Issue 2294

Page 1


ßvU yJKxjJr pÜrJÓ S pÜrJ\q xlr

†`oh‡MI m‡¤§jb nqwb h³ivR¨

AvIqvgx jx‡Mi, bZb †bZ‡Zi

Rb¨ gwL‡q †bZvKgxiv

|| we‡kl cwZ‡e`b ||

jÛb, 5 †g - h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi KwgwUi

†`o hM Pj‡Q| G‡Z †bZ‡Z bZb gL bv Avmvq

msMV‡b ¯weiZv †`Lv w`‡q‡Q| h³ivR¨

AvIqvgx jx‡M eZgv‡b KvhZ †Kv‡bv cYv½

KwgwU envj †bB| bZb KwgwUi Rb¨ `jxq

cav‡bi w`‡K †P‡q Av‡Qb †bZvKgx‡`i

A‡b‡KB| Z‡e A‡b‡KB aviYv Ki‡Qb AvMvgx

wbevP‡bi Av‡M G gn‡Z bZb †Kv‡bv KwgwU

Kivi S wK †b‡eb bv `jxq cavb|

†kL nvwmbv h³ivR¨ md‡i G‡jB †bZvKgx‡`i

g‡a¨ ¸Äb †kvbv hvq, cavbgšx †kL nvwmbv

bZb KwgwU †NvlYv Ki‡eb| wKš cwZeviB

†bZvKgxiv nZvk nb, `vex Avi djcm nq bv|

†gqv‡`vËxY KwgwU w`‡qB Pj‡Z n‡”Q h³ivR¨

3 kÔJ~

xJÄmJKhT TqJru S IKnr

KxKnT FS~Jc uJn

● †kL nvwmbv Ô†fvU †PviÕ †¯vMv‡b gLwiZ ● h³ivó Av'jxM mfvcwZ wmwÏK jvwÂZ ● †cQ‡bi `iRv w`‡q

|| migv cwZ‡e`b || jÊb, 5 †g - evsjv‡`k I weke¨vs‡Ki g‡a¨Kvi 50 eQ‡ii Askx`viZ Dcj‡¶ Av‡qvwRZ Abôv‡b †hvM w`‡Z wM‡q h³iv‡ó e¨vcK we‡¶vf I cwZ‡iv‡ai g‡L c‡o‡Qb evsjv‡`‡ki A‰ea cavbgšx †kL nvwmbv| cavbgšx †kL nvwmbvi h³ivó md‡ii KgmwP †NvlYvi ci ciB h³ivó weGbwc weke¨vs‡Ki mvg‡b cwZ‡iva mgv‡e‡ki WvK †`q, Ges GKB mg‡q GKB ¯v‡b h³ivó AvIqvgx jxMI cvëv mgv‡e‡ki WvK †`q| †NvwlZ KgmwP Abhvqx iweevi ga¨ivZ †_‡KB Dfq `‡ji †bZv-Kgxiv IqvwksUb wWwm‡Z Avm‡Z ïiæ K‡ib| mKvj 7 g‡a¨B Dfq `‡ji 3 kÔJ~

GbGBPGmÕi Kgx‡`i 5% †eZb ew×

IJmJPrJ koJKef yPuJ ßhPv ‘r∆KY S

jLKfrS’ hKnã YuPZ: fJPrT ryoJj

jÊb, 5 †g (IGbwe )weGbwci fvicvß †Pqvig¨vb Zv‡iK ingvb e‡j‡Qb, wbwkiv‡Zi gvwdqv miKvi‡K Avi mgq †`qv hvqbv| ivRc_ `L‡ji c¯wZ wbb| RbM‡Yi jwÚZ †fv‡Ui AwaKvi wQwb‡q bv Avbv chš N‡i dvqvi hv‡evbv| e× cwYgv Dcj‡¶ eaevi (3 †g) ¸jkv‡b weGbwc †Pqvicvim‡bi Kvhvj‡q †eŠ× m¤ú`v‡qi †eŠ× m¤ú`v‡qi m‡½ ï‡f”Qv wewbgq Abôv‡b fvPqvwj h³ n‡q wZwb 4 kÔJ~

|| migv cwZ‡e`b ||

jÊb, 5 †g - Wv³vi, bvmmn GbGBPGm Kgx‡`i `xN agN‡Ui ci miKvi 5% †eZb ewׇZ m¤§Z n‡q‡Q| wKš ZviciI Wv³vi, bvm‡`i agN‡Ui Aemvb n‡e wKbv Zv c‡ivcwi cwi® vi bq| KviY Bsj¨v‡Ê 1 wgwjq‡biI †ekx GbGBPGm Kgx‡`i cwZwbwaZKvix 5 kÔJ~

KmPvw TuJo

CkPrr KjPhv mjJo KmPmPTr KjPhv

vKlT ßryoJj

u§j, 5 ßo - IJg-xJoJK\T S oJjKmT ßxmJouT

TJP\r ˝LTKf˝r‡k aJS~Jr yqJoPuax

TJCK¿Pur KxKnT FS~JPc nKwf yP~PZj

xJÄmJKhT S xÄVbT ßoJ \JPyhL TqJru FmÄ

TKm-xJÄmJKhT S xÄVbT IJPjJ~Jr∆u AxuJo

IKnÇ fJPhr yJPf âqJˆ S xJKaKlPTa fPu

KhP~ xÿJPj \JjJj aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr K¸TJr

TJCK¿uJr vJKl IJyohÇ 3 kÔJ~

[Pwi‡Îi w`K †_‡K †h †Kv‡bv miKvi MYZvwšK-AMYZvwšK, wKsev ˆ¯ivPvix ev d¨vwmev`x n‡Z cv‡i| wKš Zvi Aax‡b KgiZ mvgwiK†emvgwiK ev AvavmvgwiK KgKZv-KgPvixiv wKfv‡e Zv‡`i Kvhµg cwiPvjbv Ki‡e? Zv‡`i Dc‡ii wb‡`‡k bv we‡e‡Ki wb‡`‡k? h‡M h‡M RbM‡Yi K‡ii UvKvq †eZb †bqv KgKZv-KgPvixiv cwZw`bB Zv‡`i Kg‡¶‡Î GB c‡ki g‡LvgwL n‡q‡Qb| BwZnvm I mv¤úwZK bvbv msK‡Ui †cw¶‡Z GB c‡ki DËi L‡R‡Qb cL¨vZ mvsevw`K kwdK †ingvb| 2018 mv‡j †jLv n‡jI meRbxb we‡ePbvq cvmw½K nIqvq †jLvwU migv cbt cKvk Ki‡Q| - m¤úv`K] †b‡Uv-i (NATO) Aemicvß mcg Gjv‡qW KgvÊvi Ges eZgv‡b UvdUm (Tufts) BDwbfvwmwUi †dPvi ¯ j Ad j A¨vÊ wWcg¨vwm-i wWb †Rgm ÷vfivBwWm (James Stavridis) UvBg 7 kÔJ~

kKfÔJfJ : orÉo IJuyJ\ cJ mKvr IJyoh Est: May 1978 SURMA 46 Years, Issue 2294, 05 - 11 2023 5 R‡bi Av‡M Av‡e`‡bi Ab‡iva UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡mi KwgDwbwU Mæc¸‡jvi Rb¨ 3.5 wgwjqb Ab`vb Znwej || migv †W¯‹ || jÊb, 5 †g - †gq‡ii KwgDwbwU Ab`vb KgmwPi AvIZvq UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡mi ¯vbxq †¯”Qv‡mex Ges KwgDwbwU †m±i (wfwmGm) Gi msMVb¸‡jv cwZ eQi 3 `kwgK 5 wgwjqb cvD‡ i Ab`vb jvf Ki‡Q| enËg GB Ab`vb cK‡íi Rb¨ 2 kÔJ~ rJÓkKf Y√’r kiJjoπLr ‘kJP~r iuJ’ jJ kJS~Jr V·
21 - 27 ‰mvJU 1429 mJÄuJ, 50p 2 k dJTJ~ jfj mKav
cavbgšxi c‡ek ● RbZvi Zvov †L‡q †`Š‡o cvjv‡jb gšx gvbvb ● ¸g L‡bi wePvi I A‰ea kvm‡bi Aemvb `vex ● AveviI jʇb e¨vcK we‡¶vf Ki‡e weGbwc Kmv mqJÄPTr
mqJkT KmPãJn-xÄWw || migv †W¯‹ || jÊb, 5 †g - AvMvgx 6 †g g‡nvrme‡K mvg‡b †i‡L gnvb‡›` †g‡Z I‡V‡Q e‡Ub| †mw`b ivR¨vwf‡lK n‡e ivRv ZZxq Pvjm I KBb Kb‡mvU K¨vwgjvi| Avi ZvB Pvwiw`‡K mvR mvR ie| ivR¨vwf‡l‡K wei gva¨‡g Z‡j aiv n‡q‡Q we‡U‡bi c¯wZ| I‡q÷wgwb÷vi A¨v‡e c¯Z 2 kÔJ~
Drm‡e †g‡Z‡Q


(1o kÔJr kr)

QwewU MZ 29 Gwc‡ji| jʇbi I‡q÷wgwb÷vi

A¨v‡e‡Z †÷vb Ae †Ww÷wbi mvg‡b †mw`b

ivRv‡K ¯vMZ Rvbv‡bv nq| †mB AvbôvwbKZvq

Ask wb‡Z †`Lv hv‡”Q ivRcwievi‡ii `B


w¯úKv‡ii Avb›`

m‡Z‡iv kZ‡K GB †Nvovi Mvwo P‡j ZLbKvi

Abôvb¯‡j G‡mwQ‡jv ZLbKvi w¯úKvi| 6 †gi

HwZn¨evnx †÷U †KvPwU‡K wb‡q Avmv n‡q‡Q

c¨v‡jm Ae I‡q÷wgwb÷v‡ii mvg‡b| we‡U‡bi

nvDR Ae K‡g‡Ýi eZgvb w¯úKvi wjÛ‡m

†nv‡qj Ggb HwZnvwmK Mvwoi m‡½ wb‡Ri ¯§wZ

a‡i ivLvi m‡hvMUv Qv‡ob wb|

mewKQ‡Z ivRv Pvjm

ivR¨vwf‡lK‡K mvg‡b †i‡L A‡bK m‡f¨wbi ˆZwi

n‡q‡Q| Ic‡i ZviB wKQ bgbv| †`Lb Kwd gM, PK‡jU mewKQ‡ZB †kvfv cv‡”Q ivRv ZZxq

Pvj‡mi Qwe A_ev Awf‡lK Abôv‡bi K_v|

f³‡`i A‡c¶v

Rb jvd‡i Avi ¯ vB jÛb ivR cwiev‡ii f³|

cwieviwUi cwZ Zv‡`i GgbB AbivM †h wKs

Pvjm(ZZxq) Ges KBb Kb‡mvU K¨vwgjvi

Awf‡lK Abôv‡b †`L‡Z mvZw`b Av‡MB

Abôvb¯‡j nvwRi Zviv| Abôvb¯‡ji Kv‡QB

Zve LvwU‡q _vK‡Qb ivR cwiev‡ii GB `B f³|

†`vKvb-fiv ¯§viK

jÛ‡bi cvq me †`vKv‡bi g‡Zv GB †`vKvbwUI

GLb wKs Pvjm(ZZxq) Ges KBb Kb‡mvU

K¨vwgjvi Awf‡lK Abôv‡bi m‡f¨wb‡i †evSvq|

cZvKvq Pvjm

GB gn‡Z †Kv_vq †bB ivRv Pvjm? jÛ‡bi

iv¯vi cv‡ki GB cZvKv‡ZI i‡q‡Q Zvi Qwe!

