The Architect's Diary Magazine - November 2024 Edition

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Change is an avid term throughout our lives, and so it continues to reflect in the architecture surrounding us as well But the essence stays in Who Contributes to this Change towards a Better Built Environment For this exclusive international men ’ s day edition, we are delighted to introduce The Changemakers in Large Scale Design men creating difference Through their mentoring, guidance, and most importantly, vision for changing the public architecture on a large scale, are defining our built fabric to be more sustainable, livable, and people-centric With our November Edison, let’s get to know our changemakers more up close

With an ample amount of construction on a daily basis, being eco-conscious and keeping sustainability at the core of building has become our priority From choosing local materials to meticulously designing, applying new technologies needs to be considered while not jeopardizing functionality and comfort, which can be a task at times Hence, our carefully curated feature projects are deployed to inspire and envision different insights on smart solutions

To amplify these changemaking initiatives beyond buildings, The Architect’s Diary highlighted a campaign for World Architecture Day, through which we made our readers introduce to some of the most impactful influencers Architects who are working towards elevating communities beyond just the practice of designing and execution

Further introducing our new additions, TAD special, columns will feature reviews of the inspiring design books, provoking highlights on B V Doshi’s documentary, and a fun comic strip encircled with the Diwali theme With an exclusive TADPOD interview with Ar Akshay Heranjal, illuminating the importance of an environmentcentric design approach

And lastly, what can be a better companion to a magazine than a deliberately selected Playlist of the Month? Submerge in the world of design with the Exclusive November Issue

3109A Digital Door Lock

Combining high security with cutting edge technology, the Yale 3109A Digital Door Lock is a high quality security solution for the contemporary home. The Lock can be opened with PIN code, proximity card or traditional key And now with enhanced electronics and updated firmware - you have the convenience of Yale Home app connectivity and capability. Enjoy peace of mind, protected by a Yale Lock with 180 years of security expertise built in



LOCATION: Mumbai ARCHITECTS: Minnie Bhatt Design PHOTOGRAPHS: Prashant Bhat YEAR: 2024

Theword"canto"meanscorner,and thisnameprovidedanopencanvasto create a unique experience and atmosphere for the brand The restaurantblendscontemporaryluxury with comfort, creating a stylish and visually pleasing dining experience. Thelayoutfeaturesavarietyofseating arrangements, catering to intimate dining and larger social gatherings

Thedesignshowcasesanelegantgreen, blue, and rust color accentuated by warm wood tones. Plush seating in shadesofteal,blue,andcoralenhances the luxurious ambiance, while table tops are finished in veneer, marble, terrazzo,andtiles.

Thisrestaurant blends contemporary luxurywith comfort

Creatinga stylishand visually pleasing dining experience

Thefloor-to-ceilingfaçadeincludesametalframework withgeometricpatterns,allowingamplenaturallightto flood the space and offering views of the greenery outside The black-and-white terrazzo flooring, with geometricpatterns,iscomplementedbyraisedwooden tilesthataddwarmthtothearea.Thebarareafeaturesa modernandstructuredshelvingdesigninveneerand tintedmirror,displayinganextensivecollectionofspirits and glassware. The fluted green marble bar counter exudesluxuryandsophistication,whileatallsuspended displaymadeofMSwithstainedglassinshadesofblue, amber,andyellowpresentsbottleselegantly.

Atelier is an extrovert group of design enthusiasts with a global saint who believe in extending and experimenting design and creative expression in all areas be it a home, restaurant furniture piece, everyday product or a large commercial space or biennale

A visionary founder and design director of Minnie Bhatt Design With an impressive career spanning 28 years and nearly 500 projects, Minnie has left an indelible mark on India’s design landscape Her restaurant designs, in particular, have garnered widespread recognition for their ability to seamlessly blend aesthetics and functionality

Textured wallwith geometric patterns& enlarged, gold-toned light fixtures

Modernluxury withartistic elementsfor comfortable dining

Uniquesculpturallightfixtures throughout the restaurant create focal points and add artistic flair. The oversized fabric and wireframe domes over the booth seating and central lights with the frameworkandcrushedfabric providesoft,diffusedlighting. The textured wall with geometric patterns is highlighted by large, goldtonedlightfixturesthatmimic natural,pebble-shapedforms

Additionally,tallcolumnscoveredinstoneveneer featurelinearwalllights,enhancingtheartistictouch anduniquedesignofthespaceMirrorswithfluted woodenpanelsadddepthtotheinterior,makingit visuallyintriguing Theribbedgreenwall,withan ombrepatterntransitioningfromdeepforestgreen tolighter,mutedgreentones,addscomplexityand servesasastrikingbackdrop.Overall,therestaurant’s interiordesigncombinesmodernluxurywithartistic elements, creating a visually appealing and comfortablediningenvironment





Studio Vasaka


Kasauli, HP


Purnesh Dev Nikhanj

YEAR 2024

NestledinthemountainforestsnearKasauli,asmallhilltowninHimachal Pradesh,theVelmoreResortoffersasereneretreatfrombustlingcitylife. Kasaulihasrecentlygainedpopularityamongtouristsforitsscenicbeauty andconvenientproximitytomajorcities,makingitanidealdestinationfor vacationseekersandnatureenthusiastsTheresort'slocation,awayfromthe town'shustleandbustle,providesapeacefulhaven Withitschallenging topography,thesitehasbeenthoughtfullyutilizedtoensurethestructure blends harmoniously with the natural contours without altering the landscape.Surroundedbytallpinetreesandofferingcaptivatingviewsofthe valley,theresortisaperfectgetaway.

Aserene retreatfor vacation seekersand nature enthusiasts.

Theresortisplannedasthreedistinctblocksto accommodatethesite'suniqueshapeandcontours. Blockonehousescommonfacilitiessuchasthe reception, administration offices, restaurant, and banquet Blockstwoandthreearededicatedto guestrooms.Theseblocksaredesignedtoensure easyaccesstothecommonpooldeckvialiftsand stairwaysandareinterconnectedbyagolfcart track, enhancing convenience and mobility for guests.

