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72/47 Mostly sunny and delightful. Patchy clouds at night.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 • Vol. 41, No. 2 • Hazelwood ruling spoils tradition see News, Page 3
Measles debate forges strange alliances see Community, Page 4
Houston Dash seeks to improve in 2015 see Sports, page 8
HCC to move Missouri City campus New MoCity campus near city hall slated for 2017 Alyssa Foley
The Egalitarian Houston Community College’s Missouri City campus will move from its current location in Sienna Plantation to about 40 acres near the municipality’s city hall. With about 27,000 more square feet of space in the new facility, HCC officials the new campus should be able to host more than 150 percent of the current course offerings. It is unclear when classes will be moving, but currently the new location is a vacant lot. According to HCC Chief Facilities Officer Chuck Smith Monday, the proposed 75,000-square-foot building and other site improvements have a current budget estimate of $28.6
million. The new Missouri City campus is currently projected to open in January 2017. “Over the years residential development and multi-family housing have obscured the Sienna Plantation location and made it difficult for students to find us,” HCC Chancellor Cesar Maldonado said in a press release. “The new location is closer to Highway 90 and on Texas Parkway and will be much more convenient for students, faculty and staff.” The HCC Board of Trustees recently approved the $3.6 million purchase of 41 acres along Texas Parkway for the move. The new building will be financed by 2013 Capital Improvement Plan bonds. The projected cost see
Missouri City Move, Page 3
Image courtesy of HCC Houston Community College is planning to move its Missouri City campus from its current Sienna Plantation location to a nearly 40-acre area near the municipality’s city hall. HCC officials project a new 75,000-squarefoot facility for Missouri City to be open in January 2017.
Getting a refund? It depends Jimmieka Mills The Egalitarian
Image courtesy of
Many students assume that federal income tax filing does not affect them and in some cases this is true. If you had no earned income and are a dependent of your parents, federal filing should not include you providing any documents of proof of income and taxes paid.
Students who have worked at any time during the year may be affected regardless of whether they are considered a dependent of a primary tax filer. This may be better understood with a definition of earned income. This includes any income a filer has received for work performed typically reported on a form W2. Students who worked during the year 2014 should receive a
The Official Student Newspaper Of The Houston Community College System
form W2 (some independent contracted workers will receive form 1099) with their total wages earned and taxes paid for the year. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has been around a long time – it was signed by President Ford and then expanded in the tax reform act by President see
Getting a Refund?, Page 3
Campus Briefs
Page 2 - Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Interested in having your event in the campus briefs? Want the HCC Community to know that you have an upcoming meeting or an event? Let us help! E-mail your event info to!
Today The Egalitarian The Egalitarian, Houston Community College’s student newspaper, will continue to run print issues throughout the Spring 2015 semester on the following dates: Feb. 25; March 11; March 25; April 8; April 22; May 6; May 20; and June 24. For more information about joining The Egalitarian staff, e-mail Southeast SGA meeting The Student Government Association at HCC-Southeast will hold its first general meeting today at 1:30 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Angela Morales Building. Central SGA Elections The Central Student Government Association elections are approaching. Applications are currently being accepted. Positions are available on the SGA Executive Board, Student Ad Hoc Committees, Grievance Committee and Campus Activities Board. To apply, visit the Student Activities office in the Learning Hub Science Building, 1300 Holman Suite 115. Contact SGA Reporter Siomara Ellis: siomara.ellis@ Affordable Care Act 101 Have questions about the Affordable Care Act and health coverage? We’ve got answers. Trained professionals will be onsite to assist with enrollment, appointments and questions. The information sessions start at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. in Room 218 of the HCC-Southeast Learning Hub. The campus is located at 6815 Rustic Street. “Ain’t I a Woman” musical theatre
A chamber music theatre work for actress and trio (cello, piano and percussion) celebrating the lives and times of four significant African-American women — abolitionist Sojourner Truth, novelist and anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston, folk artist Clementine Hunter and civil rights worker Fannie Lou Hamer. The event begins at 11:30 a.m. at the West Loop Campus, located at 5601 West Loop South. The performance is free to all HCC-Southwest students and a traditional soul food meal will follow the performance. Artwork of Quincy Cooper and Gery Wyche Students, faculty and staff of HCC-Northeast’s Northline Campus will be able to indulge in the artwork of Quincy Cooper and Gery Wyche. The artists will discuss their inspiration for their works and answer questions regarding their work. The event begins at noon at the Northline Campus, located at 8001 Fulton Street. A small reception will take place after the event.
February 12 CAD Society Fund Raiser The Computer Aided Drafting Society will hold a pizza lunch fundraiser at Stafford Campus at the Scarcella Lobby from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Three-topping pizza slices are $2.50, 20-ounce drinks are $1 and pizza-drink combos are $3. Gulf Coast Regional Blood Drive The Gulf Coast Regional Blood Drive will be Thursday, Feb. 12 at 9 a.m. at the West Loop Campus. The event is free and open to the public. Resume Orientation Students will receive tips and instructions on producing resumes with the purpose of obtaining the job. The orientation
is slated to begin at 1 p.m. at the Stafford Campus, located at 9910 Cash Road in Stafford. Affordable Care Act 101 Have questions about the Affordable Care Act and health coverage? We’ve got answers. Trained professionals will be onsite to assist with enrollment, appointments and questions. The information sessions start at 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. in the Eagle Room at HCC-Spring Branch, located at 1010 West Sam Houston Parkway North. An information session in Room 218 of the HCC-Southeast Learning Hub is scheduled for 11 a.m.
February 15 HCC Graduation The Houston Community College Graduation Ceremony will be Saturday, May 16, 2015 at NRG Stadium. The deadline for students to apply for graduation is Sunday, Feb. 15. For additional information please call 713-718-8222 or visit us online at students/graduation.
