The news newspaper issue 262

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THEN EWS “The law is reason, free from passion.” Aristotle



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Wednesday, January 29th 2014 Issue 262

Ukraine Parliament abolishes anti-protest law

The Ukrainian parliament voted overwhelmingly to annul controversial anti-protest legislation on Tuesday, less than two weeks after it was introduced. The laws, which banned the wearing of helmets by protesters, the blockading of public buildings, unauthorised tents in public areas and the slandering of government officials, had helped fuel the continuing antigovernment demonstrations.

President Viktor Yanukovych had already agreed to scrap the legislation in a concession to the opposition, but until the vote, it was unclear

how MPs from his governing Party of the Regions would cast their ballots as they were allowed a "free vote" – to vote as they saw fit. Only two members of Parliament voted against repealing the protest law, with 361 voting for the repeal. In another move, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov has offered his resignation. In a statement, he said: "To

create additional opportunities for social and political compromise and for a peaceful solution to the conflict, I made a personal decision to ask the president of Ukraine to accept my resignation as prime minister of Ukraine."

The government had "done everything to ensure the peaceful resolution of the conflict" and would do "everything possible to prevent bloodshed, an




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escalation of violence, and violation of citizen's rights", he said.

If the president signs the decree for the resignation, the whole cabinet will resign, but they can remain in their posts for 60 days until a new

government is formed.

President Yanukovych had already offered Mr Azarov's job to the opposition at the weekend, proposing that Fatherland leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk take the post. Mr Yatsenyuk declined the offer.


02 N General News

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014




Still showing

Landscapes to Avant-Gard, a temporary exhibition including works by Van Gogh, Courbet, Monet and Leger. MuseoCarmen Thyssen, Malaga. Until April. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10.00am-8pm. Admission 4 euros (2.50 euros for students and OAPs)

Picasso gallery in Mijas

Alozaina - art and scenery Visit Proyecto Casa de Pepe Bravo in this white village. This Saturday there is also a local market in the grounds.

WORLD Ukraine abolishes

Open daily in Calle Malaga, Mijas pueblo from 10am until 6pm, entry 3 euros.


anti-protest law


Jackson is one of those puppies that seem to bounce everywhere and last week he managed to do something to one of his front paws. There had been a stray dog around that had attacked both my dogs while we were out walking (another story entirely – have you ever tried to pull apart two big dogs? Not easy!) and I wasn’t sure if he’d been bitten, if he’d somehow broken a bone again or if he’d got a thorn or whatever in it. So, off to Juan, the vet in the La Trocha Comercial Centre (he’s really good!) and it would appear that he’d dislocated one of the bones in his toes. Five days of antiinflammatories later, he seems OK now. Until the next time that is! On Thursday evening we attended the RAFA Burns evening in Benalmadena. A few years ago I decided to use a length of tartan material I’d had hanging around for ages and make a long, kilt-style skirt so, out of the cupboard that came for another airing. The reason the RAFA ‘do’ was so early was because of the availability of the Piper – and you can’t have a Burns Night without a Piper, can you? Burns Night itself is on January 25th and celebrates the life of Scotland’s famous poet Robert Burns. His poem, “Address to a Haggis” is one of Robert Burns' most famous and regularly performed poems. Written in 1786 not long after Burns arrived in Edinburgh, this poem has become the centrepiece of Burns' Suppers today the most famous lines being ‘Fair fa’ yer honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o’ the puddin’ race!’. In Burns' day, haggis was not an everyday meal, and it could be described as a luxury item. As this was the case, it is not beyond possibility that Burns' 'Address' was ironic in its praise for the dish, and was pointing the finger at those who would revere it. Now who remembers which way round the mountains the wee haggis has to run on his uneven length leggies?!

Parliament is also discussing granting an amnesty to convicted protesters. Mr Yanukovych offered an amnesty only if protesters cleared barricades and stopped attacking government buildings.

The president made the concessions during talks on Monday with Mr Yatsenyuk, Udar (Punch) chief Vitali Klitschko, and nationalist leader Oleg Tyahnybok. Meanwhile, top EU diplomat Catherine Ashton brought forward a planned visit to Ukraine by 48 hours and arrived on Tuesday for meetings with





Mr Yanukovych opposition leaders.


She said she was "alarmed" by reports on Monday that the government was preparing to introduce a state of emergency. Officials have denied any such plan.

Ms Ashton arrived from Brussels where she, with other senior EU leaders, had met Russian President Vladimir Putin at an EU-Russia summit. Differences over Ukraine were high on the agenda. The crisis in Ukraine was sparked when Mr Yanukovych pulled out of a planned trade deal with The Coin News Group S.L. Post: Spanbox B300, La Trocha CC, 29100 Coin (Malaga)

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the EU last November in favour of a $15bn (£9bn) bailout from Russia.

At press time, there was no sign of demonstrators leaving the streets and the opposition has called for renewed protests to coincide with the meeting of parliament. Activists continue to occupy Kiev's central square and government buildings in a number of Ukrainian cities, saying they will not leave until Mr Yanukovych resigns. Unrest has spread across Ukraine, even to Mr Yanukovych's Russianspeaking strongholds in the east.

The opera version of Brokeback Mountain received its world premiere at Madrid's Teatro Real on Tuesday, where it will run until February 11th. After seeing Ang Lee's movie version of Annie Proulx's short story, Composer Charles Wuorinen told the author he wanted to turn it into opera. Proulx agreed to the project as long as she could write the libretto herself. News of it reached the ears of Gerard Mortier, then the recently appointed general director of the New York City Opera, who commissioned the piece.

The composer began working on the piece in 2008, and did not complete it until February 2012.

Although he is an eclectic musician who has worked in a broad range of styles, including one other opera, Wuorinen is hard to classify. But his musical score and the libretto underscore the idea that he and Proulx wanted to bring home to audiences in this new version: a sense of threat, danger and cruelty that was more absent from Ang Lee's film, with its beautiful scenery. The opera has created record-breaking media expectation at Teatro Real, and is already well on its way to becoming – as the movie did – a symbol of the silent struggle against discrimination, but neither of its creators wants to define it as a gay love story.

Saint 'helping Spain' Speaking at the tourism fair FITUR in Madrid last Friday, Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz said he was convinced that Saint Teresa of Ávila, the 16th-century nun, is “interceding” for Spain “during these harsh times”.

He made the statement during the presentation of “Huellas de Santa Teresa” (Footprints of Saint Teresa), a project to celebrate the 500th anniversary of her birth through a tour of 17 cities where the saint established outposts for the Discalced Carmelites, a branch of the Carmelites that she founded.

“Saint Teresa spoke of harsh times, and I am sure that right now she is acting as an important intercessor for Spain during our own harsh times,” Fernández Díaz said. He also expressed confidence in the saint’s ability to make the 2015 cultural project a success.

“I am sure that her efforts from above, where



A project to help the disadvantaged learn traditional arts and crafts. Read their story on page 16 of Out & About this week.

Cowboy opera opens in Madrid

Continued from FRONT PAGE

By Kym Wickham

The Centre for Contemporary Art (CAC Mijas) is now open in Mijas pueblo, showcasing ceramics, lithographs and paintings by Picasso and his contemporaries.



Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

she is very powerful, will make this a success,” he told a large group of representatives from the cities and regions involved in Huellas de Santa Teresa. Saint Teresa is one of the most popular holy figures in Spain, and a relic of her body — an “incorrupt hand” — is still preserved and venerated at the Church of La Merced in Ronda, Malaga.









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National News N 03

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

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National News



Adolf Hitler was appointed German Chancellor

Madrid cancels privatisation of public hospitals The Partido Popular (PP) regional government did a U-turn on Monday and cancelled its plans to outsource the management and services at six local hospitals. At the same time, the region’s health chief, Javier Fernández Lasquetty, who proposed the plans, announced he was stepping down from his post. The developments came shortly after the Madrid regional High Court denied the regional government’s petition to lift a cautionary injunction it issued last September against the plans. Regional


Ignacio González at a news conference with Lasquetty said: “We abide by judicial decisions as we have always done, even though we do not agree, as in this case.” Lasquetty, who was health commissioner under the previous PP Madrid government of Esperanza Aguirre, will remain as a deputy in the regional parliament. He came under fire from both the opposition Socialists,

who filed a lawsuit to stop the outsourcing plans, and thousands of health workers who faced losing their jobs if the plans went ahead. They protested almost every weekend dressed in their white hospital garb and became known as the "marea blanca (white tide). Last July, the regional government awarded the running of six hospitals to three private healthcare

Human rights cases to be shelved The government has introduced a bill in Parliament aimed at further limiting the Spanish judiciary's reach in prosecuting foreigners for human rights crimes.

If passed, dozens of ongoing investigations would be shelved, including the high-profile prosecution of top Chinese officials for rights violations in Tibet. Legal experts said the bill, which was filed last week and marked as urgent, is aimed at appeasing Beijing, which is very concerned about the Spanish High Court's current inquiry into leading Chinese Communist Party officials in the Tibet case. But other cases, such as the ongoing investigation into the April 8th, 2003 alleged murder of Telecinco cameraman José Couso by US soldiers in Iraq, will also be shelved if the bill becomes law. According to the reform, judges will only be able to open investigations against a suspected

human rights violator if the defendant "is Spanish or a foreigner who frequently resides in Spain," or who is currently in the country and Spanish authorities have refused to allow his/her extradition. Other cases that would be dropped include the investigations into the 1989 murders of Spanish Jesuit priests and their workers during the Salvadoran civil war; the clandestine CIA flights from Spanish air bases and over Spain's air space to transport Al Qaeda suspects to Guantánamo following the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks; and the genocide against indigenous communities in Guatemala in the 1980s.

The Socialist government of Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero clipped the judiciary's wings in 2009 by introducing three separate requirements for prosecution under universal jurisdiction. Currently, the defendants allegedly responsible for the crimes must be Spanish and live in Spain, or must have a relevant connection with Spain.

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management groups – Puerto Rico’s Hima-San Pablo and Spanish firms Bupa Sanitas and Ribera Salud.

The government said the move was designed to cut costs in Madrid’s inflated budget – by as much as €710 million annually – but opponents of the plan argued that the private operators could begin to charge for certain services in the future as well as cut health sector jobs and provide inadequate care.

Gonzalez said the regional government would continue introducing efficient costsaving measures, but assured there wouldn’t be any cuts to medical services.

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04 N National News

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

ETA victims side Prince's plane in with Franco victims emergency landing After former High Court Judge Baltasar Garzón publicly asked the victims of the Basque terrorist group to recognise and support the victims of the Franco regime, the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT), the largest support group, declined to issue an opinion on the matter. But other ETA victims have spoken on an individual basis in support of the notion that Franco’s victims deserve better treatment.

The victims of Franco’s repression have often said they feel like “second-rate” victims compared with the victims of terrorism because the latter have access to the justice system, a special department within the Interior Ministry, and an office providing psychological support. Mari Carmen Hernández, widow of Jesús María Pedrosa, a Partido Popular (PP) councillor who was assassinated by ETA in

For the second time in two months, an Airbus A310 jet carrying Prince Felipe and members of the Spanish government had to make an emergency landing at Las Américas Airport in Santo Domingo after the pilots reported technical difficulties.

2000, told reporters: “They should have the same rights: truth, justice and reparation, just like us.”

She said the people who were executed by Falangists and the people who were assassinated by terrorists shared “their defence of liberties; they were killed because of their ideas”. Joaquín Vidal, president of the Andalusian Association of Victims of Terrorism, said “all victims – victims of gender violence, of Francoism, of terrorism – must receive the same assistance and protection. The pain is the same.”

Maite Pagazaurtundua, sister of a former chief of the local police in Andoain (Gipuzkoa) who was killed by ETA in 2003, invited Franco’s victims to meet with her and other

Judge Baltasar Garzón

members of the Collective of Victims of Terrorism in the Basque Country (Covite) to “share experiences”.

The plane had made a refueling stop in Santo Domingo and the pilots decided to return to the Dominican Republic when the oil warning light came on. The prince and his entourage were on their way to Honduras to the

A Swiss woman slit her baby's throat and tried to kill herself in a hospital in Torrevieja in Alicante last Thursday after being detained by the Guardia Civil following an international search. Katharina Katit-Staheli, 40, had disappeared from

Zurich with baby Dylan Katit, who was ten months old, on Christmas Eve, prompting the authorities there to put out a Europewide alert. The Guardia traced Ms Katit-Staheli to a shopping mall in

Time for you to update your will in Spain

Many of our clients ask us whether or not it would be advisable to make a new Will, when many years have passed since the signing of the last one or when their circumstances have changed considerably since their last Will was made.

It is important to keep in mind that conditions are continually changing over the years, and these changes should be reflected in a Will. Therefore, it is advisable to update and adapt it to

reflect the present personal circumstances.

It is important to note that Spanish law states that the only valid Will, is the latest one signed during the life of the deceased, so it should echo the circumstances surrounding the testate in his later years. Obviously a Will made by a person in their 40s would not be the same as one made by an 80 year old. The provisions made at 40 in many cases do not conform to those made at 80. Therefore, we recommend that anyone from 70-75 years old, who has not yet signed a Will should do so, and those who made one years ago,

After a nine-hour delay, the prince was received by Honduras' outgoing president, Porfirio Lobo. Due to the delay, Prince Felipe had to cancel practically all of his engagements set for Sunday. The same plane had also had a technical problem on November 24th, preventing the prince from attending a business and political

conference in Brazil. On that occasion, the pilots received a warning that the one of the wing flaps wasn’t functioning correctly.

The Defence Ministry has opened an investigation to determine whether these latest problems have anything to do with a ground crew change. Up until last March, Iberia provided maintenance to the prince’s planes for ten years without any incidents, but now Airbus is in charge.

'Missing' Swiss mother kills baby


Our advice is that whenever personal circumstances, or the situation with any of the testator’s property, have changed significantly, it is appropriate to grant a new Will. By signing an updated Will, you can avoid later disputes between your heirs, and it is the most economical, effective and rapid way to ensure fair distribution of the estate of the deceased.

presidential inauguration of Juan Orlando Hernández.

and whose circumstances have changed significantly, should consider updating it by making a new one.

The process for preparing a new Will in Spain is relatively simple, provided you count on the advice of an attorney who can advise and prepare the documents for you. It is best to make the Will in English and Spanish with double columns so that the testator can clearly see the content of what is being signed. Another point that raises many doubts for people is the cost of making a Will. In Spain it is relatively cheap

compared to other countries. In our case the total all inclusive cost is 150€. This covers client meetings, and information gathering, preparation of the document, assistance at the notary, and VAT, so at this economic price there is no excuse not to make your Will now.

For more detailed information on this topic or for a free meeting to discuss your personal circumstances in more detail, please contact Denise Molony on mobile 669428998, or contact us by e-mail or, tel. 952 901 225.

Torrevieja on Wednesday after she was spotted by a Spanish woman. She was immediately taken to hospital with the baby because of the concerns about his health.

The Spanish news agency EFE reported the woman had killed her son after being given permission to bathe him




before doctors gave him a thorough medical examination.

The mother was reported to be in a serious condition but the Guardia said they were unable to give more information because an investigating judge had placed a news black-out on the case.

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Record tourist spending confirmed

Foreign visitors spent a €59.082 million in 2013, nearly 10 per cent more than the previous year, according to figures released by the industry and tourism ministry on monday. most of the visitors came from the UK, Germany, France and the Scandinavian countries and spent an average of €109 a day, an increase of 3.3 per cent over 2012. the number of tourists from russia and China increased by 29 per cent and 27 per cent respectively last year. the regions that most benefitted from this increased spending were Catalonia, the Canary islands, the Balearic islands and andalusia.


Sales tax on works of art slashed

the government announced last Friday that it was going to lower the value-added tax (Vat) charged on the sale of works of art to 10 per cent from 21 per cent. Speaking at a press conference after the weekly Cabinet meeting, deputy Prime minister Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría said the move was taken to bring Spain in line with other countries in europe, such as italy and Germany, where the Vat rate on works of art is 10 per cent and 7 per cent respectively.

the government increased the Vat rate on all cultural items in 2012, from eight per cent to 21 per cent. asked if the Vat rate on other cultural items would also be cut, Sáenz de Santamaría said the reduction for works of art was a “first step”. the minister for education, culture and sports, Jose ignacio wert, later confirmed that the government was also “studying new measures” for cinemas and theatres, both of which were badly hit by the Vat increase.


National News N 05

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

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'Perfectionist' counterfeiter arrested Police have arrested a 60year-old man who they described as one of Europe's top currency

forgers and a "a real artist" of counterfeit money. They said his degree of perfectionism was such that his €50 note ranked among Europe's top 10 imitation bills.

When they raided the garage of his house outside Toledo on Monday, in addition to his €50 notes, the police found stacks of dollar bills, which will be sent to the US for further

analysis. They said his euros were scattered across Europe, ending up as far as Germany and Romania.

The police seized counterfeit notes worth €310,000 but estimate that €1m is still floating around Spain and the rest of Europe. They said the quality of his notes was even more impressive because he was a self-

taught graphic artist who had previously worked in the printing business and had only started counterfeiting two years ago. They said they had put an end to his counterfeiting career at a critical point, as he was about to multiply his business threefold. Four others were arrested in the operation, including the man's 45-year-old wife.

The police said the other three worked to introduce the counterfeit notes into the economy. More arrests

are expected, as the police believe the man worked with a team of about 30 people.


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06 N World News

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

World News

Spies 'get personal data from Angry Birds'

US and British spy agencies routinely try to gain access to personal data from Angry Birds and other mobile applications, according to a report published in The New York Times and The Guardian.

The latest revelations from documents leaked by Edward Snowden includes a National Security Agency (NSA) document which shows location, websites visited and contacts are among the data targeted from mobile applications. According to the report, the NSA and Britain's GCHQ have worked together since 2007 to develop ways to gain access to information from

applications for mobile phones and tablets. The joint spying programme "effectively means that anyone using Google Maps on a smartphone is working in support of a GCHQ system" one 2008 document from the British intelligence agency is quoted as saying. Another GCHQ report, in 2012, laid out how to extract information from Angry Birds user information from phones on the

Android operating system. The game has been downloaded 1.7 billion times across the world.

In a statement, the NSA said it was not interested in data beyond "valid foreign intelligence targets". "Any implication that NSA's foreign intelligence collection is focused on the smartphone or social media communications of everyday Americans is not true," the statement said.

The British spy agency said it would not comment on intelligence matters, but insisted that all of its activities were "authorised, necessary and proportionate".

Other applications mentioned by the documents include the photo-sharing site Flickr, movie-based social network Flixster and applications that connect to Facebook. The scale of data gathering is unclear.

Northern Cyprus lifts ban on gay sex The EU has welcomed the decision of Turkishcontrolled northern Cyprus to decriminalise homosexual relations. It is believed to be the last European territory where gay sex between consenting adults was still illegal – a relic of British colonial rule. The Republic of Cyprus had long since

changed the law. Breakaway northern Cyprus is recognised only by Turkey. British Conservative MEP Marina Yannakoudakis, who has campaigned on the issue, said she had received assurances from Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu that he would sign the

decriminalisation bill into law. She said: "As other [British] Commonwealth countries such as Nigeria and Uganda impose increasingly draconian measures to persecute LGBT people, I hope that people will learn from Cyprus that the anti-gay legacy of Britain's colonial past should be scrapped

and not strengthened." The self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus came into being after Turkish troops occupied the north of the island in 1974, in response to a Greek Cypriot coup backed by the military junta ruling Athens at the time. The island has been divided ever since.



