November 2014 scottish rite proof (1)

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What is the Grotto?

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December 2014

by Ronald Hindman II, Monarch, O-Ton-Ta-La Grotto

One of O-Ton-Ta-La Grotto’s members was at the one-day class wearing his Grotto tie, and a fellow brother asked him what the symbol was, pointing to the Grotto emblem. When the Grotto member explained what it was and the local chapter he belonged to, the brother exclaimed that he thought O-TonTa-La Grotto had faded away years ago. When I heard this I was shocked that nobody remembers the Grotto anymore and a little annoyed that the Grotto has been written off as a dead organization. That, however, got me to thinking on why older brothers don’t remember the Grotto, or that newer Masons have never heard of the Grotto. I concluded the problem is that brothers have most likely forgotten what the Grotto is and what its beginnings were. Every organization has its humble beginnings and the Grotto M.O.P.V.E.R is no different. Taking Mr. Peabody’s wayback machine to the late 1880’s we come across a little known group of Master Masons in Hamilton, New York – more precisely Hamilton, Lodge No. 120. Now, these good-natured gentlemen are close friends as well as Masonic brothers and, like any close friends, inside jokes are part of the norm. The story goes that these brethren would go to the local tavern after their stated meetings for libations where the revelry would

commence, thus escaping the formal and strict duties of blue lodge. After a while the inside jokes would turn up in the meetings when the proper time would arise as well as practical jokes. On September 10, 1889 this group decided to formally organize and call themselves the Fairchild Deviltry Committee, after LeRoy Fairchild its first organizer. Now keep in mind that the phrase “deviltry” did not have its ill connotations as it does today. Time progressed and as other Masons learned of the fun times being had by this group and, like any other good-natured Masons, they too wanted to join in the revelry. Not wanting to pass up a good thing, the original members decided to formally organize and create the Grotto as we know of it today. At the time a play called Lalla Rookh by Thomas Moore was very popular and a little parody of this play was probably one of the inside jokes of the origional memebrs, however the wold may never know. As it turned out the structure and story of the Grotto told to new members was a hit and soon the requests for membership, as well as the number of chapters, grew. After all, who wants to be left out when there’s good times to be had? After a while the Fairchild Deviltry Committee, decided to officially change its name to the Mystic Order of Veiled

Prophets of the Enchanted Realm (M.O.V.P.E.R. for short), and the more known title of “The Grotto” derives from the fact that neophytes enter the enchanted realm by way of the grotto. There is much more to this story but I will leave it to you, dear reader, to explore the detailed history by either contacting a Grotto officer or by one of the web links listed at the end of this article. O-Ton-Ta-La Grotto started in 1911 and was the 40th Grotto to be chartered by the supreme council in Hamilton, New York. In its heyday, O-Ton-Ta-La had almost 1200 members with

a full marching band for parades as well as the clown unit. A special mention goes to the OTon-TaLa Drum and Bugle Corps who distinguished themselves at all Supreme Council sessions they attended. The Grotto has been nicknamed the Mason’s playground for a good reason, for it is within the

Scottish Rite Ladies Auxiliary As I write this, the snow is falling, as well as the temperatures. Winter isn’t even officially here yet, but you wouldn’t know it from glancing out the window. However, along with the cold, snow and wind, comes the most wonderful time of the year. We’re all looking forward to getting together with family and friends and enjoying all the festivities this season has to offer, one of which falls on Tuesday, December 9. It’s our annual holiday auction and luncheon. We will meet in the fireside room of the Brandywine Country Club in Maumee at 12:00 noon, where a turkey dinner will be served. Cost is $15 per person, and reservations are due one week in advance. Please contact Anita Giles at 419-4108271 or with the number of people attending. As always, guests are welcome and appreciated.

Mike Shobe, Secretary of the Valley of Toledo Scottish Rite, has graciously consented to be our auctioneer again this year. Please bring a nicely-wrapped gift with a value of at least $5.00 to be auctioned off. We are currently recruiting new members. Wives, windows, mothers, sisters, and daughters of Scottish Rite Masons are eligible to become members. Guests do not have to be affiliated with Scottish Rite. To our sick and shut-ins, you are wished a speedy recovery. Remember that we do not meet in January and February. For myself and fellow officers, we wish you a very happy holiday season! Sandy Markin Vice President



