2018 - 2019 Annual Report

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Stretching over 500 miles in length, the Susquehanna Greenway is a corridor of open space, land trails, river accesses, and communities that border the Susquehanna River. During 2018-19, SGP worked across the corridor to advance programs and projects within our three program areas: 1) Trails, 2) Education & Outreach, and 3) River Towns

The following map illustrates the locations and areas of work.


Assisted communities and partners to envision, build, and sustain land trails and water trail accesses.

Education & Outreach

Provided programming and outreach to promote and increase the use of the Susquehanna Greenway.

River Towns

Worked with communities to develop strategies that increase their connections to the River and each other.

The Susquehanna Greenway

A network of connected land and water trails, parks, and towns that border the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania.


With more and more people turning to the outdoors in the wake of the pandemic, our region’s trails, parks, and boat launches have served an important role for our communities and our collective mental and physical wellbeing.

Greenway assets across the state, including the Susquehanna River Water Trail, have seen record numbers this year especially within local outdoor spaces. People are (re) discovering the resources right in their backyards and the result has been a growing appreciation of the numerous benefits that these spaces provide to our health, mental wellness, and regional economic vitality.

The challenge now lies in how we provide additional services and assets to grow the network and serve this need, as well as continue to connect people to the existing parks, trails, and communities in the Susquehanna Greenway.

Here at SGP, our work centers on connecting you to these assets, and providing the resources and guidance necessary for partners to bring more of these projects and programs to fruition. Our role is often one of a convener and facilitator. We bring together resources, garner experience at the state and local level, and guide partners and communities through the complex process of envisioning and implementing projects that grow the Susquehanna Greenway.

In 2018-2019, we saw first-hand several promising successes thanks to this work.

Our Trails Program advanced bike & pedestrian planning, as well as map updates and the launch of a volunteer program to support the water trail; the Education & Outreach Program provided new resources to trail users and another successful photo contest; the River Towns Program received national recognition and implemented an impressive spring cleanup that removed 2,000 lbs of trash!

We were so happy to have accomplished so much in the 20182019 year preceding COVID-19. These strides paved the way for the growing interest in outdoor recreation that surged in 2020. It is no surprise to anyone when I say that this year has brought with it unprecedented challenges, but through it all we have witnessed a renewed love and value of our natural resources and the connections that they provide to our region. It has truly been the silver lining to these unusual times.

On behalf of the board of directors and the staff at SGP, I want to express our gratitude for your engagement with, and support of, the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership. Now more than ever, we are committed to advancing the vision of the Susquehanna Greenway and growing our network of parks, trails, and vibrant communities along the Susquehanna River.

To support our continued work within the Susquehanna Greenway, please consider making a tax-deductable donation to the Partnership today. Donations of any size will assist us in continuing to provide needed services to our partners, communities, and the public. Donations can be made through our website or using the enclosed envelope.

See you out on the Greenway,

Photo by Michael Rodo


SGP’s Trails Program helps communities and partners envision, plan, and sustain trails within the Susquehanna Greenway. Our work begins at the local and regional level, making steps towards our ultimate vision to create a connected 500-mile system of parks, land trails, boat launches, and preserved open spaces that connects people to the Susquehanna River and to each other.

Northwest Lancaster County River Trail Photo by James McGinnis

What is the Susquehanna Greenway Anyway?

In short, the Susquehanna Greenway is a corridor of parks, trails, and communities along the Susquehanna River that, once complete, will allow the public to walk, bike, or paddle from town to town, increasing access to local outdoor recreation and active healthy living opportunities for residents and visitors.

In order to fully understand the Susquehanna Greenway, it is important to first take a step back and break down the terms that comprise the word “GREENWAY.”

A greenway is a corridor of undeveloped land [a GREENspace] that is often located near an urban area and utilized to connect people and places together, it is similar to our road system [a parkWAY]—minus the cars.


These linear ribbons of greenspace include parks, trails, gardens, historic sites, and natural features. They can be located along man-made structures like an old railroad bed or a utility corridor, or they can trace a natural feature such as a ridgeline, stream, or in our case the Susquehanna River. Greenways provide a multitude of tangible and intangible benefits to communities and their region. Besides providing active and passive recreation opportunities to enjoy, the outdoors, parks, trails, and open spaces attract investment, improve community health, revitalize communities, and in most cases boost tourism.