bZb mv‡R K¨vibvwe w÷U

jÛ‡bi GB iv¯vi cvq cwZwU †`vKv‡bB i‡q‡Q

ivRv ZZxq Pvj‡mi I KBb Kb‡mvU K¨vwgjvi

wKQ bv wKQ ¯§viK| K¨vibvwe w÷‡Ui c‡ekg‡L

ˆZwi n‡q‡Q bZb dUK, †mLv‡b eo eo K‡i

wjLv 'K‡iv‡bkb Bb K¨vibvwe'|

cZvKv‡kvwfZ iv¯v

6 Zvwi‡Li Abôv‡bi †b‡eb we‡ki 203wU †`‡ki 2200 Gi †ewk AwZw_| we‡U‡bi Rb¨ w`bwU gnv Avb‡›`i| HwZ‡n¨i cwZ k×v Rvbv‡Z jÛ‡bi wi‡R›U w÷U †Q‡q †M‡Q RvZxq cZvKvq| XvKvq bZb ewUk nvBKwgkbvi

'evsjv‡`‡ki miKvi I

RbM‡Yi mv‡_ KvR Kivi

Rb¨ Db¥L n‡q AvwQ'

(1o kÔJr kr) XvKv, 5 †g - wbh³ bZb ewUk nvBKwgkbvi mvivn KK MZ iweevi XvKvq †cŠ‡Q‡Qb| XvKv¯ h³iv‡R¨i nvBKwgkb GK msev` weÁw߇Z G

Z_¨ wbwðZ K‡i‡Q|

Iw`‡K, XvKvq Avmvi LeiwU mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvMgva¨g UBUv‡i wb‡RB wbwðZ K‡i mvivn

KK wj‡L‡Qb, "nvBKwgkbvi wn‡m‡e wb‡qvM cvIqvi ga¨ w`‡q evsjv‡`‡k wdi‡Z †c‡i

Avbw›`Z †eva KiwQ| Avwg `B †`‡ki g‡a¨Kvi Mfxi m¤úK †Rvi`vi Ki‡Z evwYR¨, wewb‡qvM, Dbqb I wbivcËv mn Avgv‡`i Awfb ¯v_mswkó wel‡q evsjv‡`‡ki miKvi I †`kwUi RbM‡Yi mv‡_ KvR Kivi Rb¨ Db¥L n‡q AvwQ|"

D‡jL¨, mvivn KK Gi Av‡M (2012-2016)

h³iv‡R¨i AvšRvwZK Dbqb `߇ii (wWGdAvBwW) evsjv‡`k Kvhvj‡qi cavb wn‡m‡e

`vwqZ cvjb K‡iwQ‡jb| wZwb h³iv‡R¨i ciivó

gšYvj‡qi `w¶Y-ce Gwkqvi cavb, ZvbRvwbqvq

h³iv‡R¨i nvBKwgkbvi wn‡m‡eI `vwqZ cvjb

K‡i‡Qb| h³iv‡R¨i cavbgšxi `߇i KvR Kivi

AwfÁZvm¤úb mvivn KK evsjv‡`‡k h³iv‡R¨i nvBKwgkbvi wn‡m‡e ievU P¨vUviUb wWKm‡bi

¯jvwfwl³ n‡jb|

5 R‡bi Av‡M Av‡e`‡bi Ab‡iva

(1o kÔJr kr)

Av‡e`b MnY Kiv n‡”Q|

wfwmGm Mæcm Ges evwm›`v‡`i mv‡_ Av‡jvPbv I

gZwewbgq †cw¶‡Z 3 5 wgwjqb cvD‡Êi bZb

GB Znwej eivÏ Kiv n‡q‡Q, hvi AvIZvq

†¯”Qv‡mex I KwgDwbwU cKí¸wj‡K b‡f¤i

2023 †_‡K gvP 2027 chš A_vqb Kiv n‡e|

bZb w¯ ‡gi GKwU ¸iæZcY bxwZ nj enr

Kvhµg cwiPvjbvKvix msMVb¸‡jv‡K mg_b Kiv

hv‡Z KwgDwbwUi mKj Ask DcKZ nq| Ab`vb

jv‡f AvMnx Mæc¸‡jv‡K 5 Rb Zvwi‡Li Av‡M

Zv‡`i Av‡e`b¸wj Rgv w`‡Z Ab‡iva Kiv


G cm‡½ UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡mi †gqi jrdi

ingvb e‡jb, Avgv‡`i †¯”Qv‡mex Ges KwgDwbwU

msMVb¸‡jv UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡m ¸iæZcY fwgKv

cvjb K‡i| Avwg mšó †h KvDw݇ji bZb

Znwej cK‡íi gva¨‡g, Avgiv Avw_K mnvqZv

c`vb Ki‡Z cvwi hv A‡bK ¯vbxq msMV‡bi

†¶‡Î Zv‡`i wb‡ew`Z KvR Pvwj‡q hvIqvi Rb¨

c‡qvRb| Zv‡`i Kvhµg Avgv‡`i GB eviv‡K

GKwU b¨vh¨, kw³kvjx Ges emev‡mi Rb¨ AviI

mgZvcY Rbc` K‡i Zj‡e|

GB c‡R‡±i AvIZvq cvPwU gj w_g m¤úwKZ

cKí¸wj‡Z Uv‡MU K‡i A_vqb Kiv n‡e| †m¸‡jv n‡”Q RxebhvÎvi e¨q †gvKv‡ejv Kiv, wk¶v‡K ZivwšZ Kiv, ms¯‹wZ, PvKwi, e¨emv Ges `¶Zv, cvewjK mvwf‡m wewb‡qvM

KwgDwbwUi ¶gZvqb Ges Aciv‡ai weiæ‡× jovB Kiv|

†Kwe‡bU †g¤vi di wi‡mv‡mm A¨vÊ `¨v K÷ Ae wjwfs, KvDwÝji mvC` Avn‡g` e‡j‡Qb, RxebhvÎvi e¨‡qi Kvi‡Y ¯vbxq A‡bK cwievi Kó Ges P¨v‡j‡Äi g‡LvgwL n‡”Q| Ggb cwiw¯wZ‡Z Avgv‡`i ¯vbxq KwgDwbwU msMVb¸‡jvi AZ¨š c‡qvRbxq KvR‡K mn‡hvwMZv Ki‡Z Avgiv GKwU BwZevPK fwgKv cvjb Ki‡Z †c‡iwQ e‡j Avwg Avbw›`Z|

h‡Zv †ekx msL¨K m¤e ¯vbxq msMVb¸‡jv‡K GB

Znwe‡ji Rb¨ Av‡e`b Ki‡Z wZwb DrmvwnZ K‡ib|

www towerhamlets gov uk/MCGP bv‡g GKwU

I‡qemvBU ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q hv‡Z Av‡e`b Kivi

Rb¨ c‡qvRbxq mKj Z_¨ Ges mnvqZv Ašf³

i‡q‡Q| I‡qemvBUwU‡Z †ek wKQ mivmwi Ges

AbjvBb B‡f‡›Ui wek` weeiY i‡q‡Q, †h¸wj‡Z

Ask †bqvi gva¨‡g ¯vbxq msMVb¸‡jv Zv‡`i †h‡Kvb c‡ki mg_b Ges DËi †c‡Z cv‡i| GiB g‡a¨ c_g B‡f›UwU 26 Gwcj eaevi bZb UvDb n‡j KvDwÝj †P¤v‡i AbwôZ n‡q‡Q| UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡mi cvq 1300wU wfwmGm ms¯v i‡q‡Q hv cvqkB RbmvaviY‡K civgk, cwi‡lev Ges mnvqZv c`v‡bi c_g ¯vb wn‡m‡e evwm›`v‡`i Kv‡Q we‡ewPZ n‡q _v‡K| Zviv wbqwgZ nvRvi nvRvi BwZevPK B‡f›U Ges wµqvKjvc cwiPvjbv K‡i hv evwm›`v‡`i GKwÎZ

K‡i Ges eQ‡ii ci eQi a‡i ¯vbxq †jv‡Kiv DcKZ n‡q Avm‡Qb|

KvDwÝj GB eQ‡ii b‡f¤‡i Zvi ¶` Ab`vb KgmwPI Pvj Ki‡e, hv evwm›`v‡`i Rxeb‡K DbZ

K‡i Ggb AvKlbxq KvhKjvc Ges B‡f›U¸wj c`v‡bi Rb¨ †QvU Ges gvSvwi wfwmGm ms¯v¸wj‡K cwZ eQi 800,000 cvD Znwej mieivn Ki‡e|

UmrJUmr 05 - 11 2023 2 CASH & CARRY Z a m a n B r o t h e r s Z a m a n B r o t h e r s 17 - 19 Brick Lane, London E1 6PU T: 0207 247 1009 M: 07983 760 908 WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS mJÄuJ aJCPjr kJePTPª ImK˙f IJoJPhr F ßhJTJPj mJÄuJPhPvr pJmfL~ ¸JAx, KmKnj fKrfrTJrL, ßpoj uJC, \JKu, TozJ, K^ÄVJ, Kvo, uKf xy jJjJ irPer frfJ\J oJZ FmÄ fJ\J yJuJu oJÄx ßoJrV kJS~J pJ~Ç IJoJPhr FUJPj ßp ßTJj oJuJoJu kJATJrL S UYrJ KTjPf kJPrj Ifq∂ x˜J hJPoÇ FUJPj IJKTTJr IcJr uS~J y~Ç

ßvU yJKxjJr pÜrJÓ S pÜrJ\q xlr

(1o kÔJr kr)

†bZv-Kgxiv weke¨vs‡Ki mvg‡b Zv‡`i Ae¯vb

wb‡q bvbv ai‡Yi †kvMvb †`Iqv ïiæ K‡ib|

`Õ`‡ji Abôvb mKvj bqUvi mgq ïiæ nevi K_v

_vK‡jI mKvj †cŠ‡b AvUUvi w`‡K h³ivó

weGbwci †bZv-Kgxiv weke¨vs‡Ki mvg‡b `vwo‡q

'‡kL nvwmbv †fvU †Pvi' †¯vMvb †`Iqv ïiæ

K‡ib| Gmgq cevmx evsjv‡`wkivI weGbwci

cwZ‡iva mgv‡e‡k †hvM w`‡q '‡kL nvwmbv †fvU

†Pvi' †¯vMvb †`Iqv ïiæ Ki‡j h³ivó AvIqvgx

jx‡Mi gwó‡gq Kgx I mg_‡Kiv D‡ËwRZ n‡q


GiB GK chv‡q Dfq c‡¶i g‡a¨ †kvMvb-cvëv

†kvMvb, cvwbi †evZj †QvovQwo, wKjNwl I

nvZvnvwZ †_‡K ïiæ K‡i avIqv-cvëv avIqv, e¨vbvi wb‡q Uvbv n¨vPov I c‡i e¨vcK msNl

nq| G NUbvq h³ivó AvIqvgxjx‡Mi mfvcwZ

W wmwÏKi ingvb jvwÃZ I AvnZ nb| GQvov

Zvi mÎx Av jx‡Mi m`m¨ kvnvbviv ingvb, AvIqvgx jxM †bZv †Lvi‡k` L›`Kvi I Avjx

MRbex Ges weGbwc †bZv †gvkvid †nv‡mb meR

AvnZ nb| RbZvi Zvov †L‡q cwiKíbvgšx

Ave`j gvbvb we‡¶vf mgv‡e‡ki mvg‡b †_‡K

†`Š‡o cvwj‡q hvb| cwiKíbvgšx gvbv‡bi Ae¯v

†`‡L fq †c‡q cavbgšx †kL nvwmbv mvg‡bi

`iRv w`‡q weke¨vsK Kvhvj‡q c‡ek bv K‡i

†cQ‡bi `iRv w`‡q c‡ek K‡ib| c‡i cwj‡ki

n¯‡¶‡c cwiw¯wZ ¯vfvweK nq| D³ NUbvq

IqvwksUb wWwm cwjk Dfq `‡ji 3 mg_‡K

†Mßvi K‡i wb‡q hvq| cieZx‡Z `jxq

†bZe‡›`i Ab‡iv‡a cwjk Zv‡`i †Q‡o †`q| weke¨vs‡Ki mvg‡b h³ivó weGbwci cwZ‡iva mgv‡e‡k cevmx evsjv‡`wk‡`i mv‡_ wbD BqK, †g‡Uv IqvwksUb wWwm Z_v fvwRwbqv, g¨vwij¨vÛ, wbD BqK gnvbMi `w¶Y I DËi, wbD Rvwm †÷U mvD_ I b_, †cbwmjfvwbqv, Kv‡bKwUKvU, wgwkMvb, RwRqv, wbD Bsj¨vÊ (†ev÷b),

