The Sunwest Life - January 2023

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10 06 04 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Community Letter from the Editor Home Ways to Refresh your Home Health Exercise Tips for 2023 Jan 2023 Click Here to Read

2022 was a year of huge growth for us. Thank you to the Sunwest Life magazine community!

With the New Year among us, it is time for a change! Home decor can boost physical and mental well-being.

At Sunwest, you are the center of our focus. experience. Take a look at how our logo reinforces the SunWest focus on you!

Here’s to keeping all the ‘Welcome!’ mats rolled-out to continue to promote our special Community and preserve our corner of blissful-living!


Who doesn’t love a warm drink, at the peak of the winter season. With New Years resolutions in mind, here is a healthy hot coco recipe.

(435) 773-6456

Identity theft compromises the personal data of millions of Americans every year. Check out these steps you can take to minimize your online risk.

Living in one of SunWest Management’s communities is more than just having a place to rest your head — it’s where you call home. At SunWest Management, we know it’s a privilege to say, “Welcome home!”

In our wide variety of communities that meet virtually every need, the perfect fit for your lifestyle is just through the front door of your next dream home in one of our Southern Utah communities. I 3 Click the links for more content!

Letter from the Editor

To Our Distinguished Readers,

What a year it was for the SunWest Life!

2022 was a year in which the magazine saw a 40% growth in viewership that now reaches almost the entire United States and 4 countries. As I sit back and think about the vision had for this publication, I’m humbled by the changes we made and am energized by the content we’re bringing this year. The SunWest Life was created to provide association residents with the necessary knowledge about community living. With over 20 years of experience, we’ve seen almost everything the industry has to offer. And with both local and national trends affecting individual homeowners, our relevant and

timely content is the perfect blend of necessary information to equip you as a resident.

Perhaps the largest growth we had as a publication was drastic aesthetic change midway through the year. Providing a visually appealing product is almost as important as the quality, and that became apparent through the Spring. So, from everyone at SunWest, we want to thank you for your continued support as we continue to deliver desired content!

We wish you a happy New Year and a great 2023.

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It’s a New Year... centered around

For SunWest, the people we serve are the “why” behind everything we do. You are the center of our focus. We know that everything we touch can impact the people who live, work, and play in the communities we manage. That’s why all our training and services are intentionally designed to enhance your customer experience. Take a look at how our logo reinforces the SunWest focus on you!

GREEN represents our dedication to careful financial and asset management. Assessments are a necessary part of association living, and SunWest works with your Board to ensure every penny goes toward a value-added service. The goal is to preserve the community quality and property values for both current and future residents. Responsible fiscal management is key!

BLUE is all about our focus on the resident experience and community lifestyle. What does that mean to you? Living in a SunWest, managed community means you receive a high level of service and a personal touch. We work with you to make your community the very best place to live! With SunWest you have access to a wide variety of individual and community services. Want to give your yard or home some TLC? Interested in community fitness programs or parties? We can make it easy and surprisingly affordable!

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around you!

ORANGE represents our dedication to prudent governance. The Association’s Governing Documents bind owners together and will often outline the vision for the community. Applying sound judgment, consistent enforcement of community standards, and actively communicating with residents promotes harmony. Our goal: ensure the community’s vision and your property values are secure.

RED represents YOU, our SunWest customer, at the center of it all! With every interaction, our goal is to leave you smiling! We want you to know we care and will do all we can to resolve any concern. SunWest is your advocate and professional partner. We are focused on preserving your community, quality of life, and property values.

As we launch another year, full of possibilities, we are excited to be your partner in 2023. Thank you for your business and friendship! Here’s to a bright and prosperous new year for you and yours! I 7 Click the links for more content!

WAYS TO refresh your home


Loving your lamp and loving your lampshade can be two different things; switch it up. Something as simple as changing the lightbulbs can also add that glow you were looking for.


Your bed is typically the focal point in your room. Add texture to your bed if you need the revamping but don’t want to transform the color scheme. Comforters with pleats or that are ruched, a textured pillow may be just the right trick.


Sometimes a room can feel off-not because lack of furniture or decor. Usually, what’s missing is something to tie the room altogether. The key is usually a bold piece of art or a newly painted accent wall. A good statement piece is always a great conversation starter.


Paint, paint, and more paint. Not the best moto, but when the stress is enough to make you throw your cute little bookshelf through the wall, don’t! Paint it and watch your shoulder sag with relief now that your little piece of furniture fits in the room.

• RUG-

The right rug has the amazing power to add the necessary warmth and homeliness to any room, divide large spaces into cozy spaces or make them more spacious.


It’s time to add that adorable fern in the glass cloche or that decorative mirror serving tray with flowers on it.

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Home decor and home cleaning can boost physical and mental wellbeing. That’s why it can be stifling when we have had the same decor for years. Creating a refreshing environment can breathe new life into your home.

