Issue 2286

Page 1

|| AvwiK kvgm ||

jÊb, 13 †deæqvix - ivócwZ c‡` kvnvewÏb

PàÕi wb‡qvM AvBbMZfv‡e ˆea bq| cPwjZ I

eûj Av‡jvwPZ Ò`bxwZ `gb AvBb 2004ÓGi

9b¤i aviv j•Nb K‡i kvnvewÏb‡K iv‡ói

m‡ev”P c‡` g‡bvbqb w`‡q‡Q wØZxev‡ii g‡Zv

AwbevwPZ AvIqvgxjxM miKvi|

AvBbMZ ˆeaZvi ck QvovI mvßvwnK migvi

AbmÜv‡b †ewi‡q G‡m‡Q AviI A‡bK PvÂj¨Ki Z_¨|

bZb ivócwZi AvBbMZ A‡hvM¨Zv †bB: wmBwm

XvKv Awdm, 15 †deæqvix- bewbevwPZ ivócwZ †gv mvnvewχbi AvBbMZ †Kvb A‡hvM¨Zv †bB e‡j Rvwb‡q‡Qb cavb wbevPb Kwgkbvi (wmBwm) KvRx nvweej AvDqvj| eaevi ivRavbxi AvMviMvI‡q wbevPb fe‡b mvsevw`K‡`i G me K_v e‡jb wmBwm| G mgq wmBwm KvRx nvweej AvDqvj AviI e‡jb, ivócwZ wbevPb wb‡q †h weZK n‡”Q Zv AbvKvw•LZ I Abvek¨K| `bxwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi (``K) mv‡eK Kwgkbvi †gv 3 kÔJ~

mvMi-iæbx nZ¨vi wePv‡ii `vex‡Z jʇb mvsevw`K‡`i mgv‡ek

|| migv cwZ‡e`b || jÊb, 14 †deæqvwi - mvsevw`K `¤úwZ mvMi-iæbx nZ¨vi wePv‡ii `vwe‡Z jÛ‡b evsjv MYgva¨‡g

KgiZ mvsevw`Kiv 14 †deæqvwi KgweiwZ cvjb

K‡ib| c‡i AvjZve Avjx cv‡K GK mgv‡e‡k Zviv 11eQi c‡iI mvMi-iæbx nZ¨vi Z`‡š †Kvb AMMwZ bv nIqvq †¶vf cKvk K‡ib Ges IB bksm nZ¨vKv‡Êi wePv‡ii cvkvcvwk hviv nZ¨vKvix‡`i wePvi cjw¤Z K‡i‡Q, Zv‡`iI 2 kÔJ~

KjPTJuJ ˆJ\Pjr khfqJV, FxFjKk'r jfj ßjfJ

KjmJYPj yJo\J ACxlxy TP~T\j @PuJYjJ~

ÇÇ xroJ kKfPmhj ÇÇ u§j, 17 ßlm∆~JrL - ybJ“ TPrA Km˛~TrnJPm khfqJPVr ßWJweJ

KhPuj ÛauqJP§r lJˆ KoKjˆJr S ÛKav jqJvjJKuˆ kJKa kiJj, @PuJKYf rJ\jLKfT KjPTJuJ ˆJP\jÇ TokPã @a mZr hJK~f

kJuPjr kr khfqJPVr ßWJweJ KhP~PZj ÛauqJP¥r lJˆ KoKjˆJr

KjPTJuJ ˆJP\jÇ khfqJPVr ßWJweJ KhP~ KfKj mPuPZj, lJˆ


kKfÔJfJ : orÉo IJuyJ\ cJ mKvr IJyoh Est: May 1978 SURMA 46 Years, Issue 2286, 17 - 23 February 2023 04 - 10 lJ›j 1429 mJÄuJ, 50p Km˜J ßhPvr Skr ßpj TJPrJ TJPuJ gJmJ jJ kPz - kiJjoπL
†kL nvwmbv Abv‡jvwPZ GKR‡bi bvg 3 kÔJ~ u§j, 17 ßlm∆~JKr - KxKr~J S frPÛ n~Jmy nKoTPŒ FUj kp∂ KjyPfr xÄUqJ 41 yJ\Jr ZJKzP~PZÇ hA ßhPvrA C≠JrTJrL huèPuJ FUj Km˜Le FuJTJ~ C≠JrTJ\ èKaP~ @jPZÇ TJre \LKmf TJCPT C≠JPrr x÷JmjJ ãLe yP~ @xPZÇ 7 kÔJ~
kh ßgPT xPr pJS~Jr FUjA fJr CkpÜ xo~Ç F 5 kÔJ~ ÇÇ xroJ kKfPmhj ÇÇ u§j, 17 ßlm∆~JrL - xŒKf mJKoÄyJPo IjKÔf ßVaJr KxPua ßcPnuJkPo≤ F§ SP~uPl~Jr TJCK¿u (K\FxKx) Fr KjmJYjPT ÈIQmi' hJmL TPr fJ mJKfu FmÄ YqJKrKa lJP§r xKbT KyxJm khJjxy KmPuPf mJÄuJPhvL TKoCKjKar Ijqfo krPjJ FmÄ my•r KxPuamJxLPhr kiJj FA xÄVbjKa rãJr hJmLPf xnJ IjKÔf yP~PZÇ Vf 13 ßlm∆~JrL ÈPxAn hqJ K\FxKx S @oJPhr 7 kÔJ~ Y√’r ‰jKfTfJ KjP~S kv rJÓkKf kPh ßmIJAjL KjP~JV K\FxKx'r KmfKTf KjmJYPjr kKfmJh ÈIQmi' KjmJYj mJKfu, YqJKrKa lJP§r KyxJm khJj S xÄVbjKa rãJr hJmLPf xnJ IjKÔf frÛ-KxKr~J~ nKoTPŒ KjyPfr xÄUqJ 41 yJ\Jr ZJKzP~PZ

mvMi-iæbx nZ¨vi

(1o kÔJr kr) `óvšgjK kvw¯i `vwe Rvbvb| mvMi-iæwb `¤úwZ nZ¨vi wePvi mn mvsevw`K‡`i

wbhvZb e‡Üi `vwei cwZ msnwZ Rvwb‡q †cmKve mfvcwZ †iRv Avng` dqmj †PŠaix †mv‡q‡ei mfvcwZ‡Z I mvavib m¤úv`K mvB`j Bmjv‡gi cwiPvjbvq mvsevw`K‡`i g‡a¨ e³e¨ iv‡Lb †K Gg Ave Zv‡ni †PŠaix, gb‡Ri Avng` †PŠaix, gvneej Kwig †mv‡q`, Avãj

Kvw`i †PŠaix giv`, Avãj evwmZ †PŠaix,AvwRRj Avw¤qv, Avwgbj Bmjvg, gmwjg Lvb, kvgQi ingvb †mv‡gj, Avwgbj Bmjvg iæ‡ej cgL| e³viv e‡jb, AvBbk•Ljv evwnbx 11 eQ‡i 95 evi Z`š cwZ‡e`b bv w`‡Z cvivi e¨v_Zv

†`‡ki AvBb k•Ljv evwnbxi A¶gZv cgvY


MZ 14 †deæqvix g½jevi BD‡K-evsjv †cmKv‡ei D‡`¨v‡M jʇbi mvsevw`Kiv mvMiiæbx nZ¨vi wePv‡ii `vex‡Z AvjZve Avjx cv‡K cZxwK KgweiwZ KgmPx cvjb K‡i‡Qb|

UmrJUmr 17 - 23 February 2023 2 CASH & CARRY Z a m a n B r o t h e r s Z a m a n B r o t h e r s 17 - 19 Brick Lane, London E1 6PU T: 0207 247 1009 M: 07983 760 908 WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS mJÄuJ aJCPjr kJePTPª ImK˙f IJoJPhr F ßhJTJPj mJÄuJPhPvr pJmfL~ ¸JAx, KmKnj fKrfrTJrL, ßpoj uJC, \JKu, TozJ, K^ÄVJ, Kvo, uKf xy jJjJ irPer frfJ\J oJZ FmÄ fJ\J yJuJu oJÄx ßoJrV kJS~J pJ~Ç IJoJPhr FUJPj ßp ßTJj oJuJoJu kJATJrL S UYrJ KTjPf kJPrj Ifq∂ x˜J hJPoÇ FUJPj IJKTTJr IcJr uS~J y~Ç

