Community Life Book - Nov through Jan

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SHOLOM Nov through Jan 2022–2023 | 5783


The Phillies, Strawberries, and Giving Thanks

I love Thanksgiving. I love it because our family Thanksgiving table now spans four generations and includes close to 30 people. Perhaps most of all, I love Thanksgiving because it gives me an opportunity to pause and reflect on gratitude. This is the season of gratitude, but in truth, in Judaism, every day is a time for thanksgiving. According to our tradition, we are to begin each day with these words:

These are the very first words we are supposed to say each morning. We open our eyes and say: “Thank You, God.” For literary purposes, we often translate these first utterances in the morning, modeh ani, as “I am thankful.” But in fact, according to the order of the Hebrew words, a better translation is “thankful am I”. Not only is gratitude the first thing on our mind when we wake up, it is literally the first thing that we say, even before we mention ourselves. Our first action each morning is to give thanks. We are Yehudim, a people of gratitude. Gratitude fills our liturgy. Modim anahnu lach, we are grateful to you God, for the gift of life. Gratitude fills our days. Do you have a daily practice of gratitude? How do you incorporate gratitude into your life? What are you feeling thankful for today? Who should you express gratitude to in the coming days and weeks?

As we have entered the new year of 5783, there is much to be thankful for: family and friends, vaccines, health, a return to in-person community, and the power of togetherness. The list goes on. But I must say, one thing I am feeling particularly grateful for right now are the Philadelphia Phillies. I wanted to write this article after the conclusion of the World Series, hopefully writing about the 2022 World CHAMPION Phillies, but alas, the timeline did not

work. Then I realized, whether the Phillies do or do not win the World Series does not actually matter. Yes, I hope the Phillies are the victors, but regardless of the outcome of the games, they have already won. They have won by capturing our hearts, by bringing families and friends together in joy and celebration, and by showing the world, the power of believing in yourself. And for all of these things, I am grateful.

Sports are just games. But the lessons they teach us, the emotions they evoke, and their ability to bring us together are all to be celebrated and cherished. For years, as a young child, I dreamt of playing for the Phillies. Yesterday my son, Meyer, woke up, learned that the Phillies won Game Three 7-0, and proudly declared: “one day I am going to play on the Phillies and win a World Series, because that will help make a lot of people happy.” The Phillies have certainly brought us much joy, and through that joy a sense of love and gratitude. Modeh Ani. I am grateful. We are grateful.

I once heard a story about a sea captain who would put on his reading glasses every time he ate strawberries. “Why do you do that,” his crew finally asked. The captain replied, “I love strawberries. The difficult things in life always seem bigger than they really are, so I wanted the good things to appear bigger too.”

There is much good to be found in the world. Often it feels like the bad overshadows the good. However, this is the season of gratitude, a time when we seek out and give thanks for all of the good that surrounds us. Whether it is celebrating our beloved Phillies, sitting around our Thanksgiving table, enjoying the blessings of our TBS community, or simply appreciating the gift of each new day, may we remember to give thanks for all of the good in our lives.



Our services warmly embrace all of our congregants and friends in the community every day of the week. Virtual options are always available. Go to for details.

Morning Minyan In-person and Zoom Monday-Friday at 7 am Sundays plus major secular holidays at 8 am

Evening Minyan Zoom Sunday-Thursday at 8 pm

Shabbat Services In-person and Livestream Friday at 6:15 pm Saturday at 9:30 am

Shabbat Minha/ Ma’ariv/Havdallah In-person and Livestream Saturday evening before sundown – go to for times.


As we approach the end of the calendar year, many of us consider year-end charitable contributions, not only in the spirit of giving, but to help offset our tax liability. As always, your donations to TBS are greatly appreciated and are used in many ways to enhance our synagogue. Some congregants choose to pay their dues in full or pay down their building fund balance to help offset their tax liability. Others choose to donate their required minimum distribution from their IRA to TBS. Some congregants choose to donate to TBS through the contribution of stock. This is a very attractive year-end tax-savings strategy and donating appreciated stock can increase your tax benefit. If you donate an appreciated security that you have owned for longer than one year, you will avoid paying the capital gains on the sale. In addition, the gifted stock allows you to potentially deduct the entire value of the donation on your tax return. Stock donations can also be applied towards various areas of financial obligation to the synagogue. An end-of-year charitable contribution to TBS is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to lessen our tax burden and provide a valuable donation to our shul. If you cannot give today, please consider a gift for the future through the Life & Legacy program. If you would like to learn more about Life & Legacy, or how you can donate to TBS through the contribution of stock, please contact me at or (856) 751-6663 x218. For tax advice, please consult your tax advisor.


Mazel Tov to Arlene Lauf & Marc F. Goldstein on the engagement of their son Ethan Lauf Goldstein to Nikki Press.

Phyllis & Art Goldstein on the birth of their great granddaughter Emma Lin Gordon.

Rachel Sietz & Sarah Weiss and Gilah Lewis Sietz & Brian Sietz on the birth of their son and grandson John David (JD) SietzWeiss. John David is the great grandson of Rabbi Albert,z”l and Sarah,z”l Lewis.

Nicole & Anthony Stefanoni on the birth of their daughter Stella Nicole.

Jan & Bruce Apple on the birth of their grandson Aiden Max Oppenheimer.

Samantha & Hal Goldstein and Dawn & Richard Stern on the birth of their son and grandson Gavin Reed Goldstein.

Nicole & David Kramer on the birth of their son Elijah Jacob.

Pauline & David Schwarz on the birth of their granddaughter Hallie Larissa Urda.

Gilah Lewis Sietz & Brian Sietz on the marriage of their daughter Shoshannah to Ryan Leon.

Condolences to Deenie Ettenson, Adrian Berger-Ettenson, and Hilary Ettenson on the death of their beloved nephew and cousin Scott Berman.

Barbara Spigelman on the death of her beloved aunt Jean Hersh.

Michael Landsman on the death of his beloved grandmother Evelyn Landsman.

Mark Gelernt on the death of his beloved mother Rosalie ‘Curley’ Gelernt.

Gloria Wuhl on the death of her beloved husband Louis Wuhl.

Lee Brooks on the death of his beloved wife Ellen Brooks.

Lorraine Jerud, Adrienne Rosenthal, and Ilana Shein on the death of their beloved mother and grandmother Regina Landau.

Florence Chessler on the death of her beloved sister Sandi Saluck.

Steven Ritz on the death of his beloved father Arthur H. Ritz.

Judy Saslow on the death of her beloved father William Saslow.

Joanne Kanoff and Matthew Kanoff on the death of their beloved mother and grandmother Elaine Fischer.



November 5

Jeremy Perlow

Son of Lori Perlow & Michael Perlow

November 12

Adam Litwack

Son of Michelle & Andrew Litwack

November 19

Sadie Belkin Daughter of Andrea & George Belkin

December 3

Michaela Rosenbaum Daughter of Marisa & Seth Rosenbaum

December 10

Molly Baskies & Zoe Baskies

Daughters of Miriam & Doug Baskies

January 7

Matthew Grossman

Son of Melissa & Andrew Grossman

January 14

Sebastian Schneider Son of Emily & Justin Schneider

January 21

Zachary Friedman Son of Jaime & Michael Friedman

January 21

Danni Zak Daughter of Melissa & Rudy Zak

January 28

Benjamin Gelbart Son of Marcia Gelbart


Temple Beth Sholom



Residence Weekend with Rabbi Menachem Creditor

November 18-20, 2022

Friday, November 18

6pm Join us for an upbeat and musical Wine and Cheese Kabbalat Shabbat followed by a Shabbat dinner and discussion with Rabbi Creditor on: The Cosmic Impact of Human Action

Shabbat, November 19

10:15am Join us for a Shir HaLev Shabbat morning service in the Rose Chapel/Jenofsky Beit Midrash. The service will be filled with music, drums, and inspiring teachings by Rabbi Creditor.

