Issue 2297

Page 1

xπJxmJPhr Kmr∆P≠

hJzJPf IJPuo-SuJoJPhr kKf kiJjoπLr IJymJj

ßvU yJKxjJr ßvw rãJ yPóZ jJ

30 †g knx` †cwm‡W›U

wRqvi kvnv`vZ evwlKx

|| migv †W¯‹ ||

jÊb, 26 †g - AvMvgx 30 †g evsjv‡`‡ki c_g ivócwZ, AvawbK evsjv‡`‡ki ¯cwZ, evsjv‡`‡ki gnvb ¯vaxbZvi †NvlK, evsjv‡`kRvZxqZvev`x

`‡ji cwZôvZv I evsjv‡`‡k eû`jxq MYZ‡ši ce³v knx` †cwm‡W›U wRqvDi ingvb exi DËg'i 7 kÔJ~

bvMwiK‡`i mZK

Ki‡jv h³ivó

kvwšcY we‡¶v‡f msNvZ, mwnsmZvi Avk¼v

jÊb, 26 †g - ivRavbxmn †`‡ki wewfb kn‡i

_vKv gvwKb bvMwiK‡`i mZKZvi m‡½

Pjv‡divi civgk w`‡q‡Q XvKv¯ h³ivó

`Zvevm| MZKvj weKv‡j bvMwiK‡`i Rb¨ bZb

wbivcËv mZKZv Rvwi K‡i‡Q gvwKb `Zvevm| 3 kÔJ~

KjmJYjL IKj~Por xPñ \KzfPhr Kmr∆P≠ oJKTj KnxJ KjPwiJùJ

❚ evsjv‡`k miKvi‡K GB wm×vš 3iv †g Rvwb‡q w`‡q‡Q h³ivó ❚ evsjv‡`‡k wbevPb I MYZš evavM¯ n‡j `vqx‡`i h³iv‡ói wfmv eÜ

❚ Avgiv Aeva I wbi‡c¶ wbevP‡bi c‡¶ AvwQ, Avgiv A¨vKkb wb‡Z c¯Z|

❚ gvwKb †m‡µUvix Ae †÷U wms‡K‡bi †NvlYv ❚ aicvKo, gvgjv, †MdZvi

|| migv cwZ‡e`b || jÊb, 26 †g - migvi MZ mßv‡ni msev` wk‡ivbvg wQ‡jv †kL nvwmbv-†kl nvwmbv| hv‡`i g‡b ¶xY m‡›`n wQ‡jv †h, †kl nvwmbv †kl i¶vi GKUv †Póv Pvjv‡eb| gvwKb h³iv‡ói m‡½ GKUv mg‡SvZvq Avm‡eb| Zviv †R‡b ivLb, †kl nvwmbvi †kl i¶v n‡”Q bv| Avi †kl i¶v n‡”Qbv e‡jB wZwb MZ 3iv †g †_‡K cvM‡ji cjvc eK‡Qb| 3 kÔJ~

ˆPc≤ KnxJ~ mqJkT TzJTKz: kKrmJr

@jJr xPpJV yJrJPuj KvãJgLrJ

ÇÇ xroJ kKfPmhj ÇÇ

u§j, 27 ßo - mPaPjr IKnmJxL xÄUqJ ToJPf ˆPc≤ KnxJ~ mqJkT TPbJrfJ @PrJk TPrPZ mfoJj ßaJKr xrTJrÇ xŒKf kJuJPoP≤ ßyJo ßxPâaJKr xP~uJ mqJnJroqJj mPuPZj, KmPhvL 3 kÔJ~

ImPvPw ÈFTfrlJ

evwo‡q wb‡q †`‡k evKkvj Kv‡qg Kivi

¯c †`L‡Q| A‰ea AmÎ nv‡Z cKvk¨

AvIqvgx jx‡Mi Ggwciv wgwQj Ki‡Q!

MYZšKvgx †`‡ki mkxj mgv‡Ri †jvK‡`i

e¯vq f‡i ewoM½v b`xi Kv‡jv cvwb‡Z

†Q‡o †`Iqvi ûgwK w`‡”Q! Ae¯v`‡ó g‡b

n‡”Q MYwe‡ivax evKkvj miKvi e¨e¯v

ceZ‡bi w`‡KB SK‡Q AvIqvgx jxM

miKvi| migv cvVK‡`i g‡b _vKevi K_v, evsjv‡`k msweavb ms‡kvab K‡i wbevwPZ

msm‡`i †gqv` evwo‡q †bqvi NUbv Av‡M


1975 mv‡j 25 Rvbqvwi ZrKvjxb RvZxq

msm‡` msweav‡bi PZ_ ms‡kvabx, hv †`‡k

GK`jxq †cwm‡W›U kvwmZ evKkvj e¨e¯v

Pvj K‡iwQ‡jv, †mB ms‡kvabx‡Z H

msm‡`i †gqv` 25 Rvbqvwi, 1975 ZvwiL

†_‡K AviI cvP eQ‡ii Rb¨ evov‡bv nq|

1973 mv‡ji wbevP‡bi gva¨‡g MwVZ

msm` BwZg‡a¨B cvq `B eQi

KjmJYj' ßgPT xPr

hJzJPuj @Krl, xy\ \P~r kPg


ÇÇ xroJ ßcÛ ÇÇ

u§j, 26 ßo - ImPvPw xTu

❚ GKRb wPd Rvw÷m‡KI bvwg‡q w`‡qwQjvg, Zvc‡mi ûgwK! TJCK¿uJr

\•jJ-T•jJr ImxJj WKaP~

hPur Kx≠JP∂r xogKj \JKjP~

KxPua KxKa TPkJPrvj KjmJYPj

IÄv jJ ßjS~Jr ßWJweJ KhPuj

KmFjKk huL~ mfoJj ßo~r

@Krlu yT ßYRirLÇ aJjJ

hAmJPrr KjmJKYf FmÄ

˙JjL~nJPm mqJkT \jKk~

mfoJj ßo~r @Krlu yT

Km˜JKrf 2 kÔJ~ || migv cwZ‡e`b ||

jÊb, 26 †g - AvIqvgx jxM‡K †`‡ki

gvbl Avi kvmb ¶gZvq †`L‡Z Pvq bv| †h Kvi‡Y †`‡ki †hLv‡bB

ßYRirLr Foj ßWJweJr kr

rJ\QjKfT S xJoJK\T xPYfj

oyPur IPjPTA @xj 3 kÔJ~

kKfÔJfJ : orÉo IJuyJ\ cJ mKvr IJyoh Est: May 1978 SURMA 46 Years, Issue 2297, 26 May - 01 June 2023 12 - 18 ‰\Ôq 1430 mJÄuJ, 50p
AvIqvgx jxM we‡ivax mfv-mgv‡ek n‡”Q, †mLv‡bB gvb‡li Xj bvg‡Q| GKvi‡Y Rb‡iv‡l fxZ n‡q Rbwe‡ivax AvIqvgx jxM miKvi wbevPb QvovB msm‡`i †gqv` 5 eQi
cvi K‡i †d‡jwQ‡jv| Zvi A_ n‡”Q RbM‡Yi iv‡qi 4 kÔJ~
❚ msm‡`i †gqv` evwo‡q †bqvi c¯ve! ❚ A¯ nv‡Z cKv‡k¨ Ggwc †gv¯vwdR‡ii wgwQj!
jfj K¸TJr u§j, 26 ßo - aJS~Jr yqJoPuax TJCK¿Pur jfj K¸TJr KyPxPm hJK~f KjP~PZj TJCK¿uJr \JPyh ßYRirLÇ 3 kÔJ~
aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr

