The news newspaper issue 230

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Wednesday, June 12th 2013 Issue 230

EU wants clarity on US data snooping

The EU has announced it will demand assurances that Europeans are not having their rights infringed FULLY LICENSED PAWNBROKER by a massive surveillance programme run by the US. FULLY LICENSED GOLD DEALER

Health Commissioner Tonio Borg said the EU wanted a "clear commitment" from the US to respect data-protection rights.

Last week a series of leaks by a former CIA worker led to claims the US had a vast surveillance network with much less oversight than previously thought. The US insists its snooping is legal under domestic law. Officials said the snooping programme known as Prism, revealed in last

week's leaks, is authorised under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (Fisa). It gives the US National Security Agency (NSA) the power to obtain emails and phone records relating to non-US nationals, but details about the individuals targeted under the act remain secret, and there are concerns the NSA is overstepping its powers.

Documents leaked to the Washington Post and Guardian newspapers claimed the US authorities

had direct access to the servers of major US technology firms such as Apple and Google.

The Obama administration is investigating whether the disclosures by former CIA worker Edward Snowden constituted a criminal offence. Mr Snowden told the Guardian that individual operatives had the power to tap into anyone's emails at any time. In the US, the controversy has focused on the possibility that

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conversations of US citizens may inadvertently be captured. But overseas, governments and activists point out that US law provides foreigners with no protection. EU Justice

Commissioner Viviane Reding said she would raise concerns in a meeting with US Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


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02 N General News

Myth and Tradition

Now on at the Carmen Thyssen museum in central Malaga is a temporary exhibition of works by celebrated fin-de-siecle Cordoba artist Julio Romero de Torres. Museo Carmen Thyssen open daily from 10am to 8pm ) closed Mondays).


I was going down to the coast the other day and it occurred to me how bonkers some of the road speed limits are here. On one particular stretch, and within about 100 yards the limit went from 70 down to 50 then back up to 60. I can understand that, if there’s some kind of a hazard this might be sensible but this was a perfectly straight bit of road with nothing on either side other than fields, and the road was raised so you could see perfectly. True there could have been an eagle land right in front of you or a worm crossing the road but, other than that if there had been anything else around you’d have seen it coming ages before it got anywhere near you. Most of the time I get the speed limits. They seem pretty sensible and get you round corners comfortably but, now and again it seems as my neighbour says that it “has gone horribly Spanish”. Last Thursday was my birthday and we were travelling to the UK for a break so, after delivering the papers on Wednesday evening we went to The

Party by the pool

Songs for Summer Join The Celebration Singers and members of Harmony Magic to celebrate the arrival of summer in song.

Entertainment by Arran Harding of Tres Divos. Tickets are 35 euros. See page 18 of Out & About for details.

EU wants clarity on US data snooping


Olive Tree for one of the steak special dinners and, for dessert I was given a piece of hot chocolate cake with a candle in it. Absolutely made my day so, thanks Tina! Then on Thursday morning it was off to the airport for the trip to Gatwick, picking up the car from Victoria Car Hire then down to Bournemouth to my friend Janine’s to do loads of stuff which I’ll tell you about next week. I think I need another holiday to get over this one! The weather in the UK was cold and windy in the mornings then gloriously warm in the afternoons.

Meanwhile, the whereabouts of Mr Snowden are unknown – he was believed to be in hiding after reportedly checking out of a Hong Kong hotel on Monday. Senator Dianne Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate intelligence committee, said US authorities were "aggressively" pursuing him. The California Democrat also accused the 29-year-old of "an act of treason". The top Republican in the US House of Representatives, Speaker John Boehner, labelled Mr Snowden a "traitor". US officials admitted the existence of Prism after the Washington Post


and Guardian published slides from an apparently internal NSA presentation emblazoned with a Prism logo marked "top secret".

The first of the leaks came out when the Guardian reported phone company Verizon had been ordered to hand over the details of millions of calls. The US surveillance programme has been the subject of controversy for years. After the attacks on the US on 11th September 2001, the government began pushing for wider wiretap powers than those authorised under Fisa. US President Barack Obama has characterised the surveillance as a

"modest encroachment" on privacy, needed to keep



the US terrorism.



The Coin News Group S.L. Post: Spanbox B300, La Trocha CC, 29100 Coin (Malaga)


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Executive Editor: Kym Wickham Advertising manager: Geoff Heading Advertising sales: Susan Kerrigan Accounts: COHESA

Contributors / Colaboradores: Martin Delfín - Cathy Stronach Pete Woodall - Andrea Maclean Mike Kerrigan - Muriel Pilkington Ken Campbell - Anne Tyler - Valerie Mitchell - Abigail Tyler - Jean Joss Scott Forbes - VIc Gardner

The News is a free and independent newspaper distributed weekly and edited by The Coin News Group S.L.

The News is independent of political parties, private interests and/or government. Our policy is to provide readers with a news and information service that is fair, accurate and balanced. The Coin News Group S.L. accepts no responsibility for the claims or content of any letter, editorial, article, advertorial or advertisement. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced in part or whole without written permission from the publishers. The News Media Group Deposito Legal: GR 2794-2008



One night only, Sunday 16th June at 6 pm in the Cemetery Chapel, Alhaurin el Grande. See page 16.

Continued from FRONT PAGE


By Kym Wickham

The annual Conservatives Abroad Grand Summer Ball will be held on Friday 21st June at the Tamisa Golf Hotel, on the terrace by the pool.



Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in




WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013









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National News N 03

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme


National News Recommendations for pensions

A group of experts commissioned by the government to design a plan for the sustainability of the state pension system have come up with a two-fold mechanism to increase savings within the nation’s Social Security system.

Socialist government in 2011 and provided for the gradual increase of the retirement age to 67 by 2027. The working group then recommended that retirement at 67 should be kept after that date.

First, the current pension system should not be linked to inflation, instead it should base periodic hikes on the actual health of the economy.

The government now has to obtain the agreement of the other political parties before a law can be drafted for presentation to the European Commission by September – the deadline to which the Rajoy government has committed itself.

At the same time, the committee recommends that pensions for newly retired citizens should be based in future on their life expectancy at the time they retire. The last reform of the pension system was passed by the

Ajax, a Guardia Civil sniffer dog, was decorated on Tuesday by the UK's People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) for detecting an explosive device in Palma de Mallorca in 2009. He is the first dog in Spain and the second one outside the UK to receive the award, which has only been granted to 21 dogs. On July 30th, 2009, two Guardia Civil were killed by a car bomb planted by the Basque terrorist group ETA near their barracks


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Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment in South Africa

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04 N National News

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Civil war monument to be pulled down

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Less than two years after a monument was erected in the gardens of the Complutense University in Madrid to the 35,000 volunteers who joined the International Brigades to fight Franco during the Spanish civil war, a court has ordered that it be pulled down.

The monument to volunteers from 53 countries, which was paid for by public subscription and placed on the spot where many of them died defending Madrid, had angered some right wingers. Lawyer Miguel García took up their cause, arguing that the university had broken planning laws and the monument should be removed. It bears the words of Dolores Ibárruri, the

communist firebrand known as La Pasionaria: "You are history; you are legend; you are an heroic example of solidarity and of the universality of democracy." Supporters of the brigades have written to the British ambassador in Madrid, Giles Paxman, to ask him to intervene. Jim Jump, secretary of the London-based International Brigade Memorial Trust, said: "Although the court's decision was taken on

technical grounds, the original complaint was lodged by a lawyer with known far-right connections."

García wrote in his original writ there was "nothing to celebrate, and especially not in a public space devoted to education," adding that the International Brigades were "created and managed by Stalin, the most genocidal leader in history".

Former minister investigated for graft

The Supreme Court has asked Parliament to set aside the immunity of Socialist MP José Blanco so that it can prosecute him on charges of influence-peddling committed when he was the public works minister in Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's government.

The court has been investigating Blanco, who was the Socialist government’s chief

spokesman in 2011, on allegations that he helped a Galician pharmaceutical businessman, Jorge Dorribo, obtain permits for his businesses in exchange for at least €290,000.

The court also alleges that Blanco helped businessman José Antonio Orozco, to obtain a warehouse license. Blanco, who has denied the accusations, said in March he would step down

from his parliamentary seat if probable cause was found against him and a trial date set.

At a news conference on Monday, when asked whether he still backed Blanco, Socialist Party leader Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba curtly replied "yes". "I have nothing new to add," he said. Several weeks ago, he told reporters he would put his hand in the fire for Blanco.

MPs to give up cutprice drinks

MPs have agreed to take subsidised alcoholic drinks off the menu in Parliament's cafeterias in response to objections from a public afflicted by unemployment and an economic crisis.

Fixed low prices had meant MPs could enjoy a gin and tonic for €3.45 – about half the price in regular bars. The issue arose when Parliament began to take bids from

catering companies to run the cafeterias that had to guarantee services which included a €9 lunch menu and cheap gin and tonics. Members of the public were quick to point out that "there's no money for school lunches, but there is for gin".

Polls show that politicians have a disapproval rating of 93 per cent. But as several politicians from different

parties pointed out, they only make up one per cent of the cafeterias' customers.

The rest are secretaries, security men and people who provide other services in the parliamentary complex. They will all continue to enjoy the other fixed prices – including 95 cents for a glass of beer, compared to €1.5-€2 in a bar.


News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

Costa Brava town says goodbye to Tom Sharpe

Catalan officials offered their condolences last week over the death at the age 85 of Tom Sharpe – the British satirical novelist and author of the Wilt series – who had been living in the region for over 15 years. The first deputy mayor of Palafrugell, Albert Gómez, held a joint press conference with the writer’s widow, Nancy Sharpe, his doctor, and the director of the Hotel Llevant, where he had spent four long spells before buying his home in Llafranc.

Nancy Sharpe, a US citizen, said Llafrance had been very good for him – "he loved the light, the Mediterranean and the sun”. The manager of the hotel, Carme Farrarons, said Sharpe first stayed at her establishment in the early 1990s in the company of his agent. Llafranc was “love at first sight,” she said. His physician, Montserrat Verdaguer, said that Sharpe died “calmly” and revealed that he had been working on an

autobiography. Sharpe nearly died of peritonitis in 2006, but he survived and dedicated his next novel, The Gropes, to the Catalan team of doctors who treated him. He also publicly described the Catalan health system as “marvellous” and said that had he been treated in England, “I might be dead right now.”

Palafrugell mayor Juli Fernandez said: “He was a great champion of human rights and equality.” He added that Llafranc will now name a street or square after him, if his family so wishes. Thomas Ridley Sharpe was born in London on March 30th, 1928. His father, a Unitarian clergyman, was sympathetic to the Nazi regime in the 1930s. "I think he must have gone dotty," the author – who rejected his father's politics – would later remark. Sharpe did his national service in the Marines from 1946 to 1948

before reading history at Pembroke College in Cambridge. He went to South Africa in 1951 where he did social work in Johannesburg before teaching in Natal. A vocal critic of the Apartheid regime, he was arrested and deported in 1961 after a play he wrote attacking it was staged in London.

From 1963 to 1972, Sharpe worked as a lecturer in history at the Cambridge College of Arts and Technology – experience he would draw on when he came to write Wilt. A film version of that novel, starring comedy duo Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones, was produced in 1989 but was not well

received. Sharpe's first novel – Riotous Assembly, a satire of Apartheid set in a fictional South African town – was published in 1971 when he was 43 and spawned a sequel, Indecent Exposure, two years later. From that point on he produced a book every year, using one of the 17 typewriters he kept around his Cambridgeshire house. In 1971 he married Nancy, and they had three daughters. From the 1990s onwards, the author divided his time between England and Llafranc. He told the Daily Express in 2010: "I love England but I don't like the English. I can´t bear the Brit culture. the hooliganism.”




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National News N 05

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013



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First case of rabies since 1975

a pitbull that attacked four children and an adult in argés, Toledo province, on monday was found to have rabies, in the first recorded case of the disease in Spain since an outbreak in málaga in 1975. according to the animal’s vaccination record, it had received a jab in december before being taken to morocco, where it remained for four months. its owner, who was arrested on charges of criminal negligence resulting in injury, changed the animal’s vaccination history several times, the police said. The Castilla-La mancha regional government has ordered the compulsory vaccination of dogs, cats and ferrets within a 20-kilometre radius of argés.


Drunk teens' parents may be fined

The government is studying a proposal to fine the parents of drunken teenagers who are treated more than once in hospital emergency wards in the latest measure to clamp down on underage drinking. When he unveiled the proposal, Francisco Babin, the government delegate for the National drugs Plan (PNd), said: "Tolerating or assisting by inaction the repeated excessive consumption of alcohol is a form of child abuse because it affects their future abilities." He added: "We must not forget that alcohol kills brain cells." The number of underage drinkers treated in hospital casualty departments across Spain has more than doubled in ten years, according to a recent report being studied by the Health ministry. Half of Spain's 17 regions have already banned the "botellon" – when large groups of young people gather in parks or plazas to share cheap shop-bought alcoholic drinks and socialise through the night.

06 N World News

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

World News Mandela's condition serious but stable As former President Nelson Mandela battled a recurrent lung infection, many of his compatriots began to prepare themselves for a world without their internationally revered 94year-old leader. On Monday his family began to gather at his bedside. Visitors included Mr Mandela's ex-wife, Winnie MadikizelaMandela. The leader's eldest daughter, Zenani Mandela-Dlamini, has returned to South Africa from Argentina, where she is the ambassador. His wife, Graca Machel,

cancelled a scheduled appearance in London on Saturday to remain at her husband's bedside. In a statement, the government said: "President Jacob Zuma reiterates his call for South Africa to pray for Madiba and the family during this time." Madiba is Mr Mandela's clan name. The foundation led by retired Archbishop Desmond Tutu also issued a statement describing Mr Mandela as an "extraordinary gift". "As the beloved father of our nation, Nelson Mandela once again endures the ravages of

time in hospital," the foundation said. "Our prayers are for his comfort and his dignity." Mr Mandela has been in intensive care since he was admitted to hospital on Saturday, for the third time this year. In December, he spent 18 days undergoing treatment for a lung infection and gallstones. Nelson Mandela served as president from 1994 to 1999. He was previously imprisoned for 27 years, and is believed to have suffered damaged lungs while working in a prison quarry. He contracted

tuberculosis in the 1980s while being held in jail on Robben Island. He retired from public life in 2004 and has been rarely seen in public since.

Riot police storm Thousands flee Istanbul square flood-hit areas

Turkish riot police moved into Istanbul's Taksim Square – which has been occupied by antigovernment protesters for close to two weeks – early on Tuesday morning, firing tear gas and rubber bullets. Many protesters fled from the square into adjoining Gezi Park, where others have been camping. Some activists responded by hurling fireworks, fire bombs and stones at police. The unrest began after police moved to suppress environmental protests over the redevelopment of Gezi Park on May 31st.

The protests then widened, with demonstrators accusing Mr Erdogan's government of becoming increasingly authoritarian and trying to impose conservative Islamic values on a secular state. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed to meet the protest organisers on Wednesday. Istanbul Governor Huseyin Avni Mutlu said the police had no intention of breaking up the protest in Gezi Park. Three people have died and more than 5,000 have been injured since the protests began.

Some 23,000 people were forced to leave their homes in the east German city of Magdeburg after a dam burst on the flood-swollen River Elbe. Although water levels in Magdeburg were reported to be receding on Monday, the city and areas of the country further north remain on high alert. In Hungary, 1,200 people had to leave their homes but flood defences in the capital Budapest appeared to have held. At least 19 people have died in the floods in Central Europe. Meanwhile, parts

of Poland's capital Warsaw were flooded on Sunday after hours of heavy rain. The authorities in Germany are investigating an anonymous letter threatening attacks on several dams. A spokesman said the motive behind the threats is not known, but the threat is being taken seriously. Analysts say the damage will cost billions of euros to clean up. Chancellor Angela Merkel is planning a crisis meeting with leaders of Germany's regions on how to share the bill.