Toledo Zoo


Toledo Zoo



Consistory X-mas Party





President Day Reunion


Fayette Opera House



Henry County Assn


Napoleon Presbyterian



Wood County


Sam B's

Bowling Green


Allen County


Lima Temple


hearts of Master Masons that they carry the priceless jewel of mirth and merriment, they frolic like schoolboys without burden, and seek good fellowship with those around them. With that said, many Grottos, including O-Ton-Ta-La, have had many clubs and activities over the years. Activities within O-Ton-TaLa included but were not limited to dances, baseball games, picnics, boat excursions and trips out-oftown. In many of these events the ladies of Prophets participated as well as had their own organization within the Grotto called the Cauldron. Since its inception activities at OTon-Ta-La have adapted with the times to help accommodate aging Prophets who might not have the physical strength they once had. One such activity is the Wii bowling league in which younger Prophets can team up with older Prophets for some healthy sportsmanship. Other activities include the Fudd’s shooting club where members, their ladies and family members can practice safe, educational target shooting and marksmanship. The occasional cigar night is another such activity in which novice cigar aficionados can learn the difference between a Modelo and a Churchill. Other activities are always in

the works such as a homebrew club, hunting club, fishing club, woodworking club, as well as activities for the ladies and family as a whole. One special mention is the O-Ton-Ta-La historical society in which a few members scour for pictures and articles of O-Ton-Ta-La’s past. One such occasion was the special Historic Ceremonial in which we received special dispensation By the Ohio Grotto Association to perform the original ceremonial that was used back in the very early days of the Grotto. All those who attended were very entertained and enlightened. The Grotto, like many other Masonic organizations, has had its numbers decline over the decades; the reasons are still a matter of great debate. However, dear reader, this is not a cause of lament nor wanting to relive the days gone by. I merely wish to have you pause and consider that, even though our beloved fraternity as a whole is having some health issues, a new generation is starting to take notice and are curious about joining. The Grotto is not intended to circumvent the oaths of Master Masons, but is merely another organization where brethren can become youthful again in merriment and in good fellowship. If any Master Mason wishes to become a member of the Grotto ,you must be a member of your blue lodge in good standing and be willing to have some fun. For more information, talk to any Grotto member or visit:

Although Although it’s it’s difficult difficult today today to to see see beyond beyond the the sorrow, sorrow, May May looking looking back back in in memory memory help help comfort comfort you you tomorrow. tomorrow. Rest Rest in in peace, peace, Brethren…. Brethren….

Robert W. Busch Arthur M. Mc Carty The The A.A.S.R. A.A.S.R. Valley Valley of of Toledo Toledo has has made made aa contribution contribution in in their their name name to to the the Children’s Children’s Dyslexia Dyslexia Center. Center.

December 2014

“...a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic Obligation to care for our members”

Recently, the Valley of Toledo was able to help one of its members who has undergone an extensive and debilitating medical condition but who is now on the mend and doing well. Ill. Brother Tom Brenneman had breathing problems for quite some time. He was on oxygen for several years and has not been able to work since last October. His condition finally deteriorated to the point where he was placed on the list for a double lung transplant. He was told it could take as long as 5 years for a donor and match to be found. Do you believe in miracles? Thirteen hours after being placed on the list he got the call. Get to the Cleveland Clinic right away as a donor pair of lungs had become available and the transplant operation was on. The surgery went well and his recuperation has been nothing short of spectacular. Almost two weeks after the operation Tom was discharged from the Hospital for a period of rehabilitation and then will be going home -

for our members” are not just mere words, Sovereign Grand Commander John W. McNaughton sent a check from the Almoners Fund to help with Tom’s situation. Pictured here are Ill. Brother Mike Shobe Executive Secretary and Ill. Brother Larry Ellison Chairman of the Board of Trustees presenting the Almoners Fund check to Tom. Tom could not have been more surprised or grateful for the assistance. If you have a need or know of a Brother that does, contact the Valley Secretary.

Masonry‘s Mister History Pounds the Brass at Wakeman Hall without the use of oxygen! Suffice it to say that all of this has taken a financial toll. The Valley of Toledo made a request through the Deputy for Ohio, Ill. Brother Doug Kaylor to the Supreme Council Almoners Fund for financial assistance. True to his words to see that the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction Vision Statement, “We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic Obligation to care


Pathways Memory Care at Browning Masonic Community

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An enrichment-based approach that focuses on interests, hobbies and passions 24-hour on-site nursing and specially trained staff Private apartments with state-of-the-art safety features Three chef-designed meals daily Family education, support and communication Caregiver break options with no minimum stay requirement No endowment, entrance or up-front community fees!

For more information, please call (419) 878-4055.

8883 Browning Drive, Waterville, OH 43566 |

Northern Light Historian Barney Stickles shared his experiences as a telegraph operator for the Wabash Railroad, and discussed how the telegraph followed the railroad across America. And, of course, Freemasonry followed right along with them. The presentation was made at the Waterville Historic Society which, significantly, meets as Wakeman Hall in downtown Waterville, which was the home of Wakeman Lodge prior to moving to Browning Masonic Community. Wakeman later united with Rubicon Lodge, which still meets at the Browning.