švmev‡`i weiæ‡× `vov‡Z Av‡jg-

Ijvgv‡`i cwZ cavbgšxi AvnŸvb

|| XvKv Awdm ||

jÊb, 26 †g - wkï‡`i Rw½ev` Ges mšvmev`

†_‡K `‡i †i‡L GKwU AvawbK I ÁvbwfwËK

DbZ RvwZ MV‡b Ae`vb ivL‡Z nRhvÎx Ges

Av‡jg-Ijvgv‡`i cwZ AvnŸvb Rvwb‡q‡Qb

cavbgšx †kL nvwmbv| e‡j‡Qb, Avcbv‡`i Ges

Av‡jg-Ijvgv‡`i Rw½ev` I mšvmev‡`i weiæ‡×

mvnwmKZvi m‡½ `vov‡bvi AvnŸvb Rvbvw”Q|

hv‡Z Avgv‡`i wkïiv GwU †_‡K `‡i _vK‡Z

cv‡i Ges DbZ evsjv‡`k Mo‡Z AvawbK

chw³‡Z c¯Z n‡Z cv‡i| MZKvj ivRavbxi

Avk‡Kvbv GjvKvq nR Awd‡m nR KgmwP-

2023 D‡ØvabKv‡j cavb AwZw_i e³‡e¨ wZwb

G AvnŸvb Rvbvb| ag cwZgšx †gv dwi`j nK

Lvb GgwcÕi mfvcwZ‡Z ¯vMZ e³e¨ iv‡Lb

gšYvj‡qi mwPe KvRx Gbvgj nvmvb| Abôv‡b

e³e¨ iv‡Lb †emvgwiK wegvb cwienb I chUb

cwZgšx Gg gvnee Avjx, nvwee nvmvb Ggwc, evsjv‡`‡k †mŠw` ivó`Z Bmv BD‡md Bmv Avj

`jvBnvb Ges nR G‡RwÝm G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae

evsjv‡`‡ki (nve) mfvcwZ kvnv`vZ †nv‡mb


Bmjv‡gi bv‡g Rw½ev` I mšvm K‡i Ggb wKQ

†jv‡Ki Kvi‡Y Bmjvg‡K wbw›`Z Kiv n‡”Q D‡jL

K‡i †kL nvwmbv e‡jb, Avm‡j hviv Rw½ev` I

mšvm mwó K‡i Zv‡`i †Kv‡bv ag †bB| Bmjvg

kvwši ag Ges GwU me`v gvb‡li Kj¨v‡Yi ag, hv gvb‡li AwaKvi wbwðZ K‡i| hviv Rw½ev` I mšvmev` mwó Ki‡Q Zviv me a‡gB Av‡Q| wZwb e‡jb, hw` †KD g‡b K‡i †h, Zviv wbiciva gvbl‡K nZ¨v K‡i †e‡nk‡Z hv‡e, Zv KLbB

n‡e bv| mekw³gvb Avjvn Zv e‡jbwb Ges Avgv‡`i bex nhiZ gnv¤§` (mv )I Zv e‡jbwb| ‡kL nvwmbv e‡jb, Avgv‡`i Bmjvg cw_exi †kô ag Ges GB Aí wKQ gvblB Bmjv‡gi wb›`vi KviY n‡q DV‡Q| wZwb e‡jb, GB RNb¨ KvRwU †_‡K GB †jvK‡`i _vgv‡Z mevB‡K D‡`¨vM wb‡Z n‡e|

G mgq cavbgšx Zvi †QvU †evb †kL †invbv I cwiev‡ii Ab¨ m`m¨‡`i Rb¨ nRhvÎx‡`i Kv‡Q †`vqv †P‡q e‡jb, Avcbv‡`i Kv‡Q Avgvi me‡P‡q eo `vwe n‡jv, Avcbviv Avgvi evsjv‡`‡ki RbM‡Yi Rb¨ †`vqv Ki‡eb, hv‡Z Zv‡`i fvM¨ wb‡q †KD wQwbwgwb †Lj‡Z bv cv‡i| wZwb nRhvÎx‡`i evsjv‡`k I Gi RbMY‡K gvbemó ev cvKwZK `‡hvM †_‡K i¶vi Rb¨ cv_bvi AvnŸvb Rvbvb| ‡kL nvwmbv e‡jb, Avcbv‡`i‡K †Kv‡bv `‡hvM ev msKU-Zv gvbemó ev cvKwZK `‡hvM-

evsjv‡`k Ges evsjv‡`‡ki RbM‡Yi hv‡Z ¶wZ Ki‡Z bv cv‡i †mRb¨ cv_bv Kivi Ab‡iva Rvbvw”Q| evsjv‡`‡k cvKwZK `‡hv‡Mi cvkvcvwk gvbemó wechq N‡U| KviY GLv‡b AwMms‡hvM, mwnsmZv Ges cwien‡b Av¸b w`‡q gvbl nZ¨v Kiv nq| wZwb nRhvÎx‡`i †`vqv Ki‡Z e‡jb hv‡Z fwel¨‡Z evsjv‡`‡ki Dbqb I eZgvb

AMMwZ Ae¨vnZ _v‡K| miKvi cavb e‡jb, Zvi miKvi w`b-ivZ AKvš cwikg K‡i AvR evsjv‡`k‡K Ggb GKwU

Ae¯v‡b wb‡q Avm‡Z m¶g n‡q‡Q †hLv‡b

†`‡ki gvbl AšZ Lvevi †L‡Z cvi‡Q| evsjv‡`‡ki GKRb gvblI Mnnxb ev fwgnxb _vK‡e bv D‡jL K‡i wZwb e‡jb, Avwg RvwZi wcZv e½eÜ †kL gwRei ingv‡bi ¯c ev¯evqb


n‡Ri mgq nvRx‡`i m¯v¯¨ Kvgbv K‡i †kL nvwmbv e‡jb, Avcbviv Avjvni †gngvb wn‡m‡e

Avjvni N‡ii cvkvcvwk g°v-gw`bv kix‡d hv‡”Qb| Avgiv cv_bv Kwi †hb Avcbviv wbivc`, ¯v¯¨Ki Ges m›`ifv‡e nR cvjb Ki‡Z cv‡ib Ges †mB m‡½ Avcbviv m¯fv‡e †`‡k wd‡i Avm‡Z cv‡ib| wZwb e‡jb, nRhvÎx‡`i `‡fvM Kgv‡Z Zviv ÔB-nR e¨e¯vcbvÕ Pvj K‡i‡Qb| cavbgšx e‡jb, GLb n‡Ri hveZxq Kvhµg †hgb cvK-wbeÜb, wbeÜb, †diZ, g°v †ivW mvwfm, B-‡nj_, B-wfmv, dvBU, †ní †W¯ , Kj †m›Uvi, G‡RwÝ †cvdvBj g¨v‡bR‡g›U Gme BnR e¨e¯vcbvi Aax‡b Kiv n‡”Q| miKvi cavb e‡jb, GLvb †_‡K 16136 b¤‡i Kj †m›Uv‡ii cvkvcvwk cwZwU nRhvÎx‡K GmGgG‡mi gva¨‡g nR msµvš weÁwß †`qv n‡”Q Ges nRhvÎxiv Wvqvwjs K‡ji gva¨‡g mewKQ Rvb‡Z cvi‡eb| wZwb AviI D‡jL K‡ib, Zviv nR I Igivn e¨e¯vcbv AvBb-2021 cYqb K‡i‡Qb, hv nR e¨e¯vcbv‡K AviI mnR K‡i‡Q| Abôv‡b Rvbv‡bv nq, c_g nR dvBUwU kwbevi †ejv 2Uv 45 wgwb‡U nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšRvwZK wegvbe›`i †_‡K †mŠw` Avi‡ei D‡Ï‡k¨ †Q‡o hvIqvi K_v i‡q‡Q| G eQi evsjv‡`k †_‡K †gvU 1 jvL 22 nvRvi 221 Rb nRhvÎx cweÎ nR cvjb Ki‡Z hv‡”Qb| †KvwfW-19 wewawb‡l‡ai Kvi‡Y MZ eQi evsjv‡`k †_‡K nRhvÎxi msL¨v wQj 57,585 Rb| †KvwfW-19 gnvgvwii Av‡M 2019 mv‡j evsjv‡`k †_‡K 1 jvL 27 nvRvi 198 Rb nR cvjb K‡iwQ‡jb| Pv` †`Lv mv‡c‡¶ 27‡k Rb nR AbwôZ n‡e e‡j Avkv Kiv n‡”Q|

