2022 First Tee - Triangle Annual Review

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Ted Klinck , Board Chairperson

As we emerge from the COVID pandemic, we are thrilled to share the impact of our organization, First Tee — Triangle, in 2022. This year was significant for us, not only in terms of the strides we made as an organization but also in the financial support we garnered for our work. We are pleased to report that our team of committed volunteers and staff successfully accomplished our goal of building game changers in our community. Our key commitments which include pursuing goals, collaborating with others, and building positive self-identity were evident in our high-impact programming at golf courses, elementary schools, and in partnership with other community organizations.

In 2022, First Tee — Triangle provided programming to over 1,500 participants through various initiatives, such as girls-only opportunities, competitive play, and a robust after-school program. We hosted the Champions Challenge, which involved 73 kids from our partner Wake County Elementary Schools, at our home facility, TriGolf. Our commitment to bringing young people to the golf course was further supported by the transportation of 280 kids in our First Tee — Triangle van. Moreover, our female-only programming continued to provide an inclusive and welcoming environment, with female participation increasing to 37%.

We have made substantial progress toward the grand opening of our home facility, which will positively impact our community. Our More Than a Game Capital Campaign has raised 90% of our goal, with $800,000 left to raise. The learning center will feature a driving range, a par-3 golf course designed by world-renowned golf course architect Gil Hanse, as well as community spaces for our participants and their families. With the support of our community, we will be able to provide a safe haven for countless young people throughout the year.

On behalf of our Board of Directors, we would like to express our gratitude for your continued support and generosity towards our organization and the young people of the Triangle.

Brandon Baker, President/CEO

I am delighted to report that we have had a truly exceptional year at First Tee — Triangle. Thanks to your support, we were able to raise over $2 million, which allowed us to enroll over 1,500 youth in our program last year. This record-breaking fundraising year has enabled us to continue our vital work in the community, providing youth development programs that empower young people to become responsible, resilient, and respectful individuals. Our success would not have been possible without the generous support of our donors, volunteers, and partners. It is truly inspiring to see the community come together to support our mission of helping young people build character and enhance their lives through golf and life skills education.

I am also thrilled to share with you the exciting news that construction is underway on our new Center for Youth Development. This state-of-the-art facility will be a hub for our programming and will allow us to serve even more young people in the years to come. Additionally, we are transitioning to age-based programs, which will allow us to better meet the needs of our participants and provide more targeted programming. Finally, we are proud to announce that we have completed our new strategic plan, which will guide our organization over the next five years. This plan is the result of extensive research, consultation, and collaboration with our stakeholders, and we believe it will help us achieve our vision of becoming the premier youth development organization in the Triangle.

As we look ahead, we are excited about the opportunities that lie before us. With your continued support, we are confident that we can continue to Build Game Changers in our community!

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Our Commitment to Building Game Changers

As we transition to age-based programming, our curriculum has evolved to better meet the needs of our youth. While the nine Core Values have been de-emphasized, our participants are becoming Game Changers through our new key commitments.

Pursuing Goals Growing Through Challenge

Collaborating With Others Building Positive Self-Identity

Current First Tee — Triangle Board of


Ted Klinck Board Chairperson

Scott Ruerup

Board Vice Chairperson

John Roos

Immediate Past Chairperson

Laurie Hughes




Fred Mills, Jr. Secretary

Brad George Treasurer

Justin Good At-Large, Facility Chairperson

Bob Hatley

Using Good Judgment

At-Large, Governance Chairperson

At-Large, Campaign Chairperson

Andy Bilodeau

At-Large, Executive Committee

James Burati


Andrea Conner

Brian Sischo

Dewayne Washington

Hyla Wooldridge

James McCaskill

Jennings Glenn

Joe Van Saun

Junior Word

Reagan Greene

Robert Long, III

T.J. Wyman

Will Duckett

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Summer Camps We Make 4

Over 70 participants received on-course mentorship, thanks to the support of Prestonwood Country Club and its members.

Our summer camps offered a complete character education and golf skills program to local youth on a weekly basis.

Improving Access

By utilizing First Tee Triangle’s van, we provided 280 children with the opportunity to visit golf courses and other community locations across the Triangle.

UNC Women’s Golf Clinic

We partnered with the UNC Women’s Golf team to conduct a clinic exclusively for 34 female participants.

