Supernal Magazine Australia - Issue 36 - June 2022

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Issue 36 - June 2022

Ordinary People Living Extraordinary Lives

Pagan by Nature Features Wheel of the Year Reincarnation Pt II – Ranjit Appears

Interviews Tamara Lampard – DruidCraft Pete Blake - A Druid’s Journey

News Northern Rivers NSW – Coraki Community Australian Independent Network News

Divine Time - Crystal Moon of Cooperation • 21st Century Parenting - The Right Food for Life Wild Gaia – Gaia VS Artificial Intelligence • Reflections – Pagan History

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supernal [soo-pur-nl] adjective Being in or belonging to the heaven of divine beings; heavenly, celestial, or divine. Lofty; of more than earthly or human excellence, powers, etc. Being on high or in the sky or visible heavens.

Founders: Anthony Kilner, Jane Offer Publisher: Supernal Media Pty Ltd Editor: Anthony Kilner Deputy Editor: Freya Savitri Sampson Sub Editor: Jane Offer Editorial Consultant: ShirleySienna Coventry

Invocation We call on the over-soul of Supernal Magazine; we call on Supernal’s unconditionally loving team of guides, teachers and friends in spirit. We call forth the elements of creation and the essence of creation – geometries of light, sound and unconditional love. We call forth the flower of life and our soul family to co-create with us the most extraordinary Supernal Magazine possible, in service to the unfurling Divine Plan. So Be It!

Giving of Thanks We give thanks to all those in Spirit who have been with us throughout this creative process, to all those in-body who have selflessly contributed and to all those who read Supernal Magazine. May you be blessed!

Art Director: Christel Mathelot Assistant Art Directors: Lia Estate Art Consultant: Kev Howlett – Busybird Publishing Advertising Manager: Feature Story: Freya Savitri Sampson Cover Design: Christel Mathelot Cover Art: ‘The Sun’ by Eris Elizabeth Contributors: Melanie Dufty, Louise Clarke, Olivia Sinco, Catherine Fyans, Hollie Mariconte, Amy Dalla Riva, Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot & Tammy Sinclair. Copyright: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Supernal Australia Magazine Founders or Editor. Disclaimer: The views and comments expressed by individuals and contributors do not necessarily represent those of the publishers and no legal responsibility can be accepted for the result of the use by readers of information or advice/suggestions of whatever kind given in this publication, either editorially or from advertising. Refer to for details. Supernal Magazine Australia is a division of Supernal Media Pty Ltd ACN: 631 649 584 ABN: 91 631 649 584

In Lak’ech.

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CONTENTS – JUNE 202 Acknowledgment Of Country We acknowledge the Booja (country) and it’s Traditional Custodians - The Aboriginal peoples of all countries and tribes. We call on the Ancestors, past and present, Earth and star, who love us unconditionally. We call on the good spirit to be present with us as we journey Supernal Magazine. We call on th eRainbow Serpent and the Dreaming Serpents of each Aboriginal Country. Thank you for being with us and for your blessings and guidance.


Freya Savitri Samsson – Custodian Eartheart

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NSW Flood Update

AFPIN Page 11 News

FEATURES 12 The Wheel of the Year

Take a step into the origins of what we now call Paganism and its rich history of how they celebrate the cycles of nature through traditions, rituals and beliefs that pre date our modern religions.

INTERVIEWS 20 Tamara Lampard

Join us in learning about DruidCraft a blend of Druidry and Witchcraft, from Tamara Lampard, a High Priestess, as she enriches us with her knowledge of her craft and how she has blended it to suit her Australian home.


Pete Blake

Pete Blake’s journey into understanding Druidry has become an intrinsic part of his life. Pete explains how his life has evolved. “My spiritual path is largely my own. I draw from various threads, inspired by many wisdom teachings woven together into an expression that reflects my Self.”

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FEATURES 30 Reincarnation Pt II – Ranjit Appears Jane Offer returns with Reincarnation Part II where we meet Ranjit and discover how life and spirit often has other plans than the ones we create ourselves.


Shirley takes an in-depth look at the Crystal Moon of Cooperation for June and explains the vibrations and how we will be affected through the galactic order of consequence, Karma and captivity through this month.

ASTROLOGY 38 A New Earth – Now

Do the stars decide our future? Do we really have free Will? Melanie Dufty looks at these questions and explains the many perspectives astrologically to which we can explain what happens to us in life

GAIAN CONSCIOUSNESS 40 Wild Gaia – Timeless Wisdom

Mother Earth is talking however are we listening? Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot explains why we should and just how much we are allowing all things artificial to take away the powerful natural way of living.


24 HEALTH AND WELLBEING 46 Reflections

Pagan history pre dates that of Christianity, we look at how the term pagan began and how they fought to stay connected to their roots and traditions.


Pathways to Conscious Health

From Victimhood to Empowerment! This month Dr Catherine Fyans looks at the emotions and feelings people go through as they attempt to create a new focus, identity, lifestyle and, hopefully, a source of income in uncertain times.


21st Century Parenting

Finding the right food is one thing, finding the right time to sit down and eat that food with the family is super important to the wellbeing of the whole family. Olivia Sinco explains her view on getting this right.



SACRED SITES ALCHEMY 54 Sacred Sites Alchemy

Freya Savitri explains how; “Henge Circles, like every other Sacred Site I’ve visited have a way of revealing themselves, as and when they perceive their guest is ready. They don’t just give over all their secrets.”


Quote of the Month



SUPERNAL 58 Ad Directory 59

Videos & Podcasts


Contributor Bios


Business Cards

SACRED SITES 52 Sacred Sites

Louise Clarke continues her stories on Africa’s Great Mysteries and look deeply into the secrets of Africa’s River of Gold!

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A Letter from the Editor

Ed’s Letter Welcome to Issue 36 – Pagan by Nature! It’s been an interesting month indeed. There have been plenty of personal challenges and an equal number of work-related challenges. It seems to me that during this transition from Spring to Winter, that time has sped up even more and that the challenges to living a life of freedom have gone up ten-fold! We’ve had elections, and there are more coming for Victoria. There has been so much corruption exposed at all levels of Government, from councils up, and people are going crazy. I’ve also found them being downright nasty to each other. I’m seeing people just want to argue, bully others and threaten people while they voice their ideas. The next time someone says, “Do you really want to go there?” talking about Dan Andrews and the debacle here in Victoria, I think I’ll just scream! In my mind, it’s about finding solutions to the challenges, not reacting violently. I know there are times when I’ve just wanted to curl; up in a ball and cry! That’s not the solution; it just helps pass a few minutes while I get over myself. I reckon that many people feel backed into a corner and can’t find some light at the end of the tunnel. When you take into account V-status, constant media lies, cost of living, interest rate rises, the state of the health system

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Anthony Kilner

and a divided medical fraternity, the state of homelessness, the state of the school system, global conditions, and the ongoing list adding pressure to what has been a tough few years for millions of people here in Australia and overseas, it’s easy to understand why people are struggling.

Yet, while there is so much going on, many good things are also happening. As we approach each challenge individually and find a solution, the intent is to find happiness, joy, and personal satisfaction in living our life. In this issue about paganism, I have realised many things about myself and the need to return to nature. For example, I’ve always aligned myself with Buddhism and Spiritualism as a philosophy, a way of life – yet there’s always been something that’s not felt quite right. The interviews with Tamara Lampard and Pete Blake are pretty eye-opening to what paganism and Druidry look like in 2022! It’s about connection to the seasons, all aspects of nature and a spiritual understanding that allows people to be free thinkers in life. It’s a philosophy that will enable knowledge with spiritual growth in all aspects of life. Most importantly, their beliefs are more aligned with my own than I thought possible. Obviously, there’s a lot more to that than meets the eye; however, I hope the contents of this issue gets people thinking about the possibility that there are a lot of benefits to being consciously connected to Mother Earth and each other, than previously thought. Our stunning cover image this month represents growth and change in the world. It’s been beautifully created by Eris Elizabeth. It’s titled The Sun and is from her Penumbra Tarot deck. Supernal is getting a hold of this deck and will review it with details on where to get it. Stay tuned as this visually stunning deck is fantastic! Again this month, our columnists have outdone themselves. Sacred Sites by Louise Clarke explores Africa’s hidden secrets while Freya Sampson takes us on a journey into Stone Henge and her experiences with Menhirs. Hollie Mariconte takes us into the Coraki Community, sharing her flood recovery updates, while AINN (Australian Independent

News Network) features some exciting news with their new column, Page 11 News. Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot offers Part II of The Language of Gaia VS Artificial Intelligence. This story is an eye-opener for readers to look at where humanity has taken us. Olivia Sinco has a food dilemma in her 21st Century Parenting column, and of course we have plenty of thought-provoking reading on offer! We hope you all have a Supernal June and a beautiful connection to nature!

A n th o n y K il n e r


Image Credit: ‘The Sun’ by Eris Elizabeth, Pete Blake & Pexels


Supernal Magazine



Northern Rivers NSW – Coraki Community By Hollie Mariconte Another month has passed since the last flood update, yet very little has changed in the small towns of Northern Rivers NSW. More than three months have passed since the floods decimated these towns, people are tired, fed up and still living in bad living conditions.

remain untouched. Leaving many residents in limbo and unable to move on with their lives.

Coraki Community Hub, is the place where all donations are dropped and distributed. Bianca, the volunteer coordinator of the hub and the fifth generation living in this little town, was able to express the stage in which the people of Coraki are recovering in this disaster.

For those who have been successful in obtaining grants, the next issue is access to building materials and trades. There is a huge shortage in the region.

“We cleaned up our town because we love our town. But now, you if you drove in our streets, you’d think things are fine. If you walked into a home it’s bare bones, no floors, no walls, nothing. No basic human needs, like human rights.” Many people still wait to hear from insurance companies, assessors and hydro-apologists and until they do, homes must

There are many people, who continue to try to access grants, and due to long waiting lists or very strict guidelines, many people do not fit into the same box as everyone else, many residents have been refused.

Bianca said: “This is a humanitarian crisis. People are homeless, they’re freezing, there are people camping in tents with babies.” Some residents of the town have decided to sell their flood-affected homes to buy caravans, so they do not have a fixed address if this problem recurs. Other people want to sell, but due to the dramatic fall in property prices, they would be left with a huge mortgage that leaves no money to pay for a rental.

“For those who have been successful in obtaining grants, the next issue is access to building materials and trades.” 818 Supernal SupernalMagazine Magazine

“When your saving are decimated by people don’t have relocate, it costs m

gs and livelihoods a disaster like this, e the resources to money to do that.”


When your savings and livelihoods are decimated by a disaster like this, people don’t have the resources to relocate, it costs money to do that. Even if people can leave, they don’t want to. These towns are home, full of familiar faces, people they know and trust, and can count on them if things get tough. When asked what Bianca would do to help these towns recover, she suggested FIFO camps and trade employees under the federal government. Flying in to spend two weeks rebuilding houses and if the government can’t pay for all this, they could launch a subsidy program. “We need a blitz here so that these small towns don’t die!”

The community of Coraki are in need of Flannelette sheets, fan heaters, slow cookers and quilts. The hub had recently received a very friendly donation of handmade quilts, they literally flew out the door. People have lost everything, things of sentimental value. There’s something really special about homemade items that someone had put so much time and energy in order to make you feel loved. People in these communities feel forgotten by our federal government, and more needs to be done. If it weren’t for the many Australians who help with donations, I dare say that this situation would be much worse, which is difficult to say, considering how people have been living for the last three months. You can follow the Coraki community hub on Facebook and direct any queries to their email address Image Credit: Hollie Mariconte

“People in these communities feel forgotten by our federal government, and more needs to be done.” Supernal Magazine


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Page 11 News In an effort to bring you critical and independent news, Supernal has teamed up with another FREE forum AFIPN – Australian Free Independent Press Network and the AINN – Australian Independent News Network. Please support Luke and his amazing team as they are doing a phenomenal job bringing truth back to journalism. Check out their web pages and social media pages.