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Interior minister miguel rodriguez announced on monday that nine colombian right-wing paramilitaries who were plotting to assassinate President nicolas maduro have been arrested. In may, maduro accused colombian politicians, led by former President Alvaro Uribe, of plotting to kill him. Uribe, a critic of defunct president Hugo chavez, dismissed the accusations. rodriguez told journalists that weapons, ammunition and fake uniforms of the venezuelan army were seized from the alleged plotters. He said another group of colombians, who are also part of the plot, has probably managed to get to caracas and were being tracked down by the intelligence services. FrAnce

Europe braced for air traffic strike Air-traffic controllers in France began a three-day strike on Tuesday to protest against eU plans to create a single european airspace. They said the Single european Sky (SeS) project will affect public safety and their working conditions. Strikes and walkouts are expected to spread across europe on Wednesday. The european commission, which drafts eU laws, estimates that inefficiencies in the way europe's air traffic is managed add 42 km to the average flight. It wants to centralise air-traffic controls, rather than leave each member state to monitor its own skies. The commission says this could triple the region's airspace capacity, cut costs and reduce delays. GermAny

Bank clerk's billion-euro ‘sleep error’

A labour court has ruled that a bank supervisor was unfairly sacked for missing a multi-million-euro error by a colleague who fell asleep during a financial transaction in April last year. The clerk was transferring €64.20 when he dozed off with his finger on the keyboard, resulting in a transfer of €222,222,222.22. His supervisor was fired for allegedly failing to check the transaction. But the court heard that she had checked 812 documents for mistakes that day, with most taking just over a second of scrutiny. The judges ruled that there had been no malicious intent on her behalf, and that she should have received a warning. They ordered the bank to reinstate the supervisor, saying her work contract could not be terminated.

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Ann Frank received her diary as a birthday present

Colombians arrested over assassination plot

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News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

N 07

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013


08 N UK News

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

UK News

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

His statement on BBC television follows claims that a controversial US internet monitoring programme is being shared by Britain’s GCHQ.

Mr Hague said the idea that GCHQ operatives were working out how to circumvent UK law with another agency from another country was fanciful. “It is nonsense,” he said.

This page written by Vic Gardner

But while the Foreign Secretary declined to comment on suggestions he had personally

When do you last recall prices in the shops actually falling right across a range of products?

Well, shop prices across the UK fell slightly in May when compared with a year ago, according to the British Retail Consortium. It is believed retailers

authorised engagement with the US Prism programme, he said checks in place in Britain were strong.

Defending intelligence activity, Mr Hague said: “You will never be aware of all these things that these agencies are doing to stop your identity being stolen or to stop a terrorist blowing you up tomorrow.”

Britain’s Guardian newspaper has revealed that an American intelligence worker had leaked details of the Prism data programme before hiding out in Hong Kong. The programme is said to provide access to the systems of nine of the world’s biggest internet companies, including Google and Microsoft.


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Keep up with the news from home while living or taking a holiday here in Spain

Britain defends spooks Shop prices fall who monitor internet slightly in Britain British Foreign Secretary William Hague has insisted that the lawabiding British public has nothing to fear from the work of intelligence agencies that monitor the internet.

dropped prices after wet and cold weather hit the spring sales.

Retailers are upbeat about prospects for the next three months with lower commodity prices feeding through and food inflation slowing.




Officer handcuffs himself to pump

There were more than a few smiles when it was revealed that a Police Community Support Officer in West Yorkshire accidentally handcuffed himself to a petrol pump while filling up a police van with petrol.

Sir Mervyn’s farewell to Bank of England Outgoing Governor of the Bank of England Sir Mervyn King has said that there are good reasons to suppose that a gentle recovery is underway in Britain and he has welcomed his successor, Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney, describing him as “safe hands”.

Sir Mervyn has been critical of the banking industry in Britain, but when Mr Carney starts next month the Bank of England will have a new role as it takes over responsibility for regulating Britain’s banks.

It took the officer several minutes to unlock himself. British Transport Police refused to identify the officer but urged other officers to make sure they stowed their equipment away correctly.

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theNews Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

G8 riots cause police standoff in Soho

A strong police presence, including riot vans, was deployed in London yesterday amid demonstrations ahead of the G8 conference. More than 100 officers were in a standoff at a reported squat in Beak Street, Soho occupied by anti-G8 protesters. The group StopG8 had planned a "Carnival Against Capitalism" ahead of the summit of world leaders in Northern Ireland next week.

At press time some scuffles had broken out between the police and protesters, and it was reported that six people had been arrested.

Police liaison officers have told people occupying the building in Beak Street that they will be

removed and searched. They will then be held while the building itself is searched.

Businesses including hedge funds and banks in central London are understood to have warned staff to take precautions after similar protests in recent years led to violent clashes with police. Ed McClaran tweeted: "Big G8 protest outside our offices today. People chaining themselves to railings. Why they are in the West End and not the City, I don't know." The




Protester wriggles out of policemans grip

world's eight wealthiest countries, including Russian president Vladimir Putin and German chancellor Angela

Merkel, are due to meet at the luxury Lough Erne resort in County Fermanagh for the twoday conference next week.

Bomber raised from Channel The RAF Museum says it is "absolutely delighted" that the fragile aircraft wreckage has been successfully raised from the English Channel.

It is the last surviving World War Two German Dornier 17 and was shot down on August 26th, 1940.

Recent poor weather and technical problems had hampered previous attempts to raise the wreckage, but divers were able to exploit a window of calm weather on Monday.

Gay marriage divides Tories

Gay marriage will be made legal in Britain following the backing of the House of Lords, but it is an issue that has badly split the Conservative Party, over half its MPs opposing the move in the House of Commons.

There will, however, be changes to the legislation to offer churches further protection should they refuse to conduct samesex ceremonies.

UK News N 09

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

A few fragments of the fragile plane dropped off as it was being recovered. But the museum, which has run the project, said divers will recover them in the next few days and they will added to the main body of the aircraft.

The plane is an unimpressive, rusty, seaweed-clad shell at the moment, but experts at the Sir Michael Beetham Conservation Centre in Shropshire will be tasked with restoring it to its former glory.

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‘EU important to us’ British Prime Minister David Cameron has decided to risk stirring up a hornets’ nest in his own ranks by making membership of the European Union a key part of his vision for

Britain’s future ahead of the G8 conference in Northern Ireland. He stresses the importance of being at the “top table” and says that membership is in the national interest.

10 N Local News

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Local News



New Amsterdam was renamed New York by English forces

Antequera by the Homeopathic powder light of the moon mistaken for heroin The town's guided nocturnal visits begin on Friday, June 14th, and the local authorities expect to receive between 5,000 and 10,000 visitors by September 16th.

Mayor Manuel Baron presented the programme to the press accompanied by Provincial tourism delegate Jacobo Florido, the manager of the Costa del Sol Tourism Office, Arturo Bernal, and Antequera councillor Belen Jimenez, who is in charge of tourism matters. The programme has been designed to show that Antequera and other inland areas are the perfect complement to the


Costa del Sol. Visitors will get to know the church and the Alcazaba as well as the dolmens the area is famous for, and one of the main highlights will be a dinner-show telling the story of Andalucia in Spanish, French, English and Russian. Visitors to the area can also go kayaking, hiking, cycling and explore caves. The visits to the dolmens will be held on July 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th from 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm, free of charge. The dinner-show will be held on June 22nd, July 27th, August 17th and September 14th at the El Hechidero restaurant and costs €50. Reservations

can be made on 952 71 22 06/07/08. At La Alcazaba visitors will find themselves back in the year 1400 being received by the governor, AlKarmen and given a magical tour by flaming torches that lasts two hours and costs €15 for adults and €7 for children.



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cabinet. Gabriela explained that the white powder was a homeopathic treatment for idiopathic myelitis, which makes walking difficult. But the police insisted on carrying out a “narcotest”. “If it turns red, it’s cocaine; blue means heroin,” an officer told them.

The small sample of powder gradually took on a bluish hue. “Heroin,” the officers said. Gabriela took a spoonful of the powder in water every morning and Fernando asked the police to take a sample of her blood, but they never did. The cornerstone of the prosecution’s case was that the substance had been imported from Uruguay when it is readily available in Spain. Thus the police deduced it was heroin. Gabriela and Fernando were charged and bailed. Their passports were confiscated, meaning they

could not go on a planned trip to Uruguay. The press ran the story about “220 grams of heroin” being intercepted in Motril. Fernando’s family in Catalonia believed the reports and stopped talking to the couple, who were eventually on bail for a total of three months while the sample awaited analysis at the police labs in Málaga.

When the sample finally reached Málaga, it took less than a week to confirm that there was no trace of narcotic in the powder. Gabriela met the police chief who had led the operation during a courtroom visit to retrieve her jars of power.She asked him if it had never occurred to him to apologise. He replied: “That’s what you get for getting medicine sent from Uruguay.” The couple are now trying to get their police records expunged.

Record number of flamingos Thanks to a very wet March, there are an estimated 22,000 pairs of flamingos nesting on the Fuente de Piedra lagoon just north of Antequera, 1,500 pairs more than in 2011.

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The police had been following the couple for over a week and believed that the package in Motril was the final piece of evidence. They were escorted to their house, where a jar of the same substance contained in the package sat in a bathroom




The trouble began on July 10th, 2010, when Gabriela González, 45, and her husband Fernando, a mechanic, left their home at dawn to travel to the post office in Motril, five kilometres away, to collect a package her brother had sent from Uruguay. An attendant asked for their IDs and disappeared into an office. When she returned she motioned to two plain clothes policemen who had been standing behind Gabriela, who was handcuffed. Gabriela was told she was under arrest for drug trafficking. Fernando had also been detained outside.

Last year, the lagoon

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was dry and the flamingos had to lay their eggs elsewhere. So far, 14,000 chicks have been born, with more on the way.

The Provincial government's environment delegate, Jose Luis Ruiz Espejo said they would probably be ringed in August. He said the lagoon was one of the most important in Europe and its flamingo colony was the most important in the Mediterranean.


News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

'Isabel' series filmed in Granada’s Alhambra

Michelle Jenner and Rodolfo Sancho were received like royalty in Granada on Monday, which is actually what they are on the TV screen. Jenner plays Isabel la Catolica and Sancho plays her husband, Fernando of Aragon, in the series 'Isabel' which has been a huge success for state television TVE1. The first thing they and the rest of the cast did on arrival was to lay wreathes on the tombs of the original Catholic Monarchs in Granada Cathedral. They were then given a guided tour by Royal chaplain Manuel Reyes before Mayor Jose Torres Hurtado appointed the two stars and director Ignacio Corrales the city's Honorary Ambassadors.

Mayor Torres wished them successful filming and thanked them for their contribution to the city's economy (some 100 locals were employed as extras), its prestige and imparting knowledge about culture. Jauma Banacolocha, the director of Diagonal TV which is making the series for

TVE1, said it was a privilege to be able to film in the location where history occurred, "which happens very rarely".

Filming took place in the Alhambra on Tuesday and Wednesday, the first time a film crew had worked inside the monument in 25 years. Most of the magnificent Moorish Palace is off limits to visitors to prevent its further deterioration.

culprit was caught by the CCTV camera outside the Consulate.

Sr Ponce handed the tapes over to the National Police who seemed unable to catch up with the man. So the consul decided to

Temperatures have been rising slowing since the middle of last week but the weather men warn we are in for a sizzling weekend throughout Andalucia, with the hottest spots being Jaen, Cordoba and Sevilla,

where the thermometer will easily hit 36 degrees.

Malaga will be slightly cooler, at a forecast 31 degrees.

And it won't be getting any cooler in the near future.

Send your stories or pictures to The News

coSta del Sol

Toll prices up

until the end of September, motorists will have to pay more to use the (aP-7) toll road between fuengirola and Guadiaro in cadiz province – €15.4, or €5.95 more than in the winter. the most expensive stretch will be between fuengirola and Marbella –– €7.30 – followed by the stretch between Marbella and estepona – €4.95. the final stretch to Guadiaro costs €3.30. the rise has been caused mainly by the fact that the Public Works Ministry has reduced its subsidies for the toll roads and the hike in iVa (Vat). last year, traffic on the toll road dropped by between two and six per cent a month. in the current economic climate, the drop is expected to continue.

the Junta de andalucia's Health department has launched a campaign aimed at increasing bone marrow donors, from the 2,300 registered last year to 4,500. Bone marrow transplants are the only alternative treatment for some cases of leukaemia, certain tumours and blood diseases, but only 30 per cent of the patients who need a transplant can find a match among their relatives. their only hope is to register with the international bone marrow network, redmo, which has 20 million people registered already. Since the Junta launched the campaign earlier this year, 2,524 new donors have registered. a Junta spokesman said that if this rate continues, the region should be able to supply all the patients in need of a bone marrow transplant by the end of the year.


Migrant arrives between ferry propellers

the National Police discovered a man from algeria who was trying to enter the country lodged between the outer casing of the propellers on the ferry from tangier. the 48-year-old man planned to jump into the sea before the ferry docked and swim ashore further down the coast to avoid police controls but his nerve failed him at the last minute. the tarifa police have arrested 61 people so far this year who hid on boats in the hope of slipping into the country unseen. they said the algerian had chosen one of the most dangerous ways of trying to achieve that aim.

empire ever known to that date, which made Spain the most powerful nation on earth for the next two centuries.

start his own investigation, taking images from the tape around the local shops and bars.

So far neither he nor the police have nabbed the culprit but Sr Ponce refuses to give up hope.

Getting hotter As usual, the weather has gone from cool Spring to blazing Summer.


Got a story? Got pictures?

Campaign to increase bone marrow donations

Ecuadorian diplomat turns detective The consul for Ecuador in Malaga is trying to find out who keeps gouging his car's paintwork. Every time Marco Ponce parked his car in the place reserved for the Consulate, someone would scratch it savagely with a sharp instrument. The



The Moors invaded the Iberian peninsula in 711 and reached the Pyrenees four years – a feat it took the Romans 200 years to accomplish. The invaders were gradually driven back over the next eight centuries until Isabel and Fernando expelled the last Moorish king from Granada in January 1492.

