King Lear 2012

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king LEAR

Directed by Terri Brabon

18 – 29 September 2012 Queens Gardens, North Ward

synopsis ACT ONE: Scene One: DADDY DEAREST King Lear sets his daughters a challenge – they must tell him how much they love him to determine how much of the kingdom he is leaving them to rule. Cordelia, his youngest, refuses to answer, telling the King she loves him as much as a child should love a father, no more nor less. Furious, Lear splits her inheritance between his two elder daughters, Goneril & Regan and declares he will begin living with them, along with his 100 knights, alternating monthly. In trying to defend Cordelia, the loyal Kent is banished from the kingdom. Cordelia, now penniless and out of favour with her powerful father is saved from her fate by the King of France who takes her for his wife & Queen. Scene Two: THE BAD SEED Edmund, Gloucester’s bastard son, sets in motion a plot to divide his father from his brother Edgar, hoping to receive his inheritance. Scene Three: ALL THE KING’S MEN Kent returns in disguise and joins Lear’s 100 knights. His knights are rowdy and bored, busying themselves with carousing and hunting. Under Goneril’s instructions, her servants are rude & discourteous to Lear & his men, inciting Kent to trip up her loyal servant Oswald. The Fool arrives and repeatedly mocks the King for giving away his crown. Goneril scolds Lear for his conduct and demands he dismisses half his knights. Insulted, Lear puts a hideous curse on Goneril and leaves to stay with Regan. Both Lear & Goneril send letters to Regan via Kent & Oswald respectively. Scene Four: IN THE STILL OF THE NIGHT Edmund bids Edgar flee in the night, and claims he was wounded trying to stop Edgar from murdering Gloucester. Regan & her husband Cornwall arrive. Having received both Lear’s & Goneril’s letters, and fearing for their safety, they have fled in the night to Gloucester’s for his advice. Kent & Oswald pick up their feud where they left off and in punishment, Kent is put in the stocks for the night, despite his status as the King’s Messenger. Gloucester’s protests are ignored. Alone, Kent reveals a letter from Cordelia revealing she is returning with a power from France. Edgar enters having escaped from a search-party and decides to hide amongst the poor Bedlam Beggars. Gloucester’s maid Arielle, finds the letter from Cordelia. Scene Five: SISTER ACT Seeking Regan, Lear arrives at Gloucester’s house and finds his servant in the stocks. Regan & Cornwall appear and she defends Goneril against Lear’s complaints as Goneril herself arrives. The sisters unite to disempower their father who, confused and battling both temper and tears, rages out into a storm. Arielle gives the letter she found to Gloucester. Kent reveals to Sir Loen his real identity, sending him to Cordelia in Dover, while he races off to find the King. Scene Six: THE PERFECT STORM Gloucester sneaks out to help Lear, telling Edmund of his plans and of the letter regarding the French Army invasion. Meanwhile, Lear rages against the storm and neither Kent nor the Fool can convince him to seek shelter. They discover the disguised Edgar in a hovel and Lear takes great interest in him, seeing him as a mighty philosopher. Gloucester arrives and offers them nearby shelter. Back at the house, Edmund tells Cornwall & Regan of his father’s treachery and Cornwall strips Gloucester of his land and title, giving all to Edmund for his loyal service. Scene Seven: HELTER SHELTER Lear and the Fool, along with Kent & Edgar both still in disguise, seek the shelter provided by Gloucester. Lear is crazed and holds a mock trial of his daughters. No sooner does Kent get the King to rest, but Gloucester returns urging them to flee to Dover. ACT TWO: Scene One: AN EYE FOR AN EYE Gloucester is arrested and brought before Regan & Cornwall, who pluck out his eyes, but not before being mortally wounded by his own servant who tries to protect Gloucester. Lisette decides to follow Gloucester and help him while Arielle escapes to reveal the treachery to Albany. Lisette leads Gloucester to Edgar who is shocked to see his father in such a bad way. Still in disguise as Poor Tom, Edgar leads his father to Dover. Scene Two: THE HOMECOMING QUEEN Goneril returns to her home with Edmund and Oswald tells them that Albany is pleased to learn of Cordelia’s invasion. Goneril sends Edmund back to Cornwall to raise his army. They exchange loving farewells and hint at a plot against Albany’s life. Albany arrives and berates Goneril for her behaviour towards her father. Arielle arrives with the news of Cornwall’s death which worries a jealous Goneril. Scene Three: AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN / CURIOUSITY KILLED THE CAT Kent & Sir Loen discuss Cordelia’s response to her father mistreatment and Kent leads Sir Loen to Lear. Oswald reports to Regan that Goneril has convinced Albany to fight against Cordelia’s invasion. He also has a letter from Goneril for Edmund that sparks Regan’s jealousy. She gives Oswald a token to give to Edmund and adds that Oswald will be rewarded if he finds Gloucester and kills him. Scene Four: THE BLIND AND THE MAD Edgar convinces Gloucester that he has lead him to the edge of the cliffs of Dover and pretends to leave, while Gloucester prepares to end his life. He falls to the ground and Edgar, now pretending to be a passer-by on at the bottom of the cliff, convinces Gloucester that he has survived the fall and his life is a miracle. Lear then appears, raving madly pursued by Sir Loen and members of Cordelia’s army. Oswald appears and attacks Gloucester but Edgar kills him. Edgar finds the letters Oswald has on him from Goneril to Edmund, plotting Albany’s death. Scene Five: THE REUNION Cordelia is reunited with her father who believes her to be a spirit but gradually realises she is indeed alive. The Doctor says that he needs more rest, and he is taken indoors leaving Kent & Sir Loen to discuss the coming battle. Scene Six: LOVE IS A BATTLEFIED Regan interrogates Edmund about his relationship with Goneril, who is courting both the sisters, enraging jealousy between them. Edgar appears to Albany and gives him Goneril’s letter revealing her plot of death against him. He asks that if Albany wins the battle, to let the drum strike and he will return to revenge the letter’s contents. The war is on…