February 18 Southwest SGA meeting The Southwest SGA general assembly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 18 at noon in Room C-108 of the West Loop Campus. A rodeo ticket giveaway is scheduled, with the person who can guess how much candy is in the candy jar receiving tickets. #MobileMoments #MobileMoments, an exhibit at HCC-Central Art Gallery, examines the emerging art form of mobile photography and social media as means of creative expression. The exhibit is open until Saturday, Feb. 21.
The Student Voice of Houston Community College Since 1974
Who’s Speaking Out? Whose Grammy performance did you most enjoy? Why? “I enjoyed Kanye West’s and Rihanna’s performance not only because of the song but also because of Rihanna’s soft voice.” Namba Ogden new york Sophomore associate in science
“Sam Smith and Mary J. The duet was amazing and I loved their voices together.” Kayla Earls Houston Sophomore Biology
“I did not enjoy any of the performances. It was a really boring show.” nickicia richard Houston freshman nursing
“I enjoyed Common and John Legend. The song was the most relevant.” A.C. Albright Houston Sophomore music
The Egalitarian is written, edited and published by members of the student body at Houston Community College. All articles, photographs and graphics are property of The Egalitarian and its contents may not be reproduced or republished without the writeen permission of the editor-in-chief and adviser. The Egalitarian is published twice-monthly on Wednesdays with a run count of 8,000 copies per issue during the 2015 Spring semester. The paper is free to students, staff, faculty and general public on Wednesdays the paper is published.
The Egalitarian is the official student newspaper of the Houston Community College System. Articles, features, opinions, speak out and editorials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the administration and its policies. Signed articles, feedback, commentaries and features do not necessarily reflect the views of the ditors, staff or student body. The Egalitarian is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) and College Media Association (CMA).
The Student Voice of Houston Community College Since 1974
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Page 3
Hazlewood ruling upsets a Texas tradition Brenda Jacoby The Egalitarian
U.S. District Judge Ewing Werlein Jr. ruled on Jan. 26 that the Hazlewood Act was unconstitutional toward military veterans who did not enlist in Texas. As Judge Werlein stated, “Texas may not discriminate against its more recent residents in favor of more established residents simply to control costs.” Currently, the law is being appealed, but the ruling has sent shock waves across the state with all the possible “what if” scenarios. The Hazlewood Act has been around for over 60 years beginning WWll. for a long time. The lucrative benefit provides honorably discharged veterans, spouses, and dependent children with up to 150 hours of tuition
Free tax preparation, e-filings for a fast refund, direct deposits and ITIN applications. Families and individuals earning up to $58,000 are eligible. No appointments. Walk-ins only. Call Texas/United Way Helpline: 211 or visit: International students/faculty requiring 1040NR should call 211. SOUTHWEST Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center 3810 W Fuqua St., Houston, TX 77045 Feb, April: M, W, F 9-3; T, Th 4-7; Sat 11-3 March: M, W, F 9-3; Sat 11-3 CENTRAL Ripley House Neighborhood Center 4410 Navigation Blvd., Houston, TX 77011 Feb., April: M-F 10-6:30; Sat 9-2 March: M-Th 10-6; F 10-4; Sat 9-2
Getting a Refund?, From Page 1 Reagan. It’s targeted at working individuals and families with low to moderate income. Political views are always shifting, but many Democrats support the Earned Income Tax Credit as a critical part of the safety net and Republicans have
exemption, including most fee charges, at public institutions of higher education in Texas. Books, living expenses and supplies are not included. Past changes to the Hazlewood Act occurred in 2009 with a decision to include spouses and dependent children. In order to clarify ‘dependent child’ during the 2011 legislature session, children were defined as 25 years or younger. However, the compensation was not intended for any vet from any state. It was clearly a Texas enrollment program from the beginning. The “what if” arising from Judge Werlein’s decision changes everything. The possible influx of out-ofstate vets coming to Texas to enroll in this program could cripple state college’s budgets. The state only provides $15 million to the
program and the state’s colleges pick up the remaining expense. According to Ralph B. DeVaul, Veterans Education Coordinator for the Texas Veterans Commission, “in 2014, there were approximately 12,000 veterans and dependents enrolled in public and private non-profit colleges in greater Southeast Texas.” That is 12,000 vets in just the The Woodlands, Houston, Sugar Land, and the greater Beaumont-Port Arthur area. If the ruling stands, possible changes to control cost have been discussed by the state’s Budget Board. As reported by the Houston Chronicle, the board suggested adding a socioeconomic requirement, reducing the number of hours veterans can transfer to their children or tying hours they can pass down to the amount of time they served in the
Lakewood Church 3700 Southwest Fwy., Houston, TX 77027 T, F 6:15-8; Sat 9-2 Closed Saturday Feb 21 and April 4 Open Wednesday April 15
1625 Blalock Rd., Houston, TX 77080 M, T, Th, F 12-7; Sat 9-3; Sun 12-4 Closed Sunday April 5
WEST Chinese Community Center 9800 Town Park Dr., Houston, TX 77036 M, Th 1-6; Sat 12:30-6 Closed Saturday February 14 St. Cyril Catholic Church 10503 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX 77042 T, Th 4-8; Sat 9-4 Closed Saturday April 4 FORT BEND United Way Fort Bend Service Center 10435 Greenbough Dr., Stafford, TX 77477 M, T, Th 10-7; Sat 9-2 SPRING BRANCH Memorial Assistance Ministries
backed it because it rewards work and family. Not all filers are eligible for earned income credit it is dependent upon a few factors, age and income being two of those. “Many low-income workers are not required to file a return due to income level, but they still may qualify for this tax credit so they could be missing out on hundreds,
NORTH Acres Homes Multi-Service Center 6719 W. Montgomery, Houston, TX 77091 Feb, April: M, T 10-7; W, F 10-5; Sat 10-2 March: M, T 10-6; W, F 10-5; Sat 10-2 LINC Houston 161 West Rd, Houston, TX 77037 (exit 59 on I-45) Jan, Feb, April: M-F 10-7; Sat 9-4 March: M-F 11-7; Sat 9-1 EAST Wendel D. Ley YMCA 15055 Wallisville Rd, Houston, TX 77049 Feb, April: M, T, Th, 11-6:30; Sat 9-2 March: M, T, Th 12-6:30; Sat 10-2
if not thousands of dollars in a tax refund,” explained Gwen Joyner, a Jackson Hewitt tax professional with 20 years of experience. “Others may have been ineligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit last year and assume they’ll never be eligible, but changes in their life may make them eligible this year,” Joyner added.
