Supernal Magazine Australia Issue 47 March/April 2024

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The Seeker’s Guide — Frequency Vs Vibration • Reflections — Someday Isle Beyond Being Human — Angelic Entanglement • Sacred Sites — Blessing Our Food Salivation to Salvation: Food Choices for LIFE! PLUS Origins of: The Food Pyramid A Guide to Supporting a Healthy Menstrual Cycle with Food Energy Foods for the Chakras Feeding Time — Kids and Foods Buying Food Locally
Preservation — at What Cost?
Labelling Apps Supernal TheFoodIssue!

supernal [soo-pur-nl]

adjective Being in or belonging to the heaven of divine beings; heavenly, celestial, or divine. Lofty; of more than earthly or human excellence, powers, etc.

Being on high or in the sky or visible heavens.

FOUNDERS: Anthony Kilner, Jane Offer

PUBLISHER: Supernal Media Pty Ltd

EDITOR: Anthony Kilner

DEPUTY EDITOR: Freya Savitri Sampson

SUB EDITOR: Jane Offer

EDITORIAL CONSULTANT: ShirleySienna Coventry


ASSISTANT ART DIRECTORS: Lia Estate, Christel Mathelot


FEATURE STORY: Anthony Kilner



CONTRIBUTORS: Louise Clarke, Sarina Coventry, Melanie Dufty, Catherine Gee, Arty Indigo, Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot, Michael Ney, David Starlyte, Sue Williams

COPYRIGHT: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Supernal Australia Magazine Founders or Editor.

DISCLAIMER: The views and comments expressed by individuals and contributors do not necessarily represent those of the publishers and no legal responsibility can be accepted for the result of the use by readers of information or advice/suggestions of whatever kind given in this publication, either editorially or from advertising. Refer to for details.

Supernal Magazine Australia is a division of Supernal Media Pty Ltd

ACN: 631 649 584 ABN: 91 631 649 584


We call on the over-soul of Supernal Magazine; we call on Supernal’s unconditionally loving team of guides, teachers and friends in spirit. We call forth the elements of creation and the essence of creation — geometries of light, sound and unconditional love. We call forth the flower of life and our soul family to co-create with us the most extraordinary Supernal Magazine possible, in service to the unfurling Divine Plan. So Be It!

Giving of Thanks

We give thanks to all those in Spirit who have been with us throughout this creative process, to all those in-body who have selflessly contributed and to all those who read Supernal Magazine.

May you be blessed!

In Lak’ech.

Issue 47 • | 3

14 Origins Of Series: Stacked Foods: Origins of the Food Pyramid

Anthony Kilner dives into the absolute mine field of degustation delights, finding it’s cheaper to buy a processed meal than create one from scratch with home grown goodies!

20 Preservation at What Cost?

Jane Offer explores the world of additives used in the processing of our food to enhance flavour, colour and to extend the shelf life of food products.

22 Aussie Food Labelling Apps

A guide to free Apps — uncovering the hidden world of food labelling.

23 Buy Local — Save the Planet — The Definitive Checklist

There’s a lot to think about when buying from your local specialty stores, aside from supporting local small businesses.

In this issue 12 20 26 6 14 28 MAR/ APR 2024 SUPERNAL 6 Ed’s Letter 8 Supernal Videos & Podcasts 9 Quote of the Month Paul Prudhomme 10 Numerology March into April 11 Page 11 News Covid-19 Mandates Unlawful FEATURES 12 Salivating Salvation: Shadows of the Feast An enlightening journey into the abyss of culinary truths.
4 | • Issue 47 CONTENTS


26 A Guide to Supporting a Healthy Menstrual Cycle with Food Sarina Coventry explains the power of using food as a key tool in reducing hormonal symptoms such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), irregular cycles and the transition into perimenopause and menopause.

28 Energy Foods for Chakras Sue Williams explores the best foods to power up the chakras and embrace holistic wellbeing!

32 Feeding Time

ShirleySienna chats with two young mums about Feeding Time with the kids and offers some real-life hacks to make feeding hungry children easier and affordable.

38 Journey into Food and Health Awareness

Anthony Kilner asks ChatBot for some advice on getting fitter, healthier and food savvy! The resulting story is an eye opener!

42 Food for Thought!

Arty Indigo has delved into the world of Banned Foods, Pesticides, Oils and beyond! This story will leave the reader speechless, posing more questions than answers!


50 Wellbeing through Nutrition

Your Body Knows Best. Catherine Gee is a Certificated Natural Health and Diet practitioner who loves sharing her knowledge of food for the Body and the Soul!

52 Divine Time

At the Core. ShirleySienna asks the big question: “What is it really to be ‘human’, what is the responsibility to myself and others?”

54 Beyond Being Human Angelic Entanglement.

New Columnists, Michael Ney, shares his awakening with an Angel, and his drive to go Beyond Being Human!

56 A New Earth – Now April’s Swift Winds of Change. Melanie Dufty states: “Hold onto your hats in April — it brings some of the most potent astrology of the year...”

58 Wild Gaia Timeless Wisdom

A Regenerative Story — Part II. Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot communes deeply with Mother Earth — Gaia, discovering a truth about humanity and its connectedness globally!

62 Expect Magic

The Duality that Fosters More Division. David Starlyte continues his exploration of race, religion, ethnicity and social privilege, examining how Buddhism has been embroiled in western society.

Acknowledgment Of Country

We acknowledge the Booja (country) and it’s Traditional Custodians — The Aboriginal peoples of all countries and tribes.

We call on the Ancestors, past and present, Earth and star, who love us unconditionally. We call on the good spirit to be present with us as we journey Supernal Magazine.

We call on the Rainbow Serpent and the Dreaming Serpents of each Aboriginal Country.

Thank you for being with us and for your blessings and guidance.

Freya Savitri Sampson – Custodian Eartheart

64 Reflections

Someday Isle! Jane Offer reflects on the real understanding of Someday Isle, which is not a beautiful sunny island hideaway — it’s far from it.

66 Sacred Sites — The Alchemy

Blessing Our Food. Freya Sampson asks, ‘How does one behave in a temple?’ More importantly how does one look after their temple — their body!

69 The Seekers Guide — Our experts answer your questions! What is the difference between vibration and frequency from a metaphysical point of view?

70 Next Issue

71 Ad Directory

72 Contributor Bios

74 Business Cards

Issue 47 • | 5 CONTENTS

Letter from the editor

WHAT a pressure cooker the last couple of months have been! I had no idea just how large the food industry is regarding manufactured products. So many that are laced with poisons and other preservatives creating disease and illness within the population.

My love affair with food has been on-going from childhood, like most of us. However, many years ago, I was drawn into the world of totally organic and homegrown. We produce a lot of food on our property; chicken and duck eggs from our girls to fruits and vegetables, even honey — all seasonally grown. We love it!

We have problems with bugs like Fruit Fly, rats and mice, which invade everything. We also have a large pond filled with frogs and other yummy treats, attracting the snakes and birds if they are quick enough. Add to this mob the possums, rafts of birds, deer, kangaroos and wallabies, and you see everyone is trying to survive! All a part of country living and the cornerstone of our life!

We have worked hard to grow the best food we can, always sharing it with family and friends. We deal with pests chemically-free for 99.9 per cent of the time and, if the odd critter turns up on the dinner plate, well, we consider it as extra protein. Anything with eight legs, we pop outside.

As you see, we produce as much food as we can manage, which takes time, effort and money! It takes food, water and animal farming to new levels, yet the reward of walking outside and harvesting our own fruit, vegetables and herbs is gratifying. My partner is responsible for the way our garden feeds us, I’m just the labourer. We look forward to introducing our grandkids into the gardening and growing way of life.

The other side of this coin is that feeding the billions of people and animals on this planet is one massive effort, which is literally killing people slowly. The amount of food required to feed the world population is phenomenal, especially when you consider how much food is shipped overseas to provide out of season and foreign produce to other countries. We must remember that food production is a gigantic global business, yet it comes at an equally huge cost!

Some examples of that cost are farmers being smashed on prices and unable to afford to farm. Look at the protests overseas and here in Australia, where legislation is effectively trying to shut family farming down. Cows and other livestock are being slaughtered, catering to the food-controlling agenda of the multi-national mega-power corporations:


a fact you probably won’t hear about from mainstream media! Then, there is the environmental cost of shipping and flying food from one place to another, the chemicals used to preserve food for months or more, which cost a packet, and dramatically and detrimentally affect people’s health!

Companies use a variety of chemicals to grow acceptable foods for the masses. These chemicals feed Big Pharma’s wallet and the giant supermarket chains profit agenda, driving up the so-called ascetic of food, while rarely concentrating on the quality, or lack of, in food.

When it’s cheaper to buy a manufactured product, with ingredients people can’t name, than produce a home-cooked meal, society’s wellbeing declines. Essentially, the food industry is driven by money for the manufacturers and their shareholders at the expense of people’s health!

Why is growing organic food more expensive than GMO crops sprayed and regulated to craft the perfect colour and shape and meet consumer expectations? I’ve learned from growing our food, that nature creates delicious, healthy food that only sometimes looks picture-perfect. To me it just makes it more real! Yet, people’s expectations drive perfection, which comes at a considerable cost to us all.

Questions we must ask:

• Where does our food come from?

• What is it manufactured from?

• Why are governments setting up to ban food production by hobby farms?

• Who is reaping the profits from the sales of heavily processed foods?

• When will people wake up to the damage being done to their health by said foods?

• Is the cost of living driven up to force people into buying cheaper packaged products?

And the biggest question of all. If you knew how many preservatives, colouring and chemicals existed, both inside and on the skins of food and how many of the products are manufactured — if you saw this style of food production — would you really feed it to your kids, yourselves and your animals?

This Issue

We have collated some fantastic stories in this issue, too many to list and every story offers a way forward through the food storm this planet is undergoing. Maybe our questions that will get people to think.

We wish you all the best in your culinary experiences and hope we’ve raised many questions for readers to consider the source of their food! S

LEFT: We produce a lot of food on our property; chicken and duck eggs from our girls to fruits and vegetables, even honey — all seasonally grown. We love it!

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Astarte Diana on Astrology Pt3

Freya Savitri Sampson, Deputy Editor of Supernal Magazine Australia interviews Astarte Diana regarding the Gregorian Calendar, 16C events and lunar cycles. This is Part 3 of a 4 part series.

Astarte’s ( interview appears in the June/July 2021 issue of Supernal Magazine Australia.

Check out the list of fascinating interviews covered by the team at

Supernal Podcast

Sth African Sacred Sites

By Radio Media PTY LTD

Dean Liprini is an amazing character that is passionate about his work in Africa. At a young age Dean experienced a spiritual awakening which has led this humble man to do amazing things as a Sacred Sites researcher and Geomancer (earth diviner). Dean is a tour guide, and the author of Pathways of the Sun — Unveiling the Mysteries of Table Mountain and Beyond. His story and drive to protect the African Sacred Sites and place them back in the hands of the local tribe’s people is powerful and amazing.

Listen to the podcasts at:

Read Supernal Magazine Free at:

8 | • Issue 47

Quote of the Month

“You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food.”

Paul Prudhomme (July 13th 1940 – October 8th 2015) was an American celebrity chef whose specialties were innovative and creative Creole and Cajun food. He also made a name for himself as an individual who did not ‘just’ follow the rules, and was honoured for his contribution to the community after hurricane Katrina struck in 2005.

Paul had long-running issue with obesity, at one stage having to use a wheelchair to move around whilst the kitchen. In 1993 he wrote a cookbook Chef Paul Prudhomme’s Fork in the Road, the result of shedding of 130 excess pounds and losing the wheelchair after reconsidering his ideas on food, ingredients and how to cook and serve it.

Image credit: Magic Seasoning Blends/Facebook

They say, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating”, meaning things must be judged by trying them yourself, or seeing them in action, rather than on other factors such as hearsay. When it comes to feeding ourselves and our families, we have a right to know the truth!

THE ROADMAP is a step-by-step fully comprehensive online training course teaching business development, branding and marketing to help you set up a complete business online. Tailored to Beginners. THE COMMUNITY is the cornerstone of this business, a space of collaboration, knowledge sharing and networking. We believe in collective wisdom and our vibrant ecosystem supports ideas that Make the Future LIVE YOUR PASSION by putting your brilliant idea out in the world to benefit others. Upscale your business through automation and gain the financial freedom to Live the Dream RESELL RIGHTS This course material comes with true Master Resell Rights, which means that once you purchase this training you OWN it and can rename, rebrand and resell for 100% Profits to You! R O A D M A P T O F R E E D O M How a ‘bush girl’ from Africa set up a business online to fund her Adventures ~ and how you can too! Earth Walker. Keep Striding Find out how: Issue 47 • | 9


March into April!

ONE foot in front of the other, don’t over think it. This is the main message from the numerical view point of March and April in 2024.

March vibrates to the number 3, April to the number 4. We can look at the numbers in many ways.

March is feelings, understanding, communication, ideas, thoughts and being rather headstrong or over the top if not careful — the Aries sign influences this as it literally takes over from Pisces!

March’s three vibe becomes a personal eleven in 2024 (3 + 8 = 11), total illumination, and gives you the value of being able to access your Instinctual Intuitive Insight, with support on all sides and firm footing as required.

April vibing with number four, time and place for planning, foundations progress, and recognising a few futile experimentations that have gone wrong due to not being fully focused and ready in March — if one isn’t using the three I’s I mentioned above.

April’s personal 2024 number is 3, deduced from 4 + 8 = 12 = 3. This tells us that maybe rethinking not over thinking, letting plans change or alter a little, more flexibility rather than breaking down, and maybe the seeming wrong experiments is just the martyr heretical side of things showing us what doesn’t work, or what to change up — put it all down to experience!

Adding March 3 plus April 4, gives us 7. A leg up into the saddle, reaching higher than before, wondering what is really on offer.

The personal March 11 plus the personal April 3 gives us a 5 vibe.

“The personal March 11 plus the personal April 3 gives us a 5 vibe.”

What does this five have to offer?

The ability to create, recreate, have another go! Call in the Angels for protection, assistance and their power of enhancing our power.

Angels stand among us, in their risen power — as March and April’s varied frequency is about preparing and taking action, who better to call upon?

Being ‘hands on’ during this time is imperative, as is voice ‘out loud’, combined with silent prayer — ask and ye shall receive. Wishes granted only when, if and because you are partaking in the process. S

ShirleySienna at Divining Me for ‘Soul Symmetry’ readings and ‘Extra
Perceptions’. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
10 | • Issue 47 NUMEROLOGY

COVID-19 Mandates Ruled Unlawful

FOLLOWING several years of media attacks on ex-Liberal Minister, Craig Kelly, for a variety of reasons, he is now in the news again! Whether you love him or hate him, believe in his integrity or otherwise, the two latest news items beg the question, “is he a good guy, supporting the rights of Australian people?”.

On Tuesday 27 February 2024, Queensland’s Supreme Court in Brisbane ruled that COVID-19 mandates were unlawful, breaching the human rights laws of some frontline workers. This case was pushed for and largely funded by Craig Kelly.

The court found Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll failed to give proper consideration to human rights relevant to the decision to issue the vaccine mandate. It also found that Former Department of Health director-general Dr John Wakefield was unable to prove he issued the vaccine mandate under an implied term of the employment agreements for ambulance service workers.

Winners are Grinners

Running from December 2023 to February 2024, Supernal ran a competition through Chanel 31 in Melbourne, Geelong and Adelaide running alongside Chronicles X TV show.

Congratulations to the winners:

As a result, both vaccine mandates were found by the court to be ‘unlawful’ and to have no effect. The far-reaching implications of this decision for all Australians is enormous moving forward, opening the door for all citizens to seek restitution.

The second announcement was made on Wednesday 28 February 2024, being that Craig Kelly has aligned with Pauline Hanson by joining her One Nation Party. Finally, the Independents have realised by uniting and bringing forward policies that benefit the Australian people, they can place themselves in a greater position in watering down the over-reaching power of a very biased two-party system. After all, minor party

“The court found Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll failed to give proper consideration to human rights…”

senators can sway the balance of power with their vote-deciding whether a bill is passed or fails.

Well, Craig Kelly, you have spoken vehemently on many contentious issues over these last years, so now we will see what is to follow. You have already intimated that you will financially back a further class action in the support of those that have lost their jobs and have remained excluded, despite assurances that the Covid-19 vaccination was never mandated. Quite right, as that statement originally given by Scott Morrison and reiterated several times since, is false.