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December 2014

Secretary’s Report

Meritorious Service Award Receipients Honored

I know that it is past the deadline for the Family Christmas Gathering at the Zoo, but if you want to contact the office, there might be a chance that you can purchase a ticket. The date is Friday, December 5. $15 is a tremendous bargain which includes an all you can eat Pizza Buffet with breadsticks, cookies and all you can Mike Shobe, 33o drink hot and cold drinks. Parking is included. And explore the zoo with its over-1,000,000 lights display. (Sorry, Scottish Rite Masons and their families only).

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, a group of the Valley of Toledo’s Meritorious Service Award Recipients (MSA) gathered at the Browning Masonic Community for Fellowship and Brunch. There were 27 in attendance including wives, sweethearts, and guest speaker Illustrious Brother David Harold 33o, who gave a fascinating presentation on U. S. Presidents who were Masons. Also present were the two nominees who will receive the MSA next year, WB Tom Hilton and WB Norman Kurtz.

Special Reunion Set for February 21

I want to thank Fostoria Lodge #288 for hosting our special DVD Reunion. A great time was had by all. Our next special reunion is scheduled for Saturday, February 21, 2015. It will be held at the beautiful and historical Fayette Opera House in Fayette, Ohio. Registration will begin at 9:00a.m. with donuts, coffee and fellowship. The George Washington’s 20th Degree will begin at 10:00 a.m. Following the 20th will be the Ben Franklin’s 25th Degree. There will be a lunch available for only $10. After lunch, the play “The Last Full Measure,” featuring Abraham Lincoln, will be portrayed. It’s not too early to get your lunch reservation in. Contact the office.

Wood County Association Meets for Food, Friends and Festivities

Are Your Dues In Yet?

I appreciate all of those who have forwarded their dues payments into the office. There are still some of you who might have forgotten that your bill is still in your bill box at home. How about pulling it out and get it mailed in. We do count on your dues to run the daily operations of this Valley.

Happy Holidays to All!

The Board of Trustees and staff of the Valley of Toledo want to wish all of you a Happy Holidays. As always, take care brethren and I wish a speedy recovery for our shut-ins. - Mike

This was the scene as the Wood County Scottish Rite association met a Sam B’s in Bowling Green. But don’t worry if you missed it. They’re going back for more in March!


Northern Light Council Charter Granted September 21, 1881

Ft. Industry Chapter of Rose Croix

Toledo Consistory S.P.R.S

Jeremy Z. Sharninghouse, 33º Most Wise Master

Robert G. Sickelbaugh, 33º Commander-In-Chief

Michael A. Lake - Senior Warden Joseph C. Radocy - Junior Warden Norman L. Kurtz - Treasurer David L. Hawk - Orator Ronald T. Drebert – Master of Ceremonies Charles R. Murphy – Hospitaler Isaac D. Demarest – Captain of the Guard

Kevin R. Weisman – 1st Lt. Cdr Wade E. Young – 2nd Lt. Cdr John J. Zettler – Orator Jeffrey D. Young – Chancellor John K. Cavendish – MC Tim Larimore – Engineer & Senechal Norman L. Kurtz – Treasurer Michael E. Shobe, 33º - Exec. Sect

Michael E. Shobe 33o, Secretary

302 W. Sophia St. Unit C • Maumee, OH 43537 419-893-2942 • FAX 419-893-2962

Trent T. Dominique Thrice Potent Master

William H. Garrett Sovereign Prince

Eric L. Crow – Deputy Master William G. Windnagel – Senior Warden Roger E. Rosebrough – Junior Warden Michael E. Shobe, 33º - Exec. Secretary Gary L. Smith – Orator Charles R. Murphy, 33º - Hospitaler Steven B. Cooley – Master of Ceremonies Douglas W. Eis – Captain of the Guard Richard L. Davis MSA – Tyler

John J. Stone – High Priest Kim W. Sautter - Senior Warden Norman L. Kurtz, - Treasurer Michael E. Shobe, 33º - Exec. Secretary Robert R. Rettig – Junior Warden Charles R. Murphy, 33º - Hospitaler Jay E. Harris – Master of Ceremonies P. Scott Rupert – Master of Entrances Richard L. Davis MSA – Tyler

Board of Trustees Larry D. Ellison 33º – Chairman Timothy L. Jolliff, 33º – Vice Chairman David L. Roper, 33º – At Large Norman L. Kurtz, Treasurer Gary L. McElfresh, 33º, Deputy Rep. Michael E. Shobe, 33º, Exec. Secretary Trent T. Dominique William H. Garrett Jeremy Z. Sharninghouse, 33º Robert G. Sicklebaugh, 33º

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