Today's Catholic Vol. 33 No. 9 December 2021

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A monthly publication of the Archdiocese of Kuching, Sarawak

Permit No PPK 148/01/2013(031378)

Vol 33 No 9 December 2021

Christmas Message From Archbishop Simon Poh

Dear brothers and sisters, This month, we celebrate Advent and ends with Christmas! As we enter the month of December, it is natural that our thoughts turn to the joyous time of Christmas. When we drive past shopping Malls, there would be the Christmas trees with decorations and lights. And it seems that our Catholic Churches are slow to put up Christmas decorations inside the church or the compound. Why is this so? The root word for Advent in Latin means “Coming”. Advent refers directly to the “Comings” of Christ, namely:

It is only in the �nal week of Advent on 17-24 December that we prepare to celebrate the First Coming in Bethlehem at Christmas. This is why during this �nal week, Churches set up Christmas trees, carolling begins and we are invited to turn our focus to celebrate the birth of our Saviour. Throughout the season of Advent, we prepare our hearts:

1. First Coming of Christ is on a silent night when Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem more than 2000 years ago. 2. Final Coming of Jesus will be at end of the world when Christ the King will come in glory to judge the living and the dead. 3. In between the Birth and Final Coming. Whenever we gather to pray in His name, Jesus is present (Matthew 18:20). In every Mass, Jesus is really present in the form of Bread and Wine on the Altar. During Advent season, the �rst three Weeks of Advent is an invitation to prepare for the �nal coming of Christ. The focus is on “Staying awake, praying at all times for the strength to survive all that is going to happen and to stand with con�dence when the Son of Man comes again” on Judgement Day! (Read Luke 21:34–36). This is a waiting with joy and hope, not in fear. “At that time all people will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:27–28). Visit us at

✞ Pray at all times ✞ Read the Bible daily especially the Gospel ✞ Strive to be at a right relationship with God and those around us ✞ Watch our hearts’ desire by seeking God’s will ✞ Seek to live according to Christ’s command of love ✞ Repent from sin and sel�shness ✞ Serve with a sincere heart, always desiring the good of others ✞ Forgive those who are unkind to us and pray for those who hurt us ✞ Bear sickness and suffering patiently, offering these as a sacri�ce to God ✞ Be less materialistic and seek to live a simple lifestyle ✞ Seek not to waste food and protect the environment ✞ Trust that Jesus’ coming will bring life, hope and joy ✞ Give Time, Talent and Treasure generously to alleviate suffering and poverty I pray that by faithfully waiting and journeying through the four Sundays of Advent, you may experience four weeks of HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE. Wishing you a Holy Christmas 2021 and Blessed New Year 2022.

“Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth, peace to all people of goodwill” (Luke 2:14) ✠ Archbishop Simon Poh

Contact us at 082-242634 / 011-10730729 (WhatsApp), (E-mail), P O Box 940, 93718 Kuching (Post)






Advent season of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love

Did 2021 just �y by? Amidst the prolonged pandemic of darkness and gloom, came the good news of the diaconate ordination of Mark Noel Bonchol on 25 March. On 8 December, we witnessed his sacerdotal ordination making him the �rst priest to be ordained in the Archdiocese of Kuching during this COVID pandemic. It has been an annual tradition for candidates for the sacrament of Con�rmation to attend a Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) to prepare them for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Although the situation did not allow for a physical seminar at the parish hall, Blessed Sacrament Church Sunday School facilitators in collaboration with Emmaus Teaching Ministry, recently organised a Youth LSS on Zoom. The outcome was “a historical and blessed milestone” as one of the youth facilitators described it. The article is on Page 3.

Advent is a period of expectancy. It is about the coming of Jesus, the birth of Jesus, and a time of repentance and preparation. Let us do some soul searching. In the present climate of slander and corruption surrounding us, can we say “Yes” to Jesus, and “No” to darkness and sin? Can we see the light? Can we repent and ask for forgiveness? Archbishop Simon Poh has relaunched last year’s Advent Appeal to help alleviate pain and suffering, and to bring hope and joy into the lives of the marginalised. It is not too late to lend a helping hand before the 24 December dateline. Today’s Catholic team would like to wish all our readers an Advent season �lled with Hope, Peace, Joy and Love, and a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!

PUBLISHER The Archbishop of Kuching ADVISOR Fr Felix Au EDITOR Ivy Chai ASSOCIATE EDITOR (Chinese) Magdalene Yeo EDITORIAL TEAM Freddy Bohari (BM) Mabel Salin (English Children’s Section) James Lo (Chinese) Cecil Yong (Chinese) Margaret Bong (Chinese Children’s Section) STAFF Shannon Wei

Archdiocese of Kuching gifted with a new Priest amidst COVID Pandemic KUCHING — The Presbyterium of the Archdiocese of Kuching welcomed a new priest, Rev Fr Mark Noel Bonchol at a Mass to celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary, on 8 December 2021. His diaconate ordination took place at an earlier Marian solemnity on 25 March, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord to the Virgin Mary. Fr Mark Bonchol’s Sacerdotal Ordination was a joy to witness. The presence of the Choir to sing the hymns and Mass parts created an ambience we have missed since the start of the pandemic. The Ordination Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Simon Poh with Archbishops Emeriti Peter Chung and John Ha concelebrating. The congregation at St Joseph’s Cathedral was limited to family members, brother priests, seminarians, religious, and invited guests. Friends and the Christian community at large who were unable to be physically present because of the pandemic SOPs, were invited to join the Mass and witness the ordination via live-streaming. At the conclusion of the Ordination Rites, Archbishop Simon Poh anointed the hands of the newly ordained with Holy Chrism oil as he knelt before him, with the words: “The Lord Jesus Christ, whom the Father anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, guard and preserve you, that you may sanctify the Christian people and offer sacrifice to God.” Fr Vincent Chin then assisted newly ordained Fr Mark to put on the stole and chasuble, after which he went before the prelate for the Presentation of Gifts. Archbishop Simon placed the

Year of St Joseph.

Archbishop Simon Poh welcomes his new Priest

Archbishop Simon Poh anoints the hands of newly ordained Fr Mark with Chrism Oil.

Archbishop Simon Poh presents Fr Mark’s brother Andy and sister Ann with a gift in gratitude for “the gift of their brother” to the Church.

Newly ordained Fr Mark Noel Bonchol (2-L front row) takes his place among brother priests of the Presbyterium of Kuching Archdiocese, 8 December 2021. (Photos: Danison Manium)

paten holding the bread and a chalice containing the wine mixed with water for the celebration of Mass presented by the faithful, into the hands of newly ordained Fr Mark. “Receive the offering of the holy people to be rendered to God. Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the Lord’s Cross,” he told the new priest. Archbishop Simon then

welcomed him with the sign of peace and a fraternal kiss (at arms’ length), and the newly ordained Fr Mark then accorded the sign of peace to the Archbishops Emeriti and brother priests who reciprocated with the sign of peace and clapping of hands. The Mass then resumed with the Eucharistic celebration. At the end of the Prayer after Communion, the Prayer to St Joseph was recited to close the

Archbishop Simon in his speech, thanked Fr Mark “for the courage in taking this leap of faith” to enter the seminary at the age of 40, and after leading an independent working life of 25 years. Mark initially only wanted to “discern whether God was calling him to the priesthood.” He considered Fr Mark’s diaconate and sacerdotal ordinations on two Marian solemnities as a blessing on him. “As a man of many gifts, may the Lord use you powerfully for the blessing of the people of God,” the Archbishop said and reminded him of his chosen motto: “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). In welcoming him to the ministry and working with his brother priests, the Archbishop said: “May you experience the true joy of working in the Lord’s vineyard.” The newly ordained priest then received a BM Missal and the Oil of Chrism from Archbishop Simon, who then presented Fr Mark’s brother Andy and sister Ann with a gift in gratitude for “the gift of their brother” to the Church.

Speech by newly ordained Fr Mark Noel Bonchol After performing his first blessing as a priest on his siblings and sister-in-law, the new priest thanked Archbishop Simon and Archbishops Emeriti Peter and John for their presence at his ordination. He felt he had come full circle with his Sacerdotal Ordination taking place on 8 December, the Solemnity of Immaculate… Continued on p5




ADVENT APPEAL to bring Christmas Hope and Joy KUCHING — Last year, Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh launched an ‘ADVENT APPEAL’ aimed at alleviating poverty and suffering, as well as to bring some Christmas hope and joy to needy communities. “The COVID-19 pandemic has badly affected our economy, creating a category of ‘the new poor’. The greatest impact has been on the poor, migrants, widows, elderly, women and children, especially in rural communities,” he had said. Therefore, this year Archbishop Simon has decided to extend the same appeal for aid to these families as well as those in the urban community whose breadwinners had lost jobs or had to forego decent incomes, and migrants stuck in Kuching. The economic setback over the prolonged pandemic situation would have also depleted savings and any emergency funds of many families.

It has been a tradition over the years, to organise events and projects to collect gifts and donations for the urban poor and rural families. Because of the pandemic, all projects had been shelved for the past two years. Nevertheless, he would like to continue giving food provisions to each family. “Like the Holy Family who had

to travel afar and stayed in other towns, we remember our migrant brothers and sisters in Kuching who are currently unable to return to their home countries,” the Archbishop said. Archbishop Simon Poh invites all Catholics and friends of goodwill to contribute to the ADVENT APPEAL throughout this month of December leading

up to Christmas. “Let us do our bit to alleviate poverty and suffering and bring Christmas hope and joy with this Advent Appeal,” he added. He also reiterated that rural parishes need financial assistance to pay catechists, sacristans and staff to enable parishes to continue serving the needs of our Catholics. From 1-24 December 2021, those wishing to contribute to the ADVENT APPEAL Fund can do the following: • Donate to Archdiocesan E-Collections on Sunday livestreamed Masses. • Use Sarawak Pay QR Code or Bank-in to Hong Leong Bank Account. • Send your donation directly to Catholic Welfare Services Sarawak. May this season of Advent and Christmas be filled with Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

Confirmation students learn about God’s Love and Baptism of the Holy Spirit KUCHING — The Emmaus Servant Community successfully conducted a 2-weekend Youth Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) on 27-28 November and 4-5 December 2021, for Blessed Sacrament Church Sunday School youths preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation.

younger Emmaus members, present and former parish youths, were roped in to help facilitate small workshops in ‘breakout rooms’ after every Talk. The Talks presented covered topics on God’s Love, God’s Plan, Sins and Effects of Sin, Jesus Saviour and Restorer, Repentance,

Testimonies and Feedback Students were later asked to share their live ‘Before and After’ testimonies, and to complete feedback forms after the seminar. Below are some comments of their experience taken from their ‘live testimony’ (screenshots) and from feedback forms.

48 youths comprising mostly Form 4 and a few Form 5 students, accompanied by two (2) teachers attended the online seminar via Zoom. Traditionally, members from the Emmaus Teaching Ministry conduct LSS for Confirmation students and RCIA candidates every year at the parish hall. As a physical seminar was not yet possible, it was decided to prepare this year’s intake to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit online, as they are scheduled to receive the sacrament of confirmation in this month of December.

Inner Healing, Who is the Holy Spirit?, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and New Life and Growth. As a follow-up after the explanation of Inner Healing and Baptism of the Holy Spirit, participants were led into ‘online live’ sessions where they could experience God’s healing touch, and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on them. Members from the Emmaus Teaching Ministry who presented the Talks were Pauline Lim, Christina Eng, John Wong, Thomas Ngu, Juliana Kuek, Adeline Bong, Ivonson Kwee and Ivy Chai. Sunday School teachers James Noik and Juliana Teng helped to facilitate the students. Rector of Blessed Sacrament Church, Fr Patrick Heng appeared briefly to give a few words of encouragement to the participants.

• I experienced peace and goodwill. Gift of praying in tongues. • God loves me. God loves us all. I learnt that God loves me and to stop looking at my imperfections. • The 7 deadly sins. I look back on my past sins and want to repent. I experienced the presence of God during the praying in tongues. • I learnt that God loves me so much and values me more than I actually see it. He gave my life a new meaning and purpose and encouraged me not to be ashamed of confessing my sins and to repent. • God’s love exists in everything, everywhere all the time. Opened my eyes to be more appreciative and to be a loving person.

Format andTopics forthe Seminar The seminar format was specifically tailored to adapt to the current situation and a total of 10 facilitators comprising

• God is always next to me, accompanying me. I am never alone. God gave me a purpose in life. I now know that as long as I am still alive, I still have something I have yet to fulfill. When everyone was praying in tongues, I really FELT something. That sensation and feelings were very new to me. I have seen people praying in tongues before but have never felt anything. I am glad I got to experience that feeling. • God loves me unconditionally and I can depend on him. • Many things I had learnt at LSS. For someone like me who doesn’t know how to communicate with other people, I suddenly didn’t feel afraid or scared to talk to other people, like there’s something urging me to share my feelings. I even felt relieved after the healing and repentance prayers as I felt I had been growing further away from Jesus. And I have been living my 2021 life with bad and hurtful memories. After the healing session I felt light. I felt all the things I had been holding on being lifted away. And my anger, hatred, disappointment, replaced by joy, happiness and relief. I guess my life will be better from now on. Someone told me that healing is a process and I believe it. • Honestly the LSS was beyond my expectations. I was hesitant to join as I expected it to be boring. But I am glad I did participate. Ivy Chai




A tribute to the late Fr John G St Joseph’s Cathedral Parish receives food aid from The Hills, Kuching as Lectio Mary concludes

A screenshot of some attendees at the Lectio Mary course.

KUCHING — What an Upper Room experience! The Holy Spirit, who rained down on Pentecost in the Upper Room, came to us this evening as we concluded the Lectio Bible Study on Mary. The 2-month programme online attracted 170 pax, of which about 150 regularly attended the weekly session. Dr Brant Pitre, a renowned theologian, and a professor at the Augustine Institute gave compelling talks over seven sessions on the different names and roles given to our Blessed Mother. We learnt in more details about the four dogmas of the Church pronouncing the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Mother of God, the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption, and the Perpetual Virgin. How compelling Dr Brant Pitre was as he unpacked for us on Mary as the New Eve and the New Ark of the Covenant! Many were sold by the time the first session was over! The topic on the Sorrowful Mother saw our Lord giving us His Beloved Mother in Calvary. The seventh video segment on Mary as the New Rachel was truly an eye opener as Dr Brant Pitre cleverly used ancient Jewish traditions and to draw out parallels. In all the sessions, the Old Testament was linked to the New. To the majority, the word ‘typology’ was unheard of until we embarked on this bible study. In the small groups, many have shared that they were not aware of these fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church. Yet to many who were initially not too convinced about the role of Mary in God’s plan of salvation, they have come out of this bible study very much clearer and convinced. The late Fr John Gnanapiragasam was guiding us in this online programme taken from FORMED. He had hosted

in two small groups before his untimely demise. We are sure tonight he was watching over us from above. We had listened to heart-warming testimonies over these weeks. We were fortunate enough to have some priests and nuns journeying with us. We were blessed to have even His Grace, Archbishop Emeritus John Ha attending all but one of the video sessions, and taking on questions from the floor on three occasions. Live mass was streamed from St Michael Church, Ipoh via Zoom. We are so grateful to Fr Anthony Liew who celebrated this mass on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. We used a recorded video of Fr John who had led us in a general infilling of the Holy Spirit in a previous Alpha course. It was as if he was here with us. In the small groups when we prayed for one other, many felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, the Holy Spirit dwelling in our Blessed Mother has embraced us in our Upper Room. We concluded the evening listening to a few more testimonies before we did our consecration to Jesus through Mary. The Alpha-Formed team comprising of East and West Malaysians came together as one to jointly organise online courses. Tonight’s event went on smoothly, thanks to our Tech Savvy team. One jested that Fr John made Steve Job worked from heaven above! Our core team of 12 are united in building the Body of Christ, each using one’s gift to serve. We believe the Immaculate Virgin, our dear little Mother has drawn us together, so that we can be fit instruments of Our Lord. We pay tribute to the late Fr John G who had been our source of strength and support. May he rest in peace. The Lord’s name be praised! Caroline Soon/ Stephen Chin

Archbishop Simon Poh (3-L), at the handover of food baskets. Standing (4-R) is Chief Operations Officer Lionel Ho with Director Anny Hu next to him, and other members of the management team. (Photo: Shannon Wei/Today’s Catholic)

KUCHING — On 19 November, St Joseph’s Cathedral Parish received food aid from the management of The Hills, previously known as Hills Shopping Mall. The team arrived at 11.00 am to deliver what comprised of 200 sets of salt, sugar, canned sardines and dry noodles, in aid of the Kuching Archdiocesan Outreach to the Poor Project. At the handover, Archbishop Simon Poh expressed his gratitude towards their

contributions, past and present. The Archdiocese is in the midst of procuring more essential items to top-up. These food baskets will eventually be distributed this Advent season to migrant workers and poor families throughout the Archdiocese. Any donations in cash or kind (especially rice) are most welcome. Please contact the SJC Counselling Office at 082-258046 (Nelly) for details.

Holy Spirit Church welcomes 51 new Catechumens and 73 Confirmands

Fr Adrian Kho administering the Sacrament of Confirmation on a confirmand. (Photo: Holy Spirit Church)

LUNDU — On 13 November 2021, 51 RCIA candidates received the Sacrament of Baptism, while three (3) received the Rite of Reception, at the newly upgraded Holy Spirit Church, Lundu. 73 candidates also received the Sacrament of Confirmation on 20 November.

Both Masses were celebrated by the Church Rector, Fr Adrian Kho with Fr Christopher Laden concelebrating. Fr Adrian Kho had been granted the faculty to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation by Archbishop Simon Poh, the Ordinary Minister of Confirmation.




An invitation to join

21-Day Christmas Challenge KUCHING — The Archdiocese of Kuching has taken this 21-Day Challenge online, with groupings in the English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin and Bidayuh Bau languages. Parishioners can WhatsApp the following facilitators to join: 1. Jude Rozario – English 013-8040818 2. Augustine Jennis – BM 016-6912623 3. Teresa Siaw – Mandarin 013-8089500 4. Fr Peter Liston – Bidayuh 011-24378978




Group –

Archdiocese of Kuching gifted with a new Priest

Fr Mark Noel Bonchol. (Photo: Danison Manium)

Continued from p2 …Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary. In relating his vocation story, he said it began in his home parish of St Mary’s Church in Sibu where they celebrate their parish feast day on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Fr Mark said he preferred to call his ordination “our” and not “mine” as without prayers and support, his ordination would not have come to fruition. “It takes the faith of a whole community to raise a seminarian to be a priest,” he quipped. He thanked God for the gift of priesthood and Blessed Mother Mary for her love and care. He expressed gratitude to a long list of priests including the faith formators at St Peter’s Seminary, friends, siblings and his late father, and also his mother for her patience and care. To those discerning a path in priestly or religious life, he had this to say: “Do not be afraid. Instead, give it a try.” He ended with a request for prayers. Archbishop Simon Poh ended the Sacerdotal Ordination and Mass with the solemn blessing

especially for the newly ordained Fr Mark, as well as all viewers online.

Brief Biography and Seminary Formation Newly ordained Fr Mark Noel Bonchol, the youngest in a family of four siblings, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) from an Australian university and Postgraduate Diploma in HRM from the United Kingdom. He embarked on a career in both the private and public sectors before applying to join St Peter’s Seminary to ‘’discern” his calling. He was accepted into St Peter’s College in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah in 2013 for his initiation year. He continued his formation at St Peter’s College Major Seminary in Kuching in 2014 and completed both his philosophical and theological studies in May of 2020. From August 2020 until April 2021, he was attached to Holy Trinity Church, Kenyalang Park, Kuching for pastoral immersion before moving to his present diaconal ministry at St Joseph’s Cathedral Parish, Kuching. Ivy Chai

With gratitude…

In the spirit of Christmas, Sisters from St Teresa’s Convent were presented hampers from the Archbishops’s Office. Picture shows Sr Bernadette receiving her appreciation hamper. (Photo: Today’s Catholic/Shannon Wei)

BSC Sunday School students receive First Holy Communion

A student happily posing with her FHC certificate. (Photo: Peter Chai)

KUCHING — One’s First Holy Communion is always memorable and sacred. 54 students from Blessed Sacrament Church’s English Sunday School experienced this first-hand on 5 December at a special 2.00 pm Mass celebrated by Parish Rector Fr Patrick Heng. At the same Mass, four of the students had also

earlier received the sacrament of Baptism. The relaxation of the number of people allowed at Mass saw a congregation of about 156, made up of parents, sponsors, Sunday school facilitators, photographers, the liturgical team and others behind the scenes.