Game Changers Council

The Game Changers Council is a collective of young professionals in the Triangle, who are collaborating with like-minded individuals to enhance the outcomes for the First Tee kids in our community.

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PGA HOPE Raleigh Program

In support of our military, we launched PGA HOPE Raleigh. This program introduces golf to Veterans and Active Duty Military to enhance their physical, mental, social and emotional well-being.

Groundbreaking Event

We marked a significant milestone at First Tee Triangle with the groundbreaking ceremony of our upcoming Center for Youth Development. This center will have state-of-the-art practice facilities, a learning center, and a par-3 short course.

REX Hospital Open Kids Clinic

In collaboration with Korn Ferry Tour and REX Hospital Open teams, we organized a Q&A session and full swing clinic for our youth, featuring four Tour Pros, including a First Tee — Triangle Alumni.

First Tee Network Tournament

The Chubb Classic facilitated the Golf to Paradise Tournament, where 10 First Tee chapters, including First Tee Triangle, competed.

Summer Internships

First Tee — Triangle offers internships that provide valuable professional experience and contribute to the organization’s mission of youth development through golf.

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With the help of corporate sponsors, First Tee HQ hosts a series of events for participants to grow as individuals and golfers. Through an extensive application process, five participants representing First Tee — Triangle were showcased through nine national events and councils.

Ava Heaton

• John Deere Drive Your Future Academy

• Game Changers Academy

• Pure Insurance Championship

Brant Dattilo

• Pure Insurance Championship

Connor Moore

• Alumni Council

Kaitlyn Rand

• First Female Ace Certified Participant

• National Championship at Notre Dame

Parisa Majumdar

• Network Summit Participant Speech

• Innovators Forum

Neil Young

• First Tee National School Teacher of the Year


“I’ve always loved the game of golf and dreamed of being the next Tiger Woods. Then life got in the way. My parents divorced and then my dad died. That was my journey into brokenness. After that, I was introduced to First Tee, and the experience became my therapist and an outlet for healing. It helped me become a better person and student. It allowed me to play at area golf courses, improve my game, and increase my confidence. I now give back by serving as a First Tee coach, completing my healing and giving me hope for my future.”

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Katherine has led the Drive4Success program at Pleasant Grove for the last five years, and she also serves as a lead coach for several of our traditional programs across the Triangle. Both of her daughters participate, and she has enjoyed watching their love for the game grow, as well as witnessing all of her students develop patience and focus. Katherine teaches Special Education, so she enjoys getting to know more of her school community through our program. Her participants brighten her day when they pass by in the hallway and say with a smile,

“See you at First Tee!”

The 4th Annual Drive4Success Champions Challenge took place at TriGolf, home of First Tee — Triangle. Participants who demonstrated growth and dedication to our Key Commitments throughout the school year were invited to showcase what they learned.

Hodge Road Elementary was the overall winner, but all who participated are Game Changers!


2018 - Smith Magnet

2019 - Lynn Road Elementary

2020 - COVID Cancellation

2021 - Pencils & Putters

2022 - Hodge Road Elementary

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First Tee — Triangle and the Durham Nativity School partnered in a mission-aligned effort to provide a more in-depth golf and character education experience to area youth. The program began in the spring through their Physical Education classes. In the fall, students were transported in our 15-passenger van to the Duke University Golf Course. Several Duke Alumni served as mentors and teachers, tying this program together into what has become a true Community Partnership.


Neuse River Middle School is the host of one of our newest Outreach Programs. We partnered with C.I.S. Wake to introduce our program to the student body, and then continued our impact through the in-school club program. The club consisted of 14 students who met 12 times throughout the school year, both on campus and at River Ridge Golf Club. We look forward to expanding this club in the 2023-24 school year.


• C.I.S. Wake

• Durham Police Athletic League

• Girl Scouts NC Coastal Pines

• T.W.I.G. Kidz

• Young Men 4 Christ

• 5K Foundation

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Toya Crichlow

First Tee — Triangle Parent

My children and I have been a part of the First Tee — Triangle family for more than a decade. The life-changing impact this program has had for our family includes confidence building, tailored instruction to support a child living with autism, a safe place to explore and overcome athletic and academic challenges, provisions for equipment and concentrated coaching. There simply isn't an adequate dollar amount that can be applied to the value the staff, coaches and donors provide participants and families. My daughter, Zoe, is eleven and has been influenced by her coaches in a way that encourages her to increase her exposure through additional training. My son, Kai, is in his mid-twenties and continues to reap the benefits of the program's commitment to its alumni.