In Dauphin County, Pennsylvania (home to Harrisburg), outdoor recreation and tourism generated an expected revenue of 359.4 million dollars in 2016, supported 3,440 jobs, and attributed 39.7 to 50.5 million to total real estate premiums for single family homes living within ¼ mile of protected open space.*

These tangible examples show the undeniable benefits that outdoor opportunities can have within our local communities.

Where is the Susquehanna Greenway?

The Susquehanna Greenway follows the Susquehanna River, and its West Branch as it flows within Pennsylvania. It borders the river on both sides. The width of the corridor paralleling the river varies as it progresses through the Commonwealth, expanding and narrowing based on changes in the topography and viewshed. The result is a billowing pathway extending anywhere from 1-3 miles on either side of the river. A good rule of thumb is: if you can see the river, then you’re in the Susquehanna Greenway.

Once completed, the Susquehanna Greenway will become the largest greenway in Pennsylvania at just over 500 miles. SGP’s vision is to create a greenway where residents and visitors can continuously walk, bike, or paddle between communities along the Susquehanna River.

How much is completed?

The Susquehanna Greenway contains a landscape of parks, trails, boat launches, and open space. Currently, these landscapes exist more independently based on region vs. through a linked system. SGP’s current mission is focused on linking these individual trails and communities together and to the Susquehanna River to create a connected system.

SGP’s Trails Program works at the local, regional, and state level to convene partners and provide the resources and expertise needed to assist communities to envision, plan, and implement projects that advance the Susquehanna Greenway.

Where can I find information?

SGP provides a suite of print and online resources to help the public connect with the existing outdoor opportunities within the Greenway. For more information and to find an opporuntity near you, visit our website susquehannagreenway.org and click ‘Plan Your Visit.’

*Statistics taken from the 2016 Return on Environment Study for Dauphin County

According to Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, “Greenways and their trails provide countless opportunities for economic renewal and growth [such as] increased property values, tourism, and recreation-related spending.”

Northumberland Borough and Point Township Community Bicycle & Pedestrian Audit Completed

Northumberland Borough and Point Township had bikes and pedestrians on their minds as they released the Northumberland Borough & Point Township Community Bicycle and Pedestrian Audit (Audit). The Audit was conducted by a study committee and area residents to help organize the community around bike + ped issues, identify impediments to safe walking and biking, and prioritize projects for implementation. The goal is to raise awareness about the importance of bike + ped friendly community design and its connection to active and healthy lifestyles.

Middle Susquehanna Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Released

In June 2019, a multi-year effort led jointly by SGP and the SEDA-COG MPO concluded with the release of the Middle Susquehanna Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (Plan). This regional bike + ped plan focuses on the seven-county region bordering the confluence of the West Branch and the Lower North Branch of the Susquehanna River. The focus region includes Clinton, Lycoming, Union, Snyder, Northumberland, Montour, and Columbia counties.

The Plan is designed to promote the regional bicycle and pedestrian network and its varied benefits; identify “missing links” in the network; prioritize county projects, actions, and initiatives to improve and advance the network; and include tools and strategies for cost-effective local improvements to make walking and cycling safer and more convenient for residents and visitors.

Following the release of the Plan, a Middle Susquehanna Active Transportation Committee was formed to carry out the actions within the plan and continue to work toward the vision of the plan. Those interested in joining the committee, or the conversation, are encouraged to contact SGP for more information.


Susquehanna Island Hopper Sojourn

In partnership with the Susquehanna River Trail Association (SRTA), SGP hosted the Susquehanna Island Hopper Sojourn on Saturday August 3, 2019. This one-day celebration connected people to the outdoor opportunities along the Middle Susquehanna River Water Trail and engaged over 115 participants and volunteers. The 12-mile paddle began at the Isle of Que Boat Launch in Selinsgrove, meandered along the network of islands, and ended at the PFBC Mahantango Boat Launch in Port Trevorton. It was a wonderful opportunity to #GetOutontheGreenway and discover new places for personal recreation. Thank you to all who attended!