CMM Stutong welcomes Kuching Archbishop supports Exam Board’s rescheduled seven catechumens on dates for 2021 SPM exam First Sunday of Advent KUCHING — Kuching

CMM RCIA candidates with Msgr William Sabang (3-R), posing for a group photo, 28 November 2021. (Photo: Roger Ung)

KUCHING — At the Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong, the start to the season of Advent was warmly greeted with the participation of seven Rite of Christian Initiation for Adult (R.C.I.A.) candidates in the Rite of Entrance into the Catechumenate on Sunday, 28 November 2021 at 9.30 am. A total number of 89

parishioners attended this year’s first Sunday of Advent Mass while observing the Covid-19 Standard Operating Procedure. Mass in Bahasa Malaysia language was celebrated by Msgr William Sabang, the Rector of Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong. Jude De’Rozario

CMM Stutong celebrates All Saints and All Souls Day

Parishioners of Chapel of Mother Mary attending All Saints Day Mass at 8.00 pm, celebrated by Msgr William Sabang. (Photo: Jude De’Rozario)

KUCHING — Following the easing of pandemic restrictions, Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong celebrated the annual Solemnity of All Saints and Commemoration of All Souls in early November this year. On All Saints Day, 1 November 2021, Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong celebrated two Masses at 7.00 am and 8.00 pm respectively. 7.00 am Mass with an attendance of 56 parishioners was celebrated in English by Fr Martin Wong. Meanwhile the 8.00pm Mass

in Bahasa Malaysia and English was celebrated by Msgr William Sabang, Rector of the Chapel. A total of 46 parishioners attended the evening Mass. On All Souls Day, 2 November 2021, a 7.00 am Mass was also celebrated in English by Fr Martin Wong, with an attendance of 49 parishioners. Mass in Bahasa Malaysia and English was also celebrated by Msgr William Sabang at 8.00 pm. A total of 39 parishioners attended the evening Mass. Jude De’Rozario

Archbishop Simon Poh, when informed that the postponed 2021 SPM examinations would include Fridays and Sundays in March 2022, voiced his opinion on the dates concerned. He said: “In analysing the 2022 term break (25 Feb – 20 March), and school reopening on 21 March 2021, we can see that: 1. SPM exam from 2-20 March was specifically scheduled during term break before the school students return to school. 2. SPM exam (Written) has been compressed to 19 days instead of being spread out for 4-5 weeks as in past years before the pandemic. 3. From the schedules of Catholic mission schools in Kuching, February 2022 is for (Practical) exams: a. 8-10 Feb – SPM Paper 3 BM speaking test (Oral). b. 15 Feb – SPM Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Practical). c. 19 Feb – SPM Listening Test for BM and English for all students (Listening). d. 22-24 Feb – SPM English Speaking test (Oral one by one).” In view of this timetable, Archbishop Simon Poh agrees that the SPM (Written) exam can only be held in March 2022, after the completion of all the practical exams in February 2022. Hence the reason to compress all written exams from 2-20 March, to enable schools to reopen for other students by 21 March 2022. He acknowledged that although both Fridays and Sundays, traditionally excluded because of practical and pastoral reasons, and are now included because of this shortened period, it is good to note that the subjects on Sundays are elective subjects and not major papers.

Support for SPM 2021 Examination Timetable Archbishop Simon opined the practicality of this “wellthought through schedule in view of the pandemic.” He does not wish the fact that Fridays and Sundays have been included to become a “religious issue” and has issued a letter to all Catholic mission schools to take note of his views.

Archbishop Simon Poh

Furthermore, he felt that scheduling the exams during school breaks would not disrupt other non-exam classes as in previous years, when students had to have their classes cancelled and replaced with Saturday sessions because of classroom shortage for SPM exams. The shortened timetable should be a psychological boost for these students, after having to deal with an uncertain and unhealthy prolonged delay of three months. Although some teachers may have to sacrifice their school break, it should be seen as for the common good of the students. “I welcome this bold move from the Education Department in view of the scheduling of the exam during the school break so as to minimise disruption to the academic schedule (that has already been badly disrupted because of COVID-19). It is good if the above clarification can be presented by the Education department to dispel any misinterpretation of putting exams on Fridays or Sundays. “Personally, I support this well-thought through schedule in view of the pandemic. This is a good solution for this year’s SPM exam for the common good of our schools and students, which ultimately is what the school education system is meant for… Education for the common good of all Malaysians, irrespective of race, culture or religion,” concluded Archbishop Simon Poh. Ivy Chai




Launch of Synodal Process in the Diocese of Sibu SIBU — Sibu Diocese formed Synodal Process Facilitators Team after launching the Synodal Process at Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC) on 21 Nov 2021. The facilitator team, comprised of 70 brothers and sisters, had begun their mission work to consult the people of God until April 2022. The members are from across various lay movements, groups, communities of SHC and Chinese, Iban and English language apostolates groups. All facilitators are to serve with humility, always listen to people, and reach out to the marginalised, the poor, the sick, the widows, the lonely, the old aged, the young, and those who had left the Church. All 70 facilitators had undergone training on 20 Nov at Sibu Diocesan Pastoral Centre. Diocesan Coordinator for the Synodal Process, Father Ivan Fang conducted the training. Fr Fang is also a Mill Hill Missionary priest from Brunei and founder of the Missionary Community of Corpus Christi MCCC. The training session covered seven topics: All About Synodality, The Role of the Facilitator, The Steps for Group Facilitation, Trouble Shooting During Facilitation, The Synodal Consultation Process, and Using the Facilitator Guidebook, and Recording and Making the Synthesis. Meanwhile, on 10 October,

Bishop of Sibu Rt Reverend Joseph Hii gave an introduction on Synod of Synodality during the Diocesan Coordinators for Synodal Process training, 6 Nov 2021 at Sacred Heart Cathedral Conference Room. (Photo: Sibu Soccom)

Pope Francis officially launched the two-year synodal process themed ‘For Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission’. This Synod of Synodality in the Universal church is groundbreaking as it would involve by far the broadest and widest consultation taking place in the church at the diocesan, national, regional and universal levels. This call by Pope Francis for Synodality in the Universal church takes tremendous courage, for he drastically changed the style of the Synod from Collegial (College of Bishops in communion with the Pope) to synodal (allowing the entire Children of God to participate). In preparation of the Synod of Bishops 2023, Pope Francis is calling all the people of God, to walk together with him in Communion, Participation and Mission and together listen to the Holy Spirit. The ultimate goal is to find ways for every baptised children

of God to fulfill the church’s missionary activity of announcing God’s love and salvation in Jesus Christ to the world, which is the greatest and holiest task of the church. The process of listening to the people, walking together with Pope Francis and listening to the Holy Spirit is called the Synodal process. The term ‘synod’ means ‘to walk with’ or ‘journey together’ in Greek. Thus, through the process, the church will listen to the response of the two fundamental questions. They are ‘How is this “journeying together” happening today in your local church?’ and ‘What steps does the Spirit invites us to take in order to grow in our “journeying together?’ In response to this call, dioceses and parishes worldwide kicked off their ‘synodal process’ on 17 Oct. Diocese of Sibu kickstarted its first meeting virtually on 25 Oct to prepare for the synodal process.

Representatives of all parishes in the Diocese attended the meeting. Fr Fang also presented and consulted with the parish coordinators the proposed road map of the Synodal Process for the Diocese of Sibu. After the first meeting, the Church held the Synodal Process Coordinator Training on 6 Nov at SHC Conference Room. Forty-one parish coordinators from 12 parishes participated in the training. Bishop of Sibu Right Reverend Joseph Hii echoed the call of Pope Francis, ‘There is no need for another church, but to create a different church’ to keep the Church in a ‘permanent state of mission’. A different church, he said, has three marks ‘Synodal, Listening and Healing’. “A Synodal Church that is structured to walk together, where all feel at home, where all participate and take ownership. “A Listening Church that stops and listens to the Spirit in Prayer listens to each other, their hopes, their crises of faith and their need for new pastoral life. “A Healing church where God is present always, present to all, with closeness, compassionate and caring. A church that binds wounds, heal broken hearts with God’s touch,” he said. All Catholics are invited to pray that the Holy Spirit would guide the local church in this synodal process. Sibu SOCCOM

Kota Kinabalu Cathedral celebrates 40 years of dedication during its Feast Day KOTA KINABALU — It was an eventful day when the Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish celebrated its 40th Anniversary of Dedication on the Feast Day of the Solemnity of Christ the King, the last Sunday of the Catholic Church liturgical calendar on Nov 20. Alongside the double celebration, the parish also celebrated the 36th World Youth Day (WYD) which has been set to be celebrated during the Solemnity of Christ the King beginning this year, as announced by Pope Francis. Archbishop John Wong presided the Holy Mass at 6.00 pm together with parish priest Fr Paul Lo and assistants, Fathers Saimon William, Joshua Liew, Russell Lawrine and a visiting priest, Fr Ernesto, a Likas-born who is currently serving in Taiwan. The twelve candles in the Cathedral were lit throughout the

Holy Mass signifying that the Church is built on the foundation of the twelve apostles of Jesus. The Entrance Procession into the Church was led by young people carrying the wooden Cross symbolizing following of Christ by the people, and Icon of Mary symbolizing accompaniment of Mother Mary for the people of this parish. Archbishop Wong in his remark on this Parish Feast Day and 40 years of Dedication of the Cathedral, highlighted his two key observations in regards to the synodal process and the young people of the parish. “I feel that this parish is a very vibrant parish. Hopefully all of us will continue the synodal journey, initiated by the Pope, in the three area of emphasis. “Firstly is communion, hopefully we are always in communion with one another, no matter which group we belong to. We are in communion as one

because of Him who has united us to be one. “The second emphasis is participation. After communion, we participate in all the activities and tonight I see that. “And thirdly is mission. We go together to proclaim His love, and not our own love.” To the young people of the parish who were celebrating the WYD, the prelate spoke words of encouragement, “My dear young people, have the courage especially to respond to the call of God to become a religious or a priest. “I really want to encourage you, ‘Do not be afraid’ to take up this commitment.” He affirmed them that their parents would support them wholeheartedly if they respond to the call of God. To emphasize the theme of the 36th WYD, Stand up! I appoint you as witnesses of what you have seen. (Acts 26:16), the prelate

quoted what Pope Francis has said about St Paul’s special encounter with God, “No matter what your past is, after your encounter with Him, God will continue to use you if you allow Him to.” The parish youth participating in the Holy Mass that evening filled up the upper balcony of the Church. They also took part in the Eucharistic Adoration right after the Mass as a way to celebrate the WYD in the pandemic. The parish had also organized a simple dinner to mark the occasion, which was attended by 60 people comprising the Archbishop and clergy, representatives from the Parish Pastoral Council, Parish Finance Council, youth groups, the Chinese community, livestreamed media team and the church staff. Source: Catholic Sabah




Vatican launches #IamChurch campaign for persons with disabilities VATICAN CITY — The Vatican’s Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life announced the launch on Monday of a campaign dedicated to persons living with disabilities. Tagged #IamChurch, the campaign, which begins on 6 December, will consist of five videos containing the testimonies of Christians living with disabilities from different parts of the world who recount their experience of faith and affirm, “I am Church!” “I am Church” through Baptism In his message to persons with disabilities on the occasion of the International Day dedicated to them, Pope Francis noted that Baptism gives each one of us, “without

Photo: Vatican News via YouTube

exclusion or discrimination, the possibility of exclaiming, ‘I am Church!'” Echoing the Pope’s words, the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life launched the videos, which will be released weekly, with the aim of highlighting the contribution that persons with disabilities offer to the ecclesial community on a daily basis. The videos will illustrate the work of evangelization carried out by some young deaf persons in Mexico, of a monastery in

France where several nuns with Down’s syndrome live out their vocation, and a group of young Italians with disabilities who participate in World Youth Day celebrations, among others. A sign of richness “We are convinced that if we are able to listen attentively to the voices of our sisters and brothers with disabilities, the ecclesial community will come out truly enriched,” said Gabriella Gambino,

undersecretary of the Dicastery. The campaign comes during the Amoris Laetitia Family Year launched by Pope Francis on 19 March to celebrate five years since the publication of the postsynodal Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia on the beauty and joy of love in the family. The year-long celebration will conclude on 26 June 2022, on the occasion of the Tenth World Meeting of Families in Rome. The videos are made by Poti Pictures, the film division of Coop Soc II Cenacolo, the first social film production company in the world which makes commercials, short films and feature films with actors with intellectual disabilities. Vatican News

Pope: ‘Light of Christmas shines all the brighter amid darkness of pandemic’ VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Monday met with participants of the upcoming Christmas Contest. The event, organized by the Pontifical Foundation Gravissimum Educationis and Missioni Don Bosco Valdocco, “gives a voice to young people by inviting them to create new songs inspired by Christmas and its values. On this note, the Pope extended a “special welcome” to all the young people “who have enthusiastically taken up the challenge”. Advent and Covid The Pope expressed his happiness at meeting them all “at the threshold of Advent, the period that every year introduces us to Christmas and its Mystery.” He noted that this year, too, the lights of Christmas seem dimmed by the consequences of the pandemic, which, the Pope added, “still weighs heavily on our time.” All the more reason why we are called to question ourselves and not to lose hope, said the Pope, describing the feast of the Birth of Christ as not being “out of tune” with the trial that we are going through, “because it is par

example,” he said, “you have composed new Christmas songs and shared them for a larger project, a project that believes in beauty as a way of human growth, to dream together of a better world.”

File photo of the 2020 Christmas tree in St. Peter's Square (Photo: Vatican Media)

excellence the feast of compassion, of tenderness. Its beauty is humble and full of human warmth.” The spirit of Christmas Pope Francis went on to stress that the beauty of Christmas shines through in the sharing of small gestures of concrete love. “It is not alienating; it is not superficial or escapist. On the contrary, it broadens the heart, opens it to gratuitousness, to the gift of self, and can also generate cultural, social and educational dynamics.” This is the same spirit with which the Church have given

life to the Global Education Pact, continued the Pope. He described it as a broad educational alliance “to form mature people, capable of overcoming fragmentation and opposition and rebuilding the fabric of relationships for a more fraternal humanity.” Courage and creativity But, continued the Pope, “in order to achieve these objectives, courage is needed: ‘The courage to put the person at the centre’ and to ‘place oneself at the service of the community’,” he said. It takes both courage and creativity, added the Pope. “For

Beauty to avoid despair Bringing his message to a close, Pope Francis repeated the words of Pope St Paul VI: ‘This world in which we live needs beauty so as not to fall into despair’. What beauty? asked the Pope. “Not a false one, made up of appearances and earthly wealth, which is empty and generates emptiness. No, rather, the beauty of a God who became flesh, the beauty of faces, of stories; the beauty of the creatures who make up our common home and who – as St Francis teaches us – share in the praise of the Most High.” Pope Francis concluded his speech thanking the young people, artists, and sportsmen and women “for not forgetting to be custodians of this beauty, which the Lord’s Christmas makes shine in every daily gesture of love, sharing and service.” Vatican News




THE SACRAMENTS By Fr Patrick Heng THE SACRAMENTS is a series of teachings by Fr Patrick Heng Lesson 6 – The Sacrament of Marriage (Part 4) In the Catechism of the Catholic Church no.1210, it says “Christ instituted the sacraments of the new law. There are seven: Baptism, Con�rmation (or Chrismation), the Eucharist, Penance, the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. The seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian’s life of faith. There is thus a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the spiritual life.” The seven sacraments can be separated into three groups:

1. SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION which will bring a person into the full life of Christ (Baptism, Eucharist, Con�rmation) 2. SACRAMENTS OF HEALING which heal both the soul and the body (Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick) 3. SACRAMENTS OF COMMITMENT in which a person responds to a speci�c call of God (Marriage, Holy Orders) The Rite of Marriage (1969) The Rite of Marriage (with the Sacrament of Ordination) are “sacraments at the service of communion,” “directed toward the salvation of others” and “serve to build up the people of God” (CCC 1534). In Marriage, the married couples signify and share in the mystery of unity and fruitful love which exists between Christ and his Church. The Rite of Marriage The Rite of Marriage stresses on the stresses on the importance of the Liturgy of the Word importance of the Liturgy which shows the of the Word which shows importance of the importance of Christian marriage in the history of salvation Christian marriage in the and the duties and history of salvation and responsibilities of the the duties and couple in caring for the responsibilities of the holiness of their children. Of supreme couple in caring for the importance in the Rite holiness of their children. are the Consent of the contracting parties, which the priest asks and receives; the special nuptial blessing for the bride and the marriage covenant; and finally, the reception of holy communion by the groom and bride, and by all present, by which their love is nourished and all will are lifted up into communion with the Lord and with one another. The Rite of Marriage provides three Forms for the celebration of Marriage:

I. Rite for Celebrating Marriage during Mass. This is usually used when two Catholics marry. II. Rite for Celebrating Marriage outside Mass. This is usually used when a Catholic marries a baptised person who is not a Catholic. III. Rite for Celebrating Marriage between a Catholic and an unbaptised person. This must be used when a Catholic marries an unbaptised person.

In the First Form, the wedding is situated within a Mass. In the Second and Third Forms, Mass is not celebrated. Each of the Forms is equally valid in the eyes of the Church. The Rite of Marriage consists of: 1. Entrance Rite The priest may meet the bride and groom at the door of the church as the Church shares their joy. 2. Liturgy of the Word It consists of the readings from Scripture and the chants between the readings. The readings speak about the mystery of Christian marriage, the dignity of wedded love, the grace of the sacrament and the responsibility of married people. 3. Rite of Marriage a. The Questions before the Consent. The Rite begins with a very brief paragraph spoken by the priest or deacon that recalls the Church’s understanding of marriage as grounded in baptism. The Priest then questions the couple about their freedom of choice, fidelity to each other, and the acceptance and upbringing of children, and each responds separately. b. Consent. The priest or deacon then invites the couple to join their right hands and declare their consent before God and his Church, “I (name) take you, (name) to be my wife ……..” and “I (name) take you, (name) to be my husband ……..” c. Blessing and Exchange of Rings. The rings are an ancient symbol of the couple’s commitment to one another and their desire to enter into the covenant relationship of marriage. The priest blesses the rings which are exchanged between the bride and groom. 4. a. Liturgy of the Eucharist (In the First Form only). This includes the Nuptial Blessings. b. General Intercessions and Nuptial Blessings (In the Second and Third Form). 5. Concluding Rite First Form: The gathered assembly is dismissed with a blessing for the bride and groom and the assembly by the deacon or the priest. Second and Third Form: The entire Rite can be concluded with the Lord’s Prayer and the blessing. To be continued




A feature on Sunday’s Mass readings: 19 December 2021: Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C (Micah 5:1-4; Hebrews 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45)

Superlative Adjectives The children's story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears is about a girl with blonde hair and three bears that live in the forest. The bears are a great big father bear, a middle-sized mother bear, and a tiny baby bear. Goldilocks stumbled into their house, ate their porridge, sat on their chairs and slept on their beds when the bears were not at home. She ate up the porridge of the baby bear because it was just of the right temperature—not too hot or too cold as were the porridge of father bear and mother bear. She sat (and broke) the chair of the tiny bear because papa bear’s chair was too hard while mama bear’s chair was too soft. Last of all, she slept in baby bear’s bed because it was just the right size—father bear’s and mother bear’s beds were too long for her. The reason I bring up this story here is because it highlights superlative adjectives. A superlative adjective expresses the extreme degree of a quality. We use a superlative adjective to describe the extreme quality of one thing in a group of three things or more. In this story, we have three bears and the superlatives used are in terms of the size of the bears—biggest to smallest; temperature of their porridge— hottest to coldest; texture of their chairs—hardest to softest; and size of their beds—longest to shortest. Similarly in today’s readings, there are superlative adjectives too. In the first reading from Micah, Bethlehem Ephrathah is the least of the clans of Judah, but Micah prophesied that out of this smallest clan will come one who will rule over Israel (the greatest ruler). God can make the smallest into the greatest. These are two opposing superlatives and yet God can change one into the other. God, through Micah, proclaims to the people that God can work

by Fr Francis Lim, SJ

For the greater glory of God

wonders. Even when God may seem to have abandoned the people of Israel, God still continues to care for them. They just had to wait patiently until “the time when she who is to give birth gives birth”— signalling the time of the Messiah. This Messiah “will stand and feed his flock with the power of the Lord.” The Messiah comes from the smallest clan to lead the people to redemption with the greatest of power but this power is not greatest in the worldly sense—it is the greatest in terms of the eternal. “Till the time when she who is to give birth gives birth”—this is fulfilled in Mary. In today’s gospel passage, Elizabeth and Mary belong to the remnant of Israel, and yet Elizabeth acclaims Mary as the most blessed—“of all women you are the most blessed.” “Most blessed of all women” is a superlative adjective. Mary is the most blessed because she believes that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled. Mary obeys the will of God to bear God’s Son as brought to her by the angel Gabriel at the annunciation. The second reading speaks of doing God’s will instead of practising religious holocausts and sacrifices. Mary is most blessed because she carries out the will of God, just as what her Son does, “Here I am! I am coming to obey your will.” Mary is a simple village girl among the least of the clans of Israel and yet she is the most blessed. God can make two opposing superlatives come together. Just as in Mary, God can also transform one opposing end in us to the other, ie, superlative adjectives, for example, most selfish to most generous, saddest to happiest, neglect to attention, careless to care, etc. We understand this process takes time— slowly but surely. We trust that God can transform us from one superlative adjective to another. May you have the happiest and most blessed Christmas this year!