Perth grandmother found dead in her home after waiting more than two hours for an ambulance. By Luke Roughley - May 18, 2022 A Perth grandmother died from a suspected heart attack after she was forced to wait more than two hours for an ambulance. Georgina Wild, 80 first called the St Johns Ambulance service at 2:30am on Sunday morning complaining of chest pains, the job was flagged as an urgent priority one call. Despite the urgency of the call, an ambulance did not arrive at Wild’s Ashby home until just before 5am where paramedics pronounced her deceased at the scene. To read the full story Click HERE:

New South Government’s push to be the first to Digital ID pilot. By Ari Williams - May 10, 2022 New South Wales residents are slated to be the first in line to test the NSW government’s new

Digital ID program, as the government announces an allocation of $2.1 billion to invest in digital transformation projects. In early April this year, the New South Wales government published the details of the Digital ID pilot program it intends to roll out; along with details of a Digital Restart Fund; on the website. To read the full story Click HERE:

Queensland Medical specialists challenge vaccine mandate. By Ari Williams - May 13, 2022 A group of eleven medical specialists and GPs in Queensland have launched legal proceedings challenging the Chief Health Officer’s vaccine mandate. The group’s review application to the Supreme Court claims that each doctor’s ability to continue to practice medicine has suffered a detriment, by removing, limiting, or entirely preventing their ability to do so. NR Barbi law firm, who filed the application, said there was no probative evidence to justify the decision, claiming it was an improper use of power. The application also claims that Chief Health Officer Dr John Gerrard had no jurisdiction to authorise the public health direction to mandate vaccination for workers across multiple health care settings. To read the full story Click HERE: Image Credit: Supplied by AINN, WWW

Supernal Magazine


Wheel of the Year

By Freya Savitri Sampson - Custodian Eartheart

In ancient times religion did not exist. Their customs were fluid within everyday life; their rituals, beliefs, and traditions were an oral tradition, passed down experientially, rather than rote-learned. In ancient Celtic culture, time was cyclical/circular, not linear/rigid. It was as much a part of the nature as forests, mountains, rivers and sky. It is thought ancient Celts observed four seasonal festivals evenly spaced throughout the year

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– Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh. These are called ‘Cross Quarter Days’, and are approximately midway between each of the equinoxes and solstices. Equinoxes and solstices make up the other four celebrations; Yule, Ostara, Litha, and Mabon called ‘Quarter Days’. The timing is based on the Sun’s transition, therefore are solar festivals. It’s generally thought that pre-Christian people didn’t celebrate the eight festivals. Later, these yearly festivals/

sabbats, became the current Wheel of the Year, popularised through 1950s Pagan and Wiccan religious movements. Wiccan celebrations may also include full and dark moons as events. Countless pictorial versions of the Wheel exist, with festival positions varying. Roots in several cultures mean a plethora of names and spellings used; pre-Christian, Christian and contemporary, Wicca and modern Paganism; where no universal tradition is observed across the board.

feature 2022 Southern Hemisphere Dates Festival

Traditional Date

Astrological Date

Sun Position


1 February

4 February

15° of Aquarius

Mabon Autumn Equinox

20-21 March

21 March

0° of Aries


30 April

5 May

15° of Taurus

Yule Winter Solstice

20-22 June

21 June

0° of Cancer


1 August

7 August

15° of Leo

Ostara Spring Equinox

22-23 September

23 September

0° of Libra


31 October

7 November

15° of Scorpio

Litha Summer Solstice

21-22 December

22 December

0° of Capricorn

The eight festivals are designed to bring attention to one’s gains and losses throughout the yearly cycle; a miniature of our entire life. Many ancient civilisations, including the Celts believed that ingratitude was an attitude which would lead a person into darkness; pride, resentment, bitterness and self-piteousness. Reflection and giving thanks for all (gains and losses), keeps a healthy balance. Originating in Northern Hemisphere (NH), these dates are advanced by six months to align with the seasons as they occur in the Southern Hemisphere (SH). Please see 2022 Southern Hemisphere Dates table above

Solar Festivals (Quarter Days/Lesser Sabbats) Mabon, Yule, Ostara and Litha are solar festivals, as they measure the Earth’s position in relation to the Sun. They are also known as sun-sabbats. Dates for the equinoxes and solstices vary slightly from year-to-year, occurring at

“The eight festivals are designed to bring attention to one’s gains and losses throughout the yearly cycle; a miniature of our entire life.” differing local times, so a date range is usually included. The solstices and equinoxes occur when the Sun reaches 0° of the four cardinal signs of the tropical zodiac – Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. These festivals form the cross spokes of the Wheel.

Fire Festivals (Cross Quarter Days/Greater Sabbats) Lughnasadh, Samhain, Imbolc and Beltane festivals are midway between the two solstices and two equinoxes. These festivals are measured as midpoints between solstices and equinoxes in degrees

along the ecliptic, the astrological dates are around the 4th to the 8th of the month. Some also celebrate at the full or dark Moon nearest these dates and these are referred to as moon-sabbats. Unlike astronomical calendars that define the start of a season on a solstice or equinox, the Celts perceived solstices and equinoxes as events occurring mid-season, with the seasons actually beginning and ending on the cross quarters.

The Birth of the Sun The basic archetypal premise of the Wheel of the Year is the relationship between the God and Goddess, whilst specific nuances vary between traditions. Wicca is viewed as a Duo-theistic Pagan Religion; the belief in the existence of two supreme deities. Together they represent the duality of the Divine; their aspects are a symbolic, and reflect the balance expressed of the passing of time, in the natural the world. God symbolising

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the life force of the Sun and the Goddess of the Earth. This Wheel describes the cycle of the Sun, accompanying the Earth’s changing seasons. The Goddess gives birth to her son, The God, at Yule. At Imbolc, The Goddess begins her transformation, through renewal becomes the maiden. In spring, The God is an adolescent; The Goddess appears to him as a youthful woman. Falling pregnant to him at Beltane, embodying the gift of new life. At Litha, The God’s power zeniths (like nature). The light begins to wane. The God ages, his selflessness visible during the harvests at Lughnasadh and Mabon. The Goddess transforms into the wise crone at Samhain, as The God surrenders his life to the land. He returns to the womb of the Goddess, restoring, preparing for rebirth at the winter solstice. At this darkest time (Winter), the Goddess gives birth to her son, The God. Once more becoming lovers in the spring, perpetuating and sustaining the cycle of birth/renewal.

The Holly King & The Oak King The Holly and Oak Kings in some traditions are two rulers, each reigning over six months, changing at Yule and Litha, symbolising the changing strength of the Sun as the seasons change. The Oak King takes over at the winter solstice, while the Holly King ascends at the summer solstice. The Kings are polar reflections of The God,

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constantly fighting for the affections of the Goddess: light/ dark, waxing/waning, death/ rebirth. Their origins are Celtic: trees were sacred, especially the Oak. Oaks go into a dormant state during winter, whilst Hollys are evergreen. When the Oaks lost their leaves, the Hollys, no longer hidden ruled the land.

Lughnasadh 15° of Aquarius - 4 February 2022 Traditional Date: 1 February (Old Irish pronounced loo-nusuh - oo as in moon) Key Attributes: Abundance, fecundity, harvest of grains In the SH after the summer solstice, with each day that passes, the days grow shorter and the bounty at its zenith, the crops are harvested. As with the Sun, the God’s power begins to diminish. In ancient times, in the NH people wouldn’t have had fresh grains and fruits in months. Traditional celebration included the ritual cutting and offering of the first grain, and storing of seeds for the following spring and afterward marriages occurred through pagan hand fasting rituals. In the SH, during Lughnasadh, the constellation of Leo can be seen rising from low in the north-eastern sky at around 10pm. The constellation appears upside down, Regulus the brightest star is the bottom representing in dot the question mark and also the lion’s heart. It is also known as ‘The Sickle’ because it looks like the agricultural reaping hook

which was originally used for harvesting or cutting grain crops. Celebrating Lughnasadh in Australia: Research and learn about the Aboriginal traditions at this time Find and enjoy native bush foods in your local area Observe nature and identify Make herbed damper Share or trade produce Visit local growers gardens Enjoy viewing the prominent constellations of Orion and Leo

Mabon Autumn Equinox 0° of Aries - 21 March 2022 (WA 20 March) (pronounced mah-bon or maybon) Key Attributes: Harvest of fruits, gratitude, balance, temporality This celebration aligns with the autumn equinox, around 2021 March in the SH. The Sun is perfectly above the equator. Globally, with the exception of the North and South Poles, the equinoxes are the only times that the Sun rises due east and sets due west. Mabon celebrates the end of harvest. The cornucopia is representative of this time. A time of gratitude for Earth’s fecundity, and a time for appreciating balance, as the hours of daylight and darkness are equal. Up until now, the

days were longer than the nights, from now on the nights grow in length. As Winter Solstice approaches, preparations for the colder months become paramount. It is at this time in The Wheel that we are pause for reflection upon the temporal nature of everything, that not dark or light can rule the other for long, and that no season of the year, or life lasts forever. Celebrating Mabon in Australia: Research and learn about the Aboriginal traditions at this time Find and enjoy native bush foods in your local area Make a plan for winter preparation Make a plan for activities during winter Pause to reflect - take stock of changes you’d like to make in life Make pickles and preserves Honour your elders - ask them about their lives and learning’s

Samhain 15° of Taurus - 5 May 2022 Traditional Date: 30 April (pronounced sou-in, sou as in ‘south’) Key Attributes: Ancestors, taking stock, go-within The third harvest festival: ‘Blood Harvest’. In ancient times it was a time to take stock of food supplies and herds; cattle and sheep would be moved from

outer to closer pastures, where more secure and managed with less energy. Earlier harvest dependent, those unable to be fed through freezing winter were slaughtered, then smoked/cured to feed people over the coming months. In pagan tradition, Samhain is the festival of the dead, though there is no clear historical understanding of the origins of this. The myth goes; it is believed to be the night in which the thinnest veil exists between the living and the dead. Some stories say at one time a gap opened in the earth and passed over people from this invisible world made their presence known in this one. Henceforth it became customary for people to celebrate, remember and honour ancestors. Apparently, the Celts would dress as ghosts, painting their faces white, they’d leave sweets and hollowed out root vegetables with lit candles inside to attract their past loved ones and repel negativity from the home, whilst fire, the sounding of drums and bells were used to ward off malicious spirits. Celebrating Samhain in Australia: Research and learn about the Aboriginal traditions at this time Visit ancestors grave sites Share ancestral wisdoms Make relishes/pickles Observe the Southern Cross constellation Feast around a fire pit with friends/family on seasonal root vegetables

Enjoy mulled wine Finish projects and reflect on that which you’d like to rebirth at Yule

Yule Winter Solstice 0° of Cancer - 21 June 2022 (pronounced yool - as in you’ll) Key Attributes: Masculine, rebirth, Suns cycle Celebrated on the winter solstice 20-22 June in the SH. It’s the longest night and the Sun travels the shortest path through the sky, and that day therefore is the shortest day. This is seen as the symbolic rebirth of the Sun. It marks the astrological start of the year and for many the mythological start of the year also. The Sun hovers then moves south to taking a six month journey to its zenith at Summer Solstice over which, there is an incremental lengthening of days and shortening of nights. This festival is centred around the masculine in life – the God, reborn on this day, beginning his mythical cycle. Today Yule and Christmas are generally interchangeable. It is considered that Christmas is derived from Yule, as with Christmas’s customs. In the west, Christmas celebrations amalgamate many traditions symbols. These days Yule is celebrated by burning a Yule

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log giving strength to the Sun. A piece of the current year’s log is kept to start the following year’s fire. Also by decorating a tree signifying the coming springs growth, and hanging a wreath as a symbol of the Wheel of the Year and the Sun’s apparent passage through the sky. Celebrating Yule in Australia: Create a wreath of natives for the front door Decorate with flora, celebrate with loved ones, gather seasonal foods, repast, toast the Sun. Follow the suns sky journey, notice the light

Being one of the four fire festivals, a fire is central, representing the Sun and new hope. Days lengthen, light increases and the first signs of new life start appearing. Also known as the festival of lights, it was traditional to burn candles in every window from sundown to sunup to honour and welcome the Sun. The Goddess awakening from her slumber, the earth awakens too showing signs of new life. Celebrating Imbolk in Australia: Observe changing light Make cheeses/yoghurt Light candles Honour Triple Goddess Brigit poetry/craft projects Reawaken things/projects in life

Imbolc 15° of Leo - 7 August 2022 Traditional Date: 1 August (pronounced eem-bol-ug, ee as in ‘wheel’) Key Attributes: Milk, hope, awakening life From the Celtic Oimel, meaning milk, begins the lactating time of cattle. The ancients celebrated on the first day of their lactation, in preparation for their spring babies. The milk sustained the people through the last a cold days. It was ritually customary to pour milk/cream onto the earth as thanksgiving to assist the return of fertility and generosity as the life-giving Suns strength increased, with winter passing the mantle to spring.

