The Review Smiths - Issue 46

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Review Smiths

Welcome to the first of our autumn editions, this year has flown by but I'm more than happy to be heading into October. Halloween, conkers, hot chocolates and cosy nights in... bliss. What better to do on a chilling night then curl up with a blanket and flick though the pages of this magazine, you might even get a head start on Christmas shopping ideas.

We have two metal detectors to look over, one for beginners and one for the more experienced detectorist, it could be a great new hobby that encourages you to get outside in the gloomier months. We have a one-of-a-kind beer brewing kit, perfect to get those drinks ready for the party season.

There are also products for cyclists, runners, yogis and music lovers, designers, influencers and even water fighters if you are feeling brave enough. Enjoy and we look forward to seeing you for a Xmas gift Guide next month!

Editor and Chief

Managing Director

Alex Hilling-Smith

Writer Dave Hicks

Editor Emma Hilling-Smith

Writer Peter Hilling

For all media related enquiries please contact us at

For Advertising Enquiries

0208 191 8472

04. FIFINe AM8

06. OverAde LOxI 9L

08. OverAde turN

10. MINIbrew crAFt GeN 3

12. bAbOLAt Pure strIke 97

14. wALsh Pb eLIte xtreMe

16. sALter MArbLestONe xL


18. ePOMAker th40

20. GAOMON Pd1161

22. tIGr bLue MINI+

24. chrONIcLes OF AveL

26. hydrAGuN MAssAGe GuN

28. sPyrA dyNAMIc duO red

30. skuLLcANdy dIMe evO

32. rOkA rIO tItANIuM

34. MAGLIte MAG-tAc cr123

Led FLAshLIGht

36. MAM 2IN1 breAst PuMP

38. MAjOrIty dx30

40. MAjOrIty eversdeN

42. rOAd ANGeL hALO vIew 2

44. Owc eNvOy ssd

46. Owc thuNderbOLt GO dOck

48. MINeLAb GO FINd 11

50. MINeLAb xterrA PrO

52. MAMMut AeNerGy tr bOA MId Gtx

54. NANk Oe MIx

56. edx educAtION busy PLAy

58. Odd bALL dOubLe PAck

60. cOLOurFuLkOALA dreAMLux yOGA GeAr

61. chIPOLO buNdLe

P rOs

s Ou N d PIck-u P FOcused IN yOur dI rect ION x L r cAPA bILI ty

L I ve MONI tOr ING FOr AttAched heA dPhON es cOMPAt I bLe w I th Ps5 cONs

NO bLuetOOth OPt ION FOr heA dPhON es

A h AN dy MIcrOPhON e desIGN ed FOr FPs GAM es ON Pc but AL sO cOMPAt I bLe w Ith Ps5

A s weLL A s h Av ING x Lr

OPt IONs FOr IF yOu ex PAN d yOur sOu N d set u P IN the Future .


If you’ve got a PC gaming set up, having a separate microphone from your headset can be a real advantage. Your headphones have more room to concentrate on giving you that better sound experience without having to worry about catering for a microphone too and it also frees you up to get a microphone that you can adjust and set up to suit your environment and voice, not to mention drinking coffee is so much easier without having to move the boom all the time! This isn’t just the remit of streamers and content producers however, it can really help when gaming with your friends.

Fifine have created this AM8 with FPS gaming firmly in mind (my favourite!). The microphone has been designed to focus on noise coming from in front of it, deliberately ignoring noise coming from behind or to the sides of it so if you have a traditional PC set-up, you should be able to have the volume up on your monitor/speakers without too much feedback when it’s just too hot to wear headsets, much like last night when I had to stop playing! Although when you plug a headset straight in to the mic (3.5mm jack is on the base of it) you can take advantage of the live monitoring this provides ensuring the volume of your voice is the same as what you hear in the headphones – no deafening your team-mates unintentionally!

If you’re after a more complete recording experience, the mic also has XLR capability, allowing you to capture a much better quality sound, useful if you’re aiming for content creation and not just gaming with your friends. The mic stand is pretty sturdy and weighted well with non-slip grips underneath so it stays where you want it to and if you need to mute yourself, the button is a one-tap within easy reach.

OverAde LOxI 9L

The usual ‘go-to’ for transporting items while cycling is a rucksack and, while useful, it isn’t always practical. For starters the straps can be restrictive when moving your arms and can dig in to your arms or shoulders, leading to an uncomfortable ride. Not to mention that when you get cycling, you can heat up pretty quickly and that backpack can end up leaving your back uncomfortably sweaty and unpleasant, especially when you finish your ride. So, those guys at Overade have come up with this cycle bag that attaches to your bike, leaving you free to focus on the cycling with more comfort and also removing the need to carry the bag around with you.

Now, cycle bags are hardly a new thing so what’s so great about this one? Well, they have focused on the security and convenience aspect of the bag more than anything else. The lock is built in to the bag and is a 4-digit combination lock. Due to the design, you’re not getting it open until that code goes in! Of course, this is no good if people are able to just cut it loose or slice your bag open. Well, they’ve thought of that too. First of all, the outer coating is a waterproof PVC which is tough in itself and also provides the added bonus of keeping all your contents dry and secure. Underneath this, the material is laced with Kevlar and offers a level 5 cut resistant rating – the highest level of cut-rating when it comes to safety gloves so you can be pretty sure any potential thief is going to have to bring some heavy duty cutting gear to get in to this bag, chances are, they won’t even bother!

The bag is just the right size to hold your cycle helmet and lights as well as any other essential bits such as your puncture repair kit, pump or gloves so you can leave all of that safely behind when you get to your destination and you can thread the handle through to give yourself an extra bike lock too.


cON veNI eN t LeveL 5 cut r esIstANce wAter PrOOF

cOM bINAt ION LOck sO NO N eed tO wOrry A bOut LOsING the key cONs

I dON ’ t dOubt I t ’ s secure IF LeF t ON yOur bI ke but I’d r Ather NOt IN v I te AN

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eA sy tO use IN dIcAtOrs

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It wON ’ t stOP bA d cycLIst rOA d users beING ex ActLy th At but I t w ILL

certAINLy MA ke theM AN d everyON e eL se sAFer!

