April 26, 2017 issue of The Egalitarian

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74/48 A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible early. Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing.

wednesday, apriL 26, 2017 • VOL. 44, nO. 8 • www.HCCeGaLitarian.COm • @HCC_eGaLitarian

In Today’s Issue

Draft starts Thursday night Find out what each NFL team is in need for and what they may do to improve; learn about top prospects.

see Sports, Page 9

Courtesy of Phi Theta Kappa - Omega Sigma HCC’s Phi Theta Kappa - Omega Sigma chapter officers and advisors poise with their international distinguished chapter and project awards at Catalyst convention in Nashville, Tennesse.

Omega Sigma top 100 AlyssA Foley


Graduation ‘17 May 10 & 13 Get all information for graduation from the QR Code link.

see Graduation, Page 6

HCC Arts Dept. schedule Do not miss out on any of this Spring’s Fine Arts Performance. Find out who, what, and where.

see Culture, Page 10

Houston Community College’s Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society chapter ranks as one of the top chapters internationally. HCC’s Omega Sigma chapter placed in the top 100 chapters out of more than 1,250 chapters around the world. From Phi Theta Kappa’s international convention in Nashville, Tennessee, April 6-8, HCC’s chapter officers and advisors took home a Distinguished Chapter award, as well as a Distinguished Honors in Action Project award and a Distinguished Theme award for their Honors in Action project. The rankings and awards are determined by judging both annual chapter projects: the Honors in Action project and the College Project. The Honors in Action project is an academic research project paired with action and is centered around one of eight global perspective themes. HCC’s chapter focused their research on how people’s beliefs shape their food consumption habits. Their chosen theme was ‘Myth and Reality’. For the ‘action’ part of their Honors in Action project, the chapter hosted an event with a nutritionist and a local chief and to raise awareness about food waste. The College Project is a community service project PTK

chapters complete every year to serve their home college. HCC’s Omega Sigma developed a peerto-peer mentoring program for at-risk students called ‘Students 4 Students’. The project was able to receive $10 thousand in funding from the HCC administration, part of which will be used to fund stipends for student mentors. Rebecca Delacruz is the chapter’s public relations officer. Her favorite part of the convention was a powerful speech about leaders by worldclass photographer Platon. “This was the best way to end my year as part of Omega Sigma,” said Delacruz about the convention. Josue Rodriguez, the president of HCC’s Omega Sigma chapter, won an individual award at the PTK Catalyst Convention. Out of over 20 competitive honors students, he placed second in the Extemporaneous Speech contest, having only 30 minutes to prepare a speech. “[Phi Theta Kappa] is an honor society, but at HCC it’s more like a club with people you know,” said Rodriguez, “at international, it’s hardcore. People from all over the world— literally—and they’re all very motivated over-achievers. It’s good to meet people and see their accomplishments and relate to them...” NEW MEMBERS Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society for two-year college students. The

organization boasts $90 million in scholarships for its members. Students with at least a 3.5 GPA and 12 or more hours of collegelevel credit are invited to join every spring and fall. New Kappians were welcomed into the honor society at the spring induction ceremony on Thursday, April 13 at the West Loop Campus Auditorium. The Honorable Ed Emmett, a Harris County Judge, was the keynote speaker at the spring induction. Judge Emmett spoke with students about the importance of making and keeping connections. “You’re not in this alone. You can do everything right, but if you don’t have that right connection, it’s not going to work…you didn’t get here by yourself, you’re not going to get there by yourself.” Mario Hernandez is an electrical engineering major and the president of the Engineering Student Organization based out of the Southeast campuses. He was inducted into Phi Theta Kappa last spring. “When I received the letter, I did not know what PTK was about,” said Hernandez, “I asked some classmates about it, and after navigating through its website I decided to join this honor society because it would give me recognition.” Judge Emmett’s message of networking resonated with Hernandez, who believes that “PTK is a great opportunity to meet other people that are

tHe OFFiCiaL student newspaper OF tHe HOustOn COmmunity COLLeGe system

focused on succeeding in college and in life. It will help you to develop your networking and leadership skills.” HCC’s chapter will soon elect a new officer team for the 20172018 academic year, they will be responsible for next year’s Honors in Action and College Project. Elections are open to current PTK members and will be held on Friday, May 5 at 5 pm at the West Loop campus. “If you’re considering running for an officer position, I say go for it. It will be challenging and timeconsuming but if you’re willing to put your effort into Omega Sigma it will all be worth it,” said Delacruz, her officer term ends next month. Hernandez is running for Vice President of Leadership, he says that “besides developing my leadership skills, what I want to do if I get elected is helping other PTK members to develop their own leadership skills by encouraging them to participate and volunteer with the chapter projects and volunteer at HCC.” Rodriguez said that as chapter president, the greatest lesson he learned is how to empower and mentor his fellow officers and members. For more on Phi Theta Kappa at HCC, visit Facebook.com/ OmegaSigma --Editor’s Note: The author of this article is an active Phi Theta Kappa member.

On Campus 2 Textbook price sticker shock free degree Wednesday April 26, 2017

Alyssa Foley


Houston Community College is launching two degree options for students which feature zero textbook costs. In fall 2017, the Z-Degree pilot program will start offering an Associate of Arts in business Administration and an Associate of Arts in General Studies. Both degree tracks will be completely free of jaw-dropping textbook price tags. “In these times of increasing educational costs, it’s essential that HCC does everything that it possibly can to help reduce costs for student and help make a college education more affordable for our students,” said Steve Levey, HCC’s Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Instruction at the April 20 Board of Trustees meeting. HCC received the first of three $100,000 annual grant awards from the Kinder Foundation to support HCC’s new Z-degree initiative. The funding will support faculty training for the development of Open Educational Resources, or OERs, and the associated courses related to them. Open Educational Resources include any type of educational materials that are in the public domain, introduced with an open license, or otherwise not subjected to strict copyright laws. Anyone can

The Egalitarian



legally and freely copy, use, adapt and reshare them. A typical college textbook can cost hundreds of dollars, leavings some HCC students with a textbook bill larger than their tuition bill. The cost of commercial textbooks won’t decrease anytime soon. From January 2006 to July 2016, college textbooks prices increased 88 percent according to the Consumer Price Index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In an Egalitarian online reader poll, 71 percent of respondents said that they had gone without a required textbook because it was too expensive. The Z-Degree is a step in the right direction. “When the Kinder Foundation heard about the on-going efforts of Houston Community College in offering the Z-Degree, we knew it was a project that we wanted to support,” said Gary Dudley, Chief of Staff of the Kinder Foundation, “The Kinder Foundation believes that the Z-degree at HCC has the potential for transformational impact of quality and quantity in developing the workforce.” HCC Trustee Chair Eva Loredo noted that, it “will not only lead to reduced costs for students, but it will also improve student’s success at HCC.” The affordable textbook and OER movement has been driven by HCC faculty

and students for years. Here’s a quick history of the free textbook movement at Houston Community College: January 2013: The late HCC instructor Kenneth Busbee developed an open-source Programming Fundamentals C++ textbook, which is still available on OpenStax website (bit.ly/1UtUMJm) and on his HCC Learning Web page. May 2013: Eleven HCC psychology faculty members adapt an OER Introduction to Psychology textbook, creating an HCC edition available to download for free from their Learning Web pages. September 2015: HCC Central Student Government Association and Student Library Advisory Council launch a free textbook rental program created by students for students. Students donate their used textbooks and the books are lent to other students for the entire semester, for free. The student’s long-term goal is to pressure HCC’s administration to reconsider how textbooks are chosen, with an emphasis on more affordable options for students. April 2016: HCC Central Student Library Advisory Council addresses the Faculty Senate to ask faculty to pledge to using free, open source materials in their classes. Seven

Stock Photo Z-Degree pilot program will start offering an Associate of Arts in business Administration and an Associate of Arts in General Studies. Both degree tracks will be completely free of textbook price tags. committed that day, ten more committed to finding out more about OER. April 2017: The Kinder Foundation agrees to sponsor the first year of HCC’s Z-Degree, two options for students to gain a complete degree with zero textbook costs starting in September 2017.