Updating the West Branch Water Trail Map

As the state-designated Water Trail manager for the West Branch of the Susquehanna River Water Trail, SGP is tasked with communicating information on access points, amenities, hazards, points of interest, etc., to YOU, the paddling public. Last season, SGP’s staff conducted a water trail access and launch inventory, and this year they are bringing it all together to update the Susquehanna River Water Trail - West Branch map, which is going on 16 years old! SGP is very thankful for the assistance and expertise of Brian Swisher of The Swisher Studio for his help in completing this project, and to the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) for funding the update of three sections of the map. SGP anticipates the release of the new map in 2021.


Water Trail Stewards Program Launches

In the Summer of 2019, SGP launched the volunteer Water Trail Stewards Program. This program enlists the aid of volunteers familiar with, and local to, public river access sites throughout the West Branch and Lower North Branch Water Trails. Stewards act as the “eyes and ears” for SGP along the water trail during the paddling season from April through September. Stewards adopt one or more public access sites and are responsible for completing a total of three site visits during their term. Stewards monitor the condition of the site(s), report changes, handle light maintenance, and complete one outreach event during their term. It is a great opportunity for those looking to give back to their community and the water trail. SGP would like to thank Vicki Hospes and Avery Bischoff for volunteering their time as stewards during the 2019 season. Those interested in serving in 2021 are encouraged to reach out to SGP.

SGP Joins Statewide Water Trail Managers in Harrisburg

While our Susquehanna River Water Trail contains over 500 miles of waterway in Pennsylvania, it is still only one among an ever-growing landscape of state-designated water trails running from the mountains to the ocean. In October 2018, SGP staff met with water trail managers from across the Commonwealth for the State Water Trail Managers Meeting, hosted by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC). The annual meeting offers SGP an opportunity to learn from other trails and bring applicable practices to the Susquehanna River.


SGP Meets with Water Trail Stakeholders

With 268 miles of water trail for SGP to manage in Pennsylvania, collaboration is key to maintaining the safety of our trail users and ensuring their experience along the water trail. With this in mind, SGP convened our network of water trail partners and stakeholders in the Spring of 2019 to talk all things water trail. These meetings provided a platform to share updates, successes, challenges, and identify emerging trends along the water trail. Topics of discussion included the promoting of the water trail, improving signage and safety along portages and leading up to low-head dams, celebrating successful events, and collaborating with Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission and the National Park Service.

Outdoor Recreation Increases since COVID-19


45 trail users out of

+85%+121% state park camping reservations state park visitors kayak sales bike sales

Percent increases based on trail counters and DCNR state park visitation data, Percentage change in U.S. sales March/April 2019 to March/April 2020 from NPD Group Market Research, 4/5 figure comes from National Recreation and Parks Association Survey, April 2020. +36%
U.S. adults agree that visiting local parks, trails, and nature preserves is essential for their mental and physical well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Photo by Chuck Haupt


SGP’s Education and Outreach Program works to promote and educate the public about the Susquehanna Greenway, its ongoing projects, and the many outdoor opportunities and amenities within the corridor. We also aim to recognize and highlight the people who make the Greenway possible, inform and engage the public, and promote the responsible and safe use of the Susquehanna Greenway’s trails, parks, and River Towns.

1 Fort Hunter, PA 2 Ferrandsville, PA 3 Holtwood, PA 4 Towanda, PA 7 Columbia, PA 6 Hyner View, PA 5 Holtwood, PA

8th Annual Photo Contest

SGP seeks to inspire and celebrate the connections that are shared between communities and the Susquehanna River. The Annual Susquehanna Greenway Photo Contest provides one way of fostering this connection by encouraging people to #GetOutontheGreenway and explore the Susquehanna through a camera lens.

Hundreds of entries poured in from across the Commonwealth, highlighting the many beautiful and inspiring assets of the Susquehanna River and the Susquehanna Greenway. The winning photos were selected by a panel of judges as the best of four categories: Landscapes, River

Towns, Bridges, and Susquehanna Adventures. Cash Prizes were awarded to the first through third place winners within each category. Winning images were also printed, framed, and added to a traveling gallery, which has been exhibited throughout the Susquehanna region within Pennsylvania this past year.