After services and kiddush, Rabbi Creditor will lead a discussion in the Rose Chapel/Jenofsky Beit Midrash on: The Place of Gratitude in a Post-Pandemic World

Sunday, November 20

9:15am Join us for a bagel breakfast in the Friedman Social Hall as Rabbi Creditor presents: Jewish Social Justice, 50 Years after Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel in partnership with the TBS Social Advocacy Committee

11:15am Rabbi Creditor will join the HaMakom Teen program to discuss The Insecurity of Freedom: Pursuing Social Justice in an Imperfect World

Rabbi Menachem Creditor serves as the Pearl and Ira Meyer Scholar in Residence at UJAFederation New York and was the founder of Rabbis Against Gun Violence. An acclaimed author, scholar, and speaker with over 1 million views of his online videos and essays, he was named by Newsweek as one of the fifty most influential rabbis in America. His many books and albums of original music include the global anthem “Olam Chesed Yibaneh” and the COVID-era 2-volume anthology “When We Turned Within.” He and his wife Neshama Carlebach live in New York, where they are raising their five children.

To register for Wine and Cheese Shabbat (no charge) or our Shabbat Dinner at $36/person, please go to:



Healing Service

At difficult moments we turn to community and prayer. If you are praying for restored health for yourself or a loved one, if you have recently suffered a loss, if you are experiencing a particular difficulty or in need of comfort and support, or if you are simply interested in an hour of community, song, prayer, and uplift, this service is for you. Join Rabbi Wexler for a soulful and uplifting one-hour healing service preceding certain holidays as these times can be difficult for those who find themselves experiencing pain and sadness. Through prayer, meditation, sharing, and singing, we will strive to find healing, strength, and hope in one another.

All Healing Services begin at 7 PM.

NoveMbeR 21 With chava MiReL

deceMbeR 14 With Rabbi Josh WaRshaWsky

JaNuaRy 25 With Rabbi aRieL Root-WoLpe

MaRch 30 With aRieLLe koRMaN May 22 With GReta RoseNstock

Shir HaLev

Prayer & Soulful Singing

Do you know a TBS member who is ill, has lost a loved one, or who otherwise might benefit from a call or visit from one of our clergy? Contact Laura Padersky at or 856-751-6663 and she will make sure it gets to our Rabbis’ and Cantor’s attention.

Shir HaLev

Shir HaLev provides an opportunity to further connect to prayer through soulful singing on Shabbat morning. Come with an open mind, an open heart, and ready to sing! A group of committed davening leaders, great drummers, and Cantor Cohen and the rabbis lead a mixture of old and new tunes and kavanotintentions - for the purpose of elevating our prayer experience. Shabbat mornings at 9:30 am NoveMbeR 19; deceMbeR 17

Wine and Cheese Shabbat

Welcome the spirit of Shabbat with wine, appetizers, and spirited singing and drumming of Friday night services, all outside in our newly renovated Sukkah area. Dress comfortably, come ready to schmooze, and be ready to be lifted up by the joy of community and the beauty of song and prayer. Fridays at 6:15 pm

NoveMbeR 18 – paRt of schoLaR iN ResideNce WeekeNd With Rabbi MeNacheM cReditoR

JaNuaRy 27 – paRt of schoLaR iN ResideNce WeekeNd With dR. aRNoLd eiseN


Project Yahad

Temple Beth Sholom is united in its mission to provide an environment that addresses and nurtures individuals with special needs and their families with consideration of their strengths and abilities in all areas of congregational life. Open to the entire community regardless of synagogue affiliation, Project Yahad programs are warm, welcoming, and offer all attendees full participation. Funding for Project Yahad at TBS is generously provided by the Special Needs Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. and in memory of Mort Comer.

All Project Yahad services begin at 11 AM.

deceMbeR 3 With sheLdoN LoW; JaNuaRy 28

Scholar-in-Residence Weekend with Jewish Theological Seminary Chancellor Emeritus Dr. Arnold Eisen JaNuaRy


Dr. Eisen will be discussing his new book, Seeking the Hiding God Arnold Eisen served as Chancellor of JTS from 2007-2020 and is currently a member of its faculty, teaching courses in modern Jewish thought. Widely recognized as one of the world’s experts on American Judaism, Eisen is the author of five books, dozens of scholarly articles and hundreds of essays, blogs and commentaries on the weekly Torah portion. He is currently completing work on a volume of personal theology entitled Seeking the Hiding God.



Soul Sisters

Led by caNtoR coheN

Join a great group of women as we explore the stories, laws, and role of women in the Tanakh through a lively discussion of the parashah of the week.

WedNesdays, NoveMbeR 30; deceMbeR 14; JaNuaRy 11, 25; febRuaRy 8, 22; MaRch 8, 22; apRiL 19; May 10, 24

12:30 pM – iN peRsoN

We’ll be meeting at the Katz JCC Arts, Books & Culture Festival on November 9!

Lunch & Learn — Hanukkah Newly Illuminated

tuesdays deceMbeR 6, 13, 20

12:30 pM - ZooM

Join Rabbis Peltz, Wexler and Lindemann for a deep exploration of Hanukkah’s history, practices and messages.

Tuesday Night Talmud — Berakhot Beyond Motzi: Snakes, Kings, and Philosophy of Prayer

Led by Rabbi LiNdeMaNN aNd Rabbi katZ

The Second Volume of Masekhet Berakhot contains both Halakhah and Aggadah. Both provide insight into Judaism’s philosophy of prayer. In Jewish tradition, there seems to be a blessing for everything, but is that really so? Are there prayers that should not be offered? Are there spiritual prerequisites for prayer? What makes a prayer or blessing effective? Does the Torah require prayer? Are only fixed prayers acceptable? What about spontaneous prayer? Beyond Motzi, what do we bless…and why? tuesdays, NoveMbeR 8, 22; deceMbeR 13, 27; JaNuaRy 10, 24; febRuaRy 7, 21; MaRch 14, 28; apRiL 11; May 2, 16 8:15 pM – iN peRsoN

Registration Fee $70, includes texts and materials – Contact Laura Padersky at to register.

Lunch & Learn — The Abayudaya Jewish Community of Uganda with Yonatan Katz Lukato and Esau Wamani

Join Yonatan and Esau, members of the Abayuda Jewish Community of Uganda who were with us on Yom Kippur, for a Lunch & Learn about their community’s fascinating history, observances, and music. We will meet at TBS and lunch will be available. Free to attend but registration required. Register at to attend in person. No need to register if attending via Zoom. tuesday, NoveMbeR 15 at 12:30 pM

Join us for a light breakfast at TBS where Yonatan and Esau will share their story of the Abayudaya Jewish Community in Uganda. Rabbi Peltz will give an update about the progress TBS has made in providing them with help and support. Free to attend in-person. No registration required. Zoom option available. WedNesday, NoveMbeR 16 at 9 aM


Aging With Grace

‘Gray hair is a crown of Glory; It is attained by the way of righteousness’ Proverbs 16:31 Such is the way we age. First the hair, then the eyesight, teeth, then what??? Aging is inevitable; along with taxes. HOW we age is a gift we can give to our children, family, friends and those around us. What kind of legacy can we leave as we gray and squint? Judaism gives us so many beautiful, practical and intelligent ways to age with grace. Join Gilah as we discover this amazing world of aging together as we learn a little, cry a little and laugh a lot!! thuRsdays, deceMbeR 22; JaNuaRy 12 2 pM - iN peRsoN



Family-Centered Learning for 2022-2023/5783

Creating community through a partnership of exciting, safe, and engaging in-person learning, family programs, and events throughout the year.

For more information about our programs contact Director of Congregational Learning, Alex Weinberg, at, Director of Early Childhood Education, Annie Siegel, at, or Rabbi Bryan Wexler at


Family Service-Grades 2-6

Family services are fun, engaging Shabbat morning experiences at TBS! Students read Torah and lead the service. Each grade hosts one family service throughout the school year. A host class leads special prayers and has other leadership roles in the service. NoveMbeR 19 (daLet cLass hostiNG); deceMbeR 17 With speciaL Guest sheLdoN LoW; JaNuaRy 21; febRuaRy 4 (bet cLass hostiNG); MaRch 11 ( vav cLass seRvice); apRiL 29 (hay cLass hostiNG)

Oneg Shabbat-Back for 2022-2023!