Advent: Being Prepared and Anticipating Joy By Fr Stanley Goh, SJ The start of Advent is, for many of us, an opportunity to change gears and to slow down a little as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Many of the readings in Advent point to the need to be ready, or to stay awake as the Lord will come when we least expect him to do so. The idea of ‘being prepared’ can mean different things to many people and this in turn can affect the quality of our approach to Christmas. We can sometimes keep ourselves prepared for eventualities when we plan for uncertainties or we stay ready because of a fear of others catching us off guard. This sort of preparedness is more common than we think and many of us do approach our preparations with this in mind. Another way of being prepared is to do so out of hope for the future and the promise of joy that’s to come. This sort of preparedness is more forward looking and anticipatory, akin to preparing ourselves for a big celebration. It’s good to think about how we’re approaching Advent this year. Being prepared purely out of fear of being caught off guard or because we want to plan for uncertainty may be useful in some circumstances but may not be the best way of preparing ourselves for the coming of the Lord. During my time serving National Service in Singapore, we were assigned guard duty from time to time. This entailed taking over from the normal camp guards and working to keep the camp secure. We were alert and prepared not just because we had an important task but because we were acutely aware that any lapses in concentration during this duty could lead to severe punishments. We were alert and prepared not because we looked forward to something but because we wanted to avoid punishment. This isn’t the best way of living our Advent preparations because we know that the Lord comes in love for our salvation and that this love casts out all fear. Transforming our preparedness to something that is more joyful and

anticipatory would help greatly. Advent is all about getting our hearts ready to welcome the Lord and there’s a great amount of hope and joy in the anticipation. I feel that the anticipation of the Lord’s coming is very much like children eagerly awaiting Christmas morning when they are finally allowed to open the Christmas presents that have been waiting under the Christmas tree for weeks. I think of the longing glances the children must have had for their presents in the weeks and days leading up to Christmas, imagining what might be in them and looking forward to the joy of opening them on the day itself. It’s this anticipation that can characterise an Advent well-spent, looking forward to the joy of the Lord’s birth, opening spaces in our hearts for him to reside, allowing hope to bloom within us. Freeing ourselves from fears and expectations so that we can truly let joy and hope into our lives can feel difficult sometimes, but we can try to make this Advent different by doing what the Lord himself tells us—to come to him as little children do. Our Advent preparations don’t have to be complicated or elaborate because the Lord himself came in humility and simplicity, born in a manger among the barnyard animals. I don’t feel that we’re called to be extravagant in time or effort to prepare for the Lord’s coming, after all, we’ve already struggled enough during these years and months in the pandemic. Simple efforts to spend a few minutes more in prayer, to connect with friends and family, to reach out to those who may be in need—these are all simple but powerful ways to live the love and hope that the Lord brings. So let us begin Advent with joy in our hearts, anticipating the joy of Christmas with humility and simplicity, while turning to the Lord and to others with love.




NATIVITY WORD SCRAMBLE: Al lt hes ewor dscamefr om t heChr i s t masSt or y. Canyouuns cr ambl et hem?

He l l ok i d s ! Wea r een t er i n gi n t ot hemo s two n der f u lt i me o ft hey ea r !


“ Lo v eo n ean o t her ”o u rSa v i o u rs a i d, It ‛ sa l la bo u tl o v e,n o tt hi n gs ; Letu ss er v eo t her sa n dc r ea t ej o y t het r u es tj o yt ha tChr i s t ma sbr i n gs !

Lo v e , Jo y So meSi b l i n g s

____ ______ ____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____

BE PREPARED: “ Soy oua l s omu s tber ea dy ,bec a u s et heSonofMa n wi l lc omea ta nhou rwheny oudon otexpec thi m. ” Ma t t hew24: 44

WHAT IS ADVENT?Col ou rt heAdv en tWr ea t h a n ddos omer ea di n gbel ow: Ri ghtn owwea r ebegi n n i n gt hes ea s onofAdv en t . Att heen dofAdv en ti sChr i s t ma s .Thewor d“ a dv en t ” mea n s“ c omi n g. ”Iti st hes ea s onwhenwer emember t hec omi n gofJes u sChr i s t ,God‛ son l ys on ,i n t ot he wor l d. Ha v ey ouev erwa i t edf ors omet hi n gf oral on gt i me? God‛ speopl eha dbeenwa i t i n gf orav er yl on gt i me f orGodt os en daSa v i ou rt ot hem a n dkeepa l lofhi s pr omi s es .Tha tSa v i ou rwa sJes u s – whowa sbor nl on g a goi nas t a bl ei nBet hl ehem. Theba byJes u swou l dgr owu pt os a v ea l lofGod‛ s peopl e.Yett ha ti sn ota l loft hegoodn ews .Itwa s God‛ spl a nt os en dJes u st ot hewor l dt wi c e.Hec a me l on ga goa n dhei sc omi n gba c ka ga i n .Li ket hepeopl e ofIs r a el ,wea r ewa i t i n gf orhi mt oc ome.

ACROSS: 1 .Thet i meoft heda ywheni ti sda r k. 4.Tokeepa ney eon ;t ogu a r d. 7.Theper s onwhoha ss omet hi n gs u c ha s pr oper t y . 8.A pa r t i c u l a rmomen toft heda ys u c h a s8‘ c l oc k. DOWN: 2.A per i odofs i xt ymi n u t es . 3.A per i odof24hou r s . 5.Thepl a c ewher eaper s onorf a mi l yl i v es . 6.Toha v ei n f or ma t i ona bou ts omet hi n g; t obea wa r eofs omet hi n g. ANSWERS: TIME WATCH

LET US PRAY. . . Jes u s ,t ha n ky ouf orc omi n gdowni n t oou rwor l d! Aswel ea r na bou ty ou rc omi n ghel pu st os eewha t y ouha v edon ef oru s .Hel pu st ober ea dyf ory out o c omea ga i n .Amen .






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Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

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Dearly missed and forever cherished by wife, sons, daughter, son & daughter-in-law, grandchildren and all loved ones.

2ND ANNIVERSARY In loving memory of

LAWRENCE WONG KONG CHING who was called home to be with the Lord on 9 December 2019 I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; whoever lives by believing in me will never die. John 11:25–26

Dearly missed and forever cherished by wife Teresa, sons, daughters-in-law, daughter, grandchildren, siblings, relatives and friends.

9TH ANNIVERSARY In loving memory of


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Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God’s own love and concern. St Teresa of Calcutta

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PATRICK CHUNG KIM SENG who was called back by Our Lord on Christmas Day 25 December 2012 Fondly remembered and greatly missed by all loved ones at home and abroad.

Pope Francis’ Prayer intentions for December

For Catechists Let us pray for the catechists, summoned to announce the Word of God: may they be its witnesses, with courage and creativity and in the power of the Holy Spirit.




YOUTH 2021 “Miss Me?” "MISS ME?": an online “reunion” between Christ and our campus youth, inspired by “Come home with me and refresh your soul.” (1 Kings 13:7) KUCHING — Kuching Campus Ministry (KCM) organised an event entitled “Miss Me?” on 30 October 2021 from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. It was an online ‘reunion’ between Christ and campus youth in order to value more deeply the Sacraments of Holy Mass/ Communion and Confession amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. This KCM programme was done in collaboration with the Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission (KAYC), with seven seminarians from St Peter’s College, Kuching (SPC) and with Sr Clothilda Delicia Francis Xavier Klumai, SSFS, from the Congregation of Sisters of St Francis Sarawak (SSFS). Around 70 young people took part in this event. Most of them are campus youth from ILKKM Kuching, IPGK Batu Lintang, IPGK Tun Abdul Razak, Politeknik Kuching Sarawak, SEGi College Sarawak, UiTM Samarahan, and UNIMAS. Campus youth from campuses outside Kuching such as Politeknik Metro Betong, UiTM Mukah, IPGK Rajang, UPM, and Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alam also participated. The event also welcomed youth from different parishes in Kuching as well as from Sibu and Miri Dioceses. As an introduction to the event, while welcoming participants in the Zoom event, KAYC presented two videos, one on the Holy Mass and one on confession. They helped the participants to get ready and deepen their understanding on the session’s topics. The videos showed tips on what Catholics should do during Holy Communion and what makes confession very important. At 2.00 pm, the emcee of the programme, Azellecrystal Jok, greeted everyone warmly and introduced the theme and objectives of the programme. And that was to ENCOURAGE and to MOTIVATE our campus youth for them to feel eager to go back to Jesus through the

Sacraments (Eucharist and Confession especially) as we are probably going back to the ‘old normal’ of going to Church for Holy Mass and confession, hopefully soon, but with certain health protocols in place. After that, Br Canisius from St Peter’s Seminary led the opening prayer. Icebreaker activity followed, led by Matthaiz Risob and Arcelia Sheira. Two questions were posed to the participants throughout the ice-breaking session, namely: the �rst question, “What do you miss the most during this pandemic?”; and second, “In one word, what does Holy Mass mean to you?”. The youth participants gave their views and as the results have shown, the top three things missed most during this pandemic were having “praise & worship”, “in person gatherings” and being with their “friends”. And for question number two, Holy Mass for most of them was a “connection with God”, “love” and “feeling peace”. How young people think and feel towards Holy Mass and confession is worth pondering on indeed. The �rst session, then, was held. It was about the Sacrament of Confession and presented by Br Jonathan Rao from St Peter’s College. His sharing helped the participants understand the purpose of this sacrament and the need to do confession the way Catholics do. He also explained what ‘general absolution’ meant and shared some quotes from some

saints about confession that show how valuable this Sacrament truly is. To add spice to his session, he also gave the participants an online quiz about the topic and rewarded the top students who answered all questions correctly. And the winners from this quiz were Claudia binti Jephari from ILKKM Kuching and Jessica Lee Yu Li from IPGK Tun Abdul Razak. Congratulations to these two! The second session was held next. It was presented by Sr Clothilda Delicia Francis Xavier Klumai, SSFS. She heartily reminded the young people to always be in communion with God, and that God loves us all as we are. She shared that as we eat the Body of Christ, God offers us His very self, as our spiritual food, and this gives us strength. Truly, God is the source of all strength and grace. After each session, participants

were divided into small groups through Zoom’s breakout rooms. There they had the chance to share with their peers answering some guide questions for them to deepen their awareness and appreciation of the themes and for them to inspire and get inspired by one another. After each session, during the ‘question and answer’ parts, both Seminarian Jonathan and Sr Delicia shared from their hearts how they have felt God’s call for them to enter the seminary/ convent and how they generously and gratefully responded with love. Their honest and heartwarming sharing must have touched the hearts of the youth participants for them to also discern God’s beautiful plans for them. Lastly, as a �tting conclusion, the celebration of the Holy Mass was held, with Fr Ramon Borja, SDB. He took the chance also to share some explanation on some of the elements of the Holy Mass. During the homily, he stressed that “to love is to listen”, and that “the more we listen, the more we love”. We are very thankful for the organisers of this programme. And we give our praises and thanks to all the campus youth who offered their time to partake of this enlightening event. “Miss Me?” Truly, we miss going to Church, receiving Communion and going to confession. As we miss such intimate moments with Jesus, Jesus surely misses us too, misses us even more. May Jesus and the young get closer even more through the Sacraments amidst the challenges of the pandemic. Arcelia Sheira anak Duat Catholic Campus Leader, IPG Tun Abdul Razak

Below are some of the testimonies shared by several youth who had joined this “Miss Me?” reunion bet ween Jesus and the young: “This event that I attended intently, meant a lot to me because it gave me a lot of knowledge in knowing more about the meaning of repentance and how to receive the Eucharist. I am also grateful for this programme. I hope that such events will still be organised in the future. In fact, I hope many more interesting events like this will come from all of you, KCM and KAYC teams.” -Ramles Manggoi anak James Brook, SEGi College Sarawak “I can forgive the sins of others, but I cannot forget them. When it comes to Jesus, He forgives and forgets all our sins whenever we confess to Him. For me, that’s very striking!” -Karen Bulan Jeffrey, UNIMAS “For me, this programme has helped in deepening my faith especially during this post-pandemic time. As we know, this pandemic made us unable to gather like how we used to during the ‘old normal’ days. Therefore, through this programme, I learnt about Confession as shared by Br Jonathan. I learnt things I never knew before. And, Sr Del’s sharing touched my heart and opened my eyes to not be afraid in replying to God’s call. Finally, I was also touched by Fr Ramon’s homily: “The more we listen, the more we love.” Hence, I hope that there will be more programmes like this in the future. -Yoviyana Donattela anak Pait, Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam




YOUTH 2021 St Joseph’s International School Graduation Day

KUCHING — A total of 92 Year 11 students graduated from St Joseph’s International School on the last day of school for the year 2021, 26 November. The graduation ceremony was preceded by an online Mass and the blessing of the newly constructed indoor basketball court which was not only a facility for the game per se but also functional as a multi-purpose venue for school events. The construction cost not only fundamentally tapped into the school building fund but was considerably contributed by donors who saw �t the necessity of such provision for the physical development of the students.

In his blessing speech, Archbishop Simon Poh stressed on the importance of the physical activities as part of the development of youth. He reminisced and recounted his active years in his alma mater, SMK St Joseph, Kuching. The social connection among his peers, derived from these activities has survived and is maintained until this day. He stated that the blessing of the basketball court re�ects the school motto ‘Ora Et Labora’—we work hard and play hard to succeed. He reminded the students to uphold the values of kindness, friendship and compassion to make our world a better place to live in. Archbishop Simon Poh

Harvard Prize Book Award 2021 KUCHING — On 26 November, three St Joseph’s International School (SJIS) Year 11 students, Ong Rui Yu, Rachel Keng and Lydia Ting were presented with certi�cates of acknowledgement, as the top three �nalists to receive the 2021 Harvard Prize Book Ong Rui Yu (Centre)—Winner of the 2021 Award. Harvard Prize Book Award, presented by Since 1910, The Ms Mildred (R) and Br John Emil FMS (L), Harvard Prize Book has during the Graduation Ceremony. been awarded by the alumni of Harvard University to School (SJIS) stated that the aim of top-performing students in the Marist education is to groom selected schools around the students to be good and world. In Malaysia, the HPBA responsible citizens who care about programme was launched in the society and community that they 2011 by the Harvard Club of live in. The criteria of HPBA aligns Malaysia with the same purpose. with this aim, which can motivate This year in SJIS, seven students of SJIS to work towards nominees were selected to this award. This is also the opinion undergo a process of evaluation expressed by the teachers at the in areas of academic excellence, school who sees the award as an involvement and contribution to opportunity for students to be not the school’s extra-curricular only academically inclined, but programmes, community services also active in extra-curricular activities and contributing to and charities. Br Robert Teoh FMS, principal society through volunteer works. Out of seven nominees, three of St Joseph’s International

acknowledged that the high school days during the pandemic have been challenging but with every crisis that we face, opportunities arise. We have indeed led the way along the academic path, pioneering in e-learning and adopting a wide range of e-tools in the learning process. He urged the graduates to stay connected, to come back to school and Sarawak, and to give back and serve our community. In his keynote address, CEO Mr Christopher Chua thanked parents, guardians and staff in guiding the students in their journey to complete the high school years. He congratulated the students for their success in completing all �ve years and arming themselves with necessary knowledge and faith to handle their future life. Graduation is not an end but is a beginning of opportunities and challenges ahead. It is not just about receiving certi�cates but a time to re�ect on memories and to celebrate academic achievements. Graduation opens doors for the future—to tackle new experiences with lessons learnt from the past.

candidates were selected for the interview with the Malaysian Harvard Alumni Panel, who agreed that the candidates were eloquent and articulate in engaging and sharing their stories. The panel later unanimously decided to award Ong Rui Yu as the 2021 Harvard Prize Book winner. When asked about the winning, Ong Rui Yu commented that she was honoured and humbled by the experience of participating and winning the award. As for her future plans, Ong Rui Yu hopes to

He quoted Walt Disney that “all dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow our heart and trust in God”. Principal Br Robert Teoh pointed out the importance of a concerted and collective effort to nurture students into all-rounders. He quoted Pope Francis in stating that “it takes a village to raise a child” and that education is an act of love, giving the students a new lease of life and shaping them for the future. He echoed the Pope by testifying the need for time and energy by everyone in bringing up children. He hopes that the present pioneer students are able to spread their wings of love and to make a difference in life. The simple but meaningful event ended at noon, with students clutching on tightly their certi�cates which they have earned over the �ve years in the school, as they bade farewell to their alma mater, friends and teachers. It was indeed a memorable experience amidst the unforgettable pandemic. Lye Mei Yin

pursue her studies in social sciences and work towards giving back to the society. Natallee Faith Kwan




YOUTH 2021



『若翰便向众人说道 :「我固然以水洗你 们,但是比我強的一位要 來,就是解衪的鞋带,我 也不配。衪要以圣神和火 洗你们。』(路3:16) Permit No PPK 148/01/2013(031378)


2022年世界和平日主題:『教育、工作、世代間的對話』 (梵蒂冈新闻 网)为建设持久和平 的3个领域和行程: 这是教宗方济各在为 明年元旦准备的文告 中提出的思路。 今天如何建设一 种持久的和平?教宗 方济各在下届世界和 平日文告的主题中, 识别出3个极具现实 意义、应予以反思和 行动的领域。下届, 即第55届世界和平日 教宗方济各在圣伯多禄广场 将于2022年元旦举 行,文告的主题为「教育、工 兆,使这变更的方向唤起新的 作、世代间的对话:为建设持 和旧的问题,它们的相互对照 久和平的途径”。 是理所当然,也是必要 圣座促进人类整体发展部 的」(2019年12月21日与圣座 11月13日发表文件,指出在 各部会首长互贺圣诞佳节机会 2021年为「战胜今日常占优势 上的讲话)。 的冷漠、丢弃和冲突文化」而 从这3个识别出的领域出 提出的「关怀文化」之后,教 发,我们能够询问自己,教育 宗方济各为明年提出要应对当 和教养如何能建设持久的和 今和未来需求的一个新课程。 平?世界上的工作是否或多或 透过这个主题,教宗邀请世人 少地回应人类对正义和自由这 「以信德的眼光解读时代的征 至关重要的需求?不同世代的

人彼此是否真的团结互助?他 们相信未来吗?在这个背景 下,各群体的政府是否且以何 种措施来确定和解的视野? 需要一提的是,世界和平 日的建立是基于保禄六世教宗 1967年12月发表的讯息,并于 1968年1月首次举行。当时正 值越南战争时期,因此藉著建 立世界和平日,祈愿停止冲 突。

教宗:對殘疾人的歧視太多,所有人應得到最好的照料 (梵蒂冈新闻网) 每年的12月3日是联合国 制定的国际残疾人日, 在该国际日来临前,教 宗发表讯息,指出当今 社会存在著对残疾人歧 视的事实,在疫情大流 行中更凸显了许多人的 脆弱。教宗强调,与耶 稣的友谊关系是接受人 性条件限度的灵性钥 匙。 「教会爱你们并需 要你们」,这是教宗为 12月3日纪念「国际残疾 人」发表讯息的核心。教宗 的讯息聚焦于与耶稣的友谊 关系,与耶稣的友谊贯穿全 文,因为它是一个不会让人 失望的归属感的重要纽带, 尽管每个人都生活在脆弱 中,教会也是一样生活在脆 弱中。 教宗讯息的标题取自 《若望福音》第15章14节 :「你们是我的朋友」。教 宗表示,耶稣从不抛弃我 们,这份友谊「是我们命运 中所拥有的特殊恩典,也成 为我们的使命」。教宗说 :「有耶稣作朋友是最大的 安慰,它可以使我们每个人 都成为一个感恩、喜乐的门 徒,能够见证脆弱不是生活 和传播福音的障碍。事实 上,个人与耶稣充满信任的 友谊,是接受我们所有人所 经历的限度并以和解的方式 生活的灵性钥匙。」

教宗进一步表示,正是洗 礼使我们「完全获得教会团体 的名分,并在没有排斥或歧视 的情况下,让每个人都有可能 大声说,我是教会」的一份 子。这个教会不是一个完美的 团体,而是在旅途中同道偕 行、跟随上主的门徒团体。教 宗说:「你们每个人都蒙召为 世界主教会议作出贡献,我深 信,如果这真是『一个参与及 包容性的教会进程』,教会团 体就会真正地富饶起来。」 随后,教宗关注到当前的 现实,教宗表示,对残疾人的 「歧视仍然存在于社会生活的 各个层面。它源于偏见、无知 和一种难于理解人性具不可估 量价值的文化,特别是仍然将 残疾视为一种疾病」,它助长 了残疾人与社会的分离,并给 残疾人带来耻辱感。 在讯息中,教宗特别提及 在疫情大流行期间每个人不得 不面对许多困难,对残疾人更