Since all qualifying photos were taken within the Greenway, the photo contest provides a key touchpoint for people in locations all along the river. As the traveling gallery moves from place to place so too do the scenes of the Susquehanna, encouraging viewers to discover the beauty and resources of the Susquehanna River.

1 First Place Bridges – Christin Campbell 2 First Place Adventures – Philip Mapstone 3 First Place Landscapes and 3 Grand Prize Winner – Mark Boyd 4 First Place River Towns – Edward Boardman 5 Second Place Landscapes – Mark Boyd 6 Second Place Adventures – Terry Wild 7 Second Place Bridges – Barry Truesdell 8 Second Place River Towns – Rita Kurtz 9 Third Place Landscapes – Baxter Wareham 10 Third Place Bridges – Edward Boardman 11 Third Place Adventures – Debra Arthur 12 People’s Choice – Destiny Lucas 13 Third Place River Towns – Tedd Wenrick
8 Selinsgrove, PA 9
10 Towanda,
Fort Hunter, PA
Montgomery, PA
12 Harrisburg, PA 13 Selinsgrove, PA

Susquehanna Scenes and Sips

On November 1, 2018, community members from across the Susquehanna Greenway joined photographers, SGP staff and board members, and partner organizations for Susquehanna Scenes & Sips at the Appalachian Brewing Company (ABC) in Harrisburg, PA. The event celebrated the stunning works of the thirteen winners from the 7th Annual Susquehanna Greenway Photo Contest. The winning images were displayed alongside several previous years’ winners that highlighted the local area.

National Trails & Rivers Systems Celebrate 50 Years

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System and the National Wild & Scenic Rivers System, SGP was excited to be a part of a very special presentation on the importance and history of these networks. An avid paddler, adventurer, and gifted photographer, Tim Palmer joined members of the Susquehanna community at Lycoming College in September 2018 for an engaging presentation on his recent book Wild and Scenic Rivers: An American Legacy. Palmer, who has traveled the country documenting and advocating for the preservation of scenic rivers, gave a brief history of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, as well as an overview of his involvement with the preservation of some of the nation’s most beautiful rivers.

New Resources for Trail Users

In Spring 2019, SGP began creating trail profile cards to connect YOU to the various trails and bike and pedestrian paths along the Susquehanna River. The trail cards were distributed at various events throughout the year and provide a brief description of each of the trails and include important information on the county, length, access points, surface, activities, parking, and manager of the trails. Trail cards are now available for each of the four sections of the Susquehanna Greenway.



SGP’s River Towns Program works within communities throughout the Susquehanna Greenway to envision, prioritize, and implement community-led projects that reconnect residents back to the Susquehanna River, create trails and river accesses, and interpret the community’s natural and cultural assets. SGP’s vision is to connect these towns to the river and to each other through the Susquehanna Greenway.

Main Street, Towanda, PA Photo by Edward Boardman

Greenway Trails & Towns Designated by APA as Great Places in PA

Congratulations are in order for two Susquehanna Greenway River Towns as they were awarded top honors from the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA), and SGP couldn’t be prouder! Lock Haven and Woodward Township’s combined Susquehanna Riverfront received the designation of a 2018 Great Public Place in Pennsylvania, and Williamsport’s Susquehanna River Walk received the designation of a 2018 Great Greenway/Trail from the APA.

Lock Haven, PA Photo by Phillip Mapstone

According to the Pennsylvania Chapter of the APA, a Great Public Space is “a vibrant place where people of all ages gather to play, socialize, enjoy a meal or concert, relax, or just enjoy the outdoors. It is a focal point for community events, which brings people together and bolsters the economy.”

In recognition of the criteria above, The Greater Lock Haven Riverfront was bestowed this designation during its annual Labor Day Regatta in September 2018. The Riverfront has been a valued asset to the communities since the launch of the Lock Haven Flood Protection Project in 1986. At the time, the project was controversial due to the construction of a levee, but a local planning team participated in the design phase to make the levee a resource for the community.