❚ cwZ‡e`bwU‡Z †Kvb mwbw`ó Z_¨ cgvY w`‡Z cv‡ib bvB

❚ AbjvBb cvUdg¸‡jv †_‡K wfwWI cZ¨vnvi K‡ib bvB

❚ cwZ‡e`bwUi Rb¨ P¨v‡bj Gm KZc¶ `tL cKvk K‡ib bvB

|| migv cwZ‡e`b ||

MZ 4 Rvbqvwi 'P¨v‡bj Gm' G cPvwiZ Ôevsjv‡`k

†_‡K Avmv A‡bK wk¶v_x LiP mvgjv‡Z †e‡Q

wb‡”Qb cwZZvewËi gZ †ckv‡KÕ wk‡ivbv‡gi

msev`wU wN‡i KwgDwbwU‡Z †Zvjcvo Pj‡Q| ce

jÛ‡bi †nvqvBU P¨v‡cj, cvZvj †ij †÷k‡bi

cv‡k Ad jvB‡mÝ k‡ci c‡ek c‡_ Kv‡Pi

†`qv‡j g¨vmvR mvwf‡mi weÁvcb †`wL‡q P¨v‡bj

Gm' Gi Kv‡i›U A¨v‡dqvm GwWUi Zvbfxi

Avn‡g‡`i Kiv cwZ‡e`bwU‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q-

h³iv‡R¨i A_‰bwZK g›`vq evsjv‡`k †_‡K Avmv

A‡bK wk¶v_x LiP mvgjv‡Z †e‡Q wb‡”Qb

cwZZvewËi gZ †ckv‡K| c‡iv cwZ‡e`bwU †`‡L

m‡PZb gvbl ¯w¤Z n‡q †M‡Qb G Kvi‡Y †h

cwZ‡e`bwUi †Kv_vI G wb‡q †Kvb Ômwbw`óÕ‡Kvb

Z_¨-cgvY Dc¯vcb Kiv nqwb| †KejgvÎ

Abgv‡bi Ici wfwË K‡i bvix wk¶v_x‡`i cwZ

Bw½Z K‡i GiKg GKwU ¯úkKvZi wk‡ivbvg

w`‡q cwZ‡e`b cPvi Kivq KwgDwbwUi evwm›`viv

d‡m D‡V‡Qb| AwfÁ mvsevw`Kiv ej‡Qb, cwZ‡e`bwU m¤úYfv‡e e¯wbô mvsevw`KZvi

bxwZgvjv Pig jsNb K‡i‡Q, m¯úó fv‡e

Acmvsevw`KZvi b¨v°viRbK bwRi ¯vcb

K‡i‡Q| GwU ÔcwZZvewËÕi gZ ¯úkKvZi k‡ãi

cv‡qvwMK ¸iæZ eS‡Z A¶g A‡ckv`vi I Avbvox

mvsevw`‡Ki KvR| cwZZvewËi Aci bvg n‡jv

MwYKvewË ev †hŠbewË| RR ¯ U Zvi ÔcwZZv

ewËi BwZnvmÕ bvgK eB‡q cwZZvewËi msÁv

w`‡Z wM‡q e‡j‡Qb- ÔcwZZviv n‡jv †mB

m¤ú`vqf³ bvix hviv ciæl‡K †hŠb mL †fvM

Kiv‡Z wb‡R‡`i †`n w`‡q RxweKv ARb K‡ib|Õ

Aciw`‡K g¨vmvR mvwf‡m, GKRb cwkw¶Z

g¨vmvR †_ivwc÷ kix‡ii e¨_v I kix‡ii

R‡q›U¸‡jvi mvgwqK D‡ËRbv Kgv‡Z nvZ w`‡q kix‡ii †ckx Ges R‡q›U¸wj‡Z g` ev kw³kvjx

Pvc c‡qvM K‡ib| m¤úY wfb `ÔwU welq‡K wZwb

GK K‡i †d‡j‡Qb| Zvi‡P‡qI eo K_v GB

g¨vmvR mvwf‡mi mv‡_ †h evsjv‡`k †_‡K co‡Z

Avmv bvix wk¶v_xiv RwoZ Av‡Qb, cwZ‡e`K Zvi †mB Akxj I KiwPcY cwZ‡e`bwU‡Z †mB Z_¨

cgvY w`‡Z e¨_ n‡q‡Qb| gvbl ck Ki‡Qb, ïagvÎ Av›`v‡Ri Ici wfwË K‡i †Kvb cwZ‡e`K wK evsjv‡`k †_‡K Avmv bvix wk¶v_x‡`i‡K ÔcwZZvÕ evwb‡q w`‡Z cv‡ib? cwZ‡e`K I †Uwjwfkb KZc¶ wK welqwU GKUI we‡ePbvq †bqvi `iKvi g‡b K‡ib wb? †h mKj †gavex wk¶v_x D”P wk¶vi Rb¨ we‡j‡Z Av‡mb, Zv‡`i‡K Gfv‡e mvgvwRKfv‡e Ac`¯ Kivi AwaKvi cwZ‡e`K ev P¨v‡bj Gm KZc¶ †Kv_vq †c‡jb? †KejgvÎ Abgv‡bi Ici wfwË K‡i, aviYvi ekeZx n‡q, ÔAd jvB‡mÝÕ †`vKv‡b jvMv‡bv evsjvq g¨vmv‡Ri weÁvcb wK¤v ÔAbwj d¨vbmÕGi †`qvjwPÎ †`‡L Ôevsjv‡`k †_‡K Avmv A‡bK wk¶v_xÕ cwZZvewˇK †ckv wn‡m‡e †e‡Q wb‡”Qb ejvUv ¸iæZi Ab¨vq| cwZ‡e`bwU‡Z ïagvÎ evsjv‡`kx wk¶v_x‡`i‡KB †h mvgvwRKfv‡e †nq

cwZcb Kiv n‡q‡Q Zv bq, c‡iv KwgDwbwUi fvegwZB gvivZ Kfv‡e ¶Y Kiv n‡q‡Q| GiKg

GKwU msev` †Kvbfv‡eB `vwqZkxj mvsevw`KZvi

cwiPq enb K‡i bv|

‡mvk¨vj wgwWqvq A‡b‡KB GB cwZ‡e`bwU †kqvi

K‡i‡Qb| KviY GB ai‡bi msev‡`i wfD †ewk

nq| hZ †ewk wfD ZZ‡ewk BbKvg| Reduan Husen Sagor (https:// www facebook com/reduan hosen) bv‡g

GKR‡bi Iqv‡j wfwWIwU 34 nvRvi wfD n‡q‡Q, 8 nvRvi †kqvi n‡q‡Q, 2 nvRvi K‡g›Um n‡q‡Q|

A‡b‡KB weiæc/Zxe cwZwµqv e¨³ K‡i‡Qb| Md

Omor Faruk bv‡g GK fvB gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, 'This is absolutely wrong information Please don't listen and follow them ' Zul Afros bv‡g GKRb

wj‡L‡Qb, 'GB Zvbfx‡ii AvZ xqiv GB e¨emv

K‡ib| bv nq Ggb wbDR Ki‡e †Kb?' Akter

Amin 'bv‡g GKRb gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, Amf¨ gvKv msev`| Gfv‡e evsjv‡`wk bvix mgvR‡K

AcgvwbZ Kivi †Kvb AwaKvi Kv‡iv bvB| GLv‡b

A‡bK bvix wk¶v_x mZZvi mwnZ D”P wk¶vq

wkw¶Z n‡”Q| Avwg Gi Zxe wb›`v I cwZev`

Rvbvw”Q| Aman Ullah Aman bv‡g GKRb gše¨

K‡i‡Qb, GUv evsjv‡`kx‡`i †QvU Kivi NY¨Zg

gva¨g, G‡ZvUv Lvivc bv we‡U‡bi A_bxwZ|' MD

Tarekur Rahman bv‡g GKRb gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, 'GB ai‡bi msev` fj Z_¨ w`‡”Q Ges HLv‡b

hviv co‡Z‡Q Zv‡`i †K A‡kvfb fv‡e Dc¯vcb

Ki‡Q| GBiKg msev` cwi‡ekbv eÜ Kiv

DwPZ|' Md Juned Khan bv‡g GKRb gše¨

K‡i‡Qb, Bqv eMvi wbDR wb MvBiv dqvBb|

Muradil Mursalin bv‡g Av‡iKRb wj‡L‡Qb, 'mvgvb¨ wfD Avi jvB‡Ki Rb¨ GB me

Kjv½vi‡`i GB iKg wfwWI †`‡L hviv †`‡k e‡m

RvR K‡i em‡jb Zv‡`i ejvi wKQ bvB| jÛ‡b

AvwQ cvP gvm n‡Z Pj‡jv AvR chš GB iKg

wKQB †`wLwb| †dBme‡K ïa †`wL jÛ‡bi

A_‰bwZK Ae¯v fv‡jv bv †`‡L gvbl cv‡K

_vK‡Q A‰bwZK Kv‡R wjß n‡”Q evU Avgiv hviv

jÛ‡b AvwQ †KD †Zv cv‡K _vKwQ bv gvm †k‡l

j¶ UvKv †`‡k w`w”Q †mUv Avwg bv c‡Z¨K jÛ‡b

Avmv ÷‡W›Uiv w`‡”Q| Avi †g‡q‡`i‡K wb‡q †h

wbDRUv Kiv n‡q‡Q †mUv m¤úb evbv‡qvU hw`I

†KD GB iKg Kv‡R wjß _v‡K †mUv wbDR wi‡cvUv‡ii gv †evb ev AvZxq ¯Rb n‡e|' Hena

Begum bv‡g GK †evb gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, 'ThatÕs not true m¤úY wg_¨v wfwËnxb GKUv msev`|' Fazlul Chowdhury wj‡L‡Qb, 'This is bloody bullshit news done by journalist I have never seen any Bangladeshi students are doing this I strongly condemn against this news ' MD Fojlur Rahman bv‡g GKRb wj‡L‡Qb, 'wg_¨v I ev‡bvqvU wbDR| Zxe wb›`v Rvbvw”Q| Zvbfxi‡K wfwËnxb wbD‡Ri Rb¨ evsMvjx

KwgDwbwUi Kv‡Q ¶gv PvB‡Z n‡e|' Md Sami

Talukdar bv‡g GK fvB gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, 'Fake news ever Without proof how can they talk like that Fucking TRP baraiya poysha banaitay Kori andu blame kne deray why????' Arafat Rubel wj‡L‡Qb, '‡UvUvwj †dBK wbDR| GUv GK‡kYxi jÛbx Av‡Q hviv kvwoi wfmvq BD‡K †M‡Q ZvivB G ai‡Yi ¸Re Qov‡”Q|' Sharmin Zafar bv‡g GK †evb gše¨

K‡i‡Qb, 'Ae dhoroner stupid marka faltu banano news kora bondho koren Jachai bachai na kore students der mittha blame korchen Ganja khorder moto kotha boltecen Apnara Shop er mathay jodi kono msg likha thake sheta ki vhabe bujlen eta Bangladesh student? Beadop der moto faltu news na baniye ghore boshe thaken Apnader moto kichu faltu news presenter der jonno desher bodname hobe Ja iccha Tae news banaiye felen kichu na jachai kore News er kono aga matha ache? Kisher shate ki boltecen Ae

dhoroner news channel gula bondho kora uchit jara mittha news banay H M

Tohid bv‡g GKRb gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, 'K¨v‡givi mvg‡b `vov‡jB mvsevw`K nIqv hvq bv,mvsNvwZK nIqv hvq| mvsevw`K n‡Z n‡j covïbvi cvkvcvwk, we‡eK,mZZv _vK‡Z nq| †g‡q‡`i‡K XvjvIfv‡e AcgvY Kievi †Kvb gv‡b nqbv| mvsevw`K g‡b nq †Kvb RvqMvq aiv LvB‡Q| Mahe Alam bv‡g GKRb wj‡L‡Qb, 'AšZ evsjv‡`wk †g‡q hviv ÷‡W›U wfmvq Avm‡Q! Zv‡`i Rb¨ GB msev` c‡hvR¨ bq! GBLv‡b †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q Kv‡Ri Afv‡e GBme KvR Kiv nq! K_vUv GK`g mZ¨ bv! GB gn‡Z Bsj¨v‡Û Kv‡Ri Afve bvB!' Md Johirul Islam bv‡g GKRb gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, '‡Zvgiv wg_¨v K_v e‡j fj Lei w`”Q RbMY‡K| GUv GKUv fj †g‡mR hviv D”Pwk¶v wb‡Z Pvq Zv‡`i weiæ‡×| GUv GKUv lohšgjK Acms¯‹wZi ivRbxwZ|' kvMi ZvjK`vi bv‡g GKRb gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, 'GUv †Kvb msev`? Avgv‡`i †`‡ki †g‡q‡`i †K AcgvY K‡iv nj| msev` fvBivj Kivi Rb¨ GLb msev`KgxivI wUKUKvi n‡q hv‡”Q|' Ahmed Ish GKRb gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, 'GKUv wc‡›UW †cv÷vi †`wL‡q c‡iv Mí evbv‡jv| †dBK wbDR| ev‡bvqvU Ges gvb‡li gv‡S weåvwš Qov‡bv| Giv wKQ cvewjwmwUi Avkvq †÷vwi evbvq Avi †dmeK †_‡K j¶ UvKv DwV‡q †bq|' Ruhul Amin Musa gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, '‡dBK wbDR Kivi Avi RvqMv cvBQ bv nvjvB|' Md K Zaman bv‡g GKRb gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, 'Faltu Akta news Student der ke insult korar odikar ke dise?' Shahnur Howlader gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, 'GKUv dvjZ wbDR| Giv GB P¨v‡b‡ji ev‡ivUv evRvBqv Qvi‡e| g‡b nq avbavevR, wPUvi|' Naimr Rahman wj‡L‡Qb, 'Bricklane late night porjonto adda dei but akdin o deklam nah Reporter was maybe drunk ' Usha Marium bv‡g Av‡iK †evb gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, 'Meyera bolte ki sob meyerai agula kore!!! Nonsense Mane apnara je ato faltu news korben kono family agula dakhe meyedr abroad giye allow korbe na seta bujhen!! Murkho sangbadik ' mvsevw`K evwZiæj nK mi`vi gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, 'GB Le‡ii mZ¨Zv Ges †Kvb wfwË †bB, Abgvb K‡i wbDR Kiv n‡q‡Q| wew”Qb wKQ n‡j n‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e Abgv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i GB RvZxq msev` cPvi Kiv †gv‡UB wVK bq| hviv †`k †_‡K D”P wk¶vi Rb¨ G‡m‡Q Zv‡`i cwiev‡ii Ae¯v wK n‡e?' mvsevw`K nvmbvZ †PŠaix gše¨ K‡i‡Qb, dvjZ msev`| GiKg AviI A‡bK gše¨ Av‡Q| Gi evB‡iI wKQ gše¨ Av‡Q, †hLv‡b †KD †KD GB wbDR †`Lvi c‡i jÛ‡b co‡Z Avmv evOvwj QvÎx‡`i we‡q Ki‡e bv e‡j Rvwb‡q‡Qb, bvbvRb bvbvfv‡e h³ivR¨ cevmx bvix‡`i wµwUmvBR K‡i‡Qb| Ahmed Rukon wj‡L‡Qb, 'KB‡i nvjvBb jÛwb gvBqv weqv KiZvBwb|' AhmeD MusA wj‡L‡Qb, 'RvD‡Mv gvB IKj| jÛb UvKv Avi UvKv| ZvivZvwi wfmv jvMvBqv hvI|' Karim Abdl wj‡L‡Qb, '`qv K‡i ÷‡W›U wfmv eÜ Kiv nDK|' Masum Parvej wj‡L‡Qb,'Avi hvBIbv‡i dwob|' Ridoy Raj wj‡L‡Qb, 'Kortay ni r londoni furin biya ' H Aklak Husain wj‡L‡Qb, 'jÛbx dwib‡i evsjv‡`‡ki dqvBb‡Z weqv Kivi jvwM †h cvMj hvI Ki wMqv|' ASHRAF SUHAG wj‡L‡Qb, 'Avi weqv LiZvqwb jÛ‡b|' Md Shajahan Shajahan wj‡L‡Qb, 'bvixi Avevi D”P wk¶v|' GgbwK †KD †KD QvÎx‡`i‡K we‡`‡k co‡Z cvVv‡bvi Rb¨ Zv‡`i gv-evev‡`i‡KI MvwjMvjvR K‡i‡Qb| GB †h D”P wk¶v wb‡Z Avmv evsjv‡`wk QvÎx‡`i B‡g‡Ri GZ eo ¶wZ n‡q †M‡jv, Gi `vq †K wb‡eb? cwZ‡e`K wb‡eb bvwK P¨v‡bj Gm