Distinctive composition ofstacked boxes createsa striking volume.

beautiful dialogue between architecture andnature

Adefiningfeatureisitsdistinctivecompositionofstacked boxes.Thisseriesofstackedvolumescreatesastriking architecturalstatement,deliberatelycontrastingwiththe naturalsurroundingstoestablishauniqueidentity.The boxesincorporatetaperedvoidsthatserveasbalconies, providing privacy while maintaining an outdoor connection These punctuated volumes offer unique inside-outexperiences,allowinggueststoengagewith nature intimately. Terraces complement the design, visually freeing up space and enhancing interaction betweenthevolumes,andthenaturalenvironment.The theme of stacked volumes extends throughout the structure,withboldblockscreatingadynamicinterplay betweenmassandvoid

Thewhiteexteriorstuccoisacrucialelement,actingasa canvasthatenhancestheresort'saestheticappeal.This colorchoicestripsawayvisualclutter,makingtheform feelintentionalandallowingthebuildingtoleverage natureasakeyelement.Whenthedistractionsaretaken away,thebuildingusesnaturetoitsadvantageasthe thirdmaterialThewhitesurfacebeautifullycapturesthe shadowsofsurroundingtrees,whichchangefromdawn to dusk and amplify the play of daylight. Windows functionasportals,connectingtheindoorspaceswiththe naturalsurroundingsandofferingcuratedviewpoints.

integrationof bolddesign withthe serenebeauty


Studio Vasaka embrace a modern, minimalistic approach focusing on making the spaces through their sensitive and spatial designs Giving each space comfort and captivating, serene yet scintillating vibe We are a small team of architects and designers who help clients with Big Ideas We want to make a difference - Create things that change people's lives

VARCHASA DUGGAL Principals at Studio Vasaka



They don't produce furniture; they craft works of art Rejecting the mass production method and conveyor belt approach, their philosophy stands firm Their in-house artisans, adept in craftsmanship and traditional aesthetics, sculpt creations that seamlessly reflect the personalities of their clients




PHOTOGRAPHS: Talib Chitalwala

YEAR: 2022

Nestled high above the bustling metropolis, this apartment transformation was born from a desire to escape the city's frenetic energy without leaving its bounds.Theclients,afamilywithakeenappreciationfor artanddesign,soughtaspacethatwouldserveasbotha retreatandacanvasfortheirpersonaltastes.DesignHex rosetothechallenge,craftinganinteriorthatfeelsmore akintoaboutiqueTulumresortthanatypicalMumbai flat.Uponenteringthehome,oneisimmediatelystruck bytheinnovativeapproachtolayout.Aseriesofseven arches,diminishinginheightfrom10feetto8feet, createsacaptivating'Drosteeffect'thatdrawstheeyeand thebodyforward.Thiscleveruseofperspectiveisa fittingprologuetothehighlightofthishome:asweeping livingareathatspansanimpressive55feetThedesigners havecraftedatrulyexpansiveheartforthehomeby mergingtwoadditionalroomswiththeoriginalliving space. This 1,350-square-foot area serves multiple functions without feeling cluttered or overwhelming. Zonesforformalseating,televisionviewing,dining,and evenahiddenlimestonemandircoexistharmoniously, delineatedbyabespokecontouredcarpetthatresembles anundulatingocean

Bespoke contoured carpet resembling anocean withmarble 'islands'

Interspersed throughout are 'islands' of marble flooring, addingvisualinterestandpracticaldefinitiontothespace. Perhapsthemoststrikingfeatureofthelivingareaisthepair ofyuccatreesthatstandsentinel,framedperfectlybythe entryarches Theseunexpectedindoorfloraareaboldfocal point,remindingthenaturalworldbeyondthecities The designers' commitment to organic forms is evident throughoutthehome.

One cannot discuss the House of Contours without mentioningitsgenerousoutdoorspaces.Withninebalconies spreadacrosstheapartment,eachroomenjoysaprivateslice oftheMumbaiskylineandtheArabianSeabeyond These outdoorareashavebeenthoughtfullycurated,withfeatures ranging from a contoured mini lounge pool to a fully functionalbarandbarbecuearea.Theprivatespacesofthe homecontinuethethemeoforganicluxury.Themaster bedroom,createdbycombiningtwosmallerrooms,isastudy inairyminimalismwithartistictouches Here,thedesigners facedthechallengeoftwolargeductsbisectingthespace Ratherthanhidingthesestructuralnecessities,theywere transformedintoastrikingroomdivider,housingnichesfor theclients'potteryandbookcollections.

A'macaroonbed'takescenterstageinthedaughter'sroom,flankedby bespokeclaytreemuralsthataddwhimsywithoutsacrificingsophistication. Theparents'roomstrikesabalancebetweenthehome'soverallorganic aestheticandatouchoftraditionalluxury,featuringacid-washedmarble andtexturedwallpanels ThematerialpalettethroughouttheHouseof Contourscelebratesnaturaltexturesandearthyhues.Jute,whiteashwood, andvariousmarblesfeatureprominently,creatingasensoryexperiencethat isbothgroundingandelevating.