Before you go out and buy something to help revamp or refresh your home, shop at home first. Move your furniture around; rearranging a room can make you realize you don’t need that extra chair in the living room, and it fits better in the kitchen corner so your friends and family can chat better while you’re prepping food. Remember, this doesn’t need to be complicated. The goal is to make sure your home is the sanctuary you need while all tomfoolery is happening outside. I 9

exercise tips for 2023

The beginning of the year is a new opportunity to refresh your lifestyle. A lot of people get started with their fitness journey around this time of year, usually in the form of New Year’s resolutions. Most people last 2-4 weeks and then begin to feel discouraged and give up. Here’s a few things that have helped me with sticking with my fitness goals, and hopefully they can help you.

To start off, a big thing to understand is that everyone starts in different places. We have different setbacks in life and everyone has different goals when it comes to fitness. So, it is important to focus on yourself, rather than others.

Tip #1:

Do not do too much too fast. What I mean by that is know your limits. Oftentimes I see people have a ton of motivation to get after it and they

do too much, which results in getting burned out or injury. Take the time to learn what is good for you, and what you find the most enjoyment in.

Tip #2

Set realistic goals. A big factor in people getting discouraged is they set unrealistic goals and when those goals aren’t met, they give up. Realistic goals can be achievable but also have a little wiggle room, I mean, we are human at the end of the day. Wiggle room means things like giving a little more time to lose that weight, or maybe giving yourself a few free passes throughout the week when it comes to food or drinks.

Tip #3

Find what works for you. A lot of people want to start a new fad diet, or new workout that promises results fast, most of the time these are not sustainable for the average person. So,

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the diet or the workout routine that is going to work the best is the one that you can follow and enjoy the most. Finding what makes the journey enjoyable will make it a lot easier to stick with it and achieve those goals you set for yourself. Even if it is small, like going on a walk, or working out for 20 minutes. Keep doing the things that work for you, and do not be afraid to change those things if they start to not be as enjoyable.


Listen to your body. Pushing your limits and getting better are both good things, but when your body calls for a rest day it is a good idea to listen to it. Not listening to your body can result in injury, and can set you back a few weeks of progress while you heal. Treating your body to a rest day, or a rest week is not a negative thing. Letting yourself relax and heal will benefit you in the long run.

Tip #5

Discipline over motivation. This lifestyle change is not going to be a walk in the park, but it is doable. Having the motivation to make the change is a very good thing, being able to find that motivation means there is a desire to make the change you want. Being realistic, motivation runs out sooner or later. That is where discipline comes in. Making the commitment to yourself to show up on the days that it is a little harder to show up, days you do not feel like it, or days that have been long and you’re tired. Following your routine will help you push through the feeling of giving up.

So, if you are looking to set fitness New Year’s resolutions this year and you are afraid of the same thing that happens every year, take a step back and come at it with a new approach. Hopefully, these 5 tips can help aid you to keep on track with your goals and help you achieve what you set out to accomplish. I believe anyone can do anything they set their mind to.

YOU’VE GOT THIS! I 11 Click the
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welcome to sunwest

I can still remember walking into the conference room at the SunWest office for the first time in January of 2012. There were three new faces, and Derek. He tried to make me feel at ease, but it was suddenly clear: this was an interview; I was under-dressed and not prepared!

Weeks before, Derek had called me, “Brian,” he said, “I think you should come out and meet with the management company. They are hiring for a position;

I think you’d be a great fit.” You see, a few years earlier I had worked for Derek as controller for his company and he was very familiar with my background. Now, he was doing consulting work in SunRiver, and was reaching out. I put him off. And again, when he next called! I think it was about the fourth time we talked, finally I agreed to drop by and meet some of the team and see what it was all about. I walked in wearing jeans and boots with my polo, and immediately I was greeted, “Welcome!” And then, the first question, “Do you have a resume?!” And I realized, THIS is an interview!

Well, as it turned out, there seemed to be a great fit! My wife and I mulled and prayed over the employment change, and we made the leap to the SunWest team. I can still feel the anxiety and

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excitement all rolled together. And now, more than a decade later, I cannot imagine it happening any other way. I was welcomed into the SunWest family!

Maybe your move to your community was met with the same mixed emotions. I mean, I was only changing employment in St George. Perhaps you moved across the state, or even across state lines. But you made the leap! My guess is that you were sold on the vision of your lifestyle in your new community.

Certainly, in all your house hunting, value vetting, and research, you evaluated plenty more communities. But you chose this as home! As did I! Sure, your neighborhood is a community in the sense that it is a collection of well-built homes, common rules, maintained grounds and some fine amenities. But that’s

not the Community, capital C, that keeps us here. The Community that keeps us here is the feeling of belonging, surrounded by those we cherish memories with, of being home.

So, as we begin a new year, perhaps we can focus a little more on our Community. I strongly believe the best formula for success is to set aside differences, focus on our shared beliefs, and simply be the good we wish to see in our community. That is not to say that we compromise on the values that define, and attract so many to, our community. Let’s simply focus on what makes St George and our communities the best places to flourish. As we do, together, we can thrive in 2023!

Here’s to keeping all the ‘Welcome!’ mats rolledout, continuing to promote our special Community and preserve our corner of blissful-living! I 13
Click the links for more content!