OverAde turN

If there’s one thing that most drivers can agree on, it’s cyclists ruining their day! Half of this is due to cyclists flaunting road laws, half is because they’re just not visible on the road and this is, quite frankly, very scary, both for drivers and cyclists. Lights go a long way to helping but what would be even better are indicators for cyclists. Oh look, what’s this?

The Overade Turn is, at its most basic, a cycle helmet light with turning signals. Not lights that go on your bike (although this is an option if you purchase an additional kit) as you may suspect but ones that attach to the rear of your cycle helmet. Straight away, a cyclist is more visible at the height of most drivers’ eyes, increasing their safety and providing the opportunity for turning signals on a bike to actually be practical and effective. They are controlled by an ergonomic wireless remote control that attaches to your handlebars, within easy reach of your fingers enabling you to instantly indicate left, right and a hazard light function. Simple.

As for the light itself, it is nice and wide, covering a 220° angle and its output can be as high as 90 lumens when in pulse mode which is plenty good enough for a rear red light. It’s lowest setting is 9 lumens, ideal for urban cycling so you don’t end up blinding drivers! In total there are 5 different modes for your light to shine in including ones suited for night and day cycling. The other good thing I like about this set up is the fact that there is no awkward installation process. You simply attach the included magnetic mount to the rear of your helmet with strong 3M tape and place the light on it. It’s very secure and strong and is resistant to shocks and vibrations so you can be confident it will stay on as long as you need it to. At the highest setting, the battery lasts for a good 7 ½ hours and it is rechargeable via a USB-C cable.

MINIbrew crAFt GeN 3

Gone are the days where you have to worry about your home brew exploding in the airing cupboard, the Minibrew Craft Gen 3 couldn’t make brewing at home any easier, however it’s worth noting you will need a water inlet and outlet plug (standard x connector provided, an outlet and inlet hose of 1.5m length), a bit like a washing machine. The Craft Gen 3 is the brewing system, it does not come with a Brew Pack, they could have chucked one in for the sake of about 20 euros, there are currently 10 to chose from although 5 of them were sold out at the time of this review.

You can choose a one, two or three keg a point of purchase, its pricey but it is the world’s only all-in-one Smart Beer Machine, and it also gives you the opportunity to create your very own recipes. The brewer can create five to six litres per vessel, that's 12 pints. The mash tun is 1.3-2.3 kgs which means a double mash is possible, the six cylinders means you can create a combination of six different hops, dry fruit, spices, and herbs, you can add

hops in a brewing bag during fermentation to create dry hopping. The compact residue container provides an easy way to remove 250ML of yeast residue whilst the water connection will deliver automatic cooling of the brew. If you have one of the Brewpacks it is so easy to use, you just scan the QR code on your with the MiniBrew app and it will guide you step by step through the process. Then let it brew, which can take anything between 3 to 30days to complete. Then you get to tap your own beer and serve! There is also the option of bottling it up. The brewing system is surprising quiet at just 40dB as well as smell-free. Two extra things to consider, you will need a stable internet connection, if things go offline, it can spoilt the brew, there is also a subscription service (isn’t there always) for €8.50 per month or choose an annual subscription for €89. If you are or know of a budding micro brewer how has been put off by the potential complexity of brew this could be the perfect, if not a bit pricey, answer to the problem.

bAbOLAt Pure strIke 97

At the time of writing, Wimbledon begins in about a week’s time so, as you’re reading this we’ll probably have no British players left in the tournament (I genuinely want to be wrong about that, go Raducanu!) yet somehow, it will have inspired many a young Brit to be picking up a racket and hopefully going on to great things! Of course, there are hundred of thousands of people that play regularly right now, many of them at a semi-professional/pro level and this is the market the Pure Strike 97 is aimed at.

The Pure Stike 97 has been designed to give you control. From the natural flax fibres in the grip to the tight string pattern, it’s all about making that link between arm and racquet feel completely natural. The flax fibres help to reduce the vibration of impact, giving you a much cleaner hit and feel while the tighter strings are able to take advantage of how they have been woven in to the frame to give you more ball-to-racquet time and greater control as a result (the ‘Woofer’ system).

It's not just the strings and handle of course - you can’t have any level of control without the frame being right so Babolat have created a hybrid of a square and elliptical frame. The elliptical frame brings the flexibility that most players are accustomed to but the combination of this with the stability of a square frame gives you a level of control you’re going to find hard to replicate with other racquets aimed at the same market. Part of this success is down to the material used throughout the construction of the frame, a viscoelastic substance that helps to absorb vibration and sound, making that contact when you strike the ball feel all the more impactful. All-in-all, a great racquet for intermediate and advanced players. P rOs



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IF yOu ’ re ALreA dy

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A cOMFOrtA bLe AN d breAth A bLe shOe

w I th ALL the FeAtures N ecessA ry

tO tAck Le tOuG h crOss cOu Ntry

eN v I rONM eNts .

P rOs x MI d M Ater IAL

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FA st dry ING , wAter resIstANt

P yr AMI d G r IP OutsOLe

LIG htweIG ht 280 G . 100% veGAN cONs ONLy ON e cOLOur AvAILA bLe

tIG ht FI t, A bOut h ALF A sI ze tOO sMALL

wALsh Pb eLIte xtreMe

Walsh was established in 1961, when Norman Walsh departed from the Foster brothers after much success and set out to establish his own brand, he set out refining his skills and producing a wide variety of handmade specialist sports shoes customised to fit the unique requirements of each client.

Located on the outskirts of the Peak and Pennine regions, the exposure to the rugged terrain led him to develop the pioneering Pennine Adder, the first-ever mountain running shoe. This shoe became popular amongst locals who frequented the mountainous terrains of Northern England, eventually catching the eye of the esteemed fell-running athlete Pete Bland. In 1970, Norman and Pete collaborated to create the world’s first fell-running shoe; the Walsh PB. Fifty years later, we have the Walsh PB Elite Xtreme, made with Walsh extreme material to provide stability, protection and durability to the toe, heel and instep. It has been constructed on the original PB last, using modern ultra lightweight fast drying water-resistant material, the Walsh registered pyramid grip outsole has a reputation worldwide for supreme grip on mud and wet rock and has been chosen to suit the needs of more aggressive runners and terrains

They have a 14mm – 6mm heel drop, perfect for fell running, orienteering and cross-country training or racing, it features a cuneiform wrap and lacing system that gives equal pull along the facing and sides of the foot to the sole unit ensure are precise fit along the entire foot.