military. All of these possible stipulation are in play because one man, Keith Harris, thought that he deserved the same benefits for something he didn’t do; enlist in the armed forces in Texas. Denying the educational benefit of Texas veterans based on the proposed stipulations is going to be a messy war. Keith Harris, a law student at the University of Houston, is a veteran who has lived in Texas since 2004. He enlisted in 1996 in Georgia. His challenge to the court and Judge Werlein’s recent verdict makes him the only person that is using the Hazlewood Act that did not enlist in Texas. When I contacted Celina Dugas, Program Director Veteran’s Service at UH-Central, she was not eager to discuss the effects of
Closed Saturday April 4 SOUTHEAST Sunnyside Multi-Service Center 4605 Wilmington St, Houston, TX 77051 M-F 9-5 PASADENA Cleveland-Ripley Neighborhood Center 720 Fairmont Pkwy, Pasadena, TX 77504 Feb, April: M-F 10-7; Sat 10-4 March: M-Th 10-7; F 10-4; Sat 10-2 CLEAR LAKE United Way Bay Area Service Center 1300 Bay Area Blvd, Houston, TX 77058 Feb, Apr: M-Th 10-7; Sat 10-1 March: M-Th 10-6; Sat 10-1 —Information provided by Neighborhood Tax Centers, a program of Neighborhood Centers Inc. United Way of Greater Houston.
The Earned Income Tax Credit can make a huge difference in the size of a tax return, but it’s also one of the most overlooked credits and it can be confusing. It has been estimated by The IRS that one-third of the population eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit changes each year based on marital, parental and financial status.
the ruling. Instead, she emailed this statement from the Attorney General’s Office: “On January 26, 2015, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas ruled that the requirement that Veterans must have entered service in Texas in order to be eligible to receive the Texas Hazlewood exemption of tuition and fees at public schools (the fixed point residency requirement) was unconstitutional. The office of the Attorney General is currently reviewing the decision and may appeal the ruling. In the interim, current Hazlewood eligibility requirements remain unchanged, except for the individual specifically named in the lawsuit.” HCC’s Veterans Affairs Department Director Dr. Sabrina Lewis would not comment.
Missouri City Move, From Page 1 of the new building is currently not available, and attempts to contact HCC Southwest College Operations Officer Julian Fisher and Southwest Director of Public Relations Todd Duplantis for comment were unsuccessful. The market value of the existing campus’ land is $1,952,530 and the building is valued at $4,109,690, according to Fort Bend County Appraisal District records. “We see a lot of benefits from our perspective,” said Joe Esch, Missouri City’s Executive Director of Economic Development. He said the move, “will be a catalyst for investment along the Texas Parkway,” adding that, “it positions HCC very well.” An unnamed benefactor will make up the difference between the property’s appraised value and its negotiated sale price. With in-kind services from the city and municipal utility district, HCC says it will be able to move with no financial loss. After HCC moves out, Fort Bend County is expected to occupy the current location and put it into immediate use. The surrounding vacant lots will also be developed.
Page 4 - Wednesday, February 11, 2015
The Student Voice of Houston Community College Since 1974
Measles debate forges strange alliances Nicholas Riccardi The Associated Press
DENVER — The debate over whether parents should be required to get their children vaccinated against measles has created strange alliances, putting some liberal parents on the same side as Republican conservatives. While the two parties are not cleanly divided on the issue — various individual Democrats and Republicans stand on either side — in the nation’s state legislatures, it is increasingly the GOP that resists efforts to stiffen requirements on vaccinating kids. In Maine, Republicans are objecting to an effort to make it harder to avoid vaccinating children. Last year in Colorado, it was largely Republicans who squashed an effort to make it harder for mothers and fathers to choose not to inoculate their children. “This boils down to, does the government force everyone to conform or do we empower everyone to make decisions on their own?” said Colorado state Sen. Kevin Lundberg, a Republican who did not fully vaccinate his children and led the fight against last year’s bill. This year, Colorado Republicans introduced a bill stating that parents have the right to make all medical decisions for their children, legislation that was cheered by
Damian Dovarganes/AP PHOTO Pediatrician Charles Goodman vaccinates 1-year-old Cameron Fierro with the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, or MMR vaccine, at his practice in Northridge, Calif. The largest measles outbreak in recent memory occurred in Ohio’s Amish country where 383 people were sickened last year after several traveled to the Philippines and brought the virus home. While that outbreak got the public’s attention, it’s nowhere near the level as the latest measles outbreak that originated at Disneyland in December, prompting politicians to weigh in and parents to voice their vaccinations views on Internet message boards. vaccination opponents Thursday at a hearing. American skepticism toward vaccinations dates back at least to the Revolutionary War, when George Washington was initially reluctant to inoculate his troops
against smallpox. “There is a long history to the fight against vaccination, and it does seem to break down along liberal versus conservative lines,” said Kent Schwirian, a sociology professor at Ohio State University.