Since the project’s completion in 1995, it has provided locals with amenities such as a river walk and park, a pavilion, a concrete swimming enclosure to revive the YMCA beach, an amphitheater, a seasonal floating concert stage, and a public boat launch (in Woodward Township). These facilities have made the Riverfront a cherished place for everyday recreation and a valuable location for annual events like the Labor Day Speedboat Regatta, Riverfest, Great Island Adventure Triathlon, and a summer concert series on the floating stage.

Williamsport was likewise recognized as a 2018 Great Greenway/Trail by the Pennsylvania Chapter of the APA for its Susquehanna River Walk. Today the River Walk acts as a key link between the communities of the City of Williamsport, South Williamsport Borough, and Armstrong Township, as well as links to Loyalsock Township and Montoursville Borough via the Susquehanna Bikeway. In addition to its 4.2 miles of trail, the River Walk boasts a circular Timber Interpretive Trail between the Maynard Street and Market Street bridges. This interpretive trail provides users with information about the region’s lumber heritage. While providing panoramic scenery of the Susquehanna, the River Walk also offers views of nesting bald eagles, peregrine falcons, and migrating birds.

The announcement of Williamsport’s designation was made during STEP Inc.’s Pathway to Fitness dedication at the STEP River Walk Center in South Williamsport on August 10, 2018.

Richard Koch, Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the APA and member of the SGP Board of Directors, announced, “You have done really outstanding work here. This is the best I’ve seen in the entire Susquehanna River basin and you should give yourselves credit for that...

Looking at what you’ve done now and what you have planned in the future—I think it’s one of the most remarkable stories up and down the Susquehanna River.”

Mark Murawski, a Lycoming County transportation supervisor who oversaw much of the River Walk project, shared future plans for the River Walk, “This is a great place, but we can make it a greater place,” he said. “We are working on the design of a top-10 trail gap in Pennsylvania, which is extending this River Walk from Maynard Street west over to Susquehanna State Park.”

SGP commends Lock Haven, Woodward Township, and Williamsport for their well-deserved designations. Their continued efforts to maintain and develop their waterfronts for the good of our local communities and ecosystems are commendable and act as inspirations to other communities looking to celebrate their connection to the Susquehanna River.

Photo by Michelle Yost

Heart of Williamsport Cleanup

Volunteers from across the greater Williamsport area joined forces in April 2019 for the second annual Richard James Memorial Cleanup Week. This week-long initiative to beautify the city brought together over 400 volunteers and removed more than 2,000 pounds of trash from the streets, parks, and waterways of the greater Williamsport area. On the River Walk alone, SGP and the Heart of Williamsport volunteers collected 280 pounds of litter in just 3 hours. Thanks to the hard work of everyone involved, residents and visitors alike can feel pride in crossing the mighty Susquehanna into a city full of educational and cultural offerings, businesses, restaurants, and entertainment.

Bloomsburg Joins River Town Ranks

In October 2018, the town of Bloomsburg saw a multi-year effort fulfilled when it received its official designation as a Susquehanna Greenway River Town at a ceremony held during the town council’s meeting. Aside from holding the distinction as the only official “town” in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg is also home to the beautiful Town Park, the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds, Bloomsburg University,

several venues that showcase Arts and Cultures, as well as a vibrant Downtown and Historic District. Welcome to the family of Susquehanna Greenway River Towns, Bloomsburg. We look forward celebrating your connections to the Susquehanna River.


Who are the SGP Designated River Towns?

Renovo, South Renovo, & Noyes Township

Lock Haven

Jersey Shore








Exeter Township






Photo by Chris Cooley


SGP is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the Susquehanna Greenway and its corridor of conserved lands, trails, and communities that run along the Susquehanna River within Pennsylvania. SGP could not, however, accomplish all of the great work within the Greenway without our valued network of partners and local community organizations. Here are some outstanding examples of partner work accomplished in the 2018-2019 fiscal year.

