2012 Progress Report Creating a 500-mile corridor of interconnected river towns, trails, parks, river access areas, and conserved lands to link people with the natural and cultural heritage of the Susquehanna.
Susquehanna Greenway Partnership
Making It Happen: Community Revitalization Environmental Stewardship Clean Water Outdoor Recreation Healthier Places, Healthier People
A Message of Thanks to Our Members, Friends and Donors As 2012 comes to an end it is time to reflect on our accomplishments and look towards the future. With this Progress Report you can see and appreciate the significant role that the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership plays in creating places where people are connected to the natural and cultural resources of the Susquehanna and can live active, healthy lives. The Susquehanna Greenway Partnership envisions a balanced regional economy, where we conserve productive farmland and forests, where local businesses thrive, and where river towns are centers of commerce, culture, and community activity. With your support the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership works in the 22 counties along the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania. We help local leaders and citizens take stock of their community and envision improvements for a more sustainable future. We assist communities with planning and securing resources for building parks and trails, and increasing public access to the River. We look for new uses for historic buildings and abandoned industrial sites. We help create a community that is attractive to business and we advocate for protection of our water resources, and conservation of farmland and forests. In short, we are building Pennsylvania’s largest greenway – a green corridor of connected river towns, parks, trails, working farmlands and conserved areas. This is no small task and we cannot do it without the help of local partners and the contributions from people like you who care about our lands and waters. By making a financial contribution you are becoming an important partner in the future success of the Susquehanna Greenway. Because of your investment we are a stronger champion for the Greenway and are able to conserve, revitalize, and connect Susquehanna communities through our successful River Towns Program and our effective Education and Outreach Programs described in the following pages. Whether you are a new member or have been on this journey with us from the start, please make a donation to the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership today, and know that your gift creates clean, connected, and revitalized Susquehanna communities. From the Board, Staff and Partners of the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership, we thank you for your support! Susquehanna Greenway Partnership Board of Directors
Susquehanna Greenway Partnership Staff
Jerry S. Walls, FAICP, Chair
Trish Carothers, Executive Director
Dee Alwine, Vice Chair
Erin Pierce, Program Coordinator
Marty Walzer, Treasurer
Bridget Kane, Membership & Volunteer Coordinator
Susan Browning, Secretary
Barbara Bogle, Program Assistant
Suzanne Lee
Susquehanna Greenway Regional Partners
Wayne Kober
Tom Grbenick, SEDA-COG
Teri MacBride
Alice Trowbridge, RLA
Timm Moyer
Janie French, Pennsylvania Environmental Council
Cathy Curran Myers
Phil Swank, Endless Mountains Heritage Region
Marel Raub
David Buck, Endless Mountains Heritage Region
Peter Smith
Dale Freudenberger, D & L National Heritage Corridor Mark Platts, Susquehanna Gateway Heritage Area Jonathan Pinkerton, Susquehanna Gateway Heritage Area
Photo by Chuck Haupt
Liz Deardorff
Creating Pennsylvania’s Largest Greenway Since 2001, the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership (SGP) has been working with many dedicated partners to create the Susquehanna Greenway – a 500 mile corridor of interconnected river towns, trails, parks, river access areas, and conserved lands to link people with the natural and cultural heritage of the Susquehanna River region.
BALANCING THE NEEDS OF TODAY AND TOMORROW The Susquehanna Greenway promotes conservation of the environment for sustainable living, and supports revitalization of healthy and successful communities. The Susquehanna Provides:
Drinking water to 6,000,000 people 50% of water for the Chesapeake Bay Power generation Wildlife habitat Scenic beauty Recreation The Susquehanna Greenway includes:
A 500-mile corridor of river and land 22 counties 70 towns 1,301 islands
Susquehanna Watershed and Greenway
Br Photo by Doug
ker uba
Photo on front cover: Susquehanna RiverWalk in Williamsport, an Early Demonstration Project of the Susquehanna Greenway. The Riverwalk has been planned, constructed and maintained through collaborative efforts of the business community, non-profit organizations, municipalities, county and state agencies.