K¨vwj‡dvwbqv, †dvwiWv, wkKv‡Mv, †U·vm, InvBI

I Bwjbqmmn wewfb A½ivR¨ †_‡K cPi msL¨K weGbwc I A½msMV‡bi †bZv-Kgxiv AskMnY

K‡ib| Zviv mKvj †_‡K `ci chš †mLv‡b Ae¯vb K‡i we‡¶vf mgv‡ek K‡ib| cavbgšx †kL nvwmbv‡K D‡Ïk K‡i ˆ¯ivPvix, d¨vwmev`x, MYwe‡ivax, †fvU †Pvi I A‰ea cavbgšx e‡j Zviv †kvMvb w`‡Z _v‡Kb| cevmx evsjv‡`wk I weGbwc †bZv-Kgx‡`i gûgû †kvMv‡b †kL nvwmbv‡K ¯vMZ Rvwb‡q †`Iqv Aí msL¨K AvIqvgx jxM †bZv-Kgxi †¯vMvb Pvcv c‡o hvq| `k¨Z AvIqvgx jx‡Mi mgv‡e‡k GK-‡`oÕk †bZv-Kgx Avi weGbwci mgv‡e‡k mvaviY RbZvi mv‡_ h³ivó weGbwc I A½ msMV‡bi cvq 8/9 k †bZv-Kgx AskMnY K‡ib| ¯vbxq mgq †mvgevi (1jv †g) wek e¨vs‡Ki m`i `߇ii mgv‡bi iv¯vi `B cv‡k mKvj 7Uv †_‡K †ejv mv‡o 11Uv chš GB KgmPx P‡j| we‡¶vf mgv‡e‡k weGbwc †bZe›` e‡jb, MZ K‡qK`dv AMYZvwšK I cnm‡bi wbevP‡b

wbevwPZ cavbgšx `vwe`vi †kL nvwmbvi weke¨vs‡K G‡m fvlY †`Iqvi †KvbB AwaKvi †bB| KviY wZwb RbM‡Yi †fv‡U wbevwPZ nbwb| h³iv‡ói †hLv‡bB nvwmbv †mLv‡bB cwZ‡iva Av‡›`vjb mevZ¥K fv‡eB mdj n‡e e‡j Rvbvb weGbwc †bZviv| Zviv e‡jb, †`‡ki mvavib gvbl‡K Lb ¸g Avi fqven AvZs‡Ki g‡a¨ †i‡L weke¨vs‡K G‡m Dbq‡bi K_v e‡j wekevmxi

Kv‡Q wg_¨vPvi Ki‡Q †kL nvwmbv| e³viv e‡jb, AvIqvgxjxM miKvi AwbevwPZ I AMYZvwšK miKvi| Zviv †`‡ki we‡ivax `‡ji †bZvKgx‡`i

Dci †Rj-Rjgmn nZ¨vi ivRbxwZ Ki‡Q| we‡¶vf mgv‡e‡k †`‡ki mKj ¸g I L‡bi wePvi

Ges †kL nvwmbvi A‰ea kvm‡bi Aemvb `vwe

K‡i Awej‡¤ cavbgšx c` †_‡K †kL nvwmbvi

c`Z¨vM I ZZveavqK miKv‡ii Aax‡b wbevP‡bi `vwe Rvbvb †bZe›`|

h³ivó weGbwc †bZe›` Rvbvb, wbDBqK †_‡K

6wU eo evm QovI Aa kZvwaK cvB‡fU Mvox †hv‡M Ges h³iv‡ói Ab¨vb¨ ivR¨ †_‡K Avmv

`jxq †bZv-Kgxiv wg‡j 7/8 kZ cevmx miKvi

we‡ivax mgv‡ek Ask †bb| mgv‡ek ¯‡j †cŠ‡Q

Zviv mKvj †_‡KB mvwie× n‡q A‰ea miKvi we‡ivax e¨vbvi, †d÷b I cvKvW wb‡q we‡¶vf

c`kb K‡ib|

†kL nvwmbvi jÊb mdi

†kL nvwmbv 4 †g ivZ 8Uv 55 wgwb‡U wn_‡iv wegvbe›`‡i †cŠQv‡eb| wZwb kwbevi (6‡g) evwKsnvg c¨v‡j‡m wKO Pvj‡mi ivR¨vwf‡l‡K

†hvM †`‡eb| Av‡Mi iv‡Z (5‡g) evwKsnvg c¨v‡j‡m G Dcj‡¶ ivRKxq †fvRmfvq †hvM

†`‡eb| Gw`b `c‡i KgbI‡qj_ †nW‡KvqvUv‡i (gvj‡ev‡iv nvDR) KgbI‡qj_ †bZv‡`i ˆeV‡K

†hvM †`‡eb| GQvov iweevi (7‡g) weKv‡j h³ivR¨ AvIqvgxjx‡Mi mgv‡ek I ciw`b

†mvgevi (8‡g) mKv‡j K¨vgexR BDwbfvwmwU‡Z

Av‡qvwRZ GK Abôv‡b e³e¨ ivL‡eb|

K¨vgex‡Ri Abôvb †k‡l jÊb wd‡i mܨv 6Uv 20 wgwb‡U evsjv‡`k wegv‡bi wfwfAvBwc dvB‡U XvKv wd‡i hv‡eb e‡j Rvbv †M‡Q| Amgw_Z m‡Î Rvbv †M‡Q, h³iv‡R¨ Ae¯vbKv‡j wZwb †m›Uvj jʇb K¨vwiR †nv‡U‡j Ae¯vb Ki‡eb| Z‡e wbivcËv I miKvi we‡ivax we‡¶vf Gov‡Z †nv‡U‡ji Z_¨ †Mvcb ivLv n‡q‡Q| wn_‡iv wegvbe›`‡i 4 †g iv‡Z Af¨_bv I 8 †g we`vqKv‡j h³iv‡R¨ wbh³ nvBKwgkbvi c‡UvK‡ji `vwqZ cvjb Ki‡eb e‡j Rvbv †M‡Q| 4 †g chš h³ivó mdiKv‡j I †mLv‡b evsjv‡`‡ki ivócwZ c‡UvKj `vwqZ cvjb K‡ib| evsjv‡`‡ki KUbxwZKMY wegvbe›`‡i cavbgšx‡K Af¨_bv Rvbv‡bvi Kvi‡Y cavbgšxi Gev‡ii h³ivó I h³ivR¨ md‡ii D‡Ïk¨ I KU‰bwZK ghv`v wb‡q ck D‡V‡Q| Ggb wK we‡klK‡`i A‡b‡KB ej‡Qb, GB mdi‡K Avi hvB †nvK miKvix mdi ejvi m‡hvM †bB| D‡jL¨, evsjv‡`‡ki A‰ea cavbgšx †kL nvwmbv h³ivó mdi †k‡l h³iv‡R¨ †cŠQ‡j jʇb AveviI Zvi weiæ‡× e¨vcK we‡¶vf mgv‡e‡ki †NvlYv w`‡q‡Q evsjv‡`k RvZxqZvev`x `j weGbwc|

†`oh‡MI m‡¤§jb nqwb h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi

(1o kÔJr kr)

AvIqvgx jxM| †hLv‡b AvIqvgxjx‡Mi †K›`xq

KwgwUi Pvievi KwgwU MVb n‡q‡Q, e`j n‡q‡Q mvaviY m¤úv`Kmn bvbv c‡`| GeviI `jxq

cav‡bi h³ivR¨ mdi‡K †K›` K‡i A‡bK

†bZvKgxB gwL‡q Av‡Qb bZb KwgwU †NvlYvi

†Kv‡bv mmsev` †kvbvi Rb¨|

h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi GKvwaK †bZv e‡jb, h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jxMB GKgvÎ msMVb †hLv‡b

weMZ GK h‡MI †Kv‡bv m‡¤§jb nqwb| hw`I wbqg Abhvqx h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jxM †K›`xq