UmrJUmr 26 May - 01 June 2023 2 CASH & CARRY Z a m a n B r o t h e r s Z a m a n B r o t h e r s 17 - 19 Brick Lane, London E1 6PU T: 0207 247 1009 M: 07983 760 908 WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS mJÄuJ aJCPjr kJePTPª ImK˙f IJoJPhr F ßhJTJPj mJÄuJPhPvr pJmfL~ ¸JAx, KmKnj fKrfrTJrL, ßpoj uJC, \JKu, TozJ, K^ÄVJ, Kvo, uKf xy jJjJ irPer frfJ\J oJZ FmÄ fJ\J yJuJu oJÄx ßoJrV kJS~J pJ~Ç IJoJPhr FUJPj ßp ßTJj oJuJoJu kJATJrL S UYrJ KTjPf kJPrj Ifq∂ x˜J hJPoÇ FUJPj IJKTTJr IcJr uS~J y~Ç

|| migv †W¯ ||

jÊb, 26 †g - †`‡ki A‰ea cavbgšx †kL

nvwmbv ïa fÛ, †Pvi, WvKvZ, mšvmx, Lbx, Pv`vevR, †UÛvievR, wQbZvBKvix, `bxwZevR, alK Avi Rw½‡`i Avkq¯j bv, wZwb GLb

evUcvi Avi cZviK‡`iI Avkq¯j| Zvi

†jvK‡`i cZviYvi Rvj GLb D”P Av`vjZ chš

we¯Z n‡q‡Q| Av`vjZ‡K Zviv cZviYvi AvLov

evwb‡q †d‡j‡Q| gv‡S g‡a¨ `‡qKRb aivI

co‡jI Zvi kvwoi AvP‡ji wb‡P †_‡K

cZvi‡Kiv gvb‡li mv‡_ †``vi‡m cZviYv I

evUcvwi K‡i hv‡”Q| gnvgvwi K‡ivbvi mgq

mv‡n` Kwig I mvewibv bv‡g nvwmbvi cvwjZ `B

cZviK‡K †`Lv †M‡Q| Zv‡`i Awfbe cZviYvi

†KŠkj †`‡L m‡ev”P Av`vjZ chš wew¯§Z

n‡q‡Q| wKš mv‡n` I mvewibv aiv †L‡jI

Zv‡`i †cQ‡b hviv wQj Zviv AvRI aiv †Qvqvi

A‡bK evB‡i Av‡Q| nvwmbvi AvP‡ji Z‡j †_‡K

Zviv AmsL¨ mv‡n` I mvewibv ˆZix K‡i‡Q|

cZvi‡Kiv Av`vjZ cv½‡bI `xNw`b †_‡K bvbvb

cZviYv I RvwjqvwZ Ki‡Q| D”P Av`vjZ chš

Zviv Qwo‡q c‡o‡Q| GKvi‡Y AvBb Av`vj‡Zi

Dci gvb‡li Av¯v Av‡¯ Av‡¯ D‡V hv‡”Q|

cavb wePvicwZ wePvi wefv‡Mi AwffveK|

m¤úwZ cavb wePvicwZi GK AvZ xq nvB‡Kv‡U

G‡m cZviYvi wkKvi n‡q‡Qb| GK gvgjvi

iv‡qi bKj msMn Ki‡Z `B AvBbRxexi

mnKvix‡K GK jvL 20 nvRvi UvKv w`‡qI

cvbwb iv‡qi Abwjwc| gvgjvi LiP eve` AvBbRxex‡KI w`‡Z n‡q‡Q 18 jvL UvKv|

en¯úwZevi mܨvq mwcg †KvU wjM¨vj GBW Av‡qvwRZ GK Av‡jvPbv Abôv‡b cavb wePvicwZ nvmvb d‡qR wmwÏKx †mB †fvMvwši K_v Z‡j a‡ib| wZwb e‡jb, ÔAvBbRxexi mnKvixiv hw` GKUv bKj Zj‡Z 80 nvRvi UvKv †bb, ZviciI Kv‡q›U‡K PiwKi g‡Zv †Nviv‡Z _v‡Kb, GUv †iva Ki‡e †K? gvgjvi RvR‡g‡›Ui Kwc Zj‡Z wbKUvZ x‡qi Av`vj‡Z nqivwbi K_v Z‡j a‡i cavb wePvicwZ e‡jb, ÔRvR‡g›U Kiv‡bvi Rb¨ 18 jvL UvKv jÕBqvi wb‡q‡Qb| Gici Zvi c‡¶ ivq G‡jI 40 nvRvi UvKv Zvi KvK wb‡q‡Qb iv‡qi bKj

†Zvjvi Rb¨| c‡i bKj IVv‡bvi Rb¨ Av‡iKRb

KvK‡K a‡i‡Qb| wZwbI Avevi 80 nvRvi UvKv wb‡q‡Qb| wKš gvgjvi iv‡qi bKj cvbwb|Õ cavb wePvicwZ e‡jb, ÔAvwg GKwU †K‡mi NUbvi K_v Avcbv‡`i ewj, GLv‡b mwcg †KvU ev‡ii †cwm‡W›U-‡m‡µUvwi Av‡Qb| Zviv nq‡Zv

ALwk n‡Z cv‡ib| GLb †_‡K 7-8 eQi Av‡M

Avgvi GK `i m¤ú‡Ki AvZ¥xq mvwfm g¨vUv‡i

wiU Kivi Rb¨ Avgvi m‡½ K_vevZv e‡jb| Avwg

Zv‡K A¨vWfvBm Kijvg, ejjvg †`‡Lv gvgjv‡gvKÏgv Ki‡Z †hI bv| gvgjv Ki bv| G gvgjvq Zwg †n‡i hv‡e| GUv mvwfm g¨vUvi|

Z‡K †KD nq‡Zv A¨vWfvBm K‡i‡Q †h, nvB‡KvU wWwfk‡b hw` wiU wcwUkb K‡iv Zvn‡j Zwg wiKBUvj cvev| wKš GUv nvB‡KvU wWwfk‡bi

GLwZqv‡ii welq wQj bv|ÕÔwKš †m hvB †nvK, Avwg Zv‡K A¨vWfvBm Kijvg| Zvici Avgv‡K bv Rvwb‡q nvB‡Kv‡U †gvKÏgvUv K‡ib| nvB‡KvU

Zvi c‡¶ ivqI †`b| iæj A¨vemjU (h_vh_ †NvlYv) nq| A¨vemjU nIqvi ci wZwb Avi bKj cvb bv| A‡bKw`b N‡i bKj hLb cvbwb, ZLb GKchv‡q Avgvi m‡½ †`Lv K‡ib| Avwg