People have always been drawn to the majesty of the Su river and its towns are the foundation of our regional ec and commerce, have played a significant role in building vibrant as they once were. The migration of businesses opportunities for many who live in these towns. Susquehanna Greenway Partnership (SGP) staff and greenway coordinators help communities to create parks, trails, river access points, and events. SGP staff pictured above: (L to R) Program Assistant Barbara Bogle, Membership and Volunteer Coordinator Bridget Kane, Program Coordinator Erin Pierce, and Executive Director Trish Carothers.
To revitalize our river towns, while saving our farms and and businesses back into our towns. The Susquehanna Susquehanna River and to promote our historic downto
Revitalizing Susquehann
Meeting Comm
The purpose of the program is to provide communities the help they need to attract investment. We do this by:
Armstrong Township
Athens Township
Loyalsock Township
yy Creating River Town Revitalization Teams
yy Conducting River Town Assessments
yy Community Visioning and Goal Setting yy Planning for Parks, Trails, River Access, and Green Infrastructure
yy Helping to Secure Project Funding
Hemlock Township
yy Promoting River Towns and Their Events
Jersey Shore
Loyalsock Township
Shickshinny Mayor Beverly Moore credits the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership with “providing a vision and tools for how Shickshinny can not only survive, but thrive in the midst of inevitable floods�
The Susquehanna Greenway Partnership has helped Shickshinny plan and secure funding for riverfront park improvements and a new river access.
usquehanna River and its great capacity to sustain life. The conomy. River towns, as centers of manufacturing, industry, g our nation. Yet, today many of our river towns are not as to suburban and offshore locations has resulted in reduced
forests from sprawl development, we need to attract people Greenway Partnership helps our communities embrace the owns as assets for economic development and for healthy living.
na Greenway River Towns
munity Needs
COMMUNITY BENEFITS yy Attracting Business and Jobs – Riverfront parks, trails and street trees can improve the quality of life in our river communities, and make them more attractive places to live, play or start a business.
“SGP helped the Borough of Jersey Shore plan and secure funding to create a public river access. It has been a pleasure working with a group of people that care about the community. With SGP’s assistance, we now have a River Town Revitalization Team of 25plus people committed to making our community better. We are looking to move forward on other projects in our downtown.” — Wm. Dennis Buttorff, Mayor, Jersey Shore
yy Tourism - Tourists are drawn to areas that have a mix of amenities to enjoy. Greenway systems can return $3 in revenue for every $1 in expenditure invested. yy Increased Property Values and Tax Revenues – Residential properties on average, realize a 10 to 20% gain in value the closer they are located to greenways, parks and trails. yy Improved Water Quality – Greenways purify runoff by trapping sediment, fertilizers, pathogens, and chemicals before they reach the nearest waterway. yy Healthier People - Lack of exercise has contributed to the obesity epidemic. Parks, trails and greenways provide the opportunity to integrate physical activity into our daily lives.
In 2012 the Pine Creek Rail was extended through town to the River and Jersey Shore became a Susquehanna Greenway River Town. (L to R) SGP Exec. Director Trish Carothers, Jersey Shore Borough Manager Joseph Hamm, Borough Council Members Janet Barnhart, Mary Greene, Marguerite Dyroff, Mayor Dennis Buttorff, Borough Council Member Ken Sheesley, SGP Board Chair Jerry Walls, DCNR Secretary Richard Allan.
“In 2010 our river sojourn camped in Jersey Shore where the people were very welcoming. They told us they wanted a community river access and ever since we have been working together towards that goal, planning and raising over $400,000. Just $50,000 more is needed for the river access to be constructed in 2013.” — Trish Carothers, SGP Executive Director
Outreach, Education and Promotion
Photo by Chuck Haupt
Creating a Susquehanna Greenway Community
SUSQUEHANNA EDUCATIONAL SOJOURN In 2011 SGP was successful in getting the West Branch Water Trail designated as a National Recreation Trail. National Geographic named the West Branch a “Best Adventure Destination for 2012. ” To celebrate these designations, SGP and a local planning committee hosted a six-day, 85-mile river sojourn in May from Curwensville to Renovo. The sojourn guided over 70 participants, speakers, and volunteers through the breathtaking natural beauty of the Susquehanna River’s Upper West Branch.