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life-giving maiden aspect matures into the beauty of a youthful woman. More fecund times, becoming evident as plants shoot from the earth and buds and blossoms emerge and the bees begin the pollination cycle. Eggs have also long been a symbol of new life and of spring. Now returns innocence and wonder, the desire to begin exploring outdoors beckons once more. Here, the harmonies and balance of equinox is enjoyed again, before the heat and urgency in Summer. Celebrating Ostara in Australia: Visit national park wildflower shows Watch birds prepare their nests Collect flowers, make a garland and gift it Buy seeds and plant them Spring clean/de-clutter Watch the sunrise due east

Ostara Spring Equinox 0° of Libra - 23 September 2022 (pronounced oh-star-ah) Key Attributes: Balance, Innocence, Emergence Spring equinox is a symbol of new life and new beginnings. Day and night are almost equal in length and much more growth is appearing across the landscape as summer draws near.


In the procession of the Wheel, increasing daylight is The God growing into maturity. In tandem, the Earth becomes warmer, more fertile. The Goddess’s power of her

Gaelic, meaning May (the month), its preface bel means bright/lucky.

15° of Scorpio - 7 November 2022 Traditional Date: 31 October (pronounced bal-tin-uh) Key Attributes: protection, fertility, union

Ritually on Beltane eve, a fire was lit and cattle were walked through the smoke to purify and protect them against

natural and supernatural powers, as they were loosed into their wider Summer pastures. It was believed that evil forces were particularly active at this time of year. It was also considered good fortune would follow those who jumped over the Beltane bonfire, removing barrenness, inspiring fertility, conception and successful pregnancy. Modern perception associates feasting, dancing and sexual freedoms at this festival, with marriage and/or sexual union catalysing fertility and growth, although there is no historical evidence of this being true. May Day merry-making customs associated with Beltane in the NH date back to 1240AD. Evolutions include, Maypole dancing, representing The Gods phallus, topped by a flowered wreath to symbolise The Goddess’s womb. Beltane marks the physical union of the God and Goddess, now at full maturity, their coupling ensures the continuation of life. The God will then be reborn of the Goddess, after he dies in late autumn. Celebrating Beltane in Australia: Spend time in nature, appreciate the new growth Shop for produce at the now abundant farmers markets Enjoy the warmer ocean waters Enjoy a sensual night with your lover

Litha Summer Solstice 0° of Capricorn - 22 December 2022 (pronounced lith-a or lee-tha) Key Attributes: Growth, maturity, full power Being the longest day of the year, and the apex of the Wheel, it marks the height of the Sun’s strength to empower the growth. From this point the Sun sets a little earlier each night until Yule. In ancient times, it was the very-much welcomed time of rest between labour intensive planting and harvest. In modern days, it’s the time of summer-holidays, the break between Gregorian calendar years. The earliest recording in 4CAD describes French pagans celebrating their midsummer festival, by rolling a flaming wheel downhill to a river. Later folklore describes hilltop bonfires or nearby springs, evoking the strength and virility of the season for protection of The Sun on his descending journey, and warding off evil spirits believed to attend the darkening days. In the SH, the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky at the summer solstice. The God, in full power, The Goddess a mother - life is plentiful across the earth. The earth basks in sunlight, crops reach their full maturity, and bush/forests burst with growth.

Celebrating Litha in Australia: Gather berries/stone fruit make jam Compare durations - longest/ shortest days of the year Donate to charities Make ornaments from oranges Observe the arrival of migratory birds

The Wheel is ever present, be it in a day, a moonth, a year or an entire life, the cycle is represented in the macrocosm and the microcosm. It is the natural way of things, it is one with nature and, whilst we may forget at times... so are we humans. Finding ways to align with the cycle, daily, moonthly and yearly, helps one to flow through the seasons of one’s life cycle with grace and inner-peace.

Freya is available for Crystal Dreaming, The Liquid Crystals and a range of holistic services. Image Credit: Freya Sampson, Pexels, Pixabay

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Holistic Medical Practitioner (Retired) TRTP practitioner (The Richards Trauma Process) Conscious Health Coach ‘Pathways to Conscious Health’ workshops Speaker & Author M 0412 630 112 E W

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Activating Genius - A Transformational Instrument In collaboration with Gaia, Charles created Activating Genius, an instrument that supports people to discover, activate and own their unique Genius. • Your Genius informs the core principles that guide your life. • Your Genius informs your highest values. • Your Genius is the set of gifts inherent in your human blueprint. • Your Genius resides in your heart; you cannot think it or fake it into action. It must be felt and nurtured into full expression. Private sessions online and in person available Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot Transformational Mentor | 0421 733 355

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Journey to High Priestess! By Anthony Kilner

“All pagans understand it as something that we are a part of, not separate from or above... “ We invited Tamara Lampard, a High Priestess, to share her thoughts on what it is to practice DruidCraft, following the pagan footsteps of her predecessors. Tamara’s answers offer a true reflection of her craft!

What is paganism to you?

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know a lot about modern-day witchcraft. I’ve seen plenty of movies and read the odd book containing witches and warlocks, Druids and others with magical powers, however in real life, I am a total novice.

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“It is the spirituality of Nature. The one thing all pagans share is a reverence for Nature. Some personify it or anthropomorphise it. Some don’t. Some engage with the energies of Nature. All pagans understand it as something that we are a part of, not separate from or above, nor do we dominate. If anything, to be pagan is to have a custodial role in Nature. “I am an animist pagan; I believe that the animating

force of life flows through all things. My experience is that all things are connected through this flow of spirit. Plants have wisdom, animals have knowledge, rocks have memory, and through spirit we can commune, if not communicate, with all things. In so doing we can gain wisdom and guidance. “My paganism accepts that deity is beyond our ken. It may exist as God or Goddess, or neither gender or both! Thus, images such as Baphomet are used to represent this multiplicity. Pagans generally believe we are all expressions of the Divine; therefore every being is perfect and worthy. We are generally a pretty inclusive mob.”

What is your path within that umbrella? “I practice DruidCraft, a blend of Druidry and Witchcraft. I follow a cycle of rituals that match the seasons and environment in which I live. I respect the history of magic and the occult that brought me here. I respect the wisdom of indigenous peoples and my ancestors. My spiritual practice

interview time and a couple of years later I was taken to third degree by an Elder, whose path included Golden Dawn and Goddess craft. My Groven (Grove + Coven) of 6 - 13 active members has been together since 2012.”

What drew you to that path?

“My spiritual practice is embodied; it is about being the best person I can be, here and now.” is embodied; it is about being the best person I can be, here and now. It is not about atonement for sins or attaining eternal life or ascendance. “My path is very personal, although I do teach and I run a group. After leaving the Druid Grove of my first initiation, I spent time as a solitary. I was able to explore my own senses and connections more thoroughly. I read a ton of books! I joined a traditional Gardnerian Wiccan coven and, after several years, took second degree initiation with the High Priestess. My group formed around me at this

“I was looking for a spiritual practice that was mine, one to which I had bone and blood rights. My cultural heritage is Irish and Scottish – classic Celt! This means I feel most connected to traditions from those lands, even though I was born in Australia. I have no genetic Aboriginal heritage and do not feel it is appropriate for me to draw on their cultural or magical practices. My heritage search brought me to Druidry and I trained with a local Grove after my first initiation. During that training, I realised how much of my intuitive spiritual practices and my general beliefs had come from my Celtic bone memory. The deep recognition and feeling of ‘coming home’ I felt on discovering paganism, has stayed with me to this day.”

What are the origins of your path? “In ancient times, paganism was simply living in tune with the environment around you and finding power and comfort in local geography and ecology. Pagan traditions and beliefs from those times permeate so many different religions and traditions, right into the modern day. “In modern pagan times there were two influential leaders: Ross Nicholls and Gerald Gardiner. They were friends who met at a naturist club in England. They shared a love of the natural world and the energies they perceived in it. They were also keen folklorists with a keen interest in the ancient folk practices that were still to be found in the countryside.

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“Working magic in Australia, when my heritage originated in the Northern Hemisphere, is complex.“ and the ability to use those properties to harm or heal.

“Nicholls took the path of nature spirituality through the creative arts and their expression; music, song, story. Gardiner took the path of nature spirituality through the dynamic energies of the cycles of life; sex, death and the energies found in the tension between opposites. Nicholls is widely accepted as the father of modern Druidry and Gardiner the father of modern Witchcraft. There are of course, many other significant leaders, thinkers and writers who have shaped modern paganism, including Dion Fortune, Doreen Valiente and Starhawk.”

What makes practising ‘witchcraft’ in Australia unique? “Most cultures have a version of witchcraft; that deep understanding of both the physical and the energetic properties of the environment

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“Working magic in Australia, when my heritage originated in the Northern Hemisphere, is complex. There is some re-orienting to be done, because our practice is connected to and inspired by the natural world around us, rather than a big book which can be read pretty much anywhere. The energies of the natural world flow differently here. The plants and animals are different. The weather is different. “This is why Christmas is so bizarre in Australia; it is a winter festival that has been dropped into our southern summer because of the date, with no thought as to the environmental misfit! Christmas is one of many spiritual observances that happen around the Winter Solstice. It is about the return of the light, personified as the birth of a Sun King, after a long cold European winter, where there is snow, the trees are bare and the days are short and cold. My practise is in tune with my Australian environment; thus, we celebrate Yule at Winter Solstice in June not Summer Solstice in December.”

What are the differences between new and old world? “I doubt you are asking about the old world of Europe, Africa and Asia versus the new world of the Americas. I suspect this is a New Age question. Paganism is not a New Age way of thinking. If anything, it is an evolution of an ages old way of being, an endless return to living in alignment with Nature. As far as I can tell humans always feel they are living on the cusp of a new age or a new world! I suspect this is because each generation senses the evolution of our relationship with the spiritual world and wants to be part of this famed and favoured ‘new world’.”

What stigmas have you had to navigate in society due to your spiritual path? “To be honest, not that much; then again, it’s not something I talk about unless asked or it is in context. Pagans do not proselytise. We are not out to convert or save folk. One of our core tenants is that every person has to come to their spiritual path in their own way and in their own time. It is a personal journey and no one has the ‘one true god’, only the one true god(s!) for them. I generally find people are curious about my beliefs. The few that have been negative and rude have had very strong

Christian convictions, and many old people find the word pagan unpalatable.”

What comments would you like to share about ‘Witchcraft’ in the time of the goddess, the impact of the patriarchal age and its future in the dawning age we are entering now? “Since Pagans have always recognised the Goddess, she is not a revelation for us. However, I acknowledge and commend the recognition of the power and worth of the sacred and divine feminine that is happening across many cultures and belief systems. I certainly appreciate and support the advances in the rights and freedoms of women worldwide. “While I perceive that modern history has been dominated by

men, the power of the witch has remained constant. It is worth noting here that ‘witch’ is not a gendered description. “Acknowledging all people as possible vessels for all roles is where we are headed, which is a very good thing. I look forward to a time when the shape and personal identity of our body has zero to do with our ability to take on any role in society. Any human can lead, create, parent, minister, heal, teach etc. etc. Their ability to do so successfully springs from their character, experience, knowledge and skill, not their sex or gender. “Witchcraft will continue to do what it has always done; draw folk into harmony with the Natural world and offer them the knowledge and wisdom to use the energies and physical attributes of the Natural world to harm or to heal. Some will embrace that way of living and thrive whilst some will fear and reject it. And so it goes.”

What message would you like to give to anyone interested in exploring this pathway?

• Accept that this is a mystery tradition not a TAFE course. • Take your time. It is understandable to be excited and want to dive right in. However, like anything, magical practices take time and dedication to master. • Find a good teacher/ mentor. Like most things there are charlatans and genuine practitioners. Look for recommendations and be cautious. Your gut will tell you the truth. • Be prepared to have your life changed, possibly dramatically and painfully. • Be prepared for joy and connection and peace. • Don’t quit your day job!” Tamara’s Contact details: Spiritual Celebrant Seekers Esoteric Library Tamara on Google

Anthony is available for 1:1 Readings and Bridging Realms Core Issue Vibrational Healing™ sessions.