KZc¶ wb‡eb?

'P¨v‡bj Gm' Gi †nW Ae wbDR Kvgvj †g‡n`x m¤úY gbMov I wfwËnxb GB msev`‡K h_vh_ Z_¨ cgv‡Yi

wfwˇZ cPvwiZ Ges cKvwkZ `vwe K‡i †mvk¨vj wgwWqvq mgv‡jvPK‡`i wb›`v K‡i‡Qb Ges KviI Awf‡hvM _vK‡j AdKg ev h_vh_ KZc‡¶i Kv‡Q wjwLZ AvKv‡i w`‡Z civgk w`‡q‡Qb| UmrJUmr 17 - 23 February 2023 4 79159 ESTABLISHED AGENT SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1996 Low Cost Travel Agent. Hajj & Umrah Specialist Appointed Agent 273A Whitechapel Road, London E1 1BY Please Contact 0207 375 0800 or 0207 375 0500 Mob: 07984 959885 / 07828 235600 Email: IMRAN TRAVELS Worldwide offers: we‡j‡Z
D”P wk¶viZ evsjv‡`wk QvÎx‡`i wb‡q 'P¨v‡bj Gm'-G
msev` cKvk, KwgDwbwU‡Z wb›`vi So!

jʇbi ci evwgsnv‡g G·‡cvi weqvbxevRvi †`L‡Z gvb‡li fxo

Kvbvq Kvbvq nj fwZ `kK‡`i Dcw¯wZ‡Z

weqvbxevRv‡ii BwZnvm HwZ¨n wkí ms¯ wZ‡K

we‡k Qwo‡q _vKv evsjvfvlx‡`i Kv‡Q Z‡j ai‡Z

mvsevw`K dqmj gvng‡`i wbwgZ WK‡g›Uvwi

G·‡cvi weqvbxevRvi c`wkZ n‡q‡Q h³iv‡R¨i


MZ 22 Rvbqvix jʇb c_g c`wkbx‡Z e¨vcK

mvov cvIqvi ci MZ 13 †deqvix, †mvgevi

evwgsnv‡g ¯§jwn‡_i weqv jvD‡Â AbwôZ

c`kbx‡Z KwgDwbwUi wewkó Rb‡`i Dcw¯wZ

N‡U| mvsevw`K kvwn`i ingvb m‡n‡ji

cwiPvjbvq Abôv‡b †KviAvb †ZjvIqvZ K‡ib

gvIjvbv mjZvb Avng`| WK‡g›Uvix wbgvZv

dqmj gvng`‡K mv‡_ wb‡q c`kbxi D‡Øvab

K‡ib evwgnv‡g wbh³ evsjv‡`k nvBKwgk‡bi

mnKvix nvB Kwgkbvi †gv. Avwjg¾vgvb, KvDwÝjvi Avãj ReŸvi, KvDwÝji knx` Lvb, KvDwÝji Rvjvj DwÏb Ges mvsevw`K mvwn`i ingvb m‡nj|

ßhPvr Skr ßpj


kPz: kiJjoπL

dJTJ, 15 ßlm∆~JKr - kiJjoπL ßvU yJKxjJ

mPuPZj, mJÄuJPhv h∆f VKfPf FKVP~ pJPòÇ

ßTC @r gJoJPf kJrPm jJÇ oKÜpP≠r ßYfjJ~

mJÄuJPhv VPz CbPmÇ oKÜpP≠r @hPv

mJÄuJPhvPT IxJŒhJK~T ßYfjJ~ @orJ VPz

fumÇ ßxaJA @oJPhr uãqÇ

KfKj mPuj, ÈFA mJÄuJPhPvr Skr ßpj @r

TJPrJ TJPuJ gJmJ jJ kPz ßx\jq ßhvmJxLPT

x\JV gJTPf yPm, xfT gJTPf yPmÇ \JKfr

KkfJr ßjfPf FA ßhv rÜ KhP~ @orJ ˝JiLj

TPrKZÇ FA ßhvPT @orJ ßxJjJr mJÄuJPhv

KyPxPm AjvJ@uJy VPz fumÇ'

mimJr kJY ß\uJ~ oKÜPpJ≠JPhr yJPf 5 yJ\Jr

mJKzr YJKm y˜J∂r CPÆJijTJPu ßvU yJKxjJ Fxm

TgJ mPujÇ kiJjoπL ßvU yJKxjJ fJr xrTJKr

mJxnmj Venmj ßgPT KnKcS TjlJPrP¿r

oJiqPo Ixòu kmLe oKÜPpJ≠JPhr \jq KjKof

Wr ÈmLr KjmJx'-Fr YJKm y˜J∂Prr FA IjÔJPj

nJY~JKu ßpJV ßhjÇ

oKÜp≠Kmw~T oπeJu~ rJ\iJjLr SxoJjL ˛Kf

KoujJ~fPj F IjÔJPjr @P~J\j TPrÇ

KTPvJrV†, ßVJkJuV†, VJ\Lkr, oJhJrLkr S

jzJAu ß\uJr xPñ pÜ KZu F IjÔJjÇ

xrTJrkiJj mPuj, @\PTr mJÄuJPhv KcK\aJu

mJÄuJPhvÇ ACKj~j kp∂ IjuJAPj ßpJVJPpJPVr

mqm˙J @orJ TPrKZÇ fJZJzJ rJ˜J-WJa S ku


14 mZPr mhPu pJS~J mJÄuJPhvÇ

KfKj mPuj, @orJ \JKfr KkfJr \jìvfmJKwTL S

˝JiLjfJr xme\~∂L ChpJkj TPrKZÇ ÀkT·

2021 mJ˜mJ~j TPrKZ FmÄ @\ mJÄuJPhv

Cj~jvLu ßhPvr opJhJ ßkP~PZÇ \JKfr KkfJ

oKÜpP≠r kr p≠ Km±˜ ßhv VPz fPu oJ©

xJPz 3 mZPr FPhvPT ˝P·Jjf ßhPvr opJhJ

FPj KhP~KZPujÇ \JKfr KkfJr khJÄT Ijxre

¯vMZ e³‡e¨ G·‡cvi weqvbxevRv‡ii c‡hvRK

I wW‡i±i dqmj gvng` mevB‡K ab¨ev` Rvwb‡q e‡jb, we‡ki wewfb kn‡i _vKv gvbl‡`i Kv‡Q weqvbxevRvi‡K wfbfv‡e Z‡j ai‡Z GB c`kbx Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e| bZb cRb¥ I cev‡m †e‡o DVv gvbl‡`i‡K weqvbxevRvi‡K Dc¯vc‡bi Rb¨ 2019 mv‡j G·‡cvi weqvbxevRvi cvgvb¨wPÎ wbgv‡bi D‡`¨vM Mnb K‡ib Ges K‡ivbvi mg‡q 2020 mv‡j gv‡P wZwb jÊb †_‡K weqvbxevRv‡i Ae¯vb K‡i `xN AvU gv‡m wPÎavi‡bi KvR m¤úb K‡ib| Ges cieZx‡Z jʇb G‡m evwK KvR m¤úb K‡ib| wekvj GB c‡R‡± hviv A_, kg Ges civgk w`‡q mn‡hvwMZv K‡i‡Qb mK‡ji cwZ KZÁZv| Abóv‡bi cavb AwZw_ evwgnv‡g wbh³ evsjv‡`k nvBKwgk‡bi mnKvix nvB Kwgkbvi †gv. Avwjg¾vgvb e‡jb, mvsevw`K dqmj gvng‡`i g‡Zv hw` Av‡iv A‡b‡K Zv‡`i wbR GjvKv m¤ú‡K GiKg Z_¨wPÎ wbgvb K‡ib Zvn‡j

cevmxiv †`‡k åg‡Y I wewb‡qv‡M Av‡iv AvMnx n‡eb| wZwb mvsevw`K dqmj gvng‡`i GB wfbagx wPšv‡K m¤§vb K‡i e‡jb, dqmj gvng` †h KvRwU K‡i‡Qb Zv mgq‡cvhx| GB

cgvbwP‡Îi gva¨‡g weqvbxevRvi m¤ú‡K A‡b‡K GKwU ¯”Q avibv cv‡eb| GB AÂjwU G‡Zv mg× Avi HwZnvwmK wQ‡jv Zv G·‡cvi weqvbxevRvi †`‡L Rvbjvg| evsjv‡`‡ki †Kv‡bv Dc‡Rjv‡K wb‡q c_g †Kv‡bv

cYv½ WK‡g›Uvix G·‡cvi weqvbxevRvi wbgv‡bi

fqwm cksmv K‡i ¸Yx wbgvZv gKej †nv‡mb

e‡jb, weqvbxevRvi GKwU AvawbK Dc‡Rjv GUv

mevB Rvb‡Zb| wKš GB G·‡cvi weqvbxevRvi

Avi dqmj gvng` AveviI cgvb Ki‡jb †Kv‡bv weqvbxevRvi Ab¨ Dc‡Rjvi PvB‡Z GwM‡q Ges †miv| evwgsnv‡g emevmiZ weqvbxevRvievmx

D‡`¨v‡M Av‡qvwRZ Abôv‡bi ïiæ‡Z AvMZ AwZw_‡`i dj w`‡q ¯vMZ Rvbvb Av‡qvRK Kwei Avng`, kvwn`i ingvb m‡nj, Avn‡g`