ON t hIS dAt E IN


Roy Plomley’s Desert Island Discs was first broadcast


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New constitution passed

The National Constituent assembly has adopted a new constitution – the first since the ousting of President Zine el-abidine Ben ali three years ago. analysts say politicians hope it will send out a message of stability after months of deadlock between Islamist and secular forces. after the vote on Sunday, the Tunisian flag was unfurled and parliamentarians embraced each other inside the chamber. Parliament agreed the text on Friday after the governing Ennahda party granted a number of concessions, including dropping references to Islamic law. It guarantees freedom of worship but says Islam is the state religion. It also forbids "attacks on the sacred", which analysts say is open to interpretation. The text also recognises equality between men and women for the first time. uN chief Ban Ki-moon hailed the agreement as a "historic milestone". However, large parts of the Tunisian public remain unconvinced that this constitution will actually make a difference to their lives, with many more concerned about the country's economic problems.


Forced sterilisation probe closed

Prosecutors have cleared the government of ex-President alberto Fujimori of carrying out a campaign of forced sterilisations in the 1990s, saying they found no evidence to support claims that hundreds of mostly poor and indigenous women and men were sterilised against their will. The Fujimori government has always maintained all operations were consensual. an independent congressional commission established in 2002 that the government of alberto Fujimori had sterilised 346,219 women and 24,535 men during his terms in office between 1990 and 2000. It was part of a voluntary programme to reduce the country's birth rate and, it was argued, help parents lift their families out of poverty.

The campaign had the backing of international donors including the united Nations Population Fund, Japan and the united States, as well as anti-abortion and feminist organisations alike. But hundreds of people, some of them illiterate, said they were forced to undergo operations and not told they could have refused.


Pope John Paul ll relic stolen

Italian police continue to hunt for a holy relic that contains the blood of Pope John Paul ll that was stolen during the burglary of a small chapel over the weekend. The church of San Pietro della Ienca lies in an isolated spot in the mountains of central abruzzo region, and was a place of special significance to the late Pope, who used to escape the pressures of life in the Vatican by coming to the mountains.

The thieves left the collection box, but took a crucifix and the priceless relic, which contains a piece of gauze once soaked in the blood of the late Pope – one of only three such relics in the world.


Cows blast roof off shed

Methane gas released by dairy cows has caused an explosion in a cow shed in the central town of Rasdorf. Police said the roof was damaged and one of the cows was injured in the blast. Police said in a statement that the belches and flatulence of the 90 dairy cows in the shed had built up high levels of the gas. Then "a static electric charge caused the gas to explode with flashes of flames". Emergency services attended the farm and took gas readings to test for the risk of further blasts.

Cows are believed to emit up to 500 litres of methane each per day. Cattle ranching is a polluting business – methane is a potent greenhouse gas and cows also release large amounts of ammonia, which can lead to toxic acidification of soil and water bodies.



World News

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Syria talks in Geneva deadlocked

The Syrian peace talks which resumed in Geneva on Monday are deadlocked over the divisive issue of transferring power to a transitional government. The sides cannot agree on the future role of President Bashar alAssad. The Syrian government team presented a "declaration of principles" that did not mention transfer of power; it was rejected by the opposition.

The declaration reportedly demanded that Syrians choose a political system without "imposed formulas" from outside – an apparent reference to attempts to remove Mr Assad – while also insisting on discussing "terrorism" rather than transfer of power. UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi said there "was apparently the will" to

continue talks but "we never expected any miracles". Mr Brahimi told a news conference in Geneva: "We are happy and encouraged that this conference has taken place – it is one little step forward but whatever gain we have made is reversible. We will continue trying to make this work and we hope that both parties will cooperate." Rima Fleihan, a member of the opposition National Coalition's delegation, said: "The discussions were not constructive today because of the regime's strategy to deflect and change the subject by talking of

Mediator Lakhadar Brahimi


Syria's civil conflict has claimed well over 100,000 lives since it began in 2011. The violence has also driven 9.5 million people from their homes, creating a major humanitarian crisis within Syria and for its neighbours.

Brazil-funded port inaugurated in Cuba The presidents of Brazil and Cuba inaugurated on Monday the first phase of a deepwater sea port, a rare large foreign investment project on the Caribbean island.

The $957 million (£577m) overhaul of the port of Mariel, in the west of the capital, Havana, is being financed by Brazil. It is in the heart of a special economic development zone to which

Cuba hopes to lure foreign investment. Brazil's Dilma Rousseff said : "Brazil is proud to partner with Cuba in this, which is the first container-terminal port in the Caribbean with the capacity to integrate into the inter-oceanic logistical chain.'' Her counterpart, Raul Castro, added: "This container terminal, and the powerful infrastructure

accompanying it, are a concrete example of the optimism and confidence with which we Cubans see a socialist and prosperous future."

The sleepy town of Mariel, 45 km west of Havana, is best known as the launch point for a mass exodus in 1980, when about 125,000 Cubans left over a period of six months.

Hong Kong culls 20,000 chickens Hong Kong has begun culling 20,000 chickens after the H7N9 bird flu virus was found in poultry imported from mainland China.

The government has ordered all chickens at the wholesale market where the positive test took place to be destroyed and has also banned the import of

live chickens from the mainland for three weeks. In mainland China, where most of the recent cases have been, live poultry trading had been halted in three cities in Zhejiang province, where 12 people have died from H7N9 this month.

Shanghai will also halt live poultry trading from

N 07

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

31st January for three months. According to the World Health Organisation, cases of human H7N9 infection have been reported so far in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The virus emerged in humans in early 2013.

To date there have been more than 200 cases, with more than 50 deaths.

08 N UK News

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

UK News

At last wages in Britain are outstripping prices There are continuing signs that the British economy is well and truly on the mend with the news that wages rose faster than inflation for 90 per cent of people last year. The Office of National Statistics found working families’ pay rose a third faster than inflation while the richest 10 per cent didn’t do so well and saw a fall in real terms. The news follows the announcement that there are now 30.15 million people employed in Britain, a new record, with youth unemployment, previously a great worry, showing steady decline.

The 167,000 drop in the number of people unemployed over the previous quarter was also significant, showing a reduction in the benefits bill. Britain’s tax receipts were also up to the highest level in years, helping to push down Government borrowing, which fell £2.1 billion in December. Value added tax receipts were up as was income from stamp duty, which reflected greater activity in the housing market. The International Monetary Fund now

believes Britain will be one of the fastest growing economies this year. On the currency markets Sterling rose last week to its highest level against the Euro in a year and the pound also spiked against the dollar. Meanwhile, all is not well in Europe. Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff said the launch of the Euro had been a “giant historic mistake, done too soon” that now requires fiscal union to make it work. He believes Europe risks losing its footing as a major player in the world economy.

EU overrules UK on short selling There are constant reminders that Britain’s membership of the European Union has led to a loss of power at home. Most recently Britain objected that new powers over Britain’s financial authorities go beyond the EU’s treaties. The objection was thrown out. The court ignored legal advice it had sought

and found that the European Securities and Markets Authority had the power to adopt emergency measures on the financial markets of member states to prohibit short-selling. The decision has major implications for the City and the British Government is considering the judgement in detail.

Homeowners to share in energy revolution The British Government is to provide resources which will allow communities to share ownership of power generation schemes, such as wind and solar farms, from next year.

It is hoped that by allowing people to generate their own power with ‘renewable clean energy projects’ the demand on the supply of electricity through the national grid will be reduced.

The Government predicts that by 2015 it will be the norm for

communities to be offered some level of ownership of new onshore renewable projects, and it is expected that solar panels could power millions of homes by 2020.

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in


Keep up with the news from home while living or taking a holiday here in Spain

this page written by Vic Gardner

Trainees who never make the classroom

The number of students who train as teachers but do not make it into the classroom in Britain is too great and a waste of resources. One in four or around 10,000 were not in the classroom teaching six months after training in 2012, and the same research has shown that those who trained in schools rather than at university were more

Researchers at Cardiff University have identified a gene that if suppressed could reduce the spread of



Somerset levels a ‘major incident’

likely to take up teaching posts. The Government is now overhauling teacher training, moving it away from universities and into schools.

New hope in battle with breast cancer Trials are to begin on a drug that can stop the spread of breast cancer to the brain, liver and lungs.


cancer by over 80 per cent and now need a drug to perform that function.

The research team has the backing of a pharmaceutical company to develop a drug for clinical trials on humans.


Do you have breathing problems? If you have ever come into contact or worked with asbestos in the UK, you could be entitled to COMPENSATION

For FREE advice or for further information please contact: Steve Woods Woods Solicitors Telephone: 0044 1244 340 560 email: Website:

I deal with claims on a NO WIN, NO FEE basis and you will receive 100% of any damages awarded. I am happy to undertake home visits in Spain.

The rain hasn’t stopped in the UK and forecasters on Sunday warned of more rain to come as people battled to get back into their properties on the flooded Somerset levels. The Environment Agency continues to issue flood warnings and Somerset County Council has declared a “major incident” for all areas already affected by flooding. A boat service has been provided for the community at Muchelney and Thorney and a floating path at Langport. Farmers are providing a vital service to some communities with their tractors.


Mata record signing for United

The big news from English soccer’s Barclay’s Premier League is that Spanish international Juan Mata has moved from Chelsea to Manchester United for £37.1m, a transfer record for United. Champions United are this season playing catch-up, having lost several games as manager David Moyes has been rebuilding the team he took over from Sir Alex Ferguson. The Spanish midfielder, who at 25 is relatively experienced at the top level but should have several years ahead of him, fell out of favour at Chelsea. This weekend saw FA Cup games being played and Manchester City will now play Chelsea in the fifth round while Arsenal meet Liverpool. The games take place on February 15th and 16th.

theNews Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

Victims remembered Baroness Jenny Randerson attended a commemorative service in Westminster on Monday to remember and pay tribute to victims of the Holocaust.

Holocaust Memorial Day was created on 27th January 2000, when representatives from 44 governments around the world met in Stockholm to discuss Holocaust education, remembrance and research. At the end of this meeting, all attendees signed a declaration committing to preserving the memory of those who had been murdered in the

Holocaust, under Nazi persecution and in subsequent genocides.

Holocaust Memorial Day is a national event dedicated to the remembrance of the victims of genocide and to the honour of the survivors of hatred regimes worldwide. The theme for the 2014 commemoration is ‘Journeys’. The National Commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day was marked by a service at the Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre in Westminster.

UK News N 09

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Simon Caught red handed home The body of Simon Chase who was among 21 people killed during a suicide bomb attack nine days ago, has arrived back at his home in Limavady, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland, where he had moved to from Chester with his partner and two sons. His funeral took place yesterday (Tuesday) at the local Christ Church. He had been working in Afghanistan for the EU Police mission.

Balls to 50p Body tax rate Ed Balls has said that Labour’s pledge to bring back the 50p top rate of income tax is not an “antibusiness agenda” for the party adding that it was a fair measure while Labour reduce the “huge” deficit it would inherit if they won the 2015 election and got

back into power. Foreign Secretary William Hague said it sent the “wrong signal” about Britain while others said that Mr Balls neglected to mention that it was the deficit left by the last Labour Government that the current coalition was trying to clear.

Cleveland police discovered a body at a house in Carlow Street, Middlesborough in the early hours of Saturday morning. A 26-year-old man has been arrested and charged with murder after a post mortem revealed the man died as a result of a stab wound, and he appeared before Teeside Magistrates Court on Monday.

Lisa Mitchell, 38, from Masefield Mews, Dereham, Norfolk was caught red handed stealing from an elderly couple that she was supposed to be looking after. She was caught on

CCTV after the couple’s son installed the camera, disguised as a pen, in his parent’s home. Ms Mitchell was found guilty of stealing £35,000 from

the couple and was jailed for 18 months at Norwich Crown Court who heard that she had spent the money on jewellery and designer handbags.

Troubled EEAS recruiting 400 students The East of England Ambulance Service has launched a campaign to recruit 400 student paramedics after it was criticised by MPs over response times. The recruited students would travel in double manned vehicles with qualified paramedics until they were fully qualified. The EEAS say that it is a “good step forward for staff, patients, and local communities”. Unison has welcomed the move.

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10 N Local News

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Local News traffickers arrested and Convicted The British Home Office recently announced both a stern warning and the successful end to a joint operation between Home Office Immigration Enforcement, the UK Border Force and the Spanish National Police. The operation concluded in the dismantling of a Nigerian human trafficking gang responsible for luring young women to Europe and forcing them to work as prostitutes, and began in the UK in 2011 when Border Force officers at Heathrow intercepted a number of females in transit from Nigeria to mainland Europe.

Clinton Nield, assistant director of the UK Home Office Immigration Enforcement’s Risk and Liaison Overseas Network (RALON), said: “Thanks to our close co-operation with

the Spanish National Police and other law enforcement agencies in the UK and Europe we have successfully stopped a criminal network who actively targeted and manipulated vulnerable young women. These women were given false promises and forced to travel to Europe where they were forced into prostitution.” He went on to add, “Trafficking is an abhorrent crime and I hope this case sends a clear message to those involved overseas that international borders will not stop us from tracking you down and bringing you to justice.” In Spain the investigation resulted in the rescue of two female victims and the arrests of seven alleged traffickers in

The man has said he cannot remember anything but the receptionist and another guest saw him go through

the hostal's reception area to take the stairs up to the third floor where he had a room. The murdered Swedish girl shared a room with a friend on the fourth floor.

A second girl was wounded when she tried to defend her friend who died of knife wounds to her neck. The trial started on Monday.

Quiz night for the animals

There will be a Quiz Night with raffle prizes at the Black Horse pub in Alhaurin el Grande starting at 8 pm on February 7th, in aid of Animals in Distress (A.I.D.)

A regular Quiz Night will be held on the first Friday of every month. A.I.D. is a registered charity No. 7974. For full details go to its website

ON t hIS dat E IN


the ice cream cone rolling machine was patented by Carl Taylor in Cleveland, USa

Killer to take truth test

UK Border Force at Heathrow in May 2012 as he chaperoned two Nigerian women on route to Prague from Lagos in Nigeria.

David Osawaru

Madrid and Lleida in September 2013.

In the UK two men were also convicted. Odosa Usiobaifo from Enfield was jailed for 14 years in March 2013 for trafficking two Nigerian girls ages 14 and 15 years old whom he had put on flights to Spain from London.

The second man David Osawaru, from Benin City, Nigeria was jailed for nine years in October 2013 following his detention by

British Security Minister James Brokenshire made this comment, “We are working closely with international law enforcement agencies to deter individuals falling prey to criminal gangs and to disrupt slavery routes coming to the UK. In addition to strengthening our response overseas, we are introducing a modern slavery bill later this year which will send the strongest possible message to criminals, if you are involved in this appalling crime you will be arrested, you will be prosecuted and you will be locked up.” By Pete Woodall

Rape-murder Fuengirola’s trial begins war on gum Prosecutors are asking a Malaga court for a jail term of 54 years for a Moroccan man accused of raping and murdering a Swedish tourist at a hostal in Fuengirola in June 2011.

The town council has acquired a new machine to make it easier to remove the blobs of discarded chewing gum that dirty the streets of this and every other town in Spain.

The machine, which cost €13,500 works by dousing the gum with very hot water – 190 C – then sucking it up through its hosepipe. Councillor Pedro Vega said it also works with candle wax left behind by religious processions and graffiti.

Fuengirola is the first town in the province to acquire such a machine.

Vega reminded reporters that the town was awarded the "Silver Broom", the highest award a municipality can gain for keeping its streets clean.

The National Police have asked a Seville court to authorise a truth test for Miguel Carcaño who is serving a 21-year jail sentence for the murder of 17-year-old Marta del Castillo four years ago. Carcaño has given the police several versions of where her body is but so far it has not been found.


Now the police believe that a so-called truth test which has been used



successfully on a Zaragoza man who killed his wife will give them the information they want. It involves the use of a helmet which registers neurological reactions in the brain. It has been used successfully in the United States, Japan and several European countries and is considered more effective than the traditional lie detector test.

Got a story? Got pictures?

Send your stories or pictures to The News


New urban watchdog

The members of the group that successfully opposed the local council's plan to allow the construction of a number of skyscrapers have formed a new urban watchdog called Observa marbella. a spokesman said that the success of their opposition to the skyscrapers and the volume of public support they had received had convinced them that it was necessary to keep an eye on the council's construction plans "which are produced practically without information and without participation". The new group will work through Twitter@Observamarbella.


One in four use Ryanair

Nearly three million passengers flew into malaga airport last year on Ryanair planes, almost double the number using its nearest competitor, Easyjet, according to figures published by the airports authority (aena).

However, at a national level, Ryanair continues to lose passengers – 1.5 million or five per cent last year. But its 50 connections with airports in germany, Belgium, Denmark, Slovakia. Spain, Finland, France, the UK, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Holland, Poland and Sweden contributed to its growth of two per cent at malaga last year.


British drunk driver gets off

a malaga court absolved a British drunk driver because he was not read his rights in English when stopped by the local Police. The incident took place at 2 am on may 5th last year in la Cala de mijas.

The driver was four times over the limit and was stopped after driving very slowly the wrong way round a roundabout. Because of a certain confusion in the police report – one said an interpreter could not be found at that time of night while another said he had told the driver of his rights in English – the judge threw out the case.


Inland & Coastal News N 11

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

Gib campaigners take petition to Brussels

Fifty concerned Gibraltarians headed to Brussels on Monday to deliver a petition at the European Parliament, in “response to the Spanish Government’s continued attempts to hinder people’s right to freedom of movement.

Six members of the group held meetings with MEPs in the Parliament building on Tuesday, while the other 44 campaigners protested outside. On Wednesday morning, the group will protest outside the European Commission.

The campaigners have received strong backing from MEPs, including

UKIP MEP William the Earl of Dartmouth who said he supported the petition and looked forward to signing it personally in Brussels, Conservative MEPs Julie Girling, Giles Chichester and Ashley Fox, and Liberal Democrat MEP Sir Graham Watson, who called the delays at the border a “scandal of the highest order”. He said:

“It’s time that the EU realise the strength of feeling on the Rock about the issue, and that we are not going to go away. Let's rock the boat in Brussels.”

The petition reads: "To the Chairman of the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament We the undersigned are nationals of Member

States of the European Union whose right to freedom of movement through an internal border of the EU is being undermined on a daily basis by the actions of the Spanish authorities at the land frontier between Gibraltar and Spain. This is because Spain

Samsung Forum comes to Malaga The world’s leading phone manufacturer, Samsung Electronics, will reveal its new revolutionary products and global strategy at this year’s Samsung Forum, to be held in Malaga's Palacio de Ferias y Congresos from January 28th to February 8th. It is the first time the Forum has been held in Spain.

2,000 journalists.

One of the innovations they will get an exclusive first look at is Samsung's curved UHD screen, as well as its latest mobile phones.

Now in its 5th year, this annual gathering where Samsung shares its products, philosophy and processes with its stakeholders, also gives consumers first-hand exposure to the latest innovative technology products from Samsung and insight into key trends within the consumer electronics space. More than 10,000 people all over the world, including some

generates deliberate and unnecessary delays, which cause queues of pedestrians, motorcycles, bicycles and cars to cross the frontier between Gibraltar and Spain. These delays can last for many hours. We urge your Committee to investigate the matter”.