HCC POLICE BLOTTER (Incidents complied from HCC Crime Log available at http://bit.ly/2mhVOjj Offense: Other Police Activity Reported on: April 19 at 9 a.m. Location: Central - Midtown Campus, Educational Development Center Description: Adult student was arrested by Houston PD and campus police for Online Solicitation of a Minor. Offense: False Alarm or Report Incident occurred on: April 19 at 9:20 a.m. Location: Northeast Campus, Science & Technology Building Description: An employee received a bomb threat by phone. The caller stated a bomb was placed on campus but did not identify a building or location. The campus was searched and no explosive device was found. Offense: Disorderly Conduct Reported on: April 18 at 12:20 p.m. Location: Spring Branch Campus, Performing Arts Center Description: Adult female student was cursing and yelling at staff and other students. She was issued a citation for Disorderly Conduct. Offense: Theft Occurred on: April 18 at 9am3:30 p.m. Location: Central - Midtown Campus, San Jacinto Memorial Description: Employee’s unattended wallet and contents were stolen from the Fitness Center. Offense: Criminal Trespass

Reported on: April 18 at 8:39 p.m. Location: Northline Campus, 8001 Fulton Description: Three adult males, non-students, were escorted from campus and issued a criminal trespass warning. They were consuming alcohol and charging their cell phones. Offense: Failure to Stop and Give Information Occurred on: April 17 at 8-9:15 a.m. Location: Central - Midtown Campus, Parking Lot 10 Description: Student’s vehicle was struck while she was in class. Offense: Harassment Occurred on: April 16 at 11:03 a.m. Location: Hayes Road Campus Off Campus Description: Adult students were exchanging text messages and one made a threat. Offense: Harassment Incident occurred on: April 17 at 8 a.m. Location: Administration Complex - Off Campus Description: An adult student reported harassment to an outside agency and stated “now is the time for a payback”. Offense: Failure to Stop and Give Information Occurred on: April 17 at 12:15 p.m.-1:00 p.m. Location: Spring Branch Campus

Building Description: Student’s vehicle was struck while she was in class.

ble suspect who passed the item was obtained. No suspects identified.

Offense: Harassment Reported on: April 17 at 1:30 p.m. Location: Stafford Campus, Learning Hub Description: An adult male student has been making unwanted sexual advances to an adult female student all semester.

Offense: Theft Occurred on: April 11 at 2:55-5 p.m. Location: Gulfton Campus, 5407 Gulfton Description: Student report the theft of a cellphone that he left un-attended on a table

Offense: Disorderly Conduct Occurred on: April 17 at 3 p.m. Location: Spring Branch Campus Building Description: An adult student was disruptive in class and threatened to throw a chair at employees. Offense: Theft Reported on: April 12 at 11 a.m. Location: Central - Midtown Campus, Business Center Description: Female student was discovered leaving the Barnes and Noble bookstore without paying for several items, The student was issued a Justice of the Peace citation for Class C Theft and given a criminal trespass warning for all Barnes and Noble locations Offense: Forgery Occurred on: April 12 between 9:40 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: Hayes Road Campus, 2811 Hayes Road Description: Barnes and Noble bookstore employee turned over a suspected counterfeit $20 bill to HCC Police. Description of possi-

Offense: Theft Occurred on: April 11 between 2:55-5 p.m. Location: Gulfton Campus, 5407 Gulfton Description: Student report the theft of a cellphone that he left un-attended on a table Offense: Disorderly Conduct Reported on: April 11 at 8:55 a.m. Location: Central - Midtown Campus, Fine Arts Center Description: Former student with history of disruptive behavior came back to campus and created a disturbance, the subject was located and arrested after it was discovered he had Class C misdemeanor warrants for his arrest Offense: Terroristic Threat Occurred on: April 9 at 2 p.m. Location: Northeast Campus, Northeast Campus Area-Off Campus Description: Husband of female HCC Police cadet reportedly made threats of bodily harm to male cadet who had been sending text messages to his wife. Suspect identified. Criminal charges pending completion of investigation



Wednesday April 26, 2017

The Egalitarian www.HCCEgalitarian.com


Police ambush killer won’t take stand in bid to spare life Michael Rubinkam Associated Press

MILFORD, Pa. — His fate hanging in the balance, a gunman who ambushed two state police troopers at their barracks in 2014 decided Tuesday he would not take the witness stand to try to persuade jurors to spare his life. The defense rested its case after Eric Frein opted not to testify in the penalty phase of his capital murder trial. His lawyers said outside court they didn’t want to expose Frein to crossexamination, fearing he might try to “rationalize” the deadly ambush. Frein, 33, was convicted last week of killing Cpl. Bryon Dickson II and critically wounding Trooper Alex Douglass in an unprovoked, random sniper attack at the Blooming Grove barracks. He was captured after a seven-week manhunt that dominated news coverage and rattled communities throughout the Pocono Mountains. The jury is expected to begin deliberations Wednesday on whether to sentence Frein to death or to life in prison without parole. The defense made a last-ditch effort to keep him off death row, with his 20-year-old sister casting him as a protective older brother. Tiffany Frein, who was adopted into the family when

she was 4, described a highly dysfunctional household. She said her father, Eugene Michael “Mike” Frein, physically abused her, punching her in the face repeatedly after she called him a vulgar name. She testified her mother was a selfish manipulator. Her brother stood up for her, she said. “He made me feel like someone actually loved me,” Tiffany Frein said. Frein’s half-sister, Ellen Mitchell, testified Mike Frein used to place late-night, drunken calls to her and raged about “wanting to kill people.” “I didn’t have time to deal with my father’s crazy,” she said. Mike Frein, who earned a doctorate and worked on vaccines, previously acknowledged to the jury he had a drinking problem more than a decade ago. The defense, trying to prove a mitigating circumstance the jury could weigh in its deliberations, has sought to portray Mike Frein as a domineering, angry but highly accomplished figure Eric Frein looked up to and tried to emulate. Mike Frein, who logged 28 years in the military and retired as a major, admitted to jurors that he lied to his family for years that he saw combat in Vietnam and was a sniper. Eric Frein, meanwhile, was a military reenactor and college

dropout who lived with his parents into his 30s. Mike Frein also told the jury he had shared his political views with his son, calling the government too big and railing against abusive police. His son, in a letter he wrote to his parents while on the run, advocated revolution as a way to restore lost liberties. The prosecution has proved the aggravating circumstances that would point toward a death sentence: Eric Frein killed a law enforcement officer, and the jury concluded it was a terrorist act. Frein’s decision to avoid the witness stand seemed to come as a relief to one of his lawyers, Bill Ruzzo. “Defendants typically rationalize, and we were afraid that might happen,” Ruzzo told reporters. But the defense effort to make Frein more sympathetic to the jury was undermined by a 2014 jailhouse recording, played by prosecutors, in which he’s heard joking that he planned to sell his story. Three weeks after his arrest, Frein told his mother reporters had been asking him for an interview. He laughingly said he would wait until after trial and give to the highest bidder. Frein was being “hounded” by media at the time, said defense lawyer Michael Weinstein, who characterized the comments as off the cuff.