Healthy Hot Chocolate


• 1 cup light coconut milk (from the can)

• 1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk

• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

• 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup

• 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder (I use Ghirardelli’s 100% unsweetened cocoa powder)

• Pinch of sea salt

Add all ingredients to a small pot and place over medium low heat. Whisk vigorously to combine and to get rid of any lumps of cocoa. Do NOT let the hot chocolate boil or you risk burning the almond milk, which can turn the flavor into something you do not want. Simply warm in the pot until steamy, about 3-5 minutes.

Once hot, remove from heat and pour into 2 mugs. Top with whipped cream or marshmallows. Chocolate shavings or a dusting of cocoa powder on top are fun too!

Recipe Notes:

To make this recipe in the slow cooker: you can feel free to quadruple the recipe so that it serves 8. Whisk ingredients together in the slow cooker and place on warm setting and allow to warm for 1-2 hours before serving to guests!

This recipe is perfect for the start of new years and it is perfect for the cold weather!

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College Football Update

The college football playoffs have been decided and are right around the corner. The nations top four teams are in order as follows:

• Georgia

• Michigan


• Ohio State

The first two teams that played, No. 2 Michigan and No. 3 TCU, as well as the second two teams that played in the Semi-finals, No. 1 Georgia and No. 4 Ohio State, have not played each other or the same opponents this year. Having no statistics to see what the outcomes of these games could have been, both games blew every expectation out of the water. TCU and Michigan scored a combined 44 points just in the 3rd quarter… With a total of 96 points being scored throughout the entire game. In the end however, TCU came out triumphant against Michigan 51-45. A fun fact about the Georgia and Ohio State game, the first snap taken was in the year 2022 while the last snap was at the start of 2023. This game was just as exciting as the previous game, with a total of 83 points being scored throughout the game; that’s 179 points in just two football games! In the end, the juggernaut Georgia took the win over Ohio State with Ohio State’s kicker missing a 50 yard field goal to win the game. Looking at the upcoming National Championship game, TCU vs Georgia has the makings to be the highest scoring game in college football this year. Kickoff for the national championship is Jan 9th at 5:30PM at SoFi stadium in Los Angeles.


Identity theft compromises the personal data of millions of Americans every year. There are steps you can take to minimize your online risk and protect your sensitive data from cyber-attacks.

Identity theft is a growing concern that impacts millions of Americans every year. According to a recent study, more than 14 million Americans fell victim to online theft in 2018, with 23% of of those incurring unreimbursed personal expenses, up three-fold from just two years prior.

Identity theft occurs when a thief obtains your personal information — account numbers, Social Security number, personal ID and password, banking information — and uses that information to commit fraud. They can use that information to steal money from your accounts, take out credit cards or obtain loans in your name, and commit various other types of financial fraud.

Thieves can steal your personal information both offline and online, and their attacks are growing increasingly sophisticated, making them more difficult to identify and prevent.

Cyber-attacks continue to dominate news headlines and have been responsible for compromising the data of millions of Americans. There are two primary methods that cyber thieves use to steal personal information — social engineering and phishing.

Social engineering happens when a thief tricks online users into performing an online action that gives them access to your system and its data. They may send a text message that includes a link that when clicked, leads the user to a website where the thieves then collect personal information.

A phishing attack happens when the cybercriminal lures a victim to a website that appears to be legitimate, but in fact is a front that tricks the victim into entering their personal information.

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During these and other attacks, cyber criminals can infect your system with malicious code via email attachments, infected search engine results, and documents on social networking sites. They can also attack smartphones by corrupting otherwise legitimate apps that when installed, provide the criminals with access to the device and its information. They can even sometimes control the device remotely.

Protect Your Devices and Personal Information

The Federal Bureau of Investigation offers a number of tips to help protect yourself from cyber-attacks:

Never divulge credit card information or other personal identifying information online or over the phone unless you initiate the communication. Regularly reconcile your financial statements, and notify your bank of any discrepancies immediately.

Monitor your online accounts regularly, reporting unauthorized transactions to your bank, credit card company, and law enforcement. Review your credit report annually, notifying the credit bureau in writing if you discover any questionable entries.

Report any instances of people receiving mail from financial institutions in the names of others to law enforcement.

If you discover that your identity has been compromised, ask the credit bureau to enter that information into your credit report.

Finally, review any solicitation from an email or text message for you to update your personal information, activate an account, or enter your personal information. Be careful, too, when downloading any attachment or file from the Internet. And make sure that your computers are protected with cybersecurity software. I 17
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SunWest Management specializes in helping you develop a strong sense of community and promote harmony in your community. Prudent financial management, the best governance practices and maintenance strategies, yeah, we’re good at that too! We work with you to keep your property values high and your community thriving. Our digital magazine is another way we share our passion and commitment to serve community associations everywhere. Read on for best practices, tips and offers to enhance your home and community. Contact us and discover how your community can start living the SunWest life! We can’t wait to hear from you! SUNWEST MANAGEMENT? WHO ARE WE & WHAT MAKES US SPECIAL? (435) 773-6456
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