King Lear ........................................................................... John du Feu Goneril (Lear’s eldest daughter) .................................... Terri Brabon Regan (Lear’s middle daughter) ........................ Arminelle Fleming Cordelia (Lear’s youngest daughter) .......................... Anna Wallace LEAR’S SUPPORTERS Earl of Kent ......................................................... Brendan O’Connor The Fool ........................................................................ Brian Edmond Sir Loen (Captain of Lear’s 100) ................................... Jayden Popik HOUSE OF GLOUCESTER Earl of Gloucester ................................................... Bernie Lanigan Edgar (his eldest son) ....................................................... Ron Pulman Edmund (his illegitimate son) ................................ Michael Gleeson Arielle (his Serving Maid) ................................................ Kellie Esling Lisette (his Housemaid) ....................................... Brittany Santariga House of gONERIL Duke of Albany (her husband) ............................. Jonathon Brown Oswald (her steward) .................................................. James Raggatt Katarin (her Lady) .............................................. Emma Lamberton House of REGAN Duke of Cornwall (her husband) ................................... Todd Barty Maela (her daughter) ..................................................... Taylah Smith Enora (her daughter) ...................................................... Emma Smith Curan (Cornwall’s Man) ....................................... James Thomasson Winoc (Cornwall’s Man) ................................................ Jesse Morgan CORDELIA’S SUITORS AND SERVANTS King of France (her suitor) ............................... James Thomasson Duke of Burgundy (her suitor) ................................ Alex Ebringer Doctor (Cordelia’s Army) .................... Badaidalaga Maftuh-­‐Flynn THE BEDLAMS ..................................................... Emily Edwards ................................................................................................... Pat Angus ............................................................................................. Joshua Smith All other roles played by members of the ensemble.