Come on, Craig and give it your best shot! We need a politician who stands by their word, so let it be you. S

Jane is a counsellor, teacher, health practitioner with a Masters in Metaphysical Science. She is available for Counselling, Soul Mastery and Dynamic Healing Sessions. Please ring for an appointment 0431 168 027.

Sandra Aquilina

1 x Bridging Realms Core Issue Vibrational Healing — Value $250.00

Angelika Anderson

1 x Bridging Realms 45-minute Mediumship/Tarot/Psychic reading — Value $125.00

Laura Kelly

1 x Practical Mediumship book — Value $29.95

Michael Kelada

1 x Set of Health Conscious Books, Healthy Mind, Healthy Body and Healthy Spirit — Value $75.00

Troy Drew

1 x Divine Time 45-minute Soul Symmetry reading — Value $125.00

Caroline Taylor

1 x Holistic Energy Therapy Healing — Value $130

Gary Joachim

1 x Soul Mastery Consultation — Value $130


and conditions apply. See website for details.
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Issue 47 • | 11 PAGE 11 NEWS

Salivating Salvation: Shadows of the Feast

In the mysterious town of Nocturna, where shadows danced eerily with the moonlight, lived a man named Edgar Ravenhart. Edgar, a recluse with a penchant for decadent delights, was known for his indulgence in the town's hidden culinary gems. Little did he know that his appetite for darkness would lead him on an enlightening journey into the abyss of culinary truths.

12 | • Issue 47 FEATURE

NE fateful night, as Edgar dined on the exquisite yet enigmatic Blackened Truffle Cake at the notorious Midnight Bistro, he found himself engulfed in an otherworldly haze. The shadows in the corners of the dimly lit restaurant seemed to come alive, whispering secrets that only a select few could comprehend.

Suddenly, a mysterious figure materialised before him — Madame Umbrage, the enigmatic culinary sorceress. With a flourish of her obsidian cloak, she beckoned Edgar to follow her into the hidden realm of culinary enlightenment.

“Edgar Ravenhart, the time has come for you to uncover the dark truths that lie beneath the surface of the feasts you so recklessly devour,” intoned Madame Umbrage, her voice dripping with mystique.

Edgar, intrigued and slightly unnerved, followed Madame Umbrage through secret passages that twisted and turned beneath the town. They emerged in a clandestine chamber filled with shelves of ancient cookbooks, each bound in leather as dark as the night.

“Your journey begins here, Edgar. Feast your eyes upon the Chronicles of Culinary Revelations,” Madame Umbrage declared, unveiling a book bound in shadowy velvet.

“Feast your eyes upon the Chronicles of Culinary Revelations…”

As Edgar delved into the pages, he discovered the untold stories of ingredients with haunted pasts and recipes that carried the weight of centuries-old secrets. The Blackened Truffle Cake, it seemed, was crafted from truffles infused with the sorrow of lost souls.

His culinary education continued as he learned of the Forbidden Fruit, a mythical delicacy that bestowed both enlightenment and despair upon those who dared to taste it. Edgar’s eyes widened as he realised that the delectable bites, he so casually consumed held the power to unlock hidden dimensions of the human psyche.

Madame Umbrage, sensing his internal struggle, led Edgar to the Hall of Gastronomic Reflection. Here, mirrors surrounded him, reflecting not only his physical form but also the essence of his culinary choices. He saw the shades of gluttony, the echoes of indulgence, and the flickering shadows of consequences.

Haunted by the revelations, Edgar embarked on a quest through the Dim-lit Forest of Health Consciousness, where the Ghostly Greens and Lean Proteins whispered tales of balance and vitality. He encountered the Cerulean Lake of Hydration, where the Water Nymphs sang the importance of purity in beverage choices.

In the Cavern of Moderation, Edgar faced the Temptation Serpent, a creature adorned with the scales of excess. With newfound resolve, he wrestled with the serpent, vowing to tread the path of moderation in his culinary adventures.

As his journey unfolded, Edgar faced the Trial of Resilience in the Enchanted Gymnasium. He discovered that the strength of mind and body was the key to harmonizing his newfound culinary enlightenment.

In the Lair of Nutritional Knowledge, Edgar confronted the Gluttonous Goblin, a manifestation of his past indulgences. With every piece of wisdom gained, the Goblin shrank, eventually dissipating into the wisps of forgotten cravings.

In the final chapter of his odyssey, Edgar stood before the Culinary Cauldron of Transformation. With the knowledge gained from his journey, he concocted a potion of balance, flavour, and mindful nourishment.

Madame Umbrage, her cloak billowing in approval, acknowledged Edgar’s transformation. “You have embraced the shadows and emerged enlightened, Edgar Ravenhart. Your journey into the abyss of culinary truths has set you free!”

Edgar, now an enlightened epicurean, returned to Nocturna with a newfound purpose. He shared his revelations with the townsfolk, guiding them away from the shadows of culinary ignorance.

And so, the once-indulgent Edgar Ravenhart became the culinary sage of Nocturna, leading the townspeople towards a path of mindful eating and gastronomic enlightenment. The shadows may have whispered dark secrets; however, Edgar had turned them into the guiding light of culinary wisdom.

With Edgar’s help they all savoured the truth, ever after!

The moral behind this story is that it’s easy to be conditioned from birth about what foods are good or bad for us, based on many factors; Our parents and grandparents, friends and family, social-economic factors, geographic regions and most importantly mental and physical health conditions.

Ultimately, the end result of our habits stops with each of us individually and the choices we make. In the minds of our youth, they are indestructible yet, within the souls of the elderly, we understand the consequences of our actions will and do come back to haunt us.

Humanity as a whole could well do with Madame Umbrage paying humanity a call and offering a journey into Salivation Salvation! S

Arty looks at the world through a different lens and pulls no punches when it comes to discovering the truths behind the lies of humanity.

Issue 47 • | 13 FEATURE

Stacked Foods Origins of the

Food Pyramid

For decades we have been told what foods to eat and when. We’ve been told how healthy foods are, what’s organic and what’s not, what’s preserved and what’s not and, in more recent times, what’s been coated to increase shelf life.

14 | • Issue 47 FEATURE
“…people’s health and financial wellbeing has, to some extent for centuries, been under the control of church, kingdom and landowners…”

IT’S an absolute mine field of degustation delights, where it’s cheaper to buy a processed meal than create one from scratch with home grown goodies! This is a societal problem and one that has been discussed since time began.

Good Intentions or Paid For Promotion

Throughout history people have lived off their home grown foods, shared their abundance with their neighbours and sold it to restaurants, cafes, markets and more. People were connected to the earth, ate seasonally and from what they were able to store.

Although it may be said people’s health and financial wellbeing has, to some extent for centuries, been under the control of church, kingdom and landowners, they did know what they were eating, where it came from and how it was produced!

Since modern day government became our nanny, they have allowed big Agriculture to take control and much has changed — including food labelling. Just look at the preservatives used in foods now: the chemicals used to protect produce from bugs, the way ‘Perfect Food’ for

looks and taste has been portrayed in the media, on TV and in everyday life. I mean, who doesn’t want food that looks stunning? Couple the perfect look with food wastage and it’s a recipe that needs changing!

Of course, questions must be asked about the so-called ‘Studies’ on nutrition in general and how that relates to human health. However, finding an answer to this question takes a little time. As always, the first port of call is to ask; who paid for the study?

There is a battle going on here both in Australia and globally, where the farmers are standing up for their rights to produce food and earn a decent living. Governments are vying for more control and are pressuring and shutting down small and independent farmers, resulting in huge protests. Yet it’s not being shown in detail on main stream media — one wonders why?

There is some interesting legislation tabled in the Victorian Government that allows for home grown foods to be removed and property invaded. Our suggestion is read this legislation carefully to see the anomalies.

Content Legislation • 2022 Amended Agricultural Bill

In a nutshell, farmers get squeezed to produce quality food that suits the market appeal; consumers are charged for so-called quality foods coated in all sorts of chemicals, paying higher prices for Organic, meaning that the Cost of Living a healthy life is increasing daily. The people who are winning out of all of this? Big Pharma, Big Agri, Big Supermarket chains and Governments. Not forgetting of course, the shareholders in these companies — it’s all about the dough — pardon the pun! »

Issue 47 • | 15 FEATURE

Guidelines around the world.


‘Australian Guide to Healthy Eating’ emphasise a balanced and varied diet with portion control and a variety of foods.


MyPlate divides a plate into sections The goal is to encourage a balanced diet with a focus on portion sizes and food variety,


‘Eatwell Guide’ includes sections for fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates, proteins, dairy and small amounts of oil/spreads.

One does wonder at the falsity of it all. Healthier people, who get sick less, don’t pay for drugs, live happier lives and, with critical thinking, won’t be misled by paid-for studies that say what the government backed researchers are being paid to find!

Okay, so I know I’ll get slammed for the above comments by some, however as always, I suggest delving deeper into the topic and open your mind to the truths out there. No apology from me!

The Food Pyramid

My scepticism starts with the food pyramid, a concept many of us learned in school more so than in the home. The pyramid is a visual representation of dietary guidelines that indicates the types and proportions of food that individuals should consume for a healthy diet. The first Food Guide was developed in Sweden in 1972 and published in 1974. It was followed/devolved by other countries including the WHO (World Health Organisation). after that.

The concept of the food pyramid has evolved over time; however, one of the most well-known versions was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA introduced their first food pyramid in 1992 as a part of their dietary guidelines.

The 1992 USDA food pyramid had different food groups stacked in a pyramid shape, with the base consisting of foods like grains, bread, cereal, rice, and pasta. As you moved up the pyramid, it included fruits and vegetables, followed by


The Japanese dietary guidelines aim for balance, moderation and variety in food choices and include a traditional diet.

dairy and protein sources like meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts. Fats and sweets were placed at the top, indicating they should be consumed sparingly. Check out the almost, ‘tongue in cheek’ video history of the US food pyramid — How Big Business Built the Food Pyramid.

Over the years, the food pyramid has undergone revisions to reflect changing nutritional science and dietary recommendations. In 2011, the USDA replaced the food pyramid with MyPlate, a simpler icon that divides a plate into sections for fruits, vegetables, grains and protein, with a side of dairy. Fairly straightforward in real terms, however, recent 2023 changes to the pyramid don’t quite add up?

Check out one of many news stories on the changes. Fox News — Jesse Watters: Is this a food pyramid scheme?

It’s important to note that different countries may have their own variations of dietary guidelines and food pyramids, based on their specific nutritional research and health recommendations. The goal of these guidelines is to provide the public with information on balanced and healthy eating habits.

It’s interesting to compare dietary guidelines and food pyramids from different countries to understand the variations in recommended eating patterns. Keep in mind that each country’s dietary guidelines are developed, based on its unique health priorities, nutritional research, and cultural dietary patterns.

16 | • Issue 47 FEATURE

We also have to keep in mind that dietary requirements will vary from person to person, in regard to allergies to preservatives and other ingredients used on or in the foods. Check out the story on Preservatives on Page 20 for details on those products.

On the left is a general comparison of the dietary guidelines and food representations from Australia, the USA, England (which often aligns with the UK), and Japan.

When comparing these guidelines, you’ll notice some common themes, such as the emphasis on fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. However, specific recommendations and representations may vary. It’s also important to consider cultural differences in dietary patterns and the specific health priorities of each country.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, you can refer to the official dietary guidelines or health departments of each respective country.

All I can stress is that, when it comes to the foods people eat and drink, it should be in moderation and the healthier the food the better it is for you.

“Healthier people, who get sick less, don’t pay for drugs, live happier lives and, with critical thinking, won’t be misled by paid-for studies…”

Once your eyes are opened to what goes into or onto your foods and the processing of those foods, then it might just help you with the choices you make.

We also suggest that understanding that food is quintessential for life and the food types consumed, will dictate the quality of life you can/ will have. Dive deeper than the package labelling to realise the truth of what you consume!

In Freya’s Sacred Sites column on Page 66, she has written about a simple way to bless the food you eat. It’s worth a read too.

Bon appetite! S

Anthony Kilner lives and breathes spiritual work and has been facilitating Intuitive Development, Meditation and various workshops for 15 years plus.


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10+ years experience. Award winning. Visual storyteller. See some of my work at, or
Issue 47 • | 17 FEATURE
For seekers of the truth, philosophers of the profound and keepers of a compassionate heart. We invite you to journey into self-discovery, with shared stories of extraordinary lives. For rates, information and enquiries, Supernal 18 | • Issue 47
Issue 47 • | 19

Preserv ation at What Cost?

Some years ago, in conversation with an undertaker friend, he told me they had noticed that the bodies of the 70 to 80 year olds were taking 24 hours longer to begin the decomposition process. His opinion was that the process for people in their 30’s then, would take as long as a week when they died in their 80’s. His reasoning — the preservatives added into food.

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ADDITIVES are used by the food industry in the processing of our food these days to enhance flavour, colour and to extend shelf life of the products. Of these synthetic chemicals, preservatives are the most prolific and as science slowly wakes up to the potential harm these cause to human health, the industry has become more careful in the way they label the food.

Preservatives, of course, serve a valuable purpose by preventing spoilage and maintaining freshness of food products. However, their use raises major concerns over the potential dangers to health and well-being, due to possible overconsumption or misuse, creating adverse and often devastating effects.

For example, Sodium Benzoate, a versatile chemical used as a preservative in food and beverages, is also used in medicines, cosmetics, personal care and industrial products.

Sodium Nitrate is another common chemical preservative used to cure deli meat products, which is known to potentially cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. Despite this, no occupational exposure limits have been established for Sodium Nitrite.

Both Sodium Benzoate and Sodium Nitrite are linked to the formation of harmful compounds known as Nitrosamines, which are associated with an increased risk of cancer, particularly in the digestive system. Sodium Benzoate, when combined with certain acids, can also form Benzene, another known carcinogen. Add to this, they have also been associated with hypertension and an increased risk of heart disease.

Another major concern is the potential of preservatives to cause allergic reactions. Individual hypersensitivity to certain preservatives leads to symptoms such as hives, itching or even more severe reactions like asthma and anaphylaxis. For example, Sulphites, commonly used in dried fruits, wines and some processed foods, release sulphur dioxide gas and are known allergens that can trigger respiratory issues and allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

The list goes on, impacting our digestive system, causing weight gain, inflammation in the tissues, impacting bone health, brain activity, ear and eye problems. While most preservatives are regulated to certain quantities in each product, as we eat and use a variety of products daily, unwittingly, we are incrementally overloading our body with harmful chemicals. Unknowingly, we are impacting our own health.

Children, in particular, may be more susceptible to the adverse effects of preservatives due to their smaller body size and developing physiology. Certain preservatives have been associated with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorders, mostly food colouring and our old friend, Sodium Benzoate.

Independent scientific research has found that some food additives may interfere with hormones and influences growth and development, showing it to be a reason for obesity in children. Naturally, other research shows a counter result, however, there is no indication as to who has paid for that research program.

Certain preservatives referred to as Teratogens are not fully safe for women during pregnancy as they can cause physical or functional defects in a human embryo the embryo. Teratogens include Potassium Benzoate and Sodium Benzoate, both of which should be avoided. Keeping intakes low or avoidance may seem easy, however, many food items contain either or both, including condiments.

It is crucial for consumers to be aware of the types and amounts of preservatives present in their diets and make informed choices. Regulatory bodies play a role in ensuring that permissible levels of preservatives are safe for human consumption in each food type. However, when these elements are in all processed food to some degree, it becomes impossible to measure ingested levels.

So, how is the food industry imparting information on chemical contents of their product? They reference those that are just within permissible levels by using long chemical names and numbers. The general public are not aware of the meaning or implication of this as it is a lengthy process to research each one.

By using E numbers, that they say simplifies food labelling for the consumer, we are not alerted to the chemical names. The E represents the word Europe and subtly, the letter E infers safety, a sound to be trusted: — E – Earth our home, earnest — believable, education — sharing knowledge, endurance, energy and so on. Sodium Benzoate is E121 and Sodium Nitrite is E250 — sounds innocuous doesn’t it? So how honest is their system?

With this in mind, while the food industry increases longevity of foodstuff with preservatives and, as a result, increases their profits, the potential dangers to health and well-being cannot be ignored. S

Jane Offer is available for Counselling, Soul Mastery and Dynamic Healing Sessions. Please ring for an appointment 0431 168 027.


• Toxicological and Teratogenic Effect of Various Food Additives: An Updated Review

• Food Additives and Hyperactivity

• Teratogens

• Most Dangerous E-numbers and E-numbers to avoid

Issue 47 • | 21 FEATURE

Aussie Food Labelling Apps

There are a few apps that can be downloaded free to your mobile phone that are designed to simplify the quagmire of food labelling. We hope this guide offers readers a choice of what Apps are out there and how these apps could save lives.