Susquehanna Heritage Becomes a National Heritage Region

In March 2019, SGP’s partners at the Susquehanna Heritage Area saw their efforts rewarded when Lancaster and York counties were designated as the Susquehanna National Heritage Area, becoming the nation’s 55th National Heritage Area. According to the National Park Service, a National Heritage Area is not a national park, but a “large, lived-in landscape” where “historic, cultural, and natural resources combine to form cohesive, nationally important landscapes.”

Endless Mountains Heritage Region

In May of 2019, the Endless Mountains Heritage Region held its annual Youth Heritage Sojourn along the Susquehanna River at Camp Lackawanna in Tunkhannock, PA. In all, 35 high-school level participants took part in the experience. Due to high water conditions on the Susquehanna, participants were shuttled to nearby Lake Carey for their paddling expeditions. Though they could not be on the river, the students learned a great deal about environmental stewardship, ecology, kayaking, safety, survival, and camping for future Susquehanna excursions. For more information about EMHR visit www.emheritage.org.

Bald Eagle Valley Trail Opens

Clinton County officials brought in the first day of Spring 2019 with a ribbon-cutting event recognizing the completion of the Bald Eagle Valley Trail’s (BEVT) second phase of development. With the Phase II section, the BEVT stretches 3.4 miles between Castanea and McElhattan on the West Branch. The planned 11.5-mile trail will ultimately run from Castanea to the Jersey Shore Trailhead of the Pine Creek Rail Trail. The BEVT is a project of Clinton County Government, with partners in Castanea, Wayne and Pine Creek Townships, the Clinton County Solid Waste Authority, and the Clinton County Economic Partnership.

Harrisburg Riverwalk Improved

The Harrisburg Riverwalk experienced some rejuvenation in 2019. The Riverwalk project replaced and repaired portions of the walkway along the Susquehanna River between Shipoke and Maclay Street. On August 29, 2019, Mayor Eric Papenfuse led a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the newly renovated lower Riverwalk followed by an inaugural bike ride along the improved section. The Harrisburg Riverwalk acts as an important section within the larger 20-mile Capital Area Greenbelt, which

runs throughout the capital city. Photo by Judy Winslow

2019 Trail of the Year

The Mid State Trail, Pennsylvania’s longest, most remote, and wild footpath was named “Pennsylvania’s 2019 Trail of the Year.” The Mid State Trail traverses 527.02 km (327 miles) from the New York border to the Maryland border. The trail provides some of the most varied, and at times difficult, hiking in the state, taking visitors through isolated forests, past historic sites and vistas, alongside waterfalls, and to natural springs. In addition to the eight state forests the trail passes through, a portion of the trail enters the Susquehanna Greenway near McElhattan in Clinton County and crosses the West Branch of the Susquehanna River.

14th Annual River Symposium at Bucknell

More than 300 people, including students, faculty, scientists, engineers, policymakers, consultants, and community members, participated in the thirteenth annual Susquehanna River Symposium in October 2019 at Bucknell University in the SGP designated River Town of Lewisburg, PA.. The two-day event featured 147 authors from 47 colleges and organizations presenting 91 exhibits, posters, and oral presentations. This year’s theme was “Healthy Rivers, Healthy Communities.”

Clinton County Susquehanna Wilds Water Trail Map Released

Paddlers in Clinton County now have a new resource to aid them in their exploration with the release of the Clinton County Susquehanna Wilds Water Trail Map in early 2019. This map details a 75-mile stretch of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River Water Trail from Karthaus to Jersey Shore. In addition to the water trail details, the map also highlights natural features, wildlife within the area, and historical points of interest. Also included on the back side of the map is information on local attractions, accommodations, and dining. Downtown Lock Haven, Inc. produced the map with funding through a Clinton County Tourism/Recreation grant. The map is now available through the Clinton County Economic Partnership.

Photo by Bucknell University

River Access Improvement on the West Branch

An improved river access was officially opened in Irvin Park in Curwensville in April 2019. Originally recommended by residents, the improved access reduces the distance for boat carries and improves the safety of the launch. Prior to the improvement, paddlers had to carry their watercraft from the parking lot through the middle of Irvin Park approximately 600 feet to gain access to the West Branch. Interpretive signage also highlights the history of the log booms that are still visible downriver of the launch. The project was funded in part by the Lumber Heritage Region, PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship from a C2P2 grant from the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Bureau of Recreation and matched by the Federal Home Loan Bank in Pittsburgh.