He surveyed people during a 2009 swine flu scare, asking whether they would get vaccinated, and found that conservatives who distrusted government were less likely to support inoculation. The government recommends
that all children get the measles vaccine, receiving the first dose when they are about 1 and a second dose between the ages of 4 and 6. States have made vaccination a requirement for attending school. Twenty states allow for personalbelief exemptions and 48 allow for religious exemptions, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Modern-day vaccine skeptics are hard to pigeonhole politically. “We’re the bridge between the granola moms and the stiletto moms,” said Dotty Hagmier, a nurse whose group Moms In Charge includes vaccine skeptics. A Pew poll found that Republicans are slightly more likely than Democrats to oppose vaccine mandates. In legislatures, the issue has not been purely partisan, with some Democrats joining Republicans to fight vaccine requirements and some members of the GOP pushing to increase vaccinations. The administration of Michigan Republican Gov. Rick Snyder last year required parents to go to a local health department before they could skip vaccinations for their children. In Vermont, Democrats and Republicans alike scaled down a bill in 2012 that would have limited parents’ options. Still, people on both sides see a divide forming.
Gov’t says fewer drivers are drinking, but more use drugs Joan Lowy
The Associated Press WASHINGTON — The number of drivers on the road with alcohol in their systems has declined by nearly one-third since 2007, but there has been a large increase in drivers using marijuana and other illegal drugs, a government report released Friday found. The report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said the share of drivers who test positive for alcohol has declined by more than three-quarters since the agency first began conducting roadside
surveys in 1973. But the latest survey, conducted in 2013 and 2014, also found that 22 percent of drivers tested positive for at least one drug that could affect safety. That includes illegal drugs as well as prescription and over-the-counter medications. The anonymous surveys have been conducted five times over the last 40 years. They gather data in dozens of locations across the country from drivers who agree to participate. Mark Rosekind, head of the safety administration, credited anti-drunk driving efforts for the decline in drivers who test
positive for alcohol, but said “there is no victory as long as a single American dies in an alcohol-related crash.” About 8 percent of drivers during weekend nighttime hours were found to have some alcohol in their system, and 1.5 percent were found with .08 percent or higher breath alcohol content — the legal limit in every state. Drivers with any alcohol in their systems and drivers testing greater than .08 were both down by about 30 percent from the previous survey in 2007. Both groups are also down by more than three-quarters since the first
survey in 1973. At the same time, more than 15 percent of drivers tested positive for at least one illegal drug, up from 12 percent in 2007. The number of drivers with marijuana in their systems grew by nearly 50 percent over the same period of time, 8.6 percent in 2007 to 12.6 percent in 2014. “The rising prevalence of marijuana and other drugs is a challenge to everyone who is dedicated to saving lives and reducing crashes,” Rosekind warned. A second survey, the largest of its kind, assessed the comparative risk of drunk and drugged driving.
The study was conducted in Virginia Beach, Virginia, over a 20-month period and involved the collection of data from more than 3,000 drivers involved in a crash, and more than 6,000 crash-free drivers for comparison. That survey found that marijuana users are more likely to be involved in accidents, but that the increased risk may be due in part because marijuana users are more likely to be part of demographic groups at higher risk of crashes generally. In particular, marijuana users are more likely to be young men — a group already at high risk.
The Student Voice of Houston Community College Since 1974
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Page 5
Obama: Scaling back benefits not worth it Nedra Pickler
The Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS — President Barack Obama said Friday that he dropped a widely criticized plan to scale back tax benefits for college savings accounts because the savings weren’t worth it. Obama, who revealed that he uses the 529 savings accounts for his own daughters, said he looked at reducing the tax savings because the accounts tend to be used by “folks who were a little more on the high end.” He says other taxpayers struggled to save enough to participate. About 12 million families take advantage of college savings plans, in which money can eventually be withdrawn with no tax on earnings to pay for postsecondary education costs. About half the accounts were held by families making more than $150,000, according to a 2012 report by the Government Accountability Office. The administration initially estimated that scaling back the tax breaks would bring in about $1 billion over 10 years. Obama had planned to use the savings to help fund his proposal to make two years of community college free for all. “Our thinking was you
could save money by eliminating the 529 and shifting it into some other loan programs that would be more broadly based,” Obama told a crowd of nearly 400 at a town hall meeting at Ivy Tech Community College. But he quickly backed off after lawmakers from both parties objected. “It wasn’t worth it for us to eliminate it,” Obama said. “The savings weren’t that great. So we actually, based on response, changed our mind and are going to be paying for the two years of free community college with other sources.” Obama’s remarks were his first on the matter since the White House announced the shift last week, saying the issue had become a distraction. The president’s comments came in response to a question from a woman who said she uses the accounts to help her grandchildren. The president mixed politics with the personal as he touted his higher education agenda while talking about his own experience as a one-time student and the father of a daughter on her own college hunt. In response to a questioner who asked about help paying the rising costs of books, Obama said he
Evan Vucci/AP PHOTO President Barack Obama answers questions from audience members during an event at Ivy Tech Community College, Friday in Indianapolis. Obama is promoting his budget proposal to make two years of community college free. understood the problem all too well after having to buy his own during undergraduate and law school. “I addition to the bonds of love, we had the bonds of debt. Our net worth was negative,” Obama said. Obama chuckled at kids these days on the college hunt. His older
daughter, Malia, is checking out colleges during her junior year of high school. “These days, I hear everybody’s looking for fancy gyms and gourmet food and really spiffy dorms,” Obama said. He said that when he started at California’s Occidental
College, the weight room amounted to not much more than a medicine ball and the cafeteria served food that wasn’t very appetizing. “There was something on the menu that we called roast beast, because we couldn’t really tell what kind of meat it was.”