Butch Comegys/The Times & Tribune Eric Frein is led away by Pennsylvania State Police Troopers at the Pike County Courthouse after his preliminary hearing in Milford, Pa. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. Weinstein renewed his complaints Tuesday about Frein’s treatment in jail. The defendant had refused to communicate with his lawyers Monday and looked unsteady on his feet as he was helped into the courtroom by two sheriff’s deputies. Weinstein had asked the judge to order a mental competency exam but was turned down after prosecutors played a jailhouse phone call recorded Saturday in which Frein could be heard talking normally. Weinstein said Frein has been forced since the guilty verdict

to wear a heavy suicide smock, which prevents inmates from hanging themselves, and is kept in a cell with the lights always on even though Frein has never expressed any intention to kill himself. Even if the jury sends Frein to death row, the sentence won’t be carried out anytime soon, if ever. Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf has imposed a moratorium on executions. Pennsylvania has executed only three people since the Supreme Court restored the death penalty in 1976, none since 1999.

Wells Fargo faces shareholders, protesters at annual meeting Ken Sweet

Associated Press PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla.— Shareholders irritated by the fallout from Wells Fargo’s sales practices scandal sent a warning to the bank’s executives and board, with some directors barely holding onto their jobs Tuesday in what is typically a symbolic vote. The shareholder meeting was the first time Wells Fargo had met collectively with its investors since acknowledging last fall that its employees opened up to 2 million bank accounts without getting customers’ authorization in order to meet unrealistic sales quotes. While all 15 board members kept their positions for another year, four directors received backing of 60 percent or less. That included Chairman Stephen Sanger, who received 56 percent support. “Wells Fargo shareholders today have sent the entire board a clear message of dissatisfaction,” Sanger said. Although shareholders voted everyone in, they were clearly unhappy. All the directors who were at Wells Fargo before the scandal broke got 80 percent or less of shareholders’ votes, based on preliminary results. The three who got 99 percent were CEO Tim Sloan —who got his job in October after former CEO John Stumpf departed — and two independent directors who started earlier this year. Last year, Wells’ board got approvals from at least 90 percent of shareholders — a common level at big

corporations. Sanger said he did not see the slim majority as a vote of no confidence in his role as chairman. And he said the board has no plans to replace any members of the board following the vote. “They didn’t really have desire to replace any one director, but they did want to send a message to the board,” Sanger said. Sanger did note that at least six members of the board will reach retirement age in next four years, which will bring some fresh faces onto a board that investors signaled needs to do more to stabilize Wells. Wells’ contentious, three-hour long shareholder meeting was interrupted several times by protesters, with one man, Bruce Marks with the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, being effectively dragged out by armed security guards. Sanger said Marks had to be removed because he physically approached a board member, something people sitting nearby disputed. Other protesters were ordered to leave the meeting, escorted by guards but not physically forced to leave. Shareholders, current and former employees and customers vented their anger, questioning how well board members did their jobs and the work of the company’s auditor. Many employees who spoke were affiliated with the Committee for Better Banks, a union-backed advocacy group, and called for additional investigation into Wells Fargo’s sales practices, or

Susan Walsh/AP Photo Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf prepares to testify on Capitol Hill in Washington, before the Senate Banking Committee. In the results of an investigation released Monday, April 10, 2017. even calling for union organization. Some customers who came to speak pleaded for mortgage relief. It would have been a rare move for shareholders to oust the board, since investors typically look for stability at companies they’re putting money into. But the recommendation by two major proxy advisory firms to vote out at least some of the directors meant a small but noticeable chance that at least one director would be voted out. Other shareholder proposals related

to an additional investigation into the bank’s retail sales practices and other corporate governance issues were also rejected by shareholders. Since the scandal broke and regulators imposed $185 million in fines last September, the bank has changed the way it pays branch employees, reclaimed promised compensation to several executives and apologized to customers. The bank also recently settled a classaction lawsuit to the tune of $142 million related to its sales practices.


Wednesday April 26, 2017

The Egalitarian



Tony Mendoza closing Razor’s Edge Valerie Wells Associated Press

GALVESTON, Texas — Tony Mendoza cut the hair of a lawyer eight years ago who advised the barber not to retire but to just cut back on his hours. The Galveston County Daily News reports Mendoza, now 81, took that advice and started only cutting hair on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. “But then the lawyer retired five years later,” Mendoza said. Now, Mendoza will cut all his hours and will retire when he closes his barber shop Razor’s Edge in Galveston on Thursday. Mendoza started working at that barber shop with his brother in 1963, when his brother’s other shop in downtown Galveston closed. Mendoza had a second brother who had another shop on Seawall Boulevard that closed in 1992. Although many barber shops become Jennifer Reynolds/The Galveston County Daily News places where customers discuss politics Long-time barber Tony Mendoza is retiring and will close his barber shop, The Razor’s Edge, and plan action, Razor’s Edge has played a at 1717 39th Street in Galveston, on Thursday, April 27, 2017 smaller role, Mendoza said. “I try not to discuss too much politics or But longer hairstyles didn’t hurt Razor’s months. religion,” he said. “You don’t know whose But Mendoza is not joking, he really Edge. feelings get hurt.” “Our business improved,” Mendoza said. is retiring. The Razor’s Edge will close Instead, his customers discuss church He took a course in hair styling, learned Thursday, and Vera Mendoza is filling up the projects and sports. They also talk about family. Third and new techniques to thin hair so it would lay appointment book with longtime customers fourth generations of customers came to down in spots and other professional tricks who want one last cut, one last glass of wine the Razor’s Edge to get a toddler a first to make men attractive. He would shampoo and a chance to say goodbye. Mendoza plans to do some work on family haircut for free, a Mendoza tradition. their hair and show them how to use a blow property in South Texas when he retires. He Some of his customers who are nearing dryer. “The old timers would say, ‘Tell the doesn’t see a discrepancy in that retirement retirement themselves got their first longhair kids to get out of here,’” Mendoza plan. haircuts at Razor’s Edge. “I’m retiring from the clock,” he said. “My wife gives candy when kids come said. To accommodate customers, he Instead, he welcomed their business. in,” Mendoza said as he got the glass bowl of candies out of the refrigerator and Boys would come in with orders from their sometimes takes 7:30 a.m. appointments parents to get a short haircut, but Mendoza and he sometimes will stay after 6:30 p.m. placed them in the front office. His wife Vera Mendoza handles the respected his young customers and asked The only appointment time he intends to appointments. Every day, the couple has what they really wanted. If they didn’t keep after Thursday is a 5:30 p.m. happy lunch at the shop during a 30-minute want short hair, he would trim the minimal hour, Mendoza said. He’s been referring customers to different amount and send them back to their mothers break between customers. He cuts her hair, but he usually only and fathers. He figured if the parents wanted barber shops on the island and giving them it shorter, they would keep sending the boys advice. cuts men’s hair. “Train your barber,” Mendoza said. “It’s Mendoza has been a professional barber back. It didn’t happen often, he said. “I got paid more money for cutting less like going to see a doctor. You’ve got to for 64 years. He finished barber college explain your symptoms and history.” in Houston in 1953 and cut hair while he hair,” Mendoza said. Mendoza prepared an orange sign that Although he avoids political talk in his was in the National Guard. He came back to Galveston and worked with his two barber shop, Mendoza pokes fun at his says “Thanks for the memories” that he will tape to the glass door Thursday. brothers in their barber shops until he customers. “It’s been a hell of a ride,” he said. “It’s “Are you lost?” he said as one of regular moved to the 39th Street shop in 1963. just an enjoyable thing to converse with The business changed about that same customers, Grant Mock, came in. “I’m still waiting to get a good haircut,” customers and friends.” time when the Beatles became popular But he’s looking forward to the break. in the United States and men and boys Mock said. It’s an old routine they’ve Thanksgiving week was the last time he took started letting their hair grow a little bit repeated for years. His customers rib him back. They tell a vacation. longer over their ears and collars instead “Soon, it will be Thanksgiving week every of getting a haircut every two to three him they doubt Mendoza is really retiring from the business, that he’ll be back in three week,” he said. weeks.