Production team

DIRECTOR ................................................................................................ Terri Brabon LIGHTING DESIGN ...................................................................... Brendan O’Connor SOUND DESIGN ....................................................................................... Terri Brabon COSTUMES ................................................................. Kathy Brabon/Terri Brabon SET DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION ................................................. Brendan O’Connor MATERIALS/CONSTRUCTION ....... Robbie Esling of Townsville Tops & Finishes PROPS MANAGER .................................................................................. Susie Brabon JEWELLERY ......................................................... Ann O’Connor of O’Connor Studios ARMOURY .......................................................... Rita Island Theatrical Amourers PYROTECHNICS .......................................... Ian Thomasson of Five Star Fireworks STAGE MANAGER/SOUND OPERATOR ............................................ Chris Nobile LIGHTING OPERATOR ............................................................................. Tom Roach TECHNICAL ADVISOR ........................................................................... Emily Molloy EVENT CO-­‐ORDINATOR ........................................................................ Kellie Esling EVENT TEAM ................................................................................................ Tina Porta .................................................................................................................. Michelle Jones ......................................................................................................................... Clint Smith ......................................................................................................... Ron & Carol Hatton PROGRAMME/GRAPHIC DESIGN ............................................ Anne-­‐Marie Smith

ARTISTIC DIRECTOR ....................................... Terri Brabon EXECUTIVE PRODUCER ....................... Brendan O’Connor EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATOR ............. Lorna Hempstead EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ................................. Bernie Lanigan .................................................................................. Ray Dickson ................................................................................. Kellie Esling ...................................................................... Anne-­‐Marie Smith COMPANY PHOTOGRAPHER ................... Chrissy Maguire PR CONSULTANT ........ Heidi Hatherall of Crystal Clear PR WEBSITE MANAGER ................................... George Lummis




VOLUNTEERS A special big thank you to all the volunteers who give their time and talents to Shakespeare Under The Stars including – Judy Hunter, Alex Hons, Carla Lejerraga, Lorraine McConnell-Gray, Linda Berger,


Brabon Grading RJ & KJ Brabon

Perpetual Trustees

Queenie van de Zandt

Marie de Manchaux and Margaret Wallen.

Wendy Jones

If you would like to make a donation to ensure this wonderful tradition continues, please contact us on Ph: 0467 245 478






A note from the director

I don’t think any director chooses to direct An actor comes along that gives you King Lear. the opportunity to do it, because without him, you wouldn’t dare dream of it. John du Feu is that actor for me, so whether I’m ready or not, this was the year for me to direct King Lear. Having John return to Townsville and Shakespeare Under the Stars, to work on this show with our company has been a true blessing. Again, I must thank my incredible family, without whom Theatre iNQ would simply not exist, and my amazing partner in crime, Brendan O’Connor. There are many singer/dancer/actors in the world, but an Actor/Lighting Designer/Set Designer has got to be the most unique “triple threat” the theatre world has ever seen!! xxx Terri

Shakespeare Under the Stars A History 2011




Merry Wives of Windsor (Queens Gardens) Richard III (Queens Gardens)

Henry V (Queens Gardens)

Love’s Labour’s Lost (Queens Gardens)


Othello (Queens Gardens/JCU Cowshed)


Much Ado About Nothing (Queens Gardens)







Romeo & Juliet (Queens Gardens)

Henry IV (Part 2) (Queens Gardens)

As You Like It (Panorama House)

Taming of the Shrew (Panorama House) The Merchant of Venice (Kissing Point) Twelfth Night (Kissing Point)


Romeo & Juliet (Echlin St Quarry)


Twelfth Night (Vincent Campus JCU)



Macbeth (Echlin St Quarry)

The Tempest (Echlin St Quarry)