Image Credit: Pete Blake

“In no particular order: • Be curious and observant. Ask questions; lots and lots of questions. Listen and watch with care and without expectation.

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Druidry - Philosophy for Life By Freya Savitri Sampson - Custodian Eartheart What is paganism to you? “I see it as an umbrella term that encompasses various spiritual paths, religions and philosophies, often falling outside of the Abrahamic religions, which explore a relationship to the natural world. These paths look to embody and ground a sense of Spirit within the physical rather than transcend it. Seeing the Sacred and our experience of the Divine reflected within nature.”

I met Pete Blake at Tamara Lampard’s home, around six years ago. I instantly felt like I’d just bumped into an old friend. Over the years we’ve shared meditation, sound healing, a love of animals, photography, and healthy food. One thing that we hadn’t yet begun to explore is his experience in the nature of Druidry. This is a snippet of Pete’s journey. 24

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What is your path within that umbrella? “My spiritual path is largely my own. I draw from various threads, inspired by many wisdom teachings, woven together into an expression that reflects my Self. I need to be able to feel I can evolve beyond labels and definitions rather than be held back by them, but for the most part, Druidry forms the grounding to my spiritual practice.

“I needed an earth centered practice that wasn’t appropriating from Indigenous cultures I had no lineage to.” “I was initiated into a local Druid Order and Grove in the year 2000. Currently I’m a Druid of the British Druid Order, joining them in 2012 and completed their program of study. I’m also a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids.”

What drew you to that path? “I needed a spiritual framework that was ethical, was inclusive, and that treated me like an intelligent adult who can make my own decisions. “I needed an earth centered practice that wasn’t appropriating from Indigenous cultures I had no lineage to. “Druidry gave me the spiritual language I needed and a structure from which to expand from. “Druidry flows from three main streams: the Bard, the Ovate, and the Druid. Within these I found most the elements of a spiritual practice that I needed.

interview we interact with the environment, often shaping our day to day lifestyle habits. It may also mean taking on the role of activist in some way. For myself it also reflects within the ethics of my consumerism choices, which is important to me.”

What are the origins of your path?

“Druidry has no biblical text or spiritual leader telling me who to be. Nothing telling me what gender I can love and how my relationships should look. Druidry allows me to experience my identity within my own terms. While how we connect to a sense of Deity, if at all, is up to each of us to discover for ourselves. “Druidry promotes peace, and teaches us to slow down and be present. Druidry offers an opportunity to build a relationship with life through a lens of the natural world, which can feel empowering. “This can also carry with it a sense of responsibility in how

“Druidry offers an opportunity to build a relationship with life through a lens of the natural world…”

“Druidry begins with the ancient Druids who were the learned class of people within the tribes of the ancient Celts. This era of Druidry as noted by the classical writers existed from around 400 BCE to 600 CE. “During the 1700’s to 1800’s we see a resurgence of interest around the Druids. This period is often referred to as the Druid revival. Here we see Druidry more as a cultural expression and as fraternal Orders.

the key figures in establishing Wicca. Together they create the concept of an eightfold cycle of natural observations which formed what we now commonly refer to as the wheel of the year. It’s at this point we see Druidry beginning to take on a more earth centric perspective.”

What makes practising ‘Druidry’ in Australia unique? “The majority of books available on Druidry will reflect the northern hemisphere. Those of us who aren’t Indigenous to Australia don’t have years of an established spiritual tradition with ancestry connecting us deep into the roots of the Australian landscape. “Unlike the British Isles where Druidry is often thought of as an Indigenous spirituality in some sense, here in Australia we are not the traditional custodians of

“During the mid1900s we see two key influential figures emerge from the Ancient Order of Druids, those being Ross Nichols and Gerald Gardener. Nichols goes on to establish the Order of Bard Ovates and Druids, while Gerald Gardener is one of

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“While Druidry understands all life as sacred, there are places within the landscape more inherently sacred than others, offering a more tangible experience. For places like Britain these tend to be established places of reverence, often marked by standing stones, sacred springs or holy wells. These can be places of pilgrimage for whoever feels their call. the land, this resides with our Aboriginal nations. We can look to our Aboriginal people for inspiration, but largely we are forging our own path, and that’s pretty exciting! “Australia doesn’t generally reflect the same climatic patterns as the UK or Europe, so rather than follow a guide from a book we look to nature. While the underlying concept of aligning to the season, and to the movement of the sun and moon are the same, we localise it so it reflect where we live. “For example: rather than the blossoming of Hawthorn and Snowbells marking seasonal changes, we see Wattles and Eucalyptus flowering. Rather than nature going barren in winter, we see the landscape come alive as the first rains encourage new growth and greenery.


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“Here in Australia we have to be mindful of cultural sensitivities when exploring sacred places. As non Indigenous folk, these places aren’t always available to us to use for spiritual practices. Our sacred places are something we have to establish for ourselves.”

What are the differences between new and old world? “In the context of Druidry I should state that in general modern Druids are not trying to pretend to be ancient Druids. We aren’t role playing or re-enacting what was. We may look to the past to be inspired or to be informed, but we are living present to the now. “Some people have criticised Druidry because of this, stating that without direct lineages and written teachings from the Druids of old, then it isn’t real Druidry. But who is to say

that there’s not an unseen force inspiring Druidry back into consciousness. Relevancy is found in how a path helps cultivate connection and compassion, helps give your life some sense of meaning while building resilience, not that it’s old.”

What stigmas have you had to navigate in society due to your spiritual path? “To be honest I’m not aware of any stigmas or discrimination in particular, none that I’ve been directly confronted with anyway. “People would probably associate me more with my work as a meditation facilitator, which is more palatable within mainstream Australian culture, than my spiritual practice and Druidry. “I hope I present as a compassionate and genuine person with a strong sense of integrity, and that’s how others see me and this reflects my spirituality.”

What comments would you like to share about ‘Druidry’ in the time of the goddess, the impact of the patriarchal age and its future in the dawning age we are entering now? “I’m a bit reluctant to call this the time of the Goddess. Goddess mythos never left. She may have re-emerged in the new age movement, but many cultures have always honoured the sacredness of the feminine.

“The magic within Druidry is largely about finding the magic within you.” “With modern society moving away from ‘Guru Culture’, away from patriarchal Abrahamic religions, and with the rise of women’s empowerment, it’s a celebration that the female image is again seen as sacred here in western culture. But we have to remember that the new age movement is not the gate keeper, pagan paths have always revered the feminine and found empowerment in her symbolism. “Druidry holds no hierarchy based on gender. Even the term Druid is not a gendered role. There is a definite female presence within Druidry today, evolving beyond the archetypical image of old bearded men in white robes.

“As Druids we stand together in a circle, side by side, no gender or person seen to be of any greater or lesser value than the next. I see this diversity as one of Druidry’s strengths.

by Penny Billington. Living Druidry: Magical spirituality for the Wild Soul, by Emma Restall Orr. Contemplative Druidry: People, Practice and Potential, compiled by James Nichol.

“To be honest I couldn’t say what the future of Druidry maybe, as long as Druidry continues being a voice for peace, a space for creative expression, as long as it keeps returning us to nature, centring us within the natural world, and continues evolving to embrace diversity then it’s going to be relevant, and that’s all I can hope for.”

“Social media can also be a source for information... some good, some questionable, so be objective. If you’re within Australia there’s the Druids Down Under Facebook group.

What message would you like to give to anyone interested in exploring this pathway? “Druidry is about relationship with Self and the natural world. It’s about the expression of inspiration, the Awen. The magic within Druidry is largely about finding the magic within you. “If you feel Druidry is speaking to you, you could explore the following websites: British Druid Order, Order of Bards Ovates and Druids, and The Druid Network. “Three books I tend to recommend are: The Path of Druidry,

“You can reach out to me personally via:” What a beautiful natural, living tradition. Here in Australia, there is so much to explore, evolve and become through this philosophy and practice, in this beautiful land of The Dreamtime.

Freya is available for Crystal Dreaming, The Liquid Crystals and a range of holistic services. Image Credit: Freya Sampson

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For seekers of the truth, philosophers of the profound and keepers of a compassionate heart. We invite you to journey into self-discovery, with shared stories of extraordinary lives.

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Reincarnation Part II – Ranji By Jane Offer There were fourteen people in the meditation group that I was teaching; too many to meditate myself, only hold the space. All was going well, when a male figure began to manifest in front and to my right; a small framed Indian gentleman wearing a turban. “As he spoke, pictures flashed through my mind of his home and some graphic details of his life experience.” He was a gentle energy and stood respectfully to ensure I had seen and connected to him. He began by telling me his name, Ranjit, and that he was a healing guide preparing to link with one of those in the group. As he spoke, pictures flashed through my mind of his home and some graphic details of his life experience. This picture show is how I usually receive information of this nature. I asked who he wanted to work with, information he declined to give, saying that it would be revealed all in good time. I did not discuss this with anyone and, with little knowledge of Ranjit’s particular culture, I was intrigued when the very next day four clients

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came in from that same continent. I asked them about the name and they reiterated all he had given, including a description of the countryside shown in the picture show. I never cease to be amazed when synchronicity of this nature shows up in my life. Details clarified; I was eager for the next stage. Two months later a group from our centre visited a spiritual expo a few hours from our base. I was talking to David, one of the male members from the meditation group, when we were approached by a clairvoyant. She apologised for the intrusion and told us she could see a man following us and that he was a healing guide destined to work with my companion. She gave his name and a description which matched exactly what I had been told. David was not impressed at all. He was only just beginning

to explore the whole psychic arena, so I explained my initial meeting with Ranjit, thinking that would help him to be more accepting. David’s reply “Coincidence!” A word I was to hear often from him over the years. David was at this time learning the protocol of healing practice which he noticed had changed dramatically. He was seeing moving light and colour flowing through the client’s body and a sense of being pushed back to become the observer of his own actions. His healing sessions became stronger, with more people wanting his services, until he was working four days a week from 10am to 5pm.

“I also learned that my guide, who had been with me for some 20 years, was part of Ranjit’s healing team…”


it Appears There were many experiences during that time. The clients came from all over the UK and even from Europe and America, each with a new story to tell. I also learned that my guide, who had been with me for some 20 years, was part of Ranjit’s healing team in the other dimension. Ranjit taught us, stage by stage, both the knowledge we required, by encouraging us to find the truth for ourselves and then confirming it or telling us to work on it some more, until we had all we needed. Whilst I could see the benefit in this, it was time consuming and there were many times I wanted to say, “Just tell me!” He would sense this and simply smile and change the subject or move away to focus on his own work. A polite, gentle and firm dismissal! Two years into this very busy time, at the end of one extrataxing day, Ranjit pushed David away so he couldn’t hear our conversation and indicated that he must now make a choice about his healing delivery. He could continue as

he was or develop it further to deep trance. This meant that he would have no knowledge of activities in the conscious world, so would lose the days he dedicated to his work. I was instructed that I was not allowed to bring any influence to his choice and he must give his answer in a week from then.

“For the next several days he thought very deeply, me with my lips closed, which was extremely difficult.” As David resumed his full awareness, he was also left with this choice to make and wondering what it would mean for him. For the next several days he thought very deeply, me with my lips closed, which was extremely difficult. His decision was certainly aided by the clients that arrived that week; mostly new clients, with highly emotional life stories including an abused wife, crying through the whole session and a lady from the US that had accidentally backed

her large SUV over her small child, killing her immediately. David attempted to draw back further so he couldn’t hear their pain. Hard as it was, he was not permitted to do so and, by the end of the day, he had been helped to his decision; deep trance. He sat with me for hours across many weeks to perfect the final separation from his everyday conscious mind to master the deep trance state. Firstly, he had to be comfortable enough to open his eyes, difficult initially as he felt he was looking through water. Then came the voice. He had made a couple of stipulations as a condition of his choice; no weird accent and no theatricals whilst shifting from one state of consciousness to the other. As he began to speak, the only noticeable adjustments were the flattening out his London vowels and the markedly different rhythm of his sentences. A client who had been engaged to a Sikh gentleman

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told him that the rhythm and intonation were identifiable as coming from that culture. All this took place over 30 years ago now and many experiences have laced into our life during that time. We have met some amazing people with often sad stories to tell. Together we have worked on Government funded projects and for the Health Department; in prisons with young offenders and women serving life; we set up two satellite clinics to cope with the demand for Ranjit’s service and our main UK centre offered practitioner training, where we trained over 150 natural health professionals. We have had the opportunity to work in Europe and extensively in the USA, besides the UK and now Australia. He has treated celebrities and even a man from the UK aristocracy, plus many horses, cats and dogs along the way.