是雪上加霜:长期呆在家里、 远程学习,看护无保障等。 教宗表示,残疾状况并不 是「获得最好护理的障碍」。 教宗强调,所有人都蒙召走向 成圣之路,而与耶稣的相遇— —正如许多圣经内容所讲述的 那样——深刻地改变了人们的 生活,使人们走上了一条见证 的道路。 最后,教宗引用阿维拉的 圣女大德肋撒的话,「在困难 的时期,需要天主的坚强朋友 来支持虚弱者」。教宗说 :「疫情大流行时期清楚地向 我们表明,人人都有脆弱的状 况。我们意识到我们在同一条 船上,所有人都脆弱并迷失方 向,但同时既重要又必要,所 有人都被召唤一同划船。为了 做到这一点,首先是要祈祷, 我们所有人都能做得到,我们 确信上主会聆听我们的呼 求。」

月刊出版者:古晉總主教 顧問:歐慶偉神父 Fr Felix Au 英語編輯 :蔡愛薇 Ivy Chai 中文編輯 :楊秀音 Magdalene Yeo 編輯組 :羅國璋 James Lo 黃儀惠 Margaret Bong 楊清華 Cecil Yong Freddy Bohari (BM) Mabel Salin (Eng) 工作人員 :魏愛沁 Shannon Wei

#10familytips:聖座平信徒、 家庭和生命部專注於兒童教育 (梵蒂冈新闻网)圣座平 信徒、家庭和生命部在社交网 络上发起宣传活动,目的是在 《爱的喜乐》家庭年中,把牧 灵关怀放在家庭中孩童的培育 和教育上。 圣座平信徒、家庭和生命 部为儿童推出的「十诫」,指 的是在家庭环境中儿童成长的 10个建议,把教宗方济各在 《爱的喜乐》宗座劝谕中的教 导付诸实行。事实上,这是父 母或教育者可以给孩童的10项 「建议」。 这些简单的建议能帮助儿 童浸润在基督信仰的教导里, 用心面对每日生活。圣座平信 徒、家庭和生命部发起的这项 举措是在社交网络上推动简洁 有力的宣传:该部会的图享、 脸书和推特的主页从11月16日 起,在10天的时间中,推出10 张伴有省思内容的图片。 最初两天的宣传活动提出 的建议是,「我们的家庭以耶

稣对我们的爱为基础,我们 希望在祂的爱中建立我们每 天的生活,彼此相爱和互相 尊重」;「在家庭中,每个 人根据自己的年龄和能力在 日常需要上给予合作」。10 项建议中也包括聆听、对 话、割舍、为他人服务、付 出的快乐和成熟等议题。整 套图卡可以在圣座该部会网 站有关 #10familytips页面上 找到。 圣座平信徒、家庭和生 命部网站消息称,「这项宣 传活动尽管很简单,但很重 要,目的是希望有助于把牧 灵关怀放在家庭中孩童的培 育和教育上,以帮助父母在 面对青春期前的诸多普遍存 在的问题时不要气馁,这些 问题往往也是由于缺乏与子 女的对话,以及孩子们的深 深的孤独感造成的。今天, 孩子心里可能隐藏著悲惨经 历,比如网络霸凌」。

教宗決定成立新委員會,以檢視 『婚姻無效案件』規則在意大利的 實施情況 (梵蒂冈新闻网)圣座于 11月26日公布了教宗11月17日 写的一道宗座手谕,宣布成立 一个新委员会,以核实在意大 利各教区对关于声明婚姻无效 的《主耶稣温和的审判者》手 谕的执行情况。 六年前的2015年9月,教 宗发表了《主耶稣温和的审判 者》(Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus)手谕,引入新规则,以 简化获判婚姻无效的程序,从 而解决教会婚姻法庭的程序过 于繁琐、复杂和申请费用昂贵 的情况。11月26日周五,圣座 在这个工作方面采取了进一步 的行动,公布教宗的手谕信 函。教宗决定建立一个委员 会,以核实和协助意大利各教 区实施改革,为这些新规则提 供「新动力」。 该新委员会设立在罗马圣 轮法院内,有意大利主教团的 一位主教参与,其目的是「支 持意大利各地方教会接受改 革」。教宗强调,主教已获得 裁决婚姻案件的权力,并再次 强调,主教的「司法职责」就 其性质而言,要求法官与教友 彼此接近,因此,让「教友至 少产生一个期望」,能够「根 据彼此接近的原则」向自己主 教的法庭申诉。 教宗回顾2015年发表的手

谕内容:虽然教区主教可以 求助其他教区婚姻法庭,但 只是在个别特殊个案的情况 中。因此,每一位主教「如 果还没有自己教区的教会法 庭,那就必须设法建立,或 至少努力确保自己可能拥有 教会法庭」。教宗表示,意 大利主教团将人力和经济资 源平均分配给各教区用在司 法工作方面,这将激励并协 助个别主教将宣布婚姻无效 程序的改革付诸实施。 新的圣座委员会由罗马 圣轮法院院长阿雷利亚诺 (Alejandro Arellano Cedillo)神父任主席,成员 有圣轮法院的两位法官和意 大利奥里亚(Oria)教区的 主教。该委员会将「确定和 核实改革在意大利各教区全 面立即实施」,它将「向各 教区建议适当和必要的措 施,以支持和帮助改革的成 效继续进行,好使意大利地 方教会在与灵魂得救密切相 关的这个问题上向教友们显 示出自己是慷慨母亲」。 在其工作结束之后,委 员会将起草一份详细报告, 汇报宣布婚姻无效新规则在 意大利各教区的实施情况。



教宗致函國際移民組織:不尊重移民使我們減少人情味 (梵蒂冈新闻网)教宗 方济各11月29日致函国际移 民组织(OIM),阐述了移 民的悲惨处境。这个关注移 民问题的跨政府机构目前庆 祝成立70周年,圣座也是成 员国之一。教宗在前一天诵 念《三钟经》后的讲话中, 对白俄罗斯和波兰边界,以 及地中海难民死亡的悲剧表 达哀痛,现在又为所有移民 和难民发出呼吁,指出他们 经常得不到法律的保护,最 终落入奸商的手中。 教宗在这份由圣座国务 卿帕罗林枢机宣读的信函 中,邀请国际社会作出集体 反省:「怎能利用人的痛苦 和失望来推进或维护政治计 划呢?怎能在人的尊严处在 危急关头而让政治考量占据 优先地位呢?」因此,国际 社会必须「紧急面对非正规 移民情况造成的困境,使移 民的选择出于自觉,而非一 种绝望的必要性」。

「大多数人都能在自 己的国家得体地生活,不 会感到被迫以不正规的方 式移民。因此,迫切需要 努力创造更好的经济和社 会环境,使移民不是为寻 求和平、正义、安全和充 分尊重人性尊严的人的唯 一选择。」 教宗要求的不仅是政 治上的改变,也是对整个 移民现象的观念转变。因 此,「不能只看移民的事 滞留白俄罗斯和波兰边界的移民 (AFP or licensors) 实,也应关注不平等、失 望、环境恶化、气候变化 这 些 现 实 情 况 , 以 及 人 的 梦 必因移民数字而感到意外,而 迎;另一方面,移民却经常受 想、勇气、留学、家庭团聚、 应以「人性的敏锐、正义和兄 到许多接收他们团体的排斥和 新机遇、安全、稳定及合乎尊 弟友爱作出回应」。 怨恨的态度。 严的工作」。 不幸的是,这种双重标准 具体而言,这需要以不同 教宗说,「我们绝不可忽 的目光看待移民问题,焦点不 源于经济利益优先于人的需求 视移民现象的人性面容,虽然 能 只 放 在 国 家 对 移 民 的 接 收 和尊严」。在新冠疫情的「封 存在地理边界上的隔离,我们 上,也应看到「移民为接收团 城 」 期 间 , 这 种 趋 势 更 加 明 却属于一个人类家庭」。移民 体带来的益处,以及如何使其 显,「当时许多『不可缺少』 问题不仅涉及移民本人,而首 变得富饶」。教宗提到,一方 的工人是移民,但他们没有从 先与我们众人、我们社会的过 面,在中上收入国家的市场中 疫情的经济援助计划中受益, 去、现在和将来有关。我们不 移民劳动力的需求很大并受欢 也没有获得基本的医疗保健或

嗨!小朋友,圣诞铃声响起,只可惜我们仍不 能如往年家家户户报佳音,但感 谢天主,现今我们能以科技在线向各位报佳音。恭祝: 圣诞节平安、快乐!新年蒙恩! 圣诞节前四周,教会称为将临期。 通常在将临期时,会用绿色的枝条缠绕成一个圆 形的将临圈(如图),用绿色代表生命,圆圈代 表永恒而圆满完美的生命,用以纪念耶稣为我们 赢得了永生。

请把将临圈及蜡烛 上色,三根紫色, 一根粉红色,另中 间大的一根白色。

将临圈上会有四根蜡烛,第一、二周各点亮一根 紫色蜡烛(紫色象征心情沉重的期待,即希望与 悔改),第三周则多加点亮一根粉红色蜡烛(粉 红色象征喜乐)表示欢喜迎接耶稣的到来,到了 第四周则点亮全四根蜡烛,也就是准备迎接耶稣 的降生。圣诞夜的晚上则点亮中心白色象征耶稣 的大蜡烛。此时大家同声欢唱“世界之光”的降 生。

疫苗接种」。 在这种情况下,教宗提 出他的看法。首先,迫切需 要找到合乎尊严的方法来摆 脱这些不正规的情况。「合 法途径越多,移民落入人口 贩运犯罪集团或在走私过程 中遭受剥削和虐待的可能性 就越小」 。教宗说,移民 「使整个人类家庭的纽带、 文化的财富和资源变得可 见,并能促进组成侨民团体 的贸易和商业网络的发 展」。 在这层意义上,融入的 问题显得「极其重要」,这 「意味著一个双向进程,本 著真正相遇、互惠互利的精 神,以相互了解、相互开 放、尊重接收国家的法律和 文化为基础」。教宗最后表 示,基于这种意识,「天主 教会及其机构将继续她的款 待、保护和促使流动人口融 入的使命」。

洗者若翰教导我们要帮助有需要的人。我们能为他们做些什么?请填上你能 为他们所做的,完成后把心型填上颜色,集合最少3个填上颜色的心,作为礼 物送给大家所期待的默西亚。 为未认识耶稣的人:___________________________ _____________________________________________。 为患病的人:_________________________________ _____________________________________________。 为贫穷的人:_________________________________ _____________________________________________。 为家人/朋友/同学:___________________________ _____________________________________________。

祈祷:主,求祢帮助我在这星期内尽力帮助有需要的 人并与他人分享我有的,好迎接默西亚的来临。 法律是天主藉梅瑟颁布给子民的,而恩宠和真理却由耶稣基督而来。哪些是 恩宠?哪里可认识真理?请把他们清楚的连起来,并作为生活的指引。

找出不同点 你能从以下两幅有关玛利亚和若瑟往白冷城的图中找出10个不同点吗?

请帮忙这三位贤士找到耶稣圣婴好献上他们 的礼物:黄金、乳香和没药。 耶稣圣诞节 耶稣诞生的故事,请参阅路加福音2:1-20 。请将下图上色。




慶祝菲律賓開教500周年艱難時刻保持信德 (香港公教报讯)1521 年,基督宗教传到菲律宾, 传教士对信仰的热忱打动当 地人民,愈来愈多人信奉天 主教,甚至成为国教。到了 今天,菲律宾庆祝开教500 年,菲律宾主教团将庆祝主 题定为「Gifted to Give」,由 今年复活主日至明年四月举 行一连串庆祝活动。 在香港,活跃于马鞍山 圣方济堂及中环圣若瑟堂的 菲律宾团体,亦先后举行弥 撒庆祝。本地菲律宾牧民工 作者在10月中旬,于北角圣犹 达堂举行感恩祭,由汤汉枢 机主礼,二十多位外籍教友 专职司铎及堂区神父共祭。 汤枢机代表教区恭贺菲 籍教友,并祝愿他们拥有平 安和喜乐的生命。菲借人士 专职司铎范进峰神父在讲道 指出,信仰是建立在教会的 基石上的,所以要帮助他人 加强信德。范神父鼓励信友 在团体中,克服人性中的骄 傲和软弱,并且向他人分享 信仰。圣犹达堂主任司铎倪

德文神父表 示,堂区非 常欢迎菲籍 教友到来, 并视他们为 兄弟姊妹; 印尼籍人士 专职司铎夏 经义神父则 感谢历史 上,多位菲 律宾传教士 庆祝菲律宾开教500周年 不辞劳苦到 印尼宣教;服务斯里兰卡团体 制贺辞,鼓励菲籍信友向全球 的Blaise Cooray 神父感谢菲律 表达信德的力量。 因应政府社交距离措施, 宾团体的歌声为教会生活注入 更多力量;越南籍的黎文柏神 每个堂区及团体只可以派五人 父则感谢菲律宾教会为不同国 出席。教区菲借人士牧民中心 团体Simbayanan-Kammpi 的教 家的修生提供培育。 菲律宾驻港总领事馆副领 友Lourdes Fuentespina 表示,因 事Robert Quintin 指出,菲国开 疫情关系,过去两年没有举办 教500周年别具意义,因为信仰 活动,现在有机会参与大型活 塑造了菲律宾民族的乐观开朗 动感到兴奋。教区菲籍人士牧 性格,使人民在艰难日子中保 民中心主任邓心慈修女衷心感 持坚毅精神,展示了天主的恩 谢 天 主 派 遣 传 教 士 到 菲 国 传 教,希望将这恩典与人分 赐。 圣座万民福音传播部部长 享。(梁) 塔格莱枢机特意为五百周年录

公教音樂家雲集香港聖詠節以音樂帶領祈禱與主相遇 (香港公教报讯)音乐 家、堂区圣咏团与神父过往 鲜有机会同台演出,今年 「香港圣咏节」将他们集合 起来,呈献不同年代与风格 的圣咏作品,带领听众进入 祈祷之中,与主相遇。 香港圣咏节于11月10日 在香港大会堂举行开幕音乐 会,由信徒钢琴家李嘉龄独 奏,公教学校合唱团与堂区 歌咏团等一同演出;11月14日 假明爱专上学院举行「认识 额我略圣歌」圣咏讲座。 11月15日在香港文化中 心举行闭幕音乐会,表演者 包括声乐家及演奏家、圣咏 团和基督徒音乐组合等。结 束前,众表演团体与汤汉枢 机、候任主教周守仁神父等 神长大合唱,为圣咏节划上 完美句号。 「结尾一首《阿肋路 亚》,代表了圣咏节赞颂天 主的目标,以及我们对参演 者的感恩之情。圣咏是教友

共同的信仰表达方式,去帮助 大家投入祈祷,也让非教友听 众认识信仰。」香港圣咏节主 席许颖雯表示,希望透过这项 盛会,帮助教友提升音乐素 养,温暖人心,也让年轻作曲 家和表演者去发表作品。 圣咏节团队筹备音乐会 时,特意与明爱康复服务合 作,安排九位智障人士,与其 他音乐人一起参与闭幕的大合 唱环节,缔造伤健共融。过去 四个月,许颖雯陪伴他们一起 准备和练习,见证音乐感染人 心的力量:「过往康复者封闭 自己,现在因着唱歌变得主动 和开怀,我们和导师都惊叹这 份改变。」 齐唱圣咏认识信仰 九龙华仁书院(九华)男 声合唱团为准备开幕及闭幕两 场演唱,当中100多名团员每天 至少练习一小时,假期也伙拍 德望学校合唱团一起练习。 很多古典圣咏的歌词皆以 拉丁文咏唱,九华合唱团指挥

陈家曦博士表示,为了帮助学 生投入:「会先让他们认识歌 曲的意思,再连结起自己的宗 教经验;对非教徒来说,这也 是福传良机。一直以来,团员 喜欢围着校内的圣母像去练习 《圣母经》,透过视觉和宗教 经验去培养感情。」 开幕音乐会上,左旭华神 父与简立和神父(Slawomir Kalisz)担任特别嘉宾,其中 左神父带领隐修院式的「入静 口缺」,非常特别:「富韵律 的短诵可以帮助人安顿心灵和 祈祷。圣咏的光谱很广阔,短 诵可以帮助教友进入圣咏的世 界,认识音乐之美。」简神父 于音乐会上分享他重拾音乐的 原因:「希望在疫情下透过音 乐这媒介为教友打气。」他在 圣欧尔发堂举办了四次音乐 会,安慰一众疲累的心灵。 香港圣咏节由一群天主教 徒于2020年4月成立,旨在透过 圣乐,宣扬天主爱的喜 悦。(邓)

教宗讚許教會團體協助夫妻度過難關 (梵蒂冈新闻网)教宗 方济各11月6日周六在梵蒂冈 保禄六世大厅接见了「寻 回」(Retrouvaille)协会成 员。这个以天主教信仰为本的 团体于1977年在加拿大魁北克 成立,秉持著基督信仰价值观 帮助夫妻以新的方法度过婚姻 难关;后来,这个新型的治愈 使命广传于世界各地。该协会 的宗旨阐明,每个婚姻「都值 得拥有存活和治愈的机会,带 著生命与爱的盟约的尊严欣欣 向荣」。在这个协会里,夫妻 分享各自经历,以及他们如何 克服挑战。这是改善夫妻沟通 的可行方法,有助于重新发现 他们对彼此的爱,从而巩固婚 姻关系。 面对在场的协会成员, 教宗首先阐述了「危机」一词 的涵义。教宗强调,我们不要 害怕危机,因为我们可以从中

学习并成长,尤其是避免引发 冲突,导致心灵封闭。尽管生 活中的危机令我们感到不愉 快,但是它有望好转;旁人如 果能伸出援手,危机更能有所 改善。 接著,教宗提到危机制造 的「伤痕」。「寻回」协会成 员对此并不陌生,因为他们帮 助了很多受伤的夫妻迈向治 愈。这正是他们的恩典:亲身 受过伤害并走出危机,从而能 以过来人的身份分享自身经 历,为今天身处困境的其他夫 妻提供服务。 此时此刻迫切需要这些夫 妻作出见证,让人看到危机并 非诅咒,而是人生旅途的一部 分,危机乃是转机。再者,为 了使之「可信」,必须由亲身 经历的人作出见证。空泛的理 论或善意的呼吁可信度低,唯 有「生活的见证」能使人信

服。教宗说:「你们曾经陷入 危机,饱受伤痛,但是感谢天 主,通过你们弟兄姊妹的协 助,你们得到治愈。现在你们 分享这份经验,以服务其他的 人。」 教宗提出的另一个关键词 是「陪伴」。这固然是司铎牧 职的一部分,但也需要夫妻活 泼地参与其中,亲近团体内的 其他夫妻。教宗赞许他们的工 作源自于基层,正如圣神在教 会中推动新的拓展,以回应新 的需求那样。在帮助许多困境 夫妻时,陪伴是首要之务。这 需要时间、耐心、尊重和乐于 助人的精神,这些都是「寻 回」协会成员所擅长的。 教宗最后感谢在场众人的 付出,并鼓励他们再接再厉。 教宗将他们所有人托付于童贞 圣母玛利亚和大圣若瑟的护 佑。

新竹主教座堂光雕投影訴說 傳教士建堂艱辛故事


(香港公教报讯)新竹圣 母圣心主教座堂于10月22日至 31日上映光雕投影骚,整座圣 堂化身为银幕,投射出夺目的 光影故事,诉说传教士70年前 离中国内地,转到新竹建立这 座主教座堂的艰辛旅程。 此次光雕投影骚是「新竹 市光临艺术节」其中一个项 目,它透过互动科技、光、 影、音乐,讲述古迹与新竹市 之间的故事。 主教座堂的光雕投影骚首 映于10月20日举行,由新竹主 教李克勉主教等揭幕,吸引众 多市民观赏。 艺术节策略总监周杰璁 说,制作人员为了创作座堂的 光雕,而深入研究天主教会历 史,认识神职人员建立本地福 传工作、努力为服务当地人的 事迹。 光雕作品名为「拂晓之 翼」,讲述一群耶稣会传教士 于1950年代离开中国内地,来

到新竹开疆辟地,他们视那 里为家,购地募捐,建立起 巍峨的新竹主教座堂去推动 传教工作。 投影骚由象征传教士赴 台的白鸽飞翔画面开始,它 经历铁链牢笼、漫天的火海 和雷电交加,惊惶逃离后遇 上甘露的滋润,而能平息下 来,建设教会,开出满树花 朵;光雕以满天鸽子飞舞, 象征信仰的传播,最后以烛 光呈现祝福。 创作团队透过3D影像特 效投影,使座堂立面镶嵌彩 绘玻璃「燃」起熊熊野火, 有如真实景象呈现眼前,又 配合音乐带出宗教意义与符 号,从而分享传教士的流离 与耕耘历史,以及他们的福 传精神。 新竹主教座堂曾获选为 台湾历史建筑百景,也是新 竹市历史建筑的第一名。

