TCCBC Yearbook 2016 Special Edition

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Dear Members of Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in B.C. (TCCBC): It is my greatest pleasure and honour to express my congratulations on the accomplishments of the Taiwanese community as represented by the Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce in British Columbia. The contributions of the Taiwanese community toward the growth and prosperity of British Columbia and Canada are tremendously important in various levels and aspects of our society. As the Member of Parliament for New Westminster-Burnaby, I am grateful that my community benefits from all of your contributions, ingenuity and hard work every day. Taiwanese Canadians are well-known for their fair and progressive business practices which they have blended in with the best practices of Canada. As such, endless business and cultural exchange opportunities have been created by each one of you. Together, you have significantly strengthened the business culture in British Columbia. Therefore, I wish you a very successful and productive Annual General Meeting on June 25, 2017 as I do look forward to furthering our common goal in working to create a better future for our community where we call home.

身為新西敏-本拿比區的國會議員,我很榮幸能在此獻上我誠摯的祝福給加拿大卑 詩省台灣商會。新西敏-本拿比區是加拿大台灣移民最多的地區之一,台灣商會及 各會員的貢獻一直是我們社區發展的重要動力! 感謝台灣商會及全體會員們的付出及努力,希望台灣商會在未來的一年裡繼續領導 群倫、造福人群! Yours truly,

Peter Julian, MP New Westminster – Burnaby

國會議員 朱理民 新西敏-本拿比區


6406 Victoria Drive Vancouver, British Columbia V5P 3X7 604-775-5323


Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Confederation Building, Suite 607 613-995-7052

Harjit S. Sajjan Member of Parliament Vancouver South

I am honoured to extend my sincere congratulations to the executives, organizers and attendees of the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in B.C.’s 25th Anniversary Gala held on Saturday, June 10, 2016, at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in B.C. should be proud that since its establishment in 1992, it has effectively consolidated, strengthened and enriched the experience of the Taiwanese business community in British Columbia by bridging the gap with mainstream business groups therefore enhancing the position of Taiwanese-Canadian businesses. It is great to see that your membership has benefited from your active promotion and exchange of information and cooperation, facilitation of the demand and supply of goods and services, and fostering the reputation of the Taiwanese business community. This has been accomplished through hosting monthly business forums, mentorship program, networking events, and the annual gala banquet. You have also built successful partnerships with the Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in North America, the World Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce and the Burnaby Board of Trade that has promoted business and investment opportunities. I know all attendees of this momentous evening will be treated to great food, entertainment and prizes celebrating 25 years of the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in B.C. as well as Canada’s 150th birthday. Continue your great work in building bridges between communities!


Hon. Harjit S. Sajjan Member of Parliament Vancouver South




Legislative Office Room 201 - Parliament Buildings Victoria, BC Canada V8V 1X4 P: +1 (250) 387 3655 F: +1 (250) 387 4680 Constituency Office 10574 King George Blvd Surrey, BC V3T 2X3 P: (604)586-2740 F: (604)586-2800

June 10, 2017 June 2017


As the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Surrey-Whalley, I wish to extend my congratulations to the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in BC on its 25th Anniversary. I commend the TCCBC and its member businesses for their contributions to British Columbia's business community and economy. For 25 years, the TCCBC has fostered and promoted strong relationships between mainstream and Taiwanese businesses by hosting business forums and offering mentorship and networking opportunities. Your organization plays an incredible role in advancing the social and economic prosperity of our province.

As the Member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia for Richmond-Steveston I would like to offer my warmest greetings to all the guests attending the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce of BC (TCCBC) 25th Gala Celebration. Taiwan Chamber of Commerce BC (TCCBC) has continued to serve its members and the community at large for the last 25 years, playing an important role for networking and creating business development opportunities within and outside TCCBC. This year’s gala will also celebrate the 150th anniversary of Canada’s founding, joining Canadians who are holding celebratory activities across the country, sharing the joy of this milestone anniversary.