Is your doctor’s office the most dangerous place for data? Tom Murphy & Brandon Bailey
AP Business Writers Everyone worries about stolen credit cards or hacked bank accounts, but just visiting the doctor may put you at greater risk for identity fraud. Those medical forms you give the receptionist and send to your health insurer provide fertile ground for criminals looking to steal your identity, since health care businesses can lag far behind banks and credit card companies in protecting sensitive information. The names, birthdates and — most importantly — Social Security numbers detailed on those forms can help hackers open fake credit lines, file false tax returns and create fake medical records. “It’s an entire profile of who you are,” said Cynthia Larose, chair of the privacy and security practice at the law firm Mintz
Levin in Boston. “It essentially allows someone to become you.” Social Security numbers were created to track the earnings history of workers in order to determine government benefits. Now, health care companies are, in some cases, required to collect the numbers by government agencies. They also use them because they are unique to every individual and more universal than other forms of identification like driver’s licenses, said Dr. Ross Koppel, a University of Pennsylvania professor who researches health care information technology. But once someone creates a stolen identity with a Social Security number, it can be hard to fix the damage. A person can call a bank to shut down a stolen credit card, but it’s not as easy of a process when it comes to Social Security numbers. “There is no such mechanism with Social Security numbers and our identity,” said Avivah Litan, a cybersecurity analyst at the
research firm Gartner. “You can’t just call the bank and say, ‘Give me all the money they stole from my identity.’ There’s no one to call.” So being that the data is so vital to protect, health care companies are taking every precaution to defend against hackers, right? Not necessarily. The FBI warned health care companies a year ago that their industry was not doing enough to resist cyberattacks, especially compared with companies in the financial and retail sectors, according to Christopher Budd of security software company Trend Micro. The warning came in a government bulletin to U.S. companies that cited research by a nonprofit security institute, he said. Last year, more than 10 million people in the U.S. were affected by health care data breaches — including hacking or accidents that exposed personal information, such as lost laptops — according to a government
database that tracks incidents affecting at least 500 people. That was the worst year for health care hacking since 2011. Litan estimates that the health care industry is generally about 10 years behind the financial services sector in terms of protecting consumer information. She figures that it may be twice as easy for hackers to get sensitive financial information out of a health care company compared with a bank. Banks, for instance, are more likely to encrypt personal data, which can garble the information if a hacker gets ahold of it. They also are much more likely to use advanced statistical models and behavior analytics programs that can spot when someone’s credit card use suddenly spikes, says Litan, who studies fraud-detection technology. That’s a sign of possible fraud that may be worth investigating. “There’s a need for that everywhere now,” she said.
Campus Life
page 6 - Wednesday, februray 11, 2015
The sTudenT VoiCe of housTon CommuniTy CoLLege sinCe 1974
Left: Dr. Ward’s Biology class listening to her lecture on the patio taking in a spring like day at Central Campus. (By: John Cañamar) Middle Left: Student taking nap in between classes at West Loop Campus. (By: Sandi Mercado) Middle Right: Enjoying a smoke and text message break at West Loop Campus. (By: Sandi Mercado) Bottom: Men’s soccer tryouts at Stafford Campus. (By: Gilbert Bernal)
Campus Life
The sTudenT VoiCe of housTon CommuniTy CoLLege sinCe 1974
Top: Chita Johnson, johnnie Konan, and Ron Trevino during KHOU’s Suprise Squad visit at Central Campus. (By: John Cañamar Top Right: Proffesor Karl Mayes at Central Campus. (By: John Cañamar) Bottom Right: Jay Frazier reading The HCC EGalitarian at West Loop Campus. (By: John Cañamar)
Wednesday february 11, 2015 - page 7
Page 8 - Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Threeand-out John Cañamar
The Student Voice of Houston Community College Since 1974
Dash seek to improve in 2015 Maria Smith
The Egalitarian
NFL arrest season starts fast Super Bowl XLIL was one of the best of all time, but with less than 24 hours after the clock hit triple zeros, the National Football League was in the negative spotlight once again. On Monday morning, NFL Hall of Famer and NFL Network analyst Warren Sapp was arrested at the Renaissance Hotel in Phoenix. Sapp was charged with prostitution and assault charges. Sapp is alleged to have solicited a prostitute and assaulted two women. If convicted, Sapp could face a maximum penalty of $2,500 in fines, six months in jail, and three years of probation for the assaults and a mandatory 15 days in jail if convicted on the prostitution charge. Later on Monday, Terrence Cody was indicted in Baltimore on 15 charges; including two counts of aggravated animal cruelty to a dog, five counts of animal abuse or neglect to a dog and one count of illegal possession of an alligator. He was also indicted on a count of illegal possession of marijuana. Cody faces up to three years in prison and a $5,000 fine. Letroy Guion was pulled over in Starke, Florida, on Feb. 3rd and was found to have 357 grams of marijuana, a 9mm semi-automatic handgun and $190,000 in cash in his vehicle. Guion was released from Bradford County jail on Wednesday on $100,000 bail and is awaiting trial. D’Qwell Jackson was arrested on Feb. 3rd after being accused of hitting a pizza delivery driver in the head in a dispute over a see
Three-And-Out, Page 9
The Houston Dash finished the 2014 season with a 5-16-6 record, but the team’s head coach feels optimistic the team is on an upward trajectory. An influx of new talent, along with some off-season acquisitions, gives Randy Waldrum’s squad a shot in the arm as the Dash begins its work for their sophomore season. That work begins Feb. 20 as the team holds the first of its two-day tryouts at the Houston Sports Park. According to the team, 20 to 25 players will be selected and called for the second day. A second-day match between those players will help team brass determine which players move on the preseason camp, scheduled to begin March 9. “This is going to be a great opportunity for amateur players to show up in the professional world and help the team.” The Dash opens the 2015 National Women’s Soccer League regular season April team with a home match against the Washington Spirit at BBVA Compass Stadium. The team picked Virginia midfielder Morgan Brian with the top pick in the NWSL College Draft in January while picking up English midfielder Rachael Axon in November. Houston Dash also got the rights for midfielder Ashley Nick from Sky Blue FC in exchange for draft position in the second and fourth rounds of the 2015 NWSL College Draft. The Dash now holds the third pick in the second and fourth rounds of the College Draft, while Sky Blue FC has the first pick in those rounds.