緬甸修女呼籲:請幫助我們建立民主 (梵蒂冈新闻 网)位于米兰的 宗座米兰外方传 教会中心11月10 日晚上举行了有 关「缅甸,被遗 忘的危机」活 动,为2022年的 传教节开启预备 緬甸 旅程。在意大利 服务的缅甸籍赔补女修会的贝 特莱斯·莫修女出席了当晚的 活动。活动前,本新闻网电话 采访了贝特莱斯修女。她表 示,修女们在分担今年2月1日 缅甸军事政变引发的冲突所带 来的悲惨境遇。由于出现一些 报复行动,她们在学校、医疗 中心和监狱所从事的很多活动 都暂时停止。 贝特莱斯修女于2007年来到意 大利,目前在米兰服务,负责 一个团体,那里也有一所托儿 所。修女提到最近从缅甸传来 的消息时说,「11月5日,有一 颗炮弹射进我们的会院,幸运 的是它没有爆炸。就在今天, 我从一位在首都的朋友那里得

知,有8人死亡,其中也有军 人」。 修女表示,「缅甸有7个邦, 我们在2个邦有很多会院。住 在那里的人试图逃走。有很 多年长者、妇女和孩童有生 命危险。尽管这情况越来越 严重,我们仍敞开修院大 门。我们保证向有需求的人 伸出援手。没有人会拒绝敲 门需求庇护的人」。 贝特莱斯修女最后说,「我 愿意向所有政府和机构发出 呼吁,帮助我们走出这荒谬 的局势。我们希望重建民 主、自由与和平。没有其他 国家的帮助,我们将无法独 自做到」。

四川傳道員培訓班研讀《古老的職務》手諭 (香港公教报讯)四川天 主教神哲学院上月为西南部七 个教区的传道员举办培训班, 研读教宗方济各《古老的职 务》手谕,从中加深认识传道 员的使命,好能在当今社会中 为主作证。 信仰社报导,培训班传递

教理讲授、礼仪和教会训导等 方面的知识,同时探讨传道员 职务在教会历史以至当今教会 的重要地位,借此加强学员的 福传使命;此外,导师从早期 传教士施行洗礼圣事的安排及 翻译教理的经验,带出信仰本 地化课题。




(古晋讯)砂拉越古晋 圣体堂在2021年11月27日 (星期六)下午三时举行领 坚振圣事,由两位神父分别 是黄伟乾神父和王傅弟神父 主持。在众人的见证下,多

达11位成功完成课程的主日学 孩子在神父的祝福和代父母的 陪同下领了坚振圣事。实在可 喜可贺!希望这群走出主花园 的孩子能够在未来的日子实践 主的话语,阿门。

拉青格獎得主探望榮休教宗本篤十六世 (梵蒂冈新闻网)四位 拉青格奖获奖者11月13日下午 前往「教会之母」隐修院拜 会了本笃十六世。 荣休教宗本笃十六世会 见了4位拉青格奖获奖者。颁 奖典礼于11月13日上午在宗座 大楼的圣克莱孟厅举行,教 宗方济各亲临现场。当天下 午,这些获奖者来到「教会 之母」隐修院拜会本笃十六 世,陪伴他们的是若瑟·拉 青格-本笃十六世梵蒂冈基金 会主席隆巴尔迪(Federico Lombardi)神父。 这几位学者是:马里翁 (Jean-Luc Marion)教授、罗 兰(Tracey Rowland)教授,

以及格尔-法尔科维茨(HannaBarbara Gerl-Falkovitz)教授和 施维恩霍斯特-勋伯格(Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger)教 授。 前二位于2020年荣获拉青 格奖,由于疫情未能举行颁奖 仪式;后二位是2021年该奖项 的获奖人。 在这次一个小时的会晤 中 , 甘 斯 魏 ( G e o r g Gänswein)总主教也在场。这 几位学者向本笃十六世汇报了 自己的工作,每个人都与他进 行了交谈。会晤结束时,众人 诵念了《圣母经》,荣休教宗 降福了他们,并送给每个人一 枚圣牌和一串《玫瑰经》念 珠。

窮人日與基層家庭同禱 教宗:應與窮人分享日用的食糧


(梵蒂冈新闻)教宗方济各 透过与贫困者同祷并分享生 命历程,去回应本年的「世 界穷人日」。面对穷人三餐 不继,教宗鼓励教友活出福 音精神,慷慨跟有需要的人 分享日用的食粮。 11月14日世界穷人日举 行前,教宗于11月12日前往意 大利亚西西天神之后大殿, 与500位贫困者参与分享及祈 祷聚会。大殿入口的标语带 出本届穷人日的主题:「你 们常有穷人同你们在一 起。」(谷十四7) 在迎接教宗的团体中, 有四人来自当地方济会的穷 人接待中心「教宗方济各之 家」,其中60岁的露宿者尤 雷克(Yurek)是亚西西主教 把他从街上接回来的。尤雷 克在中心协助下逐步脱离酒 瘾,恢复正常生活。 穷人是当天聚会的主 角,参与者大多是露宿者、 失业者和难民,他们来自阿

富汗和欧洲等地。分享聚会 上,他们向教宗讲述了自己的 经验。来自罗马尼亚的玛利亚 纳(Mariana)坐在轮椅上分享 经历。她原本专职照顾病人, 丈夫去世后,她患上了严重的 腰、腿痛症,最后手术失败导 致伤残,「我忍受了11年的痛 苦,我的健康还没有恢复,也 要打吗啡来止痛。」可幸她和 两名孩子现在都得到了明爱的 照顾。 随后教宗在演讲中说,耶 稣提醒祂的门徒,常有穷人与 我们同在(十四3-9),世人 「应当与穷人彼此分享日用的 食粮」,不可对他们麻木不 仁。 聚会结束前,教宗赠送参 加者每人一个背包,里面装满 了衣履和口罩。 世界穷人日当天,教宗在 梵蒂冈圣伯多禄大殿主持弥 撒,他在讲道中指出,教友必 须为贫困者治愈伤痛,让他们 对将来抱有希望。

教宗方濟各稱讚本篤十六世熱愛真理,永不衰竭 (梵蒂冈新闻网)大约 180人参加了为拉青格奖获 奖人颁奖的仪式,其中有学 者和他们的亲友。教宗方济 各亲临现场,称赞这项活动 见证了教会与文化界之间 「持续的联系」,并对荣休 教宗表达了「热情、感激和 钦佩”之情。 去年因疫情中断了一年 一度的拉青格奖颁奖仪式 后,若瑟·拉青格-本笃十 教宗方济各参加拉青格奖颁奖典礼 六世梵蒂冈基金会今年恢复 了这项活动,教宗方济各亲 临会场并在这个机会上称赞本 和德希达(Derrida),以及 地融为一体。」 教宗提到,拉青格即使 笃十六世是「酷爱学问和研究 麦金泰尔(McIntyre)。 教 宗 特 别 提 到 一 位 神 学 在履行教宗牧职期间也没有 的典范」,始终将「他的信仰 和 为 教 会 的 服 务 」 融 合 在 一 家。他说:「在这些导师中, 放弃研究和写作,撰写关于 有一位神学家值得一提,他能 耶稣的著作,「为我们留下 起。 教宗向在场和历年拉青格 够向所有方位开启和培养他的 持续寻找上主面容的个人独 奖得主表示敬意,其中包括两 省思和文化对话,因为信仰和 特见证」。他的著作令我们 位今年的获奖者格尔-法尔科 教会生活在我们这个时代,它 受到「启发和鼓励」,我们 维茨(Hanna-Barbara Gerl- 们在对真理的每一次寻求中都 必在上主前为他祈祷。拉青 Falkovitz)教授和施维恩霍斯 是朋友。我说的这位就是若瑟 格选择《若望三书》中 「与 真理合作的人」 这句话作为 特 - 勋 伯 格 ( L u d g e r ·拉青格。」 因此,教宗在这个机会上 他担任慕尼黑主教时的座右 Schwienhorst-Schönberger)教 授,以及去年的两位获奖者马 再 次 向 本 笃 十 六 世 表 达 「 热 铭,以此来引导「他一生中 里翁(Jean-Luc Marion)教授 情、感激和钦佩」的心情。他 的 不 同 阶 段 , 从 读 书 到 教 和罗兰(Tracey Rowland)教 向在场人士提到在本笃十六世 书、从履行主教牧职到为教 晋铎70周年时他们的会晤,说 义 部 服 务 , 乃 至 教 宗 牧 授。 教宗说,这项活动促进了 道:「我们感觉到他以祈祷陪 职」。 教宗最后表示,「与真 教会与文化界之间「持续的联 伴著我们,目光不断地看向天 系」和「富有成果的交往」。 主的视野。只要一看到他,我 理合作的人」这句座右铭继 教宗提到当代许多哲学和神学 们就会发觉这些。今天我们特 续激励著受到若瑟·拉青格的 伟 大 导 师 , 例 如 瓜 尔 蒂 尼 别感谢他,因为他也是热忱奉 本笃十六世梵蒂冈基金会奖 (Guardini)、德吕巴克(De 献于做学问、研究,以及文字 励的学者们,「我们每个人 L u b a c ) 、 埃 迪 特 · 施 泰 因 和口头传播的典范;因为他总 能够也应当在自己的工作和 (Edith Stein)、列维纳斯 是将自己的文化研究与他的信 生活中」受到这句话话的启 (Lévinas)、利科(Ricœur) 仰和为教会的服务完美及和谐 迪。

聖座克魯斯蒙席於消除對婦女暴力日:別再有罪不罰 (梵蒂冈新闻网)圣座常 驻美洲国家组织观察员克鲁斯 蒙席在该组织为国际消除对妇 女暴力日举办的特别会议上发 言:各国要同心协力铲除侵犯 和人口贩运等问题。 妇女遭受暴力的情况是一 个国家文明的温度计。暴力泯 灭人性,夺走一个人的当下和 未来,践踏他的尊严。圣座常 驻美洲国家组织观察员克鲁斯 (Juan Antonio Cruz Serrano) 蒙席在该组织为国际消除对妇 女暴力日举办的特别会议上向 美洲35个国家的与会代表提出 这个概念。国际消除对妇女暴 力日于11月25日举行。

克鲁斯蒙席重申了圣座对 这个议题的立场,以及教宗对 此的谴责。这位圣座代表引用 教宗的话说,「我们不能转身 不顾」,并且斥责「所有形式 的暴力,包括那些有冠冕堂皇 的理由,或助长对妇女施暴的 行为」。不幸的是,「妇女和 少女最常遭受的暴力形式是性 暴力,这是把人视为物品的文 化的后果」。这种文化「把人 看作一种取悦他人的物品,可 以用过即丢」。在美洲国家组 织的区域范围内,人口贩运问 题「格外重创妇女和少女」, 其中87%的受害者属于性贩运 的类别。

为此,克鲁斯蒙席呼吁 各国不再容忍这个殃及成千 上万少女和妇女性命的祸 患,她们当中有很多人因为 暴力而生命被毁。圣座代表 大力疾呼,务必终结对妇女 施暴者逍遥法外的现象。这 情况展现出一个社会、一个 民族、一个人的人性与文明 的程度。 此外,圣座「重视并促 进妇女独特且不可取代的贡 献,以及她们最深的尊 严」。这不仅因为妇女是生 命之源,更因为她们独特的 贡献能使我们的社会更加富 饶。

教宗任命卡瓦利總主教為梅久戈耶宗座視察員 (梵蒂冈新闻网)教宗方 济各11月27日任命阿尔多·卡 瓦利(Aldo Cavalli)总主教为 梅久戈耶(Medjugorje)新的 宗座特别视察员,以接替自 2018年以来一直担任这一职务 于今年8月13日在华沙逝世的 霍泽(Henryk Hoser)总主 教。迄今为止,卡瓦利总主教 是圣座驻荷兰大使和圣座常驻 「禁止化学武器组织」的代 表。 卡瓦利总主教在意大利北 部莱科(Lecco)出生,1971年 在贝加莫(Bergamo)晋铎。 卡瓦利神父在圣座外交学院完 成学业后,与1979年开始在圣 座外交领域服务,并于1996年 晋牧。 教宗于2019年5月批准梅 久戈耶朝圣活动,从那时起,


教区和堂区可以正式组织前往 该地的朝圣活动,朝圣者不再 是以「个人」形式进行的活 动。教宗又于2020年8月向在 梅久戈耶举行的国际青年祈祷 会发表讯息,敦促青年要有勇 气跟随耶稣,不要害怕接纳基

督圣言及祂的召叫。教宗希 望青年人的目光定睛于效法 耶稣的伟大楷模圣母玛利亚 身上,把自己交托于她,因 而毫无保留地回应主的召 唤。




傅雲生總主教 的訊息 亲爱的主内兄弟姐妹们, 在这个月内,我们庆祝 将临期并以圣诞节作为结 束!当来到十二月份时,我 们自然地会连想到圣诞节的 欢欣时光。当我们开车经过 购物商场时,会看到灯光闪 闪和饰物的圣诞树,而在我 们的天主教堂或其庭院内的 圣诞装饰似乎还没看到。为 什么会这样? Advent 在拉丁语中的词 根意思是「来临」。 Advent 直接指的是基督的「降 临」,即: 1. 基督的第一次降临是在 2000 多年前,耶稣在一 个寂静的夜晚诞生于马 槽中。 2. 耶稣的最后降临将是在 世界末日,那时基督君 王将在光荣中降临,来 审判生者死者。 3. 在 诞 生 和 最 终 来 临 之 间。每当我们因祂的名 字聚在一起祈祷时,耶 稣就在我们中间(玛窦 福音 18:20)。在每一次 弥撒中,耶稣亲自降临 于祭台上的饼酒形中。

在将临期的前三周是为基 督的最后降临做准备的邀请。 其重点是「时时保持警醒,时 时祈祷为有力量在即将发生的 一切中幸存下来,并在人子再 次降临时充满信心地立于祂 前」直至审判日!(阅读路 21:34-36)。这是一种充满喜 悦和希望,而不是充满恐惧的 等待。「那时,他们要看见人 子,带着威能及莫大光荣乘云 降来。这些事开始发生时,你 们应当挺起身来,抬起你们的 头,因为你们的救援近 了。」(路21:27-28) 只有在12月17日至24日将 临期的最后一周,我们才准备 庆祝耶稣第一次在白冷城降临 的圣诞节。 这就是为什么在 这最后一周,教堂才有圣诞树 的装饰,开始报佳音,我们受 邀将注意力转向庆祝我们救主 的诞生。 在整个将临期间,我们准 备好我们的心灵: • 时时祈祷 • 每天阅读圣经,尤其是福 音 • 努力与天主和我们周边的 人建立良好的关系 • 藉着寻求天主的旨意来省

视我们内心的渴望 • 寻求以基督爱的命令来生 活 • 从罪恶和自私中悔改 • 以真诚的心态服务,常为 他人着想 • 宽恕对我们不友善的人, 并为伤害我们的人祈祷 • 耐心地忍受疾病与痛苦, 将它们作为祭品献给上主 • 少一点物质主义,追求简 朴生活 • 不浪费食物,注意环保 • 相信耶稣的到来会带来生 命、希望和喜乐。 • 慷慨地奉献时间、天赋和 财富,以减轻他人的痛苦 和贫困 我祈愿,藉着忠实地等待 和经历将临期的四个主日,你 们能体验到四个星期带来的希 望、平安、喜乐和爱。 祝你们 2021年圣诞节快乐,2022年新 年蒙福。 「天主受享光荣于高天, 主爱的人在世享平安!」 (路2:14)


將臨期為希望、平安、喜悅、愛、慈悲的呼籲 (古晋讯)「让我们为 减轻贫穷和受苦,藉着这个 将临期的呼吁带来圣诞节的 希望和喜悦。」 傅云生总主教邀请所有 天主教徒和善心的朋友们在 到圣诞节的十二月响应将临 期的呼吁慷慨捐献。

• 用全球砂支付二维码或在 线转账或银行转账至总教 区丰隆银行账号。 • 直接向砂拉越天主教福利 服务机构捐款。 ◻ 愿2021年因将临期的希望 和喜悦而欢欣(参阅依 9:2) ◻ 愿圣诞节因了厄玛奴尔--我们的「主与我们同在」 的施与和分享,许多人获 得祝福(玛1:23) ◻ 祝所有教友和朋友们在将 临期和圣诞节的季节里充 满天主的爱、仁慈、希 望、喜悦和平安! (译文)

將臨期2021年12月1日至24日 的呼籲 亲爱的主内兄弟姐妹及善心 的朋友们, 按照传统,在将临期 间,各堂区筹集各种礼物和 捐款,为给我们的城市和乡 村贫穷的家庭的需要提供些 许补助。但有鉴于当前必须

聖三堂主日學線上退省 (古晋讯)古晋肯雅兰 园圣三堂主日学于11月12日和 13日举办了两天由刘志坚神父 带领的线上退省。参与者一 共有47位来自古晋圣三堂、圣 体堂、圣若瑟总主教座堂的 主日学老师,儿童礼仪老 师,成人慕道班老师和有兴 趣加入福传事工者。 刘志坚神父(Fr Simon Lau) 出生于槟城。由于天主的召 叫,刘神父从一位非基督徒 领洗成为基督徒,而再一次 的回应天主的召叫成为神 父。神父现任吉隆坡总教区 圣心堂副本堂,Asayo青年局 神师,和圣召推动小组的副 神师。因疫情的缘故,神父 机缘巧合的接触了制作影片 的机会,因此也开始了经营

他自己的YouTube 频道来 做福传。 第一天开讲,神父就以退 一步,休息,充电再前 进,为退省作出定义。接 着神父用许多圣经章节带 领大家进入对个人的信仰 反思。神父说他喜欢用主 的话语做分享因为那才是 真正的活水泉源。我们听 他的分享只是得到二手教 导,因此神父非常鼓励我 们亲自读经和聆听,以得到那 源源不断的一手滋养。 因第二天的主题是针对所事奉 的团体,神父提出好几点福传 者不得不反省和警惕的事实, 如我们在要理班教的都不是青 少年想听的,社交媒体公司大 幅度设立的虚拟的世界将带我

王博弟神父 《天主教教理》的第1210条说:「新约圣事是由基督建 立的,共有七件,就是圣洗、堅振、感恩(圣体)、 忏悔、病 人傅油、圣秩以及婚姻。七件圣事涉及基督徒生命中的所有 階段,以及一切重要时刻:它们产生、滋长、治愈基督徒的 信仰生命,並赋予使命。这样,自然生命的各階段与灵性生 命的各階段之間,有着某些类似之处。」 这七件圣事可分为三组: 1. 2. 3.