ZLb †`‡ki cavb wePvicwZ| Gi Av‡M wZwb †h

gvgjv K‡i‡Qb, iæj A¨vemjU n‡q‡Q, wKQB

Avgv‡K e‡jbwb| KviY Avwg Zv‡K gvgjv Ki‡Z

eviY K‡iwQjvg|Õ e‡jb cavb wePvicwZ| cavb

wePvicwZ e‡jb, Ôm¤úwZ Avgvi ev`vi‡`i (mnKgx wePvicwZ) Kv‡Q MíUv K‡iwQjvg|Õ wZwb e‡jb, Ôcwiw¯wZ Avcbv‡`i †evSv‡bvi Rb¨

ejwQ| Avwg ZLbI cavb wePvicwZ| GKw`b

†mB AvZ xq Avgvi evmvq †M‡Qb| Avwg KvR

KiwQjvg| evmvq G‡m †`wL †mB AvZ¥xq

KvbvKvwU ïiæ K‡i‡Qb| Avwg ejjvg KvbvKvwU

Ki †Kb| ZLb wZwb e‡jb, Avcwb †Zv †gvKÏgv

Ki‡Z wb‡la K‡iwQ‡jb| Avwg †gvKÏgv

K‡iwQjvg, wR‡ZwQI| wKš AvR `B eQi n‡jv

gvgjvi iv‡qi Kwc nv‡Z cvBwb| Avwg †h

A¨vW‡fv‡KU Gb‡MRW K‡iwQjvg †mB

A¨vW‡fv‡KU mv‡n‡ei KvK‡K 40 nvRvi UvKv

w`‡qwQ bKj IVv‡bvi Rb¨| 40 nvRvi UvKv

†`Iqvi ciI iv‡qi bKj w`‡Z cv‡ibwb| c‡i

Av‡iKRb jÕBqv‡ii KvK‡K ejjvg Zwg bKjUv

Z‡j w`‡Z cv‡iv? wZwb ej‡jb LeB cvwi| wKš

bKj Zj‡Z cv‡ibwb| Gi g‡a¨ IB KvK 80

nvRvi UvKv wb‡q‡Qb|Õ cavb wePvicwZ e‡jb, ÔAvwg Zv‡K wRÁvmv Kijvg, G †K‡mi cvicv‡m

†gvU KZ UvKv LiP K‡iQ? wZwb e‡jb, Avwg

jÕBqvi‡K w`‡qwQ 18 jvL UvKv| wRÁvmv Kijvg

jÕBqvi mv‡n‡ei bvg Kx? GKR‡bi bvg

ej‡jb| wKš †mB AvBbRxexi bvg Avwg Gi

Av‡M ïwbwb, †`wLIwb| hviv cvKwUwms jÕBqvi

Zv‡`i mevB‡K †Zv Avgvi †Pbvi K_v| Avi 18

jvL UvKv hvi wd Zv‡K †Zv wPb‡evB| wKš G‡K

Avwg wPb‡Z cvijvg bv| 18 jvL UvKv jÕBqvi

wb‡q‡Qb| 40 nvRvi UvKv Zvi KvK wb‡q‡Qb

bKj †Zvjvi Rb¨| c‡i bKj IVv‡bvi Rb¨

Av‡iKRb KvK‡K a‡i‡Qb| wZwb Avevi 80

nvRvi UvKv wb‡q‡Qb| wKš gvgjvi bKj


cavb wePvicwZ e‡jb, ÔAvwg cavb wePvicwZ

wn‡m‡e G mgm¨vUv Kxfv‡e mgvavb Ki‡ev?

Avcbviv e‡jb †Zv †`wL? GUv mgm¨vi GKUv

D`vniY w`jvg| Gi g‡a¨ Avkvi K_v Av‡Q

nZvkvi K_vI Av‡Q| †h¸‡jv Avgv‡`i DrmvwnZ

K‡i| Avevi Av‡jvPbv GiKg Ki‡j †KD Lwk

n‡e, †KD ALwk n‡e| Avwg cavb wePvicwZ

nIqvi c‡i 2022 mv‡ji 1 Rvbqvwi †_‡K 30

Rb chš Avgv‡`i †Kv‡bv GKUv †Kv‡Ui

wWm‡cvRvj gvgjvi msL¨v gvÎ 13wU, Avevi IB

wcwiq‡W (mgqKvj) †Kv‡bv GKUv †Kv‡U

wWm‡cvRvj gvgjv n‡q‡Q mv‡o wZb nvRvi| Qq

gv‡m mv‡o wZb nvRvi †Km wWm‡cvRvj K‡i‡Q|

†h 13wU gvgjv wWm‡cvRvj K‡i‡Q †m †e wb‡q, Avevi †h mv‡o wZb nvRvi †Km wWm‡cvRvj K‡i‡Q Zv‡K wb‡qI Avgv‡`i Pj‡Z n‡e|Õ nvmvb d‡qR wmwÏKx e‡jb, ÔAvgiv Avgv‡`i Aa¯b Av`vjZ wfwR‡Ui Kv‡R wSbvB`n wM‡qwQjvg, GKRb bvix Awdmvi wb‡q G‡mwQ wjM¨vj GBW Awdm †_‡K| Iiv ej‡jv †h, m¨vi I‡K wb‡q †M‡jb, mv‡o 500 gvgjv wWj K‡i‡Q| GiKg Av‡Q, GiKgI †c‡qwQ, Avevi A‡bK Kg|Õ cavb wePvicwZ e‡jb, ÔAvgv‡`i wjM¨vj GBW Awdmvi hviv wewfb †Rjvq KvR Ki‡Qb, Avwg A‡bK¸‡jv †Rjv N‡i †`‡LwQ, Zv‡`i cvidig¨vÝ Le fv‡jv| Gme †Rjvi g‡Zv mevB‡K KvR Ki‡Z n‡e|Õ wZwb e‡jb, ÔAvgv‡`i B”Qvkw³Uv Kx, B”Qv kw³ hw` †`k‡cg nq, B”Qvkw³ hw` Avgv‡`i Õ71 nq, B”Qvkw³ hw` nq gvb‡li g‡Li w`‡K ZvwK‡q, GB †h KZ¸‡jv D`vniY w`jvg, Ggb hviv gv‡mi ci gvm eQ‡ii ci eQi †Nv‡ib wePvi cvIqvi Rb¨, Zv‡`i †Kv‡bvfv‡e DcKvi †nvK| Avwg †Zv eK dwj‡q ewj, Wv³vwi †ckv hw` c_g gvbe‡mev nq Zvn‡j AvBbRxex‡`i gvbe‡mev wØZxq †mev c‡ekb wn‡m‡e MY¨ n‡e| wKš †mev hw` IB 18 jvL UvKvi ci 40 nvRvi, Zvici 80 nvRvi, GiciI RvR‡g›U bv‡g bv| GUv †Kv‡bv †mev bq| GUv wb‡qI Pj‡Z n‡e| Avgv‡`i Likx` Avjg Lvb mv‡ne, †iKW dvBj hvq bv| wKš cwicYfv‡e Gi †cQ‡b Kx mgm¨v, †mUvI cavb wePvicwZ wn‡m‡e Avgv‡K †`L‡Z nq|Õ Kv‡qKevi †mKk‡b wM‡q‡Qb D‡jL K‡i †`‡ki cavb wePvicwZ e‡jb, Ô‡ckvq †h mBcvi ZviI Avwg cavb wePvicwZ, Avevi †h nvRvi nvRvi †KvwU UvKv gvwb jÛvwis K‡i, hviv †`k †_‡K UvKv cvPvi Ki‡Q Zv‡`i wePviI Avgv‡`iB Ki‡Z nq|Õ ev‡ii mfvcwZ I m¤úv`‡Ki D‡Ï‡k wZwb e‡jb, ÔAvBbRxex‡`i AvšwiKfv‡e †Póv Ki‡Z n‡e, †K‡m (gvgjv) A¨vWR›U‡g›U bv wb‡q †KvU‡K Avcbviv †ní Ki‡eb| †Kv‡Ui wePvi‡Ki GKvi c‡¶ †Kv‡bv mgm¨vB mgvavb Kiv m¤e bq, hw` AvBbRxex‡`i †ní bv Av‡m, AvBbRxexi mnKvixi †ní bv Av‡m| AvBbRxexi mnKvixiv hw` GKUv bKj Zj‡Z 80 nvRvi UvKv wb‡q ZviciI Kv‡q›U‡K PiwKi g‡Zv †Nviv‡Z _v‡Kb, GUv †iva Ki‡e †K?Õ me‡k‡l wZwb e‡jb,