Scan the barcodes of food and personal care products and instantly see their impact on your health. A rating and detailed information analyses for each product.

An independent organisation dedicated to holding the food industry accountable for the chemical additives in food by educating consumers.



Points to remember when choosing an app:

• Fully investigate the company that offers the app as some, which we have not listed, are provided by the food industry, so they may well have a vested interested.

• Read the reviews carefully.

• Any app rates products using information regarding its contents only. If you are an individual with specific dietary needs and intolerances please note therefore the app can only specify general benefits. For specific nutritional support, it is wise to consult with a holistic practitioner that can test for intolerances.

Food Switch

Allows consumers to make better food choices by providing simple health and nutrition information on a scanned product and suggesting healthier alternatives to ‘switch’ to.



Shop Well

Shopwell app simplifies nutrition labels and helps you discover new foods that fit your lifestyle.



22 | • Issue 47 FEATURE

Buy Local — Save the Planet

I was chatting with one of our advertisers, Maddie Stamatiou from Inner Atlas Coaching and Providence Foods in Ferntree Gully, Melbourne, about this food focused edition of Supernal. Maddie raised some relevant points to consider when shopping for a range of healthy food options.

THERE’S a lot to think about when buying from your local specialised stores, aside from supporting local small businesses. There are environmental factors regarding carbon miles, plastics and other packaging, chemicals and more.

Here’s a list of reasons why shopping local is so important.

9 Quality is retained when food isn't stored on the shelf for months/years at a time, unlike supermarkets

9 Less plastic, lower food mileage and carbon footprint by using bulk foods

9 Less chance of plastic leeching into the product, due to higher turnover

9 Take what you need, use less, change your buying practices and vote with your dollar

9 Wide range of organic foods free from harmful ingredients and chemicals/pesticides

9 Less chemicals means less overall environmental footprint and damage to ecosystems

9 Food remains unaltered and in its natural, nutritious state.

9 Detoxing from sugar and eating natural foods rewires the brain and body, boosting energy and allowing the absorption of micronutrients

9 Less plastic packaging, through BYO containers, thus less environmental impact and strain on our recycling systems

9 Organic foods retain a higher level of micronutrients and unaltered DNA. This creates less stress on our bodies in processing them to release the chemicals and toxins

9 Buying individual grains, seeds, nuts and natural foods to make your own meals, leads to more conscious eating, while increasing your relationship with food and eating

9 The opportunity to buy small amounts of separate ingredients allows for increased variety of nutrients, along with increased variety of flavours and increased creativity

9 Allows people with food intolerances to experiment and try new mixes they create. For example, making sourdough bread with sorghum (gluten free) or Teff (grain)

9 Buying small amounts to try something new saves you money

These are all very relevant in today’s world and, if you can’t grow your own, then shops like Providence are the next best place to go!. S

Anthony Kilner lives and breathes spiritual work and has been facilitating Intuitive Development, Meditation and various workshops for 15 years plus.

If you can’t grow your own food, then shops like Providence are the next best place to go.

Check out Providence Foods (bulk food store) or visit the Shop at 24, 1880 Ferntree Gully Road, Ferntree Gully, Vic.
Issue 47 • | 23 FEATURE

Re-Wild Your Water

Kangan water is possibly the healthiest restructured water available on the planet. There are a range of machines and products available to suit all countries, interest free terms (conditions apply) and Enagic’s distribution network is global making it easy to get a machine in your home in virtually any country!

“The world is using almost 500 Billion plastic water bottles every year, the majority of which end up in our landfills and oceans. Transforming ordinary tap water into structured, hydrogen rich, electrolysed reduced water essential for health and wellbeing is the answer to this staggering problem.”

“Our Earth is a giant container of water, from which all forms of life arose. And every living thing is itself essentially a container of water. Like the Earth, we are 70 percent water. It follows, naturally, that the health of the Earth is directly proportionate to the health of ourselves.”

“Not only does drinking and utilising Kangan water for cleaning and toxin removal purposes create a healthy life, there’s a unique business opportunity that allows people to live a lifestyle that is financially rewarding as well.”

If you are ready to Re-Wild your Water contact Anthony Kilner, Freya Sampson or Louise Clarke

0402 249 024 inneratlascoachingAU 10% off HOW ARE YOU REALLY FEELING? Supernal readers Your first session/package for Find direction. Gain clarity. Set targeted, realistic goals. Change outdated beliefs. MADDIE STAMATOIU Tailored Flower Essence Remedies Intuitive Tarot Youth & Adult Life Coaching An epic reimagining of the story of Lilith Book trailer and buy links at She led the fall of the feminine. Now she leads the rise to unity. ‘IamLilith, andthisstoryismine.’ Issue 47 • | 25

A Guide to Supporting a Healthy Menstrual Cycle with Food

Our monthly menstrual cycle is not just a biological process; it is a hormonal dance that impacts our mood, energy, nutritional requirements and metabolism. While it's easy to dismiss it as a monthly inconvenience, understanding how food choices can support your cycle, brings a new level of empowerment and connection to your body.

AS a Women’s Health Nutritionist and EFT Tapping Practitioner, I constantly witness the power of using food as a key tool to reduce hormonal symptoms, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), irregular cycles, hormonal acne, food cravings, period pain, bloating and the transition into perimenopause and menopause.

I am super excited to share this basic guide with you so that you can use food as medicine to achieve balanced hormones and a healthy menstrual cycle.

The Menstrual Cycle: A Quick Glance

Our menstrual cycle is not just about the days of bleeding; it's a carefully orchestrated symphony of hormonal changes, specifically two of our main reproductive hormones, estrogen and progesterone. The menstrual cycle consists

of four distinct phases, the follicular phase, which includes the menstrual phase from day one of your period up until ovulation, ovulation, the release of a fertile egg and the luteal phase, from the end of ovulation up until your next period.

Each stage involves the ebb and flow of our reproductive hormones, which plays a crucial role in our reproductive health and overall well-being. Hormonal balance is the key for a healthy cycle and nutrition serves as the foundation for maintaining it each month.

Nutrients Your Body Craves

Fuelling our bodies with the right nutrients is essential for maintaining hormonal balance and supporting a healthy menstrual cycle. Macronutrients such as protein derived from animal or plant products, complex carbohydrates such

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as brown rice, rolled oats or sweet potato and healthy fats such as avocado and extra virgin olive oil provide the energy needed for cellular function and hormone production.

Meanwhile, micronutrients like iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, and vitamin E play specific roles in regulating hormones, supporting healthy ovulation and easing menstrual symptoms. Don't forget about fibre, found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, which aids in estrogen metabolism and promotes bowel regularity, contributing to hormonal harmony. My key advice is to eat an abundance of fresh food that does not come from a packet, with as many colours included as possible.

‘Superfoods’ for Hormonal Harmony

Nature offers a bounty of superfood spices that can work wonders for menstrual health. Spices like cinnamon, ginger and turmeric not only add flavour to our meals, they also possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, offering relief from menstrual discomfort.

Meanwhile, foods such as kefir, superior quality sauerkraut and kombucha support your gut for healthy estrogen metabolism, which can reduce those nasty symptoms pre-period.

Meal Suggestions for a Healthy Cycle

Some of my favourite meal suggestions are listed below, with breakfast being of the utmost importance. Starting your day with a nourishing breakfast sets the tone for hormonal balance throughout the day and keeps you satisfied for longer. Aim for a savoury, protein rich option such as three scrambled eggs, spinach and goats’ cheese on sourdough bread.

For lunch, indulge in a salmon salad loaded with leafy greens, avocado, and pumpkin seeds, providing omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium to support healthy hormone production.

Come dinner time, opt for an organic tofu and vegetable stir-fry served with brown rice, offering a hearty dose of plant-based protein and complex carbohydrates. If afternoon cravings strike, reach for plain Greek yoghurt mixed with a handful of nuts and berries of your choice. This combines protein, probiotics, healthy fats and antioxidants to support your menstrual health.

As women, we have the power to nourish and nurture our bodies through every phase of our menstrual cycle. By prioritising whole, nutrient-dense foods and incorporating superfoods known for their hormonal benefits, we can support a healthy menstrual cycle and embrace symptom free periods.

For more recipes specific to the menstrual cycle, I created the Cyclical Nutrition E-Book with twenty-four recipes plus snack ideas, available at S

Sarina is a Women’s Health Nutritionist (BHSc) and Clinical EFT Tapping Practitioner, offering 1:1 consults online via


Issue 47 • | 27 FEATURE

Energy Foods for Chakras

IN the vibrant realm of holistic wellness, the ancient practice of balancing chakras remains a cornerstone of our overall wellbeing. Picture this: you stroll past a fruit stand and the bright oranges beckon to you irresistibly. Welcome to the captivating world of chromotherapy, where the colours of our food resonate with and nourish the energetic centres of our bodies — our chakras.

The question some might ask is “What exactly are chakras?” Originating from ancient Indian spiritual traditions like yoga and ayurveda, these energetic centres are aligned along the spine, each linked to different aspects of our physical, emotional and spiritual selves.

As we explore the nourishment of our chakras through the rainbow hues of food, we embark on a journey of holistic wellness and soulful nourishment.

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Let us delve into a brief exploration of each chakra and some delightful food suggestions:

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Located at the top of the head, the Crown Chakra represents spiritual connection, enlightenment, and unity with the universe. It is associated with the colour White/Violet. It governs consciousness, divine wisdom and the realisation of our true nature. White foods such as cauliflower, onions, parsnip, white mushrooms and cashews awaken us to the infinite possibilities of existence.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Situated between the eyebrows. The Third Eye Chakra is associated with intuition, insight and spiritual awareness. It is associated with the colour Indigo/Purple. It governs inner wisdom, perception beyond the physical senses and the ability to see the bigger picture. Imagine an eggplant, purple cabbage or even passionfruit and, as you consume them, see a deeper connection to your own inner wisdom or abili ty to discern or vision.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Positioned in the throat region. The Throat Chakra governs communication, self-expression, and authenticity. It is associated with the colour blue. It influences our ability to express ourselves and communicate effectively. Those blueberry delights, plums or blackberries are just a few of the blue foods assisting our truthful expression with confidence and authenticity.

Heart Chakra (Anahata): Located in the centre of the chest, the Heart Chakra represents love, compassion and emotional balance. It is associated with the colour green. Delight in nourishing leafy greens, crisp apples or succulent kiwis to foster connection and empathy within yourself and others.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Situated in the upper abdomen. The Solar Plexus Chakra governs self-esteem, personal power and willpower and is associated with the colour yellow. It influences confidence, autonomy and the ability to achieve goals. Yellow foods like bananas, corn and pineapple assist you to embrace your own authenticity and navigate the challenges of life.

Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): The Sacral Chakra embodies creativity and passion, radiating with the colour orange. Treat yourself to vibrant oranges, sweet carrots or creamy sweet potatoes to ignite your creative spark and embrace abundance. How about that yummy orange you saw at the fruit stand mirroring your need for vitality and enthusiasm?

“Beyond the energetic properties of the food are also the nutritional associations that align with each chakra.”

Root Chakra (Muladhara): Anchored at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra symbolises our foundation and security, resonating with the colour red. Indulge in juicy tomatoes, ripe strawberries, or earthy beetroots to ground yourself and cultivate stability.

Beyond the energetic properties of the food are also the nutritional associations that align with each chakra. Green foods such a broccoli or leafy greens are packed with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to support overall health and vitality, aligning with love and compassion of the

Certainly, the notion of avoiding foods of a certain colour could also potentially signify an area in one's life that needs attention. In holistic approaches such as Ayurveda, there is a belief that imbalances in our physical and emotional wellbeing can manifest as aversions or attractions to certain

For example, if someone consistently avoids foods of a particular colour, it may indicate an imbalance or blockage in the corresponding chakra associated with that colour. This imbalance could stem from numerous factors such as emotional trauma, stress or unresolved issues related to that aspect of life represented by the chakra.

By consciously choosing foods or not, that resonate with the colours of our chakras, we can embark on a profound journey of self-discovery. We honour the interconnectedness of our being and foster a profound sense of balance and harmony. So, the next time you find yourself standing before a rainbow of produce at the market, pause for a moment. Let your intuition guide you as you select foods that resonate with your body and spirit. Embrace the symphony of flavours and hues and watch as your journey towards holistic wellness unfolds in the most deliciously colourful way possible. S

Sue Williams — Founder of Essential Healing Centre in Ringwood Nth in Melbourne, provides a safe space to rejuvenate and regenerate. Essential offers a range of modalities as well as EE Systems, PEMF and infrared therapies.

Issue 47 • | 29 FEATURE
Home of the Energy Enhancement System and PEMF Use the code SUP90 for a special price of $90 for a 2 hour session in our EE System lounge (normally $120) 26 Tortice Drive Ringwood North 3134 Phone 0426 267 622 Harmonise Your Environment EMF protection at home, work and on-the-go. Technology is a part of everyday life. But did you know that this exposes you to harmful radiation? Our products neutralise over 30 noxious energies. Clinically tested. Health practitioner approved. For seekers of the truth, philosophers of the profound and keepers of a compassionate heart. We invite you to journey into self-discovery, with shared stories of extraordinary lives. Supernal 30 | • Issue 47
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Feeding Time

Twenty Twenty-Four, a year of health and healing, is an opportune time for positive change in regard to food awareness; its source, substance and consumption. The human body takes longer to decompose after death than it once did. Preservatives and toxins in food have taken a toll on our health as a society.

PARENTS worry about their children’s food intake, habits and wellbeing, not to mention the high rate of so-called diagnosed ‘food allergies’ that seems to be highly prevalent and have started to dictate what is acceptable in the school lunch box.

For this edition of Supernal I asked some mums to share their thoughts on how they are doing ‘food and kids’.

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Tori — Part time working mum of two young children.

“Feeding young children can be really challenging. One day they like something, the next day they’re throwing it at the walls and declare that it’s ‘yuck!’ You start to wonder if they’re getting the required nutrients every day or if they’re getting enough from each food group and it becomes exhausting!

“My youngest, a one year old, hasn’t quite reached the age where he refuses food, yet he can be sensitive to new or different flavours and textures.

“Mornings are crazy for us; they can be one big stressful rush and I try to make it as easy as possible so we can get out of the door unscathed. I have found smoothies to be my secret weapon in the mornings. Our kids wake early and they’re hungry from the moment they open their eyes. The brilliant thing about smoothies is that you can pack in as much as you want, and they have no idea!

“The daily smoothie in our household contains ½ cup of oats, a tablespoon of flax seed, a tablespoon of chia seed, 1 serve of Nutra Organics Berry Immune Powder, a proven and versatile staple in our home, that can be added to a variety of drinks or breakfasts or just mixed with water, ½ an avocado, 1 banana, ¼ cup of blueberries, 2 tablespoons of Greek Yoghurt and some coconut water. Even better, I serve this in a Subo Bottle — the greatest invention, worth the investment — which is leak proof and they guzzle it all up and have full tummies to start the day! This means no spoon feeding in the mornings when you have enough on your plate and no food all over the ground to worry about!

“Another hack in our home is keeping the freezer stocked with Hydralite Ice Blocks. During these warmer months, our kids love an icy pole and instead of reaching for sugar packed icy poles, they still thoroughly enjoy a Hydralite Ice Block. They only receive the benefits so that’s a win-win!

“For dinners we set up a sectioned plate and provide them with their ‘safe foods’, which we know they love, and introduce new foods on the same plate. We try to keep eating a positive experience, as we want our children to recognise when they’re hungry and when they are full. We do encourage our kids, especially our three-year old, to try new foods; however, we don’t force it. We’ve learnt to be patient knowing that, over time, they will try new and different foods and that it’s normal behaviour for them to be fussy in these early years.”

ShirleySienna: It's impossible for any parent to get it right, all the time, and food sourcing, preparation and getting your kids to eat well, at any age, can often feel like an insurmountable problem.

The food industry, whether its natural and wholesome, total junk or whatever comes in between, is focused on gaining your attention, your custom and your money. Unfortunately, integrity is not necessarily the first item on their list of ingredients, regardless of the impact it may have on your family’s peace of mind, health and your bank account.

All forms of media advertising can be obscenely deceptive. Signage and placement of food in the supermarket aisles, food markets and take-away stores is set with intention to entice. It is an industry filled with taste-bud-provoking easy fix food solutions, drooling delicacies and faux health foods, aimed at adults, teens and kiddies alike.