Judge blocks Trump order on sanctuary city funding Sudhin Thanawala Associated Press

A federal judge on Tuesday blocked any attempt by the Trump administration to withhold funding from “sanctuary cities” that do not cooperate with U.S. immigration authorities, saying the president has no authority to attach new conditions to federal spending. U.S. District Judge William Orrick issued the preliminary injunction in two lawsuits — one brought by the city of San Francisco, the other by Santa Clara County — against

an executive order targeting communities that protect immigrants from deportation. The injunction will stay in place while the lawsuits work their way through court. The judge said that President Donald Trump cannot set new conditions for the federal grants at stake. And even if he could, the conditions would have to be clearly related to the funds at issue and not coercive, Orrick said. “Federal funding that bears no meaningful relationship to immigration enforcement cannot be threatened merely

because a jurisdiction chooses an immigration enforcement strategy of which the president disapproves,” the judge said. A Justice Department attorney, Chad Readler, had defended the president’s executive order as an attempt to use his “bully pulpit’ to “encourage communities and states to comply with the law.” The Trump administration had further argued the lawsuits were premature because the government hasn’t cut off any money yet or declared any communities to be sanctuary cities. Meanwhile, mayors from

several U.S. cities threatened with the loss of federal grants emerged from a meeting Tuesday with Attorney General Jeff Sessions saying they remain confused about how to prove their police are in compliance with immigration policies — a necessary step for them to receive grant money. During a recent court hearing, the Trump administration and the two California governments disagreed over the order’s scope. San Francisco and Santa Clara see

Sanctuary City, Page 5


Disabled Voter Access Associated Press A federal judge told officials he is considering an independent review of the Houston area’s polling locations to ensure they are accessible to disabled voters. The possible action by U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett is part of an ongoing lawsuit the U.S. Department of Justice filed last year, the Houston Chronicle reported. The lawsuit accuses Harris County, where Houston is located, of violating the constitutional mandate that voting sites comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. At a court hearing Friday, Bennett discussed the possibility of appointing a special master to oversee the review. No decision has yet been made. “We’re talking about something that really needs an intensive review,” Bennett said during the hearing. “There’s no blanket order I can give. We’re going to have to look at almost each of these sites or on a site-by-site basis.” The lawsuit alleges that there is a lack of appropriate parking, ramps, sidewalks, entry ways, voting space and other mandatory accommodations for disabled voters. Harris County, Texas’s most populous county, has more than 400,000 people with disabilities. Robert Soard, first assistant to the Harris County Attorney, said it would be premature to comment about the prospect of a special master overseeing accessibility of voting sites. County Clerk Stan Stanart, who oversees local elections, said the lawsuit is frivolous, politically motivated and centered on insignificant technicalities at sites the county doesn’t own. “When the DOJ brought this lawsuit they had zero people who were complaining,” he said. “To the best of my knowledge, we don’t know of anyone who had an issue.” The possibility of a review of polling locations drew praise from disability rights advocates. “Bringing in a special master is monumental because you’re saying there is a problem and it needs to be watched,” said Toby Cole, a Houston attorney who has closely watched the case. “It would be a significant move to make sure that the rights of people with disabilities are protected, and voting is probably the most fundamental of those rights.” Bennett asked the attorneys on Friday to return with specific details about the range of problems at local voting sites. Elizabeth Johnson, the lead attorney on the case for the Justice Department, said she anticipates a need for temporary fixes at polling sites — such as adding traffic cones or temporary ramps — rather than permanent fixes.

Wednesday April 26, 2017


The Egalitarian



Bill could deny Trump’s wall request Alan Fram

Associated Press

Dmitri Lovetsky/AP Photo U.S. astronaut Peggy Whitson, member of the main crew of the expedition to the International Space Station (ISS), gestures from a bus prior the launch of Soyuz MS-3 space ship at the Russian leased Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.

Whitson sets record Marcia Dunn

Associated Press CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Astronaut Peggy Whitson broke the U.S. record Monday for most time in space and talked up Mars during a congratulatory call from President Donald Trump. The International Space Station’s commander surpassed the record of 534 days, two hours and 48 minutes for most accumulated time in space by an American. “This is a very special day in the glorious history of American spaceflight,” Trump said. His daughter and close adviser, Ivanka Trump, also offered congratulations to Whitson from the Oval Office. Whitson said it’s “a huge honor” to break such a record. “It’s an exciting time” as NASA prepares for human expeditions to Mars in the 2030s, included in new legislation signed by Trump last month. She called the space station “a key bridge” between living on Earth and traveling into deep space, and she singled out the station’s recycling system that transforms astronauts’ urine into drinking water. “It’s really not as bad as it sounds,” she assured the president. “Well, that’s good, I’m glad to hear that,” he replied. “Better you than me.” Whitson already was the world’s most experienced spacewoman and female spacewalker and, at 57, the oldest woman in space. By the time she returns to Earth in September, she’ll have logged 666 days in orbit over three flights. The world record — 879 days — is held by Russian Gennady Padalka. Whitson broke the NASA cumulative record set last year by astronaut Jeffrey Williams; Scott Kelly holds the U.S. record for consecutive days in space — 340. Whitson is also the first woman to command the space

station twice and the only woman to have led NASA’s astronaut corps. Behind her was a banner that read: “Congrats Peggy!! New U.S. High-Time Space Ninja.” The sign arrived Saturday on the commercial cargo ship, the S.S. John Glenn — barely in time for Monday’s celebration. NASA astronaut Jack Fischer, who arrived at the space station last week and took part in Monday’s call, said the space station is “by far the best example of international cooperation.” Whitson told the president that spaceflight takes a lot of time and money, so getting to Mars will require collaboration from other countries to succeed. NASA is building the hardware right now to test a new rocket that will carry astronauts farther from Earth than ever before, she said. “Well, we want to try and do it during my first term or, at worst, during my second term, so we’ll have to speed that up a little bit, OK?” Trump replied. “We’ll do our best,” Whitson replied. The debut of the mega rocket is still more than a year away — at least. The date will depend on whether astronauts are on board for the test flight, which could hoist the new Orion capsule to the vicinity of the moon. Both Whitson and Fischer raised a hand when Trump asked which one of them was ready to go to Mars. Joining Trump in the Oval Office was astronaut Kate Rubins, who last summer became the first person in space to perform entire DNA decoding, or sequencing. She said she used a device the size of a cellphone for the job, and noted that such sequencing can detect microbes aboard spacecraft and monitor astronaut health. “That’s fantastic,” Trump said. “I’ve been dealing with politicians so much, I’m so much more impressed with these people, you have no idea.”

WASHINGTON—Congressional negotiators on Tuesday inched toward a potential agreement on a catchall spending bill that would deny President Donald Trump’s request for immediate funding to construct a wall along the Mexico border. The emerging measure would increase the defense budget and eliminate the threat of a government shutdown on Trump’s 100th day in office this Saturday. Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer said Republican negotiators were following the lead of Trump, who signaled Monday evening that he would not insist on $1 billion worth of wall funding now as an addition to the $1 trillionplus spending bill. Trump told a gathering of conservative media reporters that he might be willing to wait until September for the funding. A remaining stumbling block is a recent threat by Trump to scuttle a portion of former President Barack Obama’s health law that helps low-income people afford insurance policies, but the decision by Trump and his GOP allies to back down on the wall steered the talks on the spending measure in a positive direction. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he was optimistic the talks would produce “an agreement in the next few days.” An existing temporary funding bill expires Friday at midnight and all sides anticipated that another stopgap measure would be required to buy time for the House and Senate to process the massive spending bill, which would wrap together 11 unfinished agency spending bills through September. Trump campaigned throughout the country last year promising a wall across the entire 2,200 mile southern border, promising that Mexico would pay for it. But while the idea is a priority of Trump’s most fervent supporters, it is resolutely opposed by Democrats and even many Republicans, who see it as wasteful and who prefer other steps like new technologies and additional border agents to curb illegal immigration. “I support additional border security funding,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a GOP critic of Trump who dined with the president Monday at the White House. “But a 2,200-mile wall, I don’t think there’s a whole lot of support for it.”

