Surf Art Magazine #53

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“Surf photography came later in my life. When I moved to Japan I faced some hard times in my professional career. Using my photography skills, combined with my large experience in rough seas, I was able to create some cool surf and seascape photos, bringing a new fresh start to my career”. Akira Shindo Kei Fujinuma at Pacitan Beach Java Indonesia 13th June 2019 by Pedro Gomes. (Pg. 14)

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24 Agua y Aceite

Sally Cohen

Hawaii Islands

Pedro Gomes

Chica Surfa



Hilton Alves

Dirección, Edición y Fotografía: Luz Marie Castillo Zarco. Diseño y Diagramación: Virginia Cruz. Dirección de Arte y Diseño: Virginia Cruz. Redacción: Zaira Pezzarossi. COLABORADORES: Sally Cohen, Pedro Gomes, Hilton Alves, Polly Ralda, Raquel Heckert IMPRESIÓN: Visión Digital. TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS PROHIBIDO LA REPRODUCCIÓN DE TEXTOS IMÁGENES Y FOTOGRAFÍAS. Todas las fotografías son por y de exclusividad de Luz Castillo, Guatemala Copyright 2016. | Si quieres anunciarte escríbenos: | Síguenos

During the last 10 years, we’ve been visiting Hawaii during the winter’s surf season in order to cover all the main surf events and we dedicate one of our magazine’s editions to the “Hawaiian Surf Season”. 2020 was a year unlike anything seen in recent generations, all the main contests were cancelled and a lot of people weren’t able to arrive in Hawaii due to the travel restrictions but we decided to take the risk and go to Hawaii during the season of 2021 and it was a jackpot! We had the opportunity to experience Hawaii in an authentic and local way and also got to be there during one of the biggest swells if not the biggest in the last few years.

On the cover: A historic day for big wave surfing on Oahu. The conditions were absolutely flawless and the swell outperformed the expectations. Koa had caught a couple of waves prior to this one and on this particular wave the stars aligned.

Surfer: Koa Rothman Photo: Ryan Moss / @ryan.moss

Photo: Yoshi Tanaka |




Sally Cohen Is one of the most promising female longboarders in Ha-

out longboarding with some of her friends and totally fell in love

waii. With only 20 years of age, she already won important

with it. Her parents could not get her out of the ocean anymore so

competitions like The Hawaii State Championship in 2018,

they decided to support her in the thing she loves doing the most.

The Relik World Tour Trestles Championship in 2019 and currently she is ranking #8 at the WSL World Tour.

A typical day in the young surfer’s life is extremely active and intense. She trains almost everyday. In addition to surfing and training inside the water, she also does a lot of cardio and HIIT workouts

Sally was born and raised on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. She

which help her improve her paddling and breathing.

has always lived in the same house with a picturesque view of Ha-

“After I wake up I normally do some yoga or stretching and

leiwa and Ka’ena Point that was built by her dad and his friends.

then go on a run before heading to work. I am extremely lucky

The love for the ocean seems to run in Sally’s family; her dad is a

and grateful to work for Jamie O’Brien right here at Pipeline.

professional surf photographer who moved to Hawaii, her mom is a

As soon as I finish work I can just walk down, check the surf

Japanese bodyboarding champion who arrived from Japan in order

and paddle out. Depending on the waves and weather, I will

to compete at Pipeline and her two sisters: Tina and Julia, also love

either go home and workout and go for another surf later in

surfing as much as she does.

the evening!”

“My sisters and I grew up doing everything together! We were homeschooled our entire lives, and for recess we would all go

When we asked Sally about her plans and what she would like to

for a surf. My older sister, Tina, is my best friend and biggest

achieve in the future she opened herself and told us:

supporter. She was the one who encouraged me to pick up

“My biggest dream is to one day become world champion.

the sport and was one of my first teachers. Today, Tina con-

Even if this doesn’t happen, I want to make an impact on the

tinues to motivate me and is always there for me during my

surfing community. At the very least, I aspire to help encour-

surf sessions.”

age other girls to not be afraid to follow their dreams and get out there for a surf! Surfing has helped me get through the

Sally never planned on becoming a professional surfer, especially not

high and lows of life, I have created so many amazing and

in longboarding. She started competing in shortboard at a really

unforgettable memories, I hope to share my love for surfing

young age, but didn’t really get into it until she was about 12 years

with others and have that spark ignite within them as well.

old because her parents encouraged her to focus on her education.