Ô`bxwZi wel‡q †Kv‡bv Qvo †`‡eb bv, †m hZ D”Pc`¯ AwdmviB †nvK, ga¨gmvwii Awdmvi †nvK, Avi hZ wb‡Pi KgKZvB †nvK| ÕmÎ: Rv‡Mv wbDR UmrJUmr 26 May - 01 June 2023 4 79159 ESTABLISHED AGENT SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1996 Low Cost Travel Agent. Hajj & Umrah Specialist Appointed Agent 273A Whitechapel Road, London E1 1BY Please Contact 0207 375 0800 or 0207 375 0500 Mob: 07984 959885 / 07828 235600 Email: IMRAN TRAVELS Worldwide offers: Av`vjZ‡K cZviYvi AvLov evwb‡q †d‡j‡Q ¶gZvmxb `j ❚ cZviYvq cavb wePvicwZi AvZ¥xqB †Lvqv‡jb 18 jvL UvKv ❚ GUv †iva Ki‡e †K, AvBbRxex‡`i Kv‡Q cavb wePvicwZi ck

dJTJr VefPπ KhKur

(6 kÔJr kr)

ImqJyf ßrPUPZÇ FojKT 2014 xJPur

ßnJaJrKmyLj FTfrlJ KjmJYjPT xlu TrPf

mJÄuJPhPvr Inq∂rLe rJ\jLKfPf y˜Pãk


ßjJKaPv dJTJ~ nJrPfr xJPmT krrJÓxKYm

x\JfJ KxÄP~r ^KaTJ xlr KZu mJÄuJPhPv

Vefπ yfqJ S ßnJaJKiTJr yrPer FT \Wjq


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oPU 5 \Jj~JKrr kyxPjr KjmJYjKa k§ yP~

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TPrjÇ x\JfJ KmFjKk ßY~JrkJrxj ßmVo

UJPuhJ K\~J S \JfL~ kJKa ßY~JroqJj ÉPxAj

oyÿh FrvJPhr xJPgS ‰mbT TPrKZPujÇ ‰mbT

ßvPw FrvJh xJÄmJKhTPhr mPuKZPuj, x\JfJ

fJPT KjmJYPj IÄvVyPer \jq YJk KhP~PZjÇ

nJrPfr krrJÓxKYm FrvJhPT ÉoKT KhP~

mPuKZPuj, ÈfJr hu KjmJYPj ßpJV jJ KhPu IgmJ

KjmJYjKa IjKÔf jJ mJÄuJPhPv AxuJok∫LPhr

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ßmhjJr Kmw~ FA, nJrf \JoJ~Jf-KvKmr C™JPjr

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CjìÜ TPr KhP~PZÇ Kj\˝ yLj˝Jg YKrfJg TrPf

mJÄuJPhPvr oJjPwr ßoRKuT IKiTJr yre

TrPfS T£JPmJi TPrKj j~JKhKuÇ SA xlPr

x\JfJ KxÄ ãofJxLj @S~JoL uLPVr xJPg xr

KoKuP~ xÄKmiJPjr ßhJyJA KhP~KZPujÇ FPf kJ~

k§ yP~ pJS~J FThuL~ kyxPjr KjmJYjKa ßvw

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TPrÇ nJrf mJÄuJPhPvr K˙KfvLufJ YJ~Ç


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Inq∂rLe rJ\jLKfPf x\JfJ KxÄP~r kfqã

y˜PãPk yfmJT yP~KZPujÇ fJPhr xmJr IKnj

K\ùJxJ KZu, x\JfJ ßTj mPuKZPuj AxuJok∫L

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nJV hu muPf TL mK^P~KZPujÇ x\JfJr mÜPmq

CPuU TrJ y~Kj ßp, VyePpJVq KjmJYPjr ˝JPg

kiJj KmPrJiL hu KmFjKkr IÄvVye \ÀKrÇ fJr xlr FKaA koJe TPrPZ, nJrf mJÄuJPhPv

I∂nKÜouT KjmJYPj ßoJPaS KmvJxL j~Ç KjP\

FTKa ˝LTf VefJKπT ßhv yS~J xP•S

mJÄuJPhPvr rJ\jLKfPf VefPπr YYJPT Ix÷m

TPr fPuPZÇ @S~JoL uLV rJÓãofJ~ ßjA Foj mJÄuJPhv nJrf ßhUPf YJ~ jJÇ S~Jj-APuPnj krmfL

KfjKa \JfL~ xÄxh KjmJYPj nJrPfr nKoTJ

UKfP~ ßhUPu nJrPfr FA oPjJnJm ¸Ó ßmJ^J

pJ~Ç pUjA @S~JoL uLV ßTJPjJ rJ\QjKfT

AvIqvgx jx‡Mi evavi Kvi‡Y e¨v‡jÝ cv‡K Gbwewm BD‡Ki gvbeeÜb we‡ivax `‡ji †bZe›`‡K e›`x †i‡L wbevPb

Kiv gvbevwaKvi j•N‡bi kvwgj

jÊb, 26 †g - ZËveavqK miKvi cYenvj I

we‡ivax `‡ji †bZe‡›`i gw³ Qvov wbevPb

gvbevwaKvi jsN‡bi mgvb e‡j `vex K‡ib

gvbevwaKvi msMVb wbivc` evsjv‡`k PvB

BD‡K| MZ 22 †g, †mvgevi mv‡o mvZUvq B÷

jʇbi e¨v‡jÝ †iv‡Wi e¨v‡jÝ cv‡K GK

gvbeeÜb AbwôZ nq| msMV‡bi mfvcwZ gmwjg

Lv‡bi mfvcwZ‡Z I mnKvix †m‡µUvix Avwid

Avng` I mnKvix mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K †gv Avjg

Avng`-Gi †hŠ_ cwiPvjbvq ïiæ‡Z †KviAvb

†ZjvIqvZ K‡ib iwdK Avng`| G‡Z cavb

AwZw_ wnmv‡e e³e¨ iv‡Lb mbvgMÄ †Rjvi

weGbwci mn mfvcwZ AvwkKi ingvb AvwkK|

cavb e³v wn‡m‡e e³e¨ iv‡Lb †¯”Qv‡meK `‡ji

†K›`xq KwgwUi AvšRvwZK welqK m¤úv`K I

h³iv‡R¨ mfvcwZ bvwmi Avn‡g` kvnxb| we‡kl

AwZw_ wnmv‡e e³e¨ iv‡Lb QvZK Dc‡Rjvi

mv‡eK gwnjv fvBm †Pqvig¨vb iv‡k`v Av³vi

b¨vwÝ| Gbwewm BD‡Ki mnmfvcwZ †gv

Avmqv`j nK, Avjx †nvmvBb, †gv ZwiKj

Bmjvg| wnDg¨vwbwU Kve BD‡iv evsjvi wmwbqi

mn-mfvcwZ kvwggj nK, mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K

†gv‡k` Avng` Lvb|

GQvovI e³e¨ iv‡Lb wgRv Gbvgj nK, GW‡fv‡KU †ivKmvbv Av³vi, BDmd Avj AvRv`, ivqnvb Avng`, Gg G kvwgg, mv‡ei Avng`,Ave