I recognize the importance of the role that the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce plays in British Columbia, particularly in this era of growing international trade and increased investment opportunities. Thank you for your help in strengthening the local and global ties between our province and Taiwan. I wish your organization continued success and prosperity in the years to come.

I would like to wish the directors and every member all the success with your future endeavours as TCCBC continues to fulfill its mission.


John Yap, MLA Richmond-Steveston


Bruce Ralston, MLA Surrey-Whalley

John Yap, MLA


Constituency Office 115 – 4011 Bayview Street Richmond, BC V7E 0A4

Telephone: (604) 241-8452 Facsimile: (604) 241-8493




President’s Message


會長致辭 President’s Message 李處長,各位長官,貴賓,女士,先生,大家晚安,大家好! 2017年是很特別的一年,因為今年除了是加拿大建國150週年以及溫哥華台灣商會創會25週年之外 ,也是我移民 加拿大20週年,還有我跟我太太結婚40週年的一年。 在過去一年,我也碰到了三個第一次,我是25年來最老的商會會長,當上會長時已經62歲了,我這一屆第一次有 市議員成為理事,而且就在5月9號才剛當選為省議員的康安禮女士,今天第一次有十家白金贊助廠商,提供三張商務 艙機票、兩台按摩椅及及一張經濟艙機票及豐富的獎品。 還有,我們理事會一直保持著21人的全壘打狀態,尤其特別的是我們有醫師,律師,會計師,工程師,老師,設 計師,驗屋師,地產經紀,理財保險和公司行號老闆,人才濟濟,運作起來也蠻顺暢的! 但是,中國有個順口溜:到了上海才知道錢帶得太少,到了北京才知道官當了太小,到了海南島才知道自己體 力不好,我認為我當了台灣商會會長才知道自己的能力不夠好,不好的地方當然很多,但是有兩件事是讓我比較頭痛 的,第一個就是英文程度不夠好,比較難跟白人直接溝通,第二個對於現在的電腦科技不是太了解,所以都得靠年軽 理事們的幫忙,幸好只剩20天了,心裡很是高興! 在過去的11個多月當中,我是以作生意的角度在經營商會,方法不外乎增加收入,控制支出,簡單的講就是開源 節流,所以,像這種一年一度的台商之夜,我們寧可選擇五星級飯店來辦,但是在裝璜上,我們大都自己動手,包括 後面的這個帆布背景是去年Sunny花了兩千多元留下來的,我只花了幾十塊就改變了新內容,另外各位桌上的年刋也 是送回台灣去印,一來一往之間節省了至少八千元,但是,過去的兩三個星期讓我這輩子首度感到身心俱疲,度日如 年。因為台灣的工作進度無法掌握,壓力大到食不下嚥,睡不安穩,體重掉了五公斤,所幸今天看到這樣的結果,我 的血壓已經恢復正常了。 作了一年的會長,感言就是像佛家講的:莫因善小而不為、莫因悪小而為之,也就是說辦活動不一定要找幾百 人,有時候你的networking 只來了20個人,反而因為人少而得到更多的認識朋友的機會,反而會有比較好的效果,比 方說在場有位OWEN先生,他不是會員,他就是沒花半毛錢參加了一次A&W的企業訪問,碰到了理事Peter聞,就找 到工作機會了!所以希望下一屆能夠持續辦理小活動,其實每次都有新會員加入活動,這就是商會壯大的機會。 還有,加入台灣商會的好処是認識朋友,尋找商機,又為台灣發聲,我的西區房子是透過理事Jeffrey買的,我的 房子,店面買賣都由陳律師處理,我經常收到有人要找律師,也都pass給他,會計師就找Sunny孫,至少兩個驗屋工 作介紹給牛哥。我希望不久的將來,想參加理事會必須付出更多的代價,希望下屆會長charles能夠作到這一點。 最後,我要感謝我的太太,女兒幫我們用手提回來年刋和水晶獎牌,感謝一路以來幫助我的許多貴人、朋友。感 謝前會長們鼎力的支持,不止在金錢上,精神上的更重要,最近加拿大商會總會會長Chrstina看我壓力特別大,安慰 我說:年刊萬一印錯了沒有關係,我們會把它當成美好的回憶。這句話対我的心情有很大的転變。 更要感謝我的理事群,沒有你們,我一定沒有辦法完成今天的晚會,最後要拜託大家多買彩券,就當做是贊助台 灣商會一様,祝大家身體健康,萬事如意!