Jean-Pierre Awards

The Awards began in 2011, to remember and honour our beloved founder, Jean-­‐ Pierre Voos. "J-­‐P" was a man who dedicated his life to the theatre. To this day, we continue to be inspired by him and follow the guidelines he left us for producing this event, from the catered dining tables to the lighted paths and grandstand seating, to, of course, the direction and sense of ensemble amongst the cast. We truly are standing "On Giant's Shoulders" and are so very honoured to be continuing this tradition. The awards are intended to honour those who display "a devotion to the success and survival of Shakespeare Under the Stars". Their efforts are often unsung and in many cases, unknown by most of you. In 2011, there were 4 awardees, representing 1 for each season since Jean-­‐Pierre's passing. The awards are individually designed and created by Gerry O’Connor

2011 Bernie Lanigan Brendan O’Connor John Goodson Kellie Esling SHAKEY BILL ORIGINALS

THANK YOU John Lorroway Susan Roberts Full Throttle Caroline Wright Beaurepaires Alan Smith Arch Brabon Meg Bowden Bob Brabon Amba-­‐Crystal Pummeroy Leon Addison of Universal Mitre 10 Eulonda Bolger and staff at Townsville City Council Julie and Gareth and all the wonderful gardeners at Queens Gardens!

A Shakey Bill Original recognises the significant contribution of those individuals who dedicated so much to the establishment and creation of this event since its inception in 1992.

2011 John Lorroway

Martin Gibson Medal

In 2 011, the company lost a great supporter in Martin Gibson who was taken from us suddenly. To honour him and his beloved wife Lorna Hempstead, we have established the "Martin Gibson Medal". Martin was a consummate gentleman, a man who often stood in the sidelines, cheering people on but all the while possessed amazing talents of his own. He was so unassuming, that you would never have known how talented and clever he was. We honour that sense of humbleness in the form of the Martin Gibson Medal to be awarded to a young talent involved with the company, who we feel not only possesses extraordinary talent but whose attitude and approach is "Gibsonesque" in both their personality and dealings with others.

2011 Anna Wallace

KING LEAR JOHN DU FEU King Lear Born in Jersey, Channels Islands, John is a performing and visual artist. He worked with Jean-Pierre Voos in the KISS group in Europe through the 70's, touring to Australia in '80 & '82. Migrating to Australia in late '82 to be with his partner, Daphne Cazalet, John became Artistic Director of SHOPFRONT THEATRE in Sydney, in '92, Manager of Townsville Civic Theatre and president of the Northern Australian Regional Performing Arts Centres Association (NARPACA). John continued to perform in Townsville - notably in Jean-Pierre's productions of THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, MURDER IN THE CATHEDRAL and SALOME - but also directed shows and wrote a number of plays including OUTSIDE LIVES, SPIDER WITCH and the pantomime CARMEN THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. John left Townville in 2005 to become Artistic Director of DARWIN THEATRE COMPANY and in 2009, with Daphne, he moved back to Europe. Working as writer and visual artist, he now lives in Salento (Puglia) in the southeastern tip of Italy.

LEAR’S DAUGHTERS TERRI BRABON Goneril Born and bred in Ayr, Terri began her career under the direction of the late Jean-Pierre Voos who nurtured her love of Shakespeare. KING LEAR marks her 11th SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS and her 7th as Director. Terri is the Artistic Director of THEATRE iNQ, recently directing and performing in WHEN THE RAIN STOPS FALLING. For the past 8 years, Terri has been a proud member of the AUSTRALIAN SHAKESPEARE COMPANY in Melbourne. Along with her partner Brendan, Terri received the Jean-Pierre Voos Theatre Award at the 2012 Townsville City Council Arts Awards for saving SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS.

ARMINELLE FLEMING Regan Arminelle is a born and bred local who began her training with Fiona Perry and Ann Roberts, and went on to complete a BA in drama at QUT. She has studied with Shakespeare & Company, Boston and Trinity College, London. Currently based in Townsville, Arminelle works as a theatre lecturer at JCU and a yoga teacher at Latin Vibrations. Arminelle is a proud member of THEATRE iNQ, recently working as the stage manager for When the Rain Stops Falling and a mentor for The Bridge Project. This is Arminelle’s 5th SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS – the first being MERCHANT OF VENICE where she played a scheming daughter getting revenge on her father, Shylock, played by John du Feu! Hmmmm?