They are lightweight on (280g) and water resistant helping to keep things comfortable in tough environments, they do seem to measure up a little narrow but there are half sizes available so it maybe worth ordering a half size up. The grips on the sole perform well without collecting a load of stones and mud, plus they dry out quickly, so they are ready for you next adventure as soon as you are.

The PB Elite Xtreme are effective, no frills trail, cross country, fell running and racing shoes, they have everything you need and nothing you don’t to unsure you have stability, grip and comfort when out on tough terrain.

sALter MArbLestONe xL


Chances are if you have household appliances, and we believe it’s safe to assume you do, that some, past or present are from the Salter brand, I can think of at least two in my kitchen without even checking. This is because Salter has been around for over 261 years and is one of the UK’s oldest housewares brands.

This grill has a marble-effect non-stick grill plates this allows you to cook with little to no oil for healthier meals, it is designed so the grill can fold in half and be used as a panini maker or folded out flat into the electric griddle for tabletop grilling. There is an integrated drip tray to collects any excess fat and oil, draining it away from your food for a healthier meal and easier cleaning.

The plates measure up at 29 x 23 cm, not massive but you can just about squeeze two sandwiches in here, it can be used to cook a variety of meats, fish, vegetables and toasted sandwiches. The adjustable temperature controls have no numbers on to tell you how hot the grill is it just goes from zero to max, a bit more info here would be useful.

Salter claim you can save 81% off energy bills using this grill when comparing the energy used to cook chicken on a 1.8 kW electric hob. There are recipes on the website to inspire you and the instructions were easy enough to follow, it’s all self-explanatory. The build quality isn’t great, it doesn’t give me hope we will be using this for 10s of years to come, the drip tray is also temperamental when it comes to staying in one place.

The Marblestone XL Health and Panini Grill has room to improve, but we feel you get what you pay for here, it needs a little oil to crisp up the paninis otherwise you just get very warm bread. It could be a more robust, perhaps a little bigger also but it does a reasonable job at grilling most meats and veg.

ePOMAker th40

I have recently bought a new laptop and the keyboard is driving me crazy, it is jam packed the keys I will never use which means I constantly striking the wrong keys whilst I get used to the layout. The first thing I notice about the Epomaker TH40 is how streamline it is, super compact with a 40% layout, there is no number pad, arrow keys and the traditional top row of number keys have also been removed.

This minimalistic interface enhances typing efficiency, the TH40 includes a split space bar with an FN key conveniently placed between the 2.25u and 2.75u spacebars, designed to minimize finger travel and increase typing speed. Its small and lightweight stature makes it wonderfully portable, perfect for those who work away from the office, allowing you to tackle projects anywhere, even on those dinky tray tables on the train and on planes.

The keys are customisable via the VIA software, it features four switchable layers, three of which are programmable, allowing users to tailor their keyboard without needing to open the software each time. This is particularly useful for programmers and typists who require specific setups for individual tasks. The gasket mount design reduces keystroke noise and minimises the hollow sound, it has a Poron plate foam, an IXPE black switch pad, and bottom Poron foam, all adds to the satisfying sound created when typing.

The TH40 is equipped with tri-mode connectivity, it supports Bluetooth, 2.4GHz wireless, and USB connections, this versatility ensures seamless switching between different devices and makes the keyboard suitable for gaming, professional work, or mobile use with a laptop. The full N-Key Rollover, allows multiple keys to be pressed simultaneously without conflict, ideal for fast typists and gamers, whilst the customisable RGB lighting effects offer a variety of lighting modes, adding a little bit of fun and excitement to your setup.


Despite mobile phones getting more and more advanced, allowing apps such as Google Maps to double up as your route finder on journeys, none of them really provide as much information as an actual dedicated SatNav, not to mention the screen size can be too small to see clearly on some models and can prove problematic if you don’t have a navigator with you, and as for getting interrupted by a phone call while you’re at a crucial junction… A SatNav is devoted to one thing and one thing only and TomTom have been doing this long enough to have a fair idea of what they’re doing!

The Go Navigator has a nice, large 7” screen for starters, giving you very clear images and making it easier for those of us with cursed ‘fat fingers’ that smaller screens can’t seem to handle to operate it easily. As well as this, it also has voice recognition so you can just tell it what you want it to do and not be distracted from the road as much as you would be otherwise. The Go Navigator comes with a years’ free trial of speed camera alerts, live fuel prices, EV charging points, weather info and live off-street parking info so, if you travel extensively, this is quite a lot of helpful information. If you’re happy with what you had, it will cost you £34.99 for a years’ subscription after your free trial or you can pay monthly if your next year isn’t full of travel.

Without all those handy bits of information it’s still a useful device if you choose not to subscribe after the free year. The maps update via WiFi (you can just connect your mobile via Bluetooth and hotspot from that so it’s on the go) and the TomTom Traffic subscription is included with no subscription renewal cost so you’ll still have up-to-date road maps and traffic alerts.

tIGr bLue MINI+

The TiGr Blue mini+ couldn’t have arrived at a better time, my husband decided to cycle to our local train station to go to a football game, we had no bike lock so it was the perfect opportunity to try it out. This high carbon blue steel u-lock is an uncomplicated certified bicycle security that’s comes with an included mounting clip, however at first look I have no idea how to use it. It weighs 475g and is the lightest insurance rated u-lock, it has a locking area of 203mm long and 102mm wide, the shape is versatile and, in most cases, will fit the bikes frame and wheel to a bike rack as well as e-bikes, Onewheel electric skateboards and e-scooters and more.

The lock can be mounted to the frame via a bottle cage mounts, if the bike doesn’t have one it is compatible with most bottle cage adapters, it also fits easily in most frame bags, backpacks and bicycle panniers. The lock features a clear plastic coating to prevent the frame becoming scratched and during in house testing the lock could withstand hammers, saws, levers, shears, bolt cutters, power tools, all the things bike thieves are known to use.

The TiGr Locks were found to hold up to attack testing as well as, or better than, cable locks, most folding-style bicycle locks, many chain locks and typical u-locks with less than 12mm diameter shackles. After the first go it is very simple to use, unlock the cylinder and pop the shackle out, slip though you bike frame, slot back into the cylinder and push the button to lock it quickly. Other features include the robust, pick-resistant disc tumbler mechanism and the knurled ring for extra grip, particularly useful with gloved or wet hands.