The daily requirement of filling your plate, quieting your hunger and satisfying the palate is now a very confusing and expensive process. The fact we are busy, time poor, unsure and at the mercy of what we are told rather than what we know, feeding the family can be daunting on many levels. »

“…instead of reaching for sugar packed icy poles, they still thoroughly enjoy a Hydralite Ice Block.”
Issue 47 • | 33 FEATURE

Kylie — Part time working mum of two primary school age children

“I am very conscious of the food I purchase for our family, following the 80/20 rule as much as possible. That is 80% of the time eat 100% well and 20% of the time eat 80% well. My girls have recently started to pack their own lunchboxes each day, giving them the power to choose what they want to eat. They know three different types of fruit or vegetables go into their lunch and snack boxes.

Snacks are usually organic home popped popcorn, chips cooked in avocado oil, wholefood balls, nuts, dried organic apricots, gluten free biscuits, which I do try and make, however, when I don’t have time, I will buy them. There is still the occasional supermarket chocolate in the cupboard, while their lollies and lollypops I buy from the health food shop, one of which is allowed in their lunch boxes on Fridays.

“They have filtered water and take a one litre bottle to school each day. They don’t have soft drinks; I’ve never offered it to them. It’s only in the last 6 to 12 months they have had the occasional drink of organic apple juice or freshly squeezed orange juice.

“When it comes to the cost of nutritional or organic food, I just try and make sensible decisions. Some fruits and vegetables I buy only organic and others I know I’m going to peel, so I try not to stress too much over those. I do believe it is worth spending money on good quality food and believe it’s better to make and bake your own if and when you can. I do read labels; any labels that have ‘inflammatory’ properties, numbers, colouring, etc I tend to avoid purchasing as much as possible.

“I have recently stumbled upon an app called ‘Yuka’ which scans barcodes. It has a rating system and it has made shopping a whole lot easier. Especially, as it also covers body care products. .When purchasing prepacked food, I tend to choose the organic ones over the others, yet I still read the labels. Just because it says organic doesn’t mean they don’t sneak other things in!

“I don’t think food should be a reward; it’s a form of sustenance and fuel for the body. If on the weekend the girls want something out of the cupboard, I always ask if they’ve had a piece of fruit and a drink of water first. I talk to them about how different foods can make your body feel after you’ve eaten it. I don’t pressure them to eat all their dinner, however, I do ask they at least try a little of everything on their plates.

“Dinner usually comprises of meat and vegetables. To make things easier I will buy pre- seasoned/ marinated meat for a couple of meals. We also have spaghetti, which I add lentils and vegetables into the sauce, or satay chicken and rice. We do tend to have ‘bland’ dinners, as the girls are not very adventurous eaters.

“After dinner it’s usually fruit or natural hummus and crackers. We don’t nor have we ever offered ice-cream or anything like that after dinner;

“…getting your kids to eat well, at any age, can often feel like an insurmountable problem.”
34 | • Issue 47 FEATURE
“Food is vital to how we feel, if you eat junk and don’t look after yourself, you feel tired, lack motivation and invite illness. “

processed sugar before bed is never a good idea. When we do have take-away it is usually chicken or fish and chips, we don’t eat McDonalds or the like.

“I trust the girls to make positive choices for themselves around food. As I don’t tend to eat ‘junky’ food, it’s just not ‘available’ in the cupboard to grab. Food is vital to how we feel, if you eat junk and don’t look after yourself, you feel tired, lack motivation and invite illness. However when you eat nutritionally enriched foods, the body feels better and you have energy to live and enjoy life!”

ShirleySienna: As a mum and step mum to nine children and a grandmother, I have experienced the mental frustrations of the allergens, the picky eater, the refuse-to-eat-anything-new eater, the sweet freak, the junk food demander, the very slow eater and the quick-as-a-wink-and-I-want-more eater.

If you are making meals for kids and teens who have varied taste and a nuance for stubborn or have no big food dramas, yet still feel like you are under ‘food pressure’ I simply suggest ‘relax and research’. Whether it be ideas for meals, the financial costs, trying to get your kids to assist in the making of and turning up to actually eat meals or wish to become more conscious of what food really means to our body, mind and soul, experiment, ask questions, ask for help and share ideas with others, without thinking you ‘have to apply it all!’ S

Contact ShirleySienna at Divining Me for ‘Soul Symmetry’ readings and ‘Extra Sensory Perceptions’.

Issue 47 • | 35 FEATURE David Starlyte Mental health consulting available as well as online healing, counselling and psychotherapy sessions, mindfulness & meditation instruction. Click Here to Contact us Trauma - informed Spiritual Healer Teacher & Counsellor B.H.Sci ( Naturopathy ) , MA ( Mental Health ) For seekers of the truth, philosophers of the profound and keepers of a compassionate heart. We invite you to journey into self-discovery, with shared stories of extraordinary lives. Supernal 36 | • Issue 47

Click to listen to the Supernal Podcasts via DRN1

w w w . d r n 1 . c o m . a u O U R F A V O U R I T E

Journey into Food and Health Awareness

THE heading says it all. A look at how people could start their food awareness program and how I did! I have been shown and discussed the introduction of ChatBot in everyday life. So, I thought I’d put it to the test and see what resulted.

My question was, “What is the best way for a 100+ kg male aged 60, to detox from parasites, become more fit and drop 15 kilos. They have back issues and can't run or do weights?”

Both parties acknowledge that neither are medical professionals and it's crucial for individuals, with specific health concerns, to consult with a healthcare provider for personalised advice.

This produced a Q&A session designed to offer some general tips for consideration. Keep in mind that detoxification and weight loss should be approached cautiously and extreme measures may not be safe or effective. That’s a good disclaimer hey!

ChatBot: Consult a Healthcare Professional: Before making any significant changes to diet or lifestyle, it's important for a 60-year-old male with back issues to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance based on the individual's health status and specific needs.

Anthony: in defining a healthcare professional, for me personally, I would chat with nutritionists, herbalists, naturopaths — people who use natural medicines and approaches to healthcare. I have lost faith in doctors who only prescribe drugs to manage the symptoms and do not look deeply into the root cause. Multiple approaches are the way to go.

ChatBot: Nutrient-Rich Diet: Focus on a nutrient-dense, whole foods diet with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. These foods provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Anthony: No arguments from me. Get the best, non-processed foods you can buy and research what certain foods do to your body. Good research and sound advice is the way to go.

ChatBot: Hydration: Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Adequate hydration supports overall health and can be beneficial for various bodily functions.

Anthony: I thought this was a no-brainer, until I researched ‘good water’. Stuff that is unfiltered coming through a tap is not what I call good water. Water filters, machines like Kangan and other machines that can filter out the bad and enhance the good, are the way to go. Research where


bottled water comes from and how it is contained, because buying bottled water might not be all it’s cracked up to be — especially in regard to micro-plastics.

Chatbot: Moderate Exercise:

Engage in low-impact exercises that are suitable for someone with back issues. This could include walking, swimming or gentle yoga. Consult with a physical therapist for personalised exercise recommendations.

Anthony: I couldn’t agree more. We spend way too much time sitting at a desk — I know I do. Pilates once a week is seriously not enough. Get up and get moving! Initially just get walking and, as your fitness grows, start extending the exercise. It’s great for mental health as well.

Chatbot: Fibre-Rich Foods:

Include fibre-rich foods in the diet, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Fibre can aid digestion and support overall gut health.

Anthony: There is lots of talk about fibre and getting the right fibre is important to great gut health. Healthy diet — healthy poo — healthy gut!

“I have lost faith in doctors who only prescribe drugs to manage the symptoms and do not look deeply into the root cause.”

ChatBot: Protein Intake:

Ensure adequate protein intake, which is essential for maintaining muscle mass, especially when trying to lose weight. Sources of lean protein include poultry, fish, beans and tofu.

Anthony: Love it except for Tofu. I hate that stuff!

The suggestion given to me was the older I get the more I should focus on muscle strength, even above cardio, for a healthier bod!

ChatBot: Limit Processed Foods:

Minimise the consumption of processed and sugary foods, as they may contribute to weight gain and can negatively impact overall health.

Anthony: I can’t agree more. Have you watched That Sugar Film? I know it’s a hard one, however, staying away from junk food and sugar and chemical-filled drinks is damned good advice!

ChatBot: Probiotics:

Consider incorporating probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt or fermented vegetables, into the diet to support gut health. However, consult with a healthcare provider before taking any supplements. »

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“I wish all you blokes out there the best in finding a balance between healthy body, healthy mind and healthy spirit!”

Anthony: I’m not a big user of supplements and they seem to be getting a bad rap. Aiming for natural products as mentioned is certainly my preference.

ChatBot: Parasite Assessment:

If there is a concern about parasites, consult a healthcare professional for proper testing and treatment. Self-treatment without a clear diagnosis can be unsafe.

Anthony: I have researched parasite busting and undertaken several ways to do it. Do it with care, watch and record what happens to your body and use plenty of common sense. Regular parasite busting is recommended. Watch the great interview with Damien Donoghue: Detox Pathways. Damian has also featured in May/June 2023 and July/August 2023 issues of Supernal.

ChatBot: Stress Reduction: Practice stress-reducing activities such as mindfulness, meditation or gentle stretching exercises. Chronic stress can impact overall health and well-being.

Anthony: This is one point that is critical in creating a healthy mind, body and spirit. Depression, anxiety and other mental and physical health problems can be managed effectively with good meditation and stress release work!

Remember, there is no quick fix for sustainable weight loss; crash diets or extreme detox methods can be harmful. It's important to approach weight loss and health improvements with a balanced and gradual mindset, under guidance from healthcare professionals.

Our other suggestions include Read the Ingredients List, Understand Food Additive Codes, Check for Allergens, Examine the Nutrition Facts Panel, Look for Health Claims, Check for Certifications, Decode Date Codes, Use Mobile Apps or Online Databases, Research the Manufacturer and Stay Informed about Food Labelling Regulations.

When I started on the 5:2 diet, I was surprised to realise that it’s not really a diet and that diet is an ugly word for many. I refer to it as the 5:2 food awareness program. It made me aware of what I am eating, the amounts and why!

Since then, I have been taking physical exercise around the place and will soon start walking again. I also use natural products to get my internals working properly and now, more than ever, I understand my body and what’s going on. Oh, and I’ve dropped about half of the weight I set myself as a goal to let go of.And for the record I am not 60 for a year or three yet!

I wish all you blokes out there the best in finding a balance between healthy body, healthy mind and healthy spirit! S

Anthony Kilner lives and breathes spiritual work and has been facilitating Intuitive Development, Meditation and various workshops for 15 years plus.
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Learn: ENQUIRE NOW book@aromatica net au 0455 888 262 Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique Issue 47 • | 41

Food for Thought

PEOPLE are interesting in so many ways; it’s what makes us unique, interesting and loveable. However, when it comes to certain topics like politics, conspiracy theory or conspiracy truth, religion, climate change — and these are just the bigger topics — people can become all-consuming in the way they live, speak about and try to convert others to their way of thinking.

Over the years I have seen many relationships break down because of their fundamentalist approach to clumsy humanity-based ideals. It’s sad, scary and shows a narrow consciousness that refuses to look at the bigger interconnectedness of humanity on this planet.

Everyone is entitled to their view; everyone can choose to explore further, to go down the proverbial ‘Rabbit Hole’ or just look at the basic facts. Supernal stands firmly that every individual is entitled to make their own choice regarding the level of research they wish to undertake. Also, how far they wish to expand their horizons regarding any alternate or out of the norm information, offered and available.

The old ‘head in the sand’ attitude is a thing of the past. Who wants grit in their eyes when the world we create as we go, is such an amazing and multifaceted plane of existence?

This time of such freedom of thought shouldn’t be wasted and is integral for individual and group consciousness levels to rise.

With that said, here are some thoughts on food. There are no link outs, no major bias points, just some interesting facts to consider, that allow you to research to your heart’s content. Enjoy the journey!

Banned Foods

Here are some foods that are banned due to alleged, perceived and proven health risks, cultural or religious beliefs or some common beliefs that have been put out there. Travelling from country to country with banned foods is also worth noting. These are not in any sort of order.

1. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): Some regions have restrictions or bans on genetically modified foods, due to concerns about their potential impact on human health and the environment.

2. Raw or undercooked meat and eggs: Consumption of raw or undercooked meat, poultry, seafood and eggs can lead to foodborne illnesses such as salmonella, E. coli, and listeria.

3. Certain types of fish: Some fish species may contain high levels of mercury or other contaminants, making them unsafe for consumption, especially for pregnant women and young children. Additionally, certain types of fish may be endangered and protected by conservation laws.

4. Unpasteurised dairy products: Unpasteurised milk, cheese and other dairy products can harbour harmful bacteria such as E.coli, salmonella, and Listeria monocytogenes.

5. Foods containing certain additives or chemicals: Some countries regulate or ban certain food additives, preservatives and artificial colours, due to concerns about their safety or potential health risks.

6. Certain exotic or unconventional foods: In some cultures, certain types of exotic meats, insects or unconventional foods may be banned, due to religious or cultural taboos.

7. Imported foods: Certain countries have restrictions on the importation of specific foods to prevent the spread of diseases, pests or invasive species.

Pesticides and Herbicides

Several pesticides and herbicides are commonly used globally in agriculture to control pests, weeds and diseases. It's important to note that the information is based on scientific research and regulatory assessments. Individual risks may vary depending on factors such as exposure levels, duration and individual susceptibility. Here are some of the most commonly used ones:

1. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in many herbicides, including the well-known brand Roundup. It's widely used to control weeds in various crops, including soybeans, corn and cotton.

2. Atrazine is a widely used herbicide, primarily used to control broadleaf and grassy weeds in crops like corn, sugarcane and sorghum. It's one of the most commonly detected pesticides in water sources.

3. Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate insecticide used to control a wide range of pests on crops such as fruits, vegetables and nuts. It's been banned or restricted in some countries due to concerns about its impact on human health, particularly neurodevelopmental effects in children.

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4. Neonicotinoids are a class of insecticides that act on the central nervous system of insects. They're commonly used in agriculture to control pests on crops like corn, soybeans and fruits. However, they have been implicated in contributing to the decline of pollinator populations, such as bees.

5. Paraquat is a highly toxic herbicide used to control weeds in various crops, including cotton, soybeans and corn. It's highly restricted in many countries due to its acute toxicity to humans and animals.

6. Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide commonly used to control pests in crops such as fruits, vegetables and grains. Like other neonicotinoids, it's been linked to adverse effects on pollinators and other non-target organisms.

7. Diazinon is an organophosphate insecticide used to control insects in agriculture, as well as in residential settings for pest control. It's been phased out or banned in many countries due to its toxicity to humans and wildlife.

The chemicals mentioned above, can potentially impact various foods and water sources due to their use in agriculture and other applications. Here's how these chemicals might affect different food categories and water sources.


Foods: Residues of glyphosate and its metabolites can be found in various foods made from these crops, including processed foods, cereals, bread and animal products from animals fed with glyphosate-treated crops.

Water: Glyphosate can leach into groundwater and surface water sources, potentially contaminating drinking water supplies, rivers, lakes and streams.


Foods: Residues of atrazine and its breakdown products can be found in foods made from these crops, as well as in groundwater used for irrigation.

Water: Atrazine is highly soluble in water and can contaminate surface water and groundwater, posing risks to drinking water supplies and aquatic ecosystems.


Foods: Residues of chlorpyrifos can be found in these foods, particularly in conventionally grown produce.

Water: Chlorpyrifos can run off from treated fields into surface water sources, contaminating rivers, streams, and other water bodies.


Foods: Residues of neonicotinoids can be found in these foods, particularly in crops treated with seed coatings or soil applications.

Water: Neonicotinoids are water-soluble and can contaminate surface water and groundwater through runoff and leaching, posing risks to aquatic organisms and potentially entering drinking water sources.


Foods: Paraquat is not typically used directly on food crops due to its high toxicity. However, residues of paraquat and its metabolites can be found in the environment, potentially contaminating crops grown in treated soils.

Water: Paraquat is highly soluble in water and can contaminate surface water and groundwater, particularly in agricultural areas where it's used.


Foods: Residues of diazinon can be found in these foods, particularly in conventionally grown produce.

Water: Diazinon can leach into groundwater and surface water sources, potentially contaminating drinking water supplies and aquatic habitats.

Please note that regulatory agencies monitor pesticide residues in foods and drinking water to ensure they are within acceptable safety limits. One wonders if they measure what the combined impact of these chemicals are on the human body?

The chemicals mentioned are used globally, although their usage levels and regulations may vary from country to country. Here's a general overview of the countries where these chemicals are commonly used:

1. Glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides globally and is used in numerous countries across North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Countries like the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, China and India are among the largest consumers of glyphosate.