AvIqvgx jx‡Mi †Kv‡bv kvLv msMVb bq| wKš

†K›`xq AvIqvgx jx‡Mi cwZ msnwZ Rvwb‡qB

cev‡m evsjv‡`‡ki ivR‰bwZK msMVb¸‡jv P‡j,

ZvB hMcZ mvsMVwbK KvhµgI Ae¨vnZ

i‡q‡Q| Rvbv hvq, 2011 mv‡ji 29 Rvbqvwi jÛ‡bi wnjUb †nv‡U‡j m‡¤§j‡bi gva¨‡g MVb

Kiv n‡qwQ‡jv 71 m`m¨ wewkó KwgwU|

GQvov K‡ivbvq KwgwUi cvP Rb mn-mfvcwZmn

†ek K‡qKRb †bZe›` gZ¨eiY K‡i‡Qb| Lvwj

nIqv c`¸‡jv ciY Kiv nqwb| Ab¨w`‡K, KwgwUi †KD †KD wbevwPZ cwZwbwa n‡q `vwqZ

cvjb Ki‡Z h³ivR¨ †Q‡o evsjv‡`‡k ¯vqx

n‡q‡Qb| d‡j h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi KvhZ

†Kv‡bv cYv½ KwgwU envj †bB|

mvaviYZ AvIqvgx jxM mfv‡bÎx †kL nvwmbv

cwZevi wb‡R h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi KwgwU

†NvlYv K‡ib| Zvi wm×vš Qvov KL‡bvB KwgwU

nq bv| weMZ K‡qK eQi hveZ hLbB cavbgšx

†kL nvwmbv h³ivR¨ Av‡mb, ZLbB h³ivR¨

AvIqvgx jx‡Mi †bZvKgx‡`i g‡a¨ m‡¤§jb I

bZb KwgwU wb‡q bZb K‡i AvMn †`Lv †`q|

cavbgšx Gev‡ii AvMgb wN‡iI GKB iKg

cZ¨vkv I D“mvn DÏxcbv j¶¨ Kiv hv‡”Q|

h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi m‡¤§jb I KwgwUi

wel‡q †kL nvwmbv Ges †bZv-Kgx‡`i K_v

ïb‡eb Ges m‡¤§j‡bi wel‡q GKwU w`K

wb‡`kbv w`‡q hv‡eb e‡jI cZ¨vkv i‡q‡Q


bvg cKvk bv Kivi k‡Z h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx

jx‡Mi GKRb †bZv e‡jb, `‡ji g‡a¨ MYZ‡ši

¯v‡_ m‡¤§jb I bZb KwgwU nIqvUv Riæwi|

`‡ji g‡a¨ †hvM¨ A‡b‡KB Av‡Qb m‡hvM †c‡j

h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jxM‡K bZb K‡i †X‡j

mvwR‡q `‡ji Rb¨ fv‡jv fwgKv ivL‡Z cvi‡eb|

KviY, h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi 65wU kvLv

msMV‡bi g‡a¨ MZ 13 eQ‡i nv‡Z †Mvbv

K‡qKwU kvLvi m‡¤§jb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

evKx¸‡jv‡Z m‡¤§jb bv nIqvq msMV‡bi wewfb

chv‡q Ø›Ø I ¯weiZv weivR Ki‡Q|

†bZvKgx‡`i Awf‡hvM- GKwU Mæc cavbgšx

†kL nvwmbvi m‡½ †`Lv KiviI m‡hvM †`b bv|

Zv‡`i g‡Z, †bZvKgxiv cavbgšxi m‡½ †`Lv

Kivi Ges K_v ejvi m‡hvM †c‡j h³ivR¨

AvIqvgx jxM‡K Av‡iv kw³kvjx Kiv, fwel¨r

cwiKíbv I bvbvgLx mgm¨v Z‡j ai‡Z cvi‡Zb

†bÎxi Kv‡Q| ZvB AwaKvsk †bZvKgxi `vwe, h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jxM‡K AviI kw³kvjx Ki‡Z

`xNw`b †_‡K ewÂZ, `‡ji Rb¨ wb‡ew`Z gv‡Vi

Kgx‡`i wb‡q bZb KwgwU Kiv †nvK|

Gw`‡K, h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi m‡¤§jb n‡j

bZb KwgwU‡Z Kviv `vwqZ †c‡Z cv‡ib Zv wb‡qI Pj‡Q bvbv wnmve-wbKvk|

bZb mfvcwZ wnmv‡e hv‡`i bvg D”PvwiZ n‡”Q

Zv‡`i g‡a¨ Av‡Qb eZgvb KwgwUi c_g fvBm

†cwm‡W›U Avjnv¾ Rvjvj DwÏb, fvBm

†cwm‡W›U Aa¨vcK Avej nv‡kg, fvBm

†cwm‡W›U gRw¤§j Avjx, eZgvb KwgwUi mn mfvcwZ nigR Avjx, eZgvb mvaviY m¤úv`K

ˆmq` mvwR`i ingvb dviæK I eZgvb hM¥ mvaviY m¤úv`K gviæd Avn‡g` †PŠaix| GQvov mjZvb kixd Av‡iK †gqv` envj †_‡K †h‡Z cv‡ib e‡jI aviYv i‡q‡Q| Ab¨w`‡K, mvaviY m¤úv`K c‡` GZw`b eZgvb hM¥ mvaviY m¤úv`K Av‡bvqviæ¾vgvb †PŠaix kw³kvjx cv_x wQ‡jb| wKš Avmb wm‡jU wmwU Ki‡cv‡ikb wbevP‡b wZwb AvIqvgx jx‡Mi cv_x wn‡m‡e g‡bvbqb †c‡q‡Qb| d‡j h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi †bZ¯vbxq c‡` Zvi Avi _vKvi m¤vebv †bB e‡j g‡b Ki‡Qb mswkóiv| hvi d‡j mvaviY m¤úv`K c‡` GLb hv‡`i bvg

D”PvwiZ n‡”Q Zv‡`i g‡a¨ Av‡Qb h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi hM¥ mvaviY m¤úv`K bCg DwÏb wiqvR, mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K Avãj Avnv` †PŠaix, `dZi m¤úv`K kvn kvgxg Avn‡g`, h³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi wkí I evwYR¨ welqK m¤úv`K Av m g wgmevn|

Z‡e `‡ji kxl `Bc‡` ZjbvgjK ZiæY Ges hviv mve¶wYK `j‡K mgq w`‡Z cvi‡eb Ggb m¶g‡`i †bZv-Kgxiv Pvb e‡j Rvbv †M‡Q|

3 05 - 11 2023 Advertorial

rJÓkKf Y√’r kiJjoπLr ‘kJP~r iuJ’ jJ kJS~J kxPñ

(1o kÔJr kr)

cavb AwZw_i e³‡e¨ MYZ‡ši c‡¶i kw³i cwZ

G Avnevb Rvbvb|

evsjv‡`‡ki c‡¶i kw³, MYZ‡ši c‡¶i kw³

Z_v MYZšKvgx cwZwU bvMwi‡Ki cwZ Avnevb

Rvwb‡q weGbwci fvicvß †Pqvig¨vb e‡jb, 'Avi

A‡c¶vi mgq †bB| civaxbZvi k•Lj †f‡O

†dj‡Z jwÚZ †fv‡Ui AwaKvi †fvU WvKvZ‡`i

KvQ †_‡K wQwb‡q Avb‡Z, HK¨e×fv‡e Gevi

ivRc_ `L‡ji c¯wZ †bqvi GLbB mgq|

'evsjv‡`k hv‡e †Kvbc‡_ dqmvjv n‡e ivRc‡_'|

`vwe Av`vq bv nIqv chš Avgiv N‡i wd‡i

hv‡evbv GB †nvK Avgv‡`i cZ¨q|

evsjv‡`‡ki ¯vaxbZvi †Nvl‡Ki cÎ e‡jb, 71

mv‡j gw³‡hv×viv HK¨e×fv‡e gw³h× K‡i evsjv‡`‡ki ¯vaxbZvi ARb K‡iwQ‡jb Avi

Gev‡ii h× †`k Ges RbM‡Yi ¯vaxbZv i¶vi

h×| G h‡×i †¯vMvb 'nVvI gvwdqv evPvI †`k †UBK e¨vK evsjv‡`k'| mfvq mfvcwZZ K‡ib weGbwci ag welqK m¤úv`K A¨vW‡fv‡KU `x‡cb †`Iqvb| mfvl P›` PvKgvi cwiPvjbvq mfvq Av‡iv e³e¨ iv‡Lb weGbwc gnvmwPe wgRv dLiæj Bmjvg AvjgMxi, ¯vqx KwgwUi m`m¨ W L›`Kvi †gvkviid †nv‡mb, Ave`j gCb Lvb, Avgxi Lmiæ gvng` †PŠaix, †mwjgv ingvb Ges Aa¨vcK m‡Kvgj eoqv I weRb Kvwš miKvimn A‡b‡K| Zv‡iK ingvb e‡jb, MZ GK`k‡K †`k †_‡K 10 j¶ †KvwU UvKvi †ewk cvPvi K‡i †`qv n‡q‡Q| evPvjZv, wg_¨vPvi Avi `bxwZB GLb ivóxq bxwZ‡Z cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| Av`vjZ, wbevPb Kwgkb, ``K, wk¶v½bmn iv‡ói mKj cwZôvb‡K

AKvhKi K‡i w`‡q †Lv` ivówU‡KB f½i iv‡ó cwiYZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| wZwb e‡jb, wbwkiv‡Zi GB gvwdqv miKvi‡K Avi mgq †`qv hvqbv| †kL nvwmbvi ˆZix eei e›`xLvbv 'AvqbvNi' ¸wo‡q w`‡q gvwdqvi Kej †_‡K †`k g³ Kivi GLbB mgq| †`k we‡`‡ki

mKj MYZšKvgx gvbl GLb evsjv‡`‡k MYZš I

gvbevwaKvi mgbZ †`L‡Z Pvq| Zv‡iK ingvb Av‡iv e‡jb, cwiw¯wZ †Ui †c‡q gvwdqv miKvi †`‡k-we‡`‡k GLb evsjv‡`‡ki

¯v_ we‡ivax ZrciZvq wjß n‡q‡Q| MYZšKvgx RbM‡Yi HK¨ webó Ki‡Z †kL nvwmbvi gvwdqv


µ Rbg‡b weåvš Qov‡bvi Rb¨, bvbviK‡gi wg_¨vPvi AccPv‡i wjß n‡q‡Q| wZwb AvIqvgx Rv‡nwjqv‡Zi wg_¨vPvi I AccPv‡i weåvš bv nIqvi Rb¨ MYZbZšKvgx RbM‡Yi cwZ Avnevb


Zv‡iK ingvb e‡jb, BwZnv‡mi wewfb chv‡q, wewfb mg‡q evsjv‡`k bvbv PovB DrivB cvi

n‡q‡Q| Z‡e †`k Ges †`‡ki RbMY AZx‡Z

Avi KL‡bvB GZUv 'Amnvq' Avi 'AvZ hv`vnxb'

Ae¯vq DcbxZ nqwb| wZwb e‡jb, GKRb

AvZ¥ghv`vnxb ¶gZv‡jvfx e¨w³i A‰ea ¶gZvi wjáv †gUv‡Z cKv‡k¨ Ab¨‡`‡ki Kiæbv wf¶v

PvIqv GKwU ¯vaxb †`k Ges †`‡ki RbM‡Yi

Rb¨ KZUv AcgvbRbK, bvMwiK wn‡m‡e GwU hw` Avgiv GL‡bv Dcjwä Ki‡Z bv cvwi Zvn‡j ïa AcgvbB bq fwel¨‡Z nq‡Zv c‡` c‡` Av‡iv Ac`¯ n‡Z n‡e| weGbwci fvicvß †Pqvig¨vb e‡jb, GLb ïa Lv`¨ msK‡Ui Kvi‡YB 'bxie `wf¶' bq †`‡k GLb mwZ¨ mwZ¨B iæwP Ges bxwZi `wf¶ I Pj‡Q| wZwb m¤úwZ †Uwjwfk‡b ivócwZ Pài GKwU AvZ¥ghv`vnxb AvZ¥K_‡bi K_v D‡jL K‡i e‡jb, ivócwZ wn‡m‡e kc_ †bqvi ciI GKRb ivócwZ hLb ivóxq c`ghv`v f‡j wM‡q cKv‡k¨ MYgva¨‡g wbtms‡Kv‡P GKRb A‰ea cavbgšxi 'cv‡qi ajv' cvIqv bv cvIqvi Kvwnbx †kvbvb ZLb g‡b nq †`‡k GLb ïa Lv`¨ msK‡Ui Kvi‡YB 'bxie `wf¶' bq †`‡k mwZ¨ mwZ¨B 'iæwP Ges bxwZiI `wf¶' Pj‡Q| weGbwci fvicvß Zv‡iK ingvb e‡jb, †eŠ× a‡gi cavb ag¸iæ †MŠZg e×,Zvi Abmvix‡`i