Jeffrey Stelmach

First Tee — Triangle Volunteer Coach & Parent

First Tee — Triangle has been an amazing program since we joined a few years ago! Being involved in growing the game of golf with our participants is extremely fulfilling. One of my favorite aspects of the First Tee is how the Core Values are integrated into each lesson and how transferrable those lessons are into life skills. In addition to life skills, there’s nothing better than seeing the smile on a participant’s face when they hit a proper golf shot for the first time!! My daughter has grown so much in the time she’s been doing First Tee, both on and off the course. I can’t wait for my son to start his journey next session! I’m very thankful to be a part of such an amazing organization with such great staff and volunteers!


Parent Volunteer of the Year

2017 Phil Vivongsy

2018 Ben Ceranowski

2019 Roger Dattilo

2020 Jimmy Conder

2021 Dana Frazier & Heather Rand

2022 Jeffrey Stelmach

Junior Volunteer of the Year

2017 Laurenz Gonzales

2018 Jiya Patel

2019 Tyla McAffity

2020 Jiya Patel

2021 Aubrey Littrell

2022 Tyler Spriggs

Adult Volunteer of the Year

2017 Peter Pront & Sam Hodges

2018 Bill Alfano & John McDonald

2019 Dan Sawyer & Hyla Wooldridge

2020 Kim Shope & Darrel Johnson

2021 Elyssa Nastalski & John Bok

2022 Ebony Dill, Bob Nowoc & Weezie Duckett

Champions Circle

2017 Cleve Folger

2018 A. Hobgood, III

2019 Bob Scott & Paul Pfeuffer

2020 Anthony Laffoley & Steve Ogburn

2021 Salvatore “Sam” DiFranco

2022 Bob Hatley

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Brant Dattilo

Ace Participant (14+)

Throughout my time with First Tee — Triangle, I have been given countless opportunities to build upon not only my golf game, but various life skills as well. From Ace classes at Prestonwood, all the way to participating in the PURE Insurance Championship at Pebble Beach, First Tee has provided me with every tool imaginable for success. I am truly grateful for all of the coaches, staff, and numerous others who make First Tee such an incredible organization.

Tyler Spriggs

Ace Participant (14+)

First Tee — Triangle is an exceptional organization that has helped shape me into the confident and resilient person I am today. I joined the program when I was six, and I’ve learned so much about golf, myself, and how to navigate the world. I’ve met so many hardworking and compassionate role models, and I am so grateful for the life-changing opportunities First Tee has provided me. During the past couple of years, I’ve become a more active volunteer. I love teaching kids many of the same lessons that I learned when I was their age. None of these opportunities would be possible without the help of the First Tee.

Olivia Heggie

Ace Participant (14+)

First Tee — Triangle has impacted my life in so many ways. I have met amazing coaches and role models who want to help me accomplish great things on and off the golf course. In addition to my parents, they encourage me to focus on my education and think about a future that includes a college degree. I appreciate all that they have done for me. All of the new friends I have made through First Tee have given me the chance to see life from a different perspective, and for that I am forever grateful. Thank you First Tee!

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Old Chatham

Our annual golf tournament at Old Chatham Golf Club is the staple of our spring corporate philanthropy. Teams enjoy an 18-hole round and are taught a lesson by First Tee — Triangle participants. Thanks to the generosity of Old Chatham Golf Club and their membership, our annual tournament is the only non-club golf event at Old Chatham each year, making this a premiere and exclusive event for our organization.

Pebble Beach Raffle

Our annual Pebble Beach raffle is always a big hit and a great way to support our chapter. The winner receives a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Pebble Beach for four including golf at Pebble Beach, Spyglass Hill, and The Links at Spanish Bay.


Our Kid-Am is similar to a Pro-Am, but unlike your traditional golf tournament, this event partners you with one of First Tee — Triangle’s standout participants! Playing with a participant not only helps your team’s score, but it allows you to see your support at work and learn more about how our organization is making a difference in the Triangle.

A Night FORE Champions

Our fall gala at The Angus Barn is a night filled with celebration, recognizing our Champions Circle honorees and community members who have gone above and beyond for our chapter, while stories are shared from our First Tee — Triangle participants.