Sanctuary City From Page 4 County argued that the order threatened billions of dollars in federal funding for each of them, making it difficult to plan their budgets. But Readler, acting assistant attorney general, said the threatened cutoff applies to three Justice Department and Homeland Security grants and would affect less than $1 million for Santa Clara County and possibly no money for San Francisco. In his ruling, Orrick sided with San Francisco and Santa Clara, saying the order “by its plain language, attempts to reach all federal grants, not merely the three mentioned at the hearing.”

Trump vowed to fight for the wall. “The wall is going to get built,” he said at the White House Tuesday. Asked when, he said, “Soon.” Democrats vowed not to give up, either, and look forward to the fight. “It’s not a negotiation,” Schumer said. “No wall.” Meanwhile, Trump appeared poised to procure about $15 billion to boost the military. Democrats said they were satisfied with the emerging outlines of the measure, which stick closely to versions of the legislation that were being negotiated late last year. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., observed that GOP negotiators “have simply ignored” a roster of “$18 billion in extreme cuts” offered by White House budget director Mick Mulvaney to lower the measure’s cost, while maintaining foreign aid accounts that Trump has targeted. Several issues remain unresolved. Democrats, with McConnell’s help, were pushing to extend health benefits for 22,000 retired Appalachian coal miners and their families whose medical coverage is set to expire at the end of April. Democrats faced White House opposition in an uphill battle to give Puerto Rico help with its Medicaid commitment, while Republicans are pressing policy “riders” to undo new Obama-era financial regulations. Democratic votes are invariably needed to pass catchall spending bills, which typically are resented by many tea party Republicans. That gave Democratic leaders like Schumer and Pelosi significant leverage, and the top Democrats had earlier this month taken a hard line in response to Trump’s threats to deny the Obamacare payments for out-of-pocket costs for the poor. Schumer said Tuesday, however, that the issue did not have to be addressed in the catchall bill. Meanwhile, House lawmakers were returning to Washington Tuesday evening and faced a renewed push from the White House to revive their beleaguered health care bill in hopes of attracting enough votes to finally push it through the House. Both efforts come with Congress back from a two-week break just days before Trump’s 100th day in office, an unofficial measuring stick of a new president’s effectiveness. With little to show in legislative victories so far, the Trump administration would love to claim achievements on Capitol Hill by that day.

“And if there was doubt about the scope of the order, the president and attorney general have erased it with their public comments,” the judge said. The Trump administration says that sanctuary cities allow dangerous criminals back on the street and that the order is needed to keep the country safe. San Francisco and other sanctuary cities say turning local police into immigration officers erodes trust that is needed to get people to report crime. The order also has led to lawsuits by Seattle; two Massachusetts cities, Lawrence and Chelsea; and a third San Francisco Bay Area government, the city of Richmond. The San Francisco and Santa Clara

County lawsuits were the first to get a hearing before a judge. San Francisco and the county argued that the president did not have the authority to set conditions on the allocation of federal funds and could not compel local officials to enforce federal immigration law. The sanctuary city order was among a flurry of immigration measures Trump has signed since taking office in January, including a ban on travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries and a directive calling for a wall on the Mexican border. A federal appeals court blocked the travel ban. The administration then revised it, but the new version also is stalled in court.


Wednesday April 26, 2017

The Egalitarian




Graduation 2017 GED Graduation Wedneday, may 10 6:30 p.m. Central College San Jacinto Auditorium

Scan QR Code For More Info

HCC GRADUATION Saturday, May 13 • two ceremonies (9 a.m. & 1 p.m.) NRG Stadium



Wednesday April 26, 2017

The Egalitarian


Don’t Forget ... GED Graduates must arrive at Central College by 5 p.m. Mandatory rehearsal is 6 p.m. Friday, May 12 (graduates arrive by 5 p.m.) Participants in 9 a.m. Graduation are asked to arrive at NRG Stadium by 7:30 a.m. Particpants in the 1 p.m. Graduation are asked to arrive at NRG Stadium by 11:30 a.m. Visit any HCC Bookstore to purchase regalia.


Sports 8 Beltran impacting games in 20th season The Egalitarian

Wednesday April 26, 2017

Fred Goodall Associated Press

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Carlos Beltran chuckled at the suggestion he somehow is defying “father time.” The nine-time All-Star is in his 20th major league season, three weeks into a second tour of duty with the Houston Astros. And while he no longer is the dynamic young player he was during his first stint with the team, the three-time Gold Glove outfielder and 1999 AL Rookie of the Year is making an impact on and off the field. Beltran turned 40 on Monday, a day after drawing a leadoff walk and coming around to score the go-ahead run in an extra-innings victory over the Tampa Bay Rays. He hit his first homer for the Astros since October 2004 last week, then homered again the following night to move within one extra-base hit (1,040) of tying Pete Rose for third-most among switch-hitters in major league history. “We’re winning. We’re playing good baseball. We’re having a good time,” Beltran said of his return to the Astros. He starred for Houston during the 2004 postseason, homering



in five consecutive games and positioning himself to sign a $119 million deal with the New York Mets in free agency. He’s also made postseason appearances with the Mets, St. Louis Cardinals and Texas Rangers during a career that began with the Kansas City Royals. Beltran hit 41 homers and drove in 131 runs in 232 games over the past two seasons with the New York Yankees, who sent him to the Rangers at the trade deadline last summer. When the slugger, who has 423 career homers, became a free agent again last fall, the Astros didn’t hesitate to add him to a talented young roster that includes Jose Altuve, Carlos Correa and George Springer. “He brings a lot. He has a great presence on our team,” manager A.J. Hinch said. “He’s a stabilizer when it comes to everything from the mental side of the game for some of our younger players to the controlled at-bats in the middle of our lineup that 20 years in the league will give you,” Hinch added. “He’s just a very influential presence on a team that needed it.” Sunday’s 6-4 victory in 10

innings over Tampa Bay was Houston’s ninth in 11 games, boosting the AL’s second-best record to 13-6 entering an off day Monday. Beltran is batting .257 with two homers and seven RBIs, primarily as a designated hitter, in 18 games. He leads the club with six multi-hit games. “He’s doing well. He’s sort of defied father time in every way,” Hinch said. “Maybe his speed is down a little bit compared to his early days, obviously, but his ability to handle velocity and put at-bats together” is not, the manager added. “He’s playing left field once a week, maybe. But I don’t think he cares about father time, he’s still a pretty complete player.” Beltran was looking to join a playoff contender, and the decision to sign a $16 million, one-year contract with the Astros was an easy one. “When I got traded from the Yankees to Texas, I got to see them play a lot,” he said. “They’re a young team, a lot of talent. At every position, you see a guy who could a be a star-type of player in the league.” Beltran welcomed a chance to make a difference in the

George Bridges/AP Houston Astros’ Carlos Beltran (15) is congratulated by third base coach Gary Pettis after hitting a solo home run on Thursday, April 20, 2017, in Houston. clubhouse, as well. “I’m a guy who likes to study the game. I like to come early, look at the pitchers to see tendencies, and if there’s something that they’re doing, then I’m going to try to use that to my advantage,” Beltran said. “At the same time, I try to

pass it on to the younger guys. Sometimes, when you’ve never done something, that doesn’t mean that you can’t try,” he added. “So I tell them: ‘Hey, don’t be afraid to try. ... You might get good results.’ That’s what it’s all about, being able to share my experience with them.”