Rb¨ †NvlYv K‡iwQ‡j cÂkxj bxwZ|Awnsmv, Pwi bv Kiv, wg_¨v bv ejvmn GB cÂkxj bxwZ n‡jv †eŠ× a‡gi †gŠwjK wk¶v| cwZwU a‡gi ggevYxB n‡”Q mvg¨-gvbweKZv-b¨vqwePvi| cwZwU agB mZ¨-m›`i Avi gvb‡li AwaKv‡ii c‡¶ K_v ej‡Q| Zv‡iK ingvb e‡jb, evsjv‡`‡ki gnvb gw³h‡×i

gjgš-I wQj mvg¨-gvbweK ghv`v-mvgvwRK

mwePvi| cwZwU a‡gi †gŠwjK bxwZ Ges gw³h‡×i gjgš G `B‡q i g‡a¨ wKš bxwZMZ †Kv‡bv we‡iva †bB| A_vr GKwU mvg¨ Ges b¨vqwfwËK ivó I mgvR MV‡bi evZv mKj a‡gi gvb‡li agxq gj¨‡eva Ges evsjv‡`‡ki gw³h‡×i gjg‡ši g‡a¨B wbwnZ| mZivs gvb‡li †fv‡Ui AwaKvi †K‡o wb‡q, gvbl‡K ¸b Lb AcniY K‡i, †h gvwdqv miKvi GKh‡MiI †ewk mgq a‡i, ivó ¶gZv Kw¶MZ

K‡i †i‡L‡Q GB gvwdqvi Kej †_‡K †`k‡K g³

K‡i GKwU gvbweK ivó cwZôv bvMwiK‡`i ïa ivR‰bwZK `vwqZB bq agxq we‡ePbvqI `vwqZ

i‡q‡Q, e‡jb weGbwci fvicvß †Pqvig¨vb Zv‡iK ingvb|

Zv‡iK ingvb e‡jb, †`k eZgv‡b Ggb GK KwVb

mg‡q DcbxZ n‡q‡Q ivó I mgv‡Ri me‡¶‡Î

GLb cvnvomg ˆelg¨|

b¨vq wePvi `‡ii K_v GLb wePv‡ii bv‡g Pj‡Q

AwePvi| 'gvbweK ghv`v' nvwi‡q AvZ ghv`v nvwi‡q

GLb †hb Pviw`‡K Pj‡Q ‡jvfx Avi `bxwZevR‡`i weKZ Djvm| weGbwci fvicvß †Pqvig¨vb e‡jb, ag-eY

wbwe‡k‡l wekvmx-Awekvmx cwZ gvb‡li Rb¨B GKwU wbivc` evsjv‡`k wewbgv‡bi ¯c wb‡qB gw³‡hv×viv evsjv‡`k ¯vaxb K‡iwQ‡jb| 'Zjvwenxb Swoi' e`bvg NwP‡q, †mB ¯vaxb evsjv‡`k, ¯vaxbZvi †Nvl‡Ki †bZ‡Z mvivwe‡k GKwU DbZ I mg× †`k wn‡m‡e cwZwôZ n‡qwQ‡jv| gv`vi Ad †W‡gv‡µwm Lv‡j`v wRqvi †bZ‡Z evsjv‡`k n‡q D‡VwQj Gwkqvi GgviwRs UvBMvi| †mB evsjv‡`k GLb j‡Uiv‡`i Ke‡j| weGbwci fvicvß †Pqvig¨vb e‡jb, AvZ¥ghv`vnxb ¶gZv‡jvfx e¨w³i A‰ea ¶gZvi Lv‡qk †gUv‡Z, gvwdqv miKvi we‡kl K‡i MZ GK`k‡K wKfv‡e gvb‡li agxq cwiPq e¨envi K‡i ivó I ckvm‡b agxq wefvRb mwói Ac‡Póv K‡i‡Q| †`‡k wewfb agxq m¤ú`v‡qi agxq Dcvmbvj‡q, evwoN‡i AmsL¨ nvgjvi NUbv NwU‡q‡Q| d‡j Zviv GKwU nvgjvi NUbviI wePvi K‡iwb| wZwb e‡jb, 2012 mv‡j ivg †eŠ× wenv‡i nvgjv jUcvU fvsPi Pvjv‡bv n‡qwQj| nvgjvi ci GK `kK †cwi‡q †M‡jI GL‡bv wePvi nqwb| †Kb nqwb? Zv‡iK ingvb e‡jb, †mw`b †ewk `‡i bq AwP‡iB †`‡k RbM‡Yi iv‡q RbM‡Yi miKvi cwZwôZ n‡e| ‡mB miKvi ivg †eŠ× †eŠ× nvgjvi wePvi Ki‡e| hviv GB wePvi wb‡q Uvjevnvbv Ki‡Q Zv‡`i‡KI wePv‡ii AvIZvq Avbv n‡e| Zv‡iK ingvb e‡jb, ¯vaxbZv cieZx evsjv‡`k wKsev eZgvb †`Lv †M‡Q wb‡R‡`i e¨_Zv Avovj Ki‡Z AvIqvgx jxM memgqB KL‡bv 'gw`bvi mb‡`' †`k Pvjv‡bvi K_v e‡j †gvbv‡dKxi Avkq wb‡q, KL‡bv a‡gi bv‡g, KL‡bv ag wbi‡c¶Zvi bv‡g, ivó I mgv‡R wnsmv we‡Øl nvbvnvwb wRB‡q ivLvi Ac‡Póv Pvwj‡q‡Q| wZwb e‡jb, weGbwc wewfb †gqv‡` RbM‡Yi iv‡q K‡qKevi ivó cwiPvjbvi m‡hvM †c‡q‡Q weGbwc ivó cwiPvjbvq _vKK wKsev we‡ivax `‡j weGbwc KL‡bvB ag wb‡q ivRbxwZ Ki‡Z Pvqbv| weGbwc KL‡bvB ag‡K ivR‰bwZK ¯v‡_ e¨envi Ki‡Z Pvqbv, K‡ibv| weGbwci fvicvß †Pqvig¨vb e‡jb, weGbwc wekvm K‡i, ag hvi hvi - ivó mevi weGbwc wekvm K‡i,ag hvi hvi,wbivcËv cvevi AwaKvi mevi|gvwdqv miKv‡ii †ec‡ivqv mšvm I jɇb wecb ivó †givg‡Z †NvwlZ 27 `dv‡ZI weGbwci GB bxwZi K_v ¯úófv‡e D‡jL i‡q‡Q| iv‡ó ageY wbwe‡k‡l evOvwj-AevOvwj wekvmx-Awekvmx mevB mKj‡¶‡Î mgvbvwaKvi †fvM Ki‡e GUvB weGbwc'i bxwZ| GUvB weGbwci ivRbxwZ| Zv‡iK ingvb e‡jb, iv‡ói cwZwU bvMwiK‡K GKB m‡Zvq Ave× Ki‡Z ¯vaxbZvi †Nvl‡Ki `j weGbwc'i hMvšKvix ivR‰bwZK `kb 'evsjv‡`kx RvZxqZvev`'| mZivs, GB evsjv‡`‡k whwb †h a‡giB †nvK bv †Kb †KD wb‡R‡K msL¨vjN fvevi c‡qvRb †bB| gw³h‡×i mgq †K gmjgvb, †K wn›` ,‡K †eŠ× GwU Kv‡iv wRÁvmv wQ‡jvbv| mZivs, `j-gZ ag eY wekvmx -Awekvmx wKsev mskqev`x evsjv‡`‡ki cwZ bvMwi‡Ki GKUvB cwiPq 'Avgiv evsjv‡`kx'| Zv‡iK ingvb evsjv‡`kmn mvivwe‡ki †eŠ× agvej¤x‡`i‡K e× cwYgvi ï‡f”Qv Rvbvb| mfvq Av‡iv Dcw¯Z wQ‡jb, †eŠ× m¤ú`v‡qi cwZwbwa mvwPs ciæ †Rwi, D`q Kmg eoqv, mkxj eoqv, ˆgÎx PvKgv, cexb P›` PvKgv, P›` Kgvi eoqv, cv_ cwZg eoqv, †Kvwnjx †`Iqvb, mbZ ZvjK`vi, S›U Kgvi eoqv, iæ‡ej eoqv, ZiY †`, wgëb eoqv, mZ¨wRZ eoqv, wRK eoqv, we`¨Z eoqv, `xc eoqv, cwZg eoqv‡kv A‡b‡K|

UmrJUmr 24 - 30 March 2023 4 79159 ESTABLISHED AGENT SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1996 Low Cost Travel Agent. Hajj & Umrah Specialist Appointed Agent 273A Whitechapel Road, London E1 1BY Please Contact 0207 375 0800 or 0207 375 0500 Mob: 07984 959885 / 07828 235600 Email: IMRAN TRAVELS Worldwide offers:

xJÄmJKhT TqJru S IKnr KxKnT FS~Jc uJn

(1o kÔJr kr)