Join us at TBS for an Oneg Shabbat (hors d’oeuvres) before our Friday evening family service. Come schmooze, have an appetizer (and a glass of wine) and then enjoy the Friday night Shabbat experience.

NoveMbeR 18 (GaN aNd aLeph); deceMbeR 9 (GiMMeL aNd daLet); JaNuaRy 27 (hay aNd vav); MaRch 17 (bet); apRiL 21

Mishpaha Minyan Gan and Aleph, Kindergarten and First Grade, Family Service

Join Alex for a fun and engaging Shabbat celebration at TBS full of singing, dancing and a lot of FUN! NoveMbeR 5; deceMbeR 10; febRuaRy 11

Shabbat@Home Friday Evening Zoom Shabbat Family Experiences

Join us as we celebrate the beginning of Shabbat together with singing and the blessings of the Shabbat dinner table.

NoveMbeR 4; febRuaRy 24


Havdallah is the Saturday evening service that separates Shabbat from

the rest of the week. Join us for this short, beautiful Zoom service as we start our week together. deceMbeR 10; JaNuaRy 28

ECEC-aged Family Shabbat Service

Join us as we celebrate Shabbat in a fun, family-friendly service!

For our EBJ ECEC and TBS FamilySiblings, guests, and special friends are invited too.

NoveMbeR 5; deceMbeR 3 With sheLdoN LoW; JaNuaRy 7; febRuaRy 11; MaRch 4; apRiL 22

Project Yahad Special Needs Shabbat Service

A joyous Shabbat celebration for individuals with special needs and their families

deceMbeR 3 With sheLdoN LoW, JaNuaRy 28, febRuaRy 25, MaRch 18, May 20



B. Jacobs Early Childhood Education Center

The Eric B. Jacobs Early Childhood Education Center (EBJ ECEC) has been recognized for its engaging, fun-filled, family-centered curriculum. Children explore their natural environment and learn through age-appropriate activities, music, and play. Jewish values, community life, and Hebrew language are woven throughout each part of our innovative curriculum. With loving guidance from our fabulous faculty, children learn, grow, and thrive.

Our enrichment curriculum includes weekly Gym, Library, Music, and ZZ Dance class as well as joyful Tefillah, Havdallah, and pre-Shabbat services with Alex Weinberg. Children enjoy singing, dancing, and celebrating with their EBJ ECEC family several times per week along with extra enrichment activities such as animal visits and STEM programs. We are open from 7am-6pm Monday through Friday with flexible scheduling options available.

HaMakom Sundays, 11:15 AM – 1 PM

• Beit Makom: Focus in on current events and Jewish ethics in sessions taught by Rabbi Wexler, Rabbi Peltz, Alex Weinberg, Jared Kaufman, and John Imhof

• #TrendingJudaism: three-week mini-courses focused on a myriad of themes

• Hesed Projects

• Community Service Trips

• Lots of delicious snacks!

11th-12th Grade HaMakom Tuesdays, 6:45-8:15 PM

• All year at TBS

• Class taught by Rabbi Peltz

Kesher Tuesdays

6:30 - 8:30 PM

• Dinner every Tuesday night with fun games, raffles, desserts and more!

• Teen Summits: Evenings with special guest teachers from around the country

• Holiday Hesed Programs: Holiday celebrations with community service components

• Core Classes

• A myriad of electives!





Thank you for your contribution to our High Holy Day Appeal! Your gift of tzedakah will help us continue to stay connected, learn, and thrive in all that we do at TBS. I invite those of you who have not yet contributed to this year’s Appeal to join your fellow congregants in the list below. Together, we will build our legacy and ensure the strength and vitality of our kehillah kedoshah for many years to come. — Marty Chazin, TBS President

Jeff & Susan Aaronson

Arthur & Roberta Abramowitz

Jeff & Ruth Abrams

Russ & Racine Abrams

Mark & Pam Adler

Alyssa Ames-Korth

Jonathan & Susan Anolik

Jeff Antonoff & Florence Haut

Jamie & Allison Arking

Jesse & Jill Arnstein

Sarah B. Sellers

Jerry & Gloria Baer

Seth Baer

Carl & Lori Bagell

Marshall & Harriet Baker

David & Dorit Bannett

Gregg & Julie Bannett

Sherman Bannett

Andrew & Vivian Barnett

Selina Barnett

Arnie & Susan Baskies

Susan Bass Levin

Michael & Debbi Bass

Mark Baum & Linda Bornstein Baum

Steven & Jacqueline Baumgarten

Howard & Mikki Becker

Ross & Debra Begelman

Danny & Lainee Beigel

George & Andrea Belkin

Ed & Judy Bender

Barry & Stephanie Berger

Adrian Berger-Ettenson & Arielle Silver

Ellen Berju

Alan & Evelyn Berkowitz

Fred & Shelli Berlinsky

Richard & Rebecca Berman

Robert & Tina Berman

Bobbi Bernstein Myrna Birnbaum Ron Birnbaum

Andrew & Amy Blackstone

Alan & Arlene Blocher

Bob & Robie Bloom

Ray Blume

Nuri & Stefanie Boardman

Bob & Myrna Bookbinder

Ronnie & Sylvia Bookbinder

Steve & Allison Borenstein

Evelyn Bradin

Warren & Roslyn Brandies

Elliot & Lori Braunstein

Meir & Lisa Braunstein

Millard Braunstein

Eric Braverman & Neil Brown

Jeffrey & Ruth Brenner

Ron Bressler & Donna Vaupen-Bressler

David & Michelle Brill

Michele Levene Brill

Ronald & Anita Brittner

Paul & Ruth Brodnick

David & Lois Bromberg Cliff & Marcia Brown Jeff & Sandy Brown Miles & Marsha Brumberg Howard & Simone Bryerman Drew & Ilene Burach

Chuck & Stephanie Cahn Ben & Julie Calem

David & Karin Caplin Howard & Rosanne Cetel Bob & Sandee Chalik

Mark & Marsha Chazin Marty & Stacey Chazin Michael & Cori Cherkas

Marilyn Chesnick Brona Cohen

Danny & Nancy Cohen Doug & Donna Cohen Jeff & Sherrie Cohen Cantor Jen Cohen Michael Cohen & Robin Lewis Joya Comer Bernie & Jill Coval Steven & Alyece Cummings