mvw`K nvIjv`vi, m‡gbv †eMg, kwid Avng` †gvi‡k`, †gv BKevj û‡mb, mvB`¾vgvb Zv‡iK, †gv Avwgbj Bmjvg mdi, †gv Kvgiæj nvmvb ivwKe, †gv Awn`¾vgvb, dLiæj wgqv, †gvnv¤§` Avjx, wgRvbi wgqv, BkwZqvK †nv‡mb, Bmjvg DÏxb, ûgvqb Avng`, BKevj û‡mb, †gv dRj Avng`, AwjDi ingvb, †gv ïivBg, gwbiæ¾vgvb Lvb, †ivnvb ZvwiK, †gv Kvgivb, †Mvjvg dvivwe

xïPa KjkKff y~ KbT fUjA nJrf ZPa @Px huKaPT C≠Jr TrJr \jqÇ

30 †g knx` †cwm‡W›U

(1o kÔJr kr)

42Zg kvnv`vZ evwlKx| 1981 mv‡ji 30 †g

GK e¨_ mvgwiK Af¨Ìv‡b wZwb PÆMvg mvwKU nvD‡m kvnv`Z eiY K‡ib|

wRqvDi ingvb Avgv‡`i RvZxq exi, wPi DbZ wki| wZwb KgvÛvi wQ‡jb, †`k‡cwgK wQ‡jb, wecex wQ‡jb, ¯vaxb‡PZv wQ‡jb| wZwbB c_g we‡`vn K‡i‡Qb, ¯vaxbZvi †NvlYv w`‡q‡Qb, †bZZ w`‡q‡Qb, h‡×i WvK w`‡q‡Qb, mvnm w`‡q‡Qb| Zvi †P‡q eo K_v wZwb fviZxq AvMvm‡bi weiæ‡× GKwU kw³kvjx I mdj evsjv‡`‡ki mPbv K‡i‡Qb| cZ¨q `xß K‡Ú

e‡j‡Qb, we‡`‡k Avgv‡`i eÜ ivó Av‡Q wKš

†Kvb cf †bB| wRqvDi ingvb GKwU BwZnvm I BwZnv‡mi Aa¨vq| wRqv GKwU cwZôvb| wRqv GKwU ˆecweK †PZbv| wRqv GKwU ivR‰bwZK `kb| RvwZi cwZwU msK‡U, c‡qvR‡bi gû‡Z

RvwZ‡K wZwb ewjô nv‡Z †bZZ w`‡q‡Qb| A_P AvR Zvi Kg RvwZi mvg‡b †hfv‡e Z‡j aivi K_v, †hfv‡e Zvi KvR¸‡jv‡K Av‡iv A‡bK wRqvi mwói c_‡K GwM‡q †bqvi K_v, `fvM¨RbKfv‡e †mwU nqwb| Avi nqwb e‡jB evsjv‡`‡k fviZxq AvMvmb we‡ivax Rb‡Mvôx nvRvi nvRvi ¸g L‡bi wkKvi n‡PQ, evsjv‡`‡ki c‡iv evRvi fvi‡Zi `L‡j, evsjv‡`‡ki cwZi¶v fviZ aŸsm K‡i w`‡q‡Q, evsjv‡`‡ki ckvmb, cwjk, wePvi wefvM, ciivó AvR fvi‡Zi wbqš‡Y, GgbwK evsjv‡`‡ki gvbwPÎ I fwgi cwZwU BwÂI fvi‡Zi Kâvq| wKš †KDB †Kvb

D”P evK¨ Ki‡Qb bv| eis fvi‡Zi KiæYvi w`‡K

ZvwK‡q AcgvwYZ Ki‡Qb knx` †cwm‡W›U

wRqvDi ingvb‡K|

wRqvDi ingvb AvR weZwKZ Ges fviZxq

Pµv‡š AvIqvgx RvZxq kÎæ‡`i Øviv wbevwmZ|

Gic‡iI evsjv‡`wk RvwZ GL‡bv knx` †cwm‡W›U

wRqvDi ingv‡bi †ciYvq ZvwK‡q Av‡Qb gv_v

DP K‡i †b‡niæ WKwUb ev¯evq‡b wjß fviZxq

`vjvj ivR‰bwZK †bZv I kw³¸‡jv‡K civfZ

K‡i evsjv‡`‡ki mve‡fŠgZ cbiæ×vi Ki‡Z|

RvwZ ZvwK‡q Av‡Q GKRb wRqvi A‡c¶vq|

†mw`b nq‡Zv Le †ewk `‡i bq|

knx` †cwm‡W›U wRqvDi ingvb exi DËg Gi

42Zg kvnv`vZ evwlKx h_v‡hvM¨ ghv`vq

D`hvc‡bi Rb¨ mvßvwnK migvi AvMvgx msL¨vq

GKwU we‡kl †µvocÎ cKvk Kiv n‡e| G

Dcj‡¶ †`‡k I cev‡m emevmiZ evsjv‡`wk

bvMwiK‡`i KvQ †_‡K knx` †cwm‡W›U wRqvDi ingvb exi DËg-Gi Av`k evsjv‡`wk

RvZxqZvev`, Zvi Dbq‡bi ivRbxwZi 19 `dv KgmwP Ges †`k cwiPvjbvq Zvi cwZwôZ Dcgnv‡`‡ki enËg ivR‰bwZK `j evsjv‡`k RvZxqZvev`x `‡ji Abb¨ Ae`v‡bi K_v G †`‡ki bZb cRb¥ Z_v mvaviY RbM‡Yi gv‡S cPvi I cmv‡ii D‡Ï‡k¨ †jLv AvnŸvb Kiv hv‡”Q|

D‡jL¨, MZ K‡qK eQi †`k we‡`k †_‡K cKvwkZ GKgvÎ mvßvwnK migv gnvb ¯vaxbZvi †NvlK, AvawbK evsjv‡`‡ki ¯cwZ, c_g ivócwZ knx` †cwm‡W›U wRqvDi ingvb Ges evsjv‡`k ivó I RvwZ MV‡b RvZxq †bZe›`‡K wb‡q we‡kl ZvrchcY w`b¸‡jv‡Z Gai‡Yi we‡kl cKvkbv cKvk K‡i hv‡”Q Ges evsjv‡`‡ki c‡k wejv‡Zi GB HwZn¨evnx cwÎKv GB aviv Ae¨vnZ ivL‡e| BbkvAvjvn|