They then started to pay attention to a pesky Genoese who kept asking them for money to open up the Western route to India. Columbus stumbled across the Americas and ended up giving Isabel and Fernando the biggest


Inland & Coastal News N 11

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

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Tenerife Tenerife

12 N Political Update

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

The Local Memo from Voice Madrid

Muriel Pilkington

Shifting wind


seem to have hit the nail on the head when I wrote last week that I got the impression the Left was beginning to act in a more responsible way. Shortly afterwards, the online publication El Confidencial Digital reported that Socialist Party leader Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba had decided to stop the party's leftward drift because it wasn't getting the desired result. The Socialists lost the 2011 general election big time – 6.9 million votes, down from 11.3 million in 2008; 110 seats in 2011, down from 169 four years earlier. The Partido Popular got a solid majority of 186 seats in 2011 with 10.8 million votes. The difference in the Socialist results can be explained by the fact that many disgruntled voters went over to the radical Communist-dominated United Left or the more moderate left-wing party Union, Progress & Democracy, who are still thanking former PM Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero for causing such a stampede in their direction.


o in what we could call "the early days of the cuts", it seemed as if millions of Spaniards were taking to the streets in protest and the Socialists thought they could turn this to their advantage and recover the three million or so votes they will need if they want to win the next election. But it didn't work out that way. The media, especially the TV, made it look as if millions were taking to the streets when in fact the figures show that less than a million people turned out for most of the coordinated protests across the country. The so-called siege of Parliament at the end of April seems to have put a damper on it all.


he police had infiltrated the groups involved and discovered that the main instigators were the anti-system groups who planned to turn a peaceful protest violent. The non-violent groups – the majority – stayed away and on the day there were almost as many police as protesters: some 1,400 riot police versus around 1,500 protesters. It was an absolute fiasco and seems to have taken the wind out of the violent Left's sails.


owever, Rubalcaba risks losing the more moderate Socialists, who are in the majority, if he doesn't steer the party back towards the centre and, according to El Confidencial Digital, that's what he's decided to do.


ut that's only one half of the story. If things have calmed down it's because Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is winning over more and more people to his side – not so much here in Spain as in the EU and the IMF. His drastic cuts have proved he's serious about bringing the country's deficit to heel – so much so that even the Iron Chancellor Merkel seems to be willing to cut him some slack.


he Left knew that Rajoy's cuts stood a good chance of getting the economy back on track some time next year which could lead to his re-election in 2015, so their only chance of seizing power was to derail his government when it was at its weakest, when the financial markets, the Daily Telegraph, the Economist, Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, published nothing but doom and gloom about Spain.


ut the ploy didn't work. There are fewer protesters on the streets and everyone will be on holiday in July and August – everyone except Rajoy and his inner circle, I suspect. Rajoy is finally beginning to look more relaxed in public and is even talking more to the press he previously shunned. That's because he can see light at the end of the tunnel, but he knows he can't rest until the country is finally out into the clear daylight on the other side.


ajoy is not a blinkered ideologist, spouting his dogma left, right and centre as his opponents are doing. He's working away quietly in the background to set the economy on a solid foundation – and probably praying to God every night that he's doing the right things. Only time will tell, but right now it looks as if time could be on his side.


he other thing is that Spaniards aren't stupid and are probably as horrified as I have been, watching a totally treacherous, unpatriotic Left trying to bring down a democratically elected government while its leader did everything in his power to ward off an EU bail-out – which is what they wanted. The psychological shock could have been so great that it really would have driven a majority of Spaniards into to the streets to demand an early election – which the Left expected to win, of course. Sorry, sweeties, better luck next time!

Martin Delfín

Constitutional shifts Writes for the English language version of


he ideological shift on the nation’s Constitutional Court (TC), with the appointments of more conservative justices to replace outgoing liberals, was an expected move and could help Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s government obtain legal backing for some of his controversial changes to health care, abortion and pension reforms. Last Friday, the Cabinet named two nominees to the bench, Pedro González-Trevijano, a law professor and dean of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, and High Court Judge Enrique López, to replace liberal magistrates Manuel Aragón and Pablo Pérez Tremps, whose terms of office expired on Sunday.


he General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) legal watchdog also put forward the names of José Antonio Xiol, a liberal who heads the civil law chamber at the Supreme Court, and Santiago Martínez Vares, a justice serving on the Supreme Court’s administrative chamber.


he Rajoy government has needed this shift for some time. It came a little late for the Partido Popular (PP), which had taken on the previous Socialist government for its stance on gay marriage. The PP had filed an appeal with the court in late 2005, which wasn’t resolved until earlier this year with the TC’s support for same-sex marriages. Since then, the Vatican has been pressuring the PP to change the law again but the government knows that this would be a highly unpopular move seeing the number of countries that are passing laws in support of gay marriages and unions. Even the US Supreme Court is expected to make its long awaited decision, which by all accounts is expected to be a favourable one, on the issue this month.


ut the PP’s proposed controversial changes to Spain’s abortion law, which are being spearheaded by Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, may get the court’s backing. Ruiz-Gallardón wants to go back to the old law as regards limiting the number of weeks when a woman can interrupt her pregnancy and under what circumstances. Profeminist groups have been vocal about the changes and are gearing up for a fight with the government over abortion.


he TC is also studying an appeal by the Socialist Party over the Madrid government’s privatisation of six area hospitals. While arguments against turning over managements to private operators rage on, the PP government of Mayor Ana Botella has already pre-selected three companies, including a US-based

hospital management firm, to run the health centres. This could be one argument that the Socialist Party could lose.


he long-expected explosive battle over pension reform is also expected to make its way to the TC in the coming weeks. A group of experts on Friday handed over their long awaited recommendations to the government calling on freezes of pensions during economic crises, and to decouple the current system from inflation. So, instead of basing periodic hikes on the actual Consumer Price Index (IPC), pension raises will only be given out in tune with the health of the government’s finances. The special committee working on this reform wants the government to fashion these changes into law so that they could go into effect as early as next year. The Rajoy government has already promised Brussels that it would have the law ready by September. But there is going to be a long fight. Labour groups and some opposition parties have said they will be taking their case before the TC.


onetheless, this shift in ideology tilted towards the PP may turn a once-respected institution like the TC into a rubber stamp for the Rajoy government.


Disobedient dog owners

here is a hearty idea coming from Brunete, a town some 40 kilometres from Madrid. It seems town officials had been hot under the collar over uncooperative residents who refuse to pick up after their dogs. So they hired an advertising firm to help them come up with creative ways for getting disobedient citizens to clean up after their pets. The novel idea is known as the “poo-telegram.” Here is how it works. Volunteers watch carefully over residents during peak walk hours. When they see an owner failing to pick up the poo, they go up to them to strike up a conversation. Through their chat they find out the name of the dog and perhaps even the owner's name and where he/she lives. The next day a small box arrives at the home of the unhygienic dog lover containing the same doggy poo and a notice warning that the next time they can face fines of up to €300 if they don't pick up the droppings. It turns out that this idea has been a masterful one. Town officials (I am not sure how they calculate this) say that there is 70 per cent less poo on the streets and sidewalks than before. What a nice dog story. Follow me on Twitter @martingdelfin


N 13

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013


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14 N Community News

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Community News Golden anniversary and donations

Julie Wood of Age Concern receiving the cheque from Margaret Loughran

Members of Age Concern Estepona enjoyed a very special evening on Saturday 25th May when they celebrated the Golden Wedding Anniversary of members Vic and Margaret Loughran who were accompanied by their close family members. There were about 100 people present who were treated to a Hog Roast supper provided by Vic and Margaret. Dancing followed to the excellent

sound of varied music by Daniela.

A presentation of €500 – collected from members’ ticket sales – was made the following week to the local branch of Age Concern.

A gift of a two-night all inclusive break to Hotel Cortijo Salinas at Zahara de la Sierra was given to Vic and Margaret by club members. It was indeed a brilliant night all round.

Passports - five million applications each year Embracing change, the British government in an attempt to introduce clarity and a better “brand recognition” has renamed the government agency in charge of issuing passports. It is no longer the IPS, but now has the regal title of H.M.P.O. – Her Majesty's Passport Office or perhaps Humpo. Although some government websites and answerphones still refer to the IPS as the agency for doing this, that and the other when it comes to passports, this should change with time.

Forms and websites usually just want to know where a passport was issued not by whom. Even if you live in Spain and have had your UK passport issued here in the last 10 years, the smart answer is usually “United Kingdom” as most airlines

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and websites are geared up to accept this answer. A Pandora's box of possible answers to “issuing authority” could be ESP, FCO, UKPA or IPS but not GBR or Spain but be assured from now on in the answer is H.M.P.O. Except it doesn’t say that on your new passport – at the time of going to press – it still says IPS (Identity and Passport Service).

A British passport always remains the property of Her Majesty's Government. It bears the Royal Coat of Arms and is issued under Royal Prerogative. It is a privilege to have a passport, not a right and if you upset the wrong people “they” can take it off you or cancel it. The new agency name with the inclusion of ‘Her Majesty’s’ in the title is designed to reflect this and “ make the service more easily recognisable to British citizens at home and abroad”.

Alternatively and very loosely speaking, you could say “Humpo” is the new customer friendly face of Nick Clegg and David.

Whereas IPS is the abandoned legacy of a defeated naughty Labour party (2010) – the victors write the spin if not the history – who, through a merger with United Kingdom Passport Service and the Home Office Identity Cards Programme actually did seek to introduce ,“bullying and intrusive” ID cards. Something that probably 99% of expats living abroad, left or right wing would dearly love to have, especially here since the demise of the Spanish photo-card “residencia”.

So it's probably all very political and cost quite a lot of cash. Immigration Minister Mark Harper ... “On coming to power, this government consigned identity cards and the intrusive National Identity Service to history. The new name of ‘HM Passport Office’ reflects the fact that the organisation is no longer responsible for government policy on identity but continues to provide a gold-plated passport service to British nationals in the UK and abroad.” …. Hear, hear!

Either way those are the new rules – ID cards and the Labour government are out and new passports, like fish are expensive and come with chips. The very last passport to be validated through Madrid, Spain – after a recorded 77 years of service – was ceremoniously issued last week by the Ambassador, Giles Paxman himself to a young lady of British, Spanish and coincidently Irish extraction, coincidently because as of June 2013, all British passports renewed from Spain go to Belfast in Northern Ireland, the new home of Humpo. By Pete Woodall. Woody's Los Boliches. Passport Renewals and Mail Services.

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Pedro Meet Pedro, a Bodeguero cross around 18 months old, who is currently being fostered after being rescued by FAMA in January. He is now vaccinated and castrated. He does nothing without first asking permission, quite a character!!

He still needs some training to walk on the lead, but is learning.

He was quite timid when he came to FAMA, and didn’t like loud noises or shouting. He had probably been very badly treated and had been through much trauma in his short life. But things have improved immensely for

him since he has been with loving, caring people at FAMA. If you would like more information about PEDRO or to meet him in person, please call: Pat on 620 354 885 or visit our



FAMA’s policy is never to have a healthy dog put down – they have a home with them for life or until they are rehomed.

the News

Community News N 15

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013



Golf shop’s popularity grows Marbella Golf Classic, the Swedish-owned golf shop in Nueva Andalucía, is delighted to announce that their sales have increased substantially in the last 12 months – despite the crisis that casts its dark shadow over the country. "It's gratifying that so many nice customers visit us in sunshine as well as in rain," says the store's owner Ewa Lindberg. The shop, located next to Centro Plaza, has in recent times, undergone a facelift; walls have become brighter, more mirrors have been set up and new ways to showcase the fine line of clothing and Ecco shoes have been installed. This has made the store – always welcoming in the past – even lighter and and pleasanter to visit. One of the shop's enjoyable and regular events is their popular coffee morning. Ewa says: "In these times, everyone is welcome to come and have a cup of coffee and eat a piece of cake, and it's a great opportunity to see all the new summer stock." Let them know you are interested and they will put you on the mailing list to contact for the next opportunity.

On the shelves and hangers at Marbella Classic Golf you will find clothing from Masters, Abacus, Daily, Alberto, Röhnisch, Nike, Ping, Green Lamb and



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at or leave a message on 952 45 07 47 and I will get back to you.

Glenmuir. The majority of their clients are women – which they are very happy about – but Ewa and her colleagues Nina and Pam also want to stress that they have a great, stylish range of golf clothing for men, who are, naturally also welcome in to the store.

Ewa, Nina and Pam (pictured above) from Marbella Golf Classic feel that "Those of us who work here have wide experience and we want to continue to serve our customers in the best way possible, to inspire and help and we want more people to discover our

Mascota La Trocha & Scooby Doo Do’s Pet accessories & supplies Dog grooming Veterinary consultant

634 395 445 La Trocha Shopping Centre, Coin

Ground floor La Trocha C.C. Coin

Key cutting, photocopying, fax, printing, business cards, greeting cards etc., all in one place!

Tel: 951 315 240 To advertise in

The News Call Geoff on 622 05 04 09

beautiful store, so please bring your friends!" You can find their shop on Avenida Manolete, Nueva Andalucía, tel. 952 818 875 www.marbella – info@


Written by: Sara Laine Photo by: Rolf Lindberg

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Car Insurance, Buildings, Contents,Travel, Holiday Home, Pet, Health Just call into our office near La Trocha,Coin for a quote on any service you require. Or call

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Dave does it again!

Dave Gilbert from Alhaurin hit the headlines last year when, aged 78, he jumped out of a plane on a sponsored parachute jump in aid of cystic fibrosis – and found the whole experience quite enjoyable! This year, along with his adopted rescue horse, Boy, he has been studying natural horsemanship with Parelli

TONI ’S FIRST IN CARDS June Special! Selective Range of cards all at 50 cents UK FATHER’S DAY SUNDAY JUNE 16TH Mon - Sat 10.00 - 2.30 pm Late nights Wed & Thurs 5.30 - 7.30pm

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professional Freddy Verleyen and taking part in the monthly league competitions held at Finca Hiedra in Coin.

At the end of last month The Wild West came to The Natural Horsemanship Association of Coin when the last day of their natural horsemanship league competition was combined with a fancy dress fundraising event to help support their latest rescue – Misteriosa (Mizzy), a five-year-old grey mare destined to die from a neglected wound and starvation.

The Lone Ranger was among the celebrities who took part, looking a little more grizzled than his black and white TV counterpart in the 'fifties but still proving the hero of the hour. Hiding under the ten-gallon hat and black mask was, of course, Dave, now in his eightieth year, who was presented with a trophy and rosette for the most improved student – there is no stopping this Old Timer! Indian braves and squaws rubbed shoulders with cowboys and cowgirls – Cowgirl Barbie was definitely older and less glamorous than her Mattel counterpart but equally resplendent in pink; one Apache brave bore more than a passing resemblance to The News' roving football supporter in a feathered head-dress rather than a Malaga

scarf; Deputy Dawg had left his furry head behind (understandable in view of the heat); and the owner of the Saloon, Madame Fifi cut an exotic dash as a shady Honky Tonk Woman from Paris!

A great deal of fun was had by participants and spectators, followed by an impressive demonstration by Freddy with his talented horses. Principe the Andalucian would definitely have given Hi Ho Silver! a run for his money all those years ago.

The day was hosted by Dawn and Jeff Mason to introduce more people to the concept of natural horsemanship and to raise money to help pay for the care and keep of Mizzy who is likely to be at Finca Hiedra for a lengthy stay; not only until she is well and strong enough to start gentle work but until she has completed sufficient training with love, language and leadership to be rehomed with a loving life partner. Time, patience, correct knowledge and expert care can work miracles.

The day raised 180 euros and more events are in the planning stages. To read about Mizzy, her supporters and friends go to or follow on Facebook, The Natural Horsemanship Association of Coin. by Jean Joss



(with operator)



16 N Out & About


WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Your Weekly Entertainment Guide INSIDE THIS WEEK

Charity Auction - this Friday for Animals in Distress Book Now! - for La Risa at Lauro Golf’s July Birthday Party Grand Opening - Rod Stevens Manhattan Show Bar


If you have any Birthwort (Dutchman’s Pipe) or any plants from the Aristolochia family in your garden take a close look. In among the foliage, eggs or caterpillars of the Spanish Festoon may be lurking.

The Spanish Festoon is a wonderfully exotic butterfly from the Swallowtail family (Papilionidae). On the

Spanish Oyster

wing from March to early June and in Andalucia a second brood appears in

the Autumn, the variation in wing pattern is considerable and a great number of races and forms have been described. It occurs in rough uncultivated places and on hillsides and mountains up to 1500m. The adult is a regular visitor to my garden and ever year I have eggs and caterpillars, however, I have yet to find a chrysalis.