The Tigr Blue Mini+ is one tough cookie, not only does it before well tests but it has an intimidating presence that would deter most potential bike thieves from even attempting to take it on. My husband’s bike remained safe and sound at the train station and even though the lock is easily worth more than the bike itself, not having to walk back home in the rain after seeing your team lose easily makes it work the cost.


the LIG htest INsur ANce r Ated u-LOck versAt ILe MOu Nt ING cLIP INcLuded

Chronicles of Avel is a cooperative board game for the whole family, you can take the role of brave heroes and heroines and go on a mission to save your magical land. You get to create your character, give them a unique name, get your equipment, upgrade it and prepare for battle. Victory waits for those who will cooperate, prepare themselves and defeat the Beast and all his servants. Suitable for ages 8+.


hydrAGuN MAssAGe GuN

I love massages, my bank account however isn’t a big fan at anywhere between £50-£100 for a single session it’s a pricey luxury, however there is a cheaper and more convenient alternative to ease those muscles. The Massage Gun from Hydragun allows you to achieve a deep tissue massage with one of the quietest massage guns on the market (30-50dB).

It has a premium feel about it, with a lightweight and durable aerospace-grade aluminium body, and a plush nanosilicone grip, it has superior heat-dissipation and vibration-dampening to protect internal component longevity and make it more pleasant to hold. It has a 12mm amplitude and up to 53 percussions per second which means to can deliver deep-tissue release, you can adjust the intensity from a gentle warm up of the muscles to a very strong pressure to release those knots.

The Hydragun’s 99° handle is designed to allow for a more natural grip, a full charge of the battery will give you 6 hours massage time. The single button interface allows you to choose between the six speed setting quickly and seamlessly and there outer body is sweat proof, skin safe and can be fully sanitised.

It comes with 7 attachment heads, the ball head works on larger muscle groups, the fork head is designed for medium muscles and the bullet head works into inner joints or feet for deeper penetration. The curved head gets into muscles groups like forearms, biceps and shoulders, the steal round head and flat head provide a harder massage whilst the steal domed head is for targeted firm pressure.

The Hydragun massage gun is wonderful to use, its high-end build quality is built to last, the massages are super effective, you can feel it getting deep into tight tissues and releasing the tension. A great way to aid recovery, reduce DOMS, relax the body and increase mobility.

A POwer FuL

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MA ssAG e

Gu N th At


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AN ywhere .

P rOs


P reMI u M bu ILd cOMFOrtA bLe tO use

6 A djustA bLe sPeeds

Qu I etest ON the MA rkets

P rOtect I ve cA rry ING cA se

7 ch ANG eA bLe AttAch M eNt heA ds

sPyrA dyNAMIc duO red

The last few weeks have been prime water fight weather, and the Spyra Dynamic Duo package makes for a formidable arsenal. It comes with a SpyraThree Water Blaster, SpyraGo Water Blaster and two SpyraBase water holders, all available in Blue, Red or a mix of both.

The SpyraThree is a beast of a water blaster and the best that Spyra has to offer, it has three game modes, open mode for freestyle, burst mode to fire three super fast blasts and league mode which is Spyra’s official tournament mode. It has a shooting range of up to 15m, it holds 24 super strong single shots in its tank and the Auto Reload ensures the SpyraThree refills and repressurises itself in a matter for seconds. The Tactical Display lets you see the status of the tank and how much battery life you have left. The SpyraGo is like the lightweight little brother but don't be fooled by it still has a range of 8m and has 75 lighter single shots and a clear tank so you can see the water level.

The two SpyraBase water storage tanks fold down and has carry handles for portability, it can hold up to 15l and can be strategically placed for quick reloading of the water blasters. This bundle is a lot of fun for kids and big kids alike, you can use it to play a verse game with someone else or keep both guns on you like some Arnie meets Aqua man action hero.

P rOs

twO Gu Ns AN d twO reFILL tAN ks

POwer F uL bLA sters

sy Pr Athree FeAtures A dIGI tAL dIsPLAy

exceLLeNt r ANG e AN d Accur Acy

A LOt OF F u N cONs

P r Icey FOr sOM eth ING yOu cAN ONLy use IN GOOd weAther

skuLLcANdy dIMe evO

To ensure you will never be without your tunes Skullcandy have created the portable Dime Evo, it comes with a handy clip to attach them to your trousers, belt, jacket, keys or bag. They come in three colours, Preppy Sage, True Black and Bone. It features a Noise Isolating Fit which holds firmly and comfortably even with some serious jiggling about, it blocks out some background noise, nothing dramatic but enough to separate your audio from the rest of the world.

The case is pretty nifty, it slides out to access the earbuds and it feels robust enough to withstand life on a keychain or the outside of a bag, the only downside is it is a bit bulky if you chose to keep it in your pocket. The case doubles up as a charger, each earbud will last 8hours but when using the charging case you get a total of 36 hours playback. The rapid charging feature means that just 10minutes charging will deliver 2hours worth of playback time, each earbud can be used individually, which helps spread the battery life but also keeps one ear open on the work around you.

The earbuds are sweat and water resistant with an IPX4 rating so they are more than happy to accompany you to the gym. They connect via Bluetooth 5.3 and offer seamless multipoint pairing across you devices with auto on/ connect. There are built in call and media controls and micros to handle calls and activate your voice assistant, you can customise the controls via the app as well as adjust the sound with the three preset EQ modes (Music, Bass Boost, Podcast) or choose your own preferences. The Stay-Aware Mode can be activated to increase background sound and can be adjusted in the app, the app itself is straightforward and user friendly.

The sound quality isn’t going to blow you away but it is respectable when you consider the price and is good enough to enjoy audio on the move, some of the voice confirmations are a little annoying but that’s me being fussy.

All things considered the are reasonable value for money, a handy pair to keep on your person and use day to day but you won’t worry about been too precious over them and they are durable enough to handle themselves.


It is finally sunny enough to warrant wearing sunglasses so what better time to take the ROKA RIO Titanium for a run, these beautiful glasses are the third iconic Aviator frame in ROKA’s ultralight eyewear collection. The RIO follows in the footsteps of the award-winning PHANTOM shades, which were inspired by our first pro athlete, Jesse Thomas, the RIO is crafted with the same classic aviator style.