Artistic touch integrated with airy subtlety

As a Chief designer and founder of Design hex, she has been thriving in the world of interiors since 2002, What motivates us is our motto: we aim to design environments that are magical and you lose yourself in them We wish to provide movie fanatics with their "entertainment centers" and book lovers with their ceiling-high libraries We want workers to never again enter a dull office Everybody has the right to live and work in an environment that really represents them

WhatsetstheHouseofContoursapartisitscommitment tocreatingaholisticsensoryexperience.Everycurve, texture,andhuehasbeencarefullyconsideredtoevokea senseofcalmandconnectiontothenaturalworld.The resultisaspacethatfeelsatoncedeeplypersonaland universallyappealing Inacityknownforitsrelentless pace,theHouseofContoursoffersadifferentvisionof urban living It proves that even in the midst of a metropolis,onecancreateasanctuarythatspeakstothe soul's need for organic forms and natural materials. DesignHexhassculptedanexperience onethatreminds usofthepowerofthoughtful,nature-inspireddesignto transformhowweliveinourcities



LOCATION: Bangalore

ARCHITECTS: Kamat & Rozario Architecture

YEAR: 2024

PHOTOGRAPHS: Arjun Krishna

Familiesin oneshared building, fosteringboth independence and connection

Theclientapproacheduswithaclearobjective:to createthreedistinctapartmentsforthefamiliesoftwo sistersandabrotherHavinglivedindifferentpartsof thecityforyears,theexperienceofCOVID-19made themrealizetheimportanceoflivingclosertoone another.Theirvisionwastounitethefamiliesinone shared building, fostering both independence and connectionwhilestillmaintainingasenseofintimacy. Oneofourprimarygoalswastodesignabuilding that did not feel imposing, despite the relatively constrained size of the site and the substantial requirements.

Weaimedforadesignthatmaintainedahumanscale, avoidingtheperceptionofatoweringstructurewhile maximizingtheusablespace Toachievethis,we adopted a split-level concept for each apartment, takingadvantageofthelowerheightrequiredforthe carparking.Thisallowedforthetwostreet-facing bedrooms to be positioned closer to the ground, creatingamoreintimaterelationshipwiththestreet. Theseparationoflivingareasacrosslevelscreated distinctzoneswithineachhome,enhancingasenseof individualidentity,aqualitytypicallyassociatedwith standalonehouses.

Thetwoupperapartmentsfollowedasimilarsplitlevelconfiguration,whichledtothecreationofa sharedamenityspaceattherooflevel,includingan amphitheaterthattookadvantageofthesplitlevel Thiswoulddoubleupasafamilygatheringspaceto screenmoviesandothersharedactivities.Other communal facilities include a gym, pool table, laundry,andacomfortableguestroom,sharedbyall three apartments. The split-level design helped concealthiscommunalfloorfromview,ensuring thebuildingmaintainedalow,approachableprofile

Kamat & Rozario Architecture was set up in 2007 We are a multidisciplinary, award-winning team of Architects in Bangalore offering services in architecture interior design and furniture design Our work reflects our beliefs We embrace uncharted paths and a natural reaction to design problems We value process, strong ideas, originality, and integrity We prioritize the planet, being green and receptive to materials


The building’s western façade, which serves as its primary connection to the street, required careful consideration.Weneededtomanageglareandheat fromthewesternsunwithoutcuttingoutthevisual connectiontothestreetToaddressthis,weintegrated acustom-designedlouversystemcomposedofthinbut deepmetalsections Theselouverseffectivelycutthe sun'sglareandcastshadowsovertheglasssurfaces, preserving transparency and a connection to the exterior while providing essential shading. This practical solution to the façade not only met environmental requirements but also informed the building’soverallaestheticTheindustriallanguage,

Integrateda customdesigned louversystem composedof thinbutdeep metalsections

initiatedwiththemetallouversystem,flowsseamlessly into the interiors of each apartment. The use of exposedconcrete,metalsections,andwoodfurther reinforces the cohesive industrial style, creating a balancebetweenrawmaterialityandcomfort The topmostapartment,designedwithonefewerbedroom thantheotherunits,allowedustoincorporateasmall, privatecourtyard.Thiscourtyardisshadedbythesame metallouversthatdefinethebuilding'sfrontfaçade and roof, offering a shaded outdoor space. Additionally,skylightspositionedbeneaththerooflevelamphitheaterbringabundantnaturallightinto thetop-floorapartment



Theselettersarethecontinuationofthelegacyofnotjust Christopherbutofallthelegendaryarchitectsheencountered, shapingtheemergingcuriousminds.Thememoirof Christopher’slifelessonsandhispointofviewtowardsurban issuesfollowedbynewtechnologiesandtheirimpactonthem onalargerspectrum Hiseverlastingconcernregarding architecturaleducationandhisapproachtothesolutionby beingagurutostudentshavebeenbeautifullycapturedinthis book.Thischronicleofinspirationisamustreadforallage groupstobloomasprofessionalsandashumansallover.

01.LetterstoAYoung Architect

Thebook'WhyLoiter?'exploresthesafetyandcitizenshipof womeninurbanpublicspaces,addressingthemisconceptions aboutwomen'ssafety.Theauthorsconductedunconventional research,mappingMumbaiandtracingwomen'sfootprintsin variouslocations,includingrailwaystations,publicparks,cafes, andshoppingmallsTheresearch,titledGenderandSpace,sheds lightonthemythofwomen'ssafetyinMumbaiandadvocates forpublicdebate.Theauthorsconsidervariouscontexts,races, societalaspects,andprofessionsofwomen.Thebookaimsto revivetherightsofrisk-taking,equality,andsafetyforwomen byallowingthemtoenjoythecity'spleasuresandloiterfreely.

Thebookremainsrelevanttoday,highlightingtheneedfor betterunderstandingandimplementationofchangesinurban publicspaces


Composed of Achyut’s most important worksandhispersonallywrittenarticles, thismarvelteleportsonetothepre-modern eraofIndia.Kanvindewaswayaheadin timetocatalyzethemodernistmovement inarchitectureevenbeforeLeCourbusier started.Butnotoftenweretheeffortsand creativity of him recognized, especially while he was practicing Brutalist architecture.Achyutwasabletoseebeyond the ornamentation of the buildings and requirements of the country postindependence Rather than decorating themwithhollowshells,heinitiatedthe practiceofusingrawbuildingmaterialsandprioritizingthefunctionalityofthestructures. Onceuponatime,lostidentityofhisworksisnowcomingintoconsiderationby emergingarchitectsandenthusiasts,andthatiswhatthisbook’spurposeliesin:inspiring youngminds.