Best quality artificial lawn Replace existing lawns SAVE MONEY FROM €15 per SQ metre No maintenance - No watering - No cutting

Tongue Orchid

Most of the spring flowers are over but the Spanish Oyster Plant is just coming into its own –

Written by

Festoon Eggs

tall spikes of yellow flowers majestically rise above the already brown vegetation. The orchids are also over but I recorded a tally of six different orchids in the area of the proposed La Mota golf course on the Coin to Mijas road. A first for me was the Tongue Orchid, a rather plain orchid but nevertheless an exciting find. Many of you have shown a keen interest in orchids and hopefully next season we can get together for an orchid hunt.

Denise Walker

Festoon Caterpillars

Looks like grass, feels like grass Ideal for terraces, balconies, rooftops, pool surrounds or create your own ideas with our design team. Call now for a free quote with no obligation for the perfect landscaped garden.

Tel: 619 591 760

Spanish Festoon

The Olive Tree

Avda Maria Zambrano 17, Coin David, Tina & Family welcome you to The Olive Tree

Thursday 13th: George Michael tribute. Friday 14th: Avant Garde - Rock band. Saturday 15th: Southern Impact. Friday 21st: The Jersey Boys. (Entrance €10 - book your tables now for this fabulous show) Every Wednesday: Steak Meal Special for two - €17. Every Friday: Fish & Chips - Buy 1 get 2nd 1/2 price (house fish only)

All Day Breakfast starting from €3.50 - €5 meal deals. House Fish & Chips every day PLUS now also offering an extra choice of Haddock, Cod or Swordfish as well! Free Wifi & Sky Sports

665 340 306 / 952 452 554

N 17

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Your Weekly Entertainment Guide OUT & ABOUT Theatre for Caritas Birthday Buffet Happy Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

The I.T.S first performed for charity in 1991, in the gardens of Sra. Dna.Maria de Salamanca, Condesa de Los Llanos. They continued there until her death but then moved to various venues where a

Out & About

charity could be helped. For the last two years they have been lucky to use the beautiful gardens of Parque Leonera in Benahavis by the kind permission of the Ayuntamiento de Benahavis and will be

there again this year.

The production, entitled “A Lark in the Park” will take place on Sunday, June 23rd starting at 7 pm sharp. Tickets are a minimum of €12, available from Bookworld Guadalmina, Longmans Bookshop Estepona, Glitterati Diana Centro, Viva San Pedro, Bodega de la Aldea in Benahavis and The English Bookshop Sabinillas. Or by phone on 952 880 630, evenings and weekends on 952 928 196. And of course at the door.

Bring along your picnic and drinks for the interval and have a lot of laughs in a wonderful setting.

Belated Birthday to our editor and chief

We would like to apologise to La Risa at Lauro Golf, as last week’s write up regarding La Risa’s fifth birthday party was slightly inaccurate. So we would like to take the opportunity to publish the correct information. La Risa at Lauro Golf’s birthday party will take place on Saturday 27th

July. This exciting event offers an excellent buffet with cupcakes, entertainment and a guaranteed good time for all! This event can now be enjoyed for the very reasonable price of only €17.50.

For more information and to book your table, call 660 350 896.

Kym Wickham Lots of love from Geoff and all of us at

The News

Free E Entry ntry on Sundays & Karaoke Nights 5 euro Show Charge on Show Nights or Special Free Enttrry on Thursday 13th ffor



Smartt Casu ual Drre ess Plle ease (Child ea dren en by arrang gem ment)

Bar Food Available The *ULTIMATE VENUE* with the


Edif. Iris, Avda. Gamonal, Benalmádena - Costa 5 euro entry

* H its O ut O f H e l l *

Bookings Advisable: 605 663 335 Plus

tiste r A st Gue

* M e at l o a f * T r i b u t e S h o w Frree Enttry

*GRAND OPENING* Night of Variety y Com pl e te w it h

5 euro entry

Tribute to * A D E L E* E Roobb Stteeve venns plus Support Frree E Ent n ry ntr

*ALL DAY Y KARAOKE* from 3 pm. witth a Hostt of Presenters

DJ & Karaoke 5 euro entry


Pete Valentine George Michael ( HAM (W M)) pl plus Suppo pport

*ABBA* Tribute


5 euro entry


*KARAOKE* Guest Appearance from

Roobb Stteevveenns ns FR REE Shot for *Every Singer*

18 N Out & About


WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Plaza de Remo La Carihuela Torremolinos

952 057 062

Food Served all day 11am to 9pm

Monday Robbie’s Roadshow plus Karaoke from 9.30pm Tuesday Tommy Tucker comedian & vocalist, fun for all Wednesday 60s Night - a night of nostalgia & fun Thursday New to Mojito - Rob & Dave - comedy, vocals, impressions and Karaoke Friday Siobhan - female vocalist from Dublin - Country Irish 60s, 70s & 80s Fun for all ages Saturday Nightlife - comedy vocal duo Sunday Jordana - Female vocalist with tributes to Cher, Amy Winehouse etc

*FREE ENTRY* Shows start at 9.30pm. Open all day. Free Entry!



ry @ Buzb d Ter y’ a M

Wednesday12th June Mad Terry - man of many voices Thursday 13th Danny Stone - Mr Blue eyed soul Friday 14th Rob & Dave - The Costa del Sol’s answer to the Chuckle Brothers Saturday 16th Central FM’s Tony Keys Sunday 17th KT Peters Monday 18th Alexandra Avery - Totally talented female Tuesday 19th Ian Jacks DJ by day, superstar by night! Every night from 12am until late Karaoke, fun and frolicks with Paul G


Now Open from 8.30pm Av Antonio Machado Benalmadena 645404911 / 628617658 madterry@buzbys

Remember the animals Animals in Distress (A.I.D.) is holding its next monthly Charity Auction at 7 pm on Friday, June 14th at the Hiedra Restaurant which is just inside the entrance to the Poligono Rosa on the A404 Alhaurin el Grande to Coin road. There are bargains galore to be had, including collectibles, some very nice china, small electrical items, furniture, bric-abrac, pictures and mirrors – to mention just a few categories. People wishing to participate can either donate an item – in which case 100 per cent of its selling price goes to A.I.D.

Grand Summer ball this month

– or you can sell it and give 15 per cent of the selling price to the charity. If you want to enter items for sale please let A.I.D. know 24 hours ahead of the auction, although last minute entries won't be turned away.

Call Chris on 628 239 174 or Joe on 626 942 427 for full details. If you haven't got anything to donate or sell, turn up anyway. The restaurant provides good food and drink and people who have been at previous A.I.D. auctions say it is a really good night out. You will also be helping to find new homes for hundreds of abandoned dogs and cats.

Restaurant El Brujo

Urb. El Coto, Calle Cordonices, Avda de Mijas

English family owned bar & restaurant for 21 years. Specialising in modern & classical English food with a flavour of Spain plus BBQ steaks.

À la carte & set menus available Tuesday to Saturday from 6.30pm Choice of 3 course menus €12 includes chicken, pork, fish, pasta and curry dishes. €16 includes fillet steak, calves liver & swordfish dishes Special Sunday Lunch €9.50 available all day from 1 until 10pm

952 479 746

Your Weekly Entertainment Guide

Avenida de Mijas


Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Ford Garage

Marbella N340

Supermercado El Coto 100 mts

El Brujo Restaurant Bar & Gardens

Martin y Perez


El Corte Ingles

Malaga N340


Lillie Langtry Bar & Restaurant

Sunday Self Service Carvery

Choice of 3 meats, selection of fresh veg and our home made Yorkshire Puddings plus a selection of desserts Open from noon to 6pm Booking advisable.

1 Course €6.95 2 Courses €8.95

Upstairs, next to the Nahar Mahal restaurant, opposite the Hotel Riviera, Benalmadena Costa, on the main road.

951 253 986

Evening & entertainment rep required must have experience Call for more details:

952 454 491 or 622 05 04 09

The next A.I.D fundraiser will be a dinner dance with singer Frankie B at the Hiedra Restaurant on Saturday June 22nd. The ticket costs €15 and includes a three-course meal as well as a donation to the charity. Tickets are available in advance only at the A.I.D charity shop in Alhaurin el Grande just a few doors down from Mercadona on the other side of the road.

Tom´s Irish Bar A warm Irish welcome All Premier League Football on 5 large screens

600 060 563 C/ Salvador Rueda 65, Los Boliches

The Conservatives Abroad will be holding their annual end of season Grand Summer Ball on Friday the 21st of June at 7.30pm. Chairman Ann Covell said the evening is the highlight of their events calendar and over the years has been very successful.

It is to be held at the poolside, Tamisa Golf Fuengirola with the backdrop of the golf course and the Sierra de Mijas. It is not a political event, there are no

MR. JEEVES Breakfast Baby Jeeves €4 Mrs Jeeves €5 Daddy Jeeves €6 Food served all day MONTEMAR

O L WS R A M Restaurant & Take-away


Los Hidalgos

Next to La Duquesa Hotel & Golf Course 951 276 728


Nueva Andalucia Formerly “La Fishita” Behind the N10 Hotel

952 814 722

Simply great fish & chips!

speeches, it's just an opportunity to meet friends, possibly make new friends and generally have a good time.

There is dancing on the terrace with entertainment provided by the very popular Arran Harding of Tres Divos who appears at a number of venues along the coast. Tickets are priced at €35 – to include canapés and drinks on arrival, gala three-course dinner with wine, soft drinks and water – and are available from 952 590 867.

Tamisa Golf are providing rooms at a special discount rate for the event which should be booked separately.


Family Bar & Restaurant Good food served all day

Los Cipreses, Calahonda

International Menu Snacks & Tapas

Menu del Día €9 (including Paella every Saturday and Sunday)

10% Discount with this Advert C/ De La Playa Urb. Tres Caballos 630 258 019 952 389 477


Out & About N 19

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

More Mijas magic for one and all The Mijas Festival had their cake and then ate it all last weekend. The Mijas International Festival proved to be yet another big hit for the Mijas Town Hall Foreign Residents Department and the people of Mijas. The event, one of several in Mijas this year, started last Friday evening and passed smoothly through to the finale on Sunday evening, with no end of nationalities, varied entertainment and tasty food. The prize piece of which was a delicious cream and fruit cake on Sunday afternoon or rather several cakes, enough for well over a thousand visitors – which

was lucky as some definitely went around twice for seconds!

As usual attendance was high and the entertainment excellent. The TAPAS Choir (far

right) represented the UK, performing before a packed audience on Saturday evening. The energetic pirate dance and rap song performed by the kids and teenagers of the FAMA Pop Academy.

South American traditional dance troops in full costume and a lively Celtic show on Sunday evening. With many more, far too many to mention, in between. All greatly appreciated and applauded for their talents.

Ana Skou, head of the department said, “We are all more than delighted with the festival and I'm quite emotional to have seen so many friends come together for this special 25th International Festival, especially those who have been with us every year since the start.” Ana with a big smile went on to express a big thank

A fun sports bar Nicola, Kevin and “Miss La Muff” would like to invite you for a fun packed evening Win Bingo, Quizzes, Pool Table, Sky Sports and free wifi C/ Miguel Marquez 56, Fuengirola, Behind Los Piramides

603 338 417

LICORERIA LA LATINA 2 Beers, Wines & Spirits

2nd Street behind the Yaramar Hotel, Los Boliches - opposite Restaurante Casa Kon Tiki

Your local off-licence in Los Boliches. We have plastic bottles for your journey that are easier to transport. Cheapest wines & spirits in town. 100 differents spirits available in plastic bottles. Or you can visit our other shop on the Camino Viejo de Coin, Mijas Costa

952 582 784

Free Gift with this advert!

you to all the clubs, associations and individuals who help and go on helping.

The next Mijas festival is the Mijas Blues Festival spread over the weekend

from Friday July 5th (Independence Day plus one) to Sunday 7th. Tel. 952 59 90 10 for details

By Pete Woodall

MUMTAZ MAHAL Indian Restaurante

Now open for breakfasts lunches & snacks

Kitchen open ‘til 10pm

Open every day

9am ‘til late

667 925 871 Los Cipreses C.C. 1st Floor, Calahonda (Above Chinese Bazaar)

CASA KON-TIKI The Home of Fish and Chips Open 7 days a week, 12 ‘til 11pm

Casa Kon-Tiki’s now famous SUNDAY CARVERY is continuing. Beef, Pork, Ham & Turkey, 7 veg, cauliflower cheese + many more trimmings. All you can eat - only €7.95 pp €5 main meals with a choice of 14 different dishes including John’s famous Fish, Chips & Mushy Peas (12 noon ‘til 6pm) (Find “The Fish”, the same as the one on the left, in The News and get another 10% off your bill!)

Call Chris on 664 028 310 or John on 678 292 792 to reserve your table

2nd street behind Yaramar Hotel, Los Boliches Visit us at

Come and enjoy the best of Indian cuisine in our newly refurbished airconditioned restaurant or dine on our fabulous terrace

Menu del Dia 3 courses €9,95 4 courses €11,95

Take-away service s Priceed by c u red - 15% 10

Free home delivery with orders over €25.00 OPEN 7 DAYS Lunch 1.30 - 4.00pm Dinner 7.00 - 12.00pm

Urb. El Rodeo, Coin

952 455 599 626 977 224 La Risa at Lauro Golf

Ladies Lunch Thursday June 13th, 1.30pm

La Risa’s 5th Birthday Party Come and join us for excellent Birthday Buffet and live entertainment plus Birthday cup cakes! Book now!

Monday Special Menu including curry Wednesday & Friday Beer battered Fish & Chips Saturday night Includes our Special Menu Advance bookings are advisable For details of special events call us on 660 350 896 or pop into the bar. On the road between Alhaurin el Grande & Alhaurin de la Torre at Lauro Golf

Across from the Clubhouse

N Magazine

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013


Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in



A Good Day to Die Hard

Release date: June 4th

Director: John Moore Starring: Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney, Sebastian Koch

MOVIeS tO  WatC h  OUt  fOr

af t er ear t h Directed by M Night Shyamalan Starring: Will Smith, Jaden Smith Director Shyamalan had a glittering start to his career and Sixth Sense will hold its own in the pantheon of memorable movie twists. But his career has taken a nosedive in recent years with some real turkeys like The Happening and The Last Airbender so a lot was riding on his latest offering.

And of course Will Smith has helped to save the world before now so maybe the actor could pull out all the stops and bring his easy charm to bear to help resurrect Shyamalan’s faltering career – or maybe not.

The plot is simple enough. One thousand years ago humanity fled Earth after doing its bit to destroy the planet, and now inhabits a new solar system. One of the peace keepers in this world is Cypher Paige (Will Smith) who plays a bad tempered General whose sulky son Kitai (Jaden Smith) accompanies him on a mission. But the craft crash lands on Earth, Cypher is critically injured

and with two broken legs cannot move. So it is down to Kitai to undertake a perilous journey across uncharted territory in order to activate the beacon that is their only hope of rescue. Along the way the boy faces unwelcoming terrain and the dangerously evolved creatures that now rule the roost on the planet – oh, and there’s also a mystery alien creature that escaped from the hold of the stricken craft. As Kitai tackles the dangers before him Cypher watches his progress on a monitor on the crashed ship and the father-son bond begins to grow and develop as Kitai tries to do what he can to save his father.

The Smith family are linked with Scientology which, according to those in the know, informs the way the story is told. But despite some very harsh critical reviews, the general feeling is that the movie does not turn into the shambolic mess that John Travolta’s Battlefield Earth did. Smith Snr’s charisma is on a low light, which is a shame but take it at its basic level, a survival story in which a young boy comes of age in the face of adversity, and you can while away a couple of hours at the movies. Whether it will prove to be the last nail in the Shyamalan coffin remains to be seen and US box office returns are not looking good.