Avng` Avwjd|

gvbee܇b e³viv e‡jb, wbevP‡bi Av‡M mKj ivR‰bwZK †bZv Kgx‡`i wbtkZ gw³ w`‡q

ZËveavqK miKvi cYenvj Qvov †Kvb wbevPb

†g‡b †bIqv n‡e bv| evsjv‡`‡k d¨vwmev`

AvIqvgx jxM miKv‡ii weiæ‡× mvaviY gvbl AvR

†R‡M I‡V‡Q|

mKj ivR‰bwZK I gvbevwaKvi msMV‡bi GKUvB

`vwe AvIqvgx jxM miKv‡ii cZb ZËveavqK miKv‡ii gva¨‡g AvMvgx wbevPb|

D³ gvbee܇b Av‡iv Dcw¯Z wQ‡jb †gv. Avwgbi ingvb, Zv‡iK nvQvb,A vwRR Avng` †PŠaix, †gvQv wbcv †eMg, Kwj †eMg, Avãj evwQZ, †mv‡nj Avng`, †gvnv¤§` gv‡R` †nvmvBb, mv‡qg Avng`, †gv Qv` wgqv, Rvgvj wgqv, Avkivdj Avjg, mv‡jn AvKivg, †gv: Kvgvj †nv‡mb, KvIQviæj Avw¤qv, Rev‡q` Avng`, Gg AvkdvK DÏxb, †`jIqvi †nv‡mb, wmwÏK Kvw`i, †gv Kvgiæj nvmvb fBqv, Avmv`¾vgvb mvwK, †gvnv¤§` iv‡mj cgL| evsjv‡`‡ki MbZš I gvbevwaKv‡ii c‡¶ Av‡›`vjbKvix GB msMV‡bi gvbeeÜb KgmwP ce wbavwiZ B÷ jʇbi AvjZve Avjx cv‡K AbwôZ nIqvi K_v wQj| wKš †mLv‡b evsjv‡`‡ki d¨vwmev`x AvIqvgx jxM miKv‡ii g``có h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jxM, hejxM, †¯”Qv‡meKjxM, gwnjvjxM mn †hŠ_ fv‡e gvbee܇b evav c`vb

K‡i| wek•Ljv Gov‡bvi j‡¶¨ jÊb gnvbMi cwj‡ki Ab‡iv‡a e¨v‡jÝ †iv‡Wi, e¨v‡jÝ cv‡K gvbeeÜb m¤úb Kiv nq| h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi GB AvPi‡Y wewfb mvgvwRK msMVb I gvbevwaKvi msMVb mn †bZe›` wb›`v Ávcb

K‡ib| - msev` weÁwß|

7 26 May - 01 June 2023 UmrJUmr

Imran Khan Granted Bail but Faces Corruption Allegations

Continued from ➠ Back page violence at the court complex earlier this year Additionally, Khan's wife, Bushra Bibi, has been granted protective bail in a corruption case by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) court in Islamabad Khan claims to be facing nearly 150 legal cases since his removal from power in April last year He has consistently maintained his innocence, denying involvement in any wrongdoing

Following the grant of bail until June 8, Imran Khan and his wife travelled to Rawalpindi to appear before another NAB court They are facing allegations of accepting a gift of property in exchange for providing benefits to a real estate tycoon Khan's arrest earlier this month led to violent

Russian PM Visits China for Business Forum, Amid Ukraine Crisis

Continued from ➠ Back page Ukraine Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is in China for a visit in which he will meet President Xi Jinping and sign a series of deals on infrastructure and trade

Mishustin arrived late on Monday in Shanghai where he was greeted at the airport by Moscow’s Ambassador to China Igor Morgulov and Beijing’s top diplomat to Russia Zhang Hanhui He will take part in a Russian-Chinese Business Forum and visit a petrochemical research institute in Shanghai, the Kremlin said, as well as hold talks with “representatives of Russian business circles” That forum has invited a number of sanctioned Russian tycoons including from the key fertiliser, steel, and mining sectors as well as Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, who handles energy issues, according to Bloomberg News

China last year became the top energy

protests by his supporters, resulting in clashes with security forces and the loss of ten lives The Supreme Court ordered his release, but the crackdown

customer for Russia, whose gas exports had otherwise plummeted after Western countries imposed severe sanctions over Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine Mishustin will then travel to Beijing where he will meet Xi and Premier Li Qiang, Russian state media TASS reported Li said the country is willing to further expand economic and trade exchanges with Russia, state media reported on Tuesday

China and Russia have in recent years ramped up economic cooperation and diplomatic contacts with their strategic partnership growing closer since Moscow launched its invasion While China says it is a neutral party in that war, it has not condemned Russian actions Mishustin said Russia hoped to sell more agricultural products to China “Russian agriculturalists are ready to significantly expand the export of their production to the Chinese market and broaden the range of plant and animal products supplied,” Mishustin said, adding for this to happen, however, barriers would have to be dismantled Mishustin also talked about closer ties with China in the high-tech industry, according to TASS

A Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman backed Russia on Tuesday, condemning what she called “unilateral sanctions” that are based neither on international law nor on a UN Security Council mandate Cooperation between China and Russia is not directed against other states, she said

In February, Beijing released a 12point paper calling for a “political settlement” to the conflict, which Western countries said could enable Russia to hold onto much of the

on opposition leaders' supporters continues Imran Khan has been an outspoken critic of the current government led by Prime Minister

territory it has seized in Ukraine

During a March summit in Moscow, Xi and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an agreement to bring ties into a “new era” of cooperation Xi also invited Putin, who had days earlier been the target of an

International Criminal Court arrest warrant over alleged war crimes in Ukraine, to visit Beijing Analysts say China holds the upper hand in the relationship with Russia and its sway is growing as Moscow’s international isolation deepens

11 26 May - 01 June 2023 New
Shehbaz Sharif, challenging the legality of his removal and advocating for early elections

Prince Harry's Legal Challenge Fails in UK Court


Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, has suffered a setback in his legal battle against the Home Office over his security arrangements in the UK The High Court has denied his request for a second judicial review regarding the decision that he would not be permitted to privately fund his own personal police security, even if he covered the expenses himself

The Home Office, responsible for policing, immigration, and security, had made the determination in February 2020 that Prince Harry would no longer receive personal police protection while in Britain, regardless of his willingness to finance it independently

Last year, the High Court had granted Prince Harry the right to challenge the original decision to terminate his protection However, the court has now ruled against his request to review the decision that prevented him from privately funding specialist police


office to

stop Students Bringing families, Raising Concerns over Human Rights

Continued frome ➠ Back pag Additionally, the government plans to eliminate the option for international students to switch from the student visa route to work routes before completing their studies This measure, according to the government, aims to prevent potential misuse of the visa system However, critics argue that it hampers opportunities for international students to contribute their skills and talents to the UK workforce, diminishing the country's ability to attract and retain global talent

The package of changes will also include a review of the maintenance requirement for students and their dependents This requirement, which determines the financial resources students must possess to support themselves and their families while studying in the UK, may undergo alterations that could impact the affordability of studying in the country for many prospective international students Moreover, the government intends to crack down on "unscrupulous"

officers security

During a recent hearing, Prince Harry's legal tea had aske the judge allow him pursue a against t Home O and the E Commit Protectio Royalty Public Figures (Ravec), which

education agents who exploit inappropriate applications that prioritize immigration goals over educational pursuits While addressing fraudulent practices is crucial, there are concerns that such measures could inadvertently discourage genuine students and create additional barriers for those seeking educational opportunities in the UK

These changes are scheduled to come into effect for students beginning their courses from January 2024 The government claims that the implementation delay will provide prospective international students with sufficient time to plan accordingly However, critics argue that the sudden alteration of immigration policies may disrupt the plans and aspirations of many students who have already made decisions based on the existing regulations

The government's decision to curtail the rights of international students has raised concerns among human rights advocates and education stakeholders The UK has long been regarded as a global leader in championing human rights and fostering an inclusive educational environment The new regulations, which limit the ability of international students to be with their families and restrict their access to work opportunities, could compromise the country's reputation and potentially deter talented individuals from choosing the UK as their study destination

such protection at public expense With the court's ruling, Prince Harry's bid to secure private police protection in the UK has been denied The decision raises questions about the relationship between the royal family and the provision of security services, as well as the allocation of public funds for personal protection The legal battle has underscored the complexities surrounding the security arrangements of members of the royal family and the intersection between private funding and public interest

As Prince Harry continues to navigate his life outside the royal fold, this setback serves as a reminder of the challenges he faces in establishing his own security arrangements while upholding his responsibilities as a public figure The implications of this ruling extend beyond Prince Harry's personal circumstances, potentially influencing future discussions on the provision of police protection for members of the royal family and other high-profile individuals