†gv¯dv, gwbi Avng`, K‡qQ¾vgvb iæb, ZwZDi ingvb, bRiæj Bmjvg, †MŠQ DwÏb I Kwig DwÏb| Abôv‡b e³e¨ iv‡Lb, mvsevw`K gnv¤§` gviæd, wiqv` Avnv`, †PŠaix giv`, Gbvg †PŠaix, †MUvi wm‡j‡Ui mvavib m¤úv`K Lmiæ Lvb, wg‡mm dv‡Zgv nvwg`, Kwe ˆmq` BKevj, Kwei Avng`, bRiæj Bmjvg, dvRwj wewe, Avmgv †PŠaix, Wv LvwjK, W wgmevDi ingvb, Avãj LvwjK ewki wgqv Kvw`i, kvn Avwe` Avjx, Gbvgj nK Lvb, †bcv ¯cv †eMg, gw³‡hv×v Avãj nvwg`, Kvgvj Avn‡g`, ingZ Avjx, `xc †kLmn Av‡iv A‡b‡K| Abôv‡b e¨vcK Dcw¯wZi Kvi‡Y n‡j Avmb bv _vKvq A‡b‡K `vwo‡q `vwo‡q cgvb¨wPÎ †`L‡Z n‡q‡Q Zv‡Z Av‡qvRK I wbgvZv dqmj gvng` `tL cKvk Kivi cvkvcvwk Abôvb mdj Kivi Rb¨ mK‡ji cwZ KZÁZv Rvbvb| - †cm weÁwß|

ßTJebJxJ yP~ kPzjÇ FojKT oKÜPpJ≠J mJ oKÜPpJ≠Jr kKrmJr yPu YJTKr ßhS~J yPfJ jJÇ Foj hnJVq\jT kKrPmv KZu 21 mZrÇ KfKj mPuj, 1996 xJPu UJPuhJ K\~J ãofJ~ pJS~Jr \jq FA 15 ßlm∆~JKr FTaJ ßnJaJr

KmyLj KjmJYj TPrKZuÇ ßp KjmJYPj 2 vfJÄv ßnJaS kPzKjÇ xJrJ ßhPv ßxjJmJKyjL ßoJfJP~j

TPr, \jVPer ßnJPar IKiTJr ßTPz KjP~ UJPuhJ K\~J KjP\PT kiJjoπL KyPxPm KÆfL~mJr

ãofJ~ FPxPZ FA ßWJweJ ßh~Ç KÆfL~mJr ãofJ~ @xJr ˝k kre y~KjÇ TJre

mJÄuJPhPvr oJjw fJPhr ßnJPar IKiTJr KjP~ IPjT xPYfjÇ fJPhr ßnJa YKr yP~KZu mPu @PªJuj y~Ç ßxA @PªJuPjr lPu UJPuhJ

K\~J khfqJV TrPf mJiq yjÇ 15 ßlm∆~JKr

TPrA @orJ @\ Cj~jvLu ßhPvr opJhJ


kiJjoπL mPuj, AjvJ@uJy- 2041 xJPu

mJÄuJPhv yPm Cjf S xo≠ ßhvÇ ˛Ja mJÄuJPhv

@orJ VPz fumÇ @r 2100 xJPur mJÄuJPhv

ßToj yPm ßx\jq ßcfiJ kqJjS @orJ TPrKZÇ

FA mÆLk IûPur oJjw ßpj mÄv krŒrJ~

xªrnJPm mJYPf kJPr FmÄ Cjf \Lmj kJ~

ßx\jqA FA khPãk @orJ KjP~KZÇ

@S~JoL uLV xrTJr ãofJ~ @xJr kr ßgPTA

huof KjKmPvPw xm mLr oKÜPpJ≠Jr \jq xÿJPjr

mqm˙J TPr KhP~PZ FmÄ oKÜpP≠ xyJ~fJTJrL

KmPhKv mº FmÄ Ko© vKÜr xhxqPhrPT xÿJj

KhP~PZ mPuS CPuU TPrj kiJjoπLÇ

kiJjoπL mPuj, jJjJ YzJA-CfrJA ßkKrP~

@S~JoL uLV xrTJr ãofJ~ @xJr kr ßgPTA

@orJ oKÜPpJ≠JPhr xÿJj KhP~KZÇ huof

KjKmPvPw xm oKÜPpJ≠Jr \jq FA xÿJPjr mqm˙J

@orJ TPrKZÇ 71 xJPu pJrJ \JKfr KkfJr cJPT

xJzJ KhP~ I˘ yJPf fPu KjP~ p≠ TPr @oJPhr

Km\~ FPj KhP~PZj, fJPhrPT xÿJj ßhUJPjJ @oJPhr Tfmq oPj TKrÇ

x∂JjrJ ßpj mÄv krŒrJ~ kKfKa ßãP©

IVJKiTJr kJ~, ßx mqm˙JS @orJ TPrKZÇ

oKÜp≠Kmw~T oπeJu~ oKÜPpJ≠JPhr IjuJAPj

nJfJ ßhS~J FmÄ IjqJjq xKmiJ khJPjr \jq oqJPj\oP≤ AjlPovj KxPˆo (Fo@AFx) jJPo

FTKa keJñ cJaJPm\S VPz fPuPZÇ FKa \JfL~

kKrY~kP©r cJaJPmP\r xPñS xÄpÜ rP~PZÇ

KfKj oKÜpP≠r ßVRrmo~ ˛Kf xÄrãPer Skr

èÀfJPrJk TPr mPuj, FUPjJ IPjT \J~VJ

IjJKmÛf rP~ ßVPZ ßxèPuJ UP\ ßmr TrPmjÇ

APfJPiq kJ~ 20 yJ\Jr xoJKi˙u xÄrãe TrJr

TJpâo yJPf ßjS~J yP~PZÇ 293Ka CkP\uJr

360Ka ˙JPj oKÜp≠ ˛Kf˜÷ mJ \JhWr KjoJe

TrJ yP~PZ FmÄ kPfqTKa CkP\uJ~ @uJhJ

oKÜp≠ ToPké TrJ yPòÇ FPf oJjw \JjPf

kJrPm FA p≠ @oJPhr \jq Tf ßVRrPmr KZu mJ

TJPhr @®fqJPV FA ˝JiLjfJ IgmJ TJPhr

@®fqJPV @\PT FA xÿJj kJKò ßxaJ ßpj

k\jì ßgPT k\jìJ∂Pr oJjw ˛re TrPf kJPrÇ

È@orJ oKÜp≠ TPr ßp Km\~ I\j TPrKZ, ßxaJ

ßpj oJjw nPu KVP~KZu' CPuU TPr ßvU yJKxjJ mPuj, '75 xJPu \JKfr KkfJPT yfqJr kr yfqJTJrLPhr AjPcoKjKa IKcjqJP¿r oJiqPo hJ~oKÜ KhP~ KmKnj hfJmJPx YJTKr S mqmxJmJKe\q KhP~ krÛf TrJ yP~KZuÇ pJrJ oKÜpP≠r

KmPrJiL KZu, fJrJA kiJjoπL, oπL, CkPhÓJ yP~ ãofJ~ mPxjÇ ˝JnJKmTnJPm fUj oKÜPpJ≠JrJ

KjmJYj TPr 30 oJY UJPuhJ K\~J khfqJV TrPf mJiq yjÇ ßx\jq 15 ßlm∆~JKr VefπPT VuJKaPk yfqJ TrJr FTaJ KhjÇ

IjÔJPj mÜmq ßhj oKÜp≠Kmw~T oπL @ T o ßoJ\JPÿu yT FmÄ oKÜp≠Kmw~T oπeJuP~r


kiJjoπLr kPã KTPvJrV†, ßVJkJuV†, VJ\Lkr, oJhJrLkr S jzJAPur ß\uJ kvJxTrJ mLr oKÜPpJ≠JPhr yJPf ÈmLr KjmJx'-Fr YJKm y˜J∂r


oPû CkK˙f KZPuj oKÜp≠Kmw~T oπeJu~ xŒKTf xÄxhL~ ˙J~L TKoKar xnJkKf vJ\JyJj


IjÔJPj ÈmLr KjmJx'-Fr Skr FTKa KnKcS cTPo≤JKr khKvf y~Ç

hKa v~jTã, FTKa mxJr Wr, FTKa rJjJWr FmÄ

FTKa TKrPcJrxy FTfuJ KmKvÓ kKfKa ÈmLr

KjmJx' 14 hvKoT 10 uJU aJTJ~ KjKof FmÄ

ßhPvr \JfL~ kfJTJr rX uJu-xmP\ TrJÇ F

ZJzJ rJjJWPrr kJPv FTKa KxPoP≤r CbJj, FTKa juTk, FTKa mJgÀo FmÄ VmJKh kÊ S yJxorKVr ßvc rP~PZÇ

Fr @PV 2021 xJPur 16 oJY xrTJr @gxJoJK\T Im˙Jr Cj~Pj Ixòu oKÜPpJ≠J FmÄ

vKyh S k~Jf p≠ mLrPhr kKrmJPrr xhxqPhr

\jq 30 yJ\Jr mJKz KjoJPer \jq 4 yJ\Jr 123

ßTJKa aJTJr FTKa kT· IjPoJhj TPrÇ

5 17 - 23 February 2023 UmrJUmr
@orJ xrTJPr
KfKj mPuj, ßx\jqA oKÜPpJ≠JrJ oJrJ ßVPu ßpj
xÿJj kJj ßx mqm˙J
@xJr kr oKÜPpJ≠J FmÄ fJPhr

FOUNDER: Late Al-Haj Dr Bashir Ahmed


Ayesha Ahmed

Thufayel Ahmed


Chief Editor: Farid Ahmed Reza

Editor: Shamsul Alam Liton

English Section Editor: Syed Mamnun Murshed

News Editor: Abdul Quaium

Diplomatic Editor: Sheikh Ahmed

Defense Analyst: Major (Retd) Syed Abu Bakar Siddique

Literary Editor: Syed Rumman

Spl Correspondent: K M Abu Taher Choudhury

Special Contributor:

Dorina Laizu, Dr M Mujibur Rahman Shamsul Islam, Syed Hilal Saif

SURMA, The Whitechapel Centre (Room S6)

85 Myrdle Street, London E1 1HL

Editorial: 020 7041 9494

Advertising: 07946 112 633


ADVERTISING: advert@surmanews com

LITERARY: surmashamoyiki@gmail com

nJPuJmJxJ Khmx S FT\j

vKlT ßryoJj

14 †deæqvwi we‡ki wewfb †`‡k cvwjZ n‡jv fv‡jvevmv w`em|

BD‡ivc Av‡gwiKvq w`emwU K‡qK kZvãx a‡i f¨v‡j›UvBb †W wn‡m‡e

cvwjZ nq|

90 `k‡K evsjv‡`‡ki wKse`wš mvsevw`K hvqhvqw`b L¨vZ kwdK

†ingvb 14 †deæqvwii meRbxb Av‡e`b‡K cwZcv`¨ K‡i GB w`b

cwÎKvwUi we‡kl msL¨v cKvk K‡ib fv‡jvevmv w`em wk‡ivbv‡g| mKj

cRb¥‡K meKv‡ji me‡P‡q †ewk Av‡e`bm¤úb welq wn‡m‡e fv‡jvevmv

w`em D`hvcb‡K DrmvwnZ K‡ib| gv-evevi cwZ fv‡jvevmv, mšv‡bi cwZ

fv‡jvevmv, `v`v-`vw`, bvbv-bvbx, cvov-cwZ‡ekx, GgbwK wi·v PvjK, KlK, kgRxex mK‡ji cwZ mK‡ji fv‡jvevmvi `vq I c‡qvRb‡K Z‡j

a‡ib kwdK †ingvb| GKmgq mgv‡R cKv‡k¨ A‡bKUv Ab”PvwiZ kã

wQ‡jv fvjevmv| meRbxbZvi Ave‡n Kv‡ji weeZ‡b †mB fv‡jvevmvi w`em mK‡ji gv‡S Qwo‡q c‡o‡Q| cwiYZ n‡q‡Q evsjv‡`‡k Ab¨Zg enr