The frames feel incredibly strong and have a clean shine to them that catches the light handsomely, thanks to the titanium material the strength does not weight them down, they are super lightweight at just 18grams, this ensures they remain comfortable throughout the day. To keep them secure even with perspiration these shades feature the GEKO fit and retention system this has been inspired but the soft but sticky feet of the Gecko. This system focuses on the nose and temple pads, these are made from proprietary elastomer that is hydrophilic, chemical resistant, and supports multidirectional traction whilst remaining soft and light on the skin. This material works really well, and they remain firmly in place no matter if you are dancing at a festival, chasing after the kids on the beach or simply sweating it out in the sun.

We received the Carbon Glacier lenses, these attracted blue lenses look great against the bright titanium, they are ballistic impact-resistant C3 nylon lenses deliver that provide high levels of visibility whilst offering 11% light transmission, they are tough too and feature anti-scratch, anti-fog, anti-reflectance, oleophobic and hydrophobic coatings.

These shades offer both brawn and beauty with exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, strong environmental stress and corrosion resistance, and a tensile strength that is half the weight of traditional alloys.

strONG, cOMFOrtAbLe ANd tIMeLessLy eLeGANt, the PerFect chOIce FOr the suMMer.

th Is tOuG h LI ttLe FLA sh LIG ht w ILL

LIG ht the wAy wh IL st tA k ING ON tOuG h

eN v I rONM eNts .

MAGLIte MAG-tAc cr123 Led FLAshLIGht

This tough little flashlight comes in three colours Foliage Green, Black and Urban Grey, it measures up at just 5.275 inches with a barrel diameter of 1.05 inches and a head diameter of 1.05 inches. It has a nice weight to it of 136g and comes with the two CR123 batteries you need to get going, rechargeable is often preferred but this means you can keep some spare batteries on you ready to switch out if needed without relying on external chargers.

This flashlight was designed to be an advanced lighting tool that, the result is the first Mag flashlight to use extremeperformance lithium CR123 batteries and a rugged, fast-handling. The "fist-grabbable" body and the tail-cap switch, means it can be turned it on quickly without changing the beam's focal setting. It has been designed with extensive input from police tactical users whilst remaining suitable for civilian use, the handy detachable pocket clip ensure you can always keep it within reach. It has three light modes and two power levels (Full Power for extreme brightness and Power Save for prolonged battery life) plus a Momentary mode (in which the light stays on only while the switch button is being pressed), all selectable through the tail-cap-switch-activated "Quick-Click" mode selector.

It is water resistant with a IPX4 rating and a drop resistance of one meter, the LEDs produces 310 lumens with a beam distance of 182 meters, the battery will last four hours at its brightest and 17 hours at its dimmest. The rugged machined aluminium construction with knurled design ensure a good grip whilst even with gloves on.

MAM 2IN1 dOubLe breAst PuMP

My breast-feeding journey with both my children could be more different, the first was painful and difficult, the second was straightforward and easy, the one thing they both had in common was my trusty Mam breast pump. I used an older model than this one, but the bottles and funnels are the same. The 2in1 Double Breast Pump allows you to choose between manual expression or electric pumping of both one or two breasts at the same time.

The electric pump unit will hold a battery charge long enough for three hours of pumping, this means you don’t have to be tied to a mains pump, allowing you to find a comfortable spot that works for you. The motor is reasonably quiet, you could probably get away with pumping next to a sleeping baby unless the are super light sleepers, there are nine strength levels which can be individually adjusted for each breast. There are two modes, the first stimulates the breast, mimicking the baby to let down of the milk, the second mode is then used for expression.

The built in display shows selected mode, vacuum strength, battery life and the length of time the pump has been in operation, the pump can be used with or without the soft silicone cushion, I always preferred with, it comes with a dust cap to keep it clean when transporting. The pump can be reconfigured into manual pump in two easy steps, which is easy to handle but sometimes the vacuum can make a little squeaky sound, a bit like a foot pump but not as loud. It comes with two Easy Start Anti-Colic bottles with Sealing Disc (2 x 160ml/5.5 oz), two Storage Solution pots to get you started.

We don’t believe one size fits all when it comes to breast pumps but after trying a few there is a lot to love about Mam, but at its very core is comfortable, portable and efficient expression.

P rOs

9 dIFFereN t suct ION

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PrOduct ION.

If you’ve got the luxury of not needing to wear a headset when you’re gaming or watching a movie on your PC (lucky you!), you’re usually going to need some decent speakers. Of course, a good sub-woofer is essential also so Majority have provided exactly this in this set-up – two speakers and a sub-woofer for a very reasonable price that connect to your computer set-up directly via USB-C or you can just use a plug adaptor to power them directly from the mains on their own – an MP3 reader is included so you don’t need to rely on your laptop when using them independently. And for those that need to do both headphones and speakers? Well, you can just plug your headphones straight in to the 3.5mm jack on the desktop remote control and the speakers automatically cut out, problem solved!

The remote control is hard-wired in to one of the speakers so it’s not exactly a portable option but you’re probably going to be adjusting it while you’re in front of your PC so this is less of a problem than you may think. You also have the AUX option hard-wired in to the remote so all you need to do is plug it in to whatever device you’re using as long as it has an AUX port on it and away you go. The Bluetooth is easy to switch on and then you just pair the speakers up with whatever Bluetooth capable device you’re using and enjoy the 80W speakers pelting out your favourite tunes!

Considering you’re getting Bluetooth 5.2 and the ability to use them without a PC as well as having an MP3 reader built in, you’re really getting value for money with these speakers. OK so you can’t connect any Bluetooth headphones/ buds but at this price, nobody’s really complaining about that! Majority are knocking out good quality, affordable essentials once again.

M AjOr I ty FOcus ON creAt ING AFFOrdA bLe , QuALI ty I teMs

AN d these sPeA kers A re NO dIFFereN t F rOM the rest OF theI r FA re , weLL wOrth I t IF yOu ’ re ON A budG et.