As these changes are implemented, it is imperative for policymakers to strike a balance between controlling immigration and upholding the UK's long-standing commitment to human rights and international collaboration in education The impact of these

measures on the UK's attractiveness as a destination for international students should not be underestimated, as the country stands to lose valuable contributions from diverse and talented individuals who can enrich its educational institutions and contribute to its future prosperity

26 May - 01 June 2023 12 News


Continued from ➠ back page

allegations of rigging and suppression of opposition voices In 2013, her party secured an overwhelming victory by ensuring that 153 candidates ran unopposed, resorting to intimidation and violence against opposition figures In 2018, the world witnessed a shocking revelation as election boxes were filled with fake votes the night before the election, a scandal that garnered international attention through major media outlets like the BBC and CNN

Compromised National Interests:

To maintain her hold on power, the un-elected Prime Minister has made significant concessions to neighbouring India, often at the expense of Bangladesh's national interests This pattern of subservience has raised questions about the leader's prioritization of personal power over the welfare of the country By capitulating to India's demands without due consideration, she has compromised the nation's sovereignty and jeopardized the trust of her own people

The Fourth Term Dilemma:

As the next general election approaches, the question on everyone's mind is whether the unelected Prime Minister can repeat her past undemocratic practices and secure a fourth consecutive term While her grip on power remains formidable, there are signs of growing dissent within the country Civil society organizations, opposition parties, and concerned citizens are rallying against her autocratic rule and calling for a return to true democratic principles

Hasina's Foreign Relations Strained as Japan, US, and UK Distance Themselves:

In a recent visit to Japan, Prime Minister Hasina experienced a significant blow to her international standing Contrary to diplomatic protocol, she was not accorded a red-carpet reception upon arrival a clear sign of strained relations This snub may be attributed to recent remarks made by the Japanese ambassador in Dhaka, Naoki Ito Ambassador Ito referred to the alarming reports of "ballot box stuffing" during Bangladesh's 2018 general election, where it was alleged that some police officers tampered with the ballots the night before The

comments, specific to Bangladesh, irked the Hasina government, prompting them to summon the ambassador for an explanation This exchange only served to further aggravate the situation, leading to the cancellation of Hasina's scheduled visit to Japan After much pleading, she was eventually allowed to travel to Tokyo, but her welcome was marred by humiliation and a lack of warmth

Similar cold-shoulder treatment awaited Prime Minister Hasina during her visits to the United States and the United Kingdom Despite investing significant resources and hiring US lobbying firms, Hasina's efforts to secure meetings with US officials were fruitless The Biden administration made it clear that they would only entertain a meeting if the next general election in Bangladesh is deemed free and fair an unequivocal demand conveyed by the US ambassador in Dhaka The UK's response mirrored that of the US, with Downing Street denying Hasina's claim of a bilateral meeting between the two prime ministers The UK Foreign Secretary emphasized the importance of a fair and free general election, aligning the UK's stance with that of the United States Currently, it appears that Hasina is relying on support primarily from India and China However, even India has grown increasingly concerned about Hasina's close ties with China, leading to mounting tension between Dhaka and Delhi With her foreign reserves dwindling by 50% in recent months, a frustrated Hasina has turned to Qatar, seeking financial aid to bolster her country's forex reserves

The combination of diplomatic snubs and growing

unease among international allies underscores the challenging position in which Prime Minister Hasina finds herself as she seeks a fourth term in office The erosion of democratic norms, allegations of election manipulation, and compromises made to sustain her grip on power have not gone unnoticed by the international community Japan, the US, and the UK have all expressed their unequivocal expectation of a free and fair general election, leaving Hasina with little room to manoeuvre

Hope for a Democratic Future:

Despite the challenges, Bangladesh possesses a resilient civil society and a citizenry that values democratic governance Opposition parties, activists, and international observers have intensified their efforts to protect the integrity of the electoral process They aim to ensure that free and fair elections are held, devoid of manipulation or suppression, and that the will of the people is respected

The upcoming general election in Bangladesh presents a critical moment in the nation's history With an un-elected Prime Minister striving to retain power for a fourth term through undemocratic means, the future of democracy hangs in the balance The international community, as well as the people of Bangladesh, must remain vigilant in protecting democratic principles and upholding the integrity of the electoral process Only through a concerted effort to safeguard democracy can Bangladesh pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future for all its citizens

13 26 May - 01 June 2023 News AEROSPACE TRAVEL AGENTS LTD mJÄuJPhv xy KmPvr ßp ßTJj ßhPv x˜J~ IJTJv ÃoPer \jq IJorJ xm F~JruJAP¿r KaPTa KhP~ gJKTÇ IJorJ IKf To UrPY kKm© SorJr mKTÄ KjKóZ We also do Money Transfer IJoJPhr xJPg IJ\A ßpJVJPpJV Tr∆j T: 020 7377 5767 www aerospacetravel co uk E: info@aerospacetravel co uk Mon-Fri: 10:00am to 6 00pm Sat: 10 00am to 3 00pm 74437 Appointed Agent Unit 4D, 63-65 Princelet Street,
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London 26 May : As Bangladesh gears up for its upcoming general election, the nation finds itself at a critical juncture. The un-elected Prime Minister, backed by the military, is desperately seeking foreign assistance to maintain her grip on power for an unprecedented fourth consecutive term Since assuming office in 2008, she has steadily eroded democratic norms and ruled the country with an iron fist By abolishing the non-party caretaker government system, undermining fair elections, and compromising national interests for personal gain, she has raised concerns about the future of democracy in Bangladesh

The Demise of Democratic Norms: One of the most alarming aspects of the un-elected Prime Minister's reign is her dismantling of the non-party caretaker government system Introduced in 1991, this system served as a crucial safeguard to ensure impartiality and transparency during election periods However, the current leader's interference undermined this

Imran Khan Granted Bail but Faces Corruption Allegations


London 26 May : Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has been granted bail by an antiterrorism court in Islamabad in eight cases related to Page ❚◗ 11

Russian PM Visits China for Business Forum, Amid Ukraine Crisis


London 26 May : China’s deepening economic and political relationship with Russia has not been derailed by Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Page ❚◗ 11

❚ The Demise of Democratic Norms

❚ Rigging and Suppression

❚ Compromised National Interests

❚ The Fourth Term Dilemma

❚ Hasina's Foreign Relations Strained as Japan, US, and UK Distance Themselves

❚ Hope for a Democratic Future

system, stripping away a vital check on executive power and leaving the electoral process vulnerable to manipulation

Rigging and Suppression: Under the un-elected Prime Minister's rule, the general elections of 2013 and 2018 were marred by widespread Page ❚◗ 13

Home office to stop Students Bringing families, Raising Concerns over Human Rights


London 26 May : In a move aimed at reducing immigration numbers, the UK government has announced significant changes to the rights of international students to bring their families with them Under the new regulations, international students will only be permitted to bring dependents if they are enrolled in postgraduate research programs, effectively excluding the majority of students from this privilege Page ❚◗ 12

SURMA CHIEF EDITOR: Farid Ahmed Reza ❚ EDITOR: Shamsul Alam Liton SURMA News Group Ltd - The Whitechapel Centre (Room S6), 85 Myrdle Street, London E1 1HL Email: info@surmanews com / news@surmanews com ADVERTISING: 07946 112 633 or Email: advert@surmanews com www surmanews com 46 Years Issue 2297 26 May - 01 June 2023 Britain's Highest Circulated Bangla Newsweekly PRINCE HARRY'S LEGAL CHALLENGE FAILS IN UK COURT Page ❚◗ 12
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