by their sports teams, but by the emphasis on learning and research. If this country moves to pay its college athletes, admission decisions will no longer be made on the prospect of the best education, but highest pay. This is a disastrous move for the world of collegiate learning and could spell the end of education based admissions processes. Students will no longer strive to make grades to enter college, but will focus on their abilities as athletes as their sole admissions qualification. Keep universities the places they were built to be: sites for higher education and research that allow for better career skills that can be used in the future. As a final and unrelated note, why do people force themselves to be silent when they want to make their voices heard? Does this not defeat the purpose entirely? Day of silence? There is no point. Photo Credit: gridironstadiumnetweork.com

Beware of the Rise of Ridiculous Reality Shows Important Graduation Notifications

Who Should Ask Who to Prom

Taylor Cameron

Humor Page Editor

Next weekend is the weekend that everyone has been talking about: Prom. There is only one week left to find the perfect dress or tie, to schedule expensive pampering. There is also only one more week to get asked or do the asking, which brings up an interesting question: should guys do the asking or is it acceptable for girls to ask guys? A lot of people may think that it should always be the guy who asks because he is not nervous; however, that is not always true. A lot of guys are just as shy or as scared as any girl, so why does it always have to be a guy who asks? The fear of rejection is scary to everyone at one point or another. It is something that everyone has to deal with eventually. However, it is not just the thought of rejection that is scary. The thought of messing up a moment that is supposed to be heartfelt and flawless is intimidating. It is something that should apply to men and women. Another argument about why the guy should always ask is that it is considered proper and decent of him. Many people say that prom is the one dance where a guy should always do the asking. At other less formal dances, it is “acceptable” for a girl to ask a guy, which is a ridiculous statement. Because of movies and television shows, the concept is a girl must always sit around and wait for a guy before she can do anything, and that is

nothing short of disgusting. Why do men always have to make the big gesture? Why is it considered unacceptable for women to make the first move? In reality, the answers are simple: men do not have to make the first move, and it should be acceptable for women to be proactive. Many sources of media create the misconception of the “damsel in distress,” a woman who cannot do anything until the male figure swoops in. This is not a common idea in reality, as history has proven. Men did not start the Women’s Rights Movement, even though some supported it If it is acceptable for women to be leaders in politics, economics, etc, and if men really are as fragile as women, should it matter who asks whom to prom? Not really. If girls sat around and waited for the guy of their dreams to ask them in some extravagant way to prom, they would be very disappointed. Some guys are too shy to ask, or some simply do not care. The whole idea of prom invites should not revolve around guy or girls. It should be whoever has the guts to ask or whoever cares, like in the instance of a gay or lesbian couple. Whichever person cares more or has more bravery should ask. Relying on all guys or all girls to ask is pointless and would result in a lot of people going to prom dateless. However, going in a group, which is becoming a more common ideal, is a lot of fun, as well. Photo Credit: memecrunch.com

“More of the same will just produce more of the same: less competitiveness, less growth, fewer jobs.” - David Cameron April 25, 2014 The Ukiahilite 11 oPINIONS

Beware of the Rise of Ridiculous Reality Shows

Nick Vargas

ny moments but there are not enough parts like that to keep some viewers hooked on it. What happened to all of the good The show could improve reality shows that everyone could en- by having multiple duck huntjoy? The Crocodile Hunter, Dirty Jobs ing businesses instead of and America’s Toughest Jobs are just one. The family in the show some of the origis always arinal good ones guing and .How could the tricking each cable companies other, which allow such ridicugets old belous shows on the cause that air, for instance is what hapDuck Dynasty pens in a lot and Teen Mom? of the epiDuck Dynasty sodes. The is a reality TV show has also had show that rea family member got volves around a kicked off the show family called the Photo Credit: mtvasia.com for saying he is antiRobertson. They make equipment gay and has a tendenfor duck hunters. I do not understand cy of making rude comments like that. why a show about duck hunting is so While the show Duck Dynasty is alinteresting. Sure the show has its fun- ways trying to be funny, the show Teen Staff Writer

Mom tries to warn against teen pregnancies. The former show is ridiculous but this latter show is at the top of the

or upset because their parents are not supporting them. The couples that are on the show must forget they are on camera sometimes because they just start cursing and yelling at each other in front of their babies. T h e show seems like it is supporting teen Photo Credit: moviefancentral.com pregnancy list of ridiculous. The show is making but also warnmoney off of pregnant teens’ struggles. ing you of the consequences of being Who knows how some people could sit a mom in your teens. While there are a back and watch that show! lot of pregnant teens, that is not an exTeen Mom portrays the life of cuse for making a show out of it. It also pregnant teens and their struggles. seems that the girls in the show are beThroughout the show, the women are ing humiliated, and is really messed up either crying about their ex-boyfriends that they do not cut those scenes out.