P rOs bLuetOOth 5.2 very reA sONA bLy Pr Iced MP3 reA der FOr IN dePeN deN t use deceN t sOu N d cONs

NO wAy tO cONN ect heA dPhON es v IA bLuetOOth

MAjOrIty eversdeN dAb

OutdOOr/shOwer rAdIO

There is nothing like listening to your favourite music or podcast in the shower to wake you up at the start of the day, the Majority Eversden is the perfect bathroom and outdoor radio that allow you to enjoy your audio no matter the environment. This DAB/DAB+ radio also has FM stations and connects over Bluetooth connectivity enables seamless streaming from your smartphones or other devices, turning the radio into a smart speaker.

The IPX5 rating ensures that this radio is robust enough to withstand the elements whether it’s in the shower, by the pool or at the beach, its small stature 13.6 x 5.7 x 16.2 cm and 500g makes it easy to pack way for day trips or stow away in your shower without getting in the way. The Eversden comes with a handy preset function, 20 in total, that can be customised with your favourite stations, saved and the located with ease. It has a dual alarm system, which lets you set two separate wake-up times for example one for the weekdays and one for the weekend.

The built in rechargeable battery offers 15hours of playback and takes about 5 hours to fully recharge, other features include the headphone jack so you can enjoy your music without disturbing the people around you. It is a good-looking radio with a built-in antenna that does a great job at picking up clear signals, this is stowed away in the convenient rubber handle creating a clean finish and providing a way to hang the radio up. with an in-built antenna enables you to hang the radio almost anywhere.

The sound quality is really good for the price, it gets nice and loud if you need the extra boost to get you up in the morning, the bass is enjoyable and the mid and high tones are clean. It would be handy to have the battery indicator on the display so you can be reminded to put it on charge before the next day, saying that its only a small niggle and all things considered its an excellent radio.

P rOs

dA b , dA b+ AN d FM r A dIO 20 Presets


duAL A LA r M & sLeeP tIM er h eA dPhON e jAck

POrtA bLe

r ech A rG eA bLe IPx5 wAter r esIstAN t cONs

NO wAy tO MOu N t I t ON the wALL NO bAttery LIFe dIsPLAy th Is OutdOOr/shOwer r A dIO NOt ONLy LOOks GOOd but I t Is exceLLeN t vALue FOr MON ey.

Dash cams are a must have in all vehicles now, not only are they a no brainer when it comes to evidence of collisions, but they can also provide effective deterrents and security for when you are away from your car. The Road Angel Halo View 2 is a comprehensive set up that covers you front and rear and comes with a large, touch screen rear view display.

This kit comes with a 1440P 6G QHD camera built into the rear of the 10" touchscreen with a new standard of quality, reliability and a load of personalisation options, this beautiful camera is so easy and intuitive to operate and surprisingly unobtrusive for its size. The discrete wiring keeps things neat and tidy and allows you to power up the rear cam, giving you 1080P clarity of what’s happening behind you with a large 125° wide-angle. It features viewenhancing colour and brightness when conditions are dull and the Anti-Glare Screen actively suppresses the tailing vehicle's headlights to ensure a clear; glare-free image is projected onto the display, for safer and clearer driving. The waterproof rear and high-definition rear camera can be installed outside of the car/van and used as reversing camera making manoeuvres easier and safer. The Reverse Gear Activation means the Halo View comes alive, displaying what the rear camera see day or night, rain or shine, this is particularly handy for vans with sealed bulk heads and reduced visibilty.

The Winter Mode is a unique feature that allows the camera to produce just enough heat to help in cold weather conditions to keep the area around the Dashcam lens clear, whethers it is icy or even snow. Other features include the 24 hour loop recording and a max MicroSD of 128gb, there is HD night vision, parking aid technology, a built in G-Sensor and companion app.

2k 1440 P F rON t AN d1080 P reA r cr IsP v I deO FOOtAG e

24 hrs LOOP r ecOrdING hd NIG ht vIsION

This dual camera set up is a no brainer, streamline set up, crystal clear images and packed full of features to keep you and your car protected. £199.99

yOu cAN ’ t GO wrONG,

A GreAt duAL cAM er A set u P.

Owc eNvOy ssd

I’m old enough to remember being impressed when they first put games on cartridges. Whole games! Later, this evolved in to memory cards for saves that you bought for your PS1 games that had a massive capacity of 128kB! You kept them in little plastic cases and if you get 4 of them and stack them in 2 piles of 2 next to each other, you get an approximate idea of the physical size of this external disc drive from OWC. That can hold up to 1 Terrabyte of information. So, for context, this drive can hold approximately 1/5 of all the PS1 games ever made – the catalogue stretched to almost 8000 titles – in the same amount of physical space as 60 game saves on the PS1.

Lovely if you’re a retro gamer and handy to give you an idea of how much you can store on this device if you’re new to external hard drives but what about the rest of you? Well, let’s get technical. The transfer rate can be as high as 10 Gb/s if using a system that supports this speed and the port itself is a USB-C (3.2) that is backwards compatible with USB 2.0 and 3.0. It comes with its storage compatibility automatically configured for Apple devices going as far back as iPadOS13 but a quick re-format for your PC is a simple thing to do so this is no biggy. It’s also compatible with Linux and any MacOS released in the last 10 years. In other words, you can pretty much use this thing on any device made since 2014 (you’ll need a separate USB-C to USB-A converter for some devices) and it will work. It’s BUS powered so there’s no need for an external power source and you don’t even need a driver to make it work.

It comes in an aircraft-grade aluminium casing and weighs less than 45 grams and, a personal favourite of mine, it makes no noise itself. The capacity and ease of use you get for the price makes this an affordable data storage option for every day use and you can carry it around in your pocket. Not many external hard drives can boast that!


960G b stOr AG e (64G b Is set A sI de FOr errOr cOrrect IONs AN d dAtA redu N dANcy) FI ts IN yOur POcket NO exter NAL POwer sOurce – yOu ONLy N eed I t AN d the usb - c cA bLe A FFOrdA bLe cONs

NOt A s secure A s Other exter NAL dr I ves Out there

A cOMPreheNsI ve dOck I deAL

FOr cOM bINING M uLt IPLe dev Ices ,

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ch A rG e yOur G eA r wh ILe yOu use I t. weLL wOrth I t.


P rOs

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NO POwer br Ick

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eA r LI er

Owc thuNderbOLt GO dOck

Docks have become one of those indispensable pieces of kit for anyone working with a computer or any kind of digital device in this day and age. If you don’t have one, you’re missing out on a far easier way to work – multiple screens, multiple devices connected together all without worrying about running out of ports or, in most cases, which operating system you’ve got on which device. The OWC Thunderbolt Go Dock does all this and more.