入门圣事将一个人带入基督的完满生命 (圣洗圣事, 圣 体圣事,坚振圣事) 治愈圣事治愈灵魂和肉身 (和好圣事,病人傅油圣事) 服务的圣事,一个人回应特定的天主圣召 (婚配圣 事,圣秩圣事)

第六課 婚姻聖事(四) 婚配仪式(1969) 婚配仪式(和圣秩圣 事)都是「为共融服务的圣 事」,是「为其他人的得救」 以及「建立天主的子民」而设 立的(天主教教理1534)。在 婚姻中,结婚的双方象征及分 享存在基督和祂的教会间合一 和结果实的爱的奥秘。婚配仪 式强调圣道礼仪的重要性,它 显示基督徒婚姻在救恩史上, 以及夫妻在照顾他们的子女的 神圣任务和职责的重要性。仪 式中最重要的是领婚配圣事双 方的合意,它由司铎询问并接 受;为新娘和婚姻盟约的特别 新婚祝福;然后是新郎和新 娘,以及在场的所有人领受圣 体,他们的爱如此而被滋养, 全体将被举起到和主及彼此的 共融内。 婚配庆典的结婚仪式有 三种形式可选: I. 在 弥 撒 中 举 行 的 结 婚 仪 式。通常当双方都是天主 教徒时选用。 II. 在 弥 撒 外 举 行 的 结 婚 仪 式。通常当一位天主教徒 和受过洗的非天主教徒结 婚时选用。 III.一位天主教徒和未领洗者 结婚的结婚仪式。当一位 天主教徒和一位未受洗者 结婚时必须选用。 第一式的结婚仪式在弥 撒中举行。第二式和第三式的 结婚仪式不举行弥撒。每一式 在教会都同等有效。 婚配仪式包括: 1. 进堂式 司铎可在圣堂门口迎接新 娘和新郎,以示教会分享 他们的喜悦。

2. 圣道礼仪 包括取自圣经的读经和 中间的答唱咏。读经说 基督徒婚姻的奥秘、婚 姻之爱的尊严、婚姻圣 事的恩宠和已婚者的责 任。 3. 婚配仪式 a. 合意前的问题。仪式以 司铎或执事非常简短地 介绍教会对婚姻以洗礼 作基础的认知开始。然 后司铎询问结婚的双方 关于自由的选择、对彼 此的忠贞,和接受和养 育子女的问题。双方各 自作答。 b. 合意。然后司铎或执事 请新郎和新娘右手互 握,并在天主和祂的教 会前宣布他们的合 意,「我(姓名)娶你 (姓名)作我的妻子 …」,及「我(姓名) 带你(姓名)作我的丈 夫…」 c. 祝福及交换戒指。戒指 是夫妻互许终身,和他 们进入婚姻盟约关系的 意愿的古老标记。司铎 祝福双方交换的戒指。 4. a. 圣祭礼仪(只在第一 式)。这包括了新婚祝 福。 b. 信友祷词和新婚祝福(在 第二与第三式) 5. 礼成式 第一式:由执事或司铎以祝 福新娘和新郎以及教众 派遣。 第二和第三式:整个仪式可 以天主经和祝福总结。 (译文)

參加聖誕節21天的挑戰的邀請 们进入一个我们无法应对的时 代等等,让听者先领悟将来的 福传工作会更富挑战性。 退省在问题解答,个人分享和 神父降福后恩宠完满结束。(罗 新玲报道)

(古晋讯)古晋总教区已 参与这个分成英语、国语、华 语和石隆门比达友语的网上圣 诞节21天的挑战。 教友们可通过下列号码给 联络人传递信息: 1.Jude Rozario – 英语组 – 013-8040818

2.Augustine Jennis – 国语 组 – 016-6912623 3.萧凤娥 – 华语组 – 013-8089500 4.Fr Peter Liston – 比达 友语组– 011-24378978 (译文)



祝大家祝福满满 的圣诞节及快乐 的新年 图:

將臨期:做好準備並 期望喜樂 耶穌會士吳友明神父 对我们许多人,将临期 的开始是我们准备庆祝我们 的主的诞生而换档稍微放慢 步调的一个机会。将临期的 许多读经指向做好准备,或 是醒寤的需要,因为主将在 我们最预料不到的时候到 来。「做好准备」对许多人 可意味着不同的事,而这反 过来可影响我们看待圣诞节 的品质。我们有时候可以使 自己为各种不测作好准备, 当我们为不确定性计划,或 是,我们因为害怕别人在我 们没有防备时让我们措手不 及而时时有所准备。这一类 的有所准备比较前瞻性和预 期性,类似为一个大庆典作 好准备。我们不妨想一想今 年如何看待将临期。 纯粹为害怕被弄到措手 不及,或是因为我们要为不 确定性有所计划在有些情况 下可能有用,但它可能不是 为主的来临作好准备的最好 方法。我在新加坡服兵役 时,不时会被派担任守卫任 务。它意味着接替普通营地

的守卫,维持营地的安全。我 们打起精神,作好准备,不只 是因为我们有一个重要的任 务,而是因为我们敏锐地意识 到,执行这任务中若有任何些 少的注意力不集中就可能导致 严重的惩罚。我们打起精神准 备好不是因为我们期望什么, 而是因为我们要避免惩罚。这 并不是活出我们的将临期准备 的最好方法,因为我们知道, 主是在爱中为我们的救赎而 来,这爱驱逐了所有的恐惧。 将我们的有所准备转变成更喜 乐和更有期望的会有很大的帮 助。 将临期就是关于准备好我 们的心来迎接主,而在期待中 有大量的希望和喜乐。我觉得 期待主的来临非常像孩子们热 切地等待圣诞节的早上,当他 们终于被允许打开已经在圣诞 树下放了几个星期的圣诞礼 物。我想像孩子们在圣诞节前 几星期或几天里一定是一直盯 着他们的礼物的渴望的眼光, 在猜礼物里是什么东西,期待 着到那一天打开时的喜悦。就

是这样的期待能表现好好地过 将临期的特色,期望主的诞生 的喜悦,在我们的心上打开空 位让祂居住,让希望在我们内 绽放。 把我们从恐惧和期望中释 放,使我们可以真实地让喜悦 和希望进入我们的生活有时会 感觉困难,但是我们可以尝试 藉着做主亲自告诉我们做的--像小孩一样到祂跟前,让这个 将临期有所不同。我们将临期 的准备不必很复杂或精致,因 为主自己就是在谦逊和简朴中 来临,出生在马糟家畜中间。 我不觉得我们受召为主的来临 做准备的努力和时间上须极尽 奢华,毕竟,我们在新冠大流 行期间已经受够了。简单地多 花一点时间祈祷,和朋友及家 人联系,向可能需要帮助的人 们伸出援手---这些都是简单, 但也是活出主带来的爱和希望 的强有力方式。如此,让我们 心中怀着喜乐来开始将临期, 以谦逊和简朴期待圣诞节的喜 悦,以爱面对主和他人。 (译文)

聖若瑟總主教座堂與聖馬爾谷的學生領聖事, 聖體聖事與堅振聖事

(古晋讯)经过一年多 因疫情无法施放圣事后,圣 若瑟总主教座堂终于2021年10 月为13岁到17岁的华语主日 学学生举行圣洗、初领圣体 和坚振三件入门圣事。 以下是一位初领圣体学 生的分享: 「当我在领洗和初领圣 体的那一刻,我感到无比兴 奋及喜悦。这些时刻对我来 说特别珍贵与难忘,让我感 到我与天主的关系更亲近 了。」 - Jonas Brandon (領洗 和初領圣体) 自领洗到现在快要18年 了,上主日学也有10多来 年,终于到了领坚振圣事的 时候。当天心里感到无比激

动和开心因为和主耶稣的关系 可以更进一步的提升。领了坚 振让我能敞开心怀迎接主耶稣 的来临让他带领我在主的道路 上有着更坚定的步伐往前走。 除此之外,我也感受到无比荣 幸能和同级朋友互相帮助和交 流。我也感谢JOSEPHINE 老 师,在他的带领下,我能更了 解主基督和教会,并且顺利完 成了2021年意义非凡的坚振 班。- Marcus Hong 「我是2020级坚振班的学 生,领受坚振不到2个月的时 间。因新冠疫情肆虐,我不得 不以线上上课的方式完成课 程,原定的坚振圣事也延期。 期间,老师非常努力的备课, 同学们也积极参与上课,不知

不觉课程纲要也教完了。当知 道不到一个月后要领受坚振 时,内心不期然被兴奋、期 待、开心和紧张充斥着。期盼 的坚振圣事终于到来,但是很 害怕自己无法胜任这份沉重的 身份。老师一直帮我解决遇到 的不解,排除万难,坚振当天 也幸运的被选为领经人,让我 的坚振圣事的篇章画上了美好 的句号。如今,接受了天主的 降福,我相信往后在天主和耶 稣的带领之下,我的生活必会 被祝福,也希望我能召叫更多 脱轨和迷失自我的同龄人,归 于天主的大家庭,在蒙受恩典 的怀里成长。」--玛蒂娜

希望、平安、喜樂 和愛的將臨期 2021年就这样飞逝了吗? 在疫情肆虐绵长的黑暗和 抑郁期间,3月25日传来了马尔 谷·诺厄·邦卓(Mark Noel Bonchol)升执事的喜讯。跟着 在12月8日,我们见证了他的晋 铎礼,他成了在新冠大流行期 间第一位在古晋总教区晋铎的 神父。 每年,将领坚振圣事的候 选者参加在圣神内生活研讨会 以准备领受圣神的倾注是一个 惯例。虽然当前的情势不容许 在堂区礼堂举行实体的研习 会,但是最近,圣体堂的主日 学协调员和厄玛乌教习事工组 合作,主办了一个线上青年在 圣神内生活研习会,其中一位 青年协调员形容它的效果为 「一次历史性及受祝福的里程 碑」。有关的英文报导请参阅 本刊第3面。 将临期是期待的时期。它


是关于耶稣的来临,耶稣的 诞生,以及一个悔改和准备 的时候。让我们做些自我反 省。在当前我们周围诋毁和 贪腐当道,我们能对耶稣说 「是」,对黑暗和罪说 「不」吗?我们能看到光 吗?我们能悔改并请求宽恕 吗? 傅云生总主教已再次推 展去年的将临期的呼吁来帮 助减轻痛苦和磨难,并为被 逼到社会边沿的人们的生活 带去希望和喜乐。在12月24 日的截止日期前行动起来还 不迟。 《今日教友》编辑组在 此恭祝我们的读者充满希 望、平安、喜乐和爱的将临 期,祝福满满的圣诞节及快 乐的新年! 蔡愛薇(译文)

耶穌會士, 林進才神父



2021年12月19日 --- 丙年將臨期第四主日 (米 5:1-4; 希 10:5-10; 路 1:39-45)

最高级形容词 金发姑娘和三只熊的兒童 故事是关于一位金发的小姑娘 和森林里的三只棕熊。这三只 熊中一只是大块头的熊爸爸, 一只中型的熊妈妈和一只幼小 的熊宝宝。金发姑娘闯进了它 们的家,在棕熊一家都不在时 吃掉了它们的粥,坐了它们的 椅子和睡了它们的床。 她吃掉熊宝宝的粥因为那 粥温度刚刚好---不像熊爸爸和 熊妈妈的粥太热或太凉了。她 坐了小熊的椅子(还坐塌了) 因为熊爸爸的椅子太硬了,熊 妈妈的椅子又太软了。最后, 她睡在了熊宝宝的床,因为床 的大小刚刚好---熊爸爸和熊妈 妈的床都太长了。 我讲这个故事的原因是因 为它突出了最高级形容词。最 高级形容词表达品质的极致。 我们用最高级形容词来形容一 组中三样或更多东西的极致品 质。在这故事中,我们有三只 棕熊,所用的极致是在棕熊的 身型---最大的到最小的;它们 的粥的温度---最热的到最冷的 ;它们的椅子的质地---最硬的 到最软的;和它们的床的大小--最长的到最短的。 同样在今天的读经中也有 最高级形容词。在取自米该亚 的读经一中,厄弗辣大白冷是 犹大群邑最小的,但米该亚预 言,将从由其中生出一位统治 以色列的人(最伟大的统治 者)。天主可以把最渺小的变 成最伟大的。两个相对的极 致,而天主可以将一个变成另 一个。 天主藉着米该亚向人们宣 扬,天主可以行奇迹。即使当 天主仿佛已舍弃了以色列民, 天主仍然继续照顾他们。他们 只需要耐心地等待,直到「孕

妇生产之时」---暗喻默西亚 的时期。这位默西亚将「卓 然屹立,以上主的能力及上 主他们的天主之名的权威, 牧放自己的羊群」。这位默 西亚来自最小的群邑,以最 大的权力---但这权力不是世 上所谓的,而是永恒的最伟 大的---领导人们走向救恩。 「直到孕妇生产之时」--这由玛利亚满全。在今天的 福音经,依撒伯尔和玛利亚 同属以色列遗民,但依撒伯 尔却称玛利亚为最受祝福的--「在女人中妳是蒙祝福 的。」「女人中最蒙祝福 的」是最高级形容词。 玛利亚是最蒙祝福的因 为她相信主对她的许诺必将 实现。玛利亚服从天主的旨 意,怀了天使加俾额尔报喜 时带给她的天主子。读经二 谈到奉行天主的旨意,而不 是实行宗教全燔祭和祭献。 玛利亚是最蒙祝福因为她奉 行了天主的旨意,就像她的 儿子一样:「为承行祢的旨 意我在这里!」 玛利亚是以色列最小的 群邑中的一位淳朴的村女, 但她却是最蒙祝福的。天主 可以将两个极致相对的最高 级放到一起。就像玛利亚一 样,天主也可以将我们内相 对的一端转变成另一端,就 是最高级形容词,例如,从 最自私到最慷慨,最悲伤到 最快乐,最疏忽到最注意, 不理睬到关注,等等。我们 明白这个过程需要时间---缓 慢但肯定的。我们信赖天主 可以从一个最高级的形容词 转变成另一个。 祝愿大家今年过一个最 快乐和最蒙祝福的圣诞节! (译文)




SAKRAMEN Oleh Fr Patrick Heng SAKRAMEN ialah siri pelajaran oleh Fr Patrick Heng

Ajaran 6 – Sakramen Perkahwinan (Bahagian 4) Dalam Katekisme Gereja Katolik No. 1210, ia menyebut “Kristus menetapkan sakramen-sakramen bagi undang-undang baharu. Terdapat tujuh sakramen: Pembaptisan, Penguatan (atau ‘Chrismation’), Ekaristi, Pertaubatan, Pengurapan Orang Sakit, Pentahbisan, dan Perkahwinan. Tujuh sakramen tersebut menyentuh semua peringkat dan semua waktu penting dalam kehidupan Kristian: ia memberikan kelahiran dan peningkatan, penyembuhan dan misi kepada kehidupan keimanan Kristian. Maka itu, persamaan tertentu wujud di antara peringkatperingkat kehidupan semulajadi dengan peringkat-peringkat kehidupan rohani.” Tujuh sakramen boleh dibahagikan kepada tiga kumpulan: 1. SAKRAMEN-SAKRAMEN INISIASI yang akan membawa seseorang itu ke dalam kehidupan Kristus sepenuhnya (Pembaptisan, Ekaristi, Penguatan) 2. SAKRAMEN-SAKRAMEN PENYEMBUHAN yang akan menyembuhkan jiwa dan tubuh mereka (Rekonsiliasi/ Perdamaian, Pengurapan Orang Sakit) 3. SAKRAMEN-SAKRAMEN KOMITMEN di mana seseorang itu respon kepada panggilan Allah yang khusus (Perkahwinan, Pentahbisan) Upacara Perkahwinan (1969) Upacara Perkahwinan (bersama dengan Sakramen Pentahbisan) merupakan “sakramen-sakramen yang melayani Komuni”, “diarahkan menuju penyelamatan orang lain” dan “bertindak untuk membangunkan umat Allah” (CCC 1534). Dalam Perkahwinan, pasangan suami isteri menandakan, dan ada bahagian dalam, misteri kesatuan dan kasih yang menghasilkan buah dan wujud di antara Kristus dan Gereja-Nya. Upacara Perkahwinan menekankan kepentingan Liturgi Sabda yang menunjukkan kepentingan perkahwinan Kristian dalam sejarah penyelamatan di samping kewajipan dan tanggungjawab pasangan suami isteri untuk mengambil berat tentang kekudusan anak-anak mereka. Perkara paling penting dalam Upacara itu adalah Keizinan pihak-pihak yang mengikat kontrak, yang dipinta dan diterima oleh paderi; pemberkatan perkahwinan yang khusus bagi pengantin perempuan dan perjanjian perkahwinan; dan akhir sekali, penerimaan Komuni Kudus oleh pengantin lelaki dan pengantin perempuan, dan oleh semua hadirin, yang menguatkan kasih mereka, dan semua kehendak diangkat ke dalam kesatuan (komuni) dengan Tuhan dan dengan satu sama lain. Upacara Perkahwinan menyediakan tiga Bentuk bagi perayaan Perkahwinan: I. Upacara Bagi Merayakan Perkahwinan Dalam Misa. Ini biasanya digunakan apabila dua orang Katolik berkahwin. II. Upacara Bagi Merayakan Perkahwinan Di Luar Misa. Ini biasanya digunakan apabila seorang Katolik mengahwini seseorang yang sudah dibaptis tetapi bukan Katolik. III. Upacara Bagi Merayakan Perkahwinan Di Antara Seorang Katolik Dengan Seseorang Yang Belum Dibaptis. Ini mesti digunakan apabila seorang Katolik mengahwini seseorang yang belum dibaptis.

Dalam Bentuk Pertama, perkahwinan berlangsung dalam Misa. Dalam Bentuk-bentuk Kedua dan Ketiga, Misa tidak dirayakan. Kedua-dua Bentuk itu juga sah pada pandangan Gereja. Upacara Perkahwinan merangkumi: 1. Upacara Kemasukan. Paderi menyambut pengantin lelaki dan pengantin perempuan di pintu gereja kerana Gereja juga turut bersukacita bersama mereka. 2. Liturgi Sabda Ia terdiri daripada pembacaan dari Al-Kitab dan mazmur antara bacaan-bacaan. Bacaan-bacaan bercakap mengenai misteri perkahwinan Kristian, martabat kasih dalam perkahwinan, rahmat sakramen itu, dan tanggungjawab orang yang berkahwin. 3. Upacara Perkahwinan a. Soalan-soalan sebelum Keizinan. Upacara bermula dengan perenggan yang sangat ringkas dan disebut oleh paderi atau diakon yang mengingatkan kembali fahaman Gereja tentang perkahwinan yang berlandaskan pembaptisan. Paderi kemudian menyoal pasangan berkenaan tentang kebebasan pilihan mereka, kesetiaan kepada satu sama lain, serta penerimaan dan pembesaran anak-anak, dan masing-masing menjawab secara berasingan. b. Keizinan. Paderi atau diakon kemudian mengundang pasangan berkenaan untuk memegang tangan kanan satu sama lain dan mengisytiharkan keizinan mereka di hadapan Allah dan Gereja-Nya, “Saya (nama) mengambil anda (nama) untuk menjadi isteri saya …” atau “Saya (nama) mengambil anda (nama) untuk menjadi suami saya …” c. Pemberkatan dan Pertukaran Cincin. Cincin-cincin merupakan simbol purba bagi komitmen pasangan berkenaan kepada satu sama lain serta keinginan mereka untuk menjalin hubungan perkahwinan perjanjian. Paderi memberkati cincincincin yang ditukar antara pengantin perempuan dengan pengantin lelaki. 4. a. Liturgi Ekaristi (Dalam Bentuk Pertama sahaja). Ini termasuk Pemberkatan Perkahwinan. b. Doa-doa Perantaraan Umum dan Pemberkatan Perkahwinan (Dalam Bentuk-bentuk Kedua dan Ketiga). 5. Upacara Akhir: Bentuk Pertama: Jemaat yang berhimpun disuraikan dengan pemberkatan bagi pengantin perempuan dan pengantin lelaki serta jemaat oleh diakon atau paderi. Bentuk-bentuk Kedua dan Ketiga: Seluruh Upacara diakhiri dengan Doa Bapa Kami dan pemberkatan. (Terjemahan) Akan Bersambung




Adven: Siap-siaga dan Menjangkakan sukacita Oleh Fr Stanley Goh, SJ Bagi ramai daripada kita, permulaan Adven merupakan satu peluang untuk menukar gear dan memperlahankan sedikit langkah tatkala kita bersiap-sedia untuk merayakan kelahiran Tuhan kita. Banyak bacaan pada musim Adven menunjuk kepada keperluan untuk bersiap-siaga, atau berjaga-jaga kerana Tuhan akan datang pada waktu kita paling tidak menjangka Dia akan berbuat demikian. Idea “bersiap-siaga” ini mungkin ada maksud yang berbeza bagi ramai orang, dan ini pula dapat menjejaskan kualiti pendekatan kita kepada Krismas. Kita kadang-kadang mungkin menyediakan diri bagi perkara-perkara yang lambat-laun akan berlaku apabila kita merancang untuk perkara-perkara yang tidak menentu, atau kita sentiasa bersiap-siaga kerana takut orang lain akan mendapati kita tidak bersedia. Kesiapsiagaan ini adalah lebih lumrah berbanding apa yang kita fikirkan, dan ramai daripada kita membuat persiapan kita dengan memikirkan ini. Satu lagi cara untuk bersiap-siaga adalah dengan harapan bagi masa depan dan janji sukacita yang akan datang. Kesiapsiagaan seperti ini lebih melihat ke depan dan menjangkakan sesuatu, sama dengan mempersiapkan diri bagi satu perayaan yang besar. Ia adalah bagus untuk memikirkan bagaimana kita akan menyambut Adven pada tahun ini. Bersiap-sedia semata-mata kerana takut orang lain akan mendapati kita tidak bersedia, atau kerana kita mahu merancang bagi keadaan yang tidak pasti, mungkin berguna dalam keadaan tertentu tetapi mungkin cara terbaik untuk mempersiapkan diri bagi kedatangan Tuhan. Ketika saya menjalani Khidmat Negara di Singapura, kami ditugaskan untuk berkawal dari semasa ke semasa. Ini menuntut mengambil alih tugas daipada pengawal kem biasa dan bekerja untuk menjaga keselamatan kem. Kami waspada dan bersiapsedia bukan hanya kerana kami ada tugasan penting tetapi kerana kami amat menyedari sebarang kehilangan konsentrasi ketika menjalankan tugas ini boleh menyebabkan kami dikenakan hukuman berat. Kami waspada dan bersiap-sedia bukan kerana kami menanti-nantikan sesuatu tetapi kerana kami mahu mengelak hukuman. Ini bukanlah cara terbaik untuk membuat persiapan kita bagi Adven kerana kita tahu Tuhan datang dengan kasih demi keselamatan kita dan kasih ini menghapuskan segala ketakutan. Mengubah kesiapsiagaan kita kepada sesuatu yang lebih sukacita dan menjangkakan sesuatu pasti sangat membantu. Adven adalah mengenai menyediakan hati kita untuk menyambut

