June 2 Bulletin

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WELCOME TO SBC Thanks for joining us at Sussex Baptist Church! If you are visiting us today, please sign the guest book in the foyer. There is a supervised nursery downstairs and children from preschool to grade 5 are invited to be a part of Noah’s Park which is held during the morning service. Instruction will be given during the service as to when to go downstairs. If you are looking for a church home, we would love for you to become part of our church family! Please complete one of the Connection Cards found in your bulletin and either place it in the Connection box located in the foyer or hand it to the Pastor upon leaving.

Sussex Baptist Church “Come to Christ, Grow in Christ”

Partners in Mission: Aaron & Erica Kenny (Check out their blog at http://fivekennys.blogspot.ca/) Feel Free to contact us! Phone: 433-2100 or 432-6135 Fax: 432-6510 E-mail: subc#nb.aibn.com Website: www.sussexbaptist.com Memorial Cards and Church Envelopes: Heather Waugh 433-5193 Today’s Attendees: Greeters: Rachel & Reuben Rankin Ushers: Lloyd & Louise Secord, Irene Lewis, Tony Palmer Nursery: Diane Tait Tellers: Esther & Pat Anderson-King Sound: Don Moris LCD Projector: Cathy Morris Noah’s Park: Stephanie Mason Next Sunday’s Attendees: June 9, 2019 Greeters: Verna & Clyde Sands Ushers: Jessica Hache, Sophia Hache, Kaitlyn Mason, Summer Robinson Nursery: Kelly Kyle Tellers: Doris & Nanci Sound: Alfie LCD Projector: Pat Anderson-King Noah’s Park: Kelly Kyle

Senior Pastor: Rev. Shawn Tait Pastor of Youth and Outreach: Kris Ullman Music Director: Jean Cunningham Office Secretary: Cindy Gregg 24 Church Avenue Phone: (506)-433-2100 Email: subc@nb.aibn.com Website: www.sussexbaptist.com Facebook: https://facebook.com/SussexBaptistOutreach/

The Lord’s Day June 2, 2019 Order of Service

Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship Worship in Music Worship in Giving Children’s Story: Heather Waugh Welcome One Another Worship in Song Pastoral Prayer: Pastor Kris Scripture: Luke 7:36-50 Message: Showing Gratitude Worship in Song Communion Worship in Song Benediction Fifteen Minutes of Fellowship We have an opportunity for fellowship 15 minutes before and fifteen minutes after our worship service. Come to the overflow area and enjoy fresh coffee and refreshments while connecting with one another.

Ladies Bible Study Ladies Bible Study will be meeting this coming Wednesday, June 5th at the church at 10:30am for prayer. Lunch will follow at 11:30am at Timberland. This will be the last meeting for the summer and will resume again in September.

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday blessings to Jim and Edna Chown celebrating Saturday, June 8th.

We are only two weeks away from Father’s Day when we honour our Fathers whether they are with us or have passed away. We do this by sending a card, sending flowers, placing flowers on a grave or any number of other ways. Today and June 9th the Gideons will have Father’s Day cards and In Memory cards available. A display with these cards will be set up by the Gideons in the Foyer. Take one of these cards and donate to the Gideons and by doing so, to place Bibles in his Honour. What a way to honour our Fathers – in a manner that has eternal value.

Kiwanis Nursing Home Service today at 2:00pm.

Benevolent Fund There will be an offering plate located in the foyer to help support the Benevolent Fund.

Sending Kids to Camp Tulakadik At Sussex Baptist Church, we believe in the value of Camp Ministry and the impact it makes on the lives of kids. We are looking to send 22 children and youth to Camp Tulakadik this summer. This will cost $5,500. We are looking to raise this money entirely in the month of June. If you would like to support our youth, please visit our booth in the foyer for more information. Thank you.

CBM Prayerline

Joe Bridi Joe is CBM’s National Field Staff in Beirut, Lebanon, working with local partners to develop strategies for ministry and provide support to graduates of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) as they build ministries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Pray for Joe as he builds connections with the church in Sudan. Please give thanks for the new families from a Muslim background that have joined regular meetings supporting Syrian refugees. Pray for courage and boldness as he shares the Gospel with them and that God would raise up people from the group to be trained in home groups leadership. Patty Nacho Patty is the CBM Global Discipleship Coordinator and National Field Staff for Bolivia. She works alongside Bolivian partners and churches, coordinates SENT teams and facilitates global discipleship experiences for Canadian churches. Pray for excellent health in the midst of a busy season and for spiritual wisdom and emotional strength as she attends to SENT team members. Pray for protection and guidance for her family in La Paz. Cheryl Bear Dr. Cheryl Bear of the Nadleh Whut’en First Nation is a CBM Strategic Associate and serves as the Indigenous Relations Specialist. She provides leadership and education to Canadian Baptist churches seeking to be more engaged with First Nations communities. Please pray that Indigenous people on this land would stop being viewed through the lens of dangerous and demeaning stereotype; that there would be fairness in every story, with an opportunity for the Indigenous voice to be heard. Sharing Club Please bring your non-perishable food items for the Sussex Sharing Club next Sunday. Thank You!

Anniversary Sunday Anniversary Sunday will be held on June 9th with special speaker Rev. Dr. John Weiler. There will be a potluck following the service.

Seniors’ Luncheon Topic: Keeping your food safe Thursday, June 13, 2019 12 noon – 1:30 PM Guest speaker: Keisha Cuff, Public Health Inspector, Health Protection Services.

Wee Ones Baby Bottle Campaign The Sussex Pregnancy Care Centre works in our community to help teens, youth, women and families who are facing a crisis pregnancy. Be sure to sign out your Baby Bottle today and over the next couple of weeks, please fill it with change, bills, and cheques to support the life-giving ministry of the Pregnancy Care Centre. Your spare changes can mean that those facing an unplanned pregnancy have the opportunity to choose life. Thank You!

Vacation Bible School 2019 Our theme this year will be ROAR which will be held the week of July 29-August 2.

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