Hellbender Becomes PA’s State Amphibian

Snot otter, lasagna lizard, mud devil, ground puppy, devil dog, and Allegheny alligator! A slippery critter that goes by many names, the Hellbender was officially named as Pennsylvania’s state amphibian in April 2019. This nocturnal Greenway native can grow over two feet long— making it North America’s largest amphibian. It lives in very clean streams beneath rocks, so our beautiful Susquehanna River watershed plays a large role in shaping its environment. Members of Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s student leadership council spearheaded the campaign to designate it as the state’s official amphibian, and their efforts were aided by Lycoming College’s Clean Water Institute.

19th Annual Tour de Belt Harrisburg

On Sunday, June 2, 2019, over 1,000 riders, volunteers, and sponsors participated in the 19th Annual Tour de Belt, helping the Capital Area Greenbelt Association raise over $25,000 to support annual trail maintenance and development. Participants followed the 20-mile Greenbelt—a century-old system of parks and open spaces, riding through picturesque natural areas including Wildwood Lake and special places like the beautiful Five Senses Gardens and the Martin Luther King Memorial. Riders experienced many improvements to the Greenbelt including safer trail crossings at busy intersections and many newly paved sections.

Photo by Ryan Wagner Photo by Dianne Byers






Corey Ellison Executive Director Sam Keller AmeriCorps Susquehanna Greenway & Trails Assistant Alice Trowbridge Greenway Coordinator & HOW Project Coordinator Alana Jajko Director of Communications & Outreach Photo by Chuck Haupt Bob Rolley, Chair Sid Furst, Secretary Jason Fitzgerald, Treasurer Mike Wiley Timm Moyer Erica Shames Richard Koch Linda Woodward Carrie Pauling Alex Johnson Jordan Sheffer Jerry Walls


Watsontown, PA Photo by JT Foster



Eric and Kristin Adams

Stephen Artman

Barbara Baker

Betty Ann Bardell

Gail BeVier

Edwin and Anne BeVier

Chelsea Rodriguez and Andre BeVier

Marilyn Bok

Jeff Bowen

James and Cynthia Bower

Stephen and Laura Brown

Susan Browning

Patrick and Maureen Carey

Ned and Gayle Coates

David and Sarah Craig

Mark Crames

Michael and Marsha Cunningham

Walton G. Dahlander

John K. Davis

John and Linda Dietrich

Richard and Diane Digiacomo

Diane Donato

Thomas K. Edinger

Jae and Corey Ellison

Victor and Mary Engel

Stephen and Francine Everson

Kathleen Farrell

Shawn Felty

Reed Fisher

Jason Fitzgerald

William and Constance Foresman

Glen and Patricia Foster

Louise Fulmer

Steven Miller and Ellen Gauthier

Tom and Sarah Gehret

Bill Gibson Jr.