Thepoeticrecordisatakeonthewondersoncecreatedusing stone.Stonebeingoneoftheoldestconstructionmaterialsto bepresentonearthwithalongtimeofreformation,itholdsa unique charm in the structures Through this lyrical compositionofphilosophyandaesthetic,theauthortakesus throughmarvelsofstonelikeBdami,Mahabalipuram,Ellora, Elephanta,AngkorWat,andHampi.Thevisualscapturedwith theutmostdetailsoftheseplacesmakeusseetheintervention andprecisionofthecraftsmenandarchitectsofancienttimes. CosmicDanceinStoneisthewayofpayingourrespect towardsthesemajesticlandscapesanddevotiontothecreator oftheuniversethroughbeautifullyseizedphotographsand illustrationsbyRamuKaatakam


India,acountryrootedinartisanalpractices,hasasignificant roleinsocietyandculture.JayaJaytlihighlightsthe importanceofcraftsmenas'Vishwakarma'sChildren'and highlightstheirroleinthecountry'sagriculturaleconomy However,concernsariseduetomass-producedgoodsand minimalism,whichoftennegatesthefunctionalaspectsof crafts.Thiscanleadtotheextinctionofrichhistoriccrafts. JayaJaytliarguesthatprotectingcraftsmenandwomencan helpthenewIndianDemocraticCivilizationflourishand promotethegrowthoftheIndianDemocraticCivilisation.


The Architecture Sarcasm is an initiative by Kunal Gupta and Hinal Dugar started during their architecture college days to creatively share the real struggles of the profession Through witty comics and relatable stories, Sarcasm has evolved, humorously portraying the architecture of humour" over time

OArchitectureisa discoveryof ‘WHO’you reallyare. “

PRODUCER: Marieke Schroeder

DIRECTOR:JanSchmidt-Garre YEAR:2023

neday,whilejoggingthroughMunich's Olympicvillage,Iadmiredhowwellthe neighborhoodhadaged arareexampleof modernarchitecturebeingappreciatedThis

mademereflectonwhyIhadn’texploredarchitectural documentariesmore,despitemydeepinterestRecalling BV Doshi’swork,Iwasinspiredandeventuallyledto Ahmedabad,”saysJanSchmidt

BVDoshi-thenamethatechoesineverybuildingof IndiatilldateThePromise,adocumentaryinhishonor, traceshisjourneyfromhisearlydaystohisprofound influenceonmoderndesign ThefilmcapturesDoshi’s life through the streets and bazaars of Ahmedabad, highlighting his remarkable works Some of these structuresstillstandtall,whileothershavefadedinto history

ThetitleThePromisereferstoadreamDoshisharedasa childtodesignaffordablefurnitureforthepoor While hefelthehadyettofulfillthisdream,hisarchitectural projects,likeAranya,ultimatelymadethispromisea reality,shapingaffordableandsustainablehousingin India “




EveryyearonNovember19,International Men'sDayiscelebratedtobringfocusonthe problemsthatmenandboysconfrontandto promoteawarenessoftheirhealthandwellbeing The day also honors the good contributionthatmenprovidetotheworld and urges them to become excellent role models. The 2024 theme, "Men's Health Champions," serves as a reminder of the disproportionatelyhighsuiciderateamong men.

About The Cover: Public spaces and buildingsarebecomingcrucialinshaping bothruralandurbanlandscapesacrossIndia. But are they celebrated enough? Simultaneously,interiordesignandluxuryare gainingprominenceandreceivingthemost praise on social media. We at TAD are steppingintorecognizethearchitectswho aretherealchangemakersofIndia Through ourplatform,weaimtoshinealightonthose whoaretransformingourcommunitiesby featuring ‘The Changemakers of India in LargeScaleDesign’.


Founding Partner, Morphogenesis

Founder Partner of Morphogenesis alongside Sonali Rastogi. He is challenging limitations by redefining whatcontemporaryarchitecturecanbein the context of sustainability through social, environmental, and financial aspects. Working across all kinds of climate zones and terrains, the studio drawsdesigninspirationfromtheregional historyofbuildingknowledge,achieving high standards of sustainability and livability From residences to high-rise apartments,frominstitutionalbuildingsto commercialbuildings,Morphogenesishas addressed sustainability, use of passive energy, and optimizing resources, strategicallytransformingitswayinthe globalmarketplace.

Bimal Patel is a Padma Shri recipient architect with over 35 yearsofexperienceinarchitecture, urbandesign,andurbanplanning. He is the President of CEPT UniversityinAhmedabadandleads HCP Design, Planning and Management Pvt Ltd He also founded the Environmental PlanningCollaborative,anot-forprofitorganizationfocusedonplanningresearchandadvocacy.Patel'sworkaims toimproveurbandesignandplanningpracticesinIndiancities.Hisresearch spansLandUsePlanning,RealEstateMarkets,BuildingRegulations,andUrban PlanningHistory.In2019,hewashonoredwiththePadmaShriAwardforhis contributionstoArchitectureandPlanning


Managing Director, HCP


Founding Partner, sP+A


Founder, Malik Architecture

Anarchitectandauthor,foundedhisMumbai-based practicein2007aftergraduatingfromHarvard's GSD.BorninChamba,NorthernIndia,hiswork has earned prestigious awards, including the Wallpaper Design Award, Beazley Architecture Prize,WienerbergerBrickAward,andArchDaily BuildingoftheYear.HealsoleadssPare,anonprofit researching urbanization and affordable housinginIndia,withnotablepublicationslikeIn theNameofHousingand(de)CodingMumbai.He haspresentedglobally,includingattheSeouland BuenosAiresBiennales

Influenced by his hometown Shimla, Kamal’s practicerevolvesaroundthecreationofnatureand sustainability Blendinghisexpertiseinscienceand design,Kamalimplementsmoderntechnologyto develop a contemporary design in the Indian context, balancing the synthesis of ecology and spirit.AtMalikArchitecture,Kamalandhisteam work closely towards the process of ‘Manthan’, wherecultural,historical,andphilosophicalaspects ofIndiablendtoformamodernarchitecturalidiom Overthepast46years,hisiconicprojectincludethe AmericanSchoolofBombay,theLupinlaboratory, andtheStoneHouseinJodhpur.