Impor tant Notice for Graduating Seniors

Tyler Biscocho

Staff Writer

Attention Ukiah High Seniors! After much deliberation and thought, a decision has finally been made as to the location of our graduation. As many of you all know, our school’s track has been torn up and is now under construction along with our gym and grandstand. As such, that has left many wondering where we will cross the stage with those coveted diplomas for which we have worked so hard over the past four years. Our graduation will now be scheduled at the soccer field at Mendocino College. Before you moan and groan, think about it. Would you rather walk through dirt and dust, or through grass? The condition of our track and field will only get worse from the moment you read this. Now, some people might suggest the idea of using Anton Stadium.

Sure, that could be great, but first let me paint you a picture: roughly three thousand spectators, driving to Anton, along with 300+ students also driving to Anton. If you thought the parking lot in the high school was bad, imagine trying to find parking in and around Anton stadium with this many people. Another thing about Anton is the gate… 3000+ people trying to squeeze through the smallest turnstile in the entire city will put our audience on edge and that is something that will definitely take away Photo Credit: zazzle.com from the graduation ceremony itself. The last thing we want is to have an angry or uncomfortable crowd during the ceremony, the focus of which is supposed to be on us and not how fast someone will have to run to get out of the parking lot before dying. Overall, while we may not like the fact that we will be graduating away

from our school, it is important to remember that our attitude is what will make this graduation count and come out as being meaningful to us and our friends and family. Let us go forward in this venture with pride that we have completed 12+ years of school and that we will be finally moving forward with our lives. We need not reflect on things that are not going to happen, but instead we should promote the idea that no matter where our graduation ceremony takes, it is going to be spectacular.

Photo Credit: en.wikipedia.org

Photo Credit: zazzle.com

“It wasn’t that no one asked me to the prom, it was that no one would tell me where it was.” - Rita Rudner April 25, 2014


Cats Take Over the World, Part 2

Hattie Sher & Tony Recendiz

anyone altogether. Yeah. Staff Writers If one decides to bust a few moves, Welcome back from Spring Break! make sure it is done in the most eleNow there is only a little bit more than gant fashion. one month left of school, and summer Take Mia and Vincent from the fanwill be here before you know it. tastic movie, Pulp Fiction. Then you can party and tan and Their dance sequence is definitely go swimming and do all those summer the way to go. shenanigans. People need to use them as an But before we get summer, there is inspiration on how to boogie. They a special event for juniors and seniors. should be the people everyone looks This would be called Prom. Girls up to. Except maybe not… are buying their dresses, scheduling For some high school students, their makeovers and such. prom is the highlight of theirwhole year. Most are waiting for a beatiful carThey look forward to it from the rage to arive completed with a bouquet time they become little freshmen to the of flowers and white doves. time they graduate. Guys are asking the females to acIn all the excitement for prom, many company them to the special event, start looking for dresses in February, and females are waiting patiently for then schedule hair and make-up ap! a special person to pop the question pointments soon after. in an extravaLet us hope that gant way. our local band Freakn’ Whether Angst are going to it is through a perform at prom. simple poem Shots fired, shots or song to fired indeed. entire dance For some, prom n u m b e r s is not the highlight of where the entheir high school catire school reer. dances and There are many sings along. other alternatives to Anything this teenage crazed except for the dance. simple, “Hey, For example, wanna go to there will be people prom?” staying at home, eatThis yeing a whole pizza and his is year is watching 80’s movies going to be a without a care in the good year for world *cough Hattie everyone. cough*. Photo Creds: www.reddit.com This year’s prom theme is And to some, “Footloose”, aka a rad 80’s parthese are big plans ty where apparently no dancing is al- full of much importance. lowed, but who cares because everyBut really, if it is decided to attend, one is a youth in revolt. be safe, have fun, you don’t need to Teenagers. All they do is revolt. take a date to prom. Also this years dance will have a You can go with a group of friends danger zone aread for the attendies to and enjoy a nice night and create some mingle and boggie. great memories that you can reminisce However, this makes a great ex- on when you are an elder. cuse for those not into the whole social Have fun and dance like Mia and scene: go with the theme, don’t dance Vincent (but try not to follow in their and be super awkward. footsteps post-jive). Avoid making eye contact with Peace (but not literally), we out,

The Ukiahilite


4/20 Easter: Did You Blaze It or Praise It?