Lxwóq-agxq fvev‡eM w`‡q cwðgv †`k¸‡jv‡Z Pvj nIqv f¨v‡j›UvBb

†W Kv‡ji weeZ‡b agxq Av‡e‡Mi evB‡i mKj a‡gi gZ c_ eY I †Mv‡Îi

gvb‡li AbfwZi †K›`we›` fv‡jvevmv w`e‡mi Kv‡Q nvwi‡q‡Q Zvi gj

cwiPq| MZ wZb `k‡K fv‡jvevmv w`em f¨v‡j›UvBb †W‡K cwZ¯vcb

K‡i‡Q| h³iv‡R¨ A‡bK Le‡ii KvMR Avi MYgva¨‡g wk‡ivbvg wQj

jvf|GLb f¨v‡j›UvBb †W Kv‡Wi e`‡j ïagvÎ jvf mvBb Avi eYbv mn

ï‡f”Qv KvW wewµ n‡Z †`Lv hvq †ewk|

GLv‡b D‡jL¨ 1993 mv‡j kwdK †ingvb fv‡jvevmv w`em msL¨v c_g

cKvk K‡ib IB eQ‡ii 9 †deæqvwi| c‡ii mßv‡n 15 †deæqvwi UvBg

g¨vMvwRb f¨v‡j›UvBb †W Gi gj Av‡e`b Ges mgvRweÁvbx I

g‡bvweÁvbx‡`i gZvgZ I M‡elYvi djvdj AvKv‡i fv‡jvevmv w`e‡mi

cwZcv`¨ wb‡q Kfvi †÷vwi cKvk K‡i| Zv‡Z †evSv hvq, Dbwesk

kZvãx‡Z †hme ms¯ v‡i gvbl KvR K‡i‡Q, wPšvi wec‡e evsjv‡`kI Ggb

A‡bK †¶‡Î nq‡Zv GwM‡q wQ‡jv| wnsmv we‡Øl h× weMn †_‡K wek‡K †ei

K‡i Avb‡Z fv‡jvevmvi meRbxb GB AvnŸvb ce `w¶Y ce Gwkqvi

†`kwU‡Z kwdK ingvb Zvi cwZôvb RvqMv whwb gva¨‡g cPjb K‡ib|

h³iv‡ó Zvi wKQ c‡i we‡ki Ab¨Zg kxl g¨vMvwRb UvBg cwÎKv IB

AvnŸvbwU‡K wb‡q GwM‡q hvq| wn›`Zev`x †gvw` miKvi fv‡jvevmvi AvnŸvb

†_‡K BwÛqvi cvq †`ok †KvwU gvbl‡K `‡i ivL‡Z "KvD nvM †W" ev "Miæ

Rwo‡q aiv w`em" cvj‡bi wm×vš wb‡q nvwmi †LvivK n‡q‡Q| MYgva¨g I

mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM gva¨‡g Zgj mgv‡jvPbvi g‡L †kl chš Z‡j wb‡Z

eva¨ n‡q‡Q H nvm¨Ki wm×vš| evsjv‡`‡kI d¨vwmev`x miKvi GB

w`emwU‡K ¤vb Ki‡Z emš Drmemn bvbv wKQ Pvwc‡q †`qvi †Póv K‡i‡Q|

ZvI chewmZ n‡q‡Q Piq e¨_Zvq|

me‡k‡l ej‡Z nq, fv‡jvevmvi †Rvqvi BbkvAvjvn Avi we‡Ø‡li GB

cw_ex‡Z GLb me‡P‡q †ewk c‡qvRb| fv‡jvevmvi †Rvqv‡i nvwi‡q hvK

mKj NYv we‡Øl Avi AbvPvi| fvjevmvi AvnŸvb I meRbxbZvi Rq †nvK

gvbeZvi| mevB‡K fv‡jvevmv w`e‡mi ï‡f”Qv| Avi evsjv‡`k 90 `kK

†_‡K GB meRbxb w`em cvj‡bi mPbvi Rb¨ wKse`wš mvsevw`K kwdK

ingv‡bi cwZ Acwimxg k×v I fv‡jvevmv|

Kmv vfPTr KÆfL~ Ii ßgPTA @KlTJ oyJPhPv nJzJPa mJKyjL ßxUJjTJr rJ\jLKfPf CPuUPpJVq vKÜ yP~ @PZÇ xrTJrKmPrJiL @PªJuj hoPj KTÄmJ xÄWJfo~ kKrK˙KfPf jfj ßTJPjJ ßjfJPT kKfKÔf TrPf nJzJPa mJKyjLPT mqmyJr TrJ y~Ç FTxo~ @KlTJr ßhvèPuJ~ nJzJPa mJKyjLPf jJo ßuUJPjJr kmvf KZu fJr oJKuTJjJ~ I˘ gJTPf yPmÇ hvPTr kr hvT iPr FKaA IfqJmvqTL~ vf KyPxPm TJ\ TPr FPxPZÇ KT∂ xJŒKfTTJPu nJzJPa mJKyjLr Kmmfj yPòÇ TJKrVKr CkPhÓJ ßgPT ÊÀ TPr xÿUxJKrr

ßpJ≠J, xm ßãP©A ßxaJ WaPZÇ

IgQjKfTnJPm IVxr IPjT ßhPv nJzJPa mJKyjL krrJÓ jLKfr IÄv yP~ CPbPZÇ

rJKv~J F ßãP© ßjff KhP~ YPuPZÇ xJŒKfT mZrèPuJPf KuKm~J, xhJj, ßoJ\JK’T, oJKu, ßx≤Ju @KlTJj KrkJmKuT

S ßcPoJPâKaT KrkJmKuT Im TPñJ-@KlTJ

oyJPhPvr Fxm ßhPv rJKv~Jr kfqJmfj

WPaPZÇ KmKjoP~ uJn\jT kJTKfT xŒh

KjP~ jJjJ YKÜr kJvJkJKv S KmoJjmªr

TrJr xPpJV ßhS~J yPò rJKv~JPTÇ

1940-Fr hvPTr ßvw KhPT vLfu p≠

ÊÀTJPu rJKv~J kgo @KlTJ~ fJPhr knJm

Km˜Jr TPrKZuÇ kKÁo S ßxJKnP~f

ACKj~Pjr oPiq vLfu pP≠ @KlTJr

ßhvèPuJ fUj kã ßmPZ KjPf ÊÀ

TPrKZuÇ @KlTJ oyJPhvPT KjP\Phr

ãofJ khvj FmÄ ßxUJjTJr KmvJu

kJTKfT xŒh ßgPT ojJlJ uPa ßjS~Jr

ßã© KyPxPm KmPmYjJ TPr rJKv~JÇ

IKfxŒKf @KlTJ~ rJKv~Jr ßp ßTRvuVf

Im˙Jj, fJr oPu rP~PZ ojJlJÇ Fr xPñ

ofJhv KTÄmJ jLKfQjKfTfJr ßTJPjJ xŒT

ßjAÇ ACPâj pP≠ ßmTJ~hJ~ kzJr kr

S~JVjJr V∆Pkr oPfJ nJzJPa ßxjJPhr

ßTJŒJKj @KlTJ~ rJKv~Jr nrJ\QjKfT ˝Jg

KxK≠Pf @rS xKâ~ yP~ CPbPZÇ

@KlTJ~ S~JVjJr V∆Pkr ToTJ§ KjP~

@∂\JKfT kKrxPr xoJPuJYjJ mJzPZÇ pÜrJÓ S ACPrJkL~ ACKj~Pjr ßhvèPuJ

KjPwiJùJxy jJjJ mqm˙J Vye TPrPZÇ @∂\JKfT kKrxPr Fxm khPãk S

KjPwiJùJ xP•S S~JVjJr V∆kPT Kjm• TrJ

pJPò jJÇ rJKv~Jr nJzJPa ßxjJrJ @KlTJ~ fJPhr jLujTvJ mJ˜mJ~j TPrA YPuPZÇ nJKhKor kKfPjr ßkKxPcK¿TJPu (19992008 S 2012 ßgPT F kp∂) rJKv~Jr mqKÜoJKuTJjJiLj xJoKrT ßTJŒJKj S nJzJPa ßxjJrJ ßhvKar krrJÓ jLKfr IKmPòhq IÄv yP~ CPbPZÇ @KlTJ~ S~JVjJr V

ßkP~PZ ßp fJrJ Um xyP\A ßxUJPj rJKv~Jr

knJm Km˜Jr WaJPf xão yPòÇ xJf mZr

iPr @Ko @KlTJ~ YLjJ mqKÜoJKuTJjJiLj

KjrJk•J ßTJŒJKjèPuJr nKoTJ KjP~ VPmweJ

TPrKZÇ F xoP~ @Ko @KlTJ~ rJKv~J S

frPÛr mqKÜoJKuTJjJiLj xJoKrT S nJzJPa

ßTJŒJKjèPuJr KmmfPjr FTaJ kgPrUJS

ßkP~KZÇ @oJr KmPmYjJ~ S~JVjJr V∆k

@KlTJr knJmvJuL ßjfJPhr xrãJ KjKÁf

TrJr oJiqPo oyJPhvKaPf oPÛJr nrJ\QjKfT IqJP\¥J mJ˜mJ~j TPr YPuPZÇ

S~JVjJr V∆Pkr nJzJPa ßxjJrJ mz

kT·èPuJ xrKãf rJUJr hJK~f kJuPjr

kJvJkJKv xÄTPa kzJ xrTJrèPuJPTS

KjrJk•J ßh~Ç ßmxJoKrT oJjw yfJyf

yPuS ßxaJ fJrJ KmPmYjJ~ KjPò jJÇ lPu

kPrJ oyJPhPvr K˙KfvLufJ ÉoKTr oPU


S~JVjJr V∆k TL?