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David has experienced doubts, of course, particularly with those carrying a terminal diagnosis, quite usual I find, with those practicing healing. We want to stop death occurring by ‘curing the condition’, yet realise that the best we can do is to assist in extending the life to allow completion of what needs to be accomplished. It can be hard to realise that sometimes healing is destined to bring about a peaceful death experience rather than saving the life, although that happens, often beyond the expectations of patient, family, doctors and the practitioner alike.

“Whilst my lifelong and strong knowing is that reincarnation is my truth, there are days when I have to check in with that.” Whilst my lifelong and strong knowing is that reincarnation is my truth, there are days when

I have to check in with that. When I talk to others that have no belief in a life beyond life, I sometimes catch myself briefly wondering if they have got it right and I am living a delusion. These thoughts are very quickly followed by the question, “Then who is Ranjit? Where does he fit in?” My husband is a very grounded man, without a deep understanding of many spiritual concepts. In fact, initially he did not believe in reincarnation, seeing it as a fanciful hope, despite having many experiences of loved ones undeniably drawing close. Other coincidences! He lives with his feet firmly planted in this realm and does not want to investigate his work too deeply. Therefore, I know this is not an act, it is too consistent and the wisdom that is given is often directly opposed to David’s own belief and understanding. He has never asked about the client’s stories, he simply offers

his body and mind to be used and when work is finished, he closes off to it and gets on with his life. Ranjit has never let him down, always presenting himself when asked to be available. I am often asked what it is like living with two ‘men’. This is not the case, as Ranjit does not push himself forward at any time and is always respectful of our privacy. Occasionally, David has allowed him to come forward when he feels that Ranjit may like to share an experience. This was the case when we were invited to visit the largest Hindu Temple in the UK at the time. It was the most beautiful and peaceful place and in the highest space of the building, statues of all the deities were resting in niches. David became very quiet as he walked around as he allowed Ranjit to experience it with him and through him. This made it a more physical experience for Ranjit with no word spoken, just a sharing moment.

“Ranjit has explained that he has to follow certain rules that are laid down for all benevolent spirit entities working with physical beings…” Ranjit has explained that he has to follow certain rules that are laid down for all benevolent spirit entities working with physical beings; waiting to be invited forward being the main one. Spirit beings are not allowed to override our freewill in this way and are not permitted to give directives, only suggestions. This can be very frustrating, as obviously they have the full picture and could make life so much easier by giving straightforward advice!

“I sincerely hope, as old as I am, Ranjit will continue to be with us until David takes his last breath.”

This is a small insight into our life experiences with Ranjit. It is exciting and, if I really sit down and think back over it all, it is mind blowing. The experiences we have had, the people we have met and the privilege of seeing the shift in people on all levels through his healing, have been a great gift. I will never lose the joy in the magic of it and I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to work with, both the physical man and also with this beautiful being that touches our lives. I sincerely hope, as old as I am, Ranjit will continue to be with us until David takes his last breath.

David Offer is available for healing sessions and Jane Offer is available for counselling, Soul Mastery and life guidance sessions. Please ring for an appointment 0431 168 027. NDIS clients are welcome. Image Credit: Pixabay

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Activating Genius

A Transformational Instrument Discover, activate and own your unique Genius. • Your Genius informs the core principles that guide your life. • Your Genius informs your highest values. • Your Genius is the set of gifts inherent in your human blueprint. • Your Genius resides in your heart; you cannot think it or fake it into action. It must be felt and nurtured into full expression. Private sessions online and in person available 0421 733 355

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Divine Time Births, Deaths and Marriages By ShirleySienna As we traverse the Crystal Moon of Cooperation, June 2022, we must search deeply into our hearts to forgive all trespasses since the beginning of time. This Moon, the 12th Moon of the current 2022 solar year, aka ‘Yellow Electric Seed’, which began 26 July 2021, dedicates, universalises, and activates the power of cooperation with our inner Divine Self.

“…the intensity of June vibrates with its galactic order of consequence, karma and captivity concerning the human race as no other 28 day period will…” We glazed over this month in our May edition however, looking deeply into it now, it must be explained that the intensity of June vibrates with its galactic order of consequence, karma and captivity concerning the human race as no other 28 day period will during

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the rest of 2022. ‘I Activate in Order to Target’ must not be forgotten. The ‘bonding of awareness and input of flowering’, has been pushed at us from our cosmic counterparts in cooperation with a divine treaty of intergalactic nations and federations. The power of communication to overcome all difficulties has been offered and underwrites the energy this moon month, yet humanity seems adverse to this. Perhaps the theme of this month’s magazine – Paganism, may take us back to basics where the appreciation and worship of the Earth and her heavenly counterparts were the lifeblood and sustenance of family, villages, and nations. The crystal, 12th Moon, holds the masculine and

feminine within its enormity of consciousness and conscience. 1 June, White Magnetic Wizard, Kin 14. Its power most often engages peace, harmony, meditation, and contemplation in to the humans on Earth, when and if they are open to receiving them. Its magnetic tone is about Attracting, Purpose, and Unifying. Its tribe, the Wizard, is to enchant, be receptive, and realise what timelessness represents.

“In this way, through a living route/ root system, it is consciously and continuously feeding this wisdom into the Earth…” The Wizard kin is the Jaguar Priest/Shaman, magician, Torchbearer, and Night Seer. Its magical wisdom is held within the trees of Earth.

divine guidance

In this way, through a living route/root system, it is consciously and continuously feeding this wisdom into the Earth, the wood, the flowers, leaves, and fruit of the trees, and the people who use and consume it. The affirmation belonging to this kin, I would hold close for the entire month, and it will take us also into the end of the cycle, ready for the new-year bearer to enter 26 July. “I Unify in order to Enchant Attracting Receptivity I seal the output of timelessness With the Magnetic tone of Purpose I am guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!” This kin was a year bearer from July 2019 to July 2020. It will hold us in good stead for thirteen years, which in 2032 will unify us under the power of Magnetic Storm, a self-generation catalyst that will be presented after this time of ‘mutation’ ends in 2027. A new paradigm also came into being with Magnetic Wizard kin in 2019, which was geo-galactically designed to prepare us for the incoming viral antics and agenda of Covid 19…Read the words of the affirmation again and just think about that for a moment. The White Wizard is the Magna-magician whose powers are activated by wisdom emanating from the heart of humankind. It is not intellectual; it is the alignment

of divine heart and mind and is very intuitive. So falling in this June/Juno month in 2022, it is enhanced by many folds of its cloth/robe, signified by the druid, priest, priestess or common folk out in the fields celebrating like pagans did, and in some secret and safe places, still do. An open, trusting heart willingly opens the mind to a deeper understanding of the dimensions of universal lore. White Magnetic Wizard especially asks you to utilise this and to participate in the magic of ‘truly awakening as human beings’.

“…when you are fully engaged with the status of your own divine purpose, you have no need, no guilt and no captivity consciousness holding you back.” It is your divine right to claim right action, live in your own integrity, and commit to self-evolution. It dispels (dis-spells) the urge or need to look to others for approval, for when you are fully engaged with the status of your own divine purpose, you have no need, no guilt and no captivity consciousness holding you back.

This can open you to the highest potential and possibility. The White Wizard is an instrument of the light and the dark, the full spectrum of a conduit for Spirit. The magician does not try to control magic, instead chooses to be of it, dancing the tones and codes, and offering the freedom of this gift to others, paganism to the fullest degree. White Wizard is singing the songlines of star people and humanity, fine tuning and playing the ley lines of the Earth, activating the grid that is created by the trees, and orchestrating the new storyline of our personal and global evolution. In Lak’ech ala’ kin

Contact ShirleySienna at Divining Me for ‘Soul Symmetry’ readings and ‘Extra Sensory Perceptions!’ Image Credit: Pixabay

Be transparent and allow the magic to flow, remembering that life is the focus.

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A New Earth – Now

Fate or Free Will in Astrology By Melanie Dufty

“An object seen from its side is as true to itself as when seen from above, yet each gives a different perspective.”

As we attempt to understand and master life. We’re both fated with some predispositions in our outlooks and situations and blessed with the free will to conquer them. The wide variety of astrological approaches can be an important way many of us seek to gain an understanding of self and life. More than one approach can be applied to understanding any situation. An object seen from its side is as true to itself as when seen from above, yet each gives a different perspective. It is the intent to understand that is of greater importance. We are the ones who assign intent and meaning, and the power of that goes beyond what our left brain can compute. We create meaning, and how we do this is ultimately down to free will. To understand more about free will regarding astrology, we need to acknowledge two aspects – that we have free will in how we respond to what we encounter, yet not always over what we experience.

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“…reflecting our soul’s plan and individual and collective karma, requires self-awareness and development.” Whether we like it or not, ever-changing astrological patterns of energy are there which can be understood and predicted to some level. To access free will to manage the fated parts of our lives, reflecting our soul’s plan and individual and collective karma, requires self-awareness and development. Our fated circumstances lead us towards our destiny or the highest purpose of our soul. However, this is a long and challenging path. Thomas Aquinas (1225 –1274), the Italian philosopher and theologian, said, “The majority of men… are governed by their passions, which are dependent upon bodily appetites; in these the influence of the stars is clearly felt. Few are the wise who are capable of resisting their animal instincts.” The more developed we are, the better we can use free will to manage the fated patterns we experience. Until we have some mastery, we’re puppets of the patterns. Conscious Will People usually understand astrological energies as happening to us, coming from external influences that cause us to be a certain way or experience situations differently. This, however, is a huge misunderstanding. We’re not affected by planetary patterns; we are one with them.

All is one. As above, so below. Understanding astrological energies can help us realise what is going on within us. Realising this is enormously empowering, allowing us to become better co-creators in our life. For example, an aware person may have a transit from feisty Mars to natal Mars, amplifying the martial energy within them, choosing to manage it constructively. However, to someone without such self-awareness, the punchy energies can cause them to become conflicted or to act rashly. Either way, the energy is there and amplified within their experience. We are not fated to respond definitively to an astrological pattern, however, we may be fated to experience it and to feel inclined to handle it a certain way. Ultimately, we have the free will to transcend our fated inclinations and consciously direct our response. It is empowering to know we have some directorship ability to manage the patterns we experience in life, helping us navigate the difficult and amplify the good. Collective Fate It’s more complicated when we look at collective energies, such as macro astrological cycles that shape our human experience. Is an ‘awake soul’ held back by a sleepy collective?

In the macro astrological cycle I resonate with, the Grand Precessional Cross, we’ve just entered an era of unified consciousness. It’s based on the Earth’s spin axis in space turning to face the light of the galactic heart after 12,000 years of turning away. That this movement is happening is fated, as is our presence here to be part of it, yet will our free will take us on the highest path? Many of us are embracing our free will, and we know the path we choose; a New Earth-based in unity. We have active work to co-create our lives in the new experience because, although the evolutionary cycle itself is destined for light, we are freewill folk and must choose to get on board.

Melanie Dufty is an astrologer qualified by the Federation of Australian Astrologers, a Mahat Meditation lover and the author of metaphysical fantasy novel I Am Lilith. Image Credit: Pixabay

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Wild Gaia – Timeless Wisdom

The Language of Gaia VS Artificial Intelligence By Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot Recently, I have been drawn to read The Essene Gospel Of Peace, translated by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. I didn’t know much about the Essenes, a monotheistic religious community that lived from the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE in Jerusalem and Qumran. The Essenes were Judaic mystics who practised asceticism, communality, sacred bathing known as immersion and service to others.