ANNA WALLACE Cordelia This is Anna’s 3rd SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS after winning the Search for a King & Queen Audition Competition in 2010, scoring the role of Princess Elizabeth in RICHARD III. Last year, she received rave reviews for her performance as Anne Page in THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Anna was the Director’s Assistant for THEATRE iNQ’s 2011 production of COSI and that same year, she received the Martin Gibson Medal for promising young talent. Anna is very excited to once again take to the garden stage in her most challenging role to date, Cordelia.

LEAR’S SUPPORTERS BRENDAN O’CONNOR Earl of Kent Brendan was lucky enough to work with JeanPierre Voos for 6 years as a founding member of TROPIC LINE THEATRE. He has spent the past 15 years with the AUSTRALIAN SHAKESPEARE COMPANY under the direction of Glenn Elston. TV and Film credits include NEIGHBOURS, STINGERS, BLUE HEELERS and NED KELLY as well as campaigns for MITRE 10, RACQ and CAMPBELL’S SOUP. He is the Associate Producer of THEATRE iNQ, also performing in their productions of WHEN THE RAIN STOPS FALLING, COSI, THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR and RICHARD III. This is Brendan’s 7th SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS and along with his partner Terri, Brendan received the Jean-Pierre Voos Theatre Award at the 2012 Townsville City Council Arts Awards for saving the event. BRIAN EDMOND The Fool Brian has worked as a professional actor and director in Brisbane where he also ran his own theatre company – ON GIANTS’ SHOULDERS. In Townsville, he has directed the critically acclaimed MY FAIR LADY (TCOS) and most recently HAIR (NQOMT). As an actor, Brian has appeared with the QUEENSLAND THEATRE COMPANY, LA BOITE, MIXED COMPANY, TROCADERO PRODUCTIONS and in Townsville as Patsy in SPAMALOT (TCOS) and The Governor in BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS (NQOMT). Most recently, Brian appeared in THEATRE iNQ’s production of WHEN THE RAIN STOPS FALLING as Joe Ryan. JAYDEN POPIK Sir Loen This is Jayden’s first SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS. In 2012, Jayden successfully auditioned for THEATRE iNQ’s The Bridge Project and worked on the production team for WHEN THE RAIN STOPS FALLING. Jayden has trained with Fiona Perry and performed in Townsville Grammar Productions of THE CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLE, THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS and in PROPS YOUTH THEATRE’s, PETER PAN.

HOUSE OF GLOUCESTER BERNIE LANIGAN Earl of Gloucester This is Bernie’s 7th SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS and has the honour of being an original Shakey Bill with his involvement in SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS dating back to Season 1 – TWELFTH NIGHT. He has appeared in too many local musicals to count and also worked for professional theatre companies HARD SUN & TROPIC LINE. In 1996, Bernie received a Townsville City Council Arts, Culture and Entertainment Award for his services to the performing arts. Bernie is an Executive Member of THEATRE iNQ and last year received a Jean-Pierre Award for his contribution to SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS. RON PULMAN Edgar Since graduating from JCU in 2003, Ron has performed professionally in Townsville, enjoying the opportunity to play the title roles in two shows touring to Asia FUTZ (South Korea) and OEDIPUS THE KING (Japan). More recently he toured Australia with the hugely popular 3 BLOKES AND THEIR BARBIES. This is Ron’s 6th SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS, his first appearance was in the role of Benedick in MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING directed by the late Jean-Pierre Voos in 2005. Other appearances include THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR, HENRY V, LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST and HENRY IV (part 1).