More than anything, I want to encourage others to get up on

In the summer of 2014, when she was around 14 years old, she went

a board and try new things!” EL S U R F E S A RT E //


Derek Ho during the 1993 Pipeline Masters which he was the winner and he was also a World Champion that year.

Derek with his undercover car Surfin off the end of the road secrets Kahulu 1989. Photo: Art Brewer |







Este archipiélago es muy reconocido por sus impresionantes playas y paisajes parapara explorar entre volcanes, y siendo el hogar del surf tampoco pueden faltar excelentes sitios para practicar este deporte.



La “isla prohibida” es una Isla privada, que pertenece a familia Robinson, no podrás visitarla.

Ciudad Honolulú Museos de arte del ejército Pearl Harbor Valle de los templos, de cultura japonesa Sendero escalera al cielo Sendero Lanikai Escaleras Kokohead



Valle Iao Arenas para deslizarse Cataratas gemelas Ciudad Lahaina Pueblo de Makawao Valley State Park Parque Nacional Haleaka, volcán activo


Menos turística, encontrarás cultivos Las mejores playas de todo el archipiélago.

Playa Waikiki Bahía Hanauma Playa Sandys

Fantásticas costas para surf Playa parque Makena Playa parque Baldwin Playa Ka’anapali




La menos transitada, ideal si estás buscando paz. Sendero de Kalalau Sendero Maha’ulepu Cañón de Waimea Volcán Waialeale


Bahía Hanalei Playa Makalae Playa Poipu Playa Mahaulepu


Malokai Complejo hotelero Ideal para mochileros

Maui Lanai Kaho’olawe

No está abierta al público, puedes llegar para hacer trabajo de voluntariado.

Gran Isla Hawái

demog ra fía Visitantes Por barco







Bahía Kiholo Playa Makalawena Playa Punalu’u Playa de arena verde Papakolea Playa Hapuna



Por avión




Dos razas


Ciudades Kailua-Kona e Hilo Valle Pololu Parque de Puukohola Heiau y South Point Park Parque Nacional de los Volcanes



The heart of Brazil and the soul of Hawaii #maoiswim @maoiswim |

On the big day Emi Erickson |

@emi_erickson | Photo: Luz Castillo

Pedro Gomes Pedro Gomes is an international surf photographer who was born in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil and has been living in Japan for

John John Florence at Pipeline Hawaii

over twenty years now.

His passion for the ocean and being in the water began during

much harder than before so Pedro had his doubts about travelling

his childhood, when he dedicated countless hours to swimming,

to Hawaii this season. A lot of people would not be able to arrive

bodyboarding and surfing. Pedro also started to take pictures with

and most of the events had been cancelled so he wasn’t sure if it

mom’s Nikon 35mm film camera at a very young age and never

would be worth travelling there but he decided to follow his passion

stopped shooting but thanks to his uncle, a professional photogra-

for barrels and big waves. When we asked him about his personal

pher based in Sidney, Australia, he was able to convert his amateur

experience he confirmed that going to Hawaii this season was one

into a professional photography career.

of the best decisions he could have possibly made. Many facts made this season different and special, including the super swell

Beyond surf photography, Gomes also shoots other subjects like

that arrived in Hawaii on January 16th 2021. It was the biggest swell

Lifestyle, fashion, landscape, cars, among other things, but for be-

in years, with waves breaking over 30 feet high and some sets being

ing essentially a surf photographer that spends long hours inside

measured over 40 feet.

the water, he knows how to deal with adverse situations and how to work under pressure.

