Red & Blue Review 11/17

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Head of School Review

It has been a busy and exciting last few days on campus with many wonderful visits to our campus. We had an incredible Veteran’s Day performance on Friday, and we enjoyed having the chance to celebrate those who have given so much. We are truly grateful for the many sacrifices made by our veterans and enjoyed saluting their achievements

Too, on Tuesday evening, I spoke at the Tennessee Baptist Convention on behalf of my Alma Mater Carson Newman University. I enjoyed sharing my experience as a student and the profound impact the university had on my life as an educator and spiritually as a child of God.

RED & BLUE REVIEW Weekly Newsletter of Tipton Rosemark Academy VOL. 2, NO.15 IMPORTANT DATES Final Day for the Beta Club Food Drive Benefiting Bread of Life NOVEMBER 18 PreSchool Thanksgiving Program NOVEMBER 18 Thanksgiving Break NOVEMBER 21 25 Exams & 11:30am Dismissal NOVEMBER 11 11/17/22
Check the School Calendar for all Sporting Events

Head of School Review


One thing was incredibly impactful to me. Dr. Charles Fowler, the President of Carson Newman University, was a chapel speaker at TRA this semester and had an opportunity to see our campus and meet some of our students and faculty. He introduced me to a group of people and said many complimentary things about our campus, our faculty, and most importantly the incredible young people at our school The visit to campus was his first, and he left with a great feel of all of the positive things happening on campus.

Our guest chapel speaker this week was Dr. Barbara McMillin, the President of Blue Mountain Christian University (Blue Mountain College recently changed to university status) in Blue Mountain, Mississippi. This is her first visit to campus, and we hope that she will leave campus with the same positive impression of our program and students. I am hopeful that these visits will lead to more exposure for our students, enhanced scholarship opportunities for our students, and partnerships between TRA and these incredible universities.

I would be remiss if I did not mention our visit from Leadership Millington this past week. I am a member of the 2022 Leadership Millington class, and it was fun for me to see the school as a guest and not as the Head of School. The participants in the class were very complimentary of the campus, the students they met, and the administrative team. One of the participants shared that she had worked in the Millington School System for 25 years and had never visited our campus. I am so glad that they got to visit and see all of the amazing things that are happening daily on our campus.

RED & BLUE REVIEW | PAGE 2 November 17, 2022
I want to wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving! Please be safe on the highways if you are traveling and have a great time celebrating all of the things for which we are thankful with your family and friends. As always, thank you for sending these awesome young people to our school each day!

Upper School Review

Last Friday, our school had the honor and privilege of hosting a Veterans Day program for current and former members of the United States Armed Services I’ll be honest with you, there are three programs each year that I personally think are the best celebrations I have ever been a part of. The Veterans Day program is definitely one of them, because I love seeing our students express their appreciation and love for these brave men and women who have willingly volunteered to sacrifice so much on our behalf. These everyday heroes do not ask for the accolades or recognition, but they deserve it just the same. Commander Chris West was the guest speaker, and he spoke to the TRA community about what the word service really means.

. RED & BLUE REVIEW | PAGE 3 November 17, 2022

Upper School Review

He said when we thank them for their service we are actually thanking them for being a part of something much bigger than themselves that protects each of us and defends our very freedom. I would like to extend my gratitude to Commander West, his family and all of the TRA community that had a part in honoring our veterans.

Another favorite of mine is the special opportunity our students are given by having all grades housed on the same campus. Our middle school art students hosted a group of PreK3 students for an art collaboration, and how cute it was…and the art wasn’t too shabby either!

And just like that, the middle school and high school basketball seasons are underway! Our middle school teams kicked off their schedule with a home opener last week against Munford Middle School. The varsity girls traveled to Northpoint on Monday, and then both varsity teams hosted Millington Central High School on Tuesday. Don’t worry if you missed any of these games, there are plenty more left to catch this season and be sure to make it out for some to show your support for our teams!

Finally, congratulations to our November students of the month, and stay tuned for their spotlights on either our social media pages or right here in the newsletter. Both are most deserving of this recognition. Senior Student of the Month for November: Lillie Garner

Underclassman Student of the Month for November: Cade Harkness

Pictured below are Lillie Garner (Nov) and Ellis Fullen (Oct) TRA's South Tipton County Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month.

RED & BLUE REVIEW | PAGE 4 November 17, 2022
Tuesday, our academic clubs held their new member induction ceremonies. Officers from National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and Beta Club conducted a joint ceremony to welcome new members into their ranks. We are as proud of these students as we know you are as well. Keep up the hard work!

Lower School Review

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

(1 Thessalonians 5:18) THANKFUL is the theme this week in our elementary classrooms and hallways. As we approach Thanksgiving next week, our students are completing many learning activities and fun crafts about being thankful. Our PreK-2 students had fun making and sharing “Blessing Mix” snacks with all the teachers and each other. Several grade levels wrote about what they are thankful for, and I read so many that said “I am thankful for TRA!” This just warms our hearts that our little ones can appreciate the value of our school and realize what a wonderful place it is for them to learn and play We will have our traditional PreK-3, PreK-4 and Kindergarten Thanksgiving program Friday, November 18, at 9:00 in the gym, and our 2 year olds will have their Thanksgiving activities in the PAC at 10:00.

Fourth grade led our weekly Chapel on Wednesday and shared with us about their service day recently spent at The Bread of Life food pantry at Covington First United Methodist Church They also visited the Covington Police Department and gave out handmade cards to the officers, while thanking them for their service to our community.


Lower School Review


THANK YOU for all your support in our Charleston Wrap fundraiser! We raised $9,744.00! The money raised will go toward finishing the surfacing on our lower school playground area. I am so appreciative of your help in raising this money for our school!!! Our playground will look so nice when we get this finished! THANK YOU!

Our PreK -3 classes had a great time working with our 7th graders during their art time. They helped our preschoolers glue feathers to make turkeys and paint fall leaves. They all had such a fun time!

Our larger playground is getting a gaga pit! One of our Senior project groups is installing it for us It arrived on Monday, and the seniors are working a little each day to complete the task. I bet they are wishing for those 80 degree days to come back! We are so thankful for our upper school students and how they mentor and help our younger boys and girls in so many ways.

I am so very THANKFUl for TRA! I have the best job in the world, and I appreciate each one of our families, teachers, staff and board of directors

Each of you play a part in making our school so wonderful. Thank you!!! I hope you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving with your family!

RED & BLUE REVIEW | PAGE 6 November 17, 2022 SUPPORT THE TRA FUND BY TEXTING TRA TO 45888 OR VISIT US ONLINE AT HTTPS://BIT.LY/3LEAC2D Support the Leave a Legacy Brick Campaign by purchasing an etched brick! Order online at
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