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Golf Facility Amenities:

• Par-3 golf course designed by Gil Hanse

• 275+ yard driving range with over 30 hitting stations equipped with range technology

• 8,000 sq. ft. practice green

• Short game practice area

Learning Center Amenities:

• 1,000 sq. ft. multipurpose room

• Two indoor/outdoor hitting bays

• Outdoor pavilion

• Playground

• Conference room

• Staff offices

Key Project Outcomes:

• Increase participant enrollment from 1,600 students to 2,200 high-impact students

• Improve annual retention from 36% to 50%

• Develop and implement a method for tracking student academic and behavioral improvement

• Provide program scholarships to 100% of families who need them

• Provide year-round access to program participants

2022 By the Numbers

650 Program Participants

$481,487 Gross Revenue

40,414 Patrons Served

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Core Values Club Founding Members

Legacy Partners Par Level Patrons Anonymous Allen and Linda Jones Arbour National Brandon Baker and Virginia Jernigan Bobby Stanley Bryan Fox Christopher and Sarah Meredith CTO Realty Growth David and Garrett Broyles Dick Daugherty Ed and Kathy White Fred McCoy, Jr. James Anderson Jeff and Jodi Kleiber Jim Hyler Jon Bell Kent and Liz Barwell Lee-Moore Capital Company Linda and Ralph Moore M. Rex. Teaney, II Mark and Kelly Mulhern Mark and Sarah Sims Chesson Mark Hianik Michael and Marybeth Brooks Mike Sorensen Mike Condrey Paul and Peggy Pfeuffer Peter and Kim Fox PGA Tour Charities Preston Development Company Robert and Katharine Buhler Robert Herrington Schrum Family Charitable Fund Terry and Diane Butler The Backyard Foundation Thomas Eller Tri Properties, LLC Wesley Burks Capital Campaign Patrons Anders Bostroem Andrew Mariella Ben Pulliam Bill and Kitty Burlington Chad Nottingham Charlie Hoover Charlie Nottingham Cherry Hill Baptist Church Christopher Clarke Connor Leonard Conor Clougherty David Johnson Dennis and Nancy Horstman Dereck Whittingburg Ellen Robinson Gail Nottingham Gary Allen George Brannon HagerSmith Design, P.A. James Bick Jason Baillargeon Jason Slovensky Jeff Farnham Jimmy Barnes Jose Alberto and Elizabeth Reyes Julie Kaylid Ken Brantley Kristin Trangsrud Leslie Holmes Mack Paul McKim & Creed Mrs. Jerry Napier Nataraja Arkalagud Peter McDonald Philip and Betty Tibbs Randy Pozsar Renee Allain-Stockton Richard Matthews Richard Parker Ryan Greene Sam and Ginny Poston Shirley Tyner SJV Medical Stephanie Simon Steve Marion Sue Shima Theodore Waechter Tift Mann Truist William Hopkins William Sewell YPO State Line Forum A.J. Fletcher Foundation Al Goodrich APC Towers Freddie and Rachel Mills Fielding and Kim Miller James and Connie Maynard Foundation James and Mildred Wilkinson Foundation Mike Bonello North State Bank Peter and Prudence Meehan Revels Turf and Tractor Shelco, LLC Workday Named Gifts Par Three Course Generously secured by: Peter Millar Driving Range Generously secured by: Carquest Scoreboard Generously secured by: Blue Cross NC Play Area Generously secured by: Air Purification Inc. Outdoor Education Space In Memory of A. Hobgood, III Golf Holes Generously secured by: Bob and Carol Hatley James and Mildred Wilkinson Foundation Golf Holes, continued Highwoods Properties North State Bank Fielding and Kim Miller Michael Jordan Nissan APC Towers Ted and Stephanie Klinck Al Goodrich Ace Level Patrons Anonymous Bob and Carol Hatley Harold K. Jordan & Co., Inc. Highwoods Properties John and Marie Mitchell Justin and Jillian Good Kane Realty and Williams Realty & Building Company Matthew Goodwin Michael Jordan Nissan Smedes York Family Ted and Stephanie Klinck Eagle Level Patrons 1-800-PACK-RAT Anonymous Air Purification, Inc. Alan and Laurie Hughes Allen Wilson Brad and Allison George Brasfield & Gorrie, General Contractors Clancy & Theys Construction Company Curi First National Bank Guardian Wealth Partners James and Candan Burati Jennings and Allison Glenn John and Debbie Day John and Tracey Roos Longleaf Law & Longleaf Manager LS3P Mike Gray Robert and Etta Long Scott Edwards Sheldon and Deborah Fox Stone Development and Restoration Wales Family Foundation Birdie Level Patrons A.E. Finley Foundation A. Hobgood, IV Allman Spry Al. Neyer, LLC Andy and Julie Bilodeau Barnhill Family Foundation Barry and Pam Gardner Belville Family Charitable Fund Bill Reduzzi Bob and Lynn Scott Brian and Kathy Sischo Brock Family Trust Carolinas Wireless Association Cliff and Anna Benson David and Donna Rhode Dean Painter Delta Dental Double Wood Farm Doug and Hope Brown, In Memory of Ben Hynson Doug and Susan Baker East West Partners Ed Auslander Ed Brown Fallon Family Charitable Foundation Fenwick Foundation Fred Mills, Sr. Howie and Brug Jung IMC Board of Directors In Honor of Jim Hyler James and Julie Forrest James Baker Jim and Katherine Hansen Jim Lamont Josie and Charles Reeves Julian and Beth Williamson Larry and Debbie Robbins Lee Morris Mark and Jenna Thomas Marty and Sarah Pell Richard Sowell Rule Joy Trammell + Rubio, LLC Rush Family Trust Russ and Cara McLauchlan Simpson & Underwood Associates, LLC SLI Capital Steve Morgan Steve and Lynn Ogburn Todd and Sara Roberts T.J. Wyman Tommy West Wil Spears
Putting Green Generously secured by: Shelco, lLC Maintenance Building Generously secured by: Revels Turf & Tractor 16 2022 Annual Review | Info@FirstTeeTriangle.org | www.FirstTeeTriangle.org Page No