John McClane and his estranged son Jack team up to protect a government informant in Moscow, and thwart a major crime in Chernobyl in this sequel from director John Moore. Russian politics are in tatters when veteran detective McClane shows up in the nation's capital, and learns that his son is working undercover to protect Komarov – a notorious whistleblower who some powerful people would like to see silenced. Protecting Komarov won't be easy, even for the cop who's single-handedly defeated small armies of terrorists, and the sharp-

shooting son he's never known. Meanwhile, when the fearless father and son catch wind of a deadly plot unfolding in Chernobyl, they face the fight of their lives in one of the most hostile landscapes known to man.

theNews Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme


By Cathy Stronach

For your personal birth chart please contact: Perhaps if you had made different choices you may have ended up with a different ARIES result to the one you are faced with now. You could be feeling slightly confused as to how to redirect your attention and focus in order to change the situation that you currently find yourself in. The key is in trusting what you don’t know and what you can’t see as there is far more going on behind the scenes than you are aware of. March 21st Information will come to light after the weekend that will allow you to gain more clarity April 19th on what your role really is.


May 21st June 21st

The changes that are about to be put into play will last for a long time, giving you a renewed sense of self-confidence and freedom of expression, without fear of ridicule or worry. In fact this week may bring the unusual into your world where others are not behaving in a predictable manner at all; however, you tend to thrive under changeable conditions and will rise to the occasion. It will be wise to remain as busy as possible this week as there are powerful waves of personal emotions to deal with and it will be unhealthy for you to over think things.

June 22nd July 22nd

There are a multitude of different personal experiences coming your way and as long as you are being true to yourself it could feel as though you are being given some sort of divine guidance. New contacts, places and information come to the fore and inspire your inner creativity. Others sense the changes occurring as you start to glow. Take the lead with courage and conviction and take into consideration what is best for all concerned. By the weekend fun and social activities call you. The universe is trying to get you to move on, to become a lot more weightless and free.

July 23rd August 22nd

Shortly, you will be entering a period where you can have a breather; some time to relax, during these moments of contemplation, many insights and breakthroughs could occur that will lead you to make changes to your planned route. There may still be some obstacles to overcome but these challenges are there to test your commitment to a certain situation, perhaps it is all about earning your right to be there. You could question your current beliefs at this time, the key is to remain open, be ready and flexible so that you can embrace changes.

August 23rd September 22nd

Your emotions and passions are very close to the surface, ready to express themselves in a dynamic way; therefore, it is no surprise that love and romance is high on your agenda and on your mind. Temptations are likely to appear and it will be up to you to decide your course. However, within an existing relationship the way you relate to each other may need spicing up. Do something spontaneous and surprise them, it may rekindle a fire, it may feel a bit awkward at first but it will liberate the relationship in the best of ways. This is a great time to take on difficult tasks and excel.





Are you getting dizzy Libra? It could feel as though you are still running around in circles with something and still not getting anywhere, as though you are just not gaining any ground. A new approach might be just what the doctor ordered, for instance, if you have been diplomatic then go for the direct and ‘straight to the point’ approach and vice versa. If you keep doing something the same way you stand a good chance of getting the same results. Remember that sometimes September 23rd it isn’t about keeping the peace; it is about communicating the truth. nd October 22


October 23rd November 21st

You are not one to waste words; however, it may not be so easy to find the right words this time that equal the depth of what you feel right now. You could find that you get slightly overwhelmed with so much inner dialogue that you do not know where to begin. Perhaps writing it down as it comes into your mind will help enabling you to simplify your feelings before you communicate this to another. Due to the distraction of your inner world, make sure you pay close attention to the details that are going on around you. Double check all facts and figures.


This is one of those times when you need a break from the stress and heaviness of routine; they say a change is as good as a rest so if you can’t rest then make sure you do something different this week. Others will be looking at you for inspiration as your personality is loaded with charm and charisma right now. Your powers of attraction are second to none and you will find yourself quickly November 22nd - becoming the centre of attention. There could be a leadership role in the offing December 21st so keep your ears peeled for opportunities or challenges coming your way.


December 22nd January 19th


January 20th February 18th


February 19th March 20th

It is all about security right now, you just want to know you have a stable base from which you can direct your life with ease. The main objective is not making things more difficult or complicated than they need to be, as with all the stress of late, it is easy to blow things out of proportion. Avoid distractions and construct a plan by level of importance this will help you to keep moving forward. Take the time to pay close attention to details and take care of all the small issues as well; this will help to set things up for a secure future. It is time to put your own needs first for a change, you spend so much of your time giving to others it is easy to forget yourself. This week there is going to be a lot going on, places to go and people to see, things to do, just make sure you are not being hurried into taking actions that you may later regret. There will be a lot of choices to make, decisions where two options seem equally suitable, just take your time, remember there is no rush. This is your time to dream, it is when dreams can become the real deal. This lift that is happening right now can strengthen your most intimate connections guiding you towards deeper in ways of relating. There are visible improvements with your relationship towards yourself and others. By the weekend this energy will build and you will become more alert of your surroundings well able to view past events with clarity and objectivity. This is a great time to spend with family and friends.

Kym’s Kitchen don’t have to be a chef!

A taste of summer, this vegetarianquiche is full of Italian flavours and is perfect for dinner in the garden, if it ever warms up this summer that is!

Roasted tomato, basil & Parmesan quiche Ingredients:

(Serves 8)

• 300g cherry tomatoes • drizzle olive oil • 50g Parmesan (or vegan alternative), grated • 2 eggs • 284ml pot double cream • handful basil leaves, shredded, plus a


• 280g plain flour, plus extra for dusting • 140g cold butter, cut into pieces

few small ones left whole for scattering

Directions 1. To make the pastry, tip the flour and butter into a bowl, then rub together with your fingertips until completely mixed and crumbly. Add 8 tbsp cold water, then bring everything together with your hands until just combined. Roll into a ball and use straight away or chill for up to two days. The pastry can also be frozen for up to a month. 2. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a round 5cm larger than a 25cm tin. Use your rolling pin to lift it up, then drape over the tart case so there is an overhang of pastry on the sides. Using a small ball of pastry scraps, push the pastry into the corners of the tin. Chill in the fridge or freezer for 20 mins. Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. 3. In a small roasting tin, drizzle the tomatoes with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Put the tomatoes on a low shelf of the oven.

4. Lightly prick the base of the tart with a fork, line the tart case with a large circle of greaseproof paper or foil, then fill with baking beans. Blindbake the tart for 20 mins, remove the paper and beans, then continue to cook for 5-10 mins until biscuit brown. 5. When you remove the tart case from the oven, take out the tomatoes, too. 6. While the tart is cooking, beat the eggs in a large bowl. Gradually add the cream, then stir in the basil and season. When the case is ready, sprinkle half the cheese over the base, scatter over the tomatoes, pour over the cream mix, then finally scatter over the rest of the cheese. Bake for 20-25 mins until set and golden brown. Leave to cool in the case, trim the edges of the pastry, then remove from the tin. Scatter over the remaining basil and serve in slices.



By Valerie Mitchell

Changing the Meaning by Adding a Suffix


April 20th May 20th

This is the week to be open and honest, if you are not openly sharing how you feel then you will be missing an opportunity to strengthen all of your relations. So much tends to go unspoken, when feelings are not shared then assumptions are made and projections cantake the place of the truth. You could find that you are privy to secret information that will give you a huge advantage. If you are in a partnership then make sure that both of your needs are being met within your decisions. Money matters are set to improve. Do not take impulsive or reckless actions that you may regret later on.


Magazine N 21

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

A while ago we looked at how you can reduce something in size by adding ito or ita to the end of a word. Una casa - a house but una casita - a little house Un perro - a dog and un perrito - a little dog. We have also seen how adding ísimo or ísima to a word can make it more extreme : Rápido - fast and rapidísimo - very, very fast Lento - slow. Lentísimo - very, very slow. This week we are going to look at another add-on which changes the meaning of the word onto which it is added. The add-on (suffix) is azo. It serves two main purposes. Firstly – by adding it to the end of the word it can make the object bigger or more important Un animalazo - Not simply a large animal, perhaps more a great brute of an animal. Un generalazo - an important general Un jovenazo - a big lad as in the sense of a strapping youth. Talentazo - immense talent Un niño buenazo - a really good kid Secondly, adding azo to the end of a word can change the word to mean hitting with that word. For example un puño is a fist while un puñetazo is a blow with the fist. Una puerta we know is a door and un portazo is a slamming of the door. Ella salió de la casa dando un portazo - she left the house, slamming the door. Un látigo is a whip and un látigazo is the crack of the whip. Una flecha is an arrow and if you suffer un flechazo it could be that you have been hit with an arrow. It could also mean that you have fallen in love at first sight. This language learning is not always as straightforward as we might like but poco a poco vamos lejos – Little by little we'll go far. Hasta la próxima - until next time Valerie

Valerie runs the Centro Idiomas Language School in Coin.

Her books, “The First Twelve Shortcuts to Spanish” , “The Second Twelve Shortcuts to Spanish” , “The Third Twelve Shortcuts to Spanish” (€5 each) and “The Verb Book” (€7) are available from The News office in Coin, Woody’s Cards and Books in Los Boliches, David’s Books in Los Boliches or by email from Valerie's books can now be bought from her website – or call 952 450 747.

22 N Magazine

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

News - Breakthroughs - Treatments - Trends

Slathering on sunscreen Walking versus running slows down wrinkles Using sunscreen every day can slow down the development of wrinkles and sagging skin, according to new study.

Dermatologists have been telling people for years to use sunscreen to prevent aging, but this is the first study to show an actual effect on the appearance of skin.

Researchers chose to study Australians whose exposure to sun is a fact of life. They asked 900 white people aged 25 to 55 to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen all the time over four and a half years. Most of the participants had fair skin, and nearly all burned in the sun.

Nearly all were using sunscreen for at least some of the time, and twothirds wore hats in the sun. Half of the participants were told to continue their usual practices, and the other half to slather on sunscreen daily. The


researchers found that the people who had used sunscreen every day had noticeably more resilient and smoother skin than those who continued their usual practices.

The study also included nearly 900 people who were randomly assigned to take beta carotene, a nutritional supplement, to see if the supplement prevented skin ageing. It did not. The researchers said no one had done such a study before because the very idea is of asking hundreds of healthy people to agree to follow their assigned regimens for years was daunting.

The sunscreen used by those assigned to daily applications had a sun


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protection factor, or SPF, of 15, which filters 92 per cent of the sun’s rays. Someone who would normally burn in 10 minutes would burn in 150 minutes with an SPF 15. This group even had their sunscreen bottles weighed to make sure they were using it.

Researchers in other countries were convinced by the results because, as one said, most studies of sun-damaged skin were conducted with mice, not people, and it was not clear whether the results would be the same.

The study did not address the question of whether people older than 55 would also have more youthful skin if they used sunscreen, the researchers said. After 55, the effects of ageing on skin begin to predominate, and they noted that the effects of ultraviolet light on skin are cumulative. They said it is not known how much sunscreen can help if people start to use it later in life, but advised using it anyway because it can protect against skin cancer. The sunscreen study was paid for by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. No sunscreen makers contributed.

Several new studies in the US have shown that the benefits of walking and running depend almost completely on what people hope to accomplish. For people wanting to control their weight, running wins by a mile.

In a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, and titled “Greater weight loss from running than walking,” researchers looked at survey data from 15,237 walkers and 32,215 runners enrolled in the National Runners and Walkers Health Study, conducted at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California.

Participants were asked about their weight, waist circumference, diets and typical weekly walking or running mileage both when they joined the study, and then again up to six years later. Most of the runners were thinner than the walkers when each joined the study, and stayed that way throughout.

Over the years, the runners maintained their body mass and waistlines

far better than the walkers. Running obviously burns up more calories but another study has shown that it also reduces appetite. In that study, nine experienced female runners and 10 committed female walkers reported to the exercise physiology lab at the University of Wyoming on two separate occasions, walking or running on a treadmill for an hour. Researchers monitored their total energy expenditure, and also drew blood from the volunteers to check for levels of certain hormones related to appetite. After both sessions, the volunteers were set free in a room with a laden buffet and told to eat at will. The

walkers turned out to be hungry, consuming about 50 calories more than they had burned during their hour-long treadmill stroll. The runners, on the other hand, picked at their food, taking in almost 200 fewer calories than they had burned while running.

The runners also proved after exercise to have significantly higher blood levels of a hormone called peptide YY, which has been shown to suppress appetite. The walkers did not have increased peptide YY levels; their appetites remained hearty. The researchers' advice: If you want to eat less, run first.

Cycling is number one sport for head injuries

While Spain

cyclists across are protesting



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about a new traffic regulation that obliges them to use a helmet, statistics from the United States back the Spanish government's claim that helmets will reduce the number of head injuries.

According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, cycling accidents played a part in about 86,000 of the 447,000 sports-related head injuries treated in emergency rooms in 2009. Football accounted for 47,000 of those head injuries, and baseball for 38,394. The statistics also showed that cycling was also the leading cause of sports-related head

injuries in children under 14, causing 40,272 injuries, roughly double the number related to football (21,878). Doctors said that part of the reason is that cycling is so ubiquitous, but people are also more careless about taking precautions. Cyclists are also at high risk of colliding with motor vehicles, and when riders are not wearing helmets, such collisions frequently result in serious head injuries. For example, about 90 per cent of cyclists killed in the United States in 2009 were not wearing helmets. A majority were middle-aged men.


Magazine N 23

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

Contemporary lifestyle and celebrity gossip

After a long battle with cancer ...

A fond farewell to a horse training legend … but he will never be forgotten in the racing world.

Sir Henry Cecil, 10-time champion Flat trainer, has died at the age of 70.

Responsible for 25 British Classic winners, Scottish-born Cecil was also the leading handler at Royal Ascot with a record 75 successes.

Cecil, who was knighted in 2011, battled cancer in his later years. Towards the end of his career, the Newmarket-based Cecil trained Frankel, officially the highest-ever rated racehorse after finishing his career unbeaten in 14 starts. Cecil was described as "the greatest trainer of all time" by racing broadcaster Derek

Thompson, champion National Hunt trainer Paul Nicholls called him "a true legend", while Newmarket racecourse said his contribution to racing would never be forgotten.

American rider Steve Cauthen, who enjoyed six highly successful years as a stable jockey at Warren Place, labelled Cecil "a genius". "He had a great sense of humour. He was a super intelligent guy and really knew how to place his horses," the 53year-old said. "He tried to have fun. The atmosphere during most of the time I was up at Warren Place was just fantastic."

Cecil first took out a training licence in 1969. He had his first British Classic win with Bolkonski in the 1975 renewal of the 2000 Guineas at Newmarket, following up in the same race a year later with Wollow.

Both horses were ridden by Frankie Dettori's father, Gianfranco. Cecil married his one-time secretary Jane McKeown in 2008. He is survived by two children from his first marriage, Katie and Noel, and son Jake from his second marriage. Cecil's twin brother, David, died from cancer in 2000.

Sir Henry Cecil

Feria frills and flounces Sir David has Summer is traditionally the time that all those beautiful feria dresses come out of the wardrobe to create a blaze of colour on the streets of Andalucian towns and villages.

Last week’s Romeria in Coin showcased a kaleidoscope of different styles and fabrics, with amazingly few duplicates among the hundreds of swirling dresses in the cavalcade.

The shorter variety may not have looked quite as elegant as their full-length counterparts but proved much more practical to walk the five kilometres from the centre of town to the Ermita of the Virgen

de la Fuensanta on the old Monda road. And the children dressed as miniature adults stole the show as usual, whether on foot, horseback or in one of the many pony traps!

pacemaker Much-loved broadcaster and naturalist Sir David Attenborough, 87, has had surgery to have a heart pacemaker fitted and has had to postpone a speaking tour of Australia.