MICHAEL GLEESON Edmund Michael has participated in many local theatre productions since he began performing in 1997. Most recently he appeared in HAIR, as Melvin P Thorpe in BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS and as the Trekkie Monster in AVENUE Q. Michael is also remembered for his performance as Alexander Molokov in CHESS, Sir Dennis Galahad/The Black Knight/King of Swamp Castle in SPAMALOT and Lt Shrank in WEST SIDE STORY. This is Michael’s first appearance with THEATRE iNQ and his first SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS. KELLIE ESLING Arielle Kellie graduated with a Bachelor of Arts/Drama from James Cook University and joined JeanPierre Voos’ TROPIC LINE ensemble, in 1995. Kellie has a long association with SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS, both on stage and off, beginning in 1996 as a Witch in MACBETH. Last year she received a Jean-Pierre Award for services to the event. Kellie appeared as Cherry in THEATRE iNQ’s smash hit production of COSI by Louis Nowra in 2011 and is delighted to be taking on the role of Arielle in this year’s production of KING LEAR as well as co-ordinating the Event. BRITTANY SANTARIGA Lisette Brittany is a current member of THEATRE iNQ’s The Bridge Project and this is her second SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS production appearing in last year’s THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Brittany studies speech and drama at Zannii Theatrical Studios under Todd Barty and has performed in many productions with PROPS YOUTH THEATRE including the recent THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE as the White Witch.

HOUSE OF GONERIL JONATHON BROWN Duke of Albany This is Jonathan’s 7th SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS, his first experience was in the 2000 production of TWELFTH NIGHT as Fabian, followed by Gratiano in THE MERCHANT OF VENICE (2001), Hortensio in TAMING OF THE SHREW (2002), Oliver in AS YOU LIKE IT (2003), and Don Pedro in MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING (2004). Jonathan now works full time with LA LUNA YOUTH ARTS tutoring, directing and writing for the company. He returned to the stage in 2011 for TLT’s production of THE WOMAN IN BLACK and joined THEATRE iNQ for last year’s THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR as Pistol. JAMES RAGGATT Oswald James has performed in a variety of productions both in Brisbane and back home in Townsville. He moved to Brisbane in 2011 and began his internship with ZEN ZEN ZO PHYSICAL THEATRE after working for HARVEST RAIN THEATRE at the Queensland Playhouse. In addition to training with Zen Zen Zo, James has also trained in singing. Theatre credits include: for THEATRE iNQ: RICHARD III, for Zen Zen Zo: BLISS, VIKRAM AND THE VAMPIRE, for Harvest Rain: GREASE, other: SWEENEY TODD, INTO THE WOODS, THE WIND AND THE WILLOWS, THE CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLE and SPAMALOT.

EMMA LAMBERTON Katarin Emma is currently studying a Bachelor of New Media Arts majoring in Contemporary Theatre at James Cook University. In 2012, Emma took a placement with THEATRE iNQ on their production of WHEN THE RAIN STOPS FALLING. Emma appeared in Townsville Grammar School's 2009 production of THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS and The Cathedral College, Rockhampton’s 2008 production of BACK TO THE 80’s. Emma studied Speech and Drama with Alice Hair (in Rockhampton) from 2002 till 2008. This is Emma’s first appearance with THEATRE iNQ, her first SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS and she is looking forward to this unique experience in Queens Gardens.

HOUSE OF REGAN TODD BARTY Duke of Cornwall Todd is a Graduate of James Cook University’s Bachelor of Theatre and has studied drama and performed from an early age. He has his own company and teaching studio – Zanii Theatrical Studios – and has acted and directed for many local companies including PROPS YOUTH THEATRE. He has worked with TROPIC SUN Theatre sporadically for many years and has been involved in several SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS events, both on and off the stage, most notably as Catesby in 2010’s RICHARD III and last year’s MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR as Sir Evans. TAYLAH SMITH Maela Taylah is in Grade 6 at St Josephs Mundingburra and this is her 4th SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS production having appeared as Isabella in HENRY V (2009), Princess Katherine in RICHARD III (2010) and Georgia Page in MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR (2011). Taylah participated in THEATRE iNQ’s The Culture Club earlier this year, introducing her to the story of King Lear and she is very excited to be involved in bringing this story to life! EMMA SMITH Enora At the ripe old age of 6, this is Emma’s 4th production of SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS appearing as Lady Anne in HENRY V (2009), Princess Bridget in RICHARD III (2010) and Maggie Page in THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR (2011). Emma is in Grade 1 at St Josephs Mundingburra and loves meeting the cast and playing in the Gardens! JAMES THOMASSON King of France/Curan James has had an interest in drama since Grade 6 and wants to pursue acting professionally. Getting to know the team from SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS has only strengthened his love for acting. James is a member of THEATRE iNQ’s The Bridge Project and this is James’ 3rd SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS appearing in 2010’S RICHARD III as Berkeley and 2011’s MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR as Abraham Slender. JESSE MORGAN Winoc This is Jesse’s 3rd run around the park for SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS. He appeared as a soldier in 2009’s HENRY V and as an Alderman in 2010’s RICHARD III. Jesse studied drama in high school and is delighted to back this year in the role of Winoc for KING LEAR.

