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Abby Stirling
Recall. Recollect. Remember. Remind.


Recall. Remember. Remind. Recollect. Is about telling a story through your facial expressions.

The models were asked to bring a photo of their younger self that they feel somewhat comfortable talking to me about. I positioned myself beside the camera and talked to them about their photo and took a photograph as they were talking.

What was captured was amazing.

The captured smiles, the tears, the anger. What was captured was how they really feel when they thought about the image they’re holding.

Some of the stories mentioned were the first time somebody else had hear them. I was priveleged enough to be able to listen and comfort those who got emotional.

Arabella went though a rough upbrininging.

Looking at this photo, she feels a lot of things but tends to choose to not remember exactly because it brings her back to those dark times. Something that’s changed majorly since this photo is that she is a lot happier now than she was.

One piece of advice she would have given her younger self would be to not let other people’s words get you down. She thought hearing this would have helped her a lot and is something she tends to live by now.

Arabella’s influence in her photo was her mum in a negative way. She says her Grandma saved her. Her Grandma taught her how to live, how to use a knife and fork, how to be happy and that you can choose who you want in your life.



Renee recently lost her dad unexpectedly.

This photo makes Renee feel sad and heartbroken as it was taken when she was so young, yet is still her favourite photo of her and her dad now. All Renee can remember from this photo was that she peed in the car on the ride home but told her mum she didn’t need to go, when she clearly did.

Renee’s biggest influence when she was younger was her dad and agreed it still is now. She was a daddy’s girl then and a daddy’s girl now.

If Renee was to give herself a piece of advice for her younger self, it would be to take it all in. You never know when something is just going to end. She wished she spent more time with her dad.

Dan lost his dad when he was 3 1/2 years old.

Seeing this image makes him feel nastalgic. His whole life has changed, shaped him to be who he is now. It sounds bad he said but he wouldn’t change it otherwise he wouldn’t know who to be now. A piece of advice he would’ve given his younger self was that you don’t need to try and be the man of the house. Everything will be okay. It all works out. Look at me now he said.

Dan mentioned that he remembers the day this photo was taken. There was nobody to hold the camera so his mum was always the one behind it taking photos of the 3 boys. His biggest influence changed from his dad to his mum because of how she handled the passing. She stood up and replaced the father figure role.


Tylee bought a photo of the day her younger brother was born. She says she remembers feeling betrayed that her mum had another kid but since feels happy that he was born even though he’s a little brat.

The main thing that changed that day was the time she had with her mum. SInce he was born, he gets everything he wants. Tylee mentioned they they often don’t get to do certain things as a family because if he doesn’t want to do it, then thats the decision.

Tylee’s biggest piece of advice for her younger self is that everything will be okay, when she was as young as she was, she didn’t think it would be.


TrentTrent and Renee are siblings and he feels sad when he looks at his picture as his dad unexpectedly passed away not long ago.

The biggest change he’s had to go through is the passing of his dad because of how close they were. Whether it was Disc Golf, Athletics or anything inbetween, they did it together.

Now he does it on his own.

Trent’s biggest influence now and then was his dad. He was the first born son so there was always a special bond between the two of them.

Stephen was a trouble kid but ‘back then’ he thought he was cute so looking at this, he feels happy.

Something that’s changed majorly since this photo was taken is his relationship with his mum.

When stephen was younger he was trouble so a piece of advice he would’ve given himself would to be more obedient because he believes it would’ve made his relationship stronger with his family, including his mum


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This was the last holiday before my mum got diagnosed with cancer.

I remember the day she told me so specifically. The first thought that went to mind was that she was going to die.

Now, after chemo and radiation, she’s as healthy as ever.

A piece of advice for my youngerself? Don’t overthink.

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