Ashlyn Bazzani & Zoltan Jakab Staff Writers

Hey, how is it going, Ukiah “HIGH?” If you have not heard about this yet, which is doubtful, Easter was on 4/20 this year. Stoners all around the world were lighting up with the Easter bunny. This popular day was probably a big deal in Mendocino County. Easter will not be on this date for another 24 years, so people blazed it up all day long, because if they missed this opportunity the next time you will have to be hiding from your kids. Perhaps around here everyone was just laughing about it and the kids were hunting for the green eggs, but it was actually a big controversy too because 4/20 also happens to be Hitler’s birthday. In reality no one really knows the origins of 420. Some say that it is because the police used this code for crimes involving marijuana. Some say it is because it is tea

time in Holland, or the number of active chemicals in marijuana, and the number of the different strains of bud. This list could go forever. The real story might stay hidden forever by the clouded minds of pot smokers. Save up that extra cash now to buy those tasty munchies for the next holiday because you will most likely be craving something for your starving stomach. If you were broke, you could have asked the Easter bunny to bring you some carrots or chocolate. Although hiding your candy stash (and those carrots) would have been beneficial, because people tend to get a little out of control when the munchies hit them. At the end of the day people sat back and celebrated on this really chill holiday. Laying back and enjoying your day while making many clouded memories. Hopefully you did not plan on doing anything too productive…. RELAX AND ENJOY YOUR TIME. Peace out!

! Photo Credits: bigtopsociety.wordpress.

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The Ukiahilite



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“One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than 50 preaching it.” April 25, 2014



-Knute Rockne

The Ukiahilite


Senior Athletes Continue Athletic Careers

T. Abe Rawles

Staff Writer

Class of 2014 Athletes competeing in College

TO WEST Harris Bedford


Staff Writers

With the NCAA tournament over now and the NBA finals approaching, all exciting sports are about to go through “winter” phase. It is that time of the year when nothing entertaining is happening, and nothing exciting is starting. Sure, baseball is starting but nothing rings excitement like the 162 games they play each season. The games are an hour longer than basketball games on average, which can take what already seems like forever with timeouts, fouls and commercials. But for now we are going to enjoy what has and will happen this year. Overall, the NCAA boys tournament was very exciting with some good upsets and many close games. The championship game was nothing extraordinary and it did not have a sense of a college championship. UCONN had the game in their pocket the entire time. It was more of how they were going to win rather than if they were going to win. NBA playoffs are coming up soon My playoff predictions go as follows: Heat are going to win it all. No need to even comment on the rest of the East, it does not even matter. The West is a different story. San Antonio will beat Memphis or Phoenix, but it will be a good 5 games though. Oklahoma will take Dallas in 6. Warriors will beat Clippers in 6. Houston beats Portland in 5. Houston will lose in 6 to San Antonio. and finally San Antonio will get the business done with the Thunder and will beat them in 6 possibly 7, and it will be a repeat of finals from last year. This is only true if every major player for a team stays healthy. If Steph Curry finally gets knocked out when he tries to break up those fights, my entire bracket is out the window.

T. Abe Rawles

I hate this time of the year for sports. Why? Because it is baseball season. Now don’t get me wrong I love baseball it is a wonderful sport I have a high amount of respect for. It is America’s Past time. The reason why is because we live in Northern California and everyone and everything is about the San Francisco Giants. Everywhere you look someone of both sexes is wearing a Giants t-shirt, hat or sweatshirt. People in conversations out of no particular reason mention what situation the Giants are in. What really grinds my gears is how people just jump on the Giants bandwagon when they start a playoff run. And usually those people cannot name 7 players on the Giants roster. I mean does anybody care about the Athletics. I would just like to point out that the A’s have more World Series’ than the Giants do. Another thing is now the only sport that is aired on television is baseball games. Baseball games are only fun to watch at the ball park. Watching a baseball game on television is almost as torturous viewing a Kardashian episode. Now I am going to call out Mr. Silva-Brown. The guy has a good portion of his back wall in his class filled with newspaper clippings and posters all about the Giants. Looking at a perspective of a parent or student I think it is a distraction and unnecessary. However in the perspective of a sports fan I give mad respect to a man who shows his pride of a team he is proud to support but should be affiliated with. Shout out to all the people not going to Prom. Do not worry your not missing out, Prom sucks!