mvsevw`K †gv Rv‡n`x K¨vij

UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm KvDw݇ji ghv`vevb wmwfK

A¨vIqvW †c‡q‡Qb gvbweK I †mevgjK Kv‡R

m¤ú³ †jLK, mvsevw`K I msMVK †gv Avãj

gwbg Rv‡n`x K¨vij| KwgDwbwUi Kj¨v‡Y

Ae`vb ivLvq wZwb G A¨vIqvW jvf K‡ib| †gv

Rv‡n`x K¨vij wewfb mvgvwRK I BmjvwgK

msMV‡bi mv‡_ Ir‡cvZfv‡e RwoZ †_‡K eQ‡ii

ci eQi a‡i KwgDwbwUi Kj¨v‡Y wb‡R‡K

wb‡qvwRZ †i‡L‡Qb|

MZ 2 †g, g½jevi we‡K‡j ce j ‡bi `¨v AvUm

c¨vwfwjq‡b UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm KvDw݇ji

D‡`¨v‡M GK Abvo¤i Abôvb GB A¨vIqvW

c`vb Kiv nq| mܨv 7Uvq evivi w¯úKvi

KvDwÝjvi kvwd Avn‡g‡`i ¯vMZ e³‡e¨i

gva¨‡g ïiæ nIqv A¨vIqvW c`vb Abôv‡b

AwZw_ wn‡m‡e e³e¨ iv‡Lb UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm

KvDw݇ji †WcwU †gqi KvDwÝji gvqg

ZvjK`vi, B›Uviwgb Pxd Gw·wKDwUf w÷‡db

nvjwm, wR Gj G †g¤vi D‡gl †`mvB|

GQvov Abôv‡b wjW †g¤vi KvDwÝji,

KvDwÝjvimn Ab¨vb¨ KvDwÝjviMY AvgwšZ

AwZw_ wn‡m‡e Dcw¯Z wQ‡jb|

D‡jL¨, K‡ivbv gnvgvixi mgq KvDwÝj Ae g¯‹

UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm Gi gva¨‡g ¸iæZcY `vwqZ

cvj‡bi Rb¨ e‡U‡b evsjv‡`kx‡`i cwiwPZ gL

mvsevw`K †gv Avãj gwbg Rv‡n`x K¨vij

UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm KvDwÝj wmwfK A¨vIqv‡W

fwlZ nb|

D‡jL¨, Zviæ‡Y¨i D¾j cwZwbwa †gvt Avãj

gwbg Rv‡n`x K¨vij 1966 wL÷v‡ãi b‡f¤i

gv‡m Rb¥MnY K‡ib| Zvi wcZv †gv Avãi iwng

Rv‡n`x I gvZv †iwRqv Lvbg| Zvi Mv‡gi evwo

†MvjvcMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb wnjvjc‡i| Zvi

wkÿvRxeb ïiæ nq wbRMvg wnjvjci eivqv

miKvwi cv_wgK we`¨vj‡q| c‡i wZwb AvZnvwiqv

D”P we`¨vjq †_‡K GmGmwm cixÿv †`b| Gi

Ae¨ewnZ c‡iB A_vr 1985 wL÷v‡ãi 22

Rvbqvwi wZwb wcZvgvZvi mv‡_ e‡U‡b cvwo

Rgvb| wZwb wmwU GÊ B÷ jÊb K‡jR, n¨vKwb

K‡jR I me‡k‡l jÛb †g‡UvcwjUb

BDwbfvwmwU‡Z cov‡jLv K‡ib| GB mgq wZwb

¯vbxq Bq_ Kv‡e cvUUvBg Re I wewfb

fjv›Uvwi †m±‡i ¸iæZcY `vwqZ cvjb K‡ib|

j b Rxe‡bi c_g w`‡K Mv‡g›Um d¨v±wi‡Z KvR

K‡ib wKQKvj| wZwb BD‡iv‡ci meenr

BmjvwgK cwZôvb jÊb gmwjg †m›Uvi

(GjGgwm) I B÷ jÊb gmwR‡`i GKRb mwµq m`m¨ wn‡m‡e wgwWqv KwgwUi †bZZ w`‡q‡Qb| eZgv‡b wZwb UvIqvi n¨g‡jUm-Gi 55wU gmwR‡`i msMVb ÔKvDwÝj Ae g¯ Õ-Gi †Kvlva¨‡ÿi `vwqZ cvjb Ki‡Qb| GQvov wZwb wewfb mvgvwRK I mvs¯‹wZK msMV‡bi Dc‡`óv wn‡m‡eI KvR Ki‡Qb| wZwb e‡Ub †_‡K cKvwkZ mvßvwnK BD‡iv evsjv cwÎKvi m¤úv`‡Ki `vwqZ cvjbmn weRwjbK G‡mvwm‡qU Mæ‡ci †Pqvig¨vb, wm‡j‡Ui ˆ`wbK Rvjvjvev` wmwÛ‡KU-Gi cwiPvjK, Rvjvjvev` G‡mvwm‡qkb BD‡Ki †cm GÛ cvewj‡Kkb †m‡µUvwi, wm‡j‡U cwZwôZ b¨vkbvj nvU dvD‡Ûk‡bi BD‡K KwgwUi †cm GÛ cvewj‡Kkb †m‡µUvwi, †iwRqv-iwng †g‡gvwiqvj Uav÷-Gi †Pqvig¨vb, †iwRqv-iwng MYcvVvMvi-Gi cwZôvZv, †MvjvcMÄ BmjvwgK †mvmvBwUi cwZôvZv mfvcwZ, djevwo BDwbqb †mvmvBwU BD‡Ki cwZôvZv mn-mfvcwZ, jÊb evsjv †cmKv‡ei m`m¨ Ges ˆ`wbK Rvjvjvev`-Gi jÛb e¨‡iv

GbGBPGmÕi Kgx‡`i 5% †eZb

(1o k ÔJr kr)

ms¯ vwU miKv‡ii e w×K Z †eZb c ¯ ve M nY Ki‡jI †ek K‡qKwU

BDwbqb AviI A‡_ i Rb¨ ag NU Pvwj‡q hvIqvi cwiKíbv

K‡i‡Q| ZvB Pjgvb †eZb we‡iva c ‡ivc wi †kl n‡q‡Q e‡j †Rvi

w`‡q ejv hv‡”Q bv ev A‡b‡KB Zv g‡b K‡i‡Qb bv|

GbGBPGm ÷vd KvDwÝj 2022-23 Ges 2023-24 B‡Zvg‡a¨

†nj_ †m‡µUvwi w÷f evK ‡j Ges BDwbqb¸wji ga¨Kvi †eZb

P w³ M nY Kivi c‡¶ †fvU w`‡q‡Q|

2 †g, g½jev‡ii ˆeVKwU †nj_ BDwbqb¸wji g‡a¨ ¯úóZ wefw³

ˆZix K‡i‡Q| BDwbmb, wRGgwe Ges wgWIqvBd Ges

wdwRI‡_ivwc÷‡`i c wZwbwaZ Kvixivmn Zv‡`i ga¨Kvi †ekKwU

ms¯ v P w³wU M nY Kivi c‡¶ †fvU w`‡q‡Q| wKš iq¨vj K‡jR

Ad bvwm s (AviwmGb) Ges BDbvBUmn Ab¨iv Zv c Z¨vL¨vb


gZvg‡Zi GB cv_ K¨ _vKv m‡Ë I, †h BDwbqb¸wj c ¯ vewU M nY

K‡iwQj Zv‡`i h‡_ó †fvwUs kw³ wQj Zv wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ ÷vd

KvDwÝj GKB KvR Kivi c‡¶ †fvU w`‡q‡Q|

e w×K Z †eZb Ab ‡gv`bKvix KvDwÝj 12 wU ¯ v¯ ¨ BDwbqb‡K

GKwÎZ K‡i †h¸wji g‡a¨ Wv³vi Ges †Ww›U÷ QvovI Bsj¨v‡ i mg¯ GbGBPGm Kg x‡`i c wZwbwaZ K‡i| Gi B‡j‡±vivj

cavb I ÷vi jvBU GKv‡Wwgmn AmsL¨ mvgvwRK, mvs¯‹wZK I e¨emvwqK msMV‡bi wewfb c‡` `vwqZ cvjbmn GL‡bv wewfbfv‡e

mwµq fwgKv cvjb K‡i P‡j‡Qb| h³ivR¨ I evsjv‡`‡k AmsL¨ mvgvwRK, mv¯‹wZK I agx msMVb I cwZôv‡bi RwoZ †gv Rv‡n`x K¨vij

AZx‡Zi b¨vq gvbeZvi Kj¨v‡Y evKx RxebI

KvwU‡q †`evi HKvwšK B”Qv †cvlY K‡i‡Qb|

Av‡bvqviæj Bmjvg Awf

gvbweK I †mevgjK Kv‡Ri ¯xKwZ¯i c 52 evsjv m¤úv`K, Kwe-mvsevw`K I msMVK

Av‡bvqviæj Bmjvg Awf UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm eviv

KvDw݇ji ghv`vKi wmwfK GIqvW jvf


MZ 2 †g, g½jevi we‡K‡j ce j ‡bi `¨v AvUm

c¨vwfwjq‡b UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm KvDw݇ji

D‡`¨v‡M evivi w¯úKvi KvDwÝjvi kvwd Avn‡g` AvbôvwbKfv‡e Zv‡K GB GIqvW c`vb K‡ib|

ïiæ‡Z fwgKv e³e¨ iv‡Lb w¯úKvi KvDwÝjvi kvwd Avn‡g`, †WcwU †gqi KvDwÝjvi gvqg

ZvjK`vi, B›Uviwgb wPd Gw•wKDwUf w÷‡cb n¨vjwm|

wmwfK GIqv‡Wi ixwZ Abhvqx GIqvW cvß e¨w³, cwiev‡ii K‡qKRb, GIqv‡Wi bwg‡bUi, wbevwPZ KvDwÝjvi Ges †W‡gv‡µwUK mvwf‡mi

KgKZve›` Dcw¯Z wQ‡jb|

UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm eviv KvDw݇ji wmwfK

GIqvW GKwU m¤§vbRbK GIqvW|cwZ eQi

GKwU wbi‡c¶ †ev‡Wi gva¨‡g mvgvwRK,mvs¯‹

wZK, mvsevw`KZv Ges P¨vwiwU Kv‡Ri ¯xKwZ

¯iƒc GB GIqvW †`Iqv nq| Gevi †gvU

12Rb‡K wmwfK m¤§vbbv GIqvW †`qv n‡q‡Q| D‡jL¨, GIqvWcvß e¨w³ jʇbi UvIqvi

n¨vg‡jUm evivi evwm›`v Av‡bvqviæj Bmjvg Awf `xN `B hM †_‡K KwgDwbwU‡Z wewfb gvbweK I P¨vwiwU KvRmn mvwnZ¨, ms¯‹wZ I mvsevw`KZv wel‡q mvsMVwbKfv‡e KvR K‡i Avm‡Qb| gvbe‡mev I P¨vwiwU Kv‡R we‡kl Ae`v‡bi Rb¨ Zv‡K wmwfK GIqvW 2023 G m¤§vbxZ Kiv nq|

Av‡bvqviæj Bmjvg Awf 52evsjv I I‡qf †cvUvj 52evsjvwUwf WUKg Gi m¤úv`K I cwiPvjK| GKRb Kwe I mRbkxj †jLK wnmv‡eI cvV‡Ki Kv‡Q wZwb cwiwPwZ| Zvi cKvwkZ eB wZbwU| GKB mv‡_ wZwb wkí mvwnZ¨ I ms¯ wZ welqK I‡qfwRb cjj WU‡Kv WUBD‡K GiI m¤úv`K| Awf jʇb cvq GK `kK †nj_ GÊ †mvk¨vj †Kqvi Gi GKwU ¯bvgab¨ cwZôv‡b wUg jxWvi wnmv‡e KvR K‡ib| †mB mev‡` BK¨wjwU GÊ WvBfvwmwU, †iBwRb KbmvY G ûB‡mj †evBs, dv÷ GBW GIqvi‡bm, c‡dkbvj evIqv wim G Kbwd‡WbwkqvwjwU, AvbWvi‡÷wWs `¨v AiMvbvB‡Rkb BZ¨vw` wel‡q ÷vd cwk¶K wnmv‡e Kv‡Ri AwfÁZv i‡q‡Q| GQvov wewfb mvgvwRK m‡PZbZvgjK K¨v‡¤úB‡b mwµq _vKvi cvkvcvwk †ek K‡qKwU mvgvwRK I `vZe¨ ms¯v cwZôvmn A‡bK¸‡jvi cwiPvjbvi mv‡_ h³ i‡q‡Qb| Av‡bvqviæj Bmjvg Awfi †`‡ki evwo wm‡j‡Ui weqvbxevRvi Dc‡Rjvi RjXc (eoevwo)| mnawgYx I wZb †g‡q wb‡q jʇbi UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm evivq ¯vqxfv‡e emevm Ki‡Qb| Zvi evev cqvZ Aemicvß cavb wk¶K †gv mgQj Bmjvg I gv Kwigv Lvbg| Pvi †evb I `B wg‡j wcZvgvZvi bv‡g 2004 mv‡j cwZwôv K‡i‡Qb ÔmgQj-Kwigv dvD‡ÊkbÕ|

w`‡q‡Qb, ZvivI GKB mv‡_ GB Avw_ K eQ‡ii Rb¨ 5% †eZb e w×i m weav cv‡e|

nvmcvZvj M æc GbGBPGm †c vfvBWv‡ii c avb wbe vnx m¨vi R wjqvb nvU wj Zv i c wZwµqvq e‡j‡Qb †h, ¯ v¯ ¨ U v‡÷i KZ viv ÒAvR‡Ki wm×v‡š ¯ w¯ i k vm wb‡”Qb| Avgiv Avkv Kwi GwU