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Many scholars claim that the Essenes practised vegetarianism and honoured the Earth as their planetary Mother. I enjoy reading sacred texts from various religious and spiritual backgrounds, however, I haven’t read any sacred texts where the Earth is spoken about in the manner, Jesus does, in The Essene Gospel Of Peace. “With the eyes and ears of the spirit do you see and hear the sights and sounds of the kingdom of the Earthly Mother: the blue sky where dwells the angel of Air, the foaming river

where flows the angel of Water, the golden light which streams from the angel of Sun. And I tell you truly, all these are within you as well as without; for your breath, your blood, the fire of life within you, all are one with the Earthly Mother.” The Essene Gospel Of Peace, translated and edited by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely I realise that the indigenous cultures I have studied or had spiritual training with, all hold the view the Essenes had regarding their relationship with the Earth. I was taught by the elders and shamans I trained

gaian consciousness with, to respect the Earth and honour her as my mother, teacher and healer. I was trained to attune my senses to her frequencies present in the diversity of her eco-systems. Every part of Mother Earth has its own language and they are calling out to us, reaching out to us, asking for us to allow them to lead us home to our hearts where we will find the road less travelled. The road of unconditional love and peace where we can soar! We have chosen false comfort and false ease over our human responsibility to being ‘The carer of everything’. The carer of everything is a dreamtime story in our West Australian first nation peoples dreaming where humans won the right to be the carers of everything. The full story can be found at As the chosen species to care for all life, I’m saddened by the fact that we have chosen to allow thieves, liars, murders and child abusers to control our lives and in doing so we have sold out to corporations like, Big-Government, Big-Pharma, Big-Agricultura, Big-food and Big-Oil, just to keep our privileged comfortable lives. There is nothing more artificial than when we choose to

“…what we have to consider, is the reason for their creation and their actual service to humanity.”

“How were the controllers able to hijack human intelligence?” destroy ourselves and our planet by choosing what is bad for us over what is good for us! “The rights of corporations have eclipsed the rights of all of us.” Winona LaDuke, Lane Community College Media Services, YouTube Artificial, generally refers to something created by humans to resemble something that occurs naturally. I think artificial creations can be beneficial to humanity, however what we have to consider, is the reason for their creation and their actual service to humanity. I believe, it is artificial to human intelligence to destroy our planet, to cause suffering to any living being, and yet here we are, indulging the controllers of this human world with our compliance in partaking in the artificial life they have created for us. We eat artificial food that is sold to us in packages, we eat animals that have been raised through unbelievable cruelty, we believe doctors over our own understanding of our bodies, we believe politicians even when it is clear they are lying, we send our children to school to be trained in becoming slaves for the controllers of this artificial world. How were the controllers able to hijack human intelligence? They created technical devices like television, smart phones,

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“We need to reconnect with nature and listen to our Earth Mother speak to us…” and computerised home systems to make life easy for us and give us more time for pleasurable activities.

Mother speak to us and to know that she is filled with divine intelligence, just like us and together we can soar.

Were they really created for our wellbeing or for the controllers to enforce their control? We are so worried about AI and the technocratic giants who are assisting in the complete takeover of the world that we are missing the point. It is our compliance to think and act artificially and allow ourselves to become robotic in our own lives that has given them the upper hand.

“The beauty of the trees, the softness of the air, the fragrance of the grass, they speak to me. The summit of the mountain, the thunder of the sky, the rhythm of the sea, speaks to me. The faintness of the stars, the freshness of the morning, the dewdrop on the flower, speaks to me. The strength of the fire, the taste of the salmon, the trail of the sun, and the life that never goes away, they speak to me. And my heart soars.” My Heart Soars, Chief Dan George

Big-Corp has seduced us with devices, machines and massive networks to become creatures of habit, averting pain for pleasure. They keep us oscillating on the continuum of pain or pleasure with their lies and false promises of a better world. What we need to do is return to our natural innate intelligence. We need to reconnect with nature and listen to our Earth

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Check out Charles’ Blog on Gaian Heart Wisdom HERE Image Credit: Pexel, Pixabay and Unsplash


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“Our Earth is a giant container of water, from which all forms of life arose. And every living thing is itself essentially a container of water. Like the Earth, we are 70 percent water. It follows, naturally, that the health of the Earth is directly proportionate to the health of ourselves.”

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If you are ready to Re-Wild your Water contact Anthony Kilner, Freya Sampson or Louise Clarke Supernal Magazine

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Reflections Belief and Knowing By Jane Offer The use of words in different contexts, and the response this generates, is quite fascinating: big, indicating height, can be interpreted as fat by a person struggling with weight; easy used instead of simple, can imply to those that struggle with a concept, that they are stupid when they don’t find it easy to understand. It’s all in the interpretation and the intention behind what is implied. “Pagan is one such word introduced by Christianity as a broad term for any polytheistic tradition not centred on the Bible.” Pagan is one such word introduced by Christianity as a broad term for any polytheistic tradition not centred on the Bible. Originally, this term also included Buddhism and Hinduism, which are viewed today as mainstream religions. Pagans or paganism was not a term used by the people themselves, only by Christians who interchanged it with the word ‘heathen’, implying that pagans were savages living in trees and caves, with no cultural structure due to a lack of religious beliefs. This is far from the truth. Their practice has always been based on reverence for nature.

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As far back as Man developed a perception of the natural order, this was normal practice, thus pre-dating Christianity by millennia.

“…Christians who interchanged it with the word ‘heathen’, implying that pagans were savages living in trees and caves…” After Christianity was adopted in the Roman Empire in the 4th century CE, non-Christian religions were gradually outlawed in empire-controlled lands. However, Christianity remained a minority religion in Britain, restricted mainly to the urban centres and their hinterlands. It coexisted with indigenous polytheistic religion in the villages and the countryside for many centuries, with the two often being combined.

Throughout Britain, paganism remained strong in the AngloSaxon country communities, despite a massive push between 590 – 690 CE by the Roman Church to convert the populous. Despite this, country people continued to use crossed ley lines and underwater energy lines as the centre of their sacred ceremonial sites. Ceremonies showing gratitude to the earth and the bountiful nature of the harvests enhanced the energy of these places, which were treated with deep respect. Following the Norse people arriving in the 9th century, bringing their polytheistic beliefs, British pagans incorporated Viking-based deities. Woden, the chief deity known as Oden in Norse mythology; Frigg, Odin’s wife, the Mother archetype. Tiw, the god of wars and treaties, Thunor, known as Thor, the god of thunder, lightning and storms

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and Eostre, a spring goddess who gave her name to Easter. This caused an even stronger push to eradicate this ‘heathen’ belief system. By the 10th century, most people had been forcibly converted to Christianity. Churches were often built over the pagan ceremonial sites. Many of the celebration days were included as part of the Christian calendar. The Winter Solstice, known as Yule, occurs on the 25th of December. Harvest Thanks Giving, celebrated in late November, coincides with the time of the year when surplus livestock that could not be fed were killed and preserved.

“…when they were forced away from their spiritual beliefs and practices, they lost their anchor, their identity.” There was no longer an attempt to coexist, more an attempt to force the people away from their practice and embrace the Church. It

had taken three centuries to thoroughly remove the ancient ways of the polytheistic society to a monotheism belief system. Speaking lately with an Aboriginal elder, he explained the impact on his culture of the conversion from the ancient way to the new religion foisted on their culture. They overcame physical abuse as the body heals; they were not fully broken by emotional and mental abuse; however, when they were forced away from their spiritual beliefs and practices, they lost their anchor, their identity. This is the case with any conversion carried out by force. We only need to look at the Spanish Inquisition and other enforced coercion specifically designed to move people into a formulated belief to realise that spirituality is not something that can be forced. It creates a sense of loss and disengagement from the self, from our sense of knowing. There is a vast difference between belief and knowing. Belief is external, taught to us through another’s ideals and persuasion, whereas knowing is within us. It sits deep in our soul-self and brings a sense

of peace and identity. It is individual; each knowing is a unique experience that can be shared and discussed. However, it cannot be forced on another. We need to feel part of a society, a tribe. We need to be allowed to think and choose for ourselves, and it is crucial we feel safe to share our thoughts with others without the risk of ridicule or aggression. We need to be comfortable in our own skin, which makes for a balanced life, with each aspect of our being supplied and nourished. When even one part is out of kilter with the others, we do not feel safe or fulfilled; something is missing. That is the time to seek our truth, and it is the joy of exploration that makes this life’s journey exciting.

Jane Offer M.Msc is available for individual and couple counselling, Soul Mastery readings and facilitates classes/workshops on many metaphysical subjects. Please ring for an appointment 0431 168 027. NDIS clients are welcome. Image Credit: Pixabay

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Pathways to Conscious Health From Victimhood to Empowerment By Dr Catherine Fyans Well, it has been a tough last couple of years. Speaking for myself - dizzying change on one hand, and stuck in the mire of excruciating non-movement on the other. Letting go of my forty-plus year career was a big one. Bitter-sweet. Attempting to create a new focus, identity, lifestyle and, hopefully, a source of income at my notso-tender age was another one. Definitely still is a work in progress. This, along with some significant people leaving my life and an illness, has presented some struggles.


tower of moral high ground and seemingly ethical decisions come tumbling down when the basic supports of life appear to be elusive.

“I am all for embracing change and new challenges, ‘taking the leap’ and all that until I found myself in the midst of it.”

I have noticed that no one has come knocking at the front door to offer me exhilarating new life experiences and work opportunities. Risk is risk, and sacrifice is sacrifice, with absolutely no guarantee of any sort of universal compensation for choices made. This means I need to get off my butt and create my future myself and, hopefully, with some inspiration and guidance beyond the limited confines of my own ego-mind.

I am all for embracing change and new challenges, ‘taking the leap’ and all that until I found myself in the midst of it. Suddenly those shiny ideals lose their glitter when reality hits. It is sobering indeed to realise that those ideals do not pay the bills or compensate for the human warmth of acceptance and companionship. That ivory

The ‘victim’ archetype that we all share, at least to some degree, is the dominant archetype for me to work through in this lifetime. Oh joy! Because of this, it comes up in spades and is very persistent in teaching me; very clever in coming through the back door when I feel that I am out of its grasp.

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The journey however, is from victimhood to self-responsibility and self-empowerment. Whether this is our dominant archetype or not, we are currently, individually and collectively, presented with various opportunities to propel us to embrace that odyssey. We learn and grow the most when we are stretched a little when we have to push beyond what we already knew and who we thought we were. The ‘who-we-thought-wewere’ part does not willingly give up its hold; it has to be coached along with promises of an adventure like no other. And what could be more exhilarating than facing all our fears rolled into one at the same time? From need come solutions, and the choice is to either create and find new ways or chuck in the towel and lapse back into dependency. Life doesn’t muck around; rather, it has an uncompromising, tough-love attitude, and

health and wellbeing self-pity does not get a look-in as we navigate much needed changes that are ultimately for our growth and greater good.

can be tough. Would we have it any other way? Apparently, we volunteered with glee to come here at this time.

“Sometimes people are hurt and suffer beyond what most of us can imagine.”

However, there comes a time when we need to turn those lemons into lemonade, as the gifts of wisdom that those experiences engendered unfold. The choice is to move beyond and above our difficult experiences while mining the gems or stay licking our wounds as we project all responsibility onto others and life itself.

Sometimes people are hurt and suffer beyond what most of us can imagine. Of course, they need to be met with the utmost compassion and care, as that reflects our basic humanity. We all need trusted people to bear witness to our pain and hold the space while we process our distress as we are nurtured back to health. Clearly, people who are particularly struggling need appropriate professional help. I am all for compassion. It has a very different quality to pity and a very different visceral feel to it. Compassion is solution-oriented, whereas pity looks down upon and holds down the subject of its gaze. I am all for kindness directed to self and others. ‘Cos life

We will all be victimised at times, sometimes in horrific ways. Some maintain the victim stance as an unconscious survival maladaptation and way of being. Unfortunately, the victim stance has long been applied to health care; and no more so than over the last couple of years. Many of us have long been trained to trade personal power and choice for the illusion of safety and security as we seek the rescuer to save us from our woes.

“We tend to look at life through the pain or pleasure lens, however all life experiences are the opportunity for growth…” We tend to look at life through the pain or pleasure lens, however all life experiences are the opportunity for growth and the development of qualities and skills that we might not have thought we had. So, milk every life experience, especially the difficult ones, for all the positive that you can get out of them because the rewards are well worth it.

Dr Catherine is a retired medical practitioner and author of The Wounding of Health Care. Image Credit: Pixabay

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21st Century Parenting

Let’s taLk Breaky By Olivia Sinco A few years ago, after a nasty flu season, I set out to make changes to my family’s wellbeing. I’ve discovered that what, when, and how they eat is everything when it comes to kids’ immunity, emotional health, and behaviour. I also began to recognise breakfast time as pivotal in maximising our family’s emotional health. I recently found myself in a hot debate about food with a 12-year-old in front of 50 other students and two teachers. Grade 5/6 were learning about persuasive language and were in a class discussion, learning how to speak convincingly about why “People should stop eating meat.”