2012 xJPu nJKhKor kKfj kjrJ~ ßkKxPc≤

KjmJKYf yS~Jr kr rJKv~Jr kKfrãJ

oπeJu~ ßhvKar @AjxnJr ßTJPjJ irPjr

fhJrKT ZJzJA ˝JiLjnJPm kKrYJKuf yPòÇ

F TJrPe xJoKrT S ßVJP~ªJ @ouJfPπ

mqKÜVf xŒTA kiJj Kmw~ yP~ CPbPZÇ

kKfjPT KWPr gJTJ knJmvJuLrJ KjP\Phr

mqKÜVf knJm UJKaP~ @iJ xJoKrT mJKyjL

S nJzJPa ßxjJhu VPz ßfJuJr xPpJV ßkP~


iJreJ TrJ y~ ßp rJKv~Jr ßxjJ ßVJP~ªJ


ImxrkJ¬ TPju KhKoK© CaKTj S~JVjJr

V∆k VPz ßfJPujÇ pKhS nJzJPa mJKyjLKar

CØPmr Km˜JKrf fgq kJS~J pJ~ jJÇ 2014

xJPu rJKv~J KâKo~J @VJxj ÊÀ TrPu

S~JVjJr V∆Pkr jJo kgo @∂\JKfT

VeoJiqPo kYJKrf y~Ç

iJreJ TrJ y~, S~JVjJr V∆Pk IgJ~j


TqJaJKrÄ mqmxJ~L ßgPT TUqJf ToJ¥JPr

kKref yP~PZj KfKjÇ rJKv~Jr ãofJr ßTª

ßâoKuPjr xPñ @jÔJKjT xŒT gJTJr

Kmw~Ka kgo TP~T mZr S~JVjJr V∆k


ßxjJmJKyjLr vLw ß\jJPruPhr xPñ xJoJK\T

ßpJVJPpJVoJiqPo ZKm ßv~Jr TPr ßâoKuPjr

xPñ xŒPTr Kmw~Ka ßUJuJxJ TPrj


xJoKrT kfJreJ~ ßâoKuPjr KmvJu IjrJV


KkPVJKxj FA VP· Ijqfo kiJj jJ~T yP~

CPbPZjÇ fPm S~JVjJr V∆Pkr oPu

KkPVJKxj rP~PZj, ßxaJ nJmJ IjKYf yPmÇ

ßxPVA xUJKjj rJKv~Jr mqKÜoJKuTJjJiLj xJoKrT ßTJŒJKjèPuJ KjP~ VPmweJ



ßxjJmJKyjL Vbj TrJr oPfJ xJogq fJr ßjAÇ

S~JVjJr V∆k ßTj @KlTJ~ rJ\QjKfT IK˙rfJ, Kmku kJTKfT xŒh S KmPrJiL ßVJÔLèPuJr xv˘ xãofJ To gJTJ~ oJKu ßgPT xhJj, xmUJPjA S~JVjJr V∆k KjP\Phr Im˙Jj ‰fKr TPr KjP~PZÇ FmÄ mqJkT ojJlJ uPa YPuPZÇ 2017 xJPu xhJPj S~JVjJr V∆k xJPmT ßkKxPc≤ Sor @u-mKvrPT KjrJk•J S xJoKrT xyJ~fJ

KhP~KZuÇ Fr KmKjoP~ rJKv~Jr mqmxJ~LrJ jJooJ© KmKjP~JPV ßxUJjTJr yLrJr UKjr mqmxJ ßkP~ pJ~Ç yLrJ S ßxJjJxo≠ ßx≤Ju @KlTJj KrkJmKuPTr ßãP©S FTA hÓJ∂ ßhUJ pJ~Ç 2017 xJPu KmPhJyL ßVJÔLr KmÀP≠ xrTJKr mJKyjLr pP≠ xrTJrPT xyJ~fJ TPr

S~JVjJr V∆kÇ KmKjoP~ ßhvKar rJ\QjKfT S IgQjKfT ßãP© rJKv~Jj CkPhÓJrJ

èÀfke ˙Jj hUu TPr ßj~Ç

VqJxxo≠ ßoJ\JK’PT S~JVjJr V∆k ßhvKar

xrTJKr mJKyjLPT C•rJûPu KmPhJyL mJKyjLr

KmÀP≠ uzJA TrPf xyJ~fJ TPrÇ 2019

xJPu S~JVjJr V∆Pkr nJzJPa mJKyjL


xPñ UKj\ xŒh, \JuJKj S kKfrãJ UJPf

YKÜ ˝Jãr TPr rJKv~JÇ

2021 xJPu xJPyu IûPur Yrok∫LPhr

xPñ p≠ TrJr \jq oJKu S~JVjJr V∆Pkr

xPñ FTKa YKÜ ˝Jãr TPrÇ rJKv~Jr

krrJÓoπL ßxPVA uJnrn ßxaJ KjKÁf

TPrjÇ KT∂ ßmxJoKrT \jVPer Skr

S~JVjJr V∆Pkr xKyÄxfJr Umr kJS~J

pJPòÇ 2022 xJPur oJY oJPx nJzJPa

mJKyjLr yJPf TP~T v ßmxJoKrT jJVKrT

KjyPfr IKnPpJV SPbÇ F KmwP~ \JKfxÄW

KmPvwùrJ fhP∂r hJKm \JKjP~PZÇ 2023

xJPur \Jj~JKr oJPx pÜrJÓ S~JVjJr

V∆kPT p≠JkrJPir hJP~ IKnpÜ TPrPZÇ

@KlTJ~ S~JVjJr V∆Pkr ToTJ§ KjP~

@∂\JKfT kKrxPr xoJPuJYjJ mJzPZÇ pÜrJÓ S ACPrJkL~ ACKj~Pjr ßhvèPuJ

KjPwiJùJxy jJjJ mqm˙J Vye TPrPZÇ @∂\JKfT kKrxPr Fxm khPãk S

KjPwiJùJ xP•S S~JVjJr V∆kPT Kjm• TrJ pJPò jJÇ rJKv~Jr nJzJPa ßxjJrJ @KlTJ~ fJPhr jLujTvJ mJ˜mJ~j TPrA YPuPZÇ @PuxJPªJ

∆k Foj FTKa Cmr kKrPmv
knJwT, KTÄx TPu\, u§j FKv~J aJAox ßgPT ßjS~J AÄPrK\ ßgPT IjmJh oPjJ\ ßh KmKnjú Umr S k´mº-Kjmº k´TJPvr \jq xJ¬JKyT xMroJ mJÄuJPhPvr \JfL~ ‰hKjT k´go IJPuJ, AP•lJT, xoTJu, pMVJ∂r, TJPur T≥, oJjm\Koj, ßnJPrr TJV\, j~JKhV∂, \jT≥, pJ~pJ~Khj S IjqJjq kK©TJr k´Kf VnLrnJPm Tífù
17 - 23 February 2023 6 nJzJPa
/ Ck-xŒJhTL~
ßxjJ KhP~ ßpnJPm IJKlTJ uaPZ rJKv~J
@PuxJPª J @rKhCPjJ

lc mVJrPT \KroJjJ

KmkjkJ~ kJeL ßVa ßyJ~JAa vJT mJ xJhJ yJXr

rJjJ TPr ßUP~ ßluJ~ YLPjr FT lc mVJrPT

125,000 AC~Jj (18 yJ\Jr 500 cuJr)

\KroJjJ TrJ yP~PZÇ FTKa ßhJTJj ßgPT

IQminJPm yJXrKa ßTjJ S UJS~Jr KnKcS KfKj

ßxJvqJu KoKc~J~ ßkJˆ TrJr kr fJ KjP~

xoJPuJYjJr ^z SPbÇ Fr krA fJPT ßhJwL xJmq˜

TPr \KroJjJ TrJ y~Ç

momJV \JKjP~PZ, xJhJ yJXr ßUP~ ßluJr oJiqPo

SA jJrL YLPjr mjqkJeL xrãJ @Aj nñ

TPrPZjÇ Vf mZPrr FKkPu KfKj SA yJXrKa

ßTPjj FmÄ kPr fJ rJjJ TPr UJj mPu \JKjP~PZj

YLPjr KxY~Jj kPhPvr jJjYÄP~r ToTfJrJÇ

IKnpÜ SA jJrLr jJo K\j FmÄ ßxJvqJu KoKc~Jr

KnKcSPf fJr jJo KfK\ ßuUJÇ Vf mZPrr

\uJAP~ SA jJrL lc mVJr ßxJvqJu KoKc~J xJAa

hK~qj FmÄ T~JAÊPf FTKa KnKcS ßkJˆ TPrjÇ

KnKcSPf ßhUJ pJ~, KfKj kJ~ xJPz Z~ la (2

KoaJr) u’J FTKa xJhJ yJXr ßhJTJj ßgPT KTjPZj

FmÄ kPr ßxKa rJjJ TPr UJPòjÇ ßkJˆ ßh~Jr

krkrA KnKcSKa YLPjr xJoJK\T ßpJVJPpJV

oJiqPo nJArJu y~ FmÄ kJeLPhr kKf KjÔrfJr

IKnPpJV ßfJPuj ßjKaP\jrJÇ 2020 xJPur

ßlm∆~JKrPf mjqkJeL KmKâ S UJS~Jr Skr ke

KjPwiJùJ @PrJk TPr YLjÇ

IªroyPu Èmz' IKfKg

mJKzPf IKfKg xoJVPo @jª yS~Jr TgJÇ KT∂

F ßãP© yu CPfiJÇ IKfKgPhr @TJr-kTJr ßhPU

mJKzr mJKxªJrJ FfaJA YoPT ßVPuj ßp nP~r

ßYJPa fJPhr VuJ ÊKTP~ ßVu Ç

PjkJPur KYPfJ~Jj In~JrPeqr WajJÇ ßxUJPjA

FTKa mJKzr ßnfr WPr ßmzJPf ßhUJ pJ~ hA

koJe xJAP\r V§JrPTÇ mJKzr mJKxªJPhr kPrJ~J

jJ TPrA FPTmJPr IªroyPu dPT kPz fJrJÇ

xy\ yJaJYuJ ßhPU oPj yPò, ßpj @xJr TgJA

KZu fJPhrÇ

WPrr xJoPj FTKa TKrPcJr ßgPT fJPhr ßhUPf

ßkP~ KnKcS ßrTc TPrKZPuj mJKzr mJKxªJrJÇ

ßxA KnKcS xoJ\oJiqPo nJArJu yP~PZÇ nJrPfr

FT @AFlFx IKlxJr SA KnKcS ßv~Jr

TPrPZj aAaJPrÇ KmmrPe KuPUPZj, ÈWPrr ßnfr

yJKfr CkK˙Kf ßfJ IPjPTA ßar ßkP~PZjÇ F

mJr ßhUj WPrr Knfr V§JrÇ' SA KnKcS ßhPU

IPjPTA IPjT rTo o∂mq TPrPZjÇ ßTC

KuPUPZj, ÈmPj gJKT mPu KT mJKzPf gJTPf kJrm

jJ?' ßTC @mJr KuPUPZj, ÈmjTfJrJ ßpoj \ñu

kKrhvPj pJj, SrJS mjTfJPhr kKrhvPj


ßuJTJuP~ yJKfr fJ§m

FT huZa mPjJ yJKfr fJ§Pm Khjnr @fPï

TJaJPuj nJrPfr kKÁomPñr ÉVKur mJKxªJrJÇ

hJfJu yJKfr yJouJ~ èÀfr @yf yP~PZj

YJr\jÇ fZjZ yP~ KVP~PZ vyr xÄuV TP~TPvJ

KmWJr @uPUfÇ vyr S xÄuV FuJTJ~ 144 iJrJ

\JKr TPr kKrK˙Kf xJouJPjJr ßYÓJ TPr ˙JjL~


KmPTu 5aJ jJVJh yJKfKaPT vyr ßgPT ßmr TrPf

xão y~ C≠JrTJrL ÉuJ kJKaÇ mj hlfr

\JKjP~PZ, xºqJ~ yJKfKa ÆJrPTvr jh kJr yP~


xÄuV kKÁo ßoKhjLkPrr VzPmfJ \ñu ßgPT

YoTJAfuJ yP~ ßVJWJa kJr TPr @rJomJV YPu

@PxÇ kKrK˙Kf xJouJPf @rJomJPV @xJ rJP\qr

oUq mjkJu (kKÁo Yâ) IPvJT kfJk KxÄy

xºqJ~ mPuj, ÈFTKa yJKf huZa yP~ YPu


kKrK˙Kf FUj Kj~πPeÇ' mj hlfPrr @rJomJPVr

YJhr ßrP†r FT @KiTJKrT mPuj, Èã~ãKf

xPrK\PoPj UKfP~ ßhUJ yPòÇ xrTJKrnJPm ãKf

krPer mqm˙J TrJ yPmÇ'