2. Atrazine is commonly used in corn, sugarcane, and sorghum production and is widely used in countries like the United States, Brazil, China, Australia and parts of Europe.

3. Chlorpyrifos has been used globally as an insecticide in agriculture and for residential pest control. Countries like the United States, Brazil, China, India and some European countries have historically been significant consumers of chlorpyrifos.

4. Neonicotinoids (e.g., imidacloprid) are widely used insecticides in agriculture globally, with significant usage in countries like the United States, Canada, Brazil, China and parts of Europe.

5. Paraquat is used globally as a herbicide, particularly in countries with large agricultural sectors such as the United States, Brazil, China, Argentina and some African countries.

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6. Diazinon has been widely used as an insecticide in agriculture globally, although its usage has declined in some regions due to regulatory restrictions. Countries like the United States, Brazil, China, India and some European countries have historically been significant consumers of Diazinon.

Reducing exposure to pesticides through organic produce, thorough washing of fruits and vegetables, and protection of water sources is advisable for minimising potential health risks.

Cleaning Fruits and Vegetables

Cleaning fruits and vegetables properly can help reduce pesticide residues and herbicides. Remember that, while these methods can help reduce pesticide residues, they may not completely eliminate them. It's also essential to handle produce safely to prevent cross-contamination with bacteria and other pathogens. Here are some effective methods:

1. Wash with water: Rinse fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water. Rub them gently with your hands to remove any dirt, debris and surface pesticide residues. Even if you're going to peel the produce, it's essential to wash them first to prevent transferring contaminants from the surface to the flesh when you cut or peel them. Use the best water possible including filtered water, machines that produce various PH levelled water.

2. Use a produce brush: For produce with thicker skins, such as cucumbers, potatoes and carrots, consider using a produce brush to scrub the surface while rinsing under running water. This can help remove more stubborn residues.

3. Soak in a vinegar solution: Some studies suggest that soaking fruits and vegetables in a vinegar solution can help remove certain pesticide residues. Mix one part vinegar with three parts water and soak the produce for 15–20 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

4. Use baking soda: Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) can also help remove pesticide residues. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with two cups of water and soak the produce for 15 minutes. Rinse well with water afterward.

5. Commercial produce wash: There are commercially available produce wash solutions specifically formulated to remove pesticide residues. Follow the instructions on the product label for best results. Find out what they contain!

6. Peeling: Peeling fruits and vegetables can reduce pesticide residues, keep in mind that some nutrients and fibre are also lost with the peel. Additionally, some pesticides can penetrate into the flesh, so peeling may not completely eliminate exposure to residues.

7. Buy organic: Choosing organic fruits and vegetables can reduce exposure to pesticides and herbicides since organic farming practices typically avoid synthetic

chemicals. Organic produce may still contain some residues from natural pesticides or environmental exposure such as Geo Engineering.

Plant-based Products

Plant-based meat products are made from various plant ingredients that are processed and combined to mimic the taste, texture and appearance of conventional meat. While formulations may vary between manufacturers, here's a general overview of the common ingredients and processes used in the production of plant-based meat:

1. PROTEIN SOURCE: Plant-based meats typically start with a primary protein source, which can include: Legumes: Soybeans, peas, lentils, chickpeas and fava beans are commonly used due to their high protein content.

Grains: Wheat, rice, oats and quinoa can provide protein and texture to plant-based meat products.

Fungi: Ingredients like mushrooms and mycoprotein (from fungi like Quorn) can also serve as protein sources.

Seeds: Hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds may contribute protein and texture.

2. TEXTURIZING AGENTS: To mimic the texture of meat, plant-based meat products often incorporate texturizing agents such as:

Soy protein isolate or concentrate: Provides a meat-like texture and helps bind the ingredients together.

Pea protein isolate: Offers a similar texture to animal-based proteins and is often used in combination with other plant proteins.

Wheat gluten: Adds elasticity and chewiness to plant-based meat products.

3. FLAVOURINGS AND AROMATICS: Various flavourings and aromatics are used to enhance the taste and aroma of plant-based meat, including: Natural and artificial flavours: These can include savoury, meat-like flavours such as umami.

Aromatics: Ingredients like onions, garlic, herbs and spices contribute to the overall flavour profile.

4. FAT SOURCE: Fat is essential for providing moisture, flavour and mouth-feel to plant-based meats. Common fat sources include:

Vegetable oils: Canola oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil and palm oil are often used to provide richness and juiciness. Coconut cream: Adds creaminess and richness to plant-based meat products.

5. BINDERS AND STABILIZERS: Binders and stabilizers help hold the ingredients together and improve the texture of plant-based meats. These may include:

Starches: Corn starch, tapioca starch and potato starch can help bind ingredients and improve texture.

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Hydrocolloids: Ingredients like carrageenan, xanthan gum and agar-agar can provide stability and improve the texture of plant-based meat products.

6. COLOURANTS: Plant-based meats may contain colorants to mimic the appearance of animal-based meats. Common colorants include beet juice, annatto, caramel colour and vegetable-based food dyes.

7. WATER AND OTHER INGREDIENTS: Water is often added to adjust the consistency of the mixture and ensure proper hydration of ingredients. Other ingredients such as salt, sugar, vinegar, and yeast extracts may also be included to enhance flavour and functionality.

Once the ingredients are selected and combined, they are processed using methods such as extrusion, blending, and shaping to create the desired texture and appearance of plant-based meat products. These products can include burgers, sausages, nuggets, ground ‘meat’ and more, offering a versatile and sustainable alternative to traditional meat products.

In the production of plant-based meat, manufacturers typically use a variety of food-grade chemicals to achieve desired properties such as flavour, texture, stability, and shelf life. While these chemicals are generally considered safe for consumption when used in accordance with regulatory guidelines, it's important for consumers to be aware of the ingredients in the products they consume. Here are some common food-grade chemicals that may be used in plant-based meat production:

1. PRESERVATIVES: Preservatives are added to plant-based meat products to extend shelf life and prevent spoilage. Common preservatives include:

Vinegar: Acetic acid, found in vinegar, can act as a preservative by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and molds. Citric acid: Citric acid, derived from citrus fruits, is often used as a preservative and flavour enhancer in plant-based meat products.

2. ANTIOXIDANTS: Antioxidants are substances that inhibit oxidation, which can cause deterioration of fats and oils in food products. Common antioxidants used in plant-based meats include:

Vitamin E (tocopherols): Natural antioxidants derived from vegetable oils, vitamin E tocopherols help prevent lipid oxidation and rancidity.

Rosemary extract: Rosemary extract contains natural antioxidants that can help extend the shelf life of plant-based meat products.

3. EMULSIFIERS: Emulsifiers are used to stabilize emulsions and improve texture in plant-based meat products.

Common emulsifiers include:

Soy lecithin: Soy lecithin is a natural emulsifier derived from soybeans that helps blend water and oil-based ingredients in plant-based meat formulations.

Mono and diglycerides: These emulsifiers derived from vegetable oils help improve texture and stability in processed foods.

4. THICKENERS AND STABILISERS: Thickeners and stabilisers are used to improve the texture and mouth-feel of plant-based meat products. These include:

Carrageenan: Carrageenan, derived from seaweed, is used to improve the texture of plant-based meat products. Xanthan gum: Xanthan gum is derived from fermentation of carbohydrates.

5. FLAVOUR ENHANCERS: Flavour enhancers are added to plant-based meat products to improve taste and aroma. Common flavour enhancers include:

Yeast extract: Yeast extract contains naturally occurring glutamic acid, which enhances savoury flavours (umami) in plant-based meat products.

MSG (monosodium glutamate): MSG is a flavour enhancer that can enhance umami taste in plant-based meat formulations.

In addition to the common food-grade chemicals mentioned earlier, there are some less common additives that may be used in plant-based meat production to achieve specific functionalities or enhance product characteristics. These may include enzymes, plant-based flavours, natural extracts and extractives, fermentation products such as microbial cultures and fermentation extracts, natural antimicrobial compounds derived from plants or microbial sources, plant-derived emulsifiers and stabilisers, prebiotics and probiotics, natural antioxidants derived from plant sources.

While plant-based foods are relatively new on the market, with a push to be generally considered nutritious and beneficial for health, there are some potential considerations or drawbacks to be aware of:

1. Nutrient Deficiencies: Plant-based diets may be deficient in certain nutrients that are predominantly found in animal products, such as vitamin B12, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and zinc. It's important for individuals following plant-based diets to ensure they are getting an adequate intake of these nutrients through fortified foods, supplements, or careful food selection and combination.

2. Antinutrients: Some plant-based foods contain compounds known as antinutrients, which can interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients or cause digestive discomfort in some individuals. Examples include phytates, oxalates and lectins, which are found in grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Proper preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting, fermenting or cooking, can help reduce the levels of antinutrients and improve nutrient absorption.

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3. Potential Allergens: Plant-based foods can also be sources of allergens, such as nuts, soy, wheat and certain fruits and vegetables. Individuals with food allergies or sensitivities need to be cautious and carefully read ingredient labels to avoid allergens.

4. Processed Plant-Based Foods: Some plant-based foods, especially processed and packaged products, may contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, sodium and other additives to enhance flavour, texture and shelf life. Consuming too many processed plant-based foods high in these additives may contribute to excessive calorie intake, weight gain, and adverse health effects.

5. Environmental Concerns: While plant-based diets are often promoted for their environmental sustainability compared to animal-based diets, certain plant-based foods may have environmental drawbacks depending on factors such as agricultural practices, water usage, land use and transportation. For example, the production of certain crops like soy and palm oil has been associated with deforestation, habitat destruction and biodiversity loss.

6. Individual Variability: It's important to recognise that individual responses to plant-based diets can vary based on factors such as genetics, metabolism, lifestyle and overall dietary patterns. What works well for one person may not be suitable for another, and it's essential to consider individual preferences, health goals and nutritional needs when adopting a plant-based diet.

Oils aint Oils

There are various oils used for human consumption, each derived from different plant sources. Here are some common edible oils and where they come from:

1. Olive oil is derived from the fruit of the olive tree, Olea europaea. It is primarily produced in Mediterranean countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece and Tunisia. Olive oil is known for its high monounsaturated fat content and is commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine.

2. Coconut oil is extracted from the kernel or meat of mature coconuts harvested from the coconut palm, Cocos nucifera. It is widely produced in tropical regions such as Southeast Asia, India and the Pacific Islands. Coconut oil is valued for its high saturated fat content and is used in cooking, baking, and cosmetics.

3. Soybean oil is extracted from soybeans, which are legumes native to East Asia. Soybean oil is one of the most widely consumed vegetable oils globally and is produced primarily in countries like the United States, Brazil, Argentina and China. It is used in various food products, including cooking oils, margarine, salad dressings and processed foods.

4. Canola oil is derived from the seeds of the canola plant, a cultivar of rapeseed, Brassica napus, which has been bred to have low levels of erucic acid and glucosinolates. Canola oil is produced primarily in Canada, where the name ‘canola’ is derived from ‘Canadian oil, low acid’. It is known for its neutral flavour and high smoke point, making it suitable for various cooking applications.

5. Palm oil is extracted from the fruit of the oil palm tree, Elaeis guineensis. It is produced primarily in tropical regions such as Indonesia and Malaysia, which together account for the majority of global palm oil production. Palm oil is versatile and is used in a wide range of food products, including cooking oils, margarine, baked goods and processed foods.

6. Sunflower oil is extracted from the seeds of the sunflower plant, Helianthus annuus. It is produced in countries like Ukraine, Russia, Argentina and the United States. Sunflower oil is valued for its high oleic acid content and is used in cooking, frying, salad dressings and margarine production.

7. Corn oil is extracted from the germ of corn (maize) kernels. It is produced primarily in the United States, where corn is a major crop. Corn oil is commonly used in cooking, frying, salad dressings, and margarine production.

When it comes to determining which oils are considered ‘good’ or ‘healthy’ for human consumption, it's important to consider their fatty acid composition, nutritional profile and potential health effects. Here's a general overview:


1. Olive oil is widely regarded as one of the healthiest oils due to its high monounsaturated fat content, particularly oleic acid. It also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which may contribute to various health benefits, including heart health and reducing inflammation.

2. Avocado oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, particularly oleic acid, similar to olive oil. It also contains vitamins E and K, along with antioxidants. Avocado oil has been associated with improved heart health and may have anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Canola oil is low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fats, making it a heart-healthy choice. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health and inflammation. Canola oil has a neutral flavor and high smoke point, making it suitable for cooking and frying.

4. Flaxseed oil is a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid. It also contains lignans, which have antioxidant properties. Flaxseed oil has been associated with heart health benefits, such as reducing cholesterol levels and inflammation.

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5. Walnut oil is high in polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains antioxidants and has been associated with improved heart health and brain function.


1. Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, primarily lauric acid. While some research suggests that coconut oil may have certain health benefits, such as raising HDL or good cholesterol levels, it is still high in saturated fat and should be consumed in moderation.

2. Palm oil is high in saturated fat and low in polyunsaturated fats. Its production has raised environmental concerns due to deforestation and habitat destruction. While palm oil is widely used in food products, it should be consumed in moderation due to its high saturated fat content.

3. Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil, Soybean Oil: These oils are high in polyunsaturated fats, which can be beneficial in moderation. However, they also contain omega-6 fatty acids, and excessive consumption of omega-6 fatty acids relative to omega-3 fatty acids may contribute to inflammation and certain health conditions if consumed in excess.


1. Hydrogenated oils, also known as Trans fats, are artificially produced fats created through hydrogenation. Trans fats have been strongly linked to an increased risk of heart disease and should be avoided as much as possible.

2. Processed Seed and Vegetable Oils: Some processed seed and vegetable oils, such as cottonseed oil and grape seed oil, may undergo extensive processing, including refining and extraction with solvents. While not inherently unhealthy, these oils may contain fewer beneficial nutrients and antioxidants compared to less processed oils.

It's important to note that individual dietary needs and preferences may vary and moderation is key when consuming any type of oil. Additionally, choosing oils that are minimally processed and rich in healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids, can contribute to a balanced and nutritious diet. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietician can provide personalized guidance on dietary fat intake and overall nutrition.

Hydrogenated oils, Trans fats, are created through a process called hydrogenation, where hydrogen is added to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid. This process increases the shelf life and stability of oils and is often used in food manufacturing. However, Trans fats have been strongly linked to an increased risk of heart disease and other health problems. Here are some common hydrogenated oils:

1. Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil: This is a generic term used to describe vegetable oils that have undergone partial hydrogenation (PH). PH oils are often used in processed foods such as margarine, shortening, baked goods, fried foods and snack foods.

2. Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil: Soybean oil is one of the most commonly hydrogenated oils. PH soybean oil is used in a wide range of processed foods due to its stability and low cost.

3. Partially Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil: Cottonseed oil is another vegetable oil commonly subjected to hydrogenation. PH cottonseed oil is used in many commercial frying applications and processed foods.

4. Partially Hydrogenated Palm Oil: Palm oil is naturally semi-solid at room temperature, but PH can further increase its solidity and stability. PH palm oil is used in various processed foods and margarine.

5. Partially Hydrogenated Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is naturally high in saturated fat, but PH can increase its solidity and shelf life. PH coconut oil is used in some processed foods and baked goods.

It's important to note that many countries have implemented regulations to limit or ban the use of hydrogenated oils in food products due to their negative health effects. As a result, the use of hydrogenated oils has declined in recent years, with many food manufacturers reformulating their products to remove Trans fats. However, it's still essential to check ingredient labels carefully, as some processed foods may still contain small amounts of hydrogenated oils or Trans fats. Choosing foods that are labelled as ‘Trans fat-free’or ‘no hydrogenated oils’ is generally advisable for heart health.

Some interesting things to PONDER!

Vaccination contributes to food safety by reducing the risk of zoonotic diseases, which are diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans through the consumption of contaminated food products. By preventing diseases such as salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis and E. coli infection in livestock, vaccination helps minimize the presence of pathogens in meat, milk and eggs, enhancing the safety and quality of these food products for consumers.

It’s commonly said that vaccination plays a vital role in ensuring the health, safety and sustainability of livestock production systems, ultimately contributing to the availability of safe, nutritious and high-quality food products for consumers worldwide. By mitigating disease risks and promoting responsible agricultural practices, vaccination supports the long-term viability of livestock farming and the integrity of the food supply chain.

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Several diseases and pathogens associated with livestock can potentially be transmitted to humans, either directly or indirectly through the consumption of contaminated food products, contact with infected animals, or exposure to contaminated environments. These diseases are known as zoonotic diseases.