“…while meat might taste nice and fill them up, the real fuel for their bodies and brains are carbohydrates…” One of the classroom teachers, a friend, knowing that I’m mainly plant-based, had asked me to talk a little bit about what I know. So, I appealed to the class based on them wanting ample energy for their chosen sport. I pointed out that while meat might


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taste nice and fill them up, the real fuel for their bodies and brains are carbohydrates, the premium source being fruit and vegetables. However, Mr ‘always eloquent and first to raise his hand’ shot back at the concept, stating that meat was good for us as it contained iron and some other vitamins and minerals. I had about 13 seconds of class attention to plant a seed that I hoped may raise awareness for these students later on. “Maybe”, I replied, “but it’s questionable as to whether any of this goodness actually reaches us. You see, meat has a lot of natural fat. It is often cooked in oil and, as with any kind of food high in fat, creates a barrier to absorbing and utilising the goodness in our digestive systems.”

I admit I was interested to see how this age group would consider this information. There was quiet, and I could see that I was up against some very well worn in habits; a cheese and ham sandwich for lunch or tuna and salami sticks for morning tea. I was also a part of this ‘high protein club’ ten years ago. Some of the most valuable information I’ve taken on board in elevating our diets has come from Author Anthony William – also known as The Medical Medium. In his blog, ‘Critical Clean Carbohydrates’, Anthony writes… “Raw honey, fruit, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash and coconut water… provide our organs, tissues, muscles and cells with the glucose they need to help us stay alive and thrive”.

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He also warns about a ‘hyperfocus’ on eating a high-fat diet that many people are accustomed to now, saying, “…this way of eating blocks critical glucose absorption.” I’ve discovered a shift away from the traditional nightly meal in my desire to cook, eat, and connect better in our home. The ceremonial setting of the table, serving a well-thought-out dinner and talking and listening doesn’t seem to come together during the busy working week. The opportunity for sitting, eating and focused talking and listening happens more for us at breakfast!

“…growing up, breakfast was often porridge with salt and cream - delicious!” My mum is Scottish, so growing up, breakfast was often porridge with salt and cream delicious! However, in keeping with what I’ve learned, this meal exists for us now as a fat-free carbohydrate heaven.

I am sometimes asked how I manage to do all that I do in a day, and I feel the answer to this is porridge. In summer, we let it cool and add fresh strawberries with raw honey or pineapple and maple syrup. In winter, chopped apples go into the pot with sultanas and cinnamon and stew while the oats are cooking.

“They don’t seem to have any capacity to ‘discuss’; they simply want to vent.” Sitting together in the morning sharing food like this suits my kids and how they seem to process their daily lives. Dinnertime can be more of a time where they ‘let off steam’ about what has happened in the day with friends or difficult teachers. They don’t seem to have any capacity to ‘discuss’; they simply want to vent. This allowance for their release in itself is an integral part of emotional support. Still, the real connection happens in the morning, when they’ve ‘reset’.

I find it pays to listen to what they have to say; their stories, no longer charged with emotion, are described diplomatically. Sitting, sharing a bowl of porridge and being there to catch those moments is the perfect chance to talk about choices and discuss why people might behave the way they do. Raising and maintaining wellbeing is a recipe of clean nutrition, good timing, conscious emotional processing, and consistently being present for my family.

Olivia Sinco is an Education Support Worker, Facilitator of the 21st Century Parenting Program and artist.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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Sacred Sites

Africa’s Great Mysteries Africa’s River of Gold By Louise Clarke

Around the world, tribal knowledge has been fiercely guarded for all time by a small group of highly initiated wisdom keepers. The Great Knowledge, or ‘Umland’ of our land here in Africa is so sacred, that should an initiate breaks his code of silence, he willingly accepts a curse upon his life and his family that will extend seven generations. One can only wonder at the gravity of the responsibility of holding such secrets. And we can only imagine what of our ‘history’ is so sacred… and why? The long and arduous initiation process attained through acutely exacting rituals is performed by the shaman, who attempts to pass through

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four successive stages of ascension. This is achieved, either through shamanic ecstatic trance, or in the case of Baba Credo Mutwa, through acute suffering. This evolutionary process leads the shaman ultimately to a cosmic connection where they are able to access ‘star knowledge’ to bring enlightenment to all living beings on earth. The Egyptian myth of origin speaks of ‘Zep Tepi’ or ‘First Time’, a remote epoch prior to ancient Egypt. It is a void of Time and Space where matter and antimatter merge to create new realities. It is the Zero Point, the home of creational forces where reality is shaped through sound, light, and colour. On earth, this point signifies the Nilotic Meridian, a ley line which runs the length of Africa, from the Great Sphinx in Giza, along the river Nile to

the Timbavati in South Africa and beyond, at 31 degrees 14 minutes East. The ancient Egyptians believed that the river Nile was an earthly copy of the Milky Way and the strategic positioning of the pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx and the Nile Delta at this location, represent the centrepiece of an architectural star map. Similarly, the word ‘Timbavati’ means ‘river of stars’ or ‘the river that never runs dry’. The Umlando tells us that there is a subterranean river extending from the Nile in the north, all the way to the south along the meridian that holds the continent of Africa together. It also holds the landmasses of earth together. According to the Great Knowledge, the subterranean river beneath the Nile is associated to ‘Lulungwa

“This evolutionary process leads the shaman ultimately to a cosmic connection where they are able to access ‘star knowledge’…” Supernal Magazine

sacred sites Mangakatsi’, Africa’s legendary underground river and, in the course of Baba Mutwa’s initiation into this knowledge; he was shown how this great underground river is associated with gold. So, Lulungwa Mangakatsi is not only a great river running beneath the earth like a shower of stars of the Milky Way in the heavens, it is also a vein of gold running beneath the African continent. Credo Mutwa speaks of the Milky Way being the ‘spinal fluid’ of the Universe. He also tells us that gold’s natural existence in the bowels of our planet is essential to life on earth. Gold is not simply a physical metal, it is also a spiritual metal with profound metaphysical purpose, controlling the existence, flow, and purification of fresh water on our planet. Gold and copper supply the energy that causes rivers to flow and be cleansed. “Just as the white ant digs deep underground and returns through earth with gold dust, so we Sanusis work with the sacred metals of knowledge.” - Credo Mutwa. At the level of highest priesthood, gold and sacred knowledge are one and the same; the one being the spiritual form of the other. Looking at the map and tracing the line of the prime meridian between Giza and the Timbavati, we see that clustered along this line are many famous gold mining empires. Great Zimbabwe is a key example, with the famous gold mining towns of

Barberton and Pilgrim’s Rest in South Africa, to mention just a few. There have also been hundreds of ancient smelting sites discovered, which align to this vein of gold. The act of mining gold in Africa is a very old practice, extending deep into the mists of time and the origins of humanity. Gold has been the cause of great civilisations and of deadly wars on earth. Yet, aside from the modern value of the metal, gold holds qualities our most esteemed shamans deem essential to life! In Africa there is a sacred river of gold, which nourishes all places, all lands, and all beings. Lulungwa Mangakatsi not only holds the essence of life on our planet, it also holds the seed of higher wisdom and consciousness, the memory of all that was and all that will become. In my next segment we will discover another element of connection along this prime meridian. A seed of consciousness from the heavens - The White Lions of the Timbavati.

Louise Clarke Exploring sacred sites in Africa and walking as an art of healing. Image Credit: Louise Clarke

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Sacred Sites - Alchemy

Avalon P1 - Henge Circles By Freya Savitri Sampson

“Crossing the threshold between two Menhirs, a wave of energy and cellular memory washed through me, whilst simultaneously, ‘Squeeeeeeeeeeeak!’”

Henge Circles, like every other Sacred Site I’ve visited have a way of revealing themselves, as and when they perceive their guest is ready. They don’t just give over all their secrets. They are Ancient, and with age comes patience and wisdom. They listen with invisible ears to the frequencies emitted from one’s heart, consciousness and cellular memory. They too, have cellular memory, as does everyone and everything in creation.


Supernal Magazine

It seemed almost surreal to be inside Stone Henge, I felt transported to times and experiences echoing through my being, the quiet voice of my soul whispering to my heart. We were blessed, so few people are permitted to enter this ancient place in the here and now. Most looking on in awe, only able to view from a considerable distance. It was almost overwhelming, the desire to touch the menhirs, however a security guard would remove one’s person quick smart, with no further opportunity granted to be inside the henge again in the future. Almost everything about the context of this visit was bizarre; it was almost as though I was viewing the scene from someone else’s perspective, someone in another time. The

tourists, the security guards... I mused at the absurdity of it all. Solstice draws close and our small band of shaman unify in ceremony. Our group moved around the henge stones, our leader sounding a small Tibetan singing bowl, the sound reverberating off the enormous Menhirs and amplifying the time-warp sensation I was feeling in the henge. The grass between the Menhirs green and soft underfoot, consciously, intentionally, taking each step, keenly observing each Menhir, not simply how it appeared, more-so how it responded to my presence, and subtle communion. Crossing the threshold between two Menhirs, a wave of energy and cellular memory washed through

sacred sites alchemy

“The line of energy between this Avebury Menhir and the one in Stone Henge, still strong, across time and space.” me, whilst simultaneously, ‘Squeeeeeeeeeeeak!’ A mouse beside the Menhir squealed at the top of its lungs. Scrutiny, one of the many gifts a mouse totem brings. I got the message; this Menhir is the one my super-conscious had been seeking. I resolved to come and sit with it when we had our personal time in the Henge. My human mind wandered for a moment, wondering where would I find myself when I entered the inner worlds with this Ancient Menhir? Time in the Stone Henge was limited, pulling myself back to centre, no time for the idle monkey mind. Inward now, listening to my Higher-Self and Team in Spirit... “Is there something important you’d like to show me or sometime or place you’d like to take me today?” The portal opened, stepping through, into the same place at another time. On the other side a grey clad Druid, tall and thin, long hair and beard. We gazed at one another in silent recognition, before he disappeared into the mystery, transforming the scene over and over to reveal the sacred work of days long passed. Finally now, revealing the storm

and wind, the darkened sky, and conjuring at the turning of an Age - what then was hidden by the veil... and time, the veil that he and Vivienne pulled across the land and sea. Blinding the eyes of those whose hearts are closed, and now those who believe in pre-history. Arriving back in my body, in this time and space, synchronised with our departure, I arose. Three days later our band gathered at Avebury Henge, the largest Henge Circle in England. Its feeling is distinctly feminine, in contrast to Stone Henge. Our band once more walked the circle, each step an intended, continuously, consciously aware act.

well-spaced Menhirs, cellular memory returned, flooding my being, as a mouse leapt high into the air, diving into the yarrow surrounding the Menhir before me. This time I cried out, recognising my place in the circle of sisters, who wielding the power of the word, casting a protective glamour on the world for aeons to come. Tears flowing down my face, both in happiness and grief. The line of energy between this Avebury Menhir and the one in Stone Henge, still strong, across time and space. The flowers in the grass and herbs were all I could see, as I wept for the Goddess, for the kinship we humans once had, our oneness with nature, with bird, tree, animal, stone and sea.

The countryside is much different here. Surrounded by Druid trees, whispering, beckoning. They are amongst the dearest to my heart in the world. With no ceremony to perform our walk was not scripted. A personal experience, some in small groups, others solitary in their journey. As before, my being sought union with this Sacred place. As before, I crossed the threshold, mid-way between two of the

Freya is available for Crystal Dreaming, The Liquid Crystals and a range of holistic services. Image Credit: Freya Sampson

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of the Month

“Holy places are dark places. It is life and strength, not knowledge and words, that we get in them. Holy wisdom is not clear and thin like water, but thick and dark like blood.” - C.S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold.

The above quote is from the C.S. Lewis (29 Nov, 1898 - 22 Nov, 1963). Known perhaps most commonly for his works ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’. He was considered one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century. As well as an author, essayist and scholar, he was a ‘Christian apologist’ – what is that exactly? In the case of Lewis, he argued for a reason based Christianity rather than a faith based Christianity. His conversion came about in 1931 after many years of atheistic in-depth searching.