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12 N Political Update

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

The Local Memo from Voice Madrid

Muriel Pilkington

Honest journalists


iven that Spanish journalists usually express their opinions very forcefully and rarely know the meaning of the word "truth", I was pleasantly surprised on Monday night when two of the four journalists invited to La Noche en 24, a political chat show on Spanish television's news channel 24h (24 hours) criticised the media for the way they had dealt with the Prince Felipe's plane incident. Admittedly, it's a bit alarming that the Spanish Air Force Airbus the Prince and his wife use for their international engagements has twice let down its royal passenger in recent weeks. Last November, it didn't even take off from the Torrejon military base after it was discovered that one of its wings flaps wasn't functioning. The Prince didn't make it to Brazil, where he was to attend an international meeting with businessmen. This time the plane made an emergency landing in Santo Domingo after a red light indicated there was something wrong with the oil filters. It was easily repaired – at the huge cost of €6. Even so, the Prince arrived in Tegucigalpa on Monday instead of Sunday, missing some important meetings with local businessmen. However, he did arrive in time for the new president's swearing in, which was the main purpose of the visit.


he media made it sound as if the 23-year-old plane with 20,000 miles on the clock was a threat to the life of the heir to the Spanish throne and should be scrapped immediately. As one of the 24h journalists said – imagine how they'd scream to high heaven if the government were to announce the purchase of two new planes to replace the two Airbuses kept for transporting members of the Royal family, the Prime Minister and his ministers in these times of crisis. It's a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't. The two incidents are now being investigated to see if they have anything to do with

a ground crew change. Until last March, Iberia provided maintenance to the prince’s planes for ten years without any incidents, but now Airbus is in charge.


was also surprised when the same two journalists criticised a reporter for trying to interview Economy minister Luis de Guindos during his visit to Brussels on Monday in a place known as a "silent area". This is where cameramen station themselves just outside a building to film heads of government, ministers and other dignitaries as they enter or leave, to provide TV stations with silent footage for news broadcasts. This area is apparently off limits to journalists. As it was, the reporter asked him if he was going to put up the price of petrol. As he walked away, he commented to the people accompanying him that it was a stupid question and "she could shove it". Unfortunately a microphone picked it up and he later apologised.


f course, the minister shouldn't have said what he said, but the reporter shouldn't have set him up. I was simply amazed because the two 24h journalists didn't even mention freedom of speech, a right that most journalists here consider more sacred than the right to life. I know I often say very rude things about politicians but I am expressing an honest opinion, after studying the actions and words of the politician in question. (Listen to what they say then watch what they do.) Those actions and words are usually reported elsewhere in the paper without any judgemental remarks attached. "So-and-so (who) said or did such-and-such (what) on Monday (when) at a press conference outside Parliament (where) about a law (why) being debated." No frills, no adjectives, just plain facts. That's news reporting.


remember when my friend Martin Delfin told me about the online El Confidencial Digital, which I now read every day. He commented that he couldn't make out if it was left- or right-wing, and I said – that's as it should be. ECD does dig up quite a lot of inside information but puts it across as news rather than opinion. It leaves the latter to its columnists.


o you see, some journalists know the meaning of the word "ethics" but unfortunately for too many of them it's a case of anything goes, and the more scandalous the better. You won't get anything like that in The News – except in my column, that is.

Martin Delfín

Rights of no concern Writes for the English language version of


he new judicial reform law being proposed by the Partido Popular (PP) government is aimed at appeasing the Chinese government, which has been lodging strong complaints with Madrid over the High Court's continued investigation into the alleged human rights violations that have taken place in Tibet. Judge Santiago Pedraz has filed formal charges against members of the Chinese Communist Party hierarchy, including Jiang Zemin, the former general secretary of the party, and Li Peng, former prime minister, for the massacres that have taken place in the autonomous region where Buddhists have denounced the persecution of citizens as well as members of their religion.


he inquiry was opened in 2006 when a human rights organisation, Committee for the Support of Tibet, filed a complaint with the High Court. But now, with Chinese investment at stake and a planned trip to Beijing later this year by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in the works, the PP government has filed the bill that pretty much clips the judiciary's wings when it comes to investigating cases based on universal jurisdiction.


he Socialists in 2009 had already reformed the law when complaints by Israel and the United States were filed in Madrid over inquiries that were opened against abuses that had taken place in Gaza and the CIA clandestine flights over Spanish airspace, which transported alleged members of Al Qaeda soon after the September 11th attacks. Washington was also concerned about the High Court’s insistence in prosecuting military officials and soldiers for the shooting death of Telecinco cameraman Jose Couso in 2003.


he Spanish journalist was killed when artillery fire struck the Hotel Palestine in Baghdad where he and scores of foreign reporters were staying covering the war in Iraq. The US government has refused to cooperate with the ongoing inquiry, the subject of which was brought by Obama administration aides to Rajoy's people when the prime minister visited Washington earlier this month. Curiously, the bill was filed last week just days after Rajoy returned from the US capital.


hat occurs now, should the reform be passed, is that the judiciary will be restricted in the types of cases it will be able to take on in the future. Only investigations in which Spaniards or residents of Spain are accused of human rights abuses will be admissible. Under the current law, universal jurisdiction allows their prosecution when Spaniards are involved as victims or if there is any relevant fact connected to Spain. But now, the PP wants to go further and limit those inquiries only if the offender is Spanish or is living in Spain. No longer will Spaniards who are victims of abuses in other countries be able to ask their own judiciary for help. It is another telltale sign of how the PP has been putting victims' rights on the back burner.


he Rajoy government has been ignoring a UN opinion issued by an international panel calling on the government to do more to help the victims of Franco-era crimes. Loved ones of missing persons from that period have had to go to Argentina where a Buenos Aires judge is conducting her own investigation based on the universal justice doctrine. The judge, Maria Servini, has requested the extradition of two former law enforcement officers from the period to answer charges of torture and abuses they allegedly committed in certain instances during the latter years of the dictatorship in the 1970s.


panish government officials have been dragging their feet in processing the two, hoping that the entire matter will just go away. But the issue won’t disappear. Civil rights violations are a serious concern in Spain, but Rajoy and his PP officials just don’t seem to place their priorities on human rights issues. With more international pressure, maybe this PP government can be put against the wall and forced to do what it should be doing.


ollow me on @martingdelfin



N 13

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

News Extras and Special Features

News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

They’re back - the campaigns that can save your life! led British health centre based in La Cala de Mijas.

Dr. David Deardon a UK trained Breast Specialist oversees the screening programme for Positively Pink. (He also heads up The British Surgical Clinic.) We are delighted to tell you that both the Positively Pink and Positively Blue screening programmes for this year will commence on Tuesday the 11th February 2014.

As you may already know “Positively Pink” and “Positively Blue” are the Mijas-based charities with the sole aim to raise the necessary funds to provide education, support and a FREE breast or prostate/testicular screening for British men and women living on the Costa del Sol. For women “Positively Pink” offers a comprehensive (Gold Standard) screening process that includes a consultation, physical examination, and health education as well as a mammogram or ultrasound, in some cases both. As well as this, women will also receive a translation into English of the result(s).

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. The lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is one in nine. Each year there are approximately 41,000 new diagnoses.

The incidence of breast cancer for men is on the increase too with approximately 300 new cases diagnosed yearly in the UK. It has been shown that early detection of breast cancer can improve the outcome. Survival rates

from breast cancer have improved in recent years partly due to early presentation and from individuals being more breast aware.

The risk of breast cancer increases with age. 80% of breast cancers occur in women over the age of 50 though Positively Pink believes that screening should be available to all women from 18 years of age.

For men, “Positively Blue” offers a free consultation and PSA blood test as well as education and awareness on how to self examine.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK, with more than 30,000 cases diagnosed annually. Around 10,000 men die from it every year, making it the second most common cause of cancer deaths in men. Often in the early stages prostate cancer has no symptoms.

Testicular cancer affects 1 in 500 men between the ages of 15 and 50.


Both screening programmes are carried out in conjunction with Clinica Medicare, a nurse

Dr. Wolfgang Kleimeier is a Specialist in Urology and he oversees the Positively Blue screening programme. (He also heads up Clinica Urologica in Marbella.)

Clinica Medicare, Dr. Deardon and Dr. Kleimeier all provide their time, clinic space and expertise free of charge to the charity. A special message from the Charities’ founder.

Lorraine Palmer the founder of both Positively Pink and Positively Blue continues to believe that “early detection is your best protection”. She would like to thank everyone who continues to support the charities, from our small team of volunteers who work tirelessly (especially Pat & Lee Jay from YJT inland Radio, who give so much), to those who have attended the programmes and made a donation, through to all the local businesses that have given so generously to ensure that we have sufficient funds to

continue this potentially lifesaving work in the years to come.

A special thank you must be given to Sarah Hawes, Director of Cambridge 800 Spain whose generosity knows no bounds.

“What can YOU do to help “Positively Pink and Positively Blue, Costa del Sol?

If you would like to host or organise an event (such as a coffee morning, sponsored walk/run), have an event in mind, would like to help us raise awareness or you would like to get involved with the charity please get in touch on Tel: 952 835 776 or email: Alternatively you can support these great charities by participating / attending or supporting one of the planned events for 2014, these are: • Saturday 29th March 2014 – Skydive From 15,000ft • Saturday 19th April 2014 – Pay To Walk For Positively Pink

• Sunday 1st June 2014 – Annual Karting Challenge For Positively Blue

• October 2014 (exact date TBC) – Positively Pink and Positively Blue Ball, El Oceano Hotel and Spa.

As mentioned earlier in this newsletter, this year’s Positively Pink & Positively Blue campaign´s will begin on Tuesday the 11th February 2014 (running right through to midDecember 2014) and appointments will be available every Tuesday for women and every other

For more information on the screening programmes or to book an appointment please call: 952 835 776.

We would encourage people to book their appointments for 2014 sooner rather than later, as in 2013 all of the men´s appointments for the whole programme were booked within a very short space of time……so please don’t delay!

The News’ own Editor, Kym Wickham, shaved it off! Nick raised €130 that was promptly sent to the charity, the receipt for which is pictured here. Well done to Nick and, next year, make sure the razor’s sharper please!

For more information about Positively Pink and Positively Blue please visit their websites: or follow them on facebook.

written by Positively Pink/Positively Blue


In November last year, local man Nick Carwood (pictured above right) who lives in Coin raised money for the prostate cancer charity Movember. He took up the challenge to grow a moustache during that month and at the RAFA auction held at The Olive Tree in Coin on Saturday 30th November,

week for men, at Clinica Medicare in La Cala de Mijas.

In 2014 we aim to offer 1000 breast screening appointments to women and 200 screenings for prostate and testicular cancer to men.

For more information about Positively Pink and Positively Blue please visit our websites: / or follow us on facebook. As in previous years these screenings are offered FREE of charge, all that the charity asks of attendees to either of the programmes, is to make a donation to assist in funding future years’ programmes.

14 N Community News

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Community News Where you bin? Looking for a As a Mijas Costa resident for over ten years we have always admired the Basura service that was clean, efficient, with bins close at hand and regular collections both for household, recycled and garden rubbish... but...

Where have all our bins gone?

It seems, in the last two years a certain madness, not to say "WASTE" has crept into the system. Firstly, stockades were built everywhere to house the bins, leaving roads looking clean and neat – terrific. However, no sooner had they been constructed than down they came with all the attending health and safety issues! Now, it seems, that the hundreds of dark green organic bins acquired relatively recently, are being replaced by larger grey ones. Added to this, the siting of the new bins is no longer convenient for

many households leaving residents with quite a walk to new collection points for both household and garden rubbish. Apparently new twelve metre wagons will empty the new grey bins which means even more expense. Add to this the fact that the new wagons will only require one driver... redundancies, here we come! In our hot summers tourists, who generally care less for the environment than permanent residents, will probably throw their rubbish bags on the street or sling them out of car windows, if an obvious collection point is not near at hand. One can only marvel at this waste of money in times of austerity.

Very much a backward step Mijas!! written by Sue Fisher Jones

Local Hero To coincide with the opening of their new offices in La Cala, Avalon, in conjunction with The News and the Tamisa Golf Hotel are running a competition to find local heroes. The idea is that there are many people on the Costa del Sol and inland who help loved ones, neighbours, friends, charities and all manner of things and get no praise whatsoever – and often not even a word of thanks from those they’re helping. It’s time they were recognised for what they do. It may not be you they’re helping directly, but someone you have noticed as they carry on quietly helping others. If you know of someone like this: maybe they pop in to check on an elderly neighbour to have a cup of tea, a chat and make sure they’re alright, or they may tirelessly raise funds

for people or animal charities. Whatever these people who do these good deeds for others do without expecting payment of any sort, we’d like to know. At the end of February we would like to reward the winner with a cheque to say thank you from all the residents along the Costa for their help – plus a night’s stay at the Tamisa with breakfast and dinner included, courtesy of the Tamisa Golf Hotel, Mijas Costa. You can email me details of who they are, what they do and why you think they deserve to be thanked to, by mail to The News, Buzon 300, Spanbox, CC La Trocha, Coin 29100 Malaga, or you can phone me on 952 454 491 and tell me all about them. written by Kym Wickham



PAD rescued this poor old boy from the perrera where his owners left him at 14 years old. He doesn't hear too well and his sight isn't very good but he is doing fine.

We are looking for a home for him to enjoy a bit of comfort for his remaining years.

There is no adoption fee as we just want him to be

pampered and loved.

Not a home with small children as he is a pensioner and needs a peaceful home where he is the centre of attention. Contact Lisa 658 351 642

If Tarugo isn’t the pet you’re looking for, why not speak to Lisa and pop along to the rescue centre where they have many dogs looking for a home.

the News

Community News N 15

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014


Last chance for EU elections

Och aye the noo!

Pets, Vets & Guests with David The Dogman

Tomorrow, Thursday 30th January is the last day to register to vote in the forthcoming EU parliamentary elections to take place on Sunday 25th May 2014.

It appears that out of over 2.1 million EU citizens registered by the census office as living in Spain and entitled to vote in May, so far only 322,878 have actually registered their desire to do so.



Centro de Idiomas in Coin Conversation-based courses to help you get by in day-to-day situations Sign up now Small groups Limited places

Contact Valerie at

SFS or leave a message on 952 45 07 47 and I will get back to you.

For those still sitting on the fence or unaware they even have the right to have their say, then tomorrow is their last day to get on the register. The procedure is simple and quick and can be done at your town hall, either later today or at the latest tomorrow morning. To register take along your valid passport (or official identification document) and either your certificate of residency (residencia) or NIE certificate and either a valid rental contract or, for property owners, a recent IBI (rates) receipt and ask to be included on the list. Pete Woodall Woody's Los Boliches


Last Saturday, January 25th was the night on which every Scot, part Scot – or anyone who has an affinity with Scotland worth his salt – celebrated the life of the famous poet Robert Burns. And the Royal Airforces Association was no exception.

Some 50 RAFA Costa del Sol members, friends and guests gathered to celebrate Robbie Burns birthday, albeit a couple of days early, at the Peacock Bar in Arroyo de la Miel on Thursday 23rd January. The guest list was truly international with Scots, (naturally), English, Irish, Danish and Finnish. The evening commenced with the Host’s welcoming speech, followed by the Selkirk Grace:

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Following the first course of Scotch broth or smoked pate, the haggis, Great chieftain o’ the pudding race, was piped in by Leslie Thomson, the popular local Scottish piper. Jim Alexander then addressed the haggis in an eloquent and humorous speech, while ritually cutting it open, ready to be served to the guests. For those who weren’t partial to sheep’s heart, lungs and oatmeal wrapped in a sheep’s stomach, alternatives of Arbroath smokie fishcakes or meat pie were on offer. Though most guests appeared to opt for the haggis. After the meal, Jim Alexander returned to the microphone to lead the Toast to the Lassies. The reply to the Toast to the Lassies was made by the host for the evening, Katrina Bradley.

The evening continued till midnight with entertainment for dancing provided by Leslie Thomson and Dave Dean, of ex-Tornados fame, reprising some of great hits of the 60’s.

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RAFA Costa del Sol Branch would like to thank Katrina and her hard-working staff at The Peacock, Jim Alexander and Leslie Thomson for their contribution to a highly successful night.

And thank you also to the guests who attended a very enjoyable evening.

Every Saturday I have a radio show on TRE known as Pets, Vets and Guests with Nazli from the Pointer Clinic East, Anna Frick a behaviourist who runs CDS dog training at Elviria and Celia Haddon (pictured below) a feline expert and author of over 40 books. Celia was with the Telegraph for 20 years with her own column. Celia says: Don’t place the water bowl near your cat’s food bowl. We drink (wine I hope!) while we eat, but cats do not. They eat and drink separately. So they will drink more if the water bowl is in a different place to the food bowl. Making sure your cat drinks enough is extra important if you feed dry Anna says: To get a dog is a big commitment. A dog is for life and the best time to get your dog is at 8 weeks. When you have made the decision, it is important to consult a good trainer to help you decide what type of dog will suit you and your family. It is never wise to choose a dog based on the way it looks. Sign up for a puppy class or beginner’s class so that you and your new family member get a good start together and you will be surprised as to how much you will learn. It is not only great for socialisation and learning it is good fun. Facebook: cds-dogcenter. com

Nazli says: Preventive medical care is important for your pet. Good health starts with good nutrition, proper parasite control, vaccinations, a safe and clean environment and sufficient exercise. With more than 25 years of experience as a companion animal veterinarian, of which

the last 16 years have been in the Costa del Sol, I provide the care your pet needs. Facebook: pointer veterinaryclinicestepona

As many of you are aware my dog Boy Boy had torsion which is when the stomach turns over twisting the tubes. Over 90% die within a few hours. Thanks to Cat and Dog World’s 35 years of experience in recognising the problem he was rushed to a vet at midnight and they saved his life. Now four months later he is fine but he is never allowed to run again. I have slowed down his eating by turning his feed bowl upside down so he eats slower which is very important. Large breeds are well known to get torsion and it is always better to make large dogs eat slowly so that they do not gulp food which in turn inhales air. More about Boy Boy next week

If you would like a copy of our radio show each week or if you have any questions send me an email to – all emails are answered. Don´t forget to tune in on Talk Radio Europe on Saturday at 10:00 for Pets, Vets and Guests with David the Dogman. Calahonda-Malaga 88,9 FM, CalahondaAlgeciras 91,9 FM. If you miss it on Saturdays you can listen to the show again on Monday at 20:00.


16 N Out & About


WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Your Weekly Entertainment Guide INSIDE THIS WEEK

Calling male singers - T.I.M.S. need tenors. Feeling romantic? - Check out Valentine’s night offers. How does your garden grow? - join the Andalucian Garden Group.

In the steps of Pepe Bravo Poverty was once widespread in Andalusia. Life was a constant struggle for survival, particularly in the rural villages hard hit by the Civil War and its aftermath. One such village was Alozaina, a pueblo blanco set at the foot of the Sierras de las Nieves (about 45 minutes inland from Marbella). Pepe Bravo was born here, and lived in the village when he was a young boy. The family were very poor and two of his younger brothers died in infancy.

When Pepe was nine years old his father died and his mother in desperation piled their remaining belongings on a cart and went to Malaga in search of work. Here Pepe attended school and it was discovered that he was of extremely high intelligence,

going on to university where he studied industrial engineering. It was a field in which he excelled and subsequently made a great deal of money.

But Pepe never forgot his roots. He remembered as a child creeping into the olive mill to try to keep warm and the dreadful deprivation suffered by his contemporaries. He returned with a fortune in his pocket and a mission in his heart to try to give back something to his people. Today Casa de Pepe Bravo is a thriving community on the outskirts of the village where once the olive mill stood. It is a haven for the socially deprived and unfortunate, teaching them traditional crafts and skills to give them productive work. The

house itself is quite fascinating, a labyrinth of rooms and levels with a charming walled garden and a huge roof terrace from where there are amazing views. Within the rambling buildings are – an art and crafts workshop, a carpentry workshop, a pottery area, a metalworking area, an olive oil pressing and refining area, an industrial kitchen where artesanal honey and jams are made and bread is baked. In addition there is an artesanal museum housing a fascinating array of old machinery and implements.

There is also rural accommodation for guests (in separate bedrooms or domitories for larger groups) and several function rooms, including a restaurant that opens out

Written by

Jean Joss

over the garden (not open every day but if you ring ahead they are happy to cater for groups of five or more). All the food is natural – herbs are gathered from the surrounding mountains and dried; honey comes from hives set amid the chestnuts; the olive oil is refined from ecologically grown trees; fruits are dried in a solar dehumidifier.