Jimmie Johnson grabs rare Bristol win Jenna Fryer

Associated Press BRISTOL, Tenn. — It was just last month when people were wondering what was wrong with Jimmie Johnson after he got off to a slow start. How silly it was to worry. Johnson grabbed a rare victory at Bristol Motor Speedway on Monday, giving him consecutive wins for the 11th time in his storied career. It was just the second career win in Thunder Valley for Johnson, who considers it one of his most vexing tracks. His Hendrick Motorsports team hit on something during Saturday’s practice for his Chevrolet, and that locked him in for the race postponed a day by rain. “This track has been really difficult,” admitted Johnson, who last won at Bristol in 2007. But that Saturday find was “honestly, it’s what I’ve been looking for for 16 years.” “We finally figured it out. So, I’m very, very happy,” he said. “I’ve loved this racetrack from afar ... and it’s been a journey since 2000 until now.” Johnson snapped his season-starting slump on April 9 at Texas Motor Speedway, NASCAR’s last event prior to Monday. It ended any chatter that the seven-time and reigning champion might not be up for a record eighth title. “After securing a win last week, it obviously takes a huge load off of your shoulders,” said crew chief Chad Knaus. “Being able to come in here this week confident, relaxed, we had a weekend off.” Johnson now has 82 career victories, and is just one away from tying Cale

Yarborough for sixth on the all-time wins list. Two more would put him alongside Darrell Waltrip. “That’s just mind-blowing,” Johnson said of his place in history. Johnson doesn’t like Bristol, but had no trouble contending with Kyle Larson, the points leader and most dominant driver of the day. A speeding penalty on Larson late in the race allowed Johnson to make it look easy in the end. Clint Bowyer finished second and Stewart-Haas Racing teammate Kevin Harvick was third. Matt Kenseth was the highest finishing Toyota driver with a quiet fourth. Joey Logano in a Ford was fifth for Team Penske and Larson rallied to sixth. He had been dropped to 29th in the field after the penalty and making it back to the top 10 was a victory in itself for Larson, who led a career-high 202 laps. “I knew I gave the race away there,” Larson said of the speeding penalty. “I was surprised that I was able to line up with an opportunity there at the end. I think even if I was able to get to the lead, I don’t think I would have won because Jimmie and Clint were way faster than I was. “They were over a straightaway ahead of us, I think, at the checkered flag. Disappointed in myself. I think I speed on pit road every single time I come to Bristol. So got to clean that up.” Chase Elliott finished seventh and the top 10 was rounded out by Martin Truex Jr., Ricky Stenhouse Jr. and Denny Hamlin. JUNIOR’S DAY Dale Earnhardt Jr. was running 20th with just under 300 laps remaining

Wade Payne/AP Driver Jimmie Johnson (48) celebrates after winning a NASCAR Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series auto race, Monday, April 24, 2017 in Bristol, Tenn. when he wrecked during a restart after a mechanical issue. He didn’t return to the track. NASCAR’s most popular driver was second in this race a year ago, but this year he’s still trying to find his way back into contention. NASCAR’s last race, at Texas, was his first top-five finish of the season. As he headed to the care center for a medical checkup, a fan tried to take selfie with Earnhardt . Initially denied, Earnhardt was accommodating after he was cleared medically. BUSCH STUCK AT NO. 5 Kyle Busch is still seeking his first win of the season after an accident led to a 35th-place finish.

He had been hoping to win his sixth career Cup race at Bristol, and had the speed all weekend to do so. “I was the fastest one out there those last two runs picking cars off and driving from the back to the front after we lost our track position the first time,” he said. “I don’t know if it’s fundamentally wrong what we’re doing, but it seems like all the rest of our five JGR cars are fine.” UP NEXT NASCAR travels to Richmond, Virginia, for another short-track showdown. The three-day show will lack defending race winner Carl Edwards, who bumped teammate Joe Gibbs Racing for the victory in 2016. Edwards is not racing this year.

Wednesday April 26, 2017


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NFL Draft crop loaded on defense Barry Wilner

franchise quarterback in ... DESHAUN WATSON, QB, CLEMSON

PHILADELPHIA — DE-FENSE, DE-FENSE. That’s going to be the area of concentration in this draft, in the first round and through much of the proceedings in Philadelphia. Indeed, the first half-dozen or so selections could come from that side of the ball. That’s often the fallout when there are no slam-dunk quarterbacks available. Here’s how we see Thursday night’s first round falling, minus any trades. ——— 1. Cleveland With the QB class so dicey, especially to start things, Cleveland goes for the potential of a dominant, long-term pass rusher. Some analysts wonder about his passion for football, but ... MYLES GARRETT, DE, TEXAS A&M

7. Los Angeles Chargers San Diego — Oops, that’s one even Roger Goodell might mess up on draft night — make that Los Angeles was hoping one of the top defensive backs remained available here. One did ... MALIK HOOKER, S, OHIO STATE

AP Pro Football Writer

2. San Francisco When in need of defense, go for the pass rusher first, the shutdown cornerback second, the stud linebacker or safety next. So ... SOLOMON THOMAS, DE, STANFORD 3. Chicago John Fox, a defense-first coach, gets his pick of the top defensive backs for a team that needs help at receiver, on the offensive line, and has settled on Mike Glennon as its QB. Lots of options lead to ... JAMAL ADAMS, S, LSU 4. Jacksonville Sticking with the theme — Tom Coughlin is running the Jaguars now and he won two Super Bowls with a deep, powerful and fast defensive front ... JONATHAN ALLEN, DE, ALABAMA 5. Tennessee (from Rams) There’s a great chance the Titans will trade out of this spot. Staying put will lead them to the most promising cornerback in this crop ... MARSHON LATTIMORE, CB, OHIO STATE 6. New York Jets Offense, offense. New York wouldn’t mind grabbing future all-world tight end O.J. Howard here, except the Jets have no one of note to throw to him. So they try — again — to find their

Adarn Sacasa/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP This Dec. 20, 2016, file photo shows Western Kentucky offensive lineman Forrest Lamp scoring a touchdown against Memphis during the Boca Raton Bowl NCAA college football game in Boca Raton, Fla. NFL scouts love Lamp, but his frame and arm length suggest more guard than tackle. If he was a sure-thing tackle he would probably be a top-10 pick. Instead, middle of the first.

8. Carolina This one is easy. The Panthers need a standout running back to balance their offense and make sure there can be a smooth transition from Jonathan Stewart down the line. That RB is ... LEONARD FOURNETTE, RB, LSU

14. Philadelphia (from Minnesota) A terrific pass rusher remains on the board, and though the Eagles need a wideout, they can wait in this deep draft to get him. So the man is ... DEREK BARNETT, DE, TENNESSEE

9. Cincinnati Always a haven for players with off-field incidents, Cincinnati fills a linebacking need with a guy who was dismissed from the NFL combine in February and has questions surrounding him about a drug test. If he behaves, the Bengals have an anchor at LB with ... REUBEN FOSTER, LB, ALABAMA

15. Indianapolis If Andrew Luck is in the Colts’ draft room, he’s also in the staff’s ear to get him more protection. He is, after all, coming off shoulder surgery. Here’s some help, Andrew ... RYAN RAMCZYK, OT, WISCONSIN

10. Buffalo Hard, no impossible, to see the Bills passing up a target for Tyrod Taylor or whomever becomes Buffalo’s quarterback down the line. Howard is tempting, but an outside receiver is more tempting ... MIKE WILLIAMS, WR, CLEMSON 11. New Orleans At some point, the Saints need to think about a young quarterback to groom behind Drew Brees. Maybe in the next round, but with so much juicy defensive talent available, how about ... HAASON REDDICK, LB, TEMPLE 12. Cleveland (from Philadelphia) Now, for that QB to follow in the footsteps of Otto Graham and Brian Sipe — oh, wait, those were the other Browns. Anyway, it’s a gamble here, yet ... MITCHELL TRUBISKY, QB, NORTH CAROLINA 13. Arizona Bruce Arians blinks once, twice, three times. Yep, the perfect weapon to balance out his offense (if everyone can stay healthy) is there ... O.J. HOWARD, TE, ALABAMA