GbGBPGm BwZnv‡m wkí K‡g i me‡P‡q wewN Z mg‡qi Aemvb NUv‡eÓ|

MZ wW‡m¤ ‡i bvm , A¨v¤ ‡jÝ Kg x, R wbqi Wv³vi Ges Ab¨vb¨

K‡jR wm‡÷‡gi Aax‡b c wZwU BDwbq‡bi †fvU Zv‡`i m`m¨Zvi AvKvi Ab hvqx cwigvc Kiv nq, †hLv‡b P w³i c‡¶ †fvU c‡o‡Q 27wU Ges Gi weiæ‡× c‡o‡Q 17 †fvU| †fv‡Ui ci †nj_ †m‡µUvwi evK ‡j e‡j‡Qb, wZwb GLb Gi we‡ivwaZvKvixiv mn 12wU BDwbq‡bi mevi Dci Ôb¨vh¨ Ges h w³m½ZÕ P w³ Pvwc‡q †`‡eb| wZwb Av‡iv e‡jb, wKQ BDwbqb weev‡` _vK‡Z †e‡Q wb‡Z cv‡i|

Z‡e Avgiv Avkv Kwi hv‡`i g‡a¨ A‡b‡KB GB c ¯ vewU M nY

Kivi c‡¶ †fvU w`‡q‡Qb Zviv GwU‡K GKwU b¨vh¨ djvdj wnmv‡e ¯ xK wZ †`‡eb hv Zv‡`i mnKg x‡`i mg_ b enb K‡i

A_ c `vb

Ki‡e| BwZg‡a¨B 1,400 cvD Zviv Av‡Mfv‡M †c‡q †M‡Qb|

GiciI Zv‡`i g‡a¨ wKQ msL¨K avivevwnK ag N‡Ui Rb¥

Kg x‡`i ag NU ïiæi ci †_‡K GbGBPGm U v÷¸wj‡K 500,000

GiI †ekx ewnivMZ †ivMx‡`i A¨vc‡q›U‡g›U Ges Acv‡ikb¸wj c btwba viY Ki‡Z n‡qwQj|

BDwbm‡bi †nW Ad †nj_, mviv †MvU b, whwb ÷vd KvDw݇ji BDwbqb M æ‡ci mfvcwZZ K‡ib, wZwb Kg †eZ‡bi wel‡q GbGBPGm Kg x‡`i D‡Ø‡Mi K_v Av‡M bv ï‡b GB ag N‡Ui Rb¨ miKvi‡K `vqx K‡i‡Qb|

wKš BDbvBU, GKgvÎ BDwbqb hv ïiæ‡Z P w³wU‡K mg_ b K‡iwb

- ÷vd KvDw݇ji †fv‡U mvov w`‡q ¯úó K‡i e‡j‡Q †h GwU n‡e

Ôµgea gvb ag NU Kg Õ| ms¯ vwUi mvaviY m¤úv`K k¨vib M vnvg

D‡j L K‡i‡Qb †h, ÷vd KvDw݇ji wm×vš c _K m`m¨

BDwbq‡bi Rb¨ eva¨Zvg jK bq|

D‡j L¨, †Kvwf‡Wi ci g ` vùxwZ 10 evov‡jI †mB Ab cv‡Z gR wi ev‡owb GbGBPGmn wewfb wefv‡Mi miKvix Kg Pvix‡`i| ZvB

¯‹ j-wek we`¨vj‡qi Kg x, wmwfj mv‡f ›U, hvbevnb Lv‡Zi k wgKmn c vq mKj †m±‡ii miKvix Kg Pvixiv ag NU ïiæ K‡ib Ges Gi c fv‡e A‡bK‡ÿ‡Î †ek msKU I ¯ weiZv †`Lv †`q|

5 05 - 11 2023 UmrJUmr
K¸TJPrr yJf ßgPT FS~JctKjPòj xJÄmJKhT ßoJ \JPyhL TqJru K¸TJPrr yJf ßgPT FS~JctKjPòj xJÄmJKhT IJPjJ~Jr∆u AxuJo IKn
Ges wm×vš †b‡eb †h Gi ga¨w`‡q ag N‡Ui g‡Zv B vw÷ ‡qj c`‡¶c M n‡Yi Aemvb n‡q‡Q| GB †eZb e w×i d‡j GbGBPGm Kg x‡`i MZ eQ‡ii Rb¨ 1,655 Ges 3,789 cvD‡ i Gi g‡Zv GKKvjxb

China's exit bans multiply as political control tightens

Continued from ➠ back page tight COVID-19 restrictions ,Scores of Chinese and foreigners have been ensnared by exit bans, according to a new report by the rights group Safeguard Defenders, while a Reuters analysis finds an apparent surge of court cases involving such bans in recent years, and foreign business lobbies are voicing concern about the trend

"Since Xi Jinping took power in 2012, China has expanded the legal landscape for exit bans and increasingly used them, sometimes outside legal justification," the Safeguard Defenders report reads "Between 2018 and July of this year, no less than five new or amended (Chinese) laws provide for the use of exit bans, for a total today of 15 laws," said Laura Harth, the group's campaign director Attention on the exit bans comes as China-U S tensions have risen over trade and security disputes This contrasts with China's message that it is opening up to overseas investment and travel, emerging from the isolation of some of the world's tightest COVID curbs

The Reuters analysis of records on exit bans, from China's Supreme Court database, shows an eight-fold increase in cases mentioning the bans between 2016 and 2022 China last week beefed up its counter-espionage law, allowing exit bans to be imposed on anyone, Chinese or foreign, under investigation Most of the cases in the database referring to exit bans are civil, not criminal Reuters did not find any involving foreigners or politically sensitive subversion or national security issues By comparison, the U S and European Union impose travel bans on some criminal suspects but generally not for civil claims

China's updated law on spying spooks foreign businesses China's Ministry of Public Security did not respond to

Reuters requests for comment on exit bans, including inquiries on how many individuals, including foreigners, are subject to them One person prevented from leaving China this year is a Singaporean executive at the U S duediligence firm Mintz Group, according to three people familiar with the matter The company, the executive and China's Public Security Bureau did not respond to requests for comment

Mintz said in late March the authorities had raided the firm's China office and detained five local staff The foreign ministry said at the time Mintz was suspected of engaging in unlawful business operations Police visited Bain & Co's office in Shanghai and questioned staff, the U S management consultancy said last week "Because of rising tensions between the U S and China, the salience of this (exit ban) risk has risen," said Lester Ross, a veteran lawyer in China who has handled exit ban cases "I've seen a rise in companies and entities being concerned about this and asking for our advice on how to prepare and reduce risks" of exit bans, said Ross, the head of the American Chamber of Commerce's China policy committee


Foreign businesses are concerned about the heightened scrutiny and the vague wording of the counterespionage legislation, which says exit bans can be imposed on those who cause "harm to the national security or significant damage to national interests" "The uncertainty is huge," said Jorg Wuttke, head of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China "Can you do due diligence? Clarity has to come " The EU chamber told Reuters in a statement: "At a time when China is proactively trying to restore business confidence to attract foreign investment, the exit bans send a very mixed signal "

People barred from leaving China include regular Chinese embroiled in financial disputes as well as rights defenders, activists and lawyers, and ethnic minorities such as Uyghurs in China's north-western Xinjiang

province, according to the Safeguard Defenders report It cites a Chinese judicial report saying 34,000 people were placed under exit bans between 2016 and 2018 for owing money, a 55% rise from the same period three years earlier Some activists say the wider use of exit bans reflects tighter security measures under President Xi

"They can find any reason to stop you from leaving the country," said Xiang Li, a Chinese rights activist who was denied exit for two years before escaping from China in 2017 and later receiving asylum in the United States "China doesn't have the rule of law," she told Reuters by phone from California "The law is used to serve the purposes of the Chinese Communist Party It's very effective "

British High Commissioner Designate to Bangladesh Ms Sarah Cooke has arrived in Dhaka

Continued from ➠ back page returning to Bangladesh as British High Commissioner The United Kingdom has strong cultural, political and economic ties with Bangladesh and works closely with the Government and people of Bangladesh on our many shared interests,

including trade, investment, development and security I am committed to strengthening the long and friendly bilateral relationship and look forward to deepening the extensive cooperation between our two countries ”

Ms Cooke previously served in Bangladesh from 2012-2016, as the Country Representative for the Department for International Development (DFID) Most recently, she was Head of the South East Asia Department at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (2020-2023) and the British High Commissioner to Tanzania (2016-2020)

Ms Cooke joined DFID in 2005 where her roles included leading UK international development policy on economic growth and investment, anticorruption and aid effectiveness She also worked as the Deputy Head of the Commission for Africa Secretariat and as a Deputy Director in the Prime Minister ’s Strategy Unit in the Cabinet Office

Before joining the UK Civil Service, Ms Cooke worked in Guyana in the Ministry of Trade; in the Solomon Islands as an Advisor in the Ministry of Commerce; and as an Economic Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers

05 - 11 2023 08 News Hillside Travels Unit-3, 388 Green Street, London E13 9AP Tel : 0208 552 2033 | 0208 552 9888 Fax : 0208 552 7538 sales@hillsidetravels com www hilsidetravels com xun hJPo SorJr mKTÄ ßj~J yPóZ oqJjPYÓJr S jPgr pJ©LPhr \jq KmPvw xPpJV rP~PZÇ Book with us for any destiation in the world Save money and time 79162
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Continued from ➠ Back page the pensions lifetime allowance This slaps a brutal 55 percent charge on anybody who has the cheek to work hard and save a decent-sized sum for retirement

The levy kicks in at a totally arbitrary level, nobody knows if they will pay it, and it makes pension planning impossible It also punishes workers who have done what successive governments want them to do, which is to invest successfully for their final years and ease the burden on the state None of that matters to Rachel Reeves or Labour Party leader Keir Starmer, because they see the pensions lifetime allowance purely as a weapon to bash the Tories for slipping a bung to their wealthy chums You may remember that in his March Budget, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt finally bowed to pressure to scrap the pension lifetime allowance

The main reason he gave was that NHS doctors were retiring early to avoid getting caught At the time, I

praised the move, having repeatedly highlighted the flaws in this horror tax Then Reeves labelled it a "targeted tax cut for the richest one percent," and pledged to bring it back if Labour wins next year's election Which is a very bad idea, but right now looks odds on to happen

The lifetime allowance caps the maximum that savers can build up across all their company and personal pension schemes during their lifetime Any surplus is taxed at 55 percent, making this one of the most brutal tax rates of all The lifetime allowance stood at a whopping £1 8million a decade ago, so only the very rich were hit, but was repeatedly slashed to £1 07million That may still sound a lot but up to two million have already got caught and their numbers will rocket if Reeves restores it

It's true that most of them will be pretty wealthy, and won't generate much sympathy That's certainly what Reeves and Starmer are calculating Yet £1 07m won't generate a lavish retirement A pensioner who drew four percent of that each year as income (know in financial planning as the safe withdrawal rate) would get £42,800 a year That's comfortable but it isn't going to buy an island in the Maldives

The lifetime allowance was designed to stop wealthy savers from pumping a small fortune into their pension pot to claim tax relief at 40 percent or 45 percent If Reeves wants to do that, she has much better options She could reverse Hunt's move to increase the annual allowance, the amount people can save in a pension each year, from £40,000 to £60,000 Or even cut it to £20,000 or £30,000, which is more than enough for most people That would hit higher earners, but in a clearer, simpler and fairer way

Or she could synchronise tax relief on pension contributions at, say, 25 per cent for everybody This would actually help lower earners, who only get 20 percent tax relief today

Reviving the lifetime allowance won't help them at all Angela Rayner rages at tax break to help 'richest pensioners' 76 bank branches are to close across the UK this month, including branches of Halifax, NatWest and Barclays Bank bosses are reducing in-person services at their banks as demand falls with the gradual shift to online banking

Hunt is partly to blame His decision to hike the annual allowance on the same day he scrapped the lifetime

allowance handed pension savers a nuclear weapon in the fight against inheritance tax Reeves saw her chance to launch a class war and took it Politicians have been playing games with our pensions for decades, starting with Chancellor Gordon Brown's infamous £200billion stealth tax raid in 1997

Yet strangely, their own pensions have survived unscathed Now Reeves seems determined to wreak yet more havoc We don't know what level she will set the lifetime allowance It could be lower than £1 07m Any higher and party activists will accuse her of handing a bung for the wealthy, too Whatever level she chooses is likely to remain in force for years Or cut, as happened last time

That will drag more and more pension savers into the net through fiscal drag, as pension values rise but that 55 percent tax threshold stays fixed Reeves doesn't think any pensioner deserves £42,800 a year, even after 45 years or more of saving There is one exception, though Her boss Keir Starmer who is the only person in the country who is exempt from the lifetime allowance If he thinks it's such a good idea, how come he's wriggled out of paying it?

