Urban Cats

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Urban Cats

Seko HP


NZCDMD106 Photography

Urban Cats

Concet/idea: My Concept was Urban cats the main idea was to show cats in an urban environment and how they have integrated into the suburbs.

Methods utilised: I didnt use a tripod for my shots as i thought it would be too hard to carry around and would take too long to set up as i thought the cats might leave by the time it was set up, as such all of my shots where taken free hand . I would also stay low to the ground for most of the shot sometimes even lying down to get certain shots. For my shots i also didnt us the default lens that the camera had on i used a focal length of 50-250mm Lens that was in the bag it came with, This allowed me to zoom in more so as not to alert the cats and have them run off while also being able to get my shots.

two practices:

NyanKichi Rojiupa: Is a Japanese wildlife photographer who mostly takes photos of stray cats. Rojipua was a main driving force for me chosing Cats as my subject.

Omi Kim: Is also a Japanese photograper but mainly specialises in Street Photography. They inspired me because of their cat photos and other street photography because of their lighting as it looks very cinematic and moody.

issues: cats are very illusive. sometimes there are lots and some times there are none so finding them was a little challenging at times.

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