Well, what are the risks to humans with combined vaccinations in animals? Has anyone tested what the combinations do? Hmmm, something to ponder. Here’s a list of vaccinations available for animals:

1. Cattle Vaccines

Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) Vaccine

Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) Vaccine

Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) Vaccine

Leptospirosis Vaccine

Johne's Disease Vaccine

Anaplasmosis Vaccine

Pasteurella Vaccine (Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida)

Salmonella Vaccine

Haemophilus somnus Vaccine

Neospora caninum Vaccine

2. Sheep and Goat Vaccines

Caseous Lymphadenitis (CLA) Vaccine

Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP) Vaccine

Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) Vaccine

Sheep and Goat Pox Vaccine

Enzootic Abortion of Ewes (EAE) Vaccine

Toxoplasmosis Vaccine

Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) Vaccine

Blue Tongue Virus Vaccine

Johne's Disease Vaccine

3. Swine Vaccines

Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) Vaccine

Porcine Parvovirus Vaccine

Transmissible Gastroenteritis (TGE) Vaccine

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) Vaccine

Swine Influenza Vaccine

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Vaccine

Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) Vaccine

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS)

Swine Erysipelas Vaccine

Streptococcus suis Vaccine

4. Poultry Vaccines

Newcastle Disease Vaccine

Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) Vaccine

Marek's Disease Vaccine

Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) Vaccine

Avian Influenza Vaccine

Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro Disease) Vaccine

Fowl Cholera Vaccine

Fowl Pox Vaccine

Infectious Coryza Vaccine

Coccidiosis Vaccine

Salmonella Vaccine

5. Aquaculture Vaccines

Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA) Vaccine

Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN) Vaccine

Vibrio anguillarum Vaccine

Aeromonas salmonicida Vaccine

Flavobacterium psychrophilum Vaccine

Francisella noatunensis Vaccine

Streptococcus iniae Vaccine

Edwardsiella ictaluri Vaccine

Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) Vaccine

Enteric Septicemia of Catfish (ESC) Vaccine

6. Other Livestock Vaccines:

Rabies Vaccine (for livestock susceptible to rabies)

Anthrax Vaccine (for livestock in areas with endemic anthrax)

Leptospirosis Vaccine (for various livestock species)

Tuberculosis (TB) Vaccine

Questions to Ponder

We’ve not even scratched the surface. Here are some questions to delve deeper — if you dare!

mRNA vaccines for animals?

The great Fluoride debate and where that really stems from? Oils that have been manufactured for vehicles and modified for human consumption?

How Big Pharma reproduces what nature provides and why some Organisations are banning natural remedies?

Whether toothpaste is actually good for people to use and what does the little colours at the bottom of the tube really relates to?

The real reason chlorine being added to water supplies?

The purpose Mr Kellogg created a breakfast cereal? Foods being created with vaccines in them?

Poo Foods and synthetic meat? Add to that synthetic chicken and other food products.

Micro-Plastics and their potential dangers?

The origins of pesticides?

Graphine Oxide being sprayed in the air?

The non-organic, science created eggs?

The above list is small when it comes to food manufacture, grown, modified and injected. We should all understand that to feed the masses and sustain a healthy planet that sometimes we have to consider eating different foods.

As mentioned at the start of this feature, it comes down to a choice! What will you choose to put into the temple that is your body and those of your family and friends? S

Arty looks at the world through a different lens and pulls no punches when it comes to discovering the truths behind the lies of humanity.

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The mind-body link in nutrition is an intricate connection that emphasises the profound impact our food intake has on both our mental and physical well-being. This intricate relationship is supported by many scientific studies that highlight the communication between the brain, the body and vice versa. Thereby demonstrating the role of nutrition as a key player in maintaining optimal cognitive function and overall health.

Your Body Knows Best

NUTRITION not only fuels the body, it also provides a crucial influence on brain function and mental health. The brain, being a highly metabolically active organ, requires a constant supply of nutrients to function efficiently. Essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids play vital roles in the various aspects of brain health. For example, omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish, flaxseeds and walnuts support cognitive function and contribute to the structure of cell membranes in the brain.

Conversely, the state of one's mental health can significantly impact dietary choices. Stress, anxiety and depression can lead to disruptive eating patterns, often resulting in the consumption of comfort foods high in sugars and fats. This, in turn, can affect the brain by influencing neurotransmitter levels and contributing to inflammation, which has been linked to various mental health disorders.

The gut-brain axis is a critical component of the mind-body link in nutrition. The gastrointestinal tract is home to a complex ecosystem of microorganisms known as the gut microbiota. Emerging research suggests that the composition of this microbiota can influence brain function and behaviour through the production of neurotransmitters and other signalling molecules. Probiotics, found in fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut, can positively impact the gut microbiota, potentially benefiting mental health.

Furthermore, the gut-brain axis involves a two-way communication between the gut and the central nervous system. The intestinal nervous system, often referred to as the ‘second brain’, is a complex network of neurons in the gastrointestinal tract that communicates with the central nervous system. This communication involves the release of serotonin, which plays a crucial role in regulating mood and appetite.


Nutritional psychiatry explores the relationship between diet and mental health. Research in this field suggests that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins may be associated with a lower risk of depression and anxiety. On the other hand, diets high in processed foods, sugary beverages and unhealthy fats have been linked to an increased risk of mental health disorders.

In short, the mind-body link in nutrition is a dynamic interplay between our food and its impact on both our mental and physical well-being. Recognising the intricate connections between nutrition, brain function and mental health reinforces the importance of adopting a holistic approach to health that considers both dietary and psychological factors. Individual and mindful food choices contribute not only to physical vitality; it supports cognitive sharpness and emotional well-being. S

Catherine is a Certificated Natural Health and Diet practitioner and loves sharing her knowledge of food for the Body and the Soul!

“The gut-brain axis is a critical component of the mind-body link in nutrition.”

Sample Meal Plan

Please note: This is a suggestion only and does not take into consideration any individual food intolerances or allergies. Therefore, substitute as required.


Spinach and Mushroom Omelette

Ingredients: Eggs, spinach, mushrooms, feta cheese. Spinach is rich in folate, while mushrooms provide B-vitamins. Eggs offer protein and choline, essential for brain health.

Whole Grain Toast: Choose whole grain bread for fibre, supporting gut health and providing a steady release of energy.

Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants, blueberries have been associated with cognitive benefits.

Green Tea: Rich in antioxidants and contains L-theanine, which has calming effects on the brain.


Greek Yogurt with Almonds: Greek yogurt is a good source of probiotics for gut health and almonds provide healthy fats and magnesium.


Grilled Sardine Salad

Ingredients: Grilled sardines, mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado. Sardines are high in omega-3 fatty acids, supporting brain health. The salad provides a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Quinoa: A complete protein source with fibre, quinoa helps maintain steady blood sugar levels.

Lemon-Tahini Dressing: Tahini offers healthy fats, and the lemon provides vitamin C.


Carrot Sticks with Hummus: Carrots provide beta-carotene, while hummus offers a combination of protein and healthy fats.

Walnuts: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, walnuts contribute to brain health.


Baked Chicken Breast: A lean protein source for muscle repair and overall health.

Sweet Potato: High in fibre, vitamins and minerals, sweet potatoes provide a steady release of energy.

Broccoli: A cruciferous vegetable rich in antioxidants and nutrients. Quinoa or Brown Rice: Another serving of whole grains for additional fibre and nutrients.


Dark Chocolate: In moderation, dark chocolate contains antioxidants and may have mood-enhancing properties.

Chamomile Tea: Known for its calming effects, chamomile tea can support relaxation before bedtime.

Additionally, aim for a daily intake of at least 1 litre water. Enjoy!


At the Core

WThe words of each kin verse are activators.

March 1, Kin 132 Yellow

Lunar Human

‘I polarize in order to influence, Stabilizing wisdom, I seal the process of free will, With the lunar tone of challenge, I am guided by the power of flowering.’

HAT is it really to be ‘human’, what is the responsibility to myself and others? How do I align myself with my inner HUman, the original divinity that still exists within my archetypal blueprint of eternal being?

Simply read the above, Yellow Lunar human verse, whilst sitting in quiet contemplation repeatedly over the next six kin days to the end of this moon, the 8th Galactic Moon of Integrity.

It is preparing you to set new intentions and to instil those which as yet, you may have been unable to fully instigate and see bloom.

The Yellow tone is to ripen. The planet assigned to Yellow Human is Earth, and its chakra is the Heart. The family it belongs to is Core family. The Core

family mines the tunnels, and brings the energy of free will into the equation of life for all kin.

One must dig deep to get to the core. It is the core of the heart that holds the buried treasure, the ‘terma’, a gift of epiphany and understanding.

The human kin in higher/galactic archetype is the Sage. Allow the Sage within you to be set free.

“It is the core of the heart that holds the buried treasure, the ‘terma’, a gift of epiphany and understanding.”
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“The planet assigned to Yellow Human is Earth, and its chakra is the Heart.”

When one bites into the apple we often discard or avoid the core which holds the seeds. At this time of Earth’s evolutionary process, it is very important to get to the core, claim and plant those seeds.

The 9th moon of the calendar of human consciousness and origin is the Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention, beginning March 7 and ending April 3.

The first heptad (seven days) heralds in a time of initiation, beginning with Kin 138, White Galactic Mirror.

‘I harmonize in order to reflect, Realizing energy, I seal the matrix of self-generation, With the solar tone of intention, I am guided by the power of vision.’

White Mirror, is the Yogi/Yogini archetype and is Signal family which ‘Unravels the Mystery’. This will allow you to reflect on that which you have recently pondered and have new understanding of.

A realisation may be that life is not so much about decisions and all about choices that are the power of free will-my body is my temple; it is the vehicle that houses the soul and is my personal vessel, my cup of life and mine alone.

As an adult, and really from the latter teenage years, unless someone holds you down and forces you against your will, by putting it down your throat, injecting it into you or inserting in by tube–without consent, permission, agreement and with dominance over your submissive/passive vibration, the choice of consumption, whether it be food, drink, drugs — (both recreational,

habitually and medically orientated), and the information we take on board is our own.

There is also consequence and/or result. Consequence generally leans toward a negative, whilst result leans toward the possibility of a more positive outcome. Why not change the way you view this! Your inner sage would view it and say; perhaps the consequence of this choice I find myself making, having now discovered a new vista of ideals, may just be the kick-start I need to improve my health and wellbeing and life journey!

Regarding infants, children and younger teens, people with any disability or illness that renders them dependent on the system and integrity of the family, people and community around them, it is imperative that we begin realising we are making choices and managing the choices we make.

The White Galactic Mirror Kin represents initiation, introspect and retrospect and to be circumspect, which suggests less fear and stresses after surveying all possible consequence. Maybe in this period overseen by reflection I can think about previous choices I made, that did me no good, yet because I felt I had no other option, I chose the path of least resistance, and the easiest availability which felt like it may cause me the least grief, fear and difficulty at the time. In hindsight, how did this turn out!

Toward the end of this moon cycle, Kin 154 stands out - White Spectral Wizard. ‘I dissolve in order to enchant Releasing receptivity, I seal the output of timelessness, I am guided by my own power doubled, I am a galactic activation portal enter me.’

This is about transmission. All that you have been visualising and rethinking is now being offered a gateway to move forward. Refined and realised, your

feeling of limitlessness encourages you to let dissolve all you no longer require and to know you are a spark of cosmic consciousness, liberated by your innate power source.

Begin to share your thoughts with others.

April 4 to May 1 — 10th Planetary Moon of Manifestation Kin 166, White Planetary World-Bridger — Cardinal family.

‘I perfect in order to equalize, Producing opportunity, I seal the store of death, With the planetary tone of manifestation, I am guided by the power of timelessness.’

A double whammy of manifestation coming in very strongly. It is establishing a genesis of a new way of living in this density into that which we have recently ascended.

These are the days of a new way of creating and living in our world. This is not to do with the planet, it is to do with the way of life we wish to bring forth and leave for our children’s, children’s, children.

Before the Spectral Moon of Liberation enters in May, do your best to ensure that you are thinking and behaving, consuming and making choices that light your soul, gladden your heart and enrich future generations to come.

When studying the Dreamspell, the calendar and the Natural Law of Time, you can wander freely and choose to draw energy and meaning from the kin days that stand out to you — they have something to share, they are nutrients, food for the soul.

In Lak’ech ala’ kin. S

Contact ShirleySienna at Divining Me for ‘Soul Symmetry’ readings and ‘Extra Sensory Perceptions’.

Image credit: Pixabay

Issue 47 • | 53 DIVINE TIME

Angelic Entanglement

Have you ever seen a winged angel in the flesh?

It was a shock to me at first: not scary, yet quite alarming and certainly the most dramatic spiritual event in my life. In this first column for Supernal I’m sharing my life-changing visitation from an angel several years ago, which gave birth to a new project, more a mission, Beyond Being Human.

TO set the mood, play ‘Hallelujah’ in the background.

Whilst in a self-development workshop led by life coach, Robert Kirby, in Sydney, Australia, our group formed into pairs to practice an exercise. I found myself in a small room, partnered up with a lady, where, unexpectedly, my entire reality was about to change — dramatically!

After ten minutes my crown chakra expanded, with energy spreading to my extremities. Trying to stay present, yet mightily distracted with this expansion, I thought ‘Wow! Maybe I can see this energy flow from my fingers?’ I couldn't see the energy yet, as I looked at my hand, I thought ‘WINGS! What? Really? Wings’? I was alarmed as I could see white angel wings behind my chair!

I refocused to our exercise and could not see the lady! Even the room had changed — now with a spherical aspect. What was most perplexing was that my actual vision had changed! Facing forward, I saw a tall white-winged angel — even though I knew he was behind me. I later learnt this 360-degree vision is a common occurrence. Who would have thought? He was pale skinned, very masculine with pronounced muscles and wearing a white robe. His very intense eyes were captivating, almost like he was saying, "Shhhh... we're doing work here!"

It took a moment to compose myself as I went through a rapid mix of emotions and exclamations! My aura continued to grow energetically to the point that I became teary-eyed. Not emotionally,

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Image Credit: Angel statue at the entrance of the cemetery where Hermann Hesse is buried. Photo by Michael Ney, prismatic overlay by George Lourake.

more from the pressure of pushing away all my thoughts. I didn't ask questions. I don't even remember any ‘messages’ as such. Communication began later as the whole adventure unfolded.

"Angels are beings of light consciousness, here to help our individual and planetary cosmic evolution." – Normandi Ellis, author of The Ancient Tradition of Angels.

Let me reflect here, that from my teens, I experienced clear telepathy/ clairaudience. I'm now mid-60s and my life has been punctuated by various spiritual interactions and unexplained happenings. Once while meditating in a Satsang group, I burst into tears as I felt like I'd been touched by God or an angel. I saw an image of a heavenly finger gently touching my head and I remember simply melting from overwhelming love, instantly being cleansed in a spiritual sense. I now look back on other instances with curiosity and how they led up to this most profound interaction. I hasten to add that this does not make me feel ‘special’; indeed, I feel everyone is able to have similar experiences. I simply feel very blessed and humbled by the experience. It was so unusual; I admit there's much I may have forgotten. I do remember being lifted, or becoming light, being held up above my chair. All the while I was not fazed, just accepting of the experience. Just B R E A T H E!

Finally, as the otherworldly effect dissipated, I saw the lady before me again. As soon as I realised it was her and back in this realm, I almost screamed “What did you see?” Naturally, surprised and taken aback she said "Why nothing. What do you mean?" I couldn't believe it! She saw nothing! Quickly, I told her my experience but she was unmoved, looking at me as if I'd lost my mind. Much to my amazement I realised

this was an instant transportation to another dimension — out of time and space — returning the very next second. In my view, it lasted 10-15 minutes — What a ride!

You might wonder, ‘and then what?’ It's a long story and you may like to listen to my ‘Interview with Captain Ron’ which goes into more detail. Briefly, new guidance and inspiration started a month after my ‘angelic entanglement’. Sometimes, I feel a presence and one time I clearly heard the words, ‘Beyond Being Human’ and wondered ‘What's that about?’

Now, there's a project, combining many different components, with a documentary as the end goal. Along the way we conduct online interviews, discussion panels, courses and more. Inspiration continues to fulfil this spiritual mission. The first tagline is ‘exploring our multidimensional nature’, however, a new stronger directive is ‘ignite and sustain our divine spark’ expressed in the projects key topics. The documentary is coming into focus. We're raising funds now via philanthropic outreach and our various online offerings. Another tagline arose

recently, ‘Extraordinary people, in amazing locations, reveal astonishing truths of what it means to be Beyond Being Human’.