OUTREACH AND EDUCATION HIGHLIGHTS yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy
40 presentations reaching over 700 people 15 tabling events reaching over 20,000 people Radio interviews reaching over 10,000 people 70 newspaper articles on the Susquehanna Greenway 3,751 reached by e-Connections newsletter Nearly 600 events promoted on our web calendar 8,900 new visitors to www.susquehannagreenway.org 114 new members and sponsors 138 new volunteers Over 300 entries in our Photo Contest 8 Traveling Photo Gallery locations Hosted our first Photo Gallery Reception Susquehanna Greenway Sign Guidelines updated 19 new interpretive signs installed Created our first Geocaching Trail 1,180 hours of volunteer time for flood clean-up Repaired 1 mile of flood damaged rail-trail Cleaned 17 miles of river
yy Cleaned and improved 150 acres of public parks
SUSQUEHANNA CONNECTING TRAIL CELEBRATION SGP worked collaboratively with the Chesapeake Conservancy, DCNR, PFBC, Bucknell University and Native Americans to secure designation of the Susquehanna Connecting Trail to the Captain John Smith National Historic Trail in May. Members of the collaborative partnership are shown above at a ceremony in Annapolis. This national designation could help to conserve critical lands along the river and improve river access.
SOURCE WATER ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION With support from the Water Resource Education Network, SGP worked with the Columbia County Conservation District, DEP, and Pennsylvania American Water to create a Source Water Environmental Education Team in Columbia County.
Jeremy and Audra dePrisco
Barbara Baldwin
Jesse Ergott
Chandler Ballentine
Alyssa Fiorentino
Megan Baskerville
Richard Fitzsimmons
David Bauman
Emily Goblirsch
Bruce Bishoff
Cody Goddard
Cynthia Bower
Edie Good
Caroline Brady
Cody Hanke
Susan Browning
Chuck Haupt
Doug Brubaker
Sarah Hoffman
Jonathan Butterfield
Von Holguin
Keith Conner
Rebecca Holler
Daniel Corman
Carol Hubler
John Cosgrove
Jaclyn Johnston
Matt Dallos
Daniel Jones
Liz Garland Deardorff
Kay Jones
Jeffrey Kane Mike Kane Wayne Kober
Harriett Perez
Murray Kohan
Eric Probert
Suzanne Lee Cassandra Lewis
John and Terry Proctor
Jan Lokuta
Ally Ramirez
Michael Lombardo
Marel Raub
Teri MacBride
Charles Schoffstall
Laura Marjorie MacLean
Lamar Seger
David and Lynda McCracken
Melanie Simms
Matthew Messer
Patrick Skovira
Caleb Meyers
Peter Smith
Tracy Tran
Victoria Mosher
Samantha Spotts
Ben Tripoli
Timm Moyer
Nella Storm
Jerry Walls
Cathy Curran Myers
Arlene Taylor
Marty Walzer
Diane Peresie
David Tillman
Kelly Williams
Pho to by Chuck Haupt
“To make a greenway is to make a community.� Charles Little, Greenways for America THANK YOU TO OUR CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS: Diane Alwine
Tim Fitzgerald
David and Theodora Jansky
Robert and Dorothy Angeli
James and Elizabeth Flannery
Erik Johnson
Stephen Artman
John and Anne Freas
Milford Johnson
Todge Aumiller
Rosaria Gabriele
Robert and Joan Johnston
Kenneth and Norma Jeane Bachman
Brian and Beverly Gallagher
Daniel and Kathleen Jones
Kenneth Beam
Donald Gallagher
William Jordan
Thomas Gehret
Jennifer Joyce
Lisa Gibson
Jeff and Bridget Kane
William Gibson
Joseph and Susan Kirk
Robert Gilson
R. Stefan Klosowski
Sylvia Gleason
Wayne Kober
Galen and Janet Good
Mike and Jill Komar
Dennis Goodlin
Leo and Rita Kopetz
Valerie Grahn
Michael Kubishen
Ronald and Polly Grimm
Mike Lasher
Bob Guldin
John and Debra Latsha
Pamela Haines and Chuck Esser
Cole and Suzanne Lee
Donald and Linda Hall