Sir David, who recently presented the highly successful BBC series Africa, is said to be

making good progress and is still his lively self.

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24 N TV Listings

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013


Wed, June 12th12:05am

The Last Shot

Comedy (2004). An FBI agent cooks up a scheme to capture an infamous Mafia boss. As part of the sting, he has to pose as a Hollywood producer and even ends up agreeing to bankroll an aspiring director's film. However, the starstruck cop ends up putting the police operation on the back burner as he falls for the glamour of Tinseltown. Starring Matthew Broderick, Alec Baldwin, Tony Shalhoub and Toni Collette.


Fri, June 14th 11:05pm

The Breakfast Club

Drama (1985). Five teenagers who occupy different areas of their school's social structure are thrown together for a Saturday morning detention. During the day, they analyse their behaviour and find unexpected common ground. Drama, directed by John Hughes and starring Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, Ally Sheedy and Paul Gleason.


Sat, June 15th 11:05pm

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels

Four friends from the East End of London get out of their depth when they run up a huge gambling debt to a crime lord, and land in even more trouble when they concoct a risky scheme to bag enough cash to pay him back. Guy Ritchie's comedy crime thriller. Starring Vinnie Jones in his acting debut.


Sun, June 16th 10:05pm

District 9

Alien refugees that arrived in South Africa in the 1980s are placed in segregation camps, and suffer three decades of racial abuse at the hands of their human neighbours. However, things begin to change when a bureaucrat charged with moving the extraterrestrials to a more secure home finds himself stranded on the wrong side of the security fence. Sci-fi drama, starring Sharlto Copley and Jason Cope.


Con Air

Wed, June 12th 9.00pm

New Series:


This week’s films below add 1 hour for Spanish Viewing Times


Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Micky Flanagan´s Out Out Tour

Fri, June 14th 10.35pm


Airport Live

Mon, June 17th 8.00pm

THURSDAY June 13th

Dan Snow, Dallas Campbell and Anita Rani go behind the scenes at Heathrow, which has more than 200,000 passengers passing through it each day, witnessing air-traffic control in action and examining the science and logistics behind the flights. In the first episode, Dan finds out how Heathrow went from a row of tents to one of the world's busiest airports.

FRIDAY June 14th

6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Robbed, Raided, Reunited 11:30am Cowboy Trap 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Escape to the Country 3:00pm Perfection 3:45pm Hairy Bikers' Best of British 4:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News 6:30pm Regional News Programmes 7:00pm The One Show 7:30pm Traffic Fines Highway Robbery? Panorama 8:00pm Watchdog 9:00pm The Apprentice 10:00pm BBC News 10:25pm Regional News and Weather 10:35pm A Question of Sport 11:05pm Cash for Questions Undercover Panorama 12:05am MOVIE: The Last Shot 1:35am Weatherview 1:40am BBC News

6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Robbed, Raided, Reunited 11:30am Cowboy Trap 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Escape to the Country 3:00pm Perfection 3:45pm Hairy Bikers' Best of British 4:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News 6:30pm Regional News Programmes 7:00pm The One Show 7:30pm EastEnders 8:00pm Waterloo Road 9:00pm Life Savers 10:00pm BBC News 10:25pm Regional News and Weather 10:35pm Question Time 11:35pm This Week 12:20am Holiday Weatherview 12:25am BBC News

6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Robbed, Raided, Reunited 11:30am Cowboy Trap 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Escape to the Country 3:00pm Perfection 3:45pm Hairy Bikers' Best of British 4:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News 6:30pm Regional News Programmes 7:00pm The One Show 7:30pm A Question of Sport 8:00pm EastEnders 8:30pm Would I Lie to You? 9:00pm Miranda 9:30pm Mrs Brown's Boys 10:00pm BBC News 10:25pm Regional News and Weather 10:35pm The Graham Norton Show 11:25pm Dinner for Schmucks 1:10am Weatherview 1:15am BBC News

6:00am Homes Under the Hammer 7:00am Robbed, Raided, Reunited 7:30am Cowboy Trap 8:15am Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth Is 9:00am Great Bear Stakeout 10:00am Monty Don's French Gardens 11:00am BBC News 11:30am Daily Politics 1:00pm Tennis from Queen's 6:00pm Eggheads 6:30pm Father Brown 7:15pm Springwatch 2013 8:30pm Springwatch Unsprung 2013 9:00pm The Iraq War 10:00pm The Apprentice:

You're Fired 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm The Tudors 12:10am The Tudors 1:00am Toughest Place to Be a Farmer 2:00am This Is BBC Two 3:50am Growing Up Poor: Amber's Story 4:00am Growing Up Poor: Frankie's Story 4:10am Growing Up Poor: Shelby's Story 4:20am Growing Up Poor: Wesley's Story

6:05am Homes Under the Hammer 7:05am Robbed, Raided, Reunited 7:35am Cowboy Trap 8:20am Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth Is 9:05am Great Continental Railway Journeys 10:05am Country Show Cook Off 10:35am HARDtalk 11:00am BBC News 11:30am BBC World News 12:00pm Daily Politics 1:00pm Tennis from Queen's 6:00pm Eggheads 6:30pm Father Brown 7:15pm Antiques Road Trip 8:00pm Springwatch 2013

9:00pm Horizon: The Secret Life of the Cat 10:00pm Mock the Week 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm The Tudors 12:15am The Tudors 1:10am Blacklist Britain Panorama 1:40am Frank Gardner's Return to Saudi Arabia 2:40am This Is BBC Two 4:00am Howard Goodall's Story of Music

6:00am Homes Under the Hammer 7:00am Robbed, Raided, Reunited 7:30am Cowboy Trap 8:15am Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth Is 9:00am Antiques Roadshow 10:00am Question Time 11:00am BBC News 11:30am BBC World News 12:00pm Daily Politics 1:00pm Tennis from Queen's 6:00pm Eggheads 6:30pm Father Brown 7:15pm Antiques Road Trip 8:00pm Nature's Microworlds

8:30pm Gardeners' World 9:00pm The Time Traveller's Guide to Elizabethan England 10:00pm Horizon: Little Cat Diaries 10:30pm Newsnight 11:00pm Weather 11:05pm MOVIE:The Breakfast Club 12:40am Question Time 1:40am This Is BBC Two

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm ITV News London 2:00pm May the Best House Win 3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:59pm ITV London Weather 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News London

6:30pm ITV News and Weather 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm All Star Mr & Mrs 9:00pm Love and Marriage 10:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ITV News London 10:35pm Joanna Lumley's Nile 11:35pm The Dales 12:05am Jackpot247 3:00am British Touring Car Championship 4:15am ITV Nightscreen

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm ITV News London 2:00pm May the Best House Win 3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:59pm ITV London Weather 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News London

6:30pm ITV News and Weather 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm America and Its Guns: Tonight 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Paul O'Grady: For the Love of Dogs 9:00pm Happy Families 10:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ITV News London 10:35pm Vicious 11:05pm The Job Lot 11:35pm The Cube 12:30am Jackpot247 3:00am America and Its Guns: Tonight 3:25am ITV Nightscreen

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm ITV News London 2:00pm May the Best House Win 3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:59pm ITV London Weather 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News London

6:30pm ITV News and Weather 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm Harbour Lives 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Britain's Secret Homes 10:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ITV News London 10:35pm Inland Empire 1:50am Jackpot247 3:00am Columbo: Candidate for Crime 4:40am ITV Nightscreen

7:00pm Free Speech: Are We Getting More Racist? 8:00pm The Call Centre 9:00pm MOVIE:Con Air 10:50pm Family Guy 11:10pm Family Guy 11:30pm American Dad! 11:55pm American Dad! 12:15am Live at the Apollo 12:45am Live at the Apollo

1:15am The Call Centre 2:15am Free Speech: Are We Getting More Racist? 3:15am Great Movie Mistakes III: Not in 3D 3:30am The Best Horror Film Ever!

7:00pm Live Athletics 9:00pm Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 10:00pm Russell Howard's Good News 10:30pm EastEnders 11:00pm Family Guy 11:25pm Family Guy 11:45pm American Dad! 12:10am American Dad! 12:30am Russell Howard's Good News

1:00am Sweat the Small Stuff 1:30am The Best Horror Film Ever! 2:00am Pramface 3:00am Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

6:10am The Hoobs 7:05am Will & Grace 7:30am According to Jim 7:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:55am Frasier 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Undercover Boss Canada 11:00am Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 12:00pm Channel 4 News Midday Summary 12:05pm Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course 12:35pm Kirstie's Vintage Gems 12:50pm The Sons of Katie Elder 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Four in a Bed

5:30pm Come Dine with Me 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm Location, Location, Location 9:00pm 24 Hours in A&E 10:00pm Dates 10:30pm 10 O'Clock Live 11:30pm Random Acts 11:35pm Super Tornado 12:30am Mercury Prize Sessions: Tom Odell 12:45am One Born Every Minute USA 1:40am I Think I Love My Wife 3:15am Come Dine with Me

6:10am The Hoobs 7:05am Will & Grace 7:30am According to Jim 7:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:55am Frasier 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Undercover Boss Canada 11:00am Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 12:00pm 4 News 12:05pm Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course 12:35pm River Cottage Veg Heroes 1:05pm King Solomon's Mines 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Four in a Bed 5:30pm Come Dine

with Me 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm Compare Your Life 9:00pm Confessions of an Alien Abductee 10:00pm Sex Toy Stories 11:05pm 24 Hours in A&E 12:05am Random Acts 12:10am Embarrassing Bodies: Live from the Clinic 1:05am The Alps Murders 2:00am Food Unwrapped 2:30am Diets, Drugs and Diabetes: 4 Dispatches 3:00am Come Dine with Me

6:10am The Hoobs 7:05am Will & Grace 7:30am According to Jim 7:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:55am Frasier 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Undercover Boss Canada 11:00am Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 12:00pm 4 News 12:05pm Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course 12:35pm Kirstie's Vintage Gems 12:50pm Captain Horatio Hornblower RN 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Four in a Bed 5:30pm Come Dine

7:00pm Top Gear Africa Special - Part Two 8:00pm Traffic Cops 9:00pm Russell Howard's Good News Extra 9:45pm Sweat the Small Stuff: Extra Sweaty 10:30pm EastEnders 11:00pm Family Guy 11:25pm Family Guy 11:45pm American Dad! 12:10am American Dad!

with Me 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm Four Rooms 9:00pm The Million Pound Drop Live 10:35pm Micky Flanagan's Out Out Tour 11:35pm 10 O'Clock Live 12:30am Random Acts 12:35am The Simpsons 1:00am The Million Pound Drop Live 2:30am New Girl 2:50am The Mindy Project 3:15am Happy Endings 3:40am The New Normal 4:00am Accidentally on Purpose

12:30am Russell Howard's Good News Extra 1:15am Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 2:10am The Best Horror Film Ever! 2:40am The Call Centre 3:40am Great Movie Mistakes III: Not in 3D


News Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

Doc: Goodbye Granadaland

(Peter Kay bids a fond farewell to Granada Studios in Manchester)

Sat, June 15th 8:30pm

SATURDAY June 15th

TV Listings N 25

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013


Bird's-eye view of the natural world, joining the journeys of snow geese, cranes, albatrosses, eagles and other birds across six continents. Beginning in North America, snow geese face their biggest predator, pelicans glide under San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, bald eagles in Alaska swoop among brown bears, and on the Great Plains, cowbirds dive under the feet of fighting bison. Narrated by David Tennant.


Sun, June 16th 5.35pm

SUNDAY June 16th

MONDAY June 17th

NOTE: Add 1 hour for Spanish viewing times.

TUESDAY June 18th

6:00am Breakfast 9:00am Saturday Kitchen Live 10:30am Trooping the Colour: The Queen's Birthday Parade 1:05pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 1:20pm Tennis from Queen's 5:25pm A Question of Sport: A-Z 5:55pm Pointless Celebrities 6:40pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 7:00pm The Voice UK 9:10pm The National Lottery Saturday Night Draws

9:20pm Casualty 10:10pm BBC News; Weather 10:30pm Match of the Day 11:10pm No Strings Attached 12:50am Weatherview 12:55am BBC News

6:00am Breakfast 9:00am The Andrew Marr Show 10:00am The Big Questions 11:00am Sunday Politics 12:20pm Countryfile 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm Tennis from Queen's 5:00pm Songs of Praise 5:35pm Earthflight 6:35pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 7:00pm Countryfile 8:00pm Antiques Roadshow 9:00pm The White Queen 10:00pm BBC News; Regional News and

Weather 10:25pm Match of the Day Live 1:00am Weatherview 1:05am BBC News

6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Robbed, Raided, Reunited 11:30am Cowboy Trap 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Escape to the Country 3:00pm Perfection 3:45pm Hairy Bikers' Best of British 4:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News 6:30pm Regional News Programmes 7:00pm The One Show 7:30pm Fake Britain 8:00pm EastEnders 8:30pm Elderly Care: Condition Critical? Panorama 9:00pm New Tricks 10:00pm BBC News 10:25pm Regional News and Weather 10:35pm Helicopter Rescue 11:20pm The Graham Norton Show 12:05am Green Card 1:50am Weatherview 1:55am BBC News

6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Robbed, Raided, Reunited 11:30am Cowboy Trap 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Escape to the Country 3:00pm Perfection 3:45pm Hairy Bikers' Best of British 4:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News 6:30pm Regional News Programmes 7:00pm The One Show 7:30pm EastEnders 8:00pm Holby City 9:00pm Frankie 10:00pm BBC News 10:25pm Regional News and Weather 10:35pm D-Day: The Last Heroes 11:35pm Biker Boyz 1:20am Weatherview 1:25am BBC News

6:00am This Is BBC Two 6:25am The Gay Diplomat 7:30am The Fabulous Dorseys 8:55am A History of Scotland 10:00am Reel History of Britain 10:30am The Great British Bake Off Masterclass 11:30am Nature's Great Events 12:30pm Just a Minute 1:00pm Live MotoGP 2:00pm Tim 3:45pm Coast 4:15pm Natural World: Tiger Island 5:15pm Flog It! 6:00pm Dad's Army 6:30pm Trooping the

Colour: The Queen's Birthday Parade Highlights 8:00pm Live International Rugby Union 10:00pm A Serious Man 11:40pm Skeletons 1:10am This Is BBC Two

Tiger 9:00pm Rise of the Continents 10:00pm Blackadder II 10:30pm Mock the Week 11:00pm What a Load of Buzzcocks 11:30pm Valhalla Rising 12:55am Countryfile 1:50am Holby City 2:50am This Is BBC Two

6:00am This Is BBC Two 6:05am Homes Under the Hammer 7:05am Robbed, Raided, Reunited 7:35am Cowboy Trap 8:20am Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth Is 9:05am Coast 10:05am Country Show Cook Off 10:35am Click 11:00am BBC News 11:30am BBC World News 12:00pm Daily Politics 1:00pm Animal Park 1:30pm The Wrong Man 3:15pm Fred Dibnah's Made in Britain 4:15pm Nature's Great Events

5:15pm Flog It! 6:00pm Eggheads 6:30pm Father Brown 7:15pm Antiques Road Trip 8:00pm Airport Live 9:00pm Rick Stein's India 10:00pm What a Load of Buzzcocks 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm Rise of the Continents 12:20am The Other Pompeii: Life and Death in Herculaneum 1:20am The Super League Show 2:05am This Is BBC Two 4:00am Locomotion: Dan Snow's History of Railways

6:05am Homes Under the Hammer 7:05am Robbed, Raided, Reunited 7:35am Cowboy Trap 8:20am Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth Is 9:05am Watchdog 10:05am Country Show Cook Off 10:35am HARDtalk 11:00am BBC News 11:30am BBC World News 12:00pm Daily Politics 1:00pm Tennis from Eastbourne 5:15pm Flog It! 6:00pm Eggheads 6:30pm Father Brown 7:15pm Antiques Road Trip

8:00pm Airport Live 9:00pm The Route Masters: Running London's Roads 10:00pm Iain Banks: Raw Spirit - A Review Show Special 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm Rise of the Continents 12:20am The Apprentice 1:20am Alex Polizzi The Fixer Returns 2:20am This Is BBC Two 4:00am Schools - In My Shoes Plus: China 4:40am Schools - In My Shoes Plus: Germany

7:20am Almost Naked Animals 7:35am Ultimate SpiderMan 8:00am Jessie 8:25am ITV News 8:30am Dinner Date 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 10:20am Murder, She Wrote 11:20am ITV News and Weather 11:30am Saturday Farm 12:35pm All Star Mr & Mrs 1:40pm River Monsters 2:35pm The Chase 3:35pm You've Been Framed!