Visitors are welcome to see round the centre – our guide was the charming Mari-Lu who actually spoke and understood more English than she admitted. She also opened the shop especially for us – the products made here are displayed and sold in an adjoining building called “Arte de Mis Manos (My Handmade Art). And what a treasure trove this is. There are more than enough souvenir shops and “ceramicas” dotted over the tourist trails. This is different. Original ideas in wood, ceramics, jewellery, candles, toys, copper – in all sizes, shapes and at all prices. It’s a great place to purchase an original present or buy yourself something special for the

house or garden without breaking the bank. With the added incentive of knowing your purchase helps a worthwhile cause.

Pepe died some four years ago but his vision lives on. Proyecto Casa de Pepe Bravo is totally self-funding. As well as selling their products they host events and special weekends (studying essential oils, picking your own herbs, distilling the oils and learning about their uses and massage

Yorkshire Fisheries

Traditional Fish & Chips

techniques or studying recipes for healthy eating).

On the first and third Saturday of the month there is an afternoon market held at the centre (12 noon until 5.00pm). Local stall holders bring their own produce and there are various stalls selling local produce, bric a brac etc – a good excuse to combine a shopping trip with a visit to the local area, which is spectacular at this time of year with the clear skies and Spring growth.

Casa Pepe Bravo is in Calle Sanchez Rivas, on the outskirts of the pueblo. You can find directions on, only in Spanish but several of the helpers speak English: Tel 952 480228 or 647 154024 or email

Nellie´s DELI

Freshly Baked Bread daily from 9am

Established over 20 years for the finest Fish & Chips


Cod & Chips, Haddock & Chips, plus all your favourites from your best local chippy. Open 12.30pm (closed Sunday) Calle Juan Sebastian Cano, 10, Fuengirola (Near the Carousel Sq. & Florida Hotel)

602 408 991

Have your breakfast here or take-away

Scandinavian Delicatessen Pizza from 6pm Pizza Happy Hour 6-7pm Mon - Fri: 2 for 1 with this advert

Tel: 951 319 439 Aloha Gardens, next to El Jardin. Avda Del Prado, Nueva Andalucia Open Mon-Fri 9am - 11 pm Sat & Sun 11am - 11pm


Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Out & About

Your Weekly Entertainment Guide

Next month’s artist featured in Mijas

The Olive Tree

Avda Maria Zambrano 17, Coin

David, Tina & Family welcome you Kitchen Open 9.30am to 6pm Mon - Fri 9.30 am - 5pm Sat & Sun EXCITING EVENTS COMING SOON!

Sat 1st Feb 1pm: RAFA Auction 1pm Sat 1st Feb NIGHT: Lotta Love - Spanish rock band Fri 7th: Live from the coast - Mad Terry - man of many voices - plus comedy Thurs 13th: Adele Tribute Fri 14th: Valentine’s Special. Ribs or rump + bottle of wine €20 for two plus lighthearted game of Mr & Mrs. Friday or Saturday night - Karaoke from 8pm, check with venue for which night! Sunday Night The legendary Frankie B - Motown and soul Pool League starting soon

NEW MENU NOW AVAILABLE Pool table every night Free Wifi & Sky Sports

665 340 306 / 952 452 554

Bookings Advisable: 605 663 335

The artist being featured at the Mijas Hotel in February is Enrique Agusti Lafuente. Enrique says of his career: “When I was 25 I began to doodle in notebooks in parks, bars and waiting rooms. Without any conviction, my horizon was art. After another 25 years I found that I was then a draftsman. Then I felt the need to reinvent my painting. A style began brewing and these paintings started emerging. They are painted against the norm, against boredom. The norm is the error and boredom is the punishment.” The exhibition which features works in acrylic, watercolour and graphite opens on February 6th. See his facebook for more details.

For the best results for your business... Edif. Iris, Avda. Gamonal, Benalmádena - Costa 5 € Entrryy Thur. 30th Wed 29th KE O Free Enttry RA A with K Back to the ·V DQG ·V Fri. 31st 5 € Entrryy The Best of 5RFN ¶Q· 5ROO

A Night witth


5 € Entrryy Sat. 1st Gordon Williams

Songs Through tth he Decades

Plus with

Mon. 3rd Free Enttry h wit



Multi Tribute Show Sun. 2nd

Free Entrryy


from 3 pm. wiith O r l a & Dave

Tue. 4th

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Coming Soon Thur. 13th

5 € Entry

Mon. 17th

5 € Entry


Live Wed. 5th Vocalist & Camp Comedian

N 17

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014




MUMTAZ MAHAL Indian Restaurante

Come and enjoy the best of Indian cuisine in our newly refurbished airconditioned restaurant or dine on our fabulous terrace

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The Irish Card & Party Store Largest selection of greeting cards and gifts for all occasions.

All Calendars & Diaries now 1/2 price Don’t forget... Valentine’s Day coming soon Calle El Troncon, 14

behind the main Fuengirola Post Office

952 588 731

Free Enttry

18 N Out & About


WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

The Andalucian Garden Group After January’s AGM, members were taken by Club President Eileen Jackson, on a magical journey through a wonderful garden on Lake Garda, with a surprise round every corner. The Heller Garden with its beautiful vistas, quirky statuary and stunning plant combinations is a photographer’s paradise and certainly merited a presentation. The next meeting is on Tuesday 11th February. Our speaker will be Rosie Peddle. Rosie lives in Portugal and her topic is “Plants – The Good, Bad and the Ugly”. Rosie has visited the group twice before and given excellent presentations in a most amusing and stimulating way. This talk will be equally good.

Afterwards there will be a short members’ question and answer time, with help and hints from some of the more experienced gardeners. The club also has a very extensive library and members can borrow books each month. Visitors are always very

EL MOJITO Plaza de Remo La Carihuela Torremolinos

952 057 062

Food Served all day 11am to 9pm

Wednesday 29th 60s night - listen to all your favourites PLUS music Quiz Thursday 30th Rob and Dave - Comedy vocals Friday 31st Siobhan - female vocalist from Dublin Saturday 1st February Stelvis - tribute to The King Sunday 2nd Explosion - vocal duo with the soulful sounds of Motown and more Monday 3rd & Tuesday 4th Live Football on 7 big screens followed by Robbie’s Roadshow & Karaoke *FREE ENTRY* Shows start at 9.30pm. Open all day.

welcome and if you want to just come for a particular talk, the fee for is €5. These meetings provide a great opportunity to make new friends and pick up some gardening hints. The coffee morning in February will be a “Dig up Day” at Lindsay Blythe’s garden. This is a great opportunity to take some cuttings and acquire some new plants from the unusual varieties in her fascinating and well stocked garden. If you would like to know more, then just phone Eileen (952 455 213) or Chris (952 119 767). The Club meets on the second Tuesday of the month in Bar La Penita, (behind the BP Garage), Calle Gerald Brennan in Alhaurin el Grande – 5.30 pm for a 6 o’clock start.

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Your Weekly Entertainment Guide

Valentine’s special night

Always a very popular restaurant with their lovely intimate and warm dining room, now is your chance to sample the delights of a meal at the La Risa Restaurant situated on Lauro Golf. With Valentine’s night fast approaching, Jan and her staff are offering a special Valentine’s themed night on Saturday 15th February. Dinner will be three courses for just €19.90 per person and there are a few places left so it would be wise to book as soon as possible. To delight your taste buds you can choose from butterfly cut tiger prawns pil pil or Mulligatawny soup to start, followed by pork fillet in a port and mushroom sauce or sole with black pepper and lemon butter. Then for dessert there’s a choice of crêpes with hot strawberries or chocolate orange cheesecake served with vanilla ice cream. What’s more at La Risa, you don’t have to be a couple to enjoy their food, the atmosphere is warm and welcoming to singles too! For more information call La Risa on 653 010 208. Please note that La Risa do not accept payment by debit or credit card.

A tenor for TIMS

The ladies of T.I.M.S are on the lookout for some men, who would like to join them in having a good time. No questions asked and they are not picky, it doesn’t matter if you're married or single, rich or poor, young or not so young – if friendly and you've got a deep manly voice you're their kind of guy. The main criteria is that you like music and enjoy singing or think you might enjoy singing given a chance. The story is that the Fuengirola based International Music Society (T.I.M.S) is running a little short on tenors for the T.I.M.S choir and has put out a general invitation, principally but not limited to, men with deeper voices to come and join in.

You don't need to be able to read music, some can – others can’t, it helps but is not essential. T.I.M.S rehearse once a week (not in July and August) on a Wednesday evening between 7.00 and 9.30 at St. Andrews Church in Los Boliches with another optional rehearsal on Monday morning at the Lux Mundi centre in Fuengirola. To date, there are some ten different nationalities involved in the choir, with

many of the singers enjoying an active social life making new friends easily. In short T.I.M.S is good fun.

To quote the website “Our musical repertoire is extensive including classical, popular and light opera, aiming to suit as many musical tastes as possible – the popular songs of yesterday and today, selections from well known musicals including Broadway and film, extracts from the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan, choruses from well known operas and many classical and sacred pieces.” Even if you're shy, now might be the time to pull yourself away from the acoustics of your bathroom, where you have


Open Mon - Sat 12pm ALL DAY to 11pm (Closed Sundays) 4 COURSE MENU OF THE DAY - ONLY €5.95 Now it’s a “DOUBLE STARTER” VALENTINE’S FRYDAY 14TH FEBRUARY

Set menu for 2 House salad, jumbo fish, chips & mushy peas, chocolate fudge cake ice n’ cream supreme ( to share) plus a bottle of Rioja wine... WOW! only €29.95 for two 12noon until 11pm all day

“Don’t miss out - go on, treat your man” Take-aways - Fully heated - Free wifi Booking appreciated for groups of more than 4.

678 292 792 Los Boliches (1st road behind the Confort Hotel)

performed for years with such confidence and give T.I.M.S a try. The choir has put on some exceptional performances in a multitude of locations from town halls to Málaga cathedral since it started over 25 years ago and it is safe to say the performances are enormously rewarding for both choir members and their audiences. For more information about becoming part of the choir and general information on T.I.M.S and their popular choral performances please contact Gilly Bareford on 952 573 983 / 654 891 790, or email her at or visit Pete Woodall Woody's Los Boliches

Rock n’ Roll! Rock n’ Roll to the sounds of the 50s and 60s. Jones’ Juke Box Jamboree of Talk Radio Europe presents The Buddy Walker Tribute to Buddy Holly on Monday 3rd February (the anniversary of Buddy Holly’s death) at Restaurant Caserio, Parque Antena at km 164 on the N340, Estepona. Tickets are €30 including a two- course meal with half a bottle of wine (or for the show only, tickets are just €10 each).

All proceeds from the evening will be donated to Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva.

Call 952 800 803 or 652 735 555 for more information and to book.


News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

Time to book

With Valentine’s night fast approaching now’s a good time to get your cards for the one you love and to book a table at your favourite restaurant to avoid being disappointed if you leave it too late!

Valentine’s Day is the 14th February which falls on a Friday this year. Many venues will be holding special dinners to mark the occasion on both the Friday and Saturday nights so do check with your place of choice which night they are holding theirs on, or is it both.

There are several versions of who Saint Valentine was but one of the most popular is of Saint Valentine of Rome which states that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. According to legend, during his imprisonment, he healed



Food served all day MONTEMAR

the daughter of his jailer, Asterius. An embellishment to this story states that before his execution he wrote her a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell. The day was first associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. In 18th century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). Valentine's Day symbols that are used today include the heartshaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards.


THE NEWS for the best results

Chilly start at Bonham’s If you happen to be popping over to the UK at the beginning of February, and have a few bob to spare, you could do worse that spending Tuesday 4th February in London’s Bond Street at the Bonhams Auction house and pick up a work of art to bring back with you. Wintery works by Joan Miró (Spanish, 18931983), Lesser Ury (German, 1861-1931), and Alfons Walde (Austrian, 1891-1958) will be highlights at the Bonhams Impressionist and Modern Art sale.

Lot 27 is Joan Miró’s Femme, étoile (1978), is signed “Miró” on the lower right. Femme, étoile” on the reverse. The oil on canvas is estimated at £180,000-£220,000. Femme, étoile epitomises Miró’s creative outburst of the 1970s. Although painted solely in oil, Femme, étoile displays a range of textural effects. Miró scored out the suggestion of limbs and features, working a sharp instrument quickly into the wet black paint; he employed different techniques to fashion the fuzzy-edged circles of ochre and plum, and the carefully contained segments of yellow, vermillion, and green.

If that seems a little too much for your budget then there’s always Lesser Ury’s oil on canvas Berliner Strassenszene (1920), is signed “L.Ury”

on the lower left and is expected to fetch £100,000-£150,000. Ury is best known for his depictions of the bustling streets of modern Berlin; his preferred pictorial weather conditions were rain-swept skies. Berliner Strassenszene portrays a busy thoroughfare in Berlin, complete with horse-drawn carriages. The time of day is uncertain, though the sky’s yellow tint seems to suggest dusk is setting in.

Finally there is Lot 30 whose estimate is a little lower still. Lot 30 is Alfons Walde’s Almen im März (circa 1935). The oil on board is set in the artist's original frame and estimated at £80,000£120,000. Almen im März showcases one of Walde's most characteristic motifs, that of an Austrian chalet perched on the snowy slopes of his native town, Kitzbühel, on a crisp winter’s day, under a bright blue sky. Layers of thick impasto, in varying shades of white, reveal patches of earth where the snow has melted under the early spring sun. Light radiates off the slopes, while shadows of blue mirror the sky. A skier in red, a pinpoint of contrasting colour, strolls up to the cottage door. For more information call Sarah Gubbins of Bonhams on +44 (0)207 468 8363, or email her at sarah.gubbins@bonhams. com

Bar & Restaurant

Sunday Carvery from 1pm until 7pm Standard €6.95 Upstairs, next to the Nahar Mahal restaurant, opposite the Hotel Riviera, Benalmadena Costa, on the main road.

951 253 986


Comida para llevar


Take-Away Established since 1966

Centro Eroski, next to Duquesa Golf, N340, Manilva Great Food - Great Value Tel: 952 276 728 LUNCHTIME MEAL DEALS

Fish & Chips 1 side order 1 drink 1 dessert ONLY €8.50 Mon - Fri


6pm - 7.30pm Mon - Thurs Fish & Chips 1 side order 1 drink ONLY €7.95


Beef, Lamb, Chicken 1 - 4pm ONLY €9.50 Booking advisable

Also in Nueva Andalucia: MARLOWS, formerly Fishita, behind the H10 Andalucia Plaza Hotel

Evening & entertainment rep required - must have experience Call for more details:

952 454 491 or 622 05 04 09

CASA KON-TIKI The Home of Fish and Chips Open 7 days a week, 12 ‘til 11pm





BBQ ribs, Rump steak, Gammon, Spicy chicken wings, Scampi, Sausage, Onions, Tomatoes, Mushrooms. €29.25 for two (ensure the lady gets the extra rib!) OR 2 Rump steaks with all the trimmings and a bottle of Rioja wine €25 OR 2 Jumbo Cod and a bottle of Rioja wine €25 Trio of Desserts €4.95 (Find “The Fish”, the same as the one on the left, in The News and get another 10% off your bill!)

Call Glyn on 634 081 264 or Chris The Fish on 664 028 310 to reserve your table

2nd street behind Yaramar Hotel, Los Boliches Visit us at

La Risa

Call the office 952 45 44 91

Lillie Langtry

Out & About N 19

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014




Paseo Maritimo in front of Hotel Piramides

VALENTINE’S SPECIAL Saturday 15th Feb. 3 courses €19.90pp We have an extensive Menu plus changing daily Specials, including Curry on a Monday and Beer Battered Cod and Chips on Wednesdays and Fridays. Sunday we serve traditional Sunday Roast: Beef, Pork, Lamb or Chicken with all the trimmings, various fresh Salads & homemade Beef Burgers are also available. Kitchen opens all day Monday to Saturday between 11am - 9pm, Sunday 1pm - 5pm

Advance bookings are advisable For details of special events call us on 653 010 208 or pop into the bar. On the road between Alhaurin el Grande & Alhaurin de la Torre at Lauro Golf Across from the Clubhouse

N Magazine

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014


Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2


Release date: January 28th

Directors: Cody Cameron, Kris Pearn Voices of: Neil Patrick Harris, Anna Faris, Terry Crews The inventor Flint Lockwood is getting noticed. The person who he worships the most, Chester, has asked him to be a part of the Live Corp Company team. This company is made up of the greatest inventors worldwide. The inventions highlighted

are supposed to help the human race. Barb is one of the best inventors, and she has a human brain. Flint realizes that his best machine turns water into something to eat. Flint and a few of his friends are then sent by Chester to go on a hair-

The Fifth Estate



Jack Ryan: Shadow RecRuit Directed by Kenneth Branagh Starring: Chris Pine, Kenneth Branagh, Kevin Costner, Keira Knightly. The Tom Clancy character is well known and loved in previous incarnations, and the Ford, Baldwin and Affleck outings have both their fans and critics. Now here comes the reboot and the plot is built on an origins story that is freshly crafted by the writers and owes nothing to the books.

Here we watch a freshfaced Pine from 9/11, through to his tour of duty in Afghanistan when he is badly wounded and hooks up in hospital with the nurse destined to become his fiancée (Knightly) into his desk job as a smart analyst for the CIA, under his mentor Harper (Costner). His analysis takes him out of the desk jockey job he wanted into the murky world of espionage and violence, where he is at the heart of a top secret counter intelligence operation to foil a Russian plot to

raising mission to fight the food monsters.

Release date: January 28th

Director: Bill Condon Starring: Benedict Cumberbatch, Daniel Bruhl, Peter Capaldi

Julian Assange and Daniel Domscheit-Berg are very clever men who decide to combine their tech-savvy brains with their suspicions that the government is keeping too many secrets from its citizens.

They devote themselves to creating the website Wikileaks, which provides a platform that enables people from deep within the recesses of the



government and big business to share powerful secrets that were never meant to see the light of day.

The site is phenomenally successful, and the biggest news outlets in the world are frustrated that they are unable to gain access to news as readily as this mysterious site. However, some of these secrets truly are

dangerous, and the founders begin to turn on each other as they disagree about what should be shared.

Release date: January 28th


destroy the US economy.

Jack is despatched to Moscow and is picked up by a driver at the airport and taken to his hotel room – and finds himself immediately engaged in a life or death brawl which ends when he manages to drown his assailant in the bath tub. A heart-stopping start for a wet-behind-the ears analyst dropped in at the deep end. Branagh directs himself

as cunning Russian oligarch Victor Cherevin, who has advanced cirrhosis and an accent that some critics have likened to TV’s meerkats and has great fun in stealing the show. It’s a no frills solid thriller and a lively outing for a time of the year when movie pickings are thin on the ground. There’s enough to suggest that this could be the first in a reboot franchise.

Director: Ron Howard Starring: Daniel Bruhl, Chris Hemsworth, Olivia Wilde Formula 1 racing is an intense and highly dangerous sport whose competitors risk a great deal when they hit the track.

Two of those true-life racers were the highly skilled Austrian Niki Lauda and the glamorous Englishman James Hunt. The two of them had very different personalities and styles both behind the wheel and in their

outside lives. The focus here is on a particularly important year for both of them.

Both drivers have everything to lose but also everything to gain in 1976, when each stands as each other's chief competitor.