I hope you’ll join us in this adventure to raise humanity's awareness of how close divinity actually is in our lives. S

See also:

Video — Lorna Byrne has seen angels since childhood

Video — Emanuel Swedenborg, 18th-century spiritual philosopher

Beyond Being Human by Michael Ney explores mystical realities and our multidimensional nature. Michael is a filmmaker, photographer, digital media producer, publisher, and author.


"Hallelujah" composed by Phil Keaggy. Album: "How The West Was One", A Band Called David (2nd Chapter Of Acts) 1991 Sparrow Records

Robert Kirby conducts in-person and online classes

The Ancient Tradition of Angels by Normandi Ellis.

Foreword by Jean Houston and Lynn Andrews

Captain Ron Interview Michael Ney 2021

Issue 47 • | 55 BEYOND BEING HUMAN

April’s Swift Winds of Change

Hold onto your hats in April — it brings some of the most potent astrology of the year with a healing eclipse and a liberating shake up as big hitters Jupiter and Uranus meet.
“What’s hidden in the shadows tends to come to light during an eclipse…”

CHANGE often brings conflict and chaos to rumble what’s got to shift, so in such throes we benefit from taking a step back to do some soul searching and choosing to respond to situations in a spirit of moderation.

We are in times of great transformation as we enter the 2,160 year or so Age of Aquarius, occurring alongside a pivotal point in an even bigger 24,000 or so year cycle called the Grand Precessional Cross, now beginning its era of unity for those ready and willing to embrace it.

As ever, our free will determines how we respond to shifting astrological energy patterns. Whether we embrace or resist what is there, the frequency on Earth is lifting in these fated cycles.

At times it can feel like hitting a patch of turbulence in the skies. If our vessel has enough power and we have the far

sightedness to put it all in perspective, we might be able to rise above it. Or if circumstances don’t allow for that rising, we can weather a rough patch knowing it has its role and we can make it.

Healing Eclipse

A total solar eclipse occurs on 8/9 April when the sun, moon and wounded healer Chiron join at 19 degrees and 24 minutes of gung-ho Aries.

Chiron sitting at the same degree of this eclipse is already extraordinary, yet to take it next level, it will also be at exactly the same minute! The odds of Chiron sitting so precisely on this eclipse are incredibly slim — and of course odds have nothing to do with the fated placements of the Heavens.

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Chiron represents our deepest emotional and spiritual wounds and our efforts to ease them, which develops hard-won healing powers that can eventually transform suffering into growth.

With Chiron so involved in this eclipse, there is great potential for healing, however in punchy Aries style we could first see wounds prodded to bring matters to the surface.

Whether at collective or personal levels, the eclipse in independent Aries will inspire or push us to choose our own paths rather than following the ideas, plans, or perceptions of others.

The Aries warrior within will be called to assertively, or aggressively if in shadow, take action to go our own way and develop deeper self-identity.

This Mars-ruled eclipse will be seen across parts of the USA including Texas where there is a lot of martial activity already underway around border control matters. It will also sweep across parts of Mexico and Canada, so we can expect to see events in particular in these areas that bring up Aries themes.

Solar eclipses mark brand new chapters, helping us create new patterns for the coming six months.

What’s hidden in the shadows tends to come to light during an eclipse, and while it can initially be a shock or bring a ruckus, it is then ready to be dealt with. New opportunities may also appear out of the blue.

Surprise Surprise

Arguably the biggest transit of 2024 also happens in April, when shocker Uranus meets expansive Jupiter at 21 degrees Taurus on the 21st of the month.

This is likely to bring positive change, or at least cause events that are needed to bring about something liberating. A positive effect is likely because Jupiter is the Great Benefic of the skies and Uranus is the cage-shaking liberator. Together they bring a benevolent and explosive expansion that seeks freedom.

The risk in a shadow expression is Jupiter’s larger than life nature expands all it touches, and Uranus can shake too hard, bringing events on a large scale that rumble us too roughly.

It is impossible to guess what unpredictable Uranus will bring from out of the blue, however the gist will involve Taurean themes. These relate to the Earth and its movements, food and agricultural matters (likely with the uprising of farmers worldwide pushing back against various unfair situations), the art world, and/or money and financial matters.

Many other themes can come into the mix for us personally, depending on the areas in our natal charts where we carry Taurus, and how our planets and points might be directly impacted.

A sudden turning of the tides will occur in April, the nature of which depends on collective and personal karma and our choice in how we respond. S

Melanie Dufty is a taroist, an astrologer qualified by the Federation of Australian Astrologers, a Mahat Meditation lover and the author of the metaphysical fantasy novel, I Am Lilith.

A Regenerative Story Part 2


I would like to leave this world behind and live with my family on a plot of land surrounded by nature, where I don’t have to engage with humans. This is my dream dimension on this planet, right now! I reluctantly engage with most humans I encounter and anyone who knows me will attest to this.

EVEN if I consider you to be a member of my inner circle, I am not the person in your life that will connect with you regularly. I won’t call you or text you every day or month or maybe even a year for that matter. You may feel my absence is a conversation I am having with you, about how unimportant you are to me. I get that! However, if you are in my inner circle, you are important to me as I care about you and I will be here if you ever need my assistance or want to connect with me. I am not lost to you; I am always connecting with you within the quantum field of infinite possibilities. My love is always available to you! We are one!

Within my capabilities, I would do anything for the people I love and admire. We are one! Then, a thought found its way into my awareness; “Aren’t we all one?” This unwanted thought kept swirling around in my mind and changed the plan of direction for this article. I wanted to tell the story about how we humans can correct our behaviour and regenerate the living soil that forms the gut of our Mother Earth, Gaia. I wanted to tell the story of how humans have destroyed this beautiful planet. I really wanted to tell my story, narrating my anger and disappointment towards humanity for complying with the destructive forces of this physical world that destroys our home in the name of progress and comfort. I often wonder, are we as

smart as we think ourselves to be, when we keep making the same mistakes repeatedly?

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein We keep voting for the same system, believing that the new representative has the power to actually govern in the best interests of the people. I meet people nearly every day who believe that Australia is such a lucky country to have had such brave leaders during the Covid period, willing to make the tough decisions and bring us through with minimal fatalities. I used to say, “Did you not see what happened in Melbourne?” After a while, I gave up trying to convince them that something is wrong with a system where the government turns on its people, just because they want their rights upheld and are asking for actual evidence to the claims the government is making. It is not in the ruler’s best interest to truly educate us, allowing us intellectual and political freedom to question authority. They work so hard to block independent thought through government control and censorship.

“If you don’t want a man unhappy politically, don’t give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none.”

– Fahrenheit 451

Gaia. What follows is an excerpt from my conversation with Gaia, about my disappointment with humanity’s compliance to the fascistic governance put upon the inhabitants of Mother Earth.

“I often wonder, are we as smart as we think ourselves to be, when we keep making the same mistakes repeatedly?”

“While I understand your disappointment, I have my own regenerative story to tell. You speak of the regeneration of the Earth’s body; to enliven my soils across the globe and indeed to allow me to clean my rivers, streams, oceans and seas. Yes, if left alone, I would also clean the atmosphere and bring balance to this planet in the way that is right for this small planet and the inhabitants under my care. You see, I am holding space for all of you, because your participation in the regeneration process must include the regeneration of connection to the all that is.

“If you only seek to heal the many parts of my body without the understanding that humanity is part of my body and my beingness, then you will fail in your

“…I am holding space for all of you, because your participation in the regeneration process must include the regeneration of connection to the all that is.”

attempts to regenerate my soil. Stop making people feel bad for the wrong you perceive has been perpetrated upon me. They don’t want to believe that they would knowingly harm me and they don’t want to feel unworthy of my love and hospitality. And I don’t want my humanity to feel unworthy of my love and of their place on this planet. My regenerative story begins with the correction of humanity’s relationship with me on this planet. It is also the story of humanity’s awakening to their authentic identity and their relationship to their source.

“Not much will change until people really understand and accept their individuation of prime source. This will be the catalyst for authentic change that will bring balance to this planet. The story cannot just be about me! It is the story about us and our relationship with each other. Regeneration must occur on a multidimensional

level, for we are multidimensional beings. So, while I understand your disappointment, know that the law of one means that if you are disappointed at anyone, you are disappointed at yourself. We are, after all, ONE!”

I have nothing to add to this article, other than this; I remain open to the ways in which I can be of service to all life and I lay all my judgements at the feet of Mother Gaia, where I know they will be dissolved. May all the beings in all the worlds be happy! S

Charles has trained with earth wisdom keepers, spritual teachers and elders from cultural traditions Earth wide. Check out Charles’ blog on Gaian Wisdom here.

Issue 47 • | 61

The Duality that Fosters More Division

Seeing through racial optics has a range of manifestations: Critical Race Theory ideology is critical of 'colour-blindness,' instead conceptualising 'white supremacy', advocating for reversing 'black disadvantage' by opposing 'white advantage,' and encouraging 'voices of colour' to be spotlighted. How has the Buddha been portrayed within 'black Buddhist' discourse?

ISSUES of race, religion, ethnicity and social privilege reveal a stratified Buddhism. Since race is a capricious social construct, attempts to define it are fraught. A counterargument is, that however ambiguous the definition of ‘race’ is, suffering is the result. Black authors interweave Buddha into the civil rights movement, thus recreating a romanticised version of Eastern resistance against ‘white’ Western imperialist hegemony.

The Buddha is rebranded as ‘social reformer’, envisioning ‘Afro-Orientalism’, an idealised perception of Asia opposing Western dominion. Furthermore, ‘Black Buddhists’ have portrayed themselves as ‘radicalised’ and embraced The Buddha as a ‘person of colour’.

Buddhism has been embroiled in the West’s racial ‘baggage’, with the discourse between The Buddha’s teachings and ‘racial turmoil’ influenced by resistance against systems of dominance. The narrowing of debate surrounding a ‘black-white binary’ further marginalises other minorities, historically targeted and racially discriminated against, including Jews, Asians, Muslims, Native Americans and Hispanics. As the disenfranchised rise up to fight for utopian social justice, self-identified intersectionality, competition for power and corruption, eat at the fabric of political justice

The Buddha specifically admonishes ignorance and accepting norms of thinking, while encouraging practitioners to test out any theory to verify its veracity. In fact, the entire concept of race is disorientating, due to the proposition within racial

theory that humans are made up of separate genetically-constituted racial groups. In practice, what is meant is separate language, cultural, geographical, religious and national groupings. The formation of ‘identity’ is a multidimensional construct within the context of colonisation, post-colonisation, immigration, assimilation and hybridity. The semantics of cultural groups assumes that there is a biological separation between groups, when it is often cultural in makeup.

Kastrup’s (2019) framing of consciousness as the “ontological primitive”, explains the “dissociated alters” of our limited conceptual awareness and categorisation of thought forms, perpetuating further division. The ‘black Buddhist’ narrative situates ‘racialisation’ as the route to political empowerment by reversing

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disenfranchisement. However, in the process, the pro-racialisation labelling of people as ‘black’ or ‘white’ fosters a divisive rhetoric by bringing attention to historical privilege and disadvantage and the dynamics of wealth and status. The idea of an equal distribution of power is arguably fanciful within any power hierarchy and hence the duḥkha, or dissatisfaction of this existence.

“Buddhism has been embroiled in the West’s racial ‘baggage’, with the discourse between The Buddha’s teachings and ‘racial turmoil’…”

Non-duality philosophically positions Buddhism as quintessentially non-racialised. If we view any condition alone, we may foster a type of discomfort at disparities — duḥkha — in the world. In a Buddhist sense, this does not mitigate our responsibility to decrease suffering.

Is there an unconscious bias or prejudice against ‘blackness’? Consider how ‘white’ and ‘black’ are perceived. Some associate white with cleanliness and black with dirtiness. ‘Purity’ of physical form or racial characteristics are perceived as morally pure, whilst darkness in skin-tone is associated with immorality. These stereotypes extend to the example of Snow White or the conceptualisation of ‘virgin snow’ as ‘white purity’, revealing how moral cognition is shaped by metaphor. There is an ideological bias that elevates white skin and subjugates darker skin in India and Southern Asian in general. Cultural stereotypes can become radicalised into ‘white supremacist ideologies’, harbouring further subjugation, fear and racial inequity.

Is ‘whiteness’ a legitimate or consequential categorisation that is worth preserving? Consider the contemporary notions of ‘hegemony’ within a context of changing demographics, with ancestors of European immigrants transforming from 90% of the US population in 1950, to 75.8% today (USCB 1961; 2022). Does the ‘emptiness of whiteness’, as argued by scholars, presuppose that this ‘whiteness’ is a category at all? The basis of ‘whiteness’ refers only to skin colour, without any deeper meaning. Similarly, we see our existence as real, yet it does not have a fixed meaning’ In Buddhist philosophy, all phenomenological stimuli exist interdependently, co-dependent on causes and conditions.

By shifting the social justice debate to frame human nature as the core of Buddhist vocabulary, classing this as an existential issue, more than one can be calculated. Since Buddhist-dharma sets out to relieve suffering through ‘dis-identification’ with ‘self’, the idea of retaining the bonds of identification and empowering subjective identification, counter-positions ultimate truth. However, simultaneously, particularly Mahāyāna, accentuates a compassionate orientation with the Bodhisattva’s (Avalokitesvara) conception of ‘emptiness’ in the ‘Heart Sutra’, yoking emptiness to compassion.

“There is an ideological bias that elevates white skin and subjugates darker skin in India and Southern Asian in general.”

Compassion is not comparable or commensurate to ‘entitlement’. A mindset of moral responsibility for the suffering of others is essentially Buddhist, with the concept of intrinsic-extrinsic interconnectivity outlined by Thích Nhất Hạnh: “Birth and death cannot touch the Bodhisattva, nor the wave once it has realised that at the same time it is water.”

Ontologically, compassion emerges as the humanitarian core of bodhisattva. S

David is an Australian Meditation & Spiritual Teacher, Mental Health Consultant and author based in Queensland, Australia.

credit: Pixabay
Issue 47 • | 63 EXPECT MAGIC

Someday Isle

Someday Isle — doesn’t that sound like a tropical paradise of great beauty, designed for rest and relaxation? Imaging the scene! The sound of turquoise waves gently breaking on white sands, the blue, cloudless sky stretching as far as the eye can see, a glass of pure fruit juice, maybe with a little additive, in your hand — beautiful … dreamy!

SOUNDS amazing, doesn’t it?

It’s just what you need in the stress-driven, fast-paced world we seem to be living in, isn’t it? An oasis in time to gather your thoughts, relax your mind and body and just be. Sadly, I must apologise, as I’m about to burst your bubble! So often the spoken word differs from the written word and this is one such example. For ‘Someday’ Isle, read ‘Someday I’ll…’

Now, I am sure you will recognise that term. It is the beginning of many a sentence that accommodates the future, while avoiding committing to the present. It is the language of visionaries, dreamers and procrastinators; a repository of promises wrapped up in two little words.

Two words that lure us toward perpetual postponement: two words that assist us to avoid adding to the pressure and responsibilities of our already busy life.

“So, rest on “Someday Isle”, gather your strength and courage and step away from that hypnotic dance that distracts you from your purpose.”

In the world of “Someday I’ll…” we can have incredible ideas and aspirations. Anything from climbing the highest mountain, writing that long awaited

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book, marrying our Prince Charming or even as seemingly simple as changing our job. It is all there — percolating gently in our mind.

“Someday I’ll...” is a comfortable place, supporting our dreams, while, at the same time, keeping us away from the stress involved in taking action.

Each of our aspirations harbour the need for courage and the expectation of responsibility in making it happen. Therefore, “Someday I’ll...” is our protector and saviour, adapting to any given situation and giving us assurance that we will become brave enough to achieve our goal … someday. Absolutely no need to stress about it today though!

However, there is a price to pay. We feel the motivation of our dreams, lured on by the charm of “Someday I’ll...”, yet it carefully hides its deviousness. Silently, it has formed a union with its partner, Procrastination. They perform a subtle dance that keeps us in a constant state of anticipation of the great gifts to come. Together, they move in a rhythm of subtle distraction that delays our intentions, while keeping us enmeshed within them.

“Someday I’ll...” is an illusion, like a mirage in the desert; always on the horizon yet unattainable. We are bemused by its beauty and promise, with its purpose to make us believe we are moving toward it, yet in fact, we are not. We forget that “Someday I’ll...” is not a reality: it does not exist on the calendar; it is merely a dream.