Mark & Margie Dannenbaum Aaron & Julie Dorfman David & Dana Dunkelman

Adam Davey & Sylvia Twerskey

Stanley Day Michael & Ruth Dickerman Aaron & Julie Dorfman

Donald Dorfman

Neil & Gail Dorfman

Harold & Judy Einhorn

Marty & Athena Ellner

Joel Elson

Alan & Gail Epstein

Bernie & Marlene Epworth

Alan & Deenie Ettenson

Mark & Dana Fallick

David Farber

Jeffrey & Reva Farenback-Brateman

Joyce Feder

Jim & Shirley Feigenbaum

Martin Feigenbaum & Bethann Platt

Alan & Miriam Feldman Lenny Feltoon

Jeff & Stephanie Fendrick

Mark & Caren Fendrick

Abraham & Ellen Ferdas Marc & Julie Ferdas

Jerry & Ann Fine

Jeff & Anna Fineberg

Eric & Jessica Fingerman

Al Finkelstein & Esther Dukes

Jacob Fischer & Danielle McCormack

Beth Fisher

Josh & Rachael Fisher

Michael & Jennifer Frankel

Bart & Vivian Friedman

Bonnie Friedman


Richard & Caryn Friedman

Glenn Fuhrman

Nir & Rachel Gabay

Avi & Debra Galler

Evan Galperin & Jenn Gorchow-Galperin

Agnes Gancz

David & Abbey Gancz

Anita Garber

Mitch & Andrea Garber

Scott & Sandra Garberman

Arnon Garonzik & Nancy Gold

Mark & Jana Gelernt

Sol & Susan Genauer

Sam & Lisa Gershenfeld

Barry & Susan Gertsman

James & Jaclyn Gibson

Len Gildiner & Lynn Green

Allan & Elissa Ginsburg

Dennis & Beverly Glass

Barry & Ahuva Gleimer

Jeff & Emily Gleimer

Charlotte Gold

Jordan & Judy Goldberg

Gary & Randi Goldblatt

Girard & Linda Goldkrantz

David Goldman & Deborah Marchand

Art & Phyllis Goldstein

Charles & Sharon Goldstein

Hal & Samantha Goldstein

Jack & Brenda Goldstein

Jared & Stephanie Goldstein

Josh & Alexis Goldstein

Michael & Sandy Goldstein

Stuart & Jackie Goldstein

Curt & Michele Golkow

Peter & Rosanne Goodman

Steven & Andrea Goodman

Mitchell & Stefani Graff

Benjamin & Sharon Green

Bill & Amy Green

Alan & Sara-ellen


Charles & Zelda Greenberg

Mike & Suzi Greenberg

Richard Greenberg & Janine Breier

Scott & Robyn Greenberg

Stephen & Robin Greenberg

Michael Greenspun

Brad & Marissa Grossman

Gerry & Bobbi Grossman

Susan Travis Grossman

David Gubman & Jodi Feldman

Frank & Lori Haaz

Geoff & Jill Hammel

Jay Hammel

Laura Handel

Steven & Lyn Harley

Yakir & Cindi Hasit

Paul & Ruth Herron Neal Herzog

Warren Heymann & Rhonda Schnur

Barry & Barbara Hoffman

Jonathan & Karen Hoffman

Ken & Sherri Hoffman

David & Renee Hollander Abe & Lena Horn

Ira & Elisabeth Horowitz

Joel & Sharon Horowitz

Bernard & Marlene Jacobs

Carolyn Jacobs

Todd & Esilda Jacobs

Harris & Marla Jay

Stephen & Nina Jay Mitch & Paula Jayson

Gretchen Jenofsky

Mark & Lisa Joseph

Glenn & Wendy Josephs Mitch Josephs

Joanne Kahn

Joe & Susan Kamerling

Martin & Joanne Kanoff

Matt Kanoff & Liz Steele

Herb & Bonnie Karfeld

Charles & Shirley Kastenberg

David & Jill Kastenberg

Sam & Liza Kates

Lenny & Lori Katz

Rabbi Michael & Fran Katz

Paul & Sarah Kaufman Michael & Becky Kelberg

Sheldon Kerner

Dan & Lisa Kessler Myron Kessler

Steven & Margie Kessler

Edward Kilsdonk & Julie Lehrman

Jocelyn Klein

Mark Klein

Ronald & Helene Klimberg

Greg & Rachel Klingenstein

Joe & Donna Kornbleuth

Debbie Korngold

Jeff & Sue Kossow

Mitch & Cyndee Kotler

Bob & Debbie Kotzen

Bill & Victoria Kozuch

Mark & Heather Kramer

Aaron & Stephanie Krause

Jason & Sara Kreisman

Brandon & Rachel Kuperinsky

Fred & Rachel Kurz

Roni & Lauren Lagin

Ben Landsburg & Arielle Davis

Michael Landsman & Naomi Baumgarten

Jonathan Lapin & Sara Barnett

Andrew & Jennifer Laver Irvin Lazar & Betzy Abramson

Michael & Deborah Lazar

Bruce Levin & Elizabeth Helfer Lynne Levin

Neil & Andi Levin

Adam & Jamie Levine

Aileen Levine

Bruce & Rosalee Levine

Howard & Susan Levine

Jeff & Michele Levine

Neil & Sue K. Levine

Richard & Janet Levine

Michael & Julie Levy

Warren & Becky Levy

Michael & Arlene Lewis

Mark & Rachel Lichtenberg

Mark & Roz Lichterman

Barry & Carol Liftman

Jerome & Phyllis Lightman Jeremy & Ali Lindemann

Rabbi Steven & Jane Lindemann Dan & Amanda Linick Andrew & Michelle Litwack Karen Malmud

Robert Malmud Betsy Markman

Jeff & Beth Masin

Alex & Jen Matro

Sheldon Mednick

Ian & Susan Meklinsky

Ed & Shoshana Melman

David & Sandy Meyer

Marc Michelson & Patti Brown


Alan Miller

Seth & Naomi Mirowitz

Stephen Mohler & Melissa Brown

Marc & Lori Oppen

Zach & Terri Oppenheimer

Jonathan & Carol Orwitz

Larry & Laura Padersky

Edward & Carol Papish Bruce Paul

Rabbi Micah Peltz & Rachel Zivic

Robert & Nancy Perilstein

Rick & Shirley Perkins

Rich & Debbie Perlman

Michael Perlow

Bernie & Judy Platt

Rena Platt-Goldstein

Adam & Ally Pollack

Joel & Bobbie Porter

Sam & Shari Rabinowitz

David & Dana Rabizadeh

Matthew & Tammy Raden

Bruce & Robbie Ranes

Brett & Lauren Ravitz

Shawn & Debbie Ravitz

Chad Rebhun & Brooke Berson

Don & Fran Rebhun

Minna Recht

Steven & Sharon Ritz

Brian & Suzanne Robinson

David & Janet Romisher

Gary & Sivya Romisher

David & Susan Romm

Philip & Iris Rosen

Sheryle Rosen

Seth & Marisa Rosenbaum

Ben & Mindy Rosenblum

Brett & Mara Rosenthal

William Roth Anita Rothstein

Gabe & Kimberly Rozengarten

Harry & Elizabeth Rozyn Ken & Marlene Rubin

Paul & Candy Rubin

Mort & Shirley Rubinstein

Seth & Barbara Ruderman

Steven & Leslie Sacharow

Ron & Jen Safier

Phil & A’nde Sax

Brian & Shira Scanlon

Ira & Tricia Schafer

Barry & Naomi Schimmer

Justin & Emily Schneider

Joel & Courtney Schulnick

Brad & Gigi Schwartz

Elliot & Barbara Schwartz

Eric & Rebecca Schwartz

Erik & Mindy Schwartz

Mark & Sharon Schwartz

Samuel Schwartz

Steven & Melanie Schwartz Chuck & Cheryl Scott

Jason & Jessica Seavey

Richard & Mimi Sebek

Allen Seftel & Lindsay Hartley

Rabbi Joel & Eliana Seltzer

Paul & Hilary Sennett

Theodore & Marian Shafman

Harvey & Gail Shapiro

Ken & Hazel Shapiro

Mark & Alison Shapiro

Elkan Siegal & Joan Divor

Ian & Lauren Silverman

Howard & Debbie Silverstone

Paul & Ann Simon

Arthur & Janet Simons

Aaron & Dotti Singer Jordy & Linda Sitnick

Tony Smith & Dana Natale Dan & Natali Snyder Janine Sobel

Mark & Sharon Sobel Mark & Toby Soble Greg & Jessica Soffian Jerome & Tania Sokoloff Larry & Barrie Solomon Brandon & Caryn Spector

Joel Spector & Josephine Kendall Amy Spiegel

Jake & Barbara Spigelman David & Ellen Spitz Jason Springer & Sarah Kaplan Philip & Ruth Springer Allen & Susan Stallop Al & Vicki Stein Bryan & Fran Stein Pearl Stein