The amount of preparation and sacrifice that is required in order to be triumphant in such

a demanding sport is extensive, and the racers must think hard about whether their endeavors are worthwhile.

theNews Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme


By Cathy Stronach

For your personal birth chart please contact: ARIES

March 21st April 19th


Patience is a definite virtue this week. You need to get your head down and focus in on the detail taking your time to make sure things are not missed. This week, find the courage to talk about something that you have been holding onto. You will be pleasantly surprised about what transpires and then an opening will soon reveal itself. Rise above your emotions and keep your attention on the tasks at hand – the busier you are the more you will flourish. A loved one will not be on the same page as you, in fact it is likely you will be miles away in your consciousness. This week a habit or tendency you have within you reveals itself as needing to change – that is if your values are the same as your special someone. With things as they are, you are finding yourself forever getting tangled up in an emotional log jam and bumping up against the same old cycles. Visible concern for others goes a long way.

April 20th May 20th


You have the ability to influence any situation right now and this is because you have choices. There will be a window of opportunity showing itself to you and you will be able to run with it to make key life changes. Keep a keen eye on the practical steps necessary to achieve everything that you want to – in other words do everything ‘by the book’. There could be a certain amount of jealousy or envy around as others would like the opportunities that you now have.

May 21st June 21st


Inner shifts are taking place, make sure you lock it in, hold your ground and claim your new found strength. There is more going on than currently meets the eye but just know that all will be revealed in time, abundance and fortune are trying to get to you. You will start to attract a different reality and it is important for you to hold onto the change and stay in your centre. Current events will be seen from a different perspective as you grow in emotional stability.

June 22nd July 22nd


July 23rd August 22nd


August 23rd September 22nd

If only you could see the bigger picture it would be obvious what choices to make and what path you needed to plot. Right now you need to eliminate the actions that bring no real and lasting benefits and focus on doing the things that will bring you reimbursement along with the recognition that you deserve. You will find it easy to express your inner passions and wants to those around you, therefore, it is a great time to meet new people and socialise. There is a realisation this week that there is one hurdle to clear before you can fully pursue a path you long to walk down, this is where your patient nature can work in your favour. You have been blessed recently with some insightful thoughts but have not had the time to digest their actual meaning. Take time to contemplate and the hurdles and way forward will become clear. Finish those uncompleted tasks and projects – you will feel much better when they are done.

There is a need to remain focused and centred on following through on tasks and obligations as you are in a process of redefining your overall status. Persistence pays this week as you work through a feeling of vulnerability but this leads to you to be able to turn a corner that has been a long time coming. By next week you will be in the mood for some social networking, fun and September 23rd - laughter, it will be a chance to unwind.



October 23rd November 21st


November 22nd December 21st


December 22 January 19th nd


January 20th February 18th


February 19th March 20th

Your personal relationships receive a well needed boost this week and the conditions are so right for a blossoming period of stability and happiness. Your home life will become important to you as well as your long-term emotional security and comfort. You will want to know that no matter what happens ‘out there’ you have your own reassuring safe place to retreat too. Developing or starting a project to increase your financial outlook could bring promising results.

You could be worried about something and in your mind have built it up out of all proportion. The reality is not nearly as scary as the imagery you have built in your head; you now have an opportunity not only to face a fear but to manifest an outcome that is far better than you could have ever comprehended. Your confidence is then set to soar as you reclaim your power back and hit the streets running.

It is all or nothing for you this week, you either commit or you don’t. There are no halfway measures no grey areas it either works or it doesn’t. Your heart could be telling you one thing and your mind another and this can add a shade of grey, take action when you know what is real. Finance matters are looking good and it is a great time to find a bargain or purchase a long term item you have been putting off buying. A desire is welling up from within you that you had long thought had gone, personal will can move mountains and yours is fiery and alive. Something powerful is stirring in your depths that will give you a fresh feeling of excitement. This will encourage you to take a few risks, go beyond your comfort zone and experience a new adventure and sense of well being. Opportunities will start flooding in. Your inner voice has something to say to you, vital information will be downloaded into your being for you to share, so make sure you have a pen and paper handy. Your intuition is very strong right now and you require adequate space and relaxation time to allow you to benefit from this influence. There are a lot of opportunities fermenting behind the scenes and all is not as it seems on the surface. Go with the flow.

Kym’s Kitchen don’t have to be a chef!

We are always hearing how we should try and eat ‘five a day’. If you find this difficult then why not try out this recipe for pasta with winter ratatouille, full of vegetables and quick to prepare, this dish would make a great mid-week supper for all the family.

Pasta with winter ratatouille Ingredients:

• 200g/7oz sweet potatoes, peeled and cut in wedges • 200g/7oz parsnips, peeled and cut in large pieces • 200g/7oz carrots, washed and cut in large pieces • 110g/4oz red onions, cut in quarters • 3-4 cloves garlic • 2 tbsp olive oil • 75ml/2½fl oz clear honey

(Serves 4)

• 2 sprigs rosemary, plus extra chopped rosemary to garnish • salt and freshly ground black pepper • 500g/1lb 2oz packet of pasta • 800ml/1 1/3 pint passata

Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. 2. Place all the vegetables and the garlic on an oven tray and drizzle with the olive oil and honey. Add the sprigs of rosemary and season well. Cook for about 20 minutes until all the vegetables are tender and browned. 3. While the vegetables are in the oven, cook the pasta according to packet instructions. 4. Remove vegetables from the oven,

squeeze the cloves of roasted garlic over the vegetables and tip everything in a saucepan. 5. Add the passata, bring to the boil and allow to simmer gently for a minute or two. 6. Serve on top of the pasta and garnished with chopped rosemary. Less than 30 mins preparation time 20 mins cooking time + Pasta as per instructions on packet




By Valerie Mitchell



October 22

Magazine N 21

WEDNESDAY, January 29th2014

Hacer means to do or to make

Hay mucho que hacer - There's a lot to be done. ¿Me haces un favor? - Will you do me a favour? ¿Qué quieres hacer? - What do you want to do? Deberías hacer más ejercicio - You should do more exercise. Voy a hacer un curso de cocina - I'm going to do a cookery course. Hacer la comida means to prepare the food Hacer la cama is to make the bed Hacer la maleta is to pack a suitcase Hacer el tonto means to act the fool

The Spanish have the same proverb as our English One swallow doesn't make a summer - Una golindrina no hace verano Hacer ruido is to make a noise Hacer un esfuerzo - to make an effort

And if you want to tell someone that something simply isn't done you say Esto no se hace. So, ya está - that's it Hasta la próxima Valerie

Valerie runs the Centro Idiomas Language School in Coin.

Her books, “The First Twelve Shortcuts to Spanish” , “The Second Twelve Shortcuts to Spanish” , “The Third Twelve Shortcuts to Spanish” (€5 each) and “The Verb Book” (€7) are available from The News office in Coin, Woody’s Cards and Books in Los Boliches, David’s Books in Los Boliches or by email from Valerie's books can now be bought from her website – or call 952 450 747.

22 N Magazine

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

News - Breakthroughs - Treatments - Trends

Ask Calvin and Sue: Hair & Beauty Dear Sue,

I use sunblock in the summer. Do I need it throughout the year? Andrea, Mijas Costa Dear Andrea,

Never underestimate the importance of protecting skin daily against harmful UV rays. Even at this time of year it is important to adequately protect your skin during daily activities.

In winter we are exposed to UVA rays. These do not cause sunburn but UVA rays cause damage by generating dangerous free radicals. Be sun wise and help protect your eyes as well with sunglasses whenever you are out doors. This also helps fight against wrinkles as you won't be constantly screwing your eyes up. If you suffer with pigmentation problems use a high factor protection cream throughout the year. Dear Calvin,

Can you over condition

Dear Kay,

You will know when you have overdone it with the conditioner as your hair will be limp and appear greasy.

Your hair can only absorb so much product and if not rinsed out properly the rest will sit on top of the hair shaft leaving the hair feeling heavy and dull.

When you put the conditioner in your hand rub your hands together as this will make the application much more even and you will find that a small amount goes a lot further. Start with a small amount first – you can always re-apply. Dear Sue,

I am in my 30's and I still get acne-like spots. Why is that? Beth, Torremolinos

The Wellington Centre offers the following activities: Boxing, Boxercise, Kickboxing, Yoga, Martial Arts, Personal Training, Sports physio, Massage, courses for Personal Trainers.


I seem to find a good shampoo and then three months later it doesn’t seem as good so I am always looking for new ones to try. Why does this happen?

Kay, Mijas


679 185 078

Dear Calvin,

your hair?

Sue, Alhaurin de la Torre Dear Beth,

Adult acne is on the rise and random breakouts tend to happen between the ages of 25-45 not just to teenagers. It is sensible to have a blood test done to check on your hormones to make sure there is no underlying cause of this problem. Use a gentle cleanser and

toner specifically designed for oily or combination skins three times a day and if you exercise rinse skin with the toner afterwards. Don't skip the moisturiser – you need to be using one to balance the skin to prevent it producing more oil. For individual spots use a topical healer and visit the beauty salon for a course of facials to help.

Dear Sue,

All shampoos contain silicone which adds shine to your hair and also without silicone the shampoo would not stick to your hand, it would just slip straight off.

Most of the products that you buy in the shops have non-water-soluble silicone in them so after a time it will build up on your hair

and it will go from initial shine to feeling dull and cloggy. The best way to combat this is to now and again use a clarifying shampoo which is designed to remove product build up. Alternatively try using a professional shampoo from your salon as these products have water soluble silicone and don’t build up on the hair. If you have any questions for Calvin or Sue, you can contact them on email – Calvin, calton1@hotmail and Sue’s email is aniathome05 If you don’t have time to email you can phone on 633 733 374 (Calvin) or 952 473 681 (Sue).

E-cigarettes banned for under-18s in the UK Under-18s in England are to be banned from buying electronic cigarettes, the government announced recently, because it is not yet known what harm the tobacco-free devices could inflict and that their contents could be damaging young people's health.

An estimated 1.3m people in the UK use ecigarettes which were designed to help smokers quit. While smoking rates have fallen to their lowest ever level, experts fear the electronic substitutes

could be encouraging teenagers to take up the habit. The battery-powered devices deliver a hit of addictive nicotine and emit water vapour to mimic the feeling and look of smoking. The vapour is considered potentially less harmful than cigarette smoke and is free of some its damaging substances such as tar.

Professor Dame Sally Davies, England's chief medical officer, said: "We do not yet know the harm

that e-cigarettes can cause to adults, let alone to children, but we do know they are not risk free." She added: "E-cigarettes can produce toxic chemicals and the amount of nicotine and other chemical constituents and contaminants, including vaporised flavourings, varies between products – meaning they could be extremely damaging to young people's health." Smoking remains one of the biggest causes of death and illness in the UK, with around 100,000 people

dying each year from illnesses linked to the habit. Experts want to crack down on the number of young people smoking by bringing the law in line with restrictions on the sale of alcohol. The new rules on adults buying cigarettes for under-18s could be in force by the autumn and may mean anyone caught buying cigarettes for a child could be given a £50 fixed penalty notice or a fine of up to £2,500.

Good cholesterol 'can turn nasty' Good cholesterol also has a nasty side that can increase the risk of heart attacks, according to doctors at the Cleveland Clinic in the United States. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is "good" because the cholesterol is instead shipped to the liver, helping to keep arteries clear which is good for heart health. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is "bad"

because it is deposited in the walls of arteries and causes hard plaques to build up that can cause blockages, resulting in heart attacks and stroke.

The researchers said people should still eat healthily, but that the good cholesterol story is a more complex tale than previously thought. In their study, they showed how HDL cholesterol could become abnormal by being

modified in the walls of the artery. They said this “does not change the message of eat healthily". Instead, their findings would be used to develop new tests for abnormal HDL cholesterol and research on drugs to help block its formation.

A spokesman for the British Heart Foundation said: "We now know that under certain conditions HDL can become

dysfunctional, potentially helping to clog blocked arteries.

"This interesting research pins down the exact chemical change that causes the 'good' HDL cholesterol to become bad.

"This knowledge could allow scientists to monitor coronary artery disease more closely or even target the 'bad' HDL with drugs."


Magazine N 23

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

Contemporary lifestyle and celebrity gossip

It’s that time of year again and there’s a glut of awards for pretty much everbody in Showbiz

Telly awards, Grammys and Arts winners … all in the last week, and Ant and Dec get quite emotional over their latest award

This year’s National Television Awards took place last Wednesday at the O2 Arena in London. There were the usual tantrums with Naomi Campbell refusing to use her dressing room, demanding a top class hotel room instead. “It’s a surprise because the O2 dressing rooms are used to handling big stars with big demands. Jay-Z’s been a few times as has Rihanna. They hardly slum it,” one source told The Sun

newspaper adding: “But it seems they’re not up to scratch for a supermodel. Hopefully a five-star hotel nearby has some availability. We’re glad she’s coming as she adds some A-list glam to proceedings, but it has not been the easiest thing in the world to organise.”

The winners for 2014 were: Serial Drama Coronation Street Drama Doctor Who

Kemp’s new series starts Ross Kemp told Sky News on Sunday Rio will be the first city to hold the Olympics and the World cup back-to-back but his new series highlights the problems of poverty in the country. He says he has been to Brazil frequently and has found that the gangs of the favelas have started selling cocaine again in the run-up to the Olympics. Locals are saying that the government are using the Olympics to land grab the area and move on the

people – some of the poorest in the country – living there. Kemp added that the problems should not be swept away from the view of the cameras. The first programme of the series looks at sex trafficking in India. He says that the people he contacts on the series are found before he arrives by the shows “very brave” research team that enter some of the most dangerous areas on the planet.

Rufus Hound MEP? Comedian Rufus Hound, 34, is to swap laughs for votes as he stands in the next European elections to campaign against changes to the NHS. Standing for the National Health Action Party (NHA) formed by medical professionals, Hound has said that he has been “Tweeting endlessly” in the past about the problems facing the NHS but had now

decided to politician.



He campaigned for the Lib Dems in the last elections.

Newcomer Khali Best TV Detective Benedict Cumberbatch Entertainment Presenter Ant & Dec Daytime This Morning Entertainment Programme I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! Documentary Educating Yorkshire Talent Show Strictly Come Dancing Serial Drama Performance Julie Hesmondhalgh

Drug Benefits arrests Six people who live in James Turner Street, Birmingham – the street that was the subject of the Channel 4 series Benefits Street – and another who lives in Handsworth, have been arrested and charged with drugs dealing.

Drama Performance Matt Smith Factual Entertainment Paul O'Grady: For the Love of Dogs Comedy Mrs Brown's Boys. Ant said of their award: “It’s been a pleasure, the last 25 years, we love it... we genuinely love it. Thank you very much indeed.” But that was nothing compared to Jay-Z at the Grammys who, upon

receiving his award called out to daughter, Blue Ivy: “Daddy got a gold sippy cup for you!” Yeuk! The main winners were: Album of the year: Random Access Memories, Daft Punk. Record of the year: Get Lucky, Daft Punk with Pharrell Williams and Nile Rodgers. Song of the year: Royals, Lorde. New artist: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. Meanwhile at the rather

more highbrow South Bank Sky Arts Awards, Arctic Monkeys scooped the Pop Music prize, Tracy Emin got the gong for the Outstanding Achievement Award and Broadchurch was voted Best TV Drama. The surprise of the night was the Theatre Award that went to Let The Right One In, performed at the National Theatre of Scotland that beat obvious favourite amongst those assembled, that won over the National’s Othello.

Bieber arrested again Justin Bieber was released from jail while awaiting trial after being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, and resisting arrest. He could face up to months in jail. Local attourneys said that they were “taking the situation very seriously”.

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Police said they recovered both class A and B drugs during raids carried out in June.

The defendants are due to appear before Birmingham magistrates on February 6th.

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24 N TV Listings

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014


This week’s films below add 1 hour for Spanish Viewing Times


Sun, Feb 2nd 11:50pm

Breaking and Entering

Drama (2006). A landscape architect starts spending his nights in his newly opened London office to catch the thieves who repeatedly break into the property. After following one of the burglars home, he meets the youngster's mother, a refugee from Bosnia, and the pair embark on a passionate affair. Anthony Minghella's drama, starring Jude Law, Juliette Binoche, Robin Wright, Martin Freeman and Ray Winstone.


Sat, Feb 1st 9:15pm

Made in Dagenham

Factual (2010). The female employees making upholstery for a 1960s British car firm campaign for the right to equal pay, only for the company to declare their work is `unskilled'. The women embark on a national protest, taking their grievance all the way to the government and demanding a change in the law. Fact-based comedy drama, starring Sally Hawkins, Miranda Richardson and Bob Hoskins.


Sat, Feb 1st 10:50pm

Bloody Sunday

Factual (2002). Fact-based drama telling the story of the events of January 30, 1972, when soldiers attached to the Parachute Regiment opened fire on a civil rights march taking place in Londonderry, killing 13 unarmed civilians. Directed by Paul Greengrass and starring James Nesbitt, Nicholas Farrell, Tim Pigott-Smith and Kathy Keira Clarke.


Fri, Jan 31st 11.20pm

Saw IV

Horror (2007). Sadistic murderer Jigsaw is dead, but an autopsy on his body uncovers evidence that his twisted games are far from over. A pair of FBI agents become convinced Jigsaw had an accomplice, who is picking up where he left off. Meanwhile, their investigation leads to the killer's ex-wife, who recounts the events that turned her husband into a monster. Horror sequel, with Costas Mandylor and Athena Karkanis.


Cars 2

Mon, Feb 3rd 7.20pm

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in




Sun, Feb 2nd 8.00pm

WEDNESDAY January 29th

Horizon: Swallowed by a Sink Hole

Mon, Feb 3rd 9.00pm

THURSDAY January 30th In February last year, Jeff Bush was asleep at his home in Florida when a sinkhole opened up beneath his bedroom. Despite the efforts of his brother to rescue him, Jeff was never seen alive again and his body could not be recovered. Professor Iain Stewart travels to the American state to discover what took Jeff's life and investigate why the geology of the area makes it the sinkhole capital of the world.


January 31st

6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Wanted Down Under 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am The Sheriffs Are Coming 11:45am Helicopter Heroes Down Under 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:10pm Father Brown 3:00pm Perfection 3:45pm Escape to the Country 4:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News 6:30pm Regional News Programmes 6:55pm Party Political Broadcast 7:00pm The One Show 8:00pm Waterloo Road 9:00pm Outnumbered 9:30pm Mrs Brown's Boys 10:00pm BBC News 10:25pm Regional News and Weather 10:35pm Match of the Day 12:05am Film 2014 12:35am Weatherview 12:40am BBC News

6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Wanted Down Under 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am The Sheriffs Are Coming 11:45am Helicopter Heroes Down Under 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:10pm Father Brown 3:00pm Perfection 3:45pm Escape to the Country 4:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News 6:30pm Regional News Programmes 7:00pm The One Show 7:30pm EastEnders 8:00pm Hidden Kingdoms 9:00pm Silent Witness 10:00pm BBC News 10:25pm Regional News and Weather 10:35pm Question Time 11:35pm This Week 12:20am Skiing Weatherview 12:25am BBC News

6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Wanted Down Under 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am The Sheriffs Are Coming 11:45am Helicopter Heroes Down Under 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:10pm Father Brown 3:00pm Perfection 3:45pm Escape to the Country 4:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News 6:30pm Regional News Programmes 7:00pm The One Show 7:30pm A Question of Sport 8:00pm EastEnders 8:30pm Room 101 9:00pm Silent Witness 10:00pm BBC News 10:25pm Regional News and Weather 10:35pm The Graham Norton Show 11:25pm Football Focus: Transfer Deadline Day Special 12:00am EastEnders 1:55am Weatherview 2:00am BBC News

6:00am Homes Under the Hammer 7:00am The Sheriffs Are Coming 7:45am Helicopter Heroes Down Under 8:15am Paul Hollywood's Pies & Puds 9:00am Antiques Roadshow 10:00am Rip Off Food 10:30am See Hear 11:00am BBC News 11:30am Daily Politics 1:00pm Britain's First Photo Album 1:30pm Cash in the Attic 2:15pm The Great British Bake Off 3:15pm Coast 4:10pm The Secret Life of Elephants 5:10pm Flog It!