“The 2020/2021 season was epic, and I can say I experienced

“Surf photography came later in my life. When I moved to

Hawaii in a way I never had before. From giant waves in

Japan I faced some hard times in my professional career

Jaws to mellow waves in Waikiki, from deep barrels at Pipe-

and a new start was needed. Using my photography skills,

line to long hours diving next to dolphins, I can say that this

combined with my large experience in rough seas, I was

time I felt Hawaii like I never had felt before and the photos

able to create some cool surf and seascape photos, bringing

on these pages can take you for a deep Hawaii experience.

a new fresh start to my career.”

If many pro and free surfers couldn’t make it to Hawaii this season, a lot of local surfers had more free time, making the

Pedro’s photos have been published in several magazines around

lineup very busy. Besides more people surfing, not so many

the world and he is one of the main contributors of the world’s

people were in Hawaii. With no events and following the

biggest surf website, He shoots for Japan’s major surf

health care institutions, I focused more on shooting good

magazines, covers international surf trips and contributes with

swells and being in touch with nature. Now I know 100%

well known world brands. Since 2010, Pedro spends about 2 or 3

how much I love and how important Hawaii for this former

months a year working and shooting pictures in Hawaii during high

bodyboarder, bodysurfer and surf photographer specialized


in big waves photos. Mahalo nui Loa (thank you very much) for reading and supporting surf magazines alive.”

2020-2021 was definitely an unusual season from the beginning until the end. The pandemic scenario made international travels

| @pedrogomesphotography

EL S U R F E S A RT E //



Shino Matsuda at Hawaii

Franciso Porcella at Jaws Peahi Maui Hawaii

Hiroto Ohhara at G Land Indonesia

Ivan Florence at Pipeline Hawaii

Joshua Campbell at Taitung

Ivan Florence at Insanities

Balaram Stack at Pipeline Hawaii


Surfistas de olas grandes El Surf es considerado un deporte extremo pero el surf de olas grandes es aún más extremo y altamente riesgoso. Los surfistas de olas grandes deben entrenar diariamente durante varias horas tanto dentro como fuera del agua para poder alcanzar el nivel físico y mental, la resistencia y la técnica requeridos para surfear este tipo de olas.

Raquel Heckert nació en Río de Janeiro, Brazil. Ella comenzó a surfear durante su adolescencia en la playa de Itacoatiara, pasado el tiempo se interesó por surfear olas grandes y empezó a competir en este tipo de torneos desde el 2017. Cuando le pedimos a Raquel que nos contara un poco acerca de cómo empezó su interés por surfear nos dijo: “Empecé a surfear cuando tenía 13 años porque Dios me puso la curiosidad en la mente. Una tarde, caminando por la playa con mi papá comencé a observar el romper de las olas y a los surfistas surfeándolas. Me pregunté cómo es que los surfistas pueden hacer esas maniobras sin caerse de la tabla. Después de esa tarde comencé a ver el surf de una manera diferente. Mi papá me regaló una tabla usada y desde ese momento nunca dejé de surfear.”

En esta ocasión entrevistamos a dos chicas sumamente “inusuales”. Polly Ralda y Raquel Heckert son dos surfistas latinas que residen en

Polly y Raquel se conocieron surfeando en Puerto Escondido hace

Hawaii desde hace ya varios años con la finalidad de poder alcanzar el

diez años. Polly nos relata que en esa ocasión no había más perso-

más grande de sus sueños: Surfear olas grandes.

nas en el agua así que cuando vio a Raquel decidió comenzar a platicar con ella. La química entre las dos fue inmediata y se hicieron

Ambas nos cuentan un poco sobre cómo y dónde comenzó su pa-

amigas instantáneamente.

sión por el Surf, como empezaron a surfear olas grandes y sobre la historia de su amistad.