- Dylan Lancaster Mendocino Junior College Baseball - Ali Miloni Santa Rosa Junior College Track and Field - Cheyanne Noda Santa Rosa Junior Football - Hugh Pegan Oxidental University Track and Field - T. Abe Rawles William Jessup University Basketball - Marcus Scott Central Methodist University Football - Brian Sherwood Butte Junior College Basketball

Photo Credit: google.com

“If you fail to prepare, you’re preparing to fail.” April 25, 2014


-Mark Spitz

The Ukiahilite



Athlete: Hugh Pegan Sport: Track and Field By: Delaney Kindopp

Athlete: Aravind Mahadevon Sport: Boys Tennis By: Gabe Rodrigez Photo Credit: Delaney Kindopp

Hugh Pegan, a senior at Ukiah High School, is currently competing in his third year of track. He first joined the track team when he was a sophomore after transferring from a school that did not have a track team. Pegan first knew he was interested in track when he was in middle school and was involved in his first track meet. From that moment on, he knew that he had a natural talent and wanted to run competitively. “Running requires no skills besides being able to run,” said Pegan. Pegan’s coach Dan Jurado, also says that Pegan has a natural talent that makes him a great runner. He said that anyone can run, but it takes someone who is naturally gifted to be able to sprint and be good at it. “There has not been a person who can run like Hugh at our school in a long time,” said Jurado. At track meets, Pegan participates in the 100 meter and 200 meter sprints, and sometimes he competes in the 4x4 relay and the triple jump.

“Hugh’s best event this year is the 200 meter sprint,” said Jurado. While at the NCS Meet of Champions at UC Berkeley, he was proud of his team because they did not place last. He placed fourth in the 200 meter sprint and his team received thirteenth place in the team relay. While on the Ukiah High School track team, Pegan has been awarded the Blanket Award his sophomore and junior year and has received more awards but cannot remember which ones. Pegan enjoys track because of his teammates. He also says that his biggest supporters are his teammates and his friends. “My biggest supporters are my friends and teammates, especially Jeffery Chen and Beau Brown,” said Pegan. Pegan appreciates Chen’s support and he is pushed everyday by Brown because of how fast he is. It makes Pegan push himself even more. This year Pegan does not think that the track team will struggle as a whole because of how few Varsity runners

there are this year. But Pegan also believes that this year he has a chance of going to state. Last year he was two places away from being able to go, so this is making him push even harder so that he will be able to go to state. This year, Pegan is taking A.P. English Literature, A.P. Calculus BC, A.P. Comparative Government, A.P. Environmental Science, and Spanish III. Even with these college level classes, he still makes time for track and all the work that is involved with it. After high school, Pegan is planning on going to College at Occident and hopes to be running on their track team. When Pegan says that sprinting is natural talent, he also wants to explain, along with his coach, that anyone can run; it just takes a lot of hard work, and, potentially, anyone can become a long distance runner. One of Pegan’s favorite sports quotes is “Our sport is your sports punishment,” which shows Pegan’s love for running and his appreciation towards the hard work it takes to run.

Here at the high school, people have signed up for our tennis team to perform the sacred ritual of practice and playing matches against other players. Now some people might think to their little ignorant selves, “Tennis isn’t a real sport, it’s all about that football man because tennis is for little pansies!”, say that to the players and champions, and they will tell you otherwise. Brian Brown is the well respected coach of the boys tennis team, he works with players of all shapes and sizes. Take Aravind Mahadoven for example, he has been on the boys tennis team for four years, “I started playing tennis after I got cut from the basketball team but I wasn‘t really surprised and I just said well who cares .” Mahadoven realized that he still wanted to play a sport so he figured why not tennis. “I really enjoyed playing tennis, even though I made most of my shots out of the court.” Mahadoven played a little bit of tennis in 8th grade and signed up to play it for the high school in 9th

grade. “This one time during freshman year we went to NBL’s and everyone got eliminated except for me and this other kid who also didn’t have any experience and we got to like the second or third round and that’s how I started playing doubles.” “I really liked playing doubles because I had more room to move around and I wasn’t just confined to one area.” Mahadoven then played in a doubles tournament for two years, his first year was his best year then his second year he got eliminated in the first round and lost his consolation. “The sport is more mental than physical, your opponents will try to break your momentum every chance they get,” said Mahadevon. Even though he was good on the court, Mahadevon’s work in school did not go unnoticed, for three years he received the academic scholar award and kept up a 4.0, with the exception of a 3.87 because of a B. During his sophomore year he received most improved, and his junior year he received most inspirational.

One of Mahadevon’s most memorable moments was at the season finale, the game was tied three to three, and it was up to him and his friend Colton Speas, together they won their first set but then they lost their second set and they came out as victors. “I guess to play tennis you really need good hand eye coordination, I finally learned and increased that skill.” The classes that Mahadevon is currently taking all AP classes and those are Psych, English literature, Calculus BC, Comp Gov, environmental science, and regular photography. Mahadevon’s biggest role model is his parents, “My parents push me to take these hard classes and help me with my hard working work ethic.” Coach Brown says “Aravind is an enthusiastic athlete, he gives good effort, he is competitive and he is a motivating teammate, he is a good leader. He sets a good example for everyone else and that’s why I nominated him as team captain, he has been with us on the tennis team for four years now and he enjoys it a lot.”


April 25, 2014

The Ukiahilite


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