Wilf Thorne/Houston Dash Houston Dash goalkeeper Erin McLeod is part of what head coach Randy Waldrum believes could be a good nucleus going into the 2015 NWSL season. The team will hold open tryouts at the Houston Sports Park Feb. 20 and 21, and preseason camp begins March 9. Houston retains the first overall pick in January’s draft. Nick, who is 27, signed with Sky Blue FC on December of 2013 NWSL season and made 25 regular season appearances, beginning as a starter in 19 of those games, with one goal during her time with the New Jersey club. Nick also started in Sky Blue FC’s playoff match against the Western New York Flash in the 2013 NWSL Semifinals, playing the game’s full 90 minutes. The midfielder is currently finishing her duty with Apollon Ladies FC of the Cypriot First Division, where she also started both legs of the club’s UEFA Women’s Champion’s League against Brøndby IF of Denmark. Other additions to the roster were Niki Cross, Veteran
defender acquired via trade with the Washington Spirit on Dec. 2. Allysha Chapman, Canada international defender acquired by the Dash via allocation on January 14, 2014. “It’s a nice blend of youth and experience that will keep the team going,” Waldrum said. Goalkeeper Erin McLeod, at 31-years-old reached the 100-appearance line on Nov. 24, in a friendly match against Sweden at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. The St. Albert, Alberta, native is just the 12th player to reach the centennial mark for Canada. Dash’s team captain was named Team MVP and Players’ Player of the Year after making 83 saves in 20 appearances, starting 19 of those games during the 2014 season.
Also, Midfielder Carli Lloyd and Defender Meghan Klingenber were called up by the U.S Women’s national team. Lloyd, who is 32-years-old has earned 183 caps for the United States, scoring 61 international goals. The attacking midfielder led the U.S. by scoring 15 goals, 8 assists and starting 23 out of 24 games in 2014. She also earned the Golden Ball award at the CONCACAF Women’s Championship and was named a finalist for U.S. Soccer Female Athlete of the Year. Klingenberg, who is 26-years-old has made 23 appearances for the national team. The Pittsburgh native started two matches during the United States’ runner-up finish at the International Tournament of Brasilia in December.
The Student Voice of Houston Community College Since 1974
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Page 9
Spurs rally past Pacers
Three-And-Out, From Page 8
Michael Marot AP Sports Writer
INDIANAPOLIS — The San Antonio Spurs’ huge fourthquarter rally helped Gregg Popovich reach the 1,000-win milestone Monday night. Darron Cummings/AP PHoto Marco Belinelli’s baseline jumper with 2.1 seconds left San Antonio Spurs’ Danny Green (14) is fouled buy Indiana Pacers’ Solomon Hill (44) during the first half capped San Antonio’s 95-93 of an NBA basketball game Monday in Indianapolis. victory at Indiana. and when Parker knocked down Popovich became the ninth best winning streak end at three. night when it lost at Toronto. The defending NBA champs two free throws with 3:18 left, the The Pacers appeared to take coach with 1,000th regularseason wins and became the control by building a 79-65 lead weren’t about to let that happen score was suddenly tied at 91. Indiana answered with a again, even when they were down third-fastest to achieve the feat. after three quarters. 20-footer from Stuckey to retake But the Spurs scored nine 91-82 with 5:36 to go. He also joined former Utah coach And, of course, the Spurs the lead, but Aron Baynes tied Jerry Sloan as the only coaches straight to tie the score at 91, tied in league history to win 1,000 it again at 93, took the lead on rallied by using Popovich’s plan it again with a tip-in with 56.7 seconds left to set up the final Belinelli’s shot and held on when of getting everyone involved. games with one team. Danny Green started the rally sequence — Belinelli’s shot just Tony Parker led the Spurs with George Hill’s 3-pointer bounced with a layup. Kawhi Leonard before the shot clock expired and off the rim. 19 points. Tim Duncan had 15. San Antonio failed to give completed a 3-point play. Hill’s miss from the top of the Rodney Stuckey scored 18 for Indiana, which had its season- Popovich his grand party Sunday Duncan scored on another layup key.
parking space in Washington, D.C. Jackson could face 180 days in jail if he is found guilty of the accusations. Joseph Randle was arrested for the second time in less than four months. The mother of his child called 911 and stated that Randle was fighting with her. When police arrived at the hotel in Wichita, Kansas Randle was arrested, but not taken to jail on possession of marijuana. Randle was ordered to appear in court in three weeks for the possession of marijuana. On Friday charges for marijuana against Randle were dropped. There is still an ongoing investigation on the alleged act of Randle pulling a gun out and aiming it at a car in which his son was in. After a long season which was filled with many controversial disciplinary actions that were handed out by the commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell, many of the NFL’s upper management were ready for the off-season to begin. Now that the off-season is here those same executives may start looking for a new leader that will discipline its players with a tighter fist. In 2014 there were 48 arrests made of NFL players. This year they are off to a running start to meet or beat that number.