5:55pm Party Political Broadcast 6:00pm Eggheads 6:30pm Great British Railway Journeys 7:00pm The Great Interior Design Challenge 8:00pm The Restaurant Man 9:00pm Horizon: Sugar v Fat 10:00pm Mock the Week - Again 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm Inside the Animal Mind 12:20am See Hear 12:50am James May's Toy Stories: The Motorcycle Diary 1:50am This Is BBC Two 4:00am Schools - Beneath the Lab Coat: 1

6:05am Homes Under the Hammer 7:05am The Sheriffs Are Coming 7:50am Helicopter Heroes Down Under 8:20am Paul Hollywood's Pies & Puds 9:05am Tudor Monastery Farm 10:05am Rip Off Food 10:35am HARDtalk 11:00am BBC News 11:30am BBC World News 12:00pm Daily Politics 1:00pm Britain's First Photo Album 1:30pm Cash in the Attic 2:15pm The Great British Bake Off 3:15pm Coast 4:15pm Lost Land of the Tiger

5:15pm Flog It! 6:00pm Eggheads 6:30pm Great British Railway Journeys 7:00pm The Great Interior Design Challenge 8:00pm Restoration Home 9:00pm Dan Snow's History of the Winter Olympics 10:00pm Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm Horizon 12:20am Putin's Games Panorama 12:50am Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve 1:50am Sacred Wonders of Britain 4:00am Schools - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

6:00am Homes Under the Hammer 7:00am The Sheriffs Are Coming 7:45am Helicopter Heroes Down Under 8:15am Paul Hollywood's Pies & Puds 9:00am Cold War, Hot Jets 10:00am Question Time 11:00am BBC News 11:30am BBC World News 12:00pm Daily Politics 1:00pm Britain's First Photo Album 1:30pm Cash in the Attic 2:15pm The Great British Bake Off 3:15pm Coast 4:15pm Lost Land of the Tiger

5:15pm Flog It! 6:00pm Eggheads 6:30pm Great British Railway Journeys 7:00pm The Great Interior Design Challenge 8:00pm Mastermind 8:30pm An Island Parish 9:00pm Vultures: Beauty in the Beast Natural World 10:00pm QI 10:30pm Newsnight 11:00pm Weather 11:05pm Live Davis Cup Tennis 1:00am Question Time 2:00am Michael Palin in Wyeth's World

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News 1:55pm ITV News London 2:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 3:59pm ITV London Weather 4:00pm Britain's Best Bakery 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News London 6:25pm Party Political Broadcast

6:30pm ITV News 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm Midsomer Murders 10:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ITV News London 10:35pm The Jonathan Ross Show 11:40pm Corfu: A Tale of Two Islands 12:05am Jackpot247 3:00am Columbo: Sex and the Married Detective 4:40am ITV Nightscreen

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm ITV News London 2:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 3:59pm ITV London Weather 4:00pm Britain's Best Bakery 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News London 6:30pm ITV News and

Weather 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm To Diet or Not to Diet?: Tonight 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Birds of a Feather 9:00pm Benidorm 10:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ITV News London 10:35pm The Lying Game: Crimes That Fooled Britain 11:35pm Strictly Kosher 12:30am Jackpot247 3:00am To Diet or Not to Diet?: Tonight 3:25am ITV Nightscreen

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News 1:55pm ITV News London 2:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 3:59pm ITV London Weather 4:00pm Britain's Best Bakery 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News London

6:30pm ITV News 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm The Martin Lewis Money Show 8:30pm Coronation St 9:00pm Piers Morgan's Life Stories: Martin Kemp 10:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ITV News London 10:35pm The Americans 11:35pm Benidorm 12:30am Jackpot247 3:00am Captivity 4:25am ITV Nightscreen

7:35am Will & Grace 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Frasier 10:00am The Secret Millionaire USA 11:00am Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses 12:00pm 4 News 12:05pm Come Dine with Me 12:35pm Come Dine with Me 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 1:40pm Come Dine with Me 2:10pm A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me

5:30pm Coach Trip 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 8:00pm The Jump 9:00pm 24 Hours in A&E 10:00pm Turtle Boy 11:00pm Strictly Baby Disco 12:00am Random Acts 12:05am Launched at Red Bull Studios 12:35am What Happens in Sunny Beach 1:30am Mesh: The Wrong Turn 1:35am Ask the Dust 3:30am Southland 4:15am This Is J03 4:20am A Guide to Taking a Photo 4:25am Phil Spencer: Secret Agent

7:10am Will & Grace 7:35am Will & Grace 7:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Frasier 10:00am The Secret Millionaire USA 11:00am Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses 12:00pm 4 News 12:05pm Come Dine with Me 12:35pm Come Dine with Me 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 1:35pm Come Dine with Me 2:10pm A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine

with Me 5:30pm Coach Trip 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 8:00pm The Jump 9:00pm The Undateables 10:00pm Bodyshockers: My Tattoo Hell 11:00pm 24 Hours in A&E 12:05am One Born Every Minute 1:00am Random Acts 1:05am The Fat Fighters 2:00am Random Acts 2:05am Health Freaks 2:35am Children on the Frontline 3:30am Secret Removers 4:30am Kirstie's Vintage Gems 4:35am Phil Spencer: Secret Agent

7:35am Will & Grace 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Frasier 10:00am The Secret Millionaire USA 11:00am Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses 12:00pm 4 News 12:05pm Come Dine with Me 12:35pm Come Dine with Me 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 1:40pm Come Dine with Me 2:10pm A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me

5:30pm Coach Trip 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 8:00pm Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast 9:00pm The Jump 10:00pm The Last Leg 10:50pm Brooklyn NineNine 11:20pm MOVIE: Saw IV 12:55am Random Acts 1:00am Random Acts 1:05am Neil Young: Heart of Gold 2:45am According to Jim 3:10am Don't Trust the B**** in Apartment 23 3:55am A Ninja Is for Life, Not Just for Christmas

7:00pm Winter Wipeout 8:00pm Great Movie Mistakes 8:20pm Cars 2 10:00pm Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents: Thailand 11:00pm Family Guy 11:25pm Family Guy 11:45pm American Dad! 12:10am American Dad!

12:30am Russell Howard's Good News 1:00am Live at the Electric 1:30am Uncle 2:00am Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents: Thailand 3:00am Knight Club

7:00pm Top Gear 8:00pm Motorway Cops 9:00pm Tough Young Teachers 10:00pm Live at the Apollo 10:30pm EastEnders 11:00pm Family Guy 11:25pm Family Guy 11:45pm American Dad! 12:10am American Dad!

12:30am Russell Howard's Good News 1:00am Russell Howard's Good News 1:30am Tough Young Teachers 2:30am Live at the Electric 3:00am Tough Young Teachers

7:00pm Live Davis Cup Tennis 11:05pm Family Guy 11:30pm Family Guy 11:50pm Live at the Electric 12:20am American Dad! 12:45am American Dad! 1:00am Uncle 1:30am Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents:

Thailand 2:30am Live at the Electric 3:00am Great Movie Mistakes 3:30am Uncle


News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

New Series:

New Series:

DCI Banks


Mon, Feb 3rd 9.00pm

SATURDAY February 1st

TV Listings N 25

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Return of the domestic comedy. Sue is worried about Karen, who is having trouble fitting in with her new classmates, but the concerned mum's attempts to settle the matter via e-mail backfire in spectacular fashion. Jake has a confession to make and Ben (who is now taller than his father) is auditioning for a school musical about Spartacus - despite the fact that, as his family tries to remind him, he cannot actually sing. Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner star as the exasperated parents, with Tyger Drew-Honey, Daniel Roche and Ramona Marquez.

Wed, Jan 29th 9.00pm


February 2nd


February 3rd

NOTE: Add 1 hour for Spanish viewing times.

TUESDAY February 4th

6:00am Breakfast 10:00am Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30am Food & Drink 12:00pm Football Focus 12:45pm Saturday Sportsday 1:00pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm Live Six Nations Rugby Union 4:30pm Live Six Nations Rugby Union 6:55pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 7:10pm The Voice UK 8:30pm The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 9:20pm Casualty

10:10pm BBC News; Weather 10:30pm Match of the Day 11:55pm The Football League Show 1:15am Weatherview 1:20am BBC News

6:00am Breakfast 7:30am Match of the Day 9:00am The Andrew Marr Show 10:00am The Big Questions 11:00am Sunday Politics 12:15pm MOTD2 Extra 1:00pm BBC News 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:45pm The Indian Doctor 2:30pm Live Six Nations Rugby Union 5:00pm Songs of Praise 5:35pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 6:00pm Fake or Fortune? 7:00pm Countryfile 8:00pm Call the Midwife

9:00pm The Musketeers 10:00pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 10:25pm A Tribute to Roger Lloyd Pack 10:35pm Only Fools and Horses 11:10pm Who Do You Think You Are? USA 11:50pm MOVIE: Breaking and Entering 1:45am Weatherview 1:50am BBC News

6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Wanted Down Under Revisited 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am The Sheriffs Are Coming 11:45am Saints and Scroungers 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm WPC 56 3:00pm Perfection 3:45pm Escape to the Country 4:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News 6:30pm Regional News Programmes 7:00pm The One Show 7:30pm Inside Out 8:00pm EastEnders 8:30pm Educating North Korea - Panorama 9:00pm Britain's Great War 10:00pm BBC News 10:25pm Regional News and Weather 10:35pm Match of the Day 2 11:40pm The Graham Norton Show 12:25am Weatherview 12:30am BBC News

6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Wanted Down Under Revisited 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am The Sheriffs Are Coming 11:45am Saints and Scroungers 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm WPC 56 3:00pm Perfection 3:45pm Escape to the Country 4:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News 6:30pm Regional News Programmes 7:00pm The One Show 7:30pm EastEnders 8:00pm Holby City 9:00pm Death in Paradise 10:00pm BBC News 10:25pm Regional News and Weather 10:35pm The Richard Dimbleby Lecture 2014 11:20pm Away from Her 1:05am Weatherview 1:10am BBC News

6:35am Enchanted April 7:40am The Maggie 9:10am Life on Earth 10:05am Life on Earth 11:00am Fred Dibnah's Made in Britain 11:30am Great British Railway Journeys 12:00pm The A to Z of TV Cooking 12:45pm The Good Cook 1:15pm The Big Bread Experiment 2:15pm Anchors Aweigh 4:30pm Final Score 5:15pm Coast 6:00pm Vultures: Beauty in the Beast - Natural World 7:00pm Flog It! 8:00pm Dad's Army 8:30pm QI XL 9:15pm MOVIE: Made in

Dagenham 11:00pm Live Davis Cup Tennis 1:00am Comfort and Joy

Masters: Running London's Roads 11:00pm Live Davis Cup Tennis 1:00am Countryfile 2:00am Holby City

6:05am Homes Under the Hammer 7:05am The Sheriffs Are Coming 7:50am Helicopter Heroes Down Under 8:20am The A to Z of TV Cooking 9:05am Ben & James Versus the Arabian Desert 10:05am Britain's Empty Homes 10:35am Click 11:00am BBC News 11:30am BBC World News 12:00pm Daily Politics 1:00pm Britain's First Photo Album 1:30pm Cash in the Attic 2:15pm The Great British Bake Off

3:15pm Coast 4:15pm Lost Land of the Tiger 5:15pm Flog It! 6:00pm Eggheads 6:30pm Great Continental Railway Journeys 7:00pm Top Gear 8:00pm University Challenge 8:30pm Food & Drink 9:00pm Horizon: Swallowed by a Sink Hole 10:00pm QI 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm The Coffee Trail with Simon Reeve 12:20am Film 2014 12:50am Trust Me I'm a Doctor 4:00am Schools: Tips for Young Composers

6:05am Homes Under the Hammer 7:05am The Sheriffs Are Coming 7:50am Saints and Scroungers 8:20am The A to Z of TV Cooking 9:05am Great British Garden Revival 10:05am Britain's Empty Homes 10:35am HARDtalk 11:00am BBC News 11:30am BBC World News 12:00pm Daily Politics 1:00pm Britain's First Photo Album 1:30pm Cash in the Attic 2:15pm The Great British Bake Off 3:15pm Coast

4:15pm Lost Land of the Jaguar 5:15pm Flog It! 6:00pm Eggheads 6:30pm Great Continental Railway Journeys 7:00pm The Great Interior Design Challenge 8:00pm Children's Emergency Rescue 9:00pm Inside the Animal Mind 10:00pm House of Fools 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm Dragons' Den 12:20am The Naked Rambler 4:00am Music Technology

6:50am Canimals 7:00am Canimals 7:05am Canimals 7:10am Om Nom Stories 7:15am Sooty 7:30am Scrambled! 9:25am ITV News 9:30am Dinner Date 10:30am Murder, She Wrote 11:30am ITV News and Weather 11:45am The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 12:40pm Charade 2:50pm Midsomer Murders 4:50pm Johnny English 6:25pm ITV News London

6:35pm ITV News and Weather 6:50pm Splash! 8:20pm Take Me Out 9:35pm The Jonathan Ross Show 10:35pm ITV News and Weather 10:50pm MOVIE: Bloody Sunday 12:55am Jackpot247 3:00am Ladette to Lady: Australia 3:45am ITV Nightscreen

6:05am The Whip Hand 7:25am I'm All Right Jack 9:10am Countryfile 10:05am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:35am The A to Z of TV Cooking 12:20pm The Good Cook 12:50pm The Good Cook 1:20pm Funny Girl 3:45pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Inspire: The Olympic Journey 5:15pm Ski Sunday 6:00pm Dan Snow's History of the Winter Olympics 7:00pm Flog It! 8:00pm Top Gear 9:00pm Dragons' Den 10:00pm The Route

7:45pm All Star Family Fortunes 8:30pm Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 9:00pm Mr Selfridge 10:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:15pm Birds of a Feather 10:45pm Piers Morgan's Life Stories: Martin Kemp 11:45pm Anglo-Welsh Cup Rugby Union 12:40am The Store 2:45am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 3:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 4:05am ITV Nightscreen

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News 1:55pm ITV News London 2:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 3:59pm ITV London Weather 4:00pm Britain's Best Bakery 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News London 6:30pm ITV News and Weather

7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm DCI Banks 10:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ITV News London 10:35pm Mickey Blue Eyes 12:30am Jackpot247 3:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 3:40am ITV Nightscreen

6:30pm ITV News 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm River Monsters 8:00pm Celebrity Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 9:00pm Births, Deaths and Marriages 10:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ITV News London 10:35pm Jimmy White: Sports Life Stories 11:35pm The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 12:05am Jackpot247 3:00am Loose Women 3:45am ITV Nightscreen

6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Trans World Sport 8:00am The Morning Line 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Frasier 10:00am The Big Bang Theory 10:30am The Big Bang Theory 11:00am How I Met Your Mother 11:30am How I Met Your Mother 12:00pm The Simpsons 12:35pm Undercover Boss USA 1:30pm Channel 4 Racing 3:55pm Come Dine with Me 4:25pm Come Dine

with Me 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:25pm Come Dine with Me 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 6:30pm Channel 4 News 7:00pm Speed with Guy Martin 8:00pm Bigfoot Files 9:00pm Hostages 10:00pm Priest 11:45pm 28 Weeks Later 1:30am Street Kings 3:15am Hollyoaks

Feast 8:00pm Scandimania 9:00pm The Jump 10:30pm The Super Bowl: American Football Live 3:00am According to Jim 3:25am According to Jim 3:45am Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 4:40am River Cottage Bites 4:50am Deal or No Deal 5:45am Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard

7:10am Will & Grace 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Frasier 10:00am Undercover Boss Canada 11:00am Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses 12:00pm 4 News 12:05pm Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 12:35pm Come Dine with Me Down Under 1:35pm Come Dine with Me Down Under 2:05pm Come Dine with Me Down Under 2:35pm Come Dine with Me Down Under 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me

5:30pm Coach Trip 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 8:00pm Floods: Your Money Down the Drain Channel 4 Dispatches 8:30pm Food Unwrapped 9:00pm The Jump 10:30pm Three Wives, One Husband 11:30pm Random Acts 11:35pm There's Something About Mary 1:40am Hostages 2:30am World Without End 3:20am Mesh: Daddy 3:25am Southland 4:10am Mesh: Love Tube 4:15am The Three Day Nanny

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News 1:55pm ITV News London 2:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 3:59pm ITV London Weather 4:00pm Britain's Best Bakery 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News London

7:00pm Top Gear 8:00pm Live Davis Cup Tennis 11:00pm Family Guy 11:25pm Family Guy 11:45pm Family Guy 12:05am Family Guy 12:30am Family Guy 12:50am Family Guy 1:10am Family Guy 1:35am Family Guy

2:00am Uncle 2:30am Live at the Electric 3:00am Pramface

7:00am Canimals 7:05am Canimals 7:10am Om Nom Stories 7:15am Sooty 7:30am Scrambled! 9:25am Dickinson's Real Deal 10:20am Murder, She Wrote 11:20am ITV News 11:25am Inside the National Trust 12:25pm The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 1:25pm Catchphrase 2:10pm Splash! 3:40pm Goldfinger 5:50pm ITV News London 6:00pm ITV News 6:15pm Dancing on Ice

6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:25am Frasier 7:55am Frasier 8:25am The Taste 9:30am Sunday Brunch 12:30pm The Big Bang Theory 1:00pm The Big Bang Theory 1:25pm How I Met Your Mother 1:55pm How I Met Your Mother 2:25pm The Simpsons 2:55pm The Simpsons 3:30pm Eragon 5:30pm Deal or No Deal 6:30pm Channel 4 News 7:00pm Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night

7:00pm The Voice UK 8:15pm Live Davis Cup Tennis 11:05pm Family Guy 11:25pm Family Guy 11:45pm Uncle 12:15am American Dad! 12:40am American Dad! 1:00am Bad Education 1:30am Live at the Electric

2:00am Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents: Thailand 3:00am Pramface 3:30am Pramface

7:00pm Great Movie Mistakes: Revenge of the Fifth 7:20pm MOVIE: Cars 2 9:00pm Growing Up Down's 10:00pm Uncle 10:30pm EastEnders 11:00pm Family Guy 11:25pm Family Guy 11:45pm American Dad!

12:10am American Dad! 12:30am Uncle 1:00am Growing Up Down's 2:00am Live at the Electric 2:30am Pramface 3:00am Pramface 3:30am Uncle

7:10am Will & Grace 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Undercover Boss Canada 11:00am Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses 12:00pm 4 News 12:05pm Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 12:35pm Come Dine with Me Down Under 1:35pm Come Dine with Me Down Under 2:05pm Come Dine with Me Down Under 2:35pm Come Dine with Me Down Under 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine

7:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 8:00pm Tough Young Teachers 9:00pm Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents: Thailand 10:00pm Bad Education 10:30pm EastEnders 11:00pm Family Guy 11:25pm Family Guy

with Me 5:30pm Coach Trip 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 8:00pm Location, Location, Location 9:00pm The Taste 10:00pm Secrets of the Pickpockets 11:00pm The Undateables 12:00am Random Acts 12:05am Poker 1:05am KOTV Boxing Weekly 1:35am Trans World Sport 2:30am Terror in the Skies 3:25am Secret Removers 4:25am Location, Location, Location

11:45pm American Dad! 12:10am American Dad! 12:30am Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents: Thailand 1:30am Bad Education 2:00am Pramface 2:30am Pramface 3:00am Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents: Thailand

26 N Magazine

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Take a break SuDOKu


Fill in the grid using all the letters of the alphabet. Some letters have been given to help you get started.

