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Small moments captured in the South Island of NZ.

Small Moments

candid /’kandId/


1. truthful and straightforward; frank. “his responses were remarkably candid”

2. (of a photograph of a person) taken informally, especially without the subject’s knowledge. “it is better to let the photographer mingle among the guests and take candid shots”

Candid moments can be seen and captured in every moment of our lives. This feeling can be conveyed through our environment and our person.

Contents: 1. Nature, Pg3 2. People in Nature, Pg10 3. Family, Pg16
Man Bridge _ Colour Man Bridge _ B&W

The yellow tree contrasting against the sky and the fountain running in the foreground has a fun yet calm feel about it.


Greens are always a calming colour. With a strong current breaking through it all.

People constantly go duck watching to enjoy small moments alone.


pictures show some ducks and people having a stop to look.
Bridge _ 10.Nov.2022
Symmetry _ 10.Nov.2022

This picture has some nice symmetry. With the square arches following each other towards the center of the page.

. 2022

A comparison between colour and b&w.

Argus Chay _ Colour Argus Chay . 2022

With these pictures I really enjoyed the light coming in through the window. The reflections on the face and shadows cast across the floor cre ate a serene fell in the space.

Some young people relaxing in a building being worked on at the moment. Hazardous? Probably.

Seat _ 5.Nov.2022

People resting in the comfort of a familiar space.

_ 11.Nov.2022

I will finish the magazine off with a self portrait. I was sitting in bed early in the morning with the curtain partly open. The dim light created nice contrasts across my room that I wanted to capture. The setting itself feels very real to me as my bedroom is a reflection of my mind. This picture is personal and I almost didn’t want to share it as I like to presnt myself as a put together person. I actually don’t know if that is how I come across however...

@eilishjkaretai @hardly_art_ Small moments captured for BSA632

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