Principal Architect, IMK Architects

periodoftimebyspendingtimewithwhathe definesas‘hisfirst'love' nature.Inspireddeepby nature,Rahulandhisteamwidentherealmof creating spaces, keeping sustainability at the forefrontandweavingthespacesintothecontext. OnecandefineRahul’spracticeassimple,rooted, andanechoofmodernIndia Focusingonthe macroandmicrolevelofplanning,IMKArchitects continue to build jewels of various scales and functionality,shapingthenation.

DikshuC.Kukreja,ManagingPrincipalof CPKukrejaArchitects,leadsoneofthe "Top100ArchitectureandPlanningFirms intheWorld"andthe"Top5inAsia."A Harvard-educated architect and urban planner,heisanotedenvironmentalistand author of Five Decades of India’s Built Environment.Kukrejahasbeennamedthe "Face of 21st Century Architecture in India"andfeaturedinWho’sWhoofAsia. HehostedtheacclaimedTVseriesTaleof TwoCitiesandleddiscussionson"liveable cities" for the G20’s Think20 group Knownforhissustainabledesigns,Kukreja has earned global recognition for his contributions to architecture and urban planning.

Managing Principal, CPKA

Sourabh,aCEPTUniversityB.Arch graduatewithaMaster’sinUrban Design from TU Delft, is the PrincipalArchitectofArchom,an interdisciplinary studio that has enhancedcommunitiesforover15 years.Hespecializesininnovative solutions for public, institutional, andinfrastructureprojects,blending designexcellencewithfunctionality. Sourabhactivelymentorsandleads initiativeslikeDesignVillage,Des-ignFactoryIndia,Archoforum,andArchohmeter,promotingdesigneducation andinnovation.Recognizedwithnumerousinternationalandnationalaccolades, heispassionateabout“livinglifethroughdesign.”Outsideofwork,Sourabhisan avidreader,enjoysbadminton,andremainsonacontinuousdesignjourney, seekinginspirationfromdiverseculturesandexperiences

Principal Architect, Archohm Consults


Chairman & Managing Director, INI Design Studio

Jayesh Hiriyani's path to architecture is unique. Initiallyadmittedasamedicalstudent,hediscovered apassionforcreativityandtransferredtoCEPT. Now,theChairman&ManagingDirectorofINI Design Studio, alongside Bindu Hiriyani. Also accomplished Urban Planning at Syracuse UniversityandMBAfromKatzSchoolHehasled many gold and platinum-rated IGBC/LEEDcertifiedgreenprojects.Hissustainabledesignand planningphilosophyseekstocreatecommunities that are energy efficient and responsible. He stronglybelievesthatthroughahigh-qualitydesign we must provide better working and living environments that enrich our communities and contributetohealthyecosystems.

OverthetwodecadesoftheStudio’sexistence,he hasoverseenitsArchitecture&MasterPlanning initiatives, working extensively on large-scale developmentsforadiverseclientele,withafocuson Environmental Planning, and Sustainable and ModularConstructionMethodologies.Sidhartha's areas of expertise are space articulation, project description, and implementation. Among the notable projects are the LEED Platinum-rated OrganicIndiafacilityinLucknow,theAgaKhan TrustforCultureMuseumcomplexinHyderabad, and Krushi Bhawan in Bhubaneswar. The ecoconsciouscommunitylivinginJaipurisoneofthe ongoingprojects.

Founder of Abin Design Studio, his love for architecture was sparked by the glimpse of Sen HousedesignedbyCharlesCorreawhiletraveling inabuswithhisfather.Later,afterseveralcareerups anddowns,AbinwenttoattendDomusAcademy inMilanandreturnedbackwithgainingimmense confidenceandmasteringtheskillofthinkingand approachingaproblem.Heimmediatelylandedona large-scaleproject,theIIMKolkata,ignitinggrowth inhisnewpractice.Latershiftinghisparadigmson thesmall-scalesociallyimpactfulpractice,widening his spectra in public, institutional, social, and community-driven architecture Now the studio standsfirm,followingthemantra,“Toprovidea soulintheshell.”


Founder & Principal, Abin Design Studio


At Edifice Consultants,Ravihas continuedtoleadand mentor his creative teamformorethan three decades now. Raviisknownforhis commandofdiverse

Director, Edifice Consultants typology,thescopeofmasterplanning,andurban designing Hiseffortstoapproacheachdesignwith sensitivityandimprovisethesurroundingsofuser groupscanbeseenevidentlyinhispractice,like corporate headquarters, hospitality facilities, institutes, and several landmark structures. Ravi Sarangan thrives on creating a better-built environment via his problem-solving design approach


Partner & Principal, Salient

AnIITRoorkeegraduate,leadsSalientStudio,which encompassesmasterplanning,urbandesign,mixedusedevelopment,leisureandhospitality,healthcare, commercial, and residential projects. His team includesPartnerandLandscapePrincipalAnuradha Rathore, along with four senior associates, eight associates,andover70members,includingartists, sculptors, and philosophers The studio integrates various skills in architecture, landscape design, interiordesign,andenvironmentalgraphicstocreate holistic,sustainabledesignsolutions.Theinterplayof ideasacrossdifferentdesigndisciplinesenhancesthe studio'scapabilities,makingitawell-roundedentity.


The Founding Partner of Arya Architects alongside Meghal Arya, Vijay ascendshisexpertise instructuralfineness to bring spatial experiences at the best in Indian context. Establishing practice in 2005, Arya Architects set up the finest examplesofcontextcentricdesignwhile

Partner, Arya Architects usingtraditionalarchitecturalmethods.Expanding theirrealminpublicarchitecture,redefiningurban design, and commonplace by revving back the vibrancyinthecityscape.AryaArchitectsfondness fortraditionalIndianarchitectureclearlyreflectsin theirrestorationandresearchinitiatives.Asadaily useroftheirurbanfacilities,Imightdaresaythat theyaretrulyreshapingthecities.