Ronen Stein & Jacquelyn Hatch-Stein

Scott & Meredith Stein Michael & Cindy Steinsaltz

Gerry & Helene Sterling

Alvin & Jodi Stern

Brad Stern

Geoffrey & Ilana Stern

Robert & Debra Stern Gary & Lynn Sternberg

Eric & Cindy Stevens

Steven & Andrea Stomel Howard & Debra Sukinik Sam & Shayna Sukoneck

Jon & Ann Sundstrom

Barry & Michele Susson

JoAnne Sutkin

Joe & Debbie Swerdlow

Alan & Jamie Tate Larry & Jeannie Teller

Mark & Susan Trager

Carrie Trantas

Howard & Patty Trichon

Eli Turetsky & Rose Magness

Todd & Michele VonDeak

Mark & Daniella Wallace

Ted & Leah Wallach

Scott & Michele Warren

Adam & Michele Waxman

Howard & Jo-Ann Waxman

Adam & Missy Wayne

Alex & Jessica Weinberg

Herb Weiner & Sheila Shapiro Weiner

Ira & Tara Weiner

Perry & Debbie Weinstock

David & Amy Weiss

Rabbi Bryan & Becca Wexler Jonathan & Lori Winter David & Eileen Wolf

Stevan & Karen Wolf Steven & Erika Wolf Cindy Yellin

Len & Marsha Yorinks Rudy & Melissa Zak Judith Zander

Mark & Leslie Zaontz

Lillian Zelnick

Bruce & Renee Zemble Harry & Debbie Zimmerman

List as of November 7, 2022



Steven & Iris Auerbach

Leslie Brisman & Toni Davis

Jason & Jackie Brooke

Selah Caliva

Donald Dorfman

Jared & Jessica Elster

Ronnie & Lisa Feingold

Jeff & Anna Fineberg

Jacob Fischer & Danielle McCormack

Natalie Gaber

L.A. & Lauren Gabler

Evan Galperin & Jenn Gorchow-Galperin

Victor Garrido & Erica Greenberg

Daniel & Lian Genzer

Jared & Stephanie Goldstein

Jamie & Mariel Husson

Lorraine Jerud

Judith Kaplan

Steven & Caren Kaufman

Jonathan & Amanda Klear

Michael & Susan Kravitz

Jonathan Lapin & Sara Barnett

Zeff & Rosa Lazinger

Shuvy & Laura Leibman

John & Cheryl Makopoulos

Dan & Jodi Manvich

Betsy Markman

Joseph & Jaclyn Miessau

Steve & Gail Raucher

Dana Rosen

Evan & Jill Rosenthal

Maor & Sarah Rozalis

David & Sarah Rub

Adam & Anna Rubin

Andy & Gloria Schwartz

Zach & Zara Shapiro

Daniel Shein & Ilana Jerud Shein

David & Allison Simon

Geoffrey & Ilana Stern

Jacob & Mary Udell

Eylon Winterstein & Melissa Litwack

Matt Zimmerman & Lori Wislocki


We look forward to seeing you at these events! Details can be found at


February 10 – B’Emtza Shabbat Celebration

Book Club

November 7 - Join us at the Katz JCC Arts, Books, and Culture Festival December 7 - People Love Dead Jews by Dara Horn January 4 - More Than I Love My Life by David Grossman


November 17 – Jonathan Goldstein presents The Jews of the Gilded Age

December 15 – Rabbi Lindemann presents Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories That Heal by Rachel Naomi Ramen, MD December 24 – Hazak Shabbat

January 8 – Joint event with Men’s Club – Seth Kibel – Kurt Weill January 19 – Nachson Rodriques Pereira presents Jewish Amsterdam

Men’s Club

November 7 – Monday Night Football at TBS January 8 – Joint event with Hazak – Seth Kibel – Kurt Weill December 17 – Bowling Event with Sisterhood January 20-21 – Men’s Club Shabbat


November 15 – Torah Yoga with Cantor Cohen and led by Cantor Elizabeth Shammash

December 4 – Torah Fund Brunch honoring Rachel Lichtenberg with the Karen Baer Emerging Leader Award

December 8 – Caring Sisters with TBS Bioethics Committee December 17 – Bowling Event with Men’s Club January 19 – Torah Study with Rabbi Peltz January 24 – Baking Event with Young Members Group

Social Action

November 16, December 13, January 15 – Cook for a Friend January 15 – Mitzvah Day

Young Members Group

November 5 – Adult Night Out at Mechanical Brewery December 21 – Hanukkah Lighting

January 14 – Havdallah & Family Event January 24 – Baking Event with Sisterhood



We welcome members of our community to consider making a tribute throughout the year to honor an occasion or a loved one, express gratitude, wish a speedy recovery to someone who is ill, or memorialize a yahrzeit. To send a contribution card online go to or call the TBS office at 856-751-6663.

We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions from August 23 – October 31:

Adam Convissar Fund

In Memory of Vera M. Ash Frank & Peggy Kushman

Adult Israel Trip Fund in Memory of Stuart & Maxine Winston

In Appreciation of Ron Safier Michael & Ruth Dickerman

Bob & Estelle Richter Hazak Fund

In Honor of Marilyn Zibbell Joyce Feder Sharon & Charles Goldstein grandsons

Aiden & Ethan B’nai Mitzvah Barton & Vivian Friedman, Minna Recht

In Memory of Estelle Richter David & Mary Thun

Camp Ramah Fund

In Honor of David Wolf Dan & Amy Ojserkis

Birth of Toby & Howard Winter grandson

Gladys Steinberg

Marriage of Sara Barnett & Jonathan Lapin Jerome & Gloria Baer, Joyce Feder

Ayelet Seltzer, Rabbi Joel and Eliana Seltzer Richard & Miriam Sebek

Staci Boiskin Jonathan & Carol Orwitz Sharon & Charles Goldstein grandsons Aiden & Ethan B’nai Mitzvah Alan & Diana Ettenson

In Memory of Scott Berman Charles & Sharon Goldstein

Cantor Cohen Tzedakah Fund

In Appreciation of

Cantor Jen Cohen Martin Feigenbaum & Bethann Platt, Mary Ellen Fishman, Randy & Maris Friedman, Bruce & Robbie Ranes, Adam & Adrienne Rosenthal, Greg & Jessica Soffian, Jacob & Barbara Spigelman, Gloria Wuhl, Cindy Yellin

In Honor of Marriage of Drew Burach’s father Ben & Julie Calem

Gregg & Julie Bannett Paul & Candice Rubin

Marriage of Sam Kotler to Brittany Sam & Lisa Gershenfeld

Andrea Stomel Jonathan & Carol Orwitz

Bruce Ranes Ranes Family Lois & David Bromberg grandson Eliot Bar Mitzvah Clifford & Marcia Brown

Birth of Dawn & Rich Stern grandson Gavin Reed Goldstein Sam & Lisa Gershenfeld

In Memory of Scott Berman Gerald & Barbara Grossman

Richard Feinberg Jeffrey & Susan Kossow, Sally Poulshock

Rosalie Gelernt Michael Greenspun

Naomi Katz, Rhoda Cohen Howard & Mikki Becker

Jackie Pantaliano aunt Mindy Rosenblum & Joni Schwartz

Estelle Edelman Richard Edelman

Ray Eisenberg Michael & Valerie Yasner

Herman Goldberg Jeffrey & Susan Kossow

Louis Wuhl, Arthur Ritz Charles & Sharon Goldstein


Rose Baelen Eric & Susan Baelen Beatrice Goldberg Jeffrey & Susan Kossow Shirley Ifshin Brian & Vicki Zell Abraham Albert Cindy Yellin

Claire & Herman Siegel Fund

In Honor of Engagement of Minna & Jerry Siegel son Nathaniel to Rachel Paikoff Floyd Spechler