24% Corporate Giving

Operating Revenue:


23% Operations

16% Grants

29% Individual Giving

5% Programs

3% Other

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ANNUAL FUND DONORS Adam and Jen Stephenson Al and Jennifer Pitts Al Goodrich Alan and Laurie Hughes Alex Bowen Alexandra Nkansa Aligned Technology Group Alison Crabtree Allan Gunter Allen Cobb Amanda Singletary Amy and John Butler Amy Daniels Ana and Brian Murphy Ana Friedman Anders Bostroem Anderson and Inslee Fariss Andrea Conner Andres Cortes Andrew Allen Andrew and Hilary Wilkinson Andrew Crenshaw Andrew Schuett Andy and Julie Bilodeau Andy Esser, Financial Advisor Andy Johnson Andy Scott Angela Clendenin Angela Stover Anne Bunce Anne Cassidy Anne Wein Anonymous Anthony Blackman Atul Bhikha Barry Cleveland Bell Cook Family Foundation Ben Grossfuss Bill and Myrtle Robbins Bill and Terry Noble BlackRock Blake Harber Blake Smith Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC Bob and Carol Hatley Bob and Lynn Scott Brad and Allison George Bradley and Hyla Wooldridge Brandon Baker and Virginia Jernigan Brian and Cheryl Reid Brian and Kathy Sischo Brian Clark Brian Durkin Brian Hedges Brian Krusoe Brian Weston Bridgette and Carl Webb Bright Strategies Cam and Sally McRae Cameron Saleh Carman and Becky Liuzzo Caroline and Cushing Donelan Caroline Ellington Caroline Stone Carolyn C. Maness Carrie Suss Catalent Chad Essick Charles and Dena Silver Charles Holloway Charles Hulme Charlie and Josie Reeves Cheryl George Chester Allen Chris and Courtney Wilson Chris and Gail Willard Chris Overby Chris Owens Chris Woody Christina and Will Dickson Christopher Flurry Christopher Markham Christy and David Chattleton Chuck and Ali Schroeder Chuck Greene Cici Coffee Cisco Claire and Gray Glover Claude Pope Cole Pennell Colin Holloway Colin Roth Connor Leonard Cooper Taylor Corey Williams Cormick Brennan Corrine Englert Courtney McKim Courtney Moore Cynthia Lochbaum D. Curtis Lawson Damian Gilbert Dan and Lisa Behanna Dan McGowan Dana Curle Daniel and Linda Kaferle Danny Agresta Darrel Johnson Darrow Bertolina Daryl Funchess Dave and Elyssa Nastalski David and Carolyn Shannonhouse David and Laura Brody David and Louise Stowe David Andrews David Lubkeman David Tilton Dennis and Lauren Greenway Denny Fingers Derek Noll Derek Schafran Dewayne and Adama Washington Diane Barnes Diane Brantley Diane Faulkner Domenic Scarano Don Holloway Don Jones Doug Gay Douglas Brown Duke Energy Foundation Durham Coca-Cola Bottling Company Ed Bristol Ed Stack Eddie and Stephanie Elliott Eddie Rhodes Elizabeth Summers Ellen Robinson Emily James Emily Turner Emory Sadler Eoin McDonnell Eric Gronroos Eric Perkinson Evan Lang Frank and Nancy Baird Fred Guerrero Garrett and David Broyles Gary Woodlief Geoff Harris Gisele Crawford GolfGen, LLC Gray Talley Gregory and Amy Berry Gregory and Lauren Coudriet Hadiyah Lancaster Hal Jordan Hamilton Sloan Harvey Moore Heather and Ryan Rand Hilary Sheaves Holiday Childs Houston and Katie Loper Howard and Patsy Johnson Jack