Like on the day of Pentecost!

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MARCH 2024

Dear friends!

In February we had another two very blessed evangelis�c campaigns in Ethiopia. We saw many healings and many hungry hearts that drank in the word of God.

He sent out his word and healed them. Psalm 107:20

Deaf ears and blind eyes were healed, pain of all kinds disappeared, growths and tumours were gone. God’s word is crea�ve power, but it needs to be proclaimed and combined with faith. The job of every preacher is to generate FAITH in the hearts of the listeners. Faith comes from hearing the message. When healing and salva�on are not preached, how can the listeners be healed and saved?

When the healed man heard that we were to pass through his village, he wanted to greet us and give us his tes�mony. It was his wife's faith that had restored him. She believed that if we came to pray for her husband, he would be healed. What she believed happened.

What we are experiencing in Africa could be called a revival. Everywhere there is a great hunger for God's word and people stream in thousands to the mee�ngs in order not only to hear but also experience God's word.

Our new public address system should be sent from the USA to Ethiopia this month. This will allow us to reach even more people.

On our way to the second campaign we passed through a village where we had been exactly one year before. Back then they had asked us to visit a bedridden man athometoprayfor him to be healed. He could not walk, had been confined to his bed for 14 months and had tuberculosis. In the same week a�er we had prayed for him, he was completely healed. I heardaboutitonce I was already back in Germany.

From20.to24.Marchwehaveournextevangelis�c outreach in Ilesa, Nigeria. In April we are planning another campaign in Ethiopia and at the end of May in Nigeria again. Everything depends, however, on whether we have the necessary finances – we always plan as if we had the money. Faith looks at what is invisible as if it were there and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.

I am deeply grateful for all your support in prayer and financially. We are inves�ng in eternity and everything we do here for Jesus is not in vain and will one day be rewarded in heaven, as well as here on earth.

Kind regards, God’s blessing and all the best!



Frontpage: Witchcra� caused his legs to swell up and being in pain. He was delivered and healed

Both ears were deaf for 8 years. Jesus healed him. His le� ear was deaf for 10 years. Now he can hear. She suffered from abdominal pain and bladder weakness. Healed! Her right ear was blind for the last 4 years. Healed! Her le� eye was blind for 4 years. Evangelism event in Guguma

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