Confirmation Class Israel Trip Fund

In Honor of Andrea Stomel Steve & Ronda Manders Jesse Arnstein Roni Silverberg

In Memory of Elliot E. Arking Jamie & Allison Arking

Yahrzeit Min H Green Green Gildiner Family

Ralph Feller Len & Marsha Yorinks Dr. Jeffrey Kramer Bioethics Initiative Fund

In Appreciation of TBS Edward & Judith Bender

In Memory of

Louie Wuhl Philip & A’ndrea Sax

Rosalie Gelernt Yale & Audrey Asbell, Sheldon Kerner, Amy Spiegel

Ellen Brooks Robert & Sandra Chalik, Joyce Feder, Warren Heymann & Rhonda Schnur

Melvin Saltz Hope Honeyman

Arthur Ritz Yale & Audrey Asbell, Warren Heymann & Rhonda Schnur

ECEC Tuition Assistance Fund

In Honor of

Birth of Ruth & Steve Cohen grandson Archer Morris Cohen Michael & Ruth Dickerman

Eric B Jacobs ECEC Fund

In Appreciation of Alex Weinberg Mary Ellen Fishman

In Honor of Lois & David Bromberg grandson Eliot Bar Mitzvah, Barry & Naomi Schimmer grandson Jonah Bar Mitzvah Gerald & Barbara Grossman

Cole Billie Silver Simhat Bat Bradley & Marissa Grossman

Speedy Recovery to Brad Stern, David Spitz Arthur & Janet Simons

In Memory of Scott Berman Philip & A’ndrea Sax

Richard Feinberg Joseph & Joyce Fox

Melvin Saltz Leona Oriolo

Louis Wuhl Alan & Diana Ettenson


David Leace Benjamin & Mindy Rosenblum


Erna & Bernie Anolik Youth Israel Scholarship Fund

In Memory of Bernard Anolik Jonathan & Susan Anolik

Fine Arts Fund

In Honor of

Birth of Gilah Lewis Sietz & Brian Sietz

grandson John David (JD) Sietz Weiss Sol & Susan Genauer

General Donations

In Appreciation of Minyan Albert Shamash

TBS Michael Ehrlich, Al Finkelstein & Esther Dukes, Michael Greenspun, Paul Kruger, Cindy Yellin

Ron Safier Rabbi Joel & Eliana Seltzer

Cantor Cohen, Rabbi Peltz, Rabbi Wexler Nan Ronis

In Honor of

Marilyn Zibbell Jensen Family, Barbara Shils

Matthew Bogdonoff marriage Jodi H Schwarzl

Marriage of Martin Feigenbaum & Bethann Platt Levy Wealth Management Group

David Wolf Mark & Marilyn Waltzer

Fran & Robert Chvala grandson Bar Mitzvah Alan & Sharon Singer

Birth of Ilana & Daniel Shein daughter Dori Uri & Cantor Marlena Taenzer

In Memory of Frances Blackstone Andrew & Amy Blackstone

Melvin Saltz Anthony & Barbara Aukstikalnis, Debra Balka, Jerome & Bunny Chapman, Shirley Frankel, Scott & Marcia Glickman and Family, Bernard & Marlene Jacobs, Thomas & Margaret Phiambolis, Robert & Katherine Uhrich

Marvin Ames Claire Cohen

Richard Feinberg Deena Iskowitz

Rosalie Gelernt Howard & Joan Coleman, Howard & Allison Lassin

David Jerud Uri & Cantor Marlena Taenzer

Isabel Jacob Scott & Pammy Kramer

Judy Kaplan's beloved husband Jerome & Phyllis Lightman

Phyllis Solomon Neil Dorfman & Gail Solomon


Joseph Bannett Sherman Bannett

Morris Baer Jerome & Gloria Baer, Arnie & Susan Baskies

Zelda Baskies Arnie & Susan Baskies

Bernice Middleman Howard & Mikki Becker

Max Frankel, Elsie Frankel, Nathan Bender

Ed & Judy Bender

Jack Bennett Kenneth Bennett

Elmer Braunstein Millard Braunstein

Louis Brill David & Michelle Brill

Bernard Brittner Ronald & Anita Brittner

Martin Coff, Carol Aserinsky David & Lois Bromberg

Samuel Cohen Alan & Judy Cohen

Sylvia Cohen Jeffrey & Sherrie Cohen

Philip Davis Deborah Davis

Dorothy Dietzek Charles & Rochelle Dietzek

Seymour Wasser Gary & Vicki Edelstein

Harry Ettenson Alan & Diana Ettenson

Jacobo Farber David Farber

Marvin Rosenholtz Jerry & Ann Fine

Bernard Fisher Beth Fisher

Samuel Zaroff, Arthur Zaroff Bonnie Friedman

Nathan Garonzik Arnon Garonzik & Nancy Gold

Anita Wolk Leslie Garonzik

Jamie Brooke Giglio James & Susan Giglio

Nathaniel Devorkin Barry & Ahuva Gleimer

Lorraine Gleaner Charlotte Gold

Roslyn Gang Linda & Girard Goldkrantz

Barbara Kaplan, Melvin Goldstein, Jules Kaplan Jack & Brenda Goldstein

Harry Grayson Mitchell & Jamie Grayson

Mary Pokras Phyllis Hait

Charlotte Hammel, Gertrude Gold Jay Hammel

Sarah Herring Marvin Herring

Jean Schnur, Horace Heymann Warren Heymann & Rhonda Schnur

Bessie Horowitz Marvin & Diane Horowitz

Phyllis Safier Mitchell & Paula Jayson

Doriane Kurz Alfred & Rachel Kurz

Bruce Levine Caren Levine

Sam Harris, Beryl Levy Warren & Rebecca Levy

Isadore Feigenbaum Michael & Arlene Lewis

Bea Bernstein, Debbie Miller Alan Miller

Florence Turetsky Ehud & Donna Nahum

Jerome Nozick Hildred Nozick

Theodore Lunine Jonathan & Carol Orwitz Rose Paul Bruce Paul

Frances Fenig Dori Rose

Benjamin Badian, Alice Rosen, Charlotte Wolf Cynthia Rosen

Samuel Rosenbaum Jeffrey & Helene Rosenbaum

Bertha Roth William Roth

Sophie Rubinstein Morton & Shirley Rubinstein

Phil Butensky, Rita Butensky Stephen & Michelle Scheinthal

Jerome Nozick, Emanuel Schimmer Barry & Naomi Schimmer

Louis Ellis Erik & Mindy Schwartz

Paul Aaron Richard & Miriam Sebek

Kitty Stallop Allen & Susan Stallop

Naftali Taubenfeld Jon & Ann Sundstrom

Deena Whitman, Emily Whitman Scott & Michele Warren

Alan Kafker Dora Wilsker

Herman Zelnick Lillian Zelnick

Leonard Zemble, Philip Passen Bruce & Renee Zemble

Bertha Kushner, Samuel Zibbell Marilyn Zibbell

George & Mary Shilling Fund

In Memory of Melvin Saltz Jerome & Tania Sokoloff

Gimmel Consecration Fund in Celebration of Morah Claire Spechler

In Appreciation of Alvin Stern, Rona Kornfeld Floyd Spechler Floyd Spechler Michael Greenspun

In Honor of Marriage of Jonathan Silverstone to Rabbi Deena Gottlieb Aaron & Stephanie Krause, Floyd Spechler

In Memory of Marvin Ames Floyd Spechler

Harry & Lillian Antell Education and Cultural Fund

In Memory of William John Wylupek Jr. Sol & Susan Genauer


Harry Antell Barry & Barbara Hoffman

Joy of Jewish Living Fund

In Appreciation of Alvin Stern Mary Ellen Fishman, Bruce Ranes

In Memory of Melvin Saltz, William John Wylupek Jr., Ellen Brooks, Regina Landau, Yizkor Alvin & Jodi Stern


JTS/TBS Scholarship Fund

In Memory of William John Wylupek Jr. Yale & Audrey Asbell

Judy & Bernie Platt Hamakom Tuition Assistance Fund


Albert Fishman Bernard & Judith Platt Mort Comer Special Needs Education Fund

In Honor of Alex Weinberg, Jill Hammel & Sara Kreisman and Project Yahad Brad & Ellen Molotsky