and Sheila McDonald Jack Cottrill James and Anna Doughton James and Candan Burati James and Kimberly Morgan James and Meredith McCaskill James Bailey James Doss James Maynard Jane and Tom Mann Jane Bockel Janelle Sturtz Janice Cooper Janine Brumfield Jason and Jillian Scalvini Jason Harris Jason Sandner Jason Yuhase Javier Blanes Jay Bigelow Jeff and Cathy Connors Jeff and Kelly Forrester Jeff and Nancy Tetenbaum Jeff Hathaway Jeff Holden Jeffery Brown Jennings and Allison Glenn Jerry and Cheri Morton Jesse and Andrea Krause Jessica Gammon Jessica Orton Jim and Katherine Hansen Jim McGlade JLL Joe and Kerry Ruggieri Joe Baldini Joel Williams John and Anita Minicucci John and Susan Purves John and Tracey Roos John Bok John Deere John Erdos John Kurtzweil John Rishel John Sidebotham Jon Ables Jon DeLisle Jonathan Holleman Jonathan Krieps Jonathan Wester Joseph Cunningham Joseph Longoria Josh Plumhoff Judy Young Julia Wright Julie Kaylid Junior and Heather Word Justin and Jillian Good Justin Mhoon Karen and BL Franklin Karen Nelson Katharine Andrew Katie Elder Katie Schmitz Keith and Kaileen McDonald Charitable Fund Keith Morgan Kelli’s Lucky Junket Casino Tours Kelly Parker Kelly Pink Ken and Sue Crowley Ken Threatt Kent and Liz Bardwell Kevin Bender Kevin Flynn The Kim Family Kristin Trangsrud Kyle Droppers Kyle Macemore Kyle Rogers Larry and Debbie Robbins Larry Moran Laurie Murphy Lenovo Leonard and Holly Austin, IV Liesl Martin Linda Stevenson Longfellow Real Estate Partners, LLC Lucas Harrison Lynn and Will Bolton Lynne Sanders Mac Gominger Margaret Haga Margaret Sutter Margaret Tombolillo Margaret Weaver Marilyn and Bill Rosenberg Mark Germann Mark West Marlene Schneider Martin Marietta Mary Alice Cox Mary Ann Poole Mary Hall Mary Hawkins and Robin Waters Marygrace Rowlands Matt Keller Matt Starr Megan Tierney Michael and Britt Thomas Michael and Gloria Becker Michael Crutchfield Michelle Robertson Microsoft Mike Bonello 18 2022 Annual Review | Info@FirstTeeTriangle.org | www.FirstTeeTriangle.org Page No
Mike Ferguson Mike Loveland Mike Olson Mike Struble Milton Small III and Susie Small Mitchell B Realty at KW Elite Realty and Property Management Morgan Hanrahan Moss Withers Nate Haines NC State Employees Combined Campaign Neighborhood National Neill McLeod Nick Chamberlain Nicole Schwerbrock Norman Epps Outlyr Pamela Callaway Patricia Arnett Patrick and Katie Phillips Patrick Mills Patrick Sabatelli Paul Fogleman Paul Viverette Peter Millar Peyton Cox Phil Gruber Philip Chauncey PNC Foundation Preston McElheney PwC Rafael DeJesus Randy Goins Randy Guard Ray Vrscak Raymond Berry Reagan Greene Reeves Zaytoun Rex and Brenda Bost RHA Wealth Richard and Sandy Byrne Richard DeMai Richard Spriggs Richard Uhlir Richard Wall Ricky Spinale Rob and Sara Euler Rob Reid Robert and Tracy Mason Robert Ange Robert Boram Rodgers Family Charitable Fund Roger and Beth Russell Rosie Gerding Russell Clayton Ruth Higdon Sam Pierce Samuel and Emily Slater Sarah Cranfill Sarah Edwards Scot and Alison Humphrey