May's issue 2017

Page 58

- Meet The Experts



Amy Posey Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist

Tyree Simmons Personal Trainer

what are the benefits of flexibility training?

How can I get more energy for early morning workouts?

First of all, you build an increased range of motion. Again, range of motion is important for sport specific moves and even for reaching for that dish on a high shelf. You will squat deeper, run faster, and throw better when you include flexibility training to your routine! You’ll also have better posture and you’ll move correctly, thus preventing injury that comes with tight and overactive muscles. Moreover, incorporating flexibility training in your routine will constantly make you feel more relaxed and looser when you take the time to stretch those tight muscles! Consequently, it will reduce your chances of developing an injury.

Getting adequate rest is absolutely vital in regards to energy levels. For adults, 7-9 hours of sleep is suggested. If you are getting adequate rest but you’re still not feeling energized in the morning, the problem may be that your body is in a state of ketosis after fasting throughout the evening during your sleep. Ketosis is when the body is using fat for energy. If you aren’t eating enough carbohydrates, then your body turns to fat for energy. This can cause that low energy feeling before your workouts. Green tea, green juices, coffee and even getting sunlight can help boost energy levels. Starting your workout routine with a fast-tempo, blood circulating dynamic warm up may not only help boost energy but will help prevent injuries caused by low energy, low focus workouts. Here’s an example: Try this warm-up in a circuit as many times you see fit: The Wind Up Warm Up.

54 | May 2017

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