June 16 Bulletin

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WELCOME TO SBC Thanks for joining us at Sussex Baptist Church! If you are visiting us today, please sign the guest book in the foyer. There is a supervised nursery downstairs and children from preschool to grade 5 are invited to be a part of Noah’s Park which is held during the morning service. Instruction will be given during the service as to when to go downstairs. If you are looking for a church home, we would love for you to become part of our church family! Please complete one of the Connection Cards found in your bulletin and either place it in the Connection box located in the foyer or hand it to the Pastor upon leaving.

Sussex Baptist Church “Come to Christ, Grow in Christ”

Partners in Mission: Aaron & Erica Kenny (Check out their blog at http://fivekennys.blogspot.ca/) Feel Free to contact us! Phone: 433-2100 or 432-6135 Fax: 432-6510 E-mail: subc#nb.aibn.com Website: www.sussexbaptist.com Memorial Cards and Church Envelopes: Heather Waugh 433-5193 Today’s Attendees: Greeters: Clyde and Verna Sands Ushers: Jessica Hache, Sophia Hache, Kaitlyn Mason, Summer Robinson Nursery: : Heather Waugh Tellers: Reuben & Alice Sound: Alfie Smith LCD Projector: Pat Hayward Noah’s Park: Bertha Chown Next Sunday’s Attendees: June 23, 2019 Greeters: Florence & Sandra Chown Ushers: Bob & Marlene Balcom, Rachel & Reuben Rankin Nursery: Stephanie Mason Tellers: Barbara & Pat Anderson-King Sound: LCD Projector: Lloyd Secord Noah’s Park: Heather Waugh

Senior Pastor: Rev. Shawn Tait Pastor of Youth and Outreach: Kris Ullman Music Director: Jean Cunningham Office Secretary: Cindy Gregg 24 Church Avenue Phone: (506)-433-2100 Email: subc@nb.aibn.com Website: www.sussexbaptist.com Facebook: https://facebook.com/SussexBaptistOutreach/

Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary blessings to Arnold & Barb Thorne celebrating Friday, June 21st. The Lord’s Day June 16, 2019 Order of Service Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship Worship in Music Worship in Giving Children’s Story: Pastor Shawn Ensemble Welcome One Another Worship in Song Pastoral Prayer: Gordonna Hache Message: Pastor Kris Ensemble Worship in Song Benediction

Virginia Keith ABW Virginia Keith ABW will meet on Monday, June 17th at 5:00pm at JJ’s Restaurant.

Sending Kids to Camp Tulakadik

At Sussex Baptist Church, we believe in the value of Camp Ministry and the impact it makes on the lives of kids. We are looking to send 22 children and youth to Camp Tulakadik this summer. We have raised $4,450 of our $5,500 goal. If you would like to support our youth, please visit our booth in the foyer for more information. Thank you.

Fifteen Minutes of Fellowship We have an opportunity for fellowship 15 minutes before and fifteen minutes after our worship service. Come to the overflow area and enjoy fresh coffee and refreshments while connecting with one another.

Graduation Activiites June 16th 6:00pm Students march from SRHS to Chapel 7:00pm Baccalaureate Service at Saunders Irving Chapel Tue: June 18th 6:30pm Grad Parade 8:00pm Graduation Prom th Wed: June 19 7:00pm Grad Academic Awards Thur: June 20th 7:00pm Graduation/Safe Grad Sun:

Staff Vacations Pastor Kris begins vacation today returning on June 24 th, Pastor Shawn will begin vacation July 8 th returning on July 22nd and Cindy will be out of the office from July 29 returning August 6th.

CBM Prayerline

International Days On June 19 and June 20, we recognize International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict and World Refugee Day, respectively. Pray for increased awareness of the need to put an end to conflict-related sexual violence and elimination of stigma where victims are viewed as affiliates of extremist groups. Pray for children who are ostracized because they were borne out of these violent acts. Let us also pray for refugees all over the world – for peace, safety and security and continued strength, courage and perseverance for those who are forced to flee for their lives. Pray for governments and individuals to work together to help the displaced. Dan and Melody Grove Dan and Melody are CBM Strategic Associates who work with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Cameroon. Along with a team of missionaries and nationals, they are working towards translating the New Testament into 10 languages and developing literacy programs in the Ndop Plain, Northwest Cameroon. Currently, Cameroonian colleagues have formed a Cluster Service Team, who are taking on more responsibility in leading and managing the translation project. Please pray for wisdom and perseverance as everyone transitions into new roles. Please pray for the Cluster Service Team as they continue to work in the midst of the Anglophone civil war that is ongoing in Cameroon. Pray especially for clarity of direction for the work to be done – as they set up an office and find safe housing for the teams.

Emad and Almess Botros and Sudan Emad and Almess were appointed by CBM to serve at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) in Lebanon. Emad serves as a lecturer in the areas of Old Testament and Islamic studies. His desire is to equip and empower students with sufficient tools to develop their understanding of the Old Testament and how to apply it in their Middle Eastern and North Africa setting. Emad is also developing resources and models for ministry in that context. While both Emad and Almess are involved in mentoring students in ministry and leadership skills, Almess also explores opportunities to work with Iraqi and Syrian refugees.Please pray for the health of the whole Botros family as they are going through a time of sickness. Pray for a fruitful and productive time during the Middle East team consultation on June 17 to 21, 2019. Pray for peace in Sudan and for students who are unable to contact their families as communication has been cut off. Pray for safety for students’ families.

Wee Ones Baby Bottle Campaign The deadline for bottles to be returned is tomorrow, Monday, June 17th. Thank You!

Vacation Bible School 2019 Our theme this year will be ROAR which will be held the week of July 29-August 2. Crew Leader Announcement We are looking for people to help as crew leaders during VBS week. If you would like to help please speak to either Kris Ullman, Helen Hopper or Cathy Morris for details. You will be greatly blessed by investing your time and energy into the children.

Notice Camp Tulakadik Golf Tournament scheduled for Saturday, June 15th has been cancelled due to low registration.

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