Founding Partner, Studio Symbiosis

Drawingthespectraincomputationaldesignand sustainablepractice,AmithasbeenleadingStudio Symbiosis for over a decade now. Soon after establishinghisfirmin2010,Amithasbeenhonored byvariousawardsHisdesigntrajectoryexpandsfrom urbanismtoresidentialandcommercialtomaster planning projects. Apart from his architectural venturesandachievements,AmithasdeliveredTEDx talks and several lectures at institutes globally, motivatingandinspiringyoungminds.


Akash Hingorani, Principal at Oasis Designs Inc., is an architectandurbanist focusedonwaterand mobility challenges He specializes in restoringurbanwater systems through placemaking, transforming challenges into sustainable public spaces. His designs emphasize walkable, cyclablecitiesinte-

Principal, Oasis Designs Inc gratedwithmasstransitandgreen-bluenetworksfor ecologicalresilience.AtOASIS,hisprojectsshowcase systemsthinkingtocreatesustainablemobilityand nature-basedsolutions Byrevitalizingurbanspaces andrestoringwatersystems,Hingorani'sworkhelps cities become more climate-resilient and livable, addressingbothecologicalandsocialneeds.


Founder & Partner, DFI

Architect, author, futurist,andurbanist Goonmeet Singh Chauhan is a champion of designing with a purposethatchanges people's lives. He promotes a "People First" approach to design as the FoundingPartnerof DFI, addressing topics including waste management, education,walkabi-

-lity, air and noise pollution, and safer cities. Chauhan has shown his dedication to nationbuildingandurbantransformationbyworkingon projectslikeVanijyaBhawan,NITDelhi,andthe DelhiCycleWalk.

Moheindulgeshisworkwiththe elementsofnature,respectingthe fivesensesandattemptingtouse ‘lightandair’asbuildingmaterialsat his14-year-oldpractice‘Mindspace’ alongside his team Making sustainabilitythecore,thespacesare designed with light and activity with immense functionality and emotionalquotientsineachofhis projects. Believing in creating spaces without boundaries, the architectureforMindspaceisabout thesoulandfallinginlovewithan idea, making it come alive, but mostlyabout‘TakingCare’.Careof nature,environment,functionality, andrespectingtheusers.


Founding Partner Mindspace Architects


Naresh Narasimhan plays the upfrontpartinchangingthechaotic urban fabric of Bangalore to a people-friendlycityspace.Alsoas oneofthefoundingmembersofthe Bangalore Agenda Task Force (BATF),thisfuturistpartakesincity planning by providing various designsolutionstothegovernment bodies.Rangingthestudio'swide

Managing Partner, Venkataramanan Associates spectrumnotjustininfrastructuresbutalsoinpublictransport,streetscapes, adaptivereuse,andoverallenhancingthelivingenvironmentincities. Naresh has also taken several pro bono initiatives in Bangalore and emphasizedhisvisionofadaptivereuseastheneedintoday’sdevelopment sectors


Founding Partner, Flying Elephant Studio

HedirectsthearchitecturalpracticeatFlying Elephant Studio with a sensitive design approach Each project addresses challenges relatedtotheprogram,context,material,and sitethroughawhole-to-partdesignstrategy, which spans from the urban scale to finer details and vice versa from the smallest elements of a single unit to the overall functionalityfortheuser Ragingthedomain gamutinindustrial,institutional,urban,and residential,FlyingElephantembedstheessence of spatial experience and sustainable built environment. For their boundless practice, RajeshandanotherpartnerofthefirmIypeare heavilyrecognizedgloballyaswell.Together asFlyingElephant,RajeshandIypeinspireus tolookatsocialandhealthcommunityspaces withdifferentperspectives

Rohan Chavan + Associates

Rohanisanarchitectanddesigner whobeganhispracticeinMumbai in 2015, focusing on public sanitation,urbandesign,affordable housing,andmoreNowrelocating toBangalorein2022,hisdesigns continuetoemphasizeuniqueliving patternsandboldspaces.Heblends modern materials with vernacular styles,creatingspacesrichinnatural lightandlandscapeRohanbelievestheessenceofahomeliesinitstimelessness,transcending fashion,wherearchitecturefulfillsbasicneedsandallelseisluxury Hisfirstproject,The Lightbox RestroomforWomen,setsthemilestonefortheexecutionofpublicinfrastructure throughsophisticateddesign,venturingtorethinktheconventionalmodelofurbanblocks

Cabinet Sliding Fitting




Luxe organza sheer curtains with cherry blossoms, elephant, and rose motifs add a cozy, elegant touch to any space


The distinctive arched tops seamlessly integrate natural cane into the curved metal frame, embodying a contemporary design sensibility


Stunning gold plated lamp for bedroom, featuring a traditional candlestick-shaped base with a sleek black finish, topped with a natural linen shade


The Andaman Queen-Sized Bed seamlessly blends elegance with durability Its robust black metal structure, encompassing the headboard and base, exudes sophistication



Creatingdesignsthatinspireyourliving With avisionofprovidingaestheticallypleasing, ergonomic,andhigh-qualityproductsthat embodyakeenattentiontodetail.Soch’sgoal istodelivercreative,functional,and architecturallyappealingproducts



Born and based in Mumbai, Romit Savla, the founder and principal architect believes that the heart of any design is in the complex journey of its process and beauty of its construction.

He utilizes his extensive experience gained from executing various interior design projects and working with diverse product types over the years to create the design framework for Soch's product portfolio. Every design is a collaboration between its creator and user.

Q1: Your journey from your initial embrace of the field must have been an incredible experience Could you share some of the key moments throughout your journey?

Romit Savla: We come from very different backgrounds I am an urban planner by academics, and she is a finance graduate Entering the design field from these distinct disciplines was challenging itself We had to focus on the finer nuances, from mastering materials and exploring new ones to assembling and guiding a new team While we learned a lot during this process, it was one of the major steps in our careers transitioning from different fields to starting a furniture and home decor firm Overall, learning about materials and team dynamics was essential to our journey

Q2: Your designs embrace tradition in modern design What inspired the initial design philosophy, and how has it evolved over the years?