Ex-girlfriend tells 911 dispatcher Randle pointed gun at her The Associated Press WICHITA, Kan. — Dallas Cowboys running back Joseph Randle brandished a gun, broke a car window and threw away a large amount of marijuana because police were coming, the mother of his infant son told a 911 dispatcher after an altercation at a Wichita hotel last week. Recordings of three 911 calls — two of them made by Randle’s former girlfriend, Dalia Jacobs — were provided to The Wichita Eagle ( through an open records request. Officers arrived shortly before 3 a.m. Tuesday and didn’t find a weapon, but they did find a small amount of marijuana in a hotel room registered to Randle. He was cited for suspicion of drug possession and given a notice to appear in court, but
the charge was later dismissed. A Wichita police spokesman said the investigation was expanding because of inconsistencies in witness statements and that the drug charge and others could still be filed. In the first call, Jacobs told the dispatcher Randle had “pointed the gun at the mother of his child,” without revealing she was that woman. “He has a lot of weed,” Jacobs said a short time later. “Joseph Randle just broke a window.” She urged the dispatcher to get someone to the hotel “as soon as possible.” Eventually she admitted she was the mother of Randle’s son, but asked the dispatcher not to tell Randle who called 911. She told the dispatcher Randle had a gun in the trunk of his black Challenger, but he wasn’t outside
the hotel with her. “They’re throwing away the weed right now because they’re scared,” she said. The call is cut short when she says, “He’s coming! I have to go. I’m scared. Bye-bye.” A second woman called 911 after that, urging the dispatcher to send help before uttering profanities and hanging up. In the third call, Jacobs told the dispatcher everything was a misunderstanding and that it wasn’t necessary to send officers, after all. “You guys don’t have to worry about it,” Jacobs told the dispatcher. “We just talked it out. It’s fine. Everything is fine. We just talked to him and he’s fine now. . Please don’t come.” The dispatcher tells Jacobs he can’t stop the police from responding to a call involving a weapon, the Dallas Morning News ( reported.
Jacobs insisted the car with the marijuana had left, and the gun was no longer there. Jacobs requested a protective order Wednesday against Randle, who grew up in Wichita, accusing him of being physically and emotionally abusive toward her. His attorney, Gary Ayers, issued a statement over the weekend that said Randle regrets being involved in a party that ended with the Wichita police being called. “A woman who was present at the party has filed a protection from abuse lawsuit, which Randle believes to have no merit,” Ayers said. “Randle asked the woman to leave the party and go home, which she refused to do. Contrary to the woman’s allegations, Randle did not threaten her or brandish a gun at any time.”
Arts &Entertainment
Page 10 - Wednesday, February 11, 2015
The Student Voice of Houston Community College Since 1974
Tattoos gain more popularity John Cañamar The Egalitarian
For hundreds of years, there have been tattoos. Until as little as 10 to 15 years ago, tattoos have been looked at as the markings of a less desirable crowd by mainstream society and were associated with gangs, sailors, bikers and their criminal elements. Today tattoos are no longer taboo, but are instead accepted and embraced by middle class. Many white-collar professional now sport tattoos and call them body art. Truth be told, tattoos have always been works of art with deeprooted meanings. As far back as the Egyptians, tattoos have been used to symbolize rank, stature in religion or position of power. Local tattoo veteran and artist Gerardo, of Gerardo’s Tattoos, has been creating professional tattoos since 1994 in his shop in southwest Houston. He opened his shop with the help and backing of his father who always encouraged him to follow his dream. Gerardo describes the experience of tattooing as a sacred trust and bond between the artist and the person who is receiving the art. “They come into my shop with the knowledge that we are going to hurt
them. We are scarring their skin and injecting ink into their flesh. That is the price of earning a tattoo, and at the end of the session you leave with a piece of art that came from within me.” Gerardo has had multiple apprentices who moved on to create strong careers for themselves. At this time he is mentoring Albert Rodriguez, known as “Bird” in the tattoo world. “Bird” has only been tattooing for four years, but has established a following for his realism style. When asked to describe his interaction with customers is like “Bird” responded, “It is like a relationship. I feel it would be cheating if I were to get a tattoo from someone besides Gerardo. He gave me my first and has continued to do all of my work. That is how I feel about my clients.” Bird also expressed that it is not an unwritten rule that you have to only use one artist, but the ties that you create with your tattoo artist are personal. The work means something to the person that is having it done as well as to the artist. “My work can be in China or France even if I never leave Houston.” As a professional and licensed shop, Gerardo’s Tattoos has several
Image courtesy of Gerardo’s Tattoos Local tattoo artist Gerardo inks a tattoo freehanded based off a small picture. Tattoos have increasingly gained acceptance in the mainstream. steps and procedures that are required by law. First, you must be 18 years old or older and have a proper ID. Next, you must come into the shop where you consult
with either “Bird” or Gerardo on what you would like and where you would like the artwork placed. Then you leave a deposit for your session, which is normally the following
day. When you come in you sign paperwork required by the state. The artist then begins by prepping the work areas, both on your body as well as preparing the studio.
Rest of the Guys rock Houston Christopher Joseph The Egalitarian
Image courtesy of Raul Menjivar The Rest of the Guys rocking on set at Notsuoh. From left to right: Brandon T. Cane, Andy Cuellar, Raul Menjivar and Matthew Gennaro.