Sylvia Gleason

William Goodenow

Frances D. Hamby

Danelle Harvey

Harry and Sue Hefty

Oren Helbok

Michael and Carol Hubler

Ron and Diane Jajko

David and Theodora Jansky

Erik Johnson

Jennifer Joyce

Bridget Kane

Shane Kiefer and Alana Jajko

Richard and Toni Koch

Mike and Jill Komar

Diane Kripas

Michael Kubishen

Martha Lawrenz

Cynthia Lehman

James and Connie Lewis

Joe and Kelly Lloyd

Lewis and Myla Magent

Bill and Sue Malone

Tim and Janet Marsh

Steve and Deb Martin

Frederick and Josephine Maue

Martin and Wendy McCormick

Matthew McLaughlin

Anthony and Rosalie Molinaro

Connie C. Moore

Timm and Kristen Moyer

Suzanne Murdza

Sue ODonnell

Stuart and Judith Olinsky

Judy Paris

Samantha Pearson

Judy and John Peeler

Carlos and Harriett Perez

Michael Philbin

Michele Phillips

Andree Phillips

Jessica Raczkowski

John and Lana Raymond

Alfred and Ann Reeves

Jerome and Alice Rizzo

Paul D. Schmeck

Stephen and Dorothy Schopfer

Kathy Scullin

Erica Shames

Jeffery and Shannon Sheaffer

Michael Sheely

David and Louisa Stone

Susan Storch

John Sweeney

Donna Thompson

Richard Morrison and

Ms. Nina Tober

Ellie Tomlinson

Francis Troutman

Alice and Rich Trowbridge

Basil Trowbridge

Gary Tuma

Bryan Van Sweden

John and Carol Wagner

Robert and Rose Ann Wallace

Peter and Christine Wallace

Jerry and Joy Walls

Barbara Walzer

Marty Walzer

Kim Wheeler

Kerry and Kathy Wilson

Suzanne and Mark Winkelman

Linda Woodward

Thomas and Beverly Zorn

Corporate Donors

UPMC Susquehanna Health

Susquehanna Life

Citizens’ Electric Company

Vassallo Engineering & Surveying, Inc.

Landstudies, Inc.

Frey Commissary, Inc.

Williamsport Sun-Gazette

Civic Organizational Donors

Lewisburg Sunset Rotary

Jersey Shore Area Lioness Club


Eve Adrian

Kelly Anderson

Tom Casilio

Rob Cooley

David and Sarah Craig

Adam Dean

James Dunn

Jason Fitzgerald

Sid Furst

Richard Glinski

Steve Hulslander

Bridget Kane

Samuel Keller

Shane Kiefer

Richard Koch

Mary Kuna

Phyllis Lee

Matthew McLaughlin

Nicole Miller

Dallas Miller

Timm Moyer

Chelsea Myers

Samantha Pearson

John and Margaret Piper

Star-daisha Poole

Bob Rolley

Linda Schramm

Erica Shames

Linda Stein

David and Louisa Stone

Brian Swisher

Alice Trowbridge

Jennifer Ulmer

Robin Van Auken

Peter Wallace

Jerry and Joy Walls

Daryle Walton

Sasha Weilbaker

Mike Wiley

Mary Woods

Linda Woodward

Nicole Young

In-Kind Donations

Genetti Hotel And Suites

Northcentral PA Conservancy

UPMC Susquehanna Health

Larson, Kellett & Associates, P.C. Susquehanna Life

James V. Brown Library

Union County Conservation District Lycoming College

Pennsylvania College of Technology

UPMC Susquehanna Health

Mojo Active

Lycoming County Planning Commission

The Swisher Studio

This project was financed in part by a grant from the Community Conservation Partnerships Program, using Environmental Stewardship Funds, under the administration of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation.


Volunteer Highlight

SGP is so grateful to our network of volunteers who generously contribute their time towards improving and growing the Susquehanna Greenway. In one year alone, the Susquehanna Greenway was benefited by 2,158 hours of work from volunteers at SGP events, along the water trail, among our board, and during community cleanups. Our volunteers each have a unique set of skills and talents, and we love to see how their interests overlap with the vision and mission of the Greenway. Take Richard Koch, for example.

Since he joined the SGP team in January 2017, Richard Koch has been a dedicated champion for the Greenway in the Harrisburg area. Having spent his professional life as a community planner, Richard loves how his involvement with SGP has allowed him to remain engaged with communities in his backyard, especially in regards to helping them celebrate and connect to the outdoor recreation opportunities of the Greenway.

“SGP is a wonderful tool for improving communities and the environment along the Susquehanna River. It’s staff and Board members are committed to making Central Pennsylvania a better place to live, work and play,” says Koch.

His favorite event is the Capital Area Greenbelt’s annual Tour de Belt in Harrisburg where he has had the opportunity to connect the opportunities of the Susquehanna Greenway with friends and neighbors in his own community.

SGP is very thankful for Richard’s efforts, and for our wonderful community of supporters who engage with the Greenway each and every day just by exploring in their own backyards.

Become a Volunteer Ambassador
Become a Water Trail Steward
Visit the SGP Online Shop • Shop with Amazon Smile
Donate Directly to the Greenway
visit susquehannagreenway.org or email info@susquehannagreenway.org.
To learn more about these opportunities,

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