His yearning for myths that tell higher truths, gave him the conclusion that Christian myths tell the highest sort of truth there is. It was also said that he ‘breathed Medieval Air’. Image Credit: Pixabay, WWW

Next Issue – Out 20th July 2022 One of the most important dates in the Galactic Calendar is the Day out of Time - July 25th. This is a day to reflect, reset and engage in the coming year of 260 days. This month Supernal looks to the stars and beyond into time and space frequency through the modern day calendar grid of glyphs and tones, the Dreamspell - designed to integrate and align our higher/galactic archetypes and human selves.


the same time shift into a new consciousness of ‘super human’ evolution? Each person has personal Kin type, an Earth Tribe and specific attributes that connect to you a point of connection to the human body, the planets and a geographical location on this Earth - what is yours? Plus • NSW Flood Recovery

How can we utilise the more traditional aspects of the Mayan Calendars along with the Dreamspell codes to step positively into the future?

• Reflections

How can we learn a new way of being soul connected to the stars and the Earth, and at

What July 2022 means in Numerology

Supernal Magazine

• Sacred Sites Alchemy Pt II • 21st Century Parenting …and more

Image Credit: Freepik

Numerology By ShirleySienna

June 2022 June is named after the Roman Goddess Juno. She oversees Marriage and Childbirth, and her powers of fertility were considered vital to the growth and protection of the Roman state. The month of June, is our sixth Gregorian calendar month. The number Six signifies the womb and engages and activates the lower chakras of the human body, the yin-feminine. The zodiac signs of Gemini and Cancer are aligned with June and one could envision the symbol of the divine twins – masculine and feminine floating in the embryonic waters of the mother, in eternal gestation, continually birthing, and rebirthing civilisations of humanity. 2022, itself vibrating to six, added by the triple dialogue of the number 2 - signifies the mother, the

moon, and feminine intuition. Added to this sixth month, we behold the number 12, divine twins. Number one masculine and number two feminine. The month of June therefore suggests we are a combination of both - equal parts creating the yin-yang of human perspective and complimentary forces, co-existing as light and dark incarnate.

Contact ShirleySienna at Divining Me for ‘Soul Symmetry’ readings and ‘Extra Sensory Perceptions’. Image Credit: Pixabay

For seekers of the truth, philosophers of the profound and keepers of a compassionate heart. We invite you to journey into self-discovery, with shared stories of extraordinary lives.

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Ordinary people living extraordinary lives

Ad Directory June 2022 1Life Radio Bridging Realms Busybird Publishing Freya Sampson Custodian Eartheart Forever Haunted Dr Catherine Fyans Gaian Heart Wisdom Lia Estate Design Group Olivia Sinco Melanie Dufty Orgone Effects Re-Wild Your Water ShirleySienna – Divining Me Supernal Magazine Australia The Oaktree Organisation


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Supernal You Tube Channel Supernal Magazine Interview Series Peter Harris is back in politics with gusto and is taking on the major political players here in Australia. Peter and his representatives are out there to create a new, modern style of democracy by listening to the people not just pushing them into a corner with the old totalitarian style of running the country! We interviewed Peter for the Self Vactualisation issue 28, check it out HERE: You can also find out information about Peter and AusReps HERE: Check out the list of fascinating interview done by the Supernal team at

For seekers of the truth, philosophers of the profound and keepers of a compassionate heart. We invite you to journey into self-discovery, with shared stories extrao of extraordinary lives.

Supernal Podcast Supernal Podcast Interview with Vaccine Choice Australia By Radio Media PTY LTD

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Vaccine Choice Australia are doing talks around the country explaining the ‘ins and outs’ of vaccines, and why it’s important for people to understand what is going on and what their choices are. This is not about telling people what to do and all about education. We also invited Dr Judy Wilyman to join us on this very powerful and enlightening episode. Follow the links to check out Vaccine Choice Australia and Stand Up Australia. Listen to the podcasts at: Read Supernal Magazine Free at:

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Contributor Bios Anthony Kilner Editor

Anthony has worked in magazines and publishing for over 25 years as a photo journalist, travelling Australia and the globe, with a bent towards lifestyle and spirituality. Anthony is a published author with 2 full books (Secret Spiritual Business & Practical Mediumship) plus 3 co-authored books (Healthy Mind, Healthy Body & Healthy Spirit). As a Psychic Medium Anthony is qualified in trance healing, massage, Reiki and Seichim, he also works as an educational facilitator, mentor, energy worker, speaker and musician. Having studied Vibrational Healing and meditation techniques in India and Australia, Anthony understands these to be powerful tools to promote ongoing wellbeing that encourages self-healing. In 2018, Anthony launched Bridging Realms — Core Issue Vibrational Healing™. This system of energy work combines Anthony’s knowledge into a single package, offering a unique holistic service for his clients.

Catherine Fyans

Dr. Catherine Fyans was a holistic general medical practitioner for many years and has a long-standing interest in mind-body medicine, particularly in the influence of the unconscious mind on physical and psychological health. She appreciates that ‘health’ is not separate from our experience of life in general and is intimately related to the lifestyles, beliefs and values that often reflect the society in which we are immersed.Her interests led her to study a number of other healing disciplines aside from allopathic medicine. She has enjoyed having a ‘foot in both worlds’ as this has given her an insight into the spectrum of health care practices and health care consumer demands. She recently left the medical world to pursue her interests in mental health and mind-body counselling/coaching, teaching and writing. Dr Fyans is author of ‘The Wounding of Health Care – From Fragmentation to Integration’.

Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot Gaian Heart Wisdom

Charles has trained and worked with Earth wisdoms keepers, spiritual teachers and elders from cultural traditions Earth wide. He is an Earth poet, Earth medicine man, Earth gardener, an author, sacred musician, and food alchemist. Before self-employment, Charles served in the community sector for over 20 years in youth advocacy and family support.In 2010, Charles co-founded Gaian Heart Wisdom with his wife, Christel Mathelot to share Gaia’s wisdom teachings with the world. In 2020, they co-founded Wild Gaia Plants to support their community in growing and eating clean food. Charles lives with his family in the beautiful Perth hills on their urban farm. He lives his life through, and is informed by, what he calls the Three Sacred Elements of Life: Sacred Service, Sacred Practice, and Sacred Community. His service to community is offered through a variety of pathways; Earth wisdom and natural law practices; Earth wise gardening practices; sound healing; medicine wheel work; spiritual mentoring and guidance; prayer and manifesting circles; food alchemy.

Freya Sampson

Eartheart Custodian

Freya Sampson is the Founder and Custodian of, ‘A New Eartheart Foundation Ltd’ in Fremantle, WA. Her transformational awakening in 1999 catapulted her into a life in service to humanity, the Earth and all sentient life upon it. Freya has worked extensively with the Australian Aboriginal culture and with world leaders in the movement of Consciousness-Change. She is an internationally renowned shaman, healer and teacher. Her huge heart overflowing with compassion and ability to get to the core of the issue has allowed countless peoples dis-ease to be transformed into ease and grace. Freya shares her wisdom in her body of work, ‘Tree of Life, Pathway to Empowerment’. Her passion is awakening hearts, to together, transform life on Earth.

Jane Offer Sub Editor

Jane is a counsellor, teacher, health practitioner with a Masters in Metaphysical Science. Through family illness, Jane became fascinated by the holistic approach to wellness, founding Spectrum Health Trust UK in 1991, facilitating life empowerment workshops, meditation, healing courses and health management programmes, helping many people to explore their potential. In 2007, Jane relocated to Australia opening The Purple Dragonfly in Warrandyte Victoria and launched The Oak Tree Organisation Australia continuing her passion of promoting personal empowerment. “I believe that everyone has infinite potential, which remains undiscovered when the pain from the past overshadows the present. We are amazing and unique with a definite purpose in life and, when fear and uncertainty are swept away, our possibilities are limitless. The joy and privilege of watching a person rediscover their own power touches my soul every time.”

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Supernal Magazine

Contributor Bios


Lia is an award winning Interior Architect/Designer, Furniture/Product Designer with over 30 years’ experience utilising intuitive skills to create environments and spaces that are nurturing, aesthetically pleasing, functional and supportive. As an artist Lia explores her creativity with drawing, painting, photography and printmaking. A qualified senior educator, Lia assists her clients to investigate and go deep into the psyche to reveal insights, viewpoints and a creative perspective in real world realms. Lia is a qualified Quantum Medical Intuitive/Energy Healer, Newlife Reiki Seichim practitioner, Matrix Energetics and is Clairvoyant. As a lead singer/vocalist and musician, Lia utilises voice, tone and sound in her vibrational healing work. With over 12 years in practice and a life time of intuitive experiences, Lia is an empath who assists clients to understand their own dis-ease and issues that lie beneath the surface of dysfunction for ongoing wellbeing and happiness.

Earth Walker, Nature Advocate

Louise Clarke Life Art Enthusiast

Louise was born in South Africa and has spent the majority of the past decade traveling the world to feed her passion of sacred sites, sustainable eco-communities and the wisdom of indigenous tribes. A dedicated advocate for freedom, Louise co-founded a global liberation movement in 2011 called Ubuntu. She actively contributes on the boards of several eco-villages around the world, and manages her own international team of freedom loving individuals promoting health, financial prosperity and environmental conservation Louise is unapologetically a ‘bush girl’ and spends much of her time in nature exploring the connection between walking, wilderness and wellbeing. Walking 400km in Mozambique in 2021, she was inspired to create an online store showcasing the life art of rural artisans, so connecting them to the global market.

Melanie Dufty Astrologer

Melanie Dufty is an Astrologer, Tarotist and Writer, Melanie is a Federation of Australian Astrologers qualified astrologer and author of metaphysical fantasy novel I Am Lilith. Based in Perth with her husband and two teenage sons, Melanie previously spent nine years in London and Sydney working in corporate communications (banking and retail), and highly sceptical about the non-material realms. During the homebirth of her first son, and in the year that followed, she hit the spiritual road, becoming passionately interested in the soul’s journey and energy medicine. Melanie began with Pranic Healing, and the last 10 years has been devoted to Mahat Meditation and Integrated Therapeutic Alignment (ITA) energy medicine. Reconciling light and dark has been a big theme in Melanie’s life, leading to a quest to understand duality and to embody the truth that transcends it - unity.

Olivia Sinco

Olivia has extensive experience of working with children and supporting parents to introduce and develop techniques that create positive and effective strategies within the home. Olivia works with children, has raised three children of her own and is now the grandmother of her first grandchild. Therefore, she has had a wide range of opportunities to use and perfect her knowledge and expertise. With sensitive observation, she guides parents to implement simple changes in approach to improve emotional, mental and physical wellbeing in the family as a whole. Olivia is now sharing her in depth knowledge with parents who are struggling with issues in today’s busy world. Helping you to develop a natural love and mutual understanding between you, your child and the rest of the family. Read Olivia’s blog linked above.

Medium, Numerologist, DreamSpell

ShirleySienna Coventry and Divine Symmetry

ShirleySienna is recognised throughout Australia and around the globe, by her clients and peers as a highly perceptive and accurate Psychic Medium, Tutor, Speaker, and Demonstrator. Proficient in many modalities of Spiritual and Galactic communication and connection, ShirleySienna’s passion and international acknowledgment as a Crystal Skull Caretaker and Earth-Spirit Wisdom Keeper, has enabled her to travel and integrate a diversity of unique teachings and experiences into both her personal and professional life. In turn she assists others as they endeavour to access and understand the many areas of their own ‘Divine Soul Symmetry’. ShirleySienna facilitates public and private events, workshops, classes and lectures in many areas of spiritual and psychic development as well as private consultations.

Supernal Magazine Magazine 61 Supernal 61

Holistic Medical Practitioner (Retired) TRTP practitioner (The Richards Trauma Process) Conscious Health Coach ‘Pathways to Conscious Health’ workshops Speaker & Author

Catherine Fryans Holistic Medical Practitioner (Retired) TRTP (The Richards Trauma M 0412 630 112 Process) practitioner Use Catherine E Conscious Health Coach ‘ Conscious Health’ workshops Speaker & Author

Shirley Sienna At Divining Me Divine Symmetry Mediumship/Oracle/Tarot/Numerology/Psychic Readings Public and Private Events

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Crystal Skull Wisdom Keeper

(Dip. Federation of Australian Astrologers)

Consultations by Appointment Email: Tel: 0403 484 892

Who are you, why are you here, what’s up now?

If you are ready to Re-Wild your Water contact Anthony Kilner, Freya Sampson or Louise Clarke

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