Houston is a gold mine when it comes to musical talent. It has been the birthplace to a great deal of artists that have seen mainstream success, such as DJ Screw — who popularized Houston’s signature “Chopped and Screwed” sound — all the way to the chart topping queen Beyoncé Knowles-Carter. I sat down with “The Rest of the Guys” front man Raul Menjivar. “The Rest of the Guys” have played at local Houston hot spots such as Fitzgerald’s and Notsuoh. These guys have been playing music since 2012 and they soon plan to release a full album and also go on tour. “Music is something I cherish a lot in my life, music is something I want to do as a career,” Menjivar explained. “We are a mix of different genres from alternative
rock to a little bit more hard rock to punk rock and some indie,” said Menjivar about the band’s sound. The band’s influence is diverse when it comes to its members. Some are influenced by Iggy Pop, Weezer, Led Zeppelin, Arctic Monkeys, and Aaron Carter. Menjivar is the lead rhythm guitar and vocals, while his closest friend Brandon T. Cane is also a lead with rhythm guitar and rap vocals. The brains of Cane and Menjivar are one of the main driving forces of the band. “I have a cosigner and cowriter, we kinda switch back and forth with being the lead singer and lead guitar,” said Menjivar. The rest of the members are the backbone of the band. Matthew Gennaro, who is the backing vocals and lead/rhythm bass guitar and their drummer Andy Cuellar. Menjivar talked about the origin of the band’s name, “We had other names such as piggyback slappack…but we could be either be taken seriously or as a joke, but
The Student Voice of Houston Community College Since 1974
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Page 11
The choice of measles
Egal•i•tar•i•an (adjective) aiming for equal wealth, status, etc., for all people
3517 Austin; 303 Fine Arts Center; Houston TX 77004 Phone: 713.718.6016; Fax: 713.718.6601 Adviser: Fredrick Batiste
SPRING 2015 EGALITARIAN STAFF Editor-in-Chief.................................................Alyssa Foley Managing Editor..........................................................TBA News Editor................................................. Jimmieka Mills Community Editor................................... Sabrina Alvarado Sports Editor............................................... John Cañamar A&E Editor..................................................Brenda Jacoby Commentary Editor......................................................TBA Photo Editor................................................. Gilbert Bernal Social Media Mgr.........................................................TBA Staff Writer................................................Ariana Gonzalez Staff Writer....................................................Tamitra Harris Staff Writer.......................................... Christopher Joseph Staff Writer...................................Chutiya Metheesupapak Staff Writer...................................................... Maria Smith ———
The Egalitarian has been the official student newspaper of the Houston Community College System since September 1974. The Egalitarian is published bi-monthly, every other Wednesday except during holiday breaks. Print circulation is 8,000 copies per issue and distributed to selected HCC campuses in the Houston, Spring Branch, Alief, Katy, North Forest and Fort Bend areas. Comments and contributions are always welcome. Deadlines for contributions and advertisements are one week before the issue print date. The Egalitarian is written and edited by students of Houston Community College. This publication does not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, interests, attitudes and tastes of the Board of Trustees, HCC administration, faculty, staff or students. Opinions and editorial content of The Egalitarian that are unsigned do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Egalitarian staff or adviser. The Egalitarian reserves the right to edit any submitted material for grammatical errors, offensive language, libelous materials and space constraints. It may also refuse any advertising that does not adhere to the HCC mission.
The Egalitarian staff consists of HCC students who must complete all tasks required to produce the newspaper, which serves all campuses of the HCC System. We want all students from all majors to contribute. However, we must follow our submissions policy in order to operate under our limitations of time, energy and staff. All staff and contributing writers must be currently enrolled students at Houston Community College. The Egalitarian interacts with contributing writers via e-mail and telephone. Visiting The Egalitarian will not help contributors get published, only quality work will. Publication priority is given to staff members and assigned articles, and verbal commitments for assignments will not be accepted or recognized. Press releases, story ideas, news tips and suggestions are always welcomed. Any student interested in joining The Egalitarian staff may request more detailed information regarding story length, topics, style, etc., by e-mailing The Egalitarian Faculty Adviser Fredrick Batiste at
merican culture has always placed emphasis on values such as freedom and personal choice, as well as duty and social responsibility. When these two sets of values collide, the results can be ugly. Disneyland is called the happiest place on earth, but the measles outbreak has put a sickly cloud over that happiness. Measles is a serious disease, particularly for children younger than 5 years old. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it can lead to pneumonia, encephalitis or the swelling of the brain and death. Other measles cases have shown up in Nebraska, Minnesota, New York and Marin County, California. The measles was declared wiped out in America 15 years ago, but since then, many parents have refused to vaccinate their children, which is causing measles to return. Parents’ choice not to vaccinate their children against deadly diseases is often based on the belief that vaccines can cause autism. This belief has its origins in a study lead by British gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield, published in 1998 in the medical journal, “The Lancet”. The study was deeply flawed and was later retracted. Among other issues, the subjects were not controlled, assessments were not blind and data was not completely and systematically collected. Further studies in the UK showed no difference in autism
Alyssa Foley rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated children, and many other scientific studies debunked the supposed connection between vaccines and autism. Rob Ring, Chief Science Officer at Autism Speaks, states that “The results of this research are clear: Vaccines do not cause autism. We urge that all children be fully vaccinated.” Some parents also refuse to vaccinate their children in an effort to provide their children an all-natural and toxin-free life. I believe the problem lays where the freedom parents have in choosing how they raise their child — in this case, their choice not to vaccinate — causes harm to others. Personal liberty ends where harm to others begins. People are not free to steal, rape and murder because these actions cause serious harm to other human beings. By not vaccinating their children, these parents are not only placing their children in harms way, but they are also putting the lives of other children at risk. Infants too young to receive the vaccine and young cancer patients whose immune
systems are too weak for them to be vaccinated are placed in serious danger. If an infant dies from measles, and the case is traced to an unvaccinated child, can the parents of the infant sue for involuntary manslaughter? In such a case, the “personal” choice of the parents who chose not to vaccinate their child killed another child. Now, the parent’s personal choice is no longer personal — it affects all of society. In my opinion, this is the point where duty and social responsibility supersedes liberty and personal choice. I believe that when these antivaccination parents say they don’t want to vaccinate their children for fear it will cause autism, in effect, they are really saying that they would rather risk children dying than risk having an autistic child. When they say they don’t want to vaccinate their children in order to give them a toxin-free life, they are really saying that they would rather risk children dying than possibly risk their child being slightly unhealthy for a while. Science and modern medicine have worked miracles in eradicating nightmarish diseases like measles. Such progress is being reversed by the actions of a few people with misguided and unfounded beliefs. Anti-vaccine parents should be ashamed. I hope this measles outbreak episode prompts these parents to reconsider their motivation and their choices, and to join the 21st century.
If you are interested in joining The Egalitarian staff ... come to Room 232 in the Fine Arts Center at Central Campus Fridays at 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Page 12
The Student Voice of Houston Community College Since 1974