Romit Savla: Our design philosophy is rooted in tradition while embracing modernity In both design and material exploration, we focus on creating work that feels natural, local, and vernacular By blending contemporary sensibilities with traditional values we craft spaces and products that tell a story of Indianness, even when they travel overseas This narrative is central to our purpose, bringing satisfaction and meaning to our designs Our philosophy evolves over time but remains anchored in fundamental principles ensuring our work stays relevant and impactful

Q3: Objects by Soch aims to provide more than just functional furniture How do you ensure that each piece also embodies artistry and cultural richness?

Romit Savla: At Soch we believe each piece of furniture should tell a story, blending functionality with artistry and cultural richness Our design philosophy is rooted in tradition while embracing modernity creating pieces that honor craftsmanship and appeal to contemporary tastes By incorporating vernacular eements, we add authenticity, ensuring our work reflects local culture and materials, giving each piece a unique identity For us design must convey its own narrative highlighting its values and origins I aim to create pieces that feel musical, harmonizing with their surroundings and evoking connection Every detail from materials to proportions, is thoughtfully considered When someone enjoys coffee at one of our tables I want the design to spark conversation and enhance the moment transforming everyday experiences into something meaningful Our goal is to craft functional art that resonates deeply celebrating both utility and artistry through intentionality and cultural significance

Q4: What are your key strategies for marketing your designs, and how has e-commerce helped you connect with design professionals?

Romit Savla: For a firm dedicated to creating timeless, unique, and collectible pieces, navigating the current marketing landscape can be challenging Connecting with our audience through digital channels and e-commerce requires a strategic approach Fortunately platforms like Archioo have been instrumental in showcasing our work highlighting our designs and facilitating meaningful connections with a broader audience Both Archioo and The Architects Diary excel in promoting our collections, allowing us to reach design profes-

-sionals who share our passion for quality and artistry By leveraging these platforms we engage with architects and designers who appreciate the uniqueness of our offerings This connection fosters collaborations and helps establish our brand in the competitive design market enabling us to focus on creating exceptional pieces while effectively communicating our vision

Q5: The aesthetic of a space often lies in its intricate details How do you ensure that each piece of furniture enhances the overall narrative of the interiors they inhabit?

Romit Savla: We view the intricate details crafted by our artisans as our unique selling proposition (USP) Their dedication to finesse in design and finishing sets us apart Each piece of furniture carries a narrative and the authenticity embedded within enhances this story The details act as pivotal elements that bring the design to life much like a climax in a well-crafted tale leading to a satisfying resolution By ensuring these details are aesthetically pleasing and meaningful, we create pieces that resonate deeply within their spaces Our goal is to enrich the overall narrative of the interiors, allowing each piece to enhance the ambiance and emotional impact In this way, we transform furniture into integral elements of a larger story, creating harmonious environments that leave a lasting impression "Tadang! A happy ending to the piece!"

“ WE


Q6: How do you find a sense of fulfilment and purpose in your work as a designer beyond just bringing designs to life?

Romit Savla: Bringing designs to life is inherently satisfying and creates a dynamic learning environment I find fulfillment in impacting the lives of our designers interns and craftsmen helping them evolve their skills and realize their potential Witnessing their growth while creating something beautiful together is truly gratifying I strive to foster an atmosphere within our studio that resembles a design school where everyone is encouraged to learn from one another By enhancing the skills of our artisans and sharing knowledge, we elevate our collective craft The products we create become more than functional items; they transform into testimonies of our journey and narratives each person can share This sense of contribution and connection is the fulfillment I seek through my work as a designer





In 2011 in Bengaluru Aditi Pai & Akshay Heranjal with a very modest starting point and a completely new ground were on an expedition to find a paradigm shift in the way

designs were perceived Along with Nishita Bhatia & Arpita Pai, and a core group of Design Associates the studio has grown bringing in varied skill sets to the process Having a non-linear approach they traversed through to create free-spirited architecture While exploring art in all its forms, the stories and profound lessons it held, served as a medium of reflection and inspiration for us

Q1: I would like to understand your journey through architecture, from the initial embrace of this field to being one of the innovative leaders in the architecture and design industry today, it must have been filled with rich experiences. Could you share some of the key moments that have shaped this journey?

One thing I think of now is we will be completing 14 years now We started in 2011, and it took us about 12 to 13 years to have one major realization the idea of roots and a sense of belonging I come from a small city called Hubli but if I start tracing my roots, I was born in Bangalore but my family has always lived in Bombay But when they were a part of the Kashmir Brahmins, we spoke Konkani So we came from Kashmir about 300 years ago We traveled down to Goa and then Coastal Karnataka and then moved to Bombay and places around for work This realization came to me about a year back when I was trying to find meaning in what we were doing I was trying to understand where we come from and where our sense of belonging is I think that one of the most important realizations that I had is that our roots are adapted It has always been adapted because I realized that, as people, and as a community also we ' ve never been born and brought up or studied in the same place I ve done this in many many different places So that's when I realized that our works don't belong to a particular place

We find a way to discover ourselves in this conditioning of what the context holds I'm a true Bangalorean but at the same time, I've adapted myself to it It's the same with our work as well We find ourselves in that whole idea of context trying to understand how to situate ourselves in the particular project Then we adapt ourselves and start finding ways to open our arms That's how we are as people, as we come with incredible stories Because we are not from the same place, there are a lot of stories that I would have carried There are a lot of memories that I carry It's the same with our work every work comes with a very strong narrative We're also trying to constantly find strong narratives that we can go back and connect to memories and ideas I think this particular realization is possibly the starting point for us

Q2: Considering the diverse typology of projects that you have worked on, which is the one project that has had an impact on you? Could you tell us about that project?