@PVS mÉmJr VzPmfJ FmÄ mJTzJr \~kr \ñu

yP~ @rJomJV oyToJ~ huZa yJKfr IjkPmv

WPaPZÇ yJKfr yJjJ~ kYr lxu S WrmJKz jÓ

yS~J ZJzJS \LmjyJKjr jK\rS @PZÇ fPm

@rJomJV vyPr yJKf ßdJTJr WajJ FA kgoÇ

vKjmJr ßnJPr yJKfKaPT kgo ßhUJ pJ~ vyPrr 18

j’r S~JPc, ÆJrPTvr jPhr kKÁo kJPz

TJuLkPrr KmÌkPrÇ Umr ßkP~ mj hlfPrr ToL

S kKuv WajJ˙Pu pJ~Ç yJKfKar TJZJTJKZ jJpJS~Jr \jq oJAPT kYJr ÊÀ y~Ç ÉuJ kJKa

@PxÇ fJrkrS hWajJ FzJPjJ pJ~KjÇ

h'nJV frPÛr

@˜ vyr

nKoTPŒr ß\Pr frPÛr FTKa vyr kJ~ h'nJV

yP~ KVP~PZÇ vyPrr mPT KmvJu mz lJau

iPrPZÇ rJ˜J, oJb, kJyJz S \ñu mrJmr ßxA

lJau irJ kPzPZ ßcJj TqJPorJ~Ç xÄmJh xÄ˙J

r~aJx \JjJPò, nKoTPŒr ßTª˙u

VJK\~JjPaPkr kJvmfL kPhv TJyrJoJjoJrJPxr

ßZJa vyr ßfPnPTKuPf nKoTPŒr ß\Pr KmvJu

lJau iPrPZÇ ßhPU oPj yPm, oJ^UJj ßgPT ßTC

ßpj YJk KhP~ vyrKaPT @zJ@Kz nJPm ßnPX


ßfPkyJjÇ ßxA VJPoS KmvJu lJau iPrPZÇ

VJomJxLrJ @fPï Khj TJaJPòjÇ lJau mrJmr

VJZJkJuJ, KmhqPfr UKa, rJ˜Jr mqJKrPTc xm

CkPz KVP~PZÇ ßfPkyJPjr FT mJKxªJ ßoyPoa

ßfoK\UJj \JKjP~PZj, FUPjJ @fPï WPoJPf

kJrPZj jJ VJomJxLrJÇ nKoTPŒr ß\Pr

VJoKaPfS ã~ãKf yP~PZÇ ßfoK\UJPjr TgJ~, ÈPxJomJr ßnJPr kmu FTaJ ^JTKjPf Wo ßnPX

KVP~KZuÇ mJAPr ßmKrP~ ßhKU xm ßuJT\j @fPï

ßZJaJZKa TrPZjÇ xTPu KoPu rJ˜J~ ßmKrP~

IPkãJ TrKZuJoÇ ßmv TP~TKa mJKz ßYJPUr

xJoPj iPx ßVuÇ @fï @PrJ KWPr iPrKZuÇ

FTaJ xo~ oPj yKòu @r mJYm jJÇ'

TŒPjr ß\Pr frÛ-KxKr~J xLoJP∂S KmvJu lJau

iPrPZÇ ACPrJKk~Jj @g-Im\JKnÄ xqJPauJAa

ßxK≤Pju-1-F FA lJaPur hvq irJ kPzPZÇ noiqxJVPrr C•r-km kJ∂ mrJmr ßxA lJaPur

QhWq 300 KTPuJKoaJrÇ ßx≤Jr lr hq

Im\JrPnvj IqJ¥ oPcKuÄ Im @gPTJP~Tx, nuTqJPjJx IqJ¥ ßaTaKjTPxr (TPoa) IiqJkT

Kao rJAa \JKjP~PZj, n~JjT fLmfJr nKoTPŒ

FA irPjr lJau iPrÇ frÛ S KxKr~Jr nKoTPŒ

APfJoPiqA ofqr xÄUqJ 24 yJ\Jr ZJKzP~


\JPj jJÇ ±Äx˜Pkr KjPY FUPjJ mÉ oJjw YJkJ

kPz rP~PZ mPu @vïJ TrPZj kvJxjÇ TŒPjr

kr kJ~ 6 Khj ßTPa KVP~PZ, ±Äx˜k ßgPT Êi uJv ßmPrJPòÇ

KVPjx K\fu

ßZJ¢ Ahr

hLWJ~ yS~Jr \jq FTKa ßZJa TqJKuPlJKj~Jr Ahr

KVPjx S~Jfl ßrTPcr oPfJ FTKa mz ßUfJm

ßkP~PZÇ ÈˆJr ßaT' IKnPjfJ kqJKaT ˆ~JPar kPr

ÈkqJa' jJPo FTKa ÈkqJKxKlT kPTa oJCx' mimJr

9 mZr 209 Khj m~Px kJ ßh~Jr kr xmPYP~ m~Û

\Lm∂ Ahr KyPxPm KVPjx IjPoJhj ßkP~PZÇ kqJa

xJj KhP~PVJ KYKz~JUJjJ xJlJKr kJPT 2013

xJPur 14 \uJA FTKa xÄrKãf k\jj ToxKYr

IiLPj \j ßj~Ç ÈkqJa' C•r @PoKrTJr xmPYP~

ßZJa Ahr k\JKfÇ fJrJ VJPu TPr UJhq FmÄ mJxJ

mJiJr CkTre myj TrPf kJPrÇ FA AhrPhr

kKrmJr FTxo~ ux FP†Pux ßgPT hKãPe

Ka\~JjJ jhL CkfqTJ kp∂ Km˜f KZu KT∂

oJjPwr hUuhJKr FmÄ @mJx˙u ±ÄPxr TJrPe

1932 xJPur kr fJPhr \jxÄUqJ yJx ßkP~PZÇ

1994 xJPu IPr† TJCK≤ IûPu AhrPhr KmKòj

\jxÄUqJ kj”@KmÏf jJ yS~J kp∂ oPj TrJ

yP~KZu FA irPjr AhrPhr kKrmJr y~PfJ 20

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Continued from ➠ Back page early 2022 to house asylum seekers due to a shortfall in suitable accommodation

A letter signed by 180 charities, organisations and action groups on Tuesday urges politicians to dial down the rhetoric used in debates over Channel crossings or risk “more premeditated extremist attacks around the country” Asylum groups told i on Saturday that years of warnings have been ignored as politicians including Home Secretary Suella Braverman and her predecessor Priti Patel have used war-like language to refer to the crisis

The letter, signed by leaders from Crisis UK, Asylum Matters, Care4Calais, Freedom from Torture, Hope Not Hate as well as dozens of groups across Merseyside, warns that “shocking delays and a failing system” have left people waiting years stuck in limbo in “a completely inappropriate form of accommodation” as they await a decision It says: “Having already experienced great hardship, these men, women and children who come here for protection are now faced with violence, fuelled by inflammatory language of ‘invasion’ and policies that demonise them

“The responsibility to create a system that is fair and compassionate, and brings cohesion instead of division, lies with our decision makers “With the high risk of more premeditated extremist attacks around the country, leaders of all parties must now take a clear stand and condemn any further violence against those who come here to find safety, and set out the action they will take to prevent it “Those who

Why is food inflation so high, when will it stall

Continued from ➠ Back page prices and other recent highly inflationary items slow a bit, the cost of food seems to show no let up - with reports reporting inflation-busting rises What is going on here? How much have food prices risen, why have they gone up so much, are supermarkets or brand-name makers profiteering, and will costs ever come back down?

Georgie Frost, Angharad Carrick and Simon Lambert, delve into food prices on this week's podcast - and look at any ways you could save money Plus, mortgage rates are falling while the base rate is going up: why is that and what happens next? Should you invest in a VCT, not just for the juicy tax breaks but also for the investment opportunities on offer? Angharad spoke to the manager of one of the biggest VCTs: Octopus Titan to ask him about how he invests

incite this anger and violence bring shame on this country, on the vast majority who are proud of our history of helping those in danger around the world This does not reflect the people of Britain This is not who we are ”

Former refugee Sabir Zazai, who chairs the Together with Refugees coalition, said: “This isn’t about party politics, it’s about basic human decency The very least all political leaders could do is to condemn the attack on people seeking sanctuary in our communities “Leaders of all political parties must call for the ending of these hostile policies and hateful language that only fuels division and anger. This does not represent the people of Britain This is not who we are ”

Ewan Roberts, centre manager of Asylum Link Merseyside, said: “The horrifying incident on Friday night does not represent the people of Knowsley The people staying in temporary accommodation came to us seeking our help, and instead had the experience of being under siege by a violent mob “We urge politicians to stop using rhetoric that fuels such hatred, condemn this violence and start doing the real work of clearing the backlog instead ”

Only last month, Holocaust survivor

Joan Salter confronted Ms Braverman about her use of the term “invasion” to describe immigrants and warned it is “very similar” to what was used in Nazi Germany to incite hatred against Jewish people and other minorities

While the Home Secretary told Ms Salter she “shared a huge amount of concern”, she refused to apologise for her words

A Home Office spokesperson said:

and we discussed the article and VCTs on the show And finally, the founders of Seatfrog want to help passengers buy up unused first seats on trains at bargain prices and their next step is plans for making train ticket-buying better What's the idea and is it worth trying?

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“The Home Secretary has publicly condemned the appalling scenes outside the hotel and violence toward police officers on Friday night in Merseyside “The welfare of asylum seekers in our care is of the utmost importance and we will work with the police to ensure their safety ” Fifteen people were arrested during the demonstration on Friday, including a teenager who appeared in court on Monday charged with violent disorder and assaulting an emergency services worker

Jared Skeete, 19, of Irwell Close, Aigburth, Liverpool, was remanded in custody to appear before Liverpool Crown Court on 13 March The remaining 14 people who were arrested, 12 men and two women who are mainly from the Knowsley area, were conditionally bailed pending the outcome of police inquiries A dispersal order around the hotel has been extended until Wednesday amid fears of further violence

Superintendent Karl Baldwin from Knowsley Local Policing, said: “Since the order was introduced on Saturday, we have issued several dispersal

notices to those looking to gather without good reason in this area We will continue to use these powers to ensure that there is no repeat of the scenes witnessed on Friday ” The force also addressed “misinformation” spreading online relating to an earlier incident thought to have sparked the initial protest – after suggestions a man had propositioned a teenage girl

Mr Baldwin said: “We know that those involved in the violent activity on Friday used rumours and allegations as an excuse to commit violence and intimidate members of the public Everyone has the right to live their lives in peace and without fear. “The suspicious incident last week in Kirkby is, like all such allegations, under investigation by detectives and we always encourage anyone with information on suspected crime in your area to come forward directly to police or anonymously via Crimestoppers “Social media posting and sharing of unsubstantiated rumour is not the way to raise concerns to the police, it could jeopardise any investigation and put innocent people in harm’s way ”

09 17 - 23 February 2023 New

London bus strikes END as union accept 'improved' pay offer

Continued frome ➠ Back pag London 17 Febr uar y : London bus strikes have ended after unions shared they were able to secure a "greatly

Wealth taxes and private school levies on the table

Continued frome ➠ Back pag the table as Labour kickstarts its manifesto development The party’s National Policy Forum consultation has opened, with members and affiliate groups asked to put forward proposals for its election manifesto. Leader Sir Keir Starmer has already announced plans to scrap numerous tax perks for the wealthy if Labour wins the next election But left-wing activists are expected to use the consultation to push for more policies that will add to the squeeze on higher earners

With Labour 23 points ahead of the Conservatives, according to the most recent YouGov opinion poll, families are braced for swooping tax changes if the party takes power at the next election Here’s what steps taxpayers should take to protect their assets if these policies do become a reality