4:05pm Happy Feet 6:10pm ITV News London 6:25pm ITV News and Weather 6:40pm Despicable Me 8:30pm Goodbye Granadaland 10:00pm The Americans 10:50pm ITV News and Weather 11:05pm MOVIE: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 1:00am Jackpot247 3:00am In Plain Sight 4:25am ITV Nightscreen

6:00am This Is BBC Two 6:45am Love Affair 8:15am Gardeners' World 8:45am The A to Z of TV Gardening 9:30am The Beechgrove Garden 10:00am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30am Chinese Food Made Easy 12:00pm What to Eat Now 12:30pm Live MotoGP 2:05pm EastEnders 4:00pm Flog It! 5:00pm Tennis from Queen's 6:30pm Porridge 7:00pm Peter Jones Meets 8:00pm Operation Snow

2:30pm A Touch of Frost 4:35pm Batteries Not Included 6:35pm ITV News London 6:45pm ITV News 7:00pm Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 8:00pm Agatha Christie's Marple 10:00pm ITV News and Weather 10:15pm The Talent Show Story 11:20pm Drama Trails 12:15am The Store 2:15am Monk 3:00am Motorsport UK 3:50am ITV Nightscreen

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm ITV News London 2:00pm May the Best House Win 3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:59pm ITV London Weather 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News London 6:30pm ITV News and Weather

7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm The Dales 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Long Lost Family 10:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ITV News London 10:35pm Benidorm 11:05pm Monk 12:00am Jackpot247 3:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:55am ITV Nightscreen 5:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm ITV News London 2:00pm May the Best House Win 3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:59pm ITV London Weather 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News London

6:30pm ITV News and Weather 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Nature's Newborns 8:00pm Animal Heroes 9:00pm Royal Windsor's Big Week 10:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ITV News London 10:35pm Real Crime: Bombers on the Run 11:35pm In Plain Sight 12:20am Jackpot247 3:00am Loose Women 3:45am ITV Nightscreen 5:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:10am The Hoobs 7:05am Will & Grace 7:30am According to Jim 7:55am The Morning Line 8:55am Frasier 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Undercover Boss Canada 11:00am Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 12:00pm 4 News 12:05pm Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course 12:40pm Three in a Bed 1:40pm Royal Ascot: Channel 4 Racing 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm Something for

Nothing 9:00pm Child Genius 10:00pm Dates 10:35pm How to Find Love Online 11:35pm Random Acts 11:40pm The Greatest Shows on Earth 12:40am Royal Ascot Highlights 1:10am European Poker Tour 2:05am KOTV Boxing Weekly 2:35am America's Cup Discovered 3:00am The Grid 3:30am British Rallycross 3:55am FIM Superbike World Championship 4:25am Transvulcania

6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am British Rallycross 7:00am The Grid 7:30am FIM Superbike World Championship 8:00am The Morning Line 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:35am Frasier 11:05am The Big Bang Theory 11:35am The Big Bang Theory 12:05pm The Simpsons 12:35pm Heston's Fantastical Food 1:40pm Channel 4 Racing 4:10pm Come Dine with Me

7:00pm Great Movie Mistakes IV: May the Fourth Be with You 7:30pm Match of the Day Live 10:00pm Con Air 11:50pm Family Guy 12:10am Family Guy 12:30am American Dad! 12:55am American Dad! 1:15am The Call Centre 2:15am Russell Howard's

4:40pm Come Dine with Me 5:10pm Come Dine with Me 5:40pm Come Dine with Me 6:10pm Come Dine with Me 6:40pm Channel 4 News 7:00pm World's Weirdest Weather 8:00pm The Million Pound Drop Live 9:35pm Date Night 11:20pm Kingpin 1:25am The Million Pound Drop Live 2:55am Friday Night In 3:05am Hollyoaks

Good News 2:45am Bollywood Carmen Live 3:45am Pop's Greatest Dance Crazes

7:15am Canimals 7:20am Almost Naked Animals 7:30am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 8:00am Sonny with a Chance 8:25am ITV News 8:30am Country House Sunday 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 10:20am Murder, She Wrote 11:20am ITV News 11:30am Agatha Christie's The Man in the Brown Suit 1:30pm Love Your Garden 6:00am Kirstie's Vintage Gems 6:10am The Treacle People 6:20am The Hoobs 6:45am The Hoobs 7:10am Transvulcania 7:35am London Nocturne 8:30am Frasier 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Sunday Brunch 12:30pm The Big Bang Theory 12:55pm The Big Bang Theory 1:25pm The Simpsons 1:55pm The Simpsons 2:25pm The Three Musketeers 4:25pm Deal or No Deal 5:25pm Channel 4 News 5:55pm The Political Slot

7:00pm Great Movie Mistakes IV: May the Fourth Be with You 7:30pm Match of the Day Live 10:00pm The Call Centre 11:00pm Family Guy 11:25pm Family Guy 11:45pm American Dad! 12:10am American Dad! 12:30am Russell Howard's Good News

6:00pm St Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold 8:00pm Terror in the Skies 9:00pm The Returned 10:05pm MOVIE: District 9 12:10am Hustle & Flow 2:10am Southland 2:55am I Hate That Smile 3:00am Location, Location, Location 3:55am Deal or No Deal 4:50am Countdown

Extra 1:15am The Voice UK 3:25am Great Movie Mistakes IV: May the Fourth Be with You

6:10am The Hoobs 7:05am Will & Grace 7:30am According to Jim 7:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Undercover Boss Canada 11:00am Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 12:00pm 4 News 12:05pm Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course 12:35pm River Cottage Veg Heroes 1:05pm This Happy Breed 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me

7:00pm Would I Lie to You? 7:30pm Match of the Day Live 10:00pm The Best Sport Film Ever! 10:30pm EastEnders 11:00pm Family Guy 11:25pm Family Guy 11:45pm American Dad! 12:10am American Dad! 12:30am The Best of

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm How Councils Waste Your Money: Channel 4 Dispatches 8:30pm Food Unwrapped 9:00pm Scientologists at War 10:00pm The Greatest Shows on Earth 11:05pm Random Acts 11:10pm Child Genius 12:15am Sex Toy Stories 1:10am This Is England '88 2:10am Beauty & the Beast: Ugly Face of Prejudice 3:05am Secret Eaters 4:00am Location, Location, Location

Limmy's Show 1:00am The Best Sport Film Ever! 1:30am Pramface 2:00am Pramface 2:30am Russell Howard's Good News 3:00am Gay to Straight: Stacey Dooley in the USA

7:00pm The Apprentice 8:00pm Traffic Cops 9:00pm The Call Centre 10:00pm Sweat the Small Stuff 10:30pm EastEnders 11:00pm Family Guy 11:25pm Family Guy 11:45pm American Dad! 12:10am American Dad! 12:30am The Call Centre 1:30am Sweat the Small

Stuff 2:00am The Best Sport Film Ever! 2:30am Russell Howard's Good News 3:00am The Call Centre

26 N Magazine

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Take a break SuDOKu


Fill in the grid using all the letters of the alphabet. Some letters have been given to help you get started.

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. With no repeats, that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box. Level:












O 14

Cryptic Quick









See how many words of four or more letters you can make from the given nine letters. In making a word each letter may be used only once. The key letter must be used in each word.


1. It keeps warm but leaves me shortchanged (7) 2. Drink now mixed in separate container (9) 3. Level score (5) 4. Going to court (6) 5. The ancestry of the railway era? (7) 6. Determined to be freed from jail (3) 7. Sort of show to knock you out (5) 12. Scholarly chaps sat and argued agitatedly (9) 14. A target perhaps for rivals in craft (7) 16. Healthy place for prisoner charged with battery (3,4) 17. Being diverted made us upset (6) 18. A pie's turned brown (5) 20. Some high pressure produces the hump (5) 22. A short twelve months in Scotland (3)



1-7 Poor 8-9 Average

1. Outside (8) 2. Purported (8) 3. Buns (5) 5. Tavern-keeping fish (7) 6. Investigator (9) 7. Bivalve mollusk (6) 8. Offensively bold (6) 9. Holy (6) 15. Cad (9) 17. Obscurity (8) 18. Intrepid (8) 20. Biggest (7) 21. Magnate (6) 22. Separate (6) 23. Yell (6) 25. A layer in our atmosphere (5)


1-8 Poor 9-13 Average

14-17 Good 18-20 Excellent

The following are not allowed: - Words beginning with a capital letter - Words with a hyphen or apostrophe - Plural words ending in “s”

Please note that the Quick crossword contains American spelling



10-13 Good 14-15 Excellent







1. Tyson 4. Well Off 8. Eon 9. Two and Two 10. Moorhen 11. Anger 13. Sentry

19. Doll 21. Tremble 24. Eccentric 25. Osier 26. Ameer 27. Economize 28. Humility 29. Tennis

15. Demand 18. Shrug 19. Mercury 21. Practised 23. Toe 24. Air Raid 25. Easel


1. Expiry 4. Pandemic 10. Titillate 11. Taste 12. Rates 13. Rain Check 14. Advised 16. Edit



19. C 20. V 21. Y 22. D 23. X 24. Q 25. J 26. F

1. Termination (6) 4. Existing everywhere (8) 10. Excite pleasurably (9) 11. Flavour (5) 12. Charges (5) 13. Deferral (9) 14. Counselled (7) 16. Modify (4) 19. A girl's toy (4) 21. Shiver (7) 24. Bizarre (9) 25. Willow (5) 26. Ruler or chieftain (5) 27. Spend sparingly (9) 28. A disposition to be humble (8) 29. Wimbledon sport (6)



10. B 11. R 12. K 13. T 14. G 15. Z 16. I 17. M 18. U




1. L 2. A 3. W 4. O 5. P 6. N 7. A 8. S 9. E

1. Boxer Tony's knocked out (5) 4. Nowhere near being rich (4,3) 8. One is confused for a long time (3) 9. A pair of braces put together by the astute (3,3,3) 10. Bird with hormone disorder (7) 11. A somewhat dangerous emotion (5) 13. Half of us on door watch (6) 15. What the public wants to ask? (6) 18. Movement of indifference (5) 19. Planet rising in temperature (7) 21. What's done in pride's construed as skilled (9) 23. Extremely low digit (3) 24. New radar I used twice in attack (3,4) 25. Support needed when the lease runs out (5)




The 9-letter word DISHONEST




The 9-letter word WITHDRAWN





1. External 2. Putative 3. Rolls 5. Alewife 6. Detective 7. Mussel 8. Cheeky 9. Sacred

1. Thermos 2. Sundowner 3. Notch 4. Wooing 5. Lineage 6. Out 7. Floor

15. Scoundrel 17. Oblivion 18. Fearless 20. Largest 21. Tycoon 22. Detach 23. Scream 25. Ozone

12. Graduates 14. Regatta 16. Dry Cell 17. Amused 18. Sepia 20. Ridge 22. Ayr

the N ews Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme

“THE NEWS” WANTS TO HEAR YOUR VIEWS Send letters to the editor as part of an e-mail text to


Mary Chapman Gardeners beware! Those huge variegated agave plants can be dangerous. My husband found out the hard way. We were given several striped babies about eight years ago and planted them out to form a hedge.

Thinking that they had actually got rather out of hand, we thought we would remove some of them – easier said than done, of course, since they are not exactly friendly plants! I had been snipping off the vicious spikes on the end of the fleshy leaves ever since someone told me they got

blood poisoning from being pricked in a vein. Armed with heavy duty clippers and gloves I was about to start the cull when my husband had what he thought was a brilliant idea. "I'll take the chain saw to them, it will be much quicker."

Five minutes later leaves and pulp were spraying all around the garden, six minutes later my husband was screaming as the pulp was burning his skin. He dropped everything and shot into the shower! The water helped but didn't stop the

Roger Childs

At the end of last year you published an article (which coincided with the loss of the Channel 5 signal) which informed your readers that the BBC,ITV and Channel 4 signal would also be lost and a date in December was given when this would start to take place, however this date came and went with no more channels being lost.

Since this time the only information I have read on the matter has been put out by satellite installation companies who appear to have "jumped on the

bandwagon" and made the most of this suspect information to "feather their own nests". One of the companies is offering an alternative system with one price before the change and another more expensive price after the change.

It would be appreciated if you could give your readers an independent update on the current situation because most people I know think that the whole situation has been fabricated by companies with a commercial interest in scaremongering customers to

Chris Field

We've just returned from a fabulous night at the

& Stargazing

Opinion & Comment N 27

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Tamisa Golf Hotel where they hosted a charity evening in aid of Johnny Westwood, an entertainer on the coast who is seriously ill. The evening was an outstanding success, raising 5,000 euros, and the entertainers were magnificent – West End Musicals in Concert, (who along with the sound and lighting team donated their time free of charge). Unfortunately what was almost a perfect night was spoilt by people talking all through the music. If they are not interested in the entertainment then give to the charity and move to where they can talk to their hearts’ content and not spoil it for everyone else. Several people asked them to be quiet, only to be told, "if you want a quiet

Cartama burning sensation, cue calomine lotion, aloe vera etc. And still it hurt!

A trawl round the internet revealed that he had done the one thing that was not advisable. It took several days for the resulting rash to go down, even after the itching and burning stopped small raised white spots were visible. We cleaned the clogged up chain saw very carefully! A lesson learned – hopefully this letter might save other unsuspecting gardners from a similar experience.


invest in their alternative system Regards Roger Childs Coin.

Editor: We published this letter in last week’s issue but credited it to the wrong person. Apologies Roger, but sadly the answer must still be the same. Nobody really knows what is going to happen or when. Until and if we all get cut off, we cannot give you any further information.


night then go to church"! One person from one of the rowdy tables apologised when she gave a speech, but said we all live each day as if it were our last. If that's the case I'd rather my last day was listening to fabulous music in beautiful surroundings and not listening to a lot of rowdy people. Fortunately the West End Musicals in Concert are performing at the Olive Tree in Coin on the 12th July so we will get a second chance to enjoy them.

Editor Says: How very sad that a few selfish people can spoil an evening like this. You know who you are and you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves. Thank goodness you will get another opportunity to watch and listen to the show.