Marriage of Jonathan Silverstone to Rabbi Deena Gottlieb Caren Fendrick

Marriage of Rabbi Shayna Golkow to Ben Zauzmer, Marriage of Sara Barnett to JJ Lapin Joya Comer

Music Fund

In Appreciation of Cantor Cohen Neil Dorfman & Gail Solomon


Sol Blank Marvin Blank

Nathan Abramowitz Library Fund

In Honor of Phyllis & Jerry Lightman grandson Bar Mitzvah Paul & Ruth Brodnick

Marilyn Zibbell Charles & Shirley Kastenberg

Barry & Naomi Schimmer grandson Jonah Bar Mitzvah Alan & Diana Ettenson

In Memory of Rosalie Gelernt Barry & Naomi Schimmer, Harvey & Gail Shapiro Scott Berman Barry & Naomi Schimmer Louis Wuhl Arthur & Roberta Abramowitz

Perry Goldstein Minyan Fund

In Appreciation of Minyan Lorraine Jerud, Joel Toub, Walter & Denise Yosafat

In Honor of Mitch Garber Aileen Levine

In Memory of William John Wylupek Jr. Charles & Zelda Greenberg


Reba Schwartz, Perry Goldstein Stuart & Jacqueline Goldstein Reba Kerner Sheldon Kerner

Prayerbook & Bible Fund

In Honor of Marilyn Zibbell Michael & Carol Grossman

In Memory of William John Wylupek Jr Amy Spiegel

Rabbi Albert & Sarah Lewis Religious School Tzedakah Fund

In Honor of Birth of Gilah Lewis Sietz & Brian Sietz grandson John David (JD) Sietz Weiss Michael Greenspun, Stephen & Nina Jay Jakob Schmierer Bar Mitzvah VonDeak


Jeremy Perlow Bar Mitzvah Ian & Lauren Silverman

In Memory of Melvin Saltz Arnold & Ursula Kahn, Steve & Bobbie Wenick

Zinaida Rivkin, Michael Rivkin, Michael Rivkin Liliya Spielberg

Rabbi Albert Lewis Memorial Fund

In Honor of Birth of Gilah Lewis Sietz & Brian Sietz grandson John David (JD) Sietz Weiss David & Eileen Wolf

Rabbi Lindemann Lifelong Learning Center Program Fund

In Honor of Barry & Naomi Schimmer grandson Jonah Bar Mitzvah Robert & Barbara Elkan

In Memory of Richard Feinberg Andrew & Amy Blackstone

Rosalie Gelernt Ross & Debra Begelman Arthur Ritz Bruce Levin & Elizabeth Helfer


Seymour Spiegel Amy Spiegel

Rabbi Lindemann Tzedakah Fund

In Appreciation of Rabbi Steven Lindemann Marilyn Chesnick, Mary Ellen Fishman, Michael Greenspun, Adam & Adrienne Rosenthal, Alan & Rhona Weiss, Gloria Wuhl

Arnie Baskies Audrey & Yale Asbell

In Honor of Rhonda Schnur & Warren Heymann Robert & Barbara Elkan

Marriage of Sam Kotler to Brittany David & Ellen Spitz

In Memory of

Rabbi Lindemann uncle Herbie Robert & Barbara Elkan, Paul & Candice Rubin

Rosalie Gelernt Michael & Debbi Bass, Paul & Candice Rubin

Volf Shpilberg, Maya Milostova, Leonid Milostov Liliya Spielberg

Ellen Brooks Jonathan & Carol Orwitz, Stephen & Michelle Scheinthal

Bruce Levine Richard & Janet Levine Elaine Weiner Ira & Tara Weiner


Karl Gottschalk Milton & Emily Gottschalk

Rabbi Peltz Tzedakah Fund

In Appreciation of Rabbi Micah Peltz Neil Dorfman & Gail Solomon, Mary Ellen Fishman, Randy & Maris Friedman, Adam & Adrienne Rosenthal, Gloria Wuhl, Cindy Yellin Len Gildiner Scott Becker & Beth Warren

In Honor of Jacob Rhys Husson Brit Milah Frances Rissmiller

Lois & David Bromberg grandson Eliot Bar Mitzvah Jerome & Gloria Baer, Gerald & Helene Sterling

Birth of great granddaughter Ever June Weiss Lillian Zelnick

Zach Bar Mitzvah Charles & Sharon Goldstein

Maia Raquel Rub baby naming Jonathan & Lori Winter

In Memory of

Melvin Saltz Ralph Costa, Bruce & Rosalee Levine

Louis Wuhl Jarret & Laura Burak

Preston Kuptsow Howard & Mikki Becker

Jean Hersh, Marty Krimsky Scott & Ferne Reber

Milton Cohen Gladys Steinberg


Phyllis Feldman Alan & Miriam Feldman

Edmund Leon Modell Brad Stern

Abraham Goddes Carl & Beverly Byck

Joan Berlinsky, Melvyn Berlinsky Fred & Shelli Berlinsky


Greta Holzbauer, Oskar Holzbauer Edith Kalech

Benjamin Schatz Elaine Katzer

Mitchell Joseph Lisa & Mark Joseph

Renee Braunstein, Lorraine Gleaner Lillian Zelnick

Edwin Ziets Mitchell Ziets Eva Cutler Jordy & Linda Sitnick Morris Laiken Cindy Yellin

Rabbi Wexler Tzedakah Fund

In Appreciation of

Rabbi Bryan Wexler Neil Dorfman & Gail Solomon, Mary Ellen Fishman, Randy & Maris Friedman, Michele Goldstein, David & Dana Rabizadeh, Adam & Adrienne Rosenthal, Allen Seftel & Lindsay Hartley, Rosalie Shapiro, Jessica & Greg Soffian, Gloria Wuhl, Cindy Yellin

In Honor of Barry & Naomi Schimmer grandson Jonah Bar Mitzvah Charles & Sharon Goldstein

Sharon & Charles Goldstein grandsons Aiden & Ethan B’nai Mitzvah Barry & Naomi Schimmer

In Memory of Louis Wuhl Debra Orrio, David & Ellen Spitz, Jeffrey & Rebecca Wuhl and Laura & Jarret Burak

Melvin Saltz Dilles Family Judy Kessler Daniel & Lisa Kessler


Sybil Weiner Herbert Weiner & Sheila Shapiro Weiner

Ravitz Family Kindness Fund

In Memory of Diana Holtzman Geoffrey & Jill Hammel

Reid Trager Fund Yahrzeit

Ruby Trager, Renee Braunstein Mark & Susan Trager

S. Benham Kahn Library Fund


Eric Kahn, Mary Pokrus, Clara Kahn, Lauren Westlake Kahn Joanne Kahn

Marlyn Shanker Mark & Sharon Sobel

Shapiro Family Fund

In Honor of Marriage of Sam Kotler to Brittany Mark & Alison Shapiro

Shellie Greenspun Fund

In Appreciation of Michael Greenspun Alvin Stern TBS Michael Greenspun

In Honor of Michael Greenspun Charles & Sharon Goldstein

In Memory of Diana Holtzman Donald & Barbara Krachman

Scott Berman, Mollie Greenspun Michael Greenspun Rowland Spector Gary & Sivya Romisher

Shirley Lazar Preschool Fund

In Honor of Irv Lazar Alfred & Rachel Kurz

Sharon & Charles Goldstein grandsons Aiden & Ethan B’nai Mitzvah Allan & Elissa Ginsburg

In Memory of Diana Holtzman Allan & Elissa Ginsburg Gretchen Meixner Irvin Lazar & Betzy Abramson

Social Advocacy Fund

In Honor of Sharon & Charles Goldstein grandsons Aiden & Ethan B’nai Mitzvah Herb & Harriet Shanzer

In Memory of Louis Wuhl Arthur & Janet Simons

Sonya Katz Social Action Fund

In Honor of Sharon & Charles Goldstein grandsons Aiden & Ethan B’nai Mitzvah, Barry & Naomi Schimmer grandson Jonah Bar Mitzvah Robert & Myrna Bookbinder

