June 30 Bulletin

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WELCOME TO SBC Thanks for joining us at Sussex Baptist Church! If you are visiting us today, please sign the guest book in the foyer. There is a supervised nursery downstairs and children from preschool to grade 5 are invited to be a part of Noah’s Park which is held during the morning service. Instruction will be given during the service as to when to go downstairs. If you are looking for a church home, we would love for you to become part of our church family! Please complete one of the Connection Cards found in your bulletin and either place it in the Connection box located in the foyer or hand it to the Pastor upon leaving.

Sussex Baptist Church “Come to Christ, Grow in Christ”

Partners in Mission: Aaron & Erica Kenny (Check out their blog at http://fivekennys.blogspot.ca/) Feel Free to contact us! Phone: 433-2100 or 432-6135 Fax: 432-6510 E-mail: subc#nb.aibn.com Website: www.sussexbaptist.com Memorial Cards and Church Envelopes: Heather Waugh 433-5193 Today’s Attendees: Greeters: Jean MacDonald & Esther Perry Ushers: Bob & Marlene Balcom, Rachel & Reuben Rankin Nursery: Linsey Reicker Tellers: Nanci & Rachel Sound: Alfie Smith LCD Projector: Pat Anderson-King Noah’s Park: Nanci Ruthen Next Sunday’s Attendees: July 7, 2019 Greeters: Pat Hayward & Barb Chestnut Ushers: Eileen Moore, Mary Anne McGibbon, Linda Coates, Alice Armstrong Nursery: Mary Ann McGibbon Tellers: Barbara & Doris Sound: Don Morris LCD Projector: Cathy Morris Noah’s Park:

Senior Pastor: Rev. Shawn Tait Pastor of Youth and Outreach: Kris Ullman Music Director: Jean Cunningham Office Secretary: Cindy Gregg 24 Church Avenue Phone: (506)-433-2100 Email: subc@nb.aibn.com Website: www.sussexbaptist.com Facebook: https://facebook.com/SussexBaptistOutreach/

The Lord’s Day June 30, 2019 Order of Service Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship Worship in Music Worship in Giving Worship in Song Children’s Story: Pastor Shawn Welcome One Another Worship in Song Pastoral Prayer: Pastor Kris Scripture: Proverbs 3:1-6 Message: Trusting in God Worship in Song Benediction Fifteen Minutes of Fellowship We have an opportunity for fellowship 15 minutes before and fifteen minutes after our worship service. Come to the overflow area and enjoy fresh coffee and refreshments while connecting with one another.

Special Business Meeting The clerk has called a special business meeting which takes place today for the following two items: 1. Sending $5000.00 to support the Waddell’s as our partners in ministry. 2. Adopting the Kimmirut Outreach as a partner of mission.

Staff Vacations Pastor Shawn will begin vacation July 8 th returning on July 22nd and Cindy will be out of the office from July 29 th returning August 6th.

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday blessings to Verna Sands celebrating Monday July 1st, Florence Chown celebrating Tuesday July 2nd , Ken Reicker celebrating Wednesday July 3rd, Sandra Chown and Pastor Shawn celebrating Thursday July 4 th, Rachel Rankin and Gary Perkins celebrating Friday July 5th.

Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary blessings to Gary & Trudy Ricker celebrating Monday July 1st, Ken & Kathy Reicker celebrating Tuesday July 2nd. Congratulations to the following people who celebrated birthdays and anniversaries in the month of June. Birthdays – Khloe Robinson, Summer Robinson, Janet McNair and to all the anniversaries- Jim & Edna Chown, Arnold & Barb Thorne, Charles & Doris Keirstead-Thorne. Please note: There will be cake this morning after service to celebrate all the birthdays and anniversaries in the month of June.

Family Fun Day Come join us for Family Fun Day on Saturday, August 10 th from 1-5pm being held at Camp Tulakadik. For those planning to attend, a sign-up sheet is located at the Welcome Centre. If you would like a drive, please contact the church office.

CBM Prayerline

Canada Day On July 1, 2019 we celebrate our beautiful country’s birthday. The current motto, A Mari usque ad Mare, is taken from Psalm 72, and appears on Canada’s coat of arms. The original Latin motto is taken from Psalm 72: “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.” May He have Dominion indeed. Pray for Canada, that its people will know Him, that a revival would stir hearts. Pray for the Canadian government – for wisdom, courage and integrity. Pray for justice, healing and reconciliation for all. Pray for the safety of our communities, for protection against violence and crime.

Music Afternoon Please join us on Sunday, July 7th at 2:00pm for our next Music Afternoon at Sussex Baptist Church. Our guests include Glen Foster, Stan Ruthen, Joe Ness & Brenda McLaughlin, Cyril MacNeil, Sussex Baptist Men’s Group. Freewill offering goes to Kiwanis Comfort Station for O’Connell Park.

Carla Nelson Carla Nelson, PhD, is CBM’s Senior Associate – Africa Liaison & Educational Specialist. She supports CBM’s initiatives, strengthening existing and exploring new educational programs with partners internationally. Pray for students at Bible College in Kigali, Rwanda as they learn about peace-building and reconciliation from Field Staff Gato Munyamasoko. Pray that Gato and the students be encouraged as they carry out their work in reconciliation. Pray for the women in the literacy group in Rwanda as they learn to read, write and count in their mother tongue of Kinyarwanda. Pray that they are able to find employment.

David and Suzannah Nacho The Nachos serve in the area of leadership formation and theological education in Latin America. Their ministry out of Costa Rica has local, regional and global impact through CETI (Center for Interdisciplinary Theological Studies), a learning community of students, faculty and administrators. Master’s, certificate and open course programs are used to strengthen the capacity of local churches, leaders, pastors and professionals. CETI has been undergoing a process of restructuring for the past few years. Pray for David as his role changes from Dean of the Master’s program to Dean of Basic level. Pray for the work to continue to flourish and for the material to be useful as a tool for Canadian churches. Pray that the Nachos will be able to grow their participation in their local church, for David to be able to move forward in obtaining his Ph.D and for their children to forge deep, trustworthy friendships at school.

Vacation Bible School 2019 Our theme this year will be ROAR which will be held the week of July 29-August 2. Crew Leader Announcement We are looking for people to help as crew leaders during VBS week. If you would like to help please speak to either Kris Ullman, Helen Hopper or Cathy Morris for details. You will be greatly blessed by investing your time and energy into the children. Vacation Bible School Snacks The snack team has created the list of items we need and costed them out. Instead of having folks buy the items we are asking for donations to purchase them through bulk buying. We estimate that we need $500 to cover snack cost. You can give your donation to Irene Lewis. Thank you for helping with VBS snacks!

Sending Kids to Camp Tulakadik

At Sussex Baptist Church, we believe in the value of Camp Ministry and the impact it makes on the lives of kids. We are looking to send 22 children and youth to Camp Tulakadik this summer. We have raised $5,445 of our $5,500 goal. If you would like to support our youth, please visit our booth in the foyer for more information. Thank you.

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