Comment By Ken Campbell

Why do clocks go clockwise? A

Here’s some interesting stuff you may want to impress your friends with (or bore them to death!)

stronomy is not just about gazing at the stars; it actually controls all our day to day lives without you even knowing. We have seven days in a week because the ancient Babylonians counted the phases of the Moon beginning with a new moon, it takes 28 and a bit days from new moon to new moon.


hey also knew that there were seven ‘not stars’ in the sky and so named each day after them. Sunday, ‘Moonday’ and ‘Saturnsday’ are obvious but in Latin the other days of the week are named after Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. It’s just as well that they didn’t know about Uranus and Neptune or we’d all be working a nine-day week!


here are 12 months in a year; again this is because months used to be measured by the 12 full moons in a year, and the name ‘month’ comes from ‘moonth’. There can sometimes be 13 full moons in a year, if two full moons fall in the same month then the second one is known as a ‘blue moon’.


riginally months were mostly 29 days, which is the time taken by the Moon to orbit the Earth. However, this resulted in a year of only 354 days while the orbital period of the Earth is 365 ¼ days. As a result, the calendar became out of sync with the seasons which was bad. It was in 4 BC that Julius Caesar reformed the calendar and so extra days were added in some months to even it out a bit.


ecause of this extra quarter day it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun then every four years these add up to produce a year of 366 days rather than 365. Here’s where the leap year comes from – we add an extra day on February 29th to compensate.


ur seasons are dependent on the tilt of the Earth. During the summer months the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun and so we have longer, warmer days. On the 21st June the Earth will be at its maximum northern tilt and we have the Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year. After the solstice the days

begin to get shorter as winter moves in. The Summer Solstice was so important to ancient Britons that five thousand years ago they built Stonehenge to celebrate it.


hristmas was originally a pagan festival to celebrate the Winter Solstice or shortest day of the year that falls on December 21st or 22nd. It was only adopted as being the day that Jesus was born in the early 4th century.


hy does Easter move around so much? Easter Sunday is calculated as being the first Sunday that follows the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. This is the day when there is equal day and night across the Earth, usually 21st or 22nd March.


here are 360° in a circle. Why not 400°? It would make sense if each right angle were 100° instead of 90. Well it’s because there are 365 days in a year and so each degree is meant to represent one day of movement of the Earth in it’s orbit around the Sun.


o why do clocks go clockwise? The first clocks were sundials and they were invented in the Northern Hemisphere. To see the Sun from the Northern Hemisphere you have to look south. This means that the Sun will rise to your left and travel across the sky to the right. The shadow that it forms will therefore travel in a clockwise direction around a sundial. When the first mechanical clocks were invented the practice of numbering them stayed as in sundials. If someone living in the Southern Hemisphere had first invented sundials then we would have clocks that went anti-clockwise!


appy Stargazing

28 N Classifieds

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013


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Pol. Los Perales Nave 88 (close to Butano) Mijas Costa PETS & ANIMALS

LAGUNA Kennels and cosy cattery. Five star facilities, fully tiled quarters with airconditioning. Your pets lovingly cared for by English mother and daughter. Near Coin. 952112021 / 606838983 (195)tnp

the News

Classifieds N 29

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

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30 N Motors & Sports Page

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Vettel dominates Canadian GP After claiming the 29th victory of his record-breaking career with Red Bull's first win at the Canadian Grand Prix Sebastian Vettel was ecstatic.

The chorus of boos from Ferrari fans in the crowd during the post-race podium ceremonies couldn't even dampen his good humour after he opened up a 36points lead in the drivers’ world championship. "It wasn't that bad – not for us anyway!" he quipped. "The sun came out as well so it doesn't get any better. "We had good races here before, but it didn't come together to win, then I lost it in the last lap two years ago which was my fault but I made up for that today." Starting from his third consecutive pole position at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, the defending triple world champion came home unchallenged at the end of a dominant drive from the front. It was the 25-year-old German's third win this season and he finished a comfortable 16.200 seconds clear of second-placed Spanish favourite Fernando Alonso of Ferrari who fought from sixth on the grid to finish on the podium. "Yes! At last we have won in Canada," screamed a delighted Vettel. Alonso said: "Yesterday we didn't have a good qualifying. I didn't get a fast lap and the conditions were not easy, but we knew the pace in dry conditions was good. "We had high hopes. I was fighting top drivers and I had very good fights with Mark, Nico and Lewis at the end. It was not easy because they are super-talented. "But I think second tastes of victory, because we scored some good points after a very difficult weekend." Lewis Hamilton was third for Mercedes after racing at the front and leading for three laps. It was his third podium finish of the year in seven races with his new team. Hamilton, who had been hoping for his fourth win in Canada on one of his favourite circuits, said his Mercedes car suffered minor damage in the thrilling late dice with Alonso.

"I think a small part of the wing came off it was really close, we had a great battle, he (Alonso) is a fair driver and had a great drive. We just have to keep

pushing so we can get closer to these guys." Australian Mark Webber came home in fourth in the second Red Bull ahead of Monaco winner Nico Rosberg in the second Mercedes,

A sad note to end on was the death of a race marshal. The 38-year-old marshal was killed at the end of the

Canadian Grand Prix after being hit by a recovery truck. The accident happened while Esteban Gutierrez's stricken Sauber was being removed from the Montreal circuit. The International Automobile Federation said the man, who has yet to be named, had stumbled after dropping his radio. "My deepest condolences to the family of the marshal who lost his life today, our prayers for him and his family. RIP," said Gutierrez on Twitter.

The FIA said the marshal tripped while attempting to pick up his radio as workers used a mobile crane to lift Gutierrez's car and return it to the pits. He was run over by the recovery vehicle,

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whose driver could not see him, added the FIA. Medics stabilised the victim at the track before he was airlifted to hospital where he later died.

"I am very, very sad to hear this news and my thoughts are with his family and friends," said Sebastian Vettel, who won the race for Red Bull. "The work of marshals is not always seen but it is vital to our sport and without their commitment, time and dedication there would be no motorsport," added the three-time world champion. Ferrari driver Fernando Alonso, who finished second, said the man's death was "terrible news". "Today there is nothing to celebrate," added the Spaniard on Twitter. This was the first marshal fatality since 2001 when Graham Beveridge was fatally injured by a loose wheel from Jacques Villeneuve's BAR-Honda at the Australian Grand Prix.

Froome wins Dauphine Team Sky wrapped up a second consecutive 1-2 victory at the Criterium du Dauphine with Chris Froome and Richie Porte taking two of the top four positions on a mountainous final stage. The duo were guided up the Montée de Risoul by their hard-working teammates and then rode clear of their rivals in the last two kilometres. Froome set a blistering pace for Porte, and only Andrew Talansky was able to intersect the duo as they climbed towards the finish line.

Despite Froome’s efforts, he still had enough left in the tank to outsprint the Garmin-Sharp rider for second place on the day after Alessandro De Marchi (Cannondale) had claimed a gutsy solo victory 24 seconds before, with Porte rolling in seven seconds further back to seal a fine fourth place in Risoul. Those results earned Froome his fourth stage race success of the season, 58 seconds ahead of Porte, and replicated Bradley Wiggins and Michael Rogers’ remarkable feat of 2012.



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the N ews

N 31

WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Sports & Motors Page


Huge win for Malaga Ladies bowlers A group of 11 bowlers from Malaga province travelled six hours to Southern Alicante to enter the 2013 Spanish National Championships in May. Amongst them was a ladies pair representing Belplaya Bowls Club, Kate Morris & Mary Detheridge (pictured right). These two played seven rounds and beat 67 other pairs from all over Spain, to carry off the Ladies Pairs title for Malaga. In the final Kate and Mary narrowly ousted the girls from Bonalba Bowls Club.

The low entry from Malaga to the Nationals can be put down to the current economic crisis and

general apathy to the Nationals from this area, because they are habitually held at Southern Alicante. The organisers feel that if the venue was changed to any other region in Spain where bowling clubs exists, the total entry would diminish.

At any rate Team Malaga’s successes against the National Squad recently and Kate and Mary’s achievement at this year’s Nationals, emphasise the strength of bowling skills in

this region.

Well done ladies!

Report & photo by John Carr

Local Cricket News Europa CC 258/4 too strong for Combined Colleges CC 214/9.

On a beautiful day at the Cártama Oval, Europa CC started well with the bat, led by Mark Bacarese (70). Although the Combined Colleges slow bowlers pegged back the run rate for a while, aggressive strokeplay from Ian Latin and Jay Bokhari took them to 258/4 at the end of their 35 overs. Despite Colleges losing two early wickets in reply, Nushan Alwis (99) and Scott Appleby played really well and kept the batting side in the game.

However, with the run rate escalating, the remaining batsmen had to look for quick runs and in the end fell short, finishing on 214/9. Europa look almost certain to win the league this season, having played four and won four.


This Sunday 16th June there is a break in the league fixtures for those who just enjoy playing a

non-serious game of cricket – open to all ages and all abilities. If you would like to come along for a fun day of cricket or want to get involved in the local cricket scene at whatever level please contact Tim on e-mail: or call on 662 233 302.

e world’s top three to Sunday morning Footbowl play together at US Open at Miraflores Bowls Club Summer’s here and it’s time to play Footbowl, (no this is not a mis-spelling), the bowls game with a soccer slant.

Here’s how it works – the basis is a normal game of team bowls but the team that scores three or more shots in an end scores a goal. The result of the game is based entirely on goals scored, (the

overall shot difference does not count). ‘Penalties’ are awarded against the team that moves the jack into the ditch or out of the rink. At the conclusion of the next end, the offended team may remove any two bowls from the head before the count starts. Although Footbowl is normally played in a very convivial atmosphere,

competition is quite fierce.

Craig and Sandra at Miraflores welcome all bowlers to participate every Sunday morning at 10am for 10:30, dress casual. Prizes awarded to winners each week, (no league format). For more information contact Craig on 655196616.

Kieran Taylor Rocks the Auditorium Taking to the big stage for the first time under the floodlights, with the theme from Rocky blasting from the PA system and on a very chilly night, Kieran Taylor the 18-year-old

taekwondo black belt from Arroyo had his best fight ever to take a stunning gold medal over three rounds against an opponent who weighed 10kgs more than he did.



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A very large, noisy and enthusiastic crowd certainly showed their appreciation and gave Kieran a great reception at the prestigious Benalmadena Cup,which took place at The Auditorium late last Saturday night.

Bringing together the very best exponents of taekwondo from all over Spain, Maxy Montiel who is Kieran's coach, did his usual excellent job in organising this event and it was also nice to see the Spanish National Coach keeping his eye on the proceedings.

Rory McIlroy has been drawn with Tiger Woods and Adam Scott as the world's top three play the opening two rounds of the US Open at Merion together.

Northern Ireland's Graeme McDowell, the 2010 champion, is grouped with Americans Jim Furyk and Zach Johnson.

England’s Luke Donald and Lee Westwood will play with 2012 Ryder Cup teammate Martin Kaymer.

Defending champion Webb Simpson and Open winner Ernie Els are in a trio with 2012 US Amateur champion Steven Fox.

Woods and Sergio Garcia are in the same tournament

for the first time since their spat at The Players Championship in May, which was followed by Garcia having to apologise for a remark he made.

Spaniard Garcia will tee off with former Open champions Padraig Harrington and Stewart Cink when the event starts on Thursday.

Wayne’s Poker Tips Poker must be viewed as one long lifetime game instead of many short sessions – the reason for this is the course of thousands of hands with the best hand winning the correct amount of time. Poker, however, is full of short-term variance (often called luck), which can be extremely frustrating. Despite losing when the odds are overwhelmingly in your favour, the goal of winning poker is still to put yourself in this type of situation as many times as possible because when you do, you will win most of the time. The best way to achieve this is to manage your poker odds in other words, do we have the odds to call – sometimes the pot odds are so great we have to call with any two cards.

Let’s assume we are in a hand and we have odds of around 4:1 against winning this hand. To decide whether or not we should call our

opponent's bet depends on how much money is in the pot. No, we don't mean that if there's a whole bunch of cash you should just go for it. What you should be looking for is the ratio of money you could win compared to the size of your opponent's bet.

To continue our example. Let’s say there was €90 in the pot and your opponent bet €10. That makes a total of €100 in the middle of the table just waiting to be won. You need to match your opponent’s bet of $10 to see the river card, so it’s going to cost you €10 to see if that last card is going to be one of the nine you need to win. If you can win €100 by betting €10 then you are getting odds of 10:1 on your bet. Compare this with your 4:1 chance of

winning. With 4:1 odds you would be being offered the chance to win €40 when betting $10. But in this situation you are being offered the chance to win €100 for a €10 bet. Should you call that bet? Yes and you should do it faster than an eye can blink because the odds are offering you the chance to enjoy a great pay day.

There is a great poker tool called Poker Stove. It is free and you can download it from – this tool will help you work out your win equity pre flop, on the turn and the river.


WEDNESDAY, June 12th 2013

Sports & Motors

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Sports Flash


Youngster dreams of playing for England

Record-breaking Yorkshire bowler Matthew Fisher admits he is already dreaming of playing cricket for England after making his county debut. Fisher became the youngest cricketer to play in a competitive county game when he faced Leicestershire in the YB 40 on Sunday, aged 15 years and 212 days. He took 1-40 in seven overs during Yorkshire's three-wicket defeat. "Playing professionally for Yorkshire is a massive dream, but the pinnacle would be to play for England," he said.

Now he’s the happy, smiley, calm one Jose Mourinho proclaimed that he is "the Happy One" on his return to Chelsea, adding that he is calmer and a better manager than he has ever been. The 50-year-old Portuguese, who first managed the Blues between 2004 and 2007, was officially announced as Chelsea's new boss on the 3rd of June. "I am the Happy One," said Mourinho at a Stamford Bridge news conference. "Calmer? I believe so. I'm in the best moment of my career in terms of knowledge."

He added: "I began management in 2000. I thought I knew everything, but after 13 years you realise you know nothing and have to learn every day. My adventures around Europe were fantastic for me, different countries, different cultures, different media. It was fantastic. "At 50, I think I am still very young as a manager and I think it is like the beginning of a new period. Do I have a different personality? No, but for sure I have a different approach and perspective." Former Real Madrid boss Mourinho, who



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replaces Rafael Benitez at Stamford Bridge, has signed a fouryear deal and said he wants to stay for the entire term. He also said that John Terry will stay as Chelsea club captain but has refused to be drawn on whether he wants to sign Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney. Terry, 32, was captain as Chelsea won two Premier

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Tiger Woods & Sergio Garcia shake hands on 'fried chicken' row League titles in Mourinho's first spell at Stamford Bridge. But he was not always selected by interim boss Rafael Benitez during an injury-troubled 2012-13 season.

City show intent with new signings Manchester City has demonstrated the club’s intention to return to the top of English soccer’s Premier Division next season and take the league title it lost to Manchester United by signing 28-year-

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old Brazilian midfielder Fernandinho. Sevilla had already announced that Spanish winger Navas could be on his way to the Etihad. The sums of money involved are staggering. Fernandinho’s previous club had inserted a £42.5million buy-out clause and a deal of £22-million has been mentioned in relation to Navas. A lot will be expected of City’s new manager Manuel Pellegrini next season. By Vic Gardner

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Sergio Garcia and Tiger Woods have shaken hands after a row in which Spaniard Garcia was accused of making an offensive remark about the American. World number one Woods was photographed accepting the hand of Garcia as they practised for this week's US Open. Garcia had responded to an on-course dispute between the pair last month by joking he would invite Woods for dinner to make up and serve fried chicken. The food is stereotypically associated with black people in the southern US. Woods said the comment was "hurtful" and "clearly inappropriate", prompting an apology from Garcia, who insisted it had had no racist intent.


Record win for Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal coped with an on-court intruder and the Paris rain to beat fellow Spaniard David Ferrer and win a record eighth French Open title. Nadal, 27, came through 6-3 6-2 6-3 to reaffirm his dominance on clay, and further elevate himself among the greats of the sport. The win also makes him the first man to win a Grand Slam singles tournament eight times. His 59th match win also takes him past Roger Federer and Guillermo Vilas at Roland Garros, while his 12th major title moves him above Bjorn Borg and Rod Laver on the all-time list.

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Ferrer, playing in his first major final at the age of 31, was a worthy adversary and pushed his compatriot harder than the score might suggest, but he never threatened an upset.



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