Scott and Heidi Ruerup Scott Hazelgrove Scott Maitland Scott Roulston Scott Underwood ScottMadden, Inc. Sean Hill Sean Tiernan Shelco, Inc. Shift4 Simon Copeland Skipper Day Skylar Offield Smedes York Sougata Mukherjee SPS Corporation Stansted Neighbors Stephanie Harris Stephen and Elizabeth Meyer Steve Crouse Steve Hepler Stuart Pannill Sydney Jamison T.J. Wyman Tanner Holland Ted Almay Ted and Jennifer Cole Ted Enarson Terrill Family Trust The Nautical Group Thomas Hill Thomas Lawler Tiffany Fonville Tim Mazies Todd and Sara Roberts Tom Beebe Trent Ragland Trevor Helms Trey Walker Triangle Sertoma Club Tripp Andracchio University Ford, Inc. The Van Saun Family Victoria Mottley-McNeil Vinnie Durand Vino Rosso Fund of Triangle Community Foundation Wayne House Wendy Love Whit Newton Wil and Cristina Spears Wilbanks Smith & Thomas Asset Management Will Kavanagh Will Scroggs William and Louise Duckett William and Sharon Nicholson William C. Ethridge Foundation William Hesmer William McElroy William Stephens Witch Way Day Woodie Williams YPO Cincinnati Zach Carlton Zach Elliott Zach Wright Zahira Floyd Zeb Hadley EVENT SPONSORS 1-800-PACK-RAT A Signature Welcome A.B. Goodrich Contracting Advance Auto Parts Alan Hughes Alfred Williams & Company All Points Wealth Andrea Conner Beth and Julian Williamson Bill Smith Bojangles - Tands, Inc. Bojangles - TriArc Food Systems, Inc. Brasfield & Gorrie, General Contractors Cary Oil CBRE Clancy & Theys Construction Company Coastal Credit Union Curi Custom Brick and Supply Co. Danny Agresta David Allen Company Deloitte Dewayne Washington Dogwood Country Club Dominion Energy Edgewater Ventures Ellis & Winters, LLP THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF Equity Shift First Horizon Foundation First Oak Wealth Management Gilbane Building Company Grady Hedrick Landscaping & Hydroseeding Hamilton Sloan Harold K. Jordan & Co., Inc. Homes By Dickerson Hospital Physician Advisors Intersport The Iron Oaks Jack Barry James and Mildred Wilkinson Foundation James Maynard JLL John Roos Kane Realty KPMG Laser Eye Center of Carolina Lee & Associates Linda Stevenson LiteSource Longfellow Real Estate Partners Longleaf Law Partners LS3P Luca Partners Manning Fulton McConnell Golf Meridian Financial Michelle Robertson Mills Construction Monteith Construction Multivista National Coatings NCSU Foundation North State Bank NSV Development OVD Insurance Peter Millar Physician’s Weekly Pinehurst Resorts Pinnacle Financial Partners PNC Poyner Spruill LLP PwC Ratio Design Ray Vrscak Reagan Greene Regions Bank RHA Wealth Robert Long, III Robert M Currey & Associates Ryan MacDonald Scott Ruerup Shelco, LLC SLI Capital Smith Anderson Solstice Partners Southern Bank SPS Corporation Ted Cole Terracon Tito’s Towne Insurance TowneBank UNC Health Championship United Bank Vaco Valero Wasserman William and Cynthia Wagner Williams Mullen Williams Realty & Building Co. Wyrick Robbins York Properties Zaytoun Orthodontics 19 Page No

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