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. With no repeats, that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box. Level:

























T 14






Cryptic Quick



1-6 Poor 7-10 Average

1. Helping (6) 2. A large, flat, thin case (9) 3. Lane (5) 4. Confidentiality (7) 6. Limitless (9) 7. King (5) 8. Bring to a finish (8) 11. Masticate (4) 15. Respiration (9) 17. Supervision (9) 18. Roomy (8) 20. Top part of an apron (4) 21. Kill (7) 22. Anagram of "Chaste" (6) 24. Prod (5) 25. Muslim jurist (5)


1-11 Poor 12-15 Average

16-19 Good 20-23 Excellent

The following are not allowed: - Words beginning with a capital letter - Words with a hyphen or apostrophe - Plural words ending in “s”

Please note that the Quick crossword may contain American spelling


11-12 Good 13-14 Excellent








1. Put on 4. Caramel 8. Yes 9. Carpentry 10. Healers 11. Stair 13. Chorus

19. Proverb 21. Eddies 23. Constable 25. Music 26. Ordain 27. Gunfight 28. Sledge 29. Belittle

15. Snipes 18. Jetty 19. Torment 21. Main sheet 23. Eel 24. Opposed 25. Order

1. Aiding 2. Portfolio 3. Alley 4. Secrecy 6. Unlimited 7. Ruler 8. Complete 11. Chew


1. Appraise 5. Rubric 9. Derelict 10. Slalom 12. Nifty 13. Ephemeral 14. Flyboy 16. Without



19. B 20. P 21. O 22. Y 23. J 24. K 25. Q 26. D

1. Evaluate (8) 5. An authoritative rule of conduct (6) 9. Homeless person (8) 10. Ski race (6) 12. Very good (5) 13. Short-lived (9) 14. Pilot (6) 16. In absence of (7) 19. Adage (7) 21. Whirlpools (6) 23. Policeman (9) 25. Melodies (5) 26. Enact (6) 27. Shootout (8) 28. Heavy hammer (6) 29. Disparage (8)

1. Possibly spy on fashionable medium (7) 2. Throw a fight and have sleepless night? (4,5) 3. Out of panic he sought a quiet corner (5) 4. A course curtailed and altered for a singer (6) 5. Winds up with part of a film on crime (5,2) 6. Slice of tomato lying on the floor (3) 7. A better bed (5) 12. Fear arrest (9) 14. Sly Sue's destroyed Joyce's character (7) 16. He makes payment for various letters (7) 17. Be there to give service (6) 18. Sort of plane needed to carry an elephant? (5) 20. Allowance cut in proportion (5) 22. One politician is a mischiefmaker (3)

10. Z 11. E 12. L 13. V 14. F 15. W 16. S 17. G 18. U


See how many words of four or more letters you can make from the given nine letters. In making a word each letter may be used only once. The key letter must be used in each word.

1. X 2. M 3. A 4. H 5. T 6. C 7. R 8. N 9. I

1. Assumed it is to wear (3,2) 4. Am clear out of burnt sugar (7) 8. No opposition (3) 9. Complain over a record made for the trade (9) 10. Learns about the French doctors (7) 11. Excitement about a single step (5) 13. Alternative accepted by such poor singers (6) 15. Shoots out from hiding (6) 18. Black mole (5) 19. The agony of men in the wrong (7) 21. The means I contrived to control the sail (9) 23. Fish found in creels (3) 24. Popped the question after work but not accepted (7) 25. A class given instruction (5)


The 9-letter word DEFEATING



The 9-letter word CONSOLING


1. Psychic 2. Toss About 3. Niche 4. Caruso 5. Reels In 6. Mat 7. Layer

15. Breathing 17. Oversight 18. Spacious 20. Bibs 21. Execute 22. Scathe 24. Nudge 25. Mufti

12. Apprehend 14. Ulysses 16. Settler 17. Attend 18. Jumbo 20. Ratio 22. Imp

the N ews Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

“THe New S” w aNTS TO HeaR yOuR vi ew S Send letters to the editor as part of an e-mail text to

Jack Griggs

Just a bit of info on the satellite TV etc. Roger Childs is putting his head in the sand. The new satellite Astra 2E was launched last year and put in a holding position at 48.5 degrees for testing. This testing is complete and the satellite is being moved to its final position at 28.2 degrees. Currently it is at 37.2 degrees and is expected to reach 28.2 at the end of January or early February. The channels currently on Astra 1N and which we receive today, including all the main BBC and ITV channels, will then transfer to Astra 2E in much the same way as Channel 5 etc moved to Astra2F (same type as 2E) recently and direct viewers lost those channels. Assuming that BBC and ITV use the same "UK spot beam" to direct their channels to mainly the UK, then in this area we will lose those channels on our satellite boxes. This is almost certainly what will happen, and it will begin in February unless there are other problems.

In response to your articles in this week’s "The News" regarding the satellite transmission of UK television. Reliable information from SES, the company who own and manage the new Astra 2E satellite, which will be transmitting the UK television programmes, state that the satellite has

Opinion Pizarra

The reasoning behind this, apart from the need to replace the satellite, is that the BBC and ITV are licensed by the EU to transmit to the UK only. Up until now, the satellites used had a large "overspill" which permitted us to receive them here. The new technology used by the new satellites allows the provider, which is the TV company not Sky – although they do have their own channels which by being encrypted are exempt from the legislation – to now allow the selection of either UK or Pan-European coverage. Both BBC and ITV have indicated that they will use the UK spot beam in order to meet the rules. Unfortunately, in this area of Spain it is extremely unlikely that any dish will be large enough to get even a sniff of a signal. More northern regions may be luckier but probably not. Whilst it is sensible to see what happens – someone may have a change of heart and ignore the EU – in all probability we will lose these satellite services.

Gerry N Hill

& Stargazing

Opinion & Comment N 27

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

There are a number of options available to allow you to keep watching UK TV, but don't get conned. As an example, I have an internet TV box, and have been using it for a year now very successfully. I have seen the very same box being sold by some for well over 100€ more than I paid and monthly payments twice or three times mine. (I am with EW Telecom.) Just take care and seek second opinions if the price seems high. A word of warning on internet (IP)TV. Make sure you have a very good package from the Internet provider. You ideally need "unlimited" download or you will either get no service when you have used your allowance, or a huge bill each month for the extra data. IPTV uses a lot of data. Sorry if this is sounding complex, and in some ways it is, but don't despair, there are solutions available. And don't get conned. Hope this helps a little.

by email

been in a holding position for some weeks since its launch. It has now started to move to 28.2° east, at a rate of 0.86 degrees each day and will arrive at its the final position on or about 30th July 2014. After this date test transmissions will start and it is understood that over the next few weeks the satellite signals for BBC and ITV programmes will be moved to the new satellite; but there are no confirmed dates. This new satellite has what's known as a stronger spot-beam so that people in the UK will get a much better signal and transmission of many more HD channels, not to mention 4K ultra HD TV. The stronger more northerly

signal will help those living in the Outer Hebrides and other surrounding areas where the same poor weather conditions affect the signal as it does in southern Spain. It is generally known that the Astra 2E UK spot-beam will have an overspill, this means that the overspill is expected to tail off somewhere south of Madrid affecting the transmission anywhere south of there. And UNTIL the test transmission starts at the beginning of February it is not known whether the possibility of having a much larger dish will enable people to receive the signal ........ only time will tell after the transmissions start.

Roger Sleeth by email Having read your recipe for sticky orange potato cake on Kym’s Kitchen last week, where in the Costa del Sol can you find Maris Piper potatoes? I have lived in Spain 16 years and have not yet been able to find them not even in Gibraltar. Where do you source yours?

Editor says: We got them from Morrison’s on Gibraltar for the recipe. However, for those of you who don’t want to brave the queues or simply can’t get down there, any good baking type potato will do. They should have a floury texture.

Comment By Ken Campbell

A New Supernova! A

Astronomers got very excited last week at the discovery of a nearby supernova. supernova is what happens to a really big star when it comes to the end of its life. Once the star has used up all of its fuel of hydrogen it begins to become unstable. The hydrogen that was being fused into atoms of helium now begins to create heavier elements. The star swells to gigantic size and eventually explodes. he explosion from a supernova is unbelievably massive. The picture above shows the new supernova during the explosion. Compare it to the other stars in the galaxy and you can imagine just what it must have been like to the nearest stars. his supernova occurred in M82 the ‘Cigar Galaxy’ which is just above the constellation of The Plough. The supernova is so bright that it is even visible with a modest sized telescope, although it cannot be seen with the naked eye. hile I say that it’s a ‘nearby’ supernova it is actually 11 million light years away in a galaxy separate from our Milky Way. But in astronomical terms that makes it the closest supernova since 1987. In fact, it actually exploded 11 million years ago and the light from it has only just reached us. 11 million years, that is a time before humans were even alive! he best supernova (if best is the right word) was witnessed by the Chinese in 1054 when a star about 6500 light years away from us exploded. It was so bright that it was even visible in daylight. The remains of that star have now become the Crab Nebula in Taurus the Bull which I wrote about a few weeks ago. supernova is extremely rare and the fact that this latest supernova can be observed during its explosion makes it rarer still. Amazingly, it may have taken nearly a week for someone to notice it. It seems the first observers to recognise it were a team of students at the University of London Observatory. They noticed the exploding star on the evening of January 21st. As of today, the supernova has reached 11th magnitude that makes it accessible with a 4″ telescope. It just goes to show how much of an important role amateur astronomers can contribute to astronomy. here are at least three stars that are prime candidates ready to go supernova in our local vicinity in the near future. Betelgeuse in the top left hand corner of Orion, Aldebaran in Taurus the Bull and Antares in Scorpio are all red giant stars that could explode any day between now and say the next half a




million years. As Aldebaran is 65 light years away, Antares is 550 light years away and Betelgeuse is 640 light years away it is possible that any of these stars may already have exploded and we are simply waiting for the light from the explosion to get here. o what would happen to us if any of these stars did go supernova? Well thankfully two out of three of these potential time bombs, Antares and Betelgeuse, are too far away to cause us any damage, although they would certainly put on a spectacular light show in the sky. But Aldebaran on the other hand is close enough to give you a really bad day. cientists have calculated that a star within 150 light years of Earth that went supernova would be close enough to have a catastrophic effect on the Earth. The radiation emitted from the blast would be enough to fry every living creature. Don’t forget a star is in fact a giant nuclear generator. Nuclear fusion is hard at work turning hydrogen into helium and emitting vast amounts of energy in the process. Luckily for us Aldebaran is the least likely of the trio to explode and will probably continue to stay stable for at least a few more millions of years. t’s a wonder that no one has made a movie yet about a nearby star going supernova; it would be the disaster movie to beat them all. First we would see the light from the supernova and then we would have a few years to wait until the blast wave eventually struck us. Knowing that this wave will wipe out the whole of the Earth I wonder how people would spend their last remaining time?



appy Stargazing.

28 N Classifieds

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

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Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

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UNWANTED cars, vans. Wanted dead or alive. Removed free (263)cntp 616835799 ---------------------------------------------RETURNING home? We buy any car, any plate, even non-runners. All papers legally transferred (266)tnp 951047311 / 696321138 ---------------------------------------------WE BUY accident damaged cars and mechanical failures. (0)ascf 609709466 ---------------------------------------------RED PORSCHE 911, 4s, Carrera, 1990 convertible. If you want to be seen then this is it! Perfect all round. Classic car in 2015! The ride of your life! 609461591. Serious calls only, no boy racers, it ain’t (tnf cheap!


UK OR Spanish any price cash l





Mobile vehicle airconditioning, gas recharge, etc

602 533 508

MERCEDES E220 CDi 2002 full / panoramic sunroof, black, nav, Spanish plates, €14,950. Call (0)uvef 609709466 ---------------------------------------------SCRAP cars collected free we pay minimum €50! Any location, all transferred legally, Bajas, destruction notices, prompt service, 622754981, all missed calls (266)tnp returned

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610 868 748

THE BRITISH Mechanic, repairs and service to all makes and models. Cars, vans, 4X4. No gimmicks just friendly honest reliable service. (0)ghp 605407369 ---------------------------------------------ALL VEHICLES PURCHASED WITH OR WITHOUT PAPERS (260)tnp 652031436 ---------------------------------------------EMBARGOES  or finance no (0)ghf problem. 678808837 ---------------------------------------------BORN to be wild! Rocker Harley D, Perfect, chrome nearly everywhere, 4,000km from new. A super ride with conversion to rear seat with backrest. Be quick! 609461591. Not cheap but good (tnf) things aren’t!! ---------------------------------------------WANTED Cars and jeeps and camper vans for cash. All makes, LHD, any condition. 693357000 269)ssp ---------------------------------------------BMW 735i Year 1999. Full M Spec. Beautiful car. €6,950 Call (0)uve 609709466 ---------------------------------------------CALL THE News. We have prices to suit every pocket. 952454491 ---------------------------------------------PORSCHE Carrera S. Perfect, year 2007. €55,000 Call 609709466 ---------------------------------------------BENTLEY year 2000, immaculate, full spec, Spanish plates. €48,000 Call (0)uvef 609709466 ---------------------------------------------CARS, Vans, UK or Spanish, bought for cash, same day collection. (0)gh 678808837




CAR KEYS lost or need spare? Keys cut and paired with car. Car opening, car keys specialist. Call Ray (268)gh 679831166




CHAINLINK Fencing erectors, general builders. 655218466 (263)ssp


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(10mm) (40mm)

952 45 44 91 INSURANCES

LOW COST insurance now available. These quality products have been designed by reputable Insurance Companies, to help you beat the recession. For a very competitive quotation for Motor – Motor Cycles/Scooters – Home – Travel – Health – Business – Legal Liability, etc. , please contact PRESTIGE INSURANCE CONSULTANTS Tel/Fax: 952453873 Mob: 667982418 (266)tnp


CALL THE News. We have prices to suit every pocket. 952454491

Ground floor La Trocha C.C. Coin

Key cutting, photocopying, fax, printing, business cards, greeting cards etc., all in one place!

Tel: 951 315 240

BAR / Restaurant furniture for sale. Tables, chairs, etc. All good quality. (263)ghp 632263278



Animal refuge

Having a clearout ? Please donate all your unwanted items to S.O.S We will collect

605 227 155

Also if you need any items give us a call

WANTED. Boot fair items. Tools, glass, china, household, collectables, “quality clothes”, papaerbacks, etc. (No furniture). (265)tnp 607780648



Chimney Sweep Chimneys and flues, cleaned and checked. No chemicals, proper sweep, no mess, no fuss. Dirty or unswept chimneys can be a FIRE hazard!

PROFESSIONAL Chimney sweeping services, all areas covered. Call (269)ssp 654184242 or 607441959


UPHOLSTERY and steam cleaning, sofas, carpets etc. J A Cleaning (273)tnp Services 626357955 ---------------------------------------------WINDOW CLEANERS Husband and (0)tnf wife team. 691140427 ---------------------------------------------CARPET and upholstery cleaning, 20 years experience, latest equipment, honest reasonable service wet or dry, 12 years on the coast. Please call 952669701 / (0)ghf 678808837


COMPUTER Helpline. PCs upgraded, repaired, software installation including antivirus, email, internet access. Laptop repairs and refurbished units supplied. No call-out charges and no fix - no fee. (265)ssp 952564274, 677702501 ---------------------------------------------PC LAPTOP Repairs. WiFi installations. Internet TV solution. Refurbished systems from €195 to New laptops from €375. Call (273)pwp 952591071


JEFF BARRETT The Inland electrician, based in Alhaurin since 2003, servicing the Guadalhorce villages. Spanish qualified. Visit call (297)ssp 659862691


Place an Ad by phone:

CHILDREN’S Spanish Courses Contact Valerie Mitchell of Centro de Idiomas, Coin. 952450747 ---------------------------------------------SEMI INTENSIVE SPANISH courses for adults. Contact Valerie Mitchell of Centro de Idiomas, Coin. 952450747, ---------------------------------------------MA QUALIFIED lecturer, Russian language courses, all levels. (265)p 693034681

672 137 547


€7,00 + IVA €25,00 + IVA



price per module

price per word

Normal lineage Bold lineage


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952 917 164

GILLIAN your friendly mobile hairdresser for the elderly. Specialist in perms, sets, colours. Good rates. (267)tnp 635261483

LOCKSMITH Emergency / Appointment. Doors opened without damage, locks changed, patio doors and windows secured. 24 hour honest, fast and reliable service. Call Paul 657466803 (268)tnp


HOT TUB specialist repairers and removers. Also new and used tubs bought / sold. Free advice given. Ring Barry 691973131 / (267)ssp 952793398



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951 508 549 - 626 502 803

FOR ALL your advertising needs, call The News. We have prices to suit every pocket. Call today! 952454491 or email us for a quote for adverising that works


BINGO books and raffle tickets. Woody’s Los Boliches Tel (tn-pw 952471877

l l

Service ITV


Brakes & Clutch Recovery Service

No gimmicks just a reliable professional service l

605 407 369

Pol. Los Perales Nave 88 (close to Butano) Mijas Costa PETS & ANIMALS

METS DOG training club. Fuengirola. Glyn 605121831, Jeff (267)pwp 692832250 ---------------------------------------------YOUNG domesticated cats rescued from the killing station need kind homes. Fully vaccinated, and neutered, free of charge. We will also deliver to England for a donation to the charity. Please give one of these beautiful cats a home so we can save more from death. Can be seen without obligation at Cat and Dog (0g World Kennels 630197435 ---------------------------------------------LUXURY professional kennels, Cat and Dog World. Fully licensed. Cheap collection service. Viewing welcome. (262) 952112978 / 630197435 ---------------------------------------------LAGUNA Kennels and cosy cattery. Five star facilities, fully tiled quarters with airconditioning. Your pets lovingly cared for by English mother and daughter. Near Coin. 952112021 / 606838983 (262)tnp

Mascota La Trocha

Veterinary consultant Pet grooming Accessories & supplies

634 395 445n

the News

Classifieds N 29

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014


PET Transport by road. Cat and Dog World 952112978, (262)p 630197435 ---------------------------------------------STUNNING white Chihuahua puppies. Parents can be seen. (264)atp 951264565


SEMI RETIRED Plumber / builder City and Guilds qualiďŹ ed, over 30 years experience, 11 years in Spain. Honest and reliable. All associated work carried out. Ring Trevor (268)ssp 654762996 ---------------------------------------------SCOTT Forbes - The Plumber. All work guaranteed. 20 years British (f gas experience 652665410 ---------------------------------------------CITY and Guilds qualiďŹ ed plumber, all areas covered. Adrian (268)ssp 677063272


PLAYAMAR 3 bed, 2 bath - 1 with hydromassage bath, 120m2 apartment. BIg kitchen. 2 garages. Pool. Furnished or unfurnished. Long term â‚Ź580 per month. (261)tnp 619302236

TORREBLANCA Villa, detached for long let, one level fantastic sea views, 2 bedrooms. Completely refurbished with brand new kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Lovely contemporary furnishings. No pool but plenty of garden space. Walking distance to sea and fabulous sea views from villa, etc. (263)tnp â‚Ź575 pcm. Tl:608675081 ---------------------------------------------LONG term rentals in BenalmĂĄdena Costa. Minerva complex. Cosy refurbished studio with afternoon sun & great views to the gardens. (262)tnp â‚Ź315 636829631 ---------------------------------------------LONG term Rental in BenalmĂĄdena Costa. Minerva complex. 1 bed apartment. partly reformed. Furnished. â‚Ź380PCM. (262)tnp 636829631 ---------------------------------------------LONG term rentals in BenalmĂĄdena Costa. Minerva Complex. Studio with sea views at only â‚Ź290. (262)tnp 636829631 ---------------------------------------------LONG rental in in BenalmĂĄdena Costa. Jupiter complex. 1 bed apartment. fully reformed. Furnished. â‚Ź400PCM (262)tnp 636829631




Nif: X-5640385-A


2 Ful l y r eFo r med hig h Fl o o r St udio S, Jupit er c o mpl ex

So l d Sepa r at el y at â‚Ź54,000 ea c h o r t o g et her â‚Ź108,000

Opportunity to get 2 studios together & convert them in a large 1 bed or 2 bed apt. Well equipped, Aftern.sun, sea & mountains views.

