Introduction to Self-Care as a Leader

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How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series

Introduction to Self-Care as a Leader

So what do we mean when we talk

So, self-care is not just getting a

about “self-care”? And why is this so

pedicure or a massage, although both

important as women, physicians, and

can be essential parts of your own


self-care. And self-care is not only for women – self-care is for all of us, as

At its essence, self-care is what you

humans. We need self-care for our

need each day to be your best self.

well-being as human beings.

What do you need, so that you can show up as the best version of

What else do you need in your life

yourself? The version that is most

each day so that you can feel your

aligned with your core values, your

best and show up as your best self?

personal mission and vision, your

And most importantly, how can you

leadership philosophy and the leader

model this behavior for others?

you most want to be? Tammie Chang, MD, LLC

How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series

Here are some ideas to get you

Who in your life can you think of who


models self-care well? Who is a leader

Getting 7-9 hours of sleep, every

you can think of who models self-care



Moving your body each day – whether a walk, run, biking, hike,

I ask this, as self-care is a concept that

yoga, or stretching

most of us struggle with – especially

Minimizing your alcohol intake

as leaders. And as leaders, we set the

Eating healthy foods that make

tone for those we work with, those

you feel good

who report to us, and the members of

Spending time with your loved

our teams. If we are not modeling the


behavior we want to encourage from

Hugging your kids or your

others, we are not giving others the


permission to prioritize their own self-

Reading a book

care. We must practice what we

Listening to a podcast

preach. Our actions and behaviors

Giving yourself down time every

speak volumes, much more than our

evening to wind down

words or what we say.

Taking a break from screens each day

Well-being is described as the

Being outside in nature

experience of feeling well. Our well-

Having coffee with a good friend

being includes our emotional,

Doing a 5-minute guided

physical, social, workplace, societal,


spiritual well-being. What do you need

Getting a massage or pedicure

in each areas of your life to feel well

Taking a bath

and be your best self? This, is self-

Quiet time to yourself


Tammie Chang, MD, LLC

How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series

Your Assignment: Take 20 minutes right now and write down everything that helps you to be the best version of you. What do you need? What helps you to feel well? Now take out your calendar. If you’re still old school like me, I have one of those big 8.5 x 11” paper planners! Or pull out your smartphone or Google/Microsoft Outlook calendars. Now, pick a color that denotes “self-care” to you. For me, I’ve chosen a lavender color because I find it relaxing and soothing. Now, schedule an item from your list every single day in your calendar for the next 2 weeks. YES, every single day! Highlight it in your color for “self-care” – whether in your physical or electronic calendar. If we don’t schedule it, it doesn’t happen, right? More on this later this month! Now, decide now to commit to keeping each of these self-care commitments for the next 2 weeks. Make a pact or a plan with a good friend who can help keep you accountable. Help your friend do the same and hold each other accountable! Based on your learning, reflect on how it applies to your day-to-day, please capture your reflections here to get your AMA PRA Category 1 CMEs:

Tammie Chang, MD, LLC

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