Teri MacBride
Kat Bendt Thomas and Gail Blass Richard Bloom Marilyn Bok Kevin and Debra Boyd Alison Stone-Briggs and Richard Briggs Steve Brown Susan Browning John and Sarah Bruch Jonathan and Sally Butterfield Alan and Trish Carothers Bill Cole David and Sally Craig Liz Garland Deardorff John and Carol Anne Doering Diane Donato Mary DuBois Victor and Mary Engel
Scott Harvey Debra Hempfing Mark and Melanie Heuer Barbara Horst J. Andrew Hubbell Michael and Carol Hubler Paul and Caprice Huffman Donald James
James and Connie Lewis Christina Major Jason Godeke and Cristina Mathews
R. David Myers and Cathy Curran Myers
William and Debra Shipp
Nathan and Kayly Newcomer
Ralph and Kathleen Smith
Jeffrey and Janet Nokes
Peter Smith
Frank Orlevitch
David and Betty Jean Staebler
Gregory and Sydney Otte
Eric Stout
John Palmer
Karen Thompson
Carlos and Harriett Perez
Mike and Amy Toole
William and Suzann Pharr
Richard and Alice Trowbridge
William and Katherine Pickering
Gary Tuma
Merrily Pierce
Bob Veleker
Allan and Betsy Quant Marel Raub Daniel and Rose Reeder Dustin and Sandra Rhodes George and Barbara Rizzo Jerome and Alice Rizzo Ruth Rode Linda Ross David Sapak Charles Schoffstall
Stuart Olinsky and Judith Meyers
David and T. Schultz
Gautam and Mridula Mishra
Peter and Linda Schultz
Patricia Morris
Ernest and Susan Schurer
Nina Tober and Richard Morrison
Blair Seitz
John and Carole Schultz
Chalmer Van Horn Robert and Rose Ann Wallace Jerry and Joy Walls Marty and Cynthia Walzer Barb Weikle Stephen Weiland Matthew and Janet Weir Robert and Marie Wheeler Susan Wheeler Glenn and Mary Ann Williams Pat Zaborsky Barbara Zeiders Alan and Tana Zeigler Edward and Amber Zygmunt
Susquehanna Greenway Partnership Financial Report Fiscal year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 Revenue Contributions and Grants Program Service Revenue Investment Income Total Revenue Expenses River Towns Program Expense Education and Outreach Program Expense Water Trails Program Expense Management and General Expense Fundraising Expense Total Expenses Net Assets as of June 30, 2012
11% 43%
366,790 12,094 19 378,903 37%
155,090 135,493 38,493 13,947 18,667 361,690 71,505
Expenses: River Towns Program Education and Outreach Program Water Trails Program Management and General Fundraising
THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS: Bitting Recreation
Jersey Shore State Bank
Susquehanna Life
Bob’s Army & Navy Store
Larson Design Group
Susquehanna Trailways
C & E Containers
League of Women Voters
The Hershey Company
Chesapeake Bay Commission
Lewisburg Neighborhoods Corp
The Peter Herdic House Inn & Restaurant
Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network
Little Pine Resources
Weeping Willow Inn
Chesapeake Bay Trust
McTish, Kunkel & Associates
Weis Markets
Citizens’ Electric Company
Nittany MinitMart
West Pharmaceutical Services
Clearfield County Historical Society
PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers
Woodlands Bank
Courtyard Counseling Center
PPL Corporation
First Community Foundation Partnership of PA
Process Control Specialties, Inc.
Foundation for PA Watersheds
Santino’s Italian Cuisine
Service First Federal Credit Union
Haas Landscape Architects
Skyline Motor Inn
Jersey Shore Area Lioness Club
South Avis Realty, Inc.
Riverside Campground
SPECIAL THANKS TO: The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
info@susquehannagreenway.org — w w w.susquehannagreenway.org 201 Furnace Road, Lewisburg PA 17837 — Phone: 570-522-7211 Fax: 570-524-44913