16. Baltimore A team with mostly mediocre receiving options for Joe Flacco might dip into the wideout and tight end pool more than once this year. As a start ... COREY DAVIS, WR, WESTERN MICHIGAN 17. Washington Another club with eyes on a young quarterback, but probably not here with the defense needing bolstering and lots of options there. Such as ... TAKKARIST MCKINLEY, DE, UCLA 18. Tennessee The defense was addressed earlier, so for Marcus Mariota and the passing offense, a potential game-breaking receiver with lighting speed makes sense ... JOHN ROSS, WR, WASHINGTON 19. Tampa Bay Tampa has an interest in the running backs and offensive linemen still sitting there. With Doug Martin’s status in question, it seems logical to go with the versatile RB ... CHRISTIAN MCCAFFREY, RB, STANFORD 20. Denver When C.J. Anderson went down last season, Denver headed

straight into the dumpster. If John Elway is truthful about being satisfied with his quarterback crew, he gets those guys some help now ... DALVIN COOK, RB, FLORIDA STATE 21. Detroit Back to defense after a short run on offensive players. The Lions get a boost to their cornerbacks group with the third Buckeyes DB chosen in this round ... GAREON CONLEY, CB, OHIO STATE 22. Miami Miami continues the lovefest for DBs with the fifth one taken and the second from the Louisiana State secondary ... TRE’DAVIOUS WHITE, CB, LSU 23. New York Giants What, only one offensive lineman off the board? Rejoice, Eli, the Giants have lots of blockers they could grab in this spot, and they gladly take ... CAM ROBINSON, OT, ALABAMA 24. Oakland Already winners with the vote to allow their relocation to Las Vegas, the Raiders would like to add to their fortune with some help for the D. It comes in the form of ... JARRAD DAVIS, LB, FLORIDA 25. Houston Had Watson or Trubisky been on the board, the Texans might have pulled the trigger on a quarterback. The others left are even bigger gambles, so the best option is the O-line ... FORREST LAMP, OG, WESTERN KENTUCKY 26. Seattle The Seahawks would have liked to have Lamp up front, but with the Texans beating them to the choice, they turn to their secondary. An addition to the sputtering “Legion of Boom” in ... KEVIN KING, CB-S,

WASHINGTON 27. Kansas City Best talent still in the mix is where the Chiefs need to go. Some believe they will draft a QB for the future, but more likely it is ... ZACH CUNNINGHAM, LB, VANDERBILT 28. Dallas Having scored bigtime in recent drafts, particularly last year with Zeke Elliott and Dak Prescott, the Cowboys seem to know what they are doing. Defense is a priority, though a TE to eventually replace Jason Witten is possible ... MARLON HUMPHREY, CB, ALABAMA 29. Green Bay Folks point to how weak the Packers’ secondary looked late last season, but it was so banged up that backups for backups were playing. With better health expected, DB isn’t the selection. LB is with ... CHARLES HARRIS, LB, MISSOURI 30. Pittsburgh With Ben Roethlisberger beginning to think about retirement and the Steelers in a good spot to develop a QB for perhaps two years, this is a perfect time to get one. He is ... PATRICK MAHOMES, QB, TEXAS TECH 31. Atlanta Had the Falcons only been able to keep pressure on Tom Brady in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl. Addressing that shortcoming ... TACO CHARLTON, DE, MICHIGAN 32. New Orleans (from New England) Ooh, that hurt. The Saints had their eyes on Mahomes, and there aren’t any other QBs worth this pick. Here’s a chance to spice up the return game and bolster the secondary ... ADOREE’ JACKSON, CB, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA


The Egalitarian www.HCCEgalitarian.com

Wednesday April 26, 2017



HCC PERFORMANCE AND VISUAL ARTS CALENDAR April 20 --May 3 Stafford Spring Juried Student Art Show Stafford Campus FAC Art Gallery Free Event April 20 -- May 4 Eastside Spring Student Exhibition Eastside Campus Learning Hub Gallery Free Event April 22 -- May 4 Central Spring Student Art Show Central Campus FAC Art Gallery Free Event April 26 -- 30 The Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni (Advisory) 8:00 PM Daily and 4:00 PM Sunday Stafford Campus FAC Black Box $10 & $5 Online Sales April 27 Kenari Quartet Residency: Reading of Student Works 2:30 PM Stafford Campus

FAC Recital Hall Free April 27 Kenari Quartet Residency: Saxophone Quartet Recital 7:30 PM Stafford Campus FAC Recital Hall Free April 27 The Struggle to Evolve Before the End of Time - Reception 6:00 PM West Loop Campus West Loop Gallery Free April 27 -- June 22 The Struggle to Evolve Before the End of Time West Loop Campus West Loop Gallery Free April 28 & 29 CDE7 Dance Concert (Advisory) 7:30 PM Central Campus Heinen Theatre $7 & $10 Online Sales

May 1 Monday Night Big Band Concert 7:30 PM Spring Branch Campus PAC Theatre One Free May 2 Music Honors Recital 7:30 PM Central Campus Heinen Theatre Free May 4 Choir and Singers at Stafford 7:00 PM Stafford Campus FAC Recital Hall Free May 5 Loren Shen Concert 7:30 PM Stafford Campus FAC Recital Hall Free May 5 All Things Dance at Spring Branch 7:00 PM Spring Branch Campus

PAC Theatre One $10 Online Sales May 5 & 6 8th Annual Gimme Five Playwriting Contest Showcase 8:00 PM Codwell Campus Black Box $5 Online Sales May 7 Choir Concert at Spring Branch 7:00 PM Spring Branch Campus PAC Theatre One Free May 8 Monday Afternoon Jazz Ensemble 7:00 PM Spring Branch Campus PAC Theatre One Free May 9 Class Voice Recital 11:00 AM Stafford Campus FAC Recital Hall Free

Soules flees fatal car accident Ryan J. Foley Associated Press

IOWA CITY, Iowa — Chris Soules, an Iowa farmer who starred on “The Bachelor” two years ago, was arrested Tuesday on a charge of causing a deadly accident and leaving the scene. Soules, who competed for the affections of dozens of women on season 19 of the ABC reality show, was behind the wheel of a pickup truck that rear-ended a tractor near Aurora on Monday night, sending both vehicles into the ditch and killing the tractor driver, according to a criminal complaint filed by the Buchanan County Sheriff’s Office. The Iowa State Patrol identified the victim as 66-year-old Kenneth Mosher, a farmer from Aurora, which is about 15 miles (24 kilometers) south of Soules’ farm in Arlington and about 65 miles (105 kilometers) north of Iowa City. Authorities said someone called 911 to report the crash, but they didn’t release the identity of the caller or audio of the call. Investigators spoke to multiple witnesses and determined that Soules caused the crash and left the scene, according to the complaint, which doesn’t name the witnesses. Alcohol was found at the scene, and investigators are trying to determine whose it was, said Sheriff Bill Wolgram. Court records show that Soules has had some driving infractions in the past, including a 2006 conviction for operating while intoxicated. Soules, 35, was arrested in Aurora early Tuesday, about five hours after the crash, and was booked into the Buchanan County Jail on a charge of leaving the scene of a fatal accident. If convicted, he could face up to five years in prison. A judge set a $10,000, cash-only bond for Soules. He hadn’t been released from jail as of late morning. Wolgram said that if granted pre-trial release, Soules would be required to wear an electronic ankle bracelet and surrender his passport. It wasn’t immediately clear if Soules has a defense attorney. Chicago attorney David Lechner, who is representing Soules in a civil matter, said he knew nothing about the crash. In that case, Soules is suing Gree USA, the manufacturer of a