As the name implies, it’s heavy on the Thunderbolt ports with three of them included, allowing you to connect multiple Apple devices together. There are also three USB-A ports (for backwards compatibility) and a sole USB-C only port. Other options include an SD card reader, 2.5Gb ethernet port, HDMI port and a 3.5mm stereo in/out port, in other words, everything you could think of that you may need at your work station set up. The Dock can handle 2 screens up to 4K each (or even 6K on some Apple set-ups) and a single 8K screen if you’re using a PC set-up. One of the things I like about this dock is the fact that it has it’s own power supply built-in so you don’t have to worry about carrying a ‘power brick’ around with you if you’re being mobile with your dock and it’s one less thing to clutter up and warm the space under your desk if you’re more static. This can also double up as a charger for your tablet or laptop or whatever device you’re using, quite handy if needed.

One other thing this dock can do is combine with other Thunderbolt Go docks, allowing you to transfer files between two devices easily especially if going PC to PC via Windows due to the specialised software OWC have created –Share for Windows. This basically allows your PC’s to become network-enabled and for you to control both at the same time. Frankly, there’s not a lot this dock can’t do.


Metal detecting can be an intimidating hobby to get into, it is hard to know what features are ‘must haves’ and what are for more the experienced detectorists, well Minelab is a trust worth brand, and they have the perfect entry level detector to get you going. The Go Fine 11 is perfect for beginners who are keen to go out and get straight into treasure hunting.

Everything about it has been designed for simplicity it is compact and lightweight, it weighs just 1.06 kg (2.3 lbs) and it stands as the lightest adventure detector in its class, this means the it is suitable for kids as well as adults. Don’t be fooled into thinking a beginner-friendly detector has poorer performance, it delivers reliable detection capabilities just like the more experienced equipment.

Equipped with Minelab’s Easy-Trak Technology which provides automatic ground adjustments, reduces interference and enhances target signals for an improved experience with accuracy and depth. It is so easy to operate with just one-button activation, which lets you get up and running as soon as your feet are ready. The intuitive user interface has a visual display to indicate target detection, there are two find modes each with three levels of sensitivity. When you find something, large icons will flash on the screen that indicate signal strength and the type of items detected, it is thrilling stuff. The overall look can be personalised with camo skins that peel and stick onto the device. Another cool thing is the collapsible body, making it easy to transport and store away when not in use. The Go Find 11 is a great beginner or family detector, its easy for everyone to take a turn and enjoy the adventure of treasure hunting.


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twO FIN d MOdes AN d three LeveL s

su I tA bLe FOr ALL AG es

ON e- buttON OPer At ION

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cOMPreheNsI ve , cOMPLete k I t

detect u N derwAter


bu ILt-IN FLA shLIG ht FOr wheN u N derwAter Or At t IM es OF LOw LIG ht ING cONs

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FOr the Pr Ice tOO.

MINeLAb xterrA PrO

The thing with metal detecting is that you’re normally restricted to dry land and decent weather conditions. Not that most people would complain about that, it’s a hobby and surely you want to enjoy it without worrying about inclement weather or lugging your all-weather clothing around with you everywhere? Well, as with all hobbies, there’s always those that want to take things to the next level and this is where a Detector like the Sterra Pro comes in.

Firstly, this machine is IP68 rated, meaning it’s completely waterproof up to a depth of 5 metres. If you’re prepared to go all out and detect underwater, this thing has you covered, opening up all sorts of detection opportunities from keys dropped in a pond to areas that were previously dry land in ancient times. If you’re wondering about hearing notifications when underwater you can connect your headset wirelessly with a good low-latency connection so you don’t miss anything and the handle vibrates also, giving you a further physical sign that you may have got something. It weighs 1.3Kg’s so is easy on the arm (even easier underwater!) and it packs down to just 25 inches long so it’s fairly easy to transport.

You have 3 searching modes (park, field and beach) and up to 6 custom search profiles so you can take advantage of the sensitivity and threshold settings to search for specific material in specific areas. You get the fairly standard TID range of -19 to 99 (-19 to 0 being the ferrous settings) and it also comes with noise cancelling settings so that you can focus on the auditory cues, making sure you don’t miss a thing. To top it all off, you have 5 levels of depth indicator giving you a good idea of how far down you have to dig to get to your potential treasure.

A MOre cOMPreheNsI ve M etAL detectOr At th Is Pr Ice r ANG e yOu A re very u NLI

P rOs

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3M reFLect I ve eLeM eN ts

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b reAth A bLe u PPer

L IG htweIG ht

The Aenergy TR BOA Mid GTX from Mammut is their top-of-the-line trail running shoe for mid to long distance trails, they are also suitable for hiking or walking on uneven terrain. They are rather unusual looking with an asymmetrical design an their BOA fit system, this clever alternative to regular laces the BOA uses a dialled fastening, drawing all the areas of the shoe in equally and precisely with micro-adjustments to gain an exact fit. Conveniently the dial can also be easily used whilst wearing gloves on those colder or wet days.

When it comes to the outsole the Aenergy has utilised a Vibram Megagrip with Litebase technology that ensure it can handle even the most challenging of environments whilst keeping the weight down low, they have also snuck in a cheeky GORE-TEX membrane to protect you from what they like to call Mother Nature’s tantrums a phase I will now be adopting. As we look on the inside of the shoe there is a high-rebound EVA midsole that offers stability and comfort whilst the breathable knitted upper, ensure moisture and warm air can escape the shoe. They weigh about 375g and have a 22mm stack height and a 7mm heal drop, they are PFC-free DWR, 100% decarbonized and use recycled materials. The 3M reflective detailing help you remain visible in gloomy conditions. The elastic knitted sock construction around the ankle keeps everything comfortable whilst the more ridged part of the shoe provides ankle support.

These hiking shoes are so well thought out, they provide support in all the right places, protection against the elements, excellent traction on unpredictable ground whilst remains lightweight and comfortable throughout the run.