09 05 - 11 2023 New Subscribe to......... S U R M A Mr/Mrs/Miss: Address: Post Code: Telephone: IJkKj pKh cJTPpJPV xJ¬JKyT xroJ ßkPf YJj, fPm AÄPr\LPf jJo S KbTJjJxy YJhJ mJmh CkpÜ kKroJe IPgr S ‘SURMA’ jJPo ßYT mJ ßkJÓJu IcJr xPñ KhP~ kJbJjÇ kJbJmJr KbTJjJ yPò : SURMA, The Whitechapel Centre (Room S6) 85 Myrdle Street, London E1 1HL 1 Month £7 00 [ ] 6 Months £40 00 [ ] 1 Year £60 00 [ ] 2 years £110 00 [ ] Account Number 31451413 Sort Code 40 01 18 Bank HSBC Account Name Surma News Group

Biden sparks backlash

Continued frome ➠ Back pag London 05 May : Biden sparks backlash after telling White House attendee to 'hush up, boy 'The awkward interaction came during an event marking the Islamic holiday Eid-al-Fitr The event previously came under fire after New Jersey's Muslim mayor was blocked from the celebration after being denied entrance by the Secret Service Joe Biden sparked backlash after telling a White House attendee to 'hush up, boy', during an event celebrating Islamic holiday Eid-al-Fitr

The awkward exchange came as the audience member, who is believed to be a Muslim man, interrupted the president as he marked the occasion before a packed crowd You want to come and make a speech,' Biden shouted after he began berating him from the audience 'Hush up, boy,' he continued in a mimicked Southern drawl, a remark which was met with laughter from the other attendees The gaffe quickly sparked backlash due to

the historic connotations behind the word 'boy', which has been used as a racist slur against black people Biden's response was shared by Texas state delegate Sarah Fields, who slammed the president following the remarks and claimed the individual was a service member 'Imagine if another president referred to someone as "boy"', she said 'Especially someone in our armed forces' The incident was also condemned by RNC Research, which is managed by the Republican National Committee The group claimed the back-and-forth kicked off after the audience member told him the first and only Muslim federal judge was in attendance 'Is Biden a racist? You tell us', the organization added in a follow-up tweet, accompanied by a video showing the president's various gaffes Biden has faced similar controversy in recent years after making other racially-charged comments, including telling rapper Charlamagne tha God: 'If you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black' he event was previously plunged into controversy after New Jersey's Muslim mayor Mohamed Khairullah said he was 'baffled' after

being blocked entrance to the celebration by the White House Secret Service

Shortly before he was set to arrive at the White House, Mayor Khairullah said he received a call stating that he had not been cleared for entry by the Secret Service and could not attend He said the White House official did not explain why the Secret Service had blocked his entry ' It left me baffled, shocked and disappointed,' Khairullah said 'It's not a matter of I didn't get to go to a party It's why I did not go And it's a list that has targeted me because of my identity And I don't think the highest office in the United States should be down with such profiling '

According to reports, the incident erupted after a member of the audience heckled Biden for failing to mention the first Muslim federal judge in attendance 'Hey, judge, how are you?' Biden said after initially being interrupted 'I don’t know why you wanted the job, man I appoint all the federal judges, but thank you for serving ' As the attendee continued to speak over him, Biden called him 'boy' as he responded The gaffe quickly sparked backlash due to the historic connotations behind the word 'boy', which has been used as a racist slur against black people

Biden's response was shared by Texas state delegate Sarah Fields, who slammed the president following the remarks and claimed the individual was a service member 'Imagine if another president referred to someone as "boy"', she said 'Especially someone in our armed forces' The incident was also condemned by RNC Research, a GOP activist account managed by the Republican National Committee 'Is Biden a racist? You tell us', the organization added in a follow-up

tweet, accompanied by a video showing the president's various gaffes Biden has faced similar controversy in recent years after making other racially-charged comments, including telling rapper Charlamagne tha God: 'If you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black' The president, who recently announced he is launching his 2024 re-election campaign, again came under fire for a separate incident during the White House's Eid celebration event

Speaking to Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, one of the first Muslim women to serve in Congress, Biden said: 'God love you I'll get in trouble for saying this, but you look beautiful tonight ' Biden tells Congressman Omar she looks beautiful at Eid-al-Fitr event The Secret Service denied Mohamed Khairullah, pictured, entry to the White House's Eid-al-Fitr celebration with President Joe Biden despite having been sent an invite The event was previously plunged into controversy after New Jersey's Muslim mayor Mohamed Khairullah said he was 'baffled' after being blocked entrance to the celebration by the White House Secret Service Shortly before he was set to arrive at the White House, Mayor Khairullah said he received a call stating that he had not been cleared for entry by the Secret Service and could not attend He said the White House official did not explain why the Secret Service had blocked his entry ' It left me baffled, shocked and disappointed,' Khairullah said 'It's not a matter of I didn't get to go to a party It's why I did not go And it's a list that has targeted me because of my identity And I don't think the highest office in the United States should be down with such profiling '

Continued frome ➠ Back pag victory but his reputation has been shattered by Russia's failures on the battlefield Attention has now turned to what could happen to the country and Putin himself and Goble - a longstanding expert on Russia and the Soviet Union - is convinced that the

nation could fracture into nucleararmed mini-states

He told The Sun Online: "People are now much more open to the possibility that the Russian Federation might not be able to remain in one piece "What we're likely to see is something different than the coming

apart of the great empires "I think that it's going to be kaleidoscopic It will be chaotic - what you see one year won't be the same after two years "

Goble predicted that the world is facing "Yugoslavia with nukes" in reference to the former Balkan state's

break-up in the 1990s He is also convinced that Putin will be killed by figures inside the Kremlin because of the damage to Russia's reputation that the war has caused Goble said: "The most likely situation is that Putin is (killed) by people who realise he's destroying the country "

05 - 11 2023 10 News
Russia could collapse as a result of Putin's war


Continued from ➠ back page

Charles announces departures from tradition

According to Buckingham Palace, the coronation ceremony will “reflect the monarch’s role today and look towards the future, while being rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry”

For the King, this means choosing to replace some of the historical remnants of the symbolic ceremony with more modern approaches One way Charles is expected to embrace modernity is through his own outfit, with reports suggesting that, rather than the silk stockings and breeches traditionally worn by Kings and Queens during coronation ceremonies, the King may instead wear his military uniform

“Senior aides think breeches look too dated,” a source told The Sun whileThe Daily Mail has previously reported that the King is “unlikely” to partake in multiple outfit changes

In addition to changes to his own outfit, the event is also expected to see

a more casual dress code for attendees The DailyTelegraph has reported that members of the House of Lords have been asked to dress down for the ceremony by swapping the coronation robes and coronets typically donned for the occasion for the parliamentary robes used during the State Opening of Parliament each year The change stems from an effort to be sensitive to “public attitudes towards the royal family and a desire to avoid excess during the cost of

living crisis,” according to the outlet A shorter ceremony, a smaller guest list and a possible multiple-faith oath The King’s coronation will also feature a much smaller guest list of just 2,000 guests, whereas the late Queen’s coronation was attended by 8,000 dignitaries from 129 nations Additionally, The Telegraph reports that the coronation is expected to reflect the “ethnic diversity” of Britain with a diverse guestlist The King is also reportedly planning to acknowledge multiple faiths during the service while still pledging to be “Defender of the Faith” The alleged amendment to the service comes after Charles explained in 2015 that he feels he can be “protector of faiths” while “at the same time being Defender of the Faith”

Prince George will make history in his role Buckingham Palace announced last month that the King’s grandchild Prince George, the eldest son of Prince William and Kate Middleton, will hold a special role as a Page of Honour

during the coronation The decision to grant the nine-year-old, who is second in line to the throne, the honour of being one of the King’s four pages marks the first time that a future monarch is officially involved in the service, according to People Foreign monarchs have been invited, and plan to attend

Unlike coronations for British Kings or Queens in the past, where foreign monarchs would typically send an heir or family member, a number of foreign royals have confirmed they themselves will be attending the upcoming ceremony

Prince William may be the only duke to perform a traditional ceremonial role As a result of the pared-back guest list, the portion of the coronation during which royal dukes typically pledged to serve the monarch may also look different It has been reported that Charles’ eldest son will be the only duke to carry out the gesture of kneeling and swearing allegiance to the King


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London 05 May : King Charles meets politicians including PM Rishi Sunak and Labour's Sir Keir Starmer in Westminster King Charles III met with British politicians including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer at

Westminster this afternoon The King was also pictured meeting with The Speaker of the House of Commons, The Rt Hon Sir Lindsay Hoyle as well as Labour's David Lammy and Harriet Harman at Westminster Hall King Charles III and Queen Consort


London 05 May : With a general election due next year, there will be plenty of terrible ideas flying around Westminster, and Labour has already come up with one of the worst Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves has pledged to reinstate what is possibly the most tortuous tax of them all, Page ❚◗ 21

Camilla will be crowned on Saturday 6 May 2023 during a symbolic coronation ceremony The coronation will take place at Westminster Abbey in London and will be conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury in a ceremony that follows nearly 1,000

Russia could collapse as a result of Putin's war

London 05 May : Russia could collapse into warring mini-states as a result of Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine Former CIA analyst Paul Goble thinks that Moscow has been fatally weakened by the despot's antics and claims that Putin is likely to be killed before events that could tear Russia apart Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine last year with the expectation of a quick Page ❚◗ 22

years of tradition Although there are many ways in which the coronation will be similar to Queen Elizabeth II’s 70 years ago and that of her father, King George VI, in 1937, there will also be a few key differences as King Page ❚◗ 23

China's exit bans multiply as political control tightens

London 05 May : China is increasingly barring people from leaving the country, including foreign executives, a jarring message as the authorities say the country is open for business after three years of Page ❚◗ 20

British High Commissioner


to Bangladesh

Ms Sarah Cooke has arrived in Dhaka

London 05 May : On her appointment as the British High Commissioner Designate to Bangladesh, Ms Cooke said:

“I am delighted and deeply honoured to be Page ❚◗ 20

SURMA CHIEF EDITOR: Farid Ahmed Reza ❚ EDITOR: Shamsul Alam Liton SURMA News Group Ltd - The Whitechapel Centre (Room S6), 85 Myrdle Street, London E1 1HL Email: info@surmanews com / news@surmanews com ADVERTISING: 07946 112 633 or Email: advert@surmanews com www surmanews com 46 Years Issue 2294 05 - 11 May 2023 Britain's Highest Circulated Bangla Newsweekly BIDEN SPARKS BACKLASH
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