In Memory of Scott Berman Arthur & Janet Simons


Jean Bookbinder, Joseph Cutler Robert & Myrna Bookbinder

TBS/KBA Family Scholarship Fund

In Honor of Engagement of Michelle & Steve Scheinthal son Eitan to Lizzie Mark Gelernt & Jana Caras Gelernt

In Memory of Regina Landau Geoffrey & Jill Hammel

Rosalie Gelernt Stephen & Michelle Scheinthal


Paul Aaron Richard & Miriam Sebek

Teachers Education Fund

In Honor of Marilyn Zibbell Len & Marsha Yorinks

In Memory of Melvin Saltz Erica Kaplan, Barbara Pachter Torah Fund

In Appreciation of Alex Weinberg Jerome & Gloria Baer

In Honor of Cantor Jen Cohen Harold & Judith Einhorn

In Memory of Rosalie Gelernt Charles & Zelda Greenberg Melvin Saltz Marion & Brie Katz Pearl Sulner, Alex Sulner Scott & Meredith Stein

World Jewry Support Fund

In Appreciation of TBS Mark & Roslyn Lisa Joseph, Susan Bass Levin, Janine Sobel, Jon & Ann Sundstrom Camp Ramah in the Poconos Elanah Uretsky Karen & Jonathan Hoffman Alvin & Myrna Goldberg

In Honor of Deena & Jim Dine Steven & Margery Kessler David Hollander Amy Spiegel Sharon & Charles Goldstein grandsons Aiden & Ethan B’nai Mitzvah Charles & Zelda Goldstein

In Memory of William Solomon, Phyllis Solomon, Anna Moore Jodi Solomon & Dylan Goldman Scott Berman Alan & Diana Ettenson


Jean Bookbinder Robert & Myrna Bookbinder



Friedman LLP

Hyland Levin Shapiro LLP

Joffe Door and Millwork Katz/Pierz

Mac’s Janitorial Service

Minuteman Press OmniComp

Roger Wilco/WTSO

Howard T. Sukinik, CPA Wealth CMT

21 TBS RESOURCES AND ADVERTISERS TBS RESOURCES AND ADVERTISERS ANNUAL SPONSORS 2022-23 We are grateful for the generosity and ongoing support of the TBS Annual Sponsors, who have helped provide us the means to create programs and experiences that greatly enrich our community. Learn more about our Sponsorship Program at Title Jay Roberts Jewelers Morrow Foundation & Vantage Real Estate Platt Memorial Chapels, Inc. Prime Electrical Services Diamond Ravitz Family Kosher Experience Platinum
Events & Entertainment Fox Rothschild LLP
Scrub Daddy
The Heart
Co. The Delaware Valley Group at Morgan Stanley/The Stevens Group at Morgan Stanley Perlow Productions
Silver Barrington Dental, LLC
Cherry Hill Volvo Cars
Nickel Brewing Company
CATERING CORNER Semi-Exclusive TBS Caterers Betty the Caterer Jeff Kalinsky, 215-224-8400 Classical Caterers Evan Bernstein, 732-297-6444 Deluxe Catering Daniel Israel, 215-214-9859 Prestige Caterers Spencer Katz, 718-464-8400 As of October 31, 2022
22 Franny’s Gift Shop WE ARE OPEN! Go to for hours To make an appointment email Carolyn Jacobs at 10 1 Somerdale Susan B. Trager, Millard M. Braunstein, Francine B. Rebhun Douglas A. Fendrick, Esq. Elder Law Estate Planning Wills/Trusts Special Needs Planning FENDRICK MORGAN, LLC 307 White Horse Ro 1 ad Voorhees, NJ 08043 (856) 489-8388 For additional call 856.424.0004 311 Route 73 © 2014 CRC897562 303 Marlton, 856-489-2443 2 Somerdale FAMILY DENTAL ASSOCIATES Creating Generations of Smiles 205 North White Horse Pike Somerdale, NJ 08083 (between Evesham Rd. & Somerdale Rd.) 856.783.3499 Susan B. Trager, Millard M. Braunstein, Francine B. Rebhun EstatePlanning Wills/Trusts SpecialNeedsPlanning FENDRICK&MORGAN,LLC 1307WhiteHorseRoad Voorhees,NJ08043 (856)489-8388 HOMEREPAIRS SteveMagowan Reliable,capable,honest andexperienced handyman. Call856-751-8323 10 1 Somerdale FAMILY DENTAL ASSOCIATES Creating Generations of Smiles 205 North White Horse Pike Somerdale, NJ 08083 (between Evesham Rd. & Somerdale Rd.) 856.783.3499 Susan B. Trager, Millard M. Braunstein, Francine B. Rebhun Douglas A. Fendrick, Esq. Elder Law Estate Planning Wills/Trusts Special Needs Planning FENDRICK & MORGAN, LLC 1307 White Horse Road Voorhees, NJ 08043 (856) 489-8388 For additional call 856.424.0004 311 Route 73 Kosher Dining and Entertaining Made Easy, Fun & Affordable K Square Food Specialties and K Café Greek & Mediterranean Kosher Cuisine & Catering 5245 Marlton Pike, Pennsauken 856-488-8800 Retirement College Financial © 2014 CRC897562 Steven Vice Financial 303 Lippincott Marlton, 856-489-2443 2 Somerdale FAMILY DENTAL ASSOCIATES Creating Generations of Smiles 205 North White Horse Pike Somerdale, NJ 08083 (between Evesham Rd. & Somerdale Rd.) 856.783.3499 Susan B. Trager, Millard M. Braunstein, Francine B. Rebhun DouglasA.Fendrick,Esq. ElderLaw EstatePlanning Wills/Trusts SpecialNeedsPlanning FENDRICK&MORGAN,LLC 1307WhiteHorseRoad Voorhees,NJ08043 (856)489-8388 HOMEREPAIRS SteveMagowan Reliable,capable,honest andexperienced handyman. Call856-751-8323 Eric Fraint President and Founder Your Part-Time Controller® The Nonprofit accounting specialists.™ Your Part-Time Controller, LLC 1500 Walnut Street, Suite 1200, Philadelphia, PA 19102 844-735-3457 Your financial goals. Our global resources. Mark D. Fendrick, CFP® Managing Director, Wealth Management 501 Fellowship Road, Suite 302 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 856-985-2070 1950 Route 70 East, Suite 200 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 Advertise in the Community Life Book! Contact Allison Borenstein 856-751-6663 x 203 Hilary Ettenson Sales Associate, Realtor® 123 Chester Avenue, Suite B Moorestown, NJ 08057 Office 856.234-0011 Cell 609-870-9622  Fax 856.234.3979 Realtor @HousesAndHilary C 609.870.9622 O 856.240.1072 TBS RESOURCES AND ADVERTISERS
HANUKKAH FIREWORKS CELEBRATION SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 | 4:30PM Hanukkah candle lighting, games, music, sweet treats, and a spectacular fireworks display! Open to the community. Registration encouraged at For more information, contact Michele Hasit Waxman, Director of Engagement at Temple Beth Sholom Kellman Brown Academy and PJ Library

Micah J. Peltz, Rabbi

Bryan P. Wexler, Rabbi

Jen Cohen, Cantor

Steven C. Lindemann, Rabbi Emeritus

Albert L. Lewis z”l, Rabbi Emeritus

Marty Chazin, President

Ron Safier, Executive Director

Alex Weinberg, Director of Congregational Learning

Michele Hasit Waxman, Director of Engagement

Annie Siegel, Director of Early Childhood Education

Jared Kaufman, High School Director

Allison Borenstein, Community Life Book Editor

Find more things to Love about TBS and Like our Facebook Page! FACEBOOK.COM/TBSONLINE visit our website: TBSONLINE.ORG 1901 Kresson Road Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003 856-751-6663 TBS Mission: Temple Beth Sholom is a welcoming and inclusive sacred community that connects its members to one another, Judaism, and Israel through interactive spiritual, educational, and social experiences.

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