Hati ke hati...

dari pena penulis jemputan,

Fr Peter Liston Pernah tak saudarasaudari menerima surat atau mesej berantai daripada orang yang anda tidak kenali? Saya sendiri pernah melihat surat berantai ini sewaktu saya masih di bangku sekolah lagi. Pada masa itu, media sosial belum lagi berkembang seperti sekarang. Ada yang sanggup membuat salinan mengikut jumlah yang diarahkan untuk diedarkan. Pada zaman sekarang, ia lebih mudah dan cepat untuk disebarkan, iaitu melalui WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger dan sebagainya, dengan ‘copy and paste’ atau ‘forward’ sahaja kepada teman-

teman dalam sekelip mata. Bila mesej tersebut berkaitan dengan agama dan disertai ganjaran segera, lebih pantas lagilah mereka ingin menyebarkannya dengan harapan menggunung agar ganjaran yang dijanjikan itu adalah benar dan menjadi kenyataan. Ia juga disebarkan dengan seberapa pantas yang mungkin jika mesej itu disertai amaran tentang malapetaka yang akan berlaku sekiranya mesej itu diabaikan dan tidak disebarkan. Bagi saya pula, saya tidak akan membuang masa untuk melayan mesej yang berupa ancaman atau ugutan yang menyebabkan

Tuhan, dan terdapat harapan dan sukacita yang amat tinggi dalam jangkaan itu. Saya merasakan bahawa jangkaan bagi kedatangan Tuhan adalah sangat sama seperti kanak-kanak yang menunggu pagi Krismas dengan penuh harapan kerana mereka akhirnya dibenarkan untuk membuka hadiah Krismas yang sudah menunggu di bawah pokok Krismas selama berminggu-minggu. Saya memikirkan tentang bagaimana kanak-kanak yang memandang hadiah mereka selama beberapa minggu dan hari menjelang Krismas, membayangkan apa yang mungkin ada di dalam, dan mengalu-alukan saat mereka berasa sukacita apabila mereka membuka kotak hadiah pada hari tersebut. Jangkaan inilah yang dapat menggambarkan Adven yang digunakan sebaiknya, dengan mengalualukan saat kita berasa sukacita pada waktu kelahiran Tuhan, sambil membuka ruang dalam hati kita untuk Dipenuhi-Nya, dan membiarkan harapan untuk mekar di dalam diri kita. Membebaskan diri kita daripada ketakutan dan jangkaan, supaya kita dapat benar-benar membiarkan sukacita dan harapan datang ke dalam kehidupan kita, kadang-kadang boleh rasa sukar, tetapi kita boleh cuba untuk menjadikan Adven ini berbeza dengan melakukan apa yang Tuhan sendiri suruh—datang kepada-Nya seperti kanak-kanak kecil. Persiapan Adven kita tidak perlu rumit atau terperinci kerana Tuhan sendiri datang dengan rendah hati dan sederhana, dilahirkan dalam palungan di tengahtengah haiwan-haiwan ternakan. Saya tidak rasakan bahawa kita dipanggil untuk meluangkan begitu banyak masa atau tenaga untuk bersiap-sedia bagi kedatangan Tuhan. Lagi pun, kita sudah cukup susah pada waktu pandemik selama beberapa tahun dan bulan yang lepas. Usaha sederhana untuk meluangkan masa beberapa minit lagi dalam doa, untuk berhubung dengan rakan-rakan dan keluarga, untuk menyantuni mereka yang mungkin memerlukan bantuan—semua ini adalah cara-cara mudah tetapi berkuasa untuk menghidupkan kasih dan harapan yang dibawa oleh Tuhan. Marilah kita memulakan Adven dengan sukacita di dalam hati kita, sambil menjangkakan sukacita Krismas dengan rendah hati dan sederhana, dan pada waktu yang sama berpaling kepada Tuhan dan orang lain dengan kasih.

hidup saya tidak tenteram atau tiada kedamaian dalam hati dan fikiran saya. Saya yakin bahawa terdapat niat yang tidak baik dirancang oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab bagi tujuan mengaut keuntungan dengan menakut-nakutkan golongan yang mudah terpedaya. Saudara dan saudari terkasih dalam Kristus, saya kadang-kadang sangat hairan dengan perangai segelintir daripada kita umat Kristian. Dalam hal seperti ini, kita begitu cepat dan mudah untuk percaya dan bertindak sebab teruja sangat dengan ganjaran, dan pada masa yang sama berasa takut serta terancam. Sebaliknya, begitu sedikit di antara kita yang mengambil serius akan kehidupan rohani kita. Berapa ramaikah di antara kita yang mendengar firman Tuhan setiap Hari Minggu benar-benar mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan seharian kita sebaik sahaja kita melangkah keluar daripada pintu gereja? Firman Tuhan, yang memberi kehidupan, membawa perdamaian, dan


memimpin kita kepada kebenaran, begitu mudah kita abaikan. Dalam erti kata lain, kehidupan rohani kita sangat lemah, dan kita tidak mengambil berat tentang kerohanian kita. Kegelisahan tidak sepatutnya dirasai daripada mesej berantai, berita palsu atau khabar angin yang tidak berasas dan tidak mengandungi kebenaran. Kita sepatutnya mula berasa gelisah atau takut sekiranya kehidupan kita di dunia ini menyimpang jauh daripada kebenaran dan ajaran Tuhan, di mana kita seolah-olah akan hidup selama-lamanya. Sikap mementingkan diri yang dipenuhi dengan keegoan, sikap menindas dan menyusahkan kehidupan orang lain yang kita anggap lemah dan tak berdaya, serta sikap yang langsung tidak mempedulikan orang yang benar-benar memerlukan perhatian dan pertolongan kita akan membawa kita kepada kebinasaan sekiranya kita tidak bertaubat. Tuhan melalui firmanNya sering kali mengingatkan kita untuk sentiasa bersiap sedia, dan

mempersiapkan diri kita bagi kedatangan-Nya yang pasti. Peringatan-Nya ini bukanlah bertujuan untuk membuatkan kita hidup dalam kegelisahan serta ketakutan melainkan kerana Dia sangat mengasihi kita semua. Dia tidak sama sekali ingin melihat walau seorang pun daripada kita jatuh dalam kebinasaan. Jika kita mendengar dan, dengan penuh ketaatan, mengamalkan ajaran serta perintah-Nya dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian, kita sudah pun mula memasuki kehidupan dalam kesatuan denganNya. Dengan ini, kita tidak akan merasa bimbang, takut atau gelisah akan kedatangan-Nya yang seorang pun tidak ketahui bila. Justeru itulah kita diingatkan untuk sentiasa berjaga-jaga dan berdoa supaya kita diteguhkan untuk menghadapi segala perkara yang akan terjadi, dan dapat berdiri di hadirat Anak Manusia (Lukas 21:36).




Ciri pada bacaan Misa Ahad: 19 Disember 2021: Hari Minggu Keempat Musim Adven, Tahun C (Mikha 5:1-4; Ibrani 10:5-10; Lukas 1:39-45)

Kata-kata Sifat Paling Tinggi Cerita kanak-kanak ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ adalah mengenai seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berambut perang, dan tiga ekor beruang yang tinggal di dalam hutan. Keluarga beruang tersebut terdiri daripada bapa beruang yang sangat besar, ibu beruang bersaiz sederhana, dan anak beruang yang kecil. Goldilocks terjumpa dan memasuki rumah mereka, memakan bubur mereka, duduk di atas kerusi mereka, dan tidur di atas katil mereka ketika keluarga beruang itu tidak ada di rumah. Dia memakan bubur anak beruang kerana ia suam-suam— tidak terlalu panas mahupun terlalu sejuk seperti bubur si bapa dan si ibu beruang. Dia duduk (dan merosakkan) kerusi si beruang kecil kerana kerusi bapa beruang terlalu keras manakala kerusi ibu beruang pula terlalu lembut. Akhir sekali, dia tidur di atas katil si anak beruang kerana saiznya sesuai—katil bapa beruang dan katil ibu beruang terlalu panjang untuknya. Saya menampilkan cerita ini di sini kerana ia mengetengahkan kata-kata sifat paling tinggi. Kata sifat paling tinggi (atau superlative adjective dalam bahasa Inggeris) menggambarkan tahap ekstrem sesebuah kualiti. Kita menggunakan kata sifat paling tinggi untuk menggambarkan kualiti ekstrem bagi satu perkara dalam kumpulan tiga perkara atau lebih. Dalam cerita ini, kita ada tiga ekor beruang dan kata-kata sifat paling tinggi yang digunakan adalah dari segi saiz beruang tersebut—yang terbesar hingga kepada yang terkecil; suhu bubur mereka—yang paling panas hingga kepada yang paling sejuk; tekstur kerusi mereka— yang paling keras hingga kepada yang paling lembut; dan saiz katil mereka—yang terpanjang hingga kepada yang terpendek. Demikian juga dalam bacaan-bacaan pada hari ini, kata-kata sifat paling tinggi juga ada. Dalam bacaan pertama dari Kitab Mikha, Betlehem Efrata merupakan yang terkecil di antara kaumkaum Yehuda, tetapi Mikha bernubuat bahawa daripada kaum paling kecil ini akan bangkit seseorang yang akan memerintah Israel (pemerintah paling hebat). Tuhan dapat mengubah yang paling kecil menjadi yang paling besar. Ini adalah dua kata sifat paling tinggi yang bertentangan, tetapi Tuhan dapat mengubah yang satu menjadi yang satu lagi. Tuhan, menerusi Mikha, mewartakan kepada umat bahawa Tuhan dapat mengerjakan keajaiban. Walaupun ketika Tuhan seakan-akan sudah meninggalkan bangsa Israel, Tuhan sebenarnya masih menjaga mereka. Mereka hanya perlu menunggu dengan sabar “sehingga tiba waktunya apabila dia yang mengandung melahirkan kandungan”—yang menandakan waktu Mesias. Mesias itu “akan berdiri dan memberikan

Oleh Fr Francis Lim, SJ

Demi kemuliaan Allah yang lebih agung makanan kepada domba-Nya dengan kuasa Tuhan”. Mesias berasal daripada suku kaum paling kecil untuk memimpin umat kepada penebusan dengan kuasa maha besar tetapi kuasa ini bukanlah yang terbesar dalam pengertian duniawi—ia adalah yang paling besar dari segi keabadian. “Sehingga tiba waktunya apabila dia yang mengandung melahirkan kandungan”—ini ditunaikan dalam Maria. Dalam bacaan Injil pada hari ini, Elisabet dan Maria berasal daripada saki-baki bangsa Israel, namun Elisabet tetap memuji Maria sebagai yang paling diberkati—“daripada segala wanita, kamu adalah yang paling diberkati”. “Paling diberkati daripada segala wanita” merupakan satu kata sifat yang paling tinggi. Maria adalah yang paling diberkati kerana bonda percaya bahawa janji yang dibuat kepadanya oleh Tuhan akan ditunaikan. Maria mematuhi kehendak Tuhan untuk membawa Anak Allah seperti yang dibawa kepadanya oleh malaikat Gabriel pada waktu penampakannya kepada Maria. Bacaan kedua bercakap mengenai melakukan kehendak Allah, dan bukannya mengamalkan persembahan korban keagamaan. Maria paling diberkati kerana bonda melaksanakan kehendak Allah, sama seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh Anaknya, “Aku di sini! Aku datang untuk mematuhi kehendak-Mu.” Maria merupakan seorang gadis Maria paling kampung yang sederhana dalam diberkati kerana kalangan suku kaum yang paling kecil di Israel, namun bonda adalah bonda melaksanakan yang paling diberkati. Tuhan dapat kehendak Allah, menyatukan dua kata sifat paling sama seperti apa tinggi yang bertentangan. Sama yang dilakukan oleh seperti dalam Maria, Allah juga Anaknya, “Aku di dapat mengubah satu bahagian sini! Aku datang yang bertentangan di dalam kita menjadi bahagian lain, iaitu kata- untuk mematuhi kata sifat paling tinggi, contohnya, kehendak-Mu.” yang paling mementingkan diri kepada yang paling murah hati, yang paling sedih kepada yang paling gembira, pengabaian kepada perhatian, tidak prihatin kepada prihatin, dan sebagainya. Kita faham proses ini memakan masa—perlahan-lahan namun pasti. Kita percaya bahawa Tuhan dapat mengubah kita daripada satu kata sifat yang paling tinggi kepada kata sifat lain paling tinggi yang lain. Semoga anda merayakan Natal yang paling bahagia dan penuh berkat pada tahun ini! (Terjemahan)

MUSIM ADVEN [dari Latin ad-venio, bermaksud ‘akan datang’]

Lilin yang berwarna ungu (Minggu 1, 2 dan 4) dan merah jambu (Minggu 3) membawa simbol: Minggu 1 - Harapan Minggu 2 - Cinta kasih Minggu 3 - Kegembiraan Minggu 4 - Keamanan

Semoga Adven anda membuahkan hasil! Gambar: CNS


Dari meja pengarang



Harapan, Kedamaian, Sukacita dan Kasih pada Musim Adven

Tahun 2021 sedang berlalu dengan begitu cepat sekali. Di tengah-tengah pandemik kegelapan dan kesuraman yang berpanjangan muncul berita baik tentang pentadbisan diakonat Mark Noel Bonchol pada 25 Mac lalu. Pada 8 Disember lepas, kita menyaksikan pentadbiran kepaderian beliau yang menjadikan beliau paderi pertama ditahbis dalam Keuskupan Agung Kuching pada waktu pandemik COVID-19 yang masih berlaku sekarang. Ia merupakan satu tradisi tahunan bagi calon Sakramen Penguatan untuk menghadiri Seminar Kehidupan dalam Roh (LSS) bagi mempersiapkan mereka untuk pencurahan Roh Kudus. Walaupun situasi tidak mengizinkan seminari �zikal di dewan paroki, fasilitator Sekolah Hari Minggu Gereja Blessed Sacrament, dalam kolaborasi dengan Ministri Mengajar Emmaus, baru-baru ini menganjurkan LSS Belia menerusi ZOOM. Hasilnya adalah “satu pencapaian yang bersejarah dan diberkati” seperti apa yang digambarkan oleh seorang fasilitator belia. Adven merupakan musim jangkaan. Ia adalah mengenai

kedatangan Yesus, kelahiran Yesus, dan waktu pertaubatan dan persiapan. Marilah kita melakukan sedikit muhasabah diri. Dalam iklim �tnah dan rasuah yang mengelilingi kita sekarang, dapatkah kita menyebut “ya” kepada Yesus, dan “tidak” kepada kegelapan dan dosa? Dapatkah kita melihat cahaya? Dapatkah kita bertaubat dan meminta pengampunan? Uskup Agung Simon Poh telah melancarkan semula Rayuan Adven pada tahun lepas untuk mengurangkan penderitaan dan kesengsaraan, dan membawa harapan dan sukacita ke dalam kehidupan penduduk yang terpinggir. Ia tidak terlambat untuk menghulurkan bantuan sebelum tarikh akhir pada 24 Disember. Pasukan Today’s Catholic ingin mengucapkan Musim Adven yang dipenuhi Harapan, Kedamaian, Sukacita dan Kasih kepada semua pembaca kami, Selamat Menyambut Krismas yang Diberkati, dan Selamat Tahun Baharu 2022! (Terjemahan)

CATHOLIC today’s THE TEAM PENERBIT Uskup Agung Kuching PENASIHAT Fr Felix Au EDITOR Ivy Chai EDITOR BERSEKUTU (B Cina) Magdalene Yeo SIDANG EDITOR Freddy Bohari (BM) Mabel Salin (Halaman Kanak-kanak B Inggeris) James Lo (B Cina) Cecil Yong (B Cina) Margaret Bong (Halaman Kanak-kanak B Cina) STAF Shannon Wei

P E RU T U S A N Daripada Uskup Agung Simon Poh Saudara saudari yang dikasihi, Pada bulan ini, kita merayakan Adven yang akan berakhir dengan Krismas! Pada waktu kita memasuki bulan Disember, ia adalah lumrah bagi �kiran kita untuk beralih kepada waktu Krismas yang penuh sukacita. Apabila kita memandu melintasi pusat beli-belah, pokok Krismas dengan hiasan dan lampu pasti ada, tetapi gereja-gereja Katolik seakan-akan lambat untuk memasang hiasan Krismas di dalam gereja atau perkarangannya. Kenapakah ini berlaku? Perkataan asal bagi Adven dalam Bahasa Latin bermaksud “Kedatangan”. Adven merujuk langsung kepada beberapa “Kedatangan” Kristus, iaitu: 1. Kedatangan Pertama Kristus adalah pada malam sunyi apabila Yesus lahir di sebuah kandang haiwan di Betlehem lebih 2,000 tahun yang lalu. 2. Kedatangan Terakhir Yesus akan berlaku pada hujung dunia apabila Kristus Raja akan datang dalam kemuliaan untuk menghakimi orang yang hidup dan orang yang mati. 3. Di antara Kelahiran dan Kedatangan Terakhir. Setiap kali kita berhimpun untuk berdoa dalam Nama-Nya, Yesus ada bersama kita (Injil Matius 18:20). Dalam setiap Misa, Yesus benar-benar hadir dalam bentuk Roti dan Air Anggur di atas Altar. Pada musim Adven, tiga Minggu pertama Adven adalah satu undangan untuk bersiap sedia bagi kedatangan terakhir Kristus. Fokus adalah kepada “Berjaga-jagalah senantiasa sambil berdoa setiap masa bagi kekuatan untuk menghadapi segalanya yang akan terjadi, dan berdiri dengan yakin apabila Anak Manusia datang kembali” pada Hari Penghakiman! (Baca Injil Lukas 21:34-36). Ini adalah satu penantian dengan sukacita dan harapan, bukan dalam ketakutan. “Pada waktu itu, semua bangsa akan melihat Anak Manusia datang dalam awan dengan kekuasaan dan kemuliaan yang agung. Apabila semuanya itu mula berlaku, berdirilah dan angkat kepalamu, kerana penebusan kamu semakin dekat.” (Injil Lukas 21:27-28). Kita bersiap sedia untuk merayakan Kedatangan Pertama di Betlehem pada Hari Krismas hanya pada minggu terakhir Adven pada 1724 Disember.