What to do if private school fees rise

Sir Keir has said he wants to scrap private schools’ charitable status, meaning independent schools would lose their VAT exemption This would significantly drive up the cost of a private education Marco Malagoni, of investment management firm Waverton, said: “If we take the average private day school fees to be £15,655, for a family with two children, school fees would be £31,310 per annum If standard rate VAT is applied of 20pc, then these school fees increase to £37,572 – an increase of £6,262 ”

Mr Malagoni said grandparents should consider if they could help cover the shortfall “by funding investment accounts for their grandchildren known as bare trusts” The advantage of bare trusts is they allow children to benefit from an investment without directly owning the assets However, grandparents helping out with school fees must be aware they could fall foul of the seven-year-rule Under this rule, unless it qualifies for certain exemptions, a financial gift may be

improved" pay offer The strikes saw more than 1,800 bus drivers walk out over pay, but now Unite union said that members employed by Abellio have accepted a pay rise he union shared that the new pay deal will see drivers with two or more years of experience receive £18 an hour, meaning they will get an increase of 18% on the basic rate Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: "This is an important pay victory Workers have stood firm and with the support of their union, Unite, they have secured a richly deserved pay increase "

London bus strikes end as union accepts deal

London bus drivers striked for 20 days late last year, seeing depots in Battersea, Beddington, Hayes, Southall, Twickenham and Walworth affected The end of the strikes means that action planned for Monday and Tuesday last week was called off as well as the action that was scheduled for February 20, 21 and early March The new agreement will also see an increase to all rates which includes overtime, rest day working and

weekend work

An Abellio London spokesperson said: "We are delighted that our drivers have now accepted the substantial pay rise we put in place in early January "This will see an increase in pay for all of our drivers, with a base rate rise of as much as 18% for some grades, equating to around £100 per week increase " Adding: "It brings to an end a difficult period of industrial action which has been tough for the company, our drivers and our customers "

subject to inheritance tax if the person dies within seven years of making it

Protect your assets if the non-dom status is abolished

Labour has pledged to abolish the socalled “non-dom status” which allows UK residents who live abroad not to pay UK tax on overseas income Nondom status currently expires after 15 years but Labour plans to significantly shorten this window in the hopes of raising an estimated £3 2bn a year But non-doms who have been a resident for fewer than 15 years can still take steps to protect their wealth

Mr Malagoni said setting up a trust could enable non-doms to avoid paying IHT on their assets Chris Etherington, of tax firm RSM, said non-doms could also use companies to shelter their investment income or income from overseas property “It depends on the individual’s circumstances but it may make more sense to pay corporation tax on that income as opposed to personal tax, if they are a higher-rate taxpayer,” he said There were 68,300 non-doms in the UK in 2021, according to official figures, down from 76,500 the year before The number of nom-doms in the UK has been falling ever since a change in policy in April 2017 saw permanent non-dom status removed

Avoiding a potential wealth tax

There have been growing calls from

within the Labour party for Sir Keir to tax the richest in order to fund public services and help the poorest during the cost-of-living crisis So far Sir Keir has not outlined any plans to introduce a wealth tax or to change the rates and thresholds of IHT, which is charged at 40pc on the value of estates worth more than £325,000 But he is likely to give these plans serious consideration: IHT receipts are at record highs, with the government raking in £6 1bn in IHT in 2021-22, up 14pc year-on-year

Gifting money is one way to avoid an IHT charge Every individual is entitled to a £3,000 annual allowance There are other allowances for weddings and small gifts Individuals can also give away more than £3,000 over the course of the year as long as they can prove the money comes out of surplus income Gifts outside of these categories are subject to the seven-year-rule noted above

How to make money from green investments

Sir Keir has already set out an ambitious Green Prosperity Plan which aims to end the UK’s dependence on fossil fuels by 2030 He has threatened to impose a windfall tax on oil and gas companies and also promised to set up Great British Energy, a publicly owned investment vehicle Mr Malagoni said Labour ’s plans to tackle the energy crisis

present opportunities from investors, who could profit from higher investment in the sector However, he added: “Whilst there’s opportunities to benefit from increasing your exposure to renewables, it’s not worth totally discounting oil and gas, which is still expected to rise in the next five to 10 years ”

New rules for buy-to-let landlords

Last year shadow housing secretary Lisa Nandy pledged to introduce a Renters’ Charter within 100 days if Labour wins the next election The charter would end no-fault evictions and allow renters to have pets It could also restrict landlords’ ability to increase rents, which Mr Etherington said could drive some landlords out of business “Many landlords are already subject to significant restrictions on their tax relief for finance costs, such as mortgage payments, and may already be making a loss as a result,” he said

“It’s important that a Renter ’s Charter doesn’t result in an effective cap and collar on landlords’ taxable profits, with some unable to increase their profits or reduce their costs The only answer for some landlords may be for them to sell up if they are stuck with a loss-making investment ” Experts said some landlords had started to sell properties because of increased red tape and higher taxes Labour was approached for comment

17 - 23 February 2023 10 News



Continued from ➠ back page day Her family was forced to return to her partially destroyed home after she gave birth because there was no alternative shelter available in Jind Ayris, one of the worst-hit towns in opposition-held north-western Syria They have also not received any other aid since the earthquake, like tens of thousands of others who have been affected

Even before the disaster, 4 1 million people - most of them women and children - were relying on humanitarian assistance to survive in the region, which is the last bastion of the jihadists and rebels who have been fighting forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad for 12 years Air and artillery strikes on hospitals therethe vast majority of which have been blamed on the government and its ally Russia - had also left only half of

UK basic pay growth speeds up, but labour market cools a bit

Continued from ➠ back page underscoring the Bank of England's worries about inflationary heat in the economy, but other data published on Tuesday suggested a cooling in the labour market Pay excluding bonuses rose by 6 7%, its fastest since records began in 2001 apart from during the coronavirus pandemic when changes in incomes were distorted by furloughs of workers

However, total pay grew by an annual 5 9% in the October-to-December period, the slowest increase since the three months to July last year

them functional In 2021, shellfire destroyed parts of al-Shifa Hospital and killed staff and patients

As of Monday, only 58 lorries carrying aid from UN agencies had arrived from Turkey via Bab al-Hawa in Idlib province - the sole border crossing that the UN is authorised to use to deliver humanitarian assistance However, on Monday evening the UN said the Syrian government was opening two more border crossings The deliveries have been delayed by damaged roads and other logistical issues in Turkey and have not included the heavy machinery and other specialist equipment needed by the White Helmets, whose first responders operate in opposition-held areas.

Dr Ibrahim said there was an acute

shortage of the medicines, other medical supplies, beds and blankets needed to treat the many injured people still being pulled from the rubble "No hospital has the capacity to accommodate this large number of injuries," he warned "[Everywhere] is full " The UN has said that 55 health facilities in the region were damaged by the earthquake and that 31 are partially functional or have suspended their services

The chairman of the Sams Foundation, Dr Basel Termanini, said the lack of shelter and access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services was also a major concern for the medical relief organisation, whose facilities in the region have helped more than 2,000 earthquake victims "We can treat the women after trauma or after delivery,

but they need to go back to a safe environment with minimum housing, nutrition and clean water," he told the BBC

"Unfortunately, this is in general lacking in north-western Syria, due to limited resources and the markedly delayed aid coming from the only lifeline of Bab al-Hawa crossing " Dr Termanini accused the UN and the international community of being "quite guilty of poor planning and failed execution" Sams was currently working with the White Helmets and the Syrian Forum, a consortium of non-profit organisations assisting people in the region, to "fill in the gaps" in shelter and nutrition, he added "But the needs are massive and the international community needs to get their act together to avoid a major humanitarian crisis "

data before easing back k The ONS said the unemployment rate held at 3 7% in the three months to December, in line with forecasts by economists polled by Reuters and not far above its lowest level in almost 50 years. But there were signs of further weakening in the labour market Vacancies in the November-to-January period fell for a seventh time in a row, down by 76,000 to 1 134 million

Economists polled by Reuters had expected the ex-bonuses measure to increase by 6 5% and total pay to rise by 6 2% The pace of pay growth in Britain is being monitored closely by

the BoE as it gauges how much higher to raise interest rates

Sterling rose against the U S dollar and the euro immediately after the

And economic inactivity rate - or the share of people not in work and not looking for it - fell in the three months to December to 21 4%, 0 3 percentage points lower than the previous threemonth period The ONS said there was a record high net flow out of economic inactivity during the October-toDecember period as people moved into work, potentially easing one of the BoE's concerns about the labour market

11 17 - 23 February 2023 News AEROSPACE TRAVEL AGENTS LTD mJÄuJPhv xy KmPvr ßp ßTJj ßhPv x˜J~ IJTJv ÃoPer \jq IJorJ xm F~JruJAP¿r KaPTa KhP~ gJKTÇ IJorJ IKf To UrPY kKm© SorJr mKTÄ KjKóZ We also do Money Transfer IJoJPhr xJPg IJ\A ßpJVJPpJV Tr∆j T: 020 7377 5767 www aerospacetravel co uk E: info@aerospacetravel co uk Mon-Fri: 10:00am to 6 00pm Sat: 10 00am to 3 00pm 74437 Appointed Agent Unit 4D, 63-65 Princelet Street, London E1 5LP TURKEY-SYRIA


London 17 Febr uar y : A Syrian mother and her newborn baby are recovering after being rescued from the rubble of her earthquake-hit home twice in a

UK basic pay growth speeds up, but labour market cools a bit

London 17 Febr uar y : The pace of growth in basic pay in Britain sped up again in the last three months of 2022, Page ❚◗ 11

week, a charity says Dima was seven months pregnant when last Monday's earthquake caused part of her house in Jindayris to fall down She suffered minor injuries and later gave birth to a boy, Adnan, at a hospital in Afrin supported by the Syrian American Medical Society (Sams) They returned to the house, only for it to collapse fully three days later Adnan was brought back to Afrin's alShifa Hospital by rescuers in a critical

Wealth taxes and private school levies on the table

London 17 Febr uar y : The introduction of a wealth tax and levies on private school fees are some of the policies on Page ❚◗ 10

Why is food inflation so high, when will it stall

London 17 Febr uar y : Inflation is theoretically running out of steam but there's one essential that's still going up in price rapidly: food Even as energy Page ❚◗ 9

condition, suffering from severe dehydration and jaundice, while Dima was treated for a serious lower limb injury Dr Abdul karim Hussein alIbrahim, a paediatrician, told the BBC via WhatsApp on Monday that the baby was responding well to treatment "Adnan's condition has significantly improved," he said "We are just feeding him and [providing] the rest of his needs through

intravenous drips " Video footage released by Sams showed Adnan sleeping peacefully inside an incubator with his wrist hooked up to a drip Dima has been discharged from hospital once again and is living in a tent along with her husband, Abdul Majid, and their nine nieces and nephews She has been travelling to Afrin to visit Adnan in hospital every Page ❚◗ 11


London 17 Febr uar y : Charities have warned politicians including Home Secretary Suella Braverman to stop referring to “swarms” of refugees and an “invasion” across the Channel in the wake of a violent protest in Merseyside Protesters hurled projectiles and a police van was set on fire outside a hotel housing asylum seekers near Liverpool on Friday night, amid a demonstration by far-right groups The Suites Hotel in Knowsley has been used since Page ❚◗ 9

SURMA News Group Ltd - The Whitechapel Centre (Room S6), 85 Myrdle Street, London E1 1HL Email: info@surmanews com / news@surmanews com ADVERTISING: 07946 112 633 or Email: advert@surmanews com www surmanews com 46 Years Issue 2286 17 - 23 February 2023 Britain's Highest Circulated Bangla Newsweekly LONDON BUS STRIKES END AS UNION ACCEPT
Farid Ahmed Reza
Shamsul Alam Liton
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