In the first 10 years of our journey as a studio, a lot of our effort went into exploration, understanding and testing ourselves out and saying yes to a lot of things The next 5 years we always thought that should be with this idea of awareness Awareness of who we are and what we believe in At this moment we realize that we like to work from a place of happiness When I say that, I mean that we want to do projects that more and more are a part of us or an extension of us or how we think This essentially means that if you are

aware that this is what you like or this is how you look at things then you start attracting those kinds of projects It becomes an important extension of who you are and that's why the first 10 years went into exploration We were obsessed with looking at multiple thought processes narratives, typologies etc But again, the idea is to have a strong narrative that holds everything that we do We were testing ourselves because, both Adti and I come from this whole background of not having any architects in our family We started from scratch coming from a different city to a place here and having worked with extraordinary people we realize that the idea of finding the right narrative also needs to become an important way of how we explore So even when we were exploring in the first 10 years there was a very important idea of being able to tell a story We didn't let go of that during that transition between the first 10 years and where we are right now


Q3: Looking at your work the relationship between landscape and built form appears central to most of your designs How do you navigate this delicate balance between the natural environment and the architectural spaces to create this seamless integration?

For example, we did this project called Project 58, which is a home in Mangalore The idea of architecture and nature converges to a point where nature is now literally taken over and the building is less seen We've always liked to push the boundaries in both cases One of the things we realize is that we don't want our architecture to stand out too much, although there's a very strong narrative and a very clear approach in terms of the vocabulary that's set in It's still coming from an important thought process of many workings to have reached there It s not about making something just look good but we realize that we like our projects to merge or blend or start finding its meaning We've realized that we enjoy projects where we feel that the building and the landscape always existed or coexisted I think that s our approach in most cases Although it's difficult to pull this off in urban projects, especially in Bangalore, where the sites are getting tighter, it's still important for us to find a new meaning in it rather than looking at just simple planter beds etc I think we are pushing a lot on productive greens We believe that you should be able to grow your food There's a lot that we want to do in terms of giving back to the city as well

Axis Vanam
© Niveditaa Gupta
Auditorium © Suryan//Dang
Brick House
© Suryan//Dang
Norris Road Residential © Reshma Kamath
IDYLLL Restaurant and Bar © The Fishy Project

Q4: Speaking about your projects, about your design development, or how you derive designs, how do you find a sense of fulfillment and purpose in your work as an architect beyond just the completion of projects?

I think architecture is a calling I can't say it's not for everyone but, I think when you ' re in it you have to be obsessed with the idea of being able to be there and do so many things You would never have this question, let's say AR Rahman or someone who's in a creative field That sense of continuity that we have like how most of the creative studios have, is extraordinary Being able to live life and having that continuity or living in this continuum as an artist or as an architect is something that kicks us That's what we live for All other things are a byproduct of that thought process So for me on a very personal level, I think the idea of fulfillment in whichever way you would want to coin it I think architecture as a calling, is an extraordinary expression of fulfillment Everything else is an add-on or sometimes a byproduct It's an extraordinary moment for us, also in terms of where and how we are living, and we respect that I know there's a lot that we can give back to the nation in terms of design and in terms of giving back to the city Being able to craft extraordinary narratives and look back at the other influences like I said music, books and cinema, are also in a way our outlets Those are also things that allow us to push in slow and different directions I think there's a lot that architecture has and you can never let go of that thought

Q5: With your career on the rise, what are your next steps? Where do you envision yourself and your practice in the coming years?

I realize that a lot of our time in these last few years has gone into analyzing a lot of things rather than setting a goal and saying, this is what we want to do in life As we ve always been working throughout, even when we started when it was just Aditi and me to a point now where we are about 35 to 40 people, as a studio we ' re still constantly working The idea of taking some time to pause and be aware of where we are right now has always been a consistent process in these last couple of months or a year During this process we started writing down a lot of things Because all these years we were going with the flow Although there were a lot of realizations that were happening during our first 10 years and even later now, we realized that once we started writing a lot of things down rather than saying we want to do this or we want to give back to the fraternity, etc, we realize we wanted to understand ourselves first I think we are in that process right now, where there's a lot of awareness and understanding of ourselves Where do we head from here is something that will be an extension of what we re writing meaning there s so much that's going on in our minds right now

Even as a studio we ' re trying to collate all this together to reach a point where I will have an answer for that What it actually means is I don't think we can define who we are or where we are heading, what it essentially means is that we are enjoying the whole journey I think this journey, with its share of ups and downs is fantastic and the kind of kick that we get out of being in this whole idea of doing so many things, we always feel we are living multiple lives in a day It also tells you how busy we are as people, and as a studio but at the same time we are always looking for this humor to set itself in or dark humor sometimes, to set itself in Are we living with a sense of purpose?

One of the goals that I ve set for myself is to build an extraordinary practice with a great sense of commitment to having great human beings in the practice as a part of our studio That's one of the things that we always set for ourselves The first thing that you need to be a part of our studio is to be a great human being and everything else is secondary we built something called the “Culture Code” and we made a small book out of it which is of course within ourselves It is for people to understand how we started who we are how we think, how we think, and so many other things that were all combined and we built this whole culture code for the studio



Q6: What would be your one piece of advice, related to life, architecture, design, or anything, to all our young readers?

I think one of the very important parts of our process of having someone with us is to be a great human being first and I think everything else will follow The second thing that we ' ve always talked about in the studio is the idea of giving back A lot of people when they come to us or when we meet say, I want to learn like Everyone says I'm joining you and we like your work and I'm here to learn My answer has always been to believe that you can give back It's not about just taking, it's about being able to give back The moment you start having this realization that you want to give back, learning becomes a part of that whole process So I think the moment you come out with this thought that you want to be a student for life or you want to keep learning, it should be about giving back first and everything else becomes a part of that whole process Because then you learn, then you fail then you fall, then you get up, and you ' re still able to do so much

Believing in this idea of being able to give back builds a fantastic sense of confidence or a sense of commitment for you as a human being Nothing can beat that Along with being a great human being first, this is one important aspect that you always focus on Telling people that no matter who you are, even if you ' re an intern there's a lot that you can give back The more you believe in yourself, the more you will realize that there s so much more in being able to do than just take I think that probably sums up the way we think as people, and as a student




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