高 銘 發 會長 第25屆 加拿大卑詩省臺灣商會 (604) 771-8585 |



President’s Message

會長致辭 President’s Message Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you so much for joining us tonight in celebrating the 25th anniversary of Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in BC, and the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of Canada. My name is James Kao, president of TCCBC, not c-o-w Cow, but K-a-o Kao. In Chinese, Kao means high and tall. So whenever you say “Hi James”, you’re really saying my full name. Tonight is the night of VIP’s. We are honored by the attendance of members of parliament, senator, members of the legislative assembly, the mayor of Richmond, and acting mayors of Vancouver and Burnaby. Please give them a round of applause for their contributions in supporting the Taiwanese community of Vancouver. In this year’s provincial election, for the first time in Canada’s hundred fifty years of history, 3 daughters of Taiwan were elected as MLA’s. We are extremely proud of these powerful women and the examples they set for future generations. With endless support from the B.C. government, TCCBC has thrived for 25 years and will continues to assist local Taiwanese businesses, as well as provide a gateway for companies in Taiwan. Our theme tonight is Taiwan Medical Industry Advancements and Technology. Taiwan, through rapid growth and development, now ranks third in the world in medical advancement. *clap, pause for applause* We are honored to have Dr. Chang here tonight, to speak on this topic. Finally, we will be ending the night with the best raffle draw in TCCBC’s 25 year history! Fantastic prizes include 3 business class round-trip tickets from Vancouver to Taiwan, 5 star grand tour of Taiwan, 2 luxury massage chairs, LED TV, and other prizes totaling $20 thousand dollars! I wish you all best of luck and thank you for coming today!

James Kao (Presidents) Chair for the Board of Directors, 2016-2017

(604) 771-8585 |



活動圖片 TCCBC Annual Agenda & Activities

2017.06 臺商之夜 高會長頒發 感謝狀給全體理事


活動圖片 TCCBC Annual Agenda & Activities

2017.06 臺商之夜 開幕式


活動圖片 TCCBC Annual Agenda & Activities

2017.06 臺商之夜 頒獎典禮 頒發終身成就獎予 大統華創辦人李羅昌鈺女士 VIVA集團柯江忠先生及 CIBC亞洲區副總裁范偉銘先生 主流社會領袖獎


活動圖片 TCCBC Annual Agenda & Activities


活動圖片 TCCBC Annual Agenda & Activities

2017.06 臺商之夜 頒獎典禮 贈送經文處李處長 懋功勛績 水晶獎牌 代表處章組長紀念品 臺貿中心張主任 嘉惠臺商 水晶獎牌


活動圖片 TCCBC Annual Agenda & Activities


臺商之夜 開幕式 (左)西雅圖姐妹會卓鴻儀前會 長及現任蘇會長,蒞臨指導 (下)14位前會長踴躍出席,獲 頒最佳傳承獎,由姚鈦創會長 代表接受


活動圖片 TCCBC Annual Agenda & Activities

2017.06 臺商之夜 會場花絮


活動圖片 TCCBC Annual Agenda & Activities

2016.10.22 臺灣三立電視《消失的 國界》節目來溫哥華訪 問本商會理事


活動圖片 TCCBC Annual Agenda & Activities

2016.10 日本駐溫哥華總領事 Okai女士招待李處長 前會長及本會幹部 在官邸用餐


活動圖片 TCCBC Annual Agenda & Activities

2016.09 領導班訓練營 高會長被選舉為學員長·








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