We make many and varied incredible plans under the “Someday I’ll…” banner. Intricate and detailed, yet as elusive as a politician’s promise. They are architectural marvels, fantastic structures that are under constant construction. However, they are empty

and hollow, unliveable because they have no real substance, only in our fantasies.

Daily, the words tempt us to dream on, to add to our ‘to do’ list of future possibilities. Bigger dreams, greater potentials, while the duplicitous and subtle dance to the tune of “Someday I’ll...” continues unabated.

Do not despair though, for within “Someday I’ll...” is salvation, in the form of Hope. There is a promise of the elusive ‘someday,’ within every sunrise and sunset. “Someday I’ll...” shines like a beacon, drawing us ever closer to the possibilities we envisage. It is the catalyst for our imagination to dream wide and to drive our ambitions to come closer to materialising into beautiful actuality. For in the chasms between today and ‘someday’, lies the fertile ground where dreams take root and our aspirations flourish.

So, rest on “Someday Isle”, gather your strength and courage and step away from that hypnotic dance that distracts you from your purpose. Allow its elusive charm to continue to feed your dreams,

inspire you to reach for the stars and to keep the flame of hope burning bright. Even though ‘someday’ appears to remain just beyond your grasp, you know you can do this. Just change the spelling and take one small step toward the manifestation of an amazing life. S

Acknowledgement: With grateful thanks to Denis Waitley, whose book, ‘Seeds of Greatness’, inspired my thoughts.

Published: 1st June 2010, ISBN: 9781451607550.

Available through Booktopia, Fishpond or Amazon. Also available on Audible

Jane Offer is available for Counselling, Soul Mastery and Dynamic Healing Sessions. Please ring for an appointment 0431 168 027.

Image credits: Pixabay

Issue 47 • | 65 REFLECTIONS

Blessing Our Food

Have you ever considered your body to be a sacred site? We’ve all heard the term, ‘Your body is the temple of your soul.’ I wonder though, have you actually sat with that, felt into it, listened to your body and taken time to genuinely thank it? All of its faculties and facilities work 24-hours a day, processing, cleaning, repairing, growing — without conscious thought.

WHILE here you be; Spirit inhabiting a vehicle made of flesh, blood and bone, with autonomy and free will.

So yes, this does make your body sacred and, in fact, a sacred site. It is apt to call it a temple.

I pose the question, ‘How does one behave in a temple?’

As I understand it, with humility, reverence, respect, love, gratitude, prayerfulness and so on…

Perhaps this may change the perspective from which you view your body and how you have been using your mind.

Does your mind think loving thoughts about yourself and others, or is it busy, criticising and judging?

Everything we put into our body and mind will affect our temple. In the case of the mind, it’s the beliefs we hold, the programs we run and the thoughts we have, these are of course intrinsically connected to our emotions.


There is a wonderful book called Power Verses Force, by Dr David Hawkins, in which he offers an emotive consciousness equation; ‘The Vibrational Scale of Consciousness.’

It clearly defines the difference between unhealthy, poisonous attitudes and emotions, and healthy, life affirming ones, providing an excellent reference tool, which has helped both my students and me to shift frequency.

This whole magazine issue is speaking to the ‘modern’ way of delivering food, with additives, preservatives and flavours — the chemical maze. Personally, I don’t think it can truly be called food anymore, once it’s been adulterated in these ways. Most of its life force is gone and the chemicals are both unnatural and poisonous.

It’s also important to realise that everything we consume through our multidimensional being is a food of sorts. Everything that we listen to, watch, read and believe populates our mind with programs, beliefs and desires. Then, these subtle matters define the condition of our etheric and physical body temples and define the direction of our lives.

This is a good way of thinking about what other additives are going into your mind. Commercials, media, unpleasant news and indoctrination etcetera. The question is, are they healthy or unhealthy. Do they serve your temple?

In the same way that there are many ways to cleanse your body, there are also numerous ways to cleanse your subconscious mind. Transformational Meditation, Prayer, Mindfulness, Spiritual Healing, giving Service, to name a few.

It helps to consider that every single living or sentient being has a body, therefore a temple of its own. Each seed, fruit, flower or tuber is a reproductive organ of a plant that

has feelings and sentience. In fact, they have consciousness and, with the aid of a plant music device, they can communicate. Check out Season 3, Episode 8 — Plant Consciousness is Real podcast or Issue 29, September 2021 for the written story.

Animals are also sentient beings, with feelings and consciousness. So, every plant and animal you eat feels the pain of being harvested or slaughtered. Animals and plants are not the same thing they are however sentient as previously stated. We become what we eat and so, in either regard, it is wise to cleanse and bless your food.

In terms of the food on our plates, one simple way in which we can honour our body temple and that of the Earth, is to bless our food. The custom of saying a prayer before meals can be traced to the origins of most of the world’s peoples, when our ancestors first asked blessings for a successful hunt or harvest, and then offered prayers and offerings before eating their meal.

Remember it’s the sincerity with which you say the blessing that counts.

It is a good idea to hold your hands over your plate or the table and project your intention to allow the blessing to permeate the food. S

Image: what-david-hawkins-taught-us-about-theemotional-scale-of-consciousness-andachieving-higher-levels-a21b337b534d

A simple blessing could be:

I/we call on the Animate Everything Everywhere

Beloved, thank you for the gift of these bounties we are about to receive

I/we ask that the processes involved in bringing this food to my/our table be thoroughly cleaned and purified

That all of the hands that helped bring this to my/our table be blessed

That all of the species here be abundant and that the Earth be blessed with clean water, soil, air and the perfect amount of sunlight

May this food raise me/us to optimal vibration through my/our mind, body and energy fields

In full faith, with love and gratitude, so be it!

Freya Sampson is the Founder and Custodian of, ‘A New Eartheart Foundation Ltd’ in Fremantle, WA. Freya is available for Crystal Dreaming™, The Liquid Crystals and a range of holistic services.

For seekers of the truth, philosophers of the profound and keepers of a compassionate heart. We invite you to journey into self-discovery, with shared stories of extraordinary lives. For rates, information and enquiries, Supernal 68 | • Issue 47

I Have a Question!

Q: What is the difference between vibration and frequency from a metaphysical point of view?

A: In metaphysics, the terms ‘Vibration’ and ‘Frequency’ are often used in a symbolic manner, rather than in their scientific definitions. From this perspective, these terms are often intertwined and used to describe the underlying energetic nature of reality. The idea is that everything, including thoughts and emotions, has a vibrational quality that can influence personal experiences and the nature of reality itself.

Are you a Seeker? Are you new to this path and find yourself confused by conflicting information? Are you looking for down-to-earth information that makes sense in today’s world?

Please email your questions to editor@ and one of our experts will supply an answer.

The term Vibration is often associated with the idea of energy fields or life force energy: auras or Chi. Everything is considered to have its own unique vibrational frequency which influences various aspects of existence. By aligning one's own vibrations with those of the Universe or higher spiritual realms, through practices such as meditation, Yoga, walking in nature or receiving healing, can lead to a state of inner harmony and well-being.

On the other hand, Frequency is the pattern or rate at which energy vibrates. Different frequencies correspond to different states of consciousness or dimensions. As thoughts and emotions also emit certain frequencies, by maintaining positive frequencies, we can attract positive experiences or manifestations into our lives.

Whilst these terms were originally deeply rooted in ancient spiritual traditions and philosophical perspectives, their presence is now a scientific fact, in many different ways. Microphones measure vibration, radio and TV stations broadcast on different vibrational frequencies, cell phones use vibrational Hertz levels and so on. The boundary of research is being pushed daily and there is growing evidence that what the ancients knew all along was correct. S

Issue 47 • | 69 THE SEEKER’S GUIDE

Next Issue — Out May 1st, 2024


Great Awakening

In the May/June issue of Supernal Magazine we look at ‘Our Great Awakening’. This year 2024, relates specifically to The Great Eight and the infinity symbol ∞ — 8 opens the gate!

Supernal will look into the various topics of the infinite, and the year ahead. It is about awakening to the world within and around us! Our perception of humanity, the subject of humanitarian solutions, encompassing compassion, being responsible for our own

health, and healing from the inside out, the topic of abundance and most of all — expanded awareness and consciousness!

It will be a Supernal read for sure!


• Seekers’ Guide

• Beyond Human

• Wellbeing Through Nutrition

• Page 11 News

…and more

70 | • Issue 47



1Life Radio


Beyond Being Human

Bridging Realms

Bridging Realms Core Issue

Vibrational Healing™

Busybird Publishing

David Starlyte

Essential Healing Centre

Freya Sampson Custodian Eartheart

Forever Haunted

Gaian Heart Wisdom

Gippsland Outdoor Magazine

Health, Wellbeing & Lifestyle

Inner Atlas Coaching

Ivy Hajduk Design

Lia Estate Design Group

Louise Clarke: Earth Walker

Melanie Dufty

Orgone Effects

Re-Wild Your Water

ShirleySienna — Divining Me

Supernal Magazine Australia

The Oaktree Organisation

Issue 47 • | 71

Contributor Bios

Anthony Kilner, Editor

Anthony has worked in magazines and publishing for over 25 years as a photo journalist, travelling Australia and the globe, with a bent towards lifestyle and spirituality. Anthony is a published author with 2 full books (Secret Spiritual Business & Practical Mediumship) plus 3 co-authored books (Healthy Mind, Healthy Body & Healthy Spirit). As a Psychic Medium Anthony is qualified in trance healing, massage, Reiki and Seichim, he also works as an educational facilitator, mentor, energy worker, speaker and musician. Having studied Vibrational Healing and meditation techniques in India and Australia, Anthony understands these to be powerful tools to promote ongoing wellbeing that encourages self-healing. In 2018, Anthony launched Bridging Realms — Core Issue Vibrational Healing™. This system of energy work combines Anthony’s knowledge into a single package, offering a unique holistic service for his clients.

David Starlyte, Spiritual Teacher, Naturopath, Mental Health Counsellor

David is a spiritual guide with a background globally as a healer at some of the world’s most beautiful locations including Maldives, Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, and Mauritius. After an extensive inner journey of suffering, David was able to transmute pain. This informed his approach as a psychotherapist and coach. His work is holistic, focused on the whole person, informed by Buddhist mindfulness and compassion, and follows his dedication to fulfilling his soul purpose to awaken people. David is a Masters Degree graduate of Australia’s only Buddhist university, Nan Tien. As a mental health advocate, David’s writing is informed by the pursuit of recovery, healing and wholeness. In his spare time, he enjoys creating original artworks (available for commission). See:

Freya Sampson, Earthart Custodian

Freya Sampson is the Founder and Custodian of, ‘A New Eartheart Foundation Ltd’ in Fremantle, WA. Her transformational awakening in 1999 catapulted her into a life in service to humanity, the Earth and all sentient life upon it. Freya has worked extensively with the Australian Aboriginal culture and with world leaders in the movement of Consciousness-Change. She is an internationally renowned shaman, healer and teacher. Her huge heart overflowing with compassion and ability to get to the core of the issue has allowed countless peoples dis-ease to be transformed into ease and grace. Freya shares her wisdom in her body of work, ‘Tree of Life, Pathway to Empowerment’. Her passion is awakening hearts, to together, transform life on Earth.

Jane Offer, Sub Editor

Jane is a counsellor, teacher, health practitioner with a Masters in Metaphysical Science. Through family illness, Jane became fascinated by the holistic approach to wellness, founding Spectrum Health Trust UK in 1991, facilitating life empowerment workshops, meditation, healing courses and health management programmes, helping many people to explore their potential. In 2007, Jane relocated to Australia opening The Purple Dragonfly in Warrandyte Victoria and launched The Oak Tree Organisation Australia continuing her passion of promoting personal empowerment. “I believe that everyone has infinite potential, which remains undiscovered when the pain from the past overshadows the present. We are amazing and unique with a definite purpose in life and, when fear and uncertainty are swept away, our possibilities are limitless. The joy and privilege of watching a person rediscover their own power touches my soul every time.”

Want to become a contributor at Supernal Magazine? Email: 72 | • Issue 47

Lia Estate, ARMIT MDIA QMi

Lia is an award winning Interior Architect/Designer, Furniture/Product Designer with over 30 years’ experience utilising intuitive skills to create environments and spaces that are nurturing, aesthetically pleasing, functional and supportive. As an artist Lia explores her creativity with drawing, painting, photography and printmaking. A qualified senior educator, Lia assists her clients to investigate and go deep into the psyche to reveal insights, viewpoints and a creative perspective in real world realms. Lia is a qualified Quantum Medical Intuitive/Energy Healer, Newlife Reiki Seichim practitioner, Matrix Energetics and is Clairvoyant. As a lead singer/vocalist and musician, Lia utilises voice, tone and sound in her vibrational healing work. With over 12 years in practice and a life time of intuitive experiences, Lia is an empath who assists clients to understand their own dis-ease and issues that lie beneath the surface of dysfunction for ongoing wellbeing and happiness.

Louise Clarke, Earth Walker, Crystal Dreaming® Practitioner

Louise was born in South Africa and has spent the majority of the past decade traveling the world to feed her passion for Sacred Sites, Indigenous Wisdom, the connection between Wilderness and Wellbeing and Walking as an Art of Healing. A dedicated advocate for freedom, Louise co-founded the global liberation movement in 2011 called Ubuntu Planet and currently actively contributes on the executive committee of Wirritjin Peggera:lin - a movement of unity in Australia. Louise is unapologetically a ‘bush girl’ and spends much of her time in nature. Walking 400km in a month in Mozambique in 2021, she was inspired to create an online store showcasing the life art of rural artisans, so connecting them to the global market. She is also a Crystal Dreaming® practitioner.

Melanie Dufty, Astrologer

Melanie Dufty is an Astrologer, Tarotist and Writer, Melanie is a Federation of Australian Astrologers qualified astrologer and author of metaphysical fantasy novel I Am Lilith. Based in Perth with her husband and two teenage sons, Melanie previously spent nine years in London and Sydney working in corporate communications (banking and retail), and highly sceptical about the non-material realms. During the homebirth of her first son, and in the year that followed, she hit the spiritual road, becoming passionately interested in the soul’s journey and energy medicine. Melanie began with Pranic Healing, and the last 10 years has been devoted to Mahat Meditation and Integrated Therapeutic Alignment (ITA) energy medicine. Reconciling light and dark has been a big theme in Melanie’s life, leading to a quest to understand duality and to embody the truth that transcends it - unity.

Michael Ney

Michael Ney is a filmmaker, photographer, digital media producer, publisher and author. His first documentary, Earthwalk, records the gathering of many indigenous elders in 1989 held by Earth Repair Foundation. Michael is a pioneer in web development through early internet provider, Pegasus Networks. With four decades experience in both creative and project management roles, he offers documentary consultancy to select clients. His documentaries include Peace Angels — first steps, Baba’s Birthday and Crystal Waters — 30 Years On, among others. Michael also conducted experiential shamanic and crystal workshops in 1984-88, which led to the magazine, The Crystal Visionary, which is soon to be revived online. A keen photographer, he regularly worked for magazines such as Nature & Health, Simply Living, Rolling Stone, Sonics and others. His current inspirational documentary, Beyond Being Human, is developing alongside online publishing.

ShirleySienna Coventry, Medium, Numerologist, DreamSpell and Divine Symmetry

ShirleySienna is recognised throughout Australia and around the globe, by her clients and peers as a highly perceptive and accurate Psychic Medium, Tutor, Speaker, and Demonstrator. Proficient in many modalities of Spiritual and Galactic communication and connection, ShirleySienna’s passion and international acknowledgment as a Crystal Skull Caretaker and Earth-Spirit Wisdom Keeper, has enabled her to travel and integrate a diversity of unique teachings and experiences into both her personal and professional life. In turn she assists others as they endeavour to access and understand the many areas of their own ‘Divine Soul Symmetry’. ShirleySienna facilitates public and private events, workshops, classes and lectures in many areas of spiritual and psychic development as well as private consultations.

Issue 47 • | 73
Shirley Sienna At Divining Me Mediumship/Oracle/Tarot/Numerology/Psychic Readings Public and Private Events Crystal Skull Wisdom Keeper Consultations by Appointment Email: Tel: 0403 484 892 Divine Symmetry MELANIE DUFTY Astrologer (Dip. Federation of Australian Astrologers) Who are you, why are you here, what’s up now? David Starlyte +61447082955 Trauma - informed Spiritual Healer Teacher & Counsellor B.H.Sci ( Naturopathy ) MA ( Mental Health ) MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING CONSULTANT starmentalhealth Facebook davidstarlyte Instagram 74 | • Issue 47

Ivy Hajduk Design




I offer deeper insight, guidance and direction.


Online & in-person (Outer East Melb)

0402 249 024



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