Top ten audio books The Associated Press Buchanan County Sheriff’s Office/AP Photo Tuesday, April 25, 2017, photo provided by the Buchanan County Sheriff’s Office in Independence, Iowa, shows Chris Soules, former star of ABC’s “The Bachelor,” after being booked early Tuesday after his arrest on a charge of leaving the scene of a fatal accident near Arlington, Iowa. dehumidifier that he blames for causing a fire that damaged his home last year. At the end of his season as “The Bachelor,” Soules proposed to Chicago fertility nurse Whitney Bischoff, but their relationship ended shortly after the show. Soules has since served as a spokesman for various agricultural interests and worked in farm real estate and investing. The crash comes as Gov. Terry Branstad and lawmakers have expressed alarm about a rising number of deaths on Iowa roadways caused by intoxicated and distracted drivers. Branstad last week signed laws allowing officers to pull over drivers for texting while driving, increasing the penalties for texting-related vehicular homicides, and creating a statewide sobriety and drug monitoring program for intoxicated drivers.

Audible.com best-sellers for week ending April 21: Fiction 1. For We Are Many: Bobiverse, Book 2 by Dennis E. Taylor, narrated by Ray Porter (Audible Studios) 2. The Fix by David Baldacci, narrated by Kyf Brewer and Orlagh Cassidy (Hachette Audio) 3. Hattie B Magical Vet: The Dragon’s Song by Claire Taylor-Smith, narrated by Penelope Rawlins (Oakhill Publishing) 4. Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, narrated by Lenny Henry (HarperAudio) 5. A Quiet Life in the Country: A Lady Hardcastle Mystery, Book 1 by T E Kinsey, narrated by Elizabeth Knowelden (Brilliance Audio)

Nonfiction 1. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F(asterisk)ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson, narrated by Roger Wayne (HarperAudio) 2. Ponzi Supernova by Steve Fishman, narrated by author (Audible Originals) 3. You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero, narrated by the author (Penguin Audio) 4. The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage by Mel Robbins, narrated by the author (Mel Robbins Productions Inc.) 5. Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, narrated by Kimberly Farr (Random House Audio)

Wednesday April 26, 2017


The Egalitarian www.HCCEgalitarian.com


Egal•i•tar•i•an (adjective) aiming for equal wealth, status, etc., for all people 3517 Austin; 303 Fine Arts Center; Houston TX 77004 Phone: 713.718.6016; Fax: 713.718.6601 Adviser: Fredrick Batiste

SPRING 2017 EGALITARIAN STAFF Editor-in-Chief............................................Jimmieka Mills News Editor................................................... Alyssa Foley Sports Editor..............................................John Cañamar Culture Editor.............................................. Erik Calderon Photo Editor............................................................... TBA Social Media Mgr....................................................... TBA Staff Writer............................................................ Zain Ali Staff Writer................................................... Fabian Brims Staff Writer.................................................... Ana Ramirez Staff Writer.......................................... Skarleth Velasquez Staff Writer................................................................. TBA Staff Photographer..................................................... TBA ——— The Egalitarian has been the official student newspaper of the Houston Community College System since September 1974. The Egalitarian is published bi-monthly, every other Wednesday except during holiday breaks. Print circulation is 8,000 copies per issue and distributed to selected HCC campuses in the Houston, Spring Branch, Alief, Katy, North Forest and Fort Bend areas. Comments and contributions are always welcome. Deadlines for contributions and advertisements are one week before the issue print date. The Egalitarian is written and edited by students of Houston Community College. This publication does not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, interests, attitudes and tastes of the Board of Trustees, HCC administration, faculty, staff or students. Opinions and editorial content of The Egalitarian that are unsigned do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Egalitarian staff or adviser. The Egalitarian reserves the right to edit any submitted material for grammatical errors, offensive language, libelous materials and space constraints. It may also refuse any advertising that does not adhere to the HCC mission.


The Egalitarian staff consists of HCC students who must complete all tasks required to produce the newspaper, which serves all campuses of the HCC System. We want all students from all majors to contribute. However, we must follow our submissions policy in order to operate under our limitations of time, energy and staff. All staff and contributing writers must be currently enrolled students at Houston Community College. The Egalitarian interacts with contributing writers via e-mail and telephone. Visiting The Egalitarian will not help contributors get published, only quality work will. Publication priority is given to staff members and assigned articles, and verbal commitments for assignments will not be accepted or recognized. Press releases, story ideas, news tips and suggestions are always welcomed. Any student interested in joining The Egalitarian staff may request more detailed information regarding story length, topics, style, etc., by e-mailing The Egalitarian Faculty Adviser Fredrick Batiste at adviser@hccegalitarian.com.

Alex Brandon/AP Photo In this April 6, 2017 file photo, military personnel stand for the arrival of Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Chinese first lady Peng Liyuan at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. to meet with President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump. It’s widely estimated that each trip to the resort costs taxpayers $3 million, based on a government study of the cost of a 2013 trip to Florida by President Barack Obama. But that trip was more complicated and the study’s author says it can’t be used to calculate the cost of Trump’s travel. This weekend, Trump is making his seventh visit to Mar-a-Lago since becoming president.

Mar-a-Lago resort loses promotional posting from State JULIE BYKOWICZ Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The State Department has removed its promotional posting about President Donald Trump’s Florida resort, after a storm of ethics criticism. In an April 4 blog post that was republished by several U.S. embassies abroad, Mar-a-Lago was described as “Trump’s Florida estate,” where he has hosted foreign leaders. “By visiting this ‘winter White House,’ Trump is belatedly fulfilling the dream of Mar-a-Lago’s original owner and designer,” the post said. Left unsaid: Mar-a-Lago is part of Trump’s business empire. After his election, the resort doubled its membership fee to $200,000. As president, Trump has visited the property seven times, and its restaurant fills up when he’s in town. The State Department said late Monday that its intention was “to inform the public about where the president has been hosting world leaders” and that it regrets “any misperception.” That statement now appears in place of the original blog post. The White House did not

respond to questions about whether it had any involvement in the original posting or the decision to take it down. The post originated on “Share America,” a State Department project. Its website describes its mission as “sharing compelling stories and images that spark discussion and debate on important topics like democracy, freedom of expression, innovation, entrepreneurship, education, and the role of civil society.” Other topics on the Share America page include a new U.S. coin honoring Frederick Douglass, debate over the Confederate flag and news about first lady Melania Trump’s participation in the State Department’s International Women of Courage award ceremony. The Mar-a-Lago post was nearly three weeks old but gained traction Monday when several people noticed the U.S. embassy to the United Kingdom was featuring it. Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, asked on Twitter why taxpayers are “promoting the president’s private country club” and referred to the incident as “kleptocratic.”

Norman Eisen, who was President Barack Obama’s chief ethics attorney, said the promotion is “exploitation.” Eisen compared it to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway’s promotion of Ivanka Trump’s clothing business, for which she was “counseled” but not otherwise reprimanded by the White House. “This idea of using government for private gain is metastasizing,” Eisen said. “It must be stopped.” On Twitter, Richard Painter, who served in an ethics role for President George W. Bush, called the State Department post “Use of public office for private gain pure and simple.” Eisen, Painter and other attorneys have sued Trump, alleging violation of the “emoluments clause” of the U.S. Constitution. That provision says the president may not accept foreign gifts or payments without the consent of Congress. The Trump Organization argues that this prohibition wasn’t intended to cover fairmarket exchanges. ——— AP Diplomatic Writer Matthew Lee contributed to this report.



Wednesday April 26, 2017

The Egalitarian



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