FOREIGNERS ALEX EBRINGER Duke of Burgundy Alex has enjoyed performing from a young age, appearing in DANCENORTH’S ALICE IN WONDERLAND and DANCER AND THE DANCE in 2000. He has appeared in Townsville Grammar School’s 2009 production of THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS and THE CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLE in 2011. Alex also enjoyed playing Peter in PROPS YOUTH THEATRE’S THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE earlier this year. Alex is delighted to be involved in his first SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS for THEATRE iNQ as Burgundy. BADAIDALAGA MAFTUH-FLYNN Doctor Badaidilaga is a member of THEATRE iNQ’s The Bridge Project and makes his SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS debut in KING LEAR. Badai has been studying acting for years with LA LUNA YOUTH ARTS and also with Fiona Perry. Aside from his interest in the theatre, Badai has a passion for magic.

EMILY EDWARDS Bedlam Emily participated in THEATREiNQ’s Phyiscal Ensemble Workshops earlier this year and performed in NQOMT’S production of HAIR. Emily was also recently awarded Best Actress at the Festival of One Act Plays. This is Emily’s first production with THEATREiNQ and her first SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS. PAT ANGUS Bedlam Before coming to Australia, Pat spent a year with the ARGYLE THEATRE OF BIRKENHEAD travelling around the UK. Arriving in Australia, she spent 7 years as a professional ballroom dancer before moving to Perth WA. Now living in Townsville, Pat appeared in BENEATH CASTLE HILL directed by the late Jean-Pierre Voos. She is a proud member of TOWNSVILLE LITTLE THEATRE and a dedicated supporter or many arts groups in Townsville. This is Pat's her first SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS and her first appearance with THEATRE iNQ after participating in the Physical Ensemble Workshops earlier this year.

DIRECTOR’S ASSISTANT/UNDERSTUDY THE BEDLAMS JOSHUA SMITH Bedlam Joshua is 9 years old and this is his 4th SHAKESPEARE UNDER THE STARS. He first appeared as young Richard III in HENRY V (2009), and then wowed audiences with his speaking roles as the Duke of York in RICHARD III (2010) and Robin in MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR (2011). Joshua attends St Josephs Mundingburra and loves playing basketball and oztag. He attended THEATRE iNQ’s The Culture Club in July and can’t wait to play a Bedlam in this year’s KING LEAR.

JOANNE RENTON This is Joanne's first year with our company but she has long been performing with PROPS YOUTH THEATRE and training in drama with Todd Barty. We are delighted to have Joanne join The Bridge Project for 2012

Coming soon BOOK NOW!


with International Casting Agent

Jan Russ

For twenty-five years Jan was at Grundy’s (now Fremantle Media) where, as casting director of Neighbours, she ‘discovered’ and promoted young Australian talent including Kylie Minogue, Jason Donovan, Guy Pearce, Russel Crowe, Natalie Imbruglia, to name just a few and now she is coming to Townsville for one day only! NOVEMBER 3RD



Saturday 3 November 2012

See website for details and bookings.


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