Desde entonces Polly y Raquel han compartido muchos momentos juntas y han podido surfear olas grandes en muchos lugares, entre

Polly Ralda es una surfista guatemalteca que lleva más de diez

ellos Peahi, Waimea Bay, Himalayas y Phantoms, todos en Hawaii,

años residiendo en Hawaii. Cuando le preguntamos acerca de su

Mavericks en California y Puerto Escondido en México. Ambas com-

historia con el surf nos relató:

piten hoy por hoy en torneos internacionales de olas grandes y actualmente están rankeadas entre las diez mejores surfistas de

“Aprendí a surfear a los 13 años gracias a una amiga de

olas grandes del mundo.

California que me introdujo al deporte y desde entonces nunca más dejé de surfear. A los 21 años decidí mudarme a

“La verdad es que me gusta viajar y competir con Raquel y

Hawaii para seguir mi sueño de surfear olas grandes. Llevo

otras amigas porque es muy raro encontrar a alguien que

diez años viviendo acá y desde el 2017 participo en compe-

le guste surfear olas grandes. Cuando a una le va mejor

tencias y torneos de olas grandes.”

que a la otra en las competencias, nos ponemos felices la una por la otra pues somos como hermanas; entrenamos, viajamos y competimos juntas. Nos encantaría ir juntas a surfear a lugares como: Tahiti, Fiji, Portugal, Chile, Islas Maldivas, Sudáfrica, Australia y Marruecos.”

Photo: Asia Brynne |




ENCUENTRA BALANCE EN LA VIDA Somos un espacio en donde buscamos integrar una variedad de terapias que te ayudarán a mejorar tu calidad de vida y que te sientas mejor al encontrar un balance. ZEN-Terapias-Spa


The healing power of yoga Surfing and yoga are both

a little bit about her personal

part of Hawaii’s life. They

experience with yoga and the

are unique and extremely

benefits she has experienced

aligned activities because

throughout it’s practice.

they both rely on having a




“I love the practice of Yoga

strength and awareness.

Asana because it balances

The physical practice of

my energy levels, helps me

yoga, called Yoga Asana,


helps us gain strength,

tension and helps me connect



with my inner wisdom. When

balance and relax, all of

we give the mind space and an

which are also needed

internal resting place, the body

while surfing.

naturally becomes more still,





and when that happens, the the

mind can finally find quietness.

Northshore of Oahu this winter

After doing my own practice I

season, we had the chance to

feel more grounded and eased,

meet, practice with Eliza Veta

but most importantly: I’m able

at one of the most amazing

to differentiate between what’s

spots one could ever dream of

real and what’s not, which is an

practicing yoga at.

invaluable asset these days.





Developing and maintaining a Eliza is a yoga teacher, who

daily practice became one of

comes originally from Ukraine

the most important rituals in

and is based in Oahu nowadays.

my life because every day I get

We had the opportunity to talk

a chance to become a better

to her and she shared with us

version of myself.”






Where you always rested in peace #viviendocomokaty 1998 - 2021

Photo: José Orellana

Bikini: Ancla GT Modelo: Gabriela Díaz Foto: Jeffry del Valle

Celebra nuestro 10 aniversario asistiendo y colaborando en el


Síguenos para conocer los detalles: @guatemala_beach_conservation




start at $200

$80 per person ( 3 or more people )

$100 per person ( For family and friends )


Cristian Calderon |


John John Florence Alan Cleland


Koa Smith

Noah Beschen

Mikey Bruneau Tom Lowe


Hilton Alves Hilton Alves is the owner of the Largest Wave Mural Record.

A few years ago he completed a 14,080 square foot surf mural in Honolulu, in only eight days. Hilton is recognized as the creator of a new genre called “Surf Street Art”. Hilton’s unique style resulted in him being an invited artist to the Art Basel during in 2016 and 2018, where he collaborated with the world’s top street artists, painting wave murals on the wall of the famous Wynwood Art District, in Miami. His wave murals can be seen in many cities in US, like Houston, Orlando, Los Angeles, Oahu and Maui, as well as in other countries like Singapore, Brazil and Israel. @artisthiltonalves



EL S U R F E S A RT E //



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