2 Bed r eFo r med a pa r t ment in Bo na nza . g a r den view S

at o nl y â‚Ź69,800 eur o S Fo r a q uic k Sa l e

Bright renovated apartment, terrace, furnished. Private community with garden, pools. Reduced



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Holiday Rental PRoPeRties uRgently RequiRed in JuPiteR and MineRva, also long teRM Rent and sales PRoPeRties in tHe enalMadena / toRReMuelle toRRequebRada aRea.

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MINERVA Complex. High oor studio with sea views, in very good condition. Only ₏48.000. (262)tnp 636829631 ---------------------------------------------BENALMåDENA Costa. Jupiter Complex. Furnished studio with new kitchen, well equipped, very cosy and ready to live in or rent out. (262)tnp ₏51.000. 636829631 ---------------------------------------------BENALMåDENA Costa. Bonanza Sq-Bonanza Bloque B. Fantastic renovated 2 bed apt, with new bathroom & kitchen, sunny terrace with afternoon sun & gardens views. ₏69.800. 636829631 (262)tnp ---------------------------------------------TORREMOLINOS La Carihuela. 1 bed apt.for sale in Aloha Puerto 4 * Hotel. Front line beach. Stunning views over the beach. Fully reformed. 2 min to Puerto Marina. (262)tnp ₏129.900 636829631 ---------------------------------------------THREE BED semi-detached townhouse. Master suite, 2 12 bathrooms, store room, laundry room. Views of mountains. great location. Urb. Torremuelle. (263)ghp ₏370,000 onf. 677280784 ---------------------------------------------ARROYO de la Miel. Private Urb. La Sirena. Fantastic 2 bed Townhouse, squared lounge with chimney, 2 large terraces, perfect estate. Sunny. Communal garden, pool & parking. Bargain at ₏103.000. (262)tnp 636829631 ---------------------------------------------ARROYO de la Miel centre. Fantastic fully reformed 3 bed apartment. Very large fully furnished kitchen. Second oor, no lift. Communal sunny top roof terrace. Great location, next to all amenities, shops, bars, restaurants. (262)tnp ₏120.000. 636829631


LARGE Luton van and man.â‚Ź20 per hour. Packing crates supplied. Kevin (273)pwp 628993995

S K Estates


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Tel: 952 816 582 EUROPE Term storage available from â‚Ź5 PM. Local and international removals. 952452099 / 952455623 (256)ghp / 647818147 ---------------------------------------------SAFE secure storage, transport available all areas. (250ghf 632263278 ---------------------------------------------15 CUBIC metre van. Returning to the UK 5th February. Space (271)ghp available. 639928090 ---------------------------------------------VAN LEAVING for Cheshire monthly. Part loads required. (268)pwp 697671661


SCOTT FORBES Property Care Established in the local business community for 10 years ‘Pop in’ checks on your property to ensure peace of mind in your absence. Discover leaks, electricity problems and breakages to prevent disasters before they strike! A great deterrent against break-ins.

Sco and his dedicated team of trustworthy people are at your disposal. Calls from only â‚Ź10 Call today to chat about how Sco can help you

MOSQUITO Screens. Call Mosquito Nick 647072861 (264)tnp ---------------------------------------------COIN WINDOWS We make aluminium windows, doors and mosquito screens, also supply and ďŹ t sun canopies, blinds, shower screens, etc. Spanish owned business. Call Lisa Marie (262)tnp 646066351

Call our classifieds help-line on 952 45 44 41 / 952 45 44 91

Replace your pool tiles without draining your pool. Or have the hull of you boat cleaned.

BRICOLAGE BETRAN KITCHEN MATERIAL. Kitchens, Bedrooms, MADE TO MEASURE Bathrooms. FURNITURE AND DOORS. BOARDS, MOLDING AND a vda. de andalucia 49, Reform All Trades alhaurin el grande t el / Fax: 952 595 288 mobile: 677 910 021

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MOBILE welder / handyman. Repairs / installation / fabrication. No job too small. 654851171 (268)ssp


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FABULOUS VIEWS CAN BE ENJOYED FROM THIS ELEVATED VILLA of 104m2 With two bedrooms and two en-suite bathrooms this is a light and airy villa with a modern kitchen. The lounge opens out onto a patio to enjoy meals and drinks while taking in the views. Close to town. Priced for quick sale at â‚Ź170,000. Call now for an appointment to view.

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652 665 410 TOLOX

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LONG TERM RENTALS. Super prices, no commissions. Apartments, townhouses, villas, ďŹ ncas, shops, oďŹƒces, warehouses, bars, restaurants. Coast and inland. (261tnp 679111522


Installation within 24 hours 1.3m dish WE COVER ALL AREAS 275â‚Ź From the coast to the campo



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for glazed terraces, patio doors, etc. & ITV legal car tinting 958 49 65 71 / 644 546 176

D.L.S. Fabrications - Welding Engineers • Security fencing for swimming pools, car parks and urbanisations. • Automatic gates, sliding or swing.

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Telesales OTE 60k+

Trainees and /or dynamic sales professionals required to work within fast paced environment. Successful candidate should be target driven and self motivated. Experience not essential as full training is provided. If you are 18+, confident and looking to start a career in sales, email your CV to:

Send us an email to

30 N Motors & Sports Page

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Car production EU takes legal action against Germany in Spain grew in Daimler refrigerant dispute by 9% in 2013 Spanish car production grew 9 percent to 2.16 million units last year as automakers including PSA/Peugeot-Citroen, Renault, Opel, Nissan and Seat benefited from increased demand. Output is expected to keep growing in 2014, the country's carmakers' association, Anfac, said on Thursday. The auto industry has benefited from new labour laws that helped attract foreign investment, a government-backed scheme in Spain and demand growth in markets such as the United States, Turkey and North Africa. However, while car manufacturing and

tourism are the main drivers of a tentative recovery from a five-year slump, the car industry's impact on job creation has remained limited. Close to six million Spaniards are out of work and high unemployment – currently at 26 percent – is expected to persist for years. Anfac said about 87 percent of the cars produced in the country were sold abroad, resulting in an automobile trade surplus of 15 billion euros ($20.4 billion) in the January-to-November period. Spain has 17 car plants producing 39 different models.

Tata Motors’ chief Karl Slym’s death plunge Karl Slym, managing director of India's Tata Motors, died on Sunday after falling from a hotel room in Bangkok. Mr Slym, was born in Derby, central England, and joined Tata Motors in 2012 after a 17-year stint at General Motors Co., he had gone to Bangkok to attend a board meeting of Tata Motors Thailand.

Thai police today said early findings indicate that Slym committed suicide. "We didn't find any sign of a struggle," Police Lieutenant Somyot Boonyakaew, who is heading the investigation, said. "We found a window open. The window was very small so it was not possible that he would have slipped. He would have had to climb through the window to fall out because he was a big man. From my initial investigation we believe he jumped," he said.

Slym, 51, was staying with his wife in a room on the 22nd floor of the Shangri-La hotel. He was hired in 2012 to revive

Tata's flagging sales and market share in India. "Karl was providing strong leadership at a challenging time for the Indian auto industry," Tata Motors Chairman Cyrus P. Mistry said in a statement.

Slym led Tata's operations in India and international markets including South Korea, Thailand and South Africa, but he did not look after the Jaguar and Land Rover luxury unit. Ralf Speth heads the bigger and more profitable Jaguar Land Rover, which Tata Motors bought from Ford Motor Co. in 2008 for more than $2 billion.

Before joining Tata Motors, Slym was executive vice president of SGMW Motors, China, a General Motors joint venture. Before that he had headed General Motors in India.

The European Commission has launched legal proceedings against Germany over Daimler's refusal to remove a banned refrigerant from new Mercedes-Benz cars. The EU executive's decision follows months of investigation by the Commission into the carmaker's refusal, backed by Berlin, to apply an EU

law banning an airconditioning refrigerant known as R134a. "We are opening a procedure against Germany. This is not a final decision by the Commission," EU industry commissioner Antonio Tajan said. Germany now has two months to respond, the Commission said in a

statement. A formal procedure for breach of EU rules is a multi-stage process which takes months. If an appeals process is unsuccessful the dispute ends up before the European Court of Justice, and could ultimately result in heavy fines. Around 130,000 Daimler cars would have to be withdrawn if the

Commission's view on the refrigerant prevails. The EU executive also threatened the UK, Belgium and Luxembourg with legal action, saying it suspected them of seeking to circumvent the refrigerant rules by approving new vehicles on the basis of older technical standards

On the Road Again Top Gear track added The first run of the New Year for SOL Classic Car Club members took them east of Malaga to the pretty resort of La Cala del Moral where they stopped for coffee and were joined by other members living in the area. Despite the heavy rain the day before the day turned out to be sunny and warm and the views were spectacular as the cars travelled through the mountainous scenery on a circular route which took in the high village of Olias after which they returned to La Cala del Moral for lunch. The Club held its AGM this month at which their Secretary, Carol Lindores was presented with the cup for Club Member of the Year in recognition of her sterling work. She is seen here hard at work signing in the participants

to Google Street View

for the January run.

SOL Classic Car Club celebrates its 10th birthday in 2014 and a varied programme of events is planned. Classic Car enthusiasts are welcome to join them. Club nights are normally held on the second Wednesday of each month. See for contact details.

Autosalon Coin

Simply repairs & servicing to all makes and models at unbeatable prices

609 709 466



16th of November to the 28th of February Before 09.00am or After 3.00pm

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Top Gear fans can follow in the tyre tracks of The Stig after the BBC show's test track was added to Google Street View. The location at Dunsfold Aerodrome, Surrey, has been the venue for star guests such as Benedict Cumberbatch and Damian Lewis to drive a lap for the programme.

Test driver The Stig – at the wheel of a MercedesBenz SLS AMG Black – accompanied the Google car as it did a circuit of the 2.82km track. Fans can find the track by typing Top Gear Test Track into Google Maps and dragging the orange figure to the track.


The commercial director for Top Gear at BBC Worldwide, Duncan Gray said: "From anywhere on the planet, Top Gear's millions of followers can now explore the official track from the show with some spectacular shots, thanks to Google Street View technology. We did have to tell The Stig to slow down a couple of times though!" Top Gear returns for a new series on February 2nd on BBC2.

ENGLISH MECHANICS WORKSHOP & MOBILE Prompt Reliable Service City & Guilds Qualified


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952 917 353 687 727 460 - 687 727 516

at the end of the Coin road Mijas Costa

the N ews

N 31

WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Sports & Motors Page



LIBERTY SEGUROS has been elected by AEGG (the Association of Directors and Managers of Clubs and Golf Courses) as the Insurer of preference for golf insurances.

The agreement ensuring that all of AEGG’s members are entitled to the best benefits when contracting a LIBERTY SEGUROS golf insurance, was signed by Manuel Lozano Pose, Manager of AEGG, and Francisco Javier Muñoz Postigo, Commercial Director for LIBERTY SEGUROS in Malaga. AEGG is a non profit organisation which looks to boost, develop and present the role of Golf Club director/management, making it the ideal organisation for LIBERTY SEGUROS to team up with in order to be able to grow in the field of specialist golf insurance.

As Manuel Lozano Pose, Manager of AEGG mentioned; “This agreement is very beneficial to the organisation: to be able to count on a partner such as Liberty Seguros is a

Barcelona 3 - 0 Malaga Malaga faced the always daunting task of a trip to Camp Nou to take on title contenders Barcelona on Sunday evening at 9pm. Having already seen Atletico and Real Madrid win, Barca knew that they needed the points to move back up to top spot. On the left, Manuel Lozano Pose, Manager of AEGG and on the right Francisco Javier Muñoz Postigo, Commercial Director of Liberty Seguros Málaga and Campo de Gibraltar

breakthrough as they will be able to offer us comprehensive cover, that can be adapted to our specific needs.”

The policy covers breakage and/or damage to equipment and clubs during the course of play, as well as cover against fire and theft as a result of intimidation or violence whilst being transported by the insured, whilst stored with the caddy-master or at the proshop. Perhaps even more importantly, it provides Personal Accident Cover for death, permanent disability and medical expenses resulting from accidental injury occurring at the Golf Course. Third Party

Liability is included up to 100.000 € which also covers accidents whilst playing abroad, provided that liability would have applied to the insured had the same accident occurred in Spain.

Ask your LIBERTY SEGUROS broker about these competitively priced golf policies and ensure you tee off with absolute peace of mind, whilst at any officially recognised club ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD! Go to to find the nearest broker that speaks your language!

Wayne’s Weekly Poker Tips Playing Aggressive

Playing heads up poker aggressively is the number one way to win. Inexperienced players get bulldozed by more experienced and aggressive players. It is always important to make your opponents pay to see every flop. Don't let them limp in on small blind. If you let this happen, you will be letting your opponent catch cards, which will make you lose more hands. Many heads up poker experts will say that they hardly use their cards as a basis on what plays they make. If you can tell that your opponent is weak, you should be able to take advantage of it.

Bluffing Your Opponents during Heads-up play

Bluffing is much easier when playing poker heads up. You can trick your opponent into thinking you have a good hand, and that

his or her marginal hand is suddenly not worth playing. It is often necessary to read your opponent and know what draw they are on. If you suspect them of having trips, and there is a possible flush showing on the board, go ahead and try to bluff them out. Usually they won’t call because they think you have the flush. Just make sure to place the right sized bet. Remember that bluffing is dangerous, and you never know when your opponent is going to re-raise you all in and turn over the nuts. Ouch!

Calculating Outs and Odds in Heads-up Poker

Getting your head wrapped around the concept of outs and odds is crucial for any heads-up Texas holdem player. When going for a hand, the outs are the remaining cards in the deck that will complete your hand. If you are one card away from having a flush, meaning

you have two (clubs) in your hand and there are two (clubs) on the board, then you have nine outs. This is calculated by taking the total number of clubs, which is 13, and subtracting the number of clubs showing, which is four. But what does all of this mean? Take a look at Poker Stove, a free online poker odds calculator. It shows that nine outs has about 35% after the flop and 20% after the turn. This is about 3:1 and 5:1 respectively.

Pot Odds

The pot odds are simply the ratio of the current bet and the size of the pot. A 40€ pot and a 10€ bet would be 4:1 pot odds. As a rule of thumb you want to make sure your hand odds are better than your pot odds in order to call a bet. I will go into more detail on this in a future article.

If you have any questions regarding poker email

Malaga were forced into some changes through injuries with new signing Pablo Perez and Flavio starting. Roque Santa Cruz was also given a start up front by Malaga manager Bernd Schuster – to offer Malaga some much needed firepower if they were to get anything from the game. It wasn't long before Barca got into their stride and after just 5 minutes Alexis Sanchez hit the post from a shot outside the box. A minute later Messi won a free kick and Willy Caballero was called into action to make the save. Malaga's first chance came just a few minutes later

with Duda having a free kick saved by Victor Valdes. Barca continued to dominate though with Messi hitting a shot just past the post and Pedro forcing another great save by Caballero. After just 23 minutes an injured Santa Cruz was replaced by Pawlowski, a player that had somewhat been kept in the wilderness by the Malaga manager. The Polish youngster didn't take long to make an impact having a chance saved by Valdes on the half hour.

All of Malaga's hard work came undone when 6 minutes before the break a corner fell to defender Pique who buried the ball into the net for his second goal in two weeks. Barca's dominance continued after the break with Fabregas and Alexis having chances saved, and Pique seeing his header come off the post. But 10 minutes into the second half, Barca were two up. Pedro found himself in

Barca’s Busquets & Darder of Malaga battle for the ball

some space and curled a low shot into the net. Duda tried a long range volley in reply and Victor Valdes comfortably collected the ball. But it was game over after 61 minutes when Messi found Pedro who slotted the ball behind Willy Caballero.

Malaga now find themselves only two points above the relegation places in 16th place with a home game to Andalucian rivals Sevilla, who are pushing for a European place, on Saturday at 10pm. Report by Danielle Moss

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WEDNESDAY, January 29th 2014

Sports & Motors

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Sports Flash


Messages of support at Jerez testing

Sergio Garcia wins in Qatar One year after he was denied the chance to win the Qatar Masters in dramatic circumstances, Sergio Garcia finally got to lift the trophy on Saturday.

Garcia defeated Finland’s Mikko Ilonen on the third hole of a sudden-death play-off to make up for missing out 12 months ago, when England’s Chris Wood made an eagle on the 72nd hole to beat Garcia and George Coetzee by a shot. A superb final round of 65 saw Garcia set the

Today marks one month since Michael Schumacher's skiing accident. The German seventime world champion remains in a critical but stable condition in a medically-induced coma. And on the first day of testing at Jerez Ferrari have displayed the message #ForzaMichael on their car, while Mercedes sent a message of support for their stricken former driver when they began their pre-season testing in Jerez yesterday, with their car running the message #KeepFightingMichael.

SPORTING Nascar boss declares interest in new F1 team SPOTLIGHT FORMULA 1

Gene Haas, a key figure in Nascar racing, has expressed an interest in creating a new Formula 1 team. clubhouse target of 16 under par, but the Spaniard crucially missed from eight feet for a birdie on the last and then looked on as Ilonen birdied the 16th and 18th to complete a 66 to force the tournament into a play-off. The players returned to the 18th for the play-off and both hit the green on the par five in two, Ilonen missing his eagle attempt from 25 feet before Garcia did likewise from half the distance. A second visit to the 18th failed to identify a

winner, Ilonen missing an eagle attempt from 25 feet after Garcia had got up and down from a greenside bunker. However, the third extra hole proved decisive as Ilonen found the same bunker and was unable to rescue a birdie, leaving Garcia a tap-in to secure an 11th European Tour title after his long eagle putt had narrowly missed. “It feels good,” said Garcia, who moved from 11th to inside the world’s top 10 when the rankings were updated on Monday.

Kobayashi returns to Formula 1

Gene Haas left with Tony Stewart The co-owner of the Stewart-Haas Racing team has responded the FIA's call for expression to a recent call for potential of interest regarding a new teams to come forward. Formula 1 entry on behalf of He is working on the project Haas Racing Development", with Guenther Steiner, a statement read. "We previously technical director respect the FIA's evaluation at Red Bull and Jaguar. process and will share more details in the coming "We have responded to weeks."

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Australia's Simon Gerrans beat Cadel Evans by one second to win a record third Tour Down Under in Adelaide.

He said: "This is an Australian team, on Australia Day, in a World

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Germany's Andre Greipel won the sixth stage while Britain's Geraint Thomas was eighth in the overall standings.


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Steven Gerrard donates £96,000 Steven Gerrard donated £96,000 to the Hillsborough Family Support Group ahead of yesterday’s Merseyside derby. The group, along with the Hillsborough Justice Campaign, has been leading the fight to discover what happened at the 1989 FA Cup semi-final which led to 96 Liverpool fans losing their lives. The Liverpool captain's cousin Jon-Paul Gilhooley, 10, died at Hillsborough. Gerrard said it was something he had "wanted to do for a while" but "wanted to get the timing right". "It's to send a message of togetherness out as well," he added.

Australia's Simon Gerrans wins in Adelaide

Gerrans, who took the race lead on the penultimate stage, finished alongside compatriot Evans after a bunch sprint on the final stage to wrap up victory.

Caterham have signed Kamui Kobayashi and Marcus Ericsson as the team's race drivers for the 2014 Formula 1 season. Japanese driver Kobayashi returns to the grid having been forced to sit out 2013 after losing his Sauber drive, while Swede Ericsson steps up from GP2. Kobayashi said: "I'm very happy to be back in F1. This opportunity is very important. Hopefully we can enjoy a good season." The Leafield-based team announcement completes the line-up for this season.

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