Inilah sebabnya kenapa pada minggu terakhir ini, gerejagereja mendirikan pokok Krismas, karoling bermula, dan kita diundang untuk mengalih tumpuan kita bagi merayakan kelahiran Penyelamat kita. Sepanjang musim Adven, kita menyediakan hati kita: ✞ Berdoa sepanjang masa ✞ Membaca Al-Kitab setiap hari terutamanya Injil ✞ Berusaha untuk menjalin hubungan yang betul dengan Allah dan orang di sekeliling kita ✞ Menjaga keinginan hati kita dengan mencari kehendak Allah ✞ Hidup selari dengan perintah kasih Kristus ✞ Bertaubat daripada dosa dan sikap mementingkan diri ✞ Melayan dengan hati ikhlas, sentiasa menginginkan kebaikan orang lain ✞ Mengampuni mereka yang tidak baik kepada kita dan berdoa untuk mereka yang melukai hati kita ✞ Menanggung penyakit dan penderitaan dengan sabar, sambil memanjatkannya sebagai korban kepada Allah ✞ Tidak begitu materialistik dan berusaha untuk menjalani gaya hidup yang sederhana ✞ Tidak membazirkan makanan dan melindungi alam sekitar ✞ Yakin bahawa kedatangan Yesus akan membawa kehidupan, harapan dan sukacita. ✞ Memberi Masa, Bakat dan Harta dengan murah hati untuk mengurangkan penderitaan dan kemiskinan Saya berdoa agar anda mengalami empat minggu HARAPAN, KEDAMAIAN, SUKACITA DAN KASIH, dengan setia menunggu dan berjalan sepanjang empat Hari Minggu Adven. Saya mendoakan bagi anda Krismas 2021 Yang Suci dan Tahun Baharu 2022 Yang Diberkati. “Kemuliaan bagi Allah di tempat yang maha tinggi dan damai sejahtera di bumi bagi semua manusia yang berkenan kepadaNya.” (Injil Lukas 2:14) ✠ Uskup Agung Simon Poh (Terjemahan)




Keuskupan Agung Kuching terima paderi baharu pada waktu pandemik COVID-19

Fr Mark Noel Bonchol (2 kiri barisan depan) yang baharu ditahbis mengambil tempat beliau dalam kalangan paderi Presbiterium Keuskupan Agung Kuching, 8 Disember 2021. (Gambar: Danison Manium)

KUCHING — Presbiterium Keuskupan Agung Kuching menyambut paderi baharu, Fr Mark Noel Bonchol, dalam Misa untuk meraikan Hari Raya Kandungan Tanpa Noda Perawan Maria (Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary) pada 8 Disember 2021. Pentadbisan diakonat beliau diadakan sewaktu hari raya Maria juga pada 25 Mac lalu, iaitu Hari Raya Malaikat Gabriel Mengumumkan Kelahiran Tuhan (Annunciation of the Lord) kepada Perawan Maria. Pentahbisan Kepaderian Fr Mark ternyata sangat menyenangkan. Kehadiran koir untuk menyanyikan lagu-lagu dan bahagian Misa mewujudkan suasana yang tiada sejak pandemik bermula. Misa Pentahbisan beliau dirayakan oleh Uskup Agung Simon Poh bersama dua Uskup Agung Emeritus, Peter Chung dan John Ha. Jemaat yang datang ke Katedral St Joseph dihadkan kepada ahli keluarga, paderi, seminarian, religius dan tetamu jemputan. Rakan-rakan dan komuniti Kristian amnya, yang tidak dapat hadir secara fizikal disebabkan oleh Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) bagi pandemik, diundang untuk menyertai Misa dan menyaksikan pentadbisan Fr Mark menerusi penstriman secara langsung. Pada akhir Upacara Pentahbisan, Uskup Agung Simon mengurapi tangan paderi yang baharu ditahbis itu dengan minyak Krisma Suci ketika beliau berlutut di hadapan Uskup Agung, dengan kata-kata: “Tuhan Yesus Kristus, yang diurapi Bapa dengan Roh Kudus dan kuasa, menjaga dan memelihara anda, supaya anda

menguduskan umat Kristian dan mempersembahkan korban kepada Allah.” Fr Vincent Chin kemudian membantu Fr Mark memakai stola dan chasubel, sebelum beliau pergi kepada prelatus untuk Persembahan Pemberian. Uskup Simon meletakkan paten yang menempatkan roti serta piala yang mengandungi wain yang dicampur dengan air bagi perayaan Misa, dan dipersembahkan oleh jemaat, di atas tangan Fr Mark. “Terimalah pemberian umat suci untuk disampaikan kepada Allah. Fahamilah apa yang anda buat, tirulah apa yang anda rayakan, dan bentuklah kehidupan anda selari dengan misteri Salib Tuhan,” kata Uskup Agung kepada paderi baharu itu. Uskup Agung Simon kemudian menyambut beliau dengan tanda damai dan ciuman persaudaraan (pada jarak sedepa), dan Fr Mark kemudian memberikan tanda damai kepada kedua-dua Uskup Agung Emeritus dan paderi lain yang membalas dengan tanda damai dan tepukan tangan. Misa kemudian disambung dengan perayaan Ekaristi. Pada hujung Doa selepas Komuni, Doa kepada Santo Yosef disebut untuk menutup Tahun Santo Yosef.

Uskup Agung Simon Poh mengalu-alukan paderi baharu Dalam ucapannya, Uskup Agung Simon mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Fr Mark “kerana berani mengambil langkah iman” untuk memasuki seminari pada usia 40 tahun selepas menjalani kehidupan bekerja yang bebas selama 25 tahun. Ketika itu Fr Mark pada awalnya hanya ingin “meneroka sama ada Allah memanggil saya kepada kepaderian”. Uskup

Agung menganggap pentahbisan Fr Mark selaku diakon dan paderi pada dua hari raya Maria sebagai satu pemberkatan ke atas Fr Mark. “Sebagai seseorang yang mempunyai banyak anugerah, semoga Tuhan menggunakan anda dengan penuh kuasa untuk memberkati umat Allah,” kata Uskup Agung dan mengingatkan beliau tentang moto yang dipilihnya: “Ia mesti meningkat, tetapi aku mesti berkurangan” (Yohanes 3:30). Uskup Agung menerima beliau ke dalam ministri, dan hakikat bahawa beliau akan bekerja dengan paderi lain, dengan berkata: “Semoga anda mengalami sukacita yang sebenarnya dalam kerja anda di ladang Tuhan.” Paderi yang baharu ditahbis itu kemudian menerima Buku Misa BM dan Minyak Krisma daripada Uskup Agung Simon, yang kemudian memberikan hadiah kepada abang Fr Mark, Andy, dan kakak beliau, Ann, sebagai tanda kesyukuran “kerana memberi adik mereka” kepada Gereja.

Ucapan paderi baharu, Fr Mark Noel Bonchol Selepas memberi pemberkatan pertama beliau sebagai paderi kepada kakak, abang dan kakak iparnya, paderi baharu itu mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Uskup Agung Simon dan keduadua Uskup Agung Emeritus, Peter dan John, di atas kehadiran mereka di upacara pentahbisan beliau. Beliau merasakan beliau sudah melengkapkan satu pusingan dengan Pentadbisan Kepaderian beliau yang berlangsung pada 8 Disember, iaitu Hari Raya Kandungan Tanpa Noda Perawan Maria. Ketika beliau menceritakan tentang kisah panggilan beliau, Fr Mark berkata ia bermula di paroki asalnya di Gereja St Mary, Sibu, di

Fr Mark Noel Bonchol. (Gambar: Danison Manium)

mana mereka merayakan hari perayaan paroki mereka pada Hari Raya Kandungan Tanpa Noda. Fr Mark berkata beliau lebih suka mengaitkan pentadbisan beliau dengan “kita” dan bukan “saya” kerana tanpa doa dan sokongan, pentahbisan beliau tidak mungkin dapat dimakbulkan. “Ia memerlukan iman seluruh komuniti untuk mengangkat seorang seminarian sehingga menjadi paderi,” katanya. Beliau bersyukur kepada Allah di atas anugerah kepaderian, dan Bonda Maria di atas kasih dan penjagaan bonda. Beliau turut mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ramai paderi termasuk formator iman di Seminari St Peter, rakan-rakan, abang dan kakak, mendiang bapanya, dan juga ibunya di atas kesabaran dan keprihatinannya. Kepada mereka yang meneroka jalan dalam kehidupan kepaderian atau religius, beliau ada nasihat ini untuk mereka: … Bersambung di ms26




Keuskupan Agung Kuching HARI BELIA SARAWAK terima paderi baharu menyatukan Belia Katolik dari United Kingdom. Bersambung dari ms25 melalui perayaan Ekaristi Beliau memulakan karier “Jangan takut. Sebaliknya,

cuba sahaja.” Beliau mengakhiri ucapan dengan memohon doa untuk diri beliau. Uskup Agung Simon menamatkan Pentadbisan Kepaderian dan Misa dengan pemberkatan terutamanya bagi Fr Mark yang baharu ditahbis, selain semua peserta dalam talian.

Biografi Ringkas dan Pembentukan Seminari Paderi yang baharu ditahbiskan, Fr Mark Noel Bonchol, anak bongsu di antara empat adik-beradik, lulus dengan ijazah Sarjana Muda Kesenian (BA) dari sebuah universiti Australia dan Diploma Siswazah dalam Pengurusan Sumber Manusia

dalam kedua-dua sektor swasta dan awam sebelum beliau memohon untuk menyertai Seminari St Peter dan “meneroka” panggilan beliau. Beliau diterima masuk ke dalam Kolej St Peter di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, pada 2013 bagi tahun inisiasi beliau. Beliau meneruskan formasi di Seminari Utama Kolej St Peter di Kuching pada 2014 dan melengkapkan pengajian dalam falsafah dan teologi pada Mei 2020. Dari Ogos 2020 hingga April 2021, beliau ditugaskan ke Gereja Holy Trinity, Kenyalang Park, Kuching untuk penerapan pastoral sebelum beliau menjalani ministri diakon di Paroki Katedral St Joseph. Ivy Chai (Terjemahan)

RAYUAN ADVEN bagi Harapan, Kedamaian, Sukacita, Kasih, Kerahiman KUCHING — “Marilah kita memainkan peranan kita untuk mengurangkan kemiskinan dan penderitaan, dan membawa harapan dan sukacita Krismas dengan Rayuan Adven ini.” Uskup Agung Simon Poh menjemput semua jemaat Katolik dan rakan-rakan muhibah untuk menyumbang kepada RAYUAN ADVEN sepanjang bulan Disember ini hingga Hari Krismas.

RAYUAN ADVEN 1- 24 Dis 2021 Saudara-saudari dalam Kristus & rakan-rakan muhibah, Menurut tradisi, pada Musim Adven, paroki-paroki mengumpul hadiah & sumbangan untuk melengkapi keperluan dan memberkati keluarga-keluarga di luar bandar & penduduk bandar yang miskin. Ini adalah mustahil sekarang memandangkan lingkaran hubungan sosial di tempat awam dan dalam gereja telah diminimumkan. Pandemik selama dua tahun ini telah memiskinkan ramai keluarga dan gereja. Keluarga dan beberapa paroki luar bandar telah dibantu oleh e-kutipan anda bagi membolehkan katekis, sakristan dan kakitangan untuk terus memenuhi keperluan

jemaat Katolik di paroki-paroki kita. Sepanjang Adven ini, berdasarkan konsep RAYUAN LENT, saya menjemput semua orang Katolik & rakan muhibah untuk menyumbang kepada RAYUAN ADVEN. • Derma kepada E-Kutipan Keuskupan Agung pada Misa Hari Minggu yang distrim secara langsung. • Guna Kod QR Sarawak Pay atau Masukkan ke dalam Akaun Hong Leong Bank. • Hantar derma anda terus kepada ‘Catholic Welfare Services Sarawak’. □ Semoga tahun ini 2021 disinari dengan harapan dan sukacita Adven (cf. Yesaya 9:2). □ Semoga ramai diberkati dengan pemberian & perkongsian Krismas kerana Imanuel—“Allah bersama kita” (Matius 1:23). □ Mendoakan agar semua jemaat Katolik & rakan-rakan dipenuhi Kasih, Kerahiman, Sukacita & Kedamaian pada musim Adven dan Krismas ini!

Uskup Agung Simon Poh 28 November 2021 (Terjemahan)

Di sebalik tabir: pasukan penyiaran & persiapan Misa Ekaristi daripada Keuskupan Agung Kuching. (Gambar: KAYC)

KUCHING — Pada 20 November 2021, Perayaan Ekaristi telah diadakan dengan menggabungkan belia dari tiga keuskupan di Sarawak, iaitu Keuskupan Agung Kuching, Keuskupan Miri dan Keuskupan Sibu. Sekitar 400 belia mengikuti perayaan ini yang disiarkan secara langsung melalui YouTube Channel Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission dan Zoom Meeting. Hari Belia Sedunia Ke-36 disambut pada peringkat keuskupan pada Hari Minggu Yesus Raja Semesta Alam. Tema sambutan Hari Belia Sedunia ini mendapat inspirasi daripada Kisah Para Rasul 26:16, iaitu satu pemberitaan daripada Yesus kepada Santo Paulus semasa pengalaman pertaubatannya di Damsyik: “Bangkitlah! Aku melantik kamu sebagai saksi bagi apa yang kamu telah lihat.” “Saya berharap dengan sepenuh hati bahawa mesej ini akan membantu kita mempersiapkan diri untuk masa baharu, untuk lembaran baharu dalam sejarah umat manusia. Tetapi kemungkinan untuk memulakan semula tanpa anda, orang muda yang dikasihi, tidak ada. Untuk bangkit, dunia memerlukan kekuatan anda, kesungguhan anda dan semangat anda,” kata Paus Francis. Sambil memanfaatkan teknologi sedia ada dengan semangat orang muda, para pelayan belia dari tiga keuskupan di Sarawak percaya bahawa orang muda boleh melakukan sesuatu untuk

menyokong undangan daripada Paus Francis dengan menyambut perayaan Ekaristi bersama-sama. Untuk pengetahuan semua, setiap keuskupan telah memberi sumbangan dalam perayaan Ekaristi tersebut melalui nyanyian atau koir, pembacaan, dan doa permohonan pra-rakaman. Ini juga merupakan kerjasama pertama antara belia dari ketiga-tiga keuskupan untuk menjalankan aktiviti bersama. Misa Kudus ini dirayakan oleh Uskup Agung Simon Poh dari Kuching bersama Fr Ramon Borja selaku Pengerusi Komisi Belia Keuskupan Agung Kuching (KAYC). Selain perayaan Ekaristi, montaj video tentang komuniti Katolik di Sarawak, video perutusan Bapa Suci tentang Hari Belia Sedunia, dan video khas sambutan Hari Belia Sedunia bagi orang muda di Malaysia, yang disediakan oleh kesemua sembilan orang uskup bersama Jawatankuasa Pelayan Belia Katolik Malaysia (MCYMC). Kami ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam menjayakan Hari Belia Sarawak. Orang Muda! Bangkitlah dan bersaksilah! Maria Amella Kredit kepada: Message of the Holy Father Francis for the 36th World Youth Day (Solemnity of Christ the King, 21 November 2021), 27.09.2021



Pelancaran Proses Sinodal di Keuskupan Sibu


Satu undangan untuk menyertai CABARAN 21 HARI KRISMAS KUCHING — Keuskupan Agung Kuching telah menerima Cabaran 21 (21-Day Challenge) dalam talian ini, dengan kumpulan dalam bahasa-bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin and Bidayuh Bau. Jemaat paroki boleh WhatsApp

kepada fasilitator berikut untuk ikut serta: 1. Jude Rozario - Kumpulan Inggeris - 013-8040818 2. Augustine Jennis Kumpulan BM - 016-6912623 3. Teresa Siaw Kumpulan Mandarin 013-8089500 1. Fr Peter Liston - Kumpulan Bidayuh - 011-24378978

Gereja Roh Kudus sambut 51 katekumen baharu dan 73 calon penguatan Uskup Sibu Right Reverend Joseph Hii menyampaikan pengenalan kepada Sinod Sinodaliti sewaktu latihan untuk Para Penyelaras Keuskupan Bagi Proses Sinodal pada 6 November 2021 di Bilik Mesyuarat Katedral Sacred Heart. (Gambar: Sibu SOCCOM)

SIBU — Keuskupan Sibu telah membentuk Pasukan Fasilitator Proses Sinodal selepas melancarkan Proses Sinodal di Katedral Sacred Heart (SHC) pada 21 November 2021. Pasukan fasilitator itu, yang terdiri daripada 70 saudarasaudari, telah memulakan kerja misi mereka untuk mengadakan konsultasi dengan umat Allah hingga April 2022. Anggota-anggotanya datang dari pelbagai pergerakan awam, kumpulan, komuniti SHC selain kumpulan-kumpulan kerasulan bahasa-bahasa Cina, Iban dan Inggeris. Semua fasilitator diharapkan melayani dengan rendah hati, sentiasa mendengar jemaat, dan menyantuni golongan yang terpinggir, orang miskin, orang sakit, balu-balu, mereka yang kesunyian, warga emas, orang muda, dan mereka yang telah meninggalkan Gereja. Kesemua 70 fasilitator telah menjalani latihan pada 20 November lepas di Pusat Pastoral Keuskupan Sibu. Latihan tersebut dikendalikan oleh Penyelaras Keuskupan bagi Proses Sinod, Fr Ivan Fang. Fr Fang merupakan seorang paderi Misionari Mill Hill dari Brunei selain menjadi pengasas kepada Komuniti Misionari Korpus Kristi (MCCC). Sesi latihan itu meliputi tujuh topik: Segalanya Mengenai Sinodaliti, Peranan Fasilitator, Langkah-langkah bagi Fasilitasi Kumpulan, Penyelesaian Masalah Sewaktu Fasilitasi, Proses Konsultasi Sinod, Penggunaan Buku Panduan Fasilitator, dan Merekodkan dan Membuat Sintesis. Pada 10 Oktober lalu, Paus Francis secara rasmi melancarkan proses sinodal selama dua tahun dengan tema ‘Bagi Gereja Sinod: Komuni, Penyertaan, dan Misi’.

Sinod Sinodaliti dalam Gereja Sejagat (Katolik) ini adalah bersejarah kerana ia akan melibatkan konsultasi yang paling meluas dan paling umum dalam sejarah Gereja pada peringkatperingkat keuskupan, negara, serantau dan sejagat. Seruan Paus Francis ini bagi Sinodaliti dalam Gereja Sejagat menuntut keberanian yang amat tinggi, kerana beliau telah mengubah secara drastik corak Sinod daripada bersifat kolej atau ‘collegial’ (Kolej Uskup-uskup dalam komuni (kesatuan) dengan Paus) kepada bersifat sinodal (membenarkan semua anak Allah untuk mengambil bahagian). Sebagai persiapan bagi Sinod Uskup-uskup 2023, Paus Francis menyeru kepada semua umat Allah untuk berjalan bersama beliau dalam Komuni, Penyertaan dan Misi, dan sama-sama mendengar Roh Kudus. Matlamat akhirnya adalah untuk mencari jalan bagi setiap anak Allah yang dibaptis untuk menunaikan aktiviti Gereja sebagai misionari yang mewartakan kasih dan penyelamatan Allah dalam Yesus Kristus kepada dunia, yang merupakan tugasan Gereja yang paling besar dan paling suci. Proses mendengar umat, berjalan bersama Paus Francis, dan mendengar Roh Kudus ini dipanggil Proses Sinodal. Istilah ‘sinod’ bermaksud ‘untuk berjalan bersama’ atau ‘mengembara bersama-sama’ dalam bahasa Yunani (Greek). Menerusi proses ini, Gereja ingin mendengar jawapan kepada dua pertanyaan asas. Soalan-soalan tersebut adalah: “Bagaimanakah ‘mengembara bersama-sama’ ini berlaku pada hari ini di gereja tempatan anda?” “Apakah langkah-langkah yang Roh Kudus tawarkan untuk kita ambil supaya kita berkembang ketika kita ‘mengembara bersama-

Sakramen Penguatan - 20 November 2021. (Gambar: Gereja Roh Kudus)

LUNDU — Pada 13 November 2021, 51 calon Upacara Inisiasi Kristian Dewasa (RCIA) telah menerima Sakramen Pembaptisan, manakala tiga menerima Upacara Penerimaan, di Gereja Roh Kudus yang baharu dinaik-taraf di sini. Seramai 73 calon menerima Sakramen Penguatan pada 20 November lepas.

Kedua-dua Misa dirayakan oleh Rektor Gereja, Fr Adrian Kho, bersama Fr Christopher Laden. Fr Adrian telah diberi fakulti untuk memberi Sakramen Penguatan oleh Uskup Agung Simon Poh selaku Pelayan Biasa Penguatan (Ordinary Minister of Confirmation). (Terjemahan)

sama’?” Sebagai respon kepada seruan ini, keuskupan dan paroki di seluruh dunia telah memulakan ‘Proses Sinodal’ mereka pada 17 Oktober lalu. Keuskupan Sibu memulakan mesyuarat pertamanya secara maya pada 25 Oktober lalu untuk bersiap-sedia bagi Proses Sinodal itu. Wakil-wakil dari semua paroki dalam Keuskupan itu menghadiri mesyuarat tersebut. Fr Fang turut membentangkan peta jalan saranan bagi Proses Sinodal untuk Keuskupan Sibu, dan berbincang dengan para penyelaras paroki mengenainya. Selepas mesyuarat pertama, Keuskupan itu telah mengadakan Latihan Penyelaras Proses Sinodal pada 6 November lalu di Bilik Mesyuarat SHC. Seramai 41 penyelaras paroki dari 12 paroki mengambil bahagian dalam latihan tersebut. Uskup Sibu Right Reverend Joseph Hii mengulangi seruan Paus Francis, “Keperluan itu tiada bagi sebuah lagi gereja, tetapi untuk mewujudkan gereja yang berbeza” bagi memastikan Gereja

“kekal dalam keadaan misi”. Gereja yang berbeza itu, katanya, ada tiga tanda: ‘Sinodal, Mendengar dan Memulihkan’. “Gereja Sinodal yang disusun atur untuk berjalan bersamasama, di mana semua rasa selesa, di mana semua mengambil bahagian dan menerima pemilikan. “Gereja Mendengar yang berhenti dan mendengar Roh Kudus dalam Doa, yang mendengar satu sama lain, harapan mereka, krisis kepercayaan mereka, dan keperluan mereka bagi kehidupan pastoral yang baharu. “Gereja Memulihkan di mana Allah sentiasa hadir, hadir bagi semua, dengan keakraban, belaskasihan dan keprihatinan. Gereja yang mengubati luka, memulihkan hati yang hancur dengan sentuhan Allah,” katanya. Semua jemaat Katolik diundang untuk berdoa agar Roh Kudus membimbing gereja tempatan dalam Proses Sinodal ini. Sibu SOCCOM (Terjemahan)

Published by: The Archbishop of Kuching, Batu 1, Jln Tun Abang Haji Openg, 93000 Kuching. Printed by: Bahagia Press Sdn Bhd (86546-K), Lot 225, Section 49, Jalan Padungan Utara, 93100 Kuching. Tel: 082-238900

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