It’s great to get engrossed your music or a great audio book, however there are many occasions when its important to be able to hear the world around you, I love running around the local countryside but it is essential I can keep an ear out for cars, tractors and curious deer. The OE Mix are open ear headphones (not to be mistaken with bone conduction) and have been designed to provide both comfort and safety, they are sweat and rain resistant with an IPX5 rating.

The earbuds have an 8hour battery life, but the included charging case will give you up to 36 hours of battery life for extended music and calls without frequent recharging. The 60ms low-latency gaming mode provides a competitive edge for gamers. The 16.2mm vibrating diaphragm speaker drivers are three times larger than typical wireless earbuds, when it comes to sound quality you need to consider that these are budget friendly and like open ear products they lack base, the midtones are more balances but the high tones can come across harsh at times. Having said all that, they still perform well for the price, they are built to bring you the best of both worlds not a completely immersive experience.

These headphones are equipped with Bluetooth 5.4, which delivered reliable connection with minimal latency, you can manage the audio playback and calls with built-in touchpads and activate the AI noise cancellation that reduces ambient noise by up to 80%. When it comes to fit, they are comfortable with a soft silicone body and ear wrap and they are super lightweight at just 6.7g. we did find they do jiggle about a little, if you were doing some vigorous HIIT training I don’t think they would be up to the task. Obviously, there is always going to be some sound leakage with open ear headphones but surprisingly these aren’t too bad.

All things considered these are functional open ear headphones on a budget, you can hear your music, gaming or communications whilst ensuring you can safely hear the world around you at the same time.

edx educAtION busy PLAy

In an era where providing children with effective learning tools is essential, Edx Education steps up with their innovative Busy Play range. This collection of educational toys is designed to make learning fun, interactive, and easily accessible. Conveniently packed in reusable and environmentally friendly cardboard boxes, these toys are perfect for learning on the go.

Let’s dive into ten standout products from the Busy Play range, each crafted to ignite young minds and cultivate a passion for discovery.

Edx education Busy Play

Geo Pegs improves matching and logical thinking skills. Inspire early STEAM with this STEAM toy. and exploration.

Pentominoes stimulates creative thinking and problem solving skills. Great tool for children to learn about flip/reflect, slide, turn/rotate, and tesselate.

Nuts & Bolts improves hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Great for shapes and colours recognition.

Tangram stimulates creative thinking and problem solving skills. Children can learn about congruent, similar shapes and turn/rotate. Also ideal to explore more advanced mathematic concepts, such as angles and area.

GeoStix allow children to use their creativity and problem solving skills to build interesting and colourful designs whilst learning geometric concepts. The Junior Geostix® are the only construction sticks with multiple points of connection making possibilities endless.

The Translucent Pattern Blocks are sturdy and colourful 2D blocks are a great way for children to identify with different shapes and colours and geometric concepts such as symmetry and area. There are 6 different shapes included in 6 colours.

Color Tiles stimulates creative thinking skills. Ideal for early mathematics concepts, such as counting, sorting and patterning activities.

Skeletal Geo Starter Kit is a fun early introduction to geometry, allowing your child to construct their own 2D and 3D shapes.

A series of colourful pipes and connectors allow children to create geometric shapes and learn about angles, vertices and sides.

The Number Rods To Go are a set of colourful bars, our edx education Number Rods To Go are a great hands on and visual way for children to understand number relationships, number comparisons, fractions and multiplication concepts.

I N tu I t I ve IN ter Act IONs

Free APP w I th 100 s OF sOu N ds

Fu N

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wAter resIstANt cONs

P r Ice MAy Put OFF sOM e dIscOver A N ew wAy

Odd bALL dOubLe PAck

At first look you might be confused as to why two overside bouncy balls cost £218, that’s because these mad little things are so much more than just a ball, believe it or not but they are musical instruments. It works by using intuitive movement to create sounds, literally any sound you can think of, its essentially a smart Bluetooth device, packed with motion sensing technology. It works alongside the ODD app on both Android and iOS devices, you simply connect to the app and unleash the magic, it is worth noting the sounds is played via the phone’s internal speaker or any headphone, speaker connected to it.

You can create music with a few different motions, tap it or bounce it for rhythmic sounds, move it about in space at different speeds to mix sounds in and out or shake it to create percussive sounds. You can spin and twist it to play melodic tones and solos or toss it in the air for special effects and transitions.

The double pack comes with two balls, you can choose between a combination of Black, Punch, Turquoise and Grey designs, they have their own cool metal carrying case. Messing about with the ODD balls is really entertaining, you don’t need any technical skills and the sounds are created in an intuitive way. By using two balls you can start to get creative with mixing sounds together, you can play alone or with a friend. You can connect as many as your device will allow (usually more than 6 at least) then you can assign a different instrument to each one of them and get super creative. You can record tracks, play over a song whilst coming up with moves and tricks to show off your skills. The app is free and its here you can record and create your own beats as well as access hundreds of sounds and tracks to play with, the battery life lasts about 5 hours, they are kid safe and splash resistant, just don’t let your dog get hold of one.

The ODD Ball is the musical gizmo you never knew you wanted, the combination of intuitive movement and DJ skills is a lot of fun, we found it soothing and therapeutic sometimes, exciting and energising at other times whilst always remaining instinctive and fun.


Yoga is a perculiar thing to dress for, one minute you are sweating through a speedy flow, next thing you are cooling down in a long hold pose, you need flexibility to move and stretch with you but not to too baggy that it gets in the way or falls over your head when you are upside down. ColourfulKoala has managed to find the balance with a beautifully soft Dreamlux fabric it is buttery soft with support that feels like a gentle hug. I had the pleasure of testing tried out Dreamlux Bowknot Strappy Bra, HR Legging, Long Sleeve Crewneck Modal Sports Top and Matching Joggers. All the items come in a wide range of attractive colours and feature quick-drying, sweat-wicking fabric that keeps you cool and dry, each garment has been consciously designed to work with your body and support during your yoga session.

chIPOLO buNdLe

Keep an eye on your home keys, car keys and your wallet with the ideal mix of Chipolos. Make them ring from your phone or double click any of them to make your phone ring instead. Get a friendly reminder on your phone if you ever leave any of your things behind. This bundle comes complete with two Ones and a card, its great value for money and a great gift idea.

For more information on the Chipolo Bundle click here

For stockists, please visit or contact our team directly on: 01295 672 200 instagram/